How is thrush treated topic. Complex treatment of acute and chronic recurrent thrush in women: drugs, administration regimens, control of effectiveness. Thrush in women: treatment with pills

Is a disease of the mucous membranes and skin. This disease is caused by overgrowth of fungi genus Candida... This fungus is constantly present in our body. If for any reason the balance of microorganisms is disturbed (this may be facilitated by decreased immunity, reception antibiotics or STDs), then this leads to rapid reproduction of candida, that is, to the occurrence of thrush. Thrush in women: causes, treatment.

Treatment of candidiasis in women: drugs

For the effective treatment of thrush in women, various drugs are used, among them: pills, creams, ointments, candles, .

Thrush in women: treatment with pills

The main active ingredients used to treat candidiasis are: nystatin, miconazole and ketonazole... The most popular tablets for the treatment of women and the following drugs.

Fluconazole: treatment of thrush in women

It is most often used to treat thrush (candidiasis) in women. It is also the most inexpensive drug that must be taken once. Active substance inhibits the growth of fungus even in cases where the disease is neglected and spread throughout the body.


This remedy is widely used in the treatment of thrush in women with drugs. It is effective in treating candidiasis of the vagina, penis, and internal organs. Nystatin is also excellent prophylactic, which will prevent the appearance of thrush with prolonged use of antibiotics. Treatment with these pills lasts 10 to 14 days. This tool even prescribed for children.


In these tablets, the active active ingredient is fluconazole... During treatment mild diseasei have enough of a single dose. In severe forms, the reception is repeated after 3 days.


The active substance of this agent is fluconazole. It is necessary to accept them once.


Contains the active substance of the same name. This remedy is prescribed against acute or chronic form candidiasis. The course of treatment is 5 days, during which 1 tablet is taken. This drug is prescribed even children from 2 years old.

Suppositories for the treatment of thrush in women

In the treatment of thrush in women, suppositories are used to treat local vaginal candidiasis in women.


These candles contain benzothiophene and imidazole... They must be applied within a week at night. The suppository is inserted into the vagina. The drug is quite effective, its only disadvantage is the high price.


Contraindication to the use of suppositories is first trimester of pregnancy and hypersensitivity... Apply it to 1 suppository for 3-5 days. The advantage is a quick effect and lack of allergic reactions.


This drug is used from one to two weeks, 1 suppository per night. This remedy is used to effectively treat thrush in women. with relapses and resistance to other antifungal drugs.

Contraindication is the first trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

Treatment regimen for thrush in women with drugs

When treating new-onset thrush or with a mild stage of the disease, the following treatment regimen is prescribed:

  1. light topical preparations - suppositories, creams, tablets with clotrimazole, ketonazole and fenticonazole
  2. a single oral dose of fluconazole is possible at a dosage of 50 mg

During menstruation, local treatment is not used.

How to treat thrush with folk remedies

Treatment of chronic thrush in women: drugs

Unfortunately, the treatment regimen for chronic thrush in women may be ineffective, and thrush can recur and then become chronic. This happens most often in patients with a weak immune system.

Treatment of chronic candidiasis in women requires a serious approach. Before eliminating the consequences is cure the root cause the occurrence of the disease. After that, the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor is applied. The most common of them: 1-2 times a week, treatment with vaginal suppositories, 1-2 times a week taking antifungal drugs inside. The treatment can take several months.

Thrush in women during pregnancy: treatment

Pregnancy is a predisposing factor for candidiasis. About half of pregnant women have this condition. Most often it appears in the first and third trimester.

Treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women is a serious problem for gynecologists. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary not only to get rid of the disease, but also not to harm the fetus. The main treatment at this time is candles and external creams... The duration of treatment at this time is up to 10 days.

Thrush in a nursing woman causes and treatment

During lactation, the candida fungus often affects not only the genitals, but also the nipples. However, the location of the disease does not affect the treatment. When breastfeeding, you cannot treat yourself, an examination by a specialist is imperative.

Most doctors advocate against the use of medications by mouth and recommend using topical preparations. Most often prescribed ointments based on antibiotics. Of course, the treatment of thrush in a nursing woman with drugs that contain antibiotics is not very useful, but they help quickly stop the development of the disease and prevent it from spreading to the baby.

Fungi of the genus Candida are present in the body of every person, with a weakening of immunity, their active growth begins, candidiasis develops. Pills for thrush must be used simultaneously by both partners, since the disease is sexually transmitted.

Both partners need to take pills for thrush.

When you need pills for thrush

Fungi of the genus Candida can affect the mucous membrane, skin, most often live on the genitals and oral cavity. Because of the anatomical features, thrush is more commonly diagnosed in women than in men. When the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately start taking antifungal drugs, since yeast pathogens multiply very quickly:

The main symptoms of thrush:

  • itching, burning of the external genital organs - discomfort intensifies after taking a hot bath, during a night's rest;
  • the vulva acquires a rich red tint;
  • the appearance of odorless discharge of a curdled consistency;
  • white plaque can be seen on the external genitals, less often you can find red rashes;
  • sexual contact, the process of urination is accompanied by pain;
  • when the oral cavity is affected by yeast fungi, a creamy coating appears on the mucous membrane, an unpleasant taste and odor from the mouth, and discomfort occurs during eating.

During thrush, vaginal discharge appears

The symptoms of candidiasis are the same for both sexes, but in men the clinical picture is blurred, so they often go to the doctor with already advanced forms of pathology.

Thrush tablets should be taken for the prevention of elderly people, patients with a positive HIV status, diabetes mellitus, severe exhaustion of the body. Long-term use of antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, abrupt climate change, pregnancy, menopause, alcohol and fast carbohydrate abuse can provoke the growth of fungi.

With an exacerbation of candidiasis, you should include in the diet more green leafy vegetables, fresh onions and garlic.

Groups of pills for thrush

There are various antibiotics with antifungal effects for the treatment of thrush, which affect pathogens in different ways.

The main groups of drugs:

  1. Polyenes - Nystatin, Levorin, medicines of natural origin, act exclusively on yeast fungi by destroying their cell membrane, are well suited for the prevention of candidiasis.
  2. Triazoles –Diflucan, Flucostat, inhibit the growth and reproduction of the fungus, are slowly eliminated from the body, therefore they are suitable for the treatment of chronic thrush.
  3. Imidazoles - Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole, disinfect, penetrate into the deep layers of tissues, which makes it possible to use them for a recurrent form of fungal infections.
  4. Macrolides - Natamycin, Pimafucin, broad spectrum drugs, low toxicity.

For severe, advanced forms of pathology, doctors recommend the use of combined medicines, which contain 2 or more antibacterial components, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect - Prednisolone, Terzhinan.

The action of medications for candidiasis

The main effect of drugs against thrush is to destroy fungal spores, to prevent their reproduction in the future. But most antifungal drugs have a complex effect on the body, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

How antimycotics work:

  • eliminate inflammation, swelling;
  • help to cope with itching;
  • restore the balance of microflora;
  • strengthen local immunity.

Almost all antifungal agents are available over the counter without a prescription, but any self-medication can cause complications.

List of the best and most effective pills for thrush

For the treatment of thrush, topical vaginal tablets are prescribed. Inside, antifungal drugs are taken in the form of tablets, capsules are recommended for severe, chronic forms of candidiasis, this form of drug release is suitable for eliminating pathologies in men.


An inexpensive drug with a pronounced antifungal effect, refers to polyenes. Available in yellow tablets. Price - 50-110 rubles.


  • period of gestation and natural feeding of the child;
  • all forms of pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • severe liver pathologies.

Tablets with a dosage of 250 thousand units you need to drink every 3-4 hours, with a dosage of 500 thousand units. - once every 6-8 hours, you can drink the medicine regardless of food intake, swallow the pill whole, do not chew it. The duration of the course is 1.5–2 weeks.

Nystatin is recommended to be taken to prevent the development of candidiasis during antibiotic therapy, before surgical interventions and after operations to prevent the development of intestinal candidiasis - you need to drink 1 tablet twice a day for a week.

Nystatin reduces the therapeutic effect of anticoagulants, antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin groups, estrogen-containing oral contraceptives.

An effective drug for getting rid of thrush, inhibits the growth of fungal sterols, available in capsules with different dosages. The price depends on the manufacturer, Russian-made drugs cost 40-60 rubles, foreign drugs - 170-200 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • all types of invasive candidiasis;
  • defeat by candida fungi of the mucous membranes of the pharynx, esophagus, oral cavity;
  • candiduria;
  • atrophic candidiasis - the disease develops in people after the installation of dentures;
  • acute and chronic genital thrush;
  • prevention of the development of fungal pathologies after radiation and cytostatic therapy.

Fluconazole inhibits fungal growth

The drug should not be taken simultaneously with Terfenadine, Astemizole, the drug is prescribed with caution for organic heart diseases, impaired liver and kidney function.

With primary thrush, it is enough to take 150 mg of the drug once. For the treatment of chronic candidiasis, for prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to drink 150 mg of the medication every 4 weeks, the duration of the course is 4-12 months.

An effective antimycotic agent, contains natamycin, the price of the drug in tablets is 490-520 rubles.

The medicine is prescribed for fungal infections of the oral cavity, skin, intestines, vaginitis, vulvitis, fungal infection of the head of the penis. The drug is distinguished by the absence of contraindications, no cases of allergic reactions were recorded. An antifungal agent is allowed to be used while carrying a child, lactation.

Pimafucin is an antimycotic drug

The tablets are drunk one at a time 4 times a day for 6-8 days.

The main advantage of Pimafucin is that fungi do not develop immunity to the active ingredient of the drug.

A good antifungal medicine in capsules, used for candidiasis of the genitals and oral cavity. Price - 350-370 rubles.

The medicine is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, it should not be taken simultaneously with medicines that affect the heart rate.

Itraconazole should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women

Itraconazole for thrush should be drunk at 200 mg / day for three days. For oral candidiasis - 100 mg / day for 15 days.

During the treatment of thrush, it is necessary to refrain from sexual intercourse, carefully observe hygiene rules.

A powerful antifungal agent, contains itraconazole, intended for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, available in the form of capsules and vaginal tablets. Price - 370-420 rubles.

The medicine should not be taken simultaneously with some cardiac, sedative, laxative drugs, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for people with liver pathologies, acute and chronic heart failure.

Irunin is an effective antifungal agent

To eliminate thrush, it is enough to take 0.2 g of the drug Irunin twice a day after meals, the duration of the course is one day. With oral candidiasis - 0.1 g of the drug should be drunk once a day for 14 days.

Individuals with severe immune diseases need to double the dose.

A cheap but effective antimycotic agent in the form of vaginal tablets of Russian and Belarusian production. Price - 30-50 rubles. with a minimum number of contraindications. The drug should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.

Clotrimazole is an antimycotic drug

Vaginal tablets must first be moistened with warm water, inserted as deep as possible into the vagina, it is better to do this in a supine position, bend your legs at the knees. Treatment regimen - 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening for three days.

With menstruation, it is not advisable to use vaginal forms of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis. During therapy, refrain from douching, spermicides.

A powerful modern antifungal drug, contains fluconazole, produced in capsule form, suitable for the treatment and prevention of candidiasis in men and women. Price - 900-950 rubles. To purchase an original drug, you must first study in the photo what the package looks like.

Diflucan contains fluconazole

Admission rules:

  1. If thrush appears for the first time, there is no history of diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency and blood diseases, it is enough to take 1 capsule with a dosage of 150 mg, the intensity of unpleasant symptoms will decrease already 24 hours, after a week there is a full recovery.
  2. For the treatment of a chronic form of pathology, you need to take 150 mg of medication in the morning and in the evening for 3 days, the next dose should be drunk on the first day of the cycle. Maintenance therapy - 1 capsule monthly for a year.
  3. Men should take 1 capsule if a woman is being treated for thrush.
  4. For prevention, you need to take 150 mg of the drug monthly for six months. This method is suitable for both men and women.

An antifungal drug of Russian production, contains fluconazole, an analogue of Diflucan. Capsules and tablets in the form of vaginal suppositories, eliminate thrush, restore the balance of the vaginal microflora. Price - 350-400 rubles.

Treatment regimen:

  1. A simple, primary form of thrush in men and women - 150 g once.
  2. A complicated form of pathology, the presence of concomitant diseases - 150 mg per day twice with a three-day interval.
  3. Chronic thrush, frequent relapses of the disease - 150 mg of the drug three times with a break of 3 days.

Flucostat is produced in the Russian Federation

Contraindications - intolerance to glucose, lactose, galactose, galactosemia, renal and hepatic insufficiency, alcohol dependence. The antimycotic agent cannot be taken simultaneously with drugs that affect the heart rate, with arrhythmias.

One of the most popular ketoconazole products for fighting various fungal infections. Tablets are considered one of the best for the treatment of chronic candidiasis of the pharynx, throat, vagina, skin. Price - 500-600 rubles.

The treatment regimen is 2 tablets every day with meals for a week.

Nizoral is one of the best remedies for thrush

Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, lactose intolerance, chronic hepatic pathologies. Persons who have chronic diseases are constantly taking any medications, before starting treatment with Nizoral, you should consult with your doctor, since the antifungal agent cannot be taken simultaneously with many heart, sedative, laxative drugs.

During treatment with Nizoral, include more acidic foods in the menu - they contribute to better absorption of ketoconazole.

A broad-spectrum antifungal drug based on fluconazole, helps to quickly cope with any types of candidiasis of the mucous membranes, organs, capsules are suitable for women and men. Price - 300-550 rubles.

Contraindications - lactase deficiency, immunity to lactose, breastfeeding period. Pregnant women are prescribed the drug with caution, constant medical supervision is required.

Mycosist is a broad spectrum antifungal agent

To get rid of thrush, women need to take 150 mg of the drug once. If candidiasis has a chronic course, then at the time of an exacerbation, you need to drink 150 mg of the medication at once, then throughout the year consume 150 g of Mikosist every 4 weeks.

It is enough for men to take 150 mg of the drug once, if there are no obvious symptoms, there are no immunodeficiency diseases. With balanoposthitis with a pronounced clinical picture, you need to drink 150 mg at once, then take 50-100 g of the drug every 24 hours for a week.

A cheap analogue of Nizoral. The tablets have a fungicidal and fungistatic effect, are used to treat recurrent candidiasis, to prevent the development of thrush during prolonged antibiotic therapy. Price - 210-240 rubles.

Ketoconazole is a more affordable analogue of Nizoral

How to use:

  1. In case of a fungus affecting the skin, the oral cavity, you need to take 200 mg of the drug, with severe and advanced forms of the disease, the dose can be increased to 400 mg. The duration of the course is 15–20 days.
  2. With vaginal candidiasis, a single dosage is 2 tablets, treatment should be continued for 5 days. For prophylactic purposes, the drug is prescribed for frequent relapses of thrush, for elderly people, for patients with HIV and severe blood diseases - 200 mg per day for a week.
The tablets are best taken after meals.

A specialized antifungal agent for levorin sodium acid, produced in tablets for oral and intravaginal use, prescribed for candidiasis of different localization. Price - 90–100 rubles.

The drug is contraindicated in acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, intestinal and stomach ulcers, hepatic and renal failure.

Levorin contains sodium acid in the base

If the digestive tract organs are affected by fungi, it is necessary to take 1 tablet of Levorin every 6-12 hours for 10-12 days. For the treatment of oral candidiasis, it is better to purchase buccal pills, apply 2-4 times a day.

This article is for informational purposes only. If you find yourself with symptoms of any disease or feel unwell, see your doctor first! The tips in this resource can help you in emergencies when there is no way to contact qualified healthcare providers.

The appearance of thrush in women is due to a decrease in local and general immunity. This disease is not classified as a strictly sexually transmitted disease, but it can be a marker for the presence of PPIs. Such a fungal pathology brings a lot of inconvenience to both women and men. Therapy should be given to both partners at the same time. Consider the causes, symptoms and treatments for thrush.

General information

Treatment of thrush should be comprehensive. For successful home therapy, you should know the following important points:

  • The development of thrush occurs with a decrease in immunity. Various diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus or tuberculosis, can lead to this condition. Also, a decrease in general and local immunity is associated with prolonged use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, the presence of chronic infections (including sexually transmitted infections), tumors, and HIV infection. It is not excluded the formation of thrush against the background of severe stress, since it also acts as a factor for reducing immunity.
  • The causative agent of thrush is a fungus that normally lives on the skin and mucous membranes. That is, a woman has a small amount of fungus in her vagina that is not capable of causing pathology.
  • Against the background of a decrease in immunity, the activity of the fungus increases, its ability to attach to the walls of the vagina increases, which is accompanied by colonization and the formation of inflammation.

Given these important aspects, the treatment of thrush or candidiasis at home should be comprehensive. It should be understood that the development of such a disease is a signal about the failure of immunity, the cause of which must be 100% clarified.

Components of thrush treatment

How does it manifest?

The development of symptoms in candidiasis is due to the active growth and development of the fungus. It should be noted that the clinical picture in women is more pronounced than in men. In the stronger sex, a similar fungus can cause balanitis, inflammation of the urethral canal. But in general, the disease is more common in women.

Symptoms that occur with thrush in women:

  • Severe itching in the vagina. With the development of the disease, girls experience a burning sensation, which causes constant discomfort. Itching with candidiasis worse at night, after taking a shower, during and after sexual intercourse.
  • The second most important symptom is the appearance of discharge. With thrush, they have a peculiar character. They resemble cottage cheese in appearance, are white and have an appropriate consistency.
  • Sometimes the urinary tract is involved in the inflammatory process. As a result, dysuric disorders are added to the above symptoms. A burning sensation is formed when going to the toilet, unpleasant and often painful sensations.

Also, in women, with the development of thrush, pain occurs during sexual intercourse. Girls experience discomfort, since the vaginal mucosa is in the stage of acute inflammation. Sometimes after the act against the background of candidiasis, bleeding may form.

In men, the situation is different, since the symptoms do not have a pronounced picture. In general, the disease rarely develops in the stronger sex. It is accompanied by more disorders of urination. Therefore, men may complain about the following:

  • Frequent and painful urination.
  • Redness of the glans penis, its swelling.
  • Itching may sometimes appear.

It should be understood that only a doctor can establish the presence of thrush. Even against the background of the presence of a clearly characteristic clinical picture, it is not worth considering that this is candidiasis without a doctor's examination.

Thrush treatment

Most women are faced with the problem of recurrence of the disease. It seems that the treatment was carried out, but the problem comes back again. The causes of frequent thrush can be:

It is these points that are key in the treatment of thrush. In order to correctly and competently undergo a course of therapy, you need to know the following:

  • Local and systemic drugs are used to treat the disease.
  • Sowing is a prerequisite.
  • Search for the cause of the development of pathology. As already mentioned, the fungus that causes thrush lives on mucous membranes under normal conditions. Accordingly, it is necessary to determine exactly what reasons led to its active growth and development. Without identifying the underlying cause of decreased immunity, thrush can come back many times.

In general, treatment is carried out using local and general drugs. Some doctors practice only local, provided that the disease was first identified.

If the treatment of thrush is carried out at home on your own, then you should follow the instructions for using the drug. It is highly recommended to see a doctor if symptoms appear.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush

Consider what drugs are used to treat candidiasis. For local women, candles, balls, creams are suitable. Also, for treatment, girls need to take medications inside, since the problem of the development of thrush may be closely related to the intestines (it is noted that a certain amount of fungi enter the vagina from the gastrointestinal tract). That is, by taking tablets or capsules, a possible reservoir is destroyed.

Thrush treatment should be carried out simultaneously with two partners. Ignoring this important aspect increases the risk of developing the disease again several times.

Systemic therapy

It is necessary to take drugs for the treatment of thrush for women strictly according to the instructions. Usually, three capsules are enough for therapy, which are consumed after three days. As a result, therapy lasts approximately two weeks. Simultaneously with systemic treatment, local therapy is carried out. Consider what medicines are used to treat thrush.


It is produced in capsules containing 50 and 150 mg of the active substance. There are a large number of drugs on the market based on Fluconazole. These include:

  • Fluconazole capsules;
  • Diflucan;
  • Flucostat;
  • Mycosyst.

The difference in these drugs lies in their cost and the severity of side effects. It is noted that Fluconazole in tablets has a higher risk of negative reactions when taken than other drugs from this list. But which drug to choose depends on the patient himself and his purchasing power. Let's consider the main points.

Mechanism of action

When using the drug, the activity of the fungus is inhibited. This means that Fluconazole capsules actively cope with thrush by increasing membrane permeability and disrupting the growth and replication of fungal cells.

The drug practically does not inhibit enzymes in humans, compared to other antifungal drugs. Has no androgen activity. When using it, the growth and development of the following fungi are inhibited:

  • Candida (which cause thrush);
  • Cryptococci;
  • Microsporum;
  • Trichophytum.

The agent is used both for the treatment and prevention of the development of vaginal candidiasis. It should be understood that the drug inhibits the activity of fungi not only in the vagina, but in other systems too. Therefore, the medicine is also used for often recurrent candidiasis.

Dosage and adverse reactions

According to the official instructions for the use of Fluconazole, it is administered once inside. The optimal dose is 150 mg. In general, doctors recommend taking capsules every three days. As a result, the course consists of taking 3 tablets and no more.

It is also necessary to take the drug:

  • To reduce the risk of relapse. In this case, one capsule of 150 mg is drunk once a month.
  • For prophylactic purposes, use 1 capsule once a day. Usually, taking Fluconazole for prophylaxis is required with prolonged use of antibiotics, cytostatics, and so on.

A more accurate dosage is selected by the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease, the frequency of its relapses and concomitant pathologies.

The side effects are as follows:

  • From the digestive tract: changes in appetite, taste, nausea, sometimes vomiting, liver dysfunction in the form of jaundice, development of bloating.
  • Nervous system: headache, dizziness, convulsions rarely appear.
  • Allergy. Sometimes a skin rash may appear. Rarely anaphylactoid reactions.

When using the drug, changes in the heart and kidneys are rarely formed.

The cost of drugs based on Fluconazole varies from 50 to 300 rubles.


Refers to drugs that have a broad antifungal effect. When used, the membrane protein is inhibited, which leads to its high permeability and causes the death of the pathogen. As a result, an antifungal effect is formed. It should be noted that the mechanism of action of Itraconazole is similar to that of Fluconazole.

Positive properties:

  • high bioavailability of the drug;
  • minimum time to reach plasma concentration;
  • antifungal action develops rapidly.

In general, Itraconazole is a thiazole derivative. Therefore, it has a wide spectrum of action, which is why it is used to treat many diseases, including vaginal candidiasis.

It is used according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the course of candidiasis.

When using the drug, nausea or vomiting may develop. Liver function also suffers from its intake. Additionally, sometimes there is a headache, dizziness and allergic reactions. During pregnancy and lactation, it is used only as directed by a doctor.

The following persons are not allowed to use this drug:

  • Suffering from chronic heart disease.
  • In the presence of hypersensitivity to drug components.

With caution in severe liver disease, kidney disease and in childhood. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles, depending on the region.


It is produced in tablets with an active substance content of 200 mg. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the synthesis of ergosterol, changes in the composition of the cell membrane and, as a result, cell death. Ketoconazole has a fungiostatic and fungicidal effect. This means that when it is taken, death and inhibition of the activity of fungal cells occur.

Active against many pathogens:

  • All representatives of the genus Candida.
  • Pathogens of dermatomycosis, varicoloured lichen and systemic mycoses.

Additionally, the agent is active against a number of bacteria. It must be taken according to the official instructions:

  • one tablet at a time;
  • use once a day;
  • recommended during meals.

Side effects and the list of contraindications are similar to those listed above.

Conclusion on systemic therapy

To treat vaginal candidiasis in women, it is necessary with the use of tablets. Especially with the development of a relapse, that is, a repeated case of the disease. Men, however, can only use funds from local therapy.

In general, with systemic treatment, it is necessary:

  • Use barrier contraception, and if possible, refrain from sexual intercourse.
  • Do not take at the time of therapy, oral contraceptives, if possible GCS and cytostatics.
  • Correct the underlying cause of thrush.

In the event that the cause of development is a sexually transmitted infection, then treatment is required for this disease. That is, when treating thrush, it is important to eliminate aggravating factors that could contribute to the formation of candidiasis.

Local treatment

The development of thrush in women, as mentioned above, is due to a decrease in immunity, which leads to active colonization of the vaginal mucosa. As a result, an inflammatory process is formed, and as an outcome, the development of a characteristic clinical picture. Since the whole process is localized in the vagina, local therapy is even leading. Without the use of topical medications, the risk of relapse increases. Consider what is appropriate for treating thrush.


The active ingredient econazole is found in topical and topical creams. There is Ekodax 1% cream on the market, which is used for the treatment of mycoses of the skin and mucous membranes. This drug is suitable for the treatment of candidiasis in men, as it has a good effect.

The agent is an imidazole derivative. Therefore, he has the following actions:

  • Fungicidal. That is, it causes the death of fungi.
  • Bactericidal. Helps to reduce the activity of bacteria.

It is active against the fungus of the genus Candida albicans, which usually causes thrush disease.

How to use:

The drug is suitable for the treatment of candidiasis in men, as it is quickly absorbed and causes the death of fungi.

Side effects and contraindications

  • Itching and slight burning.
  • Redness.
  • Dryness development.

Travogen cream

The active substance is isoconazole nitrate. Also a derivative of imidazole. Sold in the form of a cream that contains 1% of the active ingredient. It should be noted that this drug is active against the most common representatives of the genus Candida.

Distinctive features:

  • Acts on fungi fungistatic. That is, the medicine does not cause death, but helps to inhibit growth and activity. When used in greater concentration, it can cause a destructive effect.
  • It also fights bacteria that can complicate candidiasis treatment.

The cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. You need to use it once a day, at night. The desired course duration is 3 weeks. The cost of the drug is 600 rubles or more.

  • The medicine is active against fungi, bacteria, trichomanades and protozoa.
  • Effectively combats representatives of the genus Candida, as well as gram-positive microbes.

Vaginal tablets are used to treat not only candidiasis, but also vaginitis caused by Trichomonas. The cream can be used by men for therapy.

Mode of application

It is necessary to use the tablets once a day, for 6 days. Before the procedure, you must carry out the usual hygiene procedures. In general, vaginal tablets are used as follows:

  • You should lie on your back. It is advisable to do this before bedtime.
  • Bend your legs at the knee joint and insert the pill deeply into the vagina.
  • Further, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour in order for the medicine to work.

The cream must be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the mucous membrane. Use once a day for 14 days.

Treatment of thrush is necessary when a woman has this disease. Its other name is vaginal candidiasis. The fungus Candida causes pathological symptoms, which, under favorable conditions for it, actively develops in the body and affects the mucous membranes of the external genital organs and the vagina.

When is therapy required?

Causes of the disease

A number of factors provoke the development of the disease:

  • Antibiotic use. The most common cause of unpleasant symptoms. One of the side effects of taking antibacterial drugs is the suppression of the natural microflora of the female vagina.
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body. One of the causes of thrush is diabetes mellitus, as a result of which the metabolism of fats and proteins is impaired, as well as increased blood sugar. It is the ideal environment for fungus to grow.
  • Decreased immune strength. Frequent infections, inflammatory diseases, chronic diseases reduce immunity.
  • Improper nutrition. The lack of balance of vitamins and nutrients in the daily diet often leads to the development of candidiasis. Sweet lovers inflict a serious blow on the pancreas, hence an increase in glucose levels and a violation of the vaginal microflora.

The main symptoms

If thrush develops in women, the symptoms are often not confused with other diseases. The signs of the disease are as follows:

  • severe burning and itching in the external genital area;
  • redness and swelling;
  • white, cheesy discharge with a sour odor.

In some cases, candidiasis is asymptomatic. It occurs in men, who are often only carriers of the disease, infecting a sexual partner.

Thrush treatment

When diagnosed with thrush in women, treatment can be of two types:

  • local (suppositories, creams, ointments, vaginal tablets);
  • complex (local therapy is supplemented with systemic drugs - these are tablets with antifungal action).

Treatment of thrush in women of uncomplicated form can only be local. With recurrent candidiasis, complex therapy is required, which includes suppositories, ointments and antimycotic tablets for oral administration.

When it is necessary to treat thrush in women, they are prescribed only by a doctor according to the results of the analysis. When contacting, a smear will be taken for bacterial culture, with the help of which the doctor will determine the sensitivity of the fungus to a certain active substance in the composition of the preparations.



If symptoms of thrush appear in women, only a doctor should be treated. Chronic forms of the disease require complex therapy, when local drugs are supplemented with pills. This is the only way to eliminate the fungus in the body.

Modern pharmacology has in its arsenal various types of drugs that are actively fighting Candida. The following are effective:

  • Pimafucin (Natamycin);
  • (Diflucan, Flucostat);
  • Ketoconazole;
  • Nystatin;
  • Miconazole.

If a woman is sexually active, a course of therapy is also prescribed for her sexual partner.

Treatment of thrush requires strengthening the woman's immunity and restoring the vaginal microflora after a course of anti-fungal drugs. For this purpose, immunomodulators are prescribed (for example, Viferon, Likopid), probiotics and vaginal suppositories or tablets (for example, Lactobacterin, Vaginorm, Ginoflor and others).

During pregnancy

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy should be done with extreme caution. Therefore, the doctor selects drugs that are not toxic, are characterized by minimal absorption into the blood, do not harm the fetus and at the same time most effectively affect the fungus.

In most cases, expectant mothers are prescribed Pimafucin suppositories as a local therapy. The drug is effective against the fungus, destroys the walls of the fungus and causes its death. This drug is permissible in any trimester of pregnancy.

Pills for thrush during pregnancy are not prescribed. Douching, which can have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy, is also prohibited. Douching can be replaced by washing (not intensive) with chamomile decoction or baking soda solution.

How to help yourself at home?

Treatment prescribed by a doctor can be supplemented with folk remedies that are well-applied. In any case, you must first consult a doctor.

How to treat candidiasis:

  • Chamomile decoction. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Used for washing or douching. Preparation: pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs with a glass of boiling water, put on fire and bring to a boil, cool and filter.
  • Baking soda solution. Soda is alkaline, and therefore neutralizes the acidic environment of the vaginal mucosa. To prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoon in a glass of boiled water. It is used for washing, douching or rubbing the external genitalia.


When treating candidiasis, along with the use of suppositories, ointments or tablets, it is good to follow a diet. Special nutrition will help to quickly cope with the fungus and restore the body's strength.

With thrush, the following foods must be included in the diet:

  • stewed vegetables (the most effective are carrots, beets, cucumbers);
  • juice of seaweed and carrots;
  • chamomile leaves, plantain, oregano, black currant berries (brewed as tea);
  • parsley dill);
  • legumes, cereals;
  • poultry meat;
  • boiled liver;
  • unsweetened fruits;
  • seafood;
  • coarse bread;
  • natural yogurt.

Thrush is an unpleasant disease, which can be eliminated only through properly selected therapy. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor based on test results.

Self-medication of candidiasis leads to a number of unpleasant consequences in the form of allergies and the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

On the video about the disease

Modern pharmacology is constantly improving, and the number of drugs is constantly growing. Often doctors have to decide how to treat thrush in women. It is necessary to be wary if the first signs of thrush appear in women. These include:

  1. Discomfort when urinating.
  2. Unpleasant sensations during intercourse.
  3. Burning and itching, which are localized in the vaginal area.
  4. Discharge of copious white secretion from the vagina.

In the photo you can see the main causative agent of thrush, or vaginal candidiasis. It should be noted that the primary symptomatology makes itself felt a few days before the onset of menstruation. Burning and itching begin to intensify in a warm environment, so the patient should refuse hot water in the bath or shower. After white discharge has been discovered, there can be no doubt about the disease. How to properly treat thrush? What drugs are effective and have minimal toxicity? How to get rid of candidiasis quickly?

  • Traditional approach
  • ethnoscience
  • Treatment of intestinal thrush
  • Thrush treatment regimen
  • Which doctor treats the fungus?

Traditional approach

Treatment of thrush is a long and painstaking process. Only a properly selected therapy regimen will allow you to quickly eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the pathogen. Today in the pharmacy you can find a large number of products that guarantee a quick recovery, but you cannot trust the bright packaging.

Patients should understand that drugs are divided into 2 groups:

  • for local treatment;
  • for general therapy.

The local therapy regimen includes various means:

  • ointments;
  • cream;
  • candles;
  • vaginal tablets.

They help to cure thrush in women without toxic effects on the body. The components that make up the composition allow you to treat both uncomplicated and chronic thrush.

As for drugs of general action, they affect not only the causative agent of the disease, but also other organs. These drugs treat only severe and often recurrent forms of candidiasis.

Of course, the effectiveness of both approaches can be evaluated for a long time. The main thing that patients should pay attention to is the results of the bacterial culture analysis. It will reveal the sensitivity of the pathogenic flora to a specific component of the drug. In the case of a chronic form of the disease, a fungus of the species Candida glabrata, which is highly resistant to antimycotics, can be found.

Doctors focus on the fact that thrush in women should be thoroughly diagnosed.

Only bacterial culture will help the doctor determine the direction of therapy. He will only prescribe drugs that will be as effective as possible, with minimal toxicity.

The traditional approach can quickly cure candidiasis, but only if all the recommendations of the attending physician are followed. It is based on the use of antifungal and immunity-supporting drugs. There are several products that are highly effective. Feedback from patients confirms that it was possible to get rid of thrush with just a few doses. This is about:

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Diflucan, etc.

Of course, it is advisable to use them only at the initial stage of the development of the disease. The symptoms of candidiasis at the initial stage can be easily confused with a large variety of gynecological diseases of a non-fungal nature, therefore it is so important to seek help from your doctor in a timely manner.

Before treating thrush in women, one must understand that self-treatment only leads to a worsening of the current clinical picture. The optimal technique should be selected in accordance with the current stage and form of the disease:

Lightweight form. In this case, the use of vaginal suppositories will be sufficient. Initially, it is best to use Livarol, McMiror and Nystatin. For pregnant women, Pimafucin is suitable, which does not cause allergies.

Recurrent form. In case of increased resistance of the pathogen and frequent relapses, it is necessary to resort to the help of drugs in the form of tablets. Thrush is treated faster and more efficiently, but the load on the entire body increases significantly.

In addition, thrush in women can be corrected with a diet that involves a complete rejection of:

  • sweet;
  • fried;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sweet soda, etc.


How to cure thrush at home? Any therapy technique should be discussed with the attending physician. Self-administration of one or another remedy can ultimately lead to the development of a chronic form. There are some really effective techniques.

The simplest gynecological fee can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. The prepared solution can be taken orally before each meal, as well as a douching session.

Douching with soda and chamomile is very popular. It allows you to remove the ongoing inflammatory process, as well as to purposefully destroy the pathogen. To prepare the solution, you will need to stir 1 tsp. soda in one liter of pre-prepared herbal infusion. The procedures are carried out both in the morning and in the evening.

According to some doctors, local baths show good results. To prepare them, you will need the following ingredients:

  • alum (1 tsp);
  • copper sulfate (1 tsp);
  • boric acid (1 tsp).

The components must be mixed and filled with a liter of boiling water. After that, the resulting mixture should be infused for at least two days.

Treatment of oral thrush in women

Thrush in the mouth is also called oral candidiasis.

The cause of the disease is Candida fungi. Most often, the cause of thrush is a decrease in immunity. Fungus can appear in the mouth by accident, when you get an infection with your hands or because of taking antibiotics.

Important! The main reason for the appearance of oral candidiasis is a violation of the rules of oral hygiene.

In addition, antiseptic solutions can be the cause of candidiasis. They contribute to the suppression of the normal flora on the mucous membranes of the mouth. This promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Very often, thrush appears against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses.

Various pathological processes contribute to a decrease in the immune system. Diseases such as:

There are several more reasons that provoke the appearance of thrush in the mouth.

Long-term use of antibiotics leads to oral dysbiosis. With a decrease in the population of some bacteria, an intensive growth of fungal flora appears.

Corticosteroid use drugs is the cause of candidiasis. Thrush usually occurs in people with asthma. In this case, fungal lesions can be seen at the site of contact of the drug with the oral mucosa. This often happens when inhalers are used incorrectly.

Chronic dry mouth leads to impaired production of saliva. This happens with some diseases. As a result, the necessary enzymes are no longer produced, which contributes to the regulation of the microflora of the mouth.

After the fungus has penetrated the oral mucosa, the first symptoms begin to develop. There are 4 types of oral candidiasis.

The symptomatology will differ depending on which type has provoked the thrush.

The main symptoms are the appearance of white plaque on the oral mucosa. When the film is removed, hyperemia of the affected area is noted.

Most often, thrush in the mouth does not cause painful sensations.

Very rarely, there is a burning sensation in the mouth.

According to these clinical manifestations, a preliminary diagnosis is made. To confirm thrush, mouth scraping is done. According to the research results, an individual course of therapy is prescribed.

As a treatment for oral candidiasis, Nystatin.The drug is prescribed in a dosage of one tablet after eating and oral hygiene. The drug should be taken every 12 hours, the duration of the course is one or two weeks.

An alternative drug is Miconazole.The drug is slowly absorbed in the oral cavity.

Local medicines help speed up the healing process. It could be Miconazole gel.It is applied to the oral mucosa.

Together with the fungus, the appearance of bacterial flora is also possible. Antiseptic solutions are used to relieve the inflammatory process and suppress the microbial flora. A 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution or saline solution may be suitable for rinsing the mouth.

To prevent the infection from returning again, treatment should be carried out in a comprehensive manner. In this case, it is imperative to cure foci of chronic infections.

Treatment of intestinal thrush

Under the influence of certain factors, intestinal thrush may appear. Different types of Candida can be diagnosed in the intestines.

With the normal functioning of the body, the fungus is present in it in scanty amounts. The oppression of flora leads to the reproduction of the fungus.

With an increase in the amount of Candida, various parts of the intestine are affected.

Several factors can lead to defeat.

The causes of intestinal candidiasis include:

  • Immunodeficiency;
  • Allergy;
  • Disorders of the endocrine gland;
  • Cancer diseases;
  • Stress;
  • Pregnancy.

Most often, the appearance of thrush is affected by violations of the regime and quality of food.

Systemic and long-term antibiotic therapy will be a provoking factor.

To diagnose and prescribe an effective course of therapy, diagnostic studies are performed.

Microbiological studies help to diagnose. With this analysis, you can establish the type of microorganism. In addition, culture is performed to determine antibiotic sensitivity.

To establish the extent of the lesion, bowel endoscopy is performed. During the examination, the doctor takes into account the following clinical manifestations:

  • Bloating;
  • Itching in the anus;
  • Cramping abdominal pain.

It should be noted! With improper and untimely treatment, thrush can spread to other organs and systems, affecting them.

Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

Treatment of candidiasis is carried out in a comprehensive manner. The basis of therapy is to eliminate the causative agent of the disease.

Probiotics are prescribed to restore microflora. Be sure to follow a special diet. If necessary, carry out therapy for concomitant infections.

The main drug for the treatment of fungus is Pimafucin.It effectively deals with fungal flora. It is prescribed in the amount of 100 milligrams 2 times a day. The duration of use should not exceed 7 days. The drug can cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions.

If the symptoms of the disease after using the drug disappeared, and the control tests showed the norm, the treatment will be considered effective. With a positive control culture, we can talk about carriage.

For the healing of mucous membranes, instillations with antiseptic solutions can be prescribed.

Thrush treatment regimen

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, after laboratory tests.

Note! Self-medication can cause serious complications and chronic disease.

Medical treatment of candidiasis in women can be carried out with the help of local and general treatment. As a general therapy, drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets. Local treatment is carried out with suppositories and vaginal douching. Diflucan and fluconazole can be given intravenously.

Suppositories are prescribed for local treatment. Ketoconazole.One candle contains 400 milligrams of the drug. The dosage is 1 suppository, which is inserted into the vagina once a day. Recommended to apply at bedtime. The course of application can be three or five days.

Vaginal tablets Nystatin are introduced daily one at a time before bedtime. It is recommended to use the drug within two weeks.

After the completion of local treatment, in many cases, a relapse of the disease occurs. This is due to the influence of certain factors on the body, which contribute to the resumption of the growth of the fungus.

If the sexual partner has symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis and treatment. Treatment of a partner from thrush of the penis, mouth, anus must be carried out to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Which doctor treats the fungus?

Which specialist can I contact with this problem?

If there is a lesion of the genitals in men, you should visit a urologist. This specialist deals with the problems of the genitourinary system.

Thrush in women can be treated by a gynecologist. To make an appointment with this doctor, you should contact the antenatal clinic. Treatment of dysbacteriosis and tank vaginosis with thrush is often carried out by this doctor.

You can get diagnosed for the presence of Candida fungus at a dermatovenerologist.

If the fungus causes damage to the gastrointestinal tract, a gastroenterologist is involved.

For stomatitis or oral candidiasis, a dentist is often consulted.

If you want to get rid of the fungus, contact a mycologist, who is a narrow specialist who deals with the pathology of a fungal nature.

Knowing how to treat thrush, patients need not worry anymore. The main thing is to consult a gynecologist in a timely manner, with the least number of symptoms. The sooner the diagnostics are carried out, the faster it will be possible to start the targeted impact.