How does the moon affect a person? Lunar cycles and health

The moon and the sun are two planets that have a determining influence on the life of everything that exists on our planet. The sun represents the masculine divine principle, and the moon represents the feminine. Together they symbolize the great primordial duality: masculine and feminine, active and passive, day and night, reason and feelings, will and love. These are the same Yang and Yin, two sides of the same life. The sun rules over time, and the moon rules space, the sun rules over fire, and the moon rules over water.

The moon, being 27 million times smaller than the sun, is 374 times closer to Earth than the daylight. Therefore, it has such a significant impact on earthly natural phenomena and human life. The lunar month consists of four phases that are associated with the position of the moon relative to the sun. The new moon is the combination of the moon and the sun, and the full moon is their opposition. There are two forms of the Moon's influence - when it grows and decreases. There are four important points in the lunar month (new moon, full moon, first and third quarter days). Each phase of the cycle lasts approximately a week. This is the lunar rhythm.

Human daily biorhythms largely depend on the lunar rhythm. The latter is the rotation of the moon around our planet. For 28-30 days, one revolution takes place around the Earth. It is a lunar month that runs from new moon to new moon. But after all, almost half of the calendar months of the year have an unfinished cycle. As a result, great psychological tension is created, people face many difficulties and trials, especially in February (and not only in a leap year). Critical points of the lunar calendar are especially dangerous in any month of the year. They are considered, first of all, the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th lunar days, in the second - 1, 4, 11, 23 and 26th. Most complications occur in people at this time. In the lunar month, there are also favorable days that increase the protective functions of the body, improve health. These are 6, 7, 16, 24 and 28 lunar days.

Under the gravitational influence of the Moon towards it, the solid surface of the Earth is deformed by 50 cm in the vertical direction and about 5 cm in the horizontal direction. This effect even more strongly affects the aquatic environment and is expressed in the fact that in the coastal zones of the oceans every 12 hours and 25 minutes, the tidal wave changes to the ebb. These gravitational disturbances in the aquatic environment of the earth are naturally reflected in the behavior of living organisms. The gravitational field of the Moon (ebb and flow) has a significant impact on the human body, primarily on the distribution of blood in organs and tissues. Chinese medicine claims that 12 main organs, connected by appropriate channels, experience a two-hour tidal wave of activity once a day, and another time an ebb tide when the organ is minimally washed with blood. At the same time, the Moon accelerates the course of biochemical processes in human tissues.

This planet affects the consciousness and psyche of a person, his mood and emotions. The gravitational and energetic influences of each lunar day are not similar to each other. The reason is that they depend on the angular distance between the Moon and the Sun in the sky, which changes by about 12 ° daily. For example, the impact of a certain lunar day can restore the balance of the whole organism, or it can aggravate diseases, especially chronic ones. In both cases, we get the result of using biorhythms. You can simply “communicate” with them competently, following them, or unreasonably, violating them. For example, all signs of the zodiac represent a celestial circle, divided into 12 sectors. They are greatly influenced by the position of the Moon, which, moving around the Earth, passes under these signs on the celestial sphere. The speed of the moon in the zodiac is approximately 0.5 degrees of arc in one hour. Being in each zodiac sign for 2.5 days, the Moon makes the organs and systems of the human body associated with this sign vulnerable and weak; they should not be overwhelmed at this time. It is enough to know the specified feature to avoid many health problems. What is the lunar day today and in what sign the moon is located, you can find out from any lunar calendar.

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is also an individual one. In this case, the person's birthday is taken as the original lunar day, which is the beginning of its own lunar month. The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person to his death. If you know it, you can avoid many dangers and prevent the occurrence of most diseases. There is also such an opinion: the lunar day not only of birth, but also of conception determines health, constitution, life expectancy, indicates possible diseases of certain organs that can be provoked by the mutual arrangement of heavenly bodies during life.

The influence of the moon on humans largely depends on the phases of the lunar cycle, lasting about a week.

In the first phase of the moon, the functions of the cerebral cortex and organs of the upper body are activated. It is during this period, after the new moon, that it is recommended to start any health-improving course, because due to the energy of the beginning of the lunar life cycle, a person harmonizes and strengthens his own body functions. If he wants to get rid of bad habits that undermine his health, then it is necessary to start doing this in accordance with this time.

The second phase is characterized by a gradual increase in external gravity from the Moon and the Sun, the direction of movement of energy and fluid in the body from the inside out, an increase in body weight. This period is most favorable for cleansing the body, an easy waste of energy. In addition, profuse bleeding is possible at this time. Toxins, along with the flow of liquid, tend to outward themselves, especially during a visit to the steam room, so it is better to cleanse the colon, liver and kidneys at this time. Three days of the lunar calendar, from the 11th to the 14th, are considered the most successful for cleansing the body. In the second phase of the Moon, the gravitational and energy center of influence is located in the chest and epigastric region; the lungs, abdominal organs and thoracic spine are activated. If there is a latent pathology in these parts of the body, it will worsen.

The Full Moon is characterized by the maximum opposite effect of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's biosphere. At this time, significant stress is observed in the human body, when energy and fluid flows from the external expanded state of the body rush into the interior. A person gains strength, he wants to move actively, get a lot of physical activity. In the full moon, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus, where conception takes place, is accelerated. In general, women react to the full moon especially strongly, much more pronounced than men.

In the third phase of the moon, there is an even greater compression of energy and fluid in the human body. These days, it is necessary to avoid heavy physical exertion, food errors, which are stressful factors for the body.

The fourth phase is the time when the upper and lower regions of the body are especially vulnerable. An excessive flow of energy and fluid tends to the head and soles of the feet, causing congestion and blood deficiency in them, leading to fainting and exacerbation of thrombophlebitis of the extremities. Body weight begins to decrease due to the outflow of fluid and toxins from the body, the menstrual cycle in women ends, passivity increases, all processes of the lunar cycle end. In this phase of the moon, it is also good to carry out cleansing procedures in the form of enemas and steam rooms.

On a new moon, with increased gravity of the Moon and the Sun, the mass of a person becomes smaller, the liquid from the head area rushes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body, the activity of metabolic processes increases, but the number of mental disorders also increases. This is the time when the fluid is actively absorbed through the skin and enters the body. Note that men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time, they are aggressive, nervous, and often get heart attacks.

In terms of human health, the Moon is responsible for the quality of blood, chest, stomach, lymph, lungs, left eye in men and right in women, intestines, menstrual cycle, uterus, nervous system, esophagus, tonsils, saliva. In general, the Moon is responsible for the conception and birth of children, she guides a person in childhood, controls the life of women, especially mothers (it is believed that she affects women more than men), the emotional sphere. Diseases of the Moon: diseases of the uterus, problems with menstruation, fever, general weakness, jaundice, asthma, colic, pulmonary diseases, predisposition to coughs and colds, tuberculosis, pleurisy (especially in childhood). These diseases are caused by a weak or damaged moon. The main symptoms of the latter are emotional instability, paucity of emotions, fear of intimate relationships, lack of friendliness, increased sense of danger, anxiety, depression, and poor memory. Such a person often feels dissatisfied, can hardly bear the stress and tension associated with communication. He is prone to depression, pessimism, neurosis and mental disorders. His thoughts are in confusion, he is gloomy and worried. Physical signs of a weak moon: anemia, lack of fluid in the tissues or, conversely, its stagnation, dry skin, constipation, weakened lungs. It is difficult for such a person to endure dry and hot weather. Women, in addition to menstrual disorders, may suffer from infertility.

Moon phases and health

Each phase of the moon has a distinct effect on our well-being. The lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. We will tell you about the characteristic features of each phase and indicate the main features of lunar days, which make it up.

We will discuss in more detail the impact of lunar days on health in the chapter "Characteristics of lunar days".

First lunar phase

The first phase begins with the new moon. During the first two days, the moon is not visible in the sky. At this time, a person is most weakened, exhausted, the energy resources of the body are at a minimum. Immunity suffers, errors and malfunctions in behavior are possible. We are visited by fears, depression, depression. But in this state there are also advantages: the body sheds the load accumulated over the entire previous lunar month.

Then a narrow crescent moon appears in the sky - and you can breathe more freely. We feel how the forces hidden within us are growing. At this time, the body, as it were, is living its youth, it grows and develops again, is tuned in to consume energy, receiving it from the outside, it saves energy, almost does not spend it.

In the first phase, from the new moon to the first quarter, a person is especially active. However, this period cannot be considered the most favorable for health: the first phase is the time of exacerbation of chronic diseases. As the moon grows, we become stronger, as if preparing for the upcoming victories and achievements. Closer to the change of lunar phases, you should be more careful, more attentive to yourself and others. On such days, people become less balanced and more conflicted. The acuity of the emotional perception of the world increases.

The first phase is a good period for health-promoting treatments. This is the time when the effect of medications is enhanced, vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium, calcium and iron, are absorbed more efficiently. On these days, any procedures have a more effective effect than in other phases. However, along with such useful properties, negative ones also make themselves felt in full. In the first phase, poisoning and allergies are more pronounced. At the same time, a very active accumulation of fats occurs. Therefore, if you keep track of your weight, keep in mind: at this time, every candy you eat will be deposited in extra grams.

In the first days of the first phase, restorative procedures can be carried out. It's good to do disease prevention. If you want to significantly increase physical activity, wait until the 5th lunar day. Water procedures are also useful at this time. In particular, a bath and a sauna until the 7th lunar day, a contrast shower. The latter should be taken as follows: warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. Dousing is beneficial if you are mentally and physically ready for it: a minute under a warm shower, then dousing with cold water for 10 seconds (maximum). Pouring must be done from top to bottom: first the shoulders, then the feet.

If you were planning to get rid of bad habits, start going in for sports, then the first phase is the best time to implement these good intentions. Note that if you are going, for example, to quit smoking, then it is better to do it now, but you need to psychologically tune in in the previous, fourth phase.

New moonand 1st lunar day- the time when the body is still too weak. Immunity is weak, energy is low, irritability and fatigue are increased. Physical and mental fatigue further weakens health. At this time, it is not difficult to catch some kind of disease, especially a viral one (closer to the new moon). Diseases that began on this day can last a long time, but they will end safely and will not lead to complications.

At this time, in no case should you drink alcoholic beverages, eat spicy and hot food. Starting from the 5th lunar day, it is good to give preference to fresh food, not processed, raw, cool.

In 2nd lunar dayyou can already start physical exercises, but you still need to take care of yourself. Simple plant foods work well today. The illnesses of this day are short-lived and not dangerous.

IN 3rd lunar dayclosely monitor your health. Illnesses that occur on this day can last a long time.

IN 4th lunar daya person is still susceptible to diseases, however, if he immediately begins to treat them, they will not linger for long. Today it is necessary to conserve strength, not to waste energy on useless activities and empty talk.

IN 5th lunar dayyou can not starve, the body perfectly absorbs any food (if possible, you should give up meat). It is not worth eating a lot, and the products should be of the best quality. This is because food is endowed with a specific energy, and what you eat today feeds your astral body. Take care of yourself from illness: the ailments that began on this day can be serious and lead to complications.

IN 6th lunar dayyou need to breathe in the fresh air - arrange a country walk or at least walk along a clean street or park. In food, give preference to fruits and vegetables, it's good if you cook them in a special way, make a new dish. If you fall ill on this day, do not worry, the ailments of this day pass quickly and easily. But you need to avoid hypothermia of the body.

IN 7th lunar daythe state of health is unpredictable. Chronic diseases today can either sharply worsen, or just as suddenly disappear. A sick person on this day will be easily cured and will quickly recover. As on the previous day, you cannot overcool today.

Second lunar phase

The second phase begins on the day when the illuminated part occupies exactly half of the lunar disk. The body's energy continues to grow: we become stronger, more active, more emotional. Vitality is gradually approaching its peak. There are already enough of them, they are not wasted, fatigue has not yet come, and a person is capable of much. But that is precisely why the second phase of the Moon, from the first quarter to the full moon inclusive, is dangerous with the occurrence of acute diseases. During this period, the nervous system is highly stressed. The psyche has a hard time coping with stress. Therefore, limit your emotional stress as much as possible, avoid anxiety and tension. Reduce stress-generating factors such as alcohol, smoking, anxiety in your personal life and at work. Take less medications, it is better to completely refuse alcohol. Do not seek physical activity, let the load gradually decrease towards the full moon. If it's cool outside, avoid hypothermia, first of all, do not keep your head and legs cold.

In the second phase, the action of cleansing measures is especially effective. From the 8th to the 10th lunar day, if possible, it is necessary to carry out procedures that cleanse the body of toxins. From the 10th to the 12th lunar day, cleansing of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, a visit to the bath is shown. The 11th lunar day is especially strong in this regard. In general, these three days are the best time for fasting in the entire lunar month, but on the 11th day, you can also refuse water. Of course, this should only be done if your body is prepared for such loads. Otherwise, you risk causing yourself serious harm, both physically and mentally. Fasting is also beneficial from the 13th lunar day until the end of the third phase. It is very good to administer enemas.

If you are thin, during this period, take hot baths, go to the sauna - it is especially favorable to do this on the 9th and 10th lunar days. If you are overweight, warm baths are helpful. In the second phase of the Moon, dousing with cool and cold water has a beneficial effect: in the first days of the phase - warmer, in the last days - cold. The douches are carried out from the bottom up, starting from the feet and ending with the head.

In the first two days of the second phase, give preference to Yin food, and starting from the tenth lunar day - Yang food. Stewed vegetables and various cereals will be especially useful. Eat less oil. If you are thin, this menu is especially suitable for you. Add sprouted grain bread to it - and an improvement in well-being is guaranteed. If you, on the other hand, are overweight, look for dry foods with less moisture. For example, when cereals are useful, it can be buckwheat without milk, vegetables without gravy.

IN 8th lunar daya person is prone to nervous disorders. Stress on this day is especially dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Also today, against a general background unfavorable to health, injuries are possible. On this day, you cannot eat a lot and overwork at work, you need to allow yourself to rest, unload. You should take care of yourself from illness: ailments that began on this day can lead to complications.

IN 9th lunar daythe diseases are serious, but the prognosis is still favorable. This is a difficult day for the body. Today, various cleansing procedures will go especially well, first of all - a bath. At this time, the load on the heart and blood vessels is very dangerous, do everything to avoid it.

IN 10th lunar dayyou can't get sick. The onset of the disease can be serious, but if treatment is started on time, then everything will go well. It is very important not to overload on this day. If you could not rest on the 8th lunar day, do it today.

IN 11th lunar daythe body feels cheerful, shows us a high tone, readiness for physical activity. But if sports and sex are beneficial today, the load on the spine can become dangerous. It is dangerous to get sick on this day.

IN 12th lunar daythe heart is subject to negative influences. The nervous system is very sensitive. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be nervous and do what puts stress on the heart. In particular, you shouldn't run, play sports, or smoke. You need to protect yourself from possible diseases: on this day they can become extremely unpleasant.

IN 13th lunar daywe are surrounded by energy that can negatively affect our well-being. At this time, one should not get sick, diseases should be avoided by all means: they can become very long-lasting. But on the other hand, the body absorbs various medicines well.

IN 14th lunar daythe body is strong enough. But the danger to health does not disappear. Today you can suddenly get rid of an old illness, or, conversely, get sick suddenly. Although the diseases that began on this day are not dangerous, they will pass quickly and without complications. It is good to fast on this day, but you should drink less liquid. You cannot be in a passive state, you need to either exercise (at least a little), or just move more.

IN 15th lunar daythe background for health is unfavorable. Today you need to be careful, take care of your nerves. Rest is very useful. Energy should not be wasted on arguments and conflicts. Sex today also depletes the body. The illness that began on this day will easily pass. No surgery can be done today.

The full moon is coming - it's time to move from accumulating forces to actively spending them. On this day, unspent energy can become uncontrollable. Excess energy does not allow you to fall asleep - it is on the full moon and the next few days that many people complain of insomnia. In the old days it was believed that on these days blood flows more abundantly from wounds, and sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. Nervous disorders are aggravated, and the number of road accidents is increasing. People are more irritated, they often start a quarrel for no reason. The number of suicides is on the rise.

On a full moon, the body is exposed to more dangers than on any other day of the lunar month. Closer to it, the risk of infectious diseases is maximized. Today you can get injured, so be especially careful during physical activity, and if it's icy on the street, carefully look at the road. It is easiest to get poisoned on a full moon, so do not eat unfamiliar food, do not visit unknown cafes, and when buying food, be sure to look at the expiration date. On a full moon, the body fully assimilates all drugs and remedies: from medicinal to narcotic. Side effects are possible. One drink or one cigarette will do more harm today than in two weeks.

Today, the body is in dire need of energy, so it cannot be spent on everything that requires energy output: conflicts, parties, sex, sports. Experienced herbalists know that medicinal plants harvested on a full moon work better than those harvested earlier or later that day. Full moon day is good for medical fasting. But it is unfavorable for people who have just had surgery.

Third lunar phase

The moon is already beginning to wane, but in the first days of the phase, one must behave taking into account the fact that the full moon is still active. In the future, the body is tuned to activity, energy consumption, splashing it out from the inside. In the third phase of the moon, from the full moon to the fourth quarter, disturbances in the activity of the digestive system are likely. You have to especially carefully monitor your diet. It is very important not to get sick at this critical time. In addition, the third phase is the period of sexual activity, which these days has a beneficial effect on health. During the waning moon, massages are more effective than at other times: relaxing and to relieve spasms, as well as removing harmful substances from the body. The action of medicinal herbs is also effective. On days when the moon is waning, the chances of success with surgery are higher, and recovery is faster.

In the third phase, the treatment of lower back diseases and their prevention are especially good. Warm up, apply compresses. From water procedures, a contrast shower is useful. It should be taken by alternating warm - cool - warm - cold water for 2-5 seconds. These days, the body copes well with increased physical activity. Lunar days from the 19th to the 21st are most favorable for the highest activity and sports achievements.

The third phase is the best time for surgical operations: they are better, recovery is faster, the sutures bleed little and scarcely form. By the way, all skin formations - warts, moles, papillomas, etc. - should be removed precisely during the waning moon. It doesn't matter what you remove them - red silk thread or liquid nitrogen, boiled potatoes or laser. But if you have not yet recovered by the new moon, suspend these procedures and continue them after the full moon. And the third phase is the most suitable time for deep cleansing of the skin, including for resurfacing and chemical peels. The skin is cleansed deeper and regenerates faster. This is the best time to epilate - it is easier and the hairs will grow more slowly.

Fasting is not recommended in the third phase of the moon, on the contrary, it is a suitable recovery period after fasting. These days, it is worth giving up spicy and fried foods, reducing or completely excluding meat from the diet. In the first half of the phase, that is, from the 16th to the 18th lunar day, give preference to Yang food. From 19th to 22nd - yin, watery, cooling. Food can be rough, but in any case, you cannot eat much. An interesting fact: with the waning moon, food is not deposited in the body in the form of excess body weight, so if we eat more than usual these days, we will not get fat. Consider this if you are going to go on a fast-acting diet. Even if you torment yourself with a dry hunger strike, you will not achieve anything. And if you want to get better, no matter how much you eat, you still don't add even half a kilogram.

IN 16th lunar daythe general background is favorable for health. Gymnastics and physical exercises are recommended. It is useful to get out into nature. You shouldn't be nervous, worried. The body is in good shape, but if you want the tone to be even higher, you will have to give up meat.

IN 17th lunar daythe body's resources are not as rich as in the previous one. On this day, it is dangerous to get sick: the disease will be difficult and long. It is not worth taking medications today unless absolutely necessary. Alcohol is very harmful.

IN 18th lunar dayyou can rest and relax if you did not do it yesterday. But relaxation in this case does not imply a holiday of gluttony: eating a lot is contraindicated. Among all the days of the lunar month, this day is the best for fasting. In no case should you drink alcohol today. Water procedures are shown, especially the sauna. Massage will be helpful. It is necessary to take care of health by all means, since the illness that began on this day can last for a very long time and not even pass, turning into a chronic form.

IN 19th lunar daythe body is quite strong. If you get sick on this day, then the ailment will pass quickly and easily. But in order to save and increase strength, one should remain calm in all situations, keep emotions under control. Today, you cannot take medications without extreme necessity and doctor's recommendations, as well as self-medicate, independently select your own medications.

IN 20th lunar dayas in the previous one, it is important to control your emotions. This is where the similarities between days 19 and 20 end. Today the body is not strong, and if you get sick, you can spend a long time on treatment. The bath and sauna are especially useful for health treatments. Alcohol should be avoided.

IN 21st lunar daythere is a critical background for health, old diseases can worsen. But the nature of this day is twofold, and instead of an aggravation, unexpected relief may come, the process of recovery may begin. In order to protect yourself from problems, you need to spend time in the most relaxed atmosphere. Moreover, the diseases of this day can be dangerous.

IN 22nd lunar daythe general background is unfavorable for health. Today there is a kind of energy turn. If a person falls ill on this day, the illness can cause significant harm to his health and lead to serious consequences.

The fourth lunar phase

In the fourth phase, from the last quarter to the new moon (inclusive), the body is prone to various diseases. The narrower the crescent of the moon becomes, the more vulnerable the energy of our organisms. A person loses activity, begins to get tired, everything falls out of hand. The body's defenses are weakened, there is a lack of energy. Sometimes biorhythms go astray, insomnia or drowsiness occurs, in the middle of the night you may suddenly want to eat, and during the day, on the contrary, there is no feeling of hunger. During this short period, a person is prone to mood swings, depression may occur, it is difficult to cope with stress. The circulation of fluid is disturbed in the body. In the fourth phase of the moon, it is necessary to minimize the physical and psychological stress. Taking one day of rest in the middle of the fourth phase is not a solution to the problem, you need to take care of yourself until the onset of the new moon. But you should not lie on the couch for days: try to be more outdoors, devote time to walking.

To take care of your health, in the fourth phase, take a cool foot bath. If you are not afraid of dousing with water, keep in mind that this procedure is especially useful during this period. But you need to start dousing not from top to bottom, overturning a tub of ice water on your head. The latter should be cool, and pouring should be done from the bottom up, starting with the feet and ending with the head.

In the fourth phase, the body is purified especially effectively. For this purpose, visit the sauna, bath - it is good for both internal organs and skin. You can do enemas, and it is best to start in the late evening, around 10 pm. Compresses, lotions, poultices also work well, especially from herbs (best of all from knotweed). Herbs these days will help clear problem areas. A very good fasting period. Herbal decoctions and infusions (water-based), juices, alkaline mineral waters work perfectly.

The last four critical days of the phase are called Hecate's days. At this time, the impact of the moon on our body reaches its climax. These days enhance our ability to cleanse ourselves. We can get rid of almost anything, from substances poisonous to the body and ending with bad habits.

Throughout the fourth phase, try to drink and eat less, in no case overeat, avoid gastronomic temptations. This primarily applies to meat and fried foods. From the 23rd to the 25th lunar day, give preference to Yin food, from the 26th to the new moon - Yang food. Spices and seasonings work favorably if you do not have individual contraindications to them. Do not allow yourself to experiment with new food, do not eat what you do not know, avoid heavy foods and everything that you do not digest well.

IN 23rd lunar daygive up sex, but don't neglect exercise. Carefully monitor your health: if you get sick on this day, it will take a long time to recover.

IN 24th lunar daydiseases, on the contrary, are not dangerous. As a rule, they do not drag out and do not bring unpleasant consequences. Unlike the previous day, today the body is more stable and easier to cope with the load.

IN 25th lunar dayhealth at risk. If the disease begins today, you must immediately begin to treat it. A good day for rest, relaxation.

IN 26th lunar daythe protective functions of the body are low. If you feel unwell, you are haunted by fatigue and chronic overwork, on this day you will feel better if you do not engage in physical labor, sports or sex. Today you cannot say much, as this leads to even more energy consumption. Try to protect yourself from illness: the onset of ailments can be serious.

IN 27th lunar daythe picture is no longer so depressing: today the body has more strength. Illnesses that began on this day will not be serious.

IN 28th lunar daythe body's defenses are not as high as in the previous one, but also not as low as in the 25th. To protect yourself from the emergence of new ailments and exacerbation of old ones, limit your physical, mental and emotional stress if possible. Do not give in to anger and irritation, do not enter into conflicts: this will take away a huge share of your already insufficient energy. However, if you get sick that day, the illness will not be serious. A good day for outdoor recreation, bathing. From this day until the new moon, the energy goes into a noticeable decline. First of all, men are weakened: they need to take special care of their health. No "belly holidays" and other bodily joys until the first lunar day!

IN 28th lunar daydo not waste your energy. Save energy, you will need it. Do not eat or drink too much, limit communication, reduce stress.

IN 29th lunar dayrecommendations of the 28th are valid. But today is a much more difficult day, the most dangerous of the entire lunar month. It is extremely unfavorable for health. Complete abstinence will help protect the body - from smoking, alcohol, meat and dairy foods, sex, violent emotions. Diseases of this day are very dangerous.

Lunar health

This section is devoted to the topic of the influence of lunar days on our health. Or rather, to what influences our body is exposed to on a particular lunar day, which organs are most vulnerable (their condition must be monitored especially, they cannot be treated or operated on), what dangers lie in wait for health, what are the recommendations for exercise and nutrition. Be sure to take into account the fact that all nutritional advice is appropriate only when you have no individual contraindications. If fasting is recommended on any day, do not even think about fasting if it is harmful for you. If you are shown to eat meat - this happens, for example, with anemia - do not refuse it: in no case should you harm yourself.

1st lunar day

On the 1st lunar day, the brain and eyes are especially vulnerable. Therapeutic effects on these organs are contraindicated. Also, this day is associated with the front of the head. Today you cannot overwork, because stress can be more serious than it seems at first, and the strength to cope with it is not enough yet. If you fall ill on this day, the illness will last for a long time, but it will end safely and without complications. From the point of view of physiological influence, the 1st lunar day is considered very difficult, because it thickens the internal organs. Hence - heaviness in the stomach, dizziness, etc. On the new moon (zero lunar day) you should not overwork, eat spicy and hot foods, drink alcohol. On the first lunar day, pay attention to the condition of the teeth and the upper part of the palate. At this time, it is good to start a new exercise cycle.

2nd lunar day

On the 2nd lunar day, the organs of the oral cavity, upper jaw, teeth are vulnerable. This is a good day for visiting a sauna or bath, starting a diet or medical fasting, strength exercises. Before moonrise, you should wash your stomach by drinking 1 liter of salted water with lemon juice. The second lunar day is a good time to start a cycle of physical exercises. If you have been thinking about going in for sports for a long time and were only waiting for the right moment, now it has come. You don't have to go to the gym three times a week, but you need to give yourself at least some basic physical activity, which you can do at home. Remember that running around the shops is not considered useful exercise: it only tires us, and exercise should, on the contrary, relieve fatigue and increase strength. Devote at least five minutes to them - you can improve your overall tone, you can focus on problem areas - and in a week you will notice a difference, and by the end of the month it will become obvious to others. In addition, if today you abandon all loads, then the risk of salt deposition and the formation of stones will increase, and your teeth may get sick, especially if you have a tendency to periodontal disease.

3rd lunar day

On the 3rd lunar day, the ears, throat, and the back of the head are sensitive. Treatment of these organs is categorically contraindicated. If you are concerned about pain in the ears and back of the head, this is a signal from the body that it is time to cleanse your bones and joints. The third lunar day is suitable for physical activity, martial arts (from martial arts to boxing). If possible, you should visit the bathhouse or sauna today.

4th lunar day

On the 4th lunar day, the larynx and cervical vertebrae are vulnerable. Emotional and physical overwork is contraindicated today. If you independently prepare your own medicines, using the experience of traditional medicine, then the 4th lunar day is ideal for preparing healing infusions and decoctions on a plant basis. Take care of your health and keep in mind that illnesses that started today can be serious if you do not start treating them immediately. Pay attention to the condition of the esophagus. You should not starve, but you should limit your intake of food of animal origin.

5th lunar day

On the 5th lunar day, the digestive tract is especially vulnerable. Gastrointestinal disturbances indicate an excess of negative emotions. In food, preference should be given to dairy foods, especially cottage cheese and warmed milk. Although this is not a diet day, it is worth giving up meat, fish, pickles, nuts. Consider these basic recommendations, but ... eat whatever you want: it means that the body needs it. By the way, this is the method of yogis: to listen to what the body says, and there is what it requires. This is the only lunar day of the month when the food intake is completely absorbed. Therefore, it is not suitable for fasting - the latter will only harm the body. The day is good for communication with nature and anti-aging procedures. Pay attention to the bronchi and upper airways.

6th lunar day

On the 6th lunar day, the shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi are vulnerable. This is a good day for breathing exercises. However, the danger of colds is increasing today. The day is unfavorable for tooth extraction.

7th lunar day

On the 7th lunar day, the throat, vocal cords, lungs, bronchi are sensitive. Be careful on cool days and being outdoors: there is a high probability of catching a cold inadvertently. The day is not suitable for tooth extraction. Verbosity and swearing today lead to sore throats, coughing, hoarseness. If you get sick on this day, then you will be cured without much trouble. Today it is not recommended to eat chicken and eggs.

8th lunar day

On the 8th lunar day, the stomach and nervous system are vulnerable. If you are worried about ear pain, chills, stomach cramps - all these are signs of an excess of negative emotions. The day is suitable for fasting, cleansing the stomach and intestines. Today the transformation and breakdown of food in the stomach is taking place. Grain foods should be preferred when eating. You can't eat a lot today. In addition, there is a danger of food poisoning. Today is the best day of the lunar month for self-preparation of complex medicines. Prevention of intercostal neuralgia and angina pectoris is useful.

9th lunar day

On the 9th lunar day, the chest and stomach are sensitive. A good day to cleanse the body of toxins. The right time for strength training. Today, you should not eat carrots, mushrooms, parsley, bananas. Sex is not recommended. The illness that began on this day is a sign that you are on the wrong spiritual path.

10th lunar day

On the 10th lunar day, the elbow joints, chest bones, and thoracic vertebrae are vulnerable. Today, you should drink as many juices and decoctions as possible. It is very good to go to the bathhouse. Passivity and a sedentary lifestyle are not recommended. Cleaning procedures can be carried out. If you fall ill on this day, you must immediately begin treatment.

11th lunar day

On this day, the spine and stomach are sensitive. Avoid physical and emotional stress. It is not recommended to eat meat, grains, legumes. Try to eat less rough food. Good day for fasting. It is also suitable for starting treatment, cleansing the upper respiratory tract and lungs. It is useful to swim on this day. The disease that began on this day in a woman is longer and more serious than in a man.

12th lunar day

Today the heart and thoracic spine are vulnerable. Pain in the heart is a sign of wrong behavior, some mistakes you make. Drink fresh juices (except apple juice), decoctions, give up rough food. It is good to use medicines as well as to use cosmetics. The day is suitable for anti-aging treatments.

13th lunar day

On the 13th lunar day, the skin and heart are vulnerable. Today it is impossible to operate on the abdominal organs. Stomach pain is a sign of mental and spiritual problems. If possible, go to the sauna or bath today. Eat as many healthy foods as possible. You can't go hungry today.

14th lunar day

On this day, the senses are vulnerable, especially the eyes. Do not overload your sight and smell (do not use perfume, do not go to cosmetic and manufactured goods stores, do not linger in smoky rooms). The stomach cannot be treated today. Do not eat bitter and sweet foods, drink less liquid. It is very useful to do physical work. This is a good day to cleanse the skin and intestines. A perfect day for fasting.

15th lunar day

On this lunar day, the pancreas is vulnerable (you can cleanse it, you cannot operate), the spleen, and the intestines. In no case should you allow blood loss. The day is not good for acupuncture. You should give up meat, cabbage, apples, garlic, give preference to hot spicy food, especially legumes and red berry juice. A good day for a diet, in any case, you can't overeat today.

16th lunar day

On the 16th lunar day, the spleen is subject to negative effects, exacerbations of blood diseases are possible. Operations are not recommended. Blood loss is dangerous. Give up meat, mushrooms, parsley, carrots. An illness that began on this day is a sign of a spiritual problem. Sex today takes a lot of energy from men.

17th lunar day

On the 17th lunar day, the kidneys, lower back, skin are vulnerable. Aggravation of old diseases is a sign of impure thoughts. Good day for fasting, hydrotherapy and other therapies. Give up alcohol and tobacco. Sleep less, eat less meat, more vegetables and more nuts. The nervous and endocrine systems, eyes are vulnerable. Operations, acupuncture are not recommended.

18th lunar day

On the 18th lunar day, the kidneys, lower back, and skin are vulnerable. Aggravation of old diseases is a sign of impure thoughts. Good day for fasting, hydrotherapy and other therapies. Give up alcohol and tobacco. Sleep less, eat less meat, more vegetables and more nuts. Today it is recommended to go on a diet, go to the bathhouse, cleanse the intestines.

19th lunar day

On the 19th lunar day, the appendix and intestines are vulnerable (it is impossible to heal and operate). Give up meat, bread and milk. A good day for bowel cleansing. Avoid insect bites. The illness that began on this day will pass easily.

20th lunar day

Today eyes, nervous system, stomach are vulnerable. Give up meat. Do not engage in psychic treatment.

21st lunar day

On the 21st lunar day, the liver is sensitive. Good day for blood cleansing. You should move as much as possible, be sure to visit the fresh air. The right time for harsh treatments, hardening. Avoid overeating, limit the use of heavy and fatty foods. Eat red berries, carrots, beets, pomegranates, juices and decoctions. It is necessary to immediately treat the disease that began on this day.

22nd lunar day

On this day, the lower part of the spine, the sacrum, is vulnerable. You can not limit yourself to food.

23rd lunar day

On the 23rd lunar day, the skin and female genitals are exposed to harmful effects. The day is contraindicated for operations. Today you can't eat a lot, you need to give up meat and fish food, giving preference to dairy. Sex today will definitely hurt your health.

24th lunar day

On this day, the liver, skin, rectum are vulnerable. Physical weakness is treated by rest and sleep. Sex is beneficial today, especially for men.

25th lunar day

On this day, the senses, head, ears are vulnerable (but you can pierce them). Rough food and large amounts of liquid should be avoided. On this day, you need to cleanse the body of toxins, therapeutic fasting is shown. Be sure to listen to your inner voice.

26th lunar day

On this lunar day, legs and hips are vulnerable (they should not be treated, you should not overextend). It is not recommended to visit the dentist, and teeth should not be extracted. Do not use water treatments. Today you cannot give yourself a lot of physical activity, as the body's energy resources are depleted. Good day for skin treatment, acupuncture, moxibustion. Smoke is very harmful. Fractures are dangerous. In food, give preference to fish, cranberries, herbal decoctions, do not eat meat and foods that are round.

27th lunar day

On the 27th lunar day, the legs are vulnerable, they cannot be treated. Today it is necessary to avoid blood loss, possibly exacerbation of blood diseases. On this day, water procedures are useful. It is necessary to give up alcohol.

28th lunar day

On this day, the eyes are sensitive. Do not look into bright light, work less at the computer, stop watching TV. Meat and grains should not be eaten today.

29th lunar day

On this day, the hips, rectum are vulnerable (you cannot treat, do enemas). Eat in moderation and skip meat for baked goods. Eating this day should be light. A cold foot bath is recommended in the evening. Effectively cleanse the body. Don't have sex.

30th lunar day

Today, the legs and feet are vulnerable, they cannot be treated, much less operated. Heart surgery is also contraindicated. On the 30th lunar day, do not overextend your sense of smell: an allergy to smell is likely. Eat small amounts of soups and cereals, do not give up rough food.

Lunar birthday health

Lunar birthday is one of the keys to your health. It is no secret that the lunar birthday in astrological practice is as important (if not more) than the solar one. Having learned your lunar birthday from the lunar calendar, you will receive additional information about which area of \u200b\u200bhealth needs your special care. Always remember that risks on lunar days are not a sentence, but a warning. Thus, your attention is directed to the area that may be most vulnerable.

1st lunar day

If you were born on the 1st lunar day, your brain, eyes, nose, and nervous system require your attention. It is dangerous for you to overwork, you should not be nervous: psychosomatic diseases (those that come from the nerves) may begin. It is better for you to prevent the disease, because you can heal the disease that has begun for a long time. You shouldn't take alcohol, you can't eat a lot of spicy food.

2nd lunar day

If you were born on the 2nd lunar day, your teeth, upper jaw, kidneys (stone formation), joints (salt deposits) and general physical tone will require your attention. You should not eat much or you will gain weight easily. But fitness will be very useful.

3rd lunar day

In those born on the 3rd lunar day, the ears, throat, and the back of the head are vulnerable, salts can be deposited in the joints, bones ache. You need to monitor the amount of food in order not to gain excess weight. Moderate (for health reasons) physical activity is useful.

4th lunar day

If you were born on the 4th lunar day, you need to watch your neck, collarbone, cervical spine, avoid nervous tension, overwork, stress, excessive physical exertion. Herbal mixtures and phytopreparations suit you, with their help prevention of diseases is effective, they provide significant support in treatment. If you get sick with something, start treatment right away and do not delay your visit to the doctor. Otherwise, illness can eat up a lot of your time.

5th lunar day

In those born on the 5th lunar day, the digestive tract is especially sensitive. Fermented milk food, cottage cheese are good for you. You should not eat a lot of meat and salty foods. You shouldn't starve either, it's not good for you.

6th lunar day

If you were born on this day, the shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi will require your attention. Exercises for breathing, walks in the fresh air, trips out of town are useful for you. Ventilate the room every day.

7th lunar day

Pay attention to your potential problem areas - throat, vocal cords, lungs, bronchi. Avoid walking with open legs and neck on cooler days. In winter, don't talk, smoke, or eat outside.

8th lunar day

Your vulnerable spots are the stomach, intestines, nervous system, kidneys, lower back, skin, nervous and endocrine systems, eyes. From time to time it is good for you to go on a diet, eat a little meat and a lot of vegetables, sleep less, do not smoke, do not drink. Water procedures work well for you, especially if the Moon (or the Sun) is in one of the water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer). You shouldn't drink alcohol or smoke. All harmful substances are deposited in your body.

9th lunar day

Your chest and stomach organs, as well as your skin and intestines, are especially vulnerable. Chronic diseases of these organs are possible. In order not to provoke exacerbations, you can not abuse alcohol, you should eat less meat, preferring plant foods. In general, you should not overeat, you should not forget about the need to cleanse the body, primarily the intestines. Water procedures are useful (especially if the Sun or Moon is in one of the water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Alcohol is absolutely forbidden, especially if your Moon is in Pisces.

10th lunar day

In those born on the 10th lunar day, elbow joints, chest bones, and thoracic vertebrae are vulnerable. In your diet, you need juices, herbal decoctions and infusions. If you are sick, then do not delay treatment so that complications do not arise. In addition, the brain, eyes, nose, and nervous system require your attention. You cannot overwork, otherwise psychosomatic illnesses are possible. You shouldn't drink alcohol, eat a lot of spicy food.

11th lunar day

Your spine and abdominal organs are most vulnerable. Physical and emotional stress is unacceptable for you. Vegetables and fruits are useful in food. Pay attention to your vision, the nervous system is also vulnerable, stress is dangerous, you should not worry and allow negative emotions - irritation, anger, anger. The teeth, upper jaw, kidneys, joints and general physical tone will require attention.

12th lunar day

In those born on this day, the heart and thoracic spine are vulnerable. Light food is fine for you, you should limit the use of hard-to-digest foods. The ears, throat, and the back of the head are also sensitive, salts can be deposited in the joints, and bones ache. You need to monitor the amount of food in order not to gain excess weight. Moderate (for health reasons) physical activity is useful.

13th lunar day

Those born on this lunar day require special attention to the skin, heart, abdominal organs. Water procedures and fresh food are useful for you, it is not recommended to starve. It is necessary to monitor the neck, collarbone, cervical spine, avoid nervous tension, overwork, stress, excessive physical exertion. Herbal mixtures and herbal remedies are suitable for you.

14th lunar day

Your stomach, hearing and vision will require your attention. Do not overload your eyes. Sweets are bad for you, and bitter foods have a bad effect. It is likely that if you drink a lot of fluids, you will experience swelling. Physical activity (for health reasons) will have a good effect on your body, it does not hurt to go on a diet from time to time. You should not eat a lot of meat and salty foods.

15th lunar day

In those born on this day, the pancreas, spleen, and intestines are primarily vulnerable. There may be problems with blood clotting. Shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi also require attention. Exercises for breathing, walks in the fresh air, trips out of town are useful for you. Do not eat dry foods, cold foods once again. You can't overeat either.

16th lunar day

In those born on this day, blood and spleen are subject to negative influences. Meat products are not right for you. Pay attention to the throat, vocal cords, lungs, bronchi. Avoid walking with open legs and neck on cooler days.

17th lunar day

In those born on this day, the kidneys, lower back, skin, nervous and endocrine systems, eyes are vulnerable. It is good for you to go on a diet from time to time, eat a little meat and a lot of vegetables, sleep less, do not smoke, do not drink. Water procedures work well for you, especially if the Moon (or the Sun) is in one of the water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer). If both the Moon and the Sun are in your water sign, be sure that with water you can cure most diseases, and prevent all possible diseases. Your vulnerable spots are your stomach, intestines, nervous system. You shouldn't eat a lot, you shouldn't drink alcohol, smoke. All harmful substances are deposited in your body.

18th lunar day

In those born on this day, the skin and intestines are vulnerable. Chronic diseases of these organs are possible. In order not to provoke exacerbations, you can not abuse alcohol, you should eat less meat, preferring plant foods. In general, you should not overeat, you should not forget about the need to cleanse, especially the intestines. Water procedures are useful (especially if the Sun or Moon is in one of the water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Alcohol is absolutely forbidden, especially if your Moon is in Pisces.

19th lunar day

Those born on this day may have appendicitis, bowel disease. In order not to provoke exacerbations of old diseases and the emergence of new ones, you cannot eat a lot of meat, fried, fatty and spicy foods. It is worth remembering about cleansing the intestines.

20th lunar day

One who was born on this lunar day should pay attention to his stomach and eyes. You also have a vulnerable nervous system. Stress is dangerous, you should not worry and allow negative emotions - irritation, anger, anger. If you turn to psychic methods of treatment, you will only harm yourself. Also your teeth, upper jaw, kidneys, joints and general physical tone will require your care.

21st lunar day

In those born on this day, the liver is especially vulnerable. You can not eat spicy, fried and fatty foods in large quantities. Alcohol and smoking are prohibited. Motor exercises, walks are very useful, from products - red and orange vegetables, berries and fruits. All diseases that begin should be treated immediately, otherwise complications are possible. The heart and thoracic spine, ears, throat, nape also require attention; salts can be deposited in the joints, bones ache.

22nd lunar day

In those born on this day, the lower part of the spine, sacral region, coccyx are very sensitive. It's not good for you to starve, although that doesn't mean you should eat a lot and indiscriminately. The skin, heart, and abdominal organs also require attention. Water treatments and fresh food are useful. You need to watch your neck, collarbone, cervical spine, avoid nervous tension, overwork, stress, excessive physical exertion.

23rd lunar day

Those born on this day should remember the need to maintain an even and harmonious state of mind. Otherwise, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly. It is necessary to monitor the skin, women - especially the genitals. The stomach, hearing and vision also require your attention. Do not overload your eyes. You shouldn't eat a lot of meat and pickles. Fermented milk products are useful.

24th lunar day

One who was born on this lunar day should pay special attention to the condition of the skin, liver and rectum. The pancreas, spleen, intestines, shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, bronchi are also vulnerable. Exercises for breathing, walks in the fresh air, trips out of town are useful for you. You cannot eat a lot of meat, as well as fried, sweet, fatty. It is necessary to limit the intake of rough food as much as possible, it is better to refuse it altogether. It is important to take vitamins A, E, C and foods rich in these vitamins. Sleep is good. You can not overexert yourself and deny yourself the rest.

25th lunar day

Those born on this day are especially sensitive in their eyes, nose, ears and in general the head. Do not drink a lot of water, otherwise swelling is possible. The blood and spleen are also vulnerable. Meat products are not good for you. Rough and indigestible food is harmful. We must not forget about cleansing the body. It is good to follow a diet from time to time. Also, pay attention to the throat, vocal cords, lungs, bronchi.

26th lunar day

For those who were born today, the problem areas are the legs and teeth; the kidneys, lower back, skin, nervous and endocrine systems, and eyes are also vulnerable. It is good for you to go on a diet, eat a little meat and a lot of vegetables, sleep less, do not smoke, do not drink. All harmful substances are deposited in your body. Do not overexert yourself. Physical activity should be moderate, otherwise you will deplete the body. Hydrotherapy is not the best option, it is preferable to use other methods, for example, sun and air baths, herbal medicine. You cannot smoke, it is very harmful to be in smoky rooms (especially if the Sun or Moon is in one of the air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Red berries, vegetables and fruits are healthy products.

27th lunar day

In those born on this day, blood and legs, especially the legs, are susceptible to negative effects. There may be problems with blood clotting. Water procedures are useful (especially if the Sun or Moon is in one of the water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio). Alcohol is absolutely forbidden, especially if your Moon is in Pisces. In this case, abuse of it can become fatal for you.

28th lunar day

In those born on this day, eyes are primarily vulnerable. You shouldn't overextend them, and if work involves eye strain, give them rest more often, but not in the form of reading or watching TV. The brain, nose, and nervous system also require your attention. You should not be nervous, take alcohol, eat a lot of spicy food. Juices, herbal decoctions and infusions are very useful for you in your diet. If you are sick, then do not delay treatment so that complications do not arise.

29th lunar day

Those who were born on this day have vulnerable legs, especially the hips, as well as the rectum. You should not eat a lot, as well as drink alcohol. Don't forget to cleanse your body.

30th lunar day

Those born on this day have sensitive legs, especially legs and feet, as well as the heart. Possible allergy to pollen and wool.

Health under the moon sign

Each zodiac sign corresponds to a certain part of the body. Based on this, ancient doctors discovered laws that we can successfully use for our own good. This is the same ancient wisdom that we so often dream of having at our disposal!

So, all procedures on the organ, which is controlled by the ruling sign (the moon passes through it), are more effective than on other days. The exception is surgical interventions, various operations that are not recommended for that part of the body that is controlled by the ruling sign.

Any procedures and interventions that harm the body, which is governed by the ruling sign, have a much greater negative impact than on other days.

Therefore, surgical operations on organs under the control of the ruling sign should be avoided. Of course, we are talking about those operations that you plan in advance. When it comes to urgent and urgent operations, then other laws come into force.

Moon in Aries

In Aries days, the head is especially vulnerable. Today operations on the head and face are contraindicated. If the indicated days fall on the new moon, and you are planning cosmetic or plastic surgery, in no case do not appoint it for this time. The appropriate time for such operations is March 21 - April 21, excluding the days when the Moon is in Aries. In the days of Aries, you should not overload your attention and overwork, give a big load to your eyes and ears, especially if the third or fourth phase is in progress. You need to read as little as possible, watch TV, listen to music, so as not to harm your eyesight and hearing.

With the Moon in Aries, the kidneys and bladder work especially well. You can carry out operations, various medical procedures on these organs. It is good today to cleanse the kidneys with natural medicines if you do not have an individual intolerance.

It is best to schedule a visit to the dentist for dental prosthetics during the waning moon, if possible - closer to the new moon. The wrong time for such a visit is the full moon, the waxing moon and the moon in Aries, regardless of the phase. The same applies to the treatment of dental caries and pulpitis. Extraction of a tooth and any operation in the oral cavity will be more successful if it is prescribed with a flawed Moon for a week before the new moon, except for the days of Aries. Complications are possible if such an operation is carried out with the growing moon in this sign, as well as three days before and on a full moon day.

If it is a warm time of the year, you are probably thinking about lying in the long-awaited rays of the sun. It is best to go to the beach when the moon is waning (except for the days of Leo, Cancer, Capricorn). This will give you a more lasting tan. You should not sunbathe, especially after the winter break, with the growing moon in Aries.

If you are looking to change your weight and are looking for a lunar-balanced diet, then there is good news for you. There are separate recommendations for adjusting nutrition in accordance with the lunar rhythm. So, you should eat in accordance with the location of the Moon in one sign or another - for example, mainly carbohydrates on the days of water signs, proteins - on days of fire, etc. In this case, the nutrition will be balanced, the food will be well absorbed, the fats will not be deposited in the body ...

An important rule of thumb for those looking to change their weight is as follows. With the growing moon, the body accumulates energy, consumes less of it. It is much easier to put on weight these days. On the contrary, with a waning moon, energy is spent more actively, calories are spent. Losing weight is much easier these days, sometimes just a few days is enough to lose an extra kilogram or two. With a waning moon, you can lose weight twice as effectively as with a growing moon, even if you follow the same diet.

On Aries days, the body needs an increased amount of protein. On days like these, proteins are most beneficial. It is good to include in the diet half animals, half vegetable proteins - lean meat, poultry, eggs, milk, beans, cereals.

Moon in Taurus

In the days of Taurus, you cannot carry out operations on the neck, throat, including external operations (cosmetic procedures on the neck, deep peels, removal of moles, papillomas, etc.). Now the load on the vocal cords, jaws, ears is increasing. During this period, you should speak as little as possible, you should not raise your voice, and also be in noisy places so as not to provoke diseases of these organs. Extraction of a tooth and any operation in the oral cavity will be more successful if it is prescribed with a flawed moon for a week before the new moon, except for Taurus days. Complications are possible if such an operation is carried out with the growing moon in this sign, as well as three days before and on a full moon day.

At the specified time, people become sensitive to food. You need to monitor the diet, especially the quality of the products. No fast foods, expired and spoiled products! With the Moon in Taurus, you can neither starve nor overeat, you must observe the measure in food. These days are contraindicated for the treatment of endocrine glands (but they are suitable for operations and procedures on the genitals). When the Moon passes through this sign, one should refrain from excessive consumption of sweets. You need to eat less root vegetables. Choleretic products, primarily lemon juice and olive oil, have a good effect on health - they can be used to cleanse the liver. Today food cooked on an open fire is very useful. Fruits, dried fruits, especially figs and dates, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage, mint, parsley, cloves, caraway seeds have a beneficial effect on health. Red foods and juices have a very good effect on health: they have a positive effect on the blood. With the Moon in Taurus, salty foods are useful, these days the best qualities of salt are manifested, which is favorable for blood nutrition.

On the days of Taurus, all kinds of rinsing and inhalations are most effective. If you frequently catch colds, take preventive measures to prevent colds. It is good to drink herbal infusions these days.

In the days of Taurus, the throat and endocrine system are vulnerable. Monitor the health of the endocrine glands. In this sense, the thyroid and thymus glands (thymus) are of great importance. The latter, without the good functioning of which the health of the immune system is inconceivable, is a storehouse of human vitality. Actually, there are several such repositories throughout the body, they differ in the direction, characteristics or qualitative features of the generated energy. The energy of the thymus gland is the energy of enterprise, enthusiasm. A healthy thymus gland develops in a person a constant desire to learn new things, to make discoveries, and at the same time gives the strength necessary in these processes.

Thyroid energy is the energy of initiative. A healthy thyroid gland develops in a person a constant desire to be a leader (in a team or in life). It also provides an opportunity for more effective expression of their thoughts, the use of talents and skills. When complete concentration is needed on a process of increased importance, the energy of the thyroid gland is able to include all human senses in the work and involve him in the process so much that he will literally become one with him. In such a state, the greatest discoveries of mankind are made, the necessary decisions come as dreams, and ingenious thoughts visit as revelations - suddenly, brightly and indisputably.

Moon in Gemini

On the days of Gemini, the lungs are especially vulnerable, therefore pulmonary and respiratory procedures and exercises, operations on the chest cavity are contraindicated. Moon in Gemini can cause shortness of breath, shortness of breath, exacerbation of lung diseases and special sensitivity to the purity (or impurity) of the air in people. Today you do not tolerate smoke, stuffiness. It is very good to go out of town or at least to ventilate the house more often. Smokers on this day should smoke as little or no smoke at all. Non-smokers should not be in "smoking" companies. Never dismiss your lungs, even if they usually don't bother you. This organ is associated with the skin, its function and condition. It determines the best aspirations of a person, his readiness to perform valuable (for himself and others) deeds. The lungs, being associated with the skin, which is considered a passage to them, are involved in tactile, physical sensations. The better the condition of the lungs, the easier it is for a person to perceive what is happening around him, the processes in which he participates, the discoveries that he makes, the ideas that he learns, and, of course, those people with whom he interacts.

In the days of Gemini, the arms and shoulders are very vulnerable. Probably aggravation of rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis. If you are doing manual labor, try to either give yourself a day off or get more rest during the working day to reduce the strain on your hands. Hand surgeries cannot be performed at this time. And also lift weights.

Today, the body accepts well the intake of drugs that accelerate blood and are indicated for the liver.

As for surgical interventions, no matter what kind of operation we are talking about, the main rule remains the same: it should be done during the waning moon, but not on the days of Gemini. If possible, you should abandon the operation on the growing moon, complications are not excluded on the days of Gemini, as well as three days before the full moon and on the full moon itself.

The massage will be most effective if carried out on the days of the waning moon. At this time, it will help relieve cramps and tension, rid the body of substances it does not need, and calm the nervous system. The stress that torments you will go away with a massage on Gemini days. When the massage is designed to strengthen the tone and invigorate the spirit, then the best time for it is the growing moon. And again, the best days are the days of Gemini: massage these days is most effective, it helps to cope even with chronic diseases and recover from exhausting stress.

In the days of Gemini, the body needs fat. You can eat meat, milk, cheese, but mostly it should be vegetable fats, which are found in sufficient quantities in nuts and vegetable oil.

Moon in Cancer

The active energy that is charged all days of Cancer has an effect on the chest, lungs, stomach, liver and gallbladder. On these days, the stomach is most vulnerable. It is forbidden to carry out operations on it, to allow therapeutic effects - even if you give preference to alternative medicine, extrasensory perception. A curious feature has been noticed: if you were born in the morning or in the afternoon, then the acidity of the gastric juice rises today, and if in the evening or at night it decreases. On this day, you should stop taking chemical medications. Alcohol is very harmful, even in small doses. In hot months, you should not sunbathe, especially after the winter break on Cancer days in any phase. With the Moon in Cancer, cleansing of the body, treatment of arthritis, operations on the legs, knees, tendons go well. On these days, it is recommended to treat and remove teeth, insert dentures. It is also good to work on metabolic diseases (gout). If you perform an operation with a growing moon in Cancer, complications may arise. Interventions in the oral cavity will work well if carried out with a defective moon, except in the days of Cancer.

A characteristic feature of these days is damp and cold weather. If someone suffers from rheumatism, then during this period he should not ventilate his bedding on the balcony, windowsill, street. Dampness will remain in the feather bed, blanket or pillow, and unpleasant sensations will bother a person all night. On the growing Moon in Cancer, it is good to make up for the lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids. It is best to tidy up the stomach and liver between summer and winter.

The time after midnight is most favorable for recovery processes in the liver and gallbladder. You can fill the bag with dried medicinal plants, dip it into hot water, squeeze it and apply it to the sore spot for 2 hours.

On the days of Cancer, preference should be given to mineral and purified water. It is recommended to give up heavy, spicy, fatty foods so as not to overload the stomach. These are the right days for removing toxins and toxins from the body.

During this period, carbohydrates are useful to the body. There are many of them in sweet and flour dishes - these days they are good if you do not have individual contraindications or you have excluded flour and sweet from your diet.

Moon in Leo

All days of the sign of Leo are filled with powerful, overflowing energy that affects the heart and blood circulation, as well as the back and diaphragm. During this period, it is extremely dangerous to overexert yourself. In the days of Leo, the heart is vulnerable, except for the days when the Sun is in one of the fire signs (that is, if according to the solar calendar we have the months of Aries, Leo, Taurus). On the lunar days of Leo, it is impossible to increase the load on the heart, this is fraught with complications up to heart failure, heart attack. The cause of many diseases of this organ is an uncomfortable sleeping place, sockets, electrical appliances (they must be unplugged from the outlet), mirrors in front of the bed, trash under it, and incorrect body position during sleep.

While the Moon is in Leo, the back is vulnerable. Do not overload it, do not carry heavy objects, postpone general cleaning, especially washing floors. Insomnia may appear on these days. The risk of exacerbation of radiculitis is greatly increased. In Leo's days, back and chest surgery is not recommended. At this time, one should not engage in excessive physical labor, as this will lead to fatigue and exhaustion. Energy is absorbed more today than on other days. And since after two or three days the Moon will pass into the sign of Virgo, your state of health may become completely lethargic.

Leo's days are a very favorable time for the treatment of vascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system. Well these days, the therapy of lower legs, diseases of the joints, and also the organs of vision is going on. Do not perform any operations during the waning Moon in Leo. Be careful with ultraviolet rays these days, whether you go to the beach or tanning beds.

In Leo's days, the body needs an increased amount of protein. Proteins are most beneficial at the times indicated. It is good to include in the diet half animals, half vegetable proteins - lean meat, poultry, eggs, milk, beans, cereals.

As for surgical interventions, the main rule remains unchanged: the operation should be done during the waning moon, but not on the days of Cancer, Gemini, Leo. If possible, you should abandon the operation on the growing moon. Complications are possible on the days of Cancer, Gemini, Leo, as well as three days before the full moon and on the full moon itself.

Moon in Virgo

During this period, the ground is cold, the risk of colds increases. In the days of Virgo, the gastrointestinal tract (with the exception of the rectum) is especially vulnerable. Therefore, operations on the abdominal cavity are prohibited: for example, an operation to remove the appendix often gives complications, the tissues grow together poorly. Note that the better the functioning of the large intestine, the better developed sense of smell and touch. A healthy large intestine develops an innovative streak in a person, contributes to the formation and development of such human qualities as openness, readiness to perceive new things, to future changes. In addition, without a healthy large intestine, the overall physical tone of a person is impossible. The special power of the days of Virgo becomes noticeable by the effect on the digestive organs. Sensitive people these days often have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, appendix. Sometimes the intestines are affected by the shifted thoracic vertebrae - the 6th and 21st, as well as the 1st lumbar vertebra. Anyone who suffers from constipation should do a simple exercise in the morning: before getting up, lying in bed, pull the right knee to the chest with both hands, hold for 1 minute and release. Then do the same with the left knee and finally with both knees together. Afterwards, drink one glass of lukewarm water before breakfast. These actions can eliminate the most severe constipation.

Moon in Virgo is a great time for diet, blood and liver purification, treatment of skin diseases, including cosmetic procedures and preparation for plastic surgery. Note that we are talking about preparation, the right time for operations is the Moon in Libra. In the days of Virgo, it is good to remove corns and warts.

During this period, salty foods are useful, since the best qualities of salt are manifested, which is beneficial for blood nutrition.

Moon in Libra

With the Moon in Libra, the bladder and kidneys are especially vulnerable. Today, they should not be overloaded, and one should not drink too much liquid. Operations on these organs are undesirable. If the timing of the surgery can be adjusted, avoid Libra days, especially during the period when the Sun is also in Libra. If you are prone to kidney disease, avoid eating a lot of tomatoes. The latter contribute to the formation of stones. After 19.00, you should not drink milk, as it overloads the kidneys.

The endocrine system is also vulnerable, primarily the pancreas. On the days of Libra, patients with pancreatitis and diabetes should be especially careful. Note that if the day before, on the day of the Virgin, you ate a heavy meal, then today the load on the pancreas increases.

Libra days are suitable for plastic and cosmetic surgeries, ear treatments, starting a diet and other weight loss procedures. If surgery is planned in the oral cavity, do not perform it with the growing moon in Libra.

During this period, the body needs fats. You can eat meat, milk, cheese, but mostly it should be vegetable fats, which are found in sufficient quantities in nuts and vegetable oil.

Moon in Scorpio

In the days of Scorpio, the genitals are most vulnerable. They cannot be operated on. It is also recommended to give up sex, especially if you have problems with the reproductive system. With the Moon in Scorpio, exacerbation of hemorrhoids and constipation are possible. Spicy food is contraindicated on these days. Now is the right time for the treatment of the endocrine system (except for the prostate gland), upper respiratory tract.

Favorable time for the treatment of adenoids, sinusitis, removal of tonsils. Well in the days of Scorpio, diseases such as sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis, teeth, diseases of the endocrine system are amenable to therapy.

With the Moon in the sign of Scorpio, especially if it's cool outside, you need to dress warmly. It is necessary to avoid sudden changes in temperature. It is contraindicated in the days of Scorpio to lie and sit a lot. Pregnant women on these days should not be allowed even light physical activity, this can be dangerous.

In the days of Scorpio, carbohydrates are good for the body. There are many of them in sweet and flour dishes - these days they are good if you do not have individual contraindications.

Moon in Sagittarius

In the days of Sagittarius, the liver is very sensitive. Surgical interventions on this organ cannot be performed. Lunar Sagittarius does not react well to spicy and fatty foods. Also, the day is not suitable for the treatment of blood and gallbladder, for blood transfusions: the circulatory system with the Moon in Sagittarius is very vulnerable. Long hikes, hiking, hiking are not recommended these days: pains in the hips and lower back may suddenly occur. On the days of Sagittarius, the lungs are treated safely, breathing exercises have a beneficial effect. During this period, the sciatic nerve, veins and hips often make themselves felt, since at this time the weather is unstable. Pains from the sacrum to the thighs are common.

During this time, various massages are very useful, which relax the overly tense muscles of the thighs. On the days of Sagittarius, operations on the liver, gallbladder, hip joints, donor procedures are prohibited.

With the Moon in Sagittarius, the body needs an increased amount of protein. On days like these, proteins are most beneficial. It is good to include in the diet half animals, half vegetable proteins - lean meat, poultry, eggs, milk, beans, cereals.

Moon in Capricorn

The days of Capricorn are bright and cool, the earth is cold, the danger of colds increases. Prohibited procedures related to the gallbladder, metabolism, skin. It is very dangerous on this day to turn to healers about the repositioning of bones and the treatment of the spine. Procedures involving the stomach and diaphragm are recommended. Shows operations on the stomach, treatment of gastritis, ulcers. Breathing practice will be effective.

In the days of Capricorn, bones are especially vulnerable. The risk of fractures increases. All operations on bones, spine, teeth are prohibited. With every movement, the knees are subjected to heavy stress, so athletes need to be especially careful.

In the summer, do not sunbathe with the growing moon in Capricorn. These days are good for any form of skin care. A favorable period for the care of nails on the hands and feet, as well as for removing body hair - with the waning moon from January to July; they will not grow for a long time.

On this day, you can pamper yourself with delicious food. With the Moon in Capricorn, salty foods are useful, these days the best qualities of salt are manifested, which is favorable for blood supply. Any nutrients from blue foods will be actively absorbed by the body and processed for its benefit. These include blueberries, blueberries, black currants, blackberries, prunes, eggplants, dark grapes, and raisins.

Moon in Aquarius

With the Moon in Aquarius, the eyes are especially vulnerable. In the days of Aquarius, joint surgery is contraindicated. It is not recommended to treat legs, nervous system, arthritis, ear and eye diseases at this time. Aerial procedures cannot be performed. A very good time for water treatment: in the days of Aquarius, water has a strong effect on the body. During this period, the load on the heart and the vascular system is not terrible, unless there are individual contraindications to this. A good time for physical education, fitness, aerobics. It is not recommended to carry out operations in the oral cavity with the growing moon in Libra.

In the days of Aquarius, the body needs fat. You can eat meat, milk, cheese, but mainly it should be vegetable fats, which are contained in the required amount in nuts and vegetable oil.

Moon in Pisces

In the days of Pisces, the skin is very vulnerable. It is necessary to give up plastic and cosmetic surgeries, deep peelings, new cosmetics tests. There is a high risk of allergies and irritations. Carrying out deep cleansing of the skin, it is important to avoid damage, microtrauma, itching, peeling. To avoid this, do peeling during the waning moon (except for the days of Pisces), refuse such procedures with the waxing moon in the same sign.

When the Moon is in Pisces, operations on the eyes, ears, legs, liver, and kidneys are contraindicated. It is also not recommended at this time to massage the feet, water procedures, taking medicinal (especially potent) drugs. Fish endow the body with high sensitivity, therefore, these days, if possible, you should not carry out any operations.

With the Moon in Pisces, you should not give a lot of stress to your legs. It is especially important today to wear light, soft and comfortable shoes. There is a very high risk of getting a fungal disease, so avoid walking barefoot, trying on shoes in stores. Calluses cannot be removed these days.

On the days of Pisces, it is categorically contraindicated to drink a lot. Alcohol, even in small doses, must be discarded. Otherwise, edema, poisoning are possible, the load on the kidneys increases. These days people get drunk especially quickly even from one glass, and it will be possible to bring themselves back to normal only in a day.

On these days, carbohydrates are useful to the body. There are many of them in sweet and flour dishes - these days they are good if you do not have individual contraindications or you do not go on a diet without flour and sweet.

The distant, cold and mysterious Moon is impartially watching us from above, it has nothing to do with our worries, fears and experiences. But the influence of this mysterious and changeable planet (or, rather, satellite) on the Earth and people, of course, is palpable. Each lunar day proceeds in a different way, and if, for example, on a full moon we feel inexplicable anxiety and even panic, then on the growing moon we are cheerful, optimistic and full of strength.

First you need to figure out - what is a Lunar Day? The answer is quite simple: a lunar day, or a lunar day, is the time that passes between moonrises.

Another question arises: why are there twenty-nine days in some lunar months, and thirty in some? There is also an explanation for this. A lunar day begins when the moon rises, and the number of hours in lunar days can be different. The beginning of the first lunar day is the moment of the new moon, and it ends with the rising of the moon. Therefore, the first lunar day can be quite short - only a few minutes. The thirtieth lunar day usually also passes quite quickly and does not happen in every month.

On average, the lunar month lasts 29, 53 days. However, there may be some inaccuracies in the calendars due to the complex movement of the moon in its orbit. We don't need to go into the jungle of calculating the length of lunar days and months, it is better to leave this to the guys who are seriously dealing with the topic.

There are many mysterious, incomprehensible and inexplicable things in the world. Our Earth is called the blue pearl of the Universe, and with what to compare the Moon? The moon can be called a white pearl, it has its own charm and beauty. The planet has been compared to both the mysterious opal and the mysterious alexandrite. As a chameleon changes color, so does the Moon - during the day it appears to us white, or even pink, at night we see it yellow, and in pictures from space it is completely gray.

People began to notice the influence of the moon since ancient times. There were a dime a dozen sorcerers and magicians in those days, but even impostors in caps decorated with planets and stars could reveal some patterns.

Each of the lunar days has its own mysticism, special and unique magic, which is why astrologers advise using the lunar calendar and protect yourself with talisman stones. The stones have amazing energy, but when choosing a talisman suitable for the day, one should take into account not only the lunar influence, but also your zodiac sign.

Lunar days have their own lucky and unlucky numbers, good and bad colors, useful and "harmful" directions and, of course, symbols. The symbolism of lunar days has come down to us since ancient times, this is a kind of characteristic of the day, expressed in a human-understandable image. Each lunar day has its own heavenly guardian angels, they protect us from trouble and help us cope with difficulties, suggest the right decisions and protect us from unnecessary risk. The lunar day has its own elements. These elements include Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire.

There are favorable and unfavorable lunar days, passive and active lunar days. For example, some days are unsuccessful for cutting and dyeing hair, but the business sphere will be full of successes and achievements, and vice versa.

It should be remembered that there are no bad lunar days. Yes, undoubtedly, there are heavy lunar days, they are even called satanic. But whoever is forewarned is, as they say, and armed - knowing what the lunar day is today, we can plan our actions and avoid harmful influence.

The "negative" moon helps us to understand our feelings, on such days we understand what exactly we are doing wrong and how to act in order not to make mistakes. On "bad" lunar days, we receive a lot of clues, and our mood and well-being will depend on how we perceive ourselves and this changing world. On "heavy" lunar days, it is undesirable to take active actions, it is useful to think, contemplate, observe and pay more attention to your inner world.

The "good" moon gives us strength for new achievements and gives us inspiration. On "positive" lunar days, creative people achieve great success - talented guys with the Moon seem to be on the same wavelength, and the ideas that appear on these lunar days are simply striking in their uniqueness and genius. On a favorable lunar day, an active position is welcome, but we ourselves will not be able to sit still - there is so much energy in people on such days that we want to move mountains and perform some kind of feat.

Women are most influenced by the Moon. Emotional and sensitive natures react to changes in the phases of the moon, and not always adequately. To avoid shocks, you need to turn to the lunar calendar and stellar advice in time for help. And be sure to include intuition - an inner voice will always come to an agreement with the Moon and help us draw the right conclusions. On some lunar days, flair can frighten even ourselves - at such moments it is important to be careful, because clairvoyance is given to people for a reason, and joking with such a gift is harmful and even dangerous.

Not only our mood depends on the lunar day - taking into account the phases of the moon, we can build relationships with people around us, conclude or terminate deals with business partners, plan a wedding and conception. The moon also affects our subconscious - the dreams that come to us on certain lunar days can be interpreted in any way. For example, a picture seen in a dream on the first lunar day may repeat itself on the tenth lunar day, but the meanings of these dreams will be completely different.

By the way, the human biological clock is much more in line with the rhythms of the moon than the sun. Perhaps this is why people tend to blame the Moon for their failures and thank her for her successes and achievements.

Many people believe that the Moon protects lovers. Venus, of course, comes first, but the influence of the Moon on our sensory and emotional sphere cannot be ruled out. It is no coincidence that dates are made under the Moon, couples wander along the moonlit path, and if love fails, we look at the night sky and complain to the Moon about our troubles and sorrows.

If we start living according to the lunar calendar, then there is no doubt that the problems will remain in the past, and our days will be filled with vivid meetings and beautiful experiences. Of course, there is no need to build every day clearly according to astrological advice and recommendations, because if we did not make mistakes, our existence would become boring and dull. But the Moon only helps us to understand our essence, and with its tips we can make life rich and fun, multifaceted and interesting.

the impact of the moon on the human psyche.

Cognitive abilities and mood, emotions and behavior of a person depend on his mental state, which, in turn, is determined by many factors. From the point of view of astrology, the human psyche is under the strong influence of the celestial bodies of the solar system, depends on their relative position and position in relation to the signs of the zodiac. The Moon has the most noticeable influence on the psyche, since its movement along the Zodiac is more rapid. The greater or lesser degree of influence of the Moon is predetermined by the nature of the zodiac sign under which it is at the moment. Of course, this is just a general background. Sensitivity and susceptibility to the influence of the Moon and other celestial bodies are individual for each person and depend both on the location of the planets at the time of his birth, and on his free will, thanks to which he can always consciously correct his own emotions and behavior.

MOON IN Aries makes people more active, tougher, faster. They become more aggressive than usual, get excited more easily, rely on luck. At this time, the desire to excel, to take the initiative into their own hands is more vividly manifested. Personal rather than public interests are at the forefront at this time. Thought is impulsive, the desire to impose one's own will on others often leads to fruitless arguments, tactlessness, and thoughtless actions. There is a growing desire to impose new contacts, visit previously unknown places, start a new business. Thought works actively, giving rise to many ideas, which, nevertheless, often turn out to be utopian, divorced from reality. This period of spontaneous activity, which is characterized by the desire to immediately implement all fresh ideas and designs. Moon in Aries adds courage and energy. During this period, it is useful to start new big things, but on the condition that they remain within the limits of reality, otherwise it is like banging your head against a wall. Cash transactions require careful calculations, and even better - consultation with a specialist. This is an auspicious period for jobs that require excellent mastery of the instrument. It is good to exercise, but caution and haste can increase the likelihood of injury. On the street, you should be more careful and attentive, especially for children, so it is better to remind them once again about caution.

MOON IN TAURUS enhances parental feelings. There is a growing interest in everything related to their own children. Children, on the contrary, are more obstinate, obey orders and prohibitions worse. These days, it is best to influence them with praise and affection. But matches and sharp objects are wiser to move away from them. Housewives should be careful with hot pots and pans. Moon in Taurus inclines thought to reality, makes a person more stubborn, more conservative and more careful. The fear of making the wrong decision forces you to carefully think through all the cases in advance. I would like to protect and strengthen what you have, and to properly adapt everything new to what you already have. In this position, the Moon sharpens the instinct for everything earthly, real. A favorable time for detailed negotiations, for the conclusion of contracts, large transactions for the sale and purchase, especially in the field of art, handicrafts, agriculture. The position of the moon favors monetary transactions, although pettiness is not excluded here. More obvious is the tendency to doubt too much the expediency of certain expenses. These doubts are especially noticeable among wealthy people. There is also a stubborn desire not to deviate from their own ideas, a tendency to evaluate everything from a material point of view. On the other hand, the Moon in Taurus gives rise to the desire to enjoy the comfort, tidy up the house, do flowers, work in the garden or in the field. I would like to draw, listen to music. It's a good time for friendly meetings. These days I especially want something tasty, I just want something sweet. People who are prone to overeating and being overweight should remember this. Children at this time are calmer and more assiduous, but also more stubborn, demanding more affection. Learning subjects are learned more slowly, but firmly.

MOON IN GEMINI makes people freer, more connected. Desire and need increase. There is a growing desire and need to receive and transmit information, to exchange ideas. I would like to know the news, to know what is happening around, what others are doing. This is the best time for contacts, announcements, advertisements, business phone calls, negotiations, sending business letters. As a rule, during this period, the volume of correspondence and the number of telephone calls increase, but errors in telephone connections also occur more often. Everything is conducive to literary pursuits. Mental activity is so active that it can lead to insomnia. Attention is scattered between many things at the same time, the desire to take on everything at once is clearer, there is a feeling that you are not doing anything. Delays to the appointed time become frequent, a tendency to evade duties is clearly visible. Frequent traffic accidents, misunderstandings in office work, primarily related to letters and documents. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness increase. Petty thefts are more common. The right time for smart entertainment. Children are restless and absent-minded, tend to be late. They need to be better monitored at this time. The same applies to beloved animals: at this time they need an eye and an eye, as they may well get lost.

MOON IN CANCER sharpens emotional feelings, enhances romantic mood. The tendency to dreaminess, sadness is clearly manifested, memories of the past excite. At the same time, I want to look through albums with old photographs, visit places where I spent my childhood, and meet my mother. People like it when they are treated like a mother, encouraged, pampered, they tend to believe promises and promises. Mood swings, whims occur, and causeless resentment is aggravated. Draws to wander in nature, especially on moonlit evenings. Relationships with the opposite sex are soulful and emotional. The Moon in Cancer favors contacts with women. This is a time of fruitful work, especially in poetry and painting. The sense of ownership is noticeably enhanced, there may be difficulties in money matters: you want to have almost everything for free. It is not recommended to lend money, as it may be difficult to return. You should be moderate in your promises. Favorable period for transactions related to food, for all kinds of cooking, buying utensils, kitchen equipment and the like. At this time, people are prone to excessive eating and drinking, which can lead to disruption of the digestive system. Somewhere on a subconscious level, invitations to food and drinks are pleasant, and the inviter evokes unconscious sympathy. At this time, schoolchildren have difficulties with the exact sciences. On the other hand, poetry evenings, literary and historical quizzes, organized at this time, promise to be successful.

MOON IN LION makes people active, hedonistic. I want holidays and entertainment. Feasts during this period are more fun and larger than at other times. People are more susceptible to promises and signs of attention, scatter compliments, tend to embellish reality, see everything in a rosy light. Everyone loves solemnity, even some pomp. The actors are admired. I would like to impress at least with catchy clothes - we all, to one degree or another, feel the need for recognition. Uncertainty disappears, people, on the one hand, are more objective in their judgments, but at the same time, this position of the Moon promotes the spread of gossip and rumors, gives rise to a desire to flirt, fall in love. The attitude towards money is easy, we waste it right and left, we spend on luxury goods and all sorts of little things. Cheerfulness increases. We feel better in motion than at rest. Things are going pretty well, as the Moon in Leo sharpens organizational skills. People easily assimilate new ideas, respond to suggestions to do or organize something. Relations with colleagues and superiors are good, everyone wants to please each other. The bosses do not refuse advice and assistance, both personally and in business, especially if you are respectful and kind to them. Good time for all kinds of shows and demonstrations. These days it is best to hold exhibitions, sales, auctions. Favorable time for classes in drama and pop circles. Children at school are proactive, but greedy for entertainment. Praise and encouragement will help stimulate the lesson. The influence of the Moon can sometimes be expressed in the desire to get married, to have a good rest.

MOON IN VIRGO makes people more nervous, critical, even absurd, the willingness to indulge in pleasures gives way to efficiency. Daydreaming is replaced by concentration, the desire to put things in order, put everything in its place, get new information and find a place for it. The slightest carelessness, inaccuracy irritates. Well, this should be used by doing work that requires attention, accuracy, composure: processing statistical materials, analyzing facts, editing texts, calculating, detailed elaboration of plans, insurance, and general cleaning of the house, apartments, blanks, purchases. During this time, more than usual trade deals are concluded, but they are full of reservations and conditions. The ability to generalize is weakened, there is a danger of getting confused in details. Objective facts are more striking. Auditors and controllers are more picky and pedantic. This is not the best time for a romantic relationship, since the mistakes of the partner are more striking, which means that mutual reproaches are more frequent. Under the influence of Virgo, the desire to intervene in other people's affairs from the best intentions grows, the desire to help another, but to ask if this help is needed is often forgotten. Moon in Virgo heightens interest in food, clothing, diet, hygiene. Everything should be fresh, clean, healthy. Due to nervousness, disturbances in the activity of the digestive organs can occur. All of the above is reflected in school life. The teacher is more demanding of the students' answers. Students, on the other hand, tend to question the correctness and accuracy of the teacher's data.

MOON IN LIBRA brings a good and joyful mood. People become more connected, they like entertainment and feasts. I would like to spend time in good company, meet friends, go to the theater, to an exhibition, and do creative work. People are hungry for power. I would like to hear only good and pleasant things. The sensitivity of beauty is sharper, it pleases. Interest in the opposite sex is stronger. The most harmonious relationships with family, loved ones, friends. The moon favors new contacts, but the connections established during this period are unreliable. Determination weakens, decisions made during this period are easily changed. People are prone to debate, but it never comes to rubbish. Libra promotes reconciliation and peacemaking. Favorable time for buying clothes, works of art, furniture and other furnishings, perfumes, cosmetics, gifts. There are successful deals related to clothing, jewelry, music, painting, drawing, design, dancing are successful. Friendly meetings, discussion evenings are a success. Flowers on the table, candles, soft music, light wine, sweets help to cheer up. Children are distracted and need calm guidance. The analysis and discussion of literary works are lively at the school. Artistic circles work well.

MOON IN SCORPIO puts the stamp of passion on everything that is planned and conceived. Detailed plans are useful for any business and activity, but for new beginnings this is not the best time. Will and determination are stronger than usual, which makes it easier to get out of crisis situations. With volitional manifestations, diseases are overcome faster. A favorable period for meeting with authoritative people and strengthening their own authority, but sharp straightforwardness can often lead to conflicts, especially with superiors. Sharp, sarcastic remarks up to insults are more often expressed. Scorpio adds bitterness up to, especially for women. Sexual attraction of the sexes is exacerbated, but the expediency of business contacts with the opposite sex is questionable. The moon in Scorpio generally increases doubts and distrust, especially towards strangers. In the family, unity is growing, the desire to defend the interests of relatives and friends. Behavior sets the tone for habit. A tendency towards moralizing is revealed, while one's own behavior is often not taken into account. Interest in everything mysterious and mystical increases. A favorable time for lecturers and speakers: they more easily capture the attention of the public, more convincingly state and substantiate their views and arguments. Unfavorable period for working with equipment, machinery, tools. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is not recommended to buy and put on new things for the first time. They get dirty faster, wear out, deteriorate, and jewelry breaks. Be careful with alcohol! Here diligence can lead to disastrous results. Children during this period are also prone to insolence and demonstrations of strength. Care must be taken not to annoy the younger and the weak. Sports can be held.

MOON IN SAGITTARIUS adds optimism, improves well-being, has a good effect on physical fitness. There is a need for movement, sports, physical work. Favorable time to participate in sports. Excessiveness should be avoided in everything, as optimism enhances the tendency to exaggerate one's capabilities and strengths. There is a desire for risk, a demonstration of one's own courage. The sense of justice is sharpened, it gives rise to a desire to stand up for friends, to protect them. You just need to not forget in the excitement of the struggle, in the name of which it is going. During this period, people are characterized by swiftness and thoughtlessness of actions and statements - they will do something on the fly, and only then they think. Nevertheless, all undertakings at this time are successful. Statements are sometimes too straightforward, but luck will not change in matters related to the court and the legal profession and with theological and publishing activities, higher education, travel and the establishment of external contacts. It is useful for children to be instructed and instructed so that they behave calmly on the street. The school can host sporting events.

MOON IN CAPRICORN creates a feeling of loneliness, lowers emotional tone. People tend to withdraw into themselves. In relationships, business, any activity, efficiency and brevity are in the foreground. Of all activities, we tend to choose the most difficult during this period. It seems to us that we must strictly follow the letter of the law, follow all the rules and regulations, we are afraid of everything new and unusual. The last word in this period remains with the conservative. Attention is focused on the material side of affairs, and yet this is a bad time for banking operations. The moon favors everyday affairs, household chores and chores that require perseverance, patience and concentration. The sense of reality is heightened, plans for the future are being built very correctly and reliably. In business, various obstacles and opposition are possible, primarily in the form of restrictive rules and regulations. It seems that we are beginning to appreciate the good things of the past. It's time to renew old acquaintances and contacts, conclude agreements and major transactions. Moon in Capricorn sharpens the sense of honor, duty, responsibility, self-discipline. More than usual, people tend to follow the authorities, looking for contacts with older people, more experienced. It's nice to help parents and relatives. Children are also more conscientious. They have a desire to be among adults, to listen to their conversations. This should not be prohibited: for them it is not a simple curiosity, but a subconscious need to replenish their own life experience. At school, there are no special problems with discipline. Learned things are fixed slowly but surely. Exact sciences and history are well absorbed.

MOON IN AQUARIUS makes a person more sensitive and nervous. You want freedom from all restrictions, there is a desire to be the master of your own time. Routine work is going badly, solutions to everyday problems are difficult, new, interesting, unusual attracts more. Good time for scientific work, inventions. Everything is open to new and original. New ideas bring tangible results. Favorable time for working with electrical circuits, electrical equipment and electronic equipment. During this period, it is useful to focus on the future. It is possible that there will be a desire to change the usual state of affairs. In this position, the Moon favors state affairs, contacts with members of the government. The moon in Aquarius promises surprises and surprises, meeting interesting people, old friends. Premonitions and foresight come true. Own actions, the behavior of other people can be very unexpected and unusual. New items are of interest, purchases are conditioned by the novelty of the product. I want to be among friends, talk about politics, welfare, transformations, problems of science, spend time in intellectual entertainment (chess, checkers, bridge). Children can surprise with unexpected tricks, they are more inquisitive than usual, they often turn to adults with questions.

MOON IN FISH increases, rather even sharpens sensitivity, sentimentality. The feeling of reality weakens, during this period it is better not to take on important matters. Time favors clarification of facts, the hidden becomes apparent. People are kind-hearted and caring towards each other. I would like to feel care of myself, to find sympathy, advice. The goal is most easily achieved with praise and flattery. Good time for charity work, creative work, advertising, art. Success has accompanied the operation of hospitals, courts, monasteries and other closed institutions. Social relations are developing well. The Moon in Pisces can give rise to self-pity in a person, the desire for solitude, you want to escape into the world of illusions, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages. At this time, one cannot turn to the predictors, as the prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Children are more sensitive than usual, tearful. It is difficult for them to concentrate on the lessons, they prefer to be in the clouds. It is useful to be in nature at this time, especially near water bodies - it increases the tone, adds mental strength.



The state of various organs and life support systems is closely related to the passage of the 12 signs of the Solar Zodiac by the Moon. Each sign of this zodiac is "responsible" for a specific part of the body. Accordingly, when the moon passes through different signs of the zodiac, the sensitivity of different organs and systems changes. You need to know this so as not to accidentally harm your body: after all, if you save it at the right time, (for example, teeth or throat, you can avoid many other problems - do not shake with fear before visiting a dentist, do not spend money on medicines, etc. .). Those organs that astrologically correlate with the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon is located at the moment of time you are interested in, must be helped. They should not be overextended or subject to planned surgical interventions.

When engaging in therapeutic or prophylactic procedures, choosing a day for an operation, one should be careful about the position of the transit moon, i.e. moving in a zodiac circle. The moon has a very great influence on a person, especially on women and children, as well as those who have a strong horoscope. Its action can be compared to a revision. Being in a certain sign, it kind of checks the performance of these organs and, if they function abnormally, they let know about their unreliability. Our intervention - whether surgery or procedures on an organ that the Moon is currently auditing - can give a negative result. Treatment of organs located in the opposite sign of the zodiacal circle will be more successful than usual.

The sun, like the moon, is two incredibly powerful luminaries that not only give us light and warmth. Apart from their standard functions, these celestial bodies are very powerful streams of energy that affect every person.

Yes, at first glance this is not noticeable, however, if you think about it, the connection becomes obvious. As a rule, in sunny weather, our mood is much better, working capacity

- higher and creativity brighter. In such weather, even the most difficult task seems easier than a trifle, and the world around is a wonderful fairy tale. At the same time, when clouds hang over the city, work immediately stops, and optimism turns into melancholy.

Unlike the sun, whose influence is felt by few, the effects of the phases of the moon are always visible to the naked eye. In total, there are 4 phases of the lunar cycle, each of which is characterized by its own, special significance in the behavior and mood of people.

How and what does the moon affect

First of all, changes are noticed in behavior: violent activity, cheerfulness and activity in a week are replaced by apathy, universal fatigue and complete immersion in oneself. Also, the phases of the cycle predetermine the outcome of any business, since they carry in themselves definitely charged information.

It was not for nothing that our ancestors, looking at the sky at night, determined what and when to do. After all, few people dared to take a serious step at the end of the lunar month - such a deal is doomed to failure, with its beginning it is worth postponing until a new growth. Likewise, all field work, as well as important matters, began in a growing phase, which stimulated a rich harvest and an excellent result of all undertakings.

The influence of each of the phases affects a variety of areas of life:

  • the young month brings with it the relief of diseases, an increase in vitality, a surge of strength. At this time, you need to plan and take the first steps in serious matters related to business, love, travel. Haircuts, manicures and a complete renewal of the body and at home will be successful, and the changes made during this period will bring happiness with them. The waxing moon often brings new ideas and financial flows;
  • the full moon is a powerful stimulant of feelings and emotions. At this time, intuition sharpens, insomnia, bouts of sleepwalking are often observed. Mental illnesses and deviations also manifest themselves as acutely as possible on the full moon. It is not for nothing that all the sabbaths described in the books take place precisely under the full moon, and mental anxiety and strange existential thoughts visit emotionally unbalanced people against the background of a perfectly round large celestial disk (remember at least the Master from Bulgakov's novel);
  • the waning moon is the most unfavorable period for health or life schedule, since everything done at these moments will not bring any result and may even turn into trouble.
  • the new moon is a transitional stage, which is a kind of calm and respite before a new cycle filled with ups and downs.

Dangerous waning moon and its negative impact

Astrologers and doctors have long found out that the waning moon, which brings devastation, is considered the most dangerous and unfavorable period of the lunar month. After a stable rise and bright splash, all the senses in the body are dulled. Scientists studying human energy indicate that at this time we are subject to the greatest influence from the outside, because

one's own level of vitality is at a very low level.

As for health, doctors insist that during this period it is necessary to be as careful as possible: most diseases or injuries received at this time are amenable to longer and more serious treatment. This week, the greatest number of nervous breakdowns occurs, a repeated wave of abated diseases is often observed, and the risk of injury increases. Pulling out teeth or performing operations (only if they are not urgent) is also highly discouraged, as this can lead to complications during the procedure or complicate the rehabilitation process. Most of all at this time people suffer from cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive patients and patients of the gastroenterology department;

If we talk about the financial sphere, then the decreasing crescent is fraught with only losses. Started business will progress very slowly, with a lot of snags and problems. Most likely, they will not bring any results. Financial operations should also be rescheduled, because the risk of significant losses and wasted spending literally increases significantly.

The waning month period is good for quiet self-recovery without significant intervention. At this time it is necessary to walk a lot, read calm books, listen to pleasant music, enjoy nature and touch the beauty.
Video about the influence of the moon on human health

With the increased gravity of the Moon and the Sun, the mass of a person becomes smaller, the liquid from the head area rushes down and is evenly distributed throughout the body, the activity of metabolic processes increases, and the number of mental disorders increases. During this period, it is good to cleanse the skin, as well as nourish it with microelements, and take warm baths. The fluid at this time is well absorbed through the skin and enters the body. Men react more strongly to the new moon. At this time, they are aggressive, nervous, and often get heart attacks. Women react more strongly to the full moon.

In the first phase of the moon the functions of the cerebral cortex and organs of the upper body are activated. It should be noted that it is in the first phase that it is recommended to begin any health cycle after the new moon, because due to the beginning of the energy of the lunar life cycle, a person harmonizes and strengthens his own body functions. If he wants to get rid of bad habits that undermine his health, then it is necessary to start getting rid of them in accordance with this period. As the moon phase grows, the temptation to return to the old way of life will also increase, but it is necessary to endure everything, break the old stereotype and consolidate the new, physiologically rebuild. It should be remembered that the strength of old habits and the nature of metabolic processes are valid only until the next new moon and in the new lunar cycle you will live in a new way.

Second phase characterized by a gradual increase in external gravity from the Moon and the Sun, the direction of movement of energy and fluid in the body from the inside out, an increase in body weight. This period is most favorable for cleansing the body, an easy waste of energy and is characterized by profuse bleeding. Slags, along with the flow of liquid, tend to outward themselves, especially during a visit to the steam room, so it is better to cleanse the colon, liver and kidneys at this time. In general, the 11-14th days of the lunar calendar are the most favorable for cleaning. Fasting on these days is easily tolerated, and the cleansing will be the same as when fasting for several days. For starvation to give the greatest effect, there is no better second phase of the moon for this purpose. After a week of fasting, you will be cleansed two to three times better than in any other phase. You should less overload yourself physically, do not carry out operations and postpone their implementation at the end of the third phase. In the second phase of the Moon, the gravitational and energy center of influence is located in the thoracic and epigastric region, the lungs, abdominal organs and the thoracic spine are activated. If there is a latent pathology in these parts of the body, it will worsen.

It is characterized by the maximum opposite effect of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's biosphere. At this time, significant stress occurs in the human body, when energy and fluid flows from the external expanded state of the body rush into the depths. A person gains strength, he wants to actively move, do a lot of physical activity. Energy fountains, a person is drawn to the opposite sex, the temptations are the greatest, the return of energy these days is colossal. Craving for the opposite sex is associated with the fact that the center of the Moon's gravitational energy affects the genital area, and orgasm at this time is the most voluptuous. At the full moon, the passage of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes and its entry into the uterus is accelerated, where full conception is best carried out during this period.

In the third phase of the moon there is an even greater compression of energy and fluid in the human body. These days, it is necessary to avoid heavy physical exertion, food errors, which are stressful factors for the body.

In the fourth phase of the moon the upper and lower parts of the body are affected. An excessive flow of energy and fluid tends to the head and soles of the feet, causing congestion and blood deficiency in them, leading to fainting and exacerbation of thrombophlebitis of the extremities. Body weight begins to decrease due to the outflow of fluid and toxins from the body, the menstrual cycle in women ends, passivity increases, all processes of the lunar cycle end. In this phase of the moon, it is also good to carry out cleansing procedures in the form of enemas and pair cleansing. A variety of local compresses will pull on all the dirt from the affected organs and tissues. Marital contacts in this phase are highly undesirable; moderation should be in everything.

This period has a wide field of activity for fans of fasting. Favorable for such an event are 23, 26 and 29 days of the lunar cycle with 24 and 48-hour fasting. If prolonged fasting is carried out, then it should be timed to the beginning of the lunar phases. Practice has shown that it is very difficult to start hunger in the first and third phases of the moon. During these lunar phases, when the body tends to shrink, and everything that enters the body tends to penetrate and accumulate there, it is more effective to use certain diets, herbal remedies, medicines, trace elements and vitamins. For the beginning of prolonged fasting, the beginning of the second and fourth phases of the moon is most suitable. At this time, the food connection is interrupted much easier and more painless, and the body is cleared more effectively. It must be remembered that the entrance to fasting and the exit from it on the days of "evil spirits" (or the so-called "satanic days") - 1, 4, 9, 11, 15, 19, 23, 26 and 29 of each month according to the lunar calendar contraindicated. Most of the troubles and complications happen to people on these days. The inability of the body to adapt to gravitational and energy flows leads to adverse consequences, exacerbation or emergence of acute and chronic diseases.

In the lunar month, there are also good days that bring people spiritual and physical cleansing, which increase the adaptive capabilities of a person, normalize the body's homeostasis, and lead to the restoration of health. With a 30-day lunar cycle, these are 6, 7, 16, 24 and 28 days.

All that exists on Earth and in Space has a dual nature. Our world is one and dual, it is harmonious. A person, fitting into the unified system of the Universe, must remember its eternal duality, where two powerful forces are constantly opposed - creation and destruction, day and night, energy - Yang and Yin, assimilation and dissimilation, life and death, health and illness, etc. etc. The essence of the dual world was brilliantly depicted by the Chinese in their monad, where they showed that each half exists in the Universe only thanks to the other, and they strive for unity. And in order to be healthy in the changing dual world for the worse, to maintain a full life, a person needs to exert a lot of effort and effort to revive again and again.

If you decide to start a new life, then it is better to do it after the new moon, and not on Monday, as is traditionally customary for us. Living in accordance with the lunar cycle allows you to maintain stable health, and by treating diseases taking into account the phases of the moon, you can get a more effective and faster recovery. This is the life guide that should be passed on with mother's milk. And he by us (Europeans) in the process of evolution is lost and forgotten.

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