How the bear cries. Medvedka: description of the pest and methods of control. Fighting with an eggshell

Medvedka is also called the "underground knight", but, of course, not because of the "noble character" of the insect. It's just that this beetle produces the appearance of a creature chained in armor.

The same kind of insect (common bear), as in Russia, is found everywhere - from cold Norway to the sultry countries of North Africa.

Although the bear is able to live on the ground, it prefers underground shelters, and rises to the surface of the soil mainly at night. In winter, it descends to a sufficiently large depth - about 2 m.

The common bear belongs to large insects exceeding 5 cm in length. Moreover, her abdomen is several times longer than the cephalothorax. A reliable shell protects the insect's chest; in case of danger, the beetle draws its head into it. The abdomen ends with two long filiform appendages.

Medvedka is the most dangerous garden pest.

The bear has tentacles, long whiskers, and its jaws are unusually strong. All this is very important for underground life and hunting. In addition, nature has endowed this type of insect with claws - they end with the forelimbs of the bear. With their help, the insect can move quite quickly on the soil.

There are some other interesting facts that not many people pay attention to. They can swim, and at a good speed, as well as fly. At night, the bears "sing", making chirring and chirping sounds.

Medvedka is a very prolific insect. The larvae hatch from eggs that the beetle lays underground. There can be several hundred eggs in one nest. The larva of the bear resembles an adult insect, only its color is grayish.

With the advent of the bear, seedlings in the beds begin to wither and young shoots die.

Why is a bear dangerous? Its powerful jaws are perfectly adapted to bite into vegetables. If this pest appeared in the garden, you will almost certainly lose the harvest of root crops: carrots, beets, radishes. Medvedka will destroy potatoes and cucumbers if the latter are on the ground. A delicacy for her are turnip and cabbage.

And also a large and strong beetle is able to gnaw the roots of shrubs and trees, lime bulbous flowers. Therefore, gardeners perceive the bear as their worst enemy and are doing their best to get rid of it.

What does a bear eat

Medvedka is an insect from the superfamily of crickets.

Why does a person strive to get rid of the bear in his summer cottage as soon as possible? The insect is very greedy. It feeds not only on earthworms, larvae and small insects, but also on plant foods, causing considerable damage to cultural plantings.

What plants are afraid of this insect

Medvedka is distinguished by polyphagous and voracity.

First of all, root crops suffer from the bear. The gardener may lose the harvest of carrots, beets. The beetle harms potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and cabbage, strawberries and strawberries, melons and watermelons, as well as crops and even flowers.

How to get rid of a bear in the garden: folk remedies

The fact that bears appeared in the garden, the owner finds out in the spring, when the earth warms up. And in May, these pests become especially active. Their presence is indicated by mounds of lumps of earth that appear in the beds.

Medvedka reaches a length of 6 cm and has a rigid body with wings.

Recently, a person has been trying to get rid of pests on the site, using not chemical, but folk remedies that have been proven for centuries. This makes it possible to subsequently grow an environmentally friendly crop.

We use soapy water

One of the simplest and most effective ways to deal with a bear is a soapy solution. It can be used if a nest with larvae is found. A bucket of water will require 50-60 g of washing powder and a piece of laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. The solution is poured "with a margin" so that it destroys not only the larvae, but also adult insects, including those hiding in underground passages.

Glass jar trap

If there are few insects on the site, traps can be used. For this, glass jars of 0.5 l or plastic containers are suitable. Of course, in such a trap, you need to put a bait. Best of all, baits such as vegetable oil (it is advisable to add karbofos to it), honey and, in particular, beer, act on the bear. The voracious insect likes it just like the smell of valerian to a cat. Medvedka leaves her underground passage, and moves to the jar, but cannot get back along the slippery walls. It is removed along with the trap and destroyed.

Method using honey

A jar is buried in the ground, the bottom of which is smeared with honey. From above, the jar is covered with something dense, for example, a sheet of iron, a piece of slate, and then sprinkled with grass, straw. Medvedka is attracted by the smell of honey, so it is better to cover the walls of the jar with a thin layer of about a third, so the aroma will be stronger. It is imperative to leave a crack into which the beetle could crawl. Back Medvedka will not be able to get out. The prisoner can be obtained, it is possible that she will not be alone.

Beer trap for bear

In this case, a jar is also buried in the ground at a slight slope, and it is also covered with a piece of board, thick cardboard. As bait, it is best to use fresh beer, about a glass. The traps are checked after a few days.

Fighting with an eggshell

This method is useful for plants and detrimental to bears. During the winter, you can hoard eggshells. In the spring, it is dried, ground into powder and “fried” in a frying pan along with sunflower oil. This mixture is added to the beds - directly into the grooves - planting plants. The shell will serve as a supplier of mineral substances for seedlings, and the beetles, having "feasted" on the egg-oil mixture, will die.

Manure trap against insects

A very simple and effective method, it is used when there are a lot of bears on the site. You will need to dig small holes and lay fresh manure in them. It is difficult to think of something more attractive for a female who is looking for a place to lay her eggs. After 2-3 weeks, the traps are freed from manure with a shovel, the bear and eggs are burned.

We use pine needles to get rid of pests

The smell of pine needles repels malicious pests.

The smell of pine needles scares away the bear. You can protect vegetable beds by tearing grooves along their perimeter and pouring needles into them.

How to build windmills to fight the bear

Very interesting, unusual and effective way. You will need several iron pipes, the height of which can reach 3 m. They are installed in the garden, and metal propellers are placed on top. Vibration and noise force the bear to leave the chosen area.

We plant marigolds in the garden

Marigolds are a beautiful fight with a bear.

Another way to protect plants is to plant flowers in the aisles, known as "marigolds". So you can kill two birds with one stone. Elegant flowers will enliven the site, and the beds will take on a decorative look, and the bears will not approach the vegetables.

Method of dealing with onion peel

Effective for combating Medvedka and onion peel. After the winter season, there may be a lot of it. The husk is poured with a bucket of water, and after a week the infusion is filtered. Then it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Wet soil after rain or watering is shed with infusion of onion peel.

Rotten fish - an unpleasant but effective method

The smell of rotten fish is not pleasant to a person and a bear too. You can use any fish waste - heads, entrails, fins. When planting tomatoes, cabbage and other seedlings - they are laid in holes, when planting seeds - they are added dropwise around the perimeter of the beds. Medvedka avoid such places.

We use regular vegetable oil

You can also use sunflower oil to fill the passages of pests. You will need 1 tablespoon per 3 liter jar of water.

Vegetable oil will help rid the site of pests.

Surprisingly, some cats are great at catching bears and feasting on them. So if the family has pets, they can help the owners in the fight against harmful insects.

If there is a bear on the site, digging the earth helps.

  1. First, it allows you to detect nests. They are collected in a bucket or bag, carried away and destroyed.
  2. Secondly, digging in anticipation of cold weather leads to the fact that the bears, already lethargic and not showing activity, are close to the surface of the earth and die in winter from frost.

Pesticides that kill pests

Reliable and proven way.

The pesticides that the industry produces today are a reliable way to get rid of the bear and other pests.

  1. Medvetoks- the name says about the fight against which insects the drug is intended. A granular product with a high level of toxicity, has an attractive smell to beetles. Medvedka only needs to try the chemical to die.
  2. Cuts- an effective tool that is convenient to use, since it does not cause harm to a person, and the granules have a bright color. They fall asleep in the passages dug by bears.
  3. Grizzly- also available in the form of granules, which have a neutral color. A rather toxic substance, it is better to work with it with gloves.
  4. Bankol- This drug works in a special way. Medvedka is paralyzed, unable to move and dying of hunger. The product is safe for people.
  5. Phenoxin plus- its smell and taste are liked by bears and other pests. A few pellets, poured into a hole dug by an insect, are enough to get rid of the problem forever.
  6. Boverin- a new and well-established tool. It is harmless to humans, animals and beneficial insects. But the bears are dying from him.
  7. bear cub- This pesticide is used in the form of a solution. It does not have a harmful effect on plants and people, but it allows you to get rid of the bear.
  8. Thunder- used in small doses. For the death of insects, 1-2 granules are enough. People with this tool should work carefully, it is toxic.

Usually, gardeners resort to pesticides if folk remedies for combating bears have not justified themselves. And it is right. To begin with, you should try the simplest tricks, and only then, if necessary, take on the "heavy artillery". So there will be more chances to grow an environmentally friendly crop.

  • Hot, sun-warmed earth, these insects simply adore. If you mulch the beds with sawdust - this option will please the bears much less - they will move to where it is warmer.
  • In addition to marigolds, bears do not like some other plants. These include garlic, parsley, cilantro, and from flowers - calendula and chrysanthemums. The more of the above plants on the site, the higher the likelihood that bears will not start on it.
  • Seedlings that the gardener especially cherishes - for example, expensive varieties of tomatoes - can be planted in the garden directly in plastic bottles with a cut bottom.
  • In addition, those representatives of the animal world for whom voracious insects are food will become your allies in the fight against bears. These are birds and such frequent guests of summer cottages as hedgehogs, moles, lizards. For them, ordinary bears are a real delicacy.

    Seeing this insect for the first time, summer residents, especially women, may be afraid - will it bite them? But the maximum that a bear can do is to slightly scratch human skin with its claws. Its jaws are simply not adapted to bite.

    Medvedka eats everything that comes in her way.

    Sometimes in areas, when favorable conditions are created, the bear can grow up to 12-15 cm.

    If the sounds that the bear (song) make are recorded on a voice recorder and this recording is turned on at your dacha at night, other insects may rush to the sound source.

    Medvedka can live up to 3.5 years.

    Thus, knowing what this insect is and by what means you can fight it, you have every chance to get rid of the bear in your dacha forever.

    When the wings are folded, the veins extend beyond the body. There are six legs in total, the front pair of which are short powerful legs with spikes adapted for digging. Outwardly, the bear looks like a cross between cancer and locust.

    The body of the bear is powerful, if you take it in your hands, it will immediately begin to get out, trying to free itself.

    What is dangerous?

    She lives underground, breaking through passages and gnawing through the roots of plants on her way, spoiling seedlings, eating most types of crops. Her diet includes tubers and root vegetables., as well as stems of garden plants. He especially likes cabbage and onions.

    In the process of life, the bear and it are damaged by potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beets, eggplants, cucumbers, flower bulbs, roots of trees and shrubs. In addition, the bear feeds on worms and some harmful insects, like the larvae of the cockchafer.

    Medvedka bite

    Does it bite or not?

    The Medvedka is absolutely safe and simply cannot bite a person, so you will not find a photo of a Medvedka bite. The maximum that an adult can do is to pinch a finger with its front paws. The spikes can be painful, but such a "bite" will not bring much harm.

    The biggest bear

    There is no official record data on the size of the largest individuals. Gardeners claim that they saw a bear 12 or even 15 centimeters long. This is possible under favorable living conditions and regular nutrition of the bear.

    Does the bear fly?

    Despite the underground way of life, the bear is able to swim and fly well.

    Getting out at night to the surface, insects fly long distances to find new places to feed.

    What sounds does it make?

    Medvedka singing

    So how does the bear sing? At night, from its holes, the bear emits powerful trills and chirping sounds, the noise exceeding the chirping of a cricket or a grasshopper. The insect uses its singing to communicate with relatives, changing the tone and nature of the chirp. Most often this is the marriage period. She uses the friction of her wings to chirp.

    What does not love?



    As it turned out - not poisonous, but, nevertheless, brings a lot of harm to gardeners and their crops. It gnaws through the roots and feeds on tubers and other fruits of vegetables, gnawing through them with powerful jaws. It cannot be confused with other insects either in appearance or in the sounds it makes.

    There are many both folk and modern ways to destroy it. Including "humane", when in a natural way you can simply scare away the bear. Farmers can choose any method of dealing with these insects, which seems to them the most convenient and effective.

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    Medvedka, the name of this insect is well known to all gardeners, summer residents, gardeners, those who grow plants, and it is familiar in a negative aspect. After all, the bear (she is a cabbage, she is a cricket-mole) is a pest for many plants. What are the habits of this insect, how it looks and how to deal with it, read about all this further in our article.

    Where did the name "bear" come from?

    Medvedki got their name because of their appearance, large size, brown-brown color and clawed front paws. All this gave reason to compare this insect with brown.

    The second name of the bear - "cabbage" was due to her love for young cabbage seedlings. But the third name "mole cricket" comes from the Latin "Gryllotalpa" (actually translated as "mole cricket") and it is also not accidental. Medvedka is similar to the body structure and the ability to make sounds, and it is similar to the mole in its ability to burrow into the ground and extended brushes of the front paws, which contribute to digging the earth.

    Medvedka: description, structure, characteristics. What does a bear look like?

    Medvedki belong to arthropod insects and are quite large (as for insects) in size. The length of the body of the bear is from 3.5 to 5 cm. From above, its body has a brownish-brown color, from below it is brownish-yellow. The body of the bear is covered with fine hairs.

    The visual structure of the bear.

    The head of the insect has a direct or prognathic position in relation to the body. The axis of the body coincides with the axis of the head. The mouth organs are powerful and forward-facing jaws, and next to them are two pairs of tentacles.

    The eyes of the bear are still large and clearly visible, they have a faceted structure and are located on the sides of the head. On the head itself there are small filiform antennae.

    The pronotum of the bear with lateral parts (lobes) that hang down is large and flat, it is a distinctive feature of this insect. The head and front part of the body of this creature is covered with a dense chitinous shell, with the help of which the bear can push and compact the ground when digging holes. Thanks to him, she is somewhat reminiscent of cancer.

    The abdomen of the bear is thick, it has 1 cm in diameter, and anal and genital plates are located on its top.

    Medvedka has two pairs of wings:

    • The forewings are modified into short leathery elytra, they are covered with thick veins. In length, they reach the middle of the abdomen.
    • The hind wings of the bear are long, wide, transparent and membranous, with thin veins. In a calm state, they fan-shaped fold along the abdomen in the form of bundles. But during the flight of the cabbage, it is the hind wings that take the main part, while the front wings are involved only to a limited extent.

    An interesting fact: it is by the venation of the elytra of a bear that one can distinguish males from females. The larvae of this insect have no wings.

    And the bear has as many as three pairs of limbs, and each of them consists of a coxa, a trochanter, a thigh, a lower leg and a 3-segmented foot. The hind legs are strong, as they are designed for movement and have 1-4 spikes on their inner side. The forelimbs, somewhat reminiscent of claws, in fact, are a burrowing apparatus.

    An interesting fact: the hearing apparatus of the bear is located on the shins of the forelimbs, just like in grasshoppers, crickets and some other chirping insects.

    What sounds does the bear make

    Medvedka, like a cricket, is a “musical” insect, capable of emitting chirring trills, which can sometimes be heard at a distance of up to half a kilometer. Sounds are produced by rubbing the rigid forewings against each other.

    The trills of the bears serve to communicate between them, as well as to a very important matter - the sexual reproduction of insects, since through the performance of "love serenades" males invite females. Females, by the way, are also able to chirp. The sound power of the bear is 1.4 mW, while that of the cricket is only 0.06 mW.

    How long does a bear live

    The life expectancy of a bear is three to five years.

    What does a bear eat

    All summer residents know that the bear is the most common pest of vegetable, fruit, berry and horticultural crops. They damage roots, tubers, seeds, underground parts of plants, and sometimes even eat young plants. Medvedki spoil potatoes, corn, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, turnips, pumpkins, watermelons, melons, grapes and many other crops. In the south, exotic citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons), peanuts, cotton, and tea also suffer from them. In the forests, bears damage the roots of many trees: oaks, beeches, pines, etc.

    But do not think that bears are exclusively vegetarians (however, very harmful vegetarians), being omnivores, they also eat some living creatures: earthworms, dragonflies, beetles and some other smaller insects.

    Where does the bear live

    These insects live over a wide geographical range, almost everywhere in Eurasia (with the exception of the northern Scandinavian countries), in North Africa, in both Americas, and in Australia. They are absent only in Antarctica and the northern Arctic regions.

    As a habitat, bears most of all love wet places: meadows, floodplains. They usually live in underground passages, often found near irrigation canals, in wetlands.

    The lifestyle of a bear (kapustyanka)

    These insects prefer to lead a hidden and nocturnal lifestyle, hiding in their burrows during the day and going hunting at night. Their presence in the garden area can be determined by the winding, loosened ridges of the earth, small holes in the ground, and, of course, by healthy plants that, for no reason, suddenly begin to die.

    This is what the tunnels of the bear look like.

    It is at night that the bears are engaged in spoiling / eating plants, and in search of food they are able to fly over considerable distances (usually they are attracted to bright light). And they are able not only to fly, but also to swim.

    Natural enemies of the bear

    Of course, the bear has its own enemies in natural conditions, among them rooks, starlings, crows, moles, ants (they pose a threat to the larvae of the bear). Also among pets, the enemy of this insect harmful to the garden is, which can hunt and eat the bear like mice and rats, which is of great benefit to the economy.

    Medvedka as bait for fish

    Fishermen take note, this creature is great as bait for big fish like catfish. True, it is important that the bear itself be alive.

    Types of bears, photos and names

    Different types of bears practically do not differ from each other, neither in appearance, nor in habits and way of life. They can be biologically distinguished only by their number. Next, we describe in detail some common types of bears.

    In fact, this is the most common species among these insects. It is widely distributed in Europe (with the exception of Scandinavia), lives in a number of Asian countries and northern Africa. Almost everything that we describe here about bears, first of all, concerns the common bear.

    It has a slightly smaller size than the common bear, the body length is 2.5-3.5 cm. It has a brown-yellow color of the body. It lives in the African tropics and subtropics, but in addition to the "Black Continent" it is also found in Southeast Asia and even on the Japanese islands.

    This species is small in size - from 1.9 to 3 cm. It inhabits both Americas, and it is believed that they were originally found only in North America, but gradually penetrated into South America.

    In appearance, it is an exact double of the common bear. As a habitat, this species prefers the steppe area, lives in the steppe belt of our country in Ukraine, in the south of Russia, in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and a number of other Middle Eastern countries.

    Medvedka breeding

    The mating season for bears begins in the spring, after their mass exodus from the burrows in which they hibernated. Moreover, the mating process itself takes place underground, in burrows. In summer, offspring already appear.

    Both the female and the male bear carefully prepare for the appearance of future children, they dig complex and branched underground labyrinths and at a shallow depth (about 5 cm from the surface) create spherical nests 10 cm in diameter. In these nesting places, the female bear lays from 300 to 600 eggs. All this time, the female does not leave her eggs, maintaining the desired temperature and providing ventilation, for this purpose she continually cleans the passages, eats up the roots of plants that cast a shadow on the eggs, etc. All this is critical for the survival of the offspring. Medvedka eggs themselves are somewhat reminiscent of millet grains, they are oval in shape, yellowish-gray in color and no more than 2 mm in size.

    After 10-20 days, larvae begin to hatch from the eggs of the bear, they are also nymphs, which are small gray six-legged wingless creatures. Otherwise, they look like adults. The first 20-30 days, the larvae are under the close protection of the mother, and at the end of this period, the female bear, which gave birth to abundant offspring, alas, dies. At this time, the larvae are already creeping into holes, they themselves begin to dig their holes and look for food. Their development and transformation into a full-fledged adult takes from 1 to 2.5 years.

    Where and how does the bear hibernate

    Medvedki overwinter (as well as their larvae) in the soil, manure or humus. Moreover, in winter, they burrow many times deeper than in summer - sometimes to a depth of up to 100-120 cm from the surface.

    How to deal with a bear

    The struggle between this insect pest and the gardener has been going on since ancient times, in the arsenal of the fight against the bear there are both time-tested folk remedies and modern pest control. Next, we will dwell on this in detail.

    Chemical preparations from the bear

    You can make bait for her from steamed grains of corn, oats, barley, wheat or rye, not forgetting to add poison there. Previously, such potent agents as zinc phosphide and dust (DDT) were added to such baits. Now, for this, they use much safer special poisons exclusively for bears, for example, Medvetoks, they do not harm the soil, earthworms, but only kill pests.

    Ready-made bait can be purchased at a specialized store. It is optimal to introduce it into the soil in early spring, a week before sowing crops.

    Agrotechnical measures

    Agrotechnical measures, such as deep spring and autumn plowing, regular loosening of the soil, also help to get rid of the bear in the garden or garden plot.

    Destruction of the bear by mechanical means

    You can try to fight with a bear and various mechanical means.

    • Arrange traps for them in the manure pits. The fact is that they like to spend the winter in manure. And when they gather in the manure pit in winter, it should be scattered around the garden. Medvedki, who are there, will die from the cold. True, this is only true for places with a cold climate.
    • In the place of accumulation of the bear, dig a jar or bottle into the ground. Then pour beer into it as bait. Having climbed there, the bears will no longer be able to get out.
    • Set up light traps for the bears - arrange garden lights, and under them containers filled with water and kerosene. Since at night the bears fly into the light, then hitting the lantern, they will fall into the liquid prepared for them.
    • In minks made by pests, you can pour water with sunflower oil. Water will push them to the surface, and oil will not let them breathe.

    Fighting Medvedka with folk remedies

    • - You can try to scare away the bear with unpleasant smells for them. These are: rotten fish, onion peel, wormwood, garlic cloves and mint.
    • You can also water the ground with diluted bird droppings. Chicken will do too.
    • Plant plants that the bear does not tolerate: garlic, chrysanthemums, perennial cloves.

    Precautions when dealing with a bear in the garden

    When using strong chemicals against the bear, one must be careful. Instead, other plants, soil or pets should not suffer.

    • Gourmets of Southeast Asia sometimes use these insects as a treat. Moreover, they are cooked in fried, stewed, pickled form, with the addition of seasonings or even without them.
    • Sometimes the bear does some good, as it destroys the larvae of the May beetles and some other insects that eat plants.
    • It is not strange that the benefit of the bear is also in the field of pharmaceuticals. So they make a powder out of it, which goes as one of the components for a cure for tuberculosis.

    Medvedka, video

    And finally, a short practical video on how to deal with a bear.

    A friend asked me to help her find Nemabakt. She said that he needed to fight the potato nematode. Describe the signs of plant damage. Potato stalks look like someone is nibbling, and they wither. Previously, other gardeners have described the same symptoms, so we decided to discuss this topic.

    And indeed, the mistress of the garden said that a bear appeared on their plots. Previously, it was not there at all, but after horse manure was brought to several gardens, traces of the bear began to be noticed.

    This year, according to the advice, poisoned baits were laid out on the site. I managed to catch 15 bears at once. This is a very large number, especially since not all bears had time to taste the "treat". With such a spread of the pest, urgent measures must be taken! But why did the bears multiply so much, because before they did not exist?

    It's your own fault!

    Medvedka has always existed in nature. But in nature, everything is balanced, and the number of pests is balanced by the number of their natural enemies. And what happened with the development of horticulture? In fact, we ourselves have created ideal conditions for breeding for Medvedka. Firstly, it is loose earth on dug up beds. There, the bear moves easily, spending a minimum of effort. Secondly. an excellent fodder base in the form of tender vegetables from early spring. Thirdly, compost and manure heaps where the bear hibernates. And finally, warm greenhouses for breeding, because Medvedka loves her babies to live in warmth.

    In addition, we destroyed the natural enemies of the bear. In nature, moles actively eat it. And we expel them from the sites by any available means: lay out poisoned baits, plug the entrances with kerosene rags, set ultrasonic repellers and even traps for moles.

    What to do?

    Great commanders said: "If the enemy is very strong, then you need to study him well." Only by knowing all the features, you can defeat him. So, where does the bear live, what does it eat and how does it reproduce?

    1. Accommodation. In summer, the bear lives at a depth of 10-15 cm in loose, moist soil. But she does not like too damp places! Conclusion: in order to drive the bear from your favorite garden, water it often (and plentifully). Medvedka will go to a drier area. A well-known method is to pour water into minks. But in the old moves, it is useless to do so. We need to look for fresh tunnels. There is a high probability that the bear is somewhere nearby. When water hits it, it pops out.

    Look carefully, the bear can run out of another passage 50-100 cm from the place of the "flood". Here you will cover it - with gloves, a hoe or other tool.

    Many advise adding washing powder to the water. It doesn't make much sense. Medvedka runs not from the smell of the powder, but from the flood itself. Do not poison the earth with chemicals.

    2. Nutrition. Medvedka eats small insects in the ground and plant roots. In early spring, when there are no shoots yet, the bear is happy to try the root crops left in the ground since autumn.

    Knowing this feature, you need to use food baits and poisoned pellets. Root vegetables of carrots or beets planted on seeds can serve as bait. Around them you need to dig poisoned pellets. Attracted by the smell of root crops, bears easily find deadly treats. As you eat the granules, you need to add fresh ones. The method works! Dead bears are found near carrot roots all summer.

    The pest's favorite beds are with parsley and beets. So, the poisoned pellets need to be laid out there.

    Medvedka loves tender roots. The most "sweet" - at seedlings. To protect them, put a barrier ring in the hole when planting seedlings in the ground. The easiest way to make it is from a tin can or a plastic bottle. When the roots grow down and to the sides, outside the ring, the bear is no longer so dangerous, since it will not eat all the roots.

    Place poison pellets next to the seedlings. Their effectiveness can be increased by laying them out in fresh moves. To distinguish old minks from new ones, crush the old ones in the evening. After spreading the granules, be sure to moisten the soil.

    3. Reproduction. Medvedka is a caring mother. She builds a nest for her babies very carefully. Selects for him the lightest and warmest area. An ideal place for a greenhouse. So that nothing obscures the sun over the nest, the bear gnaws the roots of all nearby growing plants. If you notice that several plants have withered, and next you saw the moves of a bear, then immediately dig nearby - the nest is somewhere close. If you don't do this, you will get a lot of small "bears" for divorce. The fertility of females is from 50 to 500 pieces! And the youth with a terrible appetite will attack your plantings.

    The nest is located at a depth of 5-10 cm. It has a rounded shape. The walls are covered with mucus, which holds the earth together and prevents it from crumbling. Inside are eggs or larvae that look like very large ants. At first, the larvae do not leave the nest and stay together. Therefore, before it's too late, take measures to find the nest (June is just the right time). Later, young individuals will scatter and will rob in the upper layers of the soil. They so furrow the surface of the beds that they literally "mow" carrots, parsley, beets. Particularly sorry for the tomatoes and cucumbers. Unlike an adult bear, young growth does not immediately destroy seedlings, but causes severe damage to the roots, which causes the plants to die anyway.

    4. Love serenades. The breeding season for bears is stretched from May to June. At this time, males attract females with their songs. Sitting in the ground near the mink, they whistle like cicadas or crickets. Because of this, the bear is often called the "earth cricket". This whistle is heard most strongly in the evening and at night. Another way to catch a bear is based on this feature. By sound in the dark, they find the approximate place from where the male sings his song. With the help of a flashlight, they find a mink and pour water into it. The insect immediately gets to the surface. You can, of course, wait until the morning and pour water into the mink in the light of the sun. But during this time, the "artist" can go to another place. Although a significant part of the males remains nearby, and they can be caught.

    Don't be afraid to catch a bear. She just looks scary and big. She will not bite you, she will simply resist strongly if you catch her with your hands.

    Porridge for the bear

    Cook porridge on water from any cereal (you can use the cheapest one). Pour in some vegetable oil (with a smell!) and let cool. “Spice up” porridge with Regent from the Colorado potato beetle. The norm of the drug: for a half-liter jar of porridge - one Regent ampoule. Mix well.

    Lay the porridge in minks (fresh!) And cover them with earth. Collect poisoned insects so that birds do not eat them.

    You can find this article in the newspaper "Magic Garden" of 2011 No. 12.

    Number of impressions: 20166 Medvedka common

    To date, the bear is already quite a familiar inhabitant in almost every garden. It multiplies rapidly and feeds on the roots or bulbs of plants, and also especially loves root crops. If no action is taken, then this, at first glance, clumsy insect is capable of destroying the entire crop.

    The threat of the bear and where it comes from

    It comes from the cricket family. It has a rather large size, some individuals can reach 5-6 cm in length. The common bear has well-developed forelimbs, which can also be called digging. Like a mole, she easily digs tunnels underground, destroying root shoots on her way. The people of this pest are called earthen cancer or cabbage.

    What does it eat

    Her diet includes all the vegetation in the garden, from flowers to melons. By laying eggs in the soil, one individual is able to reproduce up to 300 units of offspring at a time. The trouble is that not only adult insects, but also larvae are very active. Starting in early spring, they destroy crops, and in summer and autumn - a ripening crop of vegetables.

    It is almost impossible to protect the site from attack. Most often, it enters the soil along with manure brought for fertilizer. This seemingly underground insect is also capable of flying at night.

    Singing bear

    The first sign of the presence of a pest in the garden is the characteristic voice of a bear. In the evening or at night, you can clearly identify her singing, a bit reminiscent of the chirping of a cricket. If you hear such sounds in your area, you should seriously worry about the further safety of all crops growing on the site. Another indicator of its presence in the garden are characteristic holes in the ground in the form of passages.

    Folk methods of dealing with a bear

    To properly deal with such a pest, you need to know well its behavior at different times of the year. It is customary to think that the bear lives only in the upper layers of the earth and loves moist warm soil. But starting from August, she actively moves to deeper layers and begins to prepare for wintering. That is why the methods of struggle in spring and autumn are radically different.

    How to deal with a bear in the spring

    The insect begins to show its activity already in the month of March, therefore, with the very beginning of the planting season, it is necessary to take the necessary measures.

    The most common pest control methods are:

    • It is necessary to exclude all breeding sites of the bear on the site: these can be manure heaps, leaves or debris, compost pits. In rotting plant remains, the earth warms up well and attracts insects for laying eggs;
    • In April or early May, manure baits are laid out on the site. About a month later, they are checked for the presence of larvae and the insects themselves;
    • Before planting, it is necessary to plow the ground well, this will help to partially get rid of the bear and destroy its masonry. It is also recommended in early June to loosen the row spacing shallowly (no more than 15 cm in depth);
    • Since she loves cow dung, you should not feed plants with it, this can only attract insects from all over the area. As an alternative, you can use diluted chicken manure, it will not only fertilize the earth, but also scare away the bear;
    • Crushed egg shells are placed at the bottom of each planting hole (1 teaspoon under each bush), this will partially block the passage to the roots of the plant;
    • Along the edges of the plot, it is best to sow low marigolds (Chernobrivtsi), the bear does not tolerate the smell of these flowers, and the passage from neighboring plots will be closed to her;
    • Flood burrows with soapy water. 15 g of soap and 40 g of powder are diluted in a liter of water, the liquid is poured into the hole, and after a couple of minutes the insects die in the mink or crawl out, where they are collected and burned or dried and used for medicinal purposes;
    • Vegetable oil is also used: a few drops added to the hole and filled with 2-3 liters of water block the respiratory tract of the insect and kill it;
    • They use home-made traps in the form of glass jars buried in the ground, not far from the holes. The container is placed in the ground at an angle so that the surface of the soil is a couple of centimeters above the neck. In a jar, you can put a bait from a piece of manure or beer with a strong smell of malt. A pest that has crawled inside will not be able to get out along the glass walls of the vessel.

    Such traps will help not only to clean the soil from pests, but also to collect insects for the manufacture of medicines. Medvedka has medicinal properties and is actively used both in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis and many other diseases.

    How to deal with a bear in the fall

    Due to the fact that at the end of summer the bear goes deep into the soil, other methods of dealing with it are used. The most common of these are manure traps. On the site they dig holes up to half a meter deep, fill them with bait and cover with earth. Pests crawl into them for wintering. When cold weather sets in, the pits open and scatter manure around the site, as a result of which insects die from frost.

    It is necessary to fight with a bear regularly. To ensure that the measures taken and the work done are not in vain and are as effective as possible, it is best to take care of the health of the garden together with the neighbors.

    Preparations for the fight against the bear

    In addition to folk methods of struggle, special preparations can also be used. The most popular is Borevin. The tool is made on the basis of the mushroom of the same name. The diluted preparation is poured into the wells of insects and wait until they appear on the surface. Dead individuals must be collected and destroyed (burned) so that they are not eaten by animals or birds. Be vigilant when working with Borevin, as contact with the substance causes an allergic reaction in a person.

    A proven remedy is Rembek. This drug is also effective against garden ants and Maybug larvae.


    Many will refuse to use chemicals so as not to harm wildlife. Therefore, as a safe alternative, you can use electronic, such as Green Belt or do-it-yourself repellers. Medvedka, like the mole, does not tolerate the vibrations of the earth, so she leaves the garden.


    Medvedka is one of the most malicious pests of garden and garden crops. There are many methods of insect control, both folk and preparative. The most humane and safest is the use of special repellers.