What dreams of a dead bird? What dreams of dead birds

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Old men say that the bird in a dream means the news. Its character depends on the type of bird and the situation of its appearance. And what dreams of a dead bird dream, why is Morpheus found on the roads, what is trying to say? Interpreters assure, the meaning of the message depends on the situation concomitiated by the vision. Let's figure it out essentially how to interpret such a sad image.

What dreams dead bird on Earth

Small troubles will be poured on you, like from the horns of abundance, if they saw the bird, the winged creature without him. This is a sign of upcoming complications in all areas. But you should not lose heart. The troubles will be not terrible as you will seem at first sight. Among them will not have a single unsolvable issue. Bird in a dream - good luck sign. If she died, you made some kind of serious slip. Now it is to rake the consequences. If you do not get the path from the selected path, overcome all the difficulties and exit the winner. That's what dreams of a dead bird lying on the ground. But, do not forget to remember, what kind of birdnata was. A predator with wings killed by a hunter or the deceased for natural reasons appears in a night vision, as a symbol of protection against discontinuities of ill-wishers. Their efforts will be in vain. If you saw a deceased pan - bobls are coming. For example, at home there will be a flood, the consequences of which will turn into repair. And anything, but you had other plans. You have to postpone them until better times. The deceased raven - to stupidity, Filin - to the gossip. Dead swallow - to a quarrel with a loved one. Do not worry, everything is overcome. It is only necessary to show a reasonable perseverance and kindness in relation to others.


You know, decipher such a vision should be carefully. It is multifaceted. So, to see the feathery of the dead among clean water, it means that it is threatened with his reputation. A certain step or word will be incorrectly perceived by hostile people. They will try to inflate the whole story from the insignificant fact to harm. If the bird came to sleep, then nothing will come. Otherwise, it is recommended to ask for help from a respected friend so that he will speak with the gossips, helped them to realize the fear of such behavior. And shy to anything! Dead bird in pure waters - reputation under threat. It is necessary to be careful, carefully look closely to people with whom communicate in everyday life. Worse, when the winged corpse was floating in dirty water. This is a symbol of lesion from haters. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to resist their cunning plans. Villains this time will win. Do not get involved in the unnecessary struggle and do not worry. Sooner or later, the intrigue will open, and your kind name will be restored. Adhere to the principles, do not retreat from ordinary modesty and darling.

Pernation corpse in the house

This is a bad and dangerous sign. Family, he promises a divorce, everyone else - unpleasant troubles. Someone from family members can seriously snort. All sincere powers and material accumulations will go on its treatment. The process of recovery will delay for a long time. In addition, a dead bird in the house of Sulit Black Izvestia from afar. The death of a relative or a close friend is likely. In love with such an image foreshadows treason. The partner will turn away from the dream, will betray tenderness, make bitter suffer. This is a very bad dream. So that the prediction is not implemented in life, you need to tell the plot of the water in detail when you go wash. Let them melt unpleasant impressions, they will carry with them the grace prospects, advises Russian dream book. Dead bird in the house - alarm sign and trouble. Try to be more attentive to your loved one, take care of more than usual, about children and old men.

Dead in captive bird

This image appears when a strong voltage occurs in some of the spheres of life. A dead bird in a cage is a sorry sign, disagreements, long-lasting twilight. If the parrot died - they suffer from the crosses, the swallow - treason will be depressed, Peacock - will remain without support at work, cuckoo - believe inaccurate information relating to a dear person. In any case, it is necessary to find out the relationship, justify or blame, demand or provide evidence. The situation will delay, it will seem that there is simply no exit. The principles of truthfulness and humans should be adhered to. It will take some time and everything will return to the circles: the scandals will exhale, a fragile equilibrium will be established. Then to show activity, talking frankly and openly with the former opponent. The likelihood is great that disagreements will be imaginary.

What dreams of a dead dove?

This bird is recognized as the entire planet symbol of the world. Her death in a dream is perceived and interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, such a vision foreshadows hostilities in the terrain where you live. On the other hand, the lack of peace among loved ones. Especially bad if the death of this bird will see the mountains of Morpheus in love on the roads. Do not wait for reciprocity, you gave the heart to the vertihvostka, thinking only about your whims. Sadly, but nothing can be done, to fight for her attention to anything. There is a dead dove, it means that a traitor, unable to appreciate your loyalty and tenderness. Try to survive the "tragedy" with dignity. Soon we will meet a woman destined to you. With her boost about the former sorrows, the broken was the heart again will be delighted and joy.

Kill the bird itself

This dream is considered one of the most unfavorable. If a winged creature has shot, it will be bitterly crying over the consequences of their incorrect solutions. Recently, you have become frivolous, angry and annoyed others or bosses. Boomerang is already on the way. Wait for a retaliatory strike. And what is the most bitter, no one will not be accused. We will have to respond to wrongdoing, ask for forgiveness or sob alone. No one will substitute the "vest" for your tears. This is the payroll for the already made imperfect step. But if you have time to obey before those who hurt, the trouble will be part of. Hurry up, time is still there!

What dreams of a dead bird? A dead bird, greeted in a dream, is not always a harbinger of death or sorting events. In most cases, this is a sign of a favorable outcome of the case, in rare positions such a dream can suffer small trouble.


    Family dream book

    See in a dream dead predatory bird means defeat your enemies or win any business or competition. If the bird is in a dream home or non-hazardous, then this suggests that you have envious, who pretend to be friends.

    Dream Miller

    Dying birds in a dream foreshadows the appearance of imaginary friends. If in a dream you yourself kill the bird, then this means that you will win victories over your ill-wishers. See a black dead bird - to deception or money losses.

    Dream of Freud.

    Dead bird talks about your reluctance to fight internal problems. For a man, such a dream can talk about the rapid sexlessness, for a woman - about the inability at the psychological level to attract the desired partner.

    Kill the bird personally or remove the corpse mean the flow of your fears and hidden problems and phobias.

    Ukrainian dream book

    If a dead bird was a predator, then this speaks about emergency profit. If the bird was home, it foreshadows small losses in both financial and social terms.

    Modern dream book

    Dead birds talks about the appearance of new friends. If you see in a dream, many birds die, then in reality it is worth preparing for traveling. Singing in a dream Bird says that someone from loved ones wants to take advantage of your trust.

    Dream Jung

    Dead bird says about the depressed unsatisfied desires. See the blood on the body of the bird - it means to experience the depressed mood, bordering the depressive state.

    See in a dream dead bird with light plumage means to worry a strong emotional shockwhich will soon pass.

    Dream Nostradamusa

    A dead bird in a dream is a warning that you do not need to make any hasty conclusions and decisive actions. On the contrary, for a while it is worth to hide, refuse any trips and entertainment events.

Dead bird on Earth, in the house, in water

  • If you have seen a dead bird in a dream near your home on Earth, it foreshadows a unpleasant conversation or clarifying relationships. If the bird lies on Earth in the forest or in the field - it says about a small twirl in the family. See a dead bird by the road - it means to get a nice gift.
  • See a dead bird inside the house, then it can designate problems in the family or in the human body. A dead bird in the refrigerator speaks about a problem with digestion or improper nutrition. A dead bird in the bedroom - about problems with a dream or psyche, as well as about failures in personal life.
  • If a dead bird is located on the floor at home, it says about the upcoming choice between two extremes. If the bird lies on the windowsill, then this is talking about the spreads, and if on the couch, a chair or bed - about profit or successful acquisition.
  • If someone brought a dead bird to the house, then it means that someone wants to impose her will. If you yourself brought this bird to the house, it foreshadows the emergence of a person who will help you solve some problems.
  • See a deceased bird in water means getting rid of trouble or debts that the yoke hung on the neck. If you dreamed that the bird was drowned in the water, then it talks about the lungs of money, which will quickly and meanlessly leave. The drowned bird can also talk about unpleasant rumors and gossip about your person.
  • If the bird dies on fire, then it speaks about the scam and deception, And if her body is burned in fire - about getting rid of moral debts and promises.

Murder feathers

  • If you yourself kill the bird in a dream, then this suggests that you are going to make an impermanent or bad act or go wrong.
  • If such a dream is to dream of a woman, then she can become a victim of their own talkativeness. If such a dream is to dream of a man, then he can lose money in any financial majynation. If such a dream dreamed of an innocent girl, then soon she will meet her narrowed.
  • If you kill the bird by chance, this suggests that in reality you can have a serious danger. Dream foreshadows be careful.
  • If you kill the bird that attacks you - it means you get rid of your own phobias and complexes.

Wounded Ptashka

The wounded bird in a dream is a double symbol. He can talk about the problem with health - both your personal and health of your family. The wounded bird also talks about complex reflections and internal conflict, as well as the inability to choose between two options. This means that you are faced with the problem and can not make a decision that would save you from it.

Another interpretation of the wounded bird in a dream is a resentment, which is sitting in you for a long time and is being gaining its strength. If in a dream you tried to kill the bird, but did not kill, and she remained wounded, then in reality you will be expecting the news that you are stolen.

If you are a parent, then the wounded bird can designate anxiety for children and their health.

Salvation in a snow

Save the bird from death in a dream - it means to prove your right point. If you are trying to save a bird in a dream, but you can't and she dies - it says that no one wants to perceive you seriously. Also, such a dream may impose a problem with the bosses or disorder in the team.

If you saved the bird successfully, and she remained alive, it says about increasing your self-esteem And the formation of you as a full-fledged person, getting rid of the complexes.

If you saved a bird from attacks of other birds, in reality, you are waiting for many small failures.

If it is in a cage

A dead bird in a cage foreshadows disagreement in a family or in a circle of close friends. If a dead bird is in an open cage, then this indicates profit, if in a closed - about the betrayal of a friend.

Man such a dream foreshadows his spouse or chosen, a woman is an unexpected invitation that can bring trouble or joy with the same probability. If such a dream is dreaming a child, this indicates the appearance of a true friend.

See a dead bird in a golden or bright sparkling cage - so soon you have to get rich.

What dream of a sick bird dream?

Sick bird in a dream is a sign of fast well-being. This is especially true of the health of some family member or financial well-being. If you have a sick bird in a dream, then in reality you will find a confession of your merit and great thanks.

To dream of a sick poultry in a dream - to the loss of an important thingPerhaps a family relic or a memorable gift. To dream of a sick predatory bird in a dream - to a rupture with old wrong friends.

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There are different interpretations of sleep about dead birds. But for the most part, they do not imply dangers, although the dream itself and inspired. For example, if you dreamed of a predatory dead bird (not killed, and the deceased with his death), then such a dream will bring you a victory over your ill-wishers and good luck.

However, beware of sleep, in which you see a smoking poultry - such a dream warns about the danger that might take you on both health and affairs.

As the dream interpretation, a dead bird that you killed in a dream, warns that you want to make a thoughtless act. Those who you need to avoid and do not make mistakes.

According to the dream of a dead bird in a dream, it warns that might soon you will be chased by small trouble, but all the problems will be allowed and a calm and creative period will come.

If dead birds appear in your dreams all the time, this suggests that you have a psychologically very difficult period, depressed, you lost meaning in life. Such a dream can still be interpreted as the loss of ideals in life, creative restrictions.

What dreams of a dead bird in other dreams

Why dream dead bird in Miller's dream book? The interpreter says that if you kill a bird from a rifle with a dream, some kind of disaster awaiting you, a natural disaster or cropping.

Dream of the Sun Houses So Trucks Sleep with the Dead Bird - you are not sure, whether your present position is more comfortable, you are uncertain. Try to understand what you need, and rejoice in life.

Why dream dead bird in Freud's dream book? Dream Interpretation claims that if you killed a lot of birds, then you live in a complex of inferiority, which you are trying to implement at the expense of weaker creatures.

Dmitry's dream book and winter hope says that killing birds in a dream - to the upcoming heavy events that can knock you out of the rut and lead to confusion.

The new family dream book warns what to see in a dream you killed from a rifle bird - a bad sign, and if you shot the birds of prey - then you are awaiting success in the start, you will overcome all the obstacles on the way to happiness. At the same time, a dead predator (eagle, hawk) symbolizes good luck and win.

Dreams of dead birds are unlikely to be attributed to a pleasant inspiring. Nevertheless, the dream book assures, if in the night dream you noticed a predatory bird deceased my death (not confined, not confused by cats), then in reality lucky, or you win the rivals. So what dream of a dead bird? Details of sleep will help to decipher such a plot. Caution will not be superfluous!

You need to show the maximum foresight, seeing the cut-made poultry in a dream. Dream Interpretation warns of threatening sleeping danger, both in the affairs of professional and concerning him personally.

You risk a mistake to make a mistake, that's why the dead bird is dreaming, which you killed. Dream Interpretation does not recommend to rush and act thoughtlessly and spontaneously, otherwise not to avoid serious problems.

When in a dream, a hopeless feathered creature is noticed, but do not know the reasons for his death, alert. A similar image, in the dream, may precede a difficult period in your destiny. A series of numerous, but minor adversity is coming. However, it will soon be over, and you will get the opportunity to work calmly, live without much shocks.

Where worse, when the plots of non-living birds are often repeated in your dreams. They may testify to the hardest nervous shock, or the delayed depression. One of the dangerous symptoms of such a state is the conviction that life has lost all meaning that you are inflated, and chronically unlucky. Do not give in to sadness, take yourself in your hands, and remember that the best is still ahead! - Condivates the dream book.

Opinion Miller

What dreams of a dead bird, according to the famous interpreter Gustav Miller? He believes that firing from a gun in the night phasmagoria in a flying predator and killed him, then you can hope for success and good luck in all endeavors in reality. Exactly also in a dream killed hawk, Eagle, Berkut - a sign that Fortune will smile widely.

Versions from other sources

In the dream book Vanga, a dead bird - a sign that sleeping permanently some discomfort, uncertainty. In reality, he cannot relax, fearing the fact that its current position is unstable, the position of Zybki. But perhaps, all these panic thoughts are groundless, and they simply interfere with the dreams in full enjoy all the delights of life.

And what comment on the vision of the deprived of the life of Ptashka will offer Dr. Freud? In the dream office under his authorship, this image is identified with an inferiority complex, which can experience a dream. And sometimes he comes quite ugly, trying to at the expense of more weak, dependent persons, emphasize its significance, indispensability.

Did you dream that killed birds?

In a universal dream interpret, there is such a prediction - in reality the events will be coming, which will bring the sound, scared, disorient the dream.

According to a new family dream book, simply notice in the night dream of a killed bird - a bad sign, if it is such birds like fry, nightingales, cinema.

He believes that he shifts into her a gun in the night phasmagoria, in reality a person can survive a certain catastrophe, suffer from an indigestive disaster.

Pernaya inhabitants of the Earth are shocked by a variety of species. Some of them are occurring daily, only their books and films are known about others. Often, the feathers are present in the night gender. Taking over what the birds dream is, it is necessary to take into account all the details.

Dream Interpretation: See birds in a dream

Dream Miller Tracting flying birds as a symbol of good luck. Fix feathered - to a natural disaster.

By dream book Vangu Almost all birds personify freedom. The exceptions are crows that foreshadow trouble.

Family dream book Signs that if the birds dreaming in a dream a woman is lonely, soon she will meet a worthy person. For people who are legally married, the plot foreshadows joy in the circle of relatives.

The singing of birds is not the kindest sign. Because of the levity, you can fail the commissioned mission.

Dream of flowers Trucks feathers as a visit to the guests. For unmarried - quick marriage.

To eat poultry meat in a dream for profits. However, it will not be too impressive.

Soon in the family will happen replenishment. This is what the birds with chicks are shot. by dream of Grishina.

Eastern dreams Poultry feathers predict the receipt of the letter.

American source Tracting the nests of birds as receiving money.

Dream Khasse Signs that dreaming eggs of birds to joy.

According to modern dreamsIf the bird has fallen in a dream, this is a positive sign. Ahead improvement of financial situation and pleasant acquisitions.

Interpretation of sleep of birds

When birds are shot, it is necessary to consider all the details for the correct interpretation. The color of the plumage, the form, quantity is important.

Happy omen - beautiful birds. Ahead of pleasant romantic relationships and harmony in the family.

Negative comes from the past means black bird. It is also worth fear of discontinuities of ill-wishers.

If dreamed white Bird, good news ahead. Dreams will soon come true.

Blue The bird is a symbol of happiness both in reality, and in a dream. Such an unusual ptah means also spiritual growth.

To urgently correct plans, if weak yellow bird. It means unexpected circumstances that were almost impossible to predict in advance.

To bright emotions dream red bird. Possible passionate love relationship.

Colored Birds reflect the creative abilities of a dream. The multi-faceted person will help to achieve success.

At all bright Birds in a dream - a good sign. The appropriate period comes to demonstrate talents.

Multicolored Birds symbolize success. However, the exception is Peacock. He personifies ambitions from scratch and vanity.

Exotic Bird may foreshadow the arrival of the guest from another country. It is also a sign of a new love hobby.

Drawing unusual Bird can foreshadow and stalking news. Most likely, the news will be obtained from afar.

Favorite dumplings of fate features birds from fairy tales, myths, legends. It is always a positive sign.

Firebird It means that all the circumstances will develop great. Success will be accompanied in the business sphere, and in personal life.

Bird phoenix Reflects the persistence of character. The dreams will reach phenomenal success, passing with honor through all the tests.

If dreamed of a bird parrot, in reality it is worth carefully studying incoming proposals. Possible deception and ridicule.

The rooster warns from unnecessary hot spirits.

Bird owl Means the wise advice.

Danger symbolizes eagle.

Crow Warns about trouble.

Family well-being means dove.

Bird with big beak Means a happy concise circumstance in reality. It turns out to be made intended.

If dreamed talking Bird, it is desirable to recall her words. They hide important information.

About an extraordinary event warns big bird. It will have important consequences. If they circle over the sleeping, the plot reflects the grand plans.

The surprise will cause surprise if huge Bird in a dream turned out to be very close. According to the prediction of Nostradamus, the plot will proper the collision of the earth with a meteorite.

The warning is donating predatory bird. In reality, someone will try to deceive.

Home Bird calls for savings. Hazardous purchases in the coming period are not recommended.

Little Birds in the dream are interpreted neutrally. It is worthwhile, but the troubles will not bring strong fatigue.

Well, if you dreamed lot birds in the sky. You can count on successful promotion.

Jamb Birds seen above his head foreshadows pleasant events. In the endeavor will be accompanied by success.

When dreamed paradish Birds, you can rejoice. Everything in life will be prosperous.

For pregnant - Bird with a luxurious plumage is a good sign. Birth will be easily, and the baby will delight their health, beauty and mind.

Maps Birds personify the ability to adapt and flexibly adapt to changing conditions. Also, sleep warns from impulse purchases made away from home.

Flying pack Birds means lead. See them outside the window sitting on the cornily or trees, warning. Someone dissolves gossip.

Also receiving news predict singing birds. Well, if it was a pleasant harmonious melody.

The foregoing refers to the fact that the birds are healthy. If pichugu in a dream looked no matter, the interpretations are following.

Patient Bird means minor annals. Wire in affairs will be insignificant, but offensive.

Wounded Bird reflects the relationship with the younger generation. Children cause severe concern.

Dying The bird in a dream is interpreted depending on its species. If she was predatory, the plot is interpreted positively. Distributants of homemade Ptahi foreshadow financial difficulties.

If dreamed dead Bird with a personal compound, which someone shot or borrowed, it is worthwhile to beware of the problems. The danger threatens sleeping and family members. When dead birds on Earth were as a result of sleeping actions, it is desirable to carefully treat the actions performed. The likelihood is great, which will adversely affect the standard of living. Wild milk birds in a dream foreshadow small problems. Bad, if such a plot is regularly repeated. This is an indication of the depressed state of the psyche and the starting depression.

Where saw a bird in a dream

Bird in hand - to success. It's good to see such a plot businessmen.

A sign of pleasant surprises is bird, Sorting on his hand.

Predatory bird on the shoulder Symbolizes an incorrect ally. He is ready at any time to change his attitude towards sleeping for negative.

Good sign - Bird on the head. This is complete control over your own emotions and achieving success.

Bird, flipped in the house, Means sudden events. Also this is a symbol of strong anxiety for loved ones.

If a bird dreamed, sticking in the window, It is necessary to prepare for news. They will come from afar.

Taking over what birds dreams in the House, it is necessary to take into account how they behaved. Calm Ptahi means readiness for change.

If birds in the apartment It is chaotic moving, the events will appear fast quickly. Changes turn over everything upside down. Floating Pichuga sings - to the appearance of the wise adviser.

News Approach Means Bird on the balcony.

The loss of inner freedom symbolizes the bird in a cage.

Good if birds on the trees Dreamed in a natural setting. Family and in love with the dreams are a sign of harmonious relationships.

Kind plot when birds starred in the sky. Ahead of a successful period for career achievements and profit.

Action with birds in a dream

The plot of dreams in which feed birds with hands, predicts acquaintance with decent people. This is also a warning that it is not necessary to deal with woven.

Bird feed bread - To pleasant communication. If they were predatory - suddenly the positive confrontation final will come with a detractor.

To surprise - catch a bird with hands. On another interpretation, a girl may be born in the family.

Release Bird on the will - the reflection of the internal need to get rid of painful disagreements. If the dream of the dreams experienced joy from the made - soon it would be possible to successfully solve this problem.

Will have to get up to protect your own interests, if you have dreamed save Bird. The forecast for successful struggle will tell the outcome of sleep. I managed to rescue Pichuga - everything will be favorable.

Kill Bird - warning signal. Because of his own short-sighted and even stupid act, it is possible to be in trouble.

It can be seen that when trying to understand what birds are shot, you can face diametrically opposing judgments of various sources. Therefore, it is important to take into account your own emotions. Good night.

Old men say that the bird in a dream means the news. Its character depends on the type of bird and the situation of its appearance. And why a bird, why is it found on the roads of Morpheus, what is trying to say? Interpreters assure, the meaning of the message depends on the situation concomitiated by the vision. Let's figure it out essentially how to interpret such a sad image.

What dreams dead bird on Earth

Small troubles will be poured on you, as if they saw a bird, the winged creature without him. This is a sign of upcoming complications in all areas. But you should not lose heart. The troubles will be not terrible as you will seem at first sight. Among them will not have a single unsolvable issue. Bird in a dream - good luck sign. If she died, you made some kind of serious slip. Now it is to rake the consequences. If you do not get the path from the selected path, overcome all the difficulties and exit the winner. That's what dreams of a dead bird lying on the ground. But, do not forget to remember, what kind of birdnata was. A predator with wings killed by a hunter or the deceased for natural reasons appears in a night vision, as a symbol of protection against discontinuities of ill-wishers. Their efforts will be in vain. If you saw a deceased pan - bobls are coming. For example, at home there will be a flood, the consequences of which will turn into repair. And anything, but you had other plans. You have to postpone them until better times. The deceased raven - to stupidity, Filin - to the gossip. Dead swallow - to a quarrel with a loved one. Everything is overcome. It is only necessary to show a reasonable perseverance and kindness in relation to others.


You know, decipher such a vision should be carefully. It is multifaceted. So, to see the feathery of the dead among clean water, it means that it is threatened with his reputation. A certain step or word will be incorrectly perceived by hostile people. They will try to inflate the whole story from the insignificant fact to harm. If the bird came to sleep, then nothing will come. Otherwise, it is recommended to ask for help from a respected friend so that he will speak with the gossips, helped them to realize the fear of such behavior. And shy to anything! Dead bird in pure waters - reputation under threat. It is necessary to be careful, carefully look closely to people with whom communicate in everyday life. Worse, when the winged corpse was floating in dirty water. This is a symbol of lesion from haters. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to resist their cunning plans. Villains this time will win. Do not get involved in the unnecessary struggle and do not worry. Sooner or later, the intrigue will open, and your kind name will be restored. Adhere to the principles, do not retreat from ordinary modesty and darling.

Pernation corpse in the house

This is a bad and dangerous sign. Family, he promises a divorce, everyone else - unpleasant troubles. Someone from family members can seriously snort. All sincere powers and material accumulations will go on its treatment. The process of recovery will delay for a long time. In addition, a dead bird in the house of Sulit Black Izvestia from afar. The death of a relative or a close friend is likely. In love with such an image foreshadows treason. The partner will turn away from the dream, will betray tenderness, make bitter suffer. This is a very bad dream. So that the prediction is not implemented in life, you need to tell the plot of the water in detail when you go wash. Let them melt unpleasant impressions, they will carry with them the grace prospects, advises Russian dream book. Dead bird in the house - anxiety sign and trouble. Try to be more attentive to your loved one, take care of more than usual, about children and old men.

Dead in captive bird

This image appears when a strong voltage occurs in some of the spheres of life. A dead bird in a cage is a sorry sign, disagreements, long-lasting twilight. If the parrot died - they suffer from the crosses, the swallow - treason will be depressed, Peacock - will remain without support at work, cuckoo - believe inaccurate information relating to a dear person. In any case, it is necessary to find out the relationship, justify or blame, demand or provide evidence. The situation will delay, it will seem that there is simply no exit. The principles of truthfulness and humans should be adhered to. It will take some time and everything will return to the circles: the scandals will exhale, a fragile equilibrium will be established. Then to show activity, talking frankly and openly with the former opponent. The likelihood is great that disagreements will be imaginary.

What dreams of a dead dove?

This bird is recognized as the entire planet symbol of the world. Her death in a dream is perceived and interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, such a vision foreshadows hostilities in the terrain where you live. On the other hand, the lack of peace among loved ones. Especially bad if the death of this bird will see the mountains of Morpheus in love on the roads. Do not wait for reciprocity, you gave the heart to the vertihvostka, thinking only about your whims. Sadly, but nothing can be done, to fight for her attention to anything. There is a dead dove, it means that a traitor, unable to appreciate your loyalty and tenderness. Try to survive the "tragedy" with dignity. Soon we will meet a woman destined to you. With her boost about the former sorrows, the broken was the heart again will be delighted and joy.

Kill the bird itself

This dream is considered one of the most unfavorable. If a winged creature has shot, it will be bitterly crying over the consequences of their incorrect solutions. Recently, you have become frivolous, angry and annoyed others or bosses. Boomerang is already on the way. Wait for a retaliatory strike. And what is the most bitter, no one will not be accused. We will have to respond to wrongdoing, ask for forgiveness or sob alone. No one will substitute the "vest" for your tears. This is the payroll for the already made imperfect step. But if you have time to obey before those who hurt, the trouble will be part of. Hurry up, time is still there!

This symbol is considered so rare that its detailed interpretation is often not possible to find it possible. This article will try to help people disassemble the dream in detail, in which they dreamed of dead birds.

What if dreams are dreaming?

Dead birds are a very bad dream and in this opinion usually convergeous all the most respected authors of dream interpreters and just astrology specialists.

However, it is not worth a hurry to despair, because not everything is so unequivocal, and this vision can also have a completely different explanation, depending on some circumstances and small parts concomitiated by the appearance of this image in a dream.

Among other things, there is one trick that will help to solve almost any dream, where a mysterious symbol appeared in the form of dead birds, "it is enough just to familiarize yourself with the fact that live feathers are alive in dreams and turn the interpretation in the opposite direction.

So, to see a dead bird in a dream, the dream is misfortune, some very strong trouble, loss. At the same time, it is quite difficult, without some concomitant things in small things, to determine where exactly you have to wait for the trick in real life.

Among other things, the tremendous value in the interpretation of this symbol has what exactly the bird appeared dead in a dream to the dream of a dream. A terrible interpretation will have a dream about dead pigeons (especially white), tit, swallows and other innocuous feathered. It is quite another thing if we are talking about black corners or various kinds of predators.

Naturally, to see killed predatory birds or black raven, especially if in a dream until the moment of their death, they rushed to the dream, scratched, roared him, slapped the wings noisy, - a good sign that could fill a person to get rid of real life from enemies, gossip and envious.

At the same time, if the dreams independently killed them (with his own hands, out of slingshot, onion or more serious weapons), then this means only that in reality he can neutralize a negative society for himself.

It is not too much to be afraid of even dreams about the killed "good" birds, thinking that thus the stars promise seen this dream death or a serious illness. Yes, of course, some serious trouble are coming, but they do not threaten the life or health of the dream. Death Usually foreshadows a completely different symbol - if the bird sat down to man on the man (head) or sank him closest.

What does foreshadow?

To see in a dream a lot of dead sparrows or their chicks that dropped out of the nest can warn a person about a variety of small spending and cash losses in reality.

A big dead parrot with bright painted feathers, suddenly found in a dream, usually foreshadowed a person collapse of his cherished dream, desires and aspirations. Sometimes this vision is interpreted as a change in lifestyle (from frivolous and carefree to difficult, heavy and insolent).

If traces of blood, wounds and scratches are noticeable on the body of the dead bird, then in the life of most likely the coming troubles will be closely connected with the relatives of the dream, its most close and relatives.

But to make a cracker from the dead bird, admire their work and hang this trophy in my home, by no means, is not a bad omen. Sometimes thus the stars make a kind of compliment to the dream, hinting at his ingenuity, exemption and ability to adapt even in the most difficult life situations.

In any case, rushing the events, falling into a panic or, on the contrary, it is easy to sigh, it is definitely not worth it, because we are talking about a dream, which are still considered to be completely unknown. How and what they can turn into real life, to make accurately say at least stupid.

Even for those who do not consider themselves to the number of animal lovers, who fell to the feet of the dead bird will not be the most pleasant event per day. And what if the bird died, flewing out the window, or someone threw it on the threshold of your home? Here the composure will save units, the rest in the fright grabbing the head: "bad sign"! But how to interpret it? Yes, and is it a sign at all or an annoying accident?

Find a dead bird ...

On the road. If you came across the path covered on the way somewhere, it is actually not a sign, but just an unpleasant event. Alas, birds are dying every day. Carriages at high speeds of cars, dogs and cats, diseases and old age, which feathers are subject to the same way as all living things ... Nothing amazing that from time to time we bump on their calf in different parts of the city. True, there is a belief that the dead raven on the road means fail in the case you are heading. But the most reasonable way out for you in this case will not be focused on the thoughts on the sad find, but calmly continue your way. Most likely, there will be no such a dozen of people today, so if this is a sign, then a big question for whom.

In the yard or in the garden. Unlike the previous case, this message is already almost "nominal" and symbolizes it is a disorder that can happen with other people, but not relatives (it is no coincidence that you found a carcass before you managed to return to the house). Weigh every word before letting the will irritation, and the conflict will be avoided. After all, the signs for the signs so that you can predict the possible bad development of events and adjust your actions.

Near the window or door. If the dead bird does not cause joyful feelings on the side of joyful feelings, it is even more unpleasant to make such a find on its own verge or under the window. Well, if you live in a private house, and in the territory around the neighboring cats - in this case, "sabotage" can always be written off on their account. And do not break your head over its meaning! Believe me, the fluffy predator in the thoughts did not have something to tell you! Another thing is that sometimes a carcass thrown up with a specific purpose to harm the inhabitants of the dwelling. Naturally, it is extremely important that in this world there is a person who has so serious anger on you, but it is overly emotionally to respond to this incident and lose peace because of him and sleep is not necessary. Similar "magic" on that and is built to scare you and the break through the breach in psychological protection. Why play the hand of unfriendly? Without touching the bird, wrap it in a newspaper or a rag, jump away from home, and then forget about it once and forever.

On the balcony or in the room.Depending on how the breed is a bird, changes and interpretation changes:

The bird does not always symbolize something. Sometimes it's just a bird

  • Pigeon superstition is interpreted as a disease of someone from the living in the house.
  • Sparrow - the loss of a significant amount of money, but not critical. However, if you have a side source of income, you can lose it.
  • Forty foreshadows unfair accusation in slander. Be careful in your statements about other people, otherwise you risk a reputation as an avid gossip.
  • Dead swallow - twofold sign. On the one hand, it is quite logical denotes sadness and tears. On the other, the first one who in the spring will detect a dead bird in his way, believed promises a good year.
  • Owl (happens and this) warns that you are bad listen to the voice of the mind and neglect the wise tips.

If it is crashed into an obstacle and breaks to death

In the window glass with a swing hit the bird, fell and died? Sad, but drinking sedative early. Some signs believe that you foreshadow this event ... Meet your friends. And the degree of fun will depend on the size of the bird: the pigeon means a wide feast, a sparrow - short gatherings in a cafe. If the sign is bothering you, buy a bottle of good wine, invite a two-three friendships home and "execute" it alone.

Believe about the pigeon shocking into the window or wall, by the way, has another interpretation. If a girl lives in the house for issuing, until the end of the year she will hardly become a bride. And for the better! It is believed that the marriage concluded contrary to this sign will be unhappy and will quickly cease to exist.

And it is worth throwing mysticism, and the reason for the strange behavior of the birds becomes banal and in something nice for the hostess of the house: you simply have very clean glasses! Small pichugs so often do not notice them that some special stickers fasten on the windows to scare ups.

Flew into the house and died

If you had a chance to detect a bird corpse in my own apartment, in the head will be brought to the thoughts about bad signs. However, in this case, despair early: contrary to universal delusion, belief faces troubles and sadness only if you yourself or unwittingly contributed to bird death. If an accident occurred, the dead bird in the house foreshadows a series of bad, but far from fatal events. The exception is the cinema, since these birds are traditionally considered as haznitsa happiness. But for each badge there is a "antidote", so do not despair. We will still focus on this question more than a little later.

Drowned in water

Drinking bowl for birds will put an end to honor with feathers

What about the drowned birds mysterious silence. Perhaps because there is nothing mysterious in this event. Birds are often sitting on the edge of water tanks to quench thirst, and if for some reason it is broken down (for example, it pushed careless seedings), can't get out. If there is hunt, appreciate to accept the place where the bird was drowned - in the yard or on the street. And it is better to cover the capacity suitable on the size of the lid, and the sad incident will no longer repeat.

What the dead bird falls from the sky

Pichuga who fell next to you usually foreshadows the emergence of difficulties in the material, business sphere and in relations with people. To protect yourself, do not make spontaneous expensive purchases, carefully fulfill your duties for the service and try not to get involved in conflict situations. By the way, the useful habit of calculating its actions guaranteed to bring you good luck, even if no bird fell from the sky.

Is it possible to neutralize?

  • The surest way to take a bad sign - not to believe in it. While you did not convince yourself that the dead bird foreshadows trouble, believed over you powerless.
  • If you have already managed to get frightened, take a warm shower and, looking at the breakdown of the bathroom, repeat several times: "Water-water, from where he came there, I took all 33 misfortunes."
  • Bird hit the glass at home and fell? Check if it died exactly. Save the feathery in such circumstances means relieving a bad admission. If you help, alas, late, take away the bird away from your home, thoroughly wash the window and immediately throw out the napkin so that everything is bad with her went to the garbage. A crack remained on the glass? Replace it as soon as possible.

The leaf collections will take care, do not forget to refer to the calendar. Is it not a season of flight birds in the yard? In autumn and spring, these fun creatures in feathers become particularly active and less attentive. It may be that the "terrible sign" is in fact only the result of the warful, who walked behind the midge or surprisingly from a stronger opponent of pichugi. Is it worth spending your nerves about this?