How to achieve a recalculation of utility bills. Recalculation of housing and communal services: what you need to know when recalculating the cost of utilities The procedure for recalculation of water in the private sector

Enactment of Government Resolution 354 allows citizens to recalculate payments rents under certain conditions.

Based on this document, consumers of housing and communal services can verify the correctness of payments, as well as demand their reduction subject to certain conditions.

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Is it possible to recalculate payments for housing and communal services?

Resolution 354 was originally adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2011.

Like other laws in it current amendments and changes are made.

New edition PP 354 came into force at the end of 2015. This legislative act regulates the procedure for generating bills for housing and communal services and establishes consumption standards.

Recalculation can be made by the service provider. Moreover, during the procedure, the amount in the receipt may either decrease or increase. Provider has the right to increase the cost of services If:

  • The meters were not verified on time. In this case, payment is made at tariffs that are higher than payments based on metering indicators;
  • the pipeline was inserted independently if the pipe diameter exceeds the established standards;
  • There are no seals on the meter or its integrity is damaged.

Recalculation downwards at the initiative of the consumer is possible if there are no individual or communal meters.

Some housing and communal services are not subject to recalculation:

  • heating of residential premises (recalculation can be made only in the event of a complete shutdown or at a temperature that does not meet the standards);
  • gas supply for heating purposes;
  • payment of general house needs;
  • drainage is separate from water supply.

Heating payments are recalculated exclusively through the court. It will be necessary to attach a sufficiently large number of supporting documents.


For what period can you recalculate utility bills and in what cases is it produced??

To submit an application for recalculation, compelling reasons are required, listed in Resolution 354:

  1. Long absence of residents(if no one lived in the apartment). A period of absence is considered to be 5 days or more. If several people live in an apartment, recalculation is made when each person submits an application. New accruals are made based on the number of days of absence.
  2. Complete lack of services. There are standards for legal service shutdown times. If the disconnection period does not exceed these terms, payment recalculation should not be made.
  3. Poor quality services. Independent quality measurements are not recognized by managers, so they must be carried out by specialists. During measurements, water pressure, chemical composition, transparency, and hot water supply temperature are assessed. If you have any doubts about the quality of water, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor. Electrical assessments measure voltage and current.

Where to contact?

An application for recalculation is submitted to the management company or directly to the company providing housing and communal services. Details for contacting are on the payment receipt.

In case of poor-quality provision of services, it is possible to contact Rospotrebnadzor or the Housing Inspectorate.

Depending on the type of contracts concluded and the method of managing the house you can contact:

  • directly to service providers.

Application rules

How to write an application for recalculation of utilities?

Application for recalculation does not have a strictly established form and is written in free form according to the general rules for drawing up this business document.

The following items are required in the application:

  1. The name of the organization the tenant is applying to.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Residential address.
  4. Please recalculate indicating the type of service.
  5. The period for which the payment must be recalculated.
  6. Grounds for recalculation indicating attachments to the application.

The document can be sent by registered mail with notification and a list of applications or take them directly to the organization. When submitting papers in person, the application is drawn up in two copies. One is handed over to the employee, and on the other you need to get a signature, seal and registration number of the document.

You can submit a sample application for recalculation of utility bills.

Package of documents

What documents are needed to recalculate utilities? The list of attachments to the application depends on the grounds for recalculation and must confirm the facts.

For recalculation due to temporary absence:

  • a certificate from the employer about the business trip;
  • certificate of stay in an inpatient medical institution;
  • hotel receipts;
  • certificate of temporary registration in another city;
  • certificate from the educational institution;
  • certificate from the HOA confirming residence at the dacha plot.

For recalculation due to inadequate quality of services:

  • an act indicating the date of inspection and the address of the premises;
  • expert opinion.

Each document must be executed legally correctly. Certificates from various organizations must contain their details, seal, and signature of the employee, so that it is possible to verify the information specified in them.


The opportunity to submit an application exists only within 30 days after the grounds for this action occur. If the need for recalculation is due to the absence, You can apply before departure, providing the necessary confirmation. The recalculation will be reflected in the receipt for the next payment period.

When submitting an application before departure, the maximum the recalculation period is 6 months. If you do not live for a longer period, you must submit a new application after six months.

Missing the application deadline may serve as grounds for refusal to recalculate. If the deadline is missed for a valid reason, you will have to seek a recalculation in court.

According to the law, an application submitted on time and supported by the necessary documents subject to satisfaction within 5 working days.

If the management company refuses to recalculate, it must do so in writing with justification of the reasons for refusal. A consumer who is confident that he is right can contact the prosecutor’s office or court, just follow.


How to recalculate utility bills? Recalculation of a specific type of service depends on the method of calculating amounts for payment:

  1. If necessary, make payment adjustments during the absence of residents all services are recalculated at the same time. The amounts accrued for monthly payments are divided by the number of calendar days. After calculating the cost of services for one day, the amount is multiplied by the number of days of absence, and the resulting result is subtracted from the total amount of payments.
  2. Recalculation of gas fees is carried out if there is no meter in the apartment. How long is it possible? An amount proportional to the days of absence is deducted from the total gas bill.
  3. Recalculation of electricity charges is possible only if the payment was calculated according to standards, and not according to meter readings. Sometimes extra kilowatts are accrued due to controller error.

In this case, it is necessary to contact the suppliers to take repeated measurements, and recalculate based on them.

Features for heating

It is possible to reduce the amount of payments for heating if this service is not provided properly.

The basis will be non-compliance with temperature conditions in room.

It is almost impossible to prove the fact of low temperature, if the following factors are present in the room:

  • heat loss due to poor quality door or window units. However, with low heat transfer from heating devices, this fact can be disputed;
  • air pockets located in risers. If housing office employees were not allowed into the apartment to clear traffic jams, residents will be refused when submitting an application;
  • insufficient temperature of heating radiators due to proper care of the owners for them. Old radiators must be replaced. If the temperature in the risers meets the standards, and the radiators do not heat up due to blockages in them, the owner must resolve this issue independently.

It is almost impossible to achieve a reduction in heating bills under these circumstances.

If, with high-quality operation of the heating equipment, the temperature in the apartment does not reach the required level, the consumer may demand a reduction in payment amount by making your own calculations.

There is no general calculation formula, since in each individual case both the low temperature of the devices and their complete shutdown are taken into account.

Calculations are made as follows:

Calculations for daytime and nighttime are made separately, since the standards for these periods are different.

Prove violation of standards It is possible only by providing official reports of temperature measurements made by an initiative group of residents or a special commission.

How to force a service provider to recalculate?

Practice shows that service providers are in no hurry to reduce the amount of payments, and It is quite difficult to prove that you are right in some cases. If the management company refuses to recalculate payments, it is necessary to obtain a refusal from them in writing.

Based on the refusal paper received, you should write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office.

As a rule, inspections initiated by these regulatory organizations help bring some sense to housing and utility suppliers.

To the controlling organization you need to submit an application describing the situation, attaching to it the refusal of the utility companies and the entire package of documents listed earlier.

If, even after inspections by regulatory authorities, a positive result was not achieved, should file a lawsuit.

Thus, recalculation of payments for housing and communal services can be made at the request of the tenant and in the presence of appropriate supporting documents.

If you are sure that you are right, demand a reduction in the amounts in the payment or issue a written refusal.

As you know, the Rules for the provision of public services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354 (hereinafter referred to as Rules 354), provide for a reduction in the cost of utility services in the event that the quality of services does not meet established standards and in the event of interruptions in the provision of these same services exceeding the established duration. Let's try to figure out how the presence or absence of a utility meter influences the amount of recalculation.

Recalculations associated with non-compliance of the quality of services with established standards are not affected by devices for metering the volume of consumed services; no disputes arise in this matter.

A much more interesting question is how recalculations should be made due to interruptions in the provision of utility services, depending on the presence/absence of metering devices for these utilities.

Almost throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, the following practice has developed: recalculations for the undelivered volume of utility services are provided to the owner/tenant of the premises only in the absence of an IPU. And if there is a device, it is considered that the device shows zero consumption during the period of non-provision of the service, thereby ensuring the measurement of the actual volume of consumption of the service, the cost of which is presented for payment to the owner/tenant, whose premises are equipped with an individual metering device. For some reason, this scheme for providing recalculations is considered fair and in accordance with current legislation.

The logic of such “recalculators” is simple: a person must pay for the volume of utility services provided. If he installed the IPU, then the device will measure the volume, and an invoice must be issued for this volume. If there is no device, and the calculation is carried out according to the standard, then the volume of actually consumed service must be calculated taking into account the interruption in the provision of this service, i.e. do a recalculation.

Adherents of this logic forget one essential point. Recalculation of the cost of utility services aims not only to determine the payment for the actually consumed volume of service, but also certain “penalties”. After all, the peculiarity of a utility service is that it should always be available! Any owner/tenant of an apartment has the right to expect that when the valve is turned, water will flow from the tap. And if this water does not flow, i.e. If the service is unavailable, then not only should the fee for this service be waived, but also some “damage” caused to the bona fide consumer should be compensated.

This is precisely the logic that is confirmed by law!

Paragraph 98 of Rule 354 establishes: “When providing a consumer with ... a utility service during the billing period ... with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of a utility service for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of the breaks, the amount of payment for such a utility service for the billing period is subject to reduction up to the complete release of the consumer from payment such a service..."

What does “up to complete exemption from payment” mean? After all, guided by the logic of the absence of recalculations in the presence of an IPU, it is obvious that a complete exemption from payment can only be with zero consumption of the service (according to the IPU). If the device shows at least a liter of water, then you must pay for this water.

And when are “regulatory workers” (who do not have an IPU) exempt from payment? It is logical to assume that they are exempt from payment when the service was not provided at all during the billing period!

What does Rule 354 say about this?

The above-mentioned clause 98 of Rules 354 states: “... the conditions and procedure for changing the amount of payment for utility services when providing utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration are given in Appendix No. 1 to these Rules...”.

We open Appendix 1. We see that during interruptions in the provision of any type of utility service above the established limit, a recalculation is carried out in the amount of 0.15% for each hour of such excess.

And the limit on the duration of breaks is set, I must say, low. For cold water supply, hot water supply, water disposal - 8 hours per month (total), for gas supply - 4 hours per month (total), for heating and electricity supply - 24 hours per month (total).

Let's look at an example. The cold water in the house was turned off. Let this happen in a month with 30 days. There was no water for 29 days. On the thirtieth day they gave water, and people began to wash, wash everything around, etc. In general, they consumed water in an amount many times higher than their usual consumption. Then all the residents asked for a recalculation.

And now a recalculation is made for the “regulators”:

The break in the provision of cold water was 29 days X 24 hours = 696 hours. Allowable break is 8 hours. For each hour over the permissible break, the fee must be reduced by 0.15%. In total, the fee will decrease by (696 - 8) x 0.15 = 103.2%! Those. There will be just a case of “complete release of the consumer from payment.”

And the “lucky” owners of IPU will be told: “And your meters increased by two cubic meters in just one day! Please pay!" Let us not be surprised at the “injustice”; in the majority of the Criminal Code and the RSO, in response to all our indignations, they will reasonably remark: “Law and justice are two different things!” And they will be right, but not in this case.

Let's not talk about justice and immediately turn to the law.

Once again, carefully read paragraph 98 of Rule 354 ( let's quote it in full):

« 98. When providing a utility service of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration to a consumer in a residential or non-residential premises or for general house needs in an apartment building during the billing period, as well as during interruptions in the provision of utility services for repair and maintenance work in within the established duration of breaks, the amount of payment for such a utility service for the billing period is subject to reduction until the consumer is completely freed from paying for such a service.

Requirements for the quality of utility services, permissible deviations from these requirements and the permissible duration of interruptions in the provision of utility services, as well as the conditions and procedure for changing the amount of payment for utility services when providing utility services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, are given in the appendix No. 1 to these Rules.

If, in accordance with these Rules, the amount of payment for a utility service for a billing period is not finalized and is subject to further adjustment, then the amount of reduction in the payment for a utility service for such a billing period cannot exceed the finally accrued amount of payment for the corresponding utility service for such a billing period.”

So, as we see, there is no mention of the dependence of recalculation on the presence or absence of a meter!

Those. for a break in the provision of utility services to owners/tenants of premises equipped with IPU, it is necessary to recalculate! There cannot be any other interpretation of clause 98 of Rule 354!

The question immediately arises - how then to apply paragraph 99 of the same Rules 354? After all, it is directly stated there: “ During interruptions in the provision of public services exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of public services for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of the breaks, the amount of payment for such public services, calculated in the absence of a collective (common house), individual or common (apartment) metering device of the corresponding type of utility resource, is reduced by the amount of payment for the volume of utility services not provided».

What does it mean? Does clause 99 contradict clause 98? Or does he clarify it?

In fact, there is no contradiction or clarification. Both clauses 98 and 99 are subject to application. And they are talking about two different recalculations.

Clause 99 establishes the obligation to carry out the type of recalculation that is mainly used now. This recalculation is associated with a reduction in fees for the cost of undelivered utility services. In this case, we are really talking about determining the actual volume of service consumed. Consequently, for premises equipped with metering devices, this volume is determined according to the IPU, and recalculation is not required, but for premises not equipped with IPU, the actual volume consumed must be calculated, namely, the standard value must be reduced by an amount proportional to the duration of the interruption in the provision of services for billing period. This is exactly the procedure established by clause 100 of Rule 354.

And here Clause 98 establishes “penalties” for interruptions in the provision of services. And these “sanctions” are applied regardless of the presence/absence of metering devices.

Thus, Recalculations for interruptions in the provision of CG are made as follows:

1. For premises not equipped with IPU:
1.1. Based on clause 99 of Rule 354, the volume of consumed CG must be reduced. The procedure for calculating the volume by which the volume established by the consumption standard is subject to reduction is given in clause 100 of Rule 354.
1.2. Based on clause 98 of Rules 354, the payment for consumed CG is reduced (in the amount reduced on the basis of clause 99) in accordance with Appendix 1 to Rules 354.

That is, first the actual volume of consumed service is determined (by reducing the consumption standard), then the cost of this actually consumed volume is reduced by 0.15% for each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of the interruption in the provision of utility services.

2. For premises equipped with IPU:
2.1. Based on clause 98 of Rules 354, the payment for consumed utilities is reduced (in the amount determined by the IPU) in accordance with Appendix 1 to Rules 354.

That is, the actual volume of consumed service is determined by the IPU, then the cost of this actually consumed volume is reduced by 0.15% for each hour of exceeding the permissible duration of the interruption in the provision of utility services.

I repeat once again: recalculation for a break in the provision of utility services exceeding the permissible duration is provided in accordance with Rules 354 to all consumers, regardless of the presence or absence of utility metering devices

continuation of the topic of recalculations

Has it ever happened to you that you received utility bills at the end of the month, but you categorically disagree with the amounts indicated on them? Probably yes. In this case, you have two options: pay everything as is and hope that in the next months the amount paid will come out as an overpayment. But in most cases, no one will look for a mistake, so if you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll have to forget about the money you spent. Every tenant should know that recalculation is not only possible, it is required to be done, if, of course, there are grounds for this.

If the services were not provided in full

A familiar situation: with the onset of cold weather, the management company is in no hurry to turn on the heating, and then for a long time the pipes are maintained only in a slightly warm state. At the same time, bills arrive with the full amount of payment for heat. Why should the tenant additionally turn on the heater and then pay for 100% of the provided service? In this case, it is possible to recalculate utility bills.

Evidence base

Of course, you first need to prove that the service was not really provided to the extent that it should have been. In this case, it is necessary to find documents, concluded agreements, which indicate regulatory parameters. Now we place thermometers around the apartment and invite a specialist from the management company. He must not only sympathize, but draw up a protocol. Take photos and attach them to your application. Now you can safely go to the Energy Center. They must recalculate utility bills within a month, that is, the next receipt will come with the correct amount.

Water underheating

In principle, the procedure is similar here. First of all, you need to call a locksmith from the management company. He will conduct an inspection and draw up a protocol in which he will indicate the water temperature, compliance/non-compliance with the standard, as well as the probable cause of this phenomenon. Recalculation of utility bills will be done on the basis of this protocol and your application, so it is very important to correctly collect the evidence base. Try to remember exactly when you noticed that services were not being provided in full. The company will have to provide an official response in which it will describe the reason, and also undertake to transfer the overpayment to the current or next month.

Number of registered residents

Tariff rates for electricity and water are often based on this data. If the tenants have left your apartment a long time ago (the children have left their parents), and bills continue to arrive at the same rates, collect the documents and go to the company’s office. The manager will help you draw up an application for recalculation of utility bills, attach documents from the address table to it, and the next month you will receive data on the revision of payments for the entire specified period. Very often people do not know about this and do not report to public utilities about the registration/discharge of family members.


Changes are possible either in the direction of decreasing or increasing the cost. The Law on Recalculation of Utility Payments clearly describes all cases in which you can return an overpaid amount or, conversely, pay off your debt:

  • If no one lives in the apartment for some time. In this case, it is important that the absence is documented.
  • If the family income is less than the subsistence level. In this case, the payment cannot be more than 6% of this amount.
  • If the services were performed late or were of poor quality. In addition to air and water temperature, this can include garbage that was not removed on time. Basically, any service you are unhappy with is a reason to contact the person who provides it. This is normal practice.

Recalculation of utility bills for 2017 is carried out according to the following items: garbage removal and water supply, sewerage and gas supply, water heating. Any basis must be supported by documents, otherwise no one will take the application into account.

Norms and standards

For each type of service there are indicators:

  • For example, the norm is accepted if hot water during the day has a temperature of at least 60 degrees. From midnight to 05:00 this figure drops to 30 degrees. This is the norm if the consumer has no complaints about color, smell, or hardness.
  • Electricity supply is considered to be of high quality if the supplier complies with established standards. If an electrical appliance requiring 220 W operates at half power, then it is necessary to check its serviceability and also measure the voltage in the network.
  • Gas supply is assessed based on the chemical composition of the mixture.
  • Heating is assessed by the air temperature in the apartment. In living rooms it should be at least +18-20 degrees, and in the bathroom - up to +25 degrees.

Don't forget your rights. Even the most minor deviation from the norms allows you to require reconciliation.

Break in the provision of services

From time to time, accidents and preventative repairs occur, during which electricity or water are turned off. Of course, most often this is a necessary measure, but residents are not obliged to pay for services that they did not receive; there were even good reasons for this. If utility companies in this case claim the opposite, then you can file a claim for recalculation of utility bills. But you need to understand what is considered a break:

  • No gas for more than 4 hours.
  • No power for more than 2 hours.
  • No heating if the temperature in the apartment drops to +8.
  • Stopping cold or hot water supply for more than 8 hours per month or more than 4 hours at a time.

Recalculation of utility bills in the absence of tenants

A very popular topic. If you have been away for a long time, then, of course, you want to save on utility bills. According to current legislation, if a consumer has been absent for more than five days, he has the right to a recalculation, with the exception of heating and gas supply services. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to prove this; it is enough to simply provide a document confirming the duration of absence and the reason. Utility workers will accept any paper that can confirm your absence.

If you are going on a business trip, you will need to copy your travel document. When returning from vacation, provide a hotel bill or a passport with border crossing stamps. The fact of residence at the dacha can be confirmed by a certificate from the administration of the gardening partnership. The fact of treatment or study - with relevant documents from the institution. In general, a person is free to go anywhere, even without a final destination. To confirm your absence from home, in this case you will need to provide travel tickets and a certificate from a security organization stating that the housing was empty and was under surveillance.

Collecting documents

You can obtain a sample application for recalculation of utility bills at the office of the company you are contacting. But below we will look at the main points that need to be noted. So, you must collect certificates, protocols and expert opinions, signatures of neighbors, and provide all this to confirm your right to recalculate payments. All papers can be submitted as certified copies. Moreover, the utility worker himself can certify them if he is shown the original.

Employees tend to take a long time to consider an application for recalculation of utility bills. In fact, both review and withdrawal of the final amount take no more than five working days. In this case, the amount will simply be adjusted on the next payment receipt and you will not have to go back several times. If this does not happen, then the person has the right to demand written justification.

I would like to note once again that recalculation of utility bills in the temporary absence of residents is provided for any services except heating. If you have water and electricity meters, then there will be no consumption, and only gas is subject to recalculation. Housing payments, such as cleaning the entrance, will also remain unchanged.

Features of the procedure

If the apartment has individual meters installed, then you don’t have to worry too much. You will still pay exactly what you spent. If you are determined to apply for a recalculation of utility bills if you are temporarily absent from the apartment, then notify the management company in advance. Ideally, on the day of departure, an employee of the management company will come and turn off the water and gas, so that there are no unnecessary questions later.

Unfortunately, no one does this. Therefore, upon arrival, you can request a recalculation of housing and communal services, for which you have a whole month. Applications and related documents are submitted directly to the management company, after which they will be reviewed, and the tenant will be notified of the decision made.

Recalculation for the period of serving the sentence

If the tenant is temporarily absent, this does not change his rights and obligations under the contract. A person’s stay in places of deprivation of liberty is the same temporary absence. The tenant is still obliged to pay for the maintenance and ongoing repairs of the residential premises, which does not apply to utilities. If he does not pay for more than 6 months, the company can recover it through legal action. If a person has not returned within six months, then he can apply for recalculation later, but it will only be made for a period of six months. At the same time, bills for heating and single living expenses will remain the same, since the fact of being in prison does not eliminate the need to maintain the premises.

How to submit your request: sample

The application for recalculation of utility bills is drawn up in free form. As a standard, the cap indicates the recipient, that is, the head of the institution. In addition, here you need to enter your details and contact phone number. Below is the heading “Statement”, and then you begin to state the essence of your problem:

  • “I ask you to recalculate the payment for hot water supply, cold water supply, sewerage, heating for......, in connection with.....”. Application on... sheets.

You must respond in writing within 10 days.

Statement of claim for recalculation

Utility payments should be revised, but in some cases service providers do not want to waste time on recalculations and refuse to consider applications. In this case, you have every right to sue. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to collect evidence. That is, you must have copies of all documents handed over to public utilities. In addition, you will need to write an application.

Provide information about yourself, full name, ownership of this apartment and on what basis it came into existence. Then, in any form, describe the situation: what date you received the receipt, why you were not satisfied with the amount, how you contacted the utility service and did not receive an answer. You can refer to the law, from clause 1 of Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the amount of payment is set according to the indicators of the devices, as well as per hundred. 32, which talks about consumer protection. Below, indicate your request to oblige the defendant to recalculate for the use of utility services, excluding the illegally accrued amount of payment for utility bills.

Instead of a conclusion

Quite often in our lives we come across such a problem as incorrect calculation of utility bills. This may be a one-time error or regular calculation of an erroneous amount, due to an incorrect choice of tariff or for other reasons. But the law of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of recalculating payments if the owner of the apartment has good reason to believe that the utility company made an error in the calculations. Today we reviewed the main cases in which such a procedure can be performed.

If you are sure that receipts each time come with an erroneously calculated amount, and utility services do not want to pay attention to this, then collect the necessary papers, including the letters that you wrote asking to review the payment, and go to court. Today this is normal world practice: if the problem cannot be resolved in another way, then the citizen has the right to seek protection in court. Despite the apparent complexity, this procedure does not take much time. All you need to do is write a statement and attend the meeting on the appointed day or send your representative.

11:34 07.02.2017

Without a certificate of lack of technical ability to install IPU, recalculation for temporary absence will not be made

From January 2017, recalculation for temporary absence will be made only for consumers in residential premises in which the installation of individual water meters is impossible for technical reasons. This change to the existing recalculation procedure was made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 1498 “On issues of providing utilities and maintaining common property in an apartment building.”

Recalculation for temporary absence from residential premises can be used by consumers who are absent from home for more than five calendar days in a row and whose apartments are not equipped with individual water meters. Recalculation is made for hot, cold water and sewerage, as well as gas. Previously, in order for consumers to receive a recalculation for temporary absence, it was enough to confirm the very fact of absence from the residential premises with the help of documents (“personalized” travel documents, travel certificate, certificate of being treated in a stationary medical institution or at a sanatorium-resort treatment, etc. .d.), then now it is necessary to submit a report stating that it is not technically possible to install an individual water meter in a residential area.

If the residential premises are not equipped with an individual water meter and the lack of technical ability to install it is not confirmed by an act, recalculation for temporary absence is possible only for the gas supply service.

An act on the lack of technical feasibility of installing a water IPU is drawn up and signed by the management organization based on an inspection of the residential premises. The form of the act and the criteria for the lack of technical feasibility of installing an IPU are approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 N 627.

It is not technically possible to install a metering device if the survey reveals the presence of at least one criterion:

Installation of IPU is impossible without reconstruction, major repairs of existing in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment) and (or) without the creation of new in-house engineering systems (in-apartment equipment);

When installing an IPU, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the mandatory metrological and technical requirements for a metering device of the corresponding type, including the place and procedure for its installation, presented in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements and on technical regulation;

In the place where it is necessary to install the IPU, it is impossible to ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements for the operating conditions of the metering device, which are necessary for its proper functioning, including due to the technical condition and (or) operating mode of in-house engineering systems (in-house equipment), temperature mode, humidity, electromagnetic interference, flooding of premises, and (or) it is impossible to provide access to take meter readings, service it, and replace it.

The design characteristics of the MKD have vertical distribution of intra-house heating engineering systems.

The actual procedure for receiving recalculation for temporary absence has not changed. Upon return, the consumer must contact the district Public Services Center, write a statement, submit a report stating that it is not technically possible to install the IPU and documents confirming the temporary absence.

We remind you that in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency,” consumers were required to install individual metering devices in residential premises before July 1, 2013.


on the procedure for recalculation for temporary absence, in connection with the entry into force of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2016 No. 1498

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2016 No. 1498 “On issues of providing utilities and maintaining common property in an apartment building” amended the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 regarding recalculation for temporary absence.

In accordance with clause 92 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354, recalculation for the temporary absence of the owner is made on the basis of the submission:

1. Consumer Statements.

2. An inspection report to determine the lack of technical feasibility of installing individual or general metering devices in a residential area. An act on the lack of technical feasibility of installing an IPU for water (hereinafter referred to as the act) is drawn up and signed by the management organization based on an inspection of the residential premises in accordance with the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2011 No. 627.

3. Documents confirming the temporary absence of the consumer. Documents, with the exception of travel tickets, must be signed by an authorized person of the organization that issued them, and according to changes, certified by the seal of the organization (if there is a seal).

If the residential premises are not equipped with an individual or general metering device and the lack of technical ability to install it is not confirmed, recalculation for water consumption services is not made.

The recalculation procedure for the “gas supply” service remained the same (regardless of the submission of a report on the lack of technical feasibility of installing a water IPU).

In order to avoid mass appeals of the population to management organizations for an inspection report on the residential premises of the State Budgetary Institution “MFC of the City of Moscow”, the following procedure is recommended:

1. The management organization submits to the district public services center an address list of apartment buildings in which there is no technical possibility of installing an IPU for water in residential premises (with a list of apartments attached).

2. When a consumer from an apartment building listed on the list contacts, specialists from the District Public Services Center send a request to the management organization to submit a Certificate of the lack of technical feasibility of installing a water pump at a specific address, indicating the apartment.

In this case, the application and documents confirming the temporary absence from the consumer are accepted, recalculation is made after receiving the act from the management organization.

To carry out a correct and timely recalculation for temporary absence, a report on the impossibility of installing an IPU must be submitted to the District Public Services Center as soon as possible.

3. In order to inform the population about changes in the procedure for recalculation for temporary absence, relevant announcements should be placed on the stands of the MKD:

At the stands of apartment buildings where it is possible to install an IPU: an announcement about the need to request an act from the management organization and independently submit it to the MFC of the region;

At MKD stands without the technical ability to install an IPU: an announcement about sending information about the impossibility of installing an IPU directly from the management organization to the district MFC without the participation of the consumer.

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