Why dream of cherry blossoms. Dream interpretation of a flowering sakura tree in a dream. Sleep Prediction Tree

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    blooming sakura in dream blooming sakura.dreamed dry or broken sakura in dream- troubles within the family; experience bitter disappointment; end of current relationship. If a sakura in dream was broken or dry, which means that numerous problems await you in reality.

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Sakura- If you dreamed blooming sakura dreamed what you cut down sakura had a dream flower sakura If a dreaming in dream Sakura on Monday Why dreaming Sakura in Tuesday If a dreaming dream about Sakura on Wednesday If a dreaming Sakura on Thursday.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Bloom, but the right interpretation sleep dreaming Bloom in dream in dream saw this symbol. The slab is not wide and a garden appears on my way with blooming trees sakura(but in dream the priest told me that this lilac), although the trees were sakura.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonniktolkovatel"

    dreamed blooming sakura in dream- happiness and well-being; achieve popularity due to your openness and disinterestedness; experience mutual passionate love. blooming sakura in dream- a sign in all respects is very favorable. Happiness and tranquility for family people portends blooming sakura.

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  • Dream interpretation "sad-doma"

    In this article, you will learn about the meaning blooming trees in dream according to various dream books. Why dreaming blooming trees? Dreams are an amazing phenomenon that carries the information we need. They can predict events occurring in the future; suggest what psychological problems lie deep in our subconscious. Despite the fact that we encounter this phenomenon every day, it still remains an absolute mystery.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-one"

    By topic How to interpret dreams How to call dream When and what dreams dreaming All about dreams How to improve your dream What do our dreams Female horoscope. If you dreamed blooming sakura- then you will find the fulfillment of a cherished desire. if you dreamed what you cut down sakura- then you will experience a strong shock from unpleasant news from afar. if you had a dream flower sakura- this means for you wealth and abundance, luck in everything.

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  • Dream Interpretation "bolshoyvopros"

    See in dream blooming sakura- either to quick mutual love, or to quick passion on the part of someone who can try to satisfy her, not in accordance with the desires of the one who saw dream. On the one hand, a good sign, on the other hand, it warns of the need for caution. See also: dreamed talking photo of the deceased dad, what is it for?

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  • Dream interpretation "dreams"

    blooming wood in dream maybe dream to the fact that in the near foreseeable future a person will find success, happiness and wealth. The fruits on the trees speak of the possible imminent addition of the family, but not necessarily the birth of children. It also happens that this is just a hint that someone from the family will soon find a mate. When you dreamed(sya) blooming wood? Today.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Bloom sakura dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Bloom sakura? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get an online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).See in dream trees and shrubs in bloom- means that times of prosperity are approaching for you.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnis"

    Interpretation sleep sakura, for what dreaming sakura in dream. If a in dream to you dreamed sakura, then be prepared for changes in your own personal life. At the same time, such dream best suited for unmarried girls and young people, because it speaks of the likelihood of meeting the most pleasant person for you, who can become a good life partner.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Bloom, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Bloom in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Hello Tatyana! saw in dream from Friday to Saturday, a mountain, and there are a lot of bushes on the slope blooming cherries ( sakura) flowers pink on them. that same night I saw a delicious cake with a biscuit, which I ate with pleasure.

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  • Dream Interpretation "TainaSnov"

    dreaming blooming sakura, a tree with red fruits, paired objects, magic wands in both hands, two men, two girls at my house, joy, lightness, good mood. in dream arms or crossing them on your chest is a bad omen that promises difficulties from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. If a in dream You shake hands with someone - this is for reconciliation after a quarrel or for the return of a friend after a long absence.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    blooming trees in dream is always a good sign. On the one hand, it is a symbol of spring, the awakening of nature and the rebirth of the life-giving forces of the earth. In addition, these are new beginnings, prosperity, success and material wealth (after all, after the trees have faded, the time will come for the fruits to appear). Therefore, seeing a similar picture in dream, you should rejoice - most likely, a favorable period is coming in your life, both professional and personal.

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  • Dream Interpretation "baby"

    Girls please tell me why dreaming beautiful sakura? saw today in dream sakura under it is a beautiful children's courtyard decorated in pink color... I already admired such beauty so much .... Since such beauty dreamed, so something will definitely be good !!! Or is it that you are so elated and blooming!!! That's dreaming)).

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Bloom- See in dream trees and shrubs in bloom- means that times of prosperity are approaching for you. Particularly favorable is dream during the cold season. Dream Interpretation of Adaskin. For what dreaming Bloom according to the dream book If a dreaming Bloom what is it for: If you dreamed blooming trees and shrubs - this marks the onset of a period of your prosperity.

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  • Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    What do they mean dreams about blooming trees. dreams With blooming trees can have completely different meanings. Trying to interpret such dreams, you need to pay attention to all their smallest details. Any little things from which they are formed can play a decisive role in the interpretation. If a dreamed blooming magnolia, then soon you can get some good news.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: blooming sakura, I'm Japanese and I'm a photographer. dreamed a pink room, a window open, a breeze fluttering the curtain, a glare of daylight. Branch blooming sakura stretched out and hung straight through the open window into the room. Pale pink flowers. Near an open window and a branch blooming sakura posing a young Japanese woman in a white-pink puffy dress made of delicate mesh fabric and silk, a very puffy skirt, bare shoulders. A veil built into a neat hairstyle.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Tree blooming dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Wood blooming".To me had a dream dream that I live in a new beautiful house and the streets around the house are covered with a tree sakura and the branches of this tree turned out on the roof of this house. That is, the roof of the house turned out all in pink flowers Oia Even in dream was surprised by this flowers because they were very beautiful and the whole roof of the house was in these buds colors.

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  • Dream Interpretation "fb"

    family people seeing in dream blooming sakura, can hope for long happiness and peace in their family. If you dreamed blooming sakura, wait for a meeting with a young, immaculate girl in reality. Flowers cherries in a tattoo. Branch blooming cherry is a favorite image on the skin of young girls who are not indifferent to Japanese and Chinese culture.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnis"

    Flowers sakura. interpreted 25 Colored dreams.dreaming in dream the tree may reflect your own emotional state that is currently enveloping you. To a certain degree dreamed bare trees without foliage can warn of difficult moments in your life, and none of your relatives can help you solve them.

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  • Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    So if in dream to you dreamed cherry, especially blooming, then this dream portends success and joy, profit and pleasure. This dream can also be related to the establishment of your intimate life, especially if the cherry is strewn with ripe fruits, ripe cherries. If you dreaming that you eat cherries, but they are not sweet, but sour, then this dream portends not success, but, on the contrary, sadness and tears, as the dream book predictor reports.

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  • Dream Interpretation "snitsya"

    Sakura- interpretation sleep. dreaming Sakura- you expect changes in your personal life. In dream Sakura means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with which will bring you many happy minutes and fill your life with new meaning. dreamed that I fielded someone's trees and they were a little withered, but all with large flowers and then I turn around and see just a huge tree Sakura blooming, looked like in a fairy tale, I also fielded it.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming blooming flowers in dream. Bright blooming flowers in dream the dream book is interpreted as a good sign, a symbol of favorable changes. Even if dreamed only buds ready to bloom, you can expect pleasant events. However, the interpretation depends on the type dreamed colors.

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  • Dream Interpretation "prisnis"

    Joy and pleasure are able to visit you from a dream you have seen, where flowers sakura blossomed before your eyes. To some extent, this dream can also be considered as a hint that in reality you can significantly improve your own financial situation. in dream dreamed some strange blue flowers what does dream book mean?

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed blooming Cherry, but the desired interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming blooming Cherry in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Hello)) Me dreamed my dacha and that I'm watching cherry blossoms, it makes me happy in dream, really like her bloom!

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  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Meaning sleep Flowers: To you dreamed Flowers what is it - sniffing beautiful - illusions, delusions Love. Withered flowers- a bad sign - failure in love, illness. Present flowers- get rid of illusions. Home dream book. Interpretation sleep Flowers.Jewish dream book. What does it mean Flowers in dream: To you dreamed Flowers what is it for - Flowers pluck in the spring - they will praise; in summer - to money; in the fall - for a gift; in winter - to weakness.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Bloom. For what dreaming blooming tree tells Miller. If a dreamed tall tree strewn flowers then life will be incredibly happy. dreamed large garden and trees bloom? Explanation for what dreaming such a plot is available in the Spring Interpreter. It is believed that what they see in dream flowers on the branches predict happiness in their personal lives. Singles will meet their other half, and married (married) will enjoy communication with their spouse.

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  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream about colors is evidence of the flowering of sensuality or its extinction. Flowers act as a symbol of relationships between people that affect the course of life. dreamed Flower, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Flower in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol.

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  • Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dreaming Flowers according to the dream book: Flowers- If you dreamed beautiful flowers- then you will find joy in life. Get in dream flowers means you are loved. To knit in dream wreath of colors- you will soon have great joy. flowers, If a dreamed flowers growing on infertile soil - this portends the sadness of unrequited love, which your will and optimism will help you cope with. if you dreamed blooming roses - then a joyful event in life and the loyalty of a loved one awaits you.

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  • Dream Interpretation "womanjournal"

    See in dream blooming lilac - what portends? What to expect if dreamed blooming lilac? blooming lilac photoSee in dream blooming lilac - if we consider various interpreters, then there are many meanings of such a dream. Some of them prophesy unfulfilled dreams, love, a long-awaited date or changes that will occur in their personal lives.

dreaming of cherry blossoms, a tree with red fruits, paired objects, magic wands in both hands, two men, two girls at my house, joy, lightness, good mood.

The interpretation was carried out according to dream books:

Dream Interpretation Hasse, English dream book, Esoteric dream book, Muslim dream book.

Found interpretations

Wood from the dream book "Hasse" blooming - great happiness
burning - incur losses
dry - disrespect
with fruits - meet a good friend
felled - lost hopes
climb a tree - have happiness in everything
fall from it - endure ridicule
felling a tree - harming oneself with prowess
sawing - happiness
leafy - views on profit
leafless - loss
sit under it - good news
burn - sadness
chop - loss of property
float on a tree on the water - unfulfilled hopes
to collect a tree - a pain in the heart
wear - get into trouble
buy - have trouble
exuded by worms - you will incur losses. Hand from the dream book "Hasse" left - treason
right - a true friend
lose - the funeral of a good friend. Young woman from the dream book "Hasse" pretty - big expenses
kissing - a joyful surprise
young - hobby
crying - they will cheat on you
dancing - happiness in love
rural - you will have healthy children. House from the dream book "Hasse" repaired - an uncertain relationship will be clarified
cover with a roof - losses await you
buy - well-being
destructive - disease
flaming - failure in business
build - happiness in love
empty - your hopes will not come true
make changes in the house - expect a visit
destined for destruction - frivolity threatens you with misfortune
devastated - profit
destroy - a dispute with neighbors
arrest house - an unclear situation in life
sit in it - avoid danger
own inhabited house - obtained well-being
buy - arrange friends
crazy house - get in big trouble
gilded - you will get into trouble. Joy from the Hasse dream book to feel - your activity will receive recognition. Wood from the dream book of "Solomon" FLOWERING TREE - success, joy, prosperity;
NUDE WOOD - heavy old age. House from the dream book of "Solomon" BUILD A HOUSE - joy, profit;
FALLING HOUSE - loss of a friend;
HIGH-RISE HOUSE - unfortunately. Wood from the dream book "Correct" well-being; with fruits - profit; without fruits - loss; dry - deceit, treason; to cut - loss; plant - wealth; blooming - success in business; felled - death, mourning Young woman from the dream book "Correct" for the better Arms from the English dream book Folding your arms in a dream or crossing them on your chest is a bad omen, promising difficulties from which it will be very difficult for you to get out. If in a dream you shake hands with someone, this is for reconciliation after a quarrel or for the return of a friend after a long absence. If in a dream you suddenly find that you have dirty hands, the dream predicts your participation in unworthy deeds that will humiliate you and bring suffering. Houses from the dream book "English" Seeing new houses in a dream, wait for the move to a new place. There you will find happiness and avoid the machinations of secret enemies. If the buildings that you see in a dream are high and majestic, it means. You will be well and happy. If in a dream you see not just beautiful buildings, but real palaces, it means. You will not only be rich, but also very noble. Your life will change for the worse if in a dream you see small, unprepossessing and dilapidated houses. Thank you for visiting our English dream book. It is even worse to see unfinished buildings in a dream. It is especially dangerous to ask about the reason why these houses are not completed. If no one in a dream can answer this question, it means. Your life plans are not given to be realized and you will not live to see them come true. Joy from the dream book "English" This dream is a sign of long good health and the fact that you will receive a decent amount of money or get rich, unexpectedly receiving an inheritance from a person whom you knew little. Wood from the dream book "Zhou-Gong" To plant - great happiness and prosperity. To see dry and dead trees is something unfavorable in the house. Fallen or withered trees - portends misfortune for someone. The dried tree turns green again - well-being and happiness for children and grandchildren. Climbing a big tree - fame, fame, luck, happiness. A tree grows in the middle of the forest - another noble son will be born. Standing under a tree is a noble person who remains in the shadows, unknown to anyone. The tree you are climbing suddenly breaks - a mortal wound, an ailment. Flowers bloom on a dry tree - portends the happiness and prosperity of children and grandchildren. Trees grow in the palm of your hand - grief over the death of your father and mother. A large tree suddenly breaks - portends trouble, misfortune. Coming home, carrying a tree on your shoulder - joy in connection with material gain, acquisition. Are you going to cut down a big tree - portends a big profit, material well-being. A fruit tree grows in the yard - the birth of a son. There are many fruits on fruit trees - this indicates that children and grandchildren are in good condition. Arms from the dream book "Zhou Gong" Wash - says that an old ailment is passing; pus and blood appear on the hands - to great luck; to break a hand is a disease. House from the dream book "Zhou Gong" To move to a new house belonging to another person - fortunately; from a gust of wind, the house sets in motion - arrival; rent a village house - loss of a job; the family leaves the house - a joyful event for the wife; move to a destroyed house - there will be a beautiful wife; rent your house to someone - get a job; sweeping the house, while spraying water - a person will come from afar; empty house (without people) - portends death; the house falls into a hole - death; to see a live horse in the house - there will be a letter from the son; military men enter the house - great happiness; repairing a village house - there will be great joy; buying a house in the countryside - moving due to a change of duty station. Joy from the dream book "Zhou Gong" In the family - success and good luck in all matters. Wood from the dream book "Esoteric" Sprawling, large - to a weakening of health. Felled, broken - the disease is dangerous, if you do not pay attention, it can be fatal. Thin, fragile - somewhere near the "vampire". Arms from the dream book "Esoteric" To consider one's own - to labors and worries. Wash - to rest. Dirty - a matter that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste. "Dirty business". Kiss - humiliate. (For example, "bride" - to humiliate for the sake of a profitable business. To hurt - a quarrel with friends. To reap - friendly help, advice. Cut off, separated from the body - you will experience a feeling of helplessness. House from the dream book "Esoteric" (1) Someone else's house. Big, outside - someone else's life invades yours. To enter someone else's house - you will enter someone else's life. By invitation - you will be asked for help. Secretly - take part in someone on your own initiative. Multi-storey - pay attention to the floor. Small - a new acquaintance. Very old - attracts old connections, especially if there are a lot of old things inside the house. (2) Your home. Big, new, outside - new things are coming, but you have a choice: you can take or not take part in them. If you have entered, your participation will have a positive effect. They occupied a free room or apartment - your activity will bring material benefits. Many neighbors - there will be a large team. Good - the relationship will develop bad. Bad - the relationship will be good. Those who died still live in the house - wait for help and support in new matters. See individual details of the house and numbers (number of apartment, floor). Old - you need to finish the old things. Shabby - dump the extra load of memories, throw out old papers and rags! Under construction - the time has not yet come. You are pedaling some business and events. Collapsing - your business is crumbling from the inside. With the help of someone - someone deliberately ruins your business. Arms from the dream book “Muslim” If someone sees in a dream an unfamiliar woman with bare hands, then he can be calm about property and worldly goods. If someone sees that his hands are tied, this means that he will be idle, or lose faith. If someone sees in a dream that his hands have dried up or become powerless, then those close to him will leave him. And if he sees that he has many hands, he will do good deeds, provided that that person is righteous: if he is wicked, then he will increase his criminal and depraved deeds. If someone sees that his hand is painted with "khinna", then he will be a participant in the killing of a person, and if he sees that both his hands are painted, it means that, busying himself with worldly affairs, he will incur anxiety and grief. Young woman from the dream book “Muslim” If someone sees a girl in a dream, he will achieve pleasures and comforts, and if he sees a teenager in a dream - to a good state of affairs in general, to an abundance of earthly blessings and an honorable position. If he sees a beautiful young woman, he will receive wealth and achieve pleasure and joy.

dream book flowering sakura tree dream book dreamed of why in a dream a dream book of a flowering sakura tree? To choose the interpretation of a dream, enter what you dreamed about or select the letter that part of your dream begins with.

Find out what it means to see a flowering sakura tree in a dream, read below for free interpretation of dreams from the best dream books!

Seeing a tree in a dream

Tree - climb high on a tree - climb out to the authorities.

Climbing a dry tree is a small nuisance.

Climbing a flowering tree - for an employee - profit in the household, property.

If you climb a green tree - the road: although difficult, but favorable.

Dry wood is a hard and unfavorable road.

The tree is one, tall - you will have an unpleasant business with someone, a quarrel.

A tree in bloom is an unexpected happiness.

Breaking a tree, mallow (mallow) is bad, but if a rose is a great love.

Seeing a tree fall is a misfortune, a quarrel in the family.

How to float on water - survive the difficult days of trouble and uncertainty.

Chopping a tree is a loss.

Green tree - health, joy, wealth.

Dry tree - sadness.

One tree in the open field - your future loneliness.

Light wood noise - pleasant conversations.

Sleep Prediction Tree

"genealogical (family) tree", "tree of life", "tree of knowledge". "Barking at the wrong tree" to be disoriented, to be active in the wrong direction. "Fall (get off) from a tree" to degrade. "Wooden", "oak" stupid, stupid, stubborn, strong. "Look at the root" to delve into the essence.

"slender as a birch", "give an oak" (to die), "a stoerous club" (a fool).

"it's all fake" deception. A growing tree, green, dry, crooked, large, low ... this or that activity, perspective.

See add. jungle, leaf, forest.

Seeing a tree in a dream

Profit; cut down, broken - loss, the eldest in the house will die; to cut - someone will die, loss; plant - wealth; break - quarrel, loss, bad; dry - to annoyance, failure, you will dry up, sadness, illness, funerals with loved ones, they will rob you, death (to the sick), deceit, treason; lonely, high - quarrel, unpleasant business, independence; dried near the house - a funeral with relatives, trouble; bent - need; falling - disputes in relatives; green - gaiety, fall in love, wealth, health; burning - sadness, complaint, loss; floats on water - worries, troubles; shady - good, things will go as planned; naked - sadness, you will become a widow; blooming - success, good, unexpected happiness // trouble; with fruits - housing, profit, well-being; without fruits - loss; turn into a tree - a disease; talking with trees is wealth; climb a tree - grow, increase // failure, loss; dry - low profit; for flowering - profit on the farm; to the green - a difficult road; the noise of foliage - pleasant conversations; talking to him is wealth; turn into a tree - a disease.

Sleep Prediction Tree

Seeing a green tree in a dream - to good health, a rich and cheerful life.

Yellowed and dry foliage on a tree - to imminent trouble and disease.

If you cut a green tree - to danger, dry - to increase income.

Peasants see a green tree - for a big harvest next year.

Why is the Tree dreaming

They symbolize your life and the various affairs with which you are somehow connected.

A mighty tree with a lush crown: a sign of your good health and the success of your plans.

Frail trees: they say that you clearly lack solidity for prosperity.

Leaves flying from a tree: indicate that it is time for you to take stock of some big stage in your activity, since delay can be disastrous.

Uprooted trees: a sign that some business can be destroyed by too violent emotions and conflicts.

Burning tree: suggests that outbursts of anger threaten to damage your deeds.

Withered or withering tree: calls you to pay attention to the state of your health.

Often the same dream portends failure in some important matter.

Why is the Tree dreaming

Able to act in many senses: the state of the body of the sleeping person, his health, life structure, prospects and directions of growth or aging (withering flowering); activities, results of work, connections with one's family. It is also a tree of knowledge: a state of study, learning, acquiring knowledge, or simply a period of life that reflects the course of affairs and relationships (depending on how it grows and looks big, low, slender, clumsy, dry, green). The branches represent energy possibilities, desires. The trunk serves as the basis, sometimes reflecting the state of the sleeping spine. The upper parts of the branches and the trunk indicate a connection with the cosmos, the spiritual realization is our aspirations "upwards". Roots should be understood literally as the basis of our existence, as a connection with the earth, the human race (personal, historical and universal (financial situation, stability), Leaves are commensurate with personal life, the state of consciousness in the current period, the momentary situation (although here, as well as in all other cases, details are important: leaves can be autumn yellow, dry, green, large, small, etc.). A tree in a dream is a process of development over time. Additionally, a tree can represent a specific person (from the dreamer's environment): a man or a woman, a family, destiny or some structure (a mental model of something) and it is even possible to see the “universal tree”, reflecting cosmic processes, which will become spiritual knowledge, revelation.

What is the dream of cherry blossoms for? This is a rather favorable sign in a dream, an omen of prosperity in everything: in personal, family life, work, business. For young people, girls who are not connected by family ties, dream books promise a meeting with someone who can become their chosen one (chosen one).

Joy and love ahead

What is the dream of cherry blossoms for? Seeing her in a dream is a great omen. The dream book predicts passionate, passionate love, a meeting with the very same person. If you have already found it, your relationship will move to a new level, long-awaited happiness will come. What you are striving for will come true.

Did you dream of picking a sakura flower? Very soon a joyful event will come, or circumstances will turn out very well.

In addition, such a beautiful sight in a dream portends the sleeper good health, beautiful appearance and longevity.

Happy relationships

A dream that a cherry tree is blooming promises the arrival of joy in the dreamer's life. Perhaps he will be told good news or he will receive an unexpected gift from relatives and friends.

Seeing in a dream how a beautiful sakura tree blooms - one should prepare for significant life changes. This is especially true for young girls and boys: the dream book promises: they will meet a very pleasant person who is able to become a good life partner. Family people expect happiness, peace.

Even one flower of this decorative tree, dreamed at night, portends good luck in all endeavors and on the love front.

Successful activity, well-deserved recognition

Why dream of walking along an alley that blooms with a beautiful white-pink cloud? The dream interpretation explains: a streak of luck, success is coming. Now it is very good to start new business ventures, to make proposals at work. Only your plans should be thought out to the smallest detail - then success will not keep you waiting.

Also, the interpretation of a dream about cherry blossoms implies: soon luck will smile at you in a professional, business field. The work done will be appreciated financially, and further cooperation will be offered. But, perhaps, the returns from this case will have to wait a bit.

The dream book calls the dreaming spectacle not only a harbinger of a successful combination of circumstances. A waking sleeper will earn popularity due to disinterestedness, friendliness and other positive qualities.

Dream details

The dream interpretation also considers other details of the vision:

  • to see flowering - a cherished desire will come true;
  • a branch of cherry blossoms in a vase in a dream - well-being, joy in your home;
  • white - often portends a wedding;
  • pink branch - promises success at work.

Also, holding a plucked branch with flowers means: soon the dreamer will have big life changes for the better. White in a dream symbolizes the unhindered flow of a wide variety of affairs.