How to add products to the VK group: detailed instructions and photos. How to make goods in the VK group with online payment? We make our own online store of goods VKontakte

For many stores, it has become profitable - placing goods in catalogs on their own sites. But we know that everything is changing at a tremendous speed! And now social networks are the platform and the target audience that shop owners need. I want to introduce you to a trick on how to create a catalog of goods in the VKontakte group. This feature is tantamount to the importance of creating a VKontakte menu. Before proceeding with its implementation, it is important to read how to create a group on VKontakte.

First, make sure that the group is connected "Materials": Community Management - Materials - Connected. This function is responsible for the presence of the "latest news" link. Click on this link and select "Edit".

In the window that appears, I suggest entering the following code: [[Directory | Go to the general directory]]

Where before the sign | - this is the name of the new page where your catalog will be placed; after the sign | - an inscription that subscribers will see in "Fresh News". When entered, you can see how the link will look like. To do this, select "Preview" - "Save Page".

Already using this link we go to a new page with the name "Catalog". Many firms have several types of goods in stock at once, so it is better to present each type separately. At the top right, select "Editing". I will show you the option of creating a catalog of goods using the example of a store selling unusual gifts. To do this, enter the following wiki code (Figure 2):

Picture 2

Bouquet of soft toys ==


Stuffed toys bouquet- a great option for a gift.

[[Bouquet of soft toys | view assortment]]

Live Plants Keychain ==


Keychain with live plants- a stylish accessory for a backpack, keys, phone, car interior!

[[Keychain with live plants | view assortment]]

Celestial balls ==


Heavenly balls- is an original and unforgettable gift for any occasion! WITH

[[Celestial balls | view assortment]]

== text == indicates subsections; text- highlighted in bold; text- emphasizes

- center the photo or text.

[[Keychain with live plants | view the assortment]], where “see the assortment” is a link to the section where there will be “Heavenly balls”. All your developments can be viewed in the "Preview" (Figure 3).

Figure 3

After saving the package, go to the page "Keychain with live plants" and edit it.

It is better to create a catalog in a table that is formed:

  • (| - required element, means table creation.
  • | - - new line,
  • | - cell,
  • |) - close the table.

Keychain with a live plant Opuntia Dillena

Price - 59,000 rubles

[[Order | ORDER NOW]]

Keychain with a live Mammillaria plant

Price - 59,000 rubles

[[Order | ORDER NOW]]

Keychain with a live plant Prickly pear Needleless

Price - 59,000 rubles

[[Order | ORDER NOW]]

Note, if you want subsequent text to start on a new line, then use

Type of work done (Figure 4):

Vkontakte, recently, has become very convenient to create groups that are adapted for online stores. The most popular communities are those selling watches, clothes or accessories.

If you are starting to grow your retail business and have already built a community specifically for your future shoppers, there are add a product to the Vkontakte group.

As you have noticed, it is not very convenient and desirable to simply upload photos with products to the album, since the photos in it may be out of order and the description will not always be clearly visible. In order to show your product in the best possible light, you need to use special functions.

  1. Go to the tab for managing your group
  2. In the information section, scroll down the page. Here you will notice the button "products"
  3. Click on this tab and select the "enable" field
  4. Fill in all the delivery information, write your phone number and contacts for communication, so that it is convenient for users to find you if they have any questions.
  5. Next to the field description of the store, you can see the "edit" button. Be sure to go to this section and leave a description for your store. Click save.
  6. Go to your home group. On the first screen, you will see a new "Products" section. To add your first product, go to this section. Here you can add a main photo of your product, as well as up to four additional photos to help you show it from all angles. Describe in detail what advantages your product has, set a price and indicate discounts, if any.

This way, you can add each product to the group page. This method is great for those who have a small range of products and are just starting to promote their business. For those owners who have many different positions in the online store, it would be best to organize them and present them in the form of a catalog.

How to create a catalog of goods in the Vkontakte group

Create a catalog of goods in the Vkontakte group possibly through a dedicated selection box. Open the "Products" section. At the very top, you will see a "Featured" section. To place different products by category and make a full-fledged catalog, go to this section. Further:

  1. On the top right, click the Create Assignment tab. Enter a title and upload a cover. It should not exceed 500 x 300 pixels.
  2. Use the "Add Product" tab to fill in the product photos into this album.
  3. Then, go back to "selections". Repeat the same steps to create a new collection.

Once you create your catalog, you can proceed to ... Initially, about your community on your wall. Also for online stores, targeted advertising in VK and ordering is perfect from professionals. And, of course, the word of mouth effect works great. Tell us about your products in as much detail as possible and be sure to attach customer reviews on the wall. That's when you have a chance to get as much as possible and gather even more warm audience.

Any product from the catalog is easy to edit. To do this, you need to open a photo with it and click on the pencil icon. If you would like only the most popular products to be shown in the menu on the main page in the group, open the collection editor and click on the icon "This is the main collection of the community".

To make it easier for potential customers to go to the product catalog in your group, you can spend time on a beautiful community design and create a menu in VK.

How many products can be added to the Vkontakte group

Vkontakte has no restrictions on the number of products in one group. That's why, how many products to add to the group in VK, it's up to you to decide. But at the same time it is important to remember that too large assortment with many positions makes it difficult to make a purchase decision.

If the site contains, for example, 250 variants of hours and a person within 10 minutes cannot determine what suits him best, most likely he will simply leave the site. The variety of options will certainly brighten your group, but it is unlikely that sales will go up much from it.

In this lesson I will tell you about such a trick as VKontakte products, with the help of which you can open an online store in the community. This opportunity is provided for all groups and public pages that trade using a social network. You can connect the service regardless of the number of participants, and only managers can place products in the new section.

Thus, based on this option, you can safely open online store VKontakte... The main page always displays the last 3 added products.

In order to connect the product service go to the "Community Management" section.

On the "Information" tab, move the page down a bit and select the "Included" setting next to the "Products" item.

Here you can immediately add important information:

  • Specify delivery region- you can add several countries or cities;
  • Enable or disable the ability to leave comments to goods;
  • Select store currency- Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Kazakhstani tenge, euro or US dollar;
  • Contact for communication- this is the user's personal page through which you will accept orders. The page must be among the leaders of the community so that it can be selected from the drop-down list;
  • Store Description- wiki page with a detailed description of your store, terms of payment and delivery, as well as other important information. This link will be automatically attached to each of the products.

After you have saved all the changes made, a special block with products appears on the community home page.

Clicking on the heading "Products" or on the link "Show all products", you can open a complete list of products. Here in the upper right corner there is a special link "Add product", through which you can add a new offer to your store.

  • Title and Description... The search will include both of these fields;
  • Main photo and up to 4 additional... When uploading the main photo, you will need to specify a square-shaped thumbnail. Uploaded photos must have at least 400 and no more than 7000 points on each side, and you cannot use photos with one side several times larger than the other;
  • Category- you must specify one of the product categories from the list. This is necessary to place your proposals in a single VKontakte directory;
  • A selection- with this option you can sort all the products more accurately. This field appears only when creating the collection itself, which we will talk about below;
  • Price- we indicate the price;
  • Item not available- using this checkbox you can show that it is currently out of stock. In this case, it is placed in a special tab "Inaccessible goods".

At the end, we press the button "Create product".

This is how the final view of the card looks like.

Now let's take a look at the Product Selections section. Using this option, you can independently specify the category of goods within the community and group similar ones accordingly. To create a collection, go to the Collections tab and click the Create Collection link in the upper right corner.

In a new window, you will need to specify the title of the collection and upload its cover. Also, here it can be made the main collection of the community and it will always be displayed first in the list.

There are 3 ways to add a new product to a selection. You can specify it when you create it, when you edit it, and also from the collection page. It will be possible to specify it in the new "Selection" list that appears, which I wrote about earlier. Thus, when editing, you can move products from one category to another, unfortunately, it can only be in one collection at a time.

After creating a collection, it can of course be edited or deleted. This can be done inside the collection.

You also have the ability to edit individual products. To do this, hover the mouse cursor over the offer image and click on the pencil icon that appears. You can change any data.

You can also search in the "Products" section. When you click on the "Options" link, you will be able to specify the price range, as well as sort by added date or price.

For the convenience of the owner, a link to the product about which they write to you will be automatically attached to such a message.

Also, you can temporarily disable the "Products" service in the community settings. All settings and product cards will not be deleted, but simply will no longer be displayed.

If the user opens any of the offers via a direct link, it will be indicated that he is temporarily unavailable. It will also be impossible to contact the seller. You can get everything back at any time by enabling them in the community settings.

That's all, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments below. The material uses the group's suggestions

In the modern world, perhaps, there is not a single person who, at least once in his life, has not heard of such an Internet resource as a social network.

Social networks are web platforms widespread on the Internet, designed to organize social relationships between users. If earlier the main direction of social networks was communication, acquaintance, discussion of interests and other things, now on such sites you can perform many other different actions. So, in many social networks you can sell your own products, advertise your business, or search and purchase the product you are interested in.

How to start your online business

Many aspiring entrepreneurs, realizing the full potential of social networks, have focused all their efforts on advertising and promoting business on such sites. And not in vain, because every day the audience of sites previously intended exclusively for communication is becoming wider, and the interests of users are multifaceted. New publications and comments regularly appear on social media pages; new people are registered, who, most likely, having become interested in the project, will invite their friends from the "real" world to it. Already now, according to the results of an analytical study, 60% of all Russians have accounts in social networks.

How to choose a trading platform

When you study the statistics of all existing social networks, it becomes clear that many Internet sites designed for communication between users do not succeed in this field due to the high competition from the "sharks" of this area. These include the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki,, Facebook, Twitter.

Despite the fact that the Russian social network "VKontakte" is in the penultimate place in the five most popular social networks in the world, it is it that is the most effective platform for promoting various goods and services. According to a study conducted this year, the average daily audience of "VKontakte" exceeds 87 million people, in general, over 410 million users are registered on the site. Considering these indicators, the administration of the social network made a number of changes that allowed users to create communities adapted for online stores.

"VKontakte": sale of goods

If you have not yet decided what exactly you will sell, refer to the statistics. Thanks to her, you can find out that clothing, footwear and accessories are in the greatest demand among the clients of VKontakte trading pages. If you sell other products, do not despair! In a social network, you can sell and advertise absolutely any goods and services, the main thing is to remember that the target audience of your company should be close to the audience of the social network itself or coincide with it. "VKontakte", as you know, is dominated by a female audience (58.4%, according to a study by the Cossa publishing house in May 2017), the main age group (37%) is users 25-34 years old.

Creation of the "VKontakte" group

It is very easy to create a group for selling VKontakte products! To do this, you need to register an account on the social network, go to the "My Groups" menu and select the "Create Community" item. Next, you should choose its type. For the presentation of a product or a company, which interests us, the "Public Page" is ideal, but the "Group" class provides more opportunities to attract an audience, so we will focus on it. After that, you have to answer a few questions about the community by filling out certain fields.

"Vkontakte": section "Products"

When all the fields are filled in, proceed to the selection of modules for the group. A very useful service for promoting and selling products is the "Products" section, which appeared on the VKontakte social network relatively recently. Further in the text, we will figure out in detail how to add products to the VK group.

First, you need to activate the service on your community page. To do this, in the control tab, select the "Sections" menu and "go down" to the very bottom of the page. Here you will see a button "Products", on which you need to click the mouse and select the item "Included".

After that, you should figure out how to add products to the VK group. It is quite simple to do this - you can add products in the "Products" section, which, after correct configuration, will appear on the main page of the group. Adding goods to the VK group is necessary to promote products and attract buyers.

To add products to the VK group, use the following simple instruction. Go to the "Products" section, upload a photo of the item you want to sell, add a description and set a price - you're done!

Adding a product in the mobile version of "VKontakte"

When working with the service, you may have the following question - how to add a product to a VK group in the mobile version of the application? Can this be done at all? No less actively asked the question of how to add products to a group in a new VK.

Unfortunately, to date, adding products to the VK group in the mobile version is not available. The group owner user can view their own product collections from the phone, but they cannot be edited. In the case of the "new" VK, everything is somewhat simpler. The process has remained the same, only the design of individual mechanisms within the site has changed.

Social network users, "not looking for easy ways", tried to find out if it was possible to add products to a group in the new VK application, but the answer was also negative. Particularly persistent, through numerous manipulations, found that it is impossible to add goods to the VK group from the phone not only in the official VKontakte application, but also through a mobile browser. Therefore, for now, the only way to add products to the appropriate section is to use the web version of the site.

Something I have not written about SMM for a long time, it is necessary to correct this omission. At the end of last 2015, Vkonakte introduced a wonderful opportunity - now you can create product showcases in publics and groups yourself.

In the past, shopkeepers would showcase their products through photo albums or discussions, which is not very convenient. Although, people are already used to it, and few people want to switch to new functionality.

Although newcomers are increasingly using the opportunity to showcase products in a group.

This opportunity is especially convenient for info-business, as it seems to me. And I happily added a couple of my products to my group.

Of the clear advantages of this functionality- adding several photos to one product, a detailed description of the product and the "Buy" button, which was previously lacking.

In general, the advantages of displaying VKontakte products are obvious!

Now let's figure out how to realize this opportunity in your group or public, whatever you have.

Step # 1

The first thing you need to do to set up a showcase of products in your group is to click on the "Community Management" button, which should be right below the group's avatar.

Well, that's about the same as mine.

Step # 2

And we will get to a page with information, on which there is an item "Products" at the bottom.

They are disabled by default and must be enabled manually.

Click on the word Disabled and change it to Enabled. These actions are enough for the group.

And in the case of public - just put a tick, like mine.

Step # 3

After you have turned on the store functionality, a block will appear with the ability to fill in information on points.

Fill in each item for yourself.

And most importantly - fill in the description of the store itself.

When you click on the "Edit" button, such a window will pop up, just fill in all the fields here.

Step # 4

Now right under the main menu of your group, or if you do not have a menu - under the main information - there is a block "Products".

You can click "Add Product" and start adding your products right now.

If you click on "Products" - you will be taken to the full list of your products.

It will also be possible to create "Product Selections" there. Let's get down to it now. Click "Products".

Step # 5

And we get to the product page. Here you need to select the Collections tab.

They are needed to group products into categories, for example.

Step 6

Coming up with a name for the collection and uploading a photo. Well, or any picture that would effectively reflect the category of all products in this collection.

We select the checkbox "This is the main cover". And click "Create".

By the way, the size of the picture for the cover must be at least 580x320.

Step 7

By clicking on the "Create" button, we find ourselves on the tab of the collection we have created.

Let's fill it with goods now.

To do this, click the "Add Product" button.

Step 8

Here you need to enter the name and upload a photo of the product and come up with an extremely clear and short description.

By the way, the photo should be at least 400 points, maximum - 7000 points on one side.

When uploading a photo, you will need to select the visible area of ​​the picture.

Step 9

VK gives us an excellent opportunity to download several products for one product (up to 4 additional).

As you can see, you can change the order of these pictures by simply dragging and dropping. Perhaps it will be useful to someone.

Fill as needed. And does not forget to select a product category.

After everything is ready, we determine the cost of the goods and click "Save".

Step 10

In a similar way, you can load a few more products. Well, whoever needs it - fill everything. There are now two products in my selection.

The selection looks like this.

Step 11

When you click on a product, go to the product page with its detailed description and additional photos.

Step 12

You can click "Contact the seller" if you want to discuss any details about the product or terms. This button is specifically designed to increase sales conversions.

On click, a simple dialog box opens in Vkontakte itself.

Step 13

You can also see the possibility of additional editing in the product.

Well, or removal. Both of these features are administrator capabilities.

Step 14

Among other things, VK was not too lazy to create filtering by price and date of adding goods.

This is probably in case there are really a lot of goods.

Step 15

Your store can be closed at any time. To do this, click the "Turn off" link in the block from Step 2.

Then, of course, you can turn it back on if necessary. At the same time, ALL your store settings that you made before deleting are saved.

Of course, all users in VK can share your goods with their friends - it's very cool!

I'm even starting to think about experimenting with traffic and sales through VK.

Write in the comments if it will interest you, is it worth describing in articles or in video format?

That's all for me, thank you in advance for your comments. Thanks.