Why dream of twin pregnancy: possible changes. What is the dream of pregnancy with twin boys or girls

Having seen a dream with the participation of a beloved, decorated with an impressive tummy, many women - especially those who still do not think about offspring - begin to wonder: what would it be for? Why me? When pregnancy appears in men's night dreams (and this happens!), There is no limit to amazement. What can it mean when such an absurdity is dreamed of? "Wraps" too violent fantasy, or is it something more?

See yourself in a pregnant dream

Most dream books agree that a girl who has not yet had the experience of intimacy, the dream of pregnancy warns of the danger of being deceived or involved in some kind of unpleasant story, after which the "dreamer" will easily lose her good reputation. But as soon as it comes to other categories of the population, discrepancies begin between dream books.

For better or worse, dreams about pregnancy?

According to Freud, a dream in which the fair sex sees herself in a position means:

  • The desire and willingness of a woman to have children. The simplest interpretation, where dreams only reflect the thoughts of their mistress.
  • A real pregnancy that is about to come or already exists, although it is not yet realized.
  • Personality transformation: reassessment of life priorities, development of new goals, the emergence of spiritual qualities and character traits that were not previously inherent in a person. For example, you stubbornly skipped physical education classes from adolescence and got used to spending your weekends exclusively on the couch with the TV remote control in your hand, and then suddenly decided to change your lifestyle and accustomed yourself to regular jogging in two or three months. In this case, a dream about pregnancy can personify the willpower that you have brought up in yourself during this time.

According to Miller:

  • For a young free lady, a dream about pregnancy predicts an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Already married promises quarrels and misunderstandings with her husband.
  • A woman in position predicts an easy resolution from the burden and the birth of a healthy child.

According to Tsvetaeva

  • Pregnancy, dreaming of a woman, promises that soon she will have a reason to be proud of herself.
  • A man who walked around the world of his dreams with a rounded “belly” is not at all a potential client of a psychiatrist, but a creative and creative person who has ambitious plans. Which, by the way, have every chance to come true. Of course, if the dreamer really does not plan to become pregnant in order to receive the million dollars promised by the Chaplin Foundation.

According to Semyonova:

  • After waking up, a married woman should run to the pharmacy for a test and check if the dream is “in hand”.
  • And for a man - seriously think about procreation. Moreover, according to the dream, he is quite ripe for this and, on a subconscious level, is confident in his partner.

Double pregnancy - in a dream and in reality - prophesies twins

According to the English dream book:

  • A married woman can tune in to happy events, success in many things and - if a real pregnancy is planned - the birth of twins.
  • For the unmarried, things are less rosy. It seems that the current lover does not value her too much and hardly counts on any future together. You can try to talk to him and dot the i's, and if the suspicions are confirmed, put an end to the unpromising relationship.

According to the Lunar Dream Book:

  • A married woman expects a lot of joy.
  • An unmarried woman, especially a virgin, is guarded by betrayal and worries.

Azar's dream book predicts that a dream "in demolition" can mean extra trouble, both for men and women. Try to act coldly and deliberately so as not to waste your energy in vain. They will come in handy for you.

A Slavic dream book interprets any dreamed pregnancy as a sign of bold new beginnings and great wealth. The People’s Dream Book, which almost agrees with him on this issue, clarifies: wealth will indeed come to poor women and girls, but initially the rich can lose a significant part of their fortune after such a dream and switch to austerity.

According to Vanga's dream book, an elderly woman who sees herself pregnant in a dream should take special care of her health. During this period, nervous breakdowns, a sharp deterioration in well-being or unrest caused by troubles with children are possible.

And here are a few more “free” interpretations that are not related to dream books, but are popular among the people:

Predictions for the stronger and weaker sex differ significantly

  • The pregnancy that appeared in a dream brings problems to the childless, and happiness to those who have already acquired a baby or two.
  • A small tummy speaks of unexpected changes in your personal life or career. Big - predicts that right now you can bring to life a long-conceived grandiose project, if self-doubt and fear do not force you to back down.
  • If a married man sees himself pregnant, he will have a divorce, while a single man will find a girlfriend for life.
  • Some explain such a peculiar dream by the desire of a man to take on too much responsibility. And even in those cases that he is clearly not up to the task! Maybe it's time to stop thinking of yourself as Superman, able to solve any problems alone, and not be shy about asking for help when needed?
  • There is another interpretation, not too pleasant for the stronger sex. Some psychologists believe that timid, insecure or sexually incompetent men dream of their own pregnancy. Say, deep down they don’t hope for the appearance of an heir in a natural way, and the subconscious mind diligently looking for a way out solves the problem as best it can ... It’s too early to make an appointment with a psychologist or a sex therapist because of one random dream, but if the problem really exists, solving it once is all still have to.
  • Regularly recurring dreams about pregnancy are a reflection of a disease that is still walking unnoticed through the human body.

How exactly did you dream? Details and their meaning

If at night you not only dreamed of your own noticeably protruding tummy, but also an unexpectedly accurate understanding of who exactly you are waiting for and how many babies there will be, there is a chance to clarify the prediction.

What does it mean to be pregnant with a boy

When in a dream a woman is waiting for the appearance of a male baby, further events can develop in two ways:

  • The boy is dreaming - you will toil. Wait for a difficult situation to arise that will pull a lot of nerves and strength out of you.
  • The appearance of a boy in a dream symbolizes material wealth and prosperity in business.

Or it may happen that both signs work. For some time you will have to toil, pulling away a huge mountain of problems, but in the end all the difficulties will turn into an unthinkable success for you.

Interpretation if a girl is expected

Get ready for the incredible surprises of fate

With a female baby, there is nothing to fear from bad predictions.

  • Girl - surprise, something wonderful. Whatever fate has in store for you, you definitely do not expect such a turn of events. But don't worry, most of the time it's a good omen.
  • Pregnancy with a girl predicts a warm, tender relationship with a loved one. Perhaps you've really gotten closer to each other lately? If not, now is your chance to do so. Take a couple of days off and spend them somewhere secluded and picturesque.

What does future twins mean

Pregnancy with two babies predicts:

  • The girl - trouble, disappointment in the chosen one, dirty whispering behind her back.
  • For a young woman - a big profit and very pleasant events. Any joy will come literally in double volume! But to get all this, you have to sweat a lot. What did you think? Carrying twins is so hard!
  • For a pregnant woman, a dream promises the birth of real twins or warns of a risk to the fetus. Never miss a doctor's consultation, even if you feel great.

How dream books interpret pregnancy with animals for a woman

Do not be surprised, people see a lot of such dreams! Usually - just with amazing frequency! - cute kittens and puppies are "carried" and "give birth" by expectant mothers. But others are not far behind. That’s really what you just don’t dream of ...

Puppies and kittens are often associated with babies

  • Kittens in our dreams symbolize good, 100% positive news and pleasant events. The omen is considered especially true if during sleep you managed not only to rejoice at your "animal" pregnancy, but also to see the fluffiest baby. But the girls who had to feel like a "mother" of an adult cat, you will not envy. It is believed that the enemy or rival sharpen their claws on them.
  • A puppy is an old friend who suddenly appeared from the past or a welcome guest in your home. And if, after a dream in which an adult dog appeared, you receive a business proposal, consider it in the most careful way. Perhaps, just from this step, your ascent to the heights of business will begin.
  • The snake is a wise creature that warns against rash acts and often guards countless treasures in folk tales. So you be wise and do not squander money, your financial well-being is at risk.
  • The rat warns: a person bears his main enemy in himself. Watch your language and control your actions, otherwise you will always go in the back rows.
  • Fish, in whatever form it appears in a dream, almost always symbolizes pregnancy. Psychologically, you are fully prepared for children.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams that she is carrying an unprecedented miracle Yudo, a reptile or a baby with physical defects, you should not worry. Oddly enough, it is after such dreams that healthy and strong babies are most often born, which are a feast for the eyes of all the staff of the maternity hospital.

Sometimes dreams with the bearing and birth of any animal are interpreted as a sign of a person’s emancipation and his ability to rise above generally accepted stereotypes, as well as a prediction of good luck. And sometimes they see in them a warning about threatening deceit and conspiracies weaving around the "dreamer". To understand which of the predictions applies to you, remember your feelings during sleep and everything will fall into place. Was it good and comfortable? Look forward to good things. Feeling out of place? Be twice as careful not to give your enemies extra trump cards.

Note that dreams about pregnancy do not carry any additional semantic load in two cases: if you dream of your own child and if one of your close relatives or a friend in whose life you take an active part recently became a mother. Here we are no longer talking about predictions, and dreams are a simple reflection of your reality, albeit ridiculously processed by a wild fantasy. But when external prerequisites cannot be found, but pregnancy is still a dream, the time has come for dream books and thoughtful introspection. Try to reflect on what you saw calmly and detachedly. Suddenly you see something really curious in the ridiculous night fantasy?

The birth of a child is always associated with joy, therefore, in most cases, a dream about pregnancy has a good meaning, it portends profit, creative growth, and a transition to a new life stage. Why dream of being pregnant in a dream? Dream Interpretations decipher this dream in different ways, taking into account different nuances.

Why dream of your girlfriend's pregnancy

Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that the young girl is ready to start a family, it’s time for her to get married, become a wife and mother. It is a symbol of the transition from youth to adulthood. Perhaps this promises her a new man who will beautifully look after, and the relationship will be long. Often such a dream tells a girl about problems with her soulmate. It is time for her to look at her partner from the other side, to think about possible changes.

Why does an unmarried girl dream of pregnancy? If a girl is sexually active, then a dream about pregnancy symbolizes her anxieties about an unwanted child. She'd better find out with a pharmacy test. If a girl is already pregnant, and she will soon give birth, then a dream about pregnancy portends her pleasant chores and worries. According to the esoteric dream book, the main meaning is losses, losses, and books compiled “according to Vanga’s recommendations” warn the girl against betrayal and lies by her chosen one.


Why does a married girl dream about pregnancy? Often it is filmed by adults, family women. If you dreamed of pregnancy in a dream, then she is waiting for the fulfillment of desires or early motherhood. For a pregnant woman, Vanga's dream book promises the appearance of twins. If you dream of a woman in a position with a big belly, then this is success in business, prosperity. For those who have a husband, the dream has the opposite meaning according to Miller's dream book: he warns against marriage failures, quarrels with her husband, disobedient children. A woman of advanced age is waiting for a serious illness, and a very sick woman - a quick death.

Why dream of a girl being pregnant

Sleep is the fruit of our subconscious, which is formed by our many thoughts. Why dream of your own pregnancy as a girl? If a woman in an “interesting position” dreamed of being pregnant with a girl, then it will be so, she will soon have a daughter. And if a girl is not pregnant, but feels a child in her stomach, then the dream portends her unexpected joy, which she will soon experience in reality. Our grandmothers believed - if a child is dreaming, expect a miracle, a miracle, joy.


The people's advice is simple: to see a boy in a dream is good, you will have a successful completion of projects and transactions. Why does a woman dream of her own pregnancy as a boy:

  1. Seeing this in a dream means a possible car accident.
  2. According to other dream books, the birth of a boy portends important changes. Wait for the event that will change your life.
  3. The boy - the future man - a symbol of strength, determination, rage. Perhaps the girl will have a situation that she can solve only with a lot of effort.


To see such a dream for an unmarried girl is the upcoming grief, loss, deceit. For a married woman, twins are a harbinger of pleasant troubles. A dream promises family happiness. A lonely girl who dreamed of twins needs to be extremely prudent - in real life, slander and notoriety can await her. What is the dream of a pregnant twin man? If a husband dreamed of a woman waiting for twins, he is “threatened” with a big profit - twice as significant as the one he expects.

Why does a virgin dream of pregnancy

Find out why a virgin dreams about pregnancy. Such a dream is symbolic and indicates that the young girl is ripe for sexual relations, her female strength wakes up, her physical attraction to men, her readiness to become a mother. A dream has a bad meaning for a sick girl - her condition may worsen. If events are accompanied by negative emotions, experiences, then the young lady will face difficulties in her personal life. A girl can be condemned by other people for indiscriminate ties with the opposite sex.

Why dream of pregnancy and childbirth

Success, wealth, successful completion of a business transaction - this is what a girl dreams about pregnancy and childbirth. Young people, if they see their big belly in a dream or give birth, will soon get married. For women with a family - happiness in the house, the possible birth of a child, pride in their children. For an elderly woman, this does not bode well - the collections predict her illness. If the sleeping person is a man, then his own childbirth is a sign of success, prosperity, but for this, according to the esoteric dream book, he will need to make a lot of efforts.


Figure out what a woman in position dreams of. Sleep is associated with worries about the upcoming birth. The expectant mother sees her belly during the ultrasound procedure, which means she is worried about the health of the baby. Do not worry, childbirth will be easy! If you are not pregnant, then the dream portends prosperity, success at work, business. And sick people who have seen an ultrasound scan will expect an improvement in their condition, a quick recovery.


In dream books you can find a different interpretation of this dream. Some warn against rash acts, which may be followed by the loss of a good reputation. Others portend happy changes, and the more painful the birth, the more significant the changes in life will be. Why dream of pregnancy and contractions in men? This indicates that in reality he paid little attention to some business, he is tormented by a feeling of incompleteness. A man needs to give more strength, then everything will be successful.

According to Miller's dream book, being pregnant in a dream, feeling promises unexpected good changes in life, pleasure, new acquaintances. Analysis of a dream according to Freud could reveal that in reality the sleeping person is worried about the upcoming fateful meeting with a life partner. A psychological dream book portends a solution to a problem that has tormented you for a long time. Vanga advises to rethink the position in life, to start a new life.


Symbolizes a missed opportunity. Some situation, suggestion could solve your problem or change your life. Why dream of pregnancy and abortion? Perhaps you have an important event coming up, you are worried about an upcoming important meeting or a deal that could fall through. In this case, you need to be more attentive and calm, then everything will go well. Don't do things that could make your life or the lives of others worse.

Frozen pregnancy

Be prepared to solve problems at home or at work. Why dream? Subconsciously, you are afraid of something, you are worried, you don’t know how to get out of a difficult situation. Perhaps you have a chance to change your life, get a new job, change your place of residence, and because of fears you did not take advantage of this opportunity. Deal with your psychological limitations, get rid of anxiety, fear. If you can't deal with your feelings on your own, ask a psychologist for help. The main thing is not to suppress your emotions.

Ectopic pregnancy

A very unpleasant dream, which can mean minor problems and quarrels. Why is a woman or a man dreaming? This is almost direct advice: everything can be solved if you have patience and keep a low profile. It is better to remain silent, even if your interlocutor is not right, otherwise the situation will worsen even more. For your patience, you will soon receive a reward, good news, the opportunity to change your life, start a new business.

Why dream of being pregnant with a dead child

Do not rush to be upset, this does not portend any trouble. A child is a symbol of life, and a dead child is a farewell to the past, a meeting of a new life. A dead baby portends cardinal changes, changes in your real life. Why dream of being pregnant with a dead child if the girl is really “in position”? There is nothing to fear, the birth will go well, and the woman in labor will be able to rely on the support of close relatives. If you already have children, then the dream means that you control your children too much, they need to be given more freedom.


The birth of twins in a dream is a very auspicious sign. A dream will bring you success and happiness in reality. This lucky sign promises the fulfillment of all desires. Also, such a dream will bring harmony and serenity into your life. The birth of twins is a symbol of prosperity, consolation, harmony in the family and mutual understanding with colleagues.

For girls, such a dream will bring prosperity in the future and happiness in love. The dream also warns that you must not let go of control over yourself, otherwise you risk going to extremes.

For a man who sees in a dream that he is giving birth to twins, this is not a very favorable sign. A dream can talk about internal contradictions, loneliness, as well as greed.

If a woman dreams that she gave birth to two: why did I dream that I was giving birth to both a boy and a girl at once?

Twins are a symbol of material well-being and unlimited luck. “If I dreamed that I was giving birth to a boy and a girl, does this mean that I will be happy?” Ask the women who got an appointment with a specialist in the interpretation of night visions.

"If I give birth to a boy and a girl in a dream, does this mean that in reality I will have twins? Is this vision really very favorable?" - interested in women who happened to observe this.

In fact, the dream is considered very successful. After all, the birth of twins portends joy, wealth. If such a vision comes to a man, he can be sure that his affairs will go uphill. It is quite possible that a new interesting project awaits him, which will bring some profit.

For a married woman, such a dream comes to a sudden improvement in her financial situation. The vision also portends harmony in family relationships. The dreamer's husband will love her and literally carry her in his arms.

It is worth noting that professional interpreters associate dreams in which boys are born with sudden enrichment. But the birth of twins makes the vision even more powerful and prophetic.

If a woman dreams that she is giving birth to a boy and a girl, but at the same time she already knows that she is expecting twins, the vision is completely empty. It comes as a reflection of what is seen in reality and carries certain emotions that the dreamer experiences in real life.

Psychologists believe that women very often have dreams in which they give birth to children, if in reality they cannot become pregnant or bear a baby. The vision in which twins are born reflects the desire of the sleeping woman to have a large family and many children. For an unmarried girl, such a dream may be a sign that she has long been ripe for marriage.

If a young lady sees in a dream how she gives birth to a boy and a girl, people will meet on her life path who will condemn the dreamer for excessively frivolous behavior.

Material wealth is foreshadowed by dreams in which children are born and begin to talk almost immediately. Giving birth in your night vision is long and hard - to obstacles that may arise on the path of life. Perhaps everything will turn out not as smoothly for the sleeping woman as it was originally intended. To achieve certain goals, you will have to work hard. Working on yourself and your own mistakes in this case can lead to the desired result.

If a woman sees in a dream how babies are born on their own, without outside interference, her life will be long and happy. Everything conceived will be obtained easily and naturally.

In a dream, to see blood on the hands of a midwife at the time of the birth of twins - in reality, luck awaits the dreamer's loved ones. Most likely, one of her blood relatives will soon receive the good news.

The size of newborn babies is also important. So, for example, for a woman to see how she gives birth to large and healthy babies, to find happiness in reality, to become richer and more independent. To give birth in a dream to a premature and very small boy and girl - to minor troubles, tears. The woman will be happy, but first she will have to pass some tests. A lot depends on how she can withstand all the hardships.

To give birth in a dream to a dark-skinned boy and a girl - to the condemnation of relatives and friends, the jealousy of her husband. It is quite possible that the spouse will begin to make claims to the dreamer based on doubts that he is the father of the children.

To give birth in a dream to a boy and a girl - to material well-being, happiness, prosperity in reality. In some cases, a dream is only a reflection of the dreamer's inner experiences and her desire to become a mother as soon as possible, to acquire a large and friendly family.

The interpretation of a dream about twins, depending on many details, can have a wide range of interpretations. It is important to pay attention, for example, to the gender of babies. The age of the dreaming children also matters.

As a rule, a vision of twins promises many happy moments, sweet family joys, if the dreamer felt joy when he saw the kids. Annoying babies, on the contrary, warn of trouble at work.

Who was born in twins?

Why do twin girls dream

When a woman dreams of twins, where both children are girls, the dreamer will be disappointed. Be patient, be strong, and troubles will pass. For a man, the plot about twin girls reflects inner emptiness, loneliness.

Twin boys are dreaming

If you dreamed of twin boys, this is a good sign for people immersed in solving professional difficulties. Hard work will bear fruit, and the sleeper will certainly receive major benefits.

Twins boy and girl in a dream

According to Felomena's dream book, twins of different sexes, a girl and a boy, symbolize harmony, a favorable development of events. The plot tells about the imminent receipt of good news, as well as about happy events in the family and personal life.

If you dreamed of giving birth to twins - to a discovery that will visit you suddenly and will improve your well-being.

Why dream of twin pregnancy?

Pregnancy with twins usually dreams of the fact that a person will soon make a profit, and in double size. But in order to receive it, he will have to overcome serious and difficult obstacles, it is even possible that a person will lose or give away part of the profit.

If a girl or woman is pregnant and she dreams that she is expecting twins, then in reality this may mean that she will have twins or even an involuntary miscarriage may occur, which is why you need to be careful.

If a young woman dreamed that she was pregnant with twins in a dream, then this promises her pleasant chores.

If a young girl dreams that she is giving birth to twins while pregnant, this means that she will soon be disappointed and have big losses that must be guarded against and try to prevent.

For a single girl, if she dreamed that she was pregnant with twins, such a dream could threaten notoriety, be deceived, and even to the point that she would be left alone with the child in reality, that is, raise him alone without a father.

If a man dreamed that he was lying with a woman pregnant with twins in bed, then this means that soon big changes will take place in his life on the personal front and he may become a father.

If a poor man dreamed of a woman who was pregnant with twins, then this promises him to get rich in the near future and pay off all his debts. Why dream of twin pregnancy for a rich person? And to the fact that he will be ruined and may become poor. That is why it is recommended not to conduct any negotiations and make important decisions, it is worth waiting as much time as possible.

If you had a dream in which a person sees an unknown woman pregnant with twins, this may portend family prosperity.

If a pregnant girlfriend or acquaintance dreamed, this portends that it is she who will be fine and even replenishment in the family is possible.

If a woman went pregnant in a dream and soon gave birth, this means that she will achieve success in absolutely all upcoming affairs.

To take birth in a pregnant woman with twins portends that an important event will soon occur that will play a big role in a person’s life.

It is a bad sign if an unmarried girl dreamed of pregnancy, as this may portend an unsuccessful marriage. That is why it is necessary to behave extremely carefully, and the best option would be not to get acquainted with the opposite sex, at least for a while and not start a relationship.

The above article provides many options for interpreting sleep, which will certainly help you figure out what the pregnancy dreamed about and what it portends in a given situation. It is extremely important not to take sleep too seriously.

To be pregnant according to the dream book

Pregnancy in a dream is interpreted by dream books in different ways. The meaning of such a dream depends on many factors. First, whether you are currently carrying a child in reality. Secondly, perhaps your desire to be pregnant caused your subconscious to show it. Thirdly, a harbinger of events not related to this phenomenon - that's what this dream is about.

Not only women of childbearing age can carry a baby sleeping. In general, in dreams, pregnancy does not have a gender. You need to interpret what you dreamed with dream books, depending on what stage of life you are now at.

The meaning of sleep - being pregnant - is this: dream books promise mutual love to a young girl, but she will soon be overshadowed by small disagreements. If a woman is aged, then this may mean that she has health problems that are not known about. After such a hint of the brain, you must definitely visit a doctor.

A good profit, which can only be achieved by working hard - this is what a beautiful lady in demolition dreams of. On the contrary, if she is ugly, then we should expect trouble, excitement. The man who dreamed about this doubts that he can have children. Sometimes this dream promises a profitable contract.

An unhappy marriage, unattractive children - this is the interpretation of dreams - to be pregnant, according to Miller's dream book. Shame awaits the virgin who saw this dream. For a lady in position, this predicts an easy birth with a successful ending.

In a dream, being pregnant and giving birth - this predicts creative success, positive changes, financial stability. If you yourself take birth, then you will soon participate in such events that will drastically affect business. Getting rid of problems in reality is what an easy birth is about.

Prosperity, profit - this is how the dream book interprets the dream - to be pregnant with a stomach. For a woman in demolition, this promises an easy release from the burden. Business people need to pay attention to financial issues. Perhaps you are being misled. The size of the deception can be determined by the size of the dreamed belly.

Pregnancy with boy, girl, twins

Surprises and excellent news await you if you were pregnant with a girl in a dream. You will be presented with a present that you have been waiting for a long time - that's what this dream is for. Businessmen and students are waiting for great success in their planned activities. For married people, this dream symbolizes the receipt of an inheritance, the support of sponsors. The birth of a daughter, according to the dream book, is interpreted as material well-being, a romantic adventure.

To be pregnant in a dream with a boy - for ladies in demolition, this promises the birth of a girl. A dream that is not pregnant promises that dreams will come true, things will go uphill. According to other dream books, a born boy predicts troubles, problems, trials. For males, this means enrichment.

To be pregnant with twins in a dream - the plans will come true. You will have new perspectives, great ideas, luck will double. However, often such foresight symbolizes, as the dream books say, your unwillingness to have twins.

For a young girl to be pregnant, to give birth in a dream - to prepare for her own marriage or a serious relationship. This is a good sign that predicts family well-being and joy. Readiness for procreation is what the birth of a child dreams of.

Had a dream today that she gave birth to twins? What is it for?


Karina Fisher

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Why Gemini Dreams - If you dream of a twin brother or sister, and there are many other twins around you, then you may become pregnant and give birth to twins.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Why do Gemini dream - To see twins in a dream for rural residents - to a rich harvest in the field and in the garden, as well as to a good offspring of animals.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

What is the dream of Gemini - the birth of children.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dream Interpretation Gemini - If you dream of twins, this means that anxiety will leave you and you will be sure of what you are doing. It is possible that your income will double. In addition, peace and harmony will come in your family. BROTHER If you dreamed of your brother, expect news from afar. If in real life you don’t have a brother, but you had a dream about him, get ready for the surprise that your relatives will present to you. The dream in which you saw your dead brother promises you longevity, good health and a successful career. Seeing a dead brother in a dream and talking to him means that soon you will have to complete an assignment that will tire you out and you will need a long rest.

Ukrainian dream book

Gemini - See the twins - wait for the children (and as you have children, then grandchildren); having twins is a big family celebration.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Gemini - The idea of ​​unification, the balancing of good and evil, corresponding to the binary mandala. Creation and destruction. Two-headed images are close.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation Gemini - The dream in which you see twins is very controversial. It can be a symbol of confidence and success in business, or a harbinger of your indecision, slowness, hesitation, the painful need to make a choice. Therefore, you need to reconsider your life principles, attitude to business and make the right decision. Twins in a dream - a harbinger of strong friendship and harmony in the family, for singles - an early marriage for love. Sick twins can warn of upcoming complications, fused twins - about upcoming success and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Why Gemini dreams - Seeing twins in a dream - to a dual state of mind, it will be very difficult for you to make the right decision. If twins are seen in a dream by a person who is himself a twin, then this person will have a long and happy life.

Grandma's dream book 1918

Dream interpretation Gemini - Siamese - a very good sign, marriage for love for unmarried people, many children for married people.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Why Gemini is dreaming - This image shows that the problem has two sides. You have to make a choice in a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation Hasse - interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Gemini - See - you will wait for your own offspring; to have is a big family celebration.

Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Gemini - Give birth - stunning news. See - your curiosity will be satisfied. Having your twin - it's time to pay attention to yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Gemini - To see - wait for your own offspring - to have - a big family celebration

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream of Gemini, twins - To see - the confusion of events, deeds; painful choice.

Women's dream book

Why do Gemini dream, twins - Gemini in a dream portends confidence in business, peace and harmony in the family.

gave birth to twins in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur gave birth to twins. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of giving birth to twins mean, or what it means in a dream to see giving birth to twins.

Childbirth in a dream

I had such a vivid dream...

I gave birth. The birth was not difficult. Moreover, in my life I have already had one birth. And in a dream, I realized that this was the second birth. I gave birth to twins. The boy was born first. Then a little time passed and the second baby was born (I don’t know if it was a boy or a girl, I woke up).

gave birth to a son in a dream

I very rarely see dreams, no more than once every three or four months ... And, as a rule, I don’t remember them. Today's dream was not only strange, but also unexpected for me. I woke up several times during the night, fell asleep, and the dream ... I continued to dream. As if I paused the movie, and after a while I pressed the "play" button again ...

I dreamed that I was in the hospital and I knew that my son was born. I didn’t see the birth itself, but I clearly saw the very beautiful and smiling face of the baby, which was brought to me by the nanny. And I know for sure that I called him Nikita. At that moment, when I began to get ready to go home, my ex-husband suddenly appeared in the ward. He, with some kind of aggression and, at the same time, bewilderedly asked the question: "Who?". I answered just as briefly: "My son." Further, his phrase: "Our son!". I didn't seem to speak...

But I know that when we lived together, my husband did not want a child. He was not able to provide for all of us: due to poor health, in order for me to be able to bear a child, I had to spend all 9 months in the "star position", as the doctor said. And this automatically assumed that I would have to leave work, which my husband could not allow. In a dream, it was as if he was even glad for the appearance of a child and a son, but I no longer wanted to raise him together. The next "picture": I go out into the street, Nikita is in my arms, we smile at each other, I say something affectionate to him, there is no one around.

But then he runs up out of breath and, justifying himself, says that I forgot to give the key with the number to my booth, and therefore he ran into the ward, found it in the drawer of the bedside table and returned it. And at this moment, my feeling of happiness from the fact that my son was born is suddenly suppressed by a picture that clearly stood before my eyes: I see this small key, to which a plastic circle is attached, and in it I clearly see the number 21. For some reason, it is the sight of this figure affects me insanely hard, even depressingly ... And that's it. This is where I finally woke up.

Please tell me what such a dream can mean. She gave birth to a son? Forgive me for describing it so extensively, it's just ... I really rarely dream at all, but here ... Everything is so clear, clear, and nothing has been forgotten ... Thank you in advance.

She gave birth to a 4 month old boy in a dream

I saw how my child was born, but I didn’t see the process of childbirth, I just saw that I was standing at the table and somewhere in the abdomen I had a small bundle, it was a boy the size of a grown kitten, he was wrapped in something, no face , no body is visible.

As if in the placenta (I thought so in a dream), in a dream it seemed natural. And I also thought “how easy and fast everything happened”, without the slightest pain. In a dream, I knew that he was 4 months old. It was not clear whether this was the age of my pregnancy or was he already 4 ?? And I didn't have a stomach.

And on the table were the same children. I knew that I gave birth to 6 of them, but I saw them very vaguely and my attention was not focused on them. She simply separated this child from her stomach and gave it to some man in the hands, she also vaguely saw him, and he put him on the table. (In real life, the job I am currently working on is the sixth one and I have been working on it for three months.)

She gave birth to two children in a dream

I dream that I gave birth to 2 children, it seems both are boys. One is about half a year old, I gave birth to him as if from my mother's new husband. (she has been a widow for many years) There are three beds in the room. There is one bed on one side, we (my mother's husband and I) lie in it. He is a handsome, tall, slender Englishman of my age or a little younger. On the other side of the room there are two more beds and in each of them lie a couple of a man and a woman. They lie quietly.

The man lying next to me begins to reproach me that I have lost interest in him, that we do not have sex, and I say what kind of sex? There are more people in this room. And then I notice to him that he does not love our child, does not show any interest in him. I say that he would take the child in his arms, he needs affection and care. And I myself think, at least my adult daughter came into the room, so that I would have a reason to get up and leave.

The second son, he is generally breastfeeding. I gave birth, as it were, in marriage, normally. But the first one I also snark from whom I gave birth to. (in fact, I have 1 children. The eldest son and the youngest daughter. But I dream that there is only a daughter and gave birth to 2 little sons and there is no difference of 9 months between them. Maximum 6.

I also saw my husband in a dream, he was sitting surrounded by other people, trying to hack something on his knee (some kind of thing), but he didn’t succeed ..

Childbirth and pregnancy in a dream

For the past 4 times I have dreamed in a dream that I am pregnant or giving birth. The first dream was the simplest. I got pregnant at the age of 14 (I am now 14 years old) and my mother and grandmother solved this problem. Of course we left the baby. The 2nd dream was very strange. I was also pregnant at 14. Everyone around me was running around in the hospital. I gave birth to a girl, but this girl looked very strange; her head was big, her body was small, it was a child who was already 4-5 years old. 3rd dream.

In this dream, I gave birth to 6 children, two pairs of twins and just two kids. I gave birth not in the hospital, but at home. My husband and I even went to the midwife, I even remember how he himself offered to give birth to me as a joke for me. The last pair of twins was something special, I remember everything about them. Boys were born, I named the first Seryozha and the second Innokenty, and what is most interesting of the previous children, I did not breastfeed, but fed these, and I fell in love with them very much.

4th dream: I was pregnant but my stomach was not visible, we went down to one building in Khorol, but then a car of some terrible killers passes by, along the way they put one of their women on the road and tell her to shoot me, since the rest of my company, including my beloved, hid, and I run to some dilapidated hut and hide there, but this girl still finds me, I ask her not to kill me, and she tells me that I am pregnant, I look at my stomach, I really see how it protrudes a little, she lets me go, we move on with our company, and then those terrible people take us hostage, my stomach is already big, you can see it, but they accept it like this as if I'm just a fat woman, they put me and my girlfriend in a cell, the girls of these people are friendly, they understand what position I'm in, but they don't threaten me, they bring us food, etc., but they don't let me go free.

And then I find my phone in my jacket, I write to my mother, that we were captured, she writes some nonsense to me in response, and then I am transported to some house, safe and sound, and I see the baby - this is my first son, he is about a year old, and I talk with my mother, I tell the child that dad will arrive soon, and I myself think: when will I give birth to my second child, that's the one I was pregnant with, but I know for sure that it will be a girl .... And then I wake up...

In life, I have big problems with the reproductive system, and the question of whether I give birth is still on edge.

Childbirth dead children in a dream

I dreamed that I gave birth to children, but there were a lot of 7-8 pieces, they were the size of a kitten. I put them in 2 basins and waited for something, went about my business, then when it dawned on me that they needed my help, it was too late, they all died, mostly choked with water in the basin.

Childbirth in a dream

Help interpret the dream: I dreamed that I gave birth to a cat (I also dreamed about the birth itself, blood), and in a dream it was as if in the order of things. No one was surprised, I was glad that I would now have a pet. The cat was white, only her head was, as it were, from another cat's body - motley.

Childbirth in a dream

Today I dreamed that I was pregnant, and at night, when everyone was sleeping, I gave birth. And quite easily, one by one, three babies came out (I vaguely remember that they were all boys), and I took them myself - there was no one around. Then I went into my mother's bedroom, woke her up and, joyful, smiled and showed her a completely flat stomach and said - Mom, I gave birth to TRIPLE! Now I have six children! (I have three adult sons).

I remember that there was a feeling of surprise and joy ... When I woke up, I immediately called my mother and she, looking in her dream book, said that the dream was very good and meant happiness and prosperity! .. But when I looked into the "Interpretation of Dreams" on this site, I saw OTHER! It turns out that the dream is very good only for married women (and I have long been divorced and raised three sons alone), and if a woman is single, then this dream portends some kind of trouble, up to the loss of a good name! I felt so uncomfortable, everything fell out of my hands!

Please help me interpret my birth dream! Is it really that bad?!..... IRINA

Childbirth in a dream

I dreamed that I was pregnant, and somehow my stomach immediately formed. I came home, and there was my late grandmother. It so happened that she took delivery, and everything was very painless except for cutting off the umbilical cord. Dad came to hold the child and brought a big pink bear.

The child is a copy of me as a child, only for some reason with hair like that of my cat, white with red. When I approached my mother and said that I had given birth, she said that grandmothers were not supposed to see their granddaughters for a month, to which I objected, saying that my great-grandmother generally took birth, but in the end my mother did come.

gave birth to triplets in a dream

I had childbirth, 3 children were born, all the same. The midwife showed me a photo of a baby boy. It was not painful to give birth, I felt a sense of joy!

give birth in a dream

I dreamed, from Wednesday to Thursday, that I gave birth to a child (I don’t remember the gender) standing on the stairs of the entrance, no sensations, the head just got out and I pulled out the baby (clean and large), and then suddenly I thought that doctors should take delivery and put it in him back. There was a continuation of the dream, but I don’t remember the end

gave birth to a boy in a dream

Hello, please tell me what the dream I saw means. I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, I didn’t see childbirth and pregnancy, I already saw a child for 4-5 months (I don’t understand age very well, the child was already sitting in a carrier that is attached to the body in front), but I knew that this was my child and that I gave birth to him. I was extremely happy for him, cherished and cherished him, went everywhere with him, took care of him with a forehead. We even swam in the river with him.

In the dream, there was no father of the child, and this and those around me (family) did not bother me, there was not even an assumption from anyone (in real life I am not married and there is no passion). I clearly remember that I called him Artyom, repeated this name several times in a dream, my nephew is called that (in real life, my nephew has a birthday at the end of the week), and I said in a dream that my nephew was Tema, and my Artyom, they are different names))) (funny of course) although I am indifferent to this name and would not call my son that in real life.

I read somewhere that seeing a boy is a hassle, is that so? Is this related to my niece?

To give birth to a son in a dream

Why dream of giving birth to a son from an ex-husband who recently died?

A very strange dream, we have been divorced for 11 years, we have a daughter! He reproached me more than once during his lifetime that I did not give birth to a son! So in a dream I see that I have a little son from him, a baby who smiles in my arms and my ex-husband comes into our room!

Childbirth in a dream

I dreamed of my own childbirth, which went easily and quickly, my boyfriend was standing next to me, I asked him: "What name shall we give? Maybe Lera?". He willingly agreed. We were so happy. After a couple of days, we went for a walk with him, I became curious what name he would like to give himself, because Lera, it was my decision.

He said that he really liked the name Regina, on the same day I made an appointment with my friend, Regina, and when we met, I was very angry with her, probably jealousy. Why is not clear.

In reality, the guy and I broke up a long time ago, but I still try in every possible way to get him back.

She gave birth to a child and he was lost in a dream

I dreamed that I gave birth to a boy, and very easily and quickly. True, for some reason I gave birth not in the ward, but in a dim room, lying on my side on the table, and my aunt helped me. When they gave me the child in my arms, for some reason he was covered in blood, and the blood was thick and sticky, but I was not afraid, I just washed him in the sink in the kitchen, and that's it. I held him in my arms, and all the time I made sure that his head did not tilt back much, but at some point it happened, and bluish foam appeared on his lips, and his eyes became dark blue, even where should be protein. But I quickly took it as it should, and everything passed.

And then I remembered that I already have a son, he is four years old, and this is the second one - just like I once had a naked fortuneteller (five years ago I was told three sons).

The next frame is my child is already a month old, but he is already running. And he and his eldest son went for a walk, and they got lost in the city. Then I, with my young man and several friends, divided into groups of two or three and went to look for them. I found them, behind a neighboring house, next to dense and tall thickets of grass. And then she woke up.



In a dream, I gave birth to twin girls (I became a mother 4 months ago a girl), the birth went very easily. as if neither I nor the doctors knew that it was twins and everyone was surprised. I cried. And gave birth to the same from whom and in life (we are not together)


I dreamed that I gave birth to 2 girls. I didn’t see them, but in my dream I still couldn’t find names for them. I gave birth by caesarean (I can’t do it differently in real life) At the same time, I was proud that I was “three times a mother” (my son is growing - I took this into account in a dream). I was calm, I thought that I now have experience, because I raised my son and I can handle it


Hello, Tatyana. In a dream, I saw myself pregnant, and gave birth to twins (girls). What does this mean. I am not a married woman yet.


I gave birth to one boy, and after half an hour the second, and did not expect either one or the other. She gave birth at home, and with her mother, a friend helped, but her husband was also somewhere nearby. The boys are pretty, one is bigger than the other. Myst flashed by whether the second one was fully developed, because later and even more unexpectedly, she looked at everything in order, ears, nose, arms, legs, everything is in place. Then I sat and thought about how to get them, they decided one Bogdan, and the second thought Boris, but I don’t really like this name, I just thought about combining it with my eldest son, his name is Gleb. I even know that I gave birth to them on June 28th. I decided to call and please my grandfather, and his birthday is June 29th.


gave birth to a boy and a girl without any pain, even without contractions! they were born in a “shirt” and then I myself removed this film from them! but for some reason very small, slightly larger than my palm! I'm pregnant right now and I'm due to give birth in a few days!


I was pregnant in a dream, I was looking for a doctor, I was worried about having a cesarean (small belly) twins were born, I definitely saw a very small boy with long black hair and legs sticking out from behind the diaper ... .. I saw my husband - he was sad


I don’t remember the process of childbirth, everything went very quickly. Then they put 2 babies on my chest and they slept quietly, and I kissed their tiny hands


Hello! Today I had a dream that I gave birth to twins, boys. But I didn't know about the pregnancy.


I dreamed that I gave birth to two little girls (twins) and breastfed them in turn, I gave birth at home and my grandmother helped me


big belly I suffer giving birth to a girl the second child remains in the stomach, I ask you to cut it, no one helps me, I wake up


Hello. I dreamed that I gave birth to 2 twin boys. The children were calm, slept) I remember how I fed them, I liked it. I was happy in my dream


Hello! I had a dream that I gave birth to twins from my first young man. And before that, a few days, I married him in a dream.


good afternoon, this night I dreamed that I had twins, a girl and a boy, I didn’t dream about the process of childbirth. It’s like they are small in a stroller, and after a minute I go out into the street to tell my husband to go buy a formula for feeding, otherwise I have there is no milk. The boy comes out from behind with his legs on his own and is already trying to speak as if he is 1.6 years old, a little later the girl comes out. They hug me as mom. (I already have a 3-year-old daughter soon).


I dreamed that my boyfriend and I had twins, a boy and a girl. Throughout the dream, we argued about who should take them from somewhere, with whom the children should stay, where they should go with them.


My wife gave birth to twins, girls, childbirth without complications. But then there was a strong earthquake, the girls survived, but my wife did not.


I had a dream about how mom and dad went down the aisle, in church, mom didn’t have a stomach. but from somewhere twins appeared, mother somewhere the affairs of children, then another twin. and the dream ends ...... ..


in my dream i was pregnant. I walked down the street with a big belly and knew that I would have a boy. my husband was busy with me. and then in the hospital I gave birth to dark twins without pain. I just didn’t see what gender the children were, the doctors were rude.


Hello, I dreamed today that I was giving birth and gave birth to two girls


I didn’t see how I gave birth, but I know that they were my children (twins), I saw cute babies in the crib and breastfed, it was not comfortable because I felt like I had just given birth and menstruation was coming.


I had twins, but I was not happy with her, but I did not worry either. But it was strange for me that the children were babies and could talk. And when I was going to breastfeed them, I didn’t feed the baby, but the kitten.


Hello, Tatyana. I dreamed that I knew that I had twins - girls. But I don't see them... I'm worried about how I'm going to cope with such a load. I also see myself breastfeeding a little girl. At first it is difficult for her to suck, then she adapts, and sucks hard, I have a lot of milk, it even pours out of the nipples. The chest is large, poured ....


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, but I was not pregnant, I just started giving birth at home and two boys appeared in a second, I named them Arseniy and Artem, I remember that in a dream I said that they were not very beautiful, another one was bigger the other is smaller. I dressed one of the kids, more precisely, I just undressed and carried it to wash, I saw him naked and this plot ends further and further.


I am in a position and I dreamed that I gave birth to twins - boys. And a little later, my own older sister also gives birth to twin girls. And her girls grow faster than my boys. The dream was from Friday to Saturday. That is, from 06/12/15. on 13.06.15. I told my mother about the dream. She said that she saw in a dream that I gave birth to twins. My mother-in-law has twins in the family. Maybe I will have twins. I went to ultrasound when I got registered, but they didn’t say a word about twins


I dreamed that, unexpectedly for myself and everyone around me, I gave birth to two girls. For some reason, they were blondes, although we don’t have such in our family. As I understand it, they appeared ahead of time, although I allegedly did not know about their existence throughout the entire pregnancy. In general, after the birth, the husband wanted to get rid of them, or I myself do not remember. I thought they wouldn't survive. And then I decided that I needed to try to feed them. Feed them and they supposedly went on the mend. Only now I did not know how to tell my colleagues at work that I had given birth. On that, in my opinion, I woke up.


Hello! i had a dream as if in a dream I gave birth to twins of a boy And the girl had a lot of blood, such a feeling that this was not a dream, but in reality I was glad.


in a dream she gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl! for some reason, she constantly breastfed them in turn and was worried that there would be enough milk for both)))) but it’s strange that in a dream she decided that she had given birth to her ex-husband and didn’t want them to look like him! thanks for the answer!


I'm at home in the bath, vagitna, I notice the whiteness of the roof, fear, screaming, crying. Then I know in the liquor, vagіtna, they give birth, the people of the maiden, the person was for me, the doctor can go through everything normally, then it seems that the boy needs more wine. Am I feeding yak? Assume everything will be fine. Then hysteria, crying, tears begin in me. I'm rolling in cold sweat.


I dreamed that I gave birth to twin girls. but she gave birth in a strange way: first she gave birth to one, then she was in a coma for 4 weeks, came out of a coma and gave birth to a second


I gave birth to twins…….they were taken away and I was looking for them, fought for them, told all the doctors that if something was wrong there would be television…..and so on


Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was pregnant and I went into labor, at first I gave birth to one child, the doctor said that I had twins, but the second one had not been born yet, you have to wait, and I have been waiting for attempts for so long, but they are all gone and gone, but then they appeared and I gave birth to another child, I remember exactly that one is a boy, and the second is a girl


Hello, today I dreamed that I gave birth to twins (I already have a son). Then I kept running around pharmacies, buying pacifiers, bottles, it was raining outside, it was cold, I kept scolding my husband for something, then I got out of the car for some reason one child fell into a puddle, I picked him up, kissed him, we arrived home, I fed chest, but for some reason it was dark


in a dream, I gave birth to twins by cesarean, but I did not see the birth itself. I feel like everyone at home is happy, babysitting, then I feed them, they are so beautiful


Hello. On Saturday night, I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, boys. Healthy, strong, gave birth easily, as if spat out. But I didn’t know that there would be a second, I was surprised to see a second child. I was cheerful, joyful in my sleep, I did not feel any pain.


My mother had a dream: she says that my daughter gave birth to twins. One lies nearby, and the second I feed


I dreamed that I was pregnant, then I began to get very worried and I started giving birth. First one child, and after a while the second. It was unexpected


i dreamed about how I gave birth to twins, first a girl and a few minutes later a boy, it all happened in a strange, unfamiliar house, there was a husband, a mother, and someone else whom I don’t know, and for some reason no one called an ambulance, there was still a friend, but she didn’t give birth, but I was pregnant at that moment. Thank you, I hope the answer will not be long in coming !!!


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. but the boy died, what is it for?


I gave birth to two boys... I really felt it all. it wasn't painful. And the kids were very calm.


I dreamed that I gave birth to three girls - twins. I remember how at first I was afraid that it would be very difficult, but then I was happy. The father of the children was my boyfriend, whom I want and am going to marry. I remember that all three girls were lying in red carriages. They were calm and slept all the time. Occasionally they cried. I bottle fed them. They were very similar to each other. And further. In my dream, I didn't even know I was pregnant. And when she gave birth, and even three twin girls, she was shocked.


I dreamed that I gave birth to two girls. One got sick, the second is always somewhere with other people, I see her briefly. Then a policeman comes and starts asking why I flew to another city. I answer that I have started giving birth. So, they say, the husband will come from the watch, find out that we have twins. And we ourselves are standing near the school (me and the policeman), then I go to the school, it seems that I work there, And there my late grandmother is fussing about something, and I I start helping her. I go into the principal's office, trying to figure out when to get home. I look at the clock, the time is 18-30, they say that you can go.


a boy and a girl, how I dressed them, I remember my relatives, I remember how they called the children Alice and Misha, I remember children's hats, especially blue


I gave birth to twins in a dream. boy and girl. She named the children Ivan da Marya.


In a dream, she was pregnant, the flow of childbirth began somehow unusually, without any torment, and immediately cesarean and twins. Then I went away from home somewhere, and it’s all like I did something, they don’t allow children, the betrayal of relatives and a guy (they don’t recognize me, as if I’m not me),



i dreamed that my husband had a twin (actually not) and he was also in love with me.
He asks to stay with him, and I told him - if I had met you earlier, then everything would probably have been different.
And they both stand in front of me, only one (mine) is called Oleg, and his twin is Igor.
Thank you.



I dreamed that my head turned out to be not one, but there was also another of my Siamese twin, I spent the whole day with the doctor, who first cut off my neck from the other head, and then I felt that the rest of his head was under my scalp. And she asked the doctor to remove the entire head of the Siamese twin.


today I dreamed that I had newborn twins, boys, I was breastfeeding one, and the second fell asleep at that time, when I fed I put him in the stroller where the second twin was sleeping. I didn’t wake up the second one, but decided to express milk, when I began to express from my chest, grain (wheat) fell on the table, a whole hill of grain turned out, then I took a stroller with the twins and went outside with them, all this time, in a dream, next to The father of the twins was with me. Please tell me why I dreamed about this? I am not married, but I have a loved one.


Every night I dream of my beloved man Dima. Today I dreamed that he had a twin brother Alexei. And in a dream, it was as if I had to choose with whom I should meet with Dima or Alexei. I seemed to like Alexey more, although in a dream they both did not talk. I woke up without knowing who I chose. I didn’t know that I could exchange Dima for someone even in a dream, especially for his twin brother))
And in the afternoon I remembered that lately Lyosha's boyfriend began to pay attention to me, but I don't like him. Could the dream be a sign that I will have to choose one of them in real life?


Good morning! My name is Irina, I was born on October 17, 1972 in Kazakhstan (Temirtau). Tonight I dreamed of twins. Two pairs of twins ... I first gave birth to one pair of beautiful boys and they grew up a little ... and then the second - I saw them clearly .... beautiful and calm... but she breastfed only one, because he was crying, not even crying, but groaning ... I was insanely happy. But I still had an older son…. I didn’t see him, but I knew that he was ... I was happy that I had 5 children ....
I really wanted to ask you, could you interpret my dream ... it’s just that not everything is so good in my life ... lack of money and my husband and I are not doing well ... and I’m honestly a little tired ... I will be very grateful to you if you help me interpret my dream for me .. Many thanks in advance ...


I dreamed that I gave birth to twins, breastfed them, there was a lot of milk, the children were healthy, a boy and a girl, I was very happy in a dream.


I dreamed that I went to the store alone, talked to the seller and she said that my son ran away, I was turning around, one was standing next to the other, he ran down and I ran after him, caught up, picked me up, kissed me and went back, then went home, I met my husband and I woke up! I don't have any children.)


I dreamed that the former beloved girl has a twin sister, who is also dressed like the other, and I sit in the middle between them and take their hands and say, well, who did I communicate with? One was silent, and the second said that something didn’t suit her in me and so on ... something like that.


I really like the man, but we don’t communicate with him, in a dream he had a double that sticks to me, then I find out about it and choose my real man, his twin is near us throughout the dream, but this does not interfere with us be happy with my man


Good evening. My beloved girl dreamed that she was sitting at the table and her twin was with her (she did not have a twin), also a girl. They were talking to each other. And then I understand that the girl is the only one with me. and I got kinda scared


good morning. today I saw in a dream 6 (!) Pairs of twins. they were twins of different sexes, of different age categories, but they were all children. that is, I walk down the street, I see a couple of little twin girls, for example, twin boys, also kids, are walking nearby, on the other hand, girls of school age, parents are taking someone else ... in general, I counted 6 pairs of them in a dream ... according to mine. what can this mean? The meanings of online dream books on Internet portals contradict each other, as usual. As for reality, in reality I really love the twins, I have always, since childhood, been attracted by their nature, I have always admired them. thanks in advance.


I dream that I am riding in a transport with two pairs of twins of brunette girls, and then at a bus stop two more pairs of twins of blonde girls in white fur coats entered the transport. They were all very beautiful, as if they were going to a celebration, in a dream there was a feeling of surprise and admiration.


Hello! I am 23 years old, not married, have a boyfriend.
I dreamed that I had 2 wonderful twin girls, only about 3-4 months old. And for the whole dream I put them to bed, changed diapers, fed them. Mom helped me


i dreamed of twins of infancy, alive, healthy, like boys, and then wheat fell on them. It felt like they were mine, but I didn’t give birth to them. I saw everything clearly and clearly


I dreamed of my pregnant friend who I hadn’t seen for a long time she was pregnant with a big belly I was so glad I say Marinka how glad I am also pregnant and what will you ask me she says twins and smiles and for the second day in a row she dreams of white fresh warm bread and enjoy.




Today I dreamed of my twin friends, but as if they were small (now they are already 30 years old). My mother and I came to visit them and I spent the whole dream with them, even in a dream their mother was present. The dream was already in the morning, the emotions were positive. I don't remember anything else.


I dreamed that I was offered to adopt twin girls. And I already had my first child and was pregnant with twin girls. In the end, she agreed.


I dreamed that I was walking along an empty car of a moving train, the light was dim. A young woman stands near two seats and looks down somewhere, when I approached I saw beautiful little twin boys, a year and a half. The woman said that their parents forgot, the boys sat quietly at first, and when I approached they began to hoot and pull their hands towards me.
Please help me explain the dream.


My son in a dream is a year old and he is a Siamese twin, then he grew up and is already 13 or 14 and he was separated from his brother by 2 points of blood. I couldn't believe he was a Siamese twin at all


several different blocks, mixed. first, some kind of friendly atmosphere, where several times I notice that I am without pants and underpants, but no one except me pays attention to this. then in the store with one of the ex-boyfriends, who affectionately presses from behind, says how dear I am to him, misses him, everything is very good with him, a lot of money ... I understand that I am naked from the waist to the knee, only the top and shoes. we agree with a friend that we will resume business relations, although this is apparently only a metaphor, in the process of queuing I take out and put on knee-length denim shorts from somewhere (I once had such).
then I don’t remember what and how, but I find myself either with a freak, or with an abandoned teenager, but these are Siamese twin girls who are connected not by their back and stomach, but by a man’s hairy hand. they show me something, maybe a dance, maybe a song, then I suggest just chatting, asking some question, expecting any reaction - I get a sincere kind answer ... that's what I remember


I dreamed that I had twins, and one of them ate a third child in the womb, but the twins were already born and now I need to somehow extract the third


I remember I just gave birth to twins, there was a strong feeling of fear and it was very difficult, but I refused to turn around and gave birth, I cried a lot, and then I was let go, there were no feelings at all


Hello! I dreamed that the husband had a twin brother, like two drops of water, but only he was tanned, and the husband was pale, with the course of sleep, the twin turned out to be thin, and the husband was athletic, pumped up in reality. At the same time, certain feelings arose in relation to the twin, but the choice remained with the husband. Nothing more. From sleep left some incomprehensible strange feeling.


i dreamed that I was pregnant, and they told me that I had twins, then the birth was painless, easy and surprisingly fast, I gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, but I vaguely remember that one child did not have a leg.


i dreamed that I had three children and four twins (in the end there were seven of them), it seems that I fed some of the twins. And in the same dream I dreamed of twins again. but already others


I came in a dream to a village like where I was born ... but some places are completely alien ... and I go into my house, and there a man lies, and his wife helps nearby .. I see little ones, somewhere around 10 monthly children .. I ask is it not difficult with triplets, they smile and say that there are six of them. 5 boys and one girl. I take a girl and start playing and at that time I ask my parents if the state helps, they answer that they don’t receive anything except child allowance ... Then I I went somewhere as a girl in my arms and I want to give her some kind of toy ... I barely found a soft toy, and she fell asleep in my arms ...


in a dream I saw a guy that I like, but in a dream he had a twin, but in real life there is no twin


I dreamed that I have a twin sister, but we don't look like me in reality. I perform on stage and there is also an unfamiliar guy - a fan of my work, who constantly sends me bouquets of white roses, but often my sister receives roses instead of me. dream in dark blue, except for white roses. a large number of people are also present.


It all started with the fact that my friend and I decided to go somewhere, I don’t remember the process of the trip itself, but as soon as we arrived, we parted ways with her. I went to my friends and relatives, then I got on the bus and there I met my friend again (with whom we arrived), but she was not alone with her, there was a girl exactly like her (her twin) I was frightened and started asking questions, but she calmly She said: I told you, but you forgot again. When we got off the bus, I realized that her twin was disabled (this girl had a face very similar to my friend, but she was very small, waist-deep)


I saw photos where my parents were, me and some kind of girl a copy of me. I asked my parents who she was, they didn’t tell me anything. The picture was black and white but there was no dream. In a dream it seemed to me that she was my sister, although I didn’t have a sister. There were other photos and she was there too.


i dreamed of several twins 5 of them, well, we talked about something then they invited me somewhere and I agreed, I somehow ended up in the car with one of them and we started an affair and I woke up


Some kind of showdown, and the gang wants to kill me, we were constantly waiting for the minibus, and then we settled in my grandmother's house and the twins came - she was in the gang and I killed them


nothing special, it was just a maternity hospital, the birth went very quickly and painlessly, and then we ended up at home where the whole family watched them nicely throughout the day)))


I dreamed of pregnancy, then there was a question of how to tell my parents. there were no births, but then they immediately brought twins, small ones, my mother said to feed them, but I immediately began to worry that there was no milk, but when I felt my breasts on the left, milk still went, one baby began to eat. at that time, I experienced some strange sensations, like satisfaction, which made my whole body tremble from the inside. Then there was some kind of turmoil and after that I already fed two kids.


I dreamed that I was a girl of 10 years old, and my twin sister and I were taken from a shelter and put to sleep in different rooms, I was afraid of sleeping for some reason and eventually ran away to my sister’s room, we sat and were both afraid, then something came out of the door crawling on the floor bleeding, we ran into another room, but it burst through the door, I hugged her and woke up. In life, I had a sister 16 years ago, she died at the age of 13 at my birth from a heart defect. I have had this dream about 11 times already.


I dream that I am riding a bus where there are a lot of people (children and adults) I turn around to look at people and there are all twins, two of the same person. What would that mean?


in a dream, I met the boss whom I had not seen for a long time, she is now 37 and she is only pregnant with her first child, so she dreamed of me with Siamese twins in her arms, but they had deformities, and then a girl who was unfamiliar also came up with an infant who also had a repulsive appearance … tell me what that means? Siamese twins, I read a good interpretation, but they were ugly (thanks


I talked to the twins smiled what they talked about I don’t remember and one twin kissed me and I woke up


I dreamed that I gave birth to twin boys, I was so happy that I decided to notify my relatives myself, I decided to start with my mother, the dream was in color, I didn’t see the process of childbirth and I didn’t see myself pregnant in a dream.


as if I were not me at all, as if in another body I later dreamed that I was walking on water, then suddenly fell and wet the paper money


Well, first I woke up, my mother and sister were dressing for kindergarten, and my mother was going to work, as I fell asleep we were in some clearing, well, there were coffee shops and all that, I didn’t have a stomach, but maybe I was pregnant, and my mother before that she said, you will give birth only at the age of 25, I was very patient, but somehow I had contractions in a dream and there was a medical center nearby, they took me there and literally in 5 minutes I gave birth to 2 healthy twin girls (I dreamed how they pulled them out and they cut everything for me there), so they were born, but it looked like they were already 4 or 5 years old, my grandmother didn’t notice anything strange, there was a square where everyone went to glorify me, a lot of people gathered there and my ex-boyfriend Andrey, he I didn’t believe it ...... Then I woke up and began to make the bed, etc.


In a dream today I saw two twin children, I gave birth to them and breastfed them. They were very pretty, just like the picture. I was surprised by their beauty. And she fed one breast in turn and gave the other the other. Two blonde boys.


Good afternoon. I dreamed that they brought two boys to me, and I understand that they are not my relatives, but I breastfeed them, they are both very beautiful, but one of them is larger and the other is smaller, but I like the thin one more. And then I understand that these children will remain with me forever and I decided to give them names, the one that I more fully called George, in honor of George the Victorious, and the second Sergius, in honor of Sergius of Radonezh.


I dreamed of twins, two beautiful boys, I gave birth to them, but then I saw that they had something with their legs, then I immediately saw them big.


I had a dream that I had twins. I hardly saw them, but remembering that one cheek had a little more. I wanted to name one Vladislav, and the second I didn’t even know how. This name came to my mind just at that moment. And I asked dad to call the second one.


i dreamed that healthy beautiful children were born to me, I didn’t see the birth myself, but I felt that my children, a boy and a girl, and that my beloved person with whom I am now meeting, gave me one child in my arms so that I could breastfeed him, we were happy in a dream


I dreamed of a man who is no longer alive (I had a close relationship with him during my lifetime). He came to me and suddenly two twin babies (boys) appear in my arms from somewhere, and as if from him


I saw in a dream my school and my cousin. She had a twin. They sat together on a bench. I went up to them and said, - "you look alike." The cousin said, “We are twins. Grandma told us so." And the cousin's twin was mischievous and she said something with sarcasm. The dream ended and I woke up.


I'm 40 years old. I dreamed that I gave birth painlessly to 2 boys (healthy and fair), I breastfed them, but they didn’t have enough. Milk was only in one breast and I decided to feed them with a mixture (I even remember the name) And I also remember how I named the children.


i dreamed of two twin girls aged 2-3, they were cheerful, ran, frolicked, the girls were beautiful, clean, I just watched them - these were not my children


i dreamed that I hugged a person like my lad, only tіlki tіlki tsya lyudina bula not like wine, but a thing with a height and a coat, not like that in a new al guise, just like in a new one, and at once I looked at my right lad on the street


I dream that two horses run out of the tent of the circus.
The first, small, is a foal, and drags a large one behind it, and they are tied by one bridle. and then this small one barely shuffles, and the big one pushes, and vice versa. the big one shuffles, and the small one is frisky. and then I see two twin girls, about 20 years old, and they have thick, black, curls, they looked at each other, and spoke tender words. I don't remember which ones. they were in nightgowns. and then one of them is in the house, and starts playing the piano, she was beautifully dressed and she had a braid. and there some ball began to rise, as for ping-pong. and in that house was a man and a woman, a husband and a wife. and this man stood on a chair and wanted to fix his watch. Then I woke up.


The son of my godmother, whom I have known since childhood, but we have not seen each other for about 10 years, I had a dream. He looks so much like his twin brother that I didn't even recognize him at first. He grumbled at me, we were going somewhere, but in general he was silent. I tried to cheer him up, but he only pushed me away. And as soon as we arrived at the place, he noticeably relaxed. And went to shower. I was waiting for him and as soon as he came out I took him somewhere. He no longer resisted. I kissed him, he returned the kiss. And then everything is in a fog.


I dreamed of my former boyfriend with two twins, on the sight of them 6-7, light blond hair curly, then he left everything in black tone and blinkers disappear, but the face of the former guy and I will be a good morning to him and he heard the voice of the present guy he TELLS ME THAT I ALREADY TOLD THIS I ANSWERED HIM THAT IT IS NOT FOR HIM AND POINTED TO THE FORMER GUY AND HE ANSWERED THAT I NEED TO SAY THIS WHEN HE WAS NEAR AND NOT IN THE WORK ... AND I Woke Up


Photographed two bright twin girls with bright blue eyes, blond hair below the shoulder and 18 years old ... with open smiles and we walk with them .... I feel at ease in communication and confidence


dreamed of small breast cute twins. in a dream, I realized that these were my newborn children. even though I don't have a child. they smiled at me. it was so nice.


a few days ago I dreamed that I was playing with twins, they were girls aged 5-6 years old .... they both had long and blond hair ... .. there was also one little boy, probably their brother .... and we had a lot of fun together, it was a colorful dream. Thank you)


Hello! I looked through binoculars at two twin boys, someone standing nearby (who didn’t see) said that these were my twin sons, and they even seemed to be called Nikolai and Alexander.


i dreamed that my friend gave birth to 5 or four children in one body, that is, Seam twins, she was glad, but I cried, I felt sorry for her and the children


i dreamed of twin babies, boys and one girl, I breastfeed the girl and carry it in my arms, knowing that she was a stranger, her parents stood nearby


Hello! My name is Natalya
I dreamed that I gave birth to twins: a boy and a girl
but she was very afraid of anesthesia: she cried. and the babies were born healthy, everything is fine
in my life I have had two births under anesthesia and cried a lot before the operation.
my mail [email protected]
Thank you


hello, I dreamed about how I was sailing on a ferry and on this ferry I saw a man (in life we ​​communicate with him) hugs his family (he is married) then everyone gets off the ferry and goes, I lag behind everyone and in order to catch up with my own I look back and see twins or triplets they showed me the way


I was with my family in nature (mom, dad, brother) and I dreamed that I had two twin children (girls) it was summer time, my twins were about a year old


I saw my birth myself and saw how at first one daughter was born a minute later, the second, while I didn’t feel any pain or contractions. Then the midwife dressed them and put them on my bed.


I dream of two twin girls, I take care of them and am surprised, two very pretty girls feed them, admire them ..


I dreamed that my husband was sitting in a room with dim lighting, when I went to him I saw 4 boys who were still very tiny and realized that they were ours!


I dreamed that I met my twin - on her face she was a copy of me, but she changed her appearance. It seemed to me that she was more beautiful than me - I had curly, dark hair, and she had light and straight hair. It was our first meeting, but I wanted to continue to communicate with her. After talking to her, I talked to my mom and she explained that she had to give it away.


Today I had a dream that I gave birth to twins, a son and a daughter, at home, I saw them naked. She put her in bed, but after a while she looked at her son, she was not in the bed, and her daughter had already become big


I had a dream today in which I gave birth at home to two twins, a daughter and a son. I saw the children naked. I put them separately in cribs or in cradles, I don’t remember. After a while, I looked and saw that my son was not in the cradle, and my daughter was already big.


The dream was that I met my sister, who is a copy of me, she is my only father, I was very surprised and did not know how to react to this situation.


I’m going to walk with baby twins, boys who don’t exist in reality, I collected them and my husband and my mother went outside for a walk for the time being, and I later went out, found them, but my husband wasn’t there, there were a lot of people with strangers’ strollers and in 2 different strollers lay my children, and my mother was walking beside us, as if we didn’t have a stroller, I got them yelling at my mother, and was about to leave, and right there at this place the table and those who walked with strollers, some of whom I know, start drinking champagne, I shouted again and they drink here and left alone with the children, walked on kubluks for some reason


I saw in a dream the twin brother of a young man I loved (in reality he has no brother). In a dream, they were very similar even in behavior and interests. As if all the time that we have known each other, I met with one or the other, and without even knowing about it. When everything was revealed, I began to remember that I did not know, but I felt that something was wrong in the young man. He is different.
Something like this. Why all this? How to interpret my dream?


I dreamed of twin brothers, fiery red, whom I had never seen before, about 20 years old, with whom I was in love in a dream. I'm 21.


I dreamed of two twin girls. They played on the playground. The dream was good and warm. What does this mean?


I was giving birth, but the doctor says we will do a cesarean and I see how they cut the stomach and it doesn’t hurt at all, but on the contrary, it’s so pleasant and I’m glad that it doesn’t hurt and twins are born, a boy and a girl, I even called names I see


Hello! I dreamed of twin girls, about 8-10 years old. They looked at me straight in the face and turned around and left. As I remember they were dressed in white dresses, they had hair in pigtails. What does this mean? I'm very interested, thanks in advance!


My husband and I met a seemingly familiar married couple. They had 2 twins in a stroller. I took one in my arms and asked if I was holding it correctly, they corrected me how to hold it correctly. The twins were sweet, calm, did not cry. And I also dreamed of menstruation, somehow suddenly they went to me, some things got dirty with them, I urgently washed them.


I dreamed that my brother (or sister) had twins. But the brother (or sister) disappeared somewhere (I don’t remember exactly), and the kids were taken under guardianship. I was looking for them for a long time to pick them up, because in a dream I was their aunt. Gemini - boy and girl, chest


Hello! tonight I had a dream about two twin girls of a year and a half, the whole dream was bright and very pleasant. The girls played and had fun, and I had the feeling that these were my children. Thank you.


Hello! i had a dream that I was pregnant and I have twins, and I was pregnant not about my husband, but from some doctor, I came to give birth in the hospital and that person doesn’t want to see me, then I went to look for another doctor and my water had already broken and my water they had a bad smell, but I didn’t smell the smell, it’s like they tell me there in the hospital, but I never gave birth, I woke up. Why this dream, please tell me!


At first I washed the stairs, and went out into some kind of garden. And for some reason I went naked. My friend came up to me and asked why I was walking like that, I replied that everything was fine, I would soon get dressed, and went on. I felt a little embarrassed, but tried to calm myself that no one would see anyway.


It all started simply: I was relaxing with my friends, we drank a glass of wine ... and I already wake up in the morning without remembering anything. A certain amount of time has passed, as if my mother comes to me and says ... that I am pregnant, I look at my stomach in shock and see that it is already quite big. I understand that I got pregnant, although I don’t remember the circumstances and I stubbornly want to prove to everyone that I’m still a virgin, how could I get pregnant?!? I understand that this happened after that party with my friends and someone mixed me with sleeping pills that I don’t remember anything, and then, taking advantage of my condition, raped me. In a dream, I feel shame, I cry and, I decide to find the father of my child, through questioning I find out who he is and understand that this person betrayed me. I can easily force him to marry me, but I don’t do this, because I understand that he doesn’t love me and it makes no sense to force him. And without telling him, I start a new life. The time for the birth of the child is approaching, my mother takes birth. Childbirth is successful and even painless. Mom tells me that I have twins, a boy and a girl, but .. I manage to give birth to a girl, and the boy still seems to need to stay in my stomach a little. One day has passed, my stomach has become smaller, and I am expecting a second birth. At first the child inside did not move, and I thought that he was dead, then I decided to touch my stomach and he began to move. In the end, I gave birth to a boy. They were beautiful. The girl is so plump and ruddy that I remember. And then after some time I see they are already a big boy with dark curls and a girl also with curls but a blonde. And I realize that I am happy, even if at first it was not so.


i saw twins in a dream, take it off as if playing under water and I have pearls in my hands. And I myself am like a dolphin


in a dream, I need to choose two girls who came to our class, they are twins and I just can’t choose, although the dream repeats many times! (


I am carrying 5 twins of my older sister. The birth was easy. The children were large and healthy. I had the sensation that I was a surrogate mother for these children.


I dreamed that our neighbor gave birth to Siamese twins (ugly) and she also had an older son, with whom my husband and I played.


Hello, I dreamed that beautiful twin boys were born to me. At the moment I am pregnant. But the impression from the dream remained strange. And the feeling in the dream also seemed somehow strange, as if I was glad, but I was expecting the birth of my daughter.

Anastasia Rudenko:

I get off the bus and through the window I see my twin at the bus stop (he is a boy) in a dream the streets were black and white, getting off the bus I went my own way, walking through the gray maze and I notice that the twin is following me. I really liked him and he liked me. My head and his features were clearly drawn in my head. We have always been together and not a step away from each other, as if one whole. Everything was fine when some spirit did not tell us that we should not kiss and sent us to another world, we ended up at school (the places were colored), the two of us changed everything and face and hair, even clothes. After leaving school, we went somewhere and started talking. At the end of the dream there was a beautiful blue river, around it there are many green trees and plants, everything is like in a fairy tale. His parents were there, all of our friends whom we met in a dream. There was something like a party and for some reason we were the main ones there. There was a feeling that we saved the world ... Periods in the gray theme, we met zombies and non-existent creatures and always defeated them. What does this mean? Is it just my imagination or some prophetic dream?


i dreamed that I was with some acquaintances, and I saw 4 twin boys with whom my parents could not cope, and then I found out and saw how it seems to me that they had two more girls born twins, and some kind of fuss happened about this and I watched and saw it all.


I had a dream that I gave birth to 4 twins, 2 girls and 2 boys. I looked after them, I liked them, I was happy with them.


hello, I dreamed that a year later, when my daughter was born, another twin child of the same age appeared, why such a dream? Thanks in advance


good afternoon yesterday I dreamed: a large body of water like a lake in an iron vat and there were a huge number of feathers on the water in the light of the moon and there were birds in the sky.
today I dreamed of twins, little sweet boys, they were in green sliders, I was relatives in a dream


Hello! The dream was very warm and comfortable. I dreamed that I gave birth to two twins, white, beautiful boys, I breastfeed them, and the milk through the top in my chest was sweet sweet. they seem to be a week old, but they can already walk, and then I woke up and my soul is so good. And in between, I saw my grandmother, she went to the neighbors to get the keys to her house.


in the room in the crib I see infant twins, inside I know that they are mine, I take them in my arms, I take care, then my husband comes home from a walk with them in a stroller for twins


I found myself in a strange communal apartment in a room that belonged to my friend, although in real life such a communal apartment does not exist. While I was waiting for my acquaintance, I went out into the hallway and saw three pairs of women's high-heeled shoes on the floor. After that I returned to the room. Later I heard the voice of an old woman neighbor (I knew that she was a neighbor) that you can ask a neighbor for music, i.e. here in this room. A beautiful girl appeared at the door of the room, a conversation began, the music was turned on. Later, a second girl appeared. Looking at her face, I realized that they were twins, although they themselves did not say anything about it. I wanted to see a third girl, but that's where I woke up.


a dream without beginning or end… the plot arose like a piece torn out of some movie. At the same time, the actors of the film were male twins and me. We talked about something, then one of the twins offered to drive a car to their dacha, I hesitated, said that I should tell my mother, otherwise she would not find a place for herself, she would worry that I was not at home for a long time. She asked if the cottage was far away. it turned out that directly behind the ring - not far. She asked if there was a shower in the dacha, in response, the twin, who offered to go to the dacha, somehow laughed it off ... I was surprised and said that I had a shower in the dacha, even though we bought it as an empty plot just a year ago. in general, we didn’t tell my mother and went to the twins’ dacha, and there turned out to be a whole mansion with all the amenities like in a city apartment. The second twin went into the room, turned on the TV and lay down on the big bed to watch it (by the way, this second twin was very fat, was sick with something and wanted to lose weight, used diets that unfortunately did not help him and he told his brother that he no longer he will adhere to the diet he is currently on and will eat what he wants, but the food will be healthy, to which the not fat twin, who suggested going to the country, answered sternly - if you don’t follow this diet, you will become blurry. Then I lay down on the edge of the bed, and the twin who initiated the trip sat down next to me and began to show me unambiguous signs of attention - stroking, etc. I dodged because I felt that I needed to go to the shower first. lack of attention to my person, I stealthily went into the shower, and for some reason, in the soul, there were suddenly simple doors knocked together from old half-rotten boards with a broken lock. this lock, or rather, it just somehow twisted carnations and wires, hooks, in order to somehow close from the inside in the shower and then two girls come into the room, arguing about something and apparently about something super secret and criminal, because one of them, noticing me, decided to remove me as a witness, poured some kind of tingling liquid on my head and was about to set it on fire. then I begged that I didn’t see anything and I wouldn’t look at them anymore and I wouldn’t listen to anything, they say I don’t need it. I managed to convince her, the girls continued to go about their business, and I began to wash in the shower. I washed my hair with shampoo, then, after a shower, I looked in the mirror and dried my hair, and I liked my reflection in the mirror so much - my hair was the color of ripe wheat (in fact, I'm a dyed brunette) and the bangs fit themselves very beautifully. Then some kind of failure and we are already going to the city in a car with the twins ... on the way, I think that everything ended very quickly, the trip was short and my mother did not have time to get excited. This is where the dream ended.


I met a guy who had a twin brother, I confused them all the time! We sailed on a big ship and I was happy, but I cried at night because I knew that soon we would have to leave!


i dreamed about my father who died, he generally often began to dream of me and two twins of 9 years old, they were very drawn to me, I put them to bed, I also dreamed of cats, it seems 2 fluffy and spotty


a simple ward, I lie and wait for the doctors to come so that I can push, next to me. probably a husband, doctors come three young women, look and leave on urgent matters, and I already have to push, but they are not there, and I'm scared that I can't give birth. I'm waiting for someone to come. a sweet grandmother comes in, manipulates her hands, putting them on her stomach, says that I have twins, turns them like that. to make it easier for them, I worry about them, since no one helps me give birth, a man passes by, I call him, thinking that this is a doctor, but he is just an employee, he is walking by, the old woman is gone. I’m scared for the children, then it turns out that they are so close to the skin, and it has become so thin that they can happen to her, at first I get scared, then I rejoice and take them out, I’m not sick, I’m glad for them, my husband helps to wipe them, they a little strange, but cute, that grandmother comes to help too. and my mother, too, before that she was not in a dream, the umbilical cords were not cut, doctors come. dressed like a striptease and cut the umbilical cord, I'm mad at them. dream ends


At first, I dreamed of two kittens lying on my friend’s chest, which I really like but he doesn’t want to be with me. Then these kittens are already twins, 2 girls and 2 boys, again on the couch with the same guy


I dreamed that two boys were catching up with me (very similar, equally dressed, of the same height, both black-haired, most likely twins), I eat 6-8 years old. I run away from them because they are not very pleasant to me, but I am not afraid of them. I know that I can stop and stop them (to fill, for example), but for some reason I don’t want to, it’s easier to run away from them. But then one of them got me, and I put him in a pile of animal feces that was on the road (sorry). After that, I understand that everything is no matter how real, that this is a dream, and I can make the second one just get lost. And I closed my eyes and thought that I want to be near the house already, and for them to stay there. And so it happened. A strange dream about two guys. Why is he?


Hello. I dreamed that I had two wonderful children, a boy and a girl, and they are twins, and I breastfeed them (for some reason there is milk).


I dreamed that I was holding a baby girl in my hands, quite a baby, dark, beautiful, smiling, like me, but in this dream there was also her twin, almost an exact copy, only a little more in mass. but I very rarely have her I saw in this dream, basically I was holding the first girl in my arms


I had a dream, in which I bathe, breastfeed and put the twin boys to bed. In the dream they were my sons. Pretty, smiling babies somewhere around 3-4 months old.


On a fine clear day, walking along the alley, I met 2 pairs of twins with strollers with children, one pair was young girls of 18 years old, and the other women of 40 years old. Women wished good luck, success, happiness. They parted to let me through and I walked on.


Hello! In general, the essence is this: in a dream, 2 twins are locked in captivity, in a bathhouse in my country house. In a dream, I am sure that my grandmother locked them there, originally out of good intentions. The girls are very beautiful, bolognese in white nighties. I feel sorry for them, I want to release them, and at this time I'm playing poker with an imp for fun right next to them. The meme dream is ending that I am leaving the bathhouse, locking it up preventing the girls from leaving, it is gray autumn on the street and I am leaving in a depressed state.


hello! today I dreamed that I was giving birth to 2 girls, twins. It's spring outside, it's cool. I started giving birth to one girl at home, my brother delivered the first baby, and the second one was already in the maternity hospital. There was no fear of childbirth, it was confident and comfortable in a dream. The sun was shining and there was very little snow.




S nachalo ya uvidel bliznecov drugix lyudei, a potom ya sam stal otcom bliznecov, blinzneci vo obix sulchiax byli ka budto odnovremneo i v chero belom plane i cvetnom..:)


I dreamed that I had a twin sister and we were saying something to each other. Maybe it’s not even a twin sister, but two of me. Also in this dream was my friend, we flirted with him, and I elicited different information. The dream was dark and dim.


Two pairs of twins from the beginning of a girl about 1 year old are beautiful, sweet, cheerful, then two more twin girls came in from the door in a dream, I was delighted with what was happening and did not understand who they were to little girls, mothers or sisters. I remember that in a dream I asked how this could be. Another thing I remember from the dream is that their nationality was somehow Caucasian or Turks something like that.


I was in the hospital we were t
five in the ward brought another woman to us, but her husband was with her. when I began to discharge, I asked the man to leave. he yelled at me and said that I was not alone in the ward, I covered myself with a towel, after that there were two of us. a woman with this man switched to another pastel, they began to hug and kiss, and I saw a child lying on her bed, he was without blood, but just born and with an umbilical cord. I called them so that they could see that a child was lying on the bed, they took the child and left. then I gave birth to a child and, strangely enough, also on the bed, a girl and a boy (twins). I gave birth to them without pain and blood.


I dreamed that my son Roman, 9 years old, has a twin brother and his name is Sajar, for some reason in English and I even saw how this name is spelled, in reality he does not have a twin brother. And I see two snow-white sweaters for boys, which differ only in pattern, and my son Roma wants a sweater that Sajar has already worn. And I ask this twin of my son to give the sweater to his real son, and take the one hanging on a hanger for himself, and he agrees, because he is kinder than my real son, although I say that Roma is also kind, but when the evil one can even kill, that's all me I speak for Sajara. Can you tell me what this means, I know I had a lot of prophetic dreams that came true.


At first, in a dream, I was looking for my husband, then I ended up at his parents' house and there was his twin (who is not in reality) and on the one hand I was glad to see him, and on the other, I realized that this was not my husband. Then, in a dream, it was as if there was a vision and I saw a picture of a house that was very shaky. And subconsciously I realized that there I should look for a husband, I went there.


Hello, Tatyana. i had a dream, 2 twin boys are very small (approximately 2 months). They were in blue suits, my young man nursed them and called them by their names Artyom and Dima, but for some reason I never took them in my arms, but I felt that they were my sons and I was even very happy with them.

I am 19 years old, no children. There is a young man.


i dreamed the twins of one were called Denis and the other was sitting on the sidelines and a conflict arose with Denis, then she told him to them but I didn’t know him


A man I know gave birth to twins, they first lay on the bed, then they took one of them in their arms and he smiled at me!


I often dream of twins. But as is customary, twins are two, and I dream of 4ro 6ro. Today we dreamed of 6. I was in the maternity hospital. Childbirth was quick and painless. I didn't know what to do with them. After all, 6 is a lot. I wanted to keep one for myself and the rest in the hospital. But I gnawed at the thought that it was mine. My blood. I cried the whole dream. but I knew that I could not cope with them. (I must be related to twins)


My aunt (my dad's younger sister) has three children, the youngest, Andreyka, is 4 years old, she dreams that she came to visit us, and I ask her where is Seryozha? (dad had a brother Seryozha, he is now deceased), but I clearly remember that I didn’t mean him, and then a boy ran out, an exact copy of Andreika, as if he had a twin. Could this be a sign of Pregnancy?


I’m a twin guy according to the horoscope, today I dreamed of two twin girls (blondes), judging by the circumstances, I just met them and while the scene of the dream was changing: be it a street or some specific building, one of the girls constantly flirted or sent signs of attention the other somehow loyally treated me as a friend.


I dreamed that I gave birth to 2 twins. And she already has 2 children. In a dream, I got confused, I didn’t know who was called. One child was breastfed


I dreamed that a family friend brought us twins, pink healthy ones, I cried, saying, since I brought it, I can’t refuse, I have no choice, I think in parallel about work, what about earnings now. But in general, she cried more, as if from happiness.


Hello, Tatyana! My child has two twins in the class - Andrey and Maxim. I dreamed that I was praising both of them to their mother, telling how wonderful they are, but I can’t determine which of them is Andrei and which is Maxim. I'm trying to say that it is he who is good at something, but which of them I can't figure out what name to say. Everything! Thanks in advance!


there was some kind of holiday then suddenly I have twin babies and I breastfeed them but then I have to give them to my cousin but I don’t want to do that


in real life I have twin sons, and in a dream I seemed to have met twin girls, they were about 7-8 years old, and the woman told me that they were my children! in this dream there was still a boy, the older brother of the girls. Why this dream?


Good day.
Dreamed of Siamese twins. Boys. fused. We seemed to be friends, I was cheerful and calm. At some point, one of them was torn off by something from the other and they became, as it were, no longer a single whole, but two personalities, and then, the one that separated was pulled into the abyss. We (myself and the other twin) tried our best to pull him out, grabbed his hands and all that, but nothing helped and we lost him. Woke up feeling uneasy.


I dreamed that I had twins from such and such a man. I rejected them at first. And then she brought them back.


I dreamed about the birth of two twin girls. everyone around said beautiful. that was true. they grew up somehow quickly - for 20 years, for 30 years already. They grew somehow without my participation - I was busy with work and somehow they grew up quickly. what is it for? sergey kuzmich.


Hello, I dreamed tonight that I was raising a boy, then they tell me in a dream that you also have a girl, it turns out that they are twins, I had very warm feelings for these children. Because I don't have kids! What does this mean?


I dreamed that four blond twin girls came to visit me so that I could choose one of them as a bride, and there was not enough room for an overnight stay in the house, and therefore I placed them in the house, and I myself went to sleep at work.


I walked along the corridor of the hospital, at first I saw different old women, one was even without a head, I don’t remember exactly, then I saw some kind of relative, she had twins, a boy and a girl, I looked at them and rejoiced, then the boy was next to me and this boy didn’t want me let go clung to me and I also did not want to let him go from my arms.


Hello, today I dreamed of twin boys for the first time in my life they had to be fed and I was looking for milk


Hello, Tatyana! please help with the interpretation of sleep !!!
Today I had a dream, as if I had arrived in another city in a dream, it was Krasnodar, I sat at a table with some unknown men and drank (although I don’t drink at all) ... We sit, we sit, suddenly the glass began to break, I only heard glass breaking ( I didn’t see them) we continued talking about some apartments to give to buy, I abruptly got up, went to the door, opened the lock and went to the neighbors, went to some grandmother and tell her what time the train does not tell me from Krasnodar, she leaves the apartment to my door (from where I came out) he takes the phone, he hung on the wall in the entrance and calls. She turned out to call the church and asked for a schedule for cleaning a person ... she was telling me something, but I didn’t hear her, turned her head to the stairs that led up there a woman in a headscarf descended, and on her headscarf she had a drawing from Icons !!! I hear my grandmother, she says that she allegedly gave birth to 5 twins ... and the funniest thing about this dream! then a melody began to play ... to whom I want, I give it as if they sang it! (in reality, there was not a single betrayal that this song would remind me of anything!) oh, this is the first time such a dream ... I woke up for some reason in horror, explain this dream to me. .can I really go to church? Many thanks in advance))))


At the beginning of sleep, I took tests to find out if I was pregnant ... then the dream ended ... my sister had a dream with her nephew .... and then again, twin boys were born right away .... their dad walks joyful and at the same time thoughtful and immediately gave the names Azamat and Maxim ... .


I dreamed of four boys under the age of one year, they were allegedly my brothers, and my mother and my older brother were with them in a dream, I wonder why this is a dream. I remember that the boys were dressed in blue things. A few days before, I dreamed of two twin girls, all the children were very beautiful, the girls were in pink things, and as if they were my children in a dream.


I already have a boy child, and we live in a small family, my husband serves. Therefore, I remember when I had a dream, this dream I was worried that we would not be able to feed three children, twin babies, I remember that they were blue-eyed and fair-haired, they it was about 10 months. Therefore, I decided to kill one of them, when I felt that he was almost cold, I stopped, and started three hundred, and he woke up. I would be happy, I would never do this in my life, Why is it there, I still don't understand.


Twins, but for some reason in a dream it sometimes seemed to me that they were of different ages, and at the end of the dream they were one. I fed them and they were beautiful. At the beginning of the dream, I thought that I had adopted them, but at the end of the dream I knew that they were mine. In one part of the dream, I left them for the nanny and they almost drowned in the bathroom, but I pumped them out, though when I pumped them out they seemed like rubber baby dolls.

Victoria Zaikinski:

I had a dream about conjoined twins. Both were boys, and the place with which they grew together was the cheeks. I learned that I had twins from the speeches of the boss. After that, I went to the maternity hospital, where, I suppose, my children were in storage. The children were healthy and I accepted them. This was the dream on the night from Thursday to Friday.


A white rat with blue eyes crawled over me, I could not move, but just looked at this abomination ....
then I dreamed, two twins, how I dress them and go for a walk with them, lay a blanket on the grass for them and lay them down to feed them with milk. but the children were not mine, I clearly knew this in a dream


I dreamed of a woman with Siamese twins on her chest. And this woman was, as it were, the mother of my unknown fiancé. The woman was of a different race, in a dream I thought she was Muslim. In the same dream, another woman dreamed of ironing many towels.


I don’t remember exactly, I know that twins, a boy and a girl, were born in my dream, and why she herself was in the store, my husband called on the phone and said that the children in intensive care became bad for them, but because of what I don’t remember, the blood I saw it I remember. Here is such a dream.


i dreamed of twin boys ... something was there, I don’t remember what .. and someone, in such a penetrating voice, in such a voice as if from a dream come true, I don’t know how to explain .. this voice said that if you really want, then you have there will also be such happiness .... I woke up after a dream and for a long time did not understand what happened ... as if in reality, but it seems like a dream.


i dreamed that the late mother fed me soup and two twins were sitting next to me, then the late grandmother poured tea and one of them was gone


I dreamed about my twin sister. The dream was very short. We were good together, we laughed. BUT! In life I am the only child, it does not exist.


2 little twins, one was in a pink suit, the other was in a blue one. That one was in blue with him played the whole dream


I have twin boys, and my girlfriend has a boy, but my children turned to dust, but I don’t even remember how I gave birth to them, are these my children,


in a dream, I lived in another house, which I don’t live in now. as if just recently I had two babies, but I don’t know their gender for sure, presumably boys. they slept in different beds. and from my left breast milk simply poured, pouring over my breasts as if in a quiet fountain. I first fed one baby. then my mother brought me a second baby. and next to me was a woman with a baby. only mine in a dream were exactly the same, and she has a child with very plump red cheeks. I thought, if only I did not change the child. and seeing that mine are like two drops of water, she calmed down and began to breastfeed the second one.


Hello! I am pregnant, expecting a boy. I had a dream that I gave birth to two twin boys, sort of very quickly and easily, at night. Dreamed of their names. But for me it was a surprise, because. expecting one boy.


Hello! I dreamed that my wife gave birth to 4 twin boys. Newborns, but already able to crawl. I was lying on the couch, they crawled over me. Then one of the boys became ill, he turned blue, as if something had happened to his neck. I put him on the sofa, he twitched a little, and after a while everything became normal. Then I was again surrounded by these children.


it was in my apartment. The dream began unexpectedly. I went into the hall there was a handsome, tall, red-haired guy standing there and talking about something with my father. Then I went into the kitchen and there was exactly the same guy (mb the same guy, but it seemed to me that it was different ) after I woke up.


I dreamed that I was pregnant and gave birth to twins by cesarean. I was discharged from the hospital, and the kids were still in the hospital, sort of. I showed their photos to my family. And they were born on my birthday!


I dream that I’m going to the Uzi and they seem to me that there will be twins in me, and then I’m running two twin lads in a carriage.


I have a kobuta, these are ours. That I have twin children, we all went to a family birthday party and there is a big one so covered and there are also a lot of guests on the table, so much sweetness. The sisters of two were also there, whose sisters I saw for a year. Ana so beautiful and pregnant died ago


Hello! I dreamed of a man whom I love, but we don’t have anything with him anymore. He had a twin in a dream (in fact there is no twin), they were exactly the same, but dressed differently! One talked to me, asked questions, and the other didn’t even look! Then I followed him (who was talking) But for some reason through the phone (he was on the screen and walked towards his house, with some guy).


Hello! Today I had a dream that I had 2 twin girls, in a dream we named them Anna and Anastasia. Very beautiful. Clean and naked, one had a very beautiful eye color, unusual green. As if in a dream I ask my husband why I gave birth to twins, since no one in my family gave birth to twins, and I ask him a question in a dream, so most likely you have twins in your family? Interested in maternal or paternal? But she didn’t hear the answer, she woke up. And even in a dream, the husband was so strange, he could not in any way check in happiness that he had become a father. Please help me to solve my dream, it is very important for me. In real life, we want Lyalka, but we can’t.


i gave birth to two twin boys in a dream, I breastfed them, I saw my milk, the dream was in real colors, and when I fed it was very ticklish


I dreamed that I had a twin. And this same twin is dating my ex-boyfriend. The three of us went for a walk (me, my ex-boyfriend and my twin) and during the walk the guy confuses us and we start kissing (i.e. he considers his girlfriend not my twin, but me)


I dreamed that I had twins in my arms, they are healthy and they sleep in a bag for children, one was in a beige bag, and a girl with pink stripes. I go outside with them and don’t know how to put them in the car, then I I put it down and get into the car, I say “With God” and go, but since I don’t know how to drive in my life, I do well in my sleep. I get to the house and stop at the gate, I go home and see the guy with whom I once talked and he meanly acted towards me, I kiss him on the lips and he was kind of waiting for me (in reality we parted with him very badly, he threatened me), next to him lies a little girl, like his sister, very capricious and she told me afraid and whining. Then my relatives, and another guy, but I don’t know him ... .. Then they give me a child, a little girl (she is 1-2) I take her in my arms, and they give me a newborn boy, I don’t I can hold them and give the girl to someone. I go outside to bathe him, I bathe him and I can’t get off some high tabletop, some guy whom I am helping me I don’t know, he doesn’t know how to help me, and together with the child he picks me up, then I have the feeling that the child has died, he just fell asleep. I go out into the street, we are going to go somewhere with my girlfriend (in life she she sees very badly, but in a dream she saw very well) she gets behind the wheel (behind my twins and they have already grown up), and we drive, but at the turn she rests on some kind of KAMAZ, but there are no scratches on the cars, that on KAMAZ, that on ours. We change, I myself get behind the wheel and drive out of there, then again the house, and I have this child in my arms. he raises his head with incomprehensible freckles on his face, and he somehow became noticeably frightened and very sad. And the guy who did bad things to me in real life went to my neighbors to find out something about me, and I’m very worried that he might find out what he doesn't need to know.


I dreamed of my classmate (but I don’t communicate with her). I dream that I meet her on the street. We walk and talk with her (but her name is different) ... After a while I meet Lera (my classmate), I am shocked because I see the same (in appearance) girls! After a while it starts to rain and we decide to go home. I start looking for my home and realize that I'm lost. and I don't have a phone


It was a dream that my husband and I had twins, if I'm not mistaken, then a boy and a girl. And all the time I was afraid not to pick up the children correctly, then I asked my brother's wife for help (they already have two children), and she told me what and how. I wanted to breastfeed them, at first I took them on the left, but my sister said that I needed on the right. Fed, the fear somehow disappeared. And then I look - the children grew up a little, and there were already black hairs on their heads. Something like this…


two twins or twins, they were identically dressed, they looked 10-11 months old. and I don’t know who they are in this dream, I remember that they pooped in pants and I changed them for them


I myself am pregnant, I had a dream that nearby a woman gave birth to two twin boys, I took one in my arms to hold and the child looked at me and smiled


I saw in a dream that my sister gave birth to twin girls, but she is not yet married, but she will have a wedding soon. What does it mean?


i had a dream that my classmate and I with whom we hardly communicate (we graduated from school 8 years ago) had children, she has a boy, I have two twin girls, sooo cute and pretty


In a dream, I saw my wife from the side with two children, children are not babies, the age of 2.5 - 5 years cannot be precisely determined, although I saw it clearly. The wife is dressed in dark clothes in a gloomy room, but not dark. children are also in dark clothes.


Hello! I dreamed of twins, a boy and a girl, lying on the sofa and smiling at me. I'm not married. I took the boy in my arms and he smiled at me. What did it come up with.


I dreamed of twin boys, still very small, as if they had just come from home, I can’t hide them from goosebumps wherever I put them goosebumps a lot of goosebumps


I saw many dreams. And all this worries me. I saw such a picture that at first we were with a friend (in life he is my friend and in a dream like a husband) we are looking for an apartment, we found it, we bought it, then I see myself on maternity leave from 3, I didn’t see my first daughter, but I knew that she was there, here I don’t remember the gender of the twins, and I remember that I was waiting for my husband from work.


I have no children. I dreamed that I was holding two newborn twin girls in my hands, then I was spoon-feeding and at the same time very happy. I am in my parents’ apartment, in my former room (I don’t live there now).


I have a dream since childhood to give birth to twins or twins, so I dream about them, then I dress them, then I play, then I simply admire


I’m Leah And today I dreamed of One Person, but x was not one in a dream, but two, and they changed in you in different clothes, maybe he played me like that, but we took off with one of them kissed and hugged Tell me how to deal with this and what to do with him in reality.


Hello! I dream that I am holding two twins or twins, I don’t remember exactly, somewhere around 8 months old, they were healthy and naked, and I call one bone


Please tell me the interpretation of my dream: I had a dream, I had a baby daughter and then I gave birth to another one and they looked very similar, the children were healthy, I didn’t dream of giving birth in a dream. Why such a dream?


I saw that I gave birth to two twin boys from a former common-law husband. But in a dream he was my husband. the kids were beautiful and for some reason in pink pants and white fishnet caps. they were newborns, but they knew how to crawl and hold their heads no less. I gave them the names mehmet and ahmed ... I don’t know why these names ... rejoiced at the children ... and for some reason we were at the same time with my mother in the house. my mother was also there, she played with them .. but one of them mehmet always crawled away from us. I put them next to me and the dream was interrupted.


2 bedroom apartment, never been there. Evening, the light is dimmed, I walk around the apartment. I know that my family is in it, my husband has children (in fact, I have no children yet, and I don’t want to yet). I went into the room, went to the bed, a teenager girl lies on it, the feeling is as if my daughter or a person close to me is not clear. I turn off the lamp in her room, which is on the bedside table by her bed. Then I opened the door to the bathroom, I looked, and the floor was lower in level, as if I had to go down a step. The thought comes that such a bath is big for my large family, I turn off the light. I go into the hall, the light is off, twilight. The husband lies on a folding sofa does not sleep. By the sofa there is a single bed parallel to the window, on it I lay two blond twin sons (in life I have light brown hair, my husband is brown), they are about 4.5 years old. I lie down next to them, cover them with a blanket, I feel a sense of care for them. I fall asleep ... AND WAKE UP into reality.


My husband had a dream, from Sat to Sun, he feels good after sleep !!! He just said that one was calm, not very nimble, and the second was the complete opposite and always helped and dragged the weaker one behind him.


New Year's Eve. I'm leaving my parents' house. I meet my old friend and we go together, it is absolutely clear where mentally, but not geographically. On the way we meet two twin girls, one of whom runs away, I catch up with her and she is mine. Then a change of personnel and we are all together in pairs, rejoice, probably celebrate, warm, clear, kind feelings prevail.


Hello. I dreamed about my girlfriend as if she had a twin sister .... I met the two of them and they knew it. At the end of the dream, I stayed with my real girl and not with her twin


I dreamed that my aunt was again pregnant with twins. And after some time she called and said that she had given birth. I was very happy in a dream.


I dreamed of Siamese twins, they had two heads and one body for two. The colors were dull and dark, the atmosphere was not pleasant. One of the twins looked unhappy and even seemed to be crying, but he seemed to be shining, unlike the second, who was like a corpse, his skin was covered with black hymatomas like a non-resident, and suddenly he opens his eyes and begins to tell the second in an eerie voice that he will listen to him, do everything that he orders and all this was accompanied by terrible chuckles, the speech was of an irresponsible person and crazy eyes, he continued to whisper everything of a similar kind, after which I woke up.


I dreamed that my girlfriend suddenly had a twin, well, that is, the girlfriend herself was surprised because she did not know that she had a twin. But before that, as if in a dream, I dreamed that I had two girlfriends in a dream and they were sitting on a swing talking.


I walk along the road and see a woman carrying a stroller with two twin boys about a year old. Then I saw a stroller in which 4 twins, 2 small and 2 girls


Hello! My common-law husband dreamed of two girls about five years old! They were like two drops of water! They sat on the floor and played! They were beautiful and funny! The hair was light and medium length. Why this dream?


I am pregnant and had a dream that I gave birth to two girls, but they are already three years old and chose their names, one knew what to call and the other I say don’t worry and you will have a beautiful name and hold her on my knees


I Veronica and my girlfriend Vіkoya buli played in the vitals and I wobbled the twin vіka vіka blіda vain marveled at us with an evil look


Today, from Wednesday to Thursday, I saw a favorable dream, supposedly I gave birth first to a girl, and after a while a boy. The girl was supposedly taken by her dad, and the boy went to me and I was very outraged why her dad took my girl from me, why write, thanks in advance.


I dreamed that I have a twin sister, there are a lot of people on some holiday, and I see that something is wrong with her, she sits and is somehow pale and starts to choke, I drag her from one corner of the room to another on a chair, I call people but they don’t give a damn, I don’t know who they are at all and my grandmother comes up and also some kind of something not from the world of everything, I tell her that she is suffocating, and she stands “what the hell” and, in short, my sister is dying on a chair, but it only worried me, I I’m worried, I’m holding her so that she doesn’t fall, I’m already screaming for someone to help, and everyone is dancing on a holiday


my name is angela, I was 21 years old, married at the age of 17, there was one miscarriage, after which children sometimes began to dream. today I dreamed of two beautiful babies, it was cute, but for some reason I hung out with one and the second I saw at the end of the dream, and I as if I took what it was from an orphanage, I think about them all day.


i dreamed that my 12 year old son suddenly had a double and he is also my son, but younger


In a dream, the wedding of unfamiliar twins, then I run somewhere I don’t know where and on the way I find the money, first 10000 and 2 thousand, they were just needed, then there are 5000 tons 1000, and then the sister-in-law pulled out 1000 and 200 from her hands, she somewhere disappeared and returned without hair, her hair fell out, then I woke up.


Tatyana! Hello! i had a dream in which there were 4 brothers aged 11-12 years old, they were twins. All four! They were well dressed, they were happy, my acquaintance in reality. who has one son, turned out to be their mother in a dream. I saw many rooms, 4 identical beds. What does it mean?


like a familiar couple and she has twins in her arms. I rejoice and say that my husband left me


Hello ... I had a dream where I see myself from the outside and my current boyfriend. In reality, we have been together for 2 years. And in reality, we often quarrel, he insults me, in general, there is nothing good ... although the first year was perfect. This digression may help interpret the dream. So: we are with him in a dream, as in life ... he yells at me, swears .... it’s dark .... then the picture changes and I enter another house, where the guy opens the door for me - a copy of my boyfriend ... .. I have a gift speech was gone .... and there is light ... he is cheerful, kind, the energy from him is amazing ... I didn’t know what to say .. this twin says that he loves me and that I stay with him. I tell him that I already have a boyfriend-copy of him ... only he is evil and I feel bad with him ... the twin smiled at me and says ... aaaaaa, is he? ... yes, we are twins .. only we are different and not I saw him for 10 years .... I know him, he says .... yes, he says, he is like that, so I don’t want to communicate with him. In the end, I made a choice and ended up with a good twin, and left the real guy. And when I woke up, I cried and really missed that guy from the dream ..


I dreamed of 2 beautiful twin girls, my daughter was born 5 months ago. And in a dream it appeared that I was deceived and allegedly I gave birth to 2 twins. Although in reality I have 1 child))) the dream was very beautiful warm, but at the same time I cried a lot in it.


i dreamed of Siamese twins, a boy and a girl, grown together, but these are not my children


Hello. Today I had a dream that has been in my head all day. In a dream, I gave birth to twins, boys. I remember very well that I gave birth to two. But I am soon told that one of them has died. The second healthy one was handed to me. Tell me what this dream is. I have a child, a girl of 6 months. Thanks a lot in advance.


Good day! I saw in a dream two pairs of twins - men and women. I remember my surprise, I can’t remember anything else.


i dreamed of a refugee in our house with 4 pairs of Siamese twins, everyone had black skin color


I met my beloved (he just arrived), he is studying in the military, we see each other once every half a year, and two sweetest twins, a boy and a girl (our children), are running around us, I feel such great joy, my beloved has a smile on his face, in a dream I was very happy


Write here your dream for interpretation ... My friend had twins or twins, but for the most part I corrected them


I saw myself pushing a stroller with twins. the season is summer, because I was adjusting the pillows in the stroller and noticed that one had a peeling back, I began to hide them from the sun. All this happened in my city, my yard. I saw myself in an apartment, only it looked more like a European standard , then I found myself again on the street only in another part of the city and for some reason we hurried home and waited for the tram (we don’t have trams) and three drove up from number 13.


i dreamed that I was milking the karova and saw myself naked, and at that time your son apologized and asked why I was changing clothes, I answered that I needed to milk the karova, he replied that his wife had already milked, I looked out into the yard and there the daughter-in-law was standing with about two twins 3 years old white-haired girls in white dresses and a bucket of milk on the floor and a joyful daughter-in-law with bright makeup, and my son was outraged at me, I made a remark to him


I dreamed about the birth of twins, a very beautiful boy and girl. But their father found out and left, saying that he loved another, he was very worried in a dream, why would it


I dreamed that they were taking me to a maternity hospital, where I was starting to give birth! I gave birth to 2 twin girls, but they turned out to be dead?! why could this dream be a dream ????


I dreamed that I had a twin sister. We were warned about the danger, but we went for a walk late at night, we wandered behind some building where there was a forest, there was another of our girlfriends. something frightened the three of us and we ran, I ran first, and my sister and my friend got away, but when I turned around I didn’t see them, but only heard my friend calling her looking for.


I dreamed of a son and that he had a twin brother. They are lying on the bed, they need to be put to bed and I am at a loss what to do? Previously, I myself coped with one, but now I need to call my daughter for help. Perplexity - where did the second son come from? But I know for sure that he is mine.


Hello! I dreamed of newborn twin quadruplets. They were in blue clothes, beautiful healthy, but very small, the size of a palm. Thanks in advance!


I myself do not have children until I am 18 years old, but in a dream I saw twins and breastfed them, if they gave them to me, if they were my children, I didn’t understand.


Hello! My name is Irina, I dreamed of three adult twins, they molested me, I screamed loudly and called for help, but then I got into a fight with them, I started to win and woke up.


i dreamed of a big two-story house and I climbed the stairs to the second floor and went into the children's room and there are three strollers in them, children are sitting for about 6-7 months in the bottom of the triplets, then the twins, I was looking for what I myself didn’t find, but downstairs on the first On the floor, my mother and my mother's sister were sitting at a large table, and I left, but the dream was very bright, somewhere in the morning I dreamed


I breastfeed a child (a twin girl) on the street in the evening on a bench in cold weather and constantly cover the girl with a blanket so that she does not freeze, her breasts are not full of milk, but she sucks, I worry that there is enough milk, and in the car in the back seat lies the second, my mother wraps her up. I woke up. (P.S. I have two daughters (not twins) and I breastfed a little, there was no milk)


Hello. I breastfed two girls with curly hair, blond. We smiled ....


i dreamed about how I take birth and twins are born, I bathed them


Hello, I don’t remember the whole dream specifically, but I was in something like a hotel, but it was like just a few rooms and one bathroom for everyone. I was sorting out my clothes and suddenly two people come in, but as it turned out, it was one person with two heads (Siamese twins) They looked very happy, two pretty blondes, nothing special except for a fused body. They talked to me, talked to each other, joked, laughed. Later, they went to the bathroom and sat there. I went in and began to just watch them, with a desire to ask what it was like.
That's all, thanks in advance



Hello, I dreamed that my adult twin sons (very close and loving in life) fought very hard with each other, while the younger one almost strangled the older one. I barely managed to tear his hand away from my brother's neck. What could this dream mean?


Hello, my name is Sergey.
I dream about how I wash myself naked in some kind of summer shower and then a beautiful, young girl comes in, followed by 4 more beautiful, identical twins, and that’s where the dream ended)


I dreamed that I had two younger cousins. One of them did not like me, and the other, on the contrary, loved me. Their hair was blond. Only one of them was like yellow, while the other was closer to white. Their father didn't like me either, so I had to hide from him. What does this dream mean?


boys twins + esheo odin malichik po starshe (vse svoi) grudnoe drink milk


hello today I dreamed that my seed went all the twins daughter 2 son 2 wife vaapshe 3, friends walked around the house, they also walked 2-3 people, what does this mean, please tell me, thanks.


I had a twin sister in a dream, although in fact I am alone in the family. In general, in a dream this sister was a strong toron and I was rather weak, she had more perfection, we ran on the water with her and sang songs, I took high notes and she low. In fact, I sing in a low voice, rarely when I have to hit high notes.


2 twin girls were born, as I understand it, they are my nieces, but I gave them names - Zoryana and Ulyana. then they grew very quickly and became very beautiful, I was very happy and kissed them.


I dreamed that I have a twin sister, although in reality she is not. That she was already married and I live in her house with her and her husband, her husband also has a twin, and they wanted me to be with him but I didn’t want that. In addition, in a dream, I met twin guys on a bicycle, one of which I liked, but we quarreled with him. After I decided not to bother my sister and her husband, I went for a walk about what she said and met that guy in the hall, he tried to please me, but I rejected him and went to work. At work, I had an emergency and not a very pleasant incident. Journalists came to ask me and my colleague about the store where we work. The girl who knew about the incident wanted to complain and the guy took her away. after when he returned there was a somewhat vulgar hint, to which I did not react. I woke up.


I dreamed of a young man to whom the soul lies. But he appeared in a dream with his twin. And, in fact, it doesn't exist. One of them was shopping for his girlfriend, and the other awkwardly asked about a meeting in a cafe.


i dreamed of 2 twin girls, but not mine, we walked, I carried them in my arms, it was raining ... I protected them from someone in a dream, they told me to take them away and hide them ... ..


I have a twin brother in the real world. And so, I have a dream about how
we are sitting talking, and then the 3rd twin suddenly comes in, that is, I looked at my 2 twins


Hello. The dream is something like this: I met my ex-wife and took her six-year-old twin daughters to live with her.


I dreamed that I gave birth to two twin boys. I didn't see the birth. In the large hall, many people greeted and congratulated me and my ex-husband (in a dream, children from him). I was happy and clapped my hands along with everyone.

Sasha Marukovich:

Well, I saw twins in a dream, their name was Tonya Tanya, and I said how can you be distinguished? they said one twin then that she would change her name, I don’t remember exactly what everything I remember


My mother dreamed that I made her daughter in a dream made her grandmother gave birth to her 4 twins and all the girls had a weight of 4-5 kg. then my mother saw her recently deceased grandmother, who came out of the bathhouse all steamed up and then sat on the bed with these girls, their eyes were big and beautiful


I dreamed of two guys, twins. one was brunette and the other blond. both took care of me


I dreamed that I had two twin children, I attached them to my sides and went to the garden to pick apples, but the apples were not ordinary, like a peeled pomegranate in appearance


How many times in a row do I dream of twins. They are usually angry and trying to hurt me, but not always. The first twins tried to kill me. Brothers. Disappeared right after everything around was falling apart. Second, sisters are twins. Girls with their own history who attacked me, but then they were divided in opinion. From one also emanated negativity and anger, but from the second one felt some kind of ... understanding or something .. she wanted to protect and the feeling arose with no clear reason. She protected from the second sister, but in such a way that she did not understand who was protecting. Third dream. I dreamed about my doppelgänger. I have never met my doppelgänger in my life. He was a little weird. She sat in the hall of our house. Someone in a white coat was treating her collarbone. The world in the dream was high-tech, highly developed. Treated with some kind of laser, from which the skin regenerated. She had a significant piece of her body and bone torn off, and she was absolutely unshakable. When she saw me, she looked at me intently. I came close, tilted my head to the side, she did almost at the same time as me. I left. Fourth dream. I see the twin of a girl who doesn't have a twin in her life. She looks at me with an ulcer and anger, the others are quite glad to see me and look at me. Can you interpret my schizoid dreams? It's important to me. Thanks in advance.


I gave birth to twin boys, but one was immediately taken away from me, I didn’t feel sorry for him, I calmly gave him away, but I took the second and went into the house to introduce the dog. The dog accepted him well and began to lick him to protect him. thanks for the answer


I saw my twin girls in a dream, supposedly I gave birth to them, but I don’t remember how. In reality, I don't have them.


Hello! I dreamed about my mother-in-law. stands on the porch of her house and in front of her are two twin women, swarthy and terribly ugly. They scolded my mother, shouted, threatened. They are like the protectors of my mother-in-law. I have never seen them, never heard of their existence. Later, turning to my mother-in-law, I hissed like a snake with the words Die! Die! And before that, I was inside the house and blood flowed profusely from me (menstruation, I'm sorry) The sister-in-law tried to wipe the floor after me, but I did not allow it, being ashamed. I was going to do it myself but didn't. I have not lived with my husband for a year because of my mother-in-law, and I have not seen my mother-in-law for the same amount. For the first time in a year I am going to send my son to them. The dream was on Friday morning.

[email protected]:

My girlfriend dreamed, and with her her 2 sisters are the same exactly the same


Little twins came to me and said that my children gave their first and middle names


Hello! how are you doing? I saw little newborn babies in a dream! In a dream, she gave birth to boys from a loved one! In reality, the person I like and for whom I have tender feelings, we communicate with him but do not meet! I would like to know why such a dream


Hello, Tatyana! In a dream I was looking for twin girls, what is it for?


i dreamed of my twin brother, he is now alive, but I dreamed that he died from a minor wound on his arm


I dreamed about my dead dad, he was alive but in a very serious condition and was dying, and at the moment when he died, something seemed to hold me and not let go of him, and at the same moment his suit on the hanger staggered as if with the wind, when my dad's soul left .... tell me what that could mean...


Hello. I don’t remember the whole dream, but I clearly saw mothers with children (children 2-3 years old) standing, and two or three mothers standing with twins. Calmly holding mothers hands


Good morning, I dreamed at first that I was pregnant, and then a few minutes later that I already had twins or twins, I did not understand this. I want to know what is it for?

Svetlana Stepanovna:

I can’t do it in great detail. It’s like one of my own children. It’s not a daughter. It’s not a daughter-in-law. It’s not clear that they gave birth to two twin girls. care for them Swaddle.Change diapers. Very pretty. In life, in our relatives, some close relatives had twins. This fact is present. It was a very exciting dream.




the twins were the size of the palm of my hand, and I held them in my hands, but they are not mine. several girls gave birth and all had twins.


Hello! I dreamed of little twins and then their mother began to feed!

[email protected]:

I have a daughter 2 years ago, I often dream about how I dream that she pooped, just like that, for two days, no more pennies come to the card
Alya recently had a dream that she was living far away looking at me, and I woke up looking like something rotten.
The other day, I dreamed that she was in a vase with me in the kitchen, and here it seems that the girl herself is an exact copy in such a vase and I start playing with her, I believe that my daughter is only її long-term nebula with me, but at the same time I marvel at my i sorry for me її i miss .... and everything ...
1-2 days ago, I dreamed that my three children were in the same place, a dream in the fog, I was going to sleep and at one moment I was already with my child on the balcony, and then the shepherd’s troch of evil appeared, my daughter got drunk, I’ll show you that I’m not afraid of the van, I’m sitting on the balcony with a small and one hand stroking that sheep’s head and eyes in it, you know, and I’m definitely impressed that it’s not brown, it’s brown and baggy…………..but we go for walks and show a child to someone else’s house and it’s like mom is there a few days in a row


it was a young woman with a daughter of 8-10 years old. Take pictures in the group of other children of the same age: a boy and a girl of oriental appearance, twin negro girls with long hair braided in many braids and two or three more children (I don’t remember the appearance). All the children and the woman are beautiful, beautifully dressed, cheerful, dancing and laughing. They arranged funny music contests in the foyer of our department with prizes (toys, trinkets, souvenirs). I participated in a dance competition. After the performance, I talked to a woman surrounded by children, she said that they give performances and was interested in where in our city it was still possible to go for this purpose. She said that they travel by car, and the boy named the city in which they live, but I don’t remember the name (something eastern), while the eastern-looking girl asked him not to talk about it. I got the impression that a woman liked me and the children liked me, they surrounded me and everyone tried to communicate with me, but under the control of a woman. The dream is colorful and bright. When they suddenly disappeared, I discovered that they forgot the e-mail prize box: [email protected]


I dreamed that I had a twin sister and she wanted to kill me. The dream was rather scary. Because she was waiting for me everywhere, hiding, watching me, getting lost and appearing somehow mystically. I was terribly afraid of her and hid from her, I didn’t go alone because of the fear of meeting her.


I saw 5 baby boys, they all look alike, but these are not my children or relatives. The 5th baby was smaller than the rest and had a problem with his belly button. was very tight. I said that he was apparently the last born


i dreamed that I was expecting twins of a boy and a girl. I am against and don’t want to give birth to them for several reasons. But I have two boys, one large and the other small, I give a name to a large one and already love him, but there is no small one somewhere and I don’t even I remember him


saw in a dream as if she had given birth to twin children, she breastfed one and put both to sleep on
kissed one of the children on the cheek and was happy


somewhere at a party they give me 4 twins wrapped in pink diapers, I can’t hold them, but I try, I dropped one, but the child was not hurt, I quickly picked it up


Hello! I often dreamed that I was having children. 2 times I dreamed that I gave birth to triplets. the first time she dreamed that she gave birth to three boys, the second time she gave birth to 2 boys and a girl. Once I dreamed that I gave birth to a son, he had long blond hair. I often see children in my dreams, probably because I don’t have them in real life. And today I saw in a dream two twin girls, but they were not my children


came to the gynecologist and he told me that you are having twins but you need to save them twin one girl looks like my boyfriend and the other looks like the former ... to save the children you need to go to save


many twin children. The holiday and friends came with twin children, and we also have two girls - twins, and it’s very easy for me with them, although I only have a son.

Why dream of giving birth to a kitten in a dream

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I dreamed of Pregnancy with twins, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Pregnancy with twins in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins. In a dream, my husband was happy kissing his stomach, but in a dream I was unhappy and wanted to have an abortion, I went to the clinic and signed up for an abortion, walking home I saw my friends who were walking with children and were very happy , put her hand on her stomach and stopped, later I woke up, what could this mean?

    I had a dream about a pregnant classmate. I haven’t talked to her for 6 years already, we don’t even intersect in any way. I dreamed that I was visiting her, my belly is huge ... I say, oh .. we decided to give birth to a second one (she and her husband already have one son,) and she told me - the second and third at once ... we have twins - a boy and a girl ... such a dream)

    I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, I know about it, but there is no stomach. I am standing in the maternity hospital, in front of me are women in labor with huge bellies, and one unassembled bed. I call my husband and ask him to bring my things and make a bed for me so that I can lie like everyone else. Then the husband, his mother and the doctor come in. His mother strokes my flat stomach and says: we have twins here and smiles. And the doctor says: what triplets! She would have to endure these two (although before that there was no talk of triplets). And the dream ends with what I think: twins are great, I will give birth and they will give me maternity capital, we will close all our loans and we will live well.

    I had a dream that I was pregnant with a boy and a girl, I feel them in my stomach, they lie with their heads down, as it should be against each other, I’m scared that I’m pregnant and I don’t know how I will raise them alone and what to do with children.

    it’s like I’m going to my house, but the house is the one that was in my childhood and two kids are sitting on the sofa in the room, twins or twins, I don’t know, but they are very similar, and I don’t know who exactly the girls or boys are .. and as if I know what it is my children, and all relatives, including my late father, say that they are raising them and they won’t give them back to me, that supposedly someone there wrote a refusal from them for me and now they are guardians .. I cry and say that this is all not true and I I will pick them up and understand that there is one boy and one girl, but when I take them in my arms, he is already older by age and these are two girls in panama hats and pink suits .. and for some reason I can’t remember where I have been all this time, why not I remember how I gave birth to them ... but at the end of the dream, I pick up the children all crying and leave the house, carry them in my arms, look at them and say that I won’t give them to anyone, but they are so pretty on their faces, very very ...

    Hello. Earlier I had dreams that I was pregnant. And I dreamed that another woman was carrying my child, and I was just taking this child away from her, because. this is only my child. But in all the dreams, the stomach was small, in the early stages. Today I had a dream that I was pregnant like this: I had sexual intercourse with a loved one as if for a long time and now it’s been about 7 or 8 months. I feel this child in my stomach, I stroked it. But then it was as if another sexual intercourse with him had passed and I got pregnant again, that is, a second, smaller one appeared next to my first baby. And when I looked at my stomach, it was clear that one was big, and next to it a smaller .

    I took the documents and went somewhere, it was sunny, I didn’t have a big tummy, I knew that I was expecting a baby. Then I go to the hospital, they do an ultrasound for me and tell me that there will be a girl and a boy, then I dreamed about my ex and his girlfriend.

    I dreamed that I was pregnant, I have a big belly, And the doctor told me that I was pregnant with twins, said that there was a boy here, and on the other side a girl. I really touched my stomach and felt how the kids move. It was a very real dream. I was very pleased to feel their movements. I was very surprised that I have twins and I am glad that the children are of different sexes

    i dreamed that I went to an ultrasound and they told me that I had twins (a boy and a girl), my husband even in a dream came up with a name for my son, the interpretation of sleep is important for me because I can’t get pregnant ... I really want a baby

    I dreamed that I was pregnant .. but then they told me and my husband that we had twins, my friend was with us, who was also told that she had twins. I knew her in a dream, but now I don’t remember. She still photographed me pregnant with my husband. Only I wasn't married. I'm 21

    I am pregnant, I dreamed that the ultrasound showed twins. I also dreamed of the Ob River, it was several times narrower and I easily swam across it (surprised by this, I swim poorly), I swam a lot. It was evening.

    I had a dream the day before yesterday in which I walk with pregnant twins and my water breaks. as soon as the inputs leave, I see a friend who is also pregnant. Moreover, the dream was very realistic. And last night I had a dream in which my brother's pregnant wife, although they cannot have a child.

    This is my second dream of being pregnant with twins. And in every dream, my real age, 15 years old. In a dream, my stomach appears just like that, out of nowhere .. The children have no father. I don’t see the pregnancy itself, I see how two boys are born to me .. and one is older than the other.

    Hello! i dreamed that I found out that I was in a position, and I saw on the screen and the doctor who looked at me showed me - two actively running spermatozoa. And I knew that I was pregnant from my ex-husband, who often had twins in his family. Thoughts came to mind about leaving or not, most likely an abortion! since in reality I don’t want to have anything more in common with him, we already have one common daughter. and an older man flashes on the horizon, who is married, but promises to divorce soon (no relationship with his wife)

    I dreamed that the doctor showed me a picture of an ultrasound, in which a two-egg pregnancy. I seem to be happy about this, but I remember that I was pregnant from a bad person and I'm afraid of bad heredity. so I can not decide on childbirth. but another man wants to marry me, and I don't want to burden him with other people's children

    I dream that I am pregnant with a boy (in my life I have a son of 6 years old), then as if he was already born (there was no process), and I am pregnant again, this time with twins, and they tell me that it is a boy and a girl, a dream in white colors, all this time I’m standing and my son is nearby, I’m happy, and I’m completely sure that everything is fine)) thoughts about the child’s father are strange - it’s as if I don’t care who he is. In my life I am not married, I have no man.

    i was pregnant with twins, a boy, i gave birth that i didn’t notice at all, that is, there wasn’t even a process, just op and appeared, and the girl only called everyone three days later, she wanted to support me, but no one came to me.

    and yesterday I had a dream that I wanted to go to college, but they told me there to pay grandma 20 thousand and get down, I left and suddenly find myself in some kind of cemetery, on some kind of beautiful and expensive grave, but there was more than one person buried and there was a woman so I don’t know her but in a dream she knew she asked she was very rich she asked her for money but she said that she wouldn’t give it, she thought if she didn’t, then no one would give it and she woke up crying because she was crying and in reality ..

    I was pregnant with twins in a dream, I found out about it on the same day and could not walk for a long time, my lower back was very sore. and my husband drank, and I promised that I would have an abortion, although I really didn’t want to do this

    I dreamed that I went to the gynecologist. The ultrasound showed two twins, but both children were wrapped around the umbilical cord several times. I was offered an abortion. I was shocked. I told my boyfriend ... he replied that I had to go for an abortion, anyway they would die inside me. I cried for a long time. But I didn't dare to sign up for an abortion.

    I dreamed that I was in the last week of pregnancy and labor began. I gave birth to a child, like a girl, everything is fine, the doctor left, I'm resting, it's night. I can feel the baby's movements very well. like this

    Hello! I dreamed that I was on an ultrasound, they told me that I would have twins. I cry with joy, I ask, do the fetuses have heartbeats? They tell me to calm down! My husband is right there, but I don’t remember any of his reactions ... My mom and dad were also present, they seemed to be on their own, they didn’t say anything to me, they didn’t look at me .... I was in some kind of bright then whether a bathrobe, then
    whether the dress, yellow and green prevailed ...

    I dreamed that I didn’t even have a tummy yet, but I already know for sure that there are twins there. And people I know brought me a purple stroller for one child. My husband was happy with the pregnancy.

    Hello, I’m dreaming as if my common-law husband and I came for an ultrasound scan, a doctor’s office, a bed .. everything is as it should be. I lie down, he is next to me, we were going to find out supposedly the sex of the child, and we are told that we will have twins and both girls. That's very interesting, what is it for?

    I recently had an abortion for a month, but that night I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins and I went to the doctors and they were all shocked that I was pregnant, it seemed that they were doing an abortion,
    this is the dream i saw

    Good day! I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. Very strongly pushed in the stomach. It's like your stomach is about to burst. Everyone was happy that they were twins, but in the end they gave birth to one. There was no second one. Although both doctors and ultrasound said twins, and felt two

    hello! I had a dream that I came to the hospital for an abortion, and the uzist said that I had twins and I did not dare to have an abortion.
    I had a baby a month ago and my husband and I really dream of a 3rd child, but a little later. Maybe this is somehow interconnected?

    i dreamed that I take a glass, collect urine in it, take a pregnancy test, dip it there, hold it for a few seconds and then it appears, and there are 4 strips, I wonder why so? what does it mean? And then someone tells me that this means that there will be twins. And I begin to rejoice that as many as tears from my eyes, this happiness overwhelms me. And I think how great it is! I so wanted a child, and now there are two at once.

    I dreamed that I was in a position, the dream was not colored. It all started with cell division, two fetuses (in my tummy). Then the tummy grew, the fruits developed successfully, the doctors told me that I had a girl and a boy. I didn’t see the birth, but there were thoughts about a cesarean section .... They put two babies on both hands and the dream ended. But I still feel that unforgettable happiness.

    I dreamed that I was pregnant, I had twins in my tummy, since my stomach was big and the children stuck out their heels and arms there, and they were clearly visible. I really wanted everything to be fine with the kids. My husband was very happy about this. And my first daughter, too.

    i dreamed that I came for the first ultrasound to determine the sex of the child, and when I lay down on the couch, the child began to kick and I clearly saw the trace of the child on my stomach, and when they started to do the ultrasound, I saw my children as if they were lying on the table, the girl lifts her legs while the boy lies sucking clubs

    I started to dream of snakes, I killed one and two ran away, and then I met people and it turned out to be those snakes, I asked them for forgiveness, and one touched my stomach and said that I had twins and then I gave birth

    Hello, last night I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins and in a dream I felt them kicking, and as if I stroked my stomach with my hands and felt that one had a head on the left side of the abdomen, the other on the right, and the kicking was so real, I woke up and I was sorry to lose this feeling.

    I was in the apartment in which my family and I used to live, namely in my children's room, only already grown up and married, what I am at the moment, my mother was with me, we talked and I saw my stomach, I realized that I was pregnant, but the term was short, and the belly was big and it grew right before our eyes, and I seemed to know that I had twins, then my husband appeared and I started discussing with him what to do? how to be? because we already have a child, now two more will be born, that we need a big apartment, etc.

    i dreamed that she came for a friend to do an ultrasound, but she didn’t come and they did an ultrasound for me, it turned out that I was pregnant with two twin girls, in a dream I admired how pretty they were, but then there was swept away and anxiety, because at the moment i had my period

    I dreamed that a child was kicking me very hard in the stomach. So the skin is stretched. I looked at the stomach to see if parts of the baby's body were sticking out, but I saw 4 protruding legs and 4 arms. And it became clear that there were twins in the stomach

    I dreamed that my stomach quickly appeared and I began to give birth! from the beginning, one then another, my common-law husband kept them (as if he were giving birth)! then they brought me to the hospital and said that there would be another third ...

    I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl (although in reality I am not married). A girl is born to me, beautiful, I am full of joy, I press her to my chest, feed her, sing a lullaby, in general, I am very happy. I tell the doctors, where is the boy, because I was supposed to have twins! They say wait another 10 minutes. I tell them what 10 minutes? Isn't it dangerous for a child? They said no. I remember very well that the girl was very beautiful and I was glad that she was born to me, I was very happy. What does this mean?

    I had a dream about sex with a former young man, for whom I have ambiguous feelings. We broke up six months ago. He has another girlfriend, I have my own relationship, but sometimes we cross paths, we have remained good friends. After this casual sex, I dreamed that I was pregnant from him, later with twins.

    I dreamed at the beginning of sex with a former lover, we broke up and remain friends, but everyone has their own life. Then a pregnancy with twins was discovered in a dream, which we were both happy about, but I had doubts in a dream.

    i dreamed as if I was sitting in an apartment that my mother recently bought in another country, we are sitting in the kitchen. she asks me how much to buy panties for children, she says two pieces. that my child is not alive, as if she died due to poor health, something related to a cough. And I tell her as if she had gone somewhere, and did not die. That I myself don’t believe it. .from this I woke up. Moreover, according to the description of the location of the kitchen in my mother’s dream in the new apartment, the location of this kitchen coincided. At the same time, in a dream I saw myself pregnant. Help me decipher it, I’m very afraid. Because last year I had a dream that my daughter is 5 years old and we are standing in the cemetery in black bandages. but at the same time I don’t see who was buried, we just go there. now my child is 5 years old, in April 2015 it will be 6 years old. it’s so scary. now I’m pregnant with my second child in January already give birth to.

    I am 46 years old, divorced. Today I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins (a boy and a girl). I got pregnant as if from my first love, although we never really had an intimate relationship with him. I was very happy about this pregnancy in a dream, I was at my present age, but beautiful, slim and looked younger. I remember exactly that in my dream I was also 46 years old - I thought that women also gave birth at that age in ancient times ...

    I’m lying on the couch and I see that I’m in a position with a fairly large belly and he’s moving like a baby. I again remember these feelings that I once experienced. what is happening in my life? I grope my stomach and feel that I have two fetuses. I talk to myself again - twins again! oh my god I will have 4 children! they move these babies in my stomach but I have anxiety and fear on my face. God how will I raise these children. I woke up.
    in real life I'm divorced - I have 2 boys - twins of 8 years old. I don't live with anyone.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was somewhere in lectures with my classmates and that at that time I was pregnant with twins. I was very worried, I thought about whether to have an abortion or not, the period was 5 weeks, I decided to leave.

    I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, and to confirm this, I allegedly signed up for a second ultrasound. me and my husband went for an ultrasound. they confirmed on the ultrasound that I was really expecting twins, I had been pregnant for a month. in real life, I had two miscarriages in December 2010 and December 2013.

    I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. in a dream, I signed up for a second ultrasound to make sure that this is so. I went with my husband to the ultrasound. Ultrasound confirmed that I was pregnant with twins gestational age month. I actually had two miscarriages.

    I'm pregnant, the action takes place in a large ward. The ultrasound showed twins. The doctor asks the man why there is a very small stomach. Mom has prepared a lot of money to pay the doctor. He delivered me and everything.

    I’m 67 years old and I saw myself pregnant in a dream, I know that it’s twins sitting next to my husband, he’s 74 years old, I tell the doctor about this and ask how it can be because menstruation has long been gone and she says and you live a sexual life, I say yes sometimes there is intimacy and she tells me remember Sarah and woke up on this

    Good afternoon, married, no children yet, went to sleep on another bed from her husband without offense and dreamed that I was pregnant with a tummy and ultrasound and the doctor said that there was more than one child, but did not specify what exactly two. dream. sometimes there are long dreams with a beginning and end) and here it’s just a fragment, but nice)

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that I got into a student's school where I live if I'm on the navchani. I started to tile about it. Over the course of the year, I had twin girls. Colors were warm and cold. Mom bula pro
    vagity. What does it mean?

    Today I dreamed that at first there were no months and my boyfriend took me to the gynecologist, he examined me and after I got dressed and asked, well, what did he say to me, congratulations, you will have my beloved person very happy and kissed my stomach talked to him

    I saw that a psychic told me in a dream that I was pregnant with twins and that there would be girls, there was also a woman next to me, and she was also pregnant, in the present I am 27 weeks pregnant

    few details
    I put my hand on my stomach and felt a slight movement, then stronger and more voluminous, the fetus was recognized ... although the stomach was of the usual size ...
    I shared this news with someone..
    “Someone put his hand on my stomach and so did I, but right away we felt that two children were tossing and turning there, they were located on both sides of the stomach - on the right and on the left .. and were very actively tossing and turning ..

    i dreamed that my parents went to the seaside and a few days later my mother returned and it turned out that she was pregnant with twins, and I kept wondering how this could be, because after the operation she could not have children. We walked with her and my child on street and everyone thought about how to tell dad about it, but they didn’t come up with anything.

    I dreamed about how I got pregnant, as a result, I had 2 children, a boy and a girl, a big boy, a little girl, I kind of watched my own birth. In the course of sleep, for some reason, I dropped the children, but as if I had time to hold them.

    i dreamed that I was pregnant with one child and it was already a long term, and when the doctors did an ultrasound about a month before the birth and it turned out that there were three children, of which either two or three girls and two children were very weak and might not survive, after which I went to call the father of the children with whom we broke up through a friend of his. since he didn’t have a phone and asked me to tell him that there will be three children and two weak ones that I’m scared for them and for my future life, how will I raise these children alone if there are two already and without a dad it’s scary that I can’t cope with 5, to which she said that he drank and was sleeping. such a strange dream

    To dream that I came for an ultrasound scan, they examined me and said that I was pregnant and I would have twins. At the same time, during the examination, I saw how interesting my stomach was (?) And I saw two non-native organs, realizing for some reason that this is my twins ...

    The dream was like this, I felt bad, I don’t know what happened, but I ended up in the hospital. They put me under a dropper and it was not successfully put, the needles fell out of the veins all the time, and then I look at my stomach, but there is no stomach like a pregnant woman! And four legs stand out there, and for some reason I decided in a dream and was sure that they were boys, but I didn’t give birth to them.

    i dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, but I want to have an abortion, although there is a reliable life partner (in a dream). I was overcome by fears about the fact that there are unresolved problems, and that I won’t be able to raise children, that it’s not time yet.

    I had a dream that I (I'm 26) and my aunt who was 53 pregnant, and my tummy glows one half is red the other is blue on some new device and they told me that I have twins although my stomach is not visible and the period is still short

    Hello, Tatyana. My name is Nadezhda. On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins and was in some building where there were still pregnant women (but this is not a hospital). Although the care of everyone was good, there was no negative feeling in the dream. The children moved, I felt their pushing with my legs.

    Hello. On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins (I was told about this in a dream). I was in some building where there were several other pregnant women. It wasn't a hospital, but we were well taken care of. I felt the movements of children clearly and distinctly. There was no negativity in the dream.

    I had this dream from the 13th to the 14th of April. and the most interesting thing is that even in the winter it seemed to my husband that I was already pregnant 2 times and to my girlfriend that I gave birth to a girl But in real life we ​​don’t even try and don’t try and I’m hardly pregnant .. for the sake of interest I took a test but it was negative. I dreamed that I she came to the gynecologist and she tells me that I have twins and that both boys then in a dream I go to my grandmother and tell her about this time of year it was autumn in my opinion .. and then I tell my mother that my sister thought she overtook me and I overtook her )) and laughed ...

    We are newly married, so we don't have any children yet. The dream was such that we already have two children, but I don’t see them in a dream. And I was pregnant with twins, and I thought in a dream - it was good if they were born of different sexes)) the dream is warm, pleasant, even happy, I told my husband that we would have twins. When we woke up, it felt like we were really going to have twins. That's all I remember about this dream. I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, to be more precise from April 18 to April 19, 2015.

    i dreamed that I see and stroke my pregnant belly and I feel at hand how two heads are moving - two children, and next to me is my mother, I let her feel how they move and dad is nearby (he really is gone). Sleep takes place in a calm, warm environment

    i dreamed that I was pregnant with twins from my daughter’s father, I see my stomach as if from two halves, in each of which the contours of the child are visible, my mother is nearby, I tell her about it, I immediately see the image of my daughter’s father and say to my mother that I was pregnant again by him, but he is married (actually married) and I tell my mother that I will have an abortion, because he will not be with me anyway. What does this mean? and I also had this dream today, on the night of May 8-9, 5 years ago, on the night of May 8-9, our daughter was conceived with him

    Dream: I’m walking on the street for years, the sun is shining so warmly, I’m happy, I already have 3 children and I’m still pregnant with twin girls. I’m talking on the phone with my grandmother (now she is dead but she was alive in a dream), she asks what do I need? I answer nothing, just need to think about where to buy a stroller.

    I can’t describe exactly, the room looked like a clinic, but at the same time it looked like a store, more precisely, like at the checkout in a store, everything is clean, and I have bags and packages in my hands, and something like an ultrasound scan, and I tell my husband that I was told that we will have twins, a boy and a girl

    I dreamed that I turned out to be pregnant with twins, with one of the children being a girl, but they didn’t see the sex of the second child, I was happy and told everyone that I had two children in my stomach and told my husband, and in a dream we seemed to have talked in advance about the possibility of getting pregnant with twins , and as a result, we are together and said that it turned out as we thought.

    I am in kindergarten and the former teacher of my daughter says: “Do you remember doing an ultrasound”, I answer that I remember. She told me: “You will have twins, look,” and shows an ultrasound scan where two embryos are clearly visible.

    I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. I am at such a long time. I don’t know the gender of the children, and I also don’t know the person from whom these children are born, as if I would be raising them alone. I also dreamed of a friend whom I had not seen for a very long time

    I saw that I had a big tummy and felt movement in it. The feeling of the movement of the baby in the stomach was mega realistic. And then I found out that I was pregnant with twins. And I remember that in my family there was actually a case of pregnancy with twins. Of course, I began to share such good news with my loved ones.

    i dreamed that I was pregnant and I was glad about it .... I came and told my mother ... then a man from whom I was pregnant came to visit ... we talked, everyone smiled .... and then in an instant I realized that he was married ... everything ...

    On the night from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that I was pregnant with twins. Soon one child was born (I don’t remember the gender). There was no second. I was going to do an ultrasound to make sure that I really should have twins. Didn't have time to wake up.
    I am forty years old, married, two children., not pregnant.

    I had a dream that I was giving birth and a woman was also born a boy and a girl.
    Then two bulls dreamed, then a large material, a blue hooded color. And then a child on a bed and a child in the mud

    i dreamed it was like my friend, I didn’t see her face and she was pregnant with twins with a cute tummy, I asked her to touch and felt 2 babies inside! in fact, my mother has already gone through the path of pregnancy and in a dream it was so pleasant for me to feel these cute creatures inside! why all this?

    i dreamed that I was lying on the couch, my lower abdomen hurts a lot, I cry, then a bright light enters the room, my good friend sits down next to her, puts her hand on my stomach, I feel warm, the pain goes away and she looks at me, smiles and says that I am pregnant with twins and that everything will be good

    Hello! Today I had a dream that I was pregnant and I had a big tummy. When I went for an ultrasound, the doctor said that it was like twins, she couldn’t see it. And she began to press hard on her stomach. Then I left the hospital all over the swamp from which it was difficult for me to get out, I hardly got out, I came home and met my cousins. and with that I woke up. Help me! What does this mean?

    i dreamed that I was pregnant with twins, one of the fetus is exactly the boy whom I really want, but I didn’t know what to do because I already have two daughters. and there are two more and they don’t have their own home, I didn’t know what to do at all

    In a dream, I was pregnant, I saw and felt my stomach, I felt pulling pains in the lower abdomen, I walked along the road to the hospital, it hurt me to walk, my stomach hurt, I stopped, held my stomach, moaned and walked on, and then I already saw how I gave birth to twins (boys). And my husband saw the kids, of course he wanted a girl, and then there were boys and two.

    Today I had a dream with a series of very different events, but what I remember most is that my mother was carrying my children. I knew that it was twins, because then I saw them, a boy and a girl, who were running. Time seemed to be constantly changing, past-present-future, no pregnancy-there are children. And I tell my mother, you understand that I don’t feel these children are mine, I’m already afraid of becoming a mother, but it turns out that these are not my children and I have no connection with them.

    I got pregnant by a guy with whom I lost my virginity. and he did not want to accept me. said that I only dream about him. and I really wanted to be with him. and even in reality I want it. but nothing works.

    i dreamed of my classmate who gave birth to a daughter not long ago, but in this dream she gave birth to two girls. they were left in the hospital under observation, and when asked “what they were called”, she answered that it wasn’t like that. In the same dream, I also saw myself in a position and already with a big belly, knowing that I was carrying two girls, I felt them moving very clearly, I saw how they rest on their legs, heads, etc.
    dreamed of a man, a stranger. I tried to feed him, but in the refrigerator there were several pots with missing food, which I later threw away. I also dreamed that I put on high-heeled sandals, but I couldn’t even stand in them because the heels were breaking.

    Good day. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. I see myself pregnant with boys. I feel how they move in me, I see pens appearing on my stomach. Beside me is my beloved, he is like their father. In reality, everything is difficult for us to shoot.
    Everything goes to the breakdown of relations. We don't talk for a day.

    Hello! I dream that my twin sister says that I am pregnant with twin girls and on maternity leave I leave in the month of May 2016. I had a dream from December 16 to 17. We have been planning a pregnancy for 4 years

    i dreamed that I got pregnant from another man (I’m married, but I don’t see my husband in a dream), they said that they were twins and boys, but not identical and fraternal, that is, twins, not twins. I don’t want to give birth to them in the future, I want to have an abortion, why do I need 5 children, I already have 3. They tell me not to have an abortion is a sin. Woke up

Among the unusual dreams, dreams of twin pregnancy can be singled out separately. They are very rare and unusual. Let's see what they can predict. So, why dream of pregnancy and childbirth of twins?

I dreamed that you were pregnant with twins

The general interpretation of sleep is favorable: dream books say that the dreamer will be lucky, and it will come in the near future. What is the dream of pregnancy with twin girls? You will receive some extremely good message. Whatever area of ​​life it belongs to:

  • to work;
  • to the family;
  • to hobbies;
  • to financial position,
  • it will certainly be positive.

With boys, everything is simpler: if a woman “knows” in a dream that 2 heirs are to be born to her, this means that luck will mainly affect the sphere of finance.

Why dream of pregnancy and childbirth of twins for a young girl who has not yet married and is not going to get married yet? The picture is somewhat less rosy: perhaps disappointments await her. However, they should not be taken as a tragedy, but as a life lesson from which you can benefit for the future.

Is it possible to argue that a woman dreams of twins for pregnancy? It is not always so. Other interpretations are also possible:

  • Receiving a profit;
  • material gift;
  • chores and problems (for unmarried);
  • an opportunity to get rich (for example, a new job).

Did a man dream that he was lying next to a woman who was expecting twins? So, both morally and financially, he is ready to become a father.

Signs and dreams for twin pregnancy

Sometimes fate gives signs to a woman that she will soon become a "mother in a square." Only these signs often go unnoticed in the whirlwind of everyday affairs and worries.

Remember if you recently came across an egg with two yolks? Or maybe by mistake the seller put 2 belts instead of one when you bought a new dress?

Sometimes fate sends its signals in a dream. Usually these are dreams similar to those that portend a “single” pregnancy, only in them the expectant mother sees everything in double quantity. For example, she admires 2 identical fish, swims with two dolphins. Gathering mushrooms in a clearing, he finds a pair of whites standing next to each other. He holds 2 oranges or 2 apples in his hands. Some dream that they are buying paired items in the store:

  • mitts;
  • mittens;
  • shoes.

If a woman is already “in position”, but the period is still short, she herself can feel that she will give birth to two children - even before the first ultrasound. Such future mothers see prophetic dreams - in them fate "acts directly": a woman feels two babies in her womb or gives birth to two.

Carrying two children is not easy. But women are most often happy to hear about a pair of heirs at once. Children grow up together much more interesting, besides, they will support each other for life. If your dream about twins turned out to be prophetic, you will find twice as much joy, children's laughter and fun hype in the coming years. Double happiness - now and double support - in the years when you approach old age, and the children enter the age of maturity.