How to name an album with photos on a social network and more. Titles for photobooks

    I remember a wonderful moment. Or Days of the past will not cease glory.

    An album with photos can be called whatever you like, there are a lot of options, it all depends on your imagination and desire. And again, before giving a name to the photo album, you need to decide which photos you will post there. That is, you can post everything in the photo album, and then you can give the names to the album as follows:

    • Moments from life We are so different or Happy moments of life, and so on.

    If the photos are family, then the following names are suitable:

    • Our family Family worries, well, or My beloved.

    If the photos of children are in a photo album, then the name of the album will suit the following:

    • Our childrenquot ;, Our joy, Children's photos, well, or Our daughter / Our sonny;.

    So choosing a name is not so difficult as it might seem.

    You can call an album with photographs as bright days sunny life rainbow fairy tale world enchanting intoxication of my lifequot ;; I think that you sign the photos themselves, since you name the album ?! I am captioning the photo and I love the date.

    I love life.

    This is my wonderland.

    Behind the scenes.

    For one of you and friends.

    Can you keep secrets?

    Love life!

    My life. My friends.

    Beautiful days.

    Dear Diary....

    I love you!

    My summer life.

    These crazy people I call my friends.

    I will miss these beautiful days.

    May be...

    True story.

    I have great friends!

    Forever and ever.

    I offer the following options for the name of the photo album:

    • Moments of happinessquot ;,
    • Stop, moment!
    • Life is beautiful!
    • That's what a miracle means! (about a children's album, for example).
    • That's what a beautiful life means!
    • Book of Nostalgia.
  • The most beautiful name, in my opinion, will come out spontaneously. Reflecting your emotions, feelings, mood. It shouldn't be sadness, resentment, anger. Only positive, with a touch of romance. Even in one word, but clearly reflecting the mood and theme of the album. For example:


    Old cafe

    I love you...

    Everything depends on the subject of the photo album itself, and the name can be anything, from the most banal to the creative. Imagine, come up with your own unusual, interesting, memorable names that are associated with memorable life events.

    For example:

    I was born;

    First steps;

    The first time in first class;

    Big change;

    My travels;

    Zodiac sign;

    Be sure to indicate the date of the photos and the location.

    Our unforgettable moments ...

    Happy time ...

    How romantic and light ...

    if a children's photo album, then:

    And the stork son is prince to us ...

    Happy school years

    and if wedding:

    Life-long happiness

    Maybe primitive, but probably you can choose something.

    The title of the album should depend on its content. For example, an album where your baby photos can be called I am small ;. The family album can be called My family. A photo album from various events can be called My vacation.

    An album with photographs, you can call it whatever you like, it all depends on what kind of photos are there and to what period of life they belong. P i edit several options, beautiful names for the photo album:

    1. School years, wonderful!
    2. The first love!
    3. The most beautiful and happy newlyweds!
    4. Our favorite treasure brought to us by the stork!
    5. The most unforgettable moments.
    6. The happiest fragments!
    7. There is a little friend in the house - a kitten (puppy)!
    8. Holidays are different ...

    Now photo albums with photographs are gradually fading into the background. People more often than not store their photographs in a computer in digital form.

    A somewhat unexpected question. In my opinion, it depends on the content of the album. Usually, one album is not enough. Therefore, you can name the albums by age, for example - Childhood, Adolescence, Youth. Or you can devote an album to any event. For example, a wedding album can be called - You and I.

    Well, basically the name of the album depends on what moments are captured in the photos: the album Children, We, Wedding, Family, Our pets, and so on, but more extensive and more beautiful you can do this: Our angels / happiness / meaning of life, We are Loved, The best day, Our menagerie / zoo

Today, young people mostly communicate on the Internet. This has both its pluses and minuses, it is simply impossible to find an unequivocal opinion. But no matter what is said about this way of making friends, social networks have become quite firmly established in our life and are unlikely to leave it in the near future.

Why are social media good?

Before getting to know a particular person on social networks, there is an opportunity to first learn something interesting about him, to understand if there are common interests or hobbies. The section "About Me" contains valuable information on such a resource for communication as "VKontakte", where you can find out many interesting facts from a person's life. And, of course, the very first element that all visitors to the new page pay attention to is photographs. And if you want to be original, many will find useful advice on how to name the album "Vkontakte" so as to surprise guests.

About myself

The main thing, probably, is the album, which reveals the personality of a person. From him you can understand what he is fond of, what he loves and what he values. The titles of these albums can be completely different. The most simple and uncomplicated: "Everything about me", "I am in all my glory." But you can think a little and come up with something more original or interesting. So, the options "Meet the Tsar!", "One in a million", "Girl with eyes the color of coffee (sea, sky)", "Father's pride, mother's joy", etc. are quite attractive.

About life

You can choose options for how to name the album "Vkontakte", which reflects the inner world of a person. These will, rather, not be photographs, but pictures that personify what the owner of the page likes so much. Excellent names in such a situation would be "Dream", "Hobbies", "Desired", "It's all mine, dear", etc.

About love

Most people also like to share photos with their loved ones. They can also be placed in a separate folder. Album titles can be as follows: "Everything is mine", "About love", "This is what happiness is", "One soul for two".

About friends

It is also worth thinking about how to name the album "Vkontakte", which displays the brightest and funniest moments from life with friends. So, the names "Friends (or Friends)", "Don't have 100 rubles", "When we are together, no one is cooler", "Characters are fictional, coincidences are random", "Based on real events" will be relevant.

Study, work

If necessary, you can also upload photographs showing a person's working life. Here are the options for how to name the album "Vkontakte" with the following meaning: "Workdays", "Study, study and study again", "How I gnaw the granite of science."

About family

Interesting are also photographs depicting numerous relatives of a certain person. Such albums can be called simply "My relatives (beloved)", "Creators (if about parents)", "Relatives".

About the past tense

Some of the most interesting are the albums in which a person simply talks about an unforgettable event in life. Such albums can be called as follows "90 days of summer", "Stop, moment, you are wonderful", "Fragments of the experienced happiness".

Other situations

There are also other tips on how to name the album on your favorite social network. So, for example, you can use foreign phrases in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world "It’s my life", "My soul". You can take as a basis a line from a song or the name of your favorite movie "Knockin 'on Heaven", "And We Loved".

Hello, we all want to stand out in front of friends and acquaintances. Even in such trifles as the name of the albums in contact. And in order to stand out, you need to come up with an original and funny name, but the brain starts to dull and nothing comes to mind. Whatever you call your albums like "I" or "My friends", I have prepared a selection of names for VKontakte albums. I want to remind you that I have already published a similar collection, it is called beautiful. I think you understand what this collection was about, if you are interested, I advise you to take a look. Now you will receive an answer to the question " What is the name of the album in contact?«.

Cool album names in contact

Unfortunately, it was not possible to sort such a mountain of names. You will have to choose the name you like yourself.

Relax actively, have fun extreme!
Extracts from life.
The album is based on a true story \u003d)
... A little bit about me ...
.1st course and away we go ..
Moulin rouge
Pieces of happiness and moments of joy
Self-love is always mutual
Snippets of life
Selfish Album
stаnds to live for еmotions
bit violеt
weekdays troeshchina
Spring has come, The birds are singing .. The kidneys and testicles are swollen)))
Welcome to my life….
30% angel + 70% demon \u003d 100% women
Made in paradise
Little miss sunshine
My soul
My mad world
Beauty exists. Proven by album.
Paid viewing! Pay with comments!
It's hard to be humble when you're the best!
My life is in your heartbeat
Oh, those days of jam or my poor liver ...
Maybe not perfect, but real
° ° Me and everyone I need! °
And we don't need crazy, we are already in chocolate
There are 2 opinions ... mine and not correct.
I'll share gum with them)
Creative old ladies
I don't know her, but I like her
Any model next to me nervously smokes on the sidelines
Wonderful days when you want to live
Love story
Those moments that you don't want to forget
One fine day ...
The police are looking for them
"Psychos are never alone"
idea taster
Based on real events !!!)
One such!
Little miracle
Miss pafos
Love you
Little witch
The crown of the halo is not a hindrance
Princess of life
Are we cute?
And the album is so bad, right?)))
I am looking for them!
worth living for emotions
a little masquerade
soap opera
children under 16

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This way of communicating with the outside world is still popular because the technologies for creating a photograph are becoming more and more accessible every year. Now a modern smartphone is equipped with a camera of at least 5 megapixels, autofocus and various shooting modes. Therefore, it will not be difficult for any person to simply pull out their mobile phone, take a selfie and post it on their page on the Internet.

How to name an album with photos on a social network

But many people complain that looking at 800 unsorted photos in search of just one is quite difficult, so the developers of social networks have developed such a function as a photo album.

Photo albums are a "folder" in which you put your photos, sorting them in a specific way: by date, by event, by importance, and so on. The names of the photo albums are a kind of prehistory of what is hidden inside. Usually this is one short sentence that answers the questions: "What?", "Where?" and when?"

The most beautiful names for photo albums

The question of how to name an album with photos, at least once, but was raised by every user. Of course, when we post our photos on the network, we want them to be paid attention to. And it is the name of your album that plays a very important role here: it should interest and convince a person to look into your album. It is worth looking for pivot points, some attractive keywords, such words may be: unique in the world; only once a year / life / week; most interesting (and other evaluative adjectives); bright emotions and so on.

The most beautiful photo album titles are usually catchwords or famous quotes. And all because in at least 30% of cases, after reading a well-known phrase, a person will have some kind of association that causes emotions. Also, for example, if you name an album with some catchphrase in Latin: “Per aspera ad astra”, it will most likely interest people very much, they will look for a translation of this expression.

Photo albums in real life

In our modern world, many people no longer take seriously "moments from life" printed on photographic paper. Therefore, it has become a very romantic and iconic gift for loved ones. In such a situation, how to name the album with photos is not at all important, although sometimes the name can add additional color to the gift.

For example, you can give your loved one a book with your photos, and on the cover write the title of this photo album with a pen: "Another wonderful year with my beloved." This will add romance to the gift, and additional handmade decor will make your album unique.

DIY photo album

Probably the most touching gift can be considered an album that a person completely made with his own hands.

How? To name an album with photographs and print the photos themselves is far from all that people are capable of. If you wish, you can also make a base yourself - fasten multi-colored sheets of paper / cardboard, additionally decorating them with stickers or rhinestones. If you are afraid to start on your own, read the tips, this will definitely help you find inspiration and make your loved ones the best gift!

A digital photo archive is a complex structure made up of nested folders and digital photo files. Each such folder contains folders or files united by a common theme indicated in their name (Fig. 1). Photo folder names are as important a component of a digital photo archive as its structure.

Fig. 1 Example of folder names in a digital photo archive.

Very often, the names of photo folders are used to search and analyze photos in these folders. The disadvantage of such methods is that any photographs can be classified not by one, but by several topics. When searching, it is not clear on what topic to search for photos.

To efficiently search for photos by folder names, you need to come up with universal names that combine different topics. Folder names like these make it easy to find the photos you want, but it's very difficult to come up with them.

When signing folders with photographs, their names often indicate the location or subject of the photograph in photographs. Such names are convenient to use for search in cases when photos in folders can be in demand only on one topic, but this is rarely the case.

For example, photos in the "Nature" folder may be in demand on the "Autumn" theme, and in other cases on the "Mushrooms" theme. Of course, you can create folders of other themes in the folder, and there are also folders in them, but then the structure of the photo archive will be very complex and inconvenient (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 An example of the names of folders with a complex structure.

When forming names for folders in a photo archive, one should proceed from the fact that it is not always convenient to search for photos by folder names. The names for them need to be chosen, focusing not on search, but on convenience of storage. To search for photos, it is better to use other convenient methods, which are described in the materials of the "Search" topic.

A convenient digital photo archive should consist of a "Main" folder, with original photos and folders for the intended purpose. These folders in their structure should be the same, but they should differ in names that need to be chosen correctly for them.

Name of the main folder of the photo archive

It is more convenient to store the original sources of photographs as they were taken by the camera, combining them into separate photo sessions. The shooting date for photos in each such folder will be their common property and should be used to form the names of the folders in the photo archive.

The names of the folders of the digital photo archive formed from the date of photographing must have a strict order in the alternation of numbers - year, month, day. Another sequence of numbers in folder names is not suitable for sorting them in ascending or descending order (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 The date in the names of the folders should be of the form - year, month, day.

Folder names, consisting of the date of the photo, determine the structure of the digital photo archive, while the number of folders nested into each other will be minimal. This is discussed in more detail in the previous chapters of this article.

The folders of the photo archive with photographs of individual photo sessions are placed in separate catalogs according to the year of their photographing, and the annual catalogs themselves are in the main folder of the archive. This folder is the root directory for all photos stored in their original form.

The main folder of the digital photo archive should be named after what is stored in it. If, for example, the files in the main folder have a single graphic format, it can be in the folder name - “RAW + Jpeg”, “CAW”, “Jpeg full”, “DNG”, etc.

In the case when photo files in the main folder are stored in different graphic formats, it is more convenient to name the folder by other features of its photos. For example "No processing", "Negatives", "Nikon", etc. It should be clear from the name what kind of photos are in this folder.

Names of target folders of the photo archive

In addition to the main folder, the digital photo archive should also contain target folders in which the photos will be used for different purposes. These folders should be named for the purpose of using the photos.

When choosing the names of the target folders of the photo archive, it is important to adhere to the principles of conciseness of words and their unambiguous interpretation. These words help to instantly find the right folder, making working with a digital photo archive more comfortable.

An example of target folder names would be the folders described in this article in the chapter “Digital Photo Archive Targets”. When choosing their names, you can use either short English words, or more understandable, but long Russian.

Search by folder name

For reliable storage of photos, the photo archive must be duplicated on CDs. You need to burn such discs sparingly, choosing the size of the folders with photos for the size of the disc. In this case, the folders of the archive with photos will be located on the disks in random order.

To search for duplicate folders on external disks, add information about the disk on which they are stored to the names of folders in the main archive (Figure 4 on the right).

The label about the CD number in the folder name indicates that its copy is, for example, on CD 47. If there are no such marks in the folder names, it will be very difficult for you to quickly find copies of folders among a large number of CDs, if that's possible.

In addition, the external CD mark in the folder name indicates that the photos in that folder are protected from loss. The absence of such a label reminds that the folder does not have a copy, and it is not protected from accidental loss.

Read more about secure storage of photos in the materials of the Protection topic, and about how to more conveniently place folders in a digital photo archive, in the previous chapters of this article: