How to paint eggs in onion skins for Easter - unusual ways of painting. How to dye Easter eggs in onion skins

Church tradition says that it is necessary to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday, on the eve of Easter. Also on this day, take a swim, cut your hair and clean the house. However, in this article we will not talk about this: we tried to collect the most interesting things about how, why and why we paint eggs on the eve of this bright holiday.

Why eggs are dyed for Easter: the origins of the tradition

Of course, painting eggs before Easter has its own legend with meaning. At a time when the Roman Empire still existed, people had the opportunity to come to the emperor with a petition. However, it was necessary to bring something with you as a gift. Rich people brought gold, expensive fabrics, and the poor could please only with gifts from the household.

And then the moment came when Mary Magdalene decided to tell the emperor that Christ was resurrected, it turned out that she only had a white chicken egg. She handed her modest gift to the emperor and said: “Christ is risen!”. However, the imperious Tiberius laughed in her face: he said that he would believe it only if the egg changed its color and turned red. And so it happened. The emperor was struck by such a miracle and whispered "Truly risen!".

This is how the wonderful tradition of painting eggs and saying hello with famous phrases appeared. As you can see, according to legend, it is painted red. So can other colors be used? Let's try to figure it out.

What colors are eggs for Easter?

The fact is that the color of Easter eggs is a symbol of the torment of Christ. This is the color of his blood. Our ancestors always remembered this, and they never thought to paint the eggs in any other color. Eggs should remind Christians that Jesus shed blood for humanity and was reborn.

Today, when painting Easter eggs, believers use a variety of shades, and the symbolic red color is rapidly losing its important original meaning. Now the main thing is the beauty and good mood of those who paint them. Moreover, today special sets with stickers are sold: in a couple of seconds you can decorate eggs with them. Unfortunately, this only speaks of the laziness of believers, that we are unwilling to take a few minutes or hours to do everything according to tradition. We will not conservatively say that you should never dye eggs blue or yellow, but we will be glad if you choose the right color for you.

A few words about preparing eggs for painting

Five chicken eggs are a symbol of the wounds of Jesus. They need to be dyed with onion peel broth. According to tradition, these five eggs must be consecrated in the temple. Note that the church does not prohibit the use of quail or goose eggs. After painting, they look great, and they taste very pleasant. These eggs are a great solution for people with allergies.

Eggs should be prepared on Maundy Thursday, a couple of days before Easter. Although often busy housewives do not follow this tradition due to being busy and paint eggs on Saturday. Well, the products are bought and ready for painting - we are studying popular and original methods.

How to paint eggs in onion skins with your own hands?

Method 1: traditional

You will need:

  • ten chicken eggs;
  • a large amount of onion peel;
  • one teaspoon of salt.

Coloring time: 1.5 hours.

Method 2: painting eggs for Easter in speck

You will need:

  1. ten chicken eggs;
  2. a lot of onion peel;
  3. some rice;
  4. a teaspoon of salt;
  5. gauze material.

Coloring time: 40 minutes.

How to paint speckled eggs:

  1. To begin with, as in the classic version of coloring, we thoroughly wash the husk and put it on fire in a saucepan with water. Cook for about an hour after boiling.
  2. Strain the broth well, add one teaspoon of salt.
  3. We wash chicken eggs under running water and do not wipe. Roll wet eggs in rice and wrap in cheesecloth. The top of the fabric should be tightly tied with an elastic band. We spread the eggs in the onion broth and cook for about half an hour.
  4. Thirty minutes later, remove the eggs from the broth and remove the gauze. You will see that the shell is colored very evenly, but there are beautiful light specks on it. You can also experiment in a similar way if you dye eggs in a different color using dyes.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes?

If you are interested in interesting coloring of eggs, but you do not want to use chemical dyes, then this part of the article is for you.

How to dye eggs with beets?

With the help of beets, you can achieve both a delicate pink shade and a rich burgundy.

Method 1

If you want the beetroot to turn pink, then boil the hard-boiled eggs first and place in a bowl containing freshly squeezed beetroot juice. If the eggs lie in such juice overnight, then the shade will be maroon. A few hours will be enough for a pink tone. Leave the bowl with the solution in the refrigerator.

Method 2

Two or three medium-sized beets should be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Fill the beets with water and add one teaspoon of vinegar. This mixture should be boiled for about seven minutes. Add pre-boiled eggs to the broth. We advise you to hold the eggs in the broth as long as possible, so the color is richer.

Method 3

We clean the beets from the skin and rub on a fine grater. As a result, we should get beet pulp. Eggs pre-boil and rub with this porridge. As in method number two, the color saturation will depend on how long the eggs are in the beets. Easter egg painting is complete!

How to dye eggs with silk cloth?

You will need:

  • ten chicken eggs;
  • a few old shawls, scarves or a tie. The main condition is that all products must be made of 100% silk;
  • white gauze (half a meter);
  • several strips of foil;
  • vinegar.

How to dye with cloth:

How beautiful to decorate eggs for Easter?

Option 1: using electrical tape

First, boil the eggs, after which we take artificial dyes and dissolve them in two glasses of water. Add yellow dye to one glass, and blue dye to the second. Next, you need to cut off several strips of electrical tape. Length about 30 centimeters, length - about 1 centimeter. The strip is tightly glued, while stretching the tape a little. Then the egg is dipped into a glass in which yellow paint is diluted. As soon as the color “takes”, we take it out and dry it, remove the strip and glue a new one, but at a different angle (see photo below). We lower it into a glass with blue paint, take it out, remove it and dry it. Ready!

Option 2: how to decorate eggs with lace

Boil hard-boiled chicken eggs and dissolve food coloring (colors of your choice). Then we dip the egg into a glass with dye, and wait until it is colored (the longer you hold it, the more intense the color will be). Take it out, let it dry. Then we cut off a strip of lace: focus on a length of twelve centimeters. Wrap with lace and glue at the junction with a glue stick. Incredibly simple and beautiful - admire the photo below!

Option 3: decoupage Easter eggs

You will need:

  • chicken eggs;
  • several food colorings;
  • three-layer napkins with a small color pattern (choose patterns that are reminiscent of Easter with their symbols: spring flowers, rabbits, chickens, hens, and so on);
  • protein.

How to decoupage Easter eggs with napkins?

To begin with, as in the previous two cases, we cook our hard-boiled eggs. Then we dilute several colors of food coloring in different glasses. It’s easy to paint with them: dip into a glass and wait until the color is the saturation we need. Let's dry. By the way, it is not necessary to paint the eggs; decoupage will also look great on a white shell. Now take a wide brush and grease with protein.

As for the napkins, you need to separate the top layer from each and carefully cut out the pattern. We apply the drawing to the egg and straighten it with a brush. Apply a layer of protein on top and let the Easter egg dry. Ready!

Do you know how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands? Share with our readers in the comments below this article!

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Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

Do you know why eggs are dyed at Easter? And why do they traditionally prefer a bright and rich dark red color to everyone else?


They say that after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples dispersed all over the world, bringing with them the scandalous revolutionary news about the immortality of the soul. With the same thought, Mary Magdalena went to the Roman emperor - she went so that life would triumph over death, so that truth would grow and expand, so that bright grains would sprout and sprout. Given the status of comrade Tiberius, going without gifts was not comme il faut in those days, so Maria took what was available to her - a simple chicken egg, in which she wanted to put a special meaning: there, under the shell, under the shell, there is life. The analogy, I think, is clear.

Tiberius, as far as I understand, did not differ in long-suffering and calm disposition, and therefore, having heard that Mary Magdalena tried to convey to him about the miracle of the resurrection of the Son of God, he became angry in a terrible way and exclaimed in anger: “This is impossible! It is impossible, just like, for example, that the white egg you brought turns red!”

And at that very moment, as you yourself understand, it became a bloody red-brown color. Since then, the tradition has gone to paint eggs for Easter - as a tribute to memory, as a symbol of faith, as a sign of love.

However, in fairness it should be noted that this is far from the only version of where the legs grew from the habit of doing such manipulations with chicken eggs. Not the only one, but what a beautiful one, huh? In general, I will not even mention the others - we are not gathered here to talk about historical conversations, let's get down to business. Hands itching to paint something!

Nowadays, with the advent of all kinds of food colors, special paints for Easter eggs, and even various stickers, few people think about the origins and traditions, but in vain. Dyeing eggs with natural substances is not only more beautiful, more pleasant and more natural, but also more useful - I think this is not worth talking about.

Technology for dyeing eggs with onion peel

The first stage is common to all methods: preparing a decoction. Onion peel (do not ask me how much - a lot, the more the better; I just fill the ladle in which I boil the eggs to the top, while even lightly tamping) put it in a saucepan and pour it with water. Leave for half an hour, then put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10-20 minutes. We are waiting for complete cooling - the broth is ready. You can omit this stage and immediately lay the eggs in a container with water and husks, however, the color intensity of the colored eggs in this case will not be so saturated and deep. In addition, if an even perfect color is important to you, you need to strain the broth - and boil the eggs already in a “clean” liquid without onion peel.

And now let's go directly to the "laying out" - more precisely, to the methods of decorating eggs dyed with onion peel.

Decorating eggs dyed with onion skins

1. Thread once, thread two - it turned out a strip!

Bright egg, smooth and so ... real. Imagine - you hold it in your hands, consider the deep color that the husk gave it, and simply “float away” with your thoughts for each path that the threads drew on the glossy surface.

What to do. To get a striped pattern on the eggs, it is necessary to wrap each egg tightly with thick threads before boiling.

Draw patterns - some of the eggs can be made with strictly horizontal stripes, some with vertical stripes, give a few more chaotic drawings, and others - symbolic crosses. It will be great!

2. Lace draws a fairy tale, magic, love and affection.

An amazing miracle - an egg with bizarre patterns, delicate curls, incredible loops and ponytails. You hold it in your hands - and literally with your hands you feel all its depth, some kind of sacred knowledge hiding inside. Very mysterious dyes are obtained!

Creating delightful lace patterns is not difficult at all. Believe me, even much easier than it might seem. The most important thing is to choose the right lace, the pattern of which will be small enough and at the same time suitably large in order to look nice on the surface of the egg.

What to do. We tightly wrap the eggs in one layer of lace, fix it (with threads or a knot) and cook. We take off the lace and admire.

By the way, in addition to lace fabrics, you can take something simpler. The main thing is texture. Well, for example, eggs wrapped before cooking in a plastic net, in which fruits are sold, look great.

3. Birch leaf, parsley leaf. And on the eggs - curls.

Incredibly beautiful drawings! However, it is not surprising - they are created by Nature itself ... Creates by investing its love and care, imagination and skill.

Getting leaf prints on eggs is easy.

What to do. A drop of water will help you temporarily “glue” the necessary parts of the plants onto the egg, after which it remains only to tightly wrap the entire composition with a piece of nylon tights (gauze as an option), fix the fabric (with a knot, thread) and weld everything together.

After you remove everything superfluous from the egg, the outlines of plants will remain on the shell of stunning beauty - perhaps even with a slight greenish tint (birch, for example, stains eggs well).

4. Draw houses, flowers, snowflakes - give pictures to the egg.

Unusual squiggles. Surreal lines. Cubism and geometry, symbolism and classical forms - sometimes it seems to me that dyes can be considered endlessly, plunging into their philosophy and finding more and more facets of being.

What to do. We cut out everything that is fashionable to cut out of electrical tape: droplets, hearts, etc., stick it on an egg and cook it like that, then carefully tear it off.

Of course, it’s hard to imagine an adult puffing over sticky tape, trying to cut out hearts, squares and droplets from a rather uncomfortable material, however, who said that adults need to puff? Attract free child labor - believe me, the baby will also be grateful to you for the opportunity to shred daddy's electrical tape, decorate the eggs at your discretion, and then give grandma a home-made dye for Easter.

In fairness, it must be said that a couple of times we came across electrical tape, which, after boiling with onion peel from the egg, we tore off together with the shell, but there were still more positive experiences. And beautiful experiences, mind you!

5. Tsap-scratch, yes tsap-scratch - everyone is happy with eggs on Easter!

It seems that on the endless brown-red surface of the egg, frost draws its patterns with the thinnest brush, displays bizarre squiggles, and creates incredible compositions. Magically!

What to do. Nothing special. Just draw with a needle.

Of course, complex drawings and incredible ornaments can be left to the artists, and at this time you arm yourself with ready-made paint and a needle and write to everyone: “Christ is Risen!” Well, or "Petya from Luda for a long memory!" Not difficult and very exciting.

6. Marble hinges, covered with marble. Marble eggs are washed by Easter!

It is an absolutely incredible feeling to hold an ordinary chicken egg in your hands and drive away thoughts about its stone strength. An absolutely special pleasure is to look at the “marble” folds on the egg and try not to “get lost” in their labyrinths. By the way, getting such a pattern is easy.

What to do. It is enough to slightly crumple the onion peel, wrap raw eggs with it, wrap it tightly with gauze and cook.

Having removed the "clothes", you will find wonderful "marble" eggs.

7. Period, period, comma - cool krashenka came out!

A meditative egg: you look at it, you look, you look for something... And now, as if - bingo! But no, it’s not ... And again you surrender to the game “find something, I don’t know what” ...

Do you want to meditate?

What to do. Dip the egg into the water, and then immediately into a plate of dry rice - roll well. Grains will stick, you immediately wrap all this joy with gauze (or nylon) and cook in onion broth.

When you remove the cloth and remove the rice, you will find cute speck-dots.

If the soul requires experiments, in the same way you can get a pattern with the help of peas - you will get large dots. By the way, olives cut into rings give a very interesting pattern - I recommend trying it.

8. Flowers grow on an egg - miracles are simple on Easter!

Tenderness. Touching. Translucency…
Flowers look especially beautiful on paints.

Like everything else, simple and accessible.

What to do. Raw eggs, we press small flowers to them (and not only “flat” violets or lilacs, but also voluminous shaggy chrysanthemums, chamomiles), wrap them in several layers of nylon, tightly tie. We cook.

We take off the "fur coat", admire the fruit of our efforts.

9. Dark, light, dark, light ... Eggs for Easter dressed up!

Looking at these krashenki, it is difficult to restrain an exclamation of delight: they are unusual, strict, solemn.

The process of their creation, of course, is somewhat more complicated than all of the above, but the result is more interesting, you see.

What to do. The most important thing is to choose dishes in which you can consistently put the right amount of eggs on the "ass". Selected and installed? Fill with onion broth by about a third and set to boil. After 5 minutes after boiling, add another third of the broth and cook again - 3 minutes. Pour "with the head", boil for a couple more minutes and drain the broth.

You will get wonderful stripes - from dark to light. (In the photo - experiments with other paints).

10. The girls painted krashenka, painted thoughts with wax ...

There is something ancient, mysterious and mystical in the art of painting with wax. And the egg that the scribbler touched with wax is special: incredibly warm, sincere, correct.

Perhaps this method is the most time-consuming of all described, but the eggs that are obtained as a result of a little witchcraft are worth the effort.

What to do. On a raw cold egg, dyed with onion peel in a barely noticeable beige color, we draw patterns with hot wax and write wishes, after which we put the eggs in a very concentrated broth and leave it there for several hours. After the eggs turn a rich brown color, intensively remove the wax with a napkin.

A few tips for those who want to learn how to paint Easter eggs like a real master of their craft:

  • onion peel is a fairly stable thing, however, after cooking, some housewives additionally soak eggs in vinegar just for greater paint durability;
  • eggs for cooking must certainly be at room temperature: of course, this will not exclude the possibility of cracking the shell during cooking, however, it will significantly reduce the likelihood of such troubles;
  • in order for the eggs to dazzlingly shine and look festive and solemn on the plate, grease the finished handsome men with a thin, thinnest layer of any vegetable oil - you won’t take your eyes off it !;
  • sometimes you can fool around a little - boil a couple of dozen quail eggs in onion peel: you can’t even imagine how touching and charming small eggs look in a cute speck in red-brown color!

Coloring with other natural dyes

In addition to onion skins, you can use other natural dyes to color eggs for Easter. There are many of them, the main thing is to choose “your own” and approach it with a soul.

1. Blueberries give a very intense rich blue color - just boil the eggs in a rich blueberry broth.

2. Contrary to the advice common on the Web, I can say from my own experience that neither beet juice nor cherry juice stains eggs. However, if a light indistinct shade of gray-beige is considered a color, then they are painted. But not cute.

3. Brown color is easy to get using natural coffee - you need to boil the eggs for about 10 minutes in very strong coffee, then fix the result with vinegar.

4. By the same principle, you can color eggs with black tea - there will be a different shade of brown.

5. But hibiscus, alas, gives a completely uninteresting shade of gray.

6. Thanks to turmeric, you can get a rich yellow color (3 tablespoons of high-quality turmeric in 0.5 liters of water will give a nice golden hue).

7. Turmeric's closest friend is curry powder.

8. Birch leaves give eggs a delicate yellow hue.

9. Red cabbage juice mixed with vinegar will turn eggs blue.

10. The peel of the pomegranate, when boiled, gives the eggs a brown color.

Happy Easter and bright colors to you!

Multi-colored eggs, decorated in various ways, are an indispensable attribute of the Easter holiday. According to the ancient beliefs of Orthodox people, the yolk is a symbolic designation of the spring sun, and the egg itself is a miraculous rebirth to life. Traditionally, the staining process is carried out on a clean Thursday on the eve of the holiday.

For this, various dyes are used (acrylic, food and even gouache). However, it is not uncommon for eggs dyed with them to stain your fingers when you start to clean them. In addition, after a few hours, the dye begins to penetrate under the shell, staining the protein and saturating it with harmful chemicals in the paint. Such an egg can serve as a source of an allergic reaction. How to avoid this and color the eggs so that they are not only beautiful, but also harmless?

The first way is to use various thermal stickers and other decoration kits that you can buy in the market or in a store. The only negative is that this method requires some costs.

The second option is to color the shell with an environmentally friendly and absolutely affordable material, which was extremely popular with our great-grandmothers. We are talking about onion skins, which we usually peel off from onions and throw away. Eggs dyed with it are light red to dark brown. It all depends on the type of onion, the amount of peel and cooking time.

Do-it-yourself krashenki: how to cook a decoction of onion peel and paint eggs for Easter

  1. To prevent the eggs from spreading and running out when dipped in boiling water, remove them from the refrigerator about an hour before use to warm them slightly to room temperature. Or soak them in warm water for a few minutes.
  2. Wash the eggs with warm, soapy water so that they are free of dirt and greasy deposits that prevent the penetration of coloring pigments into the shell. This stage cannot be ignored, otherwise the “paint” may lie unevenly and ugly.
  3. We prepare in advance decoction of onion peel: 5 tablespoons of onion peel (from about 6-7 large onions) pour 500 gr. water (half-liter jar), bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 5 minutes and insist 30-60 minutes. The more onion peels, the more saturated the broth, and the darker the eggshell. It is worth noting that onion peel is an excellent dye, so you will have to allocate a special saucepan for boiling Easter eggs in onion peel.
  4. We lower several prepared eggs into the broth so that they are well immersed and cook after boiling for 10 minutes.
  5. Then we take out the eggs, cool with cold water.
  6. To make the eggs shine beautifully, they can be lightly greased with vegetable oil.

How to decorate eggs dyed with onion skins?

  1. Take a leaf of parsley, dill, celery, carrot shoot or other greens as a stencil and place it on top of the egg, gently straightening it. Fix the leaf on top by tightly covering the egg with a piece of unnecessary nylon stocking or thin synthetic tights. Tie gently, and then cook in the onion skins for 10 minutes. After cooling, remove the leaf stocking and admire the resulting pale yellow pattern on the brown shell.
  2. Cover a raw egg with strips of scotch tape parallel to each other or diagonally, and then boil it in onion skins. After you remove the tape, the egg will have a pattern of white stripes on a dark brown background. You can make thin stripes using rubber bands that you wrap around the egg.
  3. Wet raw eggs and roll them in rice or wheat groats, wrap them tightly with a stocking. After boiling these eggs in onion skins, they will turn into a funny speck.
  4. After dyeing and cooling the egg, dip one of its ends into melted wax (paraffin) or thick flour paste, and then lower it into a box with any cereal or small colored beads. You can put cereals or beads on a paraffin base in the form of a certain pattern.

Coloring eggs with onion skins is quite easy and simple, and decorating them is a whole creative process. Even preschoolers can enjoy participating in it. Unleash your imagination and surprise your family and friends at the festive table!

Today we will learn several recipes for coloring eggs for Easter with one of the natural dyes - onion peel. I used to buy paints in the store and painted eggs with multi-colored food, but chemical paints. Now, for several years now, I have been coloring eggs with natural paints from onion peel, turmeric, and beets. I also use green. I like to use such natural dyes, and the result is no worse than using artificial dyes.

On the festive table on the Sunday of Christ are obligatory, and.

Why paint eggs for Easter

Why are eggs dyed? What kind of custom is so interesting that our mothers and grandmothers observed and we too? The beginning of this long history is taken from the Bible. The first Easter egg was given by Mary Magdalene to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, she came to the ruler with the words: “Christ is Risen!” It was necessary to come to the emperor not empty-handed, so she brought him an ordinary chicken egg as a gift. And Mary came to announce that Christ had risen, to tell about a miracle. However, Tiberius did not believe her words. He said that no one can be resurrected, just as a white egg cannot become red. As soon as the last word left his lips, the egg really took on a scarlet color.

So the tradition of painting eggs for Easter was born. Initially, the color in which the eggs were dyed was only red. It symbolized the blood of Christ. And the egg itself served as a symbol of rebirth. However, later they began to be painted in other different colors and to replace chicken eggs with wooden, chocolate or made of precious metals and stones.

What to do before you start dyeing eggs

We begin to collect onion peel in advance. We need 3 - 4 kg of onions. If you forgot to accumulate the husk, then you can remove it from the onion not completely, but only the top layer so that the onion can be stored further.

If you are dyeing eggs in shells in a simple way, then you can buy eggs of any color. If you paint eggs in a husk with drawings, then you definitely need to choose white eggs. If you use thermal stickers, then it is better to buy medium-sized eggs, since such stickers will not fit on large eggs. Eggs should be smooth, the shell does not protrude anywhere, has no roughness or cracks.

Remove the eggs from the refrigerator 30 minutes before the start of cooking. This is done so that during cooking they do not burst due to temperature changes.

Prepare salt to add to the water during the cooking process so that the eggs do not burst.

Wash the eggs if they are not very clean. Before cooking, wipe the eggs with alcohol or ordinary table vinegar so that the paint from the onion peel is better absorbed,


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon


In order to simply color the eggs with onion peel, it is enough to dip white eggs at room temperature in onion broth and cook for 20 minutes. I dip the eggs into the pan in a tablespoon, it's more convenient. Then we take out the finished eggs, this can also be done with a spoon and lower them into cold water to cool faster. It is not necessary to lower the finished eggs into cold water, if you are not going to do anything with them further, how to decorate them additionally. I recommend lubricating the finished eggs with any vegetable oil for a beautiful shine. And then you can draw any pattern on the egg or stick stickers on it. Here is the ocean of your imagination.


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Onion peel - 2 cups, this is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few drops per cotton swab
  • A leaf of parsley, cilantro, any other beautiful leaf of a plant (not poisonous only) - 10 pieces or more, if you want


So, we are preparing eggs with a vegetable pattern. For example, you can make a pattern in the form of a leaf of a plant. My favorite, by the way, well, I really like the result.

Wash the onion skins well. We put the husk in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil and cook for about 15 - 30 minutes. The longer you cook, the darker the color of the dyed eggs will be.

We take a leaf and apply it to an egg moistened with water, tightly rewind it with gauze or nylon and tightly tie the ends. We send in a decoction of onion peel and cook for 20 minutes. Then we take out the finished eggs, this can be done with a spoon and lower them into cold water to cool faster. It is not necessary to lower the finished eggs into cold water, if you are not going to do anything with them further, how to decorate them additionally. We remove gauze from the eggs. I recommend greasing the finished eggs with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine. And by the way, you can experiment with patterns of painted eggs as much as you like. Similarly, you can draw any other pattern on the egg. For example, not from a leaf, but from paper, cut out some figure or flower.


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Onion peel - 2 cups, this is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few drops per cotton swab
  • Lace or lace fabric - for wrapping 10 eggs in 1 or more layers


Instead of plants, you can use special patterned fabric or lace to create a pattern, which can be bought at sewing accessories stores. Then the cooking process will be even easier.

Wash the onion skins well. We put the husk in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil and cook for about 15 - 30 minutes. The longer you cook, the darker the color of the dyed eggs will be.

We tightly wrap the egg in a cloth and fasten it, for example, you can sew it with a thread or hook it with a stapler or just tie it. We put the eggs in a decoction of onion peel and cook for 20 minutes. Then we take out the finished eggs, this can be done with a spoon and lower them into cold water to cool faster. It is not necessary to lower the finished eggs into cold water, if you are not going to do anything with them further, how to decorate them additionally. We remove the tissue from the eggs. I recommend greasing the finished eggs with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Onion peel - 2 cups, this is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few drops per cotton swab
  • Threads or rubber bands for money - 2 - 3 spools of thread of different colors or 1 pack of different colored rubber bands for money


Another great and fun recipe for decorating eggs for Easter. Let's make striped eggs.

Wash the onion skins well. We put the husk in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil and cook for about 15 - 30 minutes. The longer you cook, the darker the color of the dyed eggs will be.

We take threads of any diameter and any color, cotton is better. Or colored rubber bands, which are often used for money. Wrap the egg tightly around. And you can wind it as your creativity tells you, because. these threads will then be a drawing. Now we lower it into the already prepared broth and cook for 20 minutes. When the eggs are completely cool, remove the elastic bands or threads and you should get a striped egg. I recommend greasing the finished eggs with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.

We paint eggs in speck in onion skins


  • Eggs - 10 pieces
  • Onion peel - 2 cups, this is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few drops per cotton swab
  • Rice or barley - 0.5 cups
  • Gauze or nylon tights (stockings) - for wrapping 10 eggs in several layers


And now, attention, the peep of fashion! Eggs in a speck. I'm kidding, of course, about the squeak, but the eggs turn out cool.

So, everything is according to the previous scheme. Wash the onion skins well. We put the husk in a saucepan, fill it with water, bring to a boil and cook for about 15 - 30 minutes. The longer you cook, the darker the color of the dyed eggs will be.

To paint Easter eggs with flecks, you need to soak a raw egg and roll it in dry rice or pearl barley. These will be our future specks. Then we wrap the egg together with the rice or pearls stuck to it in gauze or nylon and tie the ends with a thread. We put the eggs in the onion broth and cook for 20 minutes until cooked. When the eggs are completely cool, remove the cheesecloth and you should get a speckled egg. I recommend greasing the finished eggs with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.

Marble eggs in onion skins


  • Eggs - 10 pieces white
  • Onion peel, preferably from different types of onions, i.e. different colors of onions - 2 cups, this is about 3-4 kilograms of onions
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - a few drops per cotton swab
  • Pieces of white paper, finely chopped - 0.5 cups
  • Gauze or nylon tights (stockings) - for wrapping 10 eggs in several layers


And now we are not going according to the usual scheme, but in a completely different way. There is no need to cook onion skins. It must be cut with scissors into small pieces, about 0.5 cm each. It can be smaller if you have enough patience. The smaller you cut, the more beautiful it will turn out. We also cut paper. Pour the chopped husk and paper into a plate. We take white eggs. Now you need to wet the egg with water and roll in a plate in the husk and paper. We make a bag out of nylon or gauze and also fill it with small husks and paper. Now you need to lower the egg into the capron and tightly tie the ends with threads. Pour water into the pan and send the prepared eggs there and cook them for 30 minutes. Remove capron and husk only after the product has completely cooled.

You can diversify this method with another color, namely green. Do not be afraid, please, it can be used for these purposes.

In this option, you will need to bring water to a boil in a saucepan and pour the whole vial of brilliant green into it. Put prepared eggs in water with brilliant green and boil them for 20 minutes. Then the water must be drained and pour cold water to cool the product. Then take the eggs out of the water and peel them. You will get brown - white - green marbled eggs. Well, as usual, I recommend lubricating the finished eggs with vegetable oil for a beautiful shine.

Important! Since the recipe uses brilliant green, it is better to use gloves. The dishes in which you boil eggs can be tinted if they are enameled. Therefore, it is best to take an old pan, which is not a pity. Over time, the greenery, by the way, will be washed off.
Well, if you have time and desire, then you can make not plain eggs, but creative eggs? Ready to start the process? Imagine, and if you call assistants to the kitchen - children, then this activity will turn into just a holiday for them and they will remember for the rest of their lives how they painted unusual eggs with their mother. And then pass these recipes to their children. So do not be lazy, try to arrange a holiday in the kitchen a day earlier.

I remind you that on Good Friday you cannot paint eggs or bake Easter cakes, but Maundy Thursday and Holy Saturday are very suitable for this business.

Happy Easter to you!

That's all for today!

FROMyou wereInna Izvekova.

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They are the most striking symbols of Easter, well known to us since childhood. And I think that many of you have memories from that time about how, before this bright holiday, family and friends gathered at the same table and took up such an interesting and exciting activity as painting eggs for Easter.

Yes, we, Soviet schoolchildren, were not particularly interested in why we were doing this, and adults did not particularly expand on this topic, it was not that time. After all, children do not care what nationality or religion the friend sitting next to them is. We were just interested in the process from a scientific and creative point of view.

Remembering those carefree days, I would like to remember the ways in which we dyed eggs. It is clear that no artificial and food colors were sold then, so the easiest and most affordable method was to boil eggs in onion skins.

But the simplicity of the method does not mean that the result was ordinary. No. Sometimes real works of art were obtained, which were put on the shelf and were kept almost until the next Easter.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with a small master class on turning the painting of eggs in onion peel into an exciting creative process that both adults and children will definitely enjoy.

How to color eggs so that they are even and so that they do not crack

Let's start with the basic rules that will allow you to color the eggs evenly and beautifully. In this case, the most important thing is to avoid cracking the eggs, otherwise you will have to start all over again.

1. The process begins with the preparation of a solution for staining. To do this, take a saucepan and fill it halfway with onion peel. It is not necessary to follow any strict norms and portions and count grams of husk per liter of water. A pot half full of husks guarantees a deep rich color.

But it is advisable to choose a pan that is not deep, but wide, so that the eggs in it do not touch each other and do not leave marks on each other

We fill the pan with water not reaching the edge of 3-4 centimeters and put it on a large fire.

2. We wait until the water boils and boil for another 10 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the heat and put it on the balcony so that the solution cools down and infuses.

3. While the solution is cooling, prepare the eggs. They need to be washed thoroughly with a sponge and soap. The egg shell is a porous material and in order for the color to lay down evenly, washing must be taken responsibly, just rinsing them with water is not enough. Well, I think there is no need to remind that only white eggs should be used for painting.

4. Put the cooled solution back on the fire, bring to a boil, add salt at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water and reduce the heat to a minimum. The salt will keep the shell from cracking. Now, gently using a tablespoon, lower the eggs into the solution, trying so that they do not touch each other, and cook them for 10 minutes. That's all.

If the eggs completely float when lowered into the water, then immediately throw them away, they are already spoiled. A fresh egg should sink or float without floating up.

After taking the egg out of the pan with the husk, it must be thoroughly wiped with a towel, and then greased with vegetable oil to add beauty and shine.

Onion solution can be used several times within a couple of days. But you need to store it in the refrigerator. The solution itself can be filtered, or you can leave it with the husk, this does not affect the result.

Well, now let's move on to how to decorate eggs with a pattern.

Painting eggs with onion skins with a beautiful pattern

Drawings on dyed onion peel eggs can be done using stencils. In the role of stencils, you can use improvised materials: leaves, cereals, gum, braid, and even olives. In general, everything is limited only by your imagination.

You just need to take a stencil, firmly attach it to the shell and tightly wrap the egg with nylon (old tights are perfect), fixing it from the edges. Being in solution, nylon will not prevent the dye from penetrating into the shell, but a tightly pressed stencil will. And on the painted egg there will be a light area with a stencil outline. This is the drawing.

Figure on the shell of rice

For example, you can soak an egg and roll it in a bowl of rice so that the grits stick.

Then wrap the egg with nylon and evenly distribute the rice with your hands. In this form, we send the egg to the pan.

And this is how it looks after staining:

If you use long grain rice, the strips will be longer. If buckwheat, then round specks will turn out, if millet - specks are smaller

Leaves Stencil

To leave a pattern in the form of leaves and twigs on the shell, you can use any greenery found in the house: leaves, blades of grass, dill, and so on.

Just soak a blade of grass in water and gently apply it to the egg.

Then we also wrap the egg in nylon and send it to the pan with onion peel.

The result will be very cute and colorful.

With dill, you get this picture:

To obtain patterns in the form of stripes, circles, or any intricate shapes, ordinary adhesive tape or adhesive tape is ideal, which must be cut into the desired shape and glued to the shell. Be sure to wrap with kapron so that the tape does not come off

And you can use ordinary rubber bands for money.

Or pay attention to the eggs in the photo below, decorated with rings. The rings are made from sliced ​​olives.

So for decor, you can use anything at all that you can attach and fix!

Shell coloring under marble

And now let's move on to my favorite type of staining - giving the shell a marble pattern. The eggs turn out very beautiful, despite the fact that the technique is not at all complicated.

It is only necessary to apply a little vegetable oil to the egg in a few arbitrary places, then wet it with water and attach the onion peel.

In this case, you do not need to try so that the husk covers the egg completely, or so that it lies strictly in one layer. No, the more chaotic, the more interesting the result

And again, tightly wrap the egg in nylon to fix the structure and send it to the pan to paint.

The result is always unexpected and interesting. Be sure to try!

How to dye eggs in onion peel with brilliant green

And finally, the most incredible color that can be done with the help of onion peel and ordinary greenery.

Almost like Faberge eggs at home!

The advantage of this method is that you do not need to pre-cook the onion broth.

Coloring looks like this:

1. We take a piece of gauze measuring 15x15 cm (or a regular bandage) and generously pour finely chopped husk on it. We dip a cleanly washed egg into the water and put it on a pillow of husks. Sprinkle more skins on top.

2. We collect gauze in a bag and, if necessary, add more husks. There must be a lot of it so that the egg is completely lost in it.

3. Tightly roll up the gauze and fix it with a thread.

4. Put the eggs in a saucepan with cold salted water and put them on a large fire. When the water boils, pour the greenery into the pan at the rate of 1 bottle of greenery (10 ml) per 1 liter of water.

Take the old saucepan, which is not a pity. It will be almost impossible to wash it off.

And continue to boil the eggs over medium heat for 10 minutes.

5. Then we take out the eggs and cut off the gauze from them (use rubber gloves, otherwise you won’t wash yourself later). We cool the eggs in cold water, wipe dry and apply a little vegetable oil for shine. Ready.

Here are some interesting options for coloring eggs for Easter, I wanted to prepare for you today. And I hope you appreciate the garnishing possibilities that ordinary onion skins provide.

Easter is a bright holiday and it is very valuable and important to prepare for it in the circle of your beloved family for an exciting activity.

And that's all for today, thank you for your attention.