How to glue wallpaper on an arch. How to paste over an arch with wallpaper: the choice of wallpaper, technology, design. Decorative plaster - time-tested

If your house has an arched opening, then it certainly immediately attracts the attention of guests. However, when carrying out cosmetic repairs, the arch can become a significant difficulty, because not everyone knows how to paste over the wallpaper in order to get a really decent result.

Finishing options

Arched structures create a special style in the interior, which changes depending on the decoration. , plaster, acrylic mirrors and wallpaper.

The last option is distinguished not only by the lowest price, but also by the ability to create a truly original interior. In addition, this finish can be changed very often.

Despite the fact that pasting the arch with wallpaper seems to be a fairly simple procedure, certain rules should be followed when performing it in order for the final result to meet all your expectations.

Wallpaper selection

The choice of wallpaper should be taken seriously, since the arched shape makes it impossible to match the pattern on the front and side sides. Therefore, in the event that you want, then they should be chosen monochromatic or with a small or abstract pattern applied, which does not require combination.

Advice! The choice of wallpaper will be greatly simplified if the inner surface of the opening is pasted over with color-compatible wallpaper or if it is opened with paint. In this case, any pattern can be on the main wall, but it is better to make the inner surface monochromatic.

Today, companion wallpapers are very popular, which have a common background, but a different pattern. It is the ideal solution for finishing arched openings.

For example, you paste over the outer wall with patterned wallpaper, and trim the opening itself with striped or plain wallpaper. Thus, stylish contrasts are created.

It is also possible to use photomurals for the arch. But in some cases, the price of such a repair is very high, since the wallpaper has to be made to order, taking into account the size of a particular arch.

Also, attention should be paid to the quality of the selected wallpaper. If the opening between the rooms is in the form of an arch, then this zone is always subjected to a rather heavy load.

The coating must necessarily be washable and resistant to mechanical stress, since it will be corny to burst, and therefore it is necessary to periodically wash the walls in this area.

For this reason, paper wallpapers will not be the best solution here. It is much better to choose vinyl, non-woven, bamboo or glass wallpaper, which can be wiped clean from time to time using a mild soapy solution and a sponge.

Preparation for work

Before gluing the wallpaper on the arch, you need to prepare some tools that will be useful to you in your work, namely:

  • Wallpaper glue.
  • Pencil and ruler.
  • Scissors.
  • Brush.
  • Wallpaper.

Work begins with the preparation of glue. It must be prepared thicker than for wallpapering the walls. This is done in order to ensure that it dries more slowly and so that the glue does not set in droplets.

Also, a thicker consistency will allow the wallpaper strip to move freely along the wall, achieving a complete coincidence of the pattern, if required.

Getting started gluing

Now let's look at how to properly wallpaper the arch with our own hands.

A simple instruction will help you with this:

  1. First, you should calculate the stacking of sheets in such a way that the last whole sheet in front of the arch is at a distance of 20-25 cm from the arched opening.
  2. Glue the next canvas... In no case, do not cut the canvas to fit the shape of the opening in advance. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to calculate everything accurately. Plus it will take a long time.
  3. Taking sharp scissors, cut off the part of the canvas that extends beyond the opening, but not along the contour, but retreating about 2.5 cm.
  4. Along this indent, at a distance of every 3 cm, make cuts located perpendicular to the opening line... The resulting tongues must be wrapped inward and glued to the inside of the arch.

  1. In the same way, we paste over the top and the second side of the arch.(three sheets will be enough for a standard arched opening).
  2. Now you need to measure the depth of the arched opening (the width of the inner side) and the length of the arch itself from one bottom point to another.
  3. According to these dimensions, cut a strip of the required length, but at the same time its width must be made a few millimeters less.

Note! In the event that the arch is very long, it is more convenient to paste over its inner surface with two strips of wallpaper, converging at the top point.

An arched doorway in any apartment attracts the attention of guests. Therefore, it is better that it looks appropriate and does not stand out from the overall interior. In this article, we will look at how to properly paste over the wallpaper and give tips that will help you do everything quickly and efficiently.

What wallpaper to choose

The choice of wallpaper for the arch should be taken very seriously, since due to the shape, the joining of the pattern on the front and side sides will be difficult or even impossible. Therefore, the best option would be to choose a plain wallpaper or with a small abstract pattern. You can also use companion wallpaper. They have a common background, but their drawing is different. For example, wallpaper with patterns can be glued to the outer wall, and the arch can be striped or monochromatic. Thanks to this, the arched opening will harmoniously look with the overall design of the room.

It is not forbidden to glue photowall-paper as well. But in this case, the repair will be quite expensive, since they will have to be ordered taking into account the area of ​​the arch. It will also be quite difficult to glue over the arch with photo wallpaper. But in return you will receive excellent quality and unique design of your apartment.

When shopping, the main thing is not to forget about quality. The arch is a rather difficult area for wallpapering, so the material should be good. It is desirable that they can be washed and are resistant to mechanical stress. According to these criteria, paper wallpapers will not be the best choice. Although it will be less difficult to paste over the arch with them than with thicker wallpaper. An excellent option would be vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. They can be washed from time to time to avoid unnecessary contamination.

Tools for the job

Before gluing, you will first need to prepare the necessary tools. You will need:

  • pencil and ruler for marking;
  • a construction knife or scissors to cut the rolls;
  • special glue for wallpaper;
  • brush, roller or spatula;
  • dry rags to wipe the adhesive off the face of the wallpaper if necessary.

The first step is to prepare the glue. It needs to be made thicker, compared to the consistency when gluing wallpaper straight to the wall. This is done so that it does not dry out so quickly and does not take the form of drops.

Pasting wallpaper on the arch

Surface preparation

In order for the arch to be pasted over correctly, you must first prepare the surface. For this, leveling or decorative corners are used. The first ones are installed under plaster and fastened with self-tapping screws or with glue. And decorative corners, in turn, are placed after finishing the arch.

Before gluing, you will need to clean the arch from dust and cover it with basic plaster. Until the plaster has dried, it will be necessary to fix the corner, having previously coated its inner side with glue. If steel decor is used, it is installed on self-tapping screws, since it has much more weight. After the surface is treated with a second layer of putty. When the solution is dry, you can continue.

Pasting the opening

To paste over an arch in an apartment, you will need 2-3 strips for a standard size. Pasting starts from the window. The number of sheets should be calculated so that an unpapered space of 25 centimeters remains in front of the arch. Next, you need to treat the area and a piece of wallpaper with glue, let them soak for about 15 minutes. Do not forget that you do not need to cut the opening from the wallpaper right away, as you risk not guessing the size and simply ruining the wallpaper.

Next, you need to glue the canvas and cut out the outline of the arch from it with a decrease of about 2.5 centimeters. The edges will also need to be trimmed according to the angle of the surface in three centimeters increments and fixed to the inside. To ensure better fastening, the arch will need to be coated with glue. Using your fingers, try to form the edges and even out any shifts if they form. We glue the other side in the same way and leave the opening to dry.

If you have glued paper wallpapers, they may wrinkle after drying. Do not be upset, this is quite normal and over time they will smooth out. Do not forget that non-woven wallpaper must not be rubbed, so gently roll it for better fixing. To avoid mistakes when pasting the arch, watch a special video:

How to paste over the arch of the arch

The last step is to glue the arch. To do this, you first need to glue the inner surface and the wallpaper itself. We are waiting for 10-15 minutes so that it has time to soak. Next, you will need to carefully fix the canvas at the bottom and hold it to the end. If the length of the wallpaper is long, it is better to cut it into two parts and paste over the arch in several stages. The joint should be in the central part of the vault. For skirting boards, the coating will need to be glued to the floor, after which the excess is cut off using a construction knife.

This completes the work. After the glue has dried, you can continue to decorate the arch to your liking. If something went wrong the first time, the process can be repeated. Before starting work, we recommend watching a training video that will help you understand in more detail how to properly glue the wallpaper on the arch:

As you can see, it is not so difficult to paste over the arch with your own hands. The main thing in work is to carefully follow all instructions and rules.

In the modern interior, a separate niche is occupied by arches. They are becoming an increasingly popular way to play with a doorway. To decorate the finished arch in completely different ways and materials, but the most budgetary and, at the same time, beautiful in the end result, is pasting the opening with wallpaper. It is possible to paste over the arch with wallpaper, but this is a rather complicated process. But, if you approach the matter with all seriousness and follow the algorithm for carrying out the work, you can get a positive result and carry out repairs in the apartment with your own hands.

The choice of covering for the arch

Wallpaper for an arch must be strong and capable of withstanding constant stress and abrasion, since the arch often takes on mechanical stress, and its edges often crumble due to the material used. The following types of wallpaper are suitable:

  1. Paper of any kind: structural, smooth, photowall-paper, embossed and others. They are strong enough, but at the same time lightweight, which gives a chance to securely fix them on the vault, without worrying about the fact that the coating will fall off.
  2. Washable. This coating is distinguished by its practicality, which is very important for finishing the arch, since any dirt can always be removed. This type of wallpaper has a huge assortment of colors and patterns, so you can choose the right option. Wallpaper joints can be pasted over with decorative corners that adhere best to this coating.
  3. Double layers, such as textiles, bamboo or vinyl. The wallpaper is distinguished by its durability and beauty, which is very important for the arch. But you need to be careful with pasting bamboo wallpaper in the apartment, since the general style must be maintained.
  4. The liquid wallpaper. Very convenient material for the arch in terms of imposition, since it has the qualities of decorative plaster, it is applied and smeared over the surface. The coating has not much in common with the usual wallpaper. Joints and inconsistencies in such material simply cannot be. It is very convenient that a damaged piece of wallpaper can be easily removed and replaced with a new one. Their main drawback is quick abrasion.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the wallpaper is in harmony and combined with each other. So, the coating applied to the arch is very difficult to match the pattern with the wall coating, therefore it is recommended to use plain wallpaper or companion wallpaper with a small pattern for finishing the arches, which is not so striking, having a common background.

We glue the arch with our own hands

In order not to be distracted by accompanying work in the process of wallpapering, you need to prepare an arched opening and the necessary tools in advance. You will need:

  • Measuring tools such as square, tape measure.
  • Pencil or felt-tip pen
  • Sharp scissors
  • Specialized reliable adhesive
  • Leveling and decorative corners
  • Spatula, soft bristled brush and soft cloth.

Preparing the opening

In order to further avoid problems with peeling wallpaper and sprinkling of the edges of the arch, it is necessary to carefully prepare the arch. For these purposes, the construction market offers leveling corners that are installed on the roof and fixed with self-tapping screws or adhesive.

Before attaching the corner, the surface of the arch is cleaned of dust and dirt and carefully plastered. If a plastic corner is used, then it is covered with glue and fixed in the opening.

Important! Before fixing the plastic corner, you do not need to wait for the plaster to dry completely.

A metal corner requires fixing with self-tapping screws, since it is quite heavy in weight, and the glue may not withstand it.

It is not necessary to tighten the screws too much, they should be at the level of the corner itself, otherwise waves may appear, which only a decent layer of plaster will help to remove. After the work done, the corner is covered with a finishing compound, left to dry completely and smoothed with sandpaper so that the grip is better. From above, the prepared opening is covered with linseed oil.

Pasting the opening

Ordinary wallpaper glue may not support the weight of a strip of wallpaper, so it is better to prepare the composition in a 2: 1 ratio, that is, 2 parts of wallpaper glue and 1 PVA. After the glue has swollen, it is mixed and gluing begins.

They begin to glue the room from the window in such a way that the last piece to the opening does not reach 25 cm. This area and the wallpaper strip are smeared with glue and left to soak for 15 minutes.

Important! The opening is by no means cut out right away to avoid misalignment in size.

Wallpaper is glued to the wall and cut out the outline of the arch, slightly reducing it. The edges are fixed on the inside. For added reliability, the edges are covered with glue on top. Use your fingers to align the wallpaper and form the correct edges. The second side is decorated in the same way, but only after pasting the wall area above the door.

We paste over the arch

To begin with, a strip of wallpaper necessary for the width of the arch is cut, approximately 5 mm less than the actual size. The algorithm of actions at this stage is as follows:

1. Smearing the inner side of the arch and wallpaper strip with glue for impregnation and leaving them for 10 minutes.

2. A strip of wallpaper is fixed on one side from the bottom and glued higher along the vault, the ending falls on the other side from the bottom.

Important! It is best to divide the strip into 2 parts to avoid beveling and glue first one side, then the other, connecting them in the middle.

Processing with a decorative corner

It is better to choose a corner of a color that will contrast with the tone of the wallpaper. Pasting an arch with a decorative corner is a simple procedure, but it requires concentration. For gluing, it is best to use PVA or other reliable glue that is suitable for plastic and will not corrode it. The decor is smeared with glue, pressed against the opening, and then glued with masking tape so that the adhesive composition grabs. After the structure is dry, this tape can be easily removed without harming the wall covered with wallpaper.

". After all, renovation is a complex emotional undertaking, which many "stretch" over several years. Recently, more and more families are inserting an arch into doorways. This makes the room look more modern and the interior more spacious. How to paste over an arch with wallpaper in a house or apartment? Let us examine such an important question "bit by bit".


Arched structures are homemade and "factory". At the same time, it is pointless to list their advantages and disadvantages, since each individual owner of a living space chooses an arch according to his wishes and capabilities.

Decorate a similar design element with:

  • paints;
  • wallpaper;
  • plaster;
  • other finishing materials (tiles, stone, etc.).

For example, a structure pasted over with wallpaper or overlaid with mirror tiles will best "fit" into a classic design. An arch decorated with plaster or wood-like finishing material will look most appropriate in the "loft".

And the Art Nouveau style will complement the arched element, painted with paint or decorated with wallpaper with a geometric print.

It is better to start gluing wallpaper from the side of the window... If there is no such opening in the room or it is located far away, then the finishing materials are glued to the arch from left to right.

What finishing materials to choose to glue into the apartment?

In hardware stores, there are several types of moisture-resistant and non-moisture-resistant wallpaper materials:

  1. paper;
  2. vinyl (?);
  3. non-woven (?);
  4. textile;
  5. liquid (and care for them?);
  6. exclusive (metallized, cork, etc.).

To choose the right wallpaper for the arch, do not pay attention only to the price of such rolls. After all, the color, texture and technical characteristics of the finishing material are more important (read how to distinguish different types of wall coverings and determine which is better).

  • The first landmark is color and texture... Wallpaper canvases for an arched structure must completely match in shade and pattern with previously pasted materials. The texture of the new coatings must also match the texture of the old ones.

    If you do not fit the arch into the existing interior, and the goal is to make an independent design element out of it, then it is better to choose materials that differ noticeably in color and texture from the previously pasted canvases.

  • The second reference point is the "ability" of the wallpaper to resist moisture... If the arch is next to a bathroom or kitchen, then this characteristic is very useful.
  • Last, but not least, is durability.... If an arched structure is pasted over with canvases, which is subjected to physical stress, then it is better to choose more "strong" finishing materials.

Tools for the job

In order for the selected building and finishing materials to beautifully frame the arched structure, you need to choose them thoughtfully, but also use the right tool when gluing.

To work with paper, vinyl, textile and exclusive canvases, you need:

  1. wallpaper glue for gluing a specific type of material (how to cook, use, read where to store the paste);
  2. several brushes of different sizes;
  3. roller for (about why bubbles appear and how to glue wallpaper without swollen areas, read);
  4. scissors;
  5. pencil;
  6. tape measure or long ruler.

If the arched structure will be decorated with liquid wallpaper, then you will need:

  • spatulas made from different materials;
  • trowels;
  • rollers.

In advance, you will have to worry about the "container" in which the silk plaster will be diluted.

Instructions for beginners: how to properly finish an arched structure?

The arched structure is most often made of drywall., but there are wooden models on sale.

But since wood products usually do not require additional design, we will take plasterboard design elements as a basis.

Why putty drywall under the wallpaper and how to do it with our own hands, we told in.

This is done not so much for aesthetics as for leveling the walls, preparing a good "base" for further work.

In addition, if the arch will be pasted over with dense, poorly shaped canvases, then it is recommended to paint the corners of the structure with paint in advance, the tone of which completely coincides with the color of the main material. This will help hide minor "flaws" in the pasting, and make the picture more complete.

How to paste correctly:

  1. the first wallpaper sheet measured along the length is glued next to the material previously glued to the wall - end-to-end or overlapping (?);
  2. the second canvas, cut along the arch with a margin of 5-10 cm, is glued next to the first;
  3. the third and subsequent strips of wallpaper are glued in the same way.

It is difficult to give the desired shape to newly glued building and finishing materials, because the canvases soaked in glue tear when interacting with scissors. That's why first, the glue is allowed to dry, and only then the excess is cut off from the wallpaper.

Then the surplus is cut off from each wallpaper sheet, but a stock of 2-3 centimeters remains. This allowance along the entire length is notched with short, vertical lines, which are separated by a distance of 4-5 cm.

This is done so that any wallpaper sheets can be easily glued to the inside of the arch.

The next stage is the design of the inner part of the arched structure.... For this:

  1. a strip is cut from the wallpaper along the width of the structure;
  2. the material is glued onto the design element.

This strip can be cut into two parts, then docked at the highest part of the arch.


If the corners are pre-painted with paint, then you can cut the wallpaper fragment exactly to the size of the structure, without any stock.

There are several important rules that help to quickly and beautifully decorate the arch, even for those who first started gluing.

  • Rule # 1: Avoid paper canvases.

    Paper wallpaper is the cheapest option for finishing materials. But behind the low price, which is logical, low quality is hidden.

    It is difficult to work with such a building and finishing material, because it does not stick to the "bare" drywall. And several times to paste over the surface, first with white paper or newspapers, and then with paper strips is not particularly rational.

    It is worth decorating the arched structure in the doorway with paper wallpaper if all adjacent walls are pasted over with the same coating.

  • Rule # 2: don't choose a complex wallpaper pattern.
  • Rule number 3: glue the inside of the arched opening with companion materials.

    In this case, everything is simple: the brighter and more original the print on the canvas, which are glued to the walls, the calmer the so-called interior wallpaper should be. This will help to visually add depth to the arched structure, create a beautiful color transition.

    As companion wallpaper, coverings are usually used, the shade of which is in the same color spectrum with the main wallpaper.

  • Rule # 4: distribute tasks among all family members.

    In order for such a difficult business, connected with the design of an arched opening, to end peacefully, you need to immediately, still “on the shore”, to distribute responsibilities. For example, who glues, who cuts the roll, who removes excess glue, etc.

    If each of the relatives is responsible only for their own scope of work, then things will go faster, and the family atmosphere will remain positive.

An arch installed in a house or apartment transforms the interior, making it more noble and stylish. However, so that this feeling does not disappear immediately after pasting the structure, all recommendations must be taken into account.

In contact with

Arch finishing is the final stage that will emphasize all the beauty of the structure. It should be noted that this particular work is the most important when it comes to the decorative component. Don't worry - you can do everything completely yourself. The main thing is to show the necessary perseverance and desire. Of course, you cannot do without some experience and the availability of the necessary tools, which are selected depending on the chosen finishing option.

Making an arch in an apartment is a process that is carried out after the main work has been completed. The fact is that such structures are made from various materials, using various technologies. The resulting architectural element serves to decorate the entire interior, giving it some individuality. We must not forget that the cladding can play not only a decorative role, but also a protective function.

Here are some tips to help you achieve the desired effect:

  1. The easiest way to decorate an arch in an apartment with your own hands is to highlight the arched opening with the desired color. Often, shades are selected that will contrast with the walls. Thus, it is possible to obtain a complete structure with a minimum of effort. This method can be used for other materials as well.
  2. Decorating material can be matched to existing colors. For example, if interior arches are lined with MDF panels, then it is desirable to combine them with closely spaced door leaves.
  3. You can decorate the structure using various embossing, patterned ribbons that correspond to the general direction of the design.
  4. Nowadays, stucco molding is becoming more and more popular. Indeed, this is a great option that allows you to emphasize the interior, decorated in a classic style.
  5. The mosaic looks quite peculiar. Its use requires experience in installation. But if everything is done flawlessly, then the effect will be amazing.

Decorating the arch with mosaics is an unusual solution that deserves attention

Selection and use of materials

How can you decorate an arch? Currently, there are many materials that do an excellent job with this task. We can highlight the most popular ones that deserve special attention:

  • Natural and artificial stone. It should be borne in mind that the first type requires more professionalism.
  • Cork. Completely natural and environmentally friendly product. Price can be a significant disadvantage.
  • Decorative plaster. This option allows you to finish surfaces in such a way that the impression of a natural stone will be added.
  • Various types of tiles. They are similar in technology to stone, but give the interior a completely different look.
  • Textile. This material requires a special approach to exclude banality and simplicity.

Of course, there are much more products for decorating arches. With a certain desire, completely unusual options can be used. So, for example, the structure looks quite original, which is lined with fitted saw cuts of logs. Technologically, this solution is very simple. The workpieces are cut to the desired size. On the one hand, a cut is made, which will serve as a groove for the edge of the opening. Such blocks are inserted into place, fixing on self-tapping screws.

Wallpaper - simple and affordable

Indeed, this is one of the easiest ways to complete the entire process in a short time. The main thing is that the costs will be minimal.

Wallpapering is the easiest and most inexpensive way to decorate an arched opening

The whole process is very simple:

  1. If required, the surface is leveled before the wallpaper is pasted over the arch.

    On a note! Before finishing the drywall arch, a layer of putty is applied to its surface. This is necessary so that in case of a desire to update the finish, the wallpaper does not have to be removed along with the cardboard.

  2. After waiting for the applied composition to dry, the glue is prepared. It is kneaded according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. The wallpaper is cut into strips of the desired length. The sticker carries out strictly vertically, capturing part of the opening. You should get a bend equal to 3-4 cm.
  4. To bend the allowance, but avoid creases, cut the edge into corners.
  5. Now the most painstaking part of the work - you need to cut a strip that will be glued to the arcuate surface. This must be done so that the existing drawing matches. This area is smoothed from top to bottom. That is, gluing is performed at the highest point, after which the fragment goes down to the bottom.

Although there are some negative factors to consider:

  • It is necessary to decorate, taking into account the fact that such material is very short-lived. After some time, the surface may acquire a yellowish tint. The feeling of novelty will disappear.
  • The use of wallpaper is limited by the location of the opening. They are not recommended for use on structures located in the kitchen area. Even washable types won't save the day.
  • Lack of protective functions. Such a coating is very easy to damage, moreover, from minimal mechanical stress.

Of course, this cannot be said that this method allows you to decorate the arch. But, undoubtedly, it is suitable for many situations that require the work to be done most simply and inexpensively.

Stucco molding - effective and graceful

To get a spectacular arch that attracts the eye, use polyurethane stucco molding. This is a modern version of the product, which was previously made exclusively from plaster. It is actively used to frame various designs.

Decorating the arch with polyurethane stucco molding - an affordable solution with a stunning effect

This option has its own characteristics. The fact is that the finishing material is more suitable for classic interiors. If you use a polyurethane arch in a modern style, then such details may seem completely inappropriate.

Installation is carried out using the following technology:

  1. The surfaces are leveled. All areas are well cleaned.
  2. All dust is erased. If you leave such flaws, then the gluing will be unreliable.
  3. The treated surface should dry well. This period is used to carry out the pegging. You may need to trim parts.

    On a note! For trimming at an angle of 45 degrees, a miter box is used. It is important to correctly position the elements to avoid the appearance of docking gaps.

  4. Now you can start gluing. For this, a special composition is used, which is marked: "suitable for gluing polyurethane products." This substance is applied to the wrong side of the part, which is pressed against the surface and held. If joining is performed, then the glue is spread on one side. It is important to remove the excess immediately. Seams are treated with putty and sanded.

  5. When finishing the arch with polyurethane, it must be borne in mind that all work must be done with special care. Any defects will be very difficult to fix.

    Decorative plaster - time-tested

    Arched openings can also be decorated with decorative plaster. This method has its positive aspects. This is one of the few options that allows you to get an extremely personalized surface that will be distinguished by its durability.

    Some disadvantages cannot be ruled out. Thus, the coating is very difficult to restore if damaged. If the result of the work is a relief surface, then it must be constantly looked after.

    On a note! It is very easy to arrange an arch in an apartment with your own hands if you use special decorative mixtures. They have a long setting time, which allows you to form the necessary texture so as to achieve the desired result.

    The order of work is as follows:

  • Decorating arches begins with preparing the right amount of mixture. Further, it is transferred to a prepared, well-primed surface. It is important to consider that each layer must have a certain thickness. Their number depends on the chosen decorative type.
  • To form the relief much faster, special rollers are used.
  • The resulting relief is left to dry. Then they are covered with a primer.

The finished area can now be painted. To obtain an interesting effect, two shades of paint are applied to the surface. One is filling in the depressions, the other - the ledges.

Stone - reliable and distinctive

A stone is a great solution that will help you create your own flavor in the interior. It is important to consider that it is better to give preference to artificial options. They are much easier to process and do not require professional knowledge. A material that follows the curves of the structure looks best. In this case, an arc.

Decorating an arched opening with decorative stone is a stylish solution for modern interiors

Actions are performed in the following order:

  1. Decorating the arch with your own hands begins with the preparation of the coating. It is important to exclude any drops and defects.
  2. A laying diagram is drawn up. Marking is performed on the surface. Nearby, on the floor, material is laid out. This technology will allow you to immediately adjust some elements, distribute them more correctly, and avoid mistakes.
  3. The stone is laid on glue or a special mixture. The technology allows you to create wide joints or do everything without seams.
  4. If trimming is performed, the trimmed edges must be processed.

The same technology is used when the question arises of how to decorate an arch in an apartment with tiles. But it should be borne in mind that this material requires adherence to a certain sequence. If the stone can be laid "randomly", then the tile is distinct.

Plastic - modern and affordable

Plastic is pretty easy to work with. It is important to understand that not all panels can be bent to the desired angle. Many, especially cheap ones, break down quickly. It is much easier to revet an arched opening with plastic panels when it has an angular vault.

The following manipulations are performed:

  • Careful surface preparation can be excluded. It is important to understand that often, panels are used to form an entire opening. That is, they act as the main and decorative structural elements.
  • A wooden crate is created. It will act as the foundation around which everything else is built. The slats are laid perpendicular to the panels.
  • An arched dome is formed by dividing it into sectors. Often, the division occurs into three parts: top, two extreme fragments.
  • The panels are fixed on staples, which are hammered with a stapler along the edges. All joints and transitions hide decorative corners.

Self-plating of the arch with plastic will not cause any particular difficulties

How to decorate such a surface additionally? To do this, you can use various decorative elements that will be in harmony with the plastic.

On a note! It is not difficult to revet the arch with your own hands with plastic. The main thing is to choose not the cheapest materials.

Cork - sustainable and stylish

This is a fairly popular destination, which is limited only by the fact that this option can be very expensive. This state of affairs is explained by the fact that cork is a completely natural material.

Cork finishing will create warmth and comfort and will not harm your health

For work, it is advisable to use roll options. They are great for doing all the work yourself. It is important to bear in mind that before you decorate the arch, located next to the kitchen, with cork material, it must be waxed. This will prevent damage to the coating.

Of course, finishing the arches in an apartment with a cork is an excellent solution, but you need to remember that the overall interior design must be adhered to.

It must be borne in mind that all finishing work must be carried out in strict observance of the existing rules. Then such an architectural element will become a real decoration.

Finishing options for arched openings (20 photos)