Why do dead people dream? Why is the Dead dreaming

There will be a joyful event with the addition.

A dead person eats - portends a disease.

The dead of another person or of oneself - fortunately.

The dead of his son will be a joyful event with an addition.

Eating the meat of your own dead body portends parting.

Dry and dead trees - something unfortunate in the house.

Fallen or withered trees - portends misfortune for someone.

Interpretation of dreams from a Chinese dream book

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Dream interpretation - Dead

Dead - Stranger - to a change in weather.

Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful.

The relative himself is not in danger. Those who died, but are alive in a dream: mother - to good luck; father - to support.

Close, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life.

Acquaintances - a blow to your pride awaits you.

The dead are calling with them - if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; do not go - be careful, you are in mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action.

They offer to eat - you have a dangerous illness, you need to be treated.

If you ate with the dead, death is on the doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but alive in a dream.

It is better to give this setting to yourself in advance, so that it works clearly in a dream.

The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol.

The information that we really receive from the dead is received by us through clairvoyance through other images.

The dead do not need us to appear in order to guide us on the true path.

Interpretation of dreams from

Very often people see dead people in their night dreams, which resemble the recent loss, and they introduce into the press a state of anxiety, both in a dream and in life. They are often driven into panic and fear. But mostly, the dead man who has appeared does not bode well if he behaves non-aggressively towards you. Especially if in a dream everything happens without any interaction.

There are many interpretations of such dreams. The deceased may indicate some problems in your life, warn against waking trouble. It is especially necessary to listen to deceased relatives, basically, they try to warn of the danger, or show the way to a new page in your life.

The dead always mean some kind of change in life, albeit not significant. If the deceased is behaving violently and aggressively, then you should be afraid of trouble or expect trouble. If the deceased came to your home, then wait for the weather to change for the worse, rain is possible.

In order to better decipher the dream, it is necessary to remember as many details as possible that accompanied the dream. Emotions, actions, place - all this will help to more accurately interpret the vision of the deceased.

What does it mean if relatives or loved ones dreamed

Deceased relatives or loved ones - you need to carefully think about what they said. Usually, the words of deceased relatives are prophetic.

Parents. To meet in a dream with a deceased mother - to success and good luck. Also, pay attention to your health, do not be too lazy to go to the doctor. The deceased mother worries about your well-being, even from the other world.

Meeting with the late father and talking with him, portends gossip and intrigue, that are built around you. Some dream books interpret the vision of a father in dreams as a harbinger of success at the beginning of an important project, career success.

Grandmother - her appearance in a dream means that it would not hurt to finish unfinished business.

Grandpa - a dream with him portends a good start to the day, good luck.

The late husband - the appearance of the deceased spouse can portend an imminent disaster, misfortune, tragic incident. Be careful.

Brother, sister - to see a dead brother in a dream means that your loved one needs help and support. The deceased sister who came into your dream does not promise anything bad and tragic for your life, be calm.

Aunt, uncle - it is impossible to really decipher the vision of these relatives in a dream. Most likely, it's just a change in the weather.

Friend, friend - when a deceased friend is present in your dream, then expect trouble or some kind of failure. But you don't have to worry about large-scale problems - they are not foreseen.

Others - a phenomenon in a dream of an unfamiliar dead man may portend that your income will soon increase and no further budget problems are foreseen. Still, such a dream means that you will cope with all the difficulties that have fallen to your lot.

Seeing a deceased person alive and well

When a deceased person breaks into your dream, and you see him as alive, then you can expect an invitation to a holiday and good intentions of fate.

Talk to the deceased

A conversation with your deceased relative means that there is a white streak in your life, and success will follow for a long time.

Also, the deceased who has come to you promises good when he just looks, but is silent. If the dead man is pacified, calm, then it is possible that a pleasant event or news of inheritance awaits you.

See the deceased die

Such an event in your dream can predict the imminent end of long unfinished business, as well as reconciliation with those with whom you have quarreled for a long time, but have not established a relationship.

In a coffin

To dream of a deceased person in a coffin at home is a sign of serious contention in the family. It is possible that this is due to drunkenness and betrayal. If the face of the deceased, lying in the coffin, blossomed in a light smile, then you should let go of past grievances against your friends and start life anew. Some dream books interpret the vision of a dead man in a coffin as a harbinger of profit.


The funeral of an already dead person in a dream is not interpreted as something gloomy. On the contrary, you will soon be filled with spiritual energy and peace, which will help your endeavors go uphill.

Dead people, corpses of strangers

Dead woman a vision of a deceased woman promises you family troubles, illness, bad news and disappointment in life. It is possible that an accident may occur.

Dead man - does not bring anything bad into your life. It is possible not to revive some troubles or bad weather.

If a dead man dreams of an unmarried girl, then soon you can expect the appearance of a secret admirer. It is possible that soon you will meet with your significant other and build a strong relationship.

Many corpses - if you saw a lot of corpses in a dream, but this did not lead to fright or panic, then you will face a new business entrusted to you, which will be profitable.

The coffin with the deceased is a herald of failures in your life. If you are lying in a coffin next to a dead person, then such a dream means that your current relationship is at an impasse, frozen and there is no future for them. You should not torment yourself with vague hopes for further rosy relations with the current second half.

Still, such a dream can portend a serious illness. If you open the coffin and enter into dialogue with the deceased, then this is interpreted to imminent misfortunes and tragedies.

Reanimated deceased - if you saw such a development of events in your night vision, then this promises you news and happy news. Perhaps you will receive a long-awaited letter or cope with a difficult task that was previously beyond your strength.

If the deceased rose from the coffin, then this may be a harbinger of imminent trouble. Religious people should light a candle in church for the repose of their souls, for the deceased in the next world is not calm.

Interacting with a dead person in a dream

Shake hands, hug, kiss - any interaction with the deceased speaks of danger in real life.

For a sick person, hugs with the deceased can promise his quick death. Especially if the deceased calls him with him.

If you kissed the deceased, then you will face difficulties in business, something will hinder and disturb you. Kissing a dead man on the forehead means letting him go, saying goodbye or meeting in real life your long-awaited love.

In some dream books, a close relationship with the deceased can mean an early parting with a loved one, family troubles, financial problems.

To accept something from him - such an action of the deceased predicts imminent events that will entail joy, happiness, unexpected gifts. In general, your state can be described as peaceful.

Giving something to the dead - a dream in which you gave something to the deceased, portends losses, unexpected expenses, troubles in your real life. If you gave the deceased money or your clothes, then the dream books interpret this action as an impetus to a serious illness in real life, troubles in the family, possible parting with people close and dear to you.

Seeing people leave is a sign of goodbye to some kind of burdensome task in real life. A dead man who has gone into the distance means that he will no longer bother you and left this world in peace.

Seeing those who meet halfway often means that you will achieve your goal, come to success, and your undertakings will bring you income.

Follow him - a dream in which the deceased called you to follow him and you went does not bode well. It is possible that you will get sick in the same way as the person who visited you in dreams. It also happens that such dreams portend the imminent death of a person whom the dead man took with him. If at night the deceased took your friend with him, then warn him about the danger in real life.

Miller's dream book

According to Miller's dream book, such dreams are interpreted depending on the situation. A person throws out his secret emotions in a dream and this can indicate what should be corrected in his life in order to avoid mistakes.

Often, dreams with such a plot suggest that soon one page of your life will be replaced by another. It is possible that you will have to face serious trials that will radically change your life. Do not be afraid of such changes, they are usually good.

Do not be discouraged if some bad event is predicted for you according to the dream book. Your life is in your hands, and dreams are just your inner experiences that can give you the right direction in life, pointing out mistakes and the possibility of correcting them.

A dead man seen in a dream foreshadows a completely unexpected ending to your love story.

Seeing a dead child in a dream is a sign of anxiety and disappointment in the near future.

A dead actor or actress in your dream foreshadows the collapse of plans as a result of a tragic event.

Seeing a dead man in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, if this person is actually alive and well.

If the deceased person seen in a dream actually left this mortal world long ago, such a dream predicts a change in business for the worse.

A dream in which you see a person hanged or hanged is a harbinger of insults and insults that you will hear from loved ones.

Seeing a drowned man - you will have a desperate struggle for your rights, which they will try to deprive you of in real life.

Seeing a mummified corpse in a dream means that a serious illness will destroy your plans.

Seeing in a dream how the body of a deceased is embalmed predicts imminent changes in your position for the worse.

If you embalm or mummify you, in reality your friendship with a loved one will be unhappy, bringing a lot of trouble at work and at home, as well as a deterioration in the situation in society.

To dream of a coffin with a dead man in his apartment foreshadows strife in the family on the basis of drunkenness or debauchery.

A talking dead man who dreamed in a dream - to vile slander and malicious slander at your address. If he asks you for a drink at the same time, then you need to properly pray for the peace of his soul and light a candle.

A dead person lying on the floor predicts shame or serious illness in the near future. To stumble over him and fall - in reality you will receive the news of the death of someone very close to you, loved ones.

Finding a lifeless person in your bed means that you are guaranteed success in an almost hopeless endeavor.

If the dead person in your dream comes to life, this is the return of what was once lost, which you have long ceased to hope for. Dressing a dead man in a suit is a disease.

Seeing many dead people on the battlefield is a headache and a visit to the clinic.

To bury dead people in a dream is a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of fir spruce branches is a serious hangover.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this is a mess, poverty and the loss of your best friends.

A dream in which you see a dead nun portends a strong despair due to adultery or betrayal of a loved one.

A dead shark seen in a dream suggests that after all the hardships and hardships you have endured, you will regain the long-awaited well-being and peace.

Seeing a bull slaughtered in a slaughterhouse or killed in a bullfight in a dream does not bode well - on the contrary, only sad events.

A dead dove in a dream predicts misfortune with a distant relative, to whom you will nevertheless have to go to help.

Seeing a dead rook is a sign of someone's illness or death in the near future.

A slaughtered goose is a sign of imminent losses.

A dead lark in your dream portends trauma from an accident.

A dead hare - to the death or illness of one of your faithful friends.

If in a dream you see a lot of dead snakes, then you will suffer from the low act of a hypocritical friend.

To step on a dead snake, which at the same time suddenly comes to life and attacks you - to victory over enemies.

Seeing a turkey or turkey dead from an incomprehensible illness predicts that constrained circumstances will make your pride suffer.

A dead swallow is a sign of a sad parting.

Seeing a killed swan in a dream - in reality you will experience annoyance and disappointment, having gone about your business.

A fallen or shot horse means that you will soon receive sad news that will turn all your plans upside down.

To see a dead mule in a dream foreshadows a broken engagement and a deterioration in the situation in society, the fault of which will be your unworthy behavior.

Seemingly dead insects that suddenly begin to run away from you means that you will damage your reputation by doing something stupid and imprudent.

A dead monkey seen in a dream means that your hated enemies will fail completely.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dreaming Dead

Dead - Stranger - to a change in weather.

Relatives and loved ones who are alive but dead in a dream - most often this is a warning to you to be careful.

The relative himself is not in danger. Those who died, but are alive in a dream: mother - to good luck; father - to support.

Close, friends, relatives - a call to think about the meaning of life.

Acquaintances - a blow to your pride awaits you.

The dead are calling with them - if you go, there will be trouble, illness, death; do not go - be careful, you are in mortal danger, but it can be avoided, take action.

They offer to eat - you have a dangerous illness, you need to be treated.

If you ate with the dead, death is on the doorstep. It is better to refuse all offers coming from the dead, but alive in a dream.

It is better to give this setting to yourself in advance, so that it works clearly in a dream.

The dead come to life - amazing events, extraordinary adventures. Note: the dead themselves cannot appear in a dream. Their image is only a symbol.

The information that we really receive from the dead is received by us through clairvoyance through other images.

The dead do not need us to appear in order to guide us on the true path.

Interpretation of dreams from

The interpretation of dreams is an ancient art that allows you to at least assess the psychological status of a person, because dreams are the fruit of the unconscious part of his psyche. As a maximum, they can serve as an omen, a warning, that is, have a mystical component.

The correct interpreter will not give a categorical answer to what this or that phenomenon was. For example, if a person is given a whole range of possible options, from which a person interpreting his night vision will be able to choose the most suitable one, based on his context, nuances and details.

Before studying the interpreter, it is important to think: could something preceding a dream provoke a visual image in your head? For example, trying to decipher a dream in which a deceased person was present, one must take into account whether the person watched a movie where the dead person could appear, did not speak or thought about this topic before going to bed.

If there are no such obvious explanations, it is quite justified to turn to the book of interpretation of dreams.


If Freud's person, or, as he is called, a psychoanalytic interpreter, advises to pay attention to what the sleeper was experiencing. If a person saw in a dream a person who was deceased in reality alive, he might want to make contact with him, ask questions that interest him. This suggests that the psychological state of the sleeper is unstable, he is worried about certain problems, but he cannot find the strength to cope with them on his own, therefore he is in dire need of wise advice or outside help.

The appearance in the night dreams of the deceased in the coffin is interpreted as a general negative attitude of a person, pessimistic thinking, fear of bad events that have not yet occurred, but, according to the deep conviction of the sleeping person, will certainly come.

"Familiar" deceased

For the correct interpretation of the vision of Morpheus, it is important to remember the personality of the character seen in a dream before looking into the interpreter. A dead person, whom the sleeping person knows personally in life, can predict different events depending on who he is and what kind of relationship existed between them.

  • To see a really deceased person in the role of a dead person marks an important turn in fate and advises the dreamer to be more careful.
  • Seeing your child dead - to his long life, and if the child is sick at the time of sleep - to his recovery.
  • Seeing an enemy in a coffin can mean the end of a feud or an easy victory over him in real life.
  • If it was not a person who was laid to rest with a dream, but an animal, this promises the sleeping person difficulties that he can quickly overcome on his own.

Not only the dream book speaks about what a dead man who came in a dream can mean. "A dead man dreamed alive - ask for advice, ask for help, predictions" - this is the most popular advice of people involved in occultism and magic.

A stranger in a coffin

Seeing a funeral and a dead man in a dream is not the most pleasant experience, therefore, upon waking up, a person feels a desire to open a dream book. The deceased, paradoxically, is interpreted by most dream books as a harbinger of a pleasant event.

So, for example, "The Eastern Interpreter of Dreams" promises that a dead person in a dream guarantees success to the dreamer's new endeavors. After such a vision, many modern dream books promise a pleasant acquaintance or a fun pastime with friends.

When the plot is tied directly to the funeral ceremony, and not to the deceased himself, dream books promise the sleeping person a quick wedding, and if he is alone, a meeting of his fate.


If the dreamed dead person posed a real threat to the sleeping person, tried to catch up with him - the interpreter advises paying attention to whether it was possible to escape from him or not. Thus, if you dreamed of a dead person, the dream book interprets this as a statement of a certain problem.

If the person repelled the attack, most likely, the problem that worries him in life will be overcome. When the sleeper was able to hide or hide, the coming trouble can be avoided. Well, in the event that a zombie attacked a person in a dream, and he could not fight back, it is likely a defeat in the face of problems.

Sometimes such a dream can predict health problems. For example, if a revived deceased in a dream tries to take away the heart of the sleeping person, this may be a signal that the person really has problems with the cardiovascular system.

Dead man's voice

Sometimes a dream is not only a visual picture, it is also a set of sensations received with the help of other senses. For example, a sleeping person may hear the voice of the deceased and want to find out what this may mean by looking into a dream book. A dead person talking to a sleeping person is often mistakenly interpreted as a signal that the latter is "called to another world."

But most commentators disagree with this belief:

  • Medea's dream book says that such a dream promises that something secret will soon become apparent.
  • The esoteric dream book guarantees peace and tranquility in family and love relationships.
  • If the voice of the deceased was harsh, rude, a conflict may await the person.

The complexity of interpretation in this case lies in the fact that the images in dreams are often blurry, indistinct. And being sure that the voice you hear belongs to the deceased person is quite difficult.


Sometimes in a dream, a dead person can suddenly come to life, and in this case it should be interpreted that way, and not as a collision with a zombie in a dream, and it is with this wording to read the dream book. A dead person came to life in a dream - a symbol of the fact that something lost to the sleeping person can return to his life again without effort on his part. It could be a lost friend, a loved one, a job, or even some material thing.

As the Old Slavonic dream book assures, a dead person dreams of being alive to a change in the weather. However, this interpretation gives about half of the ancient scriptures known today.

Love dream book

People are drawn to the interpretation of the signs of fate, signs and dreams, when there is an unresolved problem in their heart. For example, lovers are the most numerous part of the category of people who love to read a dream book. A dead person who is in love prophesies treason or quarrels if he is in a good mood.

And an aggressive deceased is a symbol of an imminent passion that will certainly come between the sleeping person and the object of his sighing. However, when lovers dream of a dead person, the dream book can interpret this as a sign of mental dissatisfaction. And then what he sees will not have a mystical meaning, although it can give a sign that the nervous system is not in the best condition.

Which dream book should I contact?

There is a colossal number of dream books that have been compiled since ancient times by various peoples and specific people. Modern interpreters have also been written, the authors of which believe that over time the signs that predict certain events for us also change. If seven centuries ago with porridge could be a sign of future wealth, today it is rather difficult to draw a parallel between it and the material condition.

Experts advise choosing a book for interpretation empirically. That is, if a person asks a dream book: "A dead person came to life - what is it for?" - and receives two or three different answers from different sources, they should be written down, and then check which prediction will come true. Thus, you can find out that, for example, Freud's Dream Book perfectly interprets the dreams of a particular person, while Miller's interpreter of dreams in most cases gives erroneous predictions.

Everybody treats scary dreams differently. Someone likes to "tickle the nerves", and he enthusiastically tells others what "horror stories" he saw. Someone is terrified of such visions, and tries to forget about them as soon as possible.

But no matter how you relate to dreams with a scary or creepy plot, it means something in any case. And the most correct thing is not to forget and not ignore, but to interpret what you saw.

Because it is precisely such dreams that often speak of important things, warn, warn, or vice versa - prepare for joyful changes. It is a mistake to believe that terrible dreams are dreamed of something always bad.

Sometimes on the contrary - they prepare us for good events and joyful changes. And after a nightmare, you can expect a lot of good things in reality.

The dead are rarely seen in dreams, but sometimes they look into our dreams in order to say something. The question of why dead people dream is of great concern to many - after all, intuition and an inner voice suggest something alarming, and I want to understand whether to expect trouble?

But the first thing to do after such a vision is to calm your imagination and trust a wise dream book. He knows what the dead man is dreaming of, and will reveal secret signs, hints and codes hidden in the vision, tell a lot of useful and important things.

The main thing is to remember this unpleasant dream in all details, because different plots have different meanings. The options are as follows:

  • A dead man is dreaming.
  • He lies in a vision in a coffin.
  • Revived dead in a dream.
  • Many dead people dream.
  • Seeing yourself dead.
  • A dead man in a dream is an acquaintance or dear person who is alive in reality.
  • Creepy zombies dream.
  • The person who died in reality was seen alive.
  • Talk to the dead.
  • Kissing a dead person.
  • The dead man is crying or suffering.

Plots like these are unpleasant and intimidating and can bring a lot of fear and stress, but take it easy. If you dreamed about zombies or many dead people, a man in a coffin or something like that - this is just a vision, it has nothing to do with death or mortal danger, and there will definitely not be trouble. This is a sign, and it indicates metaphorically the real state of affairs.

What to expect?

To find out reliably and unmistakably what a dead man, a zombie, a man in a coffin is dreaming of, and so on - remember all the details and do not confuse anything, because there is a risk of getting a wrong interpretation, and then making a mistake in reality. Be more attentive and solve the mystery of the dream.

1. As the dream book says, a dead man in a vision is a symbol of the fact that in reality your desires and goals "die" inside you. This is due to inhibitions, psychological barriers and fears, many things can be the reason.

But your dream, in which the dead was present, clearly indicates - start living! Be truly alive, do what your heart wants, otherwise life will pass you by.

2. And to see in a dream a dead man lying motionless in a coffin is a warning about the difficult life period that lies ahead of you. Get ready and do not be afraid of anything - things can get harder, but you will be able to overcome it, and a difficult period will be replaced by a time of joy and realization, remember this.

3. Such a terrible dream, in which the dead man suddenly came to life, just indicates some kind of news. There is unexpected news that will surprise you.

Perhaps strangers will bring you a message, or news will come from afar. She will be good, or sadden - the dream book is silent, but time will tell.

4. If there were many who died in dreams, this is an allusion to your fears. That's right - the numerous dead, as the dream book says, these are your fears, and completely unfounded.

They prevent you from living and realizing yourself; you cannot do important, courageous actions due to fear. Think, maybe it's time to fight fears and do something for the sake of a dream?

5. If you saw yourself dead in a dream, do not be afraid - this is the case when the dream has a completely opposite meaning. It portends happiness, new life, when you feel elated, alive and powerful. Take advantage of the moment, live to the fullest!

6. Such an unpleasant dream, in which you dreamed of a dead man - your acquaintance or close person, alive in reality - does not bode well. Quite the opposite, such dreams portend great joy, happy changes, and certainly health for the one who dreamed.

7. Walking corpses are an eerie sight, but zombies dream to indicate the dreamer's baseless fears and anxieties. This is an important dream - he advises that you rather change something in your life, because it passes by, and unreasonable fears prevent you from achieving real results and living the way you want. There is something to think about!

8. If you dreamed of a familiar person who passed away in reality, but in a dream he was alive, this is a wonderful sign. It is likely that some old, abandoned business will soon "resurrect", new forces will appear, wonderful ideas will come.

A new period of fruitful work will begin, new excellent opportunities for implementation will appear, and all the chances will be in order to achieve a great goal.

9. Talking to a dead man in a dream is also a good sign. A favorable period awaits you, peace and harmony, your thoughts will come in order, the mind will calm down and become clear. In this state, you will be able to make the right decisions and life will improve.

10. If you kissed the dead in a dream - the dream book says that you have a romance ahead of you. Moreover, the object of love for you will be a famous person who has authority or importance in society, or maybe even a celebrity.

11. If the dead man cried in dreams - beware of conflicts with loved ones. Perhaps this dream is a hint that you are inattentive to the people around you and to their feelings, that you provoke conflicts and do not know how to be more tolerant of people. Try to pay attention to this and be wiser.

Whatever your dream means, ponder it, analyze what the dream book told. And remember that in reality no one but you will make decisions, and only you yourself are responsible for everything that happens around.
Author: Vasilina Serova