Why is Water dreaming? Why is pure water dreaming

Agiasma, Schweppes, vodka from under the boat, white coal, water, length, verbose, life-giving moisture, the basis of life, vodka from a submarine, anolyte, bucha, bych, vologa

Water in Dream interpretation of miss Hasse:

  • Cold is happiness. Spill - you are fond of the right thing
  • Muddy - an obstacle
  • Drowning in water - you will face obstacles
  • Go ford - free yourself from danger
  • Swimming - you rehabilitate yourself from suspicion
  • Swimmers - get along with enemies
  • Drinking cold water - health
  • Drinking warm is a disease
  • Scalding with boiling water - incurring losses through negligence
  • Walking on water - you will overcome all obstacles
  • Hearing the sound of water - you will be harshly condemned.
  • Interpretation in Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit sleep Water:

    Water - cold - happiness - clean - prosperity, success - drinking clean - fortunately - drinking cloudy - to illness - spilling - you are fond of the right thing - muddy - obstacle, resentment, gossip - going into muddy - disappointment - immersion in muddy - getting into a predicament - drown in water - face obstacles - wade - free yourself from danger - swim - rehabilitate yourself from suspicion - see swimmers - get along with enemies - drink cold water - health - drink warm water - illness - pouring - to shame, mistake - to wash - to joy, liberation - watering - to loss - scalding with boiling water - incurring losses through negligence - walking on water - overcoming all obstacles - hearing the sound of water - you will be harshly condemned

    What is the dream of Water in Esoteric dream book?

  • Clean - to health, positive results, positive.
  • Dirty - unpleasant work, negative result, negative.
  • V Ukrainian dream book if you dream of Water:

  • Water is a problem. -Dirty, muddy water - weakness, clean - health. As water dreams, this is a bad omen - there will be some kind of failure, and maybe a disease. Pure water, bizhucha - good; joy, profit; cloudy - a nuisance, a quarrel. Dreaming of big water - there will be some kind of adventure. Flood - clear water - temporary obstacles; muddy - a miracle; you are surrounded by water - you will be in luxury. Pure water is life; water with scale is a nuisance, but as you fall into this scale, then death. As the water flows clear, something good will float, but as muddy - unkind. Swimming is good. Water drops - for money. Spilled water is a disaster; pouring water - for shame, mistake; pouring water on something - at a loss. How to drink cold water - for health, clean - fortunately, muddy - for illness. Boiling water - a quarrel, enmity; dreams that water rushed from under the floor - heavy secret enemies, unexpected obstacles; from the walls - defenselessness, someone encroaches on you. If the water is clear and the bottom is visible, sand is a problem. Dark, black water is death. Diving into the water - getting into a twist, doing a tempting, but risky business; drowning is a complication in life. As you dream that water is coming, then someone will arrive at the house. Drinking spring water is good for your health. Pumping water from a well - before disaster. Standing in the water is death. Fall into the water - beware of a prison or other disaster.
  • If you dream about Water? V Modern dream book:

  • If you dream of clean and transparent water, then such a dream promises you joy and well-being. If the water is dirty and muddy, you must be prepared for the fact that you are in danger, and the bright streak of your life will be replaced by a dark one. If in a dream you managed to fall into a puddle or pond with dirty water, then in real life you run the risk of making serious mistakes, which you will later regret. If you dreamed that you were quenching your thirst with dirty water, this is a disease, if with clean water, it is good luck. A flood seen in a dream (especially if it is associated with your home) warns of impending danger. However, if you see how the water subsides, then the worst is left behind. A dream in which you splash and frolic in the water portends love and all-consuming passion. If at the same time drops of water fall on your head, then your feelings will be mutual.
  • Interpretation of a dream Water in Miller's dream book:

  • The following dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed as follows by a young woman studying dreams:
  • Seeing clean water in a dream portends that a joyful prospect of well-being and pleasures awaits you.
  • Falling into muddy water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset by this. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh is a sign of a favorable end to the wildest hopes.
  • If you see that the water has flooded your house and rises, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to the dangerous influence.
  • If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily.
  • "It is not known how, in a dream, I ended up in a boat floating on clear blue water to the pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely, condemned for it. " Blue water and a beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.
  • If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are getting wet, this portends trouble, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to warn them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the murky waters filling the ship.
  • If the water is cloudy. You will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy.
  • Going in for sports in the water means a sudden awakening of love and passion.
  • See Water in a dream in Culinary dream book:

  • Drinking warm water in a dream is a sign of danger from a strong enemy. Cold water - peace of mind, loyal friends. Holy water - health, sinlessness. Walking on water is a success, a triumph. To see that the water evaporates, dries up - to a change in the weather for the better. To draw water - to long-term studies and great trouble. To spill water in your room is a hassle, labor in proportion to the amount of water spilled.
  • Loff's dream book?

  • Water presented in this way is often indicative of renewal. For example, traveling and tired, daydreaming suddenly bumps into a stream. A place where you can freshen up and gain strength to continue your journey is close at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water.
  • Water in dreams is a powerful symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects act in a relaxing way, then a bubbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols generate a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it.
  • Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of the human experience with water.
  • Water taps are an exception to the general statements listed above. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the crane is controlled by a dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the tap efficiently, then one can assume that he feels that he is not in control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, there may be no water in the tap). If the crane is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of the other.This whim can cause significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss. , your lover, or someone else important to you.
  • If you are dreaming of a river or a stream, have they not overflowed the banks, and can they, in your opinion, be overcome in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water.
  • Water plays a huge role in human history. Regardless of whether it is a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that engulfs people, water is both a friend and an enemy at the same time. If the dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role.
  • The sleeper must be looking forward to a respite from everyday worries or is trying to specifically create such an opportunity.
  • Quiet deep water that appears refreshing can also generate feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger potentially lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what is in the depths.
  • In the early days of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) It was even more important to know where the water is, for this made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the expansion of trade, water became an inevitable evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water hit livestock and spread disease.
  • If there is a lake in a dream, is the entire coastline within sight and likely reach?
  • Emphasizing a positive outlook on water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always gives the sleeper this feeling. Managed water is the key to solving problems.
  • Uncontrolled water creates a sense of anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and endless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the dreamer's circumstances.
  • What does water in a dream mean Dream interpretation of Azar?

  • muddy stream - incur losses and losses
  • swim in muddy water - obstacles
  • turbid water is an obstacle
  • swimming in muddy water - a slight change in position
  • Sitting in the water - be careful, they talk about you. Hot water - to shame. If the water is clean, well-being. Sailing on a tree on water - unfulfilled hopes. A stream with clear water is a pleasant future. Wash the salad in water - happiness, good luck. Hear the sound of water - in reality you will hear an oath. Muddy Water Well - Poor Future Views
  • Water in a dream Muslim dream book:

  • Water - if someone sees in a dream that he drinks water from zemzem (zemzem is a sacred well in Mecca, as if the one that appeared at the command of the angel agar to Ismail. Drinking water from zemzem (ob-i-zemzem) is one of the necessary rituals When making a pilgrimage. Water zemzem in special banks is taken home by pilgrims and is considered a healing remedy for all diseases), then he will be given sacred science.
  • To see water in a dream. V Muslim dream book:

  • Water - drinking warm water - to anxiety and illness, and washing with cold water - to health and joy.
  • What does water mean Lunar dream book:

  • Water: clean - well-being; cloudy - sadness; fast flowing - weight immersed in water - getting into a difficult position; washing is a joy.
  • See Water in a dream. V Dream interpretation of Nostradamus:

  • Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of the glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in tomorrow.
  • Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger of discovering a previously unknown nation to the world.
  • Seeing strongly boiling water is a sign of the birth of a new doctrine or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments.
  • Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.
  • Walking on the water and seeing flocks of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war.
  • Water is a symbol of life.
  • Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream portends favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work.
  • What does Water in Dream interpretation of Wangi:

  • If in a dream you saw how water floods your home, then in reality wait for a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people.
  • Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions.
  • Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream - you can hardly bear the coming changes, but, having withstood this stormy stream of event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.
  • If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of a wave of cosmic influence coming on you, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous all over the world.
  • Drowning in water - in reality, to resist the natural course of events, as a result of this, ruin health and shorten life.
  • Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion.
  • In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new capacity, along with many people around you.
  • What does water mean in a dream, in Assyrian dream book?

  • If a person carries water down the street, failures will leave him forever.
  • If you were given water, it means a long life. If river water is a huge income; water from a spring, well - wealth; from a ditch, a hole - quarrels; from the channel - your crop will be flooded during the storm.
  • If a person wanders in calm, calm water, he will have a minor legal battle or a slight illness. And if in rough or big water, then a difficult lawsuit or a dangerous disease.
  • The meaning of sleep Water in The newest dream book:

  • Clean - to health; to the fulfillment of the plans conceived; swimming in it - to healing (if you are sick). Turbid V. - to a disease that can be safely cured by means of traditional medicine; being in dirty V. - to ailments, slander, gossip, accusations of a non-existent sin are not excluded. Find Artesian waters - to achieve the goal; drinking - enjoying the result. To pour over V. - to surprise; to the presence of a negative program. Pour V. - empty, meaningless conversations; vain chores. Groundwater - a conspiracy is formed against you at work (school).
  • Water in Family dream book:

  • Seeing clean water in a dream is a sign of prosperity and pleasure.
  • If you dreamed that the water was decreasing, succumb to the dangerous influence.
  • If water splashes on you in a dream, then passionate love will awaken in your soul, which will bring you happiness.
  • If you saw that water flooded your house, you will fight, resist evil.
  • If the water is cloudy, danger awaits you.
  • Interpretation in Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov sleep Water:

  • drinking warm water - to chagrin, illness.
  • going in troubled water - disappointment for the better;
  • splashed on my head - unexpected passion;
  • cloudy - to the disease;
  • to wash - to joy, liberation;
  • watering - to loss,
  • drinking clean - fortunately;
  • immersion in water - get into a difficult situation in your personal;
  • looking at a waterfall is a terrible meeting;
  • draw water - grief;
  • pouring - to shame, error;
  • What is the dream of Water in Noble dream book?

  • Drinking clean and well water is health.
  • Hence the main division: clean water means joy, something good.
  • To see children bathing is a joy to parents.
  • Muddy, dirty, gloomy - everything unfavorable, and above all sadness.
  • Swimming in a dress is a serious illness.
  • Swimming in clean water is a carefree life, recovery.
  • Drinking cloudy or warm water is sadness.
  • Swimming in dirty and muddy water is a disease, an accusation.
  • Diving is a misfortune / dangerous self-discovery.
  • Swimming in the pond is a chore.
  • Boiling water is happiness.
  • Water is the unconscious forces of the soul and, above all, the world of feelings; she can be the personification of animals or an unconscious return to a childishly naive worldview, but also a symbol of inertia, passivity, and therefore hindrances and diseases.
  • V Gypsy dream book if you dream of Water:

  • Clean, cold water is a symbol of good health. Warm or dirty water symbolizes illness. Emptying a container - you have an unhealthy appetite and need to watch what you eat.
  • If you dream about Water? V Schiller's dream book:

  • pure and transparent good glory, success and prosperity; muddy, dirty, dark sadness, resentment, gossip and damage in business.
  • Interpretation of a dream Water in Old Russian dream book:

  • drinking clean - fortunately; cloudy - to the disease; going in troubled waters is disappointment for the better; immersion in water - get into a difficult situation in your personal; to wash - to joy, liberation; pouring - to shame, error; watering - to loss; looking at the waterfall is a terrible meeting.
  • See Water in a dream in Italian dream book:

  • Symbolizes the interaction of various aspects of the environment as a fundamental element of human development and life. If the subject feels comfortable in the water or dominates over it, it means that he is able to make a personal contribution to the development of the environment (and this is positive, despite the fact that the person is aware of the presence of big problems). If the subject is drowning or feels uncomfortable in the water, then this indicates a lack of balance, or an unfavorable situation for him. Attention should be paid to the condition of the water (clean, dirty, running, standing), as this also characterizes the situation in question.
  • What does it mean to see water in a dream Male dream book?

  • To enter the water - to enter into an intimate relationship. To enter the sea water or the ocean is to experience unusual sensations. To enter a mountain river with clear water is to be surprised at the behavior of your partner.
  • Clean is a good sign. Cloudy water - complications.
  • Throwing herself into a mountain stream is a love story that is not so easy to get rid of. To dive into the water with your head is to find yourself in a difficult position.
  • What does water in a dream mean Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi?

  • Drinking clean, clear water is fortunate. Drinking water from the river in a dream means inescapable prosperity. If you have drunk all the water from the river, there is a chance to enter the highest echelons of power (of course, we can talk about managing, say, the city in which you live). If the water tastes unpleasant or is overly saturated with salt, then sleep is so unfavorable. Drinking warm water or being doused with it outside of your desire - to trouble. If the water that was poured over you in a dream is clean, then everything will be fine, but if it is muddy and dirty, then get ready for trouble. Falling into water in a dream - to worries and troubles. Seeing a large amount of water is a sign of success. A dream in which water goes into the ground has a similar meaning. Watering the garden is a sign of wealth.
  • Water in a dream Sivananda's Vedic dream book:

  • This is a sign of birth.
  • To see water in a dream. V Ibn Sirin's Islamic dream book:

  • Also, if he sees that he has drunk the waters of heaven, wine and milk, he will acquire wisdom and knowledge and become rich.
  • What does water mean French dream book:

  • If you saw standing water in a dream, know that you are in danger. on the contrary, clean and fresh spring water promises a happy beginning and future success in your business. In addition, clear and fresh water - dreams of recovery.
  • See Water in a dream. V Zhou-gun's Chinese dream book:

  • Drink water. - portends great benefits.
  • What does Water in Dream interpretation of the Yellow Emperor:

  • Water is one of the primary elements of the creation of the world. Everything on earth is permeated with water in different proportions, but the kingdom of pure water is pure yin in the north. The trigram of water is Kan: the nature of water to be wet and flow down, accordingly, two Yin torn features surround one whole Yang, dominate it. After all, water willingly takes the form of any vessel, but successfully resists compression. The unrestricted space of clean water in the winter season especially successfully resists any external pressure and obeys only its internal element - cold. To see water in a dream, spaces of unlimited water - pure yin water, the state of yin undiscovered outward. Spaces of cold water (there is a feeling that the water is exactly cold), or to see ice-bound water in a dream in winter without fear and negative sensations - means the fact of the onset of the winter season and the correspondence of the body to the season. Fear and desire to hide and not see the space of terrible water means the body is not prepared for winter: weakness, lack of summer accumulation of strength and defeat of the will, which cannot be favorable. To see spaces of stormy cold water in a dream (the image of a storm on the winter sea) - without fear of seeing such a dream portends a stormy, tense and difficult winter in business, for which you need to be prepared; with fear, possibly with cold feet and hands (sensations in a dream), with the sound of a whistle, noise of waves in the ears, to see - sleep is unfavorable, and warns not only of general weakness and unpreparedness of the body for winter, but also of a specific manifestation of an already born disease kidney and bladder. The will is paralyzed by the fear of one's own powerlessness, which has arisen from intemperate emotions in summer and autumn, and now in winter there are no internal barriers to the absorption of a weak object by a strong element. The dream indicates the need to urgently mothball all affairs, abandon career considerations and start restoring the destroyed mental sphere and treating the kidneys. To see cold water poured into a glass / cup, but to know that it is cold and winter / drink such water in a dream, or to have a feeling of the need to drink it in the absence of desire - this means the penetration of the winter destructive element into the body solely at the dreamer's will (see Cup ). Sleep warns of a possible kidney disease, however, what is destroyed on its own can still be restored independently and quite successfully, the destructive effect of external cold has not yet been connected (especially if the water was not drunk in a dream), or its effect is weak. Drinking cold water in a dream in winter with desire, thirst and need for cold means kidney damage (fever), which causes pain in the sacrum and lower back, heaviness in the legs, heat in the feet, dry mouth and tongue; the urine is cloudy, with a foul odor. Sleep indicates the need for medical intervention. Standing in sleep / walking on snow or ice with bare feet with the desire to do this also means the heat of the kidneys. See also: Thirst.
  • Elements - cold. Emotions - fear. Organs - kidneys, bladder. Planets - Mercury.
  • The primary elements are water.
  • What does water mean in a dream, in Folklore dream book?

  • Pouring water - to shame, shame. Additional idiom: "pouring water" to gossip, gossip.
  • For many centuries, a person has been trying to unravel the meaning of dreams, open the curtain of secrecy and get recommendations for the future. The events and images that remain in your memories are capable of prophesying and warning certain events, pushing for certain actions.

    The semantic load contained in dreams is studied in a science called somnology. Physiologists try to explain the processes that take place in dreams from the standpoint of the existing baggage of knowledge.

    Water in a dream is a frequent phenomenon. Someone dreams that he is drinking water, someone dreams of azure sea shores, someone a stormy waterfall, and some water sports. What can all this be dreaming of? why is water dreaming? What does water in a dream mean?

    Perhaps you just do not have enough drive or rest in your life, or maybe you had a fun evening yesterday and you are tormented by thirst? It is not always worth looking for an interpretation of the dream about water, sometimes it is necessary to understand the impulses of the body and go on a journey, or maybe just get up and drink water :).

    But if your dream has nothing to do with your well-being, mental urges, then we suggest that you find out why water is dreaming. Water, which plays a huge role in human life, in a dream can be interpreted as both a good omen and a bad omen.

    • Reading water - to favorable changes.
    • Turbid water in all dream books is interpreted as a warning of danger.

    Why does water dream according to Miller's dream book

    Seeing clear, clean water in a dream, you can expect that in the future you will have a wonderful prospect of increasing prosperity or receiving a lot of pleasant, joyful pleasures. Clean water - to changes in life, to a favorable turn of events.

    If in a dream you enjoy drinking pure water, then you can wait for the fulfillment of your innermost desires. The dream that you have nurtured in your heart for so long will soon come true.

    Splashes of clear water falling on you in a dream can herald the beginning of a sensual love story with a happy ending.

    Turbid and dirty water, with unpleasant impurities, warns of impending troubles that threaten you in the future.

    If in a dream you fell into troubled water, then this can be interpreted as the prospect of you committing many small mistakes that will be painfully experienced by you. The muddy water filling the ship on which you sail in a dream means the prospect of solving difficult problems that you will be able to solve thanks to your own courtesy.

    Drinking muddy water can be a sign of a latent disease or portend a deterioration in well-being.

    The water flooding your home and arriving portends a struggle and resistance to any evil forces, unpleasant circumstances. Waning water dreams that you will give up and stop fighting dangerous events.

    Sports exercises that you do in the water, or the splashes of water falling on your head, speak of the impending awakening of feelings, the prospect of love and passionate adventures.

    Water in a dream - Wangi's dream book

    What is the dream of water according to Vanga's interpretation? Water symbolizes changes in life, evolution. It is interpreted as a force conducive to renewal and deliverance from sins.

    If in a dream you are caught in the rain, or jets of water are pouring on you from above, then this will portend a strong cosmic influence, which should not be resisted. Finding harmony with outer space in real life can lead to the formation of a great person in your person, the opportunity to become famous throughout the world.

    Contemplation of muddy water in a dream means troubles and misfortunes, as well as difficult life situations and a deterioration in relationships with people. A favorable way out in this case would be to show patience and kindness. This will help not to stain the soul with inappropriate impressions.

    Water flooding your home is a dream of a huge amount of news. At the same time, one piece of news will serve as an impetus for a radical change in your attitude, change in your relationships with people.

    Choking and drowning in the stream of water is an omen of the coming resistance to the established course of your life. The consequence of this can be torn health and a decrease in the life span.

    Ripples and circles spreading across the water surface foreshadow some rather unpleasant future changes. If in a dream you hold out and stand in this stream of water, then in real life you can gain power over life's circumstances, over yourself and other people.

    Dream interpretation of Juno - water

    According to the dream book of Juno, the ancient Roman goddess and wife of Jupiter, who guards the family hearth and family values, the prediction of dreams is based on knowledge accumulated over many centuries.

    Juno's dream book includes 40 collections on the interpretation of dreams from the most famous authors. Nostradamus, Freud, Solomon, Cleopatra give an explanation of the images and events that occur in dreams, and some recommendations for the future.

    Water in all interpretations is associated with emotional and sensory perception of what is happening, the mysterious element of female energy. Rough, but not dangerous, water flow symbolizes sensual and emotional impulses. An obstacle to this flow may indicate that you tend to hide your feelings, not allowing them to come out.

    The clarity of spring water indicates the purity of your feelings, the relationship of your feminine energy with intuition. In stagnant, stale water, one sees a symbol of vicious emotions that should be somehow removed from your life.

    A ball filled with clean water, according to Nostradamus, is able to predict good weather. An insect in a glass can symbolize a lengthy lawsuit or slander against you. Seething water dreams of a major discovery in the scientific field.

    Why does water dream in Freud's opinion

    Freud interpreted water as a reflection of intimate relationships between the sexes, evidence of the birth of a new life. Bathing in water speaks of a person's passionate nature, desire and ability to enjoy the closeness of a loved one, and splashing - to an extreme penchant for sexual fantasies.

    Swimming in water for women can be a sign of imminent motherhood, and a strong desire to become pregnant is associated, according to Freud, with the absorption of dirty water. Filling a vessel with water indicates a strong desire to fall in love with a loved one.

    If you admire your reflection in the water, it means that you are paying too much attention to your own interests, regardless of the opinions and desires of your partner, who, most likely, lacks your affection.

    Why is water dreaming - female dream book

    According to the female dream book, seeing clean water in a dream means prosperity and receiving sensual pleasures. Dirty and muddy water dreams of danger threatening you and gloomy despondency.

    Flooding your home with water heralds a battle with the adversity that awaits you. If the water leaves a flooded dwelling, then the troubles that lie in wait for you will soon recede.

    Scooping water from somewhere and wet feet dream of troubles and illnesses, and also portend troubles and troubles for you.

    Drinking clean, clear water - to positive changes in fate and fulfilling hopes. Dirty water that you drink is a disease.

    Splashing water on your head means mutual love passion.

    Why dream of a lot of water

    A huge amount of clear calm water means peace and prosperity after long and difficult life turmoil.

    Rushing in the same stream with the stormy waters of a raging river can be a sign of a serious illness or obstacle in an important matter for you. If in a dream you saw people who are carried away by a turbulent current, then this may portend a dangerous, hopeless situation and bereavement.

    To see the streets of a city or village, flooded with a huge amount of boiling water - to a possible disaster, which can lead to many misfortunes and negative events.

    Flooding marks the onset of various adverse events, as well as a change in sexual partner or intimate lifestyle. If you dreamed that you were surrounded by clean water, then luxury and wealth await you.

    The water coming to your feet promises trouble in matters of real estate transactions, the possibility of its loss or deception, entailing its loss.

    Dream interpretation - cloudy or clear water in a dream

    Why is water cloudy or clear in a dream? Clean, transparent water portends future favorable changes, spiritual cleansing and improved well-being.

    Drinking clean water in a dream means the fulfillment of the most secret desires and dreams. Isoteric and French dream books interpret the water seen in a dream as evidence foreshadowing success and positive emotions, as well as a strong hope for a speedy recovery.

    A dream in which you find yourself splashed with clean water will speak of the beginning of a new romantic relationship with a happy ending.

    Pure water pouring down on you from above should promise honors and glory that await you soon. Wine diluted with water should bring disappointment and deception.

    All dream books associate dirty and muddy waters with warnings about the dangers that threaten you and the intensification of the activities of enemies. Such waters also portend a deterioration in your well-being and unpleasant events.

    Sleep falling into water, drowning in water, walking on water - what does this mean?

    Falling into the water means the impossibility of your hopes and desires, an unfavorable outcome of the current affairs with which your thoughts are occupied. Falling into dirty water marks the commission of many mistakes and ill-considered actions that will affect your life for a long time.

    Falling into the water of a large body of water in a dream means a serious and long illness, if soon after a dream you actually get sick. Getting unexpected good news awaits you if in a dream you fell into a well with water.

    Drowning in water means the possibility of injury, accident, or loss of property. In case of successful rescue, career advancement, honor and respect of others await you.

    Walking on water is a dream to fulfill your desires. The more water is under your feet while walking on water, the more obstacles you will encounter on the way to your goal. So, if in a dream you walk along a small stream, then wishes will come true soon. And if you wade along the river, then only after overcoming many obstacles, you will be able to fulfill your dream.

    Crossing a restless, seething river dreams of difficult problems and obstacles that must be solved and overcome on the way to the cherished goal.

    If in a dream you came to the aid of a drowning person, then either deserved happiness awaits you, or the opportunity to help a friend in promotion.

    A girl who saw a drowning lover in a dream is in for disappointment and trouble. If you dream that your enemy is drowning, then for you this is a happy dream, foreshadowing joy or celebration.

    If you very often dream that you are drowning, then you need to think about the danger hanging over you, the result of which can be the collapse of hopes and business relationships in business.

    Why dream of water - a bucket, river, lake or sea

    If in a dream you scooped clean water with a bucket, then expect a significant financial income and strengthening of your financial situation. The water that you put into the bucket with your own hands says that you are lucky in everyday affairs, which you attract with your own hands, with your diligence.

    The fuller the fullness of the bucket, the more happiness it promises. At the same time, the severity of this bucket, experienced in a dream, will be a measure for your efforts. That is, the heavier the bucket, the more work must be done to implement the plan.

    An unsightly, rusty or leaking bucket signals that troubles and instability of your financial situation are due to your fault. Therefore, it is necessary to change either the lifestyle or one's own behavior in order to come to a positive result.

    If in a dream someone handed you a full bucket, then expect unexpected help in business thanks to some person.

    To dream of a calm, small river - to a favorable turn of events, foreshadowing success in all endeavors. A muddy, drying up or dirty river will in reality bring temporary sorrow and troubles, possible disappointment.

    A full-flowing, non-hazardous river can mean promotion, career success. A stream flowing into a river or sea symbolizes salvation from the traps of ill-wishers.

    The calm and clear sea, which you observe from the shore, can mean a measured life, without much worries and shocks. Sailing on a calm sea - to cool in relationships with friends and family.

    Watching the raging sea bodes well. Swimming in such a sea in a dream usually reflects the state of your life, replete with events that are not easy to understand.

    Seeing or sailing in a boat on the clear, calm waters of the lake means a pleasant, carefree life of wealth and happiness. Looking at a lake with dirty water means poverty and humiliation, and sailing on such a lake, the shores of which are covered with bare stones and dry trees, means the impossibility of carrying out the planned affairs.

    What is the dream of blue, black water?

    Pure blue water speaks of well-being in business and, possibly, some emotional unsaturation of life, arising in conditions of material wealth and the absence of desires that stimulate vitality. Perhaps you should consider adding a little adventurism and romance to your daily routine.

    Black water is evidence of inner depression, dark thoughts and hidden negativity that interfere with fruitful activity. Therefore, after analyzing your own thoughts and feelings, you need to come to a rethinking of what is happening and readjustment in a positive way.

    Dream interpretation - water on the floor, on the ceiling.

    If the water has completely flooded the floor and its level rises, then such a dream can be interpreted as an upcoming struggle with troubles and troubles. If the flow is too strong, then you have serious problems ahead.

    Water, slowly arriving from under the floor, signals the appearance of enemies in your life, whose intrigues will cause you certain inconveniences that you cannot avoid.

    Water in someone else's apartment on the floor - to inheritance and good health. Pure water dripping from the ceiling to the floor on which you walk - to the speedy implementation of your plan.

    The water flowing from the ceiling means that many worries and troubles await you in the near future. Moreover, the greater the flow of flowing water, the more urgent matters will appear. In addition, some interpret this same dream as evidence of your uncompromising attitude.

    Therefore, in order to avoid conflict situations, you should try to build relationships with others more flexibly, listening to their opinions.

    Why else is water dreaming?

    • Clean water dreams of well-being, muddy - to sadness, green - to advancement on the career ladder, cold - to good health.
    • Go for water - to luck, celebration; to draw water - to great trouble; to wash - to a joyful event; watering something - to loss and sadness.
    • If you dreamed that you were drinking fresh and clean water, you will achieve success in all your endeavors and undertakings. A dream in which you drink cloudy water warns you of danger. Drinking water non-stop is a big profit.
    • Walking in a dream on the water - fortunately, playing in the water - for profit or a profitable business. A dream in which you saw fire on the surface of the water portends you great luck.
    • If in a dream you see how the water glitters in the sun, then your impression of a new acquaintance is deceptive.
    • A smooth water surface in a dream is a good sign symbolizing your success; troubled water, with a swell - minor troubles and worries await you; big waves or storms dream of upcoming difficulties in business and problems.
    • A flood in a dream warns you of a negative influence from the outside or an upcoming adventure, someone will try to take advantage of your gullibility.
    • If you dreamed of a whirlpool, be careful: you may face big obstacles and problems in achieving your goals; if you are caught in a whirlpool, then it will be difficult for you to overcome them.
    • Pouring water from a bucket is a sign that you will be offered a difficult, unprofitable, unworthy job.
    • If you dreamed that you were doing water slalom, you can expect great difficulties in business and unsuccessful attempts to overcome them.
    • If you dream about dirty, cloudy or oily waste water, this is a bad sign. Seeing clean and transparent water - be sure that everything is in your hands, it depends on you whether you can overcome obstacles or not.
    • The waterfall dreams of the news; if it is located in a picturesque area, and also makes noise and thunders - you may expect annoyance, anxiety or trouble.

    Water is the source of life for all creatures on Earth, and humans are no exception. Why is pure water dreaming? That is why dreams with clean water have a deep meaning and are often associated with the inner world of a person, his desires and needs.

    Most dream books interpret such a dream as a positive sign, foreshadowing pleasant life changes.

    However, you should not neglect the details of what you saw: depending on them, the meaning of sleep may be completely different. Let's turn to the popular dream books for an answer.

    The soothsayer believed that clean water in a dream symbolizes the processes of change and renewal, as well as forgiveness and repentance for what they have done. If the sleeper drinks water in his dreams, it means that the novelty of his life situation and relationships with people will benefit him. A dream with circles on the water of a lake speaks of changes that will not be easy to come to terms with. Resistance to change and protest against it also means a vision in which a person is drowning in a clean body of water.

    But the streams of water pouring from above onto the dreamer speak of an incredible potential to become known in any direction, which you should decide on your own.

    What G. Miller Says About Sleeping with Clean Water

    According to the psychologist, the clear water seen in a dream portends prosperous life circumstances and pleasures. Splashes of water that fall on the head promise great love.

    A dream in which man sees how clear water floods the house, foreshadows the struggle with difficulties... A way out of a difficult situation as a winner can be expected if water arrives; if it decreases, the circumstances will be stronger.

    According to Freud

    Water in Freud's dream book is a very personal symbol associated with sex life and childbirth. If in a vision the sleeping person pours clean water, which means that in reality he wants intimacy with a specific person... A dream in which a drowning woman is saved in clean water can be interpreted in a similar way. If a man needs help, such a vision symbolizes a strong affection for someone.

    Splashing water speaks of unmet sexual needs; admiring your reflection in clear water - about excessive concern for your appearance. Entering or leaving the water, jumping into it are signs that indicate the dreamer's desire to create a strong family and have children.

    Modern dream books

    Today's interpreters generally tend to decipher dreams with clean water as a positive portent, however, there are also negative meanings.

    • A jet of crystal water portends excellent prospects and a lot of pleasant emotions, but if the liquid fills the vessel, you should expect an improvement in your financial condition. Pouring clean water from one container to another predicts good purchases and profitable investments.
    • Clean water in the river dreams of great joy and good news. If the sleeping person bathes in it, this is a sign that portends a worthy assessment of the dreamer's positive actions, as well as getting rid of gossip. Bathing acquaintances in a clean reservoir predicts reconciliation with enemies.
    • Great luck is predicted by a dream in which a person drinks clean water. If he is served a glass full of water, then a successful marriage and decent wealth in the family should be expected.
    • Puddles of clear water on earth, which the dreamer carefully bypasses, indicate that he can easily cope with all the difficulties in real life. Washing with water for a sick person foreshadows early healing, for a healthy person - getting rid of all problems.
    • Clean water from the well, which the dreamer gives to the stranger, warns of the possible enrichment of someone at the expense of the sleeping person.
    A negative sign will be a dream in which a person carries water in clothes, a hat or shoes.

    Such a vision is a dream of deceiving people who were part of the circle of trust. If the water does not spill at the same time, one can hope for a miraculous salvation from ruin.... If the liquid still leaks away, wait for troubles and troubles. To find out more about what pure water means in a dream, watch the video.

    Why do you dream of Water in a dream? If you dream of Water on the floor that seeps out from under the floor - such a dream suggests that there are unpleasant people in your life who make your life difficult. If in a dream the floor is flooded with water and it continues to rise, you are drowning in problems. A dream in which you see a lot of water - to incredible luck. To draw water (water) - to bankruptcy. What is clear water dreaming of means spiritual purity, good health and success in business. Why cloudy water dreams - to illness, trouble, major setbacks. Drowning in a dream - something will happen in your life that will save you from some kind of trouble ... A dream in which water g smart, muddy - to trouble, sadness, resentment, gossip, illness, quarrels and troubles. To wash or bathe in clean water with clean water - for good, health. Find out in more detail how different dream books interpret this dream.

    Life began in the aquatic environment. Everyone knows that water is a sign of life, which is why our scientists are trying to find it on other planets in order to find evidence of life outside the Earth. In addition, each of us went through the watery stage of our life in the womb. For 9 months without a break, we were in the water. And now it is a vital element for us. All these facts make dreams about water essential, and in some cases even life-changing. There are many interpretations of what pure water dreams of. All the meanings of this dream are collected here. You can choose what is right for your life situation. Why is pure water dreaming? Such a dream cannot bring anything bad, it says that you have excellent health at the moment and pure thoughts. He also promises prosperity, goodness, happiness, pleasant acquaintance, pleasure. Your long-standing problem will be solved soon. If you bathe in this clear water, then you will be healed of your illness. Why is pure water dreaming according to Freud's dream book? For Freud, water is a symbol of both the birth of children and orgasm, healthy sexual pleasure. If you dreamed of someone in this dream, then it is with him that you would like to have sex and would get real pleasure from it. Also, this dream means the desire to have a child. Why is water dreaming - sea or lake? Such a dream speaks of your obsession with getting physical pleasure and complete neglect of the spiritual side of your life. This is a warning to your subconscious mind that soon such an attitude can lead to unpleasant consequences. Why is the water in the river dreaming? Usually, such a dream promises a lot of profit or a rich guest who will play a significant role in your life. But the interpretation also depends on the purity of the water in the river. Dirty water warns of threats to your health, imminent problems and troubles. According to another theory, the river symbolizes the female genitals. The actions that you perform over the water are also important. Remember what you did in a dream: Diving under water means that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation, for example, you will have to discuss unpleasant topics with your soul mate. To draw water - you will solve constantly accumulating problems for a long time. To wash or swim in water - listen to your intuition, then you can get around some of the problems; on the other hand, everything is developing steadily and smoothly. You have seen your reflection in the water - stop deceiving yourself; excessive narcissism; disappointment in anything. Falling into the water - the enemies will exert strong pressure on you; unnecessary worries, problems. Walking on water promises you boundless happiness; a sign of the success of your venture. Sailing on a ship - think first, then do, speak, otherwise you can get a bunch of unnecessary problems. Splashing water is the release of hidden sexuality. Drown - try to clear your negative thoughts. Soar above water - try to quickly react to changes in the events of the outside world. The main thing is that your sleep is light and pleasant. After reading all the interpretations, you yourself will soon understand why pure water is dreaming in your case.

    Miller's dream book

    If you dreamed about clean water, then the prospects will be bright, ahead of pleasure and prosperity. I dreamed of muddy water - you will find yourself in danger, sadness will take the place of joy. Water flooded your house and rises - there is a resistance to evil, but if the water decreases, you succumb to a dangerous influence. From walking on wet ground, your feet became wet - this means that unpleasant problems, and the extreme one will set you difficult tasks, but your vigilance will help prevent them. The same interpretation may apply to turbid water filling. Fell into muddy water means that you will make many bitter mistakes and you will suffer. If you drank muddy water, you will get sick, and if you drink clean and fresh water, your wildest dreams will come true. in the water they dream of the sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream of splashes of water falling on your head, this portends a passionate awakening of love with a happy ending.

    Dream Water

    Dream interpretation of Wangi

    Water represents change, resolution of contradictions, renewal, progress, washing away of sins and oblivion.

    Dream interpretation of Nostradamus

    Water is life itself. To see crystal clear water, which is filled in huge, is a favorable weather, which carries many benefits for agricultural work.

    What is water in a dream for?

    Loff's dream book

    In the history of mankind, water has a value that cannot be overestimated. Regardless of whether we are talking about a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or that absorbs people, water is ours and, and at the same time. If this significant symbol was present in any form in a dream, understanding its role is an extremely important task.

    Why is water dreaming

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Drinking clean water - happiness lies ahead, muddy - disease; walking on muddy water is a disappointment; immerse yourself in the water - in personal matters you will find yourself in a difficult situation; - joy, liberation; pouring water - to shame and error; watering - there will be losses; to watch for - to a terrible meeting; water - to dangerous credulity; gushed from under the floor - you have secret enemies, unexpected, unforeseen obstacles will arise; water gushed out of the walls - a sign of interference in your life and defenselessness.

    Dreamed of Water

    Dream interpretation Hasse

    Fortunately, I dream of cold water. Spilled water - you are fond of a suitable business; muddy - to an obstacle; sinking - you will face obstacles; go over - liberation from danger; - remove suspicions from yourself; watch the swimmers - get along with the enemies; drinking cold water - to health; warm - to the disease. - to losses due to negligence; on the water - overcome all obstacles; to hear the water - to the sharp condemnation of you by people.

    Water in a dream

    Esoteric Dream Interpretation

    If you saw clean water, you will be healthy; positive result, positive. Dirty water portends unpleasant work, negative result, negative.

    What is the dream of Water, interpretation of sleep

    Dream interpretation of Meneghetti

    It is a symbol of the interaction of various aspects of the environment as a fundamental element in the development of people and life. The subject feels good in the water or dominates over it - he is able to make a personal contribution to the development of the environment (and this is positive, although the person is aware of the presence of big problems). The subject drowns or feels uncomfortable in the water - there is no balance, or this is an indication of an unfavorable situation for him. The condition of the water (clean or dirty, flowing or standing) deserves attention: this is also of great importance for interpretation.

    Dream Water

    French Dream Interpretation

    Standing water dreams of potential danger. The water is clean and fresh, spring water portends a happy beginning and success in business, as well as recovery.

    I dreamed of Water, what does it mean

    Assyrian Dream Interpretation

    Dreamed walks on the water, depending on its condition, indicate to a person different events. If the water flow is calm, you will face a minor trial with a positive result or mild discomfort. Bubbling water - evidence of lawsuits with unpredictable outcomes or serious health problems.

    What is water in a dream for?

    Modern Dream Interpretation

    Clean water is a dream for good, muddy - for trouble.

    Why is water dreaming

    Freud's dream book

    Water is considered a reflection of love relationships among the sexes, the conception of a new existence.

    Why can water dream according to Freud's dream book?

    Filling the reservoir with liquid in a dream testifies to a burning desire to conquer a loved one, a desire to unite with him into one whole, to look into one's own image - to give a huge role to one's own hobbies, appearance and well-being. For you, the opinion of your partner should also be considered - probably your affection is not enough for him. Swimming speaks of an ardent nature, capable of acquiring pleasure from intimacy with a loved one. Bathing for a girl may indicate an imminent conception. The splashes symbolize a penchant for sexual fantasies. The merging of impure water is a strong urge to be a mom.

    Dreamed of Water

    Female dream book

    According to the female dream book, seeing clean water in a dream means prosperity and receiving sensual pleasures.

    Dirty and muddy water dreams of danger threatening you and gloomy despondency. Flooding your home with water heralds a battle with the adversity that awaits you.

    If the water leaves a flooded dwelling, then the troubles that lie in wait for you will soon recede. Scooping water from somewhere and wet feet dream of troubles and illnesses, and also portend troubles and troubles for you.

    Drinking clean, clear water - to positive changes in fate and fulfilling hopes. Dirty water that you drink is a disease. Splashing water on your head means mutual love passion.

    What else can water dream of?

    1. Clean water dreams of well-being, muddy - to sadness, green - to advancement on the career ladder, cold - to good health.
    2. Go for water - to luck, celebration; to draw water - to great trouble; to wash - to a joyful event; watering something - to loss and sadness.
    3. If you dreamed that you were drinking fresh and clean water, you will achieve success in all your endeavors and undertakings.
    4. A dream in which you drink cloudy water warns you of danger.
    5. Drinking water nonstop is a big profit.
    6. Walking in a dream on the water - fortunately, playing in the water - for profit or a profitable business.
    7. A dream in which you saw fire on the surface of the water portends you great luck.
    8. If in a dream you see how the water glitters in the sun, then your impression of a new acquaintance is deceptive.
    9. A smooth water surface in a dream is a good sign symbolizing your success; troubled water, with a swell - minor troubles and worries await you; big waves or storms dream of upcoming difficulties in business and problems.
    10. A flood in a dream warns you of a negative influence from the outside or an upcoming adventure, someone will try to take advantage of your gullibility.
    11. If you dreamed of a whirlpool, be careful: you may face big obstacles and problems in achieving your goals; if you are caught in a whirlpool, then it will be difficult for you to overcome them.
    12. Pouring water from a bucket is a sign that you will be offered a difficult, unprofitable, unworthy job.
    13. If you dreamed that you were doing water slalom, you can expect great difficulties in business and unsuccessful attempts to overcome them.
    14. If you dream about dirty, cloudy or oily waste water, this is a bad sign. Seeing clean and transparent water - be sure that everything is in your hands, it depends on you whether you can overcome obstacles or not.
    15. The waterfall dreams of the news; if it is located in a picturesque area, and also makes noise and thunders - you may expect annoyance, anxiety or trouble.
    16. If in a dream you watch a waterfall for a long time, it means that in life you harbor illusions.

    1. Water- (Dream Interpretation Medium Mix Xacce)
    Cold is happiness. Spill - you are fond of the right thing muddy - an obstacle to drowning in water - you will face obstacles to go ford - you will free yourself from the danger of swimming - you rehabilitate yourself from the suspicions of bathers - get along with enemies drink cold water - drink warm health - sickness scalded with boiling water - incur losses through negligence walk on water - you will overcome all obstacles to hear the sound of water - you will be harshly condemned
    2. Water- (Modern dream book)
    Seeing clean water in a dream for prosperity and pleasure. If the water is dirty, then you are in danger and pleasure will be replaced by gloomy despondency. Seeing that water floods your home predicts a fight against evil. But until the water subsides, you will be in danger. Seeing yourself scooping up water and with wet feet is a harbinger of troubles, troubles and illnesses that will cause you a lot of trouble and which you will overcome thanks to your prudence. A dream in which muddy water floods the ship has the same meaning. Falling into dirty water is a sign that you will make many offensive mistakes and will suffer bitterly from their consequences. Drinking dirty water is a disease; drinking it pure - to a favorable fate and happy hopes for the future. Playing and splashing in the water means an unexpected awakening of passion and love. Splashing water on your head is a sign that your passion will be mutual.
    3. Water- (Miller's dream book)
    Seeing clean water in a dream portends that a joyful prospect of well-being and pleasures awaits you. If the water is cloudy. You will be in danger and despondency will take the place of joy. If you see that the water has flooded your house and rises, this means that you will fight, resist evil, but if you see that the water is decreasing, you will succumb to the dangerous influence. If you walk on wet ground and feel that your feet are getting wet, this portends trouble, illness and poverty, which will force you to solve difficult problems, but you will be able to warn them with your vigilance. The same interpretation can be applied to the murky waters filling the ship. Falling into muddy water is a sign that you will make many bitter mistakes and will be painfully upset by this. Drinking muddy water portends illness, but drinking clean and fresh is a sign of a favorable end to the wildest hopes. Going in for sports in the water means a sudden awakening of love and passion. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily. The next dream and subsequent events in real life are conveyed in this way by a young woman studying dreams: It is not known how in a dream I ended up in a boat sailing on clear blue water to the pier, which seemed snow-white to me. The next evening I had a delightful guest - a young man who stayed with me beyond the time prescribed by my mother, and I was severely judged for this. Blue water and a beautiful white boat in perspective were symbols of disappointment.
    4. Water- (Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov)
    Drinking clean - fortunately, cloudy - to the disease; going in troubled water - disappointment for the better; immersion in water - get into a difficult situation in your personal; to wash - to joy, liberation; pouring - to shame, error; watering - to losses; looking at a waterfall is a terrible meeting; source - dangerous gullibility; gushed from under the floor - secret enemies, unexpected, unforeseen obstacles; gushed from the walls - penetration, defenselessness. Also see Bucket (full), Anchor, Drink, Get Wet.
    5. Water- (Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud)
    Water is one of the main symbols, as it is associated with conception and childbirth and orgasm, both male and female. A stream or stream of water symbolizes ejaculation. Pouring water - striving for sexual contact, wanting to meet with someone. To save a woman from the water is to strive for sexual contact with her. To save a man from the water is to want a child from him. Looking into the water - giving too much attention to your appearance and your health; manifestation of narcissism. If you swim in water, then you experience pleasant, sweet sensations from the caresses of a loved one (there are also people who suffered from enuresis in childhood; in this case, such dreams are not associated with sex). For women, swimming in water also portends an early pregnancy. Splashing water - sexual fantasies that are unclear to you; desire to ejaculate. Drinking water - problems in the activity of the genitals. Jumping or going into the water - you want to have a baby or become a mother. Getting out of the water is the same.
    6. Water- (Esoteric dream book)
    Clean - to health, positive results, positive. Dirty - unpleasant work, negative result, negative.
    7. Water- (Culinary dream book)
    Drinking warm water in a dream is a sign of danger from a strong enemy. Cold water - peace of mind, loyal friends. Holy water - health, sinlessness. Walking on water is a success, a triumph. To see that the water evaporates, dries up - to a change in the weather for the better. To draw water - to long-term studies and great trouble. To spill water in your room is a hassle, labor in proportion to the amount of water spilled.
    8. Water- (Dream book by David Loff)
    Water plays a huge role in human history. Regardless of whether it is a deep freshwater lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that engulfs people, water is both a friend and an enemy at the same time. If the dream contains this significant symbol in any form, it is extremely important to understand its role. Water in dreams is a powerful symbol, because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects act in a relaxing way, then a bubbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols generate a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. It is a reflection of the human experience with water. In the early days of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) It was even more important to know where the water is, for this made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the expansion of trade, water became an inevitable evil, which was fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water hit livestock and spread disease. Emphasizing a positive outlook on water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always gives the sleeper this feeling. Managed water is the key to solving problems. If there is a lake in a dream, is the entire coastline within sight and likely reach? If you are dreaming of a river or a stream, have they not overflowed the banks, and can they, in your opinion, be overcome in the usual ways? These are all examples of managed water. Water presented in this way is often indicative of renewal. For example, traveling and tired, daydreaming suddenly bumps into a stream. A place where you can freshen up and gain strength to continue your journey is close at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be looking forward to a respite from everyday worries or is trying to specifically create such an opportunity. Uncontrolled water creates a sense of anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and endless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the dreamer's circumstances. Quiet deep water that appears refreshing can also generate feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the danger potentially lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what is in the depths. Water taps are an exception to the general statements listed above. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the crane is controlled by a dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer does not operate the tap efficiently, then one can assume that he feels that he is not in control and is not able to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, there may be no water in the tap). If the crane is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of the other.This whim can cause significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss. , your lover, or someone else important to you.
    9. Water- (Dream interpretation of Michel Nostradamus)
    Water is a symbol of life. Seeing crystal clear water collected in a huge ball - this dream portends favorable weather, which will bring many benefits for agricultural work. Drinking water and seeing a fly at the bottom of the glass - this dream means a lawsuit, litigation or slander that will change the mood of society and its faith in tomorrow. Walking on the water and seeing flocks of carp - this dream suggests that relations with Japan will be brought to a critical point, but it will not come to violence or a declaration of war. Walking underwater and talking with dolphins is a harbinger of discovering a previously unknown nation to the world. Seeing strongly boiling water is a sign of the birth of a new doctrine or science, a favorable period for discoveries and complex experiments. Seeing water with blood - this dream foreshadows the birth of Scorpio, who will become a great man and declare himself publicly.
    10. Water- (Dream interpretation of the fortuneteller Vanga)
    Water is a symbol of change, resolution of contradictions, evolution, renewal, washing away of sins and oblivion. In a dream, drinking clean cold water - in reality the world will be renewed, and you will be involved in this process of purification and resurrection in a new capacity, along with many people around you. If you dreamed that water was pouring on you from above, then this is an omen of a wave of cosmic influence coming on you, which is unreasonable to resist. If you manage to find harmony with the cosmos, then you will become a great person and become famous all over the world. Seeing muddy water is a sign of trouble, the complexity of situations and relationships with people. Show kindness and patience, otherwise you will stain your soul with unworthy impressions. If in a dream you saw how water floods your home, then in reality wait for a stream of news, one of which will radically change your sense of self and relationships with people. Drowning in water - in reality, to resist the natural course of events, as a result of this, ruin health and shorten life. Seeing circles or ripples on the surface of the water in a dream - you can hardly bear the coming changes, but, having withstood this stormy stream of event, you will gain power over yourself and other people.