Why dream of getting a watch as a gift. Why do watches of any type dream - detailed interpretations

A clock in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

Working hours in a dream means that your business is progressing well.

A watch with a bracelet to see or receive in a dream predicts an imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can find them, then happiness awaits you in married life. Expensive hours in a dream portend good changes and promise health, wealth and well-being.

The hands of the clock indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped clock in a dream portends a stop in business or the death of the person who owns this clock. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can damage your well-being a lot.

If you dream that someone took the stopped watch for repair, then you will be able to safely extricate yourself from another adventure.

If the clock is in a hurry in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. Sleep also indicates that you need to have time to do something important, and speaks of deteriorating health.

But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss a happy chance.

If in a dream the clock slows down, then your life is in danger or trouble. To see a lot of ticking hours in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit.

A broken clock in a dream portends failure due to obstacles that you cannot cope with.

To see a broken clockwork in a dream means that you will lose your earnings. Such a dream threatens patients with death.

A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries awaits you.

Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should leave in vain ventures.

To break the clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten off your luck.

Seeing a broken clock is a harbinger of the death of a loved one.

But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will be very lucky in a matter that you considered hopeless.

The ringing of the alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of the wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes even a funeral in the family.

Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles.

Finding a watch or receiving it as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior, you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready for anything for the sake of your happiness.

Wind up the watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that a friend left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Dreams tell you what to do in a given situation, warn you and help you find answers to important questions. Many people will be interested in finding out why a wristwatch is dreaming, what such a dream means, and what details of sleep should be paid special attention to.

Dream interpretation: what is the dream of women's wrist watches?

Dreams about watches are considered especially important in most dream books. They often indicate dramatic changes in a person's life. Such an ornament on a woman's hand may indicate an important event that will occur in her life in the near future. Moving, changing activities, another job, new relationships, pregnancy - there are many options.

The interpretation of sleep with a wristwatch also depends on certain criteria:

  • the appearance of the decoration;
  • the material from which the chronometer is made;
  • serviceability of the mechanism;
  • Where are they located;
  • who dreamed;
  • sensations during sleep.

Some dream books warn: you should spend less time on trifles and unnecessary worries and get down to business.

This is the warning indicated by the manual chronometer.

Find a wristwatch in a dream

Every thing found in a dream always has conflicting interpretations.

If a woman found a wrist watch in her dream, this can be interpreted in different interpretations:

  • trouble warning;
  • success in business;
  • profitable proposition.

Inattention, indiscipline can cause events for which a woman will not be fully prepared. This is what the watch found in a dream warns about. “Pay attention to the passage of time!” They say.

And you can perceive such a find as a good sign promising the successful completion of a previously started business. Sleep is considered especially favorable when the chronometer is found in the mud, but still remains working and shows the time correctly. This suggests that no obstacles will stop the dreamer on the path to success.

Wrist watch seen in a dream symbolize circumstances and how the dreamer allocates and spends time. Such dreams speak about the current state of affairs, and can tell about the state of health.

For more detailed interpretations, you should remember the details of the dream, then all its meanings will be interpreted correctly.

If men's wrist watch a man saw in a dream, then a new acquaintance and certain changes in life await him in real life. If the clock is idle or even broken, then this dream speaks of impending difficulties in business. To wind the clock or check the time, such a dream means that you are at the start of a new path and are full of strength and energy to complete it and complete it successfully. A belt or bracelet is torn on the watch - such a dream warns that in reality you may be slandered. If a woman saw a man's watch in a dream, then this portends her a pleasant acquaintance in real life.


If a woman had a dream where she was given luxury bracelet watch then it portends to her. If a man dreamed of a woman's watch, then his chosen one will reciprocate. If the women's watch is broken, then such a dream portends that by focusing on the little things, you will forget about the main thing. Try to set all your priorities right in reality. Woman dreamed of a watch on a man's hand, such a dream portends a difficult situation in which you will have to find yourself. Perhaps your loved one will be slandered, and you will decide who needs to be trusted.

Gold wrist watch

- this is a symbol of wealth and success, but hence the envy towards the dreamer.

It can be open hostility or disguised hostility, in the form of false accusations, slander or fraud to take possession of what you have. Although, according to other interpretations, this dream portends a strengthening of the position, wealth and prosperity.

If you dreamed that you presented a wristwatch, then such a dream foreshadows that you can commit a frivolous act, which will greatly hurt you. These will be losses, empty chores and difficulties in business. If a wristwatch was presented to you, this is an auspicious sign. The watch was engraved- it symbolizes that your work will be recognized and appreciated. Just donated a watch - this predicts the successful completion of the started business, making a profit or raising a salary. Also, such a dream means pleasant changes.

Having found a wristwatch in a dream, you get a very good sign of fate and auspicious omen. This suggests that success awaits in all matters that have begun, prosperity and luck. If the found watch was taken out of water or mud and it works, then despite all the obstacles and obstacles you will complete your business with success. And if the clock found is broken, then this is a bad dream, it portends losses and losses. It is especially bad if the watch is without hands or with, this suggests that you will waste time and resources on doing something that you considered successful.


If you dreamed that you were buying a wristwatch, then this dream speaks of carelessness or frivolity or a desire to get everything without laboring. But this does not happen in life, and it prepares a lesson for you. Try to rethink your approach to business and work harder on your goal. Buying a watch and finding a marriage in time means that in reality it will be possible to reveal the slander of envious people and not suffer from them.

Buy not for yourself, but as a gift- such a dream portends a meeting with an influential person who will provide help or advice, but will require help in the form of providing certain services.

Choose a wristwatch in a store in a dream - a symbol of the fact that good luck in all the things you start will contribute to you in the near future, you will be one step ahead of events. If you like the watch, then you will soon make the right choice. The girl chooses a beautiful watch - she will have many fans. A man chooses a watch- to with a beautiful lover. Choosing a watch and breaking it is a bad sign, he speaks of difficulties in business and in family life. A woman chooses a watch in an expensive beautiful store - she will have a rich and serious patron, an improvement in her financial situation.


If a young beautiful girl dreamed that wrist watch from home- to betrayal of the best friend,. An expensive watch was stolen from a man on the street - a deception of employees, a quarrel with his superiors over money. A woman's wrist gold watch was stolen - a bad sign, it means deteriorating health, be careful. They stole from another person and you caught - a good value, you will bring all enemies to clean water. If you yourself stole someone's watch- your enemies flatter you, beware of a false and insidious person. Stealing a watch from a store is a waste of money, a useless risk in business and relationships.

If a girl lost her watch on the street- she is too careless and frivolous, she needs to become more serious and attentive. Losing hours - you will have a little trouble, but it will do you good. Lost hours - irreparable losses, losses, unpleasant conversation with a close friend. The man lost his watch at night- hard times have come in life, the loss of a job or trouble at school is possible. Losing and finding a watch is a good sign, you will catch up in life. Lose your gold watch- to lose wealth and prestigious work. The girl lost her silver watch - to losses and tears, a break with her beloved.

See on hand

See a wrist watch on your wrist and clearly consider how much time, this means that you are in the stage of waiting for a decision on an important issue and little depends on you now. Or maybe you are waiting for more favorable conditions for the completion of the case. Seeing a watch on someone else's hand, such a dream symbolizes missed opportunities. Hours with mean a pleasant change for the better. And with a simple strap, such a dream promises difficult times in reality due to financial problems. The watch turned out to be someone else's- this suggests that you can get involved in a game that you do not understand, which threatens with large losses or complete bankruptcy.


Seeing a beautiful wrist watch in a dream- means to be subjected to someone else's influence or to go to a false goal. It is necessary to think, but is all gold that glitters? Also, such dreams portend a collision with ill-wishers and envious people in real life. If they are designer and unusual in shape or without arrows, then this means that you are wasting a lot of time irrelevant, forgetting about the main thing. Also, such a dream may mean that bad news awaits you from friends. And if the back stack is transparent and the mechanism is visible, then this promises unpleasant discoveries about your close acquaintances or friends.


in dreams, symbolize success, good luck in business and prosperity. But there is another side of the coin - these things tend to attract envious people and enemies. In order to stop you on the road to success, they will use every means. It can be false accusations, direct attacks, and even black magic. However, there are other interpretations of this dream, they prophesy further prosperity and a stable calm life, as well as a successful investment. Whom to believe is up to you, but you should still be careful in life.


A new wristwatch in a dream symbolizes imminent changes.... For women and girls, this dream promises changes in their personal lives, a romance is possible, which will grow into something more. And men are predicted to climb the career ladder or increase their salaries. Also possible. The new clock is showing the wrong time, such a dream speaks of a wrong choice. In reality, you need to think about it and make the right decision. To set the exact time on a new wristwatch means that in real life you have decided everything for yourself and keep it under control.

The clock has stopped

If the clock has stopped- a bad sign, then you do not value your time. If a girl's clock has stopped, she is wrongly building her life, next to her is an unreliable and deceitful person. An adult man's watch has stopped - he works too much, he needs to take a break, rest and collect his thoughts.

Expensive Swiss watches stopped- to bankruptcy or large material losses through their own fault.

The women's watch stopped in a dream - empty hopes and dreams, deception of a loved one. The clock stopped in the night- to with an insidious or neighbor. The watch stopped on the hand - to bad news, difficult times and big debts.

Miller's dream book

Seeing a clock in a dream - such a dream portends you success if you earn by gambling on the stock exchange. Or it bodes well for the casino. Presenting a watch means that you can attract trouble on yourself. If you lose your watch in a dream, then in reality your rivals will try to blacken you. To break or lose a watch in a dream portends a loss in reality. Wind up the watch - such a dream means a change for the better. If you see how the clock has stopped, then this portends in real life difficulties in business, losses and other minor troubles. Gold watch portend that your friends can rob you.

Finding a watch in a dream is generally a good symbol. A dream means that innovations await you in all areas of life. Dream Interpretations promise revival in business, receiving rewards, awards for their work, the appearance of an important person. To understand why you dream of seeing a gold or just an expensive find, you need to consider every detail separately.

Miller's dream book and his interpretations

Finding a watch in working order, even for men, even for women, means the successful promotion of projects and planned cases. The great psychologist does not reduce the interpretation of sleep in his dream book to simple well-being. He explains in detail why wrist, wall and even sand chronometers dream about.

So, any find in a dream has a positive coloration. It is especially good if you dreamed about things:

  • expensive - to raise wages, receive bonuses;
  • gold - to great responsibility for yourself and others;
  • male - to marriage, procreation;
  • female - you will receive benefits even where it should not be.

Getting out of a difficult situation is easy

Seeing the lucky owner of a find is the same as stepping on a bright streak of life. If you happen to find a wristwatch or wall clock in working order, know that your business will go up dramatically. Dream Interpretations claim that changes will occur suddenly and clues will come by themselves.

A chain of favorable events: from raising wages to receiving a real inheritance - exactly what ticking wrist devices dream of. It is best if you dreamed about things that are golden, antique, rich in appearance. Luxurious purchases, purchases in a dream are always a turning point in the right direction in reality.

Let go of loneliness

To find a manual men's watch in a dream means to attract into your life not just a fan, but a future life partner. Large and solid things are well described in the dream book of Nostradamus. An expensive chain or bracelet suggests that you will connect your life with a real soul mate, you will never know troubles and hardships.

Seeing cute jewelry means facing a fleeting, but very memorable novel. The chosen one will be flexible and generous if you dreamed that in a dream you rejoiced and admired such a simple finding.

A little about caution

Losing a posh little thing is a bad omen. Think about rest and health prevention right away. In addition, if you dreamed that the hand chronometer stopped, crashed, or lost its presentable appearance - be prepared for obstacles.

Each of us has had dreams in our lives. These living pictures in our subconscious are guides to the world of fears, hopes and desires. Often a person in a dream has to see strange things, but also very often he dreams of the most ordinary and harmless ones, for example, a wristwatch.

Is this familiar accessory for everyone capable of causing any fear or a feeling of joy?

Why do wrist watches dream?

Watches are a very stylish and important item in the life of every person. Many secrets, superstitions, jokes and proverbs are associated with them. Since ancient times, the clock has been covered with some kind of mystery, mysticism, in many historical events they figure as an important attribute.

When a clock appears in our dreams, this is a direct signal to change something in our present and to analyze the past. But not everything is so simple, because wrist watches differ, for example, from wall clocks in their importance, which leads to different interpretations of dreams.

If in a dream you managed to see a wristwatch, then you should reconsider your plans and daily routine, otherwise there will be a strong lack of time very soon. Changes are also possible in the near future, which will cause minor problems. To prevent such dreams from appearing, it is worth revising your way of life, freeing yourself from unnecessary affairs and filling in the gaps with truly necessary and useful activities.

What is the dream of the wristwatch that you found

A wristwatch found in a dream can only mean a lack of time, which should be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a lot of troubles that will not be so easy to deal with. So finding a watch in a dream is not the best and most successful sign.

If you gave a watch in a dream, then soon expect a new interesting acquaintance. Of course, a watch that you didn't like can only mean an unpleasant acquaintance and obsessive consequences, but an excellent wrist watch will become a messenger of new and very pleasant, and most importantly, useful acquaintances. So do not be afraid of a presented wristwatch in a dream.

Choose a watch in a dream

Choosing a wristwatch in a dream is a good sign, because it means choosing new ideas, perspectives and solutions, so feel free to choose the best wristwatch for yourself without any hesitation and remorse for a large sum and expect successful and pleasant changes in the near future.

Buying a watch in a dream means showing your weakness. This is closely related to the desire to acquire something effortlessly, which is not an auspicious activity. And if it concerns time, then such a sign can be very useful, because it indicates that you cannot organize yourself and plan your day in any way, therefore you are experiencing an acute shortage of time.

What is the dream of a gold wristwatch

A gold wrist watch in a dream is absolutely definitely a very good sign, because soon the person who dreamed about it will have a pleasant financial replenishment. Gold and time in their combination always carry good news, so do not be shy or afraid of such dreams.

Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a direct way to redefine your life. Broken, gold, donated or leather, silver or very cheap - they are all signals to something very important, be it solving problems with a lack of time or personal fulfillment.

They can mean missed opportunities and immediate chances, new acquaintances and problems in the family, so you should carefully watch your dreams and then check them with the dream book so as not to miscalculate in the future. Of course, different dream books have slightly different interpretations regarding dreams with wristwatches, but in general terms they all converge.

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