Why is an unfamiliar guy dreaming: a new romance is coming? Dream interpretation: what is the dream of a stranger guy

What was the dream of an Unfamiliar man (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

The appearance in a dream of something or someone unfamiliar most often symbolizes something unknown, and therefore frightening, and even harmless meetings in life do not always end in friendship. If you are worried that you have to visit or see an unfamiliar house, landscape, people and objects, listen to your own feelings.

The interpretation of the symbol usually coincides with the experienced emotions. If in a dream you dreamed of an unfamiliar and benevolent person, it means that higher forces are sending a guide, which will help to deal with any problems. The symbolism of frightening images is interpreted as someone's desire to take a piece of happiness from the dreamer, to get into his pocket or to quarrel with loved ones.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

What did Stranger men dream about

Plots of dreamed dreams with unfamiliar places that evoke a positive response in you, as if inviting you to a meeting with luck, while images of repulsive objects recommend running as far as possible so as not to trigger trouble.

Another thing is when you dreamed of a person you did not know. This is a symbolic image that personifies the manifestation of our hidden characteristics, our inner essence and the deepest subconscious.

If in a dream you had a dream about a stranger, it means that in reality you will experience a spiritual disagreement: most likely, you will be faced with a difficult choice between honor and conscience and high profits.

Romantic dream book

What is the dream of an unknown man

If a woman sees a stranger in a dream, this can symbolize both the masculine traits of her personality, and the dreamer's ideas about the ideal companion, be it a spouse, lover or just a friend. If an unknown man was seen in a dream by a girl whose relationship is just beginning, it means that the romance will not develop the way she dreamed of.

According to other love dream books, such a plot can be interpreted as a harbinger of an unexpected and unwanted pregnancy. Such images are dreamed of when they do not promise anything pleasant, if the dreamer is a man: in this case, they are interpreted as a kind of warning about the danger from a sexual rival. It may just be a dream about a projection of your subconscious fear of embarrassment in bed.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about an unknown man

A handsome stranger you meet predicts a change for the better in your love life and intimate relationships. For a girl, a dream is a harbinger of an unexpected pleasant meeting.

A Handbook of Dreams by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where the stranger dreamed

Strangers in dreams can present a difficult puzzle. In most cases, these are just faces and images taken from the list of persons we know by sight and by name (sometimes they represent our own INNER ESSENCE or INTERNAL ESSENCE). CARL JUNG theorized that in the I there is a feminine complement to a masculine PERSONALITY and a masculine complement to a feminine person. These additions are psychic projections that come to us in dreams. When an unfamiliar lady or girl appears in a man's dream, her behavior is a projection of the feminine side of the dreamer's personality. This, exactly the opposite, is true for women who dream of male strangers. Understanding these characters is useful because in this way we learn how we want others (especially people of the opposite sex) to perceive us, and therefore what we fear in their perception.

The second aspect of such a character, personifying the inner essence / inner essences, is the desire to express what we cannot express in reality. These strangers are often kind to us: they can help, protect, or provide information to solve problems. If they are troublesome, it is often because they act in ways that we would like to be able to act. This is especially true for cases of anger or sex drive that are suppressed in reality.

Strangers impersonating incubus / succubus (male and female demon). These are unfamiliar lovers who dream to have sex with the dreamer (an incubus comes to a woman; a succubus comes to a man). They often represent the extremes of the sexual experience. They are either idealized lovers, emotionally and physically, or demonic and repulsive personalities used to keep you from waking up to what you feel is bad for you.

Shadow strangers are strangers of the same sex as the dreamer, possessing the negative qualities of the dreamer. Most often, these negative qualities are presented in an extreme form. This is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. Each of us has negative traits that we try not to show in public. Sometimes we even develop denying objections in our EGO, refuting the presence of the base sides of our PERSONALITY. These strangers appear in our dreams to point out our weaknesses.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918.

Why does a stranger dream in a dream

An unfamiliar man - to see a unfamiliar man - means an unwanted pregnancy. If you dream of an unfamiliar guy who gives you a place in public transport in a dream, in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person. An aggressive stranger who sticks to you on the street in a drunken state - you will start a risky venture that will not bring profit.

A cute stranger who attracts your attention portends a change for the better in your business.

An unfamiliar guy with a fierce look or an ugly face is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

An unknown man who turns out to be your companion on a long journey - you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will decline for a while.

It is a dream that a horse descended from the sky by parachute suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with its own - such a dream predicts a serious failure, unrealizable hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family quarrel.

Watching the action of an unfamiliar man in a dream - such an awkward dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

In a dream, you can meet a wide variety of people and even animals. These meetings can be very pleasant and even very hectic. Why is an unfamiliar guy dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

Why is an unfamiliar guy dreaming - the main interpretation

An unfamiliar guy in a dream can promise a wide variety of events in reality. It is important to take a closer look at what he looked like, to other little things:

· Where exactly did you meet the guy in your dream;

· Whether the stranger paid you any attention;

· What did he tell you;

· What emotions did you feel at the same time.

If a stranger suddenly appears in your house in a dream, you should be on your guard. You may be expecting some rather disturbing events related to your loved ones. Try to analyze the whole dream, not to miss the slightest detail, otherwise you will not be able to understand its true meaning.

It is important to evaluate the stranger's appearance and mannerisms. If outwardly it looks pretty decent, then you have nothing to fear. A period of prosperity and prosperity will come in your life. You will practically not need anything, you will only have to joyfully perceive reality and not deny yourself anything.

If the stranger looks very untidy and even defiant, try not to get nervous or panic. Such a dream does not yet portend a catastrophe, but you need to carefully monitor your appearance and internal state. Perhaps melancholy will visit you, and you will begin to give up the joys of life. In such a situation, the dream book advises you to seek help from a friend so that the situation does not become critical and you do not have to look for other opportunities to breathe optimism into you.

A stranger who beckons you with a look is a symbol of temptation, to which you succumb so quickly that you will even be surprised yourself. Try not to take everything that happens next to heart. Perhaps you will see that it is much easier to accept the present and live using the opportunities that life gives you, rather than constantly chasing some pipe dreams.

A dream in which you see a naked stranger speaks of your openness to relationships, but you do not receive proper attention from your soulmate, so it is very difficult for you to build a relationship with him. You subconsciously begin to seek intimacy with other men, trying to imagine the ideal image of a man.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy who gives you flowers - you will receive signs of attention from a loved one, you will be really happy. But the dream book warns you that this will not last forever. You should rely on your own strength and not be offended by people who cannot give you what you yourself want.

Try to be more specific in your wishes and not judge other people harshly. Do not worry if, after sleeping, you receive offers to take a walk, have fun. This excitement is not accidental. You really wanted to relax and unwind, and now you have such an opportunity.

What is the dream of an unfamiliar guy who gives you a lift in a car? Such a dream portends you a long trip, or a journey. Do not worry about whether they will be successful, most likely, you will be happy to hit the road and have a wonderful time.

If in a dream you argue with a stranger and ask him to stop the car - most likely, you will suddenly interrupt the journey and will no longer return to this question. The reason for this will be the negative attitude of others towards you.

A dream in which you are having dinner with a stranger promises you pleasant chores and acquaintances. Try to be more attentive to the needs of others, and do not miss opportunities to praise and cheer. You may have been paying more and more attention to yourself lately, now is the time to take care of others.

A dream in which a guy gives you a gift should be treated carefully. If this happens unexpectedly, but you feel a sense of joy, such a dream means that soon you will be able to more actively go about your business. If you needed to establish contact with someone, you can quickly do this in the near future.

A dream in which you look with hope at a stranger leaving you suggests that you are in dire need of change. You strive to move on in life. You want a lot and you can do a lot. But, lately you have lost faith in yourself. Try not to get upset about the little things or worry. In order to get what you want, you just need to define your needs. Try not to abuse someone else's trust in the near future.

Why is an unfamiliar guy dreaming from Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a stranger dreams when you need protection and extra attention. If in a dream you are making love with a stranger - in reality you are not satisfied with your personal life. This is not a whim or a whim. You just don't feel desirable around your partner. You want to be needed, to know that this relationship has a bright future.

If in a dream a stranger kisses you, you just want some kind of romance and tenderness. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at the existing relationships, perhaps you yourself do not pay enough attention to them and do not work on them. Then the dream book advises to tackle this issue first.

A dream in which a stranger is your colleague promises you pleasant work chores. You will spend more and more time at work. But this situation is not endless. In the end, you will get everything you wanted so badly, you will receive recognition and a decent income.

If an unfamiliar guy dreams of a lonely girl, such a dream promises her troubles in her personal life. You will be puzzled by the question of changes in your personal life, the question of making the right choice. Perhaps your ex-partner will make itself felt, but the dream book does not advise you to rush into his arms, because a repetition of a bitter previous experience is possible.

Why is a stranger dreaming of a pregnant woman? Such a dream promised her minor troubles that would suddenly happen in her life. The dream book advises not to give importance to negative situations, try to remain calm. Everything will be resolved in the near future and is very positive for you.

Why is a stranger dreaming about an Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that meeting a stranger in a dream always promises trouble and trouble. Try to pay more attention to yourself and your loved ones, try not to take quarrels and scandals to heart.

It is important to pay attention to the appearance and behavior of the stranger. If he is slovenly dressed, he is wearing torn and dirty clothes - such a dream portends problems in your personal life and in the field of finance. You will suddenly incur financial losses and will restore the balance in this matter for a long time.

A dream in which a stranger is good-looking and neat, even beautifully dressed promises you rest and entertainment. But don't trust others too much. Perhaps you will be disappointed in them very soon and from this disappointment you will be too worried and tormented morally.

If you see a dream in which a stranger is guarding you under the house, try to protect your life and health. The enemies decided to seriously annoy you. Now you need to be on the alert and not allow people and the past into your life. They will only bring problems to it.

Why is an unfamiliar guy dreaming from other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that an unfamiliar guy dreams of troubles and problems. You yourself will let strangers rule your life. Try to insulate yourself from their influence. Don't let them rule your destiny.

Aesop's dream book says that the image of a stranger in a dream appears in front of troubles and problems. Perhaps you do not know how to calmly and gratefully accept everything new that comes into your life. The dream book advises you to learn this and no longer be afraid of change.

If in a dream a stranger swears with you, in reality you will be in conflict with someone close to you. It will be a completely empty quarrel that could have been avoided. If you want to keep peace and equal relations in the family, do not focus on negative aspects, think only about the positive, learn to forgive and quickly forget all the negative things that happen in your life.

In real life, every girl has a wonderful stranger, most likely, begins to associate with something very pleasant, incredibly mysterious and even a little mysterious. By the way, this is especially true of those persons: girls, women who have ever had the opportunity to face such an incredibly beautiful stranger.

But the question arises, what such an unfamiliar guy or a wonderful man can dream of. For many, such a dream remains completely incomprehensible. To understand such a dream, it is necessary to study the interpretations of several dream books at the same time.

What does the dream talk about, about an unfamiliar guy in a women's dream book. All unfamiliar guys or men dream of quick pleasures in life, this is especially true if this stranger is very handsome, has an athletic beautiful body and refined manners. Such a dream can also speak of an improvement in the dreamer's financial situation, which, by the way, will come in handy more than ever. If a young lady dreamed that a completely unfamiliar guy was very rude, with a gloomy expression on his face and at the same time left not the most pleasant sensations about himself, this means that in the near future the sleeping person will face severe and sad disappointments and some difficulties. If you dream that an incredibly handsome unfamiliar man or guy is courting, giving his kisses, then you need to prepare to become popular and quite famous in your society. If you dream that outwardly a stranger unpleasantly struck the dreamer, then, most likely, the girl will face rather serious experiences because of some man, whom she previously considered her good friend and faithful friend.

The meaning of a dream about a complete stranger guy or man in a family dream book. So, according to this dream book, every unfamiliar boy or man who dreamed predicts great pleasure. But if an unknown man is dreaming with whom the sleeping person is talking or arguing, this promises some kind of bad adventure, maliciously directed at the dreamer.

If a girl or woman sees herself in the role of a beautiful and beautiful stranger, then this means that a rather piquant situation awaits her, one that is guaranteed to give her far-reaching consequences. If a woman dreams that an unfamiliar boy is sitting in prison, and she sees him in this confinement, then this means that your old, but rather strong desires will begin to come true in the very near future. If in her dream a female person sees an unfamiliar guy acting as an actor, then this tells that a quarrel with friends or very close people may occur. In addition, this may also mean that a girl or woman may lose one or more of her friends, most likely as a result of such an unpleasant quarrel.

Erotic dream book: what is the dream of an unfamiliar guy or man according to his interpretation. For women, a handsome unfamiliar boy dreams of the approach of female happiness and complete mutual harmony in the field of love, as well as in sex. If a young lady dreams of a completely gloomy and very ugly stranger, then this dream can portend only the most bitter disappointments.

Also, such a dream promises some unpleasant problems that will be associated with relationships with the closest and loved one. In addition, an unfamiliar boy or man may dream of the upcoming imminent appearance of an old friend or, perhaps) an army comrade, to whom the girl will be strongly, but in vain, jealous of her beloved boyfriend or faithful husband. It is worth noting that having seen such a dream, it is worth being wary, since this friend can still disturb the calm and tranquility of the relationship between the sleeping person and her beloved person, to whom she has been striving for a very long time.

What is the meaning of a dreaming beautiful but unfamiliar guy in the French dream book. In this source of dreams, a stranger with beautifully expressed facial features always dreams of complete well-being, great joy and holistic contentment with his fate. If you dream of a completely unfamiliar guy wearing a white suit, then such a dream also portends tremendous joy in your personal life, family and complete material prosperity. Calm, full of harmony life or quiet family happiness.

If he is dressed all in black, then this can lead to loss and some sadness. If you dream of a complete stranger man or boy, then this will bring the sleeping person well-being in all her affairs, and if the guy is short, then the girl will be able to overcome all the difficulties prepared for her by fate.

In any case, having seen a stranger in a dream, you should rely on your feelings after sleep. If they are pleasant, then there is nothing to fear, everything will turn out well, and if the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, then you should beware of troubles and be more attentive.

Why do unfamiliar guys dream? Let's find out!

Sometimes, waking up in the morning, women wonder why unfamiliar guys are dreaming? And in general, are night visions an accident or not? Recent studies by scientists have shown that in a dream our brain works much more intensively than during the day, and analyzes, like a computer, everything that happens to us (in real life), sometimes giving such a result that we did not expect. Various dream books will help us to understand our night visions, recently there are a lot of them, we will give the main ones. So, what are unfamiliar guys or men dreaming of?

Miller's dream book tells us that if you see a handsome man, this is a good sign that promises pleasure and fun. An unpleasant young man predicts frustration and depression. A handicapped man means you are at risk of experiencing anxiety over your friends.

Why is the other guy dreaming, according to Vanga's dream book? If a young woman sees a man's image, be respected by everyone. A good-natured fat man predicts a carefree life, and a short stranger predicts some obstacles. A guy with physical defects speaks of deception and betrayal of loved ones.

Freud wrote that for a man to see an unknown young man in a dream means that he constantly thinks about some rival, he is haunted by the fear of leaving a woman unsatisfied.

Why unfamiliar guys dream of a girl is even easier to explain - this is her idea of ​​the ideal.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a young man symbolizes a new business that will end successfully, an old man means wisdom and all kinds of honors. If a man calls a girl, then she will be deceived. When there are a lot of guys, this is to patronage.

Loff's dream book tells us that if you saw a stranger, you have to make a choice between wealth and your honor. A gift from him to a girl means a long-awaited meeting.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, the following interpretation: for a woman to see a man is to get pleasure, a bearded man - to illness, naked - to condemnation.

Why do unfamiliar guys dream from Hasse's dream book? According to him, this is, of course, a good sign that promises protection and support in difficult times. If a man is bald, this is to everyone's respect and profit. An intimate relationship with a young man - to the loss of any property.

According to Meneghetti's dream book, a guy in a dream means a psychological "discord", a disagreement with oneself. If you dream of an aged man, he symbolizes your relationship to your father. A naked young man tells you about the danger that is haunting you.

Also one of the most popular is Longo's dream book. He tells you that by seeing a nice man, you will be lucky in all your endeavors. These are very auspicious dreams. If this is an unpleasant stranger, then you should think it over carefully before starting to plan a new business.

Why do strangers dream? There are many interpretations. According to one of them, seeing strangers who cause sympathy is a positive change in life. If strangers are unpleasant to you, most likely events with a minus sign are coming.

Dream Interpretation Man unfamiliar

Why is a stranger dreaming in a dream from a dream book?

Why is a stranger dreaming about? A dream promises adventure, risk. There may be too much at stake, so take your time getting involved in the adventure. For a girl, sleep is a harbinger of an imminent pregnancy, both planned and not.

The stranger you like is a reflection of the opposite sex's lack of affection. You also want something original, unusual in relationships with men.

What did you do with a stranger in your dream? What did the unfamiliar man look like in your dream? How many unfamiliar men have you seen in your dream? Where was the unfamiliar man in your dream?

What did you do with a stranger in your dream?

An unfamiliar man sticks in a dream

A dream where an unfamiliar man sticks to you promises serious difficulties on the path of life. Because of them, you will have to push back your intentions, do it not the way you wanted.

Sleep with a stranger in a dream

You dream that you are sleeping with a stranger - in reality you have built a wall between yourself and your friends, you do not accept help. Think about it, maybe you should change your behavior a little.

Dreams of being chased by a stranger

An unfamiliar man is chasing you in a dream - in reality you will find yourself in the center of attention, you will become the object of discussion. If you like to be popular, you can rejoice.

Why dream of intimacy with a stranger

I dreamed of intimacy with an unfamiliar man - in reality you feel a lack of tenderness, intimacy. Perhaps it is worth having an affair, starting a relationship, then the problem will disappear.

Having sex with a stranger in a dream

Felomena's dream book considers sex with a stranger as the dreamer's desire to obey, the desire to be controlled by a man. You need protection, a sense of security in reality.

I dreamed that a stranger was helping

Why dream of help from a stranger? A dream is a good sign. In reality, fate will be favorable, current events will develop as you wish.

Talking to a stranger in a dream

A conversation with an unfamiliar man dreams of a passionate romance, experiences of a love nature. You will be able to experience an unforgettable love adventure that can give you incredible sensations.

What did the unfamiliar man look like in your dream?

Why is a young unfamiliar man dreaming

The dream of a young stranger has a very ambiguous interpretation. It can bring tremendous luck or disappointment. It all depends on the kind of stranger, your emotions from his appearance.

Dreamed of a drunk stranger man

We saw a drunken stranger in a dream - in reality you will have to endure an impartial meeting or be attracted to an event in which you do not want to participate.

Dreaming of a handsome man unfamiliar

The dream book considers a handsome unknown man as a symbol of a bright streak in waking life. The upcoming changes will affect the material, love sphere of life. Everything will go well.

How many unfamiliar men have you seen in your dream?

Many unfamiliar men dream

I dreamed of many unfamiliar men - a dream promises a woman to climb the career ladder, and a man - an increase in material well-being. Seeing a lot of short strangers - in reality, unforeseen difficulties will appear on your way.

Where was the unfamiliar man in your dream?

Why is a stranger dreaming in a house

Why is a stranger dreaming in a house? This dream is a reflection of fear. Break out of his embrace - problems will arise due to a jealous life partner. Do not flirt with strangers, thereby provoking him.

Kissing a man according to a dream book

Kissing a man in a dream is a rather unpleasant and alarming signal. You can find out more in what dreams of kissing a man with the help of a dream book. To do this, it is worth remembering in detail the dream, its plot and ending, as well as your mood and emotions in it.

The dream in which you had a chance to kiss an unfamiliar man is interpreted by the dream book as an acquaintance with people who have a dark past, as a result of which your reputation can be hopelessly damaged. Also, a dream book can portend a quick meeting with an interesting man who, in fact, turns out to be a gigolo or a daffodil.

Kissing with a familiar man in a dream promises an early parting with him, and the longer and more intense the kisses, the sooner this person will leave. This dream can also tell that the man you saw in the dream is in danger. If another woman kisses an acquaintance, it means that you need to be wary of offers of an adventurous nature, because you can easily "get stuck" in an unpleasant story.

Why dream of kissing a stranger's man. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a symbol of a passionate but fleeting love affair, in which feelings for each other will quickly cool down and parting will be without regrets. For a married woman, this dream threatens to succumb to passionate temptation, but soon she will bitterly regret this connection.

A dream in which one has to kiss a deceased man promises a dream book, bitter disappointment in love, longing for a loved one, as well as death. But death is not physical, but rather spiritual, in the form of complete apathy, stupor, lack of appetite and thoughts of suicide. Also, such a dream can speak of a serious illness that fettered your body.

Why else dream of kissing a man in a dream

If in a dream you dream that you are kissing a loved one, it means that you will soon part with him because of your own or his infidelity.

The dream in which you kissed your ex-man (boyfriend) has two meanings and is interpreted by the dream book according to the mood with which you woke up. The first meaning: if this dream caused confusion in your soul, it means that you are not ready (or do not agree) to forget your previous relationship, and agree to forgive and forget all the insults, if only the young man returns. Second meaning: if after sleep you are in a cheerful and happy mood, it means that you are already ready for a new love relationship.

Why dream of kissing a man in Miller's dream book. A dream in which a wife kisses her husband speaks of complete harmony and understanding between spouses. A girl who kisses a stranger's man and at the same time they are caught by her current young man - insincere friends will be very impudent with a girl. Kissing with a loved one (beloved) in complete darkness - a dream warns of the possible temptation and debauchery of one of the spouses.

If a man had a dream in which his girlfriend was kissing his rival, the dream book interprets it as a risk of losing the respect of his beloved.

Stranger guy makes an offer

Dream interpretation Stranger guy makes an offer dreamed of why in a dream Does a stranger make an offer? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream An unknown guy makes an offer by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Soaring

Ground yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

Dream interpretation - Unfamiliar

Dream Interpretation - Offer

Suggestion - for some reason, such a dream, alas, has the opposite meaning.

If slow and strenuous development, progress before final approval means that quick success will come in reality, then recognition received with ease means future difficulties.

In dreams, recognition can look different.

For example, if you propose to a girl and she almost immediately accepts it, such a recognition portends future difficulties.

For a young woman to see that she is accepting a marriage proposal from her lover is a sign that there will be an unexpected delay in her marriage.

Dream interpretation - Guy, young man

Dream Interpretation - Offer

To make or receive an offer - portends that you will be servile and hypocritical until you develop high requirements for fulfilling your duty.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

Hearing him in a dream means that soon you will have new plans.

If in a dream some voice tells you that you will soon get married with someone, then know that soon you will part with this person forever. But don't be alarmed: none of you will regret it too much. If in a dream you accepted an offer to marry, then in life everything will happen the other way around. Your life will be lonely and unsettled.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

If in a dream you were made a marriage proposal, wait for a declaration of love.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

To see in a dream that you were made an offer to marry is a disagreement with your beloved.

Dream Interpretation - Offer

A dream in which you propose to someone means that you will be disingenuous with your loved one.

Girlfriend's stranger boyfriend

Dream interpretation stranger friend's boyfriend dreamed of why in a dream an unfamiliar boyfriend of a friend? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a friend's stranger in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Soaring

May have externally opposite meanings.

Track your emotions to decide which value is right for you.

Soaring can be a symbol of liberation and getting rid of problems and limitations.

Soaring emotionally over the situation: can mean a way out of a traumatic experience.

Sometimes people remember that, having been injured, they seem to soar upward.

Soaring can also indicate that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions.

You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and float towards the feelings and at the same time with them.

Swim in the water: means that you have allowed emotions to float to the surface.

Soaring in the air: means to rise above it all.

Hovering: also means that you hover aimlessly above the ground.

Ground yourself.

Set potential goals and take steps.

Dream interpretation - Unfamiliar

Seeing a stranger in a dream portends an unwanted pregnancy. If a stranger gives you a place in public transport, in reality you will meet a pleasant and courteous person.

Aggressive stranger sticking to you on the street in a drunken state is taking on a risky venture that will not bring profit. Hugging in a dream with a stranger is to unexpected guests.

A cute stranger who caught your attention in a dream portends a change for the better in your affairs. An unfamiliar person with a fierce appearance or an ugly face is a sign of an unfavorable turn of events.

A stranger who turns out to be your companion on a long journey - you will not be satisfied with the course of your affairs, which will decline for a while.

If you dreamed that a horse parachuted from the sky suddenly turned into a stranger trying to bite you with its own, - such a dream promises serious failure, unrealizable hopes and your inability to master the situation in a family quarrel.

If in a dream you suddenly find a naked stranger next to you in bed and have sexual intercourse with him - your dissatisfaction literally in everything will disturb the life of your relatives; if you are fleeing from him, in reality, mercantile interests will clearly prevail over spiritual ones, which will turn your lover away from you.

If in a dream a stranger kisses you and you have nothing against it, in real life this portends a loss of respect on the part of your chosen one. A bald or old stranger trying to flirt with you - some annoying person will cause your grief in reality.

A dream in which you wake up in an unfamiliar room means that you will be unexpectedly visited by friends whom you have not seen for many years.

Seeing yourself in a dream in an unfamiliar city means that soon you will probably have to change your dress, job, lover, registration or car model, but certainly to a newer and better one.

To observe in a dream the action of an unfamiliar apparatus or device, or to study its action - such an absurd dream means, however, a completely comprehensible thing: you will have to hear all the most unsightly truth about yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Strangers

In general, the dream is favorable and means new acquaintances. However, you need to pay attention to the details. If you see a crowd of strangers passing by you, you will have many new friends, acquaintance with whom will never develop into friendship, but it may be useful in the future. If a stranger addressed you on the street, the dream portends a new friendship. If you are not married / not married and saw in a dream a stranger of the opposite sex, you may soon have a bride or groom. If at the same time the stranger or stranger was of some exotic appearance, then your future spouse will be a very interesting person.

If you dreamed that some strangers came to your home, this means either a change of residence or an addition to the family. If at the same time you greeted each of them by the hand, expect guests who will bring you stunning news. Perhaps this will turn your fate upside down.

Riding with strangers in the same compartment is a long journey in which you will meet nice and useful people. Flying with a stranger on a plane - thanks to the support of a secret patron, you will be able to take a high position. Seeing the death of a stranger - unexpected surprises from old friends are possible. Kissing a stranger is fun full of thrills. If you dreamed that you were kissing several strangers, you will have fun in the company of good friends. Giving something to strangers will win the favor of people, even those who have still treated you negatively. Fighting with a stranger of the opposite sex - your love quest will be crowned with success. If you dream that a stranger has secretly climbed into your house and is going to steal something, such a dream portends a new love.

If you are not interested in performing a dream, imagine that you catch a stranger at the scene and turn him over to the police. All your belongings are in place, the stranger has not stolen anything. You can work out a dream in a universal way by imagining that you are interested in strangers, you have the most benevolent feelings for them.

Dream interpretation - Girlfriend

If you dreamed about a friend, then in real life you will receive support from the side from which, it would seem, it could not have been. A dream in which you had a big fight with your friend using assault means that for the rest of your life you will strive for something unrealizable, which is realized only at the end of your life path.

Dream interpretation - Girlfriend

A friend dreams of heart matters.

Dream interpretation - Girlfriend

A friend dreams of going shopping or going to a hairdresser.

Dream interpretation - Girlfriend

A friendly relationship with a woman who calls herself the friend of your life is to be subjected to the most impudent deception.

Dream interpretation - Girlfriend

A woman dreams of a friend - to gossip, gossip.

A man - to a new romantic adventure, for which he will have to pay with his health.

Dream interpretation - Guy, young man

A beautiful and slender messenger of heavenly visionary Forces; angelic image; vitality, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behavior). For a girl who dreams of marriage; for a woman, the appearance of a spiritual helper; maternal or sexual urges. Unsightly-looking everything is bad. See Add. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Dream interpretation - Girlfriend

why dream of a kiss with a stranger?



The kiss you see in a dream usually portends joyful and positive events in the fate of a person. For example, a dream in which you see yourself kissing (kissing) your mother means that in real life you will have incredible success in business. In the event that you ate in your dream you kissed your sister or brother, then such a dream portends the formation of good and fruitful relationships with colleagues, friends and acquaintances.

A dream in which you saw how one child kissed another portends a warm and sweet relationship in your family.

Kissing a loved one in a dark room in a dream portends that in reality others will condemn your relationship. On the contrary, if you kiss in the light, then your behavior will be worthy, and your hopes will be justified.

Seeing in a dream how your loved one kisses someone else - to the premature separation of lovers. Perhaps this love is not worth your effort.

If in your dream you are kissing a stranger, or if you are kissing someone stealthily, then such a dream may portend you new acquaintances with dubious people, as well as intimate relationships for which people around you can condemn you.

If in a dream you unexpectedly kiss your enemy, then such a dream may indicate that in real life there is something in common between you, and you can find ways to reconciliation by coming to a compromise.

Empress Happy

to an interesting offer


Want new acquaintances


you will meet your destiny, your soul mate

Tatiana Dama

There will be conversations about a man who does not belong to you ..

wild Orchid

to deception ... and if there is no loved one, then this is your energy of love

Danna Dyachenko

In general, this means a new acquaintance and not trust

Ed Vassago

This is a common dream for girls. And what, just a kiss, or woke up in the most interesting place?

In real life, every girl has a wonderful stranger, most likely, begins to associate with something very pleasant, incredibly mysterious and even a little mysterious. By the way, this is especially true of those persons: girls, women who have ever had the opportunity to face such an incredibly beautiful stranger.

What if the dream is about a stranger?

But the question arises, what such an unfamiliar guy or a wonderful man can dream of. For many, such a dream remains completely incomprehensible. To understand such a dream, it is necessary to study the interpretations of several dream books at the same time.

What does the dream talk about, about an unfamiliar guy in a women's dream book. All unfamiliar guys or men dream of quick pleasures in life, this is especially true if this stranger is very handsome, has an athletic beautiful body and refined manners. Such a dream can also speak of an improvement in the dreamer's financial situation, which, by the way, will come in handy more than ever. If a young lady dreamed that a completely unfamiliar guy was very rude, with a gloomy expression on his face and at the same time left not the most pleasant sensations about himself, this means that in the near future the sleeping person will face severe and sad disappointments and some difficulties. If you dream that an incredibly handsome unfamiliar man or guy is courting, giving his kisses, then you need to prepare to become popular and quite famous in your society. If you dream that outwardly a stranger unpleasantly struck the dreamer, then, most likely, the girl will face rather serious experiences because of some man, whom she previously considered her good friend and faithful friend.

The meaning of a dream about a complete stranger guy or man in a family dream book. So, according to this dream book, every unfamiliar boy or man who dreamed predicts great pleasure. But if an unknown man is dreaming with whom the sleeping person is talking or arguing, this promises some kind of bad adventure, maliciously directed at the dreamer.

If a girl or woman sees herself in the role of a beautiful and beautiful stranger, then this means that a rather piquant situation awaits her, one that is guaranteed to give her far-reaching consequences. If a woman dreams that an unfamiliar boy is sitting in prison, and she sees him in this confinement, then this means that your old, but rather strong desires will begin to come true in the very near future. If in her dream a female person sees an unfamiliar guy acting as an actor, then this tells that a quarrel with friends or very close people may occur. In addition, this may also mean that a girl or woman may lose one or more of her friends, most likely as a result of such an unpleasant quarrel.

Erotic dream book: what is the dream of an unfamiliar guy or man according to his interpretation. For women, a handsome unfamiliar boy dreams of the approach of female happiness and complete mutual harmony in the field of love, as well as in sex. If a young lady dreams of a completely gloomy and very ugly stranger, then this dream can portend only the most bitter disappointments.

What portends?

Also, such a dream promises some unpleasant problems that will be associated with relationships with the closest and loved one. In addition, an unfamiliar boy or man may dream of the upcoming imminent appearance of an old friend or, perhaps) an army comrade, to whom the girl will be strongly, but in vain, jealous of her beloved boyfriend or faithful husband. It is worth noting that having seen such a dream, it is worth being wary, since this friend can still disturb the calm and tranquility of the relationship between the sleeping person and her beloved person, to whom she has been striving for a very long time.

What is the meaning of a dreaming beautiful but unfamiliar guy in the French dream book. In this source of dreams, a stranger with beautifully expressed facial features always dreams of complete well-being, great joy and holistic contentment with his fate. If you dream of a completely unfamiliar guy wearing a white suit, then such a dream also portends tremendous joy in your personal life, family and complete material prosperity. Calm, full of harmony life or quiet family happiness.

If he is dressed all in black, then this can lead to loss and some sadness. If you dream of a complete stranger man or boy, then this will bring the sleeping person well-being in all her affairs, and if the guy is short, then the girl will be able to overcome all the difficulties prepared for her by fate.

In any case, having seen a stranger in a dream, you should rely on your feelings after sleep. If they are pleasant, then there is nothing to fear, everything will turn out well, and if the dream left an unpleasant aftertaste, then you should beware of troubles and be more attentive.

You can understand why an unfamiliar guy is dreaming from dream books. Such a vision is dreamed of by girls who want to meet a soul mate or doubt their chosen one.

Miller's dream book claims that a handsome stranger in a dream promises positive events in financial terms. If the exterior is repulsive, expect disappointment.

Video "How to Interpret Dreams"

In this video, an expert will tell you how to interpret dreams correctly.

The Wanderer's Interpretation

According to the Wanderer's dream book, an unfamiliar guy is seen by people whose character will soon radically change. Ill-wishers will contribute to this.

Loff's opinion

According to Loff's interpretation, the stranger symbolizes the masculine principle. A girl should pay attention to what is happening in a dream in order to interpret it correctly. Most likely, a pleasant acquaintance awaits the dreamer.

Interacting with a stranger in a dream

You can find out what sleep means by interacting with a stranger:

  • host - for a solemn holiday or housewarming;
  • meeting on the street - to disappointment;
  • to run away - to lose love due to excessive demands;
  • talking - experiencing financial problems;
  • take the hand - trust vile people;
  • trying to win sympathy is for vain expectations.

Fellow travelers

If a girl sees a stranger while traveling, she will meet her future husband. If the fellow traveler is unpleasant to her, the upcoming acquaintance will greatly disappoint.

Seeing an unknown person on a train is a desire to learn something new, and on an airplane - to an unpleasant situation in which the dreamer will be put in a bad light. Riding with a young man in a car means quarrels and insults from colleagues.

Intimate relationship

Intimate actions with the first time people are seen are rarely dreamed of. But they also have their own interpretation. If a young girl dreamed of a kiss, in reality she will have a quarrel with her beloved, which may end in a break in relations. This is especially true of the discomfort experienced during the kiss. A passionate kiss promises the appearance of a rival who will destroy love in reality.

If a girl is not currently looking for a permanent partner, a sensual kiss in a dream can portend a short relationship or flirting. If a young lady resists a kiss from an unknown in every possible way, in reality she will face danger from new acquaintances. The Dream Interpretation of Lovers interprets the vision as a symbol of meanness on the part of the sleeping person.

If a young man hugs a girl many times, the dream should be regarded as good luck in financial matters. If the hugging man is overweight, the sleeping period will be prosperous in all areas. If, in addition to the extra pounds, a man can boast of gray hair, the girl will live in joy until old age. Warm hugs promise a meeting with old friends. If hugs are negative, expect trouble at work.

Entering into an intimate relationship with a mysterious man - to quarrels with relatives. Soon, the dreamer will commit an act that will disappoint his family and lead to a skirmish. Another meaning of such a dream is unwanted pregnancy.

Freud interprets intimacy with an anonymous person as the presence of risk and adventurism in the sleeping person. But if sex did not bring a pleasant experience, you should prepare for minor troubles that can ruin your mood.

Negative vision

If an unknown person is aggressive towards the sleeping person, such a dream should be considered a bad sign. This vision indicates the presence of enemies who want to harm the dreamer. If an unknown person with a weapon attacks a sleeping person in the house, it means that soon he will have to face injustice at work.

Running away from a suspicious type is gossip. If the dreamer managed to get rid of the pursuer, the words of outsiders cannot harm him. If the sleeping man is being pursued by a boy whom he has never seen before, in reality he will have to spend time with the children.

When a stranger harasses a woman against her consent, big trouble is to be expected. This is especially true of dreams in which the sleeper is desperately trying to avoid it. For a married woman, such a vision promises jealousy from her spouse.

In general, dreams with mysterious personalities should be regarded as the personification of secret desires. Usually, people see in mysterious strangers the qualities that their lovers lack in reality. Men can see charming strangers if in reality they are driven by the desire to change their partner. In addition, such a dream shows a man those qualities that he considers his shortcomings and in every possible way tries to eradicate.