How to glue vinyl wallpaper. How to glue vinyl wallpaper. Docking over openings

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, you need to know how to do it correctly so that they please with their appearance for a long time. In addition, pasting walls with wallpaper of this type requires a separate approach due to the characteristics of the material. Therefore, it is worth knowing something about him.

In fact, this is a vinyl film applied to a paper base or interlining. Such canvases are produced in 3 types:

  • silkscreen;
  • foam vinyl.

Vinyl wallpapers are very durable, unlike paper ones. Depending on the quality, they can be the most environmentally friendly wallpaper. But in this case, when choosing, you should pay attention to the brand.

Preparatory work

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper, the walls of the room must be treated with a primer. Especially carefully it must be walked in the corners. If there is an old coating, then it must be removed, and the surface leveled and puttied. Then wait about 2 days. Then sand the walls and apply a primer. Wallpaper glue can be used as a primer.

After priming the walls, you must wait at least 2 hours. In the meantime, you should remove all the outer parts of sockets and switches and cook. To prevent a short circuit, the room should be de-energized. In addition, all windows and doors must be closed.

Nuances when pasting a room with vinyl sheets

Some are wondering: how to glue the wallpaper correctly if the pattern is required. In this case, it is best to check the pattern by applying it to the previous strip, and cut off the excess, leaving a small margin from above and below.

But if compliance with the pattern is not required, then the canvases of the required length can be cut immediately, with a small margin of 5-10 cm. This margin can be useful if the ceiling and floor are not perfectly aligned, as a result of which the walls may vary in height. By the way, when gluing in the corners, it is best to cut this stock so that it is possible to make an even cut there in the future.


It is best to start pasting the walls from the corner opposite the window. In this case, it is initially necessary to make markings in width, minus 1-2 cm, using a laser level. When pasting a room with wallpaper, this device is indispensable and very convenient. If the corners are not perfectly aligned, then the line should be shifted towards the corner so that the first strip completely covers it.

Before sticking wallpaper near radiators, they must be turned off to reduce the likelihood of deformation of the canvas when it dries. Under the radiator, it is recommended to start wallpaper by 10-20 cm.

Wall pasting

To apply glue to the wallpaper, you will need a roller and a brush. With a roller, the glue is optimally distributed over the entire canvas, and the edges are processed with a brush. Moreover, it is desirable to do the latter twice: before applying glue to the entire canvas and after. Then you need to re-treat the wall (this must be done especially carefully in the corners) with an adhesive composition.

In order to make sticking vinyl wallpaper more convenient, it is better to fold the panel into an accordion four times. The top edge must be brought a couple of centimeters to the ceiling or baguette and align it in accordance with the marked line. Then, using a plastic spatula or rubber roller, you need to completely smooth the canvas, expelling bubbles. It is allowed to pierce the bladder with a needle. Excess adhesive should be removed with a clean white cloth.

In the same way, we paste the remaining vinyl wallpaper. It is important to know that a paper-based canvas, unlike a non-woven fabric, stretches a little, so it should be glued with an overlap of 1-2 mm, otherwise, after drying, the canvas may disperse at the junction. With such wallpaper you need to work very carefully. Among other things, at the junction you need to additionally walk with a small roller.

How to glue corners

Of particular difficulty for wallpapering are the corners of the room. Two methods can be applied here. The first one is overlap. With this method, it is best to stock up on edge glue. However, if the canvases are thick enough, then it is best to glue them end-to-end and cut them. To do this, the strip is overlapped onto another, after which, at a slight deviation from the edge, both canvases are cut vertically with a knife using a ruler. Then the excess is removed from the walls, and the joint is rolled with a roller.

But most often the corners are uneven. And it happens that the very middle of the canvas just falls on them. Of course, in this case, you can cut the wallpaper in this place and dock again, with a slight overlap. But you can do it a little differently: do not cut the strip, but stick it as evenly as possible. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that all wrinkles go into the corners. Next, the wallpaper in these places must be carefully cut with a sharp knife and glued with an overlap. So the pattern will be preserved, and the corners will look more aesthetically pleasing.

To ensure that the top and bottom edges of the wallpaper are even, trimming is carried out after gluing the strips. Moreover, if the vinyl wallpaper is thin enough, then trimming is best done at the very end, after drying. If the canvases are thick, then it is better to do it right away. Trimming should be done with a wide metal spatula and a knife. In the corners, it is better to use scissors.

Trimming sockets and switches should be done with sharp scissors. In this case, you need to focus on the frame of the switch, and not on the socket.

To prevent fire hazards, it is important that vinyl wallpaper does not fall on the switch itself. Bending the corners into the socket box is unacceptable.

Pasting windows and doors

When making repairs with your own hands, special attention should be paid to window and door openings.

When pasting doors, wallpaper should be slightly wound onto the trim, followed by cutting them with a metal spatula and a knife. But it would be better to carefully remove the platbands. In this case, do not wallpaper the door on both sides at once.

When pasting windows, you need to do the following. If the window opening is perfectly even, then you can pre-mark it on the canvas or cut off the strip exactly to the window line. However, in the latter case, it will still be necessary to pay attention to the corners of the window sill. But if the window opening is uneven, then it is best to glue the panel completely, avoiding smearing in the intended place of the opening, and then cut out the excess in place with sharp scissors or a knife.

Speaking about how to glue vinyl wallpapers, it is important to note that they are glued only end-to-end, because the material has a high-density structure and relief. When applying the adhesive composition, it is necessary to carefully process the edges of the canvases so that after gluing they do not come off and do not disperse.

Before you glue vinyl wallpaper, you need to decide on the choice of glue. You need a specialized glue that is designed for gluing such canvases. For example, if you use ordinary wallpaper glue, then the canvases will be stretched during gluing, and after drying they will simply shrink, resulting in ugly joints between them.

For this type of wallpaper, a special adhesive is sold that holds vinyl strips with high quality, prevents them from shrinking, and does not allow resizing after drying.

Important! It is necessary to glue the wallpaper and the wall with glue (although they are often limited to applying to canvases). You can not stick canvases if only the wall is treated with glue. In the presence of priming the surface with glue, it is not necessary to process it - it is enough to apply glue to the vinyl sheets.

The stores sell canvases of various types, but they are all sold under the general name "vinyl".

The most popular types are:

  • A common type of vinyl flooring. The material is distinguished by a beautiful texture, noble exterior, and the presence of unusual inclusions that imitate a silk surface.

  • Standard look, characterized by thinness, increased density, practicality, strength. Their gluing is carried out on flat surfaces, otherwise the defects in the rough surface will be too noticeable. Vinyl wallpapers of this type are presented in a wide variety of models that differ in color, design, design, structure, texture and other characteristics, so there will be no problems with choosing the right finish for the bedroom, living room, nursery, kitchen and other living spaces.

  • Vinyl sheets are characterized by a relatively large thickness, high strength characteristics, and increased density. They usually depict all kinds of three-dimensional drawings. Due to the relief, as well as the visual volume, this type of vinyl wallpaper can be glued to surfaces and walls with defects - minor flaws will be masked.

Important! Each type of vinyl wallpaper has its own type of glue. For example, if canvases made on the basis of foamed vinyl are chosen, then you will need to buy an expensive adhesive that will be able to hold heavy finishing materials on the wall.

To perform the work, you will need to use the following tools:

  • Wide brush, soft roller.
  • Square, pencil.
  • Rubberized roller.
  • Spatula made of plastic.
  • Clean rag, sponge.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Level, ruler, plumb.
  • Wide spatula made of metal.
  • Construction tape.

Important! In order for vinyl sheets to last for a long time and not peel off after gluing, the rough surface must first be prepared for the gluing process.

Preparatory work

The process of preparing walls for pasting with vinyl wallpaper is a long and laborious process, which includes successive steps, each of which must be completed:

  1. If the gluing of vinyl sheets is not carried out in a new house, then the old finish must be removed from the walls: wallpaper, plaster, paintwork, etc. It is necessary to remove not only the main part of the old finish, but also all traces of it remaining.

2. Surface leveling. After removing the old coating, it is necessary to visually inspect the work surface. It must be smooth, without defects, crumbling concrete, etc. You can tap the wall with a rubber mallet to check its integrity. Small defects can be repaired with plaster, but if the entire surface is in poor condition, then the old plaster must be completely removed and the wall treated with a new compound to level it.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to stick vinyl wallpaper on old wallpaper or paint, even if they are in satisfactory condition. The best option is to remove the old coating and stick new canvases on a clean, leveled rough surface.

It is also necessary to check not only the evenness of the rough surface, but also its humidity. It is not recommended to glue vinyl wallpaper on those surfaces that are constantly exposed to moisture and get wet (this is especially true for old wooden and other country houses).

If the wall constantly gets wet and becomes at least a little damp, then any kind of vinyl canvases will not stick to it.

Before gluing vinyl wallpaper on a prepared wall, you need to take into account the tips for implementing this process.

They will be useful to those who have to do this work for the first time:

  • Vinyl sheets will stick well if the wall surface has been completely dried before starting work. Therefore, you need to wait for the time between the preparatory and the main stage of gluing.
  • Gluing work should be carried out in a room with closed windows and doors, with the ventilation and air conditioning systems turned off. Upon completion of gluing, the room must also be left closed for 24-36 hours, otherwise the canvases will simply peel off the wall.
  • It is better to buy vinyl wallpapers with a margin, so that in the process of doing the work there is no shortage of canvases. If the room is relatively small, then it is desirable to complete all the work in one day.

Important! You do not need to stick wallpaper if there is high humidity in the room.

On video: Tricks of sticking vinyl wallpaper.

Marking the walls for sticking vinyl wallpaper is one of the most important work steps.

If it is ignored, then when gluing the vinyl sheets will begin to gradually shift, you will have to constantly mix and move them, which will lead to additional time costs and increased material consumption.

Standard living rooms have 4 walls and 4 corners. You can start gluing vinyl wallpaper from a wall with a window or from the corner that is closest to the window. If gluing is supposed to be done from a corner, then it is necessary to immediately measure the verticality of this corner. This is necessary so that the first strip of vinyl wallpaper "lies" perfectly evenly.

To do this, from the corner of the room in the direction of gluing, you need to retreat by about 3-4 cm. Then you need to take a plumb line with a colored cord, fix it at the top of the wall. If there is a partner, then he can hold the lace from above. The plumb line must be lowered down, drawing a strict vertical line. Then the lace must be pulled and released, due to which an even vertical line will remain on the work surface. Subsequent strips of vinyl wallpaper can be joined to it in the future.

The second side of the first wallpaper strip will be cornered with a slight approach to the adjacent wall. If the corner of the room does not have an ideal vertical, due to this entry, this drawback will be almost completely leveled.

The process of gluing vinyl sheets also includes several steps that must be performed sequentially. Pasting is a simple process that can be done by two people.

The main thing is to purchase a high-quality and suitable adhesive composition, as well as follow the basic recommendations.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper needs some time for the mixture to infuse, so mixing the adhesive is the first step. It is necessary to prepare the adhesive mixture strictly according to the instructions on the package (it will be unique in each case, depending on the manufacturer).

Adhesive for vinyl sheets usually needs to be poured into a container with the required amount of water prepared in advance. Backfilling of dry adhesive powder is carried out gradually with constant stirring of the resulting mixture.

Vinyl wallpaper can be with a clear pattern that will require a quality fit, or without it. In the first case, the consumption of canvases will increase significantly.

There will be no waste if you need to glue vinyl photo wallpapers.

If the canvases are with a pattern, then you can customize it in several ways:

  1. It is necessary to mark the canvases in height, cut off and stick the first strip, and then attach the next roll to it, shifting it gradually to align the pattern. In this case, the waste will increase significantly (approximately 30-50 cm in length from each roll).
  2. If the second method is chosen, then you need to take into account the set step of the elements of the picture, select the desired value of the shift between the canvases during the alignment process. This is a more complicated, but economical option.
  3. The third method involves the use of several rolls at the same time to fit the pattern. For example, odd canvases are taken from one roll, and even ones from the other.

Important! If it is possible and there are vinyl wallpapers with a margin, then it is recommended to choose the consumable first method, because it is easier to perform and more familiar.

When cutting the roll, you need to take into account the height of the surface to be glued, the pattern offset step and make a margin of length for the final trim. A margin of 5-7 cm is enough. In the marked place, the wallpaper needs to be bent, smoothed, cut off with scissors or a sharp knife.

Gluing process

Pasting the walls with vinyl wallpaper is carried out sequentially. There is a certain scheme in accordance with which such work is carried out.

It is better to glue vinyl wallpaper together.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. At the first stage, the prepared adhesive composition is applied to the wallpaper strip and to the wall. Wallpaper glue should be applied to the wallpaper with a roller, brush or ordinary sponge. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of the strips.

2. A strip of vinyl wallpaper must be glued from above, attaching the upper edge of the canvas to a pre-glued cornice with a slight overlap. In the vertical plane, it is strongly recommended to level the glued strip with a level.

3. After gluing the upper part of the strip, you need to gradually, moving towards the bottom, press it against the wall with a plastic spatula or roller. It is best to straighten the strip using the herringbone method, i.e. removing air by moving the spatula from the center to the edges of the strip. It is recommended to immediately remove the glue squeezed out of the vinyl sheet with a clean rag or sponge.

4. Gluing the second strip is done in the same way, but now you need to glue it so that the pattern matches. First you need to align the canvas strictly along the junction line, after which you have to start combining the pattern.

5. For the corner parts of the room, you need to use strips that should go onto the adjacent wall by about 3-4 cm.

After the vinyl wallpaper is pasted, it is recommended to remove all remaining building materials, tools, and a container with an adhesive composition from the room.

The door and windows in the room should be closed,to speed up the drying process,do not turn on the fan or air conditioner.

After gluing, you need to wait at least 1-2 days for the adhesive mixture to harden. If you immediately open the window after gluing and create a draft in the room, then there is a high probability that the vinyl wallpaper will simply peel off.

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Progress in the field of materials presented a gift - vinyl wallpaper. The well-known PVA glue was learned to foam and sinter on rolls of paper, while imitating the surfaces of various materials, including the silks of imperial palaces. Although vinyl wallpaper has nothing to do with silk, they are often called silkscreen for their specific appearance. In fact, vinyl is applied by printing with tinted dots. After heating, the substance swells, the dots merge - the process is completed. Warm stripes are sometimes embossed, rolled under the paint rollers. The pattern can also be applied before embossing. The production is not complicated, but the components used are expensive. Palace collections of vinyl tapestries can hardly be called budget. However, properly glued to the wall, vinyls last forever.


Features and varieties of vinyl wallpaper

Depending on the substrate, wallpaper is distinguished on:

  • paper,
  • interlining,
  • fabrics.

The first ones are the cheapest, acrylic is foamed on them, so the substance is easily destroyed even with a fingernail. Interlining is used as a substrate for denser samples. Vinyl on a fabric basis is similar to a sieve, coarse calico. It is used where there is a complete imitation of a tapestry.


By density, vinyl is divided into two categories:

  • high-relief,
  • low relief.

High-relief ones are produced with wide white canvases with the texture of matting, two-thread, linen canvas, as well as ribbons in the form of plaster decor. After gluing, such reliefs are painted with acrylic paints. For kitchens and hallways, decorative canvases are produced in the form of tiled, brickwork. The service life is limited: rearrangement of furniture, children, pets, inability to wash with abrasives are the reasons for the rapid destruction of the layer.

Low-relief washable, not afraid of shock, do not fade, no unpleasant odor. Their only drawback is the ability to condense steam on themselves. That is, they do not "breathe". Therefore, they are recommended for rooms and premises with good ventilation.

Vinyl is produced in 4 standards: 53 cm, 70 cm, 106 cm and tape friezes. All varieties, regardless of the height of the relief, series and manufacturer, are combined with each other. The main thing in the gluing process is to avoid gaps between the canvases. Overlapping vinyl is not glued.

How to stick: necessary tool

  1. Metal ruler;
  2. Stationery knife;
  3. Square;
  4. Roulette;
  5. Flat brushes - 0.5, 2.5 cm;
  6. Fleecy roller on a stick - L 200 mm;
  7. Roller on the handle - L 120 mm;
  8. Leveling scraper;
  9. Building level (preferably laser);
  10. Simple pencil hard T;
  11. Shoe brush;
  12. Scissors.


You will also need a board made of fiberboard, a table, a stepladder, rags, masking tape, weights that prevent canvases from twisting. As an adhesive - methylcellulose CMC or modified starch.

Adhesive selection

CMC stands for: methylcellulose glue. All other names are publicity stunts. CMC is poured in very small portions (dust) into a bucket of water, mixing thoroughly. Set aside for a few hours, mix again. The liquid should be viscous, like jelly, envelop the stick without lumps. Kissel-like consistency is the same for all vinyls - heavy, light, high-relief. Very thick glue is diluted with water, but carefully, in small portions, otherwise it may become a watery liquid.


Another wallpaper paste is modified starch. It dries without a trace, does not form whitish smudges. Its price is higher, but the preparation is the same as that of CMC.

PVA glue is added - up to 10% of the total mass - just before gluing to speed up the setting of meter-long prints, but it is not mandatory. The excess is thoroughly blotted with rag swabs.

Preparatory work

Removing old wallpapers

The gloss of vinyl gives out all the irregularities of the wall, so the surface is prepared more carefully than for painting. The chalk is washed off the wall, the old wallpaper is scraped off with a spatula and a knife, having previously soaked them.

Sometimes you need a lot of water. An oilcloth is placed on the floor on the bars, the flowing water will be collected in an oilcloth cuvette. With each rolling of the wetted roller over the old wallpaper, their peeling will be faster. The washed wall is allowed to dry.

To remove old wallpaper in one large layer, they resort to the following: newspapers are glued onto a shabby paper print. Let dry, peel off.

Wall leveling technology

Scrap off the oil paint. Large shells are sealed with plaster, impregnated with a primer. Next - the application of the gypsum mixture "Start". After the walls are polished. Before the final layer, it is recommended to glue the fiberglass canvas. Fiberglass will serve as a flavor during gluing. It also reinforces the finish layer. All fiberglass glue is the same. The final layer is the "Finish" putty.


Applying a light source to the wall, the dried surfaces are checked for small cuts, protrusions. After editing, the surfaces are primed again. The final step is gluing. The glue prepared in advance is rolled with a roller.

Very old walls are easier (and cheaper) to level with plasterboard. In this case, transverse and longitudinal guides are attached to the wall in increments of 1200 mm, plates are hung, the screw entry points and seams are puttied. The reinforcing mesh is not applied along the seam. It is not necessary to apply the finishing layer of putty mixtures to drywall, but the plates are primed and glued in the same way as in the previous case.


Surfaces are measured. The upper edge is beaten off with a level and a pencil. The largest canvas height in the entire room is set (it can vary). Usually it is 2 m 65 cm +. In the case when the design implies two tiers and a frieze, markings are made along the horizons.


Installation of the ceiling cornice is carried out either before or after gluing. In the first case, the junction of the cornice and the canvas is covered with acrylic between two masking tapes. From above, acrylic is tinted with water emulsion (it turns yellow over time). In the second case, the wallpaper protrudes 5 mm above the bottom edge of the plinth, and the top of the wallpaper is covered with polystyrene cornices, having previously been protected from being hit by a construction protective “paint brush”!

You need to pre-mark the entire composition. Pay special attention to the verticals. With the help of the level, the vertical is drawn for each canvas, otherwise the “moved out” cut can initiate a skew for all subsequent ones.

Step-by-step instruction

To properly glue such wallpaper with your own hands, follow the instructions below.

Web preparation

The roll is rolled out, inspected for defects, cut off the length in accordance with the marking rectangles. You need to cut in one step, using a lining board, with a blade well fixed in the handle. The cross line for the cut must be strictly perpendicular.


How to apply glue

The cut is placed on the floor, pressing the corners with weights, preventing them from tending to twist. Glue is rolled with a roller without wringing in a paint tray. The vinyl lining absorbs a lot, so after the first rolling, it is immediately rolled again. It is desirable to lubricate the contours of the canvas in addition to CMC with PVA. The top and bottom are brought to the center. The formed envelope is impregnated for 3-5 minutes. Unfolded by attaching to the wall. It is advisable to apply together - in order to avoid gaps.


How to stick the finished canvas

Before sticking the finished piece of canvas, you need to pay the greatest attention to the top edge. As soon as it is fixed in accordance with the marking line, the canvas is finally unfolded and its center is fixed by hand. Holding the upper edge, they pass along the canvas with a spatula-trowel. Subsequent movements - from the center to the edges. Excess glue is removed with a moistened rag swab, the canvas is glued perfectly. In the course is a shoe brush. With it, in a circular motion, the canvas is leveled, the side edge is checked with the horizontal, if necessary, the edge is taken away, slightly tightened. The wet cut is elastic and stretches with a meter thickness up to 1 cm. Do not touch the wet wall with nails and sharp objects - it is very vulnerable.

Trimming the edges

Vertical canvases cannot be cut on a wet wall. The groove from the knife will remain, moreover, it can provoke the destruction of the putty. But on a drywall slab, the canvas can be cut - in those places where there are no nests, under the screws, away from the seams. After drying, the strips are cut off at the very floor.

Tape material - friezes - after stretching along the wall, they are pulled out. It is difficult to predict their final length. The tape is measured, cut with a margin, laid, the border is marked with a pencil and carefully cut with scissors.

Sticking in problem areas

No water-based adhesive will withstand the temperature drop behind the batteries. You can't see behind them: the curtains are camouflaging. But it is possible to choose a color and paint over. Acrylic paint with glitter is suitable for mother-of-pearl wallpaper: under silver, gold, bronze. These compounds are extremely stable. The edges of the vinyl on the batteries are painted over from the back with thick PVA glue, pressed. Hold, for example, with a mop. Such work can only be carried out near cold radiators.

The housings of sockets and switches are removed before gluing. Needless to say, the network must be turned off. Dried trellises on rosettes will give themselves out as a relief, they are easy to detect by touch. A cross-shaped hole is made in the center, the unnecessary is cut off.

Drying time for vinyl wallpaper

To establish whether the moisture has evaporated or not is simple: you need to touch the wall and ceiling with your palm. The usual drying of wall materials is a day. In autumn, the drying period can be delayed - up to 2, 3 days.

After complete drying, check the joints. If the pasting has moved away, the edge is pasted over on both sides with masking tape, carefully pulled back, PVA glue is dripped from the stationery dispenser, pressed and dried with the warmth of the palm of your hand.

Video: how to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands

Good work requires care, strict adherence to technology. But working with vinyls cannot be attributed to labor-intensive processes. However, the preparatory work is voluminous and costly.

So it's time to change the situation in the apartment or create comfort in a new home.

Have you chosen vinyl wallpaper for wall decoration, but do not know how to glue it?

Then it's time to figure out what tools are needed for this and how to do it right at home.

What you need to know when choosing vinyl wallpaper

Before you start sticking, you need to decide what kind of wallpaper you want to stick in a particular room, since there are several types and varieties of them.

  • For some, the basis is interlining, for others - paper.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are also divided into subspecies according to the production technology:

foam, flat, silkscreen, polythin and hard vinyl, or washable as they are called.

As for their safety in the house where we live - think for yourself, the material from which they are made - pvc, these are the same plastic windows, linoleum, stretch ceilings.

I would not advise you to glue them in children's rooms, and carefully choose a manufacturer that guarantees quality and environmental friendliness.

To know how to glue vinyl wallpaper with your own hands, you will have to assemble a small set of tools (they are not specific and can be found in any household) and acquire some skills, which I will describe in detail in this article.

Tools for the job

So, let's start with the tool that we need in the process of wallpapering.

  1. The roller is large, to remove air bubbles and excess glue.
  2. Small roller, for seams.
  3. The brush is big and small.
  4. Wallpaper knife.
  5. Plumb.
  6. Pencil.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Scissors.
  9. Rags.
  10. Putty knife.

When everything you need is collected, we begin the preparatory work.

How to prepare the walls for proper gluing with vinyl wallpaper

The first thing to do is to remove the old paint and pieces of not removed wallpaper and peeling putty. After that, the walls are primed, and the cracks are sealed with putty.

When everything is dry, prime the walls with a primer, or with wallpaper paste, in the proportion that you will find on the glue box. Usually this is a ratio of 1:8 (glue:water). A primed wall will absorb less adhesive and the wallpaper will adhere more firmly.

Preparation of materials for work

First of all, we prepare the glue according to the manufacturer's instructions.

We take into account that no matter what glue you take, no matter how you prepare it, 45 grams of the finished solution will be needed for 1 m² of vinyl wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper pasting

How to glue wallpaper, namely vinyl, without much effort?

Firstly, there are several types of vinyl wallpaper and the choice of glue and the method of applying it depend on their type, and the manufacturer usually indicates this information on the packaging of the wallpaper in the form of icons.

  • There are wallpapers that are glued dry, these are non-woven vinyl wallpapers, in this case the glue is applied only to the wall.
  • In another case, the wallpaper goes on a paper basis, then the glue is applied to the wall and to the panel, which, with the applied glue, folds with the edges towards the middle, for better impregnation with glue.

Step by step instructions for wallpapering

Before sticking, exclude any drafts in the room until the wallpaper is completely dry, otherwise they will decorate your floor until the morning!

  1. Before pasting, on the wall, with the help of a plumb line and a ruler, we beat off the line along which we will level the edge of the first panel. This is best done together, since only a specialist with great experience can beat off a straight line on their own.
  2. Next, we take a piece of vinyl wallpaper and apply it to the wall under the ceiling, bending the upper edge of the piece by 5-10 cm, and align the side edge along the drawn line.
  3. We smooth a piece of wallpaper from the ceiling to the floor, and away from the center with a rubber roller, carefully removing air. Try not to stretch the wallpaper, as it will shrink back when it dries and you will get a gap at the joints.
  4. When sticking the next panel of vinyl wallpaper, try to join the edges of the panels as much as possible and carefully roll the joints of the seams with a rubber roller, after removing excess glue with a dry rag.

Corner gluing

When we reach the corner, we measure the distance from the edge of the glued wallpaper panel to the corner and add an overlap of 2 cm, cut off such a strip from the whole panel. We glue this strip with an overlap on the corner.

We glue the next panel with an overlap in the very corner. Next, we glue the strips of vinyl wallpaper according to the old scheme - end-to-end.

Secrets of professional vinyl wallpapering

If you remember, when preparing wallpaper panels, we made overlaps under the ceiling and on the floor. Don't forget to trim these overlaps with a spatula and utility knife under the ceiling and near the floor.

We change the blade of the knife according to the degree of its dullness - do not skimp on this, otherwise the knife will simply tear the wallpaper.

Switches and sockets must be removed before gluing, and the electricity must be turned off to avoid electric shock, and wallpaper must be glued on top of them. Holes for them are cut out when the wallpaper is dry and then we put everything in place.

In principle, this is perhaps all you need to know in order to paste over a room with vinyl wallpaper correctly.

Good luck to everyone in this simple matter!

The walls of the apartment occupy the largest area of ​​the apartment and visually attract attention. The quality of the wall decoration will set the tone for the entire interior of the room. Therefore, in order for your repair to succeed, we offer brief recommendations, as well as visual video tutorials on how to glue.

Why vinyl?

Firstly, this material has an amazing feature: it repels water, and therefore it will be easy to clean from dirt.

Secondly, the latest developments allow vinyl wallpaper to "breathe", because now wallpaper canvases have micropores.

Thirdly, due to the significant thickness and mass of the vinyl sheet, such wallpapers are easier to glue - they will not tear when glued to the wall or unfolding the roll. And, of course, such wallpapers will also serve longer than ordinary paper ones.

Before sticking vinyl wallpaper, you need to know a few distinguishing features that significantly affect the pasting technology.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper

Step 1. How to prepare the walls for pasting?

We clean from the previous coating, skin, primer, level and dry the base.

IMPORTANT! It is important to prime concrete walls before pasting: otherwise stains may appear on the wallpaper.

You can use not a store primer, but a highly diluted wallpaper glue. After priming, be sure to open the walls with white water-based paint.

To prepare walls of various types for pasting, there are their own requirements.

So, for example, before sticking a fresh wallpaper on painted walls, do a small test: scratch the paint in several places, and then cover the scratches with ordinary stationery tape: if the paint cracks when peeling off the tape, and its particles remain on the adhesive tape, you need to paint remove from the entire wall.

On plastic or on any other smooth surface, wallpaper is glued only after sanding the wall, and on drywall, wallpaper is fixed only on a special adhesive.

Step 2. How to cut canvases?

Before opening the first roll, check the total number of rolls purchased, as well as the color and pattern of the wallpaper, the identity of the batch number. Wallpapers of different batches can differ significantly from each other. If at first glance the difference is not noticeable, then sticking vinyl wallpaper on the wall will immediately show color or texture differences.

The easiest way to cut wallpaper without a pattern. Then you will need to measure the height of the wall and add another 5-10 cm to the resulting value for allowances. You can cut such wallpapers on a special table or on any spacious flat surface. After cutting the first canvas, an equal strip is measured from the roll, connecting them at the cut points.

In all other cases, the second and subsequent canvases are cut out only after being aligned with the pattern of the first and subsequent canvases.

IMPORTANT! Mark the canvases in the order they are pasted on the back side with a pencil, and also mark the top and them of the canvas.

When pasting walls with wallpaper with a pattern, much more material will go into marriage. So you need to buy such wallpapers with a margin.

IMPORTANT! Wallpaper when cutting should be unwound from the roll in the same direction. All even and all odd wallpaper canvases with a pattern are identical, i.e. for all of them, the points of coincidence of the figure are similar.

When buying, pay attention to the labeling of wallpaper: on the packaging of each roll, special pictograms should be applied that describe the method of cutting this type of wallpaper.

Figure 1 - Pictograms for determining the method of cutting wallpaper

IMPORTANT! When choosing wallpaper, it is better to lean towards wider ones, since gluing meter-long wallpapers end-to-end faster than ordinary ones, the more there will be fewer seams, and in this case the pattern will look more holistic.

Step 3. What kind of glue to glue vinyl wallpaper?

For each type of wallpaper, a certain type of glue must be used. All necessary information about how to use should be indicated on the packaging of the roll.

When preparing the glue, strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the mixture.

Vinyl wallpapers are heavy, because excess water in the prepared glue will negatively affect adhesion: after a couple of weeks or even hours after gluing the canvas, they can lag behind the walls and everything will have to be started all over again.

You should only buy glue for vinyl wallpapers: the use of universal adhesives or, even worse, glue for paper wallpapers cannot guarantee you a good adhesion result between the canvas and the wall.

In their class, QUELYD ($ 5 / 300 g, consumption - up to 5-6 rolls), Pufas ($ 3 / 200 g, consumption - 25-32 m²) and Methylan ($ 4 / 300 g, consumption - 32- 50 m²). The smell of these types of glue is either absent or slightly pronounced.

The drying time for each type of glue is also individual, but on average it is at least 12-24 hours. It is recommended to keep the room closed for 48 hours.

Step 4. Vinyl wallpaper: how to glue it correctly?

You will need:

  • bucket;
  • wide spatula;
  • sponge;
  • sharp knife;
  • pencil;
  • smoothing brush (or rubber roller);
  • plumb;
  • scissors;
  • meter;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • work surface (table).

Work progress:

The cut sheets are laid out on a flat surface and evenly covered with glue, using the instructions given on the packaging of the manufacturer of the adhesive mixture.

For ease of transportation and storage of pasted canvases, they are folded as follows: one edge is folded with the back side inward by 2/3 of the length, the second by 1/3. When folding the canvas, there should be no bends. The canvases are twisted into a loose roll and set aside.

IMPORTANT! If you do not plan to use a particular roll for more than half an hour, after applying glue to it, wrap the roll in cellophane to prevent premature drying of the edges of the wallpaper strips.

On average, wallpaper needs 5 to 10 minutes to soak with glue (a more accurate figure should be indicated on the roll packaging).

When impregnated with glue, the wallpaper becomes more elastic and often gives a change in shape in width. After drying on the wall, the wallpaper is stretched and all irregularities will be removed in a natural way.

IMPORTANT! If wallpaper strips are not uniformly impregnated with adhesive, or one strip in the adhesive has lain longer than another, this may affect the appearance of the strips (especially if we are talking about stripes with a pattern): the pattern may be displaced or distorted due to the compression of the vinyl after drying.

Also, if you overexpose the wallpaper in glue, the edges of the strips may stick together and when you try to open the canvas for gluing to the wall, they may tear.

ADVICE: To determine the optimal impregnation time, align the edges of the strip: if they “retreat” when combined, there was not enough time for normal impregnation and you should still wait.

The walls of the room are rarely strictly vertical, therefore, when pasting, one should not focus on the verticality of the corners. To paste the first strip of wallpaper on each wall, you need to draw a vertical with your own hands: for this, use a level or plumb line.

Figure 2 - We mark the vertical on the wall using a plumb line

To ensure adhesion, the pre-primed wall is also covered with a layer of glue (such a “double” ball of glue is often used when pasting walls with heavy washable vinyl wallpaper).

You need to properly hold the wallpaper before pasting like this:

  • pick up the rolled roll soaked in glue and climb the stepladder to the ceiling (at the place where the vertical is held);
  • bend your left arm at the elbow and carefully unfold the roll, gently throwing it over your arm;
  • take the edge of the strip from the larger side and carefully unfasten the wallpaper (ideally, you will only need to grab the edge and lower the canvas to fall along the entire length so that the peeling occurs naturally - under the weight of the weight of the pasted canvas);
  • the lower third of the canvas, still folded to the center, must be disconnected after fixing 2/3 of the canvas on the wall.

More details - in the video (for a description of the position of the roll during pasting, see from 8 min.).

VIDEO. How to glue vinyl wallpaper


After straightening, the strip is aligned along the marked vertical and, using a special brush or rubber roller, the wallpaper is glued to the wall:

  • first, the selected tool is carried out in the center of the canvas, and then, according to the “herringbone” principle, the strip is smoothed on the sides, removing excess air from under the wallpaper;
  • detach the lower third and smooth out in the same way.

Figure 3 - Smoothing a strip of vinyl wallpaper

IMPORTANT! When fixing the strip, remember the allowances for the ceiling and baseboard, equal to 5-10 cm!

Although most wallpapers today are glued joint to joint, if you want to overlap the wall, you need to start from the window: so when the light falls on the joints, there will be no shadow.

You can not glue the wallpaper in the corners of the room with whole canvases in full width: one way or another, over time, folds will form in the corner. The strip for pasting the corner must be cut in width so that it extends to the opposite wall by no more than 1.5 cm. and then attached to the wall. So you get not only a competent corner finish, but also a strictly vertical start for further pasting the wall.

It is necessary to smooth the seams with a special roller. It is important to take into account that when pasting walls with thick wallpaper, strong pressure on the roller can damage the surface of the canvas. Embossed wallpaper can not be smoothed down with a roller.

Figure 4 - Special rubber roller for smoothing seams

10. The edges of the wallpaper protruding onto the ceiling can be removed in three ways:

  • with the back side of the scissors, run along the junction of the wall and ceiling, as if smoothing the wallpaper butt, then bend the canvas and cut off the excess material with sharp scissors along the formed fold line, glue the canvas to the wall without applying an additional adhesive base, smoothing the fresh seam;
  • to trim the allowance for the ceiling, you can also use a spatula and a wallpaper knife (first support the canvas in the joint between the wall and ceiling, and the second - run over the spatula, cutting the canvas);
  • you can carefully cut the wallpaper using a special cutting tire (when using it, the glue will not get on the ceiling and other surrounding surfaces).

Figure 5 - One way to trim the allowances to fit the length

11. If you plan to stick wallpaper with a border, you should start pasting the surface of the canvases with decorative tape only after the glue has completely dried, i.e. after 24-48 hours (how long the wallpaper dries - an indicator indicated by the manufacturer on the roll label).

Vinyl wallpaper: harmful or not?

When choosing wallpaper, the question of whether vinyl wallpaper is harmful to human health or not is asked by almost all buyers who have heard about the adverse effects of vinyl coating.

If we are talking about a quality product, then the answer is “no, they are not harmful.”

The big disadvantage of vinyl wallpapers is the result of the biggest advantage of this coating: such wallpapers can be washed, and therefore they have an order of magnitude less breathability, and they are more susceptible to temperature fluctuations.

The water-repellent properties of the vinyl wallpaper web are achieved thanks to a special additive: PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or, in common people, vinyl.

If the buyer has no individual intolerance to this additive, then there are no contraindications to buying and pasting walls with such wallpaper. Allergy to PVC - the only thing that is harmful to high-quality vinyl wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpaper: product characteristics

The composition of vinyl wallpaper is PVC applied on a non-woven base or sprayed on paper.

Silk-screen printing or the so-called "flat vinyl", "hot-stamped vinyl" - are among the most expensive types of vinyl wallpaper. Thanks to a specific manufacturing technology and additives, these wallpapers give the effect of silk fabric.

Vinyl wallpaper - moisture resistant, and therefore the weight of the vinyl sheet exceeds the weight of paper wallpaper. The size of the wallpaper is often reduced to the standard: 10 m long and 0.53 m wide in one roll. However, there are varieties of 60 cm, 90 cm and meter wallpaper.

The shelf life of vinyl wallpaper on average does not exceed 10-15 years. With rare exceptions, the manufacturer can promise you 25 years of reliable service for this coating. But in this case, we will talk about buying VIP-class wallpapers for a lot of money.

How to wash vinyl wallpaper

Before cleaning vinyl wallpaper, carefully read the roll insert: it should contain the following pictograms:

Figure 6 - Pictograms for determining the method of cleaning vinyl wallpaper

Washable wallpapers can withstand household chemicals, while waterproof wallpapers can only be treated with a damp sponge - no more.

Washable vinyl wallpaper: price

Depending on the degree of resistance to moisture and the type of base, vinyl wallpaper can be purchased at a price of $ 4 to $ 10 (domestic manufacturers - Belooboi, Ratin 032 or Fabric 119 (pictured)).

Figure 8 - Marking the method of removing vinyl wallpaper from the surface of the walls

In most cases, it is easy to tear off the top film layer, and the paper backing will remain on the wall.

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to glue new wallpapers on an old substrate - new canvases will quickly peel off!

The paper layer is abundantly sprayed with water from a spray bottle, since it is impossible to remove the substrate dry without damaging the wall plaster. You can wash off the moistened paper base with a sponge or, starting from the seams, tear it off using a hard wallpaper scraper.

IMPORTANT! Instead of water to moisten the substrate, you can use special solutions to remove wallpaper.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling

The following video will tell you how to properly glue vinyl wallpaper on the ceiling. Please note that the technology of wallpapering on the wall and on the ceiling has no significant differences.

How to glue vinyl wallpaper. VIDEO

Self-adhesive vinyl wallpaper

Another proven way to transform any room is to use colorful self-adhesive vinyl decals. The range of such products is quite wide and you can choose a sticker suitable for any design.

For example, stick a teddy bear on light-colored walls in the nursery or decorate the plain walls of the living room with a stencil pattern.

In any case, it is 10 times faster and more economical than replacing the entire wall covering.

Photo 1 - Vinyl stickers for the nursery

Vinyl wallpaper for painting: how to paint

Mission: paint wallpaper

Decided to paint vinyl wallpaper?

Here are the answers to the most common questions:

What to paint?

Use a long nap roller. This will paint over all the textured elements of the wallpaper, and the paint will lie evenly on the surface of the canvas. The paint must be liquid.

Use a spatula if you want the texture of the wallpaper to be visible. Paint for this type of staining should be thick enough.

What paint?

Choose only water-based paint.

Can it be dyed with other types of paints?

No, unfortunately you can't.

Glue for vinyl wallpaper: price

You can buy glue for vinyl wallpaper at any building hypermarket in the country.

How much does vinyl wallpaper adhesive cost?


  • QUELYD - $ 5 / 300 g;
  • Pufas - $ 3 / 200 g;
  • Methylan - $ 4 / 300 g.

One package for pasting the walls of a standard 3 * 4 room may be enough.

The cost of wallpapering walls:

  • Kyiv - 45-70 UAH / m² (cleaning walls from wallpaper - additionally up to 25 UAH / m², priming walls - additionally up to 30 UAH / m²);
  • Moscow - 200-500 rubles / m² (cleaning walls from wallpaper - additionally up to 40 rubles / m², priming walls - additionally from 20 rubles / m²).