Why dream of elegant clothes. Torn clothes according to the dream book

If in a dream you had a chance to dress another person or child, then in reality try not to be frank with strangers. To put on something yourself - to the beginning of a new business. Dream Interpretations will tell you why the indicated action is most often dreamed of.

According to the dream book for the bitch

Dressing yourself in a dream literally means planning, thinking, looking for a solution to a specific problem. If you dreamed that you had to dress in a hurry, then the dream book predicts disappointment and changes in plans due to the stupid behavior of a loved one.

Why dream if you happen to dress another character? Trust only yourself and rely solely on yourself. The dream interpretation is sure: only in this case you can achieve success.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Why dream if you decide to dress another person? It literally means to subjugate the will, to impose one's thoughts, ideas, to control. You can dress yourself before the implementation of a certain enterprise. In both cases, the dream book is convinced that the interpretation of sleep directly depends on what exactly you are lucky to wear.

Did you dream that you were wearing shoes? Expect great luck or an increase in income. If you managed to put some thing inside out, then succumb to the temptation or trust a stranger. It is good to put on a brand new coat in night dreams. According to the dream book, this is a sign of the fulfillment of desires. But if the little coat turned out to be torn, then you will receive sad news. Wearing someone else's coat, according to the dream book, can lead to an erroneous choice (conclusion) and getting into a confusing situation.

Why dream if you had to wear a suit? Growing up children will bring a lot of experiences, but the dream book advises you to trust them more. It is good to see and wear velvet things in a dream. This means that fame and generally recognized success awaits you. But if at night you had to wear an old, worn and dirty robe, then you will break the dream book: get ready for trouble at the workplace or at a party.

Did you dream that you were wearing a thimble in a dream? True friends will help to cope with troubles. Putting on gloves for yourself - to excessive frugality. Wearing an accessory to another in a dream symbolizes an attempt to subdue, control.

What does it mean if in a dream you had a chance to wear a wig to someone? The dream interpretation warns: the changes that you have planned will bring a very unexpected result. If you happen to wear glasses, then you have to communicate with an obsessive and unpleasant person. The same plot reflects the desire to isolate oneself from something, literally not to know, not to see.

Why dream of putting on your shoes, someone else's, dirty, clean, new, old

Did you have to wear shoes at night? The image suggests that there is a right way to solve a problem. A more complete interpretation will give the color, model, condition and other nuances of the butt. Why dream if someone had a chance to wear obviously someone else's shoes? In reality, you will begin to impose your opinion, point of view, demeanor. Wearing a brand new pair is good. For men, she promises profit, success, for women - a new romantic relationship.

Did you dream that you were wearing an old, torn or dirty headband? Get ready for life's challenges. Seeing shoes with holes means that your plans will fail, because you didn’t calculate something. In a dream, did you manage to put on shoes with lumps of dirt? Expect a series of conflicts and troubles. In addition, the planned road will be difficult.

What does it mean if you happen to wear strong, but strange-looking shoes? The existing problem can be solved in an unusual, but very simple way. You can see unpaired shoes to communicate with an unreliable person. If in a dream it turned out to put on only one leg, then a one-sided vision of some kind of problem leads you to failure.

In a dream, put on your clothes, someone else's, dirty, clean, new, old

In a dream, did you have a chance to wear high-quality, but not fashionable clothes for a long time? Good luck awaits you, but do not neglect your previous ideals and goals. Had a dream about how they refused to wear old unfashionable clothes? It's time to radically change the way of life, habits, environment.

You can put on new clothes for someone in a dream to joy, old clothes - to sadness and trouble. Why dream if you managed to put too many clothes on yourself and another? You will fall ill in reality or this person will fall ill with an ailment. If a man had a chance to wear new clothes, but in real life he will find himself a mistress or wife. For a woman, the same image promises sadness, dissatisfaction.

Why wear a ring, earrings, jewelry at night

If you decide to wear jewelry to someone, then the frivolity of others will lead to a nervous breakdown. Seeing jewelry or jewelry on yourself means getting a profitable position and satisfying ambitions.

Why dream if you are not lucky to wear fake jewelry? In a dream, this is an eloquent sign of falsehood and deceit. Had a dream about how they put on another ring? Soon, on your own initiative, conclude some kind of alliance, business relationship, marriage. The interpretation of sleep depends on the quality of the product and the dream plot. What does it mean if you put on a ring for yourself? This is an omen of the birth of a child and the fulfillment of desires.

What does it mean to wear socks, tights

If you dreamed that you were wearing pantyhose to someone or yourself, then you will have to spend time and money to solve a difficult problem. At the same time, torn and old tights indicate hypocrisy, claims, disorder. The same image guarantees unforeseen difficulties in the solved case.

Why dream if you had to wear socks? In reality, you will be able to save money and buy something pleasant. You can wear men's socks before a long journey, a trip. The same plot symbolizes a profitable offer.

Dreamed of holey socks? Get ready for a quarrel, trouble, failure, communication difficulties. Beautiful socks symbolize the attention of the opposite sex in a dream, and very long socks symbolize a long-standing relationship. If a man had to wear stockings to a woman, then a big profit or a romantic date awaits him.

Why in a dream wear a wig, a hat

If in a dream you decided to wear a wig, then this means that you are ready for decisive action, change. That's just it will not bring the desired effect, but only worsen the current situation. I dreamed. that you decided to wear a wig to another person? In reality, you will try to take control of something, impose your opinion, or hide some secret, fact. Seeing other characters wearing a clown wig means that a loved one will betray you.

Why dream if you had a chance to wear a hat? In reality, get ready for an abundance of worries and troubles. If the hat is solid and beautiful, earn respect, if it is old and plain, then you will have to be ashamed. Did you dream that you put a hat on someone else's head? In reality, literally convey your worries, deeds or responsibilities.

What does it mean to dress a child, a baby in the night

Why dream if it happened to dress a small child or baby? In real life, expect an influx of household worries and problems. At the same time, the plot symbolizes an undertaking or a business to which you give all of yourself.

If you tried to dress a child, and the clothes turned out to be small, then you initially chose the wrong path or make efforts in the wrong place. Seeing that things turned out to be big on the baby means that what you want does not correspond to real possibilities.

Had a dream about dressing a very capricious child? This is a sign of your own dissatisfaction. Alas, you are not able to change anything at the moment, so be patient and wait for favorable times. An attempt to dress a child in very colorful and unusual clothes indicates the uncertainty of the position, instability, lack of purpose.

Dress in a dream - how to interpret

What does it mean if in a dream you had to wear someone or something? The interpretation of sleep is directly dependent on the meaning of the object being worn, as well as the characteristics of the action itself.

  • wear a lot of clothes - chores, illness, unpleasant situation
  • messy - uninvited guests
  • fast - unnecessary haste
  • slow - the need to hurry
  • dress in white clothes - praise, victory
  • in black - dead man, disappointment, accusation
  • in red - matchmaking, shame, illness
  • in green - dignity, success
  • in blue - reflections, choice
  • dress in a new one - luxury, profit, undertakings
  • in the old - difficulties, lack of money, problems from the past
  • into a rich, expensive one - envy or the truth will be revealed
  • poor dreamer - misfortune
  • the patient - deterioration
  • dress in mourning - appointment
  • in transparent - the discovery of secrets
  • on holiday - profit
  • long - honor, recognition
  • in the dirty - sadness, gossip, difficulties
  • torn - lies, troubles, lack of money
  • dress in a female man - shame, loss, deceit
  • into a man's woman - temptation. danger
  • dressing a dead man - the old business will return
  • child - an undertaking, a favorite pastime
  • mistress - waste of money
  • wife / husband - care, family hearth
  • stranger - an unusual situation
  • wear a coat, dress, jacket - relationships with others
  • shirt, jacket, blouse - real feelings, emotions
  • skirt, trousers - preoccupation with appearance, image
  • underwear - fears, innermost dreams, secrets
  • hats - thoughts, ideas
  • wear a hat with a feather - posturing, setup, deceit
  • with flowers - joy, happiness
  • with a veil - mourning, tears
  • dressing another jewelry - good luck in business
  • with precious stones - an unusual event
  • beads, necklaces - tedious, but worthwhile work, connection
  • brooch - a gift, a pleasant surprise
  • ring, ring - offer, unity
  • bracelet - imposing one's own opinion
  • chain - submission, control
  • earrings - lose something valuable

To interpret the dream action, you can use the meaning of any objects, as well as characters that had to be dressed in a dream. But only your own emotions and intuition will give the final interpretation.

Dreams related to clothing can be interpreted in completely different ways. In addition to the fact that the appearance and number of wardrobe items play a big role, interpreters also tend to pay attention to the details of sleep, the predominance of any color, your emotions regarding the dream. In addition, some interpreters attach specific meaning to the circumstances of sleep, while others, on the contrary, generalize the images and draw conclusions based on this generalization. Outerwear, for example, promises success.

In Loff's dream book you will not find an accurate interpretation of dreams about clothes, however, the interpreter is sure that in any dream clothes personify the degree of your self-confidence, individuality and wealth of the inner world. If you dreamed of losing your clothes, such a dream may indicate your vulnerability, but do not lose sight of the possibility of sexual or exhibitionistic fantasies. Buying some wardrobe details that suit you and add attractiveness indicates that your self-esteem will begin to increase every day. Special clothes, including those endowed with some magical properties, in a dream can be a reflection of your desire for understanding or protection.

Dreamed of new clothes, her purchase

Dreams in which you see yourself in new clothes or buy some wardrobe items, in general, have a positive meaning. The English dream book says that if you dreamed that you were wearing new clothes, you should expect a promotion, and updating your wardrobe portends the speedy fulfillment of all desires, provided that you show sufficient diligence in achieving your goals. In the esoteric dream book, new clothes are considered to be the personification of future new things, while Hasse sees the approach of happiness if you bought new items of clothing in a dream.

The importance of clothing color

In addition to the fact that in the dream book you can find a detailed interpretation of a dream in which one color predominates, interpreters pay great attention to what color clothes you dream of. Particularly detailed interpretations of the colors of the robes can be found in Miller's dream book and in English interpretations.

Raspberry clothes, according to Miller, dream of the opportunity to get rid of enemies, just making another decision in time. The British in their dream book note that red robes dream of anxieties and trials, while the dark red color of clothes speaks of a long life and soon receiving good news, and purple outfits will warn of possible success and family happiness, just like blue ones. Miller speaks about blue clothes in much the same way, promising soon the support of friends and the fulfillment of desires.

yellow outfits according to Miller prophesy good luck in money matters, the green ones will also talk about the approach of a favorable period. Clothing that combines several colors, according to Miller, can be a signal that soon the events of your life will change dramatically, alternating good and bad, sometimes completely unexpectedly. The English dream book on the theme of colorful clothes says that life's troubles await you, a conflict with your loved one is possible.

Black or white robe in a dream

Assyrian dream book reports that a man in black, seen in a dream, personifies the approach of losses, the English dream book notes that if black clothes in dreams were part of mourning, the dream is positive. Otherwise, it is better to be prepared for serious troubles, including illnesses, one's own or someone close to you. For Hasse, black clothes in dreams are a symbol of future sadness, while Miller points out that the dream is interpreted this way only for women.

The white outfits in Miller's dream book threaten with upsetting changes, and Hasse, on the contrary, considers snow-white robes an indication of the imminent appearance of a reason for joy. The British in their dream book also indicate that the whiteness of the wardrobe is news of imminent good luck in various areas of life.

Old, dirty, torn clothes in dreams

In the French dream book there is an indication that such robes dream of approaching all sorts of troubles. Esoteric dream book sees in such dreams an indication of the need to pay attention to some old and neglected cases. Hasse, in his dream book, claims that old clothes are the personification of a decrease in income, and if you dreamed that you were wearing such things, it is better to be prepared for trouble. Paying attention to Miller's interpretations, the field of such a dream should be wary of being deceived, especially by strangers. The interpreter also notes that there is a risk of gossip or attempts to denigrate your name.

Specific interpretations

What the dream of white clothes warns about - you can find out right now.

The interpretation of a dream about black clothes must necessarily occur on the basis of details.

To find out what the dream portends about trying on clothes, remember the details.

Do children's clothes in a dream always predict pleasant events in reality?

Deciphering a dream about red clothes requires a careful analysis of the details.

What does a dream in which there were a lot of clothes mean - find out right now in order to use the hint in time.

choose clothes

You have to choose the right path from the many possible. It will be very difficult to do this, if you make a mistake, you will not be able to return to the initial stage, you will have to solve new emerging problems as they come. And there won't be many of them.


To news that will be favorable specifically for you. They will in no way affect your work or family life, but, nevertheless, they can make you a little more joyful and happier.

Old clothes

On the way to your cherished goal, you will encounter a huge number of difficulties. This road will by no means be straight and even, ill-wishers will constantly interfere in the performance of any business and put spokes in the wheels.

beautiful clothes

Prosperity and good luck will accompany you for a long time. Do not miss the chance to take advantage of this: right now there is an opportunity to complete all the cases in which problems and uncertainties arose.

get dirty

An ambulance will unsettle you and prevent you from completing the work you were counting on. This will hit your pocket hard and can deprive you of a significant part of the finances accumulated to this point in time.

torn clothes

You should be more attentive to the people around you. You are too trusting and this quality has played a cruel joke with you more than once. There are people nearby who, without hesitation, will be able to betray in order to get at least a small benefit.

blue clothes

You will have to enter into a covert struggle with the existing enemy in order to achieve your goals. Be more prudent and think over your every step, stumbling, you can lose everything that has already been achieved and then you will have to start from the very beginning.

pink clothes

Your dream will slowly but surely come true. You will experience high spirits, and nothing can overshadow it at such a joyful moment. Right now we can safely say that life is beautiful.

Green clothes

This dream portends a long journey. Most likely, it will be a vacation that you had to wait for a very long time. Some hopes will be associated with this journey, which will eventually come true.

If you remember your dream, this is already a reason to open the dream book.

Some dreams are forgotten in the morning, but even if not the whole plot is remembered, but at least some sign, this is an important symbol. Especially if you remember your clothes in a dream.

In reality, she is given great importance. According to it, they meet, draw conclusions about a person, with its help we talk about ourselves, express our inner world, attract attention to ourselves, hide from the eyes, assert ourselves, seduce, shock, surprise, cause admiration and so on.

An outfit is an extension of a person. And in dreams, clothes can be even more important, and a lot can depend on its appearance, color, condition. How to understand correctly what clothes are dreaming of, and what to expect in reality?

There are a lot of meanings in the interpreter, and they are all different, unique, significant. In order not to confuse, you should be more careful. After all, it can be important advice, and an omen, and a warning.

Getting the right answer about what clothes are dreaming of is actually simple - you just have to remember the details and not confuse them. They may be as follows:

  • Dreaming of new clothes.
  • Ripped clothes in a dream.
  • It has patches on it.
  • I dreamed of things with a stain.
  • Children's clothes in dreams.
  • White clothes in a dream.
  • Things are colorful, bright, different colors.
  • Black robe in a dream.
  • I dreamed of red clothes.
  • Outfit with embroidery, beads.
  • Silk robes in dreams.
  • Velvet dresses.
  • Rich, luxurious outfit.
  • Clean your things in a dream.
  • Choose, buy new clothes in a store or on the market.
  • Measure things in a store or salon.
  • Put a patch in place of the hole.
  • Dirty thing, remove the stain from it.
  • Measure or wear very good things.
  • To be very fashionably dressed in a dream.
  • The thing in your dreams does not sit well, or does not go.
  • Break something.
  • Wet thing on you in a dream.
  • Wear clothes of the opposite sex.
  • Be suddenly naked.
  • Undress in a dream.

The dream book offers so many options that it is easy to get confused. But focus and remember the most important thing - what you saw in a dream and what you did. This will help to reliably decipher your dreams.

See but don't take

It can be noted that any dreams are divided into two main types - in some, the dreamer only notices the sign, looks at it, and in others, he shows active (or passive) actions with this symbol.

If in your case there were no actions, and you only looked at some things, it is worth remembering all the details of what they were. This will help to decipher what the clothes are dreaming of, realizing what awaits in reality.

1. As the dream book says, the clothes that were new in a dream: in a store, in a window or in your wardrobe, this is a good sign, but not easy. A new skirt, dress, trousers - of any style and color - is a symbol of success, good luck and achievement of a goal.

But the interpreter hints that you will achieve this if you are stubborn and do not back down, even if there are difficulties.

2. Torn things are a symbol of change. A new line of life awaits you, a white streak, but only thanks to considerable effort and work. It's worth putting in the effort to succeed!

3. If you saw patches, this is a warning that you are in danger of harm from unkind, dishonest people. Be careful, avoid skirmishes and try not to get involved with bad, evil people at all.

4. A stain on a dress, skirt, blouse, and so on, a dirty thing, is a kind of obstacle in reality. However, it will not violate your plans if you calmly and confidently move towards the goal, without being distracted by minor obstacles.

5. As the dream book assures, children's clothing for the dreamer is a symbol that it is time for you to become more serious. Probably, you have a considerable amount of infantility in your character, and it does not allow you to fully live and achieve success.

6. A white skirt, sundress, suit, white shirt is always a wonderful sign that portends great happiness, love, harmonious marriage.

It is worth considering in more detail in the interpreter what exactly these things were - this will give a more specific answer, but the interpretation is always very favorable. This is a happy dream, a white stripe awaits you.

7. As the dream book says, multi-colored, motley clothes are a sign of frivolity, unreasonable deeds, stupidity. You should be wiser, more serious, you should carefully consider your own actions and their consequences.

8. Black robes are a symbol of some regrets about past deeds or words. But think - even if you made mistakes, is there any point in just regretting it?

If there is an opportunity to correct something, ask for forgiveness - do it, and also think about the new experience that you got. And move on without looking back!

9. A red shirt, dress, skirt is a bright, interesting symbol for a woman. This color is quite unambiguous, and red clothes are a symbol of great passion, but also of the danger that borders on it. Be prudent and careful, but do not give up bright experiences!

10. As the dream book indicates, clothes with embroidery, threads, ribbons, beads, and so on are a clear sign of approaching love. Some romantic experience that you will soon experience. Open to love, it will change your life and yourself!

11. Silk is a symbol of great profit, wealth, prosperity and excellent reputation. Are you ready for a new level of life?

12. Velvet is a symbol of true luxury. You have to taste the luxurious life!

13. A rich outfit, embroidered with gold and stones, royal clothes - this is a great dream. Happy events, amazing changes, as well as honor and respect in society await you.

Wear or wear

If, however, looking at clothes in a store or somewhere else, the dream didn’t end, and you did something, then it’s worth remembering all these actions, because they will help to explain what clothes are dreaming of - so be careful.

Here it is important not only whether the thing was clean or dirty, wet or new, but what you had to do is more important: wear it, measure it, choose or buy it, repair it or clean it. What happened?

1. If your thing was dirty, and you cleaned this dirt, this is great, because in reality new joys await you after troubles and problems. You will cope with troubles and conflicts, and a new life period awaits you, bright and full of pleasant surprises.

2. Buying new clothes in a store, in the market, choosing an outfit for yourself, trying on - all this, believe me, promises you a change. Which ones - depends on whether you had to buy a thing with joy, or you were disappointed in a dream. If you were happy, then the changes will be very good.

3. Just measuring a thing in a dream is a good dream, which means that you will soon begin to have new plans, ideas, and there will be enough strength to implement them. A bright streak will begin, your forces will seethe, and you will be able to realize yourself.

4. Putting a patch is a symbol of gossip. They should be carefully avoided.

5. The dirty clothes with which you removed the stain in a dream are a sign that you will get rid of difficulties. Problems will end with your efforts.

6. Wearing excellent, beautiful things is a great success, recognition and prosperity.

7. Fashionable outfits are a good symbol, it promises new ideas. And rare, valuable and very promising. They will bring you success.

8. If you dressed poorly in a dream, nothing sits on you properly - you have to part with some attachments in reality. It's worth doing, the time has come.

9. To tear something on yourself is a surprise. You will be surprised by some extraordinary event.

10. Wet clothes are a warning sign. You should protect your reputation, behave very decently, so that later you will not regret and spoil your position.

11. For a lady who wore a men's suit in a dream, the interpreter portends simply incredible attention from men. From suitors will not fight back!

12. If you suddenly find yourself without anything in which your mother gave birth - this dream indicates your overconfidence. You are probably insincere and impersonating another person. You should be more honest with yourself and with people.

13. Undressing in dreams is a sign that soon in reality you will begin to change your usual life with conscious efforts. This is good, and do not hesitate - you can change it the way you dream.

Clothing is one of the most interesting signs that has a lot of interpretations. What did the dream book tell you?

Think it over, do not rush to draw conclusions right away - maybe you should really change something in your actions? Or maybe just not strain and wait for happiness? One way or another, trust fate, but do not forget - you are its creator, and no one else. Author: Vasilina Serova

Dream Interpretation Clothes Dreaming of a belt, a belt. - portends an appointment to a place. Auspicious sign. You put on a new coat, new outerwear. - There will be a new wife or concubine, friend. You put on an expensive and beautiful dress. - Prosperity of children and grandchildren. Washing and cleaning clothes. - In all cases, fortunately. Throw a raincoat over your shoulders, cover yourself with clothes from the weather. - There will be great mercy. The dress is stained with oil or grease. - There will be mercy, patronage from above. Frayed clothes that are about to tear. The wife is looking away. Folding and packing new clothes. - There will be various hardships, failures. You give the person clothes. - There will be illness, illness, grief. Cut clothes, wear mourning clothes. - portends happiness. The belt on the clothes itself dissolves or unties. - In all matters, good luck and happiness. You put on clothes of yellow or golden, wheaten color. - Fortunately and good luck. You put on white clothes. “Someone should be asking you. You wear blue or green clothes. - There will be help and support from a wise, perfect person. You put on azure, patterned, embroidered clothes. - portends great benefits associated with his wife. Lots of people wearing purple or purple clothes. - Indicates abuse. Lots of people dressed in blue clothes. - Indicates separation from family, separation from loved ones. Lots of people dressed in white clothes. - Indicates cases related to the service. Lots of people dressed in red clothes. - Indicates great happiness and good luck. The woman puts on the man's clothes. - Indicates the birth of a noble offspring. With some person you own the same clothes. - My wife has a lover. Loss of clothing. - portends a difficult birth with his wife. You want to cover yourself with your own blanket, wrap up the canopy. - portends wealth and nobility. Choose a hat or belt. - You'll get a promotion. The woman puts on a headdress and a belt. - Heralds the birth of a son, Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Clothes - if you dreamed about your clothes, - joy awaits you. Dirty and torn clothes are a warning that troubles will soon fall on you. Rich clothes, embroidered with gold and decorated with bright embroidery, promise you happy events, respect for others. Old French dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes In general - the mood; position in society; material level; conceit, own claims; reputation, authority; attraction for a woman. Clothing color - indicates a specific emotional state (see R. Color). Dressed in red - love for the sleeper. In spots, holes, gusts, patches - harm, poverty, disappointment, shame, a drop in reputation. Original, out of fashion, out of place dressed - delicate, slippery situation; collapse of the position. Too chic, expensive - ruin; dishonor. A woman in a man's suit is good luck. A man in a woman's - trouble; ailments. Old, worn out clothes - feelings of fatigue, old age, ruin. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep Clothing Good and clean clothes - for a man portends a high position, honor, honors, benefits, piety, a significant position and a noble wife, and for a woman - a husband; that is, if a woman sees a clean and beautiful dress in a dream, then a good person will become her husband. Dream Interpretation Taflisi

The meaning of sleep Clothes If you dream that you are well dressed, then people praise, and if you go ragged, then people judge. Beautiful clothes are sick. Seeing yourself in white is a disease. To be in black is sadness, sadness. Black clothes are a disease. How to dress in black clothes, then there is an arrest. Red is bad. To see yourself in red is to shame, to disgrace. She dreams that you are dressed in red: for a girl - someone will woo; married - any shame. Suite, jacket (outerwear in general) - there will be some news. Clean clothes that a girl thinks to wear on a holiday should be put under her pillow in the evening and make a dream for herself. If you have a dream, then the darling will love. Ukrainian dream book

Sleep Clothes It is important to pay attention to what the clothes were like in a dream: whole or torn, clean or soiled. Dirty and torn clothes always portend deceit and warns against communicating with strangers. But clean clothes dream of well-being. If in a dream you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, be careful in reality. Any wrong step can lead you to the fact that you will not have enough even the most necessary things for life. For a young woman, such a dream portends deceptive hopes. Wearing excellent but unfashionable clothes in a dream portends luck and, unfortunately, a complete disregard for valuable ideas. Giving up clothes that are out of fashion means that you will soon leave your current environment, make new connections, relationships and romances. If the clothes in a dream do not sit well on you, some of your attachments will soon become a thing of the past. Perhaps you will make a gross mistake in some enterprise. For a woman, such a dream portends an unpleasant rivalry among friends. If she admires the clothes of others, strong jealousy on the part of her friend is possible. Modern dream book

Dream Clothes The dream in which you dream of clothes can have both favorable and sinister meanings, depending on the cleanliness and condition of the clothes. Seeing beautiful but old-fashioned clothes means that you will be lucky, but you will neglect progressive ideas. If in a dream you refuse unfashionable, outdated clothes - in real life you will find yourself in a pleasant environment and make new connections, do new things, new love will inspire you - and all this will turn you into a completely different person. Seeing yourself or other people dressed in white robes means events or changes in life that will sadden you. Walking in a dream with a man dressed in white: predicts the illness of this person or misfortune, unless it is a young woman and not a child. In this case, you will be surrounded by nice people. To dream of yourself or others dressed in black portends quarrels, disappointment and grumpy companions. Perhaps the course of commercial affairs will not justify your hopes. Yellow robes: dream of fun, entertainment and financial success. This is an auspicious dream. But if you see a ghostly, supernatural glow emanating from clothes, then such a dream may portend changes for the worse. Blue clothes: a sign that persistent efforts and fortitude will lead you to victory. Your friends will faithfully support you. Seeing crimson or dark red clothes in a dream predicts that you will avoid the machinations of powerful enemies by changing your intentions in time. Green clothes: a symbol of happiness and prosperity. Multi-colored clothes seen in a dream: predicts rapid changes. Everything will mix up in your destiny, both good and evil. If you dream that clothes do not suit you, this is a sign of the transience and variability of your tastes and hobbies. Most likely, you will make a mistake in some undertaking. Seeing old or young people in clothes that suit them predicts that you will start doing something that you don’t like and will give you a lot of trouble. If a young woman dreams that she is unhappy with her clothes, in real life she will encounter many annoying obstacles on the way to her goal. If she admires the clothes of others, in reality she will be haunted by the jealous envy of her friends. Losing some item of clothing in a dream is a sign of anxiety in love and commerce. For a young woman to dream that she is dressed in a black transparent suit, it means that sadness and disappointment will soon await her. If she dreams that she meets another woman in crimson clothes and with a mourning crepe veil on her face: the dream predicts that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she had not taken seriously before, and bitter disappointment will fill her soul. When interpreting dreams about clothes: you should be careful, careful and notice whether things look natural and natural. If a bright supernatural light breaks through the clothes, and the faces of people dressed in these clothes are distorted: beware: terrible misfortunes can await you on the path of life. Seeing soiled and torn clothes in a dream means that deceit will bring you harm. Beware of making friends with strangers. If a woman has such a dream, her virtue will be tarnished if she is not careful in choosing friends. Clean new clothes: promises prosperity. If you dream that you have a large selection of clothes, the dream carries elements of doubt. Perhaps you will need the most necessary. Young people have such a dream. Tearing clothes to shreds: warns that your peace of mind will be disturbed due to gossip and slander. Modern dream book

What is the dream of Clothes To be dressed in white or light - for pleasure. To wear white clothes - to compensate for losses. To see a white dalmatic: to great joy. To see yourself dressed in fine linen: to increase. If someone sees himself dressed in a mantle: this portends pleasure. Wear linen clothes - to wealth. To be dressed in multi-colored clothes - to ailments. To be dressed in purple clothes - to ill health. To be dressed in new clothes: for fun. Wear light-colored clothes: for pleasure. Tearing clothes apart: to illness. To see yourself dressed in beautiful clothes - to joy, or to public recognition, or, according to some, to difficulties. To have red clothes: to anger. Medieval dream book

Dream Interpretation Cloak (outerwear) The cloak means the dignity of a person, his glory and greatness.
Clothes in a dream Whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive, this is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead, his good position near Allah Almighty, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of Paradise. White clothes are the piety of the one who put them on in a dream. Some troubles, and maybe death, will happen to those who put on black clothes in a dream, if they are not used to doing it in reality. If he is used to wearing it, then this is honor, power, wealth, greatness and supremacy for him. And whoever sees that he is wearing red clothes, he is granted wealth, from which it is necessary to allocate busy, and therefore let him be afraid of Allah and give busy. If a woman sees that she has put on red clothes, then this is joy. For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor, it is wealth, and for the debtor, the payment of debts. And whoever sees that he put on old, worn clothes, anxiety and sadness will befall him. Blue or blue clothes are also anxiety and sadness. And removing dirty clothes in a dream is the disappearance of worries and anxieties. If a woman sees that she has dressed in men's clothes, then this is good, and if a man sees that he has dressed in women's clothes, then he is in great danger from enemies. Military clothing refers to the husband. Silk clothing means the acquisition of wealth in an unlawful and shaky way. Woolen clothes in a dream indicate the acquisition of great wealth and a luxurious worldly life. Yellow clothing means illness, care and sadness. Wearing short, untidy and dirty clothes - to non-compliance with Sharia law. Wearing clean, spacious and tidy clothes in a dream - to well-being. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Buying clothes in a dream portends a happy event in your life. Light clothes mean satisfaction and spiritual uplift, dark - sadness in the soul and change for the worse. Children's clothing portends family troubles. Fashionable outfits - for interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like, out of fashion - you will soon change your image by doing something else and making new connections. A fitted tunic in a tunic and well-fitting clothes means that you will undertake something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will bring you deep moral satisfaction. If the clothes are not the right size and spoil the whole figure, in reality you will break with old connections and attachments without making new ones. To envy a rival dressed up in an elegant suit that suits her very well - in real life you will be tormented by jealousy and consumed by suspicion. If you don’t like someone’s flashy or tasteless clothes, you will have to try very hard not to look at least worse than others in terms of your appearance at an upcoming celebration or when attending some spectacular event. A button that has come off inopportunely or a lock that has broken in the most interesting place portends sad events and temporary disorder. Repairing new clothes portends that your inescapable energy will help you overcome unexpected obstacles. Patching old clothes - you will experience hardships that will not last long. Putting on old clothes from someone else's shoulder portends the loss of a lover, seduced by the beauty and tinsel of a fool stuffed with money. Dirty clothes warn of possible fraud when buying an expensive item on the market. Wash clothes in a dream - in reality you will find yourself at a disadvantage, revealing your plans ahead of time. Giving clothes to dry cleaners portends unexpected income that will go to pay off debts. If in a dream you repaint clothes, it means that you will have a great time this coming weekend; if you change it, you will have to come to grips with household chores and devote your free time to communicating with your family. If you dream that your wardrobe has a rich selection of outfits - do not rely on support and do not believe other people's promises, because you will certainly be let down. To see an empty closet, having lost all your clothes, beware of tarnishing your reputation with a relationship with people of dubious behavior. Take off your clothes - in reality, you will achieve greater success by showing feminine qualities especially valued by men. A dream where you put on a lot of all kinds of clothes or measure them one after another promises you strong marital happiness. Giving someone your clothes in a dream is a loss of property. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Clothes Clothes: the person of the individual: his behavior, attitude and role of his thoughts and desires, often real facts. Clothing also serves as protection against unwanted touch. To be dressed in a uniform or even in armor inability to undress: danger of pronounced conformity to the views of other people instead of developing an independent character. Change of clothes: an attempt to change oneself, sometimes only outwardly. Underwear: something that is not always visible, hidden (perhaps conscious), has to do with sex. Man dressing in women's clothes: transvestism, the desire of the individual to demonstrate his feminine side, possibly incipient homosexuality or regression to adolescent homosexuality with unsuccessful heterosexual contact. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes CLOTHING black - a gift // to illness, misfortune, they will denigrate you, poverty, sadness, prison; white - good, they praise you, you will win // illness; red - wait for matchmakers (girl) // sadness, illness, shame; green - dignity; new - good, luxury, profit, success in business, joy // illness, sadness; rich - good, true // envy, misfortune (to the poor), death (to the sick); long, long-sleeved - honor; soiled - bad, sadness, misfortune; full of holes - trouble, lie; from matting - annoyance; elegant - honor (for the rich), profit // illness, misfortune (for the poor); lose - shame; burning - boredom, slander, insult, quarrel with friends; someone to see in old clothes - he is healthy, cheerful; a lot of clothes - a lot of trouble; dressing is an unpleasant situation; to dress sloppily - an unexpected guest; to dress someone in white clothes - to praise him; in black - there will be a dead person; to put on a woman's dress for a man - shame, loss, deceit; in a male woman - temptation; clean clothes - profit // case in court, you have to clean up. Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes If you dream that you do not want to wear clothes that are already out of fashion, this means that you will part with your lover and you will make new connections. This dream promises change. A dream in which you are dressed in white portends quarrels and loneliness. Seeing yellow clothes is for entertainment and new acquaintances. Blue clothes portend the support of a loved one. A green robe promises hope for cloudless happiness with a chosen one. If in a dream clothes do not fit you or look bad on you, this means that you will break with your former attachments. If a girl dreamed that she did not like the way she was dressed, this portends her rivalry and intrigue. Perhaps she will be separated from her loved one. A woman who in a dream admires the clothes of other people, a loved one will be suspected of treason. Losing a piece of clothing in a dream portends unexpected obstacles in matters of the heart. If a girl dreams that she is dressed in black, this means that she will be disappointed in her friend. A dream in which another woman is dressed in crimson clothes portends the appearance of a rival who will destroy her happiness and embitter against all women. The abundance of bright things portends broken hopes and unhappy love. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Dream Interpretation Clothes Clothing: Represents the dreamer's character and preoccupation with issues that are reflected in the specifics of clothing. New clothes: achievement of the goal, success. Old, shabby clothes: difficulties. Being naked or half-dressed and feeling anxious: fear that someone will reveal your secrets. Blouses, shirts: problems of manifestation or concealment of feelings. Dress, coat, jacket: problems of external relations (with strangers). Pants, skirts: preoccupation with sexual image. Briefs, bras: sexual fears, innermost aspirations. Hats: hiding thoughts ABC of dream interpretation

Dream interpretation Rubber clothing Your reputation is impeccable. Nothing can stain her. Imagine that you are fully dressed in rubber clothing that protects you from any dirt.
Rip clothes in a dream Spousal infidelity. Imagine that you skillfully sewed up the torn clothes, so that it is not even noticeable that it was torn.
Leather clothes in a dream Successful business and the favor of the opposite sex. Imagine that all your clothes are made of well-crafted, soft, shiny leather. Dream Interpretation of Akulina

Dream Interpretation Children's clothing Children's clothing indicates a new life, the appearance of a child, or your "brainchild" - a project or idea with many hopes associated with it. What the dream is about: The type and color of clothes can give additional clues to the interpretation of dreamed children's clothes, except when you or someone close to you is expecting a baby - then your subconscious is simply rehearsing the expected event). Warm, wrapping clothes from head to toe indicate an expected budget cut. See also Child, ; Birth English dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Clothing. Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what the clothes were like in a dream: whole and clean, or soiled and torn. Seeing great but unfashionable clothes portends that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas. If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new business, make new love relationships. All this will completely change you. Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad. Walking with a man in white means illness and grief for him, unless it is a young woman and a child. In the latter case, pleasant events can be expected. Seeing yourself and others - portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted companions on a trip. Commercial activities will not justify your desires. Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, in unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream. Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you. Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time. Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future. Seeing clothes that do not fit well on you in a dream means the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise. Seeing an old man or a young man in well-tailored suits means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business. If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes, the dream portends that she will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success. If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend. Seeing in a dream the loss of some detail of the toilet means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. For a young woman to see herself in a dream in a black suit - a dream portends sadness and disappointment. If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, this means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women. When interpreting a dream about clothes, you should pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure to implement important plans will harm you. Dirty and torn clothes always portend deceit and warn of caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream can also portend an act. With which you can tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes are for well-being. If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough even the most necessary things. For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes. Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon turn out not in your favor. Cotton fabric in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, for married women it is a promise of comfort in the house and harmony. Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name. To see in a dream an important person undressed - portends grief and pain for people dear to you. Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Clothes, clean, tidy: soiled to success in business; long to shame and dishonor: clothing in tatters and patches is a reward: you can get involved in some kind of dangerous adventure and inflict great damage on yourself. Dream Interpretation of the Future

Dream Interpretation Uniform D. Loff wrote: “A dream about uniforms is, as a rule, a dream about self-awareness. Appearance through clothing is one of the unspoken rules of culture, and we often think of part of our wardrobe as a "uniform" for certain roles we play in life. In such dreams, it doesn't matter if the uniform is officially recognized or if it's just the same clothes on many people. If you are wearing uniforms and there are other people around dressed in the same way, then think about who is next to you and what unites you. Perhaps you remember a fulfilling time in the military, at work, or you identify with a particular group. If you are in uniform and others are not, then this may indicate that you perceive yourself as loyal to others, while they do not appreciate you enough.
Clothes in a dream A dream about clothes is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothes, as well as on what it was: clean and whole or dirty and torn. Great, but unfashionable clothes - a sign that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas. If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream - expect changes, and not the best ones. The yellow color of clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. Blue color indicates that your energy and the support of friends will help you achieve your cherished desires. Raspberry color promises getting rid of terrible enemies. Green robes are a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Multi-colored robes signify drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad. If the clothes do not fit you well, you will have to part with some of your attachments. Perhaps you will make a mistake in some enterprise. A woman who does not like her clothes in a dream will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success. If she admires the clothes of others, then the jealous suspicions of her lover will fall on her. A young woman who sees herself in a dream in a black suit will face sadness and disappointment. Dirty and torn clothes always dream of deceit and warns against communicating with strangers, as well as an act that can tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes dream of well-being. D. Loff wrote about these dreams: “Clothes are a reflection of the inner world and individuality of a person. It is a mirror of your self-esteem. Therefore, before interpreting a dream about clothes, ask yourself: does your clothes cause admiration or ridicule? The loss of clothes speaks of your vulnerability. Don't believe? Try to undress, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel while doing this. Of course, it can also be sexual or exhibitionistic fantasies. Giving clothes in a dream is an ambiguous matter. Who has not had to receive clothes as a gift, which then became a byword as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothes that fit you perfectly and make you feel confident portends positive changes in your own self-esteem. Sometimes in a dream you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are simply looking for understanding or protection. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Clothes. Lose - shame; dressing in a new dress is sadness; dressed to be in a long dress is a reward. Clothing. Pure - glory, honor; soiled - dishonor; lose - shame; being half-dressed is a recognition of three virtues. Ancient dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes If you dream that you are updating your wardrobe, it means. You will certainly achieve what you dream of. Seeing yourself smartly dressed in a dream is a good sign: you will earn the recognition of your friends and win the heart of your chosen one (chosen one). In addition, if you dream of a variety of clothes, it means. You are dissatisfied with the way you are dressed and dream about new things. You will be very well and beautifully dressed in reality if you dreamed of being naked. A woman who sews children's clothes in a dream will soon find herself in an interesting position. A sailor who dreams that he is shipwrecked and left without clothes will marry very soon. If in a dream you see an expensive luxurious attire on yourself, do not rush to rejoice at this when you wake up. The dream has the opposite meaning. Your life may turn out so that you will have nothing to wear. If in a dream you experience a shortage of clothes, then this dream should be interpreted the other way around: you will have a huge selection of dresses for all occasions. If you dream of yourself in a white robe, this is a sign of unconditional good luck in love, promotion and, in general, luck in various areas of life. If in a dream you are walking in mourning behind a funeral procession, this is a sign of an imminent marriage, in which both you and your loved ones are interested. But if the black vestment in your dream is not associated with mourning, then this is an unlucky sign. It means a disease that threatens you or your family. Having seen such a dream, postpone for a while all upcoming business, trips or litigation. Each of these cases can end for you in the most undesirable way. For lovers, such a dream may mean that their chosen one is in danger, is in need and deprivation. If in a dream you are dressed in blue or purple clothes, take this as a sign of future good luck and prosperity. Love and veneration of people dear to your heart await you. Your loved ones will be devoted to you, and those who are going to get married will find family happiness and peace. This dream also promises success in business, the support of friends and great benefits from trading operations. If in a dream you are wearing scarlet clothes, it means. You should prepare for difficult trials. These can be illnesses, the loss of friends, quarrels and disagreements on frivolous grounds, as well as constant anxiety and anxiety caused by the bad behavior of your children. Anyone who dreams of himself in a dark red robe is destined for a long and happy life. You are also on the verge of good news. And although the person you love will leave you for a short time, you can not doubt his loyalty and devotion at all. If in a dream you are dressed in colorful multi-colored clothes, it means. You are entering a period of worldly troubles. Perhaps you will quarrel with your heart friend, and only the intervention of your loved ones will reconcile you. If in a dream you are dressed in something new, this is a lucky sign, portending success and recognition in the service field. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Wearing clothes inside out: such a dream is a sure sign that you are thinking wrong about people or the current situation. Clothes hanging on a hanger: news from a person who is on a journey. Buying clothes: good luck in business. Throw away old clothes: new acquaintances. Dream interpretation horoscope

Dream Interpretation Clothes "Grow out of your short pants": become more mature "greeted by clothes, but seen off by mind": social status, behavior in society "from under the hem": secretly, secretly "wipe your pants": wasting time "roll up your sleeves" : vigorously take up the matter "slipshod": do something carelessly, without trying "cry in a vest": complain "keep the style": do not give in, put on airs, be fashionable "try on some clothes": try yourself in a new social role or business "to undress in front of someone": to be frank, to confess; in a stocking": money savings, greed "stained reputation": stains on clothes "undress someone": deceive, ruin "with pants down": shame, shame, punishment "hold on to the skirt", "be under the heel": subordinate position in front of a woman "run for ka wait for a skirt": debauchery "rumpled": untidy dressed, unsightly person (homeless) "keep your pocket or arms wider": get nothing "stuff your pocket": enrichment, selfish consumption, greed "get into someone else's pocket": secretly appropriate someone else's . Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Wear / try on someone else's clothes in a dream: try on someone else's rhythm of energy movement. Any organs, primary elements and elements can influence the plot of a dream, depending on which part of the body the clothes were worn on, but in any case, the kidneys are affected. Wearing / putting on someone else's clothes in a dream means taking on all the features of the movement of qi energy in the body of the owner of the clothes, because all things, especially those close to the body, have the ability to be saturated with the rhythms of the owner and transfer / impose this rhythm on others. After all, things are blind, they can only repeat the frequency of energy oscillations given to them. To put on someone else's trousers, shirt, coat by chance, out of absent-mindedness, as sometimes happens with hats: it will be very difficult. In no case should you accidentally put on someone else's thing in a dream. Sleep is a reflection of daytime excessive curiosity and a bad habit of digging into other people's affairs, therefore all the bad possible consequences of sleep are brought to life by the dreamer himself: illnesses of the old owner of clothes, like fleas, can jump to a new owner if the old one had continuous failures due to an inadequate attitude to others, then the same can happen with the new owner. First, the thing creates a kind of structure around the new owner, the vibration frequency of the old one, then the vibrations penetrate into the inside of the organism, causing irreversible changes. Sleeping while wearing someone else's clothes is unfavorable. This is a warning that the attitude towards others needs to be changed, curiosity should be tempered. If the dreamer experienced fear while wearing clothes: you should immediately pay attention to the kidneys. Other people's clothes, as well as all other people's items that are not needed by the dreamer in the house, should be removed from the house. With the approach of a new spring, traditional oriental medicine recommends removing from the house and from the soul everything old, unnecessary, incapable of further movement: things, habits, opinions, outdated views and goals. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Your clothes: your second self, at the same time is your protection from the elements. What is your emotional reaction to the clothes? “They meet by clothes ...” Does your way of dressing reflect your well-being and what you want to say to the world? If not, change costumes. It is better to have a few favorite things than a whole wardrobe of faceless clothes. Clothes can also: talk about the roles you play in life. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Clothes If you feel in a dream that your clothes cause discomfort or have long gone out of fashion, you are destined to learn about the existence of a rival. You will be unpleasantly surprised and disappointed. If in a dream you admire the clothes of others, it means that jealous suspicions of your chosen one await you. If you see in a dream another woman known to you or unfamiliar: with a mourning veil on her face, this means that you will be surpassed by a rival whom you considered unequal to yourself. Get ready for bitter disappointments and troubles Love dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Black clothes: a gift / to illness, misfortune, they will denigrate you, poverty, sadness, prison white: good, they praise you, you will win / red disease: wait for matchmakers (girl) / sadness, illness, shame green: new dignity: good, luxury, profit, success in business, joy / illness, rich sadness: good, true / envy, misfortune (to the poor), death (to the patient) long, long-sleeved: filthy honor: bad, sadness, misfortune full of holes: trouble, lie from matting: elegant annoyance : honor (rich), profit / illness, misfortune (poor) to lose: burning shame: boredom, slander, insult, quarrel with friends in old clothes an unexpected guest to dress someone in white clothes: praise him in black: the deceased will dress in a woman’s dress for a man: shame, loss, deceit in a man’s woman: the temptation to clean clothes: profit / case in court, you will have to clear. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes CLOTHES - in general - mood; position in society; material level; conceit, own claims; reputation, authority; attraction for a woman. Clothing color - indicates a specific emotional state (see color). Dressed in red - love for the sleeper. In spots, holes, gusts, patches - harm, poverty, disappointment, shame, a drop in reputation. Original, out of fashion, out of place dressed - delicate, slippery situation; collapse of the position. Too chic, expensive - ruin; dishonor. A woman in a man's suit is good luck. A man in a woman's - trouble; ailments. Old, worn out clothes - feelings of fatigue, old age, ruin. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Clothes Represents the character of the dreamer and preoccupation with problems that are reflected in the specifics of clothing. New clothes - achievement of the goal, success. Old, shabby clothes - difficulties. Being naked or half-dressed and feeling anxious is the fear that someone will reveal your secrets. Blouses, shirts - problems of manifestation or concealment of feelings. Dress, coat, jacket - problems of external relations (with strangers). Pants, skirts - concern for a sexual image. Panties, bras - sexual fears, innermost aspirations. Hats - hiding thoughts. (See also Hat.) Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Clothes Clothing: it is important to pay attention to what the clothes were like in a dream: whole or torn, clean or soiled. Dirty and torn clothes: always portends deceit and warns against communicating with strangers. But clean clothes dream of well-being. If in a dream you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, be careful in reality. Any wrong step can lead you to the fact that you will not have enough even the most necessary things for life. A young woman has such a dream Wearing excellent but unfashionable clothes in a dream portends luck and, unfortunately, a complete disregard for valuable ideas. Rejection of clothes that are out of fashion: means that you will soon leave your current environment, make new connections, relationships and novels. If the clothes in a dream do not sit well on you, some of your attachments will soon become a thing of the past. Perhaps you will make a gross mistake in some enterprise. A woman has such a dream. If she admires the clothes of others, strong jealousy is possible on the part of her friend. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Clothes Dream about clothes: always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothes, as well as on what it was like in a dream: clean and whole or dirty and torn. Great but unfashionable clothes: a sign that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas. If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream: expect changes, and not the best ones. Yellow color of clothes: portends interesting entertainment and financial success. Blue color: indicates that your energy and the support of friends will help you achieve your cherished desires. Crimson color: promises deliverance from terrible enemies. Green robes: a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Multi-colored robes: means abrupt changes and the interweaving of good and bad. If the clothes do not sit well on you: you will have to part with some of your attachments. Perhaps you will make a mistake in some enterprise. A woman who does not like her clothes in a dream will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success. If she admires the clothes of others, the jealous suspicions of her lover will fall on her. To a young woman who saw herself in a dream in a black suit - sadness and disappointment are coming. Dirty and torn clothes: always a dream of deceit and warns against communicating with strangers, as well as an act that can tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes: dream of well-being. Women's dream book

Dream Interpretation Clothes Washing viscose clothes in a dream: serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can create big trouble for you in the future. To have greasy stains on your clothes means that you have a profitable business ahead of you. For young people, such a dream. Black clothes in a dream: symbolizes illness, white. Seeing a lot of clothes means that there is a lot of trouble ahead. If you saw a jacket in a dream, then you can catch a cold. To see or wear a sheepskin coat in a dream - to wealth, unexpectedly high incomes, longevity without decrepitude. A jumper seen in a dream: symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations, so putting on a jumper to remove: to a quarrel. If you dress in a dream, then you can get into an unpleasant situation. Dressing in a dream is sloppy, inappropriate: to an unexpected guest. Dressing in a dream in new outerwear means a new wife or lover to clean clothes: fortunately to have upholstered clothes with someone: to the wife’s betrayal, to see a lot of people in purple and purple clothes in a dream: to abuse to see a woman in men’s clothes in a dream: to the birth of a son. If in a dream you see fur clothes or put them on, it means that you will legally receive some property. to see yourself in a dream in brocade clothes - a harbinger of sadness and loss. Burn clothes: to loss. If clothes burn on you: to the loss of property. For a woman in a dream to see a man in overalls means that she will be deceived about the true nature of her lover for a married woman: a sign that she will remain ignorant for a long time about the reasons for the frequent absence of her husband, until the case makes her think seriously. For a woman, a sundress seen in a dream is a sign that the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life, distrust on the part of the spouse. Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation Clothes Clothes in a dream: symbolizes a person's position in society. Separate parts of the wardrobe: have their own meaning and are described in the relevant articles. If you pay attention to someone's costume: such a dream may hint at the true nature of this person. Your clothes or clothes that belong to no one: in a dream often reflects your immediate prospects. If you dream of new clothes: this indicates that your status may soon change. If you like your clothes: this is a sign of imminent change for the better. Dirty or torn clothes: portends serious reputation problems. Uncomfortable clothing: a sign of dissatisfaction with one's current position. Alas, such a dream does not promise you quick changes for the better, and you will have to make a lot of efforts to make your status more acceptable. If the clothes are too big for you, the dream warns you that the position you are trying to take is clearly not up to your capabilities. Sportswear: suggests that you should be more energetic in your business. Too colorful clothes: indicates the uncertainty of the situation. Most likely, you are exchanging your life for nothing. Service uniform: this is a sign of duties that you or someone from your environment will have to perform. At the same time, the meaning of uniforms does not always have a direct meaning. For example, a military uniform: usually symbolizes a certain necessity and the impossibility of evading any duty; a fireman's uniform: indicates the need to settle disputes and conflicts, and so on.

Seeing a lot of clothes in a dream is a good sign that personifies the dreamer's inner state. If you dreamed of beautiful little things, then this is a sign of spiritual harmony. But, interpreting what rags are dreaming of, which you can’t even call clothes, you should understand all the nuances in more detail. And in general, according to dream books, not only her condition, but also color, style and other details can be of great importance for the interpretation of sleep.

Dream Interpretation of G. Miller

Seeing a lot of clothes in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, is a sign that with some effort, you will be able to achieve success. However, when interpreting what such an image is dreaming of, pay attention to several criteria: fashion, size and style.

So, trying on new, but unfashionable outfits means ignoring good advice and, as a result, failure in business. Clothing in size promises making "necessary" acquaintances. But if in a dream you put on clothes that do not correspond to either the place or the time, then this means that you do not fully understand what others want from you.

Color spectrum

If you dreamed of a lot of clothes, then it would be nice to remember if any particular color or shade prevailed. This is far from being of secondary importance, dream books assure. So color:

  • white - promises good news;
  • see black - to sadness;
  • pink - to ease of communication;
  • green - you will live in abundance;
  • red - a passionate romance awaits you;
  • yellow is a sign of envy;
  • blue is a symbol of true friends.

Putting on yourself is a signal of helplessness

What to prepare for, having seen a lot of clothes worn at the same time, the Eastern Dream Book will explain. If you dreamed that you "put on" several jackets, raincoats or other outerwear, then this is a symbol of unconscious protection. You are very afraid of something, so you subconsciously put up defenses.

To dream of wearing several layers of dresses, sweaters, trousers and other junk is a sign that you are an unorganized person.

"Shopaholic's Paradise", as a symbol of achievement

Did you dream of a large number of new things on hangers in the store? Changes are coming, Pastor Loff's dream book prophesies. Please note that if new things were neatly hung on hangers, then success awaits you.

But if you notice clothes scattered around the trading floor, then you need to "strengthen your rear." Someone systematically harms you, confusing plans. The enemy will be especially strong if you saw a pile of brightly colored things.

Why dream of a lot of new children's clothes, evenly hung on hangers and trempels? Replenishment is waiting for you. It can be both a child and your own "brainchild".

What kind of clothes, or From profit to flirting

Another fundamental factor in interpreting what a lot of clothes dream of is the specific type of this very clothes, the dream books broadcast.

If you dreamed of dresses, then this is a sign of a flirtatious mood. Wearers of trouser suits should expect success in the business world. Dreamed of a huge number of fashionable coats or fur coats? You've done a great job - it's time to "reap the rewards".

Those who saw a lot of clothes for sports in a dream may not worry about their health - it will not let you down. But the shorts seen in a dream suggest the need to change frivolity to seriousness.