How beautiful to make a ceiling in the living room. Stretch ceilings: overview options for the living room. The main types of ceilings that are suitable for the living room

In this article, we collected a complete selection of photos of the ceiling design options in the living room from different materials and structures. We are sure that you will definitely find here the idea that will have to do!

Stretch cloth

One of the most popular ways is the installation. Simple in installation, relatively inexpensive and varied. Such a coating can be chosen to any interior - from classic to modern. We offer to see a few photos with the most successful, in our opinion, designer solutions.

Perfect option for spacious room - two-level light tensioning canvas with point lamps.He will emphasize the size of the living room, fit well in the room design and just looks very beautiful.

You can choose both glossy and matte texture - it all depends on your preferences. But note that gloss has reflective properties, so chandelier will have to choose carefully (By the way, here on this topic).

However, a beautiful lamp such a feature will only emphasize.

Combined ceiling with plasterboard patterns - Also a decent decision. You can draw inserts in the form of some figures (from geometric to colors or butterflies) or make unusual volumetric divorces.

Photo printing will help to decorate the coating: The main thing is to order a quality drawing (read more about the ceilings with prints). Such an idea looks quite modern and unusual. Pick up the image that you would like and fit into the main interior.

An important nuance: it is better to choose neutral photos - plot images can quickly get bored. If you are an adherent of classic style, you can order printing imitation of frescoes - stylish and original.

Perforated ceilings

This method of registration is not suitable for each room - in small living rooms it is better to refuse it. The perforated stretch cloth looks very unusual and interesting, and with the correct backlight will turn into a real designer masterpiece.You can see a huge selection of options for such ceilings.

We picked up photo examples of ceiling design in the living room using perforation. We hope our selection will not leave you indifferent.

Such a design looks bright and unusual. Try installing neon hidden lamps under a bright web. Of course, such coating will not fit into the classic living room. But for more modern interiors it will suit.

Restrained design in the brown-beige gamme - Excellent choice for a small room. It is better to stop on the soft backlight, which will emphasize the depth of the tones. If you don't like too late ceilings - think about this version.

If the living room is combined with the kitchen, the perforated part will help in zoning - highlight the kitchen area.

By the way: it is not necessary to make holes in large. Little slits located in the form of chaotic smears also look very interesting.

Perforation can be curly: In the form of silhouettes of animals, birds or colors. Good decoration option. However, in this case, be careful using the additional decor. It is capable of visually overloading the room. It is better to stop on simple lamps and smooth plinths without thread.

Plasterboard ceiling

Popularity with the tensionable cannol can be harvested except plasterboard plates: Convenient and easy to install material that is attached to metal profiles. About its features and methods of installation on our site there.

Thanks opportunities to attach different colors and shapes, It is ideal for ceiling design in the living room.

Two-level white structures are not for nothing appreciated by designers - they look great in almost any interior. If the hall is small, it is better not to make sharp transitions - they visually make the walls below.

Interesting solution - farming ceiling. Such an effect is achieved due to the hidden illumination around the perimeter of the internal level. Read about them in more detail.

Want a scandinavian style room, but think that the price of wooden coverage is overestimated? Choose single-level plasterboard ceiling.It looks fresh and natural. In addition, due to the small weight of the material, it is well suited for installation in an apartment with thin floors, which are undesirable to overload.

Point lamps will help create a real twinkling picture. If you like such an idea, it is better to turn to professionals - the installation of light bulbs requires care and caution.

Decorate the plasterboard ceiling can and insert from the stretch canvas:the combination of matte and glossy textures looks very interesting and unusual. The main thing is to choose the color. We recommend choosing contrasting shades.

See more options The design of the ceiling of plasterboard in the living room can be in this.

Cable ceilings

Perhaps the most expensive way to design a living room in our selection, you can call the caissons. These beautiful ceilings in the living room made of natural wood are not a new invention - they were used in the era of revival. Now they come into fashion again - and far from vain.

Here we will show only a couple of examples, and here you can see large photo selection .

Economy Council: in stores you can find polyurethane caissons. They also look beautiful, much less weigh and cost an order cheaper. Therefore, if you are not fundamental to the naturalness of the materials - we recommend thinking about this option.

Classic black caissional ceiling It combines well with bright walls and is ideal for living rooms decorated in classic style. We recommend to carefully calculate the distance between the beams - otherwise you risk spoiling the whole effect.

Bright caissons will complement volume chandeliers in Victorian style. True, this reception is better to use in spacious rooms that need a lot of light. On the other hand, who interferes from making part of the lamps exclusively decorative, not putting food to them for electricity?

Hidden backlight - Original and unusual decision, in recent years, who has gained popularity. So the caissional ceiling will look even more, which will undoubtedly add to him attractiveness. We recommend that you choose warm, natural shades of light - neon is poorly combined with wood.

Curly caissons - costly, but spectacular way to arrange the ceiling in the hall, decorated in the classic style. There is no need to experiment: to get a really beautiful ceiling, order a quality design project.

If you want to make the living room in the style of minimalism, it is better to make wide cells with simple beams - they look stylish and perfectly fit even with small lounges.

Laminate on the ceiling?

This material is most associated exclusively as a type of flooring. But believe me, it's not at all.

Laminate ceilings - Excellent budget replacement of natural wood coating. They are easily installed, they look cool and originally. Learn more about them in this.

Want a light, spacious room with wooden ceiling? Choose the appropriate shade coating. Do not buy one-picture material - wood divorces look interesting and additionally decorate the room.

For such a design, it is not necessary to get involved in an additional decor: simple lamps and plinths, a couple of bright pictures on the walls ... This will be enough to create an original and beautiful interior.

You can add laminate with small neat beams - they provide a bulk effect.It is better to use such a reception in high rooms - it grows a little height.

Luminaires are perpendicular or distributing chaotic - it should be relying on your own taste.

Do not necessarily issue the entire ceiling - wooden insert from laminate will serve as an unusual decoration.As edging, use drywall of light tones. Thus, you will emphasize the laminate and emphasize attention on it. Choose contrasting shades for greater effect.

Boxes in the living room

Wide wooden panels of dark tones look good in spacious light races - They contrast with deliberate-gentle design and emphasize it. Choose dark materials from a natural tree. Read more about how they can be played in the interior, read here.

Bright thin beams - Original and look great if you pick them up in one color scheme with walls. Try not to make a mistake in the color combination, otherwise the whole effect comes to no.

Several wide panels Decorate the glossy stretch ceiling. The contrast of flowers and textures looks beautiful, but be careful: the canvas is better to buy a monophonic, so as not to get an overlooking the coating.

Thin wooden beams mounted close to each other,suitable for a Scandinavian style room. An unusual relief will complement hidden lamps. But from the chandelier will have to refuse - this design is self-sufficient and does not need additional decorations.

We hope this article helped you decide on the choice of materials for the design of a beautiful ceiling in the living room. See more interesting designer receptions for the hall you can in the relevant section of our site.

The design of the ceiling in the living room can be a factor determining the comfort in the entire apartment. You can choose single and multi-level structures, complex forms or laconic lines, bright colors or watercolor shades - it all depends on the main interior concept.

Consider that multi-level ceilings will look harmonious only at the starting height of the ceiling above 2.7 m. Otherwise, they will be too cumbersome and "add" the room with their volume. Fortunately, for standard living rooms with a ceiling height of 2.3-2.5 meters, one-level designs can be used with an expanding glossy space surface.

Step One - Attention on style

The ceiling in the living room is not only a surface where lighting devices are located, it is also a logical continuation. Excluding modern interior trends do not do here. The main among them are considered:

Important. Do not forget that within the same living room you can realize several interior solutions in the spirit. Zoning space, its division in functional purpose is very important for the living room, where the recreation and work areas, reception of guests and children's games are combined. The ceiling in this case becomes the combining plane.

Step second - choose facing material

To choose the appropriate material, you need to consider all the functional tasks that the ceiling decides:

  • the correct location of lighting sources;
  • disguise engineering communications;
  • alignment of existing surfaces;
  • decorative compliance.

The main light is done around the perimeter of the room

All these criteria will correspond. They are convenient in the installation, we mask existing base defects, wiring for lighting devices, fireproof, protect from flooding, environmentally friendly, do not absorb smells and dust, combined with any interior solution.

Built-in lamps are uniformly placed all over the ceiling.

In addition, stretch ceilings are mounted almost without garbage and dust, which is important for living rooms, in which the repair has already been completed. Among the merits of the material - unlimited designer variability.

You can prefer glossy surfaces that increase the space, or classic matte textures, choose any color or even photopris (from the flower glade to the sunny sky).

Glossy stretch ceiling in the living room

The design of the living room in the eco-or country style may require the use of wooden coatings. Such suspensions rush ceilings Eco-friendly, aesthetically attractive and excellently adjust the existing ceiling plane.

3 light sources: chandelier + built-in lamps + LED tape

The tree is not necessarily used "skip" - for the designation of the style there will be sufficiently accent decorative beams.

Council. Between the material of the mounted ceiling and the base remains the gap, which can be used for laying communications and to create a heat and sound insulation layer.

Classic suspended structures include. They can be used as a supplement to the stretch ceiling or as an independent material. Plasterboard sheets perfectly hide base defects, allow you to pave the necessary communications and set the required lighting devices.

Among the main advantages of GLC is environmental friendliness, convenience in the installation, the ability to create multi-level ceilings of the most complex forms and any dimensions. Such designs are used in the case when you need to highlight certain zones in the living room or set local point lighting.

Tension and suspended ceiling combination

Consider that the installation of such a ceiling is carried out only after all the work on the installation of communications is completed. The finished design must be decorated, for which different ways are used:

  • plastering with subsequent staining - thus obtain homogeneous textures of deep colors;
  • wallpapers - used less frequently than staining, but allows you to create interesting design solutions when part of the ceiling is drawn up as well as a wall, without a transition;
  • decorative plaster - allows you to create an expressive relief on the ceiling surface;
  • using an additional decor - stucco, plinths, combinations of colors and textures. The latter option is more often used for multi-level zoning structures.

Multi-level plasterboard ceiling + stretch glossy

Each element of a multi-level drywall ceiling can be painted into its shade corresponding to the functional zone. However, it should always be remembered that light tones increase the space, and the dark - they make the room more compact.

To decorate the ceiling in the living room, you can choose ready-made suspension structures in the form of identical squares or strips. They are comfortable in assembly and unpretentious in operation, but are too easy for a harmonious residential space.

Plasterboard ceiling and swivel spots

As for use plasters, this type of decor is considered to be budget, but rather complicated in implementation. It is not necessary to do without preparatory work, allowing to ensure the fatality of the foundation. In addition, such a ceiling will not help hide the wiring, and the installation of point integrated luminaires is impossible.

Ceiling with LED Lighting

If the plaster will be applied with deep texture, then it is possible to distort the color perception due to the occurrence of areas with the shadow. Ceiling staining, too, can not be called a modern way of decoration - it is inexpensive, but it will not be able to make a proper effect in an ideally thoughtful room.

In Soviet times, when the design of the apartment was limited to the presence of several cabinets and carpets, such a part of the room, like the ceiling, almost did not give values. Usually it was simply blenced, hung the chandelier and on this interest in him and the ideas of its design ended.

Therefore, as an integral part of the interior of the ceiling began to be perceived relatively recently.

Ceiling as the final design element.

In modern design, each plane in the interior is equally important and is drawn up in harmony with a surroundings for creating a one-piece picture and an intended atmosphere of the room.

And if in the bedroom or kitchen the ceiling does not require such a thorough approach to decorating, then the living room, like a business card of your home, should have a perfect look.

  • plaster;
  • stretch;
  • suspended;
  • stitched.

Before deciding which ceilings to do in the room, you need to reconsider their varieties, not only visual, but also the features of their designs, all positive and negative aspects of specific species.


Popular has long been the type of ceilings, which can be seen in most apartments. It is manufactured on the basis of plaster solutions applied to the surface of the overlap, followed by applying spheres and finishing with paint, sticking wallpaper or decorative elements.

A simple plastered ceiling in the living room.

His easy - the main advantage. Such a ceiling does not require special materials and tools for manufacture. It is quite durable and durable. It is best suited for low rooms, as practically does not steal the height of the living room. This option allows you to additionally reorganize the ceiling by various molds or stucco.

Plastering ceiling in the living room, decorated with moldings.

But, unfortunately, such a decision requires very high-quality execution, because otherwise cracks will appear on it with a large share of probability. Also not suitable with an expressively uneven basis - Alignment of the ceiling can turn into a very time-consuming, expensive and absolutely unprofitable process.


The peculiarity of such a ceiling is the presence of a plastic or aluminum profile attached to the base of the ceiling to which the vinyl or tissue canvas is stretched.

Ultimately, you can get different textures: matte, glossy, satin, or just printed photo or picture.

Such ceilings are highlighted in the main abundance of color and textured solutions, as well as excellent sound insulation properties. Time of complete installation - just a few hours.

They are easily serviced and do not require special care, and the service life is about 10 years. Reliability and durability are their trumps. In the case of flooding the room with neighbors from the upper floors, withstands the considerable amount of water, which helps prevent damage in your room.

The disadvantages of such systems can be considered sensitivity to room temperature drops.. With heat, the ceilings can be slightly saved, and in cold periods to lose elasticity, which affects the appearance. Sensitive to acute subjects, and during cuts or punzes, their repair is expensive.

Dropped ceilings.

To date, the suspended ceilings are the most common option of solutions when repairing or re-equiping the room. Favorite among other species did them simplicity and reliability of the design, lightness of installation and low cost. They qualitatively help hide defects or curvature of an existing ceiling or communications conducted under it.

Depending on the type of coating, it is worth highlighting modular and solid.

  • The first type is characterized in that it consists of the same modular panels of a square or rectangular shape attached to the ceiling-based frame. Modular ceilings have no very cozy species, made mainly from artificial materials, and, as a result, it is very rare in apartments.
  • Solid suspended ceilings in the overwhelming majority of cases consist of monolithic sheets of plasterboard, they are more eco-friendly and pleasant. It is easy to decorate, make it possible to "play" with forms and, thus, emphasize the interior of any style. Make it easy to build the lighting of a variety of types.

Most often, the suspended ceilings make multi-level, examples and photos we will show below.

Of all possible deficiencies, the only worthwhile attention can be called the forced understatement of the end level of the ceiling due to the need to mount the suspension and the frame, and then the panels on it are attached. Especially significantly loss of room height when creating a multi-level ceiling.

Brew ceilings.

There are almost no significant visual differences from suspended ceilings. But the features of their design give both some advantages and small disadvantages.

Due to the attachment of tail panels directly to the frame, additional suspensions are not used. Such an option "Stealing" less height, which is an obvious advantage For low or mansard premises. But, on the other hand, the cumulative ceiling does not allow to hide communications under it and it makes it difficult (or excludes) the ability to build lighting.

These ceilings are performed both from drywall and wooden panels.

Duplex ceilings.

Smooth ceiling as a standard over the past many years, increasingly goes down in history. Most people, making repairs or redevelopment of the apartment, try to diversify so boring as much as possible, at first glance, part of the room. Almost everyone wants to give her anxiety and harmoniously connect with the rest of the interior.

In addition to an unusual and stylish look, the design of the two-level ceiling can be very functional and useful. Starting from the form of individual levels that can very well visually emphasize the zoning of the living room and outline the workspace, and ending with a variety of interesting built-in lighting, which rapidly replaces ordinary chandeliers and lamps.

Confident leadership among materials for the manufacture of two-level ceilings has long been taken by plasterboard. Its relatively low cost and simplicity of installation made it very popular, especially in recent years.

And most importantly, it allows you to embody any ideas, from strict and sharp solutions, to soft and amorphous.

Two-level ceiling with combined lighting.

Almost all of the above types of ceilings look perfectly in a two-level execution. This allows combining different types of structures and seek stunning results, embodying as many non-standard designer ideas as possible.

Multi-level ceilings

Even more complicated, but at the same time, much more beautiful than the previous example, the solution. This option greatly modifies the living room, gives it volume and plastic. It emphasizes parts of the room, helping to visually divide them into zones or arrange emphasis on the room.

In addition to just a beautiful look, it is pretty show itself in the case or bedroom, especially with the help of zoned lighting. Between the sides of the room, the effect of almost the "invisible wall" is created, which forms absolutely different atmosphere in different parts of the room.

The multi-level ceiling helps to easily change the geometry of the living room, if necessary, hide some irregularities both the ceiling and walls. Repair the shortcomings of the planning with it is much easier. It allows you to play different colors and textures due to the presence of many levels and planes.

Unusual design solution of a multi-level ceiling, supplemented with a decorative rack.

Ceiling finishing materials

The very first and main material when finishing the ceilings from very long time. There are many ways to use plaster depending on the desired result, but in the end it turns out, although it is very good, but a fairly simple and fairly boring result, which in our days it is already satisfied.

To give the original and bright look of the ceiling, the plaster requires additional design and painting, which inevitably increases the final cost of work and increases the time required to create it.


It is difficult to present any design without using this material, which so confidently and has long been holding a leading position in the repair area. Regardless of the use of other materials when finishing the ceiling, it is plasterboard that is the main and inalienable element in the process of decorating.

It is inexpensive, easy in processing and installation. It is possible to create any forms of the ceiling and make the surface absolutely smooth. It is easy to hide irregularities, overlap defects or laid communications. Allows you to easily build any lighting. And high environmental friendliness makes plasterboard suitable for any types of rooms.

MDF panels for ceiling binder are used quite often, and the material itself has a number of advantages. They are made of compressed wood chips and do not have a phenol and resin. Laminated panels can be absolutely any color and invoices, they are not afraid of moisture and non-agile physical impact. A similar ceiling is easy to mount and with minimal care it will last for many years.

The ceiling is separated by panels from MDF.

But such panels refer to the category of low-price materials, their appearance is quite simple and corresponds to the cost, so you should not expect too much - they will not look everywhere.

Films and fabrics.

These materials are used in stretch ceilings, allow them to give them a different form due to the elastic properties of the tissues of vinyl films. A variety of colors, glossy and matte textures, as well as the ability to print on them desired images or photos allow you to place a living room with the most bold and non-standard solutions.

Glossy ceilings from the film in the living room combined with the kitchen.

Although such materials are very beautiful and durable, but, in counterweight, have several minuses. Sensitivity to mechanical impacts and acute subjects, temperature and its drops that affect the appearance and physical properties.

Select the color of the ceiling

Despite the wide range of paints and multi-colored materials, they should be treated very seriously.

Color is able to provide a very strong emotional and psychological impact, so the selection of the color gamut of the room should be done with a slope for its functional destination.

In the case of a living room as a place of frequent stay of people, especially during the daytime, it is better to choose clear and calm colors, cold or warm medium and low saturation, like: golden, gray-green, gray-blue or yellow-green and other similar . Also, brightness and shade may depend on the orientation and the number of natural light falling into the room.

For the ceiling in the living room combined with the kitchen, it makes sense to choose bright and rich colors, like orange, yellow, bright green and their shades - they give the colorfulness of the kitchen, thereby awakening appetite and raising the mood.

If the living room is equipped together with the bedroom, it is better to use a more muted pastel palette, like light blue, beige or dark shades, if the ceilings are high enough. Such colors have a soothing effect, which is more appropriate in these types of rooms.

Ceiling decoration options

In addition to creating ceilings of unusual forms and stretch ceilings with photo printing, there are methods for additional decoration, mostly simple plastering and suspended ceilings from drywall.

An excellent way to decorate the ceiling of the living room made in a classic or gothic style.

Ceiling in a classic living room with light stucco decorations.

Thanks to modern technologies, rather heavy gypsum mixtures, of which are usually the elephant elephant are performed on the ceilings, it is easy to replace with polyuritanis. They are inexpensive lungs and very simple in work.

Regardless of the type of painting (artistic or screening), it is able to qualitatively decorate the ceiling and give it uniqueness and uniqueness.

If an artistic painting version may not be very cheap, then the screening method is quite budget, and the result obtained looks very beautiful.


The use of stickers and photo wallpapers on the ceiling in the living room is an infrequent phenomenon, but this method allows you to decorate the ceiling with absolutely any beautiful patterns or photos, and in combination with backlit, you can get a stunning effect of a star or cloudy sky.

Natural wooden or cheaper vinyl beams imitating wood will help create an atmosphere of an old house or harmoniously add even a modern interior.

For a successful decor you need to consider a number of design features:

  • For a small living room in apartments, type Khrushchev, one-level designs or multi-level models with partial location along the ceiling surface are suitable.
  • The ceilings of a square or rectangular shape will be appropriate in the long and narrow hall. They will allow visually expanding the space.
  • Multi-level products with a complex design will be best approaching the living room with a high ceiling.
  • For a harmonious and organic type of ceiling design, you need to take into account the competent location of the lamps and lamps.

Types of Ceilkov

The main varieties of ceiling structures.


Divide into several types:

  • Rack. Rake various colors always look very original and allow the living room almost in any style.
  • From drywall. Universal products from GLC are a pretty popular type of finish. With their help, you can implement countless design solutions.


Such French models have a variety of textures, at the expense of which the living room can be given a modern and unusual appearance.

In the photo tensioning glossy ceiling with patterns in the hall.

PVC panels

Have a huge multitude of color solutions and textures, may have different lengths and widths.


Universal wooden finish is environmentally friendly, it is distinguished by simple installation and perfectly combined with any style solution of an apartment or a country house.

  • Lining.
  • MDF panel.


It looks just great and forms a very elegant design. This model can be used, both throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and fragmentary.

Venetian plaster

Consists of lime and marble crumb. These two main components allow you to create a surface with a characteristic pattern of this stone.


Vinyl, paper, liquid or other types of wallpapers, not only well hide small defects and disadvantages of the ceiling surface, but also provide the ability to create an interesting ceiling design.

On the photo a small living room with a ceiling, decorated with liquid wallpaper.


Visually expands the room, creates an unusual light effect in it and a feeling of weightlessness. The best choice will be a stained glass glass.


Budget and at the same time a pretty high-quality finish option that allows you to create a perfectly smooth and neatly decorated ceiling surface.


It is the connoissed beams that form a niche of various forms. Cable constructions create interesting visual effects in the hall and change its geometry.

Options for ceiling structures

There are three main types.


A smooth ceiling surface located in the same plane, despite its simple look, can create a completely original picture in the hall. According to Feng Shui, a single-level model is the ideal option, as it does not have sharp drops.


Speakingly changes the geometry of space, zonizes him and hides the shortcomings. These models can combine various materials and create incredibly interesting designs.


It is characterized by special functionality, it perfectly harmonizes with all the elements of the decor, emphasizes certain parts of the room and simply gives the living room a very stylish appearance.

Teaches varieties

Allocate the following types of surfaces:

  • Matte.
  • Glossy.
  • Satin.

Colors of ceiling

The color palette sets the mood to the whole interior and forms a certain atmosphere in the hall.

The black

Presentable black color gives the room of the chamber and integrity, and the space transforms to unrecognizability.

On the photo black and white two-tier ceiling in the interior of the living room.


Traditional type of ceiling design. White visually increases the height of the room, makes it much lighter and spacious and forms light and air design.


Depending on the saturation of the shade, green can create a calm and peaceful or on the contrary, a bright and juicy interior.


Unobtrusive beige color is able to give luxuriousness of any living room.


Adds to the room of calm, freshness, additional space and a feeling of limitless space.


This color always looks respectable and expensive. He brings to the interior of a climbing and warmth.


A classic shade that is very often used for design. Gray will be an excellent solution for creating calm and unobtrusive design.

On the photo of a glossy stretch ceiling of gray in the hall.


Cold and discreet blue introduces to the premises of the cooler and gives it a visual depth.

How to make a ceiling?

Interesting ideas of the ceiling decor.


With the help of a LED tape located around the perimeter of the ceiling construction, a feeling is created as if it freely soar in the air.

On the photo of a single-level suspension soaring ceiling in the hall.

With beams

Decorative beams made of natural wood or cheaper artificial materials, divide the ceiling to certain zones and are an excellent full-fledged decor.

Combined ceiling

A variety of amazing double combinations of materials allow you to create unusual combined multi-level structures in the hall.

Patterns and pictures

Original patterns and drawings located on the ceiling not only give the interior of uniqueness and unusualness, but also make it more completed and emphasize the style.

With photo printing

Products with photo printing have many different compositions, which due to their realism, create the effect of volume in space and make it spacious and open.

With stucco

Heavy plaster or light polyurethane stucco is an integral part of a luxurious, dear and fashionable interior in the hall.


A competent combination of colors will form an attractive appearance of the ceiling construction. Bright combinations will look extravagant and catchy, and more pastel - calmly and concise.


Artistic openwork slots make it possible to create the illusion of three-dimensionality in space and visually resizing the hall.

Figured Ceilkov Forms

A variety of figures and forms attract views, give the ceiling plane of volume and make it a truly individual.

  • Geometric shapes. Circles, squares, ovals, rectangles allow you to adjust the incorrect geometry of the living room and visually increase or reduce its dimensions.
  • Curvilinear figures. Radius ceilings in the form of a wave can create a symmetrical or bugly curved original composition.
  • Flowers and vegetation.Such exquisite and unusual configurations always look very stylish and beautiful.
  • Complex figures. Incredible complex figures of the wrong form are able to turn any interior into an individual designer project.

In the photo, a spacious living room with a suspended ceiling in the shape of squares and rectangles.

Ceiling lighting ideas in the hall

Properly selected lighting allows the ceiling not to lose a kind and modern appearance.

With backlit

Various backlight, located in a niche or around the perimeter of the ceiling construction, creates two-zone lighting and an interesting lighting effect in the hall.

On the photo hall with suspended plasterboard ceiling, decorated with backlight.


A classic lighting option that plays a central role. Flat chandeliers are suitable for low ceilings in the hall, and for high pendant lamps of a variety of design that is most suitable under the ceiling.


The space is perfectly zonied and make it geometry more sustained.


It can be used as an additional and main lighting. Sophytes located all over the perimeter of the hall make the interior more harmonious and create the illusion of a large space in it.


They have a directed light stream that can be used in the desired direction, thereby focusing on certain objects in the interior.

Built-in lamps

Create a soft unobtrusive radiated light, but at the same time ensure maximum artificial lighting in the hall.

Photo in various styles

The ceiling will make it possible to make a picture of the interior of the living room more holistic and harmonious.


In the classic or neoclassic style, single-level or stepped structures in light pastel colors, supplemented with luxurious chandeliers, sofits, light bulbs, decorated with stucco or edging in the form of baguettes or plinths, will be appropriate.


Ceiling models with clear geometric shapes and smooth lines will become an excellent complement of the modern style. Their color solution depends on the total background of the room.


Simple models in monochrome shades, without unnecessary parts and decor, will not break the freedom of space made in the style of Loft.


Natural wooden products or materials with imitation of natural textures, perfectly emphasize the French style or village country, which simultaneously combine luxury and simplicity.

High tech

Single-level glossy coatings or multi-level structures of complex forms will become an integral element of High-tech style.

The photo is a black glossy stretch ceiling in the High-Tech style room.


The ceiling made without excesses perfectly emphasize the comfort, unsurpassed aesthetics and ergonomics of minimalist style and will create an ideal balance in the hall.


Natural types of wooden finishes in natural colors will complement the cozy and natural interior in the style of chalet and form a relaxing atmosphere in it.

On the photo. Wooden ceiling with beams in a small living room made in the style of chalet.

Non-standard solutions in the living room

With the help of a diverse ceiling design, you can make unusual solutions in the hall.

With Erker

The aircraft zone can be originally allocated using a suspended podium or it is interesting to highlight the point lights and thereby make the erker with a special element of the entire living room.

With fireplace

Ceiling models allow you to successfully emphasize the fireplace area using various color and textures or backlight transitions for this.

Without a chandelier

Instead of chandeliers, other types of lighting devices can be applied. They will give an equally qualitative level of lighting and at the same time do not shrink the volume of the hall.

With a staircase

Competent placement of the ceiling construction will create a harmonious and comfortable design and it is interesting to beat the staircase as an additional element of the living room.

In the photo combined white-beige ceiling in the hall with a staircase.

Living room combined with kitchen

The ceiling produces a clear zoning of the kitchen-living room, visually adjusts the disadvantages of this room and simply creates an original and distinctive interior.

Photo gallery

The ceiling in the living room allows you to implement any non-standard solutions that will benefitly emphasize the overall stylistics of the interior and give him an even more attractive and interesting view.

Is there a desire to make a variety of apartments or home design, make it more modern and original? Consider the option to install stretch ceilings in the living room.

In order to avoid disappointment or obtaining an unexpected result, at the planning stage, you should thoroughly consider all the details and select the option that is suitable for you.

What exactly are the parameters may differ in the design of stretch ceilings in the living room?

  • Texture
  • Form and number of levels

Color selection

The choice of the color of the stretch ceiling in the living room depends on the color gamut of the residential room and your personal preferences.

As a rule, any manufacturer offers the widest choice of colors for every taste. The wizard leaving the measurement provides a catalog with samples, where an international code has been assigned to each shade.

Very often, the customer stops its choice on white, which is neutral and unobtrusive, is suitable for absolutely any room.

If white seems to you boring or banal, then the color must be selected depending on the color of furniture, wallpaper, curtains.

In a bright ceiling living area, you can choose one dominant catchy color or, on the contrary, make a ceiling neutral, harmonizing. If the room is suppressed in gentle shades, with the help of the ceiling, you can complete a cozy soothing image.

Be sure to consider the overall tone of the interior: cold or warm, pastel or saturated. Color selection is very important - your comfort and mood will depend on it.

Delive to this task responsibly and do not take spontaneous solutions.

Ceiling texture

The choice of the textures of modern stretch ceilings is so great that it will be difficult for you to make a decision. They can be matte, satin (glossy), translucent, textural, fabric.

Matte is a classic, restraint. As a rule, careless colors are used. This texture is usually cheaper than the rest.

Glossy - more elegant and expensive. Thanks to the reflective properties, there is a room above and spacious. In addition, the effect of reflection of furniture and people on the ceiling is curious and interesting.

Texture look extraordinary and exquisite. Can recreate the metal texture, wood, rough surface, contain volumetric images of leaves or birds.

Fabric - modern "breathable" ceilings will suit connoisseurs of environmentally friendly materials. It is very relevant in the living room or bedroom, where people spend most of their free time.

If you still have not decided on the style and color of stretch ceilings in the living room photo with a variety of options will help you make a choice.

Form and number of levels

After you have decided on the color and texture of the stretch ceiling, you should think about what form it will have.

The classic form, as is clear from the name, is a smooth surface without bends and levels. The most popular option that is suitable for any room.

It is often used to align emergency or ceiling curves. The whole design in thickness takes no more than 5 cm, so it can be installed in an apartment with any ceiling height.

The multi-level ceiling may contain as many tiers, but they do not make more than two in low rooms for obvious reasons. We invite you to study the photo of two-level stretch ceilings in the living room and choose the most attractive option for you.

The design is performed by a pre-created sketch, the variants of which can be a set. Currently, the two-level ceilings with backlight are very popular.

The location of the tiers and lamps of stretch ceilings in the living room can have an infinite number of options. You can come up with your unique thing that will emphasize your individuality and designer fantasy. The light can be directed to separate decor elements or visually divide the room.

At the request of the customer it is also possible to install the ceilings in the form of the arch (dome), cone or bell. All these options are original, but allowed only with sufficiently high ceilings.

Interestingly, the wave-like ceiling looks and unusually looks, in which the wave can be one-sided, double-sided, symmetrical, fading or uniform.

Romantic and fascinatingly look the ceilings with backlight in the form of a starry sky. At the same time, falling stars, northern lights and other delightful natural phenomena can be reconciled on the ceiling.

Diverse your interior with tension ceilings in the living room. It looks modern and expensive, although prices for its installation have long become quite affordable. In addition, the ability to come up with your unique option will make the design in unique and comfortable for you.

Stock Foto Tension ceilings in the living room