Why dream of a mountain, a mountainous landscape, a mountain range in Miller's dream book. Why do mountains dream

People who had to climb a mountain in a dream should not ignore such a vision. It is worth turning to reliable interpreters to find out what to expect from such a meaningful vision. There are countless interpretations, but now I would like to pay attention to the most popular.

Aesop's interpreter

Had a chance to climb a mountain in a dream? This suggests that in reality a person has a desire to realize any idea. And if he managed to reach the top, then he will be able to achieve what he wants.

However, unsuccessful attempts indicate that some external circumstances will prevent the implementation of plans. The dream interpretation recommends waiting a bit and resuming the path to the goal after a certain time.

A good sign is an attempt to conquer a mountain with two peaks. It is generally accepted that this vision predicts the dreamer success in a very important matter for him. And it will be possible to achieve it thanks to the support of an influential person.

If the dreamer noticed how a river flows along the slopes of the mountain, then a lot of all sorts of events await him ahead, which, however, will be insignificant and small.

The main thing is that the mountainous chain does not block the way for a person. Because this promises insurmountable obstacles in real life. But if a chain of mountains stretches along his path, it means that he will achieve his goal, in spite of any obstacles.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

This book is also able to tell what the mountains dream of. It is generally accepted that their appearance is a reflection of the labors, accomplishments and intentions of a person. If he saw them in the distance, it means that soon he will have a difficult and big job, which will certainly be duly rewarded.

Had a chance to climb a mountain in a dream and not feel any fatigue? This is a sign that symbolizes the tremendous work that a person will do with enthusiasm, thus leading himself to success.

But here, a palpable fatigue, accompanied by a rise up, hints to the dreamer that he has taken on too many things. If possible, some of them should be postponed.

If in a vision a person reached the top, but saw a cliff behind it, it means that in a difficult matter he has reached its climax and he does not need to try to improve the result.

Important Details

It is possible to understand why the mountains are dreaming only if the circumstances that prevailed in the vision are taken into account. Overcoming wooded slopes, for example, indicates that a person has taken on too many incidental affairs that distract him from the main thing.

The ancient ruins seen by the dreamer while conquering the peaks are considered harbingers of unexpected good luck. And a beautiful castle or palace at the very top is the personification of glory and material gain, which will result in the efforts of a person. The main thing is that the architecture does not look gloomy or intimidating. The image of such a castle, on the contrary, warns the dreamer against overly ambitious plans.

It is also important to remember whether the peak was strewn with snow. If yes, then a person needs to gather strength and achieve his goal. Not? Then it is recommended to just give up trying to come to success. Most likely they are infertile.

Universal interpreter

It is also worth reading his predictions if you are interested in what a dream means. Climbing a high mountain is to do hard work. If it was also snowy, then you will have to face formidable obstacles. But on the other hand, the fear experienced at the same time is a good sign in accordance with this dream book. It is believed that such a vision promises career advancement and, possibly, even promotion.

Did the man see himself running down the mountain in a hurry? This is to get rid of danger and trouble. A fall from a mountain, surprisingly, promises good luck in all matters.

If a person saw himself in a vision, living high in the mountains, then a happy event awaits him soon. A walk among the local landscapes promises material profit and well-being.

Interpreter of the 21st century

He is also able to tell why he dreams of climbing a mountain on foot. But in order to find the correct interpretation, a person must remember how he perceived the picture he saw.

The mountain seemed to him a serious obstacle? So, in reality, he likes to complicate his life. The dream is a hint that it is time to stop seeing the minuses in everything.

In the vision, did the person perceive the mountain as something completely ordinary? This suggests that he will soon find himself in a difficult situation and, in an attempt to find a way out, will come to a dead end.

Attempts to conquer the summit were given so hard that the person never reached the end? So, there is too much monotony in his life. It would not hurt to take a break and have a good rest.

However, if it was possible to conquer the peak, it means that in reality a person is destined to make an unexpected decision that will turn out to be correct and appropriate in a certain situation.

But a dream is considered especially good, in which a picturesque view opens from the mountain. Such a vision suggests that the future of a person will bring him a lot of pleasant excitement associated with well-being.

Psychological interpretation book

It will not be superfluous to look through this dream book. Climbing a mountain is good. Such a dream suggests that the goal to which a person has been walking for so long is already close, and his efforts will be rewarded at their true worth.

Did you manage to get to the top? This means that soon some event will happen that will drastically change the dreamer's life. It's just not known in which direction.

If, in the process of climbing, a person was injured and saw his blood, then in reality, when performing an important matter or serious work, he will come to a standstill. But you can rejoice at the sight of a mountain river. Her image suggests that soon the dreamer will visit a new look at the old problem, which will give impetus to its solution.

But a good vision is a dream in which a person, having climbed to the top, found a precious stone. They say this is to receive a profitable business proposal. The main thing is not to see yourself breaking down during the ascent. Because such a vision promises only failure in business.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

In this book, it is also worth looking for the answer to the question of what to expect if in a dream you had a chance to go up and down the mountain.

Climbing to the top speaks of the success that a person will achieve through hard work. Descent from it, in turn, promises a minor but unpleasant failure.

The usual mountain landscape, which the dreamer simply admired, dreams of benefit or benefit. It can be obtained without even spending effort. But the mountain landscape suggests that a person will have to show resourcefulness, ingenuity and all his best qualities in order to achieve his goal. A good vision is a dream in which it happened to extract minerals. Such a plot suggests that a person, after many unsuccessful attempts, will finally achieve the desired result in an important matter.

A dream is considered a good sign, in which you had to ride a horse along a narrow path to the top. It usually portends a strong life position. The main thing is that the slope should not be devoid of vegetation, since this promises only suffering, failure and hunger, as well as a pile of stones through which the dreamer could not get through in a dream.

Esoteric interpreter

It is recommended to pay attention to it to every person who is interested in what to expect if he had a chance to climb a mountain in a dream. This interpreter says that such a vision represents an unsatisfied need for self-realization. If there is a business or occupation that a person has always wanted to take on, it's time to start.

It is also important to remember exactly how the dreamer conquered the summit. Did he have climbing gear with him? If so, then in real life a person will face a serious test, which he will be able to overcome, albeit with difficulty. Perhaps there will even be a desire to give up, but it’s better not to do this - at the end of the path, true happiness awaits him.

Did the dreamer notice himself falling down the mountain? This symbolizes his subconscious fear of losing position in society and good luck. The dream hints that it is time to look for the causes of your fear in the past and finally get rid of it.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

But what if a person noticed someone on top of a mountain who seemed familiar to him? They say that this image personifies his desire to establish relations with someone. With those who do not really go to rapprochement. Unfortunately, the interpreter recommends abandoning this idea, since it is fruitless. But if this person went down to the dreamer from the mountain, then not everything is lost, and relations can really improve.

Did you happen to see the figure of a mysterious stranger walking back and forth at the top? This image suggests that soon a person will have to make a difficult decision regarding his personal life.

By the way, if a person had a chance to climb a steep one, then he should expect about the same thing that promises a vision with mountains. Successful overcoming of it also portends a lot of hard work, the result of which will be the achieved goal and dizzying success.

Majestic mountains delight and fascinate. It is extremely rare to see such a landscape in a dream. Most often, a dream is perceived as a sign of an obstacle, but there are a number of other explanations for what mountains dream of. It is enough just to remember everything you saw in a dream.

Majestic mountains delight and fascinate

Only at first glance it may seem that interpreting this dream is very simple. In fact, even an insignificant detail can radically change the interpretation:

  • look at them from afar - a person sees certain obstacles on the way to the intended goal and is afraid that he will not be able to overcome them;
  • if you dreamed of incredibly beautiful, green mountains - the dreamer devotes a lot of time to developing himself as a person, is in search of his soulmate;
  • surrounded by water - spiritual uplift;
  • rocks - financial problems, poverty;
  • in the forest - the path to achieving the goal will be quite difficult, it is worth showing patience and perseverance;
  • snowy - a lot of trials on the way to the intended goal;
  • to stand at the very top - all plans will be realized, things will be successful, promotion is also possible.

There is also a general interpretation of dreams about mountains. Such a dream portends success in all areas. A person will begin to be proud of his achievements. He should not worry about difficulties, but confidently go towards the intended goal.

Mountain in a dream book (video)

Why do women dream of mountains

Such a night vision can visit a woman in several cases. It is possible that she prefers intimate relationships with women and that is why she cannot choose an ideal partner among men.

It is also possible that she is trying to establish contact with her companion, she wants to have a real man next to her, whom she has dreamed of since early childhood.

Such a night vision can visit a woman in several cases.

In addition, given the additional nuances, the meaning may be somewhat different:

  • contemplate them at a great distance - personal growth, success at work;
  • climb it - attempts to get close to a man will succeed, without resorting to the help of other people, you will be able to achieve what you want;
  • stand at the very top - even seemingly unrealizable desires will soon be fulfilled.

Go down in a dream from a mountain or climb, climb it

Such a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Depending on the features of the night scenario, the value may be as follows:

  • calmly, without obstacles, go up the path - soon you will be able to get what you want;
  • it is easy to climb to the top - a person knows what he needs and achieves everything without much effort;
  • the peaks in the clouds are not visible - in order to succeed, you need to make every effort and set aside a lot of time;
  • go up the wide road, but being afraid of difficulties to go down - the dreamer is afraid to make decisions on his own. This fear must be overcome, otherwise success will not be achieved;
  • a difficult road, but still go along it - it will be possible to get out of a difficult situation with honor;
  • climb up the rock and climb to the top - no matter how difficult the work started, it will be possible to complete it. Do not be afraid of difficulties, thanks to the efforts, everything will end successfully;
  • climb a rock and jump down near the very top - the dreamer tries not to stand out in society. This may negatively affect his future life;
  • climb without equipment and experience negative emotions at the same time - the sleeper is tormented by doubts about whether he has enough knowledge to complete the job;
  • to go down and admire the landscape at the same time - the sleeper is inattentive, cannot concentrate on really important matters;
  • to descend with joy - you should think about the realization of your own desires;
  • to go down and regret it - a person is afraid of losing all available privileges.

Seeing mountains in the snow in a dream

Mountains covered with snow most often portend a huge success. If the snowy peak was very white and bright, then in order to succeed, the dreamer needs to engage in self-promotion, tell his superiors about all his achievements, while paying special attention to the quality of the work, and not the speed of its implementation.

Mountains covered with snow most often portend a huge success

To see a snowy peak, which from time to time hides behind the clouds, in a dream is for those who in real life are better off not telling strangers about their plans. Among them there may be envious and enemies who can destroy everything conceived.

Why dream of a mountain of sand or ice

An ice mountain in a dream is considered a warning. The dreamer should reconsider his views on life. It is possible that there are lies and deceit around him, which need to be eliminated as soon as possible.

A dreaming mountain of sand has a negative meaning.

The dreaming mountain of sand also has a negative meaning. The owner of such a dream will have to endure unreasonable resentment and severe disappointment. In the near future, it is extremely important to be careful, not to trust even the closest people. It is also possible that his hopes are unrealizable, they can be destroyed in an instant.

Stand or sit on top of a mountain in a dream

Seeing yourself in night dreams standing on a mountain is for those who in real life stand firmly on their feet and are respected by society. Thanks to his considerable merits, a person can soon gain immense popularity. He will be able to conquer even sky-high heights and then rejoice at his own achievements.

A dream in which you have to sit on a mountain indicates that the dreamer himself is to blame for all his problems.

If in a dream it happened not only to stand on a mountain, but also to admire the landscape seen from it, then in real life the dreamer experiences some anxiety about his financial situation. If the landscape did not attract him, then it is recommended to stop living in dreams and think about today.

A dream in which you have to sit on a mountain indicates that the dreamer himself is to blame for all his problems.. He constantly contradicts himself, is afraid of something, feels depressed, due to which he cannot succeed. It is extremely important at the moment to try to change your attitude towards life.

Sliding down the mountain in a dream

There are several ways to get off the mountain top. The interpretation depends on which one was seen in the dream:

  • sledding, and there is no possibility of stopping - you should not make rash decisions in the near future and get involved in risky undertakings;
  • skiing, adjusting the speed and enjoying the descent - all fears can be easily overcome. It is recommended to do a business that you have long dreamed of, but never did because of fear of condemnation and misunderstanding;
  • roll head over heels down the mountain, overcoming obstacles - financial instability, job loss or bankruptcy;
  • rolling down the slope - problems in business, which will be quite difficult to solve.

High mountains in a dream (video)

Most often, dreams in which mountains are dreaming indicate the presence of obstacles in the dreamer's life, and only by overcoming them can success be achieved. It will be possible to overcome all difficulties, the main thing is not to despair and confidently go towards your goal, no matter how difficult this path may seem. This is the only way to achieve happiness and well-being.

Attention, only TODAY!

In a dream, it is good for dreamers who are sick to rise. This is a sure sign of a speedy recovery. For everyone else, dream books promise achievements through hard work. To understand what the action in question is dreaming of, it is necessary to take into account the various details of the plot.

Opinion of Medea's dream book

Had a dream about what happened to climb the stairs or up the mountain? The dream interpretation promises an easy overcoming of obstacles and hope for better times. Getting up in a dream also symbolizes the improvement of the material, social situation and the fulfillment of a desired dream.

What does the modern combined dream book think

Why is the indicated plot dreaming of this dream book? In a dream, it is a symbol of renewal. But remember: what you do now will become a solid foundation for the future. Try to make every effort at the current stage, and then the goal will be achieved without much difficulty.

The answer of the psychoanalytic dream book

Had a dream about how you had to climb somewhere? In a similar way, development is reflected in a dream, both on a spiritual and material level. The symbols of ascent are always the same: ladder, mountain, rope, elevator, and so on.

Why dream if you are lucky to take the elevator? In real life, you want to come into closer contact with a famous person. The funicular ride reflects the prospects associated with the abandonment of old and the acquisition of new values.

Interpretation of the general dream book

The dream interpretation is sure: everything that the specified action is dreaming of marks renewal, rebirth, gaining hope. The same plot conveys in a dream the movement towards the right goal, as well as the possibility and features of the implementation of the plan.

Had a dream that you were lucky to rise into the air? In real life, wealth will fall on you. But the dream book advises to be careful: money is another test.

Did you happen to see how you climb a sheer wall, and suddenly a window opens before your eyes? This means that you are ready to take a risky act. At first, you will encounter some difficulties and regret your action, but later everything will be settled and even end in victory.

It is good to rise in a dream easily and effortlessly. The dream interpretation prophesies: circumstances will turn out in the best way. Why dream of a difficult and burdensome climb? Get ready for tough times and lots of challenges.

Why in a dream climb stairs, steps

Did you dream that you had a chance to climb the stairs? You are destined for prosperity and good luck. The same vision promises bright prospects after a period of doubt and hardship. Another interpretation of sleep indicates a desire to gain knowledge, develop unusual abilities, and generally reflects the desire to know the secret meanings of being.

If, while climbing the stairs, you experienced an attack of dizziness in a dream, then the respect, wealth and honors that have fallen on your head will literally deprive you of sanity. Worst of all, if you dreamed that the stairs collapsed when you climbed it. At the very least, disappointment awaits you, at the very least, a complete collapse of life.

Why dream if you had to climb the stairs, making mechanical movements without thinking? Such an image is rather negative and symbolizes in a dream a situation in which nothing depends on the dreamer, literally - obedience to fate.

Why dream - to take the elevator

Dreamed of going up in an elevator? You will quickly reach your desired goal, get rich and take a worthy position. Sometimes this is not an indication of mandatory future events, but only of a desire to receive life's blessings. And you rely not so much on yourself as on help from outside.

It's good to take the elevator relatively quickly. This is a symbol that you will receive a promotion. Had a dream that the elevator was literally crawling in a dream? Things and events will develop rapidly, if it takes off, then, on the contrary, slowly and difficultly.

There is another interesting interpretation of sleep. Why dream that you had to take the elevator according to him? In real life, you intend to hide the truth from others in order to protect a loved one. Alas, your noble deed will not be appreciated. The surrounding people will condemn, and the one for whom all this was started will not notice your “heroism”.

What does it mean to climb a mountain, on foot

Did you dream that you were lucky to easily climb the mountain? In reality, the happiest and most successful episode in life is coming. If the rise in a dream was moderately difficult, then success will come only thanks to hard and painstaking work in the chosen field. Why dream that you are a rock climber and decided to climb a sheer cliff? You have a great desire to change your life, and you will certainly achieve your new goal.

Rise into the sky at night

Why dream of a real staircase to heaven? If you climbed it at night, then be sure: in the future you are guaranteed sensational success. It is good to rise into the sky, to see the light ahead and feel uplifted. This is how spiritual rebirth manifests itself. Even if you experienced unconscious fear in a dream, this is a sign that extraordinary abilities are awakening in the depths. Sometimes a vision marks the anticipation of the discovery of some important secret.

Climbing in a dream - examples with interpretation

In order to get a complete decoding of the dream action, one should definitely take into account exactly where it happened to rise in a dream, as well as the sensations that accompanied the rise.

  • climb the pyramid, including the Egyptian one - travel, pleasant impressions, gaining knowledge
  • to the last floor - regret about a stupid idea
  • on a pedestal, podium - disclosure of talent, abilities
  • on the scaffold - a pleasant surprise
  • in the sky on a balloon - an unsuccessful attempt at change
  • on the roof - unreasonable fears, fears
  • on a tree - help to a loved one
  • take the elevator - a chance to improve the situation
  • on the escalator - pleasure, relaxation, idleness
  • on the fire escape - confident achievement of the goal
  • on the ladder - a fright that will cause fun
  • by cable car - improving the financial situation
  • by car - broad prospects, new goals
  • along the ladder to the plane - the successful execution of the assigned task
  • on a rope ladder - pride will ruin life
  • tightrope - tough competition
  • to climb easily - prosperity, movement without obstacles
  • with some tension - resistance to imposed changes
  • climb and descend - search for oneself, meaning, work, etc.

Why dream if you have to climb very hard? This means that you are tired of life, do not want to do what you are entrusted with, or some business will be very difficult.

Dream: You are on your way to something important and you have to climb a steep mountainside to reach your destination. As you progress, it turns out that the slope becomes steeper and more difficult to go. The road narrows, becomes a rocky path, and as a result, you can already climb an almost sheer cliff. As you cling to ledges and try to move forward, you may find that the rocks around you fall off and begin to fall down. Or you may find yourself climbing a ladder that is steadily getting steeper and steeper.

The meaning of the dream "Climbing a mountain in a dream"

To dream of climbing a mountain indicates that you are making a steady effort to reach a certain level in real life. Like climbing a mountain, trying to reach a higher level of success often requires a lot of energy and determination. In a dream, the slope usually gets steeper because you may have underestimated the effort and resources required to achieve your goal. The steeper the path, the harder the lesson that you must learn on the way to the goal. The road under your feet can get rougher as you find it harder to gather strength and balance in life. The trail may even end when you are forced to turn off the beaten track and enter uncharted territory.
Your path forward often becomes a rocky outcrop when you encounter real hardships and it takes tremendous effort to move forward. If you are clinging to rocks, then you are trying to keep a firm grip on the situation, but you are afraid that it may get out of hand. Rocks crumbling around you mean that you feel how the things that once strongly supported you are being destroyed, and this makes you feel desperate and insecure. If you are climbing a ladder, then you are thinking about a certain career path and moving steadily up it. The spiral staircase indicates that, despite your constant progress, you often get the feeling that you are just walking in circles.

Your actions after a dream

The message of this dream is that you will achieve your goal, but perhaps this will require hard and systematic work, and not a short-term exertion of all forces. It's probably not a good idea to take on the challenges ahead, but slow down and downshift so you can keep going no matter how steep the road seems. You may only have to take one step at a time, and if you feel insecure, don't be afraid to ask for help from someone who can lead you to a safer and higher path.

Prerequisites for the dream "Climbing the mountain in a dream"

We often describe our potential in terms of height and speak of "high achievement" or "high ambition." We also talk about major achievements, using the phrases "climb a high step", "go uphill". As you increase your efforts, a much broader perspective and new horizons open up before you.

Mountains in a dream symbolize ideas, prospects and at the same time the efforts made, the possibility of realizing the chosen goal, as well as various obstacles. Dream Interpretations, using some examples, will tell you why a mountainous landscape is dreamed of most often.

According to Aesop's dream book

Did you dream that you had a chance to climb a mountain? In a similar way, an attempt to achieve a certain goal is reflected. The further interpretation of the dream depends entirely on what happened along the way, whether you managed to get to the top and what you saw there.

Why dream if, despite all your efforts, you never made it to the top of the mountain? This means that external circumstances will become an insurmountable obstacle, or you initially chose the wrong path, goal. Did you happen to see a mountain that had two peaks? Achieve success in your business with the help of influential patronage.

Dreamed of a river flowing down a mountainside? A series of small and insignificant events is approaching, you will waste your energy, therefore you will not experience satisfaction from the work done. But the dream book prophesies: soon this situation will end. If in a dream there were residential buildings on the slopes of the mountain, in reality you will be surrounded by true friends and reliable friends.

What does the chain of mountains blocking the road mean? On the way to achieving the goal, you will encounter unforeseen difficulties. If the mountains stand along the road along which you walked in a dream, then, despite the machinations of enemies, you will easily achieve your plan. Did you dream that the mountain seemed to be approaching you? Vision means that circumstances will turn out in the most favorable way.

Why dream if the mountains tremble and move? Deep down, you know that you are wasting your energy. Have you ever seen an old horse that is barely dragging itself up the mountains? The dream interpretation suspects that you are extremely tired of your work and responsibilities, therefore you practically fell into despair. The same plot hints that there is very little left to the goal, you just need to tighten up.

According to the modern combined dream book

Why do mountains dream? If in a dream you perceive them as an insurmountable barrier, then in reality you literally complicate your life yourself. To see the mountains as something ordinary and insignificant is much more useful. The dream interpretation considers them a warning about a difficult situation. But you can prepare in advance, so you can easily find a way out.

Did you dream that you were barely dragging yourself and could not climb the mountain? The monotony and abundance of work depresses, the dream book advises to find time for rest. The same plot reflects a case that you are unlikely to be able to bring to its logical conclusion. It is good to see that inspiration has visited and you have easily climbed to the top of the mountain. This means that success will bring an unexpected decision or unusual circumstances.

Why dream of mountains from which a landscape of stunning beauty opens up? In the future, you will experience excitement, but in the end you will be able to improve well-being. If the view of the mountains disappointed you in a dream, then the dream book does not advise making far-reaching plans, most likely, they will be completely upset. The same image conveys the uncertainty of the future and the fear of it.

According to Denise Lynn's dream book

Why do mountains dream at all? In a dream, they are associated with spiritual and creative upsurge, inspiring experiences. It is good to see that monasteries and temples stand on the peaks of the mountains. This means that you are destined for unhindered spiritual development.

Sometimes mountains act as a symbol of barriers and obstacles. Dreamed of mountains? Soon, boundless prospects will open before you. Dream book advice: pay attention to the signs and try not to miss your chance. If in a dream you felt a panic attack and realized that you were not able to conquer the mountains, then in reality this will result in uncertainty, doubts, unnecessary hesitation.

Mountains in a dream symbolize goals and opportunities to achieve them. Had a dream about going uphill? Similarly, the movement in the selected direction is transmitted. If you had a chance to go down the mountain, then the dream book is sure: you are clearly moving away from your goal.

Why do mountains dream in snow, in greenery

Dreamed of mountains in the snow? Gather your strength and move towards the goal without hesitation. If in a dream there was no snow cap on the mountains, then it is better to give up your intentions, because all attempts will be fruitless. Why dream of mountains in greenery with forests on the slopes? Minor problems clearly distract you from the main thing.

The worst thing is to see completely bald mountains. This is an omen of trials and suffering. If the specified image appeared to the girl, then she should break off relations with the person who is caring for her at the moment. This man will only bring trouble and disappointment.

Dreamed of mountains and rocks

A mountainous landscape with bare rocks symbolizes benefits without much cost. At the same time, if mountains and rocks appeared in a dream, then for a certain time the path of life will be difficult and uneven. Did you dream of steep mountains and rocks without vegetation? Others will try to solve problems without your participation and this will offend you greatly.

Why else dream of mountains with rocks? In the negative interpretation of sleep, this is a sign of quarrels, failures, streaks of bad luck. If you decide to go mountain climbing and conquer such mountains, then the path to happiness will be thorny and difficult. Climbing a bare sheer cliff also means that a period of hard work and experiences is approaching.

Mountains in a dream - other transcripts

Dreamed of mountains visible in the distance? Get ready for responsible and difficult work, but its clear execution will elevate and ensure well-being. If in a dream you reached the top and found a steep cliff, then you will be seriously disappointed when you get what you want. Moreover:

  • living in the mountains is a happy event
  • walk - material profit, well-being
  • get injured in the mountains - life's dead end, unsolvable problems
  • find jewelry - an unexpected, very profitable offer
  • go to the river - a new look, knowledge
  • chain of mountains - deal with continuation
  • bald mountains - infidelity, anxiety
  • mountains with ruins - sudden luck, win
  • with the palace - glory, material gain
  • with a gloomy castle - excessive ambition
  • with a volcano - a big danger
  • with snow - good intentions
  • black mountains - danger
  • shining - good luck in your endeavors
  • climb the mountains tirelessly - success in the intended business
  • with great fatigue - excessive load, empty goal
  • with great difficulty - suffering
  • climb the mountain - the goal is close
  • to be on top - fateful changes in an unknown direction
  • go down - the end of a difficult life stage
  • break off the mountain - failure, trouble, danger
  • fall - loss of current position
  • to the bottom of the gorge - imprisonment, stalemate, death

Why dream if you had a chance to see the mountains with genuine delight? You have chosen the right, albeit difficult, path, therefore you have enlisted support from above and good luck. If you had to go to the mountains without enthusiasm, then in reality you will voluntarily cut off ties, attachments and literally leave the world.