Do-it-yourself wooden swing. Do-it-yourself garden swing made of metal to the country house. Schemes with photos Make a hanging swing with your own hands

It is good if a cozy resting place for the whole family is equipped on the plot. Even in a small area, you can place a gazebo, a canopy, several small benches. Do not interfere on the site and garden swings.

They can be made for both children and adults. Building a wooden swing with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, you need to follow the instructions.

The subtleties of the construction of garden swings

When creating a wooden swing for the garden, you will need to decide on the main material. It can be metal, wood or plastic. They are most often used in the construction of swings with and without backs. When creating such a design with your own hands, it is best to pay attention to wood.

Such a swing will undoubtedly have its drawbacks. However, they are relevant to all outdoor wood products. With proper processing and installation of the structure, it will serve for many years. Such a swing will not suffer from the effects of negative environmental factors.

The most unfavorable of them are:

  • snow;
  • rain;
  • mold and fungus;
  • rot;
  • Sun rays;
  • temperature fluctuations.

You can quickly build a swing in the garden with your own hands.

Advice! To prevent premature deterioration of wood, it is worth using special tools to protect wooden elements. You can also put an awning over the swing.

The benefits of making your own swing

Wood has many positive properties that ensure its successful operation in different conditions. This allows you to make a wooden swing for giving not only comfortable and beautiful.

Wood structures have the following features:

  • Environmental friendliness. Wood is a natural material that is completely safe for humans and animals.
  • external attraction. The swing, made of wooden elements, can fit perfectly into any landscape. This is because in the garden, most of the surroundings are natural materials. Compared to metal products, wooden swings look much more harmonious in the garden near a country house.
  • High level of security. Wood has softness and flexibility, which helps to avoid many injuries during the operation of the swing. This advantage is especially true if the design is intended for children.
  • Ease of installation. Almost everyone can build a swing on their own. The main thing is to get acquainted with the construction technology of the structure.
  • Versatility. Such material is excellent for processing. It can be cut, sanded and turned. Swings are made both single and in the form of spacious sofas. For work on the design and construction of the swing, you will not need to involve specialists.

Attention! With the independent manufacture of wooden swings, you do not need to spend money on the work of specialists. Also, the material for the construction has a fairly low price.

Swing sizes and models

With the independent construction of a wooden swing, you should take care not only of finding materials for the structure, but also of creating a project. You will also need to determine the location of the swing. To speed up work, use photos of finished products. You can also use existing drawings.

Swings made of wood have many types of designs. Each of them should be considered in more detail:

A photo of a wooden swing from above confirms that portable structures look quite attractive. When choosing the type of swing that you plan to install on your site, you should pay attention to the features of the backyard area.

Location selection

Any construction planned on a summer cottage should first be designed. Also, before work, the optimal place for construction is selected.

Attention! All principles that are used when choosing a place for a swing apply to both family and children's swings.

It is best if the platform on which the swing is planned to be installed is flat. You should also choose a place where shade will remain during sunny days. You can install a swing under a spreading tree or place them directly on the porch, where a canopy will save you from bad weather.

Such factors directly affect the comfort of people resting on a swing. For example, it is rather unpleasant to sit on a seat that is too hot. If the structure is outdoors, the wooden elements may deteriorate from constant exposure to precipitation.

You also need to choose a place where there will be enough space for rocking. It must be taken into account that during the day the shadow will move depending on the position of the sun in the sky. It is better to place the swing where the shadow is by noon. This is the time when the heat is at its strongest.

Drawing of a wooden swing

Building a swing with your own hands from wood is quite simple. To do this, you need to perform an accurate drawing. Simple hanging structures that are mounted on an A-shaped support will fit perfectly into both a large plot and a small garden. Their construction does not require much effort and time. You need to prepare the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • pins;
  • Circular Saw;
  • square;
  • roulette;
  • jigsaw.

Also, to complete the swing, you will need a planer and a hammer, a chisel, saw goats, a screwdriver, an electric drill.

Attention! Purchasing ready-made swings is, of course, a faster and easier option. However, in order for the design to fully meet the needs of the site owner, it is worth drawing up an individual project and doing all the work yourself.

Phased construction

You can create a swing for a summer residence with your own hands quite quickly. In order to avoid problems during the direct performance of work, it is worth drawing up a drawing in advance. It will reflect all building materials with indication of dimensions. Based on a detailed diagram, you can easily understand which building elements you need to buy.

For example, you will need bars for racks, boards for the back, seat and armrests. You should also stock up on fasteners. It is better if pine impregnated with special compounds is chosen to create the structure.

Advice! In advance, you should prepare an antiseptic with which the wood will be treated. In addition, you need to choose materials for finishing wooden swings.

Such subtleties of the construction of the structure should be taken into account even at the planning stage.

In addition to fasteners, you will need to prepare spacers, a chain (2 cm thick), hooks, sandpaper.

DIY family swing

The best place to install the structure would be the backyard. In most cases, it is equipped specifically for recreation. Here the swing will look cozy and harmonious.

From the end of each supporting leg for a swing, a marking of an inclined cut is applied. Such work is carried out using a square. The result should be a bevel along which the cut will be made.

Before sawing wooden structural elements, you must first fix them in the mounting goats. Sawing should be according to the markup. Do not forget about controlling the parties. Sometimes you need to process an already made bevel. To do this, use a planer.

To make the second leg identical, you should attach the first butt joint to it. Each mark is transferred to the second leg. Then they are cut through. After that, each leg is laid on the edge in such a way that there is 1.2 m between their lower parts. The upper ends of the legs are adjacent to the transverse beam.

Half a meter is marked from the bottom of the supporting legs and a lower bar is applied to fasten the legs of one side of the swing. The top fastening bar should be located below the cross beam by 15 cm.

As soon as the supporting legs of each side are fastened, the cross beam should be mounted. The seat is created on the basis of the L-shaped frame. In this case, the boards must have a thickness of 50 mm.

Attention! If you want to build a children's swing, you just need to shorten the seat.

To hang the swing on both sides of the structure, it is worth mounting the screws on which the rings will be fixed. Such elements must be used to connect the swing and support using suspensions. Usually chains are used for wooden structures.

The connection of the main parts is carried out with the help of carabiners. The length of the suspensions is selected in accordance with the wishes of the site owner. It is better if the bench is placed at a height of 30 cm from the ground.

Advice! Chains can be seen with a fairly strong rope. This is due to the fact that such products do not create a lot of noise.

Completion of works

At the last stage of the construction of the structure, all its elements are treated with varnish. This will ensure that the surface is as smooth as possible, and will also preserve the natural look of the wood and increase the life of the swing.

The design can also be painted in any color. In addition, many install a small canopy. It is worth including fantasy in the process, and the swing can be made as original as possible. To make the swing more comfortable, you can put pillows on them.

To diversify the rest in the country, in the shade of garden trees there are comfortable swings where you can relax and recharge your batteries. We want to tell you how to make a garden swing with your own hands, because it is doubly pleasant when the use of the product of your own labor also brings joy.

Preparing to build a swing

Site selection

A swing is not just a bench or a stump with a seat, this type will be a stationary and relatively capital object, so you need to choose the appropriate place for it.

This means that we need to take into account all the nuances of this structure, namely:

  • Mobility. Part of the structure is a movable unit that performs damped oscillatory movements under the action of gravity, like a pendulum. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the maximum swing of this pendulum in each direction and take care that within these limits there are no obstacles: trees, stumps, shrubs or garden furniture;
  • Stationarity. To ensure the movement of one part of the structure, it is necessary to securely fasten its other part - the support frame. To do this, we will have to dig into the ground and concrete the racks to a depth of 60 - 70 cm;
  • Site quality. You have probably noticed constant puddles and dirt under the yard or homemade swings, as the ground under the seat is constantly wiped off with your feet during braking, and a depression forms there where water and dirt accumulate. Therefore, for comfortable use of the attraction, you should immediately rid yourself of this misunderstanding - make a concrete screed or lay tiles, rubber, at least make gravel backfill.

For normal and long-term operation of the structure, it must be installed as evenly as possible, that is, with the seat hanging freely in the lower position, the chain or cable must be perpendicular to the upper crossbar.
To control this parameter, it is most convenient to use a plumb line.

It is also important to remember that it is very dangerous to be in the swing zone of the ride bench, as you can get a strong blow and seriously injure a part of the body. Therefore, this area should either be limited for access, or ensure that people or animals do not enter it during the operation of the swing.

Another aspect that is often overlooked is that the attraction will most likely be a permanent place for your children to play, so it is better to think in advance of a way to limit the zenith or the highest point to which the pendulum can swing. Otherwise, children, out of incomprehension, can swing it up to a full turn around the crossbar with chains winding around it and falling headfirst.

From all that has been said, the following summary can be drawn: the place for it should be spacious, level, free from obstacles and be in a line of sight relative to the house for control and safety.

Choice of material and type of construction

Several factors will depend on the choice of type of construction and materials:

  1. Reliability;
  2. Durability;
  3. Price;
  4. Security;
  5. Relevance in terms of design.

As a rule, two types of materials are used for self-manufacturing: wood and metal, as well as their combinations. Concrete work and site improvement work will not be considered for the time being.

Metal models, at first glance, are more reliable and durable, and ceteris paribus, it is so. However, the metal is also subject to corrosion, and if it is not properly processed, this advantage is easily lost.

On the other hand, properly selected and processed wood, with timely care, demonstrates quite acceptable reliability indicators comparable to metal.

If we consider these materials from the point of view of safety and artistic value, then wood will be the undisputed leader here (unless, of course, your garden is made in the style of a Gothic cemetery and is not replete with wrought iron bars and fences).

Also important is the fact that the processing of wooden parts is much easier and does not require tools such as a grinder, electric and gas welding, a metal drill, etc.

If we talk about the cost, then a really beautiful forged frame will cost much more than high-quality wood, and the use of banal pipes or corners will result in a “freak” that will spoil the beauty and atmosphere of a country estate.

From the point of view of expediency, we consider the most suitable wooden structure, reinforced with metal parts in some places.

Making a swing

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a work plan and a drawing. You can easily find drawings of a garden swing with your own hands on our website, you can also make them yourself.

  1. We take 4 three-meter beams 100x100 mm and make two L-shaped structures connected at an angle of 50 - 55 degrees using furniture bolts;

  1. We retreat from the lower end of the support 60 cm and divide the rest by three. At the level of the border of the first and second thirds, we mount the puffs from the edged board, two for each leg. Fasten with bolts.

  1. Now we connect the resulting frames with a crossbar 100x100 mm from an oak beam. We select the length of the crossbar so that the width of the frame is 50 cm more than the width of the seat.

  1. We dig in the legs of the structure to a depth of 70 cm, where 10 cm will be filled with crushed stone and sand. Next, we concrete the pits with a solution of cement, sand and gravel 1: 3: 5. We expose the structure along the plumb line so that the thread is perpendicular to the crossbar;

Part of the support beam, which will be immersed in concrete, is treated with bituminous mastic.


A good wooden swing in the country is a great place to relax and delight children of any age. We told you how to make them yourself, the nuances are in the video in this article.

Everyone wants to have at their disposal a beautiful and comfortable corner for relaxation. For many, the dacha becomes such a paradise. How to arrange a summer cottage so that it always gives you a good mood? Let's fast forward to childhood for a moment. Remember how much pleasure you got from such a simple thing as a swing. They are fun for both kids and adults.

Making a swing for a summer residence with your own hands is not so difficult. If you have at least a little plumbing and installation skills, this task will not cause you much trouble.

Swing designs are very diverse. There may be both budget options, concocted from the remains of construction, and real masterpieces of architecture.

You can buy ready-made wooden swings for giving good quality at good prices at Kupistol.

Types of swing for a summer residence

  • swing-scales are a children's swing for a summer residence. The principle of the device is a board with two seats, in the middle there is a metal pipe on two racks;
  • a simple swing with two ropes is the simplest design. A seating board suspended at two points;
  • swing-sofa on four ropes - the most common type of country swing. They are a bench with a back, suspended at four corners.

Swings can also be divided into stationary and portable. In the second option, the swing can be removed for the winter indoors, moved around the site at your discretion.

Swings can also be divided into stationary and portable.

Material for manufacturing

For suspension components, the following materials are used:

  • rope;
  • cord (rope for mountaineering);
  • steel rope;
  • a chain with a medium-sized link;
  • steel bar;
  • steel pipe.

For the manufacture of the seat, you can use:

  • wood - boards, plywood;
  • wood laid on metal corners;
  • metal - rod, strips;
  • plastic - for child seats.

Swing supports

Simple swings can be hung almost anywhere. Most often choose a strong bough. You can also fit a crossbar between two trees.

For a swing sofa you will need strong supports. They may be:

  • wooden - two supports crosswise;
  • metal - two supports dug into the ground or with a square frame at the bottom;
  • metal - one pole, reinforced with a concrete screed.

How to make a simple swing in the country

The simplest option, which is perfect for children, is a simple wooden swing. If there are no suitable trees in the recreation area, you can build supports from four logs. We bury the ends of the support into the ground to a depth of about 70 cm, at the top we connect them with a stud or bolts with washers. Please note that the angle between the posts must be quite large for the stability of the structure. The fifth log will serve as the upper crossbar, we also fasten it with bolts. Using fasteners sold at any hardware store, we attach a rope to the crossbar (strong cord, metal cable). We make a seat from a board 30-50 mm thick, with the help of hooks we fasten the cord. The cord can be tied or special clips can be used. You can hang such a swing on four ropes. In this case, at the top, the cable is threaded into a hook or ring so that it does not slip, under the ring it is intercepted with a clamp.

You can hang such a swing on four ropes.

Wooden beam option

For the manufacture of such a swing, you will need a wooden beam and slats. Supports made of timber can withstand a load of about 150 kg

A wooden beam measuring 10x10 cm will increase the strength of the swing, but will lead to a heavier structure. It is better to use material with a section size of 5x10 cm.

We assemble the support from the beams, starting from the bottom frame. We calculate its dimensions by adding 40-50 cm to the dimensions of the seat. Vertical bars are attached to the frame, forming a triangle. From above, the structure is fastened with a vertical crossbar. All main fasteners are made using metal corners and self-tapping screws. For reliability, we attach another horizontal bar between the two racks of one side.

We make a bench, starting with the frame. Separately from the bars we make a frame for the back and for the seat. We fasten the material from which we planned to make a swing onto the frames. It can be a board, slats or plywood.

From above, the structure is fastened with a vertical crossbar.

We connect the finished back and seat together using metal corners. Before that, we determine the comfortable seat angle, on average it will be about 120 degrees.

We make armrests for the bench from rails, we also fasten them with self-tapping screws.

We hang the swing from the upper crossbar on a chain or a metal cable. Metal brackets or hooks are used as fasteners, we fix the chain on the back and on the swing seat with them.

The swing for the dacha is ready. The height of the swing is adjusted so that the legs of the person sitting on it reach the ground. Such a design can be easily transferred. When standing on the ground, the lower beam must be treated with a protective solution.

Swing for summer cottages made of metal

Such swings are more durable, depending on the design, they are designed for a weight of 300 kg or more, but they will be stationary. For manufacturing, you must have the skill of welding. If desired, a small swing of this type can be made mobile by expanding the distance between the lower ends of the supports and welding the base frame onto them.

For racks, choose one of the following materials:

  • steel pipe with a diameter of at least 5 cm;
  • metal channel or profile;
  • steel corner.

Using welding, we connect the pipe, starting from the base of the structure. We get a rectangle, we put two triangles on it vertically, at the top we connect it with a horizontal crossbar. The cutoff angle of the pipe at the top junction of the sides of the triangle is 45 degrees. On the upper crossbar we weld loops from reinforcement.

For manufacturing, you must have the skill of welding.

A variant of the support design - without a lower rectangle. In this case, the racks must be buried 1 meter into the ground; if the swing is planned to be heavy, make a concrete screed.

We make the basis for the back and seat from a metal corner. We make two rectangles out of it, we connect them together at an angle of at least 100 degrees.

At the corners we weld loops for suspension. We cover all metal parts with a primer and paint with oil paint. We put a wooden board on the finished base; for convenience, it can be sheathed with soft material or linoleum on top.

We cover all metal parts with a primer and paint with oil paint.

Choosing a place to install a swing requires special attention. There should be enough space when swinging the swing. It is better to choose a shaded place, if you plan to build a gazebo, a swing can be installed inside it. Wooden products must be protected from moisture and precipitation. This can be done by treating the tree with special solutions, if the design of the swing allows it, paint it with paint.

Do-it-yourself swings will give your dacha a unique flavor, create an atmosphere of love and comfort. Have a nice holiday!

We go to the country to rest and work. We dream of lying in a hammock, drinking tea in the fresh air, but this is not enough for a child. Its energy requires intelligent use, and it is in our power to create the right conditions for this. Simple and practical way - buy or build swing with your own hands. So let's talk about what swings are, from what and how to build them.

Children's outdoor swing: types

When choosing a children's swing for outdoor summer cottages, parents are required to check them for absolute safety for the child. Consider what manufacturers offer us for our treasures.

First of all, the swing is divided according to the material of manufacture. They can be wood, metal or plastic.

Children's wooden swing for giving environmentally friendly, durable, easy to assemble and beautiful appearance. Impregnation of wood with a special composition increases the service life of products.

metal swings are among the most reliable and durable models. They can be forged, collapsible, welded. They weigh a lot, but this is justified by their strength and stability of the installation.

Plastic designed for the little ones. Light and bright, they are great for babies under the age of 5, but they are afraid of winter frosts and fade in the sun.

Swings are also distinguished by the type of construction: suspended and frame.

Frame, of course, it is preferable for children, because they are highly stable, they can be freely moved to different parts of the site, they are durable and safe enough to use.

Suspended Models are simple, do not require special skills to assemble. To equip them, you need a carrier beam, a strong rope and a board for the seat. It is desirable that she had a back.

Swing chairs Designed for kids up to 3 years old. They are usually low, with a soft back and a seat in the form of a deck chair.

All these models can be purchased in stores, but if you decide not to spend money and build a children's swing for a summer residence with your own hands, we will help you.


Of the materials for structures with supports, there are two options: metal and wood. Unfortunately, a children's metal swing for a summer residence will require special skills from you. If you are not a blacksmith or a welder, building a metal frame will be problematic. Yes, and pipes for supports will also have to be looked for.

The best solution that any parent can do is to build a wooden swing.

Building a wooden swing

The simplest design is a children's hanging swing for giving without a frame. It's great if you have a large tree with a low thick bough on or near the site. They threw two ropes over it, built a seat from improvised means - and the swing is ready. As a seat, you can use tires traditionally loved by summer residents, a high chair, an abandoned skateboard, a piece of board, an old ice rink. In general, everything that, in your opinion, is suitable for a comfortable ride for a child.

For the construction of a frame swing, we first determine the place. It should be close to home, but away from The beautiful and durable design of the swing chair will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults U-shaped children's outdoor swings with green spaces at the vertical posts will provide shade and aesthetic design for this simple design

We got the letter "P".

Advice! For kids, it is better to attach seatbnot two ropes, but four. To do this, take two lengths for each rope, fold in half, and thread the ends into the seat.

If this option bothers you, you can build a more stable structure by taking four pillars for the frame and placing them in the form of a block letter "L". The sequence of work is almost the same, only you will need to dig four holes, cut off the tops of the pillars at an angle, connect them with metal parts. Between the pillars, below, at a height of about 50 cm, stiffeners should be nailed on both sides of the swing. This design creates opportunities for creating a real children's summer cottage. By increasing the distance between the posts, you can nail a long bar and add a rope or climbing ladder to the swing.

In various ways, you can achieve comfortable conditions for relaxing in the country. Along with beautiful gazebos and comfortable benches, do-it-yourself garden swings for a summer cottage are of no small importance.

A swing is a place where you can ride, relax, and sit when there are no other places in the garden. A photo of a swing in the country with your own hands can be easily seen on the Internet, and a number of rules or instructions will help you create such a useful product without much effort.

And note that such a swing is intended not only for children, but also for adults. The most important thing is to correctly calculate the weight for which the future swing is intended, as well as to correctly build a safe and reliable swing design.

Classification and properties

Usually, swings for summer cottages are made from traditional materials such as wood and metal. To decorate the external characteristics of an object or to give reliability and safety to the structure, elements of decorative forging are often used in work. Also used at work:

  • bars;
  • elastic and durable rope;
  • metal pipes;
  • plastic;
  • old armchairs or chairs without legs, which serve as the basis for future swings;

For a successful result, of course, you should first make drawings of the swing, as well as an approximate model.

Garden swings can be created in absolutely different forms and types. An original and comfortable swing will also be an excellent option for decorating a garden or landscape of any country house.

mobile swing

They are a lightweight structure, so moving such a swing from one place to another is very convenient and fast. For example, during rain or in winter, you can move such a swing to the veranda. The size of such a swing is not so big.

family swing

The design of such a swing is already more durable and massive. They are endowed with a high and wide back, and in appearance they look like large benches for relaxing, only without legs. Therefore, they are called so, since all family members can fit on such a swing.

In order to ensure a high level of reliability during the operation of the swing, the swing is fixed on a frame, most often U-shaped. The swing is fixed due to tight chains or cables.

You can also build a roof over such a swing so that they don’t get wet during the rain, and enjoy nature while riding on a swing.

Do-it-yourself children's swing

A separate group of products, which in most cases is a boat or an armchair hanging in the air. Children's swings must comply with all standards of reliability and safety.

Suitable for adult children, and small ones can only be used with the help of parents.

The size of the garden swing in most cases depends only on you. You can also make a children's swing in large sizes.

By type of construction, the swing is also variable:

Swing in the shape of a hammock. Such swings are located on the crossbars made of wood or metal. A person who sits on such a swing feels that he is floating above the ground. On such a swing, it is especially great to read books and listen to music.

Single swing. Designs can be variable, and the installation of crossbars is not even required. The installation of such a swing is not a very complicated process. You can install them absolutely anywhere. Most often it is a swing made of pipes. We are talking about metal pipes.

Hanging swing. Question: "How to make such a swing?" does not have a complicated answer, because everything is very simple.


A swing is an ordinary seat that is suspended on several ropes or chains. As a rule, fastenings are located on the sides.

You see how many options for creating a garden swing you have in your arsenal.

The key point, of course, is to take care of safety while relaxing on a swing. All possible circumstances should be taken into account, and the swing should be provided with maximum reliability and comfort.

Do not forget also about the aesthetic properties of creating a swing. Beautiful and original swing, made in a special style, will attract the eyes of neighbors and guests, and children and relatives will enjoy the pleasure of relaxing on such a swing.

Photo of a swing for a summer house with your own hands
