How to write education in a work book. How to fill out the title page of the work book. Correcting incorrect entries

The work book is one of the most important documents in the life of every person, which must reflect absolutely all information about work activity. She accompanies workers everywhere.

There are many different nuances that should be taken into account when filling out a job, reflecting information about the company, time of employment, position in it.

But few people know how to fill out information about a person's education. Some employees are not at all aware that such data may be reflected in this document.

No one has any doubts about the fact that information about should be entered in the work book. The record includes the following information:

  • name of company;
  • the date of employment (the day specified in the order for employment), as well as termination of the employment contract (again, this is the date specified in the order for dismissal);
  • the seal of the enterprise, the signatures of the company's management (the person who is officially indicated by the employer);
  • registration numbers of orders;
  • to which the employee is accepted.

If for any reason it is necessary to rename the organization, position, then it is necessary to make an appropriate entry in the work book. The same applies to those situations when a person is transferred to another position, his place of work changes (for example, he moves to another branch controlled by the same company), such information should also be reflected in the document.

The situation is somewhat different with those cases when the employee is a part-time worker. Then his work book is kept at the main place of work, and confirmation of the fact of part-time employment is. On the basis of this document, the employee can ask the main employer to make an entry in the work book, but this is not mandatory.

Few people know that the work book can also be entered. The reason there are many doubts about this is the lack of deductions.

Previously, if a person studied at a university or technical school, then this period of time was included in the length of service, and deductions were made for the employee to all the necessary funds. In fact, it was the same. At the same time, the entry about education in the work book was made not at the place of study, but at the first place of work. That is, the person provided all supporting documents, and the first employer had to make a record.

At the moment, practically no educational institutions carry out the corresponding deductions for a student, therefore this period is not included in the length of service. For this reason, it is not advisable to make a record in fact (after all, this time is not a work experience). But in Russia, at the same time, it is not forbidden to enter this information into the work book, which is why, at the request of the employee, such an entry may well be made.

Education in the work book is also reflected in a clear pattern. The following information should be indicated:

  • Start and end date of studies.
  • The name of the institution. The level of accreditation is also indicated.
  • Profession, specialty. By the way, in the Russian Federation there is a single register of names, where all professions are entered. That is, even if at some point the specialty is renamed, then according to this register it is easy to determine its primary value. For this reason, it is necessary to additionally indicate the corresponding code.
  • Education records must also contain the registration number of the diploma, the date of its issue.

The data in the work book about education must be entered taking into account all the main features of fixing this information. The reason is that it is necessary to write correctly initially, since any corrections are undesirable.

By the way, you should pay attention to the fact that entering data on education in work books is not at all necessary. This kind of information is indicated only at the request of the employee himself. The only exceptions are those situations when an employee, in order to hold this position, must have the appropriate professional knowledge or qualification level.

Failure to enter information about education is not a violation, since in fact no employee's rights will be violated if such data is not indicated. The point is that this period is not included in the length of service, and even if it is included, it is not calculated on the basis of an entry in Labor. That is why, even if the employer did not provide these data, then no penalties or consequences for such are provided.

How do I record my education?

All information about the employee's education must be entered at the place of his employment. Moreover, this can be done at any time. Often the information is indicated when the employee, then he provides the employer with a diploma or any other document of education.

In fact, every person should have it, regardless of age. After all, for example, even if a person is 18 years old - at least he has already finished school. But it is not always possible to provide the management with documents at the right time, or simply the employee did not want to enter unnecessary information, wishing to indicate only the presence of higher education. Then he has every right to apply to the management of any enterprise where he works at this moment (even if this is not his first place of work) with a request to enter the relevant information.

You should immediately focus on the fact that no information about any advanced training courses, circles and other institutions that do not have a degree of accreditation is not entered in the work book.

By the way, the head of the company does not need to check whether a genuine diploma has been provided. If the presence of a fake is revealed, then law enforcement agencies will deal with this. But the manager should not do this anyway - this is his right, but not his obligation. Although if he has any questions about the qualifications of an employee or directly to the document itself, then he has every right to send a corresponding request to an educational institution or to the archives (if it has already ceased to exist).

The exception is made by government agencies. Usually there are corresponding orders from higher authorities with the requirement to verify the authenticity of the diplomas of workers. On the basis of this order, it is necessary to send inquiries to educational institutions without fail.

Column "Education"

It is legally stipulated that absolutely any information can be entered into the labor document, even about graduation from school.

A distinctive feature is that on the title page information about the series and number of the document is not indicated, and you do not need to write exactly when and by whom the document was issued. To enter this information, the employee simply presents the relevant document to the employer for review, after which general information is entered:

  • Basic or secondary general (school, lyceum, college or other educational institution of general profile).
  • Secondary vocational (technical school, school, where a person can get a certain profession sufficient to start working in the specialty).
  • Higher. Depending on the level of accreditation in modern times, it is customary to indicate the qualifications of a bachelor, specialist or master's degree received by an employee.
  • Training of highly qualified personnel. This entry is made when the employee graduated from graduate school, received an academic degree.

That is, on the title page, you just need to indicate this general concept.

In all regulations, explanations and instructions, the emphasis is placed on the fact that information is entered only in accordance with the educational document that was provided by the employee (by the way, for this, you can provide not only the original document, but also an officially certified copy).

That is, even if an employee received a diploma before the educational reform came into force, according to which a multi-level system of higher education was introduced into life, then there is no need to interpret the record in a new way. If the diploma simply states "higher education" without clarification, then they write that - the record must fully correspond to the document that the employee provided. Even if, in fact, such an interpretation is no longer relevant, nothing can be changed anyway.

Column "Profession, specialty"

After an employee graduates from a technical school or university, he is issued a diploma, which indicates in which particular specialty he is assigned a certain qualification. This document should just be used to fill in the appropriate columns in the labor.

In diplomas of higher education, the direction of training is always indicated. This is the name that will need to be indicated in the line.

But if an employee receives a secondary specialized education or finishes school, then only a qualification is assigned to him. Then the filler should leave this line simply blank. If in the future the employee receives a higher education, the information will be entered that is relevant at that time.

In the work book, education is sometimes not entirely correct. Such violations arise due to the fact that the name of the specialty is often longer than the qualifications. Therefore, employers are of the opinion that it is much better to indicate just qualifications. In fact, this is not entirely correct. If you follow all the requirements of labor legislation, then you can single out the rule - it is the name of the specialty that should be indicated.

But in practice, there are no consequences for the fact that the company's management indicates the qualifications of the employee. Such a violation is not so serious and therefore even if it is revealed during the inspection of the Labor Inspectorate, it will not be taken into account in the list of mistakes made.

Are data on incomplete education entered?

If the employee expresses such a desire, then information about incomplete education is additionally entered. At the same time, you should pay attention to the fact that for such a record, the employee must provide one of the following supporting papers:

  • student ID;
  • record book;
  • certificate from the institution where the employee studied.

By the way, attention should be separately focused on this feature: before 2007, diplomas of incomplete higher education were issued in the Russian Federation if an employee studied at a university for more than 2 years.

At the moment, no one issues such documents, but if the employee presents it to the employer, then it will still be necessary to enter the information in the same way as indicated in the document.

Is the recording allowed to be corrected?

For work books, there are certain rules of what to do if any mistake is made. The fact is that any corrections are not allowed, therefore, in the event of an error, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • it is necessary to make an entry in the employment record that one of the lines (most often the previous one) is invalidated (its brief content is indicated, as well as the serial number);
  • the correct entry is made.

This applies to the general rules when information about the work is entered. But if we are talking about education, then the person responsible for maintaining work books must take into account a number of the following rules and features:

  • If a specialty, college, technical school or university is renamed, then no changes are required. It is quite enough just the information that was relevant at the time of education.
  • Information on the rules for filling out work books should usually be duplicated. That is, it is required to make a record that the employee studied in the book - where there are records of the positions held. But you also need to additionally write this on the title page.
  • If the employee receives other types of education, improves his qualifications or masters new professions, then this information is also reflected on the title page (but only at the request of the employee). Then, separated by commas, it is necessary to indicate what other profession the person received or what qualifications.
  • As a general rule, write a new qualification only if the change was for the better. That is, initially a person graduated from a technical school, but then you need to enter information about a bachelor's education. If, for any reason, the employee wished to graduate from an educational institution that has a lower level of accreditation than the degree he already has, then it is not customary to indicate this. That is, the information is simply filled in with a comma. You do not need to cross out the previous qualification level and write a new one on top - you just need to indicate this information next to it.

That is, those who are engaged in maintaining work books need to be extremely careful about this issue. For any violations of the rules for maintaining a document, fines are provided, so it is best to avoid controversial moments when you need to make some corrections. If you need to enter additional information, then only in accordance with the rules established by the Labor Code.

It will be interesting for you

The main document confirming the working period and professional achievements is considered a special book regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Applying for work on the basis of a work book always implies the indication of information about the education of a citizen (in the form of secondary, special or higher education).

Legal basis for book design

For institutions, organizations and private entrepreneurs, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 65) and by-laws (listed below) determine the mandatory fulfillment by the employer of records for recording and maintaining the period of the employee's professional activity, including the necessary information about the hired citizen.

All information, together with data about education, is determined by the prescribed procedure for making entries in a labor document, based on:

  • Rules of Reference No. 225 dated 04.16.2003 (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation);
  • special instructions for filling No. 69 of 10.10. 2003 (Resolution issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia).

The work book is drawn up no later than 7 days from the date of acceptance of the application for employment. It is filled in in the presence of a citizen (clause 8 of the Rules).

Information about employed persons is indicated on the title pages of books (clause 9 of the Rules).

The personnel officer indicates all the necessary truthful information about the employed citizen in full (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is unacceptable to reduce and replace these documents (clause 9 of the Rules). The basis for the information is a passport or any document with an identity card (military ID, passport, driver's license).

The title page in the work book displays information about the education received, qualifications according to the certificate or diploma provided (Law No. 273-FZ and its explanations).

Making records about education

Registration of a citizen for the first time employed for a specific position assumes that the HR office inspector will make the appropriate education records in the work book, if the person has a supporting document (diploma, certificate of completion of courses, certificate).

Any higher education level (bachelor, specialist, master) specified in the diploma is transferred by data to the title part of the labor (Law No. 273-FZ).
Registration takes place with the indication of information of such a plan (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Education (secondary, special, higher).
  2. Profession (for example: doctor, manager, lawyer).
  3. Specialty ("General Medicine", "Personnel Management", "Jurisprudence").

The wording indicated in the certificate and diploma is transferred to the front of the book, regardless of the time of their issuance at the time of the then legislation in force (clause 2.1 of the Instructions).

Capital records in the work book about the change in education that have taken place indicate the facts: continuing studies (present a student card), as well as improving qualifications (certificates of completion of courses, university diplomas).

All entries in the work book are required to be accurately filled using a black (blue) pen. The day, month and year are recorded only in Arabic numerals (clause 1.1 of the Instructions).

An approximate example of the design of the title page line about education in the work book and the changes made is presented below:

The same example of filling out documentation in a labor document is used as a model for correcting educational information.
They do not make a record of improving their qualifications after passing the courses and passing the exam. These data are entered into the internal part of the labor force.
If the employed person does not have any education other than secondary, then these data are indicated, on the basis of a school certificate.
The owner of the labor, in the presence of a staff member, is obliged to check all the information entered, and, if properly executed, secure it with a personal signature. The HR inspector also endorses the document.

Education changes

The right to make a record of the changes in the educational level of the employee, has a personnel clerk at the last place of employment, in accordance with the supporting documents.

If the line about education was filled in incorrectly, and the timely detection of this error occurred, it is necessary to destroy the document and establish a new one (clause 42 of the Rules). In case of late detection of an erroneous entry, it is recommended to amend the line about education in the work book in the following order (clause 2.3 of the Instructions):

  1. Cross out unreliable information, indicate the correct one next to it.
  2. Reflect the necessary details of the document, giving the right to correct, with the obligatory signature of an authorized person.

All changes in the line about education must be filled in without striking out the entries made earlier (as was the case before 2013) and are always listed separated by commas (clause 2.4 of the Instructions).

In the non-title part of the document, information on the passage of training in courses, advanced training and retraining (clause 21 of the Rules) must be recorded.

At the same time, both in work books (both in those that were issued earlier and in those that are issued in accordance with Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, instead of lost, damaged or missing from the worker due to other factors), as well as in duplicates and inserts in work books will be translated information contained in training documents provided by the workers.

Employees of personnel services are mistaken in this way not from a lack of knowledge, the whole point is that it is unrealistic to comply with absolutely all the provisions of the Instructions for filling out work books, as you should make notes "Without any abbreviations" (p. 1.1), and the name of the specialty when recording takes up a noticeably large amount of space, which is clearly not enough in the title page itself.

How to correctly enter a bachelor's degree in a work book

When maintaining and issuing work books, it is necessary to be guided by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, making forms of work books and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, as well as the Instructions for filling out work books approved by a decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

According to clause 9 of the Rules, when drawing up an employee's work book (insert), among other data, information about education, profession, specialty is entered - on the basis of relevant documents confirming education, qualifications or the presence of special knowledge (when applying for a job requiring special knowledge or special preparation).

What educational record should be entered into the labor

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 4 of Federal Law 232-FZ until August 31, 2009 educational institutions of higher professional education can carry out admission for training in educational programs of higher professional education of the corresponding levels of higher professional education:

7. The mastering by a person of an educational program of higher professional education of the corresponding level in a higher educational institution that has state accreditation is a condition for him to take a certain position in a state, municipal organization, receive an official salary and allowances to it. For persons who have mastered educational programs of higher medical and higher pharmaceutical education, a condition for their occupation of these positions is a primary one-year postgraduate training (internship), confirmed by certificates of the established form.

We fill in the - work book information about - education and - training

Earlier, students who began their studies at the university before October 27, 2007, interrupted it and never finished, were issued incomplete higher education diplomas (with successful education for at least 2 years), clause 3 of Art. 6 of the Law of 22.08.96 No. 125-FZ (invalidated); Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of April 21, 2008 No. YUS-232/03. If an employee brought such a diploma and asks to make an entry, then, despite the fact that the concept of incomplete education is no longer there and educational organizations no longer issue such documents, you still indicate “incomplete higher education” in your work book. After all, the record must be made in accordance with the document confirming the training, clause 2.1 of the Instruction; sub. "B" clause 9 of the Rules.

  • in column 1 - the next serial number of the record;
  • in columns 2 and 3:
  • the employee has been assigned a new profession (specialty, qualification) with a category (class, other category), then in column 2 the date of establishment of the new competence (date of the document on its assignment) is indicated, and in column 3 - its name (for example: "The second profession is established" electrician-adjuster "with assignment of the fourth category");
  • the employee had other training (for example, he improved his qualifications or underwent professional retraining), then in column 2 the date of the entry is indicated (that is, the date when the employee brought you training documents), and in column 3 - the period and place of training (see . example below);
  • in column 4 - the name, date and number of the document on education and (or) on qualifications or training.

Education is wealth, the correct record of it in the workforce is a treasure

Education in the corresponding paragraph of the TC according to the Instruction should be indicated exactly as it is written in the provided educational document - a certificate, certificate, diploma. The document must be drawn up and certified in accordance with the requirements of the law.

  • Basic general (no hyphens and dashes);
  • Average general (no hyphens and dashes);
  • Secondary vocational (no hyphens and dashes);
  • Higher education - bachelor's degree (dash is used);
  • Higher education - Master's degree (dash is used);
  • Higher education - specialty (dash is used);
  • Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel (dash is used).

Education record in the work book

The rules for making entries about education in the work book are described in detail in the "Instructions for filling out work books" dated 10.10.2003 No. 69. This information is indicated on the title page. It must match the data from the certificate or diploma presented by the employee.

An entry in the work book about a change in education may be required if a person already had any diploma, but during his work he continued to study and improved his level of knowledge. The previous mark is not crossed out, but a comma is placed after it. The actual information is indicated after the comma. Next, the series and number of the document are entered, the date of the changes is set.

Employment record of education increases the chances for a successful career

Why is this education called special? On the basis of school knowledge, students study in depth one field of activity, and then they can get a job. As a rule, vocational school also prepares working specialties, contributing to the expansion of personnel in factories and industries.

Let us consider in more detail what types of education exist in the work book. As we know, graduation is considered education. four grades at school... This education is called initial and represents only the first small step in the huge pyramid of knowledge.

What to write in a bachelor's work book

"Education record on title page a work book is made only on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, diploma, etc.). Therefore, the record must comply with these documents. In itself, a change in the legislation in the field of education is not a basis for making new or additional entries in the work book ”.

Therefore, some diplomas do not indicate a profession and specialty, but indicate only qualifications (in particular, in the diploma of secondary vocational education) or only the direction of training and qualifications (for example, in bachelor's and master's degrees). In such cases, you can leave the line blank. It will also be empty for an employee who has studied only at school.

05 Aug 2018 1131

The work book is the most important document of any employee who is officially employed. The information that is recorded in this book provides a basis for judging the working "history" of a citizen. Therefore, the credibility of the records should not be questioned. Each of them has its own place for fixing. Among the many doubts regarding filling out the work book, there is a question that requires a full and reliable answer, how to correctly enter the education record in the work book.

Employment records

Each information that is written in a book affects many factors of a citizen's working moments. These include salary, bonuses, seniority, registration or receipt of a pension, and so on. Therefore, the maintenance of this document is very responsible.

A person's workbook has several specific sections:

  • title page)
  • information about work)
  • information about the awards.

On the first page (title), information about the personal data of the citizen is recorded.

  • surname)
  • patronymic)
  • date of Birth)
  • education)
  • profession, specialty.

These records are made when a person starts this document. On the rest of the pages there are records that are recorded in the course of work.

  • recruitment)
  • dismissal)
  • rewarding.

In this case, any information must be approved by the signature of the manager or a trusted employee and the seal of the company.

Employment record of education

On the first page, among the employee's data, there is a special column about education and profession, specialty. It is filled in when the work is being processed. This information is recorded only upon presentation of a certain document confirming the accuracy of the facts:

  • certificate)
  • diploma.

The specialty requires a document confirming the compliance of the specialist with the position for which he is accepted. But this type of confirmation is needed only if a person gets a job in a certain specialization, in which the employee is required to have special knowledge.

Filling out a work book: information about education

Filling in the labor should be done by the manager or a person authorized by him. All entries are handwritten. For the correct spelling of information about education on the title, it is necessary, according to the document on education, in a certain line to write:

  • average)
  • specialized secondary)
  • higher.

The specialty and profession is written exactly the one in which the employee works or will work in the organization. All information on the first page should be recorded without errors, since correcting them on the title page is impossible according to the rules and law. When all the data has been written down, below in a certain line you need to sign a specialist, a manager. Records must be secured with a company seal.

After writing on the main sheet, it is imperative to write on the cover of the labor document type, serial number, series, date of issue. Then the position of the person who fills out the document and his signature are put. Finally, a seal is needed for approval.

Record in the work book about the change in education

When various changes are recorded in the employee's workbook, the person in charge needs to know which documents (NLA) should be emphasized:

  • Labor Code of Russia)
  • Rules for maintaining and storing work books)
  • Instructions for filling out work books.

With the help of these documents, it is possible to enter changes in personal data with accuracy and without errors.

Over time, the employee can improve his level of knowledge and receive a new education. This raises the question of how to enter an education record in the work book in this case? On the main page, in the line "education", after the entry made earlier, you can put a comma and enter the data on obtaining a new education. For example, if there was an inscription "Average", then the "Higher" should be written separated by commas.

Such a record will not have legal force if, when writing it, you do not indicate a document that confirms the receipt of this education. Just as in the first case, on the back of the crust you need to enter the name, number plate, document series, date. The record must then be signed and stamped. Attention: this link is only needed when changing the education record.

If the employee who came to get a job in the company is a student of any higher educational institution, then in the line “education” you need to write “incomplete higher education”. This entry is not required - it is performed at the request of the employee. When the student graduates from the institute and receives a diploma, the person responsible for filling out the labor must enter the changed information. A comma is put, after which the inscription about higher education is entered. The presented document fits into the book according to all the rules.

How to correctly make an entry in the work book about education, how to change it and how to correct mistakes?

Special additional education - the acquisition of a certain profession or a new specialty. When entering this information, you should not cross out the previous information, new information is entered next to it.

Refresher courses that an employee undergoes represent the acquisition of additional knowledge in this area. But according to the rules, such a record is not included in the labor record. Only information is registered if the category, category and class subsequently change. This is where the drawing up of a certain order of the head takes place. Then, based on the compiled document, you can make changes in the desired column. Record is approved by signature and stamp.

Information about the change in education, specialty and profession of a specialist is entered where the employee worked for the last time. This information is additional to the previous one. The Instructions do not contain detailed instructions about the link on the back of the labor cover, where the document confirming the legality is fixed.

An error in writing an education record in the work book

It is impossible to make mistakes on the title bar, since the reliability of personal data information is one of the most important rules for the conduct of labor. Since the document is filled in by hand, the possibility of making a mistake or writing inaccuracies is quite significant.

Corrections can be made in the information about the work and awards in the prescribed manner. If an error is made in the line about education, the entire book will be considered invalid, since this entry cannot be corrected. The person who fills out the book must draw up an act stating that the worker's book is not valid. This act is filed in a special case. The destruction of an illegal document takes place only on the basis of a compiled act. The head of the company covers all the costs of the employee's new employment document.

When a mistake or inaccuracy was noticed after many years of work of a specialist in an organization, then the leader has to make an exception to the rule. At the same time, he crosses out the word (inscription) entirely (all this is done so that in the future the old record can be read, that is, with one line) and next to the wrong option writes new accurate information. To confirm these actions, on the back of the cover the document with which the new data was entered is indicated. Then you need to certify the record with a signature and seal.

In any case, you need to remember that it is prohibited to cross out individual signs, numbers and letters. Also, you should not attribute new information to the top or bottom of the old record.