How to treat mastopathy of the mammary glands. Methods of treatment of mastopathy of the mammary gland. Conservative method of treatment

Mastopathy is a very common disease, the nature of its occurrence is not always possible to determine. The risk group is wide, and the forms of the development of the disease are different.

It is necessary to treat the malaise in a complex way, using not only the medicines prescribed by the doctor, but also proven folk remedies. The home treatment regimen includes adherence to the daily regimen and a balanced diet that can significantly improve the patient's condition.

Many are interested in the question: “How to treat mastopathy at home, with what and by what means?” We will talk about this later.

Tablets can be taken independently, injections are best done in a medical institution.

The main task of treatment is to correct the hormonal background, removing the main cause of mastopathy.

How to cure mastopathy at home? A good therapeutic effect is provided by drugs based on progesterone, during the period of the disease, the amount of this hormone in the body is reduced.

The doctor may prescribe contraceptives in the form of injections or capsules implanted under the skin that have a prolonged effect. Depending on the condition of the patient, hormonal preparations in tablets are also prescribed.

A good effect is demonstrated by Norplant, Zoladex, Buserelin, Dostinex, Parlodel. The last 2 drugs are prescribed for a lack of prolactin. Often, patients are offered the latest generation of drugs based on natural progesterone.

These include Utrozhestan and Dufaston. Mixed therapy is possible, when 2 or 3 drugs are included in the scheme at once. The choice and course depends on the type of mastopathy, the age and condition of the patient, usually the treatment lasts from 3 to 6 months.

For home treatment of fibrocystic breasts, injections of testosterone or steroids may be prescribed. They are necessary when the amount of estrogen significantly exceeds the norm, which provokes the formation of new tumors.

Such treatment is indicated for patients over 40 years of age, it gives especially good results in the premenopausal period. Injections are supplemented with progesterone-based creams, ointments and suppositories, which greatly alleviate the woman's condition.

In the pharmacy, you can buy healing tinctures for alcohol, which are used for compresses or taken orally.

Propolis tincture has a good restorative and anti-inflammatory effect..

Dilute it with water and take 1 teaspoon before meals 2 times a day. You can make a cream at home for mastopathy based on propolis and use it to do a light massage of the mammary glands.

How to get rid of mastopathy at home?

Of the traditional medicine, infusions, decoctions, teas, compresses and healing balms are especially popular.

The following home remedies are used to treat mastopathy: beekeeping products, various medicinal herbs. Among the most popular plants are red brush, burdock, plantain, sage, yarrow, celandine.

How to relieve pain in mastopathy at home? Try cooling and soothing compresses made from cabbage leaves, burdock, or psyllium. The fresh leaves are lightly crushed to release their juice, then applied to the breast and left overnight. The mammary gland can be lubricated with honey, this will enhance the therapeutic effect.

Compresses help to remove pain and heaviness, swelling decreases, the general condition stabilizes. The course lasts 7-10 days, until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.

An excellent anti-inflammatory and resolving effect has a herbal infusion. Mix dried nettle, plantain leaves, sage and wormwood in equal parts. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for about half an hour.

Strain the infusion and drink in 3 divided doses before meals. The course is designed for 14 days, then you can take a break.

To stabilize the condition in any form and stage of mastopathy, it is necessary to make adjustments to the lifestyle.

Smoking and alcohol cessation is required.

Strong alcohol, beer and even light dry wine will only aggravate the disease, increasing pain and provoking the formation of new nodes and cysts.

A prerequisite is the correct daily routine. It is necessary to move more and be in the fresh air, a full-fledged uninterrupted night's sleep is very important. Lack of sleep provokes an aggravation of hormonal imbalance, a feeling of apathy, lethargy, sometimes leading to depression, is added to the malaise.

Overweight women need to lose weight. Adipose tissue contributes to a powerful release of estrogens, increasing the imbalance and worsening the patient's well-being. It is recommended to limit the daily diet to 1700-2000 kilocalories, significantly reducing the dose of fat.

Eat often, but in small portions, transfer the main meal to the first half of the day.

Exclude fatty meat, all kinds of fast food, sweets, packaged juices and carbonated drinks from the menu. It is better to replace whole dairy products with fat-free ones, natural yoghurts without additives, cottage cheese, kefir are especially useful.

Enrich your diet with vegetables: root vegetables, leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage.

Vegetables are rich in fiber and vitamins, they are easy to digest and facilitate digestion.

No less useful are fruits and berries containing a large amount of vitamin C: citrus fruits, apples, apricots, cherries, sea buckthorn, black currants, rose hips

It is important to follow the drinking regime. Excess fluid will exacerbate unpleasant symptoms, increasing swelling and a feeling of heaviness.

Limit the daily dose to 2 liters of liquid, giving preference to pure still water, herbal teas, homemade fruit drinks and compotes with a minimum sugar content. The menu should include freshly squeezed vegetable juices, which not only nourish the body with vitamins, but also allow you to adjust the hormonal background.

Drink juices from beets, carrots, cabbage, celery, mixing them with orange or apple juices. It is worth giving up drinks containing caffeine, they can affect the amount of estrogen. The stop list includes instant and natural coffee, cocoa, black tea, cola.

If you notice that at home the treatment of mastopathy does not give the desired result, the pain intensifies, and the cysts and fibromas increase in size, the doctor may advise surgery.

There are two options for excision of benign neoplasms.

Fibromas and cysts can be removed locally, this method is more often used for large single formations.

If there are many seals and cavities, it is possible to remove part of the mammary gland.

Operations are performed strictly according to medical indications, general anesthesia and rehabilitation treatment in the postoperative period are required.

The mammary gland is an amazing organ of the female body, which is designed to feed children. The composition of mother's milk is amazing and individual for each woman. But, unfortunately, the state of the mammary glands is very dependent on the concentration of hormones in the blood. So, the disease with the general name of mastopathy, which will be discussed in this article, occurs as a result of a decrease in progesterone levels and an increase in estrogen levels.

These hormones are produced by the ovaries. As a result of this hormonal imbalance, the epithelium lining the excretory ducts of the gland and connective tissue grows. Today you will learn about the symptoms, diagnosis of this disease, and how to treat breast mastopathy.

Types of mastopathy and diagnosis

There are two types of this pathology:

  • diffuse;
  • nodal.

The common path of development of the disease is the growth of dense fibrous tissue and the formation of nodules. This can happen both in women of reproductive age and in women who have gone through menopause. Mastopathy of the mammary glands should not be left to chance. Necessarily, in all cases, consultation and observation by a mammologist with subsequent treatment is necessary.

The diagnostic algorithm consists of several points:

  1. Evaluation of the patient's complaints.
  2. Inspection.
  3. Ultrasound of the mammary glands.
  4. Puncture of nodular and cystic formations.
  5. Mammography (diagnostic method using x-rays).

According to various sources, worldwide, mastopathy affects from 45 to 90% of women of different ages and social levels.

Of particular danger is the fact that any, even the smallest seal and neoplasm in the chest can lead to malignant degeneration or itself be a malignant oncological pathology.

The possible risk of malignancy (malignancy) increases when cystic formations are detected. In each case of detection of fibrocystic mastopathy, the treatment is selected strictly individually, depending on many factors:

  • the age of the patient;
  • a history of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • morphological form of mastopathy;
  • the nature of the menstrual cycle (cycle duration, violation of the duration of the desquamation phase);
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • method of contraception.

The selection of therapeutic measures can be minimal, starting with lifestyle correction, up to surgical intervention. In the early stages of the disease, the treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home helps well. However, it must be remembered that alternative treatment procedures must be carried out, be sure to consult a doctor!

An important task of the doctor is to eliminate the causes of the disease, improve the quality of life and preserve the mammary gland.

Conservative method of treatment

Without a doubt, many of our readers have a question, how and with what, to treat mastopathy of the mammary glands?

To disassemble the methods of treating the disease, it is necessary to start with the most elementary points. The first and important point in the treatment of mastopathy is to change the style of eating. The principle is very simple, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that can provoke a pathological process and pain syndrome, as well as contribute to the retention of estrogen in the body.


Scientific studies have shown that the consumption of methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine) worsens the condition of patients. This compound is found in commonly known products such as coffee, chocolate, cocoa, black tea, and cola. Prevention of constipation and a ban on the use of products that contribute to the retention of feces in the body. It is necessary that the body is cleansed of harmful substances as soon as possible.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce a sufficient amount of fiber-rich foods into the daily diet and observe the proper water and drinking regimen. It is necessary to drink up to 2 liters of pure water per day (liquid food does not count.) Good liver function also helps to remove excess estrogen from the body. But for this it is necessary to protect hepatocytes, this can be achieved by eliminating alcohol, nicotine and other harmful substances. A diet without fatty and fried foods is also important.

  1. Sea fish.
  2. Vegetable oils.
  3. Milk products.
  4. Cereals.
  5. Vegetables
  6. Fruit.
  7. Lean meats.
  8. Mushrooms.
  9. Nuts.

Wearing a bra and consciously choosing the right model and fabric from which it is sewn can reduce pain and promote a speedy recovery. Accordingly, the wrong choice of this garment can lead to an improvement in the condition. Mammologists recommend wearing a bra for women with mastopathy, especially women who have large breasts.

Pick up a bra exactly in size to avoid squeezing and deforming the chest.

  1. The choice of fabric should be in favor of natural fabrics that conduct heat well and absorb moisture.
  2. Choose a model without a foam component and rigid parts.
  3. Give advantage to wide and comfortable straps.
  4. Do not wear a bra for more than 12 hours.
  5. Allow your breasts to rest and not sleep in a bra.


If a woman has been diagnosed with mastopathy, she must completely reconsider her lifestyle and categorically give up bad habits. Smoking is the cause of many women's problems not only with breasts, but also with the reproductive system. In terms of overall health, taking vitamins will be an important link. The doctor should prescribe a vitamin complex, depending on the initial condition of the woman. Positive effects:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • antioxidant action;
  • normalization of the functions of the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands, liver;
  • general strengthening of immunity;
  • stabilizes the functions of the nervous system.

Diuretics and blood flow aids

Cyclically occurring symptoms due to a change in hormonal levels every month can manifest themselves in the form of excessive swelling and soreness of the mammary glands. This is the so-called premenstrual syndrome, in which pain in the lower abdomen, muscles and impaired venous outflow are possible. To treat these symptoms, you should take mild diuretics in the form of diuretic herbal preparations or preparations based on them.

To improve blood circulation, you can eat more foods containing vitamin P:

  • black currant;
  • Cherry;
  • rose hip;
  • chokeberry.

Preparations for strengthening the vascular wall, vitamin C, Askorutin.

Homeopathic preparations

This type of treatment is based on a different opinion from official medicine, that like is treated with like. That is, diluted homeopathic remedies in a concentrated form cause symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to use such drugs with extreme caution, strictly observe the dosage. In order to eliminate the effect of an increased content of prolactin on the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the mammary glands and the inner lining of the uterine cavity.

These preparations are based on medicinal plants, such as:

  • tiger lily;
  • iris;
  • chilibuha.

Ready-made drugs are sold in the pharmacy network under different names:

  1. Mastodinone is the most prescribed drug.
  2. Biocycline.
  3. Remens.
  4. Cyclodion.

You should be aware that the theoretical foundations of homeopathy do not correspond to the scientific basic knowledge of medicine. In addition, the tests conducted by specialists did not reveal a difference between homeopathic remedies and placebo.

Nonsteroidal drugs

Sometimes, to relieve swelling and pain, doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs a few days before the start of the cycle. It should be borne in mind that when taking such drugs, it is necessary to protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum from erosions and ulcers.

As an example, the following drugs can be prescribed:

  1. Diclofenac.
  2. Nurofen.
  3. Nise.
  4. Nemesil.

Preparations to improve liver function

The smooth functioning of the liver contributes to the successful process of utilization and excretion of estrogens in the body of a woman. The liver, like a large filter, passes all the blood of the body and neutralizes all dangerous substances, including hormones.

As hepatoprotectors choose:

  1. Karsil.
  2. Gepabene.
  3. Heptral.
  4. Legalon.

Adaptogens, iodine preparations, sedatives

The emotional state of a woman who has been diagnosed with mastopathy can indirectly worsen her condition. Nervous experience in this regard can provoke vegetative disorders in the form of increased or decreased pressure, cause increased sweating.

To eliminate these signs, drugs called adaptogens are used. This is a group of medicinal substances of natural or artificial origin, which can increase the overall resistance of the body to the action of the external environment. Therefore, it is important to provide emotional peace and prevention of depression.

These are drugs such as:

  1. Alvgen Relax.
  2. Novopassit.
  3. Sedariston.

Thyroid hormones can destabilize the work of all organs and systems of the body, as well as change the emotional background. To eliminate the lack of iodine, iodine-containing drugs are used:

  1. Iodomarin.
  2. Iodine active.

Hormonal treatment

An important link in the complex treatment of mastopathy is hormone therapy. To diagnose changes in the body as a result of an imbalance of hormones, several factors are taken into account:

  • the pathological process covers both breasts;
  • the intensity of the severity of symptoms directly depends on the menstrual cycle, and, accordingly, the change in the concentrations of sex hormones;
  • pain and other unpleasant sensations weaken or completely disappear after the onset of menopause;
  • the presence of other hormone-dependent diseases (uterine fibromyoma, cystic ovarian tumors, diseases of the adrenal glands);
  • after taking hormonal drugs, the condition improves.

As a result of all these facts, certain drugs are used:

  • antiestrogen;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • androgens;
  • gestagens;
  • prolactin inhibitors;

It goes without saying that the unauthorized use of hormonal drugs is unacceptable. How and how to treat mastopathy of the mammary glands, only a doctor can prescribe and correctly calculate the dose and regimen of taking the drug to successfully get rid of the disease.


These drugs have been used since the 70s of the twentieth century. The mechanism of action is such that with an increased level of estrogen in the blood of a woman, the drugs block specific receptors in hormone-dependent breast tissues. As a result, drugs block receptors and significantly reduce the effect of the hormone on the body.

The main drugs are:

  • Tamoxifen;

When taking Tamoxifen in women, side effects were determined in the form of dizziness, nausea, increased sweating, at the beginning of therapy, increased pain and swelling in the mammary glands. Scientific studies have proven the association of Tomaxifen with the risk of endometrial cancer.

Fareston has become an analogue, in which side effects are minimized, and a positive effect is manifested in a month.

Oral contraceptives

When prescribing oral contraceptives, the doctor must be especially careful when choosing a specific drug. With the wrong appointment, the symptoms of mastopathy intensify and progress. From about the eighth week, women feel positive effects due to the suppression of ovulation, the synthesis of ovarian androgens and the synthesis of endometrial estrogen receptors, the drug of choice can be:

  • Femodene;
  • Marvelon;
  • Silest;
  • Jeanine;

The choice is made in favor of combined contraceptives, which contain different concentrations of estrogens and
gestagens. The course of admission is at least 3 months. Self-administration of oral contraceptives can lead to a worsening of the condition and aggravation of mastopathy.


This is a group of hormonal drugs aimed at suppressing the production of estrogen, thereby slowing down the function of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a neuroendocrine organ that regulates, including the production of sex hormones.

Effective in approximately 80% of cases. The course of treatment is chosen by the doctor, based on many factors. Examples of drugs:

  1. Dinazol;
  2. Linestrinol;
  3. Norgistrel.

The use of progesterone in the form of a gel that is applied to the skin will allow a woman not to experience discomfort from side effects.


These are male sex hormones that are antagonists of female sex hormones. Antagonists are substances that have the opposite effect. A positive effect is observed in 2/3 of women. At the same time, the glandular tissue becomes homogeneous without tangible seals. Despite the positive effect, the presence of side symptoms overshadow the treatment process.

Women often say:

  • nervous state;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • a decrease in the amount of blood loss during menstruation up to a complete cessation (amenorrhea);
  • increased sweating.

The contraceptive effect provided is very doubtful, which patients should be warned about.

Prolactin inhibitors

Prolactin is a hormone that is also produced by the pituitary gland. The organ on which this hormone acts is necessary for the implementation of lactation. It also promotes the growth of the mammary gland itself and increases the number of structural units - lobules.

This type of drug, which is prescribed exclusively after laboratory tests. In order to get a more accurate result, the doctor prescribes special additional drugs.

As drugs that you can choose, there are:

  • Bromocriptine;
  • Parlodel.

Taking inhibitors stabilizes the concentration of progesterone and estrogen, normalizing the menstrual cycle.


Radical treatment measures include surgery. Unfortunately, the operation does not eliminate the cause of mastopathy, the risk of recurrence is always high. The group of patients who are indicated for radical therapy are those women who have not had the effect of conservative therapy for a long time and the nodular form of mastopathy. The volume of intervention may vary, but usually it is a sectoral mastectomy.

An urgent histological examination allows, even during the operation itself, to assess whether a malignant neoplasm or not. In the case when the neoplasm is malignant, the volume of resection can change, up to a total resection of the mammary gland. This type of treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy is carried out in an oncological dispensary under the supervision of a mammologist.

Self-treatment of mastopathy

If a woman, upon discovering seals in herself and having symptoms, decides not to go to the hospital, but to try to heal herself, this can lead to irreversible consequences and the development of breast cancer. Self-medication is absolutely not allowed.

Treatment should be comprehensive and aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also at the cause of the disease. Folk remedies can only be regarded as additional treatment measures and only after consultation with your doctor.

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home is permissible only after visiting a medical institution, and permission to carry out such procedures by your doctor.

Cabbage leaf for breast health

This is probably one of the simplest and at the same time, the most effective means for solving the treatment and prevention of mastopathy.

How to apply:

  1. Remove the leaf from fresh cabbage, carefully cut off the seals with a knife. It is advisable to wear not so elegant underwear, and put a cabbage leaf on your chest.
  2. If possible, walk all day with this natural compress, no one will notice it under your underwear.
  3. But if you feel discomfort, then you can do this procedure at home in the evening. You can also leave it overnight.
  4. Cabbage leaf will help relieve chest pain, for example, before women's days.
  5. Change the cabbage leaf as it dries out, usually a couple of times a day is enough.
  6. Treatment is carried out in courses. From two weeks to a month, Look at your well-being. After the course, take a break for two weeks and apply again.

Cabbage leaf compresses are good to use during breastfeeding, for the prevention of dairy diseases.
mother's glands. You can supplement the treatment in this way.

Compress recipe:

Put a gruel of grated beets and honey, mixed in a ratio of 3: 1, on a cabbage leaf. Apply the compress on the chest and leave overnight.

Pumpkin compress

Fresh pumpkin or carrots should be grated. Gently spread the resulting mass on gauze. Then apply to the sore chest, wrap with a film and secure well with a bandage.

Keep for two hours, do the procedure twice a day.

Rowan compress

Rowan berries should be rubbed well and applied to the chest. Then cover with a film and fix the compress with a bandage. The amount and time of the procedure, as in the previous recipe.

Propolis for mastopathy

In half a glass of water, dilute one teaspoon of propolis tincture, which is sold in a pharmacy. Drink twice a day, before meals.

Complex herbal collection for the treatment of mastopathy

This herbal recipe has a very wide spectrum of action, it can be used for women's health, with all types and forms of mastopathy.


  • 3 parts dandelion leaves or flowers
  • 4 parts of celandine grass;
  • 1 part valerian roots;
  • 3 parts yarrow herb;
  • 2 parts nettle herb;
  • 1 part motherwort herb;
  • 2 parts eucalyptus leaves;
  • 2 pieces of pine needles;
  • 1 part birch leaves;
  • 1 part thyme herb.

As you can see, all herbs are available, and they combine very well.

Preparation and application:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour.
  2. Then we filter.
  3. It is necessary to drink a healing infusion during the day, in equal parts, before meals.

The course of treatment is 2 months, after which you can take a break, after which you can continue the treatment of mastopathy with herbs.

Cake from mastitis

Prepare sour yeast dough, make small cakes out of it and apply to a sore chest. As soon as the dough cake dries, you need to attach a new one.

Wax compress

From familiar beekeepers or in the market where honey is sold, buy natural yellow wax. Melt the wax in a water bath, but do not bring to a boil.

  1. Lubricate the polyethylene lids for mayonnaise jars with sunflower oil and pour a thin layer of wax on them.
  2. We cover the mammary gland with hardened wax cakes, cover with a cotton cloth and put on underwear for fixation.
  3. Leave the compress overnight and remove in the morning. This wax can be used twice.

Wax healing compresses are done 10-12 times, it is important not to miss a single day.

herbal collection

Collection for oral administration: take 100 grams of wormwood herb and 50 grams of nettle and sage and plantain. Mix, pour a tablespoon of the collection into 250 ml. boiling water and leave for one hour. Strain and drink 0.5 cups, 40 minutes after eating.

Burdock and honey compress

Compress of burdock leaves, honey, and castor oil and lemons. Grind burdock leaves, two lemons and 100 ml. castor oil and honey. Mix everything until smooth, apply on a napkin made of natural fabrics. Apply to the chest at night.

Tinctures for the complex treatment of mastopathy

Tincture of cinquefoil

Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil, sold in the pharmacy network, will help in the treatment of a dangerous disease. You need to drink it 1 nightingal spoon, diluted in half a glass of water, 3 times a day, 35 minutes before meals.

This infusion is lymphogenic, has anti-inflammatory properties.

A good result is the use of horse chestnut tincture to normalize blood circulation and suppress the inflammatory process. For self-preparation: tincture is prepared from chestnut flowers. Take chestnut inflorescences and pour vodka in a ratio of 1:10, let stand for 14 days in a dark, cool place. Strain and take 35 drops three times a day.

Oak bark tincture

Oak bark, crushed to a fine state in the amount of 2 tablespoons. It is necessary to fill it with a glass of cold water and heat it so that the water evaporates to half the volume. Wet a cotton cloth with this solution and apply on the chest, cover with cling film. The procedure time is 3-5 hours.

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy with folk remedies can and should be used in combination with taking medications prescribed by a doctor. A decoction made from whole grains of barley and oats will help speed up the recovery process from this ailment.

Summer version of the decoction:

  1. We take a mixture of grains of oats and barley - 6 tablespoons, and pour them with one liter of boiling water in a saucepan.
  2. Then put the saucepan on a small fire and boil for 30 minutes.
  3. After that, cover the broth with a lid and leave to infuse, in a dark place, for 12 hours.

Why the summer version of the medicine? The fact is that during the use of a decoction, potassium is washed out of the body. Its loss is necessary, and can be perfectly compensated by eating fresh berries, fruits and vegetables.

Winter version of the decoction:

  1. Pour 6 tablespoons of a mixture of oats-barley with a liter of boiling water and put on the stove to boil, then reduce the heat.
  2. In this case, boil the broth over low heat for one hour. After that, we filter and pour a handful of dried fruits with the resulting liquid.
  3. We insist under the lid for 12 hours.

It is necessary to take a healing decoction throughout the day, in small sips, regardless of the meal. It will be useful to eat dried fruits, on which the medicine was insisted.

The course of treatment with a decoction of oats and barley is two weeks.

Oil treatment

In the early stages, the treatment of breast mastopathy can be started with a folk remedy, which is prepared from natural oils.

Preparation and application:

  1. To prepare this medicine, we take pumpkin seed oil, as well as oil from sea buckthorn berries.
  2. Pumpkin oil - 100 milliliters.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - 2 teaspoons.
  4. Mix the oils and take 1-2 teaspoons orally, 30 minutes before meals. We carry out a course of treatment for one month. Then we take a break for two weeks.

After a month and a half, we replace pumpkin oil with milk thistle oil, and after another month and a half with flax seeds. Prepare and take as described above in the recipe.

Measures for the prevention of mastopathy

The right choice of hygiene products. We are talking about deodorants and antiperspirants. The composition of these funds includes a lot of chemical compounds that can possibly lead to mastopathy.

Breast self-examination. Every woman should know and possess the rules of self-diagnosis. With careful palpation, it is possible to detect seals in the mammary glands.

This must be done every month in the first ten days of the cycle. During menopause, self-examination is carried out at the beginning of the month.

If you find these symptoms, you should contact your doctor:

  • redness or rash;
  • asymmetry of the breasts or nipples;
  • pain on palpation;
  • puffiness;
  • discharge from the nipples;
  • seal or knots.


At all times, the female breast has been a symbol of fertility, femininity and beauty. It is necessary to monitor the health of the mammary glands, to carry out prevention and examination in time.

Mastopathy is considered a precancerous condition, so it is important to know how to treat breast mastopathy and approach the treatment of this pathology in a complex manner.

Mastopathy- a disease of the mammary gland against the background of hormonal failure, manifested in the pathological growth of its tissues. It is more correct to say fibrocystic disease or fibroadenomatosis. Breast mastopathy is considered a benign disease, but in some of its forms, degeneration into a malignant process is possible.

In the process of diagnosis, two types of disease development are determined: diffuse mastopathy (fibrocystic) and nodular mastopathy.

Diffuse mastopathy, in turn, is divided into cystic and fibrous mastopathy, that is, depending on the predominance of these components.

Symptoms of mastopathy

The presence of palpable nodes and seals are the main symptoms of mastopathy, since this disease begins with the growth of connective tissue. At the same time, chest pain begins to bother. The pain usually increases before menstruation and may radiate to the arm or shoulder blades. And often women can ignore these symptoms, but at an early stage of the development of this disease, it is easier to treat. With the advanced form of nodular mastopathy, the slightest touch to the chest causes pain. The manifestation of mastopathy is possible in the inflammation of the lymph nodes of the axillary zone, and the appearance of discharge from the nipples. Any discharge from the nipples should be a good reason for you to visit a mammologist.

Causes of mastopathy

The causes of the onset of the disease are associated with hormonal imbalance. Various stresses, depressions, irregular sex life, sexual dissatisfaction can lead to imbalance. Since the health of the mammary gland is closely related to the state of the organs of the female genital area.

The likelihood of mastopathy is increased by such important factors as gynecological diseases that affect the hormonal background of a woman. A certain risk exists both in women who have not given birth, and in women who have given birth at a later age, in those who do not feed or feed for a short time.

Diseases of other organs that are not related to the reproductive system can also provoke mastopathy. The mammary gland is part of the endocrine system, so many diseases can cause the development of mastopathy, these include thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity, liver disease, inflammation of the uterus. You should also not lose sight of various injuries of the mammary gland, including household microtraumas, when in the subway, on the bus they pressed, squeezed, accidentally hit the chest with an elbow or a bag.

It is also necessary to be attentive to those women whose female relatives suffered from breast diseases, since heredity is an important risk factor for the development of this disease. We should not forget about the environmental factor, as well as bad habits (alcohol, smoking). If we take into account all the reasons described, it is clear that most women can experience this disease. In order not to be included in the list of "victims of mastopathy", it is recommended to regularly undergo an examination by a gynecologist, and if symptoms are detected, consult a mammologist. This will help prevent the development of the disease and preserve your health and beauty.

Diagnosis of mastopathy

In most cases, the signs of mastopathy can be determined by the woman herself, for this there is a certain technique that will help you conduct a self-diagnosis. Further diagnostics is carried out by a mammologist and oncologist, since only a specialist can determine the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

An examination by a doctor begins with asking a woman about past illnesses, the course of the menstrual cycle, the number of births, hereditary disease of the mammary glands in relatives. Diagnostics may include mammography, ultrasound of the mammary glands, thermography. The diagnostic process is quick and painless, so you should not be afraid and postpone a visit to the doctor.

Treatment of mastopathy

Treatment of mastopathy can be divided into conservative (drug) and surgical (surgical) treatment. At the initial stages, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment.

First of all, it is necessary to find and eliminate the causes of mastopathy: nervous disorders, ovarian dysfunction, gynecological diseases, liver diseases, etc. If a woman has concomitant inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, endocrine diseases (hypothyroidism, nodular goiter, diabetes mellitus, etc.), treatment carried out jointly with a gynecologist and an endocrinologist.

The main tasks in the treatment of mastopathy are the correction of the hormonal background, the reduction of cysts and fibrous tissue in the mammary gland, the prevention of recurrence of tumors and oncology.

In the event that there are cysts, significant seals, if conservative treatment is unsuccessful, surgical treatment is performed. If the tumor is benign, then only a sectoral resection is performed. If cancer cells are found, the woman's mammary gland is removed and chemotherapy is given.

Of all breast diseases, fibrocystic disease, or fibrocystic mastopathy, is the most common. It occurs in almost 30% of all women, and in women under 30 years old - in every fourth case of contacting a antenatal clinic. Among women suffering from chronic gynecological diseases, mastopathy was found in 30-70%.

What is mastopathy

The term "mastopathy" combines about 30 synonymous terms - breast dysplasia, dyshormonal breast hyperplasia, Schimmelbusch disease, chronic cystic mastitis, mazoplasia, cystic mastopathy, mastodynia, etc.

All these and many other terms are used to refer to those numerous changes of a morphological nature (proliferative, cystic, fibrotic), which are often, but not necessarily, present simultaneously and are united by one common name.

In practical medicine, the term "mastopathy" is used in relation to many benign diseases of the mammary glands, which differ in the variety of clinical manifestations and, most importantly, in the histomorphological structure, and which are united by the main cause of their occurrence - hormonal imbalance in the body.

Thus, mastopathy is a group of benign diseases, morphologically characterized by a wide range of both regressive and proliferative processes, in which there is a pathological ratio of the connective tissue and epithelial components of the mammary glands with the occurrence of cystic, fibrous and proliferative changes.

Why is mastopathy dangerous? Despite the fact that this disease is benign and is not considered directly a precancer, at the same time, breast cancer develops on average 4 times more often against the background of diffuse diseases of the latter and 40 times more often against the background of cystic forms with signs of growth (proliferation) of epithelial cells. The risk of malignancy in non-proliferative forms of mastopathy is no more than 1%, with moderately pronounced proliferation of the epithelium - about 2.5%, and in the case of significant proliferation, the risks of breast cancer increase to 31.5%.

From this point of view, the prevention and treatment of mastopathy are at the same time the real prevention of malignant neoplasms. Unfortunately, 90% of pathological formations are detected by women on their own and only in other cases they are discovered by medical workers by chance as a result of a preventive examination.

The combination of dyshormonal hyperplasia with malignant neoplasms, identified in most studies, is explained by the common causes and risk factors, the identity of certain variants of mastopathy and malignant tumors, and similar hormonal and metabolic disorders in the body.

Types of mastopathy

Due to the wide variety of morphological forms of the disease, there are various classifications. In practice, depending on the predominance of certain changes detected by palpation (palpation) and / or mammography, as well as taking into account the results of histological examination, three main forms of the disease are distinguished, which some authors consider to be different stages of development of the same pathological process :

  1. Diffuse large or small focal, which is an early stage in the development of the disease. The histological picture is determined by areas of the organ with a normal structure, hyperplastic (enlarged) and atrophic lobules, dilated ducts and small cysts, coarsening and growth of connective tissue structures and collagen fibers.
  2. Nodular, characterized by the predominance of cystic elements and fibrous tissues, the growth of gland lobules and epithelial cells that line the inner surface of cysts and milk ducts. The detection of individual atypical cells is the reason for characterizing this form as a precancerous condition.
  3. Mixed, or diffuse-nodular - nodular formations more or less pronounced in size are determined against the background of diffuse changes in the mammary glands.

In turn, diffuse and nodular forms are classified into types. The diffuse form is divided into:

  • adenosis, in which the glandular component predominates;
  • fibroadenosis - fibrous component;
  • fibrocystic - cystic component;
  • sclerosing adenosis - a compact growth of the lobules of the gland with the preservation of the inner and outer epithelial layers and the configuration of the lobules, despite the compression of the latter by fibrous tissues;
  • mixed form.

In the nodal form, the following types are distinguished:

  • adenomatous, which is overgrown glandular passages with the formation of small adenomas, consisting of enlarged elements of the glandular structure located close to each other;
  • fibroadenomatous, including leaf-shaped - a fast-growing connective tissue formation of a layered structure containing cellular elements, cysts and glandular passages, which are lined with proliferating epithelial cells;
  • cystic;
  • intraductal papilloma, Mintz's disease, or bleeding mammary gland; is an easily injured overgrown epithelium in the dilated excretory duct behind the areola or close to the nipple;
  • lipogranuloma, or;
  • hemangioma (vascular tumor);
  • hamartoma, consisting of glandular, adipose and fibrous tissues.

Despite the fact that malignant tumors of the mammary glands are not necessarily the consequences of fibrocystic changes. However, their presence greatly increases the risk of developing cancer, which largely depends on the severity of epithelial proliferation within the ducts and glandular lobules. In accordance with histological studies of the material obtained during operations, in 46% malignant tumors are combined with diffuse. This fact further supports the assumption that the prevention of mastopathy is also the prevention of breast cancer.

Causes of the disease and risk factors

The etiology and mechanisms of development of mastopathy have not been fully elucidated, but a direct connection has been established mainly between the development of this pathology and the state of the balance of hormones in the body. Therefore, the hormonal theory of the formation of diffuse fibrocystic disease was the basis for the name of the disease dishormonal hyperplasia of the mammary glands.

The latter are an organ that is highly sensitive to any changes in the level of hormones, especially sexual ones, and at any time in a woman's life. The mammary glands are never in states characterized by functional rest. Their development and condition, physiological changes during menstrual cycles after puberty, activation of function during pregnancy and lactation are carried out and regulated by a whole hormonal complex.

These hormones include GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) of the hypothalamic region of the brain, prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones of the pituitary gland, thyroid-stimulating and chorionic hormones, glucocorticosteroids and insulin, and, most importantly, sex hormones (androgens, estrogens, progesterone).

Therefore, any hormonal imbalance, especially between progesterone and estrogens, among which estradiol has the maximum effect on the mammary gland, is accompanied by changes in the structure of its tissues and, as a result, the development of mastopathy. The differentiation (specialization) of cells, their division, development and proliferation of epithelial cells of the organ ducts depend on estradiol. This hormone also induces the development of the structural and functional unit of the gland (lobules), the development of the vasculature and the fluidity of the connective tissue.

Progesterone also prevents the division and growth of the epithelium of the milk ducts, reduces the permeability of small vessels due to the action of estrogens. By reducing swelling of the connective tissue, progesterone provides lobular-alveolar separation, promotes the development of glandular tissues, lobules and alveoli.

Of greatest importance is the relative (in relation to estrogens) or absolute deficiency of progesterone. Its deficiency is the cause of not only edema, but also an increase in the mass and volume of connective tissues inside the lobules, as well as the growth of the duct epithelium, leading to a decrease in their diameter, blockage and the formation of cysts. The hormone is able to reduce the degree of activity of estrogen receptors, reduce the local concentration of active estrogens, which helps to limit the stimulation of the growth of gland tissues.

An increased concentration of the hormone prolactin in the blood also plays a certain role in the development of mastopathy, which leads to an increase in the number of receptors that perceive estradiol in the tissues of the glands. This helps to increase the sensitivity of the gland cells to the latter and accelerate the growth of the epithelium in it. In addition, an increase in the level of prolactin is one of the reasons for the violation of the ratio of estrogens and progesterone, which is accompanied by corresponding symptoms in the second phase of the menstrual cycle - swelling, engorgement and soreness of the mammary glands.

There are many causal risk factors, but the main ones are:

  1. Late (after 16 years) or premature, age-inappropriate, onset of menstrual cycles (up to 12 years), as a result of which the girl’s body does not have time to adapt to changes in the hormonal state, to which the breast tissue reacts accordingly.
  2. Later (after 30 years) the onset of sexual activity.
  3. Early (before 45 years) or late (after 55 years) menopause, which is associated with an early imbalance of sex hormones or a longer exposure to estrogens.
  4. , the absence of pregnancies that ended in childbirth or late (after 30 years) first pregnancy.
  5. Frequent abortions in adolescence or after 35 years. Three artificial interruptions after 6 weeks of pregnancy, when the glandular tissue grows significantly, are the starting factor for the transformation of physiological proliferation into pathological. Abortions at these terms increase the risk of developing mastopathy by 7 times due to the interruption of hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
  6. Absence, excessively short (less than 5 months) or too long breastfeeding.
  7. Hereditary predisposition and age after 45 years.
  8. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area (about 40-70%), which are not so much a provoking factor as a contributing or concomitant endocrine disorder;
  9. Genital endometriosis (80%), (85%), the hormones of which affect the mammary glands directly or through influence on receptors that perceive other hormones.
  10. Ovarian tumors and menstrual irregularities (54%).
  11. Hormonal disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, thyroid disease (found in 40-80% of women with mastopathy), dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, hormonal imbalance in metabolic syndrome.
  12. Violation of the utilization of steroid hormones, in particular estrogens, and their excretion as a result of pathological changes or dysfunctions of the liver, biliary tract and intestines.
  13. Prolonged psychological stress and chronic stressful conditions, prolonged depression and sleep disorders, leading to a feedback disorder between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and the rest of the endocrine and autonomic systems. Such disorders are present in almost 80% of women with mastopathy.
  14. Irrational nutrition - excessive consumption of foods rich in fats, carbohydrates, animal proteins, and insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods with dietary fiber.
  15. Nicotine intoxication and abuse of alcoholic and caffeinated drinks and products - strong coffee and tea, cola, energy drinks, chocolate.
  16. The negative influence of the external environment (chemical carcinogens and ionizing radiation) is often the impetus for the occurrence of mastopathy.

Mastopathy and pregnancy are to some extent related. If late or interrupted pregnancy, as well as infertility, are risk factors for the development of mastopathy, as mentioned above, then, accordingly, its presence, and even more so repeated pregnancies and childbirth, can be considered disease prevention. In addition, some authors believe that during pregnancy there may be a delay in the development of mastopathy and a decrease in the degree of its manifestations. This is due to the high content of progesterone in the body of a woman during pregnancy and lactation.

Symptoms of mastopathy

Diagnosis of any pathology is based on finding out the history of the disease during a conversation with the patient, his subjective sensations and external visual and palpation examinations. All this enables the clinician to choose further methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics in order to establish a diagnosis, provoking factors and concomitant diseases that affect the development of a particular pathology.

The main and most characteristic initial signs of mastopathy:

  1. Mastalgia, or pain in the mammary glands (in 85%) of varying intensity, forcing women to seek medical attention. They arise as a result of an increased content of estrogens and compression of the nerve endings by edematous connective tissue or cystic formations. Another reason is the involvement of nerve endings in tissues that have undergone sclerosis.

    The pains are local aching or dull, but sometimes they intensify with movements and radiate (radiate) to the scapular and axillary regions, the shoulder girdle, and the arm. They occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle - usually a week, and sometimes more before the onset of menstruation. After the onset of menstruation or after a few days, the pain disappears or their intensity decreases significantly. Severe pain leads to cancerophobia (a feeling of fear about a malignant tumor), to an anxious or depressive state, and emotional imbalance.

  2. More often they are disturbed by sensations of discomfort, fullness, heaviness, engorgement (mastodynia) of the mammary glands and an increase in their sensitivity. Sometimes these phenomena are accompanied by anxiety, irritability, headache, nausea and vomiting, discomfort and cramping pain in the abdomen (). They, as in cases of mastalgia, are associated with the menstrual cycle and arise as a result of increased blood supply and swelling of the connective tissue structure of the glands that form the stroma.
  3. Discharge when pressing on the nipples - transparent, whitish, brownish, greenish in color, or even mixed with blood. If there are a lot of them, they can appear on their own (without pressure). Bloody discharge, which also occurs in malignant neoplasms, should be especially alarming.
  4. The presence of one or more nodular formations of various sizes, detected by palpation, and sometimes visually. More often they are determined in the upper outer quadrants of the glands, which are functionally the most active. External examination and palpation examination in horizontal and vertical (with arms lowered and raised up) are the main objective and easily accessible research methods, which at the same time require sufficient practical skills. They allow you to determine the severity of the skin venous network, the consistency and boundaries of seals, fibrous bands and heaviness of the lobules, their soreness.

It should be noted that an increase in regional lymph nodes, their soreness and temperature with mastopathy are not signs of the latter. An increase in local and / or general body temperature, an increase in supra- and subclavian, axillary lymph nodes usually occur in the presence of inflammatory processes in the mammary gland (). In addition, the doctor, examining the mammary glands, always carefully checks the regional lymph nodes, which are the first place for metastasis of a malignant tumor.

Diagnosis of the disease

The easy accessibility of the mammary glands for visual examination and manual examination, the great similarity in different periods of their functioning of physiological changes with many forms of pathology often lead to an erroneous interpretation of the results of the examination and are the cause of both hyper- and underdiagnosis.

Therefore, clinical examination data should be supplemented by such basic research methods as X-ray mammography and ultrasound diagnostics, which allow confirming, clarifying or rejecting a preliminary diagnosis.

X-ray method is the most informative, allowing timely detection of pathology of the glands in 85 - 95% of cases. The World Health Organization recommends every 2 years for any healthy woman after 40 years, and after 50 years - annually. The study is carried out from the 5th to the 10th day of the menstrual cycle in two projections (direct and lateral). If necessary, an aiming (of a certain limited area) radiography is carried out.

For women 35-40 years of age, pregnant, lactating mothers, it is recommended to carry out an echographic examination every six months. Its advantages are safety and high resolution. On ultrasound, one can accurately distinguish cavity formations from solid ones, examine glands with a high density (in young women, with tissue edema as a result of trauma or acute inflammation), and conduct targeted puncture biopsy. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to visualize X-ray negative tumor-like formations located close to the chest wall and regional lymph nodes, to dynamically monitor the results of treatment.

Women with breast pathology often need to study the hormonal background. These laboratory tests, in some cases, allow you to establish the cause of the disease, risk factors, adjust the treatment in terms of the use of certain hormonal agents.

How to treat mastopathy

There are no generally accepted standard principles of therapy, despite the prevalence of the disease and the importance of its early detection and treatment in order to prevent cancer.

Treatment of women with nodular forms begins with a puncture (using a thin needle) aspiration biopsy. If signs of dysplasia (improper development of connective tissue structures) are detected in the node, surgical treatment is recommended - sectoral resection or complete removal of the organ (mastectomy) with a mandatory emergency histological examination of the removed tissues.


The diet for mastopathy has a preventive and therapeutic value, since nutrition largely affects the metabolic processes of sex hormones, especially estrogens. A limited intake of carbohydrates and fats, meat products is recommended, which helps to reduce the estrogen content in the blood and normalize the ratio of androgens and estrogens. In addition, the anti-cancer properties of coarse fiber types found in vegetables and fruits, especially in some grain products, have also been proven.

It is also important to eat food that contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, especially iodine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, titanium, silicon. To replenish them, an additional intake of special food supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes in dragee is desirable. One of these drugs is Triovit in peas, enclosed in capsules.

Taking hormonal drugs

Since the main cause of mastopathy is hormonal disorders, the main goal of therapy is their correction. For this, gestagenic hormonal preparations are most often used, the mechanism of the effect of which is based on suppressing the activity of the pituitary-ovarian system, reducing the degree of stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue.

For these purposes, Utrozhestan, Dufaston and especially Progestogel Gel are used. The latter contains micronized plant progesterone, identical to endogenous progesterone and acting at the cellular level. At the same time, it does not increase the content of the hormone in the blood serum. It is applied to the skin for 3 months from the 16th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle or daily.


In recent years, homeopathy has taken a certain place in the prevention and treatment of diffuse forms of mastopathy, based on the use of small doses of active ingredients contained in plants, minerals, substances of animal origin, etc. They do not cause negative side effects. Their action is aimed at stimulating and maintaining the protective abilities of the body itself. Homeopathic remedies include pills for mastopathy, such as:

  • Mastopol, prescribed for 2 months, 1 tablet three times a day half an hour before meals or 1 hour after meals; it contains alkaloids of hemlock spotted, thuja, Canadian goldenseal and has a sedative effect, significantly reduces the severity of mastalgia;
  • Mastodinon, produced in tablets and drops, is prescribed for admission for three months twice a day, 1 tablet or 30 drops; it is a complex of products, the main ingredient of which is an extract from the common prutnyak (Abraham tree, Sacred Vitex).

    Active substances help to reduce the synthesis of prolactin by acting on the pituitary gland, thereby improving the function of the corpus luteum of the ovaries and normalizing the ratio of estrogen to progesterone; this medicine leads to the elimination of signs of premenstrual syndrome, the reduction or elimination of discharge from the nipples, the normalization of the menstrual cycle, helps to reduce the intensity of proliferation processes in the mammary glands and the regression of pathological processes in mastopathy;

  • Cyclodinone, containing only an extract of the same plant, also in a higher concentration;
  • Klimadinon, the main component of which is an extract from the rhizome of black cohosh, or cimicifuga; treatment of mastopathy with menopause is often highly effective, since cimicifuga well eliminates vascular-vegetative disorders, slightly inferior only to hormonal agents; its mechanism of action is based on the modulation of the function of estrogen receptors in the central nervous system, the suppression of excessive secretion of luteinizing hormone involved in the mechanism of menopausal disorders and the worsening of the course of mastopathy among women 45-50 years of age.
  • Gelarium in dragee containing St. John's wort extract; it helps to eliminate mild depression that accompanies premenstrual syndrome, normalizes sleep and appetite, increases psycho-emotional stability;
  • Femiglandin, which is derived from evening primrose oil, contains vitamin “E” and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Femivell - consists of soy isoflavonoids, mahogany extract and vitamin "E"

After agreement with the doctor, the treatment of mastopathy at home can be carried out using infusions prepared independently from the above or other individual medicinal plants or herbal collections, which are offered by the pharmacy chain.

Often, patients ask the question, is it possible to do massage with mastopathy? Physiotherapy, ointments, massage, compresses not only in the area of ​​the mammary glands, but also soft tissues in the area of ​​the thoracic spine lead to the expansion of small and medium-sized vessels, an increase in the volume of blood flowing to the tissues of the organ. This helps to increase tissue nutrition, accelerate metabolic processes, which stimulates the growth of existing tumor formations. Therefore, mastopathy is a contraindication for the use of such treatments for these areas and areas.

With engorgement and swelling of the mammary glands, accompanied by pain, Dimexide can be used from external agents, but not compresses or ointment, but in the form of a 25 or 50% gel produced in tubes. The drug has anti-inflammatory and moderate analgesic effects when applied to the skin of the mammary glands.

Conducted studies of women of reproductive age and suffering from various gynecological pathologies revealed a diffuse form of mastopathy in an average of 30%, mixed (diffuse-nodular) - in the same number of patients, nodular forms of mastopathy were usually combined with uterine myomatosis, endometrial hyperplasia and genital endometriosis. Thus, the choice of treatment methods depends on the form of pathology, the presence of hormonal imbalance and concomitant diseases.

The pathological process, which is characterized by the pathological growth of healthy tissue, is called mastopathy. During palpation examination of the mammary gland, subcutaneous seals can be noted, differing in nature and volume.

Often, a common ailment is confused with breast cancer and they panic a lot. In fact, this diagnosis is more harmless and, with timely access to a doctor, nodular formations are successfully resolved.

Mastopathy in women - what is it?

The disease belongs to benign neoplasms, however, with a number of provoking factors, there is a risk that the tumor will degenerate into a malignant one.

In some cases, patients may feel severe pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bseals, while there is a general malaise.

A pathological process of this type may occur due to a previously occurring hormonal imbalance.

As a result, the patient may notice multiple nodules in her chest. At the same time, their formation can be very active.

As practice shows, more than 60% of women at different ages suffer from this disease. This is the most common pathology in the modern world.

Causes of the disease

The occurrence of mastopathy has the following reasons:


Doctors pay attention to the fact that in different patients the disease develops with the presence of dissimilar signs.

The symptoms are the same, but there are many features:

If the patient suffers from a diffuse-type disease, then pain sensations can constantly change. For example, severe discomfort can radiate to the armpit, shoulder, shoulder blade or neck.


When visiting a mammologist, not only superficial, but also deeper palpation of the mammary glands is carried out. In this case, the woman should be in a standing position, and then lie down on the couch. Great attention is paid to examination of the nipples, the doctor must exclude the presence of pathological discharge from them.

In addition, a visual examination of the chest, palpation of the lymph nodes of the axillary region, in the region of the collarbone and above it, should be performed. Since mastopathy can be provoked by a malfunction of the endocrine system, it will not be superfluous to investigate the state of the thyroid gland.

For diagnostic studies in mastopathy, they carry out:

  • Mammography or X-ray examination of both breasts. It is better that the patient is in the period from 7 to 10 days of the cycle. Pictures are taken in two projections in order to obtain more accurate data on the condition of the breast. According to the results of mammography, the doctor has the opportunity to find out not only the type of disease, but the degree of changes detected.
  • Ultrasonography. The structure of mastopathy will be clearly visible on the screen; for a reliable result, the patient should be on the 5-10th day of the cycle.
  • Provided that the doctor has doubts about the benign nature of the tumor, a biopsy is prescribed. A small piece of material is plucked from the suspicious area and sent to the laboratory for histological analysis.
  • Tests to determine the level of hormones in the blood. Initially, it is determined whether estrogens and progesterone are normal, after which, if questions arise, an additional study is prescribed. Next, the doctor is interested in the level of adrenal and thyroid hormones.
  • Pelvic exam. An ultrasound can detect ovarian pathology, after which an examination and consultation with a gynecologist will be required.

If, after diagnosis, a fibroadenoma is detected, then the woman is sent to a mammologist from an oncology clinic.

Types of mastopathy

The disease is divided into several forms, each of which has its own specifics:

Treatment of mastopathy

When compiling therapy, the physician always relies on what type of disease has been identified and what is the root cause of the disease.

At the same time, specialists often try to prescribe conservative types of treatment at an early stage. Only in the presence of certain factors, women are expected to undergo surgery.

Often, drug therapy is carried out if the patient has a diffuse form of the disease. This allows you to prescribe a course of hormonal drugs to the patient, after which positive dynamics will be visible.


In order to even out the hormonal background and regulate the menstrual cycle, patients are prescribed hormone therapy. Due to this effect, the breast tissue is freed from previously identified nodules.

To improve the condition prescribe:

  • Women who have not crossed the threshold at 35 are prescribed oral contraceptives. It can be Janine or Marvelon, which will be used according to the scheme, as a means of preventing unwanted pregnancy.
  • Antiestrogens. The most common and effective were recognized Fareston and Tamoxifen. Usually, a 3-month course is enough to improve the condition. It is worth remembering that longer therapy can lead to the manifestation of side symptoms.
  • Gestagens. In the second phase of the cycle, women are prescribed Utrozhestan and Dufaston.
  • Prolactin production inhibitors. The drug is also prescribed in the period from 15 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. Usually the main drug is prescribed Parlodel.
  • Adrogens. Prescribed on the same days as the drugs described above. Medical priority Methyltestosterone, but its appointment is very rare. Almost all patients complain of too pronounced vegetation on the body after a course of treatment.








Almost all women after 40 suffer from the fact that they have a lot of concomitant ailments, for this reason, hormone therapy is not always indicated.

Conservative treatment for mastopathy can be done with the help of non-hormonal drugs. They can be combined with hormonal forms or used as monotherapy.

If the patient led a healthy lifestyle, and her illness is at an early stage, then there is a high probability that the disease will soon recede. For non-hormonal therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamin complexes and herbal remedies are used.

Among herbal remedies, it deserves special attention, which helps to reduce the level of prolactin in patients.

Moreover, it was noticed that the development of the pathological process in the mammary gland is stopped.

With it, you can gently adjust the cycle, eliminate the pronounced symptoms of mastopathy. Permissible to apply

Mastodinone for a long time, for example, patients use capsules for about 90 days without a break. Tolerability of the drug is good, side effects are rare.

Provided that the disease was provoked by neurological problems or frequent stress, it is proposed to add sedatives to the therapy. This may be motherwort tincture, valerian tablets and similar medicines. To maintain the body in good condition, you can not do without a vitamin complex. Preparations containing iodine are well tolerated and give excellent results.


The operation is performed if the patient has nodular mastopathy or fibroadenoma. In this case, the nodules should exceed 2 cm in volume. In very rare cases, the assistance of a surgeon is required if a cyst occurs in the chest.

If fibrous mastopathy is not large, then it is observed by a mammologist and an appeal to a surgeon is not required.

In this disease, 2 types of surgical intervention are practiced:

  1. In the first case, a woman is removed not only the tumor, but also the mammary gland. This is a sectoral resection.
  2. In the second case, the patient needs to be husked or enucleated, then the cystic formation or tumor is excised.

When surgery is indicated:

  • if the patient has an abnormal growth of fibroadenoma;
  • the result of histology indicates the malignant nature of the neoplasm;
  • with the formation of a single cyst, it is necessary to remove the fluid from its cavity with a puncture, but in case of recurrence, husking is recommended.

Various types of operations are performed under local or general anesthesia, they usually take no more than 40 minutes. Often, patients are allowed to go home after a couple of days, if there are no complications due to individual characteristics. Removal of sutures is permissible after a week, if there are no contraindications.

The speed of healing and the rehabilitation process will depend on the lifestyle of the patient and the condition of her body. At the recovery stage, it is not advised to get involved in coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa. Due to some substances in their composition, an increase in pain may occur.

Moreover, in the future it is better to abandon the harmful attachment to tobacco and alcohol consumption. The patient should take care of her state of mind, sleep more, walk more often. Lean meat, boiled fish and plant foods are added to the diet.

Particular attention is advised to pay attention to the choice of underwear that will be worn after the operation. Due to an incorrectly fitted bra, breast deformity or ligament problems can be noticed.

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies

In order to carry out therapy in non-traditional ways, it is advised to first visit a doctor or consult with your doctor. The unauthorized use of folk remedies threatens to worsen the general condition and the negative dynamics of the disease.

cabbage leaf

A simple cabbage leaf helps treat mastopathy, a vegetable petal relieves swelling and relieves pain, and is famous for its antitumor properties.

To prevent the transition of a benign tumor to a malignant one, it is recommended to consume cabbage juice daily.

Most of the compresses that are used for this disease are prepared with cabbage leaves. The options for the useful mass are different, it is important that it puts on a vegetable leaf.

For example, finely grated unboiled beets are mixed with honey, the proportion should be 1 to 3. The mass is placed on a cabbage leaf and fixed on the chest, it is better to keep the bandage on the affected area all night.

decoctions of herbs

Traditional medicine recipes:



With this component, there are many recipes that have helped many women. To make propolis ointment, you will need to grind 30 grams of the ingredient and mix it with natural pork fat in an amount of 100 grams.

After that, the described mixture should be kept in a water bath for about a couple of hours, it needs to be stirred regularly. Strained ointment can be gently rubbed into the chest, the drug should be cold.

By the way, propolis can be mixed with pure petroleum jelly or natural oily cream without impurities. This composition lubricates the breast damaged by the pathology in the morning.

Propolis tincture for internal use is very popular.

Its recipe is very simple:

The medicine is consumed 3 times a day for a large spoon. For primary therapy, 30 days of admission will be enough, after which a break is needed.

Experts believe that with this disease, this product should be consumed not only inside, but also lubricated with it on the chest.

The daily norm of this oil is no more than 3 large spoons.. They can be used to spice up salads or season your favorite dishes.

Flaxseed oil helps to regulate hormonal levels and even out estrogen production.

Its use must be agreed with the attending physician.

The dried finished plant is poured into a thermos, in the amount of 5 medium spoons, after which 500 ml of boiling water is sent there.

In the morning, the resulting tea leaves are squeezed out, and the solution is filtered, topping it up with the same amount of warm water.

Each month should begin with taking the medicine; in the first three days, the drug is drunk 100 ml three times a day.

It is better if the infusion is consumed 15-20 minutes before a meal.

The course will last 3 months, treatment days should be 9. Usually, after it, patients report good results.

In its pure form, this drug is contraindicated, therefore, before using it, it is worth diluting the medicine with water or milk.

Treatment regimen:

  • The initial dosage is a drop. One more daily to be added with good tolerance.
  • After a single dose reaches 7 drops, it is advised to reduce the dose.
  • In the future, a week-long break is made, followed by a repetition of treatment.

Such a scheme can be used for no more than 2 months. Moreover, there is a danger that the exact dosage of the substance taken is difficult to determine. For this reason, it is worth trusting only pharmaceutical preparations.

Iodine recipes also exist for external use.

To prepare the compress is taken:

  • 3 tablespoons of good rye flour;
  • 3 drops of iodine;
  • egg yolk;
  • a small spoonful of honey

A thick dough made from products is applied to a problem area on the chest. Each for 14 days this treatment is carried out. After a break of 3 weeks, the course can be repeated.

Vishnevsky ointment

Despite the fact that there are a number of recipes using this component, doctors do not recommend using it. The reason lies in the fact that the drug promotes the release of purulent formations through the skin.

In this case, the use of the ointment is not considered appropriate. Moreover, in some cases there is a risk of worsening the course of the disease.

Breast massage

This procedure is not indicated for everyone and is performed only after consultation with a mammologist.

Due to smooth, gentle movements, muscle relaxation occurs, blood flow is restored, and unpleasant symptoms are relieved.

It is noted that after proper massaging of the glands, swelling disappears from the problem area.

The session should be carried out only by a qualified physician who will not harm the patient.

With the right approach, patients notice an improvement in their condition. This measure is recognized as a preventive measure against malignancy of nodular formations.

Complex treatment

A large number of plants contain phytohormones, it is they, when used correctly, that are able to correct the hormonal background.

Their reception allows you to cure mastopathy or keep the nodes under control, while no side effects will be detected in patients. For example, drug hormone replacement therapy causes an impressive blow to the body, which is expressed by a malfunction in the activity of other systems.

At home, you can use various plants and herbs that are rich in natural estrogens:

  • rhizomes of valerian;
  • peppermint, lemon balm;
  • linden inflorescences;
  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • all parts of strawberries;
  • red brush.

The method of treatment of this disease is always made on the basis of the menstrual cycle. Depending on its characteristics, herbs are selected and their dosage is calculated. All prescriptions will be made by a doctor. The following is an approximate treatment regimen.

Stage 1

A decoction of wormwood is taken from the beginning of the cycle until the 5th day.

Due to the peculiarity of the plant, which contributes to increased bleeding, its use is only permissible with moderate or mild menstruation.

A single dosage of the drug should not exceed the volume of a tablespoon, it is desirable to carry out 3 doses per day.

To prepare a decoction, you need a couple of full tablespoons of chopped dry wormwood. It is poured with 500 ml of hot water, then put on fire and brought to a boil.

The finished liquid is covered with a lid, after which the container can be covered with a towel and infused for about half an hour or pour the solution into a thermos. After straining, the liquid is ready for use.

Stage 2

In the period from 6 to 15 days of the cycle, a decoction of sage is prepared, it must be used 15 minutes before the start of a meal.

For a healing liquid, you need to take a small spoonful of dried grass and pour it into a glass of boiling water.

Infuse the solution in a thermos for about 15 minutes.

Before use, be sure to filter the medicine from impurities.

Stage 3

For the final stage, a boron uterus is taken or, as it is also called, a red brush.

The recipe for the preparation of the drug is identical to that used in the preparation of a decoction with sage.

The medicine is consumed up to the 25th day of the cycle inclusive. Treatment is carried out in the morning and evening, this requires the intake of 100 ml of liquid at a time.