How to lay blocks on the foundation of the first row. How to lay blocks: practical recommendations (video). Installation of jumpers and armored belts

Aerated concrete is a synthetically created building material. It is made as a result of temperature effects on all constituent components. The main advantages of this material are ease of production, low weight, strength, thermal insulation. However, despite all its advantages, many unskilled workers do not like to work with it. But professionals are happy to use aerated concrete blocks. There are some features of laying such blocks.

Tool selection

In order for the laying of aerated concrete to be correct and durable, one cannot do without the use of special tools. To prepare a concrete solution you will need - an industrial mixer, a mixing container. In order to apply the mixture, you will need - several trowels of different sizes. To fit aerated concrete blocks together - a special hammer and measuring level. If it is planned to process an aerated concrete block, then it would be nice to stock up on such tools as a marking ruler, sawing, grouting, equipment for forming grooves, nozzles for a drill, drill, brush.

Masonry methods

Preparation of mortar for masonry.

To date, there are two methods for laying aerated concrete products with your own hands, this is the laying of aerated concrete blocks on a cement mortar and on an adhesive mixture. But, despite the chosen laying method, the first row must be laid on a cement mortar. The dosage of the components should be such that the resulting masonry mixture does not spread, because otherwise the block will not lend itself to fixation. If the construction is of a large volume, then it is much more convenient to mix the solution not with your own hands, but with the help of a concrete mixer.

Adhesive solution

In order for the resulting solution to have a uniform texture, it is better to use equipment operating at low speeds for mixing. To mix glue from five kilograms of dry mixture, a liter of water is drawn into the vessel. Dry glue is slowly poured into the vessel and immediately whipped. Let it brew for ten minutes, and then beat thoroughly again. The adhesive solution can be considered ready when it becomes similar in consistency to thick sour cream. If the glue has dried and hardened, it is forbidden to dilute it with a new mixture or water.

Cement-sand mixture

A similar solution can be used in order to perform block laying. It is made by mixing all the ingredients and a special binder component. Such compositions are distinguished by ease of preparation and reliability of use.

The formulation of such mixtures may vary somewhat, depending on the required task. If it is necessary to obtain a more plastic mixture, then clay is added to the composition. Such a mixture during operation does not crumble and does not crumble, allowing you to carefully and easily lay the building material. The use of special plasticizing components in the cement mixture for aerated concrete allows high-quality installation of facade walls. Such a mixture is very economical, gives good insulation properties, easy to use and lay. Thanks to its advantages, many workers still work more often with such a mixture, and not with glue.

What to choose?

The use of glue is a rational, profitable and correct decision.

When performing construction work, specialists are interested not only in how to lay aerated concrete, but also in what mixture to choose. After all, both the first and second options have a lot of advantages. It should be noted that the thermal conductivity of both mixtures is much higher than that of blocks. From this it is obvious that the thermal insulation of the entire building depends on the width of the seam. If you use a cement mixture, then the width of the seam will be approximately about 9 millimeters. In the case of glue, the width of the seams does not exceed 3 millimeters.

Given that the price of glue is higher, it can initially be assumed that when it is used, the cost of installation work will also increase significantly. But, taking into account its minimum consumption, in reality, the costs increase quite a bit, and the building comes out much warmer. But if you use a cheaper cement mixture, it becomes clear that much more is needed and the cost of installation will inevitably increase. From this comparison, it becomes clear that the use of glue when laying on blocks is a more rational solution, profitable and correct.

Laying technology

Before starting installation work with your own hands, you need to unpack the blocks and place them next to the laying of the row. When performing construction work on installation, it is better to use a special adhesive mixture. In the case of such a choice, you will be protected from the formation of cold winds in the masonry. It is not recommended to use a cement mixture, because, despite its cheapness, the consumption is much higher, and the seams look sloppy and too wide. Also, such a choice worsens the thermal insulation of the future home.

Before you start masonry installation of blocks, it is worth putting special beacons. They are installed in the adjoining areas, along the entire perimeter of the facade. They are necessary for leveling, in order to fix with their help a special wire that controls the evenness of walls and partitions. Secure the wire with galvanized nails. Also, we must not forget that the laying instructions are an important element of any construction operations.


For cooking, you need to prepare a special container and an industrial mixer. To knead the mixture, use a special dry composition and warm water. Beating is continued until the mixture becomes homogeneous in consistency. You need to work it out for 20 minutes, because of this, small doses are kneaded. During the operation of the adhesive, it must be constantly kneaded so that it loses uniformity.

If the construction takes place at low temperatures, then it is necessary to use a special type of masonry mixture. It contains special components that prevent freezing, which makes it possible to maintain its characteristics even at low temperatures.


Wall laying is carried out only after the complete marking of building products. Marking is carried out along the axes of all surfaces of the future facade. After that, the material is taken, delivered to the installation site and distributed along the selected axes. When performing the dressing procedure, an incomplete material is used, which will be located at the corners.

It follows from this that you first need to cut the products. This is not difficult to do, because cutting is done with a saw or a hacksaw. In order for all structures to be evenly cut, it is worth using a special ruler when marking. It is also necessary to pre-prepare those materials that will be reinforced in the future.

First, those blocks are prepared that are necessary for laying the first row, after which the grooves of the rods for reinforcement are made during the installation of the facade.

Laying and reinforcement

The process of installing walls and partitions of the future building is not complicated, but it is important to do everything right. Only then will the whole process go quickly, and the structure will be of high quality. First, building material and a special mixture for work are prepared. To complete the first row, you must complete the reinforcement procedure. After that, glue is applied to the surface and distributed with a special comb. The thickness of the seam should not exceed 4 millimeters.

Installation of masonry should be done with dressing, each product must be shifted by a distance equal to half of one structure. If you do not perform dressing, then this will negatively affect the properties of the walls. The protruding mixture from the thickness of the seams cannot be overwritten, it can only be carefully removed with a trowel. For evenness of the masonry, a special cord is used. The evenness of the work done is determined using the building level and a special ruler.

With the correct installation of the walls with your own hands, the issue of waterproofing cannot be ignored. For its implementation, a special grid is used. Be sure to fix the waterproofing mesh on the walls in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact with the foundation. After the erection of partitions, they cannot be left defenseless. It is worth immediately performing facade and insulation operations. In the case when it is not possible to do this right away, then they try to cover the row with a special polyethylene mesh until it is possible to finish everything. Reinforcement is planned even in preparation for construction. This is a mandatory operation in case the wall is too long or there will be increased pressure on the box.

Under this procedure, all jumpers are subject, the length of which is more than 90 centimeters. As well as all the lower seams of the openings. This operation can be applied using two technologies - using metal rods or using a special mesh. During installation, special grooves are cut in the blocks, where the rods are laid and glue is poured. This is followed by laying the next row.

The mesh during the construction of the building is required to increase the strength of the facade and prevent cracks in the walls. The metal mesh is laid with an interval of 3 rows of aerated concrete blocks. The most commonly used materials for reinforcement are:

  • galvanized mesh;
  • mesh made of basalt;
  • fiberglass mesh.

Modern buildings are created using building blocks. But depending on the type of such material, the masonry technique will also depend. And at each stage, you need to know how to put the blocks correctly.

Let's consider each building moment separately. But first you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • building blocks;
  • adhesive or cement mortar;
  • construction drill with a mixing nozzle;
  • grater;
  • building level;
  • spatulas.

To work with the foundation, the following steps must be observed.

First of all, it is necessary to measure right angles on the foundation cushion using the building level, after which reinforcing bars are driven in. After that, guides are stretched between them. The foundation blocks themselves have a significant mass, so manual laying is quite difficult and it is better to use a crane.

All work is carried out according to a pre-designed project. If you act according to the plan, then the walls, and the house itself, will be even. From strong distortions, the building itself can collapse.

Concrete blocks under the foundation should be laid in the same way as others, only a different mixture is used. For this part of the building, solid blocks with special openings for communications or U-shaped are used.

Masonry is carried out on a cement-sand mortar. In its manufacture, a proportion of 1: 4 is observed. After installation, all seams must be sealed.

In the case of using masonry as a foundation, one should not forget about waterproofing, which is laid immediately after the second row. Next, soil is poured from the outside.

For an ordinary building, two rows of masonry are enough, but if a basement is planned, then 2 more rows of blocks of 0.6 m each are added.

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For which blocks is the adhesive solution intended?

If foam concrete or aerated concrete blocks are used in construction, then in this case it is permissible to use special glue.

There are the following types of adhesive mixtures:

  1. Standard. Designed for expanded clay concrete, foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks.
  2. Resistant to low temperatures. If construction takes place in winter, then an ordinary solution will freeze and crack. And this brand of glue has non-freezing components that are resistant to sub-zero temperatures.
  3. Heat-saving. The finished adhesive solution has a certain consistency, which, by creating a seam, limits the area of ​​its freezing.

The price range is affected not only by the purpose of the glue, but also by the brand of the manufacturer. Domestic analogues are always an order of magnitude cheaper than foreign ones. And yet they are not always inferior in quality.

The instructions for preparing such a solution are quite simple: water is mixed with a dry mixture and brought to a homogeneous mass with a mixer.

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It should also be noted that the technique of laying blocks largely depends on the material of manufacture.

When laying foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks, a pillow is prepared in advance along the guides. Glue is used to fix them.

Before laying the first row, you need to take care of waterproofing. The blocks are laid out first in the corners, after that those intended for the walls. In this way, the evenness of the corners is maintained. You should know that only the inner walls are lined with waterproofing, the outer ones are not touched.

Some models of foam blocks have special grooves, due to which additional fixation occurs. The adhesive solution is applied from the top and sides, with a layer of 5 mm. This is done so that the seams are not blown.

To control the evenness of the masonry, it is necessary to use the building level. If irregularities and roughness are found, they can be removed with a grater.

To control the evenness of the wall, you must adhere to the guides.

Expanded clay blocks can also be used for the construction of external and internal walls. Their masonry is quite easy to carry out, since their weight is not significant in comparison with concrete counterparts. But for their adhesion, a specially designed glue is used.

In general, the technique of laying building blocks is similar to laying ordinary bricks. And it does not cause any particular difficulties even for a beginner.

Today, relatively inexpensive and reliable materials are increasingly used for construction, such as blocks from which walls and interior partitions are laid out. Laying walls in this case is very simple, it does not require heavy construction equipment or complex technologies.

- This is an artificial material that has numerous advantages:

  • light weight compared to many other materials used for construction;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties, that is, the need for additional expensive insulation is completely absent;
  • ease of installation, laying such blocks is much easier than using wood or concrete, and this reduces the time to build a house while maintaining its quality.

Block Characteristics

Before moving on to the features of using building blocks for laying a wall, it is necessary to determine exactly what they are. Today, many of their varieties are used, but, as a rule, these are expanded clay, gas silicate or foam concrete rectangular blocks of certain sizes. Such products are manufactured using a technology that ensures their strength and reliability, heat and sound insulation excellent characteristics.

The most commonly used gas silicate blocks are a material that contains quartz sand, Portland cement, lime and plain water. Such blocks are processed under pressure of ten to twelve bar, they are exposed to steam with a temperature of 190 degrees. All this guarantees high density, excellent performance properties.

Masonry options

We lay down blocks using one of two methods:

  • laying can be done using ordinary cement mortar (the proportion should be one to four for cement and cleaned sand);
  • using special glue.

What masonry is more profitable to use? There is no definite answer, but the use of an adhesive solution allows you to make warmer and better walls, since the thickness of the seam here is much less than when using cement. But there are also disadvantages here:

  • glue is more expensive than cement mortar;
  • laying the first row from the foundation is necessary only with a cement-based mortar.

The use of cement mortars is less expensive, but the layer thickness is not 1-3 mm, as for glue, but 6-10 mm. It is this large thickness that creates the so-called "cold bridges", that is, when finishing the wall surface from blocks, an additional insulating layer is required.

Wall laying technology

Building walls is not as difficult as it might seem, but it always requires a foundation. Before starting work, it is necessary to cover the concrete surface with a waterproofing layer, for example, with plastic wrap or roofing material. Such material must be laid in several layers, after which a solution of cement and purified sand is applied to it, the ratio of ingredients for which should be one to four, respectively.

So, but before that, the lower part of each block should be slightly moistened so that the block itself does not absorb water much. Without this, the mortar used for blocks very quickly loses its fastening properties, that is, the masonry itself turns out to be of poor quality.

Start work from the highest angle, which is easy to determine using the building level. All blocks must be aligned horizontally, the surface must be perfectly flat. This can be adjusted using cement mortar or glue, which allows you to lay the blocks evenly and efficiently. The solution for this is laid in a layer of different thicknesses.

When laying, often the last block in a row does not fit in size, for this it is necessary to cut it with a hacksaw.

Building expanded clay blocks and others are very easy to process, they can be cut, drilled.


  • when performing masonry, it is necessary to reinforce every fourth row of blocks with metal reinforcement. To do this, it is necessary to perform a strobing of the surface of a number of blocks, a rod with a diameter of up to 8 mm is placed in the resulting hole, which is poured with cement mortar;
  • when laying the reinforcement, it is necessary to ensure that the rod is completely immersed in the strobe, does not protrude above its surface.

Applying a layer of plaster

After the laying of the blocks is completed, it is necessary to completely clean the surface of dust, construction debris, mortar residues, smudges. After that, the wall must be carefully primed, for which special mixtures are used that have the property of deep penetration. This helps to prepare the surface of the block wall for further plastering. The third stage is the installation of fiberglass reinforcement mesh, which should have a number of advantages such as high density, tensile strength, tear.

Only after that it is possible to start plastering the surface of the blocks, which is carried out using special beacons. In this capacity, you can use the usual guide strips, which are exposed on the surface of the wall. After that, the space between them is simply filled with a solution.

Surface plastering is carried out in several layers or in one, but you need to pay attention to the thickness. If only one layer is applied, then its thickness should be at least 15 mm. If there are several layers, then their thickness will be from 8 to 9 mm. It is necessary to level the solution with a rail, removing all excess. After the plaster has dried, the surface is grouted.


  • when applying several layers of plaster to the surface of the blocks, each should be thoroughly dried before proceeding to the next;
  • surface plastering must be carried out at an air temperature of five to thirty degrees Celsius, in which case the work will be performed efficiently.

Facade finishing

After the masonry is completed, the wall surface requires finishing work, which is not much different for walls made of other materials. Such walls are characterized by high thermal insulation properties, excellent noise protection, but their surface requires additional decorative finishing for both internal and external sides. The most common option is plastering, but this method is good for the facade, inside the house it is best to use finishing materials such as ceramic tiles, plastic or wooden lining, and so on.

Textured plaster can be applied to the masonry or ordinary wallpaper can be glued - it all depends on the wishes of the owner of the house. The technology of such finishing works is no different from other building materials, unless it is required to arrange an additional layer of insulation or carry out serious work to level the wall (you only need to apply a layer of putty).

Today, laying blocks in the construction of external, internal walls and interior partitions is more profitable than using other materials. Gas silicate, foam concrete, not only very easy to install, but also have numerous positive properties, including heat-insulating, soundproofing. The masonry technology is simple, the blocks themselves are easy to stack, due to their size and shape, and relatively low weight. Finishing work for walls made of blocks does not differ in any serious features, except that it is not necessary to carry out complex work on leveling, insulating the wall.

Cinder block is one of the most affordable building materials. It is famous not only for its cheapness, but also for the fact that this material can be made independently. In this case, you can save even more.

If you build from blocks with your own hands, then the costs will be minimal. Moreover, it is quite easy to do. It does not matter what type of building is planned - a house, an outbuilding, a bathhouse, a garage. If you learn how to properly lay cinder blocks and approach this process responsibly, then the future building can stand for more than a dozen years.

Types of masonry

There are several types of cinder block:

  • hollow;
  • full-bodied;
  • half block;
  • decorative.

Decorative cinder block is used to increase the moisture resistance of the outer side of the wall

Usually, a hollow block is used for walls. In this case, the load on the foundation will be less. The weight of one hollow block can reach 23 kg, and a full-bodied block - 28 kg. Therefore, the latter is not used in the construction of walls. A solid block is used in the construction of the foundation (but not in the case of building a building from cinder blocks), in the construction of basement floors, load-bearing structures and columns.

There are also several types of masonry:

  • in one stone;
  • one and a half stones;
  • in the floor of a stone (spoon method);
  • into two stones.

The choice of method should be based on the type of future construction. But it must be remembered that the thicker the wall, the warmer the building will be. If you plan to build a small outbuilding, for example, a barn, then in this case you can apply the half-stone method. For this, semi-blocks are just right.

Mortar for laying cinder blocks

The masonry mortar has different proportions. Usually, they proceed from what type of building is planned to be erected. You can buy a ready-made dry solution in the store, in which all that remains is to add water and stir. But in this case, the price of masonry increases.

Therefore, more often the solution is prepared independently. The simplest and most standard mortar for laying cinder block is prepared in the following proportions:

  • 3 parts sand;
  • 1 part dry cement;
  • water.

It should be noted that water must be added so that the solution is viscous and does not spread much when laying the cinder block. Also plasticizer can be added to the solution. It increases frost resistance, reduces porosity and increases the density of the solution.

After adding the plasticizer, the solution will have the following properties:

  • stickiness;
  • plastic;
  • homogeneity;
  • frost resistance;
  • self-sealing;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance.

Instead of a purchased plasticizer, home craftsmen use, for example, cheap shampoo. But such experiments are the personal risk of the developer.

When preparing the solution, it is also necessary to take into account the weight of the future structure. The solution must withstand all loads. It is necessary to knead the mixture in a concrete mixer, which will ensure greater uniformity and quality of the solution.

Foundation for laying cinder blocks

You need to know how to lay the block on the foundation. After all, this is the very beginning of the work.

Usually the foundation for a cinder block building is made monolithic. In the end, it should turn out like this so that the foundation rises above the ground by about 0.7 meters.

The thickness of the foundation should be equal to the thickness of one cinder block or slightly more. Before laying the cinder block the foundation must be waterproofed from the wall, after which you can proceed to the masonry process. But you need to understand that the base must be even for the successful laying of the first row of blocks, otherwise the entire construction process will be spent in vain.

Required Tools

For proper laying you need to have the following tools:

  • construction trowel;
  • building level;
  • row alignment cord. You can use a regular clothesline or fishing line;
  • a hammer;
  • plumb;
  • order;
  • masonry template;
  • circular saw or hacksaw.

Laying cinder blocks with your own hands, step by step instructions

In principle, the process of laying blocks is similar to bricklaying, with the exception that the block is larger than the brick in size, so the laying is several times faster.

The laying of the first row of cinder blocks must be taken especially seriously, since it sets the evenness of the entire wall.

How to place blocksindependently, step by step instructions:

  • the mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer;
  • the solution is placed on the foundation, while the thickness of the solution should not exceed 1.5 cm, otherwise the thermal insulation of the masonry will be broken;
  • the mixture is leveled and, along a pre-stretched cord, a cinder block is laid;
  • align the cinder block according to the level, tapping the back of the trowel into the required place of the cinder block;
  • immediately remove excess mortar from the cracks, which squeezed out under the weight of the cinder block;
  • when laying the next row, the floor of the block is laid in the corners. To get it, you can cut a whole cinder block in half with a grinder or a hacksaw.

After the row is laid, it must be carefully leveled again using a cord and a building level. Subsequent rows are laid in exactly the same way as the first.

It can be seen that the process of laying blocks is practically the same as masonry foam blocks, which can also be done by hand. The masonry is the same due to the fact that both materials have almost the same dimensions.

Wall reinforcement

In order to increase the strength of the walls, distribute the load and reduce the risk of cracking, reinforcement is used.

The following materials can be used for reinforcement:

  • reinforcing mesh (armoset) for masonry. Usually this is a grid, with a cell of 50 × 50 mm. She is placed between the rows;
  • reinforcement or reinforcing cage.

Be sure to reinforce the first row of masonry. Every fourth row of the wall is also reinforced. In addition, it is mandatory to reinforce door and window openings.

Template for laying cinder blocks

Professionals usually lay the cinder block without any fixtures. But if the laying is done by a beginner, you must have a template for laying cinder blocks on hand, which you can do with your own hands. Such a template can be made from improvised means, for example, from wooden boards.

The size of the template is calculated based on the size of the cinder block. After all, the dimensions of one cinder block can vary, especially if the material was made at home. The height of the template should be 1-1.5 cm, based on the thickness of the seam.

Price category

The construction site is a place of increased danger. Therefore, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and work with gloves and a helmet.

Before laying walls from cinder blocks, you need to find out the price for the work. Builders usually charge 20 rubles for laying one cinder block. Based on this, you can find out how much the construction of the necessary building will cost, knowing its size. Of course, it is better to lay cinder blocks on your own, and you can save a lot. In this case, the cost will be only for the material itself.

Price for 1 piece of cinder block:

To determine how much material will be spent on construction, you need to know the dimensions of the future building, as well as the dimensions of the cinder block itself, which are 390x190x188 mm. It can be seen that the dimensions are quite large, so the construction speed increases significantly compared to conventional bricks.

The evenness of the masonry along the cord and the building level should be checked as often as possible in order to avoid curvature of the walls and rows in the future.

If the walls are not planned to be finished with anything in the future, then the seams between the rows should have an attractive appearance. To do this, you can use a small rounded stick, which you need press the seams a little after each laid row, while the mortar has not yet hardened.

When marking blocks use colored crayons. They are best seen on cinder blocks, compared to, for example, a regular pencil.

To increase plasticity you can add a little detergent to the solution.

It is necessary to knead exactly as much solution as will be used up at a time. Otherwise, unused mortar may harden and be unsuitable for construction.

It is desirable to plaster the outer walls, because cinder block is afraid of moisture. In this case, the plaster will protect the material. But since the plaster is poorly applied to the cinder block and may fall off over time, it is necessary to use a reinforced mesh. Internal walls can be sheathed with drywall.


If you know how to properly lay cinder blocks with your own hands, you can save a lot in the construction process. After all, the services of professional builders are not cheap, and doing masonry with your own hands is not difficult.

If you approach the masonry process responsibly, you can avoid many problems in the future. And the building can stand for up to a hundred years if the correct construction technology is followed.

You can see how to earn time on laying walls from cinder blocks with your own hands in the video:

If you are building a new house, then you definitely want it to be reliable and solid as a result. At the moment, the most common building materials from which masonry is being built are gas blocks. It can be gas silicate or foam concrete, as well as a ceramic block. Today we will tell about the main nuances of working with them.

Important points to pay attention to when starting construction

Important nuances during construction are the following:

  1. Marking the corners of the wall box (perimeter).
  2. Laying blocks and raising walls.
  3. Work with door and window openings (arrangement of jumpers).
  4. The device of a monolithic (reinforced) belt.
  5. Interior partitions.
  6. Marking the perimeter of the wall box.

With what composition can masonry be carried out

The laying of gas blocks can be carried out using:

  • cement mortar;
  • or "profile" glue for gas blocks.

If you intend to work with cement mortar, you need to consider one important point. In this case, the formation of so-called cold bridges cannot be avoided. That is, additional heat loss through interblock seams. But the advantage of this particular option is to increase the strength of the entire structure.

When a special glue is used in the work, then you need to leave an “air strip” between the layers - this will allow you to perform additional thermal insulation of the walls.

Where does laying begin?

First, you should set the block in a horizontal plane using a rubber mallet. The most responsible process can be called the setting of four supporting corner blocks. This operation requires both skill and attention. It should be noted that half the success depends on how these four blocks are installed. Including evenness of future wall structures.

Subsequently, the thread should be pulled between the support blocks. And along this thread, lay the blocks in a row with the help of an adhesive solution, carefully lubricating them with each other. It may be necessary to cut blocks. For these purposes, you should use a special hacksaw with victorious tips.

This similar tool can be with two types of tips:

  • "through the tooth";
  • for every tooth.

The difference in price in this case can be about fifteen percent. But the saw "for each tooth" is much more convenient to use. And besides, the quality of cutting with such a tool will be higher.

Block stacking order

The size of a standard wall block is 600×300×200. Therefore, the length of the building level should be no more than 80 cm. To check the horizontal plane of the block, it is necessary to put the level in two positions along its diagonal. Alignment of the wall is carried out along a stretched thread.

To obtain a building mixture, the glue is diluted with plain water. Stir with a mixer until it resembles sour cream in consistency. To apply the adhesive, use a 15 cm notched trowel. The solution is applied in the form of two strips along the edge of the block. So that in the center there is a narrow strip without glue. The air gap between the blocks will improve the thermal performance of the wall. Because the most “narrow” place through which heat loss occurs is precisely the glue seams.

If you use this particular method of application, then the block should be leveled. It's much more convenient.

The gas silicate block perfectly absorbs moisture. Therefore, before applying the glue, it is desirable to moisten the blocks with water. Otherwise, if the glue is applied to a dry block, it will dry immediately. As a result, this will not have the best effect on the strength of the entire structure. Since dry glue will not provide the required strength.

The nuances of leveling blocks in masonry and installing waterproofing

Initially, the block should be aligned in a horizontal plane. After that, with several blows to the butt, the block is pressed against the block preceding in the row. It should be noted that the blocks crumble quite easily. So don't use too much force when hitting.

In the process of laying blocks, starting from the second row, it is necessary to make a dressing. That is, each next row should be shifted by 15-20 cm relative to the previous one. Be sure to check the presence of dressing where the joints of the bearing walls are.

As for the roofing material, it is necessary for the entire first row. It is important that the roofing material protrudes 15-10 cm from under the block to the outside. Between the sheets of such a substrate, an overlap of about 10 cm should also be made.

Masonry in places of window and door openings

The bottom of the window openings is at a height of 100 cm (level of the fourth row). Subsequently, the height of the window will be 80-85 cm. This change will occur due to the screed and insulation on the floor. The end of the window openings will be at the level of the tenth-eleventh row. It depends on the height of the ceiling. According to existing aesthetic standards, the distance from the ceiling to the opening should not be more than 35 cm.

Doorways should end at the level of the 9th row. That is, at a height of 2.25 m. After pouring the subfloors and laying the insulation, the height of the openings will be 2.10-2.15 m. Jumpers must be laid above the openings. This can be done in two ways. The simplest is the installation of a factory reinforced concrete lintel.

Which opening jumper is better

However, the specific features of such a design should also be taken into account. So, reinforced concrete has a fairly high thermal conductivity. Because of this, in the cold season, such a structure will freeze through. With all the ensuing consequences. Moreover, sometimes it is problematic to purchase a finished product that is ideal for specific sizes. In addition, the cost of the factory jumper includes additional transportation costs.

The best option is to make a jumper on your own. This method can be considered less labor-intensive compared to the previous one. You should start by installing spacers for the future product. Spacers can be nailed to the block using regular nails (150 or 120). It will also be necessary to strengthen the monolithic jumper from below. And you need to keep it for at least a month.

The procedure for making a jumper

Strictly maintaining the level of the previous row of blocks, it is necessary to set the guides. Next, you should prepare a fixed formwork for the future structure. These will be blocks with hollows cut out on them. The overall dimensions of these hollows are as follows:

  • width 20 cm;
  • height - 15 cm.

To prevent the block from “sliding out” of the monolithic jumper, cutting out, you need to form a small extension to the base of the block. When the tray blocks are ready, they should be installed on spacers, smearing the joints with glue as always. To prevent the formation of chips and cracks in the wall, as well as to prevent the lintel from sagging, you should ensure that the tray block enters the load-bearing wall by at least 20 cm.

When the tray is ready, concrete is poured into it (M200 or higher). The ratio of cement-sand-crushed stone will be 1:1.5:3. At the end of the process, reinforcement must be laid in concrete (2 or 3 pieces, cross section - 10-12 mm). This should be done as close to the base of the block as possible. Since it is in this place that the load on the gap is maximum.

After that, the finished jumper must be kept for about a month. However, the laying of blocks can be continued. Naturally, it is impossible to load jumpers with floor slabs.

Masonry and reinforcing monolithic belt

After the last row of blocks is laid, it is necessary to pour a monolithic reinforced concrete belt. Based on the minimum block thickness allowed by SNiP, which is 400-500 mm, the belt must have dimensions of at least 200 × 150 mm. Of course, the belt is not filled to the full width of the block.

Be sure to equip the thermal insulation of the belt. To do this, one of the two most acceptable methods is used:

  1. As a heat insulator, you can use the gas silicate block itself;
  2. Use styrofoam for thermal insulation.

The high practicality of the first method should be taken into account. Since the foam is less durable than gas silicate. In addition, the thermal insulation of the blocks does not require the installation of formwork. Since the blocks themselves are fixed formwork.

Gas silicate thermal insulation is done like this. The blocks are cut in such a way that two types of pieces are obtained - 15 × 15 and 5 × 15 cm (belt height - 150 mm). The stacking of the resulting pieces is done as follows:

  • the larger one is laid from the side of the street;
  • the smaller one is from the side of the room.

As a result, a hollow 200 × 150 mm in size is formed between the blocks. It should be left for 2-3 days for the glue to dry. This is necessary so that the blocks do not burst during the pouring of concrete. Such fixed formwork is built on all load-bearing walls without exception.

After the glue has dried, it is necessary to start laying the reinforcement around the perimeter of the belt. Two rows of reinforcement with a diameter of 8-12 mm will be quite enough. It is important to carry out all work very quickly, no more than one day, in order to avoid concrete hardening. Otherwise, cracks may appear at the joints.

Subsequently, floor slabs are laid on this belt. That is, the overlap of the floor is carried out. Similarly, a monolithic belt is performed under the roof.

As for intra-house partitions, as a rule, blocks with a thickness of 100-200 mm are used for their manufacture. The choice of block thickness depends both on the purpose of the premises and on the desired sound and heat insulation performance.

For partitions, there is no need to fill in a monolithic belt. However, they must be tied up with load-bearing walls. Basically, reinforcement is used for this in pieces 20-25 cm long. Which is driven into a load-bearing wall for half of its length. The place of entry of the reinforcement into the block is planned. After all, in the future this place will be docked with a bearing wall.

In order to prevent the block from splitting, a hole is drilled in it slightly larger than the length of the reinforcement. And all joints are coated with glue in advance.

Be sure to use dressing between rows. To perform the dressing of partitions and ceilings, building foam is often used. Foaming must be done along the entire width of the wall, passing first one side, and then the other. When the foam dries, its excess can be removed with a regular clerical knife. Since the foam has weak compression and fracture characteristics, the gap between the ceiling and the block should not be more than 1-2 cm.

The method of laying partition walls is similar to the method of laying blocks in load-bearing structures. At the same time, it should be noted that the load-bearing partition is necessarily made of wall blocks, since such a design will be subject to the load of the floor slabs.

Remember that by following the above technologies and rules, you will be reliably insured against those mistakes that are widespread among inexperienced homebuilders who are trying to do any work without the appropriate knowledge.