How to glue ceiling wallpaper for painting. Types, cost and photo of ceiling wallpaper for painting. Benefits of using ceiling wallpaper

Today, non-woven ceiling wallpaper for painting is recognized as one of the most practical and attractive ways to decorate ceilings. The variety of stylistic, textured and color options gives the widest freedom of action, allowing you to decorate the interior in an original and zesty way.

Types, characteristics, properties of non-woven wallpaper for painting on the ceiling

The main structural component of non-woven fabric is cellulose and textile fibers, which account for about 70% of the composition, and the remaining 30% are polymer binder additives.

During production, the components go through a pressing stage, as a result of which a nonwoven fabric is obtained that differs from ordinary paper with excellent density and phenomenal wear resistance. Non-woven wallpaper for painting is classified into certain types.

Pure non-woven

The main and only structural element in them is non-woven fabric, or rather, multidirectional textile fibers, as if welded together.

Such ceiling wallpaper, in turn, is divided into groups:

Embossed (textured)

They are characterized by an embossed pattern or corrugation, which gives the material an original ornate texture. They allow you to create an intricate ceiling decorative panel, which acts as the main accent of the entire room.

On the ceiling, the wallpaper is painted, and on the wall - imitating the texture of parquet, photo

Wallpaper for the ceiling for painting is quite an interesting solution in terms of interior design. With their help, an unusual structure is created on the ceiling, which allows you to add a "zest" to the room.

A huge selection of textures allows everyone to buy what they really like. Ceiling wallpaper for painting is used for the sake of a beautiful relief, which can even imitate tiles.

What products can be used

Ceiling paintable, photo

And painting ceilings is a rather time-consuming business, since you have to work in an uncomfortable position, with your arms raised above your head. But nevertheless, it is worth it, because the ceiling acquires a beautiful relief and can change color many times without the need for preliminary filling of the surface. This finish has other advantages as well.


  • The relatively low price of the material, because 1-2 rolls of wallpaper can be enough for a small room;
  • Although most often the wallpaper for painting is sold in white, there are other options that do not need to be painted during the initial gluing. Painting is done after a few years, when the old color gets bored, or the wallpaper simply gets dirty (burns out);

  • Huge selection of textures, allowing the coating to imitate leather, or decorative plaster;
  • A minimum of tools are required for gluing and painting;
  • Everything is done by hand without the involvement of professional specialists;
  • The height of the room does not change (in comparison with suspended structures). And by the way, the plasterboard ceiling can also be pasted over with such wallpaper, which we see in the photo below.

How to paint: thanks to the texture, the coating can be mistaken for decorative plaster

Advice! Ceiling wallpaper is distinguished by the absence of multi-color patterns and relief of the coating. Recently, they have become more popular, so they are in an affordable price range for most people.

There are many varieties, but three types are used for painting.


Paper wallpaper with leather texture, photo

Suitable for any surface - even one that has not been leveled. As a rule, paper wallpapers are two-layer, the same as duplex, but their thickness and density are higher. They are impregnated with special water-repellent compounds, therefore, even after several stains, they will not lose their water resistance.

Rough-fiber wallpaper has become a new variety. Relief is obtained not by embossing, but by placing between layers of wood shavings (woodworking waste).

Coarse or small surface texture is determined by the size of the "sawdust". They are pasted over not only the ceiling, but also the walls, as a result of which the feeling of a completely seamless, almost uniform surface is created.

They are glued very quickly - they do not have a specific pattern, so you don't have to worry about adjusting the edges:

  • Glue is applied to the strip;
  • The sheet is applied to the ceiling surface;
  • Pressed by a roller;
  • The edging is trimmed with a knife;
  • The following sheets are glued end-to-end;
  • Areas of overlap are cut with an ordinary knife;
  • The paint is applied with a special paint roller.


Small relief on non-woven coating, photo. Non-woven fabric is a fabric made of pressed fiber sections. The fiber is very dense in structure.

Foam vinyl is sprayed onto the non-woven through a stencil with a pattern, as a result of which various reliefs are obtained. At the same time, the reverse side remains completely smooth and flat.

  • Wallpaper for painting with a non-woven base has excellent masking properties: smoothing irregularities, hiding cracks on the ceiling without a trace. That is, before gluing the wallpaper for painting on the ceiling, there is no need to putty the surface.
  • During installation, the glue must be applied to the ceiling, not to the canvas, which will allow the strips to fit together extremely accurately. The non-woven base will level and strengthen the surface texture.
  • Experts recommend new homes due to their durability.
  • Overlaps in new buildings often shrink, but wallpaper on a non-woven base will not only not tear, but will also hold the crack, preventing it from going further.

The main thing is that the coating is beautiful - and the mechanical strength on the ceiling is not important. Photo

They have a serious drawback - foamed vinyl (relief) can be easily scraped off even with nails. Such wallpaper should be painted when the top layer is stronger.

Glass fiber

Formed from fiberglass threads produced from soda, lime, dolomite and quartz sand. This coating is bonded to a special paper backing during manufacture.

Glass fiber can be of different structure and density, with a beautiful ornament, relief, texture:

  • They have many valuable qualities, of which the ability to correct small irregularities and high fire safety are noted (for this, the material is treated with a special impregnation).
  • are embossed or smooth, and the interweaving of threads forms various patterns and textures.
  • Before gluing the sheets to the ceiling surface, it is recommended to cover it with a latex primer in neutral shades.
  • The canvases are fastened with a special adhesive, after which they can be painted only with water-based paints (acrylic or latex).
  • No primer is required before painting the fiberglass ceiling wallpaper. And this is the only option that can be repainted up to 7-8 times.
  • The main advantage of glass cloth wallpaper is durability and solid strength (they can withstand systematic washing of the surface with a brush).

Due to their durability and strength, they can be used not only in the living room, but also in hotels, offices and other public places.

The nuances of decorating ceilings with wallpaper

By and large, these are completely different paintable wallpaper for the ceiling, because different materials are used in their production. Accordingly, the performance characteristics of the coatings are also different.

Their common advantage is that all types can be repainted many times. Most often, such wallpaper is a white canvas with a relief, which can do without painting if you need a white ceiling.

But on sale there is also a color version of roll materials for painting: yellow, pale green, pink, blue, cream shades. In this case, before painting the wallpaper on the ceiling, it must be borne in mind that the colored background contributes to obtaining slightly different tones after painting.

On the surface of the ceiling wallpaper, both white and colored, you can make a stencil drawing.

Dimensions (edit)

The sizes of rolls almost always differ from the traditional ones upwards. Often there are sizes 25x1.06, 125x0.75, 17x0.53.

Longer lengths allow more economical use of the roll and completely eliminate scrap, while wider width helps to reduce the number of joints, making them almost invisible. Large rolls (over 100 m in length) are used in industrial buildings, offices or in dwellings with high ceilings.


Before gluing the material, you need to putty and prime the ceiling surface, since the wallpaper can hide only minor irregularities. You can watch the video about the putty and the ceiling primer in the thematic articles on our website.

The surface is usually primed with a foam roller. The composition is selected depending on the type of base: concrete, drywall or wood cladding. An indispensable tool when working with wallpaper are also a pressure roller and a brush.

Advice! It is best to do the gluing work together - three of us. The first will hold the canvas, and the second will align them along the lines and glue them.

  • The first step is to apply the glue with a thick brush to the middle of the strip;
  • Further, it is distributed on the sides so that the composition covers the entire surface;
  • We fold the canvas like an accordion so that the sides smeared with glue touch each other. The approximate pitch of the "accordion" is 30 cm;
  • Wallpaper laid in this way will be very convenient during installation;
  • You should start pasting from the edge of the wall (instructions from many manufacturers confirm this feature of pasting);
  • We hold the "accordion" with one hand, and with the other we glue and level it along the lines outlined earlier;
  • The next canvas is glued in the same way. But you need to make sure that the joint is fitted and clean.

Tip: Note that the wallpaper on the ceiling straightens out from the middle of the surface, moving towards the edges. In this case, you need to use either a special pressure roller. You also need to be careful so that bubbles do not form on the wallpaper and they do not wrinkle. To do this, after applying the canvas to the ceiling, it must be gradually smoothed out with a brush.

By and large, this is the whole simple process of installing wallpaper on the ceiling.

What to paint

After the glue has dried a little, you can start painting, if such is planned. To do this, you already need a fur roller - and, of course, the paint itself.

What type of paintwork can be applied to wallpaper? The answer is simple - all types of water-borne paints. However, they are also different.

The most inexpensive option is PVA-based paint, which everyone used to call a water-based emulsion. It gives a good white finish, but it tends to turn yellow after a couple of years. And you don't need more, since there is an opportunity to regularly update the ceiling.

In any case, this paint is suitable if the room you are finishing is not a kitchen or a bathroom. Because for these premises you need to use a newer generation of paints: silicone, latex.

At the same time, of course, the materials for pasting should not be paper, but vinyl or fiberglass. Well, how to paint the ceiling wallpaper, we think everyone is able to figure it out without further ado.

Advantages of paintable ceiling wallpaper

Structural wallpaper can be paper, non-woven, and glass wallpaper also exists.

Since different materials are used in the manufacture of all these types of wallpaper, they are completely different from each other.

They are united by only one thing - their purpose - they can all be used for painting.

Consider each of the above varieties and try to clarify their inherent advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the texture, paper wallpaper can be:

  • coarse fiber with sawdust inclusions;
  • embossed.

Rough fiber materials are an excellent choice for in-house repairs as they do not require pattern adjustments.

Their grainy texture is explained by the fact that sawdust is pressed between the two layers of paper that form them.

The absence of a pattern, which excludes the need for fitting, translates into a fairly significant savings in this material.

The strong point of embossed paper wallpapers for painting is their large width, which reduces the number of joints formed and creates the impression that the surface is uniform.

The advantages include the fact that they have several layers in their composition.

Due to this, when they are removed, in case of replacement with new ones, only a thin paper film remains on the ceiling, which may well serve as a substrate for a new finish.

Non-woven is the densest wallpaper base.

Moreover, these wallpapers do not even wrinkle.

All kinds of relief patterns on such canvases are made of foamed vinyl, they are very easily damaged, but under painting the relief becomes much more durable.

The seamy side of the wallpaper remains smooth.

The important advantages include their excellent masking qualities: they are able to smooth out irregularities and hide all kinds of cracks.

Non-woven wallpaper will not only not tear in this case, but will also be able to hold the crack, preventing it from diverging further.

The basis of this type of wallpaper is fiberglass threads, produced mainly from quartz sand and other components.

During the manufacturing process, this coating is applied to the paper base.

The result is a material with a different structure and density, with beautiful ornaments, reliefs and textures: rhombuses, cobweb, herringbone, matting and so on.

The advantages of glass wallpaper are both their decorative effect and the ability to provide correction for small flaws in the ceiling.

Their main advantage is their exceptional strength, durability and ease of maintenance: they can be washed frequently, even with a brush.

Glass fiber is easily glued, and it is extremely difficult to unhook them from the ceiling.

However, this advantage turns into a disadvantage if you want to update the ceiling and change its finish.

In addition to personal preferences and preferences, the following two parameters are decisive when choosing a wallpaper:

  1. Ceiling surface condition. When choosing a material, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from the state of the ceiling itself. Ordinary paper canvases are perfect for those ceilings, the surfaces of which are free from flaws. In the same case, when there are irregularities on the ceiling, it is desirable to use a textured material that hides the presence of defects.
  2. The type of paint used for painting. If the decision on the type of paint was made before purchasing the wallpaper itself, then it should be remembered that paper sheets are suitable only for water-dispersive types of paints, non-woven ones - for water ones, and glass wallpaper - for any.

With freshly pasted wallpaper, painting is not necessary at all.

And without it, the ceiling looks neat and attractive.

However, if this is necessary in accordance with design techniques in the interior or in order to refresh the ceiling, it should be remembered that almost any paint can be applied to paper wallpaper and fiberglass, while non-woven fabrics are compatible only with water dispersion.

Before you start painting the ceiling paintings, you need to take out all unnecessary things from the room, cover the walls with foil and do everything so that there are no drafts in the room.

When starting work, in addition to paint, you should stock up on the following:

  • brush and roller;
  • painting bath;
  • gloves;
  • stepladder.

It will be useful to arm yourself with goggles and a headgear.

In the case when the ceiling is pasted over with paper or fiberglass, the painting process does not differ in any wisdom: using a brush, paint over the corners, and then using a roller, paint is applied in parallel stripes to the rest of the surface.

Coloring must be done in two layers.

If non-woven fabrics are used for finishing, then one of the following methods is used when painting them:

  1. Before gluing, the wallpaper can be painted on the reverse side with latex paint. Thanks to this approach, only the base is painted, and the embossed pattern remains white. Naturally, the painted canvases must dry before gluing.
  2. The wallpaper is painted with highly diluted paints. Then the surface is wiped, which allows you to accentuate the texture of the wallpaper material.
  3. The paint can be applied to the ceiling itself before gluing. Thanks to this, the wallpaper base is visually toned.

Upon completion of gluing the ceiling wallpaper and painting it, the interior of the room changes dramatically.

Thus, wallpaper on the ceiling for painting is an interesting and effective design technique that allows you to bring a touch of freshness and novelty to any room.

  • Painting the ceiling with water-based paint: roller and spray gun

  • Water-based ceiling paint

  • Styrofoam ceiling panels: pros and cons

Due to a number of advantages, such a coating is gaining an increasing number of those who are ready to decorate their room in this way. Among the advantages are:

  • A variety of structures, which is shown in the photo.
  • The ability to choose the desired shade, regardless of the color of the canvas. You need to cover it with water-based paint or other paint, depending on the type of wallpaper, which will be discussed below.
  • Relatively low cost in comparison with other known materials and technologies for decorating the ceiling.
  • Using a minimum number of tools for pasting.
  • There is no need to contact professionals, you can glue such wallpaper yourself.
  • In comparison with suspended and suspended ceilings, the height does not change, which is very convenient for small rooms with low ceilings.
  • Wallpaper is a salvation for those who are not ready to carry out frequent repairs, but simply want to update the interior. You just need to repaint the ceiling and the new style is ready.
  • Paper
  • Non-woven vinyl coated
  • Glass fiber
  • Paper

    This type of finishing material can be used to decorate even an unleveled surface. They are generally thick and strong in structure. To ensure that the wallpaper does not lose its quality characteristics after painting, manufacturers impregnate them with special compounds.

    A novelty in the construction market is paper wallpaper with a coarse grain texture, which is achieved by adding wood shavings between layers. The texture can be chosen differently depending on the size of the added particles.

    Advice! If you glue not only the ceiling, but also the walls, you get a seamless design that will give a sense of the unity of the surfaces.

    This type of wallpaper can be glued on its own and very quickly. There are no problems with fitting the pattern, since it is present on the coating as a relief, which does not need to be joined to each other, which is shown in the photo.

  • The canvas is coated with glue
  • Applied to the ceiling and leveled with a roller from the center to the edges to remove excess air from the interior
  • Unnecessary pieces are trimmed
  • The next canvas is applied end-to-end to the previous one
  • Places of overlap are cut with a sharp knife.
  • Painting the wallpaper on the ceiling with a roller
  • Non-woven

    This species is very dense in structure and is made of compressed fiber segments. To obtain a relief, vinyl is applied to the surface of the wallpaper through a special stencil by spraying. At the same time, the reverse side is distinguished by its pristine smoothness. The coating is shown in the photo.

    By gluing non-woven wallpaper, you can successfully hide surface irregularities and cracks in the ceiling. Before gluing such wallpaper, you need to apply the glue mass to the ceiling itself and then apply the canvases. In this way, maximum flatness can be achieved in the arrangement of the canvases.

    As a rule, in new houses, floors are distinguished by the fact that they often shrink, forming cracks. Non-woven wallpaper on the ceiling will help prevent cracks from going further due to the strength of their structure.

    One significant disadvantage of non-woven wallpaper is that the outer vinyl layer is easily damaged and scraped off when painting, so work with water-based paint must be done very carefully.

    Glass fiber

    This type of wallpaper is made from glass fiber, which is mixed with a paper base during the production process. Glass fibers are made from soda, lime, dolomite or sand. The finished coating differs in relief, textures, density and an assortment of ornaments. Some types are shown in the photo.

    Glass fiber has a lot of advantages, including fire safety, which is achieved as a result of processing the coating with special compounds during manufacture.

    With the help of fiberglass, you can correct surface irregularities and make them less noticeable without prior leveling.

    Before gluing glass wallpaper for painting, the ceiling must be covered with a latex primer with a calm shade of a neutral spectrum. It is recommended to glue glass wallpaper only with an adhesive that is suitable for these purposes and to cover it on top only with water-dispersed paints.

    Different types of paintable wallpaper require different paint materials. So, non-woven wallpaper must be covered with matte or glossy type water-based paint. They are also perfect for paper coatings.

    To create a smooth surface on glass fiber, acrylic or latex paints are used.

    Before proceeding with the final coloring, it is necessary to allow the wallpaper to dry completely. After the canvases are extremely dry, you can paint.

    This will be a tricky step for paper coatings as they are not as strong as others, so it is possible for the paper to tear. And such a canvas can no longer be fixed, it needs to be replaced. In order to reduce the risks, you need to use soft velor or fur rollers for painting.

    Important! The pile of the roller should be of medium length so that there are no unpainted spots in the relief.

    Before applying a paint coating, those areas that should not be painted are sealed with masking tape.

    After preparation, the paint can be poured into a flask, from which it will be easy to remove it with a roller.

    A roller is carried over the paint, and then on a special surface of the cuvette, and so it is repeated several times. Paint should not drip from the roller, ready for use.

    At least two layers are applied, since the coating will shine through in one layer, and the second will completely close all the flaws.

    Important! When applied, it may seem that the layers are different in shade, but as soon as the paint dries, they will equalize in color.

    Using wallpaper without staining

    It often happens that after pasting with special wallpaper for painting, you do not want to do anything further with them, since the coating looks beautiful.

    Leave everything as it is, but it is better, nevertheless, to cover the wallpaper with several layers of paint. This will greatly improve their appearance and give completeness. In addition, the paint will hide the seams between the canvases and make it possible, having stained the coating, to clean the ceiling with a wet method.


    Wallpaper decoration of the ceiling is gaining more and more fans due to its accessibility and beauty of the final result. In addition, there will be no need to carry out large-scale work, if suddenly there is a desire to change something in the interior, you just need to change the shade of the wallpaper and that's it - the new design is ready. Wallpaper for painting on the ceiling looks amazing and gives the interior an interesting touch, thanks to the variety of textures.

    • The process of wallpapering the ceiling
      • Surface preparation
      • Wallpapering

    How to choose and stick wallpaper on the ceiling

  • Paper
  • Glass fiber
  • Glass fiber

    1. Due to the reasonable price of wallpaper for the ceiling, the repair budget is significantly saved.
    2. The process of wallpapering the ceiling is simple and quick. This does not require special knowledge, adaptations and professional help. You can do it on your own.
    3. Decorating the ceiling with wallpaper does not leave as much dust and debris in the room as other types of finishing work.
    4. Depending on the type of material chosen, the coating will last 5-30 years.
    5. You can choose an ensemble for the wall wallpaper.
    6. A large assortment of colors and textures of materials is on sale, so you can choose the coating to match the style of your interior.
    7. Ceiling wallpaper is suitable for painting. If necessary, the coating can be repainted several times.
    8. Such ceiling decoration does not reduce the height of the room, which cannot be said about suspended and stretch ceilings.

    When choosing ceiling wallpaper for painting, consider the difficulties that you may encounter during the installation process. Despite the simplicity of the work, if it is performed poorly, the result will not please you - you can see the seams at the junction of the material or the painting will lie unevenly.

    When choosing wallpaper for painting on the ceiling, please note that the following products are not intended for painting:

    1. Paper based materials when stained, they get wet and lag behind the surface (with the exception of vinyl sheets). It is the cheapest, most environmentally friendly coating that can last up to five years. Wallpaper is glued with an overlap, and the glue mixture is applied to the canvas. The coating is not resistant to external influences and moisture, therefore, it is only suitable for a children's room, bedroom or living room. They quickly pick up dust and dirt and can only be cleaned dry.
    2. Photo wallpaper is also made on the basis of paper, in addition, they are not intended for painting, because they already have a beautiful image on the surface. This coating is more expensive than conventional paper products. There are canvases with a laminated surface (matte and glossy) that can be wet cleaned.
    3. Cloth cover also not worth painting. Thanks to the special texture, the joints of the stripes are completely invisible. The material has good sound and heat insulation characteristics. Textiles quickly accumulate odors and dirt and are difficult to clean.
    4. Liquid wallpaper is suitable for uneven ceilings and hard-to-reach areas. This environmentally friendly material protects well against noise and heat loss. It is not suitable for rooms with high humidity and is not subject to wet cleaning.

    If you need wallpaper for painting on the ceiling, then pay attention to the following materials:

    • non-woven coating;
    • fiberglass;
    • vinyl products.

    The advantages of paintable wallpaper include the following:

    1. If desired, you can draw on the ceiling or create the effect of a three-dimensional image.
    2. The corrugated coating hides small irregularities in the base. And after painting, these defects generally cease to be seen.
    3. The material can withstand up to seven colors, so if necessary, you can change the color of the coating to suit the style of the interior or your mood.
    4. If defects (dirt, stains) appear, you do not need to re-glue the wallpaper. It is enough to repaint them.
    5. Suitable for rooms with wet processes (kitchen, bathroom and toilet).

    Along with pasting with ceiling panels, the most popular way of repairing the ceiling among the people is pasting the ceiling with ceiling wallpaper. The use of wallpaper for lining the ceiling is the cheapest way to repair. Although an important difference here is the fact that it is impossible to cope with wallpapering the ceiling alone, at least one assistant is needed.

    The best wallpaper for pasting the ceiling is considered to be wall-paper with volumetric embossing, most often heavy vinyl or non-woven wallpaper is used. For the ceilings of the kitchen, bathroom, it makes sense to use washable wallpaper that can withstand washing with a cheek using chemical detergents.

    The surface of the ceiling must be prepared before wallpapering: the ceiling is cleaned, cracks and defects are putty and sanded, and the ceiling must also be well primed. The thinner and smoother ceiling wallpaper you intend to use, the more thoroughly the ceiling surface is prepared.

    Embossed volumetric wallpaper with a geometric or abstract pattern is best for masking defects in the surface of the ceiling, we mentioned this earlier. Another voluminous wallpaper should be chosen if the ceiling is painted after wallpapering. Two or three layers of water-based paint can noticeably smooth out the too small ornament of the wallpaper.

    Carefully consider the choice of wallpaper glue. All modern wallpaper manufacturers indicate the type of wallpaper and the recommended type of glue. This is usually a glue for heavy-duty or vinyl wallpaper. When preparing the glue mass, it makes sense to make it somewhat thicker than the calculation norms recommend.

    Before proceeding with wallpapering, be sure to mark out the ceiling. this is a very important point in helping to stick the wallpaper strip exactly parallel to the walls.

    The glue should be applied both to the wallpaper and to the ceiling, then gently attach a piece of wallpaper to the marked line on the ceiling and carefully smooth it with a soft roller. When pasting the ceiling, air and excess glue must be removed even more carefully than when wallpapering the walls, since the overhead lighting of the chandelier will subsequently highlight even the smallest surface defects and imperfections.

    Before starting work, turn off the electricity and close the windows.

    Getting started, you need to accurately measure the length of the ceiling, along which the wallpaper panels will be glued.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that gluing is carried out exactly along the ceiling (that is, along its length), and not across.

    Then, using a clerical knife, with some margin that can be removed after sticking to the ceiling, the first strip of wallpaper is cut off.

    To get rid of the dust left on the ceiling after sanding, its surface is primed with a layer of fairly liquid glue.

    The adhesive intended for the main job must be thinned very thickly.

    Using a roller, it is applied in a thick layer along the entire length of the room to the ceiling in a strip, the width of which should slightly exceed the width of the wallpaper sheet.

    Room preparation

    Unfortunately, a cheap covering film is not suitable for these purposes. It is too thin and will inevitably break when you move the ladder. At the same time, you must remain mobile and be ready at any time to climb to the ceiling anywhere to remove the stuck insect. A protective paint film with a density of 30-40 g / m2 or higher is optimal for such conditions.

    Moldings, sockets and other elements that should not be painted are easiest to protect with masking tape. Before starting painting, all these places must be pasted over, and the edge closest to the surface to be painted is well pressed with a dry rag. Windows, doors, furniture and other interior details should be protected with plastic wrap, for these purposes you can already use the cheapest one.

    Children's. In this case, the choice is clearly in the duplex. They do not last long, but they are the safest and most environmentally friendly for your children.

    We hope that our advice will help you with your choice and make your home even more beautiful and comfortable!

    Skirting around skirting boards, joining work

    When painting the ceiling, leave intact areas 5–7 cm from walls and all kinds of parts that cannot be painted. After applying each layer, go up the ladder and brush in these areas with a brush.

    If you are using masking tape, there are only two tricks. First, the edge should be firmly pressed down so that paint does not flow under it. The second point is that when removing the adhesive tape, you need to act carefully so that the layer of paint on it does not pull the coating off the painted surface and does not form a torn edge. However, protection with adhesive tape is far from a panacea; the outlining of complex-shaped objects, for example, stucco, requires special care.

    The brush should be pressed against the surface at an angle of 30–45º so that the pile adheres tightly to the ceiling, forming a smooth edge that smoothly merges into the painted plane. In this position, the brush makes circular movements in order to circle the obstacle tangentially, without lifting the nap of the brush.

    Straight moldings that are not protected with tape are simply enough to circle under the spatula. The recommended width is about 40-50 cm, it should be set perpendicular to the ceiling and then pulled back a little so that the blade can bend, repeating the slightest irregularities.

    What wallpaper is better to choose on the ceiling

    The partner at this time should support the hanging end of the wallpaper sheet.

    The glued sheet should be carefully ironed with a soft cloth, making sure that the edge of the sheet goes along the junction with the wall.

    If wrinkles or bubbles have formed on the covering, then this part of the wallpaper strip must be peeled off and re-laid.

    After making sure that the strip is well laid, all its edges must be coated with glue, since it dries most quickly at the edges.

    The following sheets are glued in the same way as the first one.

    We must try not to leave the slightest space at the joints between the panels.

    In the place where the chandelier hangs, you need to make a neat cut with a clerical knife in order to bypass the place of suspension of this lamp.

    The ends of the wallpaper sheets, which turned out to be superfluous, must be carefully trimmed in the corner.

    • If the surface is well prepared, if the ceiling is flat enough and high-quality glue is used, you can not think about this nuance.
    • In addition, the denser the wallpaper, the more irregularities in the surface they will hide. And there is an invaluable advantage in this.

    Wallpaper selection

    Now let's take a look at the features of choosing each type of wallpaper. To do this, we will analyze the premises according to the main types.

    The choice of wallpaper for the living room means in the hall, in the bedroom, in the living room, in the utility room - in the kitchen, corridor, bathroom. The type of wallpaper directly depends on the type of room. For example, a kitchen or a bathroom is a room with a fairly high level of humidity. In the kitchen, due to the temperature difference and the absence of a hood, condensation can easily collect, which can then turn into mold damage to the walls.

    That is why it is best to take dense vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base. The lower the paper content, the better in such cases. Plus, vinyl wallpaper is easy to clean. This is another important point for gluing in the kitchen.

    Very often, various vapors leave traces on the ceiling. Removing stains from paper wallpaper is a whole art. But the use of vinyl or non-woven will solve this problem simply. In case of serious contamination, it can simply be washed off with ordinary soapy water, without difficulty. Naturally, if there is no decorative dusting on the canvases.

    It is quite possible to use paper canvases in the bedroom or in the hall. Especially if the rooms are dry and warm, with flat ceilings. In addition, paper wallpapers are much lighter and cheaper. As for liquid wallpaper, their choice is universal. They can fit both in the kitchen or bathroom, and in the living room with a bedroom.

    Liquid wallpaper, in fact, is a plaster with various decorative additives. But with proper use and application, liquid wallpaper can even get rid of a fogged up mirror in the bathroom, as it allows air to pass through perfectly. Moreover, there are a lot of decorative options for liquid wallpaper. It is enough even to look at the photo catalog of manufacturers.

    Roll width

    Why is it worth paying attention at the moment? It's simple: there are several sizes of rolls. The most common indicators of width: 50, 55, 100 cm, length: 5, 10 meters. There are more, but this is more the exception than the rule.

    The width of the ceiling roll is important. The wider the roll, the more difficult it is to glue the strip. However, the surface will be more uniform and aesthetically pleasing. Although narrow wallpaper is no worse. It's just that if the surface is large enough, for example, the size of the rooms is 5 by 4 meters, it is better to use wide wallpapers.

    Adhesive selection

    Not only is the choice of the right wallpaper important, but also the choice of the mixture for installation. Glue today is not just a starch solution, which does not always take one form or another. These are professional polymer compositions that are prepared for a specific type of wallpaper. Therefore, it is important to know which wallpaper you bought in order to choose the right glue.

    For all types of wallpaper with the addition of polymer particles (vinyl, non-woven, non-woven paper, etc.), it is best to choose glue for heavy webs, even if the main composition of the wallpaper is paper. This will just prevent the canvas from sagging under its own weight.

    Ceiling preparation.

    The first thing to do is get rid of the old finish. If this is whitewash, then you just need to rinse it off with warm water. If the ceiling is painted with water-based paint, then you will have to work with a spatula with a spatula.

    The second is leveling the ceiling surface. When dismantling the old finish, small defects may appear, therefore, the ceiling must first be treated with a deep penetration primer. This material will not only increase the adhesion rate, but also strengthen the top layer.

    If there is a slight difference in plane, then it can be removed by applying a thin layer of finishing putty to the ceiling, which, after drying, is sanded with fine-grained sandpaper or a special painting synthetic mesh. Grinding is done in a circular motion without strong pressure.

    And the last operation at this stage is another layer of primer, after which you can start the process of pasting.

    Particularly popular are wallpaper on the ceiling for painting. The peculiarity of such wallpapers is that they can be repainted. If you are tired of a certain color, then there is no need to remove the old finish, you can simply apply new paint.

    Prepare the tools you need for finishing:

    • Roller and brush,
    • Special rubber roller or plastic spatula,
    • Scissors and a knife
    • Clean rag
    • Ladder,
    • Painting bath.

    In order not to experience difficulties in the process of wallpapering on the ceiling, make sure you have a partner who will work below.

    Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper is a popular finishing method that allows you to quickly mask all defects on the surface. Currently, there are a large number of wallpapers, the texture of which allows you to imitate decorative plaster. But, since the final stage of finishing is painting, so that the work is done efficiently, you need to know how to paint the wallpaper on the ceiling.

    Before painting the wallpaper for painting on the ceiling, you need to choose the right paint. Its selection depends on the type of finishing material that is glued to the ceiling. If glass wallpaper is used, then you can give preference to any coloring composition. Acrylic paint is recommended for vinyl wallpaper. For non-woven, only water-based emulsion is suitable. However, even for fiberglass, materials must be carefully selected, as this will affect the characteristics of the finished surface.

    Often, wallpaper on the ceiling is painted with alkyd enamels. They create a hard, wear-resistant and moisture-resistant film on the ceiling. Due to these properties, the surface painted with this type of paint can be constantly washed with the use of detergents. However, there are also disadvantages of this enamel:

    • due to airtightness, the microclimate in the room is disturbed;
    • completely dried enamel releases toxic substances;
    • the paint does not emphasize, but smoothes the texture of the ceiling wallpaper.

    Thus, it is not recommended to give preference to alkyd enamels for painting the ceiling indoors. Water-based paint is durable and harmless. But the ceilings painted with it should not be subjected to frequent wet cleaning to avoid washing off the coating. This paint is required to be applied in 2-3 layers to obtain a rich color. In this case, the work must be done very quickly, otherwise the joints between the fresh and already dried coloring composition will be too noticeable.

    The best option would be to use water-based dyes. They contain polymer additives and acrylic, thanks to which the painted surface becomes wear-resistant, and can also be wet and dry cleaned. Nowadays, painting the ceiling in various colors is very popular. To give the paint a certain tone, it is recommended to use machine tinting, which can repeat the shade. In the event of a lack of toning composition, it is very difficult to manually calculate the required amount of coloring pigment.

    Also, when choosing a material, it should be borne in mind that coloring compositions are matte and glossy. The choice of the required type depends on the quality of the ceiling surface. If it has irregularities, then it is worth buying a matte paint, since a glossy one will only emphasize defects.

    Preparatory work

    Before you paint the wallpaper on the ceiling with water-based paint, you need to do some preparatory work. They include the following actions:

    When performing complex repairs, the ceiling is painted before the walls are finished, therefore it is not necessary to protect them. When repainting only the ceiling, the walls must be covered with plastic wrap, fixing it with double-sided tape.

    Painting options

    There are several options for painting the ceiling surface. For dyeing paper and fiberglass, you can use the traditional method. First of all, using a brush, they paint the corners and perimeter of the ceiling, and then paint over the rest of the area with a roller. Coloring is performed in 2-3 stages. The first layer is applied across the beam of light, that is, along the wall with a window. After the first has dried, the second layer is applied parallel to it.

    Non-woven wallpaper on the ceiling can be painted in several ways. To make an unusual color effect, you can paint the wallpaper before gluing them to the ceiling. Painting is in progress from the seamy side. In this case, the outer part, that is, the non-woven, will be painted, and the base itself will remain white. Pasting the ceiling is done after the paint has dried.

    An unusual option for coloring a finishing material on a non-woven base is the use of two shades of paint. To do this, add less water to the dispersion paint than indicated in the instructions. The ceiling is first painted with paint, and then pasted over with wallpaper. After complete drying, take a foam rubber sponge, previously moistened with paint, and then wipe the wallpaper with it only along the relief. As a result, the base of the finishing material turns out to be dark, saturated, and the protruding pattern is delicate. If desired, the pattern itself can be painted with a contrasting paint.

    Non-woven wallpaper coloring

    Before you start painting non-woven wallpaper, you need to prepare in advance the materials and devices necessary for work:

    The roller must be selected for the type of finishing material. For embossed wallpaper, a tool with a long pile is suitable, and for smooth wallpaper with a short one.

    After preparing everything you need, you can start painting. Process sequence:

    Water-based compositions begin to dry 5 minutes after they are applied to the surface. If poorly painted areas are found, they are covered with an adjustment layer, but this is done only on a dry basis. When gluing new wallpaper to the canvas, you need to wait until it is completely dry and only then start painting.

    When painting wallpaper on the ceiling, you must adhere to some rules:

    If you want to remove the wallpaper from the ceiling and paint it, it is necessary, after removing the finishing material, to prime the surface, putty with a thin layer, and then grout the ceiling to eliminate irregularities.

    Thus, you can cope with painting the wallpaper-covered ceiling yourself. But to obtain a high-quality result, you need to follow the rules and sequence of painting.

    There are many design solutions that can significantly transform the interior of the room. Especially successful compositions are obtained if you use different color solutions and their combinations. Various materials can be used to achieve the desired effect. An interesting design is obtained due to the fact that wallpaper is used for the ceiling for painting. Such canvases allow you to use the ceiling surface literally like a canvas. The main thing is to choose them correctly.

    But why is this material so good? Paintable wallpaper has undeniable advantages that make these canvases stand out from others. The pluses include:

    • affordable price category - the product has a reasonable price, which does not limit the popularity of wallpapering surfaces;
    • a wide selection of textures allows you to create surfaces that are amazing in nature (see photo);
    • the process of facing and painting does not require a special tool and special professional skills, although experience will be required.

    It is important to take into account that this coating does not change the visual representation of the area of ​​the room.

    There are several dozen textured canvases for dyeing.

    Various types of wallpaper for dyeing

    Modern technologies make it possible to satisfy almost any consumer's needs, which makes it possible to choose such a finishing material that will meet all the necessary parameters.

    If we talk about wallpaper that will veneer the ceiling and then paint, then a person has the necessary wealth of choice. Ceiling wallpapers differ in their pattern and structure of the canvas itself.


    The option is suitable for all types of ceilings. A few decades ago, this particular species was the most popular, but this was due to the scarcity of supply. In general, standard paper format products are not very suitable for dyeing.

    There is a kind of paper web, which is of the coarse-fiber type. The peculiarity of such a product is that the composition includes wood chips located between two layers, which creates the necessary structure. Among other things, such coatings contribute to additional sound and heat insulation.

    Duplex two-layer paper wallpaper for coloring looks good, but they are prone to swelling, and most importantly, they can be painted no more than 2 - 3 times


    Paintable non-woven wallpaper has proven to be excellent for solving ceiling problems such as cracks that do not affect the base, small dents and layers from the plaster mixture. These properties are explained by the fact that the canvases have a significant density. The same characteristic makes it easy to paint the coating, and several times.

    The process of drawing a picture is quite interesting, which consists in the sequence of actions taking place in production. So, initially stencils are applied to the non-woven fabric, then vinyl is sprayed to create the required volume.

    The canvas on a non-woven basis is of sufficient quality and durable, such wallpapers have an optimal price-quality ratio

    Glass fiber

    This is probably the best option when you need to decide which wallpaper to choose for painting on the ceiling. The advantages of such a material are that the canvases are good at correcting small irregularities and are highly fire-resistant. Glass fiber has a wide decorative range of textures, reliefs and ornaments.

    Their main advantage is the possibility of staining, and this procedure can be carried out many times (some types provide that the paint will be applied more than ten times).

    Fiberglass is considered the best base, these wallpapers can withstand up to 5-7 layers of paint, the only drawback of such a product is the high price

    Which paint to choose?

    The correct selection of the composition to paint the ceiling depends on which version of the wallpaper will be used. So, for non-woven wallpaper, only a water-dispersion composition is suitable, and almost any existing solution is suitable for glass wallpaper, if its properties are taken into account.

    Many people prefer to use alkyd enamels, which allow creating sufficiently reliable coatings with a long service life. It is very easy to care for canvases, even with the help of various detergents. But it is important to bear in mind that this composition has many disadvantages. The priority is the smoothing effect, that is, the enamel completely eliminates the presence of any relief on the wallpaper. In addition, the surface becomes impenetrable, which violates the microclimate of the room.

    Wallpaper can be painted with any water-based paints, but professionals prefer to work with acrylic compositions

    The composition of the water-dispersion paint contains polymer additives and acrylic, which makes it possible to create a wear-resistant coating that withstands standard care. This material is great for work, but it has its own characteristics. So, if it is necessary to obtain a new color, it is better to choose tinting using machines.

    Features of coloring different types of wallpaper

    Each type of wallpaper after staining acquires an individual coating. Thus, it is this parameter that can become a decisive factor in choosing the required material.


    1. Paper wallpaper makes it possible to obtain a surface that will be distinguished by visual uniformity - there will be a complete impression of the absence of joints. But this kind of canvas can cause some problems that appear after gluing. The fact is that the paper, when it dries, can give an unplanned shrinkage.
    2. The non-woven version is much easier to glue, because the material does not need to be coated with glue, it is enough to process the base. Coloring allows you to get a beautiful layer on which the existing texture will stand out.
    3. To use fiberglass, you must use special adhesives that are designed for such work. Masters advise to pre-treat the ceiling not with a simple primer, but with a latex one. The canvases are easy to paint, given that almost any composition is suitable for work.

    Cloths intended for staining are quite heavy, so special types of glue are produced for them.

    On a note! It is the last two options that are more preferable if it is necessary to create a relief surface.

    Gluing technology

    Ceiling wallpaper can be glued using standard technology, which consists in the following steps:

    The most important thing is to carry out the process carefully, without much fuss. If the work is carried out in a team, then it is important to achieve coherence.

    Wallpaper should be painted taking into account some nuances:

    • Paper types are afraid of a large amount of moisture, so the paint is applied with a time delay. That is, the first layer is laid, waiting for it to dry, and then proceed to further work.
    • When painting non-woven fabric, use a soft roller, and if possible, use a spray bottle. The process must be done carefully so as not to damage the vinyl pattern.
    • Glass fiber is painted in the same way as the non-woven version.

    Naturally, you need to take care of choosing the right paint color in advance and calculate the required amount of canvas, taking into account the stock.