How to glue vinyl wallpaper. How to glue vinyl wallpaper: a step-by-step guide. How to prepare walls for proper vinyl wallpapering

Trying to figure out how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper? They have their own characteristics in application and, knowing them, the gluing process will not be difficult. Washable vinyl wallpaper is a very convenient and practical wall material. They are moisture resistant, it is easy to remove dirt from them, and they contain special antifungal components.

For those who decided to insulate their balcony or loggia and comfortably decorate and equip this new room, we can safely advise the use of this material. Correctly selected wallpapers will not only give the balcony a pleasant appearance, but will also last a long time.

  • Non-woven vinyl wallpaper... The most durable of all types. Such wallpapers are waterproof, have some leveling properties (visually hide surface irregularities), are easy to use (glue can be applied directly to the walls), have a long service life, and have a beautiful and rich appearance.
  • Paper backed vinyl wallpaper... Consist of two layers: paper and polyvinyl chloride. They are less durable than non-woven, but they will last longer than many other types of wallpaper. Available in both smooth and embossed textures
  • Paintable vinyl wallpaper... They can be both paper and non-woven. They are impregnated with a special composition that prevents moisture penetration, and painting creates an additional protective layer. The structure of the wallpaper can be completely different.

After you have decided which type you will use, you can start calculating the required amount of wallpaper and all the necessary materials.

Calculation of the amount of materials

One of the proven and reliable ways to calculate the required number of rolls of wallpaper is to determine the perimeter of the floor and the height of the room. To do this, add all the sides of the floor and multiply the resulting number by the height of the room. Then subtract the area of ​​window and door openings from this and divide the remainder by the area of ​​one roll. Round up the final number - you have received the number of rolls that will be needed for pasting a particular room.

If carried out gluing vinyl wallpaper with the picture, then additional calculations will be needed to fit the image. An important concept here is the drawing step - the distance separating two identical images along the length of the roll. The difficulty lies in the fact that the actual step may differ from this figure, since you will be gluing the right and left parts.

Please note: in order to avoid complications, add 5 cm per strip in 10 cm increments. The amount of waste in this case will be equal to half a step from each strip.

Once you've figured out how many rolls of wallpaper you need, you can estimate how much glue will go away. Do not blindly trust what is written on the packaging. The amount of glue for vinyl wallpaper is determined on the basis that a pack of 250 g is enough for an average of 20-25 sq. Sometimes the flow rate can exceed these parameters.

Materials and tools required for work

You have selected the right wallpaper, determined how much material is required. Next, prepare all the necessary tools. In the process of preparing the room and when gluing vinyl wallpaper, we use:

  • Level
  • Ruler
  • Scissors or knife
  • Adhesive and primer brushes
  • Small brush for extra smearing on small areas
  • Roller to roll the seams
  • Spatula for smoothing wallpaper strips
  • A spatula for pressing on sections of wallpaper in hard-to-reach places
  • Rags and sponges to remove excess glue from wallpaper

Now you have stocked yourself with everything you need. Familiarize yourself with the fact, and you can proceed to the direct process.

Stages of work

Stage I: Preparing the walls

  1. Remove old finishes from the walls: wallpaper, whitewash, paint. The surface must be flat
  2. Treat the walls with a special antifungal solution
  3. Dilute glue for vinyl wallpaper and prime the wall with it
  4. Using a level, draw a vertical line - a guide for the first piece
  5. Turn off the electricity, remove all switches and sockets from the walls

Stage II: Sticking vinyl wallpaper

  1. Cut the rolls into even strips (+ 10 cm allowance)
  2. If you are gluing non-woven wallpaper, then cover the wall with glue. Paper - glue is applied to the strips themselves
  3. Place the first piece exactly along the drawn line. It is better to glue in pairs: one person applies the upper part of the piece, and the second supports the lower
  4. Glue the rest of the pieces back to back. If the wallpaper is patterned, do not forget to combine it
  5. Smooth out the glued wallpaper with a roller from the center to the periphery. Air bubbles should not remain
  6. Roll the seams thoroughly
  7. Apply glue to the outgoing areas
  8. Remove any excess glue that comes out
  9. Trim any excess wallpaper around the ceiling and baseboards. Use only sharp scissors or a knife. Blunt blade tears wallpaper

Vinyl wallpaper gluing completed.

How to glue corners and joints: refinement of little things

The most difficult and painstaking work is finishing small things and gluing corners and joints. To avoid troubles in the form of gaps and pronounced seams, glue pieces of wallpaper with an overlap. For vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis, it is 1-2 mm, on paper - up to 5 mm. It is somewhat more difficult to solve the issue of gluing the corners.

This is the hardest part of the job: the question, how to glue corners, often baffles, especially for beginners. When starting this step, thickly coat the corner with glue. It is better to cut the canvas in such a way that it overlaps the adjacent walls by 2-3 cm.

If you have measured the angle with a level and find that it is heavily "overwhelmed", use the trimming method. Glue the first piece in the same way, only leave the edges wider - about 9 cm. Place the side strips strictly vertically (the same level will help with this) at a distance of 2 cm. Cut the overlap with a sharp knife - both layers together. And then glue the top layer back.

Completion and quality control

After completing all the main stages of work, check how you carried out the gluing of vinyl wallpaper. Look for loose areas and bubbles on the walls. Replace previously removed sockets and switches. If there are any radiators, batteries or other devices in the room, behind which there are hard-to-reach sections of the wall, then they can not be pasted over, but simply painted in a color similar to the wallpaper.

You are familiar with how to glue vinyl wallpaper, and learned that even on the balcony and loggia, they can be used as wall decoration. If this article helped you make repairs, then leave your comments. Or maybe you have your own secrets of wallpapering? Please share your unique experience. Your advice can be very helpful to many people.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper photo

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How to glue vinyl wallpaper video

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video on the topic of our article. This video shows you how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper.

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To the record "How to glue vinyl wallpaper: step by step instructions" 10 comments

    The first time it was necessary to glue vinyl wallpaper in the apartment, there was a slight shock. How to work with them ?! But after reading the articles, having studied all the subtleties, gluing the wallpaper did not go as badly as it seemed to me at first. The most important thing in this business, in my opinion, is to prepare the wall well for wallpaper. It must be clean (without any marks from the old coating) and even.

    And I was just for the first time in a very big disappointment after gluing vinyl wallpaper, since I did not know all these subtleties and pasted this with my husband. On the second day, the two of us just gasped, the joints generally bristled. So for me the joints and corners turned out to be a big problem, and the second time they hired a specialist. It is a pity that such an article did not catch my eye earlier then.

    Recently I glued non-woven vinyl wallpaper in a country house. Of course, they hide the irregularities a little, but I had to tinker with the joints for a very, very long time. Due to the fact that the walls are a little uneven, the wallpaper goes from one joint to another, then to an overlap. Where the joint is in the joint - everything is fine, even the seam is practically invisible. But that's where the overlap is - that's the trouble. The wallpaper does not want to stick together, so the top layer sticks out very much. Maybe this is due to the fact that the wallpaper is thick.

    We always glue the wallpaper at home ourselves. It always turns out differently. We often argue with my husband about how to glue the wallpaper correctly. After reading the article, we learned a lot of subtleties of this difficult matter. It was useful to know the stages of work, they realized our mistake, that we did not have the correct organization and did everything. Now we will glue it strictly according to your recommendations.

    I was looking for a similar instruction on the net for a very long time, and thank you so much that you covered everything step by step. my husband is on a business trip and I had to do this "fun" thing myself - to glue the wallpaper. the business is not easy, but there were children-helpers nearby (though they are 5-6 years old)) and a fighting spirit), I will start with the fact that it is very difficult to choose wallpaper, firstly, finding a quality product and at a pleasant price is not always easy , secondly, to choose the interior so that in a year or two the eyes will not get tired - sometimes there is not enough patience, well, to please all family members in color and pattern is not an easy task. in general, we coped with this quickly, but here's how to glue them, if not call the team ... if I had not found a video and a photo, I would hardly have taken up this business. for me the most difficult thing was: gluing the corners. if not for your site, it would be just "corner hell", since I absolutely did not know how, what and where. thank you very much! in general, my upholstery was glued in 3 days)) with my own hand) so I feel like a heroine)) everyone is happy, thanks to you))

    When gluing vinyl wallpaper in a private house, the "first pancake" was a huge lump! But ... the Internet to help and having learned from this article a lot of all sorts of problems - they risked to glue one more room on their own! A nice tip was applying an antifungal agent to the walls. Hopefully the walls won't be moldy. But all the same, it was worth a lot of work to glue the corners correctly! But we did it! Now we have experience with gluing and the following rooms are no longer so scary. I would like to glue murals in the living room. I think we will succeed now!

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Wallpapering is an easy and cheap way to update any room. But even such a simple task can turn into torment if you do not know all its subtleties. Anyone planning to glue vinyl wallpaper will have to figure out where to apply the glue - to the canvas or to the wall - which tool to use, how to prepare the surface, and how to finish hard-to-reach areas. All this is in our article.

Features of gluing vinyl wallpaper, depending on the base material

Vinyl-coated wallpaper can have a paper or non-woven backing. Not only the characteristics of the coating depend on the material of the substrate, but also the principles of gluing.

  1. The adhesive mixture is impregnated with the wall, not the canvas, which simplifies the workflow.
  2. Such a substrate is much stronger than paper, has high wear resistance, and can hide small irregularities and cracks on the walls.
  3. The disadvantages of non-woven wallpaper include the rigidity of the material. The low plasticity of the panels does not allow for quick and efficient finishing of convex areas.
  • The glue is applied not only to the surface of the wall, but also to the canvases themselves.
  • The material stretches well, with its help you can quickly paste over protruding surfaces, such as niches, columns or corners.
  • The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper on a paper backing include the possibility of rupture of fibers from minor mechanical impact, increased consumption of glue.

Tools and materials for work

For high-quality finishing work, in addition to vinyl wallpaper and adhesive, you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. A paintbrush or soft bristle roller - for applying primer to the substrate and glue to wallpaper or wall.
  2. Rubber rollers. A tool with a wide working surface is used for smoothing fabrics, a narrow one for high-quality joint joints.
  3. Ruler, plumb line, building level, square and pencil - for marking.
  4. Masking tape - to protect individual elements from the ingress of adhesive.
  5. Plastic spatula - to remove air bubbles and excess glue.
  6. Sharp clerical knife and scissors - for cutting strips.
  7. Wide metal trowel - for trimming ceiling and floor canvases.
  8. Container for glue mixture.

Advice! To speed up the work, use glue with an indicator, which makes it easy to control the uniformity of the application of the mixture on the surface of the walls or canvas.

Cooking the surface

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper, you must carry out the following operations:

  • remove the cases of switches and sockets, having previously de-energized the room, seal the areas with masking tape;
  • remove protruding fasteners (dowels, screws, nails);
  • clean the surface from the old coating;
  • close up irregularities with plaster or putty;
  • apply a deep penetration primer to the substrate and wait until it dries.

Wallpaper can only be glued to dry and clean walls. It is quite easy to check the dryness of the substrate. To do this, take a small piece of plastic film 50 × 50 centimeters and fix it with tape on the wall so that an airtight space is formed inside. After a day, the polyethylene is checked. The protruding drops indicate that the wall has not dried out.

All the nuances of preparing concrete surfaces for wallpapering are described in detail.

Step-by-step instructions for processing a wall or plasterboard ceiling before wallpapering can be found in.

Important! It is necessary to level the surfaces for wide meter-long wallpaper especially carefully, even with small differences, problems may arise with the joining of adjacent strips.

Making markup

After the preparatory stage, a marking is carried out, which allows the canvases to be correctly positioned on the surface. The walls are marked out using a long ruler, chalk and a plumb line.

  • The first line is aligned with the edge of the window, gradually moving to the left along the perimeter of the room.
  • Further lines are applied taking into account the width of the wallpaper.
  • From the window to the left, the markings are made to the corner of the wall with the doorway, numbering each of the sections.
  • Further, the lines are applied to the right from window to door.

Preparing wallpaper for gluing

Before carrying out the main work, roll materials are cut into strips, the length of which corresponds to the height of the wall plus a margin of 5-10 centimeters. For greater accuracy, the height of the room is checked in different places. If the sizes coincide, several strips are cut, the total width of which makes it possible to cover the entire plane of the wall.

If the height of the ceiling in the room is not the same, each subsequent strip is cut off after gluing the previous one, or before cutting, each section between the marking lines is carefully measured.

During the preparation of strips with a pattern, they monitor the coincidence of the pattern. To do this, you need to combine adjacent canvases so that the elements of the image dock in the correct order. The finished strips are stacked on top of each other in the desired sequence.

Gluing vinyl wallpaper: step by step instructions

The work on pasting the wall with vinyl wallpaper is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We dilute the glue according to the instructions on the package. The finished solution should have a uniform consistency without clots and lumps.
  • We close the windows in the room tightly, turn off the air conditioners and fans.
  • We spread the glue on a paper-backed wallpaper canvas or on a wall if the material is glued on a non-woven fabric. In the first case, we fold the canvases in an "envelope" - the edges are aligned with the middle of the strip, and wait 5-10 minutes until the paper layer is saturated with glue. We glue vinyl on a non-woven base immediately after coating a section of the wall slightly larger than the width of the wallpaper.
  • We apply the prepared strips to the base along the drawn line, joining adjacent elements, taking into account the picture.
  • With a rubber roller, we smooth the canvas from the middle to the edges, getting rid of bubbles and achieving a perfect fit of the material to the surface. Remove protruding glue residues with a piece of foam rubber or a clean cloth.
  • After drying, press the edges of the wallpaper with a wide metal spatula and cut with a sharp clerical knife.

How to glue wallpaper around window and doorways?

The process of gluing wallpaper near openings causes difficulties for inexperienced craftsmen. The canvases must be joined so that their edges do not fall on the corners of the window or door opening.

If the door is located in the corner of the room, the discrepancy in the patterns on the wallpaper will remain invisible. If the door structure is in the center of the room, the drawing should be aligned both before and after the opening.

  • The last sheet is glued in such a way that it could overlap the platband.
  • Then the limiting decorative element is fixed and the hanging part of the canvas is cut off with a sharp knife.
  • Next, the wallpaper is smoothed out at the joints, as well as between the wall and the platband.
  • A short piece is glued to the upper part of the door, observing the sequence of the picture.

Procedure for gluing near window openings:

  • The strip is glued so that it overlaps the slope.
  • Several horizontal cuts are made at the edges, which will allow the wallpaper to be folded down a slope.
  • The edges of the canvases are cut along the border of the opening.
  • After gluing one of the side strips, short cuts of wallpaper are fixed on the upper and lower parts of the opening.
  • After that, they begin to finish the other side of the opening.

Advice. Before wallpapering the second side of the window, draw an additional marking line. This makes it easier to achieve the correct vertical position of the canvas.

How to properly glue the wallpaper in corners and hard-to-reach places?

There are two methods of gluing canvases in the corner of the room: overlapping and butt-cutting with trimming.

  • In the first case, we glue the strip, making an overlap on the other wall 1–2 centimeters. Next, we apply a marking line along the width of the roll on a perpendicular wall and fix the second canvas in such a way that its edge passes strictly along the corner of the room and does not step onto another plane. After that, the wallpaper is carefully rolled with a roller.
  • The Trim Overlap Technique is used to fix heavy vinyl wallpaper with a large pattern. The technology for carrying out the work is at first similar to the previous method, but at the joining point, the second canvas does not need to be coated with glue. Next, we take a long rule and a sharp clerical knife. We make an even cut, bend the edge of the roll material, apply glue and roll this area with a roller.

In hard-to-reach places behind the heating radiators, the wallpaper winds up from behind. After fixing in the desired position, the blades are rolled with a narrow roller with a long handle.

In places where sockets or switches are located, roll materials are glued over the boxes, then cross-shaped cuts are made with a knife. The resulting triangular tails are folded back, all unnecessary is cut off, the socket housings are installed in place.

Bonding borders

The gluing of the border or framing begins from inconspicuous areas, since at this point the elements will be combined. Usually, decorative products are fixed at the top along the entire perimeter of the room.

With a horizontal combination of two types of canvases, the border is glued at a certain height relative to the floor. In this case, markings are applied to the walls with a pencil and a building level: you cannot focus on the edges of the wallpaper being joined. The upper part of the decorative element is fixed along a pre-drawn line, after which the border is smoothed with a roller, the remnants of the glue are removed with a soft cloth or sponge. In the places where the tape joins, an incision is made with a sharp knife, the canvas is smoothed.

It is not difficult to glue vinyl wallpaper correctly, and with some experience, almost anyone can do it. The main thing is to follow certain rules, take into account the peculiarities of vinyl and follow the gluing technology.

Vinyl wallpaper differs from other types of wallpaper in that it consists of several layers: non-woven material is used as a base (in less expensive versions it is replaced by paper), and the surface of such wallpaper is covered with polyvinyl chloride. It is this coating that gives the wallpaper special strength and allows you to wash the wallpaper with water.

At the same time, the top layer may not be just plain: today you can see a large number of various models of vinyl wallpaper with patterns and even embossed patterns.

Are you ready for disruptive repairs?

First of all, you need to talk about the benefits of vinyl wallpaper. Such material is more expensive than paper and acrylic wallpaper, but this investment is worth it:

  • Vinyl wallpapers are highly durable: they can last for many years, during which they will not lose their color and quality;
  • The pattern on such wallpaper does not blur and fade very hard;
  • Vinyl wallpaper easily withstands mechanical damage of moderate severity: for example, when you bring new furniture into the room, you can not worry about the fact that if you accidentally hit the wall, vinyl wallpaper may tear or leave dents and scratches on it.

When doing indoor renovations, there is always one hidden but significant factor to keep in mind: the age of the house.

The fact is that each building undergoes a shrinkage process during its "life". Even if the foundation is reliable, and the soil under the house is dense enough, the building from the moment of construction begins to sag under its own weight. This leads to slight deformation of walls and floors.

That's why if you move into a new house and immediately start making repairs - choose vinyl wallpaper... They are made of a material that, due to its elasticity and strength, withstands shrinkage at home, while tears and cracks appear on paper wallpaper in new buildings after a few years.

Before the complete set is not enough ... a cup of coffee

Together, you can quickly and easily cope with gluing

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper, you must prepare in advance all the tools that you will need in the process.

Your "arsenal" must necessarily include:

  • Brush for applying glue to wallpaper;
  • Spatula for smoothing the canvas;
  • Small clean bead (used for rolling seams);
  • Clean rags;
  • As well as scissors, a ruler and tape measure, a pencil, a wallpaper knife and a brush for applying glue to hard-to-reach areas.

Manufacturers of some types of wallpaper indicate that it is enough to apply glue only to the roll itself. In the case of vinyl wallpaper, the adhesive must also be applied to the wall.

It will not be superfluous to warn that glue must be special, for vinyl wallpaper.

Other adhesives will not provide good adhesion. But even when using a special glue, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for its preparation: an incorrectly diluted glue will also cause the wallpaper to soon begin to lag behind the walls.

The preparation of the wall is reduced to the following steps: the wall must be cleaned of the old coating; if there are cracks and irregularities, the wall must be leveled and puttyed.

A mandatory requirement for the place of work is that there should be no drafts in the room, and the walls must be dry.

Do not open windows, fearing for the effect of harmful glue on the body: no harmful substances have been added to wallpaper glue for a long time, and the glue itself has absolutely no pungent odor.

High quality wallpapers that are easy to apply are non-woven. Find out, save time.

Washable wallpaper is an affordable material that is not only beautiful but also practical. are ideal for the kitchen.

Create harmony in your kitchen interior by learning.

We are not firemen, we are not carpenters ...

Immediately before you start smearing the wall with glue, you need to apply a strictly vertical line on it - this will be your guideline, which will not allow you to stick the wallpaper crookedly.

You can draw such a line using a building level, and if it is not at hand, you can use the old old-fashioned way - with the help of a plumb line.
It is necessary to take an ordinary thread, tie a heavy weight to its end (a long nail is quite suitable), and, having attached such a plumb line to the top point of the wall, release the thread so that the weight is at the floor, but does not touch it.

When the plumb line stops swinging, mark with a pencil several points of contact of the plumb line with the wall.

By combining all these risks into one line, you will get the very vertical that you have to focus on. Of course, it is easier to use the building level, and the readings will be more accurate, but wallpapering is just one of those works in which such small errors are not critical.

After that the glue is applied evenly on the wall, then the strip is glued. There is no need to apply glue to the wallpaper itself. Such wallpapers are very dense, and therefore if you glue them with an overlap, the seams will be noticeable.

In order to neatly glue the vinyl wallpaper in a joint, it is best to work together, and in the absence of skills, even three.

Pressing the strip of wallpaper against the wall, iron it with a cloth, rubber roller or plastic spatula from top to bottom and to the sides - "herringbone".

This will expel excess air from under the strip, and the wallpaper will lay down evenly and tightly, without bubbles.

Glue protruding along the edges as a result of smoothing is removed with another cloth.

Such excess glue must be removed as quickly as possible, before it dries.

After that, the seams between the stripes are rolled with a clean roller, and if it is noticeable that in some places the strip does not fit well in the wall, add a little glue under the wallpaper with a brush.

Interesting features or little pitfalls

Nothing complicated and fundamentally new for those who have already had to do this. But a person who takes up wallpapering for the first time and knows about it only in theory will definitely need advice and analysis of "pitfalls" from experts.

The most important rule that cannot be broken is when gluing, you do not need to stretch the wallpaper strip.

It is generally not worth pulling, and even if the strip accidentally lies unevenly, do not pull it in the right direction.

Just tear it off before the glue is dry and stick it correctly.

Like any other wallpaper, vinyl wallpaper starts to glue from the window into the interior of the room. And when you get to the corner, pay special attention to the last strip.

You should not wrap it on another wall, arguing that "it's a pity to cut off and throw away a third of the length of the material." Production costs are indispensable here.

Press the strip tightly into the corner and carefully cut off the remainder so that no more than one or two centimeters of the strip extends onto the other wall. On these centimeters, you can already glue a strip with an overlap, which is glued after the corner on the other wall.

When it comes to radiators, the opinions of professionals differ: someone advises to tinker and, as far as possible, paste over the space behind the battery with wallpaper (even from scraps of wallpaper that necessarily remain in the process of work), someone advises not to waste time on this, and some in general, they prefer to enclose the battery with MDF boxes fashionable in recent years.

The choice is yours, but the fastest and most convenient option is to simply paint the space behind the battery to match the wallpaper color with a brush.

Correctly gluing the wallpaper is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to follow the advice of professionals described in the article. Learn all the secrets of high-quality vinyl wallpaper with a helpful video.

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How to glue vinyl wallpaper: independent work from "A" to "Z"

Vinyl designs have earned their popularity for their beauty, durability, easy maintenance and quick adhesion. And the question of how to glue vinyl wallpaper can be solved effectively. How to do it yourself quickly and efficiently? Why this particular type of canvases? This is my article!

I chose vinyl because:

  1. Such canvases are indispensable in wet rooms.
  2. If you stick them on uneven walls, then these defects will become invisible.
  3. Vinyl maintenance is simple.
  4. The durability is high.
  5. There are samples of any kind: from imitation stone to silk-screen printing.

Convinced you of the choice? Now it remains to decide on the texture and color, and prepare for gluing with your own hands. Remember, moving towards a goal begins with preparation. So:

Preparation for work

Calculation of material consumption and preparation of walls is the first stage of repair.

I do the calculation of the required amount as follows:

  • I determine the height to the ceiling from the floor plinth;
  • I measure the length of all walls;
  • I multiply this amount by the height;
  • I subtract the area of ​​window and door openings;
  • I divide the total by the area of ​​1 roll.

You should always buy more material so that the pasting matches the pattern. To do this, I determine the distance between it: if it is 10 cm, then I add 5 cm to the strip. In this case, each roll should be checked for matching the shade. An extra strip will save with minor repairs: if, for example, a cat tears the material.

On the roll in the instructions there is an indication of what kind of glue is needed for this particular type of wallpaper.

Walls for wallpaper

So, foamed vinyl is popular because it masks wall defects. This will make it easier to prepare them before gluing the vinyl sheets.

First, I got rid of the old finish: I cleaned off both the paint and the crumbling plaster. It is easier to glue the canvases on drywall: it is initially even and does not require tedious alignment (if the seams are putty). After all, the curvature of walls more than 1 cm must be leveled!

Then it is necessary to turn off the electricity for the entire period of pasting and remove the sockets, switches so as not to interfere.

Moving on to the next step, we'll figure out how to cover the walls with vinyl wallpaper.

We work with a non-woven base

Finishing with this type is also available for beginners, because the non-woven fabric does not get wet, therefore it does not shrink when the glue dries.

The level (plumb line) will give the vertical where we want to glue the first canvas.

Glue preparation

Usually wallpaper glue is accompanied by instructions. By the way, saving on the solution often spoils expensive repairs. So which glue is best? I chose from expensive, special for vinyl, heavy materials.

The proportions of the ratio of water and powder strictly correspond to the instructions:

  • Pour the powder with a little water.
  • Stir the mass for 3 minutes with an ordinary mixer (I have no special attachments for a drill). This home technique did a great job - crushing all the lumps.
  • Next, add the required amount of water and stir the suspension with a wooden spatula.
  • Then leave the solution to swell for the time specified by the manufacturer.

Sticking strips

  • It is only necessary to cover the wall with glue, and leave the canvas dry. So, the question of whether it is necessary to smear the wallpaper with glue is decided negatively for a non-woven base. This means that the process is less laborious, and besides, we save glue.

Beginners shouldn't rush to work. I recommend doing everything carefully, because a solution that has slightly dried on the wall can be refreshed, and an unevenly placed canvas can be torn off and glued again.

  • We coat only a strip of the wall for the first canvas. For the corners, we also designate the edges of the non-woven base with glue, so that the wallpaper is held more firmly.

  • You need to fasten the material from top to bottom, and it was more convenient with an assistant: someone glues, and someone supports the canvas. It will be especially convenient to work with an assistant if it is one-meter-long wallpaper, because they are much (twice) wider than the usual half-meter samples.

  • Then, use a roller to smooth the canvas from the center to the edges to squeeze out excess glue and air. Often, when glued to the ceiling, part of the canvas comes off, which means you need to miss it again.

  • Try to glue the canvases end-to-end so that vertical tubercles do not form at all points of their connection.

  • We coat the joints with a concentrated solution, and roll them with rubber with pressure.

  • The corners are especially laborious, they should be pasted over especially carefully and slowly.

  • At the corners, you can use the "into the corner" or "through the corner" technique. For example, for an allowance of 5 cm glued end-to-end to the corner of the canvas with an overlap, glue a strip for the second wall. Then, passing with a knife along this double seam, connect them.

When gluing, we avoid drafts so that the material dries evenly.

At the end - trimming

When the wallpaper is dry, attach a long ruler, cut off the excess canvas with a construction knife: first at the ceiling, then at the floor. Moreover, the bottom can be run directly under the baseboard (where possible).

Then you need to cut holes for switches and sockets. First - crosswise from the center, then cut off the edge.

Now you can install previously removed boxes on sockets and switches that are de-energized when wallpapering.

Bonding paper backing

The rules for gluing samples on a paper base are a little more complicated due to possible damage to the material when wet from the glue.

Among the important tips in business on how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper, there is a recommendation for priming the walls. After all, it is she (especially the antifungal) that is needed under vinyl on paper to ensure its durability. The non-woven base itself will protect itself from mold.

The price of wallpaper with a paper base is available, but their installation is more difficult: they are heavier, so they sometimes break and break. However, the gluing is the same, and such dense samples better hide the defects of the walls.

  • We also apply glue to the canvas with a flat brush.

The absorption time is indicated on the roll by the manufacturer and should be observed with each cloth. Otherwise, one strip will stretch more, the second will be weaker, which will give a distortion.

  • We start from the corner and from above, equalize vertically (a line drawn with a pencil along a plumb line), then press it in the center with a roller and along the entire length.
  • We expel air and glue, roll the edges, moving the roller to the sides from the center. It can also be smoothed by hand, but more effectively with a roller.

  • Remove the glue protruding at the edges with a dry cloth.
  • We coat the prematurely dried edges with a thin brush.

If the canvas is stretched, sometimes a crack appears at the junction when it dries. Here again we will glue it with glue and slightly stretch the wet canvas, because the foamed vinyl is elastic.

Vinyl wallpaper dries for 2 days.

You can quickly and effectively update the interior with a polymer sticker. Its installation is easier than a large roll cut. Such patterns are especially attractive on plain walls, and even children are happy to glue them in the nursery. Such an accent on the wall is inexpensive and bright.

Consider whether it is possible to glue with PVA glue. This composition dries very quickly, forming folds on a damp cloth. But it is quite possible to use it in problem areas - near skirting boards, a radiator, under a windowsill, if combined with wallpaper (1: 3).

The problem of how to peel off the old wallpaper from the wall is simply solved. Another plus of vinyl canvases is their ease of dismantling: they peel off with a spatula, leaving a surface ready for new pasting.

Wallpaper in the second layer

Consider whether it is possible to glue vinyl wallpaper on vinyl. At the dacha, I ran into a problem: a house made of clay blocks lined with bricks. The old polymer wallpaper was glued tightly, only torn off with a layer of plaster together with clay, forming eerie brown irregularities.

It's good that the finish was smooth, not foam. Therefore, in the question of how to glue vinyl wallpaper on vinyl wallpaper, I decided simply. I took the advice of the master: irregularities are invisible under the structural layer or wallpaper with small ornaments, and I bought these.

Then I did everything according to the instructions outlined above. But with one amendment: the joints of the old wallpaper should not coincide with the newly pasted ones. And everything worked out. And most importantly - it keeps up!


So, the advantages of these canvases are obvious: beauty, durability, ease of gluing, and care is a pleasure. Thanks to the step-by-step instructions I have described, you now know how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper or non-woven backing. Do you have a comment or question - write in the comments! But before that, do not forget to watch the video in this article.

November 16, 2016

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How to glue vinyl wallpaper: The photo and video instructions presented in this article on the site will help you do this work with your own hands. Wallpapering is a complex and time-consuming process that does not tolerate mistakes. With the wrong choice of glue or violation of the application technology, everything will have to be redone again. The nuances of gluing largely depend on the type of material. Most popular today vinyl wallpapers, which have established themselves as a durable, wear-resistant and non-fading coating over time. When choosing it for wall decoration, you should know how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis.

Do-it-yourself vinyl wallpaper gluing

Features of vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl is a layer of PVC applied to a paper or non-woven backing. Its main advantage lies primarily in its long service life. In addition, vinyl does not tarnish under the influence of direct sunlight, which is very important for wallpaper with a bright pattern, it tolerates high humidity well, which makes it possible to use such a coating in a bathroom or kitchen.

The only thing that can negatively affect vinyl flooring is temperature changes. Therefore, do not stick it in the immediate vicinity of sources of strong heat, for example, near a fireplace or over a gas stove.

In addition, the material is characterized by poor air permeability. The problem can be solved by purchasing special wallpaper with micropores. This option allows air to pass through well, but it successfully resists the accumulation of moisture, so you can not be afraid that water will penetrate through the pores under the wallpaper.

Vinyl covering is strong enough and durable

There is a common myth that vinyl flooring is hazardous to human health. It did not appear out of nowhere, but only certain types of paper-based vinyl wallpaper have such a drawback. Reviews of poor quality products from unknown manufacturers will really be unflattering. If you take wallpaper from a reliable manufacturer, in the production of which all environmental and sanitary safety standards are observed, then they will be absolutely harmless to your health.

It is worth highlighting the following positive qualities of vinyl flooring:

  1. It can be glued to various types of surfaces (concrete, plaster, wood, chipboard, etc.).
  2. Due to the density of the vinyl layer, such wallpapers mask well cracks and uneven walls. However, this requires the use of thicker coatings.
  3. A wide variety of design options makes it easy to choose a coating for a specific interior.
  4. Choice of rolls of standard or meter wallpaper. How to properly glue both of them will be discussed below.

Vinyl wallpaper can be glued to any type of substrate

Advantages and disadvantages of paper-backed and non-woven vinyl wallpaper

The base of vinyl wallpaper can be paper or non-woven. Each of these materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that must be considered before gluing. Non-woven wallpaper has the following advantages:

  • glue is applied directly to the wall, they do not need to saturate the wallpaper, which greatly simplifies the gluing process and makes it faster;
  • the non-woven base is stronger than the paper base, respectively, the finished product will also be more durable and wear-resistant;
  • Unlike paper-based vinyl wallpaper, gluing non-woven wallpaper will effectively hide surface irregularities and cracks in the walls.

Disadvantages of non-woven base:

  • non-woven non-plastic, therefore, with wallpaper with such a base it is rather difficult to glue roundness, protrusions and embossed surfaces;
  • The non-woven base is transparent enough that any stains on the walls or remnants of previous coatings will show through.

The advantage of wallpaper on a non-woven basis is that you do not need to apply glue to the canvas, but only to the walls

Advantages of paper-based wallpaper:

  • the paper stretches well, which means that wallpaper with such a base can easily be pasted over ledges, niches, columns, corners, etc.;
  • the paper has a high density, the base of the surface will not show through it.

Cons of paper base:

  • glue must be applied not only to the wall, but also to the wallpaper;
  • paper quickly absorbs liquid, which increases the consumption of glue, and also requires a high speed of work;
  • paper wallpaper is easy to tear or scratch;
  • the adhesion of the paper to the wall surface is long enough, so the strip of wallpaper must be pressed against the wall for some time.

When gluing canvases with a paper backing - the glue is applied both to the wallpaper and to the walls

Taking into account the peculiarities of the materials, you can easily learn how to quickly and correctly glue vinyl wallpaper on both paper and non-woven backing.

Helpful advice! Correctly gluing paper wallpaper (as well as non-woven wallpaper) is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main rule is to carefully prepare the walls, the final result will directly depend on this.

Types of vinyl wallpaper

Classify vinyl wallpapers it is possible by the type of surface structure (embossed or smooth) and by the method of its finishing (embossed or profiled). Also, many properties depend on how the top decorative layer is applied to the wallpaper:

  • silkscreen is the lightest type of vinyl covering. The top layer consists of thin polyvinyl chloride, on which a variety of textures are applied. This type is distinguished by a wide variety of design options and a similarity in appearance to silk fabric;

Vinyl wallpapers silk-screened ideal for living room decoration

  • compact vinyl - a heavier version of the coating, the top layer of which imitates various materials (fabric, stone, brick, plaster, wood, and many others);
  • heavy vinyl is the thickest coating option and has the greatest surface relief. It can be stylized under leather, volumetric embroidery and other materials. Due to the density of the vinyl layer, high strength is provided, and it also becomes possible to hide cracks and irregularities in the walls;
  • chemical embossing wallpaper - differs from other types of smooth glossy surface, from which you can easily remove dirt. Among the advantages of this type are high resistance to moisture, detergents and direct sunlight. Another name for such wallpapers is washable.

A separate type of wall covering is paintable wallpaper. Can glue vinyl wallpaper(both on the walls and on the ceiling) and paint it in any color you like. The main advantage of such a coating is the possibility of multiple repainting.

The choice of the appropriate type of wallpaper depends on the characteristics of the walls, their quality, the purpose of the room and the desired style in the interior.

Heavy vinyl wallpaper differs in thickness and surface relief

How to glue vinyl wallpaper: the choice of glue

Correctly selected adhesive for vinyl wallpaper is the key to successful gluing of the coating. Poor composition can lead to the formation of bubbles, unevenness and lagging of the wallpaper from the wall. Experts advise to give preference to products of foreign manufacturers, which, although more expensive than domestic ones, are of higher quality. The peculiarity of gluing in the case of a vinyl coating is that the material itself is quite heavy, so the adhesive composition must set well and quickly.

A good glue for vinyl wallpaper is one that fixes the canvas to the wall quickly, but not instantly, so that you can fit the stripes along the joints, align vertically and horizontally. In addition, the adhesive must prevent the development of mold and mildew under the wallpaper. This is very important in the case of vinyl, since it does not allow air to pass through well, and the appearance of microorganisms under the coating layer, alas, is not uncommon, especially with high humidity in the room.

Helpful advice! The consumption of each specific type of glue is indicated in the instructions or on the package. It is a mistake to think that the more glue the better. Conversely, excess can seep through the seams and stain the surface of the web.

It is very important to choose the glue that is suitable for the specific type of wallpaper.

It is also undesirable to use universal wallpaper glue for gluing vinyl covering. There are specialized formulations, each of which is suitable for carrying out work in certain conditions. Such conditions can be the type of surface on which the wallpaper is glued, the type of vinyl covering, the humidity in the room, and much more. Therefore, if you are not sure which adhesive is best for gluing, for example, foamed vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis on a concrete wall, then it is better to consult an experienced specialist.

It is important that the glue has the following characteristics:

  • no clots or lumps should form during the mixing process. They can subsequently lead to irregularities in the glued surface;
  • must have anti-fungal properties, prevent the formation and development of mold;
  • already prepared good glue can be stored for a day without drying out;
  • in the package, the composition can be stored for several years;
  • must be environmentally friendly and safe for human life and health;
  • the process of preparing the composition should be extremely simple and understandable, even for those who have no experience in the field of such work.

Some adhesives have a light blue or pink tint that disappears after drying

Necessary tools for work

Numerous thematic videos "how to properly glue paper wallpaper" demonstrate a number of tools that may be needed in the process of doing the job:

  • a level or plumb line to mark the gluing lines on the walls, as well as a pencil or marker for drawing;
  • brush for applying adhesive to the wall. You can also use a medium or short nap roller for this;
  • a large rubber roller - to smooth the already glued canvas on the wall;
  • knife or scissors for cutting rolls and cutting holes for sockets and switches;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • foam rubber or soft cloth - remove excess glue at the joints;
  • table or stepladder.

Tools Needed for Self-Wallpapering

It is quite difficult to glue wallpaper in the corners of a room (both external and internal), so the process is best done together, it will be faster and more efficient. A buddy can hold a stepladder, feed tools, or cut a new blade while you glue on the previous one.

How to remove old wallpaper from the wall

There are several tricks to how you can quickly and effortlessly remove the old coating from the wall. To do this, you will need a narrow and wide trowel, special stripper, a punch tool, and regular plastic wrap.

First, apply a softening solution or water and detergent to the old wallpaper. In this state, the coating is left for 15-20 minutes. Plastic wrap is needed to cover furniture and close outlets and switches. Once the wallpaper is soaked, it can be easily removed from the wall with a spatula.

In the event that a particularly strong adhesive was used for gluing, and it is impossible to soak the old canvas, you can use sandpaper. This will take more time, but will completely remove the old covering from the wall.

Removing the old coating from the wall with a spatula

How to glue paper-backed vinyl wallpaper: leveling the walls

In order for the walls with the coating pasted on them to look as attractive as possible, they must first be leveled. This is especially true for owners of old apartments, whose walls do not have an ideal surface. The alignment method is selected depending on the vertical deviation. This parameter is checked using a level and a cord, and if the deviation is only 5-10 mm, the surface can be simply treated with a putty.

Leveling with putty

It is recommended to apply the initial layer of putty in two layers, between which you can lay a special painting net. This will prevent microcracks from forming on the surface. In this case, the direction of the layers can be perpendicular to each other, so you will level the surface in all directions.

When working, it should be borne in mind that the angle of inclination of the spatula determines the thickness of the layer, the smaller the first, the thicker the second.

Leveling with putty is suitable for walls with slight tolerances

The finishing layer is also applied in one or two steps, after which it is finally leveled with fine-grained emery paper. This layer may not be applied under the wallpaper, but it is required if painting is planned.

Plaster leveling

Time-consuming and complex plastering work should be used when the wall is so uneven that it can be seen with the naked eye. For this, it is best to use special cement-based plaster mixtures that contain polymer additives. The presence of the latter makes it possible not to use a polymer mesh, since the composition is very strong. In residential areas with normal humidity, the following types of plaster can be used:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • lime-clay;
  • lime-clay gypsum;
  • cement-lime.

Plaster mortar is used to prepare uneven walls.

Before proceeding to leveling the surface with plaster, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it from dirt and dust, prime it. After that, two vertical beacons are installed along the edges of the wall, between which intermediate ones are mounted. The alignment itself is performed in three stages:

  1. Spray - application of liquid plaster with a layer of about 3-5 mm. The surface must be pre-wetted for better adhesion. This layer is a transitional layer between the main body of the plaster and the wall to which it is applied.
  2. Primer - the second layer is applied to the first layer, which should be about twice as thick. Its thickness can be 5-7 mm.
  3. Nakryvka is a finishing thin layer of plaster, with the help of which the unevenness of the soil is smoothed out.

Plasterboard leveling

For very uneven walls, drywall sheets can be used, which not only flattens the walls, but also increases the level of heat and sound insulation in the room.
If the surface irregularities do not exceed 7 cm, then the sheets can be fixed on it using a special gypsum composition. If the curvature is greater, then you will have to mount a special frame, to which drywall is subsequently attached. The sheets must be fastened using self-tapping screws with a step of 30 cm. The joints between the sheets are sealed with plaster mortar, and the caps of the self-tapping screws are also covered with it.

Aligning the walls with moisture-resistant drywall

In conclusion, the plasterboard surface must be putty, and only then proceed to the question of how to glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis. Is it necessary to smear the walls of gypsum board with glue or not? - a frequent question, the unequivocal answer to which is yes, it is necessary. Gluing wallpaper on drywall takes place using the same technology, which is relevant for other surfaces.

How to glue the wallpaper correctly: video and step-by-step instructions

After you have decided on the type of coating and the type of adhesive, you can proceed directly to gluing. This is done in the following sequence:

  • the walls are being prepared. This process involves preliminary drying of the surface. If the wall has been recently plastered, the plaster should dry completely. Otherwise, there is a high risk of wallpaper peeling;

Helpful advice! In order to check the dryness of the wall, you can stick a small strip of polyethylene on it and leave it overnight. If wet drops have appeared on it in the morning, it means that the wall needs to be dried again.

Priming walls using a long-handled paint roller

  • a primer is applied. It can be a special solution or the adhesive composition on which the wallpaper will subsequently be glued. The primer is designed to seal cracks in the walls and hide minor irregularities;
  • in a special container, according to the instructions, the glue is diluted. It must be stirred for at least 10 minutes, the solution must be homogeneous, without clots and lumps;
  • using the level, the upper line is drawn, which will be a guide for gluing the first sheet of coating;

Marking and cutting wallpaper into canvases

  • the room is de-energized, all sockets and switches are removed from the walls. Holes for them in the canvas can be cut both before and after gluing. The main thing is to mark with a pencil exactly where the cuts need to be made;
  • before gluing, you need to make sure that there are no drafts in the room. It is highly discouraged to turn on fans or air conditioners in the process and open windows;
  • each roll is cut into strips. In this case, it is recommended to leave an allowance of 10 cm in length. Before cutting with a tape measure and a pencil, cut lines are drawn;

Applying glue to wallpaper with a wide brush

  • glue is applied to the prepared canvas. The solution should be applied evenly, smearing the edges of the strip well. It is very important not to leave dry, non-oiled areas, which later do not stick to the wall and create a bulging effect. The question of what glue to glue vinyl wallpapers on a paper basis, discussed above;
  • glue is applied to the wall. If you are using meter rolls, you should skip this point and proceed to the next one;
  • prepared canvases are glued to the wall. This must be done end-to-end, without letting go. Remains of glue that show through the seams are removed with foam rubber or a soft cloth;

Pasting the walls must start from the corner of the room or window opening.

  • the edges that remain below and above are trimmed with a blade or utility knife. It is best to do this when the sheet is already dry, otherwise the cut runs the risk of getting uneven.

How to stick paper backed vinyl wallpaper in the corners and ceiling of a room? These processes have their own subtleties, which will be discussed below.

The nuances of gluing wallpaper on the ceiling

The process of gluing wallpaper to the ceiling is carried out before the walls are pasted over.
For finishing the ceiling, it is better to choose a lighter version of vinyl, since heavy wallpaper can come off under its own weight. Otherwise, the difference with pasting the walls is minimal, but this process is more laborious, and it is in the case of the ceiling that the help of a partner is very useful.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners of the room

From what angle to start gluing the wallpaper is absolutely not important, but it should be borne in mind that this process requires special care. The task is facilitated if the corners in the apartment are even. If they have errors, they must be corrected, otherwise the end result will be unsatisfactory.

Photo: pasting vinyl wallpaper on the outer corner of the room

When gluing a vinyl sheet in the corners, it is necessary to cut through one of the joints. This means that when less than one strip remains to the corner, then you need to measure the distance to it (from the glued surface) and cut off the canvas with an allowance of 3-4 cm. These centimeters will go to the perpendicular wall. Then you need to glue the second canvas with an overlap, and in this place, carefully cut both canvases. Thus, you will get a smooth and neat joint. At the junction, the wall is coated with glue, and the wallpaper is smoothed with a roller.

How long does paper-based vinyl wallpaper dry?

The answer to the question of how long the glued wallpaper will dry depends on many factors. First of all, this is influenced by how well the working surface was dried before gluing. Optimal characteristics of the environment during drying and further gluing - the temperature is not lower than 19-21 ° C and the humidity is not more than 75%. At high humidity or low temperatures, the wall can dry out for a very long time, which, in turn, can affect the peeling of the wallpaper, its deformation and discrepancies at the joints.

Remember that other types of repair work can only be carried out after the wallpaper is completely dry.

Photo: the drying time of the wallpaper depends on the amount of glue applied

Also, the drying time of the wallpaper can be affected by the presence of drafts or air currents from the climatic equipment. Drafts during gluing lead to the fact that the coating dries unevenly, and this leads to its deformation. If you do not want to re-glue the canvas several times, then do not use air conditioners, fans and other climatic equipment in the process of pasting the room, and also close all windows and doors.

It is rather difficult to determine the exact drying time of the canvas, since it depends on the following factors:

  • the type of glue used in the process;
  • the amount of solution applied to the wall;
  • room temperature and humidity level.

The minimum drying time for non-woven fabrics is 24 hours. For a paper base, this period is slightly shorter. Time also depends on the density of the vinyl covering and the presence of micropores in it.

It is necessary to carefully remove glue residues at the joints in order to avoid contamination of the cloths.

There are a number of general points that must be considered when gluing vinyl wallpaper:

  • vinyl conducts electricity well, so you need to crate the wallpaper so that it does not come into contact with bare wiring, otherwise you risk injury;
  • during the drying process, the paper-backed web shrinks. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the joints and seams. To prevent them from diverging, it is recommended to glue the wallpaper with an overlap. They will tell you how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper on a paper basis, video and photo instructions that can be easily found on the Internet;
  • if you do not want the microclimate in the bedroom or children's room to change significantly, then you should not paste over the walls of these rooms with vinyl. It's all about its very low level of vapor permeability;

Vinyl wallpapers have low vapor permeability, so it is not recommended to glue them in children's rooms and bedrooms

  • there is no need to save on the quality of the coating and glue, it is on them that the durability, wear resistance and attractive appearance of the wallpaper depend;
  • for gluing canvases in rooms with high humidity, PVC wallpaper is perfect, as they will protect the walls from moisture.

Do not be afraid to experiment, try pasting walls with different wallpapers. Photos of combining wallpaper look very attractive, the main thing is to choose the right pattern, color and texture. Use rolls of different thicknesses and types, use original design solutions, combine tones and textures, and you can create a stylish and memorable interior yourself.