Why dream of a cross. Dream interpretation wooden grave crosses

The cross is a symbol used by people for many centuries. In many religions, the cross personifies the road to the Creator. Christianity considers the cross a symbol of love and patience.

If a similar sign appeared in a dream, then it will not be easy to figure out the meaning of what you see on your own. It is recommended, having studied the details of sleep, to turn to the interpreters of dreams.

Cross in the cemetery

Cross on, which a person looks at in night vision, personifies a feeling of burden by insults and failures.

A dream indicates the need to rethink your life, analyze your thoughts and actions, and abandon bad deeds.

If the dreamer had previously offended someone, then now is the time to ask for forgiveness, otherwise misconduct will have negative consequences.

A dream in which a person sees cemetery many crosses, has a different meaning, depending on what emotions the vision evoked in the dreamer after waking up. If a person is calm, then in real life he has no cause for concern.

Probably, soon a person will appear in the life of the sleeper who will help him solve problems that arise and will support him in difficult life periods.

If, upon waking up, a person feels anxiety, fear or other negative emotions, the dream warns of a possible series of major troubles.

On the graves

Cross on is a symbol of death and rebirth. It should be understood that something new can enter into life only after the dreamer get rid of the old.

Interpreters give such dreams a variety of interpretations. So, for example, if the cross is located on a fresh grave, then the dream signals that in the inner circle of the dreamer there is a certain person plotting an evil deed against him.

If cross old, overgrown, then you should prepare for life changes for the better. Most likely, the sleeping person will soon meet with a person who, thanks to his wisdom and kindness, will save him from sadness and sadness.

A stone cross on the grave indicates reliable protection by higher powers from impending misfortunes and the secret patronage of an influential person.

pectoral cross

The dream, where it appears, portends anxiety and anxiety. In reality, the pectoral cross acts as a talisman and personal guardian of a person.

For this reason, the pectoral cross that appeared in a dream can be regarded as a clear warning.

It is better to mentally prepare for the upcoming difficulties so that they do not take the dreamer by surprise.

Having seen such a dream, it is worth remembering in which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe life of the sleeper there is no stability. Probably the trouble will come from that side.

But, it happens that a pectoral cross is dreaming to notify a person about the imminent resolution of his problems. This applies to those visions in which the pectoral cross belongs to the dreamer and hangs on his neck.

crucifixion, which the dreamer can see on the pectoral cross - a symbol of sacrifice. If in reality a person selflessly helps those in need, then joy and good luck await him soon. If the assistance provided to the dreamer is a burden, then perhaps he is being manipulated by someone from personal, very dubious motives.

Cross and icons

A dream in which a person sees crosses and portends difficult life trials. It will be possible to go through the difficulties prepared by fate only by clearing your mind and gaining faith in higher powers.

Cross and graves

Dreaming about crosses and graves- a very good sign.

The cross itself is a very strong and powerful symbol, and the cross and the graves that dreamed at the same time are considered a harbinger of incredible luck and happiness that await the dreamer after a streak of bad luck. The dream promises a speedy deliverance from troubles and difficulties.

In other cases, a dream may portend the need to be alert. There is a risk that in the environment of the dreamer there are persons who are planning meanness and betrayal.

The interpreters recommend that the one who sees such a dream refuse any communication with dubious personalities and not share his secrets with others.

Cross and coffin

The cross next to that a person sees in a dream warns the sleeper about the importance of changes in life. It is best to start rethinking your actions after sleep, and the sooner the better.

In this case, the concept of “going with the flow” must be rejected, otherwise inaction will lead to a painful fall. It is worth getting rid of everything and everyone that does not bring joy and grace to life. First of all, you need to give up addictions, dark thoughts and old, unnecessary things.

Golden cross

Appearing in a night vision cross poured out of pure, warns of the upcoming difficult choice: to help those in need, sacrificing their own interests, or to refuse.

golden cross on from the same metal - a very auspicious symbol. It is worth expecting quick material or spiritual benefits.

So, for example, a dreamer can win the lottery or receive an inheritance, or he can meet an interesting person who will have a beneficial effect on the future life of the sleeper.

wooden cross

A dream promises success, career advancement or a new romantic relationship. The situation is different with a vision in which wooden cross hanging on a gold chain.

In this case, the dream is a harbinger of some kind of injustice. Perhaps the employees will envy their high position, and the chosen one will turn out to be a dishonest, mercenary person.

burning cross

A dream in which a person sees burning cross- in most cases, the most severe sign and it is impossible to treat the meaning of vision carelessly!

After waking up, the dreamer must definitely visit, especially if he has been tormented by ailments for a long time, even the mildest ones.

Ignoring the signal can result in the most dire consequences. It is important to remember that it is easier to detect a problem in advance and get rid of it than to be late.

draw a cross

A dream in which a person cross, portends problems in family life, and the dreamer himself will become the cause of their appearance.

If recently there have been disagreements or misunderstandings in relations with relatives, now is the time to take a step towards reconciliation. If the dreamer is not bound by family ties, then the dream pushes him to take decisive action.

Only by overcoming your fears and taking the first step, you can find harmony and happiness.

bear the cross

A vision in which the sleeper, like Jesus, bears the cross, indicates that a person will be subject to manipulation by ill-wishers.

Perhaps someone will use the responsiveness and good intentions of the sleeper for their own selfish purposes. This is because the dreamer shows more kindness to those people who do not deserve it. Participation in the lives of others, solving their problems - all this can negatively affect both the mental and physical health of the dreamer.

Through such a vision, the subconscious urges a person to stop helping everyone in a row and take care of his own life.

Encourages you to charity, caring for others.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Cross- in a dream, this symbol means petition, protection from evil, renewal.

A dream in which you saw a cross with a chain around your neck- symbolizes repentance, forgiveness and love for one's neighbor.

To dream about how a priest baptized you and put a cross on you- a sign that in real life your guardian angel will save you from misfortune.

In a dream you saw a golden, shining cross- in reality you have such a necessary quality of character as the ability to forget and forgive insults.

You dreamed that you were standing in a cemetery and in front of you was a grave on which you see a large cross- this dream means that in reality you should do more good deeds, since bad deeds will certainly be punished by higher powers. In reality, you lost faith in the validity of this truth.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl dreams that she is holding a cross in her hands- this means that happiness in love depends on it.

If she is kind to others will surely meet his fate.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Cross seen in a dream- is an unambiguous symbol of prohibition and a warning of a possible danger.

Straight cross- a sign of an absolute prohibition, the violation of which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Oblique St. Andrew's Cross- means, as a rule, less strict prohibitions.

See a cross on some object- a true indication that you should not do this or that business (for more details, see the name of the subject).

If you see a cross scribbled or painted on your hand (whether it's yours or someone else's)- such a dream suggests that some of your ideas can lead to irreparable consequences.

Pectoral cross- warns you against the temptation to succumb to dangerous feelings and passions.

Find a pectoral cross in a dream- a good sign that your life will certainly get better, unless you yourself cross the dangerous line.

Jewish dream book

Cross- sadness, grief

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Cross or crucifix- this most powerful religious symbol personifies consolation, condemnation, healing, pain or the need for protection. Of course, it is important to analyze how this object appears in a dream and what effect it has on the entire plot of the dream.

The cross can also evoke completely opposite feelings: attraction, repulsion or desire to avoid it.

Avoid the cross- an indicator of condemnation, shame, inadequate attitude to eternal human values. This is an attempt to ignore memory, i.e. a kind of defense mechanism that helps you forget about the consequences of a choice or event related to religious symbols in your life.

Crucifixion, of course, has a positive beginning.- it brings salvation and a sense of security.

Many religious icons are a "positive" taboo for us. Just as we avoid association with dark symbols or taboo images, we experience the good power of positive symbols. The power of the symbol gives us a sense of security. Christians, having seen a crucifixion in a dream, can achieve inner purification, renewal and reconciliation. Who is next to you when the cross appears? What events precede and immediately follow the crucifixion? This will tell you if the cross is for you a symbol of inner healing or an outer guide to reconciliation.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Cross- be careful not to get into trouble.

hold the cross in your hands- your kindness and warmth attract others to you and fill your life with joy and happiness.

If you see someone with a cross in their hands- close people will need your care and help.

New family dream book

The cross that appeared in a dream- should be taken as a warning of an impending misfortune in which others will involve you.

If in a dream you kissed the cross- accept this misfortune with due fortitude.

A young woman who dreamed that she was holding a cross in her hands- will observe modesty and benevolence in behavior, which will win the love of others and cause the favor of fate.

If you dreamed of a man with a cross in his hands- Do charity work and take care of your loved ones.

Modern combined dream book

Cross in a dream- portends misfortune.

Seeing in a dream a man carrying a cross- call for charity and mercy.

Eastern female dream book

The cross is usually- dreams of some kind of misfortune.

A dream in which you see a man carrying a cross- encourages you to do charity work and be more merciful.

See pectoral cross- warning sign.

If you dreamed that you lost your cross- be prepared for trouble, they will not slow down to fall on you.

bear the cross- to serious life tests.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Cross- a symbol of salvation, trials, hope.

Seeing a cross in a dream- it means that you will have a long and difficult test.

Seeing a crucifix in a dream- your unseemly actions will cause your mental suffering.

If in a dream you hold a cross in your hand- then you choose not the easiest, but worthy life path.

A dream in which you saw an eagle carrying a cross in its claws- means the aggression of a powerful empire.

Seeing in a dream a cross outlined by a circle- a sign of trouble, the whole planet and humanity are under threat.

If in a dream you put a cross around your neck- get ready for the fact that one of your neighbors will ask you for help, the consequences of which will be unfavorable for you.

Seeing a burning cross in a dream- danger warning.

An anchor-like cross- means spiritual rebirth.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cross- a sign that suggests that for a successful recovery it is good to do meditation, go to the cemetery where your relatives are buried. To serious trials in which you have to prove your case; if you see the cross in the cemetery- this is the need to put in order the graves of their relatives, followed by an order for a memorial service in the church.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

See Jesus Christ on the cross- to great trials and torments.

George Cross- you will have extraordinarily famous grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Iron Cross- reliable guardianship; cross on the road- good news; decorated with flowers- happiness in the house; fenced- get out of a difficult situation; closed- there will be a death in the family; see on somebody- sadness; kneel before him- repentance and sadness; baptist- blessed marriage; cross- happiness .

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Cross seen in a dream- a sign of reliable protection against misfortunes threatening you, in which enemies can involve you. Carry the cross- means that you will have favorable conditions for the realization of your capabilities and abilities. See the cross in the hands of another person- portends a benevolent and supportive attitude towards you of people on whom your success and happiness largely depend.

Pray on your knees before the cross- in reality, repent of your own mistakes. Kissing a cross in a dream- means that the misfortune that befalls you will not break your spirit. Pectoral cross- a sign of recovery for the patient, help for those in trouble and reciprocity in love.

Seeing in a dream a cross in the form of an order that someone is awarded- means that in real life you will soon receive good news from afar.

See the cross on the dome of the temple- portends happiness in the house. The grave cross seen in a dream- says that in a difficult situation, true friends will help you find a way out of a hopeless situation.

Overshadow yourself or someone with the sign of the cross- to a sad event. See the procession- to the death of one of the close relatives. To be baptized in a dream or to baptize children- in reality, you will receive a valuable parcel or parcel with a thing that you have ordered and waited for a long time.

A dream in which you see your godchildren- reminds of the need to maintain old connections, because they may still be useful in the future.

If in a dream your godfather or mother appears to you- it means you will get a salary increase or a big win in the lottery, which will dramatically change your whole future life.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

If you dream of a man with a cross- know that this dream encourages you to charity, caring for your neighbor.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The cross existed- as a mystical symbol long before the time of Christ. In ancient times, the cross was a symbol of the sacred balance of opposites - heavenly and earthly. The cross was compared to a ladder by which a person can reach God.

In Christianity, the cross- equivalent to endless love. It can also symbolize the sacrifice and suffering on the cross. The expression "bear your cross" refers to self-sacrifice. Are you sacrificing yourself for someone or something? When you give yourself or your possessions easily and freely, you increase your energy. Self-sacrifice, on the other hand, lowers your energy level and does not benefit anyone. Are you giving yourself to something or sacrificing yourself for something?

Cross always- Used to ward off evil. Do you feel like you have to protect yourself? Call on the angels and the divine energy that lives within you and you will be safe.

Red Cross- a sacred symbol that existed long before the arrival of Christ. It signifies wholeness and unity.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Carry the cross in a dream- to hard work, to danger.

pectoral cross see- to good events; gold- to joy; silver- to hope; iron- the need to be patient.

Find the cross- to victory; wear it as a decoration It means you will look better than you really are.

Wooden cross to wear- to success; pray before a cross or crucifix- to a gift or the acquisition of things necessary in life.

Attach to the cross- means that you need to be patient in order to solve your problems.

Decorate it with flowers- to calmness, satisfaction.

Visible, a cross standing by the road- to good news; see yourself crucified on it- to severe trials; blood-drenched cross- to an important event.

Italian dream book

Cross- a symbol of pain, suffering, prescriptions for renunciation of one's own "I", regression (imposition of prohibitions? a call for humility, a symbol of a difficult situation in which a person has fallen).

Dream Interpretation Veles

Take up the cross- additional duties and responsibilities.

The cross is on the road- good news or a rare and important event in life.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation

Cross seen in a dream- marks well-being, happiness and triumph over all disasters; chair to pray- promises to receive gifts; bear the cross- portends sorrow and misfortune; cross find- there is a sign of triumph; lose it- marks a dissolute life, for which a worthy punishment will follow in due time.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Cross- suffering; pectoral cross- protection; cross on the grave- no comment; cross- a sign of cancellation, end, oblivion, or a mark of "special" close attention; broken relationship.

Modern universal dream book

What are you doing with the cross in your dream? Are you using it for your protection? What do you think you should be protected from? If in a dream someone else is holding a cross, how do you feel about it? Do you think this person is unreliable, does he want to outsmart you?

Possibly a cross symbolizes sacrifice. Do you feel like you have to make sacrifices at this point in your life? What are these sacrifices and how do you feel about it?

If you are a Christian- consider this symbol in a religious context. Perhaps you are required to show great faith, or your faith has been questioned? In a dream, something oppresses you, responsibility presses on you: do you carry your cross? Are you ready to bear this burden, because you know that this is your fate? You want to get rid of the burden, but contradictions speak in you: on the one hand, you want to follow your desires, on the other hand, you must do what is expected of you?

Severe trials.man
Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The dream of the cross predicts fate and warns of trials, while demanding tolerance and determination. Praying to the cross in a dream is a sign of joy and receiving a gift from a loved one. Kissing a cross in a dream is a sign of impending trouble, which will be a real test for you. To see an iron cross in a dream is a sign of protection; see a fenced grave cross in a dream - a harbinger of joy and peace; a cross by the road - receiving good news; to see a cross across the road in a dream portends failure in business; flowers next to the cross in a dream mean joy, a pleasant meeting, peace of mind. Seeing a golden cross in a dream portends good news. Seeing a cross on yourself is a sign of fate: it all depends on how it looks. Seeing a cross on others in a dream is a sign of trials. Putting a cross on others (or passing it on to others) in a dream means that you assign certain responsibilities to this person.

Taking off the cross from yourself in a dream means that you will want to change your life, despite the remorse that you will then experience. Finding a cross in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that your life may soon change. Kneeling in front of the cross in a dream means that repentance for sins, humiliation, and emotional experiences await you. A broken cross in a dream portends that your real life will collapse like a house of cards. Seeing a pectoral cross in a dream is a sign of happiness, good luck. Holding a cross in your hands is sadness, chagrin.

To see a golden cross in the hands of an angel in a dream is a sign of God's will, God's blessing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Some of our dreams are so clearly important and significant that after waking up there is no doubt at all - something is coming, something big and important, and the interpreter will tell you what.

This is the oldest of all symbols, its meaning is so deep and primitive that it is not easy to interpret dreams. In ancient times, it symbolized both the connection and harmony of light and darkness, life and its end, and the ladder leading to the creator of everything.

Only for this, the dreamer will need to be attentive and take into account all the details, remembering them during interpretation. Determining what the cross is dreaming of is not as difficult as it might seem. It is only worth remembering what he was like in a dream, and what you did with him.

Because you can just see a cross - a small pectoral on a chain or a large one, gold or copper, or you can be baptized, pray near it, and so on. The options provided by the dream book look like this:

Needless to say, all such dreams have a very important meaning, which is difficult to overestimate. So, it is worth interpreting them carefully, without missing details, without confusing nuances. Remember your whole dream, and find out why the cross is dreaming.

It is important to remember the very first thing - you only had to see this symbol in your dreams, or you happened to take it, wear it, be baptized, and so on. If the first - that is, you did nothing, and only saw the cross, then remember its appearance. It was gold or iron, on a chain or grave, or something else. Its appearance will reveal the secret meaning of the dream.

3. Silver is a symbol of hope. And if it was the cross in your dream that turned out to be silver, know that it is hope that will help you in any adversity. Take care of it, keep it and never lose it!

And then the interpreter advises learning to be more tolerant, for you this is an important quality that is lacking. It is his lack that often causes unpleasant moments in your life.

7. The grave cross is a very important symbol. If you saw him in your dreams, this is a hint that you are surrounded by kind people, and you underestimate their spiritual qualities, do not believe in human kindness and sincerity.

8. A wooden cross is a symbol of great success due to great diligence, honesty and hard work. You will achieve a lot, even be surprised, but all this is well deserved!

9. If you saw in a dream a huge cross that glowed, burned, or was in some way a memorable and unique sight, this promises very important, large-scale events. Changes are definitely coming to you - and global ones, be ready for them.

Some actions

1. Praying in a dream near a crucifix is ​​a symbol of a great gift, the acquisition of something very valuable and rare. Do not think first of all about the values ​​​​of the material plane - it is possible, and very likely, that you will gain knowledge, rare experience, or even a friend.

Some of our dreams are so clearly important and significant that after waking up there is no doubt at all - something is coming, something big and important, and the interpreter will tell you what.

There are signs and symbols that are intuitively perceived as something globally important. And among them the place of honor is occupied by the cross.

This is the oldest of all symbols, its meaning is so deep and primitive that it is not easy to interpret dreams. In ancient times, it symbolized both the connection and harmony of light and darkness, life and its end, and the ladder leading to the creator of everything.

How, after this, to understand what the cross is dreaming of - after all, the symbol is incredibly complex! Rest assured, if it arose in a dream, this is no accident. But, firstly, nothing terrible and bad should be expected, and, secondly, the interpreter will put everything in its place and reveal the correct meaning.

Only for this, the dreamer will need to be attentive and take into account all the details, remembering them during interpretation. Determining what the cross is dreaming of is not as difficult as it might seem. It is only worth remembering what he was like in a dream, and what you did with him.

Because you can just see a cross - a small pectoral on a chain or a large one, gold or copper, or you can be baptized, pray near it, and so on. The options provided by the dream book look like this:

  • To dream of a simple pectoral cross on a chain.
  • Golden cross in a dream.
  • Silver pectoral cross in dreams.
  • Dreaming of an iron cross.
  • Copper pectoral cross in a dream.
  • Cross on a gold or other chain.
  • A large wooden grave cross in a dream.
  • Just a wooden cross.
  • Huge - golden, fiery, or luminous.
  • Standing by the road.
  • Pray and be baptized at the crucifix.
  • Wear on a chain or hold a cross.
  • Take a big cross, carry it.
  • Find a cross in a dream.
  • Baptized in a dream.

Needless to say, all such dreams have a very important meaning, which is difficult to overestimate. So, it is worth interpreting them carefully, without missing details, without confusing nuances. Remember your whole dream, and find out why the cross is dreaming.

See but do nothing

It is important to remember the very first thing - you only had to see this symbol in your dreams, or you happened to take it, wear it, be baptized, and so on. If the first - that is, you did nothing, and only saw the cross, then remember its appearance. It was gold or iron, on a chain or grave, or something else. Its appearance will reveal the secret meaning of the dream.

1. A pectoral cross, seen in dreams from the side, is a very pleasant sign. He promises only good things. The dream book here does not specify what specific events await the dreamer - but it will be joy, harmony, peace and all the brightest.

2. A golden cross - worn on a chain or another kind, for example, in a church - is a symbol of great happiness, contentment with life, a symbol of great protection of higher powers. Gold in general is a very happy sign, and a cross made of it is a great symbol of complete well-being.

3. Silver is a symbol of hope. And if it was the cross in your dream that turned out to be silver, know that it is hope that will help you in any adversity. Take care of it, keep it and never lose it!

4. As any dream book will say, the iron cross is a symbol of patience - and here is one of two things. Either it is your strongest trait, and thanks to it you will be able to endure adversity and achieve your goal, or, on the contrary, you lack patience in reality.

And then the interpreter advises learning to be more tolerant, for you this is an important quality that is lacking. It is his lack that often causes unpleasant moments in your life.

5. A copper cross portends great work, painstaking work, but noble and grateful. So be prepared - you won't be lazy. Now is a favorable and suitable period for you to spend your energy on work - all this will pay off, do not hesitate!

6. A cross on a chain is a sign that portends a joyful, kind activity that will bring you satisfaction and happiness. If you get some kind of offer for an activity, even if it’s unusual, accept it, you won’t regret it!

7. The grave cross is a very important symbol. If you saw him in your dreams, this is a hint that you are surrounded by kind people, and you underestimate their spiritual qualities, do not believe in human kindness and sincerity.

Try to reconsider this attitude towards people - it interferes with your happiness, harmonious interaction with others and loved ones. The people around are not as bad as you might think!

8. The wooden cross is a symbol of great success due to great diligence, honesty and hard work. You will achieve a lot, even be surprised, but all this is well deserved!

9. If you saw in a dream a huge cross that was glowing, burning, or was in some way a memorable and unique sight, this promises very important, large-scale events. Changes are definitely coming to you - and global ones, be ready for them.

10. The cross by the road is a symbol of an imminent important and very joyful event. Something is coming, something good and rare!

Some actions

Now it’s worth considering why the cross with which you did something is dreaming. To be baptized, to carry it, to hold it, to decorate it - these actions seem simple, but in dreams they carry a lot of meaning. What does it mean?

1. Praying in a dream near a crucifix is ​​a symbol of a great gift, the acquisition of something very valuable and rare. Do not think first of all about the values ​​​​of the material plane - it is possible, and very likely, that you will gain knowledge, rare experience, or even a friend.

2. Carrying a cross or holding it in your hand promises great joy. From an unexpected event, news or visit of a dear person.

3. If you took and carried a large, heavy cross in a dream, you will have to take on responsibilities in reality that you are not used to. But it will be a great honor for you and will open up new opportunities for you.

4. To find is to victory, triumph. Overcoming difficulties, poverty, getting rid of enemies or problems.

5. To be baptized in a dream is a great happiness. And also it is a symbol of protection of higher powers, spirituality, faith.

This symbol is favorable, and it should be understood that the meanings of such dreams are almost always associated not with the material sphere of life, but with something personal, spiritual. Understand and perceive interpretations correctly, draw reasonable conclusions - and believe that your dream promises joy!
Author: Vasilina Serova