What dreams of small copper coins are shot. Dreamed coins: Value for different dreams

In one of our articles, we already talked about what money was being shot by coins, and today we will talk about old coins. There are dreams that are symbols of internal contradictions or problems. But some dreams come from the depths of the subconscious to warn or warn.

If a dream dreamed, where a person gets old coins, it symbolizes the find or a gift that is characterized by its value. The presence of vintage coins speaks of additional and rare opportunities in affairs, which will soon be provided. Or, on the contrary, that not in money happiness and should not emphasize attention to them. To have a complete picture of what vintage coins are being shot, it is necessary to consider this dream from different points of view and in different dreams.

Dream Miller

According to Miller, the coin is a symbol of opportunities and the result of effort. But to more reliably decipher the antique coins, should be taken into account, from which metal they are made:

  • from gold - well-being, new travel and success in affairs;
  • from silver - trouble, conflicts and quarrels in the family;
  • from copper - you have to invest a lot of works and strength;
  • from nickel - the need for dirty and dubious work will arise.

So if a woman dreams like a man gives her silver coins - it means that the man is worth waiting for a resentment or disappointment. It is true for a man.

Dream Khasse

The interpretation of ancient coins in the Dream of Hasse is significantly different from the decryption of Miller. First, the main role is played by actions, in relation to money, and secondly, the interpretation of gold and copper coins is very different.

In general, to see the coins in a dream - confrontation to anyone or anything, depending on the events of sleep.

If these coins are independently minted - this means that all efforts and work will be in vain. If you get them from another person, it means that new hopes will appear. Putting coins of gold or silver, promises great trouble, misfortune and sadness, and from copper - on the contrary, success and good luck.

Chervonians are selected separately in the Hasse dream interpretation:

  • see - respect;
  • hearing the sound of coins - wealth and well-being;
  • find - acquire happiness and joy;
  • pay - live a long life.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

An alternative to traditional dreams of famous scientists, psychologists and magicians, are team dreams who combine the knowledge of psychology, esoteric and psychoanalysis. In the dream interpretation of phimatin, both ancient and already forgotten teachings and modern directions in this area are reflected. According to it, the vintage coins personify the news that may affect the course of events. To see in a dream very old coins - means learn the generic secret or disclose someone's mystery, which has been many years. If the coins are not too old - it may be an important news or information from an old friend.


Due to the rather controversial interpretations, it is very difficult to reliably decipher what the old coins are shot. On the one hand is a sign, impersonal efforts and opportunities On the other hand, this can be a way some secret or valuable information. In some cases, gold brings happiness, in other cases happiness brings copper, and gold along with silver - failure and problems. In order to maximize accurately to decipher this dream, it is necessary to understand which events occurred and what sensations were tested at that moment. This will become a rays. If a person found ancient coins and was delighted, then, most likely, this means good luck and luck in affairs. If something alerted and saddened at the time of the find, it may symbolize the confrontation or additional trouble to exercise hopes.

And although it is not necessary to be a predictor to solve the secret meaning of symbols in dreams, some of them, such as coins, are not so literal.

What a coin dream is one of those questions that even dream interpreters can always give an unequivocal answer.

What foreshadow

The value of coins in dreams is usually ghostly and not literally, but intuition suggests - this is clearly some kind of sign that foreshadows certain events in life. Meanwhile, what exactly predicts this symbol, to solve only the dream book. To understand why the coins are being shot, it is always not easy. First of all, they are associated with wealth and profit and often this is exactly the dream. However, the type of metal, of which such money is made (silver, gold, etc.) can radically change the interpretation of sleep. Actions with coins in dreams also play a big role in the interpretation of night vision. Interpretations in this case may be as follows:

  • Gold coins are a sign of good luck, wealth and all the best in life. If you are lucky enough to see their - proceeding and happiness not around the corner;
  • Shiny silver coins are the favor of fate. Very soon for you will come a favorable period for new cases and the implementation of bold ideas;
  • Money from copper in a dream - labor sign and honest work, for which you will definitely get a generous remuneration;
  • Vintage iron coins are a beneficial experience that awaits you in the near future. Rehend to this seriously: rare experience will be sure to use you in life;
  • The trifle is scattered on the floor or land - the symbol of tears. These will be tears of relief, which will free you from accumulated emotions and anxiety;
  • See a bunch of coins in a dream - deserved wealth and happiness. It is very long to wait;
  • Little coin - long-awaited replenishment in the family. Pregnant women such a dream thrust happy and carefree motherhood;
  • Rare and ancient coins - happy sign. Ahead is valuable experience and secret knowledge that will help to reveal you some riddles and gain wisdom.

Keep coins in hand - which means

From contemplative dreams, those stories are distinguished from which the dreams in one way or another interacted with the subject. What the coins are shot, which a man kept in his hands, was collected, I was looking for or giving someone else, modern dreams will be prompted:

  • You were presented with silver coins in a dream - someone will make a dishonest act in reality. Be prepared for deception, showing all your caution and rationality;
  • Sharing coins with someone - a quarrel with a loved one or with a family member. Think about how to avoid quarrels;
  • Giving someone metal money - a successful and easy completion of a complex business;
  • Find coins in a dream - merry and memorable entertainment in the near future. Relax and relax as it should;
  • Lose money - income. These will, of course, are not indiscrect wealth, then no less pleasant additional profit;
  • Collect small coins in a dream - good luck in small matters. The troubles and difficulties will suddenly replace success;
  • Scatter a trifle in a dream - minor troubles take away a lot of strength. In fact, you can make much less effort. Take care easier to concerns.

Coins are a favorable sign in a dream, which allows you to predict many positive changes.

Interpretation of modern dreams

If you have happened in a dream to see the gold coins, then this is a modern dream book, it offers the following interpretation: you will get great pleasure from the sea travel and inspection of the sights that will happen to you very soon. The dream of silver coins is considered extremely unfavorable in this interpretator. This vision foreshadows nothing more than serious disagreements in the family.

If the girl dreams that the lover gives her money from silver, it means that in the near future he may make a dishonest act towards her. Copper coins, if you believe in modern dream, symbolize despair and severe physical work. Be prepared for heavy trials. Coins from nickel in a dream they say that in reality you will have to deal with some dubious things. Be careful and alert: at every step, obstacles lie you.

Find out more

It can dreamed of ancient with two eagles, Peter 1, 2 rubles, 5 rubles, with one eagle. It is often filmed old to consider coins, a chest with gold coins, rain out of coins, a collection in which a lot of small and find it difficult to find something, you have to collect new, and they are with a hole or number 13. No rarity dream, where you need to collect money, select Various cash units.

All dream interpretation is offered in this article.

What dreams of a big coin, big nominal, swallow

To see a big coin in a dream - to replenish the family budget in reality. The coin of a large nominal - to big money earned by honest labor. Swallow a coin - a dream, breaking for that you try to keep silent or hide from others around the source of your income.

If you have dreamed of a gold coin foreign, beautiful coins throw, collectible, find, alone

To see a dream that you have become the owner of a gold foreign coin - to new relationships and useful acquaintances that will provide financial stability. Sleep, in which you throw beautiful coins - to useless acquisitions, wastefulness. In life, you are the same as in a dream, you will "sift with money."

Find a collection coin in a dream - in reality you will fall a rare chance to significantly improve your well-being. If there was a lot of coins - the ability to get rich is distinguished in time.

Which means a dream in which the jubilee coins are shot, shiny, in water, mountain or handful of coins, ancient, dear

To see the anniversary coins in a dream - a sign that in real life it's time to summarize and make a new, more profitable, business. A brilliant coin is not quite a favorable sleep. In real life, employers or business partners may be deceived.

The coin in water is a dream indicating an unsuccessful deal if the water was muddy or buried. If the coins were lying in calm and transparent water - the profit received by the price of considerable effort.

See a dream in which coins are stacked by a hill or a handful of coins - your affairs will also go uphill, but for this will have to work pretty. Ancient coin - You will have to make a long time forgotten and once abandoned affair that will bring profit. Dear coin - Sleep, preventive loan or leasing.

See in a dream a lot of iron coins, ringing coins, collect coins from the ground, search, treasure, trifle (small)

The dream in which you see a lot of iron coins predicts that in real life you have to show perseverance and willpower before you find a source of constant income. In the dream, the ringing coins is a dream-warning about the coming material difficulties. Collect coins from the ground - a good sign. You can improve your financial situation without applying special efforts.

If in a dream you are looking for a treasure - in life you are also in search and you can not fully selfalize. Your mistake is that you are trying to take advantage of the finished decision and do not love to "invent a bike". Trifle (small coins) - a dream preventing painstaking work. In some dreams there is a statement that the little thing is to dream of tears and minor quarrels.

What is the dream of an unusual coin, give coins, pay or pay coins, fake

An unusual coin is a dream warning so that you are alert, as you want to fool. Move coins - sleep-transverse. You will receive money. Sleep in which you pay or pay coins - to failures.

If you dreamed a fake coin - be careful! Fake to deceive in your feelings, because it is not for nothing that "not all that is gold, which glitters."

If the money is shot in the wallet, paper and in the form of coins, silver

To see in a dream of a wallet, full of paper bills and coins - a sign that in real life you can easily implement everything conceived. In some dreams, the wallet with money personifies a happy and comfortable family life. To see in a dream a wallet with silver coins - to profits, if the coins of great dignity and to tears and intra-family conflicts, if the wallet was filled with trifle.

Gold Coins Muslim Dream Interpretation

In Muslim dreams, gold coins will dream of unfinished events. In real life you have to survive a period of disappointments and failures.

What dreams of coins on snow, palm, bottom of the river, graveyard, road, floor

See in a dream money in the snow is a hint of greed. In real life, one should relate to the money a little cool. Money on the palm - someone will provide you with help and financial support.
Money at the bottom of the river is the conclusion of profitable deals. If such a dream has dreamed of a girl, she will have to think about his future and take an important decision.

Money on the cemetery is in vain investments. The same dream serves as a warning not to think about money - you will not return the debt.

Money on the road is a sign that your life path is soaked with all sorts of benefits, the main thing is to see and take advantage of the chance that fate provides. Money on the floor is a dream interpreting bicon. If it was - to profits, trifle - to conflicts.

Egg symbolizes an emerging life. Therefore, the egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, testifying to the inexhaustible reserve of life ...

To see in a dream, minor coins foreshadows pleasant family troubles, large coins of ancient chasing - to get unexpected wealth.

Do or fake coins means in vain efforts. Mail coins into metal - sign of stying and korestoloby.

Distended coin the dignity of one ruble foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears.

To see in a dream a piggy bank, complete coins, means that you will open the wonderful prospects to correct your financial position.

The coin scattered from the broken piggy bank is aligning a minor return with high efforts.

If you have stolen a wallet or a purse, full of valuable coins, is a sign of danger threatening to you, so you should be particularly attentive and prudent in crowded places and even more so avoid deserted.

Find in a dream of a coin of minor dignity - you are threatened with losses in business because of the interference close to your work.

Detect the treasure of vintage coins of vast value - such a dream foreshadows the rise of mental strength and performance.

Chest, full gold coins, foreshadowed that your desires will come true.

Monisto from gold coins means that your advantages will make it possible to achieve a lot, if you also outlug your drawbacks.

Golden coins get as a gift - marry a rich, but miser person.

To see the Gold Chervonians of the Tsarist Chacking - will gain honor and respect for their success on a business field.

Hear the ringing of Chervonsev - to wealth and prosperity.

To take the treasure with them to the state - in reality to lose the trust knowing you on the work of people.

Selling gold coins - achieve deep old age in full solitude.

To see in a dream silver coins foreshadows happy times if coins are large.

Small silver coins suggest that your dreams are not destined to come true.

Flaped on fire, they foreshadow losses.

Copper coins - a sign that you will have to deal with the work that brings small earnings.
To see a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, without fearing to risk and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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To see in a dream, minor coins foreshadows pleasant family troubles, large coins of ancient chasing - to get unexpected wealth.

Do or fake coins means in vain efforts. Mail coins into metal - sign of stying and korestoloby.

Distended coin the dignity of one ruble foreshadows troubles accompanied by tears.

To see in a dream a piggy bank, complete coins, means that you will open the wonderful prospects to correct your financial position.

The coin scattered from the broken piggy bank is aligning a minor return with high efforts.

If you have stolen a wallet or a purse, full of valuable coins, is a sign of danger threatening to you, so you should be particularly attentive and prudent in crowded places and even more so avoid deserted.

Find in a dream of a coin of minor dignity - you are threatened with losses in business because of the interference close to your work.

Detect the treasure of vintage coins of vast value - such a dream foreshadows the rise of mental strength and performance.

Chest, full gold coins, foreshadowed that your desires will come true.

Monisto from gold coins means that your advantages will make it possible to achieve a lot, if you also outlug your drawbacks.

Golden coins get as a gift - marry a rich, but miser person.

To see the Gold Chervonians of the Tsarist Chacking - will gain honor and respect for their success on a business field.

Hear the ringing of Chervonsev - to wealth and prosperity.

To take the treasure with them to the state - in reality to lose the trust knowing you on the work of people.

Selling gold coins - achieve deep old age in full solitude.

To see in a dream silver coins foreshadows happy times if coins are large.

Small silver coins suggest that your dreams are not destined to come true.

Flaped on fire, they foreshadow losses.

Copper coins - a sign that you will have to deal with the work that brings small earnings.
To see a whole bag of copper coins means that you will quickly achieve success in business, without fearing to risk and clearly reacting to any change in market conditions.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

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Dream Interpretation - Coin

Golden - prosperity, pleasure, new travels;

Silver - failure, squabbles, family discord;

For a girl - your lover gives you a silver coin - he will open you off-way;

Copper - to severe physical work;

Nickel - you have to do a rather low property;

You dreamed of silver coins, they are bright, clean and clearly belong to you - a favorable sign.

See also gold, copper, silver, corpse.

Interpretation of dreams