Why dream of the death of a loved one. What does death seen in a dream mean

Having fully considered the options for interpreting a dream in which the death of a loved one occurs, one can understand the true causes of this phenomenon. This once again proves that any dreams should be treated more carefully, as they can convey a lot of useful information to a person.

The interpretation of this dream by psychologists will be interesting. They argue that the death of another person (a relative or close one) rather indicates that in this way the dreamer simply wanted to move away from him for a while or be alone.

Sleep is rightfully considered the most mysterious part of human life, and even modern science cannot fully explain the causes and meanings of dreams. And modern man, involuntarily, has to understand on his own what warnings dreams are trying to convey to us.

It happens that with such a dream, death is perceived by the dreamer at the physiological level (lack of control over the body, paralysis, etc.). This state speaks of the defenselessness of the owner of sleep in front of life's twists and turns and the difficult choice of a life path.

A work colleague brings the news of the death of a loved one of mine. Tears rolled in her eyes and she is upset and cannot clearly explain which of my relatives specifically died ... but she says my last name and does not remember my name ...

    ___li____ In dreams, death appears in different forms - it can be a FEELING OF DEATH or the realization of your desire. Subjectively, death can be both terrible and joyful.
  • ___li____ The feeling of death can be both psychological and physical. The physical sensation occurs in a lucid dream when you have nightmares. This threat can be quite obvious or simply felt in a dream. If the threat is obvious, then the main subject of reflection should be its source (who, why, how does it threaten your life?).
  • ___li____ One can also speak of the spiritualistic experience of death. People actively acquiring an OUT-Body EXPERIENCE often feel in their sleep that they cannot return to the body in time. In such dreams, the influence of the cosmos and spiritualistic phenomena on our lives is clearly revealed.
  • ___li____ The thought of one's own death is always disturbing.
  • ___li____ Seeing a loved one dead in a dream can be for various reasons. Death is symbolic if you simultaneously struggle with a feeling of love and repressed anger towards this person.
  • ___li____ And, finally, the death of people dear to you may mark the end of a relationship: for example, if not one of your relatives dies, but the person with whom you had a loving romantic relationship. The death of strangers is a continuation and transition of various aspects of your Self. Perhaps the central issue is the disorder of your life. The death of strangers also symbolizes stereotypes that are worth rethinking or exploring in order to better understand oneself. Have you encountered a situation where your stereotypical perception of others does not match reality?
      • ___li____ Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that a long happy life awaits you with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of God's messenger on Earth.
      • ___li____ If you dreamed that a very important person in the world was dying, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that soon a wise ruler will come to power in one of the developed countries of the world, who will be able to establish peace and harmony between the inhabitants of different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other. You will be offered a profitable deal, as a result of which people will suffer. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make.
      • ___li____ Seeing the death of a large number of people in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of inhabitants of the globe will die. A cure for this disease will be found by a person whose opinion is now not heeded.
      • ___li____ Seeing in a dream a man dying a painful death is a harbinger of a nuclear war that the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe will start. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death.
          • ___li____Death is also a symbol of transformation and change. In some dreams, death must be perceived as a process of spiritual transformation, and the signal of the death of someone in a dream does not at all mean real sad events. Many processes associated with internal development are unexpected for a person, and the realization of this often causes anxiety, since he does not know what exactly will come in the place of his former one: how it will affect his life - will it get better or will it only get worse .

If in a dream the death of a loved one came far away from you, then expect career growth and an increase in wages, which is why you dream of an imperceptible death. But for this you will have to make every effort. The dream book recommends postponing the resolution of other issues for a while, as now is the moment favorable for promotion.

The dream book considers the death of a sister or brother in a dream as a symbol of relationship problems. If this was the case, then it is important to spend time and energy on restoring friendly relations.

In general, death is a sign of the destruction of pleasures, the delights of life and their loss. And sometimes it points to a life of contentment and prosperity for someone who is in difficulty and poverty, and also vice versa. She is also for someone who remembers her in a dream, is a sign of his insight and quick wit. Sometimes she points to the afterlife and the need to prepare for it by repenting and stocking up in this life with good deeds. And sometimes it is a sign of deep conviction and true knowledge. Multiple deaths are turmoil. Death also points to the father-in-law, i.e. the husband’s relatives, and also points to peace and rest. She sometimes points to fear, horror and discord. It has also been said that death is a journey. If the dead person comes in a dream and says that he is not dead, then he is in the degree of Shaheeds (martyrs for the faith). And whoever sees in a dream the deceased in good condition and laughing, then this is so (i.e. his soul is in Paradise and his sins are completely forgiven by Allah Almighty). Death is also a sign of good for one who is in fear or sorrow. Whoever sees that he has revived the dead, a Jew or a Christian or a lost one will accept Islam, and if he sees that he is resurrecting many dead people, he will guide a whole lost people on the True Path. It is also possible that an innovation will be introduced into the religion if an alim dies in a dream. The death of parents is a lack of life, the death of a wife is a loss of vital energy and a loss of taste for life. Whoever saw in a dream that the imam of a mosque had died, devastation would occur in his homeland. Seeing someone else's death regrets something important. Seeing your own or someone else's death, observing that the deceased is lying naked on damp ground, means that the person who died in a dream will go bankrupt or will be in great need of something. To die yourself in a dream is to longevity. To die yourself, and then come to life, means to commit a sin in life, and then repent. The one who sees that he died, how people gathered, washed him, wrapped him in a shroud, will achieve great success in worldly affairs, but he has faith and religious deeds ...

To understand why the death of a loved one is dreaming, it is of great importance who exactly died. If parents passed away in a dream, then the dream book connects this event with receiving a large amount of money. It can appear as an unexpected gift, an inheritance, a big win. In the coming month, feel free to buy lottery tickets, participate in promotions: all your actions are accompanied by success and good luck.

When the death of a loved one is accompanied in a dream by a large loss of blood, expect minor family conflicts. It is important to remain calm and restrained, otherwise a small quarrel threatens to develop into a protracted scandal, which is why flowing blood is dreamed of. In this case, the dream interpretation recommends giving in to unprincipled issues, which will help maintain home comfort and a friendly atmosphere.

If the mother is alive, for many such a dream can cause shock. However, such a dream is one of the most auspicious signs. It portends longevity for your mother. If she is sick, then the dream predicts a speedy recovery and a long period of good health. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, this is a symbol of the attention of higher powers to your affairs. Also, perhaps the dream indicates the need to improve relations with your mother. This is a cause for concern for you, which is reflected in the subconscious mind in your dream. In any case, such a dream will cause closer contact with mom.

Despite the discomfort, seeing the death of a person in a dream is not a bad sign at all. Such a dream does not portend someone's death or serious illness. Most often, a dream about death is a warning that serious changes will soon occur in life. Perhaps your life will change drastically. But it will be a change for the better.

Each of us is afraid of death, and even those who claim otherwise are most often disingenuous.

Nobody is eternal, and death is always associated with fear, tragedy, grief of loss.

In life, we try not to think as much as possible about death itself, and about our own probable death. But the most terrible, perhaps, is always the death of someone close, dear to us people. It is so difficult to accept and survive, but what if this happens without our will in a dream?

The world of dreams is filled and permeated with secret meanings, riddles and ciphers, and our task is to unravel them correctly. Death sometimes looks into our night dreams, frightening us and leaving a bad, heavy residue on the soul. However, do not be afraid in advance - death in dreams is rarely a bad sign.

On the contrary, oddly enough, dreaming of death often promises good changes, a new period in life, health and good luck.

According to the dream book, the death of a loved one can portend him many happy years, and his own can mean a successful turn of fate. Nevertheless, the meanings of such unpleasant dreams can vary, and it is important to take into account all the nuances and details.

As an example, there may be the following dream scenarios:

  • You dreamed of the death of yourself - from various reasons.
  • In a dream, you died and were resurrected by some miracle.
  • We saw the miraculous resurrection of another deceased person.
  • I dreamed of my own funeral.
  • They survived in dreams the death of a mother, child, dad, girlfriend, acquaintance or loved one.
  • We saw how a certain person dies in your dreams, who in reality has already left the world.
  • I dreamed of the death of someone who is still alive.

There is no doubt that all such dreams are extremely unpleasant and can cause shock, but you will be surprised to find out what your own death or the death of someone close is dreaming of. It is likely that good changes await you.

I died in my sleep

These dreams are rare, but memorable forever - if you had to die in your own dream, you will not forget this. What does this mean? Sleep does not promise danger to your life, but it has a very important meaning. And here it is important to consider how exactly this happened.

1. Dream Interpretations say that seeing yourself in a dream in the dead is an important sign, it portends the beginning of a big new milestone in your life, from scratch.

This means always something good, although cardinal changes can be scary. Do not be afraid of the new - your strange dream nevertheless suggests that a good period will begin.

2. If you were killed in a nightmare, you died not by your own natural death, but by someone else's hands, this may warn that someone wants to get selfish benefits from you. Perhaps take advantage of you and your work. Be carefull.

3. If you had to drown in a dream - expect serious changes for the better, they are just around the corner.

4. To die in a dream from a heart attack is a strange and terrible dream, but portends a sudden and very great happiness.

5. If you were poisoned in a dream and died from it, there is a real risk of suffering from unfounded, false accusations.

6. But to be crushed in dreams means to get harm from deceitful people. Be careful, evil tongues can harm you.

7. Being buried alive in a dream is a shock, but such a dream is a serious warning. You can harm yourself - because of your excessive desires. Try to be more restrained in your desires, so as not to regret very bitterly later, when nothing can be corrected.

8. If you had a rare and amazing dream in which you died and rose again, this guarantees you a serious improvement in your life circumstances. If it’s hard for you now, know that everything will change soon.

9. Seeing your own funeral in a dream is a dangerous dream, it warns of a possible illness. Take care of your health.

10. Many dream books indicate that for a lonely person, a dream with one's own death is a good sign, portending the end of loneliness and the beginning of love.

11. It is curious why death with a scythe is dreaming - this terrible and frightening image should not shock you. Such a dream hints at very large and serious life changes! Events that will turn your life around for the better!

It didn't happen to you

Perhaps it is even more difficult to calm down after a dream in which you had to survive the death of a friend or girlfriend, an acquaintance, or even worse - a loved one, relative or child.

Such dreams can make you cry and experience a lot of stress, but you shouldn't. "Deadly" dreams do not warn of the danger that threatens your loved ones - and often, on the contrary, they promise something wonderful for these people.

1. It is interesting and useful to find out the truth about what dreams of the death of a loved one or acquaintance, who immediately rises from the dead. Such a dream means an improvement in the life of a dreaming person. His financial situation and family affairs will improve.

2. If in your mysterious dream you vaguely heard the voice of your acquaintance, relative, friend, who is no longer alive in reality, take this as a warning. Perhaps your business is in danger. Be careful in everything you do.

3. People often ask why the death of a father is dreamed of - in the event that, of course, he is in reality alive and well. As the dream book says, the death of a father is a warning that the business that you are starting or that you are going to get involved in can promise you danger.

So think with all responsibility and seriousness, preferably several times, whether it is really worth starting. And if possible, then it is better to abandon your plan.

4. A completely different answer to the question of why mother’s death is dreaming of - such a dream has a hinting character.

According to the dream book, the death of a mother in a dream indicates your bad, bad inclinations. Perhaps the death of a mother in a dream is an occasion to think about how you live and behave in reality.

5. Great stress if you dreamed about the death of a child in terrible dreams. It is curious why the death of a daughter, son or child of a friend or acquaintance is dreaming.

Such a terrible and terrifying dream actually simply indicates that you have too many fears in life - and they have no reason. Think about the fact that you should evaluate reality more objectively and not be afraid of everything.

6. It would also be useful to find out the truth about what the death of her husband is dreaming of - after all, for a woman this is not an easy dream. However, he portends something good in the family - perhaps new events, pleasant changes, or even a new, more favorable period of relations. Nothing bad awaits you, and even more so for your spouse.

7. Find out why the death of a relative or acquaintance who is no longer alive is dreaming of. If you had to relive his death in a dream, cry and grieve - this is already a bad dream, and it can talk about the loss of a good, close person, separation.

8. I wonder why the death of a friend or relative is dreaming of, who is actually seriously ill in reality. Know that such a dream portends his recovery - he will recover very soon.

9. It is curious why the death of a loved one is dreamed of on the eve of the wedding - this is an unpleasant dream, but a good sign. It promises happiness in the future family life and harmonious relationships.

10. If you dreamed in your dreams that your own grandmother or beloved grandfather is experiencing clinical death or to whom, this dream is significant.

As the dream book says, the death of a grandmother or grandfather, a coma, if you had to cry bitterly and regret in this dream, this is a direct hint that you really should pay more attention to your loved ones. Relatives need you especially acutely, and your sincere love.

11. If you dreamed about how a loved one died in his bed, quietly and calmly, know that a very long and happy life, good health and many joyful events await him in reality.

Of course, "death" dreams are always frightening, they are strange and unwanted. However, understanding why the death of a sister, mother or loved one is dreaming of, you can not wind up and scare yourself, but absolutely adequately assess the real state of things.

If the dream was a warning or gave advice, think about it, draw conclusions. Well, if, as is often the case, such a dream promised you or a loved one something happy - do not doubt for a minute that this is exactly what it will be. Author: Vasilina Serova

Dreams are joyful and those that portend sad events. Some dreams recur regularly.

Every dream is worth interpreting. Why dream of the death of a loved one? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of the death of a loved one - the main interpretation

Death in a dream does not always portend death in reality. You should not panic and expect unpleasant events, if you saw such a tragic event in a dream, most likely everything will turn out exactly in your life, but vice versa.

What should you pay special attention to if you dreamed about the death of a loved one?

Did he die a natural death;

Who became the culprit of his death;

Whether one relative died in his sleep, or several;

What emotions accompanied your dream.

If you woke up confused and very anxious, then you should carefully listen to your emotions - there may be a lot of truth in them and in fact you may be worried about the health of your loved one. If you woke up in a good mood and very joyful, it means that you foresee the positive changes that await you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative is saying something in a dream, such a dream means that you really should talk to him in reality. He may have important information for you. If in a dream you can hardly make out what it is about, such a dream means that you pay little attention to your loved ones. You give little importance to their words and actions. More busy with themselves. Soon this can lead to significant disagreements with relatives and even scandals.

If you dream that a deceased relative left a suicide note, and it is addressed specifically to you, you will receive important news that will radically change your life. You may even have to change your place of residence and social circle. If you dream that a relative is calling to him before his death, significant obligations will be placed on you, you will not be able to avoid responsibility for any slightest mistake in the performance of work, so you should be very attentive to every assignment that you are entrusted with.

If you doubt your abilities and doubt whether you can personally fulfill this assignment, you should not initially agree to it. It is better to transfer the work to another, and do not waste your time.

It is worth noting that a dream in which your close relative dies somewhere far from you promises you a quick promotion and an improvement in your financial situation. After such a dream, the dream book advises you not to get involved in solving other important issues, but to throw all your strength into solving issues related to work and earnings. If you listen, you will get the maximum profit in a fairly short time.

If you dream that a relative died in your arms - such a dream means that you are waiting for colossal changes in your personal life. You will soon receive a lot of new acquaintances and a lot of interesting offers from the opposite sex. The dream book advises to consider all options. Perhaps, among the potential chosen ones, you will find exactly the one that will fully satisfy all your requests for the second half.

If you dream that you are trying to save a person close to you from death, but this does not work out - such a dream means that you will play a big role in solving his pressing problems, you may even have to take responsibility for his actions.

If you dream that your relative died in the war - such a dream means that you will have to become a participant in some kind of clarification of the relationship of people completely strangers to you. The dream book advises not to take their discontent and whims personally. It will be better if you move away from other people's problems and take care of the development of your life.

If you dream that your parents have died, you will soon receive a huge amount of money. It is better to think in advance what you will spend it on. Money can be a gift or an unexpected bonus. The dream book also indicates that it is from this period that a white streak will begin in your life. You can also win the lottery, or beat someone in a money dispute.

Why dream of the death of a loved one according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the death of a loved one is dreamed of as a harbinger of significant changes in personal life. You may soon receive not only a marriage proposal, but also the news that a replenishment will happen in the family.

If a lonely girl dreams that her mother has died, such a dream means that soon she will receive an offer to enter into a new and very profitable relationship. If a single man dreams that his best friend is dying, he will again begin a relationship with his former passion.

If a pregnant girl dreams that her husband is dying, such a dream promises them happiness in their personal lives and the happy birth of their first child. Do not panic, even if after sleep you experience some anxiety and heaviness. These are just unjustified fears. In fact, nothing unpleasant will happen to you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative has become a hostage of an accident - such a dream means that you will randomly meet the person who will share your whole future life with you. If you dream that one of the children died in a dream, such a dream means that those relationships that have just begun will develop into a serious relationship.

If you dream that a person close to you suddenly came to life in a dream - such a dream means that soon you will have trouble in relationships and constant showdowns with your soulmate. The reason for this will be unspoken grievances and anxieties.

Why dream of the death of a loved one according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says why the death of a loved one is dreamed of. Such a dream often means significant health problems that will attack you. Illnesses can begin with a significant malaise, and develop into a significant ailment. It is important to remember the warning of the dream book and seek qualified help in time.

If you dream that your mother fell ill and died, you should not trust the people around you so much. You are likely to become a victim of their deception, while not only your moral character will suffer, but also your financial situation.

If you dream that in the middle of the night a loved one knocked on your house, and it was in your house that death overtook him - someone has long and sincerely wished you grief. It is worthwhile to figure out who it could be and take all measures in order to avoid negative consequences.

If you have secrets, they can miraculously become public. If you are not clean at work at work, it's time to stop fraud and think about your reputation. It can be irrevocably damaged. If you dream that someone from your work has died and this person was close to you - such a dream means that significant changes will soon take place at work, and they will give you the opportunity to improve your financial condition.

Why dream of the death of a loved one in other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the death of your parents promises you material well-being and stability. The death of a beloved promises you trouble and trouble at work, but they will be temporary.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the death of your brother or sister in a dream means that you are a very callous person in reality, you are little interested in the problems of others. If you dream that a loved one lost a lot of blood and died from this - such a dream means that conflicts in the family will await you in order to avoid them - try not to accept anyone's point of view, but be guided only by common sense.

In any case, it is very unpleasant to see the death of a loved one in a dream. This can cause panic and apathy. But it is worth remembering that most dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of positive changes. If you want to make sure that everything is really all right with your loved one, dream books advise you to visit a relative in the near future. Perhaps you really did not spend enough time on it.

Dreams of death leave an unsettling feeling upon awakening. Sad pictures evoke the thought of an irreparable and inevitable loss. But is it really so? Why dream of the death of loved ones? The answer will be given by the dreamers.

A common meaning of dreams with already dead people is a prediction about a change in the weather. However, not everyone can endure the vision of the death of a still living person stoically, and such a dream cannot be explained by a change in the weather. Let us analyze in which cases the death of a loved one in a dream should be taken as a warning.

Symbols of death are signs of a prophetic dream. present in night vision:

  • stopped clock;
  • broken mirror;
  • black veil or scarf;
  • black flowers;
  • flower pots with flowers.

In other cases the death of loved ones may reflect an inner fear of losing loved ones. Dream Interpretations claim that dreams about the death of living people, on the contrary, portend them a long life.

For a detailed interpretation of sleep, the status of a relative in the family clan is important:

  • the death of a father warns of a dangerous deal that they are trying to draw you into;
  • the death of a mother portends significant changes in your destiny;
  • the death of a grandmother warns of significant events in the tribal circle;
  • the death of a grandfather predicts a long life for the hero of a dream;
  • the death of a brother warns that there is a vile person in your environment;
  • the death of a sister says that the family needs your support.

Often dreams about the loss of grandparents are an echo of daytime worries about the health of the elderly. Dreams about the loss of siblings can remind you to spend more time with them.

Why dream death of a distant relative? A dream may portend a cooling of relations or changes in the life of a given person, which will lead to alienation from each other or the termination of any relationship at all.

If a the death of a relative is accompanied by blood loss, expect intra-family squabbles and conflicts. To maintain trust, make concessions and be flexible. Don't let the outburst of emotions dampen the bright feeling of trust and openness in the relationship.

It is considered a bad omen death of all relatives. You will actually find yourself on the verge of bankruptcy in a helpless position.

Dreams about loved ones

Sometimes in a dream you can see the death of a loved one. What does this mean? Dream interpreters say that the people they see are on the verge of cardinal changes in fate. This may be a change in work activity, a wedding or divorce, a change of place of residence (travel abroad) or other significant events in a person’s life.

Death of a spouse, on the one hand, is a projection of the fear of being left alone. On the other hand, a dream may warn of a husband's attempt to hide something important from you.

What does loss of a friend in a dream? The subconscious mind is preparing you for bad news, which should be taken stoically. Death of a girlfriend says that at the moment you are overloaded with work and need a rest.

Death of a loved one can also be a projection of the fear of loneliness and separation. On the other hand, the loss of a loved one in a dream prophesies a cold snap in relationships and an attempt to hide true feelings.

Dream plots

  • What do they mean illegible words spoken by a dying person in a dream? This plot shows your unwillingness to take into account the opinions of loved ones and listen to their words. Sometimes you simply do not hear your loved ones and inflict emotional wounds on them with your callousness.
  • If close dying before your eyes, this may portend fundamental changes in family life - the birth of a child, a wedding or engagement. Also, a dream can portend changes in work, for example, a promotion.
  • If you saw the death of a sick man, a dream prophesies a speedy healing from an illness. see death and sudden resurrection of the dead portends a pleasant acquaintance with good people. Hear the news of the demise close - you are internally ready to enter into a new relationship.
  • See death of a loved one in an accident- Fear of being alone. If the dying person was tormented before leaving for the next world, expect a period of trials in life. A sudden death predicts a quick solution to complex problems.
  • visit the grave a recently deceased relative - a difficult life situation lies ahead, a way out of which will be difficult to find. Hear in a dream about the death of relatives You should visit them soon. If the message turned out to be false, beware of deception in real life.
  • See death of a loved one due to fire- in reality, this person was in captivity of bad habits: drugs, alcoholism or gambling. However, most often the plot suggests that a loved one cannot find a way out of the current negative situation and needs support.
  • A futile attempt to save the dying from the flame portends that in real life you will not be able to provide him with the necessary assistance. If you give artificial respiration to a person who died from carbon monoxide, and he comes to life, in reality, your attempts to help will be crowned with success.
  • If a close one crashed when falling from a height, in reality, his irrepressible ambitions will lead to the collapse of all plans. It takes patience from you to help the person get over the period of depression after the incident.

Dream Interpretations about the death of a living person

  • Family dream book considers this dream prophetic. Hearing the voice of a recently deceased friend in a dream - get ready for bad news. Talking with a dead father - beware of rash acts. A conversation with your mother - a dream calls to moderate your appetites, not to demand the impossible from life.
  • Modern dream book interprets the death of relatives for future trials. Hearing in a dream about the death of a loved one - you will soon hear bad news. If a loved one died in agony, in real life you will commit an irreparable act.

One of the terrible night visions is the death of a loved one. The dream is frustrating, and you have decided that this is a bad sign. Do not worry, such a dream does not always have a negative interpretation.

Why dream of the death of a loved one - explanations of dream books

  1. Miller's dream book. A dream with the death of a relative portends trouble, trouble and disappointment. If a friend dies - to the sad news. But in reality, a dreaming person will not die.
  2. Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov. Unpleasant night vision prepares you for losses or trials. But you can survive all the troubles with dignity. If a person dies, and then comes to life and feels great, the dream makes it clear that the organization of your life is wrong and needs to be revised.
  3. Dream Interpretation of Morpheus. If a dying person is struggling in his death throes, and you are looking at it, the dream warns of bad intentions on his part in reality.
  4. Family dream book. The death of a loved one in a dream will bring you future trials. If he dies in terrible agony, in life you can commit a stupid act.

Why dream of the death of a loved one - who died?

Remember who died in your night story:

  • Father or mother. A dream portends unexpected profit - an inheritance, a big win, a gift. Luck will be on your side;
  • Brother or sister. Relatives need your support. Think about your relationship with them and reconcile if necessary;
  • Grandfather or grandmother. A dream portends you a long happy life or significant events in the family;
  • distant relative. Night vision indicates a cooling of your relationship with this person or changes are coming in his life;
  • All close people. The dream is bad, portends bankruptcy or large financial losses;
  • Death of a spouse. The dream indicates your fear of loneliness in reality. But he can also warn that the other half is trying to hide something;
  • Death of a loved one. Night vision prophesies a cooling relationship. Another interpretation is that you are very tired from exhausting work and need to rest;
  • Death of a best friend. Think about your health or get bad news.

Why dream of the death of a loved one - how did he die?

Remember how a loved one died in night vision:

  • Death with great blood loss. Do not enter into conflicts with anyone, be restrained, otherwise there will be a grandiose scandal;
  • The dying man speaks incomprehensible words. In reality, you do not listen to the opinions of loved ones;
  • Death from serious illness. A dream portends you or this person a speedy recovery from a serious illness;
  • Death by accident. You are afraid of loneliness and do not trust people;
  • Death by fire. This person is in reality in captivity of difficult life situations and asks for your help;
  • Death by murder. In life, this person has bothered you because of his advice and instructions. Talk to him to get behind;
  • Painful death before your eyes. There will be good changes in your family life.

Why dream of the death of a loved one - what did you do in a dream?

Remember your actions in night dreams:

  • You try in vain to save the dying. In reality, you did not fulfill your promise in relation to a loved one. If it was possible to save, everything that was promised will be fulfilled;
  • You feel intense emotional pain. Get ready for a good change in your personal life;
  • Look at the death of a loved one and laugh. The night plot portends a calm and quiet life;
  • Weep and mourn. The dream portends a dangerous situation for this person.

If you saw in a dream the death of an already deceased loved one, this is a change in the weather. A dream with the death of living people makes you think about your attitude towards them, but you should not expect the worst.