How does the microwave affect health? How microwave radiation affects human health. Maternal instinct will not fail

Modern technologies make our life easier and more comfortable. Most people use microwaves. These devices will save you time and effort when preparing food. Before buying a microwave oven, many people think about whether these devices are safe for human health. After all, there are rumors that microwaves have a negative effect on the condition of the food that people eat. The harm of a microwave is not entirely proven. The opinions of scientists are divided.

Some research on the benefits of microwaves suggests that microwave ovens can significantly reduce gastrointestinal diseases. This is explained by the fact that people do not need to add oil when heating and cooking food.

Food that is cooked in the microwave is similar in terms of the cooking principle to that which is steamed. This method can be called safe for health.

Some experts believe that the microwave allows you to preserve the greatest amount of nutrients in food, which do not have time to break down in a short cooking time. Studies show that cooking on the stove leads to the loss of food more than 60% of the nutrients. But the use of microwaves for cooking preserves almost 75% of the nutrients.

Microwave harm:

  • Food that is cooked in the microwave is a danger to human life.
  • Microwaved food breaks down and undergoes irreversible changes.
  • Microwave food contains microwave energy that is absent in conventional food.

The microwave oven and its effect on the human body is controversial. WHO assures that radiation from a microwave does not harm humans, and therefore it is safe to heat food on it. However, it should be noted that the intense microwave flow affects the work of the implanted cardiac pacemakers. That is why people with pacemakers should avoid using microwaves and cell phones.

The harm of microwaves: myth or reality

Many people use microwave ovens, but at the same time they cannot decide on the answer to the question: "Do microwave ovens harm health?" The press is replete with articles that the influence of microwaves is so dangerous that it can lead to illness and even death. Readers may be intimidated by "molecular rot", "molecular rupture" and other scary terms. Some myths can be successfully debunked.

An insufficiently informed person can fall under the influence of myths, which all as one repeat about the undeniable dangers of microwaves and the inadmissibility of eating food, heated in a microwave.

Of course, you can cook in the microwave. Here, everyone must determine for himself which of the reasons to believe. Before making a purchase or getting rid of the microwave, you should familiarize yourself with how it works.

Microwave device:

  • The furnace housing contains a magnetron that emits electromagnetic waves at a specific frequency. The length is determined so that the microwave does not interfere with the operation of other appliances in the room.
  • Electromagnetic radiation is produced not only by the microwave, but by telephones, electric shavers, etc. But until now there is no reliable information that there are victims of him.
  • The walls of the device are well insulated in order not to let radiation out of it.

The conclusion may indicate that the device is quite safe for human use. But here it is worth clarifying one nuance - food should be cooked in a microwave, which has not expired. An old model microwave oven can be hazardous to human health. In the instructions for them, they usually wrote that it was not worth being at a distance of one and a half meters to her.

Scientific evidence of microwave harm

Many scientists look at the effect of the microwave in different ways. Some consider it safe to prepare food and consume it internally, while others argue that food reheated in it poses an increased danger. Evidence is important here, otherwise you can get confused in opinions.

The whole truth about the dangers of a microwave can be expressed after the device of a microwave oven has been thoroughly studied.

The appliance is used to heat, defrost or cook food by means of microwaves. The waves set the molecules in motion, which heat the food up. It has been scientifically proven that radiation does not penetrate food more than three centimeters.

Scientists' research on the dangers of microwaves:

  • Microwave exposure leads to the breakdown of food.
  • During heating, carcinogens appear in food, which are dangerous to human health.
  • Food changes in composition, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The growth of cancer cells begins to progress if you constantly eat food cooked in the microwave.
  • Food cooked in the microwave has a negative effect on the digestive system, which leads to its decomposition.

In old Soviet studies, it is written that it is extremely dangerous to be near the device. Microwaved food negatively affects the body's lymphatic system, which leads to serious pathologies. However, modern scientists believe that it is safe to use a microwave today, since modern devices are reliably protected and will not release radiation outside.

Rules of use: is the microwave harmful?

Modern scientists debunk myths about the dangers of a microwave. It has been proven that food heated in the microwave does not lose its beneficial properties, but preserves them. For the safe operation of the microwave, it is important to follow the instructions for its use, to know how many years it is safe to use the microwave.

An interesting fact is that carcinogens do not appear in products if they are heated in the microwave. But how dangerous they are in food heated in oil is another question.

By heating food in the microwave, you can be sure that various E. coli and other microorganisms will die, as rapid heating kills them. The microwave oven also cannot break down molecules. And it is possible to stay close to modern devices, since the fraction of radiation is very small.

Rules for using the device:

  • The microwave must be installed correctly.
  • Do not obstruct the ventilation of the device.
  • It is not necessary to open the device during operation.
  • Do not use the microwave oven with damaged glass.

You need to reheat a small amount of food at a time. Do not heat food in metal dishes. The doctors' comments on the microwave are mixed. But many argue that the food cooked in it is healthy, as it almost does not lose its qualities.

How microwaves affect humans

Research has shown that microwaves change the texture of foods. In people who consumed such foods, there was a change in blood composition, an increase in cholesterol and a decrease in hemoglobin. When determining the harmfulness of a microwave, only real facts based on scientific evidence should be taken into account.

A microwave is dangerous because, under the influence of waves, the body stops absorbing elements useful for it.

In the present, numerous studies are being carried out on the effect of electromagnetic waves on human health, but the results so far do not indicate direct harm. It has been proven that many vitamins are retained in foods when heated. When purchasing a microwave, it is important to know its pros and cons, why you cannot open it during operation, etc.


  • When using the microwave oven, move to a safe distance.
  • Use only modern models from well-known and reliable manufacturers.

Modern analogues of microwaves are safe for human health. Even if the microwave is used every day, it does not pose a potential hazard. It's over, you need to use the microwave correctly. And which microwave ovens to choose depends on the individual requirements of the consumer.

What is the harm of a microwave (video)

The thermo pot is very convenient to use, it saves time and effort when preparing various dishes. In one of the episodes of the program, Elena Malysheva spoke about the dangers of the microwave. But whether it is harmful or not, it has not yet been possible to answer unequivocally. Therefore, before buying, it is important to study the opinion of experts and decide which one is more convincing.

Many homes and apartments have microwave ovens, the users of which are unaware of the potential dangers of these easy-to-use appliances. At the same time, the media periodically considers the question of whether the microwave is harmful to human health? Additionally, the results of studies are given, during which specialists check whether microwave radiation is safe? Often they disagree: some talk about its negative impact, while others note that cooking in the microwave is even useful.

For example, the benefits of food cooked in these ovens are associated with the preservation of more vitamins. The results of one study prove that up to 70% of ascorbic acid is destroyed in vegetables during cooking, and no more than 15% is destroyed by electromagnetic radiation.

Controversial Scientists' Opinions

Scientists from the United States note that using a microwave is even beneficial. Thanks to these devices, stomach cancers have been reduced in the states as people use less oil when cooking. In their opinion, food cooked in a microwave oven is similar to steamed food. The device almost does not destroy vitamins with minerals, since the cooking time is much shorter.

Other experts from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed the information that microwave cooking retains more nutrients in the composition of foods. Researchers from Spain do not agree with this, who claim that broccoli cooked in the oven has lost up to 98% of its nutrients. They explained this by the fact that water molecules are damaged under the influence of microwave waves, and food turns from useful to dangerous.

Manufacturers of kitchen appliances claim that talk about the dangers of microwaves does not have scientific evidence. Only facts sometimes say the opposite, if you delve into the details. For example, on the net you can find an experiment conducted by one schoolgirl. The girl warmed up water in the microwave and watered the indoor flower every day, which died a week later. True or fictional is difficult to say, since there is no scientific evidence.

Recently, the WHO published information that the microwave oven works by radiation that does not harm either person or food. At the same time, they made a reservation that the waves can be dangerous for people with heart stimulants, but they are not even recommended to use mobile phones.

Thus, it is impossible to make an unambiguous verdict, and scientists continue to work on studying the effects of microwave waves on people and food. Also try to follow the instructions and remember a few recommendations that we will give at the end of the material. For the sake of completeness, consider the main factors due to which people talk about the harm of microwaves.

Microwave technology

There is such a scientific term as torsion field. It is on the basis of the torsion component of the radiation that Russian, French and other European doctors agree that due to the operation of microwave ovens, people may experience unpleasant symptoms:

  • headache;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

Theoretically, this is possible, but modern devices have reliable protective screens that trap radiation harmful to the human body.

Are high microwave oven temperatures harmful?

Microwaves emit high-temperature frequencies, the impact of which on a person adversely affects the internal organs without vessels. For example, when the body heats up, the blood lowers the temperature, carrying heat throughout the body. There are no vessels in some internal organs, and heating can negatively affect them, disrupting their functioning. For example, under the influence of high-temperature frequencies, the lenses of the eyes are damaged, and the process is irreversible. As mentioned, microwave ovens have protection that delays radiation, so do not be afraid of such negative consequences.

Impact of waves on food

You have probably heard about the effects of microwave ovens on food, and we will now tell you whether this is a myth or reality. It actually changes at the molecular level when exposed to microwaves. Atoms lose or acquire electrons, starting to ionize and leading to a change in the structural composition of the products. Let's look at examples of specific food that is cooked in the microwave:

  • if you defrost or cook meat in the microwave, some carcinogens are formed in it;
  • milk with cereals also get carcinogens;
  • defrosting fruits or vegetables in a microwave oven supplies them with galactosides and glucosides;
  • defrosting greens leads to the decomposition of nitrilosides and glucosides;
  • if you heat milk in the microwave, it converts amino acids into isomers (they harm the digestive system).

We figured out the food from the microwave, but is it harmful to heat the water? Of course, it also falls under a certain influence, but it does not have an unequivocal harm on the human body.

What is the danger of a microwave oven and products cooked in it for humans?

The benefits and harms of a microwave oven largely depend on the frequency of cooking and eating food prepared in this device. More importantly, how often you stand in front of a working machine. Some scientists believe that the stove is initially safe for health, and people only discover negative effects many years after its regular use. These statements have no real scientific evidence, so it is impossible to say unequivocally whether this is true or fiction.

At the same time, there are the results of a large-scale study conducted several years ago. It confirms that a change has occurred in the blood of people who constantly eat fruits and vegetables from the microwave: the composition of the blood has changed slightly. This largely concerns the hemoglobin content, which has decreased. In addition, microwaves tend to increase cholesterol levels, so it is best to avoid using the oven too often.

Regularly cooking and reheating food in the oven, including for children, can lead to gastrointestinal upset. Doctors do not even exclude gastritis and ulcers, explaining the situation by a change in the molecular structure of products. In their opinion, it is harmful even to melt cheese in the microwave, defrost fish or meat, and reheat pasta. There is no scientific evidence for these arguments, so if you are used to it, continue using the oven, but do not overuse it.

How to check if the microwave is safe?

Modern microwave ovens, according to manufacturers, are completely safe, and in them you can cook and heat any food and drinks. We will give some simple ways to check the harm of a microwave oven on people standing next to you. In general, the devices have a certain protection that absorbs electromagnetic waves, and you can verify this as follows:

  • Turn on the oven in the dark by placing a fluorescent light bulb next to it. If it blinks or starts to glow, the device emits significant radiation to the outside. The harm from the microwave is obvious and it needs to be replaced urgently!
  • Check if the cabinet, door or handle of the appliance is hot. If they are noticeably warm after cooking, this is a bad sign.
  • Unplug the oven and put your mobile phone inside. Try to call him - if you succeed, the equipment is equipped with reliable protection. If the phone rings, the oven releases hazardous waves during operation.
  • Try boiling a cup of water in the microwave. If the water does not boil for several minutes, the rays from it go out, having a harmful effect on the people in the room.

How to avoid harm from the microwave?

We found out whether it is harmful to heat or cook food for adults and children in microwave ovens, but how to minimize their negative impact? You do not have to give up using the device to which you are already accustomed, but you just need to remember a few elementary rules.

Do not stand in front of a working microwave oven and do not put your hand on the door while waiting for the end of heating or cooking. Of course, the protection should not release waves outside, but in any case, the further you are from the device, the safer.

Do not open the oven door while it is running and do not turn it on without closing it. Most modern models have special protection that does not allow you to do this, but older devices do not provide this. Do not place the device near the place where you are constantly (having lunch, preparing food). It is best to place the device in the far corner of the kitchen. Also, stay away from a running oven if you have a pacemaker in your body.

Try not to cook food in the microwave, but use it to reheat food. In general, these devices were originally created specifically for heating and defrosting food, and not for preparing ready-made meals.

So can you use a microwave?

We've found that you get some benefits when using a microwave oven, but it can also be harmful. Scientific research is being conducted to debunk myths about the negative effects of user-friendly devices. Undoubtedly, the device has design flaws, but with its measured use 1-2 times a day to heat food from the refrigerator, you will not harm yourself or your children. At the same time, you will greatly simplify your life, since the microwave oven is very convenient to use.

Video about the benefits and dangers of microwaves for humans

Before buying a microwave oven, few people think about how dangerous the use of the device can be to health. Comfort and the ability to spend as little time as possible preparing food is much more important. Nevertheless, there is a certain category of people who put the principles of healthy eating in the first place. This is where doubts begin. Is microwave food harmful?

It is rather difficult to answer this question unequivocally. Expert opinions vary widely. Let's see: the harm of microwaves - myth or reality? How does a microwave oven work? How much harm can she bring and is it worth letting this "helper" into your kitchen?

Harm or benefit?

A microwave oven in a modern kitchen is an ordinary thing, necessary and very convenient. It will be difficult to find a hostess who thinks differently. Thanks to this device, you can warm up your lunch in a matter of minutes or prepare delicious and “quick” hot sandwiches for breakfast. But is such food harmful to health?

If we consider the issue from the point of view of the "correctness" of nutrition, then the point here is not at all in the harmful effects of ultrashort waves, but the problem is in the products. Hot dogs, hamburgers, convenience foods from the nearest store, popcorn and other "snacks" themselves are difficult to classify as healthy food. And the microwave has nothing to do with it. Regular use of such dishes leads to disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive problems, obesity and other troubles.

Let's look at the situation from a different point of view. You can cook in the microwave without using oil. This will cook the food evenly, and if the settings are set correctly, nothing will burn. In this case, the microwave, on the contrary, helps to reduce the calorie content of dishes and significantly reduce the amount of fat in the diet.

So what does the microwave bring us? Harm or benefit? Which arguments outweigh? Let's figure it out.

Common myths

Almost every person, when they say "wave radiation", imagines radiation, radiation, Chernobyl and cancerous tumors. On this score, there are many different "horror stories". But are they so real or is this myth?

All microwaves are radioactive ... In fact, this is a rather strong delusion. Microwave units generate non-ionizing waves. They do not affect either people or the food itself.

Microwaves change cellular structure and food becomes carcinogenic ... There is also no scientific confirmation of this statement. Such changes can only occur as a result of exposure to radioactive waves. In addition, heating in a microwave is much faster than on a conventional stove, and it takes less time to cook. And carcinogens can be obtained simply as a result of frying the product in a regular pan with oil.

Microwave radiation damages the human body ... Even if this is true, humanity should immediately give up TV, mobile phone or Wi-Fi. Microwaves are also present there. Moreover, these devices are much more dangerous, because the radiation goes out. In the case of a microwave oven, all waves remain inside the unit. So if the case is intact and the glass on the door is not damaged, you risk much less. It has been proven that microwaves do not accumulate in objects, they disappear immediately after the device is turned off.

The microwave destroys vitamins ... Another controversial statement. Vitamins and other nutrients are destroyed by exposure to high temperatures. It doesn't matter if you cook in the microwave or cook the dish on a regular stove. It will be possible to preserve vitamins only if you start to eat foods raw.

Under the influence of microwaves, the molecular structure of the products disintegrates ... This theory also has not found scientific confirmation. Until now, scientists have not been able to prove this fact.

Regular use of the device leads to a variety of diseases ... To date, there is not a single doctor's opinion indicating that a person died as a result of eating food cooked in a microwave oven.

Microwave device

Let's take a look at the design of microwave ovens to get to the bottom of the truth and minimize controversy about their beneficial and harmful properties.

The main structural element in this device is a magnetron. It is this node that generates microwaves, under the influence of which the water molecules contained in food begin to vibrate strongly. As a result, the food heats up. That is why wet food heats up more and faster than dry food. They just contain more water.

Interesting fact! Microwave radiation penetrates the food to a depth of about 2–3 mm. Further, a chain reaction occurs and the heating process gradually goes inward.

In order for the heating of the products to occur evenly in the lower part of the oven, there is a support disc made of heat-resistant glass. It slowly rotates with the dish, exposing all sides of the product to the radiation of the magnetron. The furnace body "dampens" the residual waves, and they do not go beyond its limits. Therefore, studies have shown that it is quite safe to be near a working microwave.


So is the microwave good or bad for human health? What do scientists say about this?

Everyone knows that most of the nutrients in food are lost during heat treatment. This process is significantly influenced by:

  • the temperature at which food is cooked;
  • the time it takes to cook or fry a product.

Based on this, it can be argued that food cooked in the microwave contains more nutrients than the one that is cooked in the usual way. First, the time of heat exposure in this case is significantly reduced. Secondly, the temperature in the microwave does not exceed one hundred degrees, which is much lower than when using a conventional stove.

There is, however, another opinion. Many scientists do not get tired of repeating that the constant use of food cooked in a microwave oven can cause irreparable harm to health. For example, people with a pacemaker are not advised to use microwave ovens. Doctors recommend such people to give up not only microwaves, but even mobile phones and any other devices that emit any waves.

According to scientists, constant exposure to microwaves can lead to disappointing consequences even in the case when a person is healthy and does not need to use a pacemaker.

What are the consequences?

Long-term and regular exposure to waves on the human body leads to the following consequences:

  • sleep disturbances;
  • often and for no apparent reason dizzy;
  • increased sweating;
  • memory is impaired, the ability to learn decreases;
  • decreased appetite, nausea is observed;
  • worsening vision problems;
  • the lymphatic system suffers, the lymph nodes increase in volume;
  • immunity decreases, the general condition of the body worsens;
  • there is thirst, frequent headaches.

All these symptoms are typical for people who are constantly exposed to waves. This happens when a cell tower or other powerful generator is located in the immediate vicinity of your home or place of work.

In the case of a microwave oven, the radiation will be intermittent and short-lived, so most likely, a person will simply not notice a clear deterioration in health. What else can microwave ovens be dangerous for? According to many experts, in people who are under the influence of such rays for a long time, the composition of the blood changes, and disturbances in the nervous system and cerebral cortex are possible. It is believed that people who eat foods cooked in the microwave are more at risk of developing cancerous tumors. There are a number of studies that tell us about these disorders:

  1. Digestive system... Food processed by microwaves is not perceived by our bodies as food. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract tries to quickly remove the "foreign object", completely not assimilating useful substances.
  2. The hormonal system. It is believed that frequent consumption of food from the microwave leads to the fact that the body "gets lost" and begins to incorrectly produce the necessary number of male and female hormones, which in turn entails many problems.
  3. Immunity... Microwave waves affect the functioning of the lymphatic system. The oppression of the lymph nodes leads to a slowdown in lymph flow and to a general acceleration of processes in the body, which means aging.
  4. Circulatory system... It is believed that as a result of the constant consumption of food processed by microwaves, there is a decrease in blood clotting. This entails slow wound healing and a lot of blood loss in accidents. The risk of blood cancer is also significantly increased.
  5. Concentration and attention... According to Swiss scientists, regular consumption of food processed with microwaves leads to impairment of memory and learning ability, decreased attention and the ability to concentrate on the desired object for a long time, and a decrease in cognitive activity.
  6. Difficulty assimilating minerals and vitamins... We have already talked about the fact that during heat treatment useful substances are destroyed. However, some scientists argue that under the influence of microwaves, minerals and vitamins are not easily destroyed, but they are modified. Moreover, "altered" substances entering the human body are not only not absorbed, but also not removed from it properly. They accumulate in the human body, gradually creating problems in the joints and blood vessels.
  7. Irreversibility... Due to the fact that medicine has not yet developed a mechanism to deal with the above problems, all negative properties only accumulate in the body and over time do not disappear anywhere, but only worsen.

There is still no definite answer to the question of whether food cooked in a microwave oven is harmful. This theory has both opponents and defenders. Both of them make quite weighty arguments. To use this device or not, everyone can decide for himself. And we just offer a number of tips to minimize possible negative consequences:

  • install the oven strictly in a horizontal position;
  • make sure that the device is positioned so that all ventilation openings in it are free;
  • do not use metal utensils;
  • do not turn on the device "empty", without food;
  • do not place objects inside, the heating of which can provoke an explosion;
  • try to heat at least 200 grams of product at a time;
  • do not use faulty devices;
  • make sure that the body and door of the microwave oven are not damaged, even small cracks;
  • do not turn on the device with the door open;
  • try to follow the instructions for use of the device exactly.

Fatal case in medicine

In medical practice, there is even such a case when the patient's blood was exposed to microwave radiation (she was given a transfusion), which the hapless nurse warmed up not in a special apparatus, but in a microwave oven. After such an attack, the transfused blood deteriorated and killed the entire microflora of the patient's body, which was fatal. This is understandable, because the radiation acted directly on the blood, and only food is heated in home microwave ovens. In this case, the benefits would be invaluable if medical workers knew everything about the microwave oven and their effect on the environment.


Now there are many different opinions on this issue, the amount of false and true information about the effect of microwaves on living things is growing every day. This convinces some fans of quick cooking to switch completely to using only one MKV-stove, and some - on the contrary, to get rid of it forever. The point in this question has not yet been put.

For greater safety, it's best to keep microwaves at a minimum in your life. If you have the opportunity to use other cooking appliances, do so often.

Not a single good deed goes unpunished, including cooking in a microwave oven.

A common "horror story" - the microwave irradiates a person with harmful rays and "poisons" food. Is this really so, EG.RU investigates together with experts.

Rays of good and evil

During the operation of the stove, the experts of the Roskontrol testing laboratory recommend staying at a distance of one and a half meters from it. And remember that wi-fi, which we use during the day much more often than a microwave, "transmits" as many electromagnetic rays as a microwave. Therefore, the router should not be installed in the bedroom or nursery.

And you don't have to stand close to the microwave for eight hours straight. Only in this case can a person have health problems. Read the instructions and be guided by logic, not superstition.

Almost everything is useful that climbed into the microwave

Another opinion is that the molecular structure of foods changes in the microwave - they become carcinogenic. In the 90s, Swiss scientists from the University of Lausanne, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Institute of Biochemistry, after a series of studies, stated that food cooked in microwaves changes its composition, and its use can lead to negative changes in the blood, in particular, an increase in the number of lymphocytes and change the composition cholesterol, increasing the amount of "bad".

There are a number of scientific studies showing that carcinogens can be produced when certain foods are cooked in the microwave. However, opponents of microwaves often forget that in a frying pan it is much faster and easier to overcook any dish in oil, turning it into "poison". Supporters of this culinary device, which greatly facilitated the life of busy people, stress that in a microwave oven, on the contrary, it is possible to cook without oil and quickly, practically without subjecting food to prolonged heat treatment. And without water, in which some of the nutrients are dissolved.

It is scientifically proven that food cooked in the microwave loses much less nutrients than when cooked on the stove. For example, the researchers cooked cabbage, carrots and spinach in the microwave, double boiler and pressure cooker. As a result, the vegetables from the pressure cooker lost more dietary fiber, which is good for the intestines, than those that were cooked in the microwave and steamed.

However, not all foods are microwave-safe. In just one minute, the beneficial substances contained in garlic are destroyed in it, since in the oven they "disappear" only after 45 minutes. Even in the microwave oven, almost 100% of the antioxidants found in broccoli are destroyed. It is better to boil it on the stove.

According to a biochemist at the University of Colorado, Dr. Lity Lee, children should not heat milk in the microwave either - the structure of amino acids changes in milk formulas, and substances that provide its immuno-strengthening properties are destroyed in breast milk. However, the scientific world does not have serious and long-term scientific research that unequivocally confirms or refutes this. But there is another danger for children, which is definitely not in doubt: due to uneven heating, containers with infant formula and food can be cold to the touch, and their contents can be scalding.

By the way, according to one version, the microwave was invented by the Nazis when they were looking for an opportunity to reduce the time for cooking during military operations. According to another, in 1946, an American inventor Percy Spencer patented the world's first microwave oven weighing 300 kg. He proved the thermal effect of a magnetron (a device that generates microwaves) on food.

Don't blame the stove

In the early 2000s, nutritionists became seriously concerned about the obesity epidemic. Among the factors that provoked it, the widespread use of microwave ovens also appeared. Scientists have started talking about the fact that changes in the molecular composition of food can negatively affect metabolism.

However, recent studies have cast doubt on the fact that microwaves are the root of all evil. As practice shows, very often, due to time savings, they heat up semi-finished products, fast food and other high-calorie foods, which by themselves, with their frequent use, lead to the appearance of extra pounds. In addition, as noted by Russian scientists, microwave ovens have been used for several decades in the food industry for various culinary operations (drying, sterilization, pasteurization, etc.), therefore, even those who fundamentally do not use microwave ovens are not insured against "molecularly altered" food. at home.

Home on skeet

Another danger is the dishes in which a person reheats food. Glass, ceramic, silicone dishes are suitable for a microwave oven, but first you need to familiarize yourself with the special marking and make sure that it is suitable for use in a microwave oven. Many do not pay attention to special icons and heat food in the first plastic dish that comes to hand. And it often contains harmful components (bisphenol-A, benzene, dioxins, toluene, xylene, etc.), which, when heated, can enter food. In this case, the food being cooked can instantly become hazardous to health.

Therefore, pay attention to the special symbols that will tell you what the dishes are intended for. For example, today they make heat-resistant plastic containers in which you can cook food in a microwave oven without consequences. It is better to throw away cracked, heavily scratched containers: they have a broken protective layer, which can also contribute to the penetration of harmful substances into food.

Nowadays, it's hard to imagine a kitchen that doesn't have a microwave. And of course, there are many people who speak out in favor of this device, but there are also those who oppose it. Therefore, let's see, the harm of microwaves is a myth or reality, and is there any scientific evidence of their negative effect on the human body? Should we use such an assistant in the kitchen, or is it still not worth it?

Throughout its existence, humanity has been wary of all new household appliances that have appeared thanks to the useful inventions of scientists. This was the case when the first refrigerators, telephones, and washing machines appeared. First of all, the clergy perceived this negatively, who attributed these innovations to hellish machines.

But over time, they all became necessary helpers in everyday life. The harm of microwaves has become the same myth, and in order to debunk it, you need to look at its principle of operation.

Harm or benefit?

If you look at the object from the point of view of the hostess in the kitchen, then the microwave is a necessary household appliance, since with its help the food heats up in a matter of minutes, and at the same time heats up evenly. Thanks to this, a person's time spent on cooking is reduced.

But at the same time, scientists are hotly debating whether a microwave oven is harmful to health. The reason for their dispute is what effect microwaves have on the human body during the operation of this device. In order to understand the dangers of the device, you need to consider exactly how it works.

Many people have been using this household item for a long time, and are completely satisfied with its work. It not only warms up food perfectly, but also significantly reduces the time for preparing breakfast or dinner. Even if you just reheat food on the stove, then you need twice as long, because in this case, first of all, the dishes in which the food is heated are heated, and then the food itself.

In addition, it is also necessary to use oil, without which the food will burn. While in the microwave, food heats up evenly and does not require the addition of fat. So, after all, what is more from a microwave - benefit or harm?


Many people, hearing the word "wave", begin to draw in their imaginations radiation exposure, cancer. There are even several myths about this. Let's try to figure it out: the harm of microwaves is a myth or reality?

  1. The first myth is that microwave waves are radioactive. But this is a big mistake of people. This machine emits non-ionizing waves that do not affect food or the human body in any way.
  2. The second myth is that the microwave changes the structure of the food under the influence of waves. That food becomes carcinogenic after heating. But even here there is no scientific confirmation, since such changes can occur only after exposure to radioactive waves on the product. In addition, a carcinogen can be obtained if food is overcooked in an ordinary frying pan, but not by exposure to the microwaves of the apparatus. In favor of the microwave, it is said that fat does not need to be used to heat food. In addition, food lends itself to heat treatment for a very short time and at the same time does not lose its properties, unlike when it is heated for a long time.
  3. The third myth is that microwave radiation is very dangerous for humans. Although in fact, these waves bring exactly the same harm to the body as Wi-Fi or TV. The only difference is that the waves are more active during cooking. But it must be remembered that these waves are only inside the oven. It should also be noted that such waves do not have the property of accumulating in objects, they both arise and decay.


So is there any harm to a microwave oven for human health? And what does science say about this? Many people claim that when food is heated in this oven, the food loses all its nutrients. But at the same time they forget that all these processes take place during other types of heat treatment of products. The change in the useful properties of the product is influenced by:

  • Food processing at high temperatures.
  • The time at which food is processed.
  • When cooking food, a lot of vitamins and other nutrients are taken up by water.

And in scientific experiments it has been proven that during cooking in the microwave, nutrients are lost much less than with other types of cooking.

  1. First, this is because no water is required.
  2. Secondly, food is cooked several times faster, which allows many substances not to lose their properties.
  3. Thirdly, food is cooked at a temperature no higher than one hundred degrees, which is much lower than when cooking on a conventional stove.

In this case, the products practically do not lose their properties, but it must be remembered that those substances that are necessary in the treatment of cancerous tumors disappear in the microwave. For example, garlic loses its beneficial qualities, so it is not recommended to add it to dishes when cooking. It is better to do this after.

Furnace device

In order to debunk the myth that a person gets harm from the microwave, and also receives microwave radiation, consider how the oven itself works.

First of all, consider the furnace body itself. It is equipped with a magnetron that emits electromagnetic waves. The waves themselves are regulated by a certain frequency. At the same time, everything is arranged so as not to interrupt the work of other devices.

It should be borne in mind that the modern world is completely saturated with electromagnetic waves and radiation, but, nevertheless, not a single victim has been found from them. Having studied all these factors, the question arises: is the microwave harmful or is it not?

Hence the conclusion that not all radiation is dangerous, and besides, food cooked in a microwave oven is absolutely not dangerous for the human body.

The waves used for cooking do not penetrate the oven and therefore cannot cause any harm to humans. It is not hidden that the old models of the microwave oven were imperfect in their design, and this was stipulated in the instructions for use. But more modern products have much better protection, and allow you to be in sufficient proximity to the oven.

For comparison, which food is more useful, cooked in the traditional way or in the microwave, consider how the cooking process takes place.

When preparing food on a traditional stove, the dishes are first heated, and only after that the food begins to give in to heat treatment. And when food reaches a high temperature, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances begin to break down in them. And this process is quite normal, because some foods cannot be eaten raw.

When cooking food in the microwave, the following processes take place. Under the influence of microwaves, food begins to warm up from the middle. Due to the chemical process that takes place in food products that are affected by waves, the food heats up immediately throughout its entire volume. The temperature at which food is heated barely reaches a hundred degrees.

This is the reason why everyone's favorite crisp does not appear on products. And, besides this, because the product is heated immediately throughout its entire volume, the time for its preparation is significantly reduced, which allows you to save a significant amount of vitamins and nutrients.

But, as elsewhere, there are downsides to using microwave ovens. During cooking in such a short time, the food does not lose its properties, but some bacteria do not die. Salmonella is one of those bacteria that can survive under these conditions.

Is there any harm from a microwave to health? Definitely not. But conventional cooking can make food much better than microwaving. And, having cooked food not on an ordinary stove, there is every chance of contracting salmonellosis. In this case, the benefits and harms of the microwave are determined only by the skill of the cook, on which the quality of the cooked food depends.

What are the consequences?

Nevertheless, with constant exposure to microwaves on the human body, there is still no harm in the microwave to health. As a result of these emissions, the following symptoms occur:

  • A person develops insomnia, profuse sweating occurs during sleep.
  • The person begins to have a headache and is very dizzy.
  • Lymph nodes increase in volume, and immunity is greatly weakened.
  • Cognitive functions are impaired.
  • The person suffers from depression and is constantly in an irritable state.
  • Nausea occurs and appetite is lost.
  • Vision problems occur.
  • A person is tormented by constant thirst, and, of course, frequent urination.

Such symptoms occur in most cases in those people who are constantly exposed to microwaves. They receive such radiation from nearby cellular antennas or other similar generators.

Consider what else is dangerous about the microwave, as well as the radiation from the microwave. If there are any malfunctions in it, then there is a danger to the health of people who are near the device. But, despite the assurances of manufacturers about the tightness of the case, due to which protection from microwaves is provided, the danger of a microwave oven is as follows:

  1. In a person who is exposed to microwave rays for a long time, the composition of the blood is deformed.
  2. There are disturbances in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Nervous system disorders occur.
  4. There is a high risk of cancer.

Video: how harmful are microwaves?

The microwave is also harmful because problems may arise in the digestive system, and the immune system is weakened. And in order to reduce the harm of the microwave, the following rules must be observed:

  • Place the microwave oven in the correct horizontal position. The surface on which the microwave is installed should be one meter from the floor.
  • Under no circumstances should the ventilation be closed.
  • In the microwave, in no case should you cook eggs in shell. They can explode and thereby harm not only a person, but also the device itself.
  • The same explosion occurs from the use of metal utensils.
  • Utensils for microwave use must be made of thick glass or special plastic.

In order to correctly determine the harm and benefits of a microwave oven, you need to listen to the recommendations of specialists. Namely:

  1. Observe the rules for using the device specified in the instructions.
  2. Never turn on an empty oven.
  3. The food to be reheated must be at least 200 grams.
  4. Do not put objects inside the oven that could trigger an explosion.
  5. Do not use metal utensils.
  6. Don't microwave all food. Some foods need to be reheated or cooked on a traditional stove.
  7. Do not use a microwave oven that has a malfunction.

The benefit of using a microwave is that you do not need to use any fat for heating, you do not need to take water. Food is cooked much faster than on a traditional stovetop or oven. And another plus is that this device also allows you to quickly defrost food.

As a result of all of the above, it is up to the user to decide what dominates - the harm or benefit of the microwave oven.