How to read a natal chart: reading chart

The natal chart is a photograph of the starry sky at the time of your birth. Having looked at the image that is obtained as a result of building a natal chart using the program, few people can immediately start reading it. After all, you need not only to know the principles of planets, signs and houses, but it is important to interpret consistently, highlighting the main thing and discarding the secondary, so that you can finally grasp the essence.

In this article, I will not touch upon such an important aspect as specifying the time of birth, without which a map, as a rule, cannot be built. Let's say we know the exact time, and we got an image of a natal chart by building it using a program or online. So where to start interpreting it?

Here, astrologers usually disagree. It must be admitted that the opinions of astrologers, and other occultists, often differ. Therefore, everything that will be written below is my personal experience, developed by me over the past 10 years of active study, and then no less active application of knowledge on astrology in practice.

The interpretation work consists of two parts, which must be done in parallel. Of course, you will not immediately remember all the principles of the planets, so you will have to read the descriptions - what the planets mean, what are the principles of the planets in signs and houses, what are the aspects, how they manifest, etc. By itself, such reading is very useful and allows you to seriously strain your brain when you try to separate what is common in the aspect that we read, and what really manifests itself in the life of a native. It is necessary to develop a special astrological logic, which goes from the general to the particular and vice versa. First, we write down all the possible aspects and manifestations of this or that planet, and then we cross out those that contradict those originally recorded. From the resulting list, we isolate the most important thing - what relates to the main planets in the chart (the Sun, the Moon, Mars, as well as those that are the most powerful for a particular person), and we conduct a story based on the knowledge gained.

Unfortunately, astrology is the science that cannot be simple because it is based on a very large number of first principles - there are planets, signs, houses, aspects, and crosses of the elements, and crosses of cardinality, and figures, and what besides that, they hung it up and it's completely difficult to figure it out - karmic knots, Lilith, Selena, Proserpine, Fortune ... Even when you try to say in simple words that in general, the most important thing is the Sun or the planet-ruler of the map, it turns out that the words are far are not simple. Of course, native people who want to get a natal chart do not need your purely astrological reasoning, so you will have to remove all terms from the story (because hardly anyone will understand you if you start each sentence, for example, with this: “So like Neptune in fall, the square to Saturn is especially destructive ”). The native expects specific advice from you on how to deal with this manifestation of Neptune and Saturn, and your task is to translate this data into the language of his life. Therefore, before continuing, familiarize yourself with the most important principles of the planets and signs of the zodiac, and speak not in terms, but in human words.

In general, the sequence for interpreting the map looks like this:

1) Look at the drawing of the card for a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality

If the planets are evenly distributed throughout the map, most likely we can talk about indecision. The concentration of the planets at one point indicates some one-sidedness.

Clusters (connections) of planets will show the points where the energy (that is characteristic of the planet) is especially abundant, and your task is to interpret it, what character (the planet in the sign) this energy has and to which sphere of life it is usually applied, in what environment (house ).

Examine what aspects the shapes are made of? Which aspects are more - positive (trines, sextiles) or negative (oppositions and squares).

Look at the picture of the card as a whole - maybe there are some figures visible there that will evoke quite specific associations in you, for example, a directed arrow or an iridescent bowl, a triangle or a hexagram? Examine which of Jones' figures the card belongs to. Remember, but do not concentrate on this information too much, but if you find confirmation in the description of other aspects of the map, then you can safely confirm the conclusions drawn from the Jones figure.

2) Repeat for yourself the most important qualities of a native's sun sign

Look at what sign the Sun is in. It is the center of gravity of the whole personality, me. Relations with the world begin from this point, so horoscopes about the signs of the zodiac in general work (and there are “domestic Cancers” and “determined Aries”). But don't jump to conclusions. You should return to the analysis of the Sun after evaluating the action of all the planets and recheck if there is another planet in the chart and another sign that would overlap its action. However, the native always has some qualities of his sun sign, so you can list them all on the draft, and then cross out those that are contradicted by the rest of the map indicators.

3) Pay attention to the ascendant and the zenith (MC)

After building the map, you see a circle divided into four sectors. The horizontal line is the horizon. On the left is the ascendant - east (from the Latin Ascending - in this case we mean the sign of the zodiac that rises in the east above the horizon), on the right - the descendant - west (correspondingly setting). At the very top is the zenith (MC), at the very bottom is the nadir (IC).

Ascendant and MC are important in chart analysis, although sometimes astrologers tend to exaggerate its significance. Look at what sign the ascendant is in, if there are planets on the ascendant. If there is a planet, then the value of the ascendant is greatly increased. If there are no planets and the sign is not a native's sun sign, then the ascendant has much less influence. Analyze if there are clusters of planets near the ascendant (this often speaks of egocentrism) or towards the descendant (this may indicate a person's dependence on the opinions of others).

4) Analyze the position of the planets and their aspects

On the basis of the Sun, I will show by what principle to interpret all the other aspects.

A) Look at what sign the Sun (or any subsequent planet that you are analyzing), is it not a sign of control, exaltation (which is good and gives the Sun a harmonious and positive mood), imprisonment or fall (which gives a negative. Actually, it works less with the Sun than with other personal and social planets). Actually, it is this indicator that is the most important in evaluating the planets (the upper planets are also an exception, which travel between signs for years and their sign does not give so much information about the personality, and you need to look mainly at home). If the planet is in the sign of its control or exaltation, draw a conclusion about the strength of the planet. If it is in the sign of its exile or fall (except for the Sun and higher planets), draw a conclusion about the defeat of the planet.

B) Look at which house the Sun or another analyzed planet is located (for the higher planets, it is the house, and not the sign, that will be decisive, for the rest the sign is also very important, like the house). The sun in the house always makes this area of \u200b\u200blife important for a person. The same can be said if the Moon or Mars is in the house. The presence of at least one of the personal or social planets (Jupiter and Saturn) in the house speaks of the actualization of the sphere of life for a person, but a strong Sun, Mars or Moon in the house are always the most important points of attraction in the chart, the most important areas of life for a person.

C) Look at how many aspects from the analyzed planet to other planets (the more there are, the more the planetary principle is actualized in the native's life) Trines, sextiles are generally good aspects, but if they are to the affected planets, they may not manifest very well, so just pay attention to how many trines and sextiles there are, but do not jump to conclusions). Pluto almost always has a negative impact, entering any aspect with a personal planet in any sign.

It is the same with the negative aspects - squares and oppositions. Estimate their number in general, and if there are many of them, then the native's life can be filled with constant internal and / or external conflicts. But sometimes it is the square or the opposition that can be the key to success, so don't jump to conclusions either.

Compounds are interpreted even less unambiguously. Connection always means that the principle of the planet in a person's life will not act cleanly. What if, for example, Mars is in conjunction with Venus, then when love arises, militancy arises, a desire to conquer, a lot of energy appears. In this case, you need to understand which of the planets in conjunction is stronger (from the example above: if Mars is in Aries, Venus is also here, it is obvious that Mars is stronger). A stronger planet suppresses the influence of another (especially if the other, as in the case above, is in the sign of its exile). On the other hand, if none of the planets are affected, then they work in cooperation and the stronger planet successfully subdues the weaker one, and they act for the common good of the native.

The aspects between the Sun and the Moon should not be given too much importance. Aspects between them are statistically too frequent, so they are unlikely to have an indelible effect on the personality. Their influence is too subtle for a person to feel it. However, aspects between other personal planets are very important. Aspects of personal and social planets to the higher planets are already less important, since the higher planets, in principle, may not be included for the native (with the exception of occultists, spiritual teachers, intellectuals, geniuses). Aspects between the higher planets are even less important, as they often last too long, for a generation.

5) Analyze the position of the planets in the houses. Each of the houses symbolically corresponds

one of the zodiac signs, regardless of which sign actually gets there. So, the first house is always symbolically subordinate to Aries, and the 12th to Pisces. Therefore, we can conclude about the harmony or inharmony of the position of the planet in the house. So, the position of the Moon in the fourth house is quite harmonious (Cancer symbolically rules the house), and the position of the Moon in the 10th house (symbolically, visiting Capricorn, exile) is undesirable. This will give additional information about the strength or weakness of the planets. Keep this information in mind, but do not attach too much importance to it. It will only help to make a final conclusion about the relative strength or weakness of the planets in relation to each other. But there are exceptions: for example, if the generally positive Sun in Leo is in the seventh house (visiting Libra), it will not be affected. But if it is in Cancer, then it is definitely weaker than the Moon, which is in the sign of its control, Taurus (exaltation) or a sign that is neutral for it. And then the position of the Sun in the seventh house may additionally indicate its weakness. The moon in this case will be stronger than the sun. The actual sign comes first, and then the symbolic sign of the house.

6) Once again, return to the assessment of the strength, neutrality or weakness of each of the planets in the chart, including the higher ones.

A) The planet is affected if:

She is in sign of her fall or exile

If there are many squares or oppositions, especially to planets that are also affected

In addition, he is in the wrong house for himself.

B) The planet is strong if:

She is in the sign of her control or exaltation

She is not included in conjunction with stronger planets in the chart

She is in a home that is neutral or harmonious for herself. If she is in the wrong house for herself, then she may

C) The planet is neutral

She is unaspected

She is in a neutral sign for herself

She is in a neutral home

In this case, some planets can be both strong and struck at the same time. For example, the Moon in Cancer (we put a plus to the strength), in the square to the struck Jupiter (we put a minus), in the eighth house (the house of its fall), so the general conclusion is that the Moon is strong and affected at the same time. For such planets in the analysis we pay significant attention to its negative manifestations.

Strong planets, affected to a very small extent or harmonious (not affected at all), give a lot of positive - these are the points of strength of the native, along which he can develop his skills and other strengths (which aspects of strong harmonious planets will show).

Neutral planets, as a rule, manifest themselves positively, you need to pay attention to the best aspects of their manifestation, but not attach decisive importance to them. The principles of the affected and strong planets are always more noticeable to the native.

7) analyze the cross of the elements

What elements are most manifested will be shown by the number of personal planets in a particular element. The more planets in one of the elements, the more pronounced it is. Pay special attention to the Sun, Moon and Mars. The strong expression of one of the elements skews towards emotionality (water), assertiveness and fury (fire), earthiness (earth), intellectuality and dryness (air).

8) Analyze the signs with the most personal planets

Are they mostly fixed, cardinal or mutable? Expressed cardinality gives determination, strong fixedness - stubbornness, strong mutability - inability to complete. This follows from the very logic of the names - fixedness (fixedness), mutability (ability to change), cardinality (cardinal decision). The uniformity of the distribution of the planets between different signs may indicate the harmony of the manifestation of personality when making decisions.

9) Analyze the signs in the houses of the horoscope

Concentrate on those houses in which there are clusters of planets, especially personal ones, or personal planets one by one.

First, pay attention to the sign of the house, it will show the nature of manifestation in this sphere of the person himself, as well as the character with which the sphere itself is turned to the person. The house sign is the sign that is on the house cusp. But sometimes he is not alone, and also together with a sign that completely enters the house. If this happens, then these two signs rule the house. Assess the nature of the sign in the house. To do this, you need to understand the basic principles of houses:

The 1st, 5th and 12th houses are the houses of the personality, where the character of a person is manifested. If the element of the sign that falls into these houses is earthly, then this person is primarily interested in the affairs of the Earth, if the water is an emotional person, if the air is intellectual, if the fiery is decisive.

The 2nd, 6th and 10th houses are the houses of earnings and income, as well as the nature of how a person works and how he reaches career heights. If these houses are in the earthly element, this is a hard-working person, if in the water, he is more inclined towards emotional connections in the team than actually to backbreaking work, if in the air he is inclined to intellectual work and intellectual schemes. If it is fiery, it decisively wins property and position in society.

3rd, 7th and 11th - communication houses. Airiness gives intellectual conversations, Water - emotional attachment,

4th house of the family, will show the nature of the relationship with the mother and family.

5th home for children, free time, light flirting and games.

The 8th house is the house of life and death, sex and other people's money. If this is the Sun, Moon, Neptune, Pluto or Scorpio, then the person is inclined to mysticism, the occultist, and then it is imperative to reconsider the attitude towards the higher planets - they are probably included in him.

The 9th house is the house of ideals, long journeys and moral principles. If the house is expressed, then the person is an idealist, cosmopolitan, missionary, or vice versa, a dogmatist and a recluse.

When analyzing the nature of the manifestation of houses, it is necessary to analyze according to the following logic: what can the principle of a sign give this house? For example, we know that Capricorn is a hard-working, down-to-earth and ambitious sign, so if he finds himself, for example, in the second house, then the person works hard to earn money, sets himself the tasks of acquiring property and achieves them (if there is no defeat of the planets who are here or Saturn, as the ruler of the house - see below).

10) Analyze the position of the rulers of the houses

By the sign or signs that are actually in the house being analyzed, determine its ruler / s (for example, Mars for Aries, Venus for Taurus, etc.). Look at which house the ruler is in - this will show what other spheres of life the sphere of life of the analyzed house is connected with. For example, you are analyzing the seventh house - the house of partnerships and friends. The house begins in Aries, from where we conclude that a person has a lot of energy to communicate with friends and associates. However, we see that Mars, the ruler of Aries and the seventh house (in this case), is in the sixth house. The sixth house is the house of work, so it will be especially strong in making contacts at work. In general, this information still requires verification (for example, if Mars is affected or the sixth house is affected by other negative indicators, then the aspect will appear crooked, and for example, lead to conflicts at work), so conclusions should be drawn with caution, taking into account all the others. factors related to the actual position of the ruler.

11) Make a final conclusion regarding each of the houses: the house is strong, neutral or defeated.

A) The house is affected if:

It contains a heavily affected planet

In the last place, one can draw a conclusion about some defeat of the house, there is a planet in it, which is not very good for being here according to the symbolic ruler of the sign.

B) A house is strong if:

There is a strong planet in it (especially if it is also in its own abode - it controls this sign - and this sign coincides with the sign of the house)

It contains the conjunction of the planets, which is also aspected

It contains several planets, although not in conjunction and in different signs.

The ruler of the house is in himself (especially if this is supported by the presence of planets in the house)

Home is ruled by a strong planet without significant defeat

C) The house is neutral if

It has no planets

The ruler of this house is not the ruler of the entire horoscope chart (the strongest planet in the chart)

The ruler of this house is not in his own sign in the same house.

Draw a conclusion about the goodness of the power of manifestation at home in a person's life.

Strong houses are those for which the native is best to fulfill his mission to society - what he was born for.

Affected homes are usually a noticeable hemorrhoid for a native, and he will gladly listen to you as an astrologer about what to do in this area of \u200b\u200blife to improve it.

Neutral houses usually do not generate much excitement when talking about them. These areas are either not included or are of minor importance to him. However, information on the signs and their rulers, as a rule, is sufficient and accurate to characterize each of the houses, so you can briefly tell the native about his unincluded houses, but draw conclusions with even greater caution.

12) Conduct an additional combination of all the obtained characteristics and make a story about a person

It helps to depict on paper his planets in their signs and in their houses, draw aspects to other planets in signs and houses, check if you missed anything anywhere, analyzed all aspects, all positions of the rulers of the most important houses, etc. Draw the strongest planet as the largest, dominating over all, draw the planets in the form of a hierarchy, analyze the nature of their subordination to each other through their aspects (oppositions and squares give hostility, trines and sextiles - excellent relations between them).

Start with the analysis of Jones' figure, continue with the analysis of the Sun and the Moon in their signs and houses, go to Mars - the point of directed energy of a person, then analyze how a person's thinking (his Mercury), his sensual side (Venus) are manifested. Draw a conclusion, where in his life is Jupiter-expansion, and where - Saturn-contraction. Finally, say a few words about his higher planets, especially where they enter into connections with personal ones, and also rule the houses of the horoscope that are important for a person.

Next, tell us about the areas of a person's life, especially those that are especially expressed in the map. Make only subtle, accurate, apt remarks, in which you must take into account all those indicators of the strength and weakness of the planets, signs and houses that you have just analyzed. Finally, make some conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, make an assumption about how squares and oppositions between the planets, houses, and their rulers operate in his life.

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When we just start to study astrology, questions immediately arise: where to start to disassemble the natal chart (horoscope)? How to read a natal chart yourself? Which method of parsing the card should you choose? What is the most important thing in a horoscope? How to understand the natal chart? As they study, each astrologer chooses for himself his own method of analyzing the natal chart. But, of course, there are general rules for parsing a birth chart.

In this article I want to describe my method that I use when looking at natal charts.

1. The core of the horoscope - Sun in the sign of the zodiac + Moon in the sign of the zodiac + Ruler of the ascendant in the sign (the power of the planet of the ruler of the natal chart).

2. Expressed elements and crosses, stellium, zodiac zones, hemispheres.

3. Mars, Venus, Mercury in signs. Each planet is analyzed according to its own principle, but:

Venus is considered in the horoscope in conjunction with the Moon, as the planet of emotions. Mars is in conjunction with the Sun, as the planet of will. Mercury - in conjunction with the Sun, as an expression of your "I".

4. Jupiter and Saturn in the horoscope, as going beyond the personal "I". Jupiter as a form of self-expression for gaining self-confidence, Saturn as a way of protection and self-preservation.

5. Higher planets in the horoscope - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Have exact aspects with personal planets and map angles.

6. Aspects of the planets - harmonious as inborn talents and opportunities. Intense as internal conflicts, difficulties, as an incentive to action.

7. Planets in the houses of the horoscope - event level - the strength of the planets in the natal chart.

8. Lunar nodes, as a direction to the main destination in this life.

9 Lilith - the temptations to which a person can be subjected.

10. Lunar day. Stars in conjunction with personal planets. Degrees of the Sun, the Moon, the ruler of the chart and the ruler of the MC. Pars of Fortune.

11. General synthesis all factors of the natal chart.

Planets and signs of the zodiac

Personal planets of the horoscopeand their aspects in the birth chart characterize the psychological level, i.e. are responsible for our character traits. Undoubtedly, for each of us The sun is the most important planet in the natal chart. The sun is our personality, our I. The sun is responsible for the consciousness of a person, i.e. shows what the Ego should strive for. It is very easy for a person to say, in accordance with the zodiac sign in which the Sun is located, what are the main features he possesses. Therefore, the description of the solar signs of the zodiac is suitable for almost all people. Moon personifies our subconscious, innate habits. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to understand what his soul is really asking for, this will be especially characteristic if The sun Moon in the birth chart they will be in incompatible signs of the zodiac or in tense aspects with each other. Moon and sunshould be considered first, because it is the main core of the personality. Next, you need to consider ruler of the Ascendantwhat sign of the zodiac it is in. The zodiac sign of the ascendant itself shows a superficial manifestation of a person, how he carries himself into the world, some features of his appearance, but not deep convictions. We analyze the strength of the ruler of the card, if he is in the monastery or in exaltation, it means that a person will feel more confident in life, and if in exile or in a fall, then the person will have to overcome more difficulties.

Mercury in the horoscope responsible for the mind, the features of the intellect, for the way we perceive and transmit information. Mercury never moves away from the Sun by more than one sign of the zodiac, i.e. it depends on the Sun, therefore Mercury should be considered only in conjunction with the Sun. If Mercury is in the same sign as the Sun, then it will enhance the manifestation of the solar sign of the zodiac, and if in a sign nearby, Mercury will give some features in accordance with the zodiac sign.

For the ability to love and our needs for feelings, in the birth chart is responsible Venus... Venus does not move away from the Sun by more than two signs of the zodiac, just as Mercury depends on it, and should be considered taking into account the solar sign of the zodiac. Venus and the Moon are female planets, so they can be viewed as planets of emotions. Mars Is our physical energy, activity and will. Mars is associated with the sphere of instincts and indicates how a person acts based on his spontaneous needs, how he defends his rights. Mars is also responsible for sexuality, the stronger it is, the more need for sex (you still need to see the zodiac sign of Venus, the Sun, 5th, 8th houses and their rulers). The strength of Mars is very important, you can read about it here - ANDindividual behavior model

Jupiter and Saturn are between the personal and higher planets. Jupiter determines our outlook on life, our worldview. It shows through what we want social realization, i.e. our going beyond the personal "I". Jupiter is our desire to expand our personality through education, travel, spiritual growth, religion, ideology, belief in something. Saturnlowers us from heaven to earth into reality, and is opposite in meaning to Jupiter. Jupiter is expansion, and Saturn is contraction and limitation. Saturn in the horoscope shows our way of protection and self-preservation, what kind of security we need in life - spiritual and emotional security (water), material (earth), individual (fire) or social and intellectual (air), depending on which element is Saturn... Saturn is our fears. A person is afraid of something and wants to build a reliable structure in some area.

It is necessary to understand what features give the planets the signs of the zodiac. Whether the planet is in its proper zodiac sign or not. For example, the water element is more suitable for the Moon, except for Scorpio. In the fiery element, the Moon will manifest itself inadequately, it will be too nervous, tense. In the air element, the Moon will also be fine, but for example, the zodiac signs Aquarius and Gemini will emphasize personal freedom. The earthly element inclines the Moon to evaluate itself in accordance with the work done, especially Virgo and Capricorn, and in Taurus, the Moon feels stability and peace. Of course, there are still aspects of the moon to look at. If there are many tense aspects, then such a person will be restless, or irritable, or conflicted, etc., depending on which planet aspects the Moon. We analyze other personal planets in the same way.

Consider the Sun, Moon and the ruler of the Ascendant, then all personal planets. Moving on to the description in the signs of the zodiac and the houses of Jupiter, Saturn and the Higher planets, we interpret them without deviating from the basis of a person's personality (personal planets). In this article you can read a more detailed description of how to consider the planets in the signs of the zodiac - Planets in the signs of the zodiac in the natal chart - how to understand, interpret, analyze correctly? The functions of the planets in the signs of the zodiac, and this section describes the planets in the signs - Planets in the signs of the zodiac

For the Higher planets in the horoscope, the house is most important, not the sign of the zodiac. The zodiac sign in which Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are located are features of generations. The zodiac sign for the Upper planet will be important if it is the ruler of the corner houses. If the Upper Planet rules 1 house, then its influence will manifest itself only with age. For example, Asz in Aquarius. In his younger years, Saturn will act as a ruler, and determine the behavior of the native, and with age, the influence of Uranus will appear. It can also be characteristic of the MC ruler.


It is necessary to determine which element is expressed, and at what disadvantage. Water and Fire are the most powerful elements, Earth and Air are more inert, stable elements. Fire and Air are masculine, compatible elements. Earth and Water are female, compatible elements.

Excessive fire in the card will make a person active, active, with tense aspects, conflict, in extreme cases aggressive. The person is more likely to be ambitious, confident, and optimistic. With a negative variant, selfishness is possible (especially Leo, Aries) and great changeability and impulsiveness in ideas and desires (Sagittarius, Aries).

Lack of fire will make a person more calm, patient, in a negative version, insecure, passive. A person may be afraid to prove himself.

Excessive water will give great emotionality, sensitivity, empathy, in the negative version, hysteria, energy vampirism. It is very difficult for such a person to control and restrain their emotions.

Lack of water a positive effect is that a person does not get involved in the situation too emotionally and as a result, experiences less and more quickly gets out of stress. But such a person rarely listens to his intuition and does not have empathy.

Excessiveness of the earth characteristic of materialistic people (especially Taurus and Capricorn). Such people stand firmly on their feet, can make long-term efforts to achieve their goals, they do not hang in the clouds. On the other hand, they can be insensitive people and inveterate conservatives who are only interested in a career and material savings.

Lack of land leads to impracticality, but it can be expressed in different ways. In some cases, the impracticality will lie in the fact that a person does not know how to make savings at all, does not value things, although the material side of life may even be very interested in a given person (expressed by 2 or 8 houses). In another scenario, a person will be an ascetic - everything material will interest him little, he can live in very simple conditions and will be satisfied. There is also a third option of impracticality - a person leaves everything for a rainy day, i.e. he has shown materialism. He acquires things and does not use them, as a result, all things fall into disrepair from time to time and it turns out that the money was wasted and things were not useful, this is also a kind of manifestation of asceticism. The third option can manifest itself if fixed signs, Cancer are expressed and the earthly element is absent.

Excessive air will make a person sociable, but also endow a great love of freedom and changeability not only in mood, but also in feelings. Especially if the signs of Gemini and Aquarius are expressed. If the sign of Libra is expressed in the card, then such a person will be non-contentious, inclined to compromise, and in the negative version, a hypocrite.

Lack of air will make a person too subjective. Such a person will not be able to fully communicate, i.e. it will be difficult for others to convey their ideas to him, because such people mostly hear only themselves.

If there is a lack of any element, it is necessary to assess which element is most pronounced, and draw appropriate conclusions from this.

The elements of the zodiac signs are the elements of fire, air, water, earth. Astrology is the power of desire and achievement in life

Cardinal cross Libra, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn are the most primary manifestations of the elements. The cardinal cross is characterized by action at the level for which the element is responsible. Relationships, communication - air, emotions, depth into oneself - water, activity, self-expression - fire, material achievements - earth. There is no common line of behavior among the signs.

Fixed cross Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus are the slowest changing ones. With the severity of this cross, people are not prone to change, which also applies to feelings (except for Aquarius). Such people can long and persistently achieve their goals. They are stubborn and persistent people.

Mutable cross - Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini. People of this cross can adapt to circumstances and adapt to others. In the negative case, people with a pronounced mutable cross rarely change anything at all, but they have plenty of plans. They want to do both this and that, and in the end there can be only one plans. With a positive option, such people can have many seemingly incompatible activities and will be very talented in many ways. It must be remembered that a mutable cross is the weakest manifestation of the elements.


Expressed The upper hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are above the horizon - from 7th to 12th houses. Such people are mainly aimed at external realization in life. They can be famous people, politicians, scientists, actors, travelers, etc. If at the same time the zodiac signs Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces are also expressed, then such a person will have a late realization. All important events are likely in the second half of life, it will be more eventful than the first.

Expressed The lower hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are under the horizon - from 1 to 6 houses. Such a person in life is most focused on family, making money, children, communicating with relatives, etc. Such people have less ambition and often lack the desire for power. If at the same time the signs of the zodiac Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo are expressed, then all the most important events will occur in youth, i.e. the first half of life will be more eventful.

Expressed Eastern hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all of the planets are located near the ascendant - houses 1,2,3,10,11,12. A person relies more on himself, achieves everything in life on his own, often does not listen to advice, but acts as he considers right.

Expressed Western hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all of the planets are located near the Descendant - 4,5,6,7,8,9, at home. Such a person is oriented towards other people. He needs the support and approval of others. And other people have a certain influence on this person during his life.

Horoscope houses

You need to understand what each house is responsible for. Further, consider how the planets act when they enter different houses - the event sphere.

1 house - features of character, appearance, personal qualities of a person. The ruler of any house, falling into 1 house, will be a significant indication that this sphere goes directly to a person, which means that it is important for him.

2 house - talents, how a person can earn a living. Material sphere.

3 house - our immediate environment. Neighbors, acquaintances, brothers, sisters, distant relatives. Travel and travel. Transport. All kinds of information. Initial training, various courses. If the 3rd house is expressed in the card, a person is surrounded by many people, most likely, such a native will be sociable.

4 house - home, family, parents. The beginning and end of a person's life, i.e. childhood and old age. Real estate, land, homeland of man. The 4th house is the house of the Moon and it is responsible for our deep habits, at home we cannot constantly play some roles and restrain ourselves, at home we behave naturally. In astrology, there is no clear rule, whether the father or mother goes through the 4th house. I believe that the more authoritative parent is the 10th house. If the father performs the function of the mother - he takes care of the child, and the mother provides the family and builds a career, then the father will correspond to the 4th house, and the mother to 10. And if the family is traditional patriarchal, then the mother is the 4th house, the father - the 10th house.

5 house - love, flirting, children, hobbies, sports, creativity, games, social masks, theater. This house, in my opinion, is responsible for the gifts that are given to us from above. Talents in creativity, children, the fruits of our creativity (a kind of also our "children") and love - we can receive all this as a reward.

6 house - work, daily duties, illness, general mood, constrained circumstances, serving others. Our health directly depends on the state of mind, whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist. Anxiety, overloading with daily activities and work can lead to illness. When the 6th house is very pronounced in the map, such people mainly live for the sake of others, they have practically no personal ambitions. Especially if in this house there are both the ruler of the map and the Sun, and if most of the planets are under the horizon.
7 house - all types of partnerships. Our business and marriage partners. Our enemies, opponents. Planets in the 7th house describe the types of partners who are attracted to us and whom we would like to see next to.

8 house - crises, dangerous situations, death, sex, occultism. “Other people's money” - loans, credits, taxes, money of a partner in marriage or business, inheritance, common money in business, in politics.

9 house - religion, ideology, philosophy. Travel, abroad. Training. Churches. The 9th house is responsible for our worldview, what we believe in. If the 9th house is expressed in the card, a person can expand their horizons, either through travel or through knowledge.

10 house - career and all the highest achievements in life. The planets, as rulers of houses, falling into the 10th house are very important. Those areas for which these planets are responsible will be significant in human life, in these areas a person will have ambitions and a great desire to be realized. For example, Venus is responsible for the 4th house and for the 11th house, located in the 10th house - a person really wants to have a comfortable and beautiful home, and social realization is also important.

11 house - social status, friends, groups of like-minded people, patrons. Freedom, plans and dreams. With a pronounced 11th house, a person's life most likely passes in plain sight, surrounded by a large number of people. Such people often have many friends and acquaintances. Probably stubbornness in ideas and unwillingness to shackle their freedom.

12 house - privacy, charity, secrets, secrets, security institutions. With a pronounced 12th house in a person's life, there are many closed areas, even close people do not know everything about him. It can be difficult for such a person to express their feelings, especially if the Moon or Venus falls into the 12th house. Or it is difficult to fully understand yourself if the Sun is in the 12th house. But on the other hand, he will be comfortable being alone with himself, he will always be able to occupy himself with something. And from time to time, a person needs peace and solitude to regain their strength. He may get tired of communication or when he often has to be in sight. If there is a North Node in the 12th house, then a person is destined to be in solitude for some time in his life. It doesn't have to be a prison or a hospital. Perhaps a person will live in a sparsely populated city or village. Or just a person will be uncommunicative and withdrawn by nature, but this does not mean that the person is experiencing discomfort. After all, all self-restraints occur at the will of the person himself, and not by compulsion. Perhaps others will not understand his lifestyle, and they may think of him as an unhappy person. Of course, if the 12th house is damaged, there may be forced isolation, but there will be illnesses even if the 6th house is affected, and the prison may be due to many other factors, not even related to the 12th house.

To indicate imprisonment you need to look at the psychology of a person first. In the maps of the prisoners who committed the murder, the Sun struck by Pluto, Mars, plus the tense aspects of Mercury and Pluto, Mars and Pluto, are often found, i.e. aspects of cruelty. Theft and fraud - struck by Mercury, especially Mars - I take whatever I want, expressed by Lilith (in conjunction with the Sun, Mercury, on the cusp of the 4th house). Mercury has traditionally been responsible for thieves. Prisoners often have a ruler of the 4th house in the 12th or 6th, expressed as 11th and 3rd houses. And if you found these instructions in your map or the map of relatives, then for final conclusions - whether a person can end up in prison - check the stars in conjunction with personal planets and with the planets that govern the corner houses, especially MC and Asz. If there are a lot of negative stars such as Algol, Etamin, Sinistra, Bellatrix, Aldebaran, Fegda, Mizar, etc. and plus other indications, jail time may be likely. Also, for clarification, you need to look at the degrees of the planets, it is better to use the Teboic calendar for this.

After we figured out what the houses of the horoscope are responsible for, let's move on to the event part.

Ruler Asz and MS, to see which house they are in - characteristic of their nature or not, in the corner or not (whether a person is able to achieve a lot in life). The rulers of the 1st and 10th houses, in which houses they are, are the main areas in life.

In the event plan, according to the situation in homes, personal planets can be analyzed as follows:
Where the Sun and Leo are - important areas in human life.
Where the Moon and the zodiac sign are Gemini - many changes, instability of the situation. Where is the moon - there a person rests, there he is drawn subconsciously.
Where Mercury is - the human intellect is directed into this sphere, what his mind is doing.
Where Venus is - it is pleasant for a person to be there.
Where Mars is - struggle, quarrels, conflicts, especially if affected. In what area is a person ready to invest his energy.
Where Jupiter is - empowerment, desire for self-realization through this sphere.
Where Saturn is - difficulties, delays, restrictions, in this area you need protection and reliability, with good aspects with age, success.
The sun for a woman is a father, a husband. For a man, a father. The moon for a woman - what kind of mother, wife, for a man - characterizes his mother, wife.

3. Aspects of the planets

The more tense aspects, the more conflicting personality will be and the more energy will need to be invested in achieving goals. But the motivation for action will also be stronger. With very harmonious cards, it often happens that a person does not want to invest energy for self-realization, such a person may be lazy, and he does not want to develop his talents. It is good when the birth chart contains both harmonious and tense aspects.

The more accurate the orbis of an aspect, the more pronounced the energy of this aspect in a person's character.

Each aspect has a psychological and event level. For example, the Sun is the ruler of the 7th house in a square to Saturn, the ruler of the 12th house in the female chart. The psychological level of this aspect is lack of self-confidence in young years, fear of showing one's “I”, fears. And on the event side - a difficult relationship with the father, delays and obstacles in marriage. The marriage partner may be an ex-con, or the marriage will be hindered by the conclusion of a partner, or other obstacles. Perhaps he will simply disappear before the wedding, or some unpleasant, hidden facts about him will be revealed. If the Sun is in the 10th house, and Saturn is in the 7th house, then this may indicate that the native's parents will be negatively disposed towards the native's partner, that there will be difficulties for entering into an official marriage. The ruler of the 7th house at 10 can say that the native wants a prominent person for himself, higher in the position of a marriage partner, that in the profession the native will interact with many clients, etc. And also all other aspects of the birth chart should be considered.

We mainly look at the psychological level by the planets in signs and aspects, and eventual by the planets in the houses and by the aspects connecting certain houses. But the psychological level can also be traced across the planets in the houses. For example, Venus in the 12th house - such a native will enjoy spending time in solitude, he will always find something to do with himself, it will also be difficult for him to show his feelings, he will be restrained (you need to look at the sign of Venus)

A natal chart (horoscope) is an astrological passport of a person, the decoding of which will help to identify the causes of failures, correct the development of a life scenario, and find your spiritual path.

  • (Asc).

2. The ruler of the horoscope

- Traits: rational thinking, speaking, learning, sharing information. When being in the same Sign with the Sun, Mercury noticeably enhances the "solar" features.

- Qualities: beauty, aesthetics, harmony, ability to love. Venus is considered in conjunction with the Moon. After all, both planets symbolize the world of emotions.

- Principles: will, sexuality, aggressiveness. It is important to pay attention to aspects with the Sun.

and.They are on the border between the Personal and the Higher Planets. Jupiter symbolizes spiritual growth, religious aspirations, morality. Saturn, on the contrary, lowers a person from heaven to earth, reflects his phobias and limitations, concentration, isolation, responsibility.

4. Higher planets

Now you can go to the Higher Planets. And still the same formula: Planet / Zodiac sign / Aspect / House.

. Revolutionary changes. Higher Intelligence, illumination, prophecy.

. Mysticism, mystery, distortion of reality, intuition, meditation.

. Purification, death, rebirth, manipulation, power, transformation, higher power.

5. At home

The planets in show the event level, and distinguish twelve spheres of life. House 10 (MC) will show career and recognition.

- appearance, character, temperament of a person;
- money, valuables, movable property;
- close environment, neighbors, contacts, schooling, short trips;
- parents, home, family, real estate, end of life;
- creativity, love, children, childbirth, entertainment, art, speculation;
- work, service, health and illness;
- marriage, partners, obvious enemies;
- sex, other people's money, psychological crises, death, inheritance, occultism;
- worldview, religion, philosophy, higher education, long-distance travel;
- career, recognition, honors, goals in life, bosses;
- hopes, friends by ideals, surprises;
- the secret in life, isolation, prison, monastery, serious illness, mysticism.

6. Deciphering the Moon nodes and fictitious points

Fictitious Points are designated: Lilith (temptations), Lunar Nodes (life purpose, karma), Chiron (hidden opportunities), (success, no problems),

Many people want to know a little more about their life than is possible. To do this, they turn to fortune-tellers, psychics or astrologers.

However, some things can be done on their own without resorting to the help of specialists. It's about creating personal natal chart... It is a diagram that can show events in a person's life or describe his character.

What it is?

Otherwise, the natal chart is called the cosmogram. For many centuries it was believed that a person's life is directly influenced by position of stars... It shapes certain events, helps shape the character of a person and his future destiny.

There is an opinion that at the moment of a person's birth, the stars in the sky are located in a certain way. It is believed that there are no two exactly the same constellation arrangements. Thus, it turns out that the life of each person is unique.

Visually, the natal chart resembles a diagram with many bizarre signs. The ability to decipher them helps to predict events for a certain period of time, to find out which character traits prevail in a person, or to plot the compatibility of partners.

Knowledge in the field of astrology opens up tremendous possibilities if used correctly. A personal horoscope based on a natal chart may include:

  • Forecast of events for a certain life span;
  • Career activity in which a person can get the greatest success;
  • Revealing character traits;
  • The degree of vitality;
  • Predisposition to certain diseases;
  • Material values;
  • Possible relationship difficulties with others;
  • The role of family values \u200b\u200bin human life;

By yourself with decryption

Deciphering a natal chart is not difficult if you have an idea of \u200b\u200bits main aspects. The natal chart is a circle. Inside, it is divided into circles, which, in turn, are divided into component parts. Houses are considered the main elements of the natal chart.

Exists 12 types of houses, each of them is responsible for a specific area of \u200b\u200blife. In each house, a certain sign of the heavenly system may appear, starting with rams and ending with fish. Knowing the characteristics of each house, it is already possible to put together a general picture of a person and his life.

But there are other aspects of the natal chart that allow you to get the most advanced knowledge. For the most accurate decoding of the natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with the location on it planets of the solar system.

The ascendant and the descendant are no less significant in interpreting the card. They are opposite elements of the natal chart. The Ascendant is the ascending degree, and the Descendant is its opposite.

By date of birth

To draw up the most accurate natal chart, you need some information about a person. The date of birth with the most accurate time is taken as a basis. The place where the person was born is also taken into account. With the help of trusted sources, the width and longitude of this place are established.

The most convenient option make a natal chart - use special counters or programs. They work in automatic mode. As a result, a schematic image of the map appears. On separate resources, you can find a decoding of a personal horoscope.

However, experts say that programs can not always give a truly correct answer to some questions. Therefore, the most correct solution is ask for decryption to a specialist or to carry it out independently, having received a certain knowledge base in this direction.

House designation

Each house of the natal chart has an individual characteristic. The most basic thing that a person needs to know in order to get the big picture is the designation of each house.

The first house is responsible for the personal qualities of a person and his appearance. The second house fully characterizes level of material stability... The third house contains information about relationships with others.

The fourth house is considered a symbol of family traditions. It talks about connection with ancestors and relationships with parents. In the fifth house, the creative side of the personality is revealed. The sixth house indicates health strength.

The seventh house, like the third, includes relationships, but in this case we are talking about the business sphere of communication. This can include work ties, friendship, social activities, etc. The eighth house marks the border between life and death.

In the ninth house is the philosophy of man's views on the surrounding reality. The tenth house is a person's career, his ambitions, skills and plans. The eleventh house includes any collective activity and denotes a person's place in it.

The twelfth house is everything that transcends reality. This includes religion, psychic abilities, spirituality, etc.

At its core, houses carry basic information about a person. They indicate the main events and reveal the inner potential, helping to most correctly realize oneself in life. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of houses when decoding a natal chart.

Since ancient times, people have sought to understand the relationship between the arrangement of heavenly bodies at the time of a person's birth and his character, appearance and life events. Astrology is rooted in the distant past of human civilization. A natal chart compiled by date of birth with decoding of the most important astrological indicators will help to understand your fate and purpose.

Individual horoscope

Translated from Latin, "natal" means "native", that is, the natal chart is the landmark that a person receives at birth, that with which he comes into life. Here his talents and inclinations, life circumstances and achievements, fatal events and personal will are indicated.

The forecasts that are made according to the sun sign of the zodiac reflect the most general trends. In order to understand your individuality and anticipate the main events of subsequent life, you can independently compile a horoscope by date of birth. How to use the information received, will indicate the location of the planets and important points in the signs of the zodiac and houses.

For those who are just getting acquainted with astrology, it is better to start by drawing up your own chart. To do this, you need to know the place, date and as accurate as possible the time of your birth. The technical work and accurate calculations can be entrusted to an astroprocessor, a computer program that includes astrological ephemeris. They make it possible to accurately determine the coordinates of the planets at the right time interval.

Planets and signs of the zodiac

Knowing the primary properties of the planets and the characteristics of the zodiacal signs, you can begin to decipher the natal chart yourself. The strongest, most pronounced planet in the horoscope creates a certain type of personality. Each zodiac sign is associated with one or two rulers who have a kindred energy with him:

The sign ruled by the planet is its abode. Being in this sign, she receives strength. Here its qualities are clearly manifested. The opposite sign for her is the place of the fall. Getting here, the planet acquires a weak status and can create difficulties.

For example, Venus in Taurus manifests itself strongly and harmoniously. In Scorpio, she is in decline, here she is uncomfortable. Scorpio is not in tune with Venus.

The four elements in the cosmogram

Three zodiac signs belong to each of the four elements. To understand the personality traits, you need to assess which element in the cosmogram is represented more strongly. The more planets are in the signs of the elements, the more it is expressed in the horoscope:

The principles of horoscope analysis

The cosmogram shows the basis of the personality, its basic potential. It is not difficult to draw up a natal chart yourself. How the planets in the signs of the zodiac are related to the inclinations and abilities of the individual can be understood using principles of horoscope analysis:

It is important for beginners to remember that no matter where the Sun is located at birth, others planets can be in different signs... A typical representative of the sign is one who, in addition to the daylight, has several planets located in the same sign. Especially if they rule the Ascendant and Meridian.

You can recognize such a person by their pronounced character traits. It is more difficult to decipher the information concerning those who have no other planets in the solar zodiac sign.

Astrological houses

It is necessary to take into account the significance of the houses of the horoscope in order to independently draw up a natal chart with decoding. How the astrological sector affects, allows you to understand the top of the house, that is, the point at which it begins. Like the sign of the Zodiac, the house has a ruler who will show how successfully things will develop in this area of \u200b\u200blife. For example, if the VII house begins in Taurus, Venus rules it. To make a forecast for partnerships and marital relations, you need to proceed from the location of Venus in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets. The meanings of astrological houses.