How do computer master firms deceive. Cheated by a computer wizard. What to do? If the operating system boots and runs

Very often, the problems that arise with a home PC can be solved by yourself if you overcome the superstitious fear of technology and follow the advice of Google from the same smartphone. We decided to check if Kemerovo residents can repair their PC themselves if it is depressed and hopelessly frozen or shows a “death screen” (a critical system error in Microsoft Windows operating systems - approx. Sibdepo). They went out into the street and began to pester the townspeople with questions. It turned out that 9 out of 10 of our respondents would never risk repairing a computer themselves, because they don’t understand anything about it. “Suddenly I break it completely, that it will even stop turning on?” they told us. To the question: “How will you act if the PC still breaks down”, half of our interlocutors answered that they would simply leave the entrance and take the number of the master from the bulletin board that hangs at the entrance to the house, and then ask him for help …

Stories of deceived Kemerovo residents

Even quite an adult and educated person can become a victim of a computer master. It's all about ignorance.

“One day, after a power outage, my computer stopped turning on. I found the number of the master on the Internet, made an appointment. The specialist was not long in coming. Came, twirled around the computer with a smart look. He took out some devices, measured something, poked the buttons, and then climbed under the table, pulled out all the wires from the system unit, after a while turned them back on and, oh, miracle, the computer started working! In general, I paid 2,000 rubles for his help, ”one of the readers told Sibdepo.

According to the deceived Kemerovo resident, after a short time there was a power surge in the house and history repeated itself. He did not want to pay another 2,000 rubles. In general, he decided not to be afraid and just do as that master did - turn off the power supply and plug it back in a couple of minutes. These couple of minutes have passed and the computer has earned, as if nothing had happened! As the interlocutor of Sibdepo himself put it, “they divorced him like a young one.” In fact, a person paid simply for his ignorance and fear of harming technology. He himself, however, believes that he paid a "tax on stupidity."

And here's another story of a person who more or less understands PC settings, but doesn't know what spare parts are installed inside it!

“I noticed that the computer began to fail, freeze and constantly change the date and time at its discretion. After some time, it periodically began to reboot itself, and then it turned off and I couldn’t turn it on anymore. I don’t know now why I was delaying the repair and didn’t ask at least my friends for help, but in the end I had to quickly look for a master. The computer works, without it in any way. A young guy came, dismantled the system unit and told me the sad news: the motherboard broke. And it didn’t burn out, but it broke down so that now a complicated procedure for flashing the BIOS chip is simply required. Well, I think it should. I agreed to this repair. And then I see that the guy took out something round from the board, replaced it with the same part, assembled the computer, everything worked. I asked to leave this detail for me as a keepsake,” the Kemerovo resident shared his experience.

This service cost the man 3,500 rubles, but after about six months, he learned from a friend that he overpaid several dozen times! In fact, a battery has run out in the motherboard, worth 70 rubles. Total (!) 70 rubles. That master simply took it and replaced it with a new one. He didn't make any difficult adjustments. And the guys then checked the old battery with a voltmeter, it really sat down.

Working schemes of deception

The main source of income for many computer masters is the overpricing of services and the "sale of air." Such "specialists" without a twinge of conscience enter into the check those services that they did not provide.

“Such services include “setting up the localization of the operating system”, which, in principle, during installation in most cases will have the Russian language. But you will be told such that it is easier to pay than to understand. Also, such masters often take crazy money for installing software. I understand that this service should be paid, but not like that. Because the master downloads pirated software on the Internet, and gives it to the client as licensed, hence such a high price for the service appears, ”an IT specialist with 15 years of experience, who wished to remain anonymous, told Sibdepo.

But installing pirated software and repairing what didn't actually break is not all the tricks of computer "geniuses". In 90% of cases, all the mistakes they have to work with are seen by the masters for the first time. They carefully read the error message, and then "google", read the forums, try to fix the problem. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, then they come up with another problem - something burned out and offer to replace the equipment.

“As practice shows, some specialists not only inflate the prices for their services several times, but they can also change more modern and new components for old and obsolete ones. Moreover, the replacement occurs under the pretext that these components are out of order. And then, for appearances, they refuse to take them. Like why do I need a broken part? But when the client says that he doesn’t need it either, he takes it with pleasure. And then either installs it on your PC or sells it, ”Igor explained.

According to our interlocutor, very often, when there are problems with the operating system, specialists turn one more trick: after they have “fixed” everything, they make a kind of “bookmark” in the settings. In the Windows task scheduler, a task is created that will start after a certain time, the computer will start to fail again, and since the wizard has already fixed such a problem and everything worked fine, there is a high probability that the deceived client will turn to the same specialist again.

What to do?

It is quite difficult not to become a victim of a computer wizard. Tracking all his actions, especially if you are not computer savvy, will not be easy, but you can use the services of "word of mouth"! Good computer masters have long established a name for themselves and a client base. And if you just ask your friends who they repair equipment for, then you will probably be given the contact of a good specialist.

“Most of the minor problems you can try to diagnose yourself, the main thing is not to be afraid. First, check the reliability of the connection of all cables and connectors. If the computer still boots up and displays any error messages, then you can try to search the Internet for information about them yourself and fix them. Usually there everything is described in detail by those people who have already encountered such a problem. And if you had to turn to someone or a service center for help, ask them to make a diagnosis first. It will show you exactly what is broken and what is not. If you know how to read, it will be more difficult to deceive. Based on the results of the diagnostics, make an estimate of what needs to be done, and sign it only after you check the computer, ”said our expert.

But it may happen that your friends do not have the necessary contact. Then you have to contact the service center for help. It is better to call such a center from a phone that can record conversations. In some cases, the manager and specialist information may not match. Recording will help you establish justice and not overpay extra money. And do not forget to specify the cost of all services, including the departure of the master to a specific address before starting the repair, so that later it would not be a surprise.

Before you take your computer to a service center, make a list of all the components (in a good way, you should have been given it when you bought the computer). You need to know what kind of motherboard, video card, "RAM", etc. are installed on your "machine". If you seem to be a simpleton to one of the service employees, an important detail can be replaced with some rubbish.

The master tricked me. What to do?

Hello everyone, today I decided to raise an urgent problem when computer / laptop / tablet repairmen, as it seems to you quite reasonably, are trying to “get rich” on your trouble.

Why does this happen and how often?

The situation in which you will find yourself by calling the master to your house is absolutely stalemate for you. By inviting him to your home, you:

  • prove your incompetence in matters in which he is obviously more knowledgeable
  • untie his hands thanks to the paragraph above for ANY actions with your computer
  • due to which he does not actually bear any responsibility for what has been done.

In order not to deceive the master, who to contact?

The market is packed with specialists to the eyeballs. But, depending on the region, there are exceptions. And here the market includes masters of two categories:

  • individuals
  • legal entities

Individuals are a separate category of citizens, which include all and sundry. Having repaired a computer several times at home and with friends, it may well print out beautiful business cards, scatter them around the porches and wait for your call. For him, this field of activity is a priori grateful: most users suffer from a lack of technical literacy, understanding at the same time that a computer at home is sometimes like a family member, for which willing to pay any amount. It is clear why there are so many of them, visiting masters? Bribes are often smooth from them, but the only thing they are afraid of (only impudent and fools are not afraid) is persecution by the tax authorities, who, with the available evidence when going to court, have a short conversation.

Read these points carefully and you will understand that as soon as the master crosses the threshold of your apartment, you are in danger of paying much more than you expect. Or maybe you will be left without money and a high-quality repair result - this is the saddest thing ...

How so?

Yes, like this. After reading the ad, do you suppose that for 200 - 300 rubles, indicated in the ad, a professional will rush to you, who will bring the system back to life practically “for thanks”? Don't be naive! Soon you will become one of those who were deceived by the repairman.

They come to you to make money. The sooner you understand this, the sooner everything will fall into place.

Option 1 . Many people know about the prevention of a computer or laptop. This is fine. There are no questions about the maintenance of the car, after all. And in general, the system seems to have started to slow down ... In short, the computer needs to be cleaned. You call the master, who promises to take quite a bit for this - the operation is trifling. He is at your place, turns on the computer and ... oh my!

Get ready to hear the following:

  • “Yes, there is business for half a day ...”
  • “Yes… well, you started the system…”
  • “Damn, it’s good that I arrived on time ...”
  • “Not a system, but a mess ...” (with a smile, of course)

Seeing genuine horror in the eyes of a pro, fears begin to be transmitted to you. How. There 1C, there are photos of the last 4-6 years. Movies and songs just do not care. “So all passwords on classmates, VKontakte and for bank cards will also be lost!”. This is KAPETS! About "from 300 rubles." you have long forgotten. What is there! Windows would be saved ...

Have you already been deceived by the master? Let's go back up.

I repeat, they come to you for money, and not to help. The work is difficult, constantly on the road ... With people who are not always friendly. Gasoline again. Risk of losing your own equipment. Although I met specialists who managed only with a flash drive. But for greater importance, at one time I carried an impressive case with a bunch of disks, watercolor brushes, a used hard drive and RAM, which were waiting in the wings ... There was a place for an air canister, a bunch of wires and jackers, a small multimeter. There is a lot of computer junk in the trunk ... The older generation remembers - it was the standard set of a TV repairman who was a kind of “gods”.


Treat everything the way I described. He will come to you to earn money. A few thousand a day is the minimum for which he left home this morning. Your 500 rubles are like seeds to him, because it is not enough. And there are already few clients: the market for such specialists is clearly oversaturated. He needs to a) earn money and b) leave, forgetting about your problems as soon as possible.

And now your chances are equalized.

  • When you call, immediately ask a question about a written contract indicating the details of the company or passport data. If it is already “warmer”, we can talk further. If not, DEFINITELY HANG UP THE PHONE. Come - remind about it personally.
  • DON'T LISTEN TO ANYTHING HE STARTS TO TELL YOU about the problems you you can collide. You are only interested in what interests you. His advice will wear advisory character. Cleaning viruses, speeding up the computer, removing problems and pop-up windows are the most common problems that users face. It's not worth it. But for such a "master" this is a chance to declare that "the problem is complex and one cleaning is not enough here." As a result, 0 is attributed to the initial price tag on the right ...
  • Before starting work, ask a question about the price tag and work. Do not turn on the computer and laptop until you hear the price for the services you want to receive.
  • Ask,while undressing, service contract, which you then sign. You don't need to read it carefully. Unfortunately, there is no single form for filling in the provision of services in the field of computer technology. In order not to deceive the master, run through the main places with your eyes (it will seem strained to you - you just keep in mind):

ask indicate the place where you indicate what state the computer was in before it turned it on and started working (this is a very important point, it will insure you against fraud and overpayments)

with prices(where evaluate your capabilities and options, where he can deceive you). YOU DO NOT NEED ANYTHING ELSE: if the system works, the hard drive does not need to be changed; persuaded all the same that the hard drive is faulty - let him leave you your “faulty” type; the monitor shows - you will buy the video card and the display itself later. Without his help.

whom does(office or this natural person - in any case, one copy of the contract with his data will be yours); in general, it is up to you to decide with whom to contact - a “physicist” or a representative of a legal entity.

upon arrival find and make a point about liability masters for what they have done. If, after his manipulations, the computer began to work worse or, God forbid, stopped working normally at all, the reason is not just to demand a full repair from it under warranty, but to threaten it with the police and litigation.

if things got worse after he leftlet's move on. Contact the lawyers, everything is real, if there is indisputable evidence, the judge will take your side. Headless champions to quickly cut down money should be punished. Do you have contracts and receipts? This is a minus for the Chaldeans and a plus for you. Agreement or details on hand? Feel free to go to court - the judge will be on the side of the consumer.

BUT REMEMBER! Any (well, almost) a malfunction that the master can handle at your home is also easily solved at home with your own efforts. So why overpay? There is only one option - you don’t want to mess around yourself and you’re just too lazy. Then do not complain ... Well, work with your gray matter!

Option 2 . Looks like the first one.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the computer or laptop does not turn on at all or you see a black screen. Well... this, of course, is panic - an old Russian fun! You call a specialist, he turns on the computer and ...

By now you will probably hear:

  • “The hard drive has crashed ... I just have a good version of the hard drive with me ...”
  • “The video card is dead… Let’s put in this one, not very expensive, but damn reliable…”
  • “The RAM is broken ... We'll have to change the bar. As I knew, I grabbed a couple in the morning!

At the end of all this, he will innocently offer you to take the “faulty” device with you for, of course, a symbolic amount!

The master has deceived you. Why does he need it?

For two reasons:

  • The device being picked up is most likely ABSOLUTELY CORRECT
  • He needs to finally get rid of the stale device that ended up in his bag UNDER SIMILAR CIRCUMSTANCES.

How not to fall for the bait.

Read the options why your computer does not turn on or works poorly. Articles about "" and errors.

Full diagnostics and serious repairs at home are impossible. There can be many reasons. Resolution on a complete failure of the equipment can only be made with the help of special equipment. A flash drive and a brush do not belong to them.

Do not agree to any exchange or purchase. If he starts to impose something on you right now, feel free to refuse. Inform that you are leaning towards the repair option in the workshop and agree to wait. What will they give you - without a cash receipt, without warranty obligations for the purchase, probably with traces of use ... Well, isn't it funny: “Your hard one flew - I just have an inexpensive and good one with me”? Of course it's a coincidence...

Why is that?

For many of us, the information inside the disc is priceless. An incomprehensible person who appears from nowhere and goes nowhere can destroy everything overnight. And bribes are smooth. So, if there is a suspicion that the malfunction is significant, do not be lazy and go to a more serious office with an impressive period of work on the market. Remember the miser who will pay anyway.

Is he persistent and very persuasive? Ask about the warranty on replacement hardware and software licenses - for all work carried out. He most likely does not have permission and desire for either. It is highly likely that soon after his departure you will be left alone with your problems. So don't be afraid with him complain to the company where he came from, or talk to him directly. The words "court", "fraud" and "police" have a magical effect on many. And the committee for the protection of rights is working properly.

So why do you need it? Think with your head. Good luck.

Read: 306

Computer broken? Need to change the operating system on your laptop? Or maybe you decided to replace some components with more powerful ones? All these problems will be solved by a computer repair specialist. Everything would be fine, if not one BUT. There are too many scammers in this area. And even a simple reinstallation of Windows can cost you 7-20 thousand rubles. Well, for replacing the motherboard, you will have to pay the amount for which you could buy a brand new computer of medium power.

We will talk about how not to run into such unfortunate masters, whose goal is to rob you to the skin, and not solve your problem with technology.

How pseudo-masters work

When choosing a computer service on the Internet and inviting a master to your place, be very careful. As a rule, many of us, when choosing a company to contact, first of all, pay attention to prices. 300-500 rubles for repairing a computer or laptop, given the free arrival of the master, seem quite divine and not burdensome for the wallet.

By calling, you will receive confirmation that yes, the prices for repairing computers and laptops are exactly the same as indicated in the ad. But it's too early to rejoice. It is worth the master to get to your house and get access to a computer, and you will encounter the real magic of numbers, when 300-500 rubles suddenly turn into 10-30 thousand rubles in an amazing way. How does this happen? Now I will explain. Typically, scammers use the following schemes:

Option 1. "Everything is incredibly bad!"

The purpose of the master is to intimidate and convince you how bad everything is and what serious work you have to do. Your monitor is not showing? It is possible that the matter is in the cable, the repair of which costs mere pennies. But no, you will be assured that your motherboard has been covered, the matrix or even the monitor interface board has flown. And for their “repair” or “replacement” you will have to pay many times more, that way 15 thousand.

Option 2. Increased score

The master will find problems, silently perform all the work, and then issue you an invoice, which will indicate not 1-2 points, but 10-15 pieces of work. The price of each service is small, but the total cost will result in a huge amount. And the most surprising thing is that almost all the points are all one service. But they will write it all out for you as separate works and will assure you that you do not understand anything. In general, is the job done? Done! Let's pay! And do not care that some kind of reinstallation of Windows costs almost like a new laptop. Here, for example, is an invoice issued by one firm to its client. It was promised over the phone that the Windows reinstallation service would cost 500 rubles, but I had to pay 22,000 rubles.

It's funny, but even for such crazy money that such "masters" require, there is no guarantee that your iron friend will work. Very often, the computer after their "golden pens" fails in just 2-3 days. And even the next one. And you have to look for a master again, pay again.

Master? Or a salesperson?

You will be very surprised, but very often a person who appears to you as a computer repairman very often does not specialize in it, but knows it at the user level. Divorce firms don't need specialists. No, they are looking for experienced salespeople who know how to “sell” services and breed for money. Here is what one of the former employees of such a “service company” writes:

The task of the "master" is to inflate the problem to an incredible size and rip off as much as possible from you. In fact, it often happens that no one in the company itself is engaged in repairs. At best, they will outsource to a normal company, and then they will wind up 300-500% from above, and even present it in a “beautiful wrapper”. Here are the confessions of the same employee about how a used part is put on a laptop in a normal service for 3-4 thousand rubles, but the client is informed that a new one has been installed and the payment for it is 15 thousand rubles. How do you like such deceit and such cheating?

How not to fall for the divorce of "computer masters"

  1. When choosing a company, be guided not only by the list of its services and offered prices, but also by the period of its work. As a rule, fraudulent companies do not live very long (up to 1 year), as bad fame soon spreads about them, and the influx of customers noticeably decreases. Contact those companies that have been in existence for at least a year. And best of all - take your equipment to a service center that is located in your area and which, as you know, has been working for a long time.
  2. Be sure to study reviews about the company, and look at them not on the company's website, but on third-party portals, especially on independent review services such as or
  3. Do not be fooled by low prices, free courier services and diagnostics. Often this is a simple lure to attract customers. During the work, the cost will increase several times.
  4. Most importantly, even before the start of work, the master must tell you what he will repair and how much his services will cost you. Only after your consent, he can start repairing the computer. If the foreman yells, says “all prices are in the price list of services” or “I can tell you the full cost only after the work is completed”, feel free to send it to the forest. And then it may well turn out later that for the cost of reinstalling Windows you will have to pay half the cost of the laptop, and for replacing the motherboard - the price of a new, powerful computer.
  5. If replacement parts have been made, request that they be returned to you. Very often, unscrupulous craftsmen replace even working components, assuring that their service life has come to an end, and then resell them or use them on other clients' computers.
  6. After performing the repair, check the laptop for operability, whether everything works, whether any files have been deleted, whether there are any problems.
  7. If the price is too high, and you understand that the work rendered to you is not even close to that much, do not sign an estimate and a service agreement for anything and do not pay the full amount. By signing, there will be no return, you will have no choice but to pay the crazy cost. Yes, the master will insist, put pressure, then he will start bargaining and reduce the price. “How much do you have? I'll give you a personal discount." Kindly tell him: "There is no money, go to court." You were not informed in advance of the cost of repairs, which means that you violated the law on the provision of services and you have every right not to pay.

I hope the article was useful to you. And now you can avoid computer scammers and find a really smart wizard who will normally fix your laptop or computer and charge an adequate price for it. Don't let the scammer pick your pockets!

If, when going to the market, any housewife can assess the degree of ripeness of tomatoes or the freshness of cucumbers, then, for example, not everyone is able to figure out the insides of a computer, and even more so - everyone. This circumstance is adopted by some companies that provide services for the repair of "iron" friends of a person. We bring to the attention of readers a list of "tricks" that computer companies resort to in pursuit of profit. This list is based on communication with only one of the companies whose website ranks at the top of the search engine results.

Trick one - "double price"

The mechanism of action is simple: a competitive amount is indicated on the website or announced by phone; The client, who does not suspect a trick, agrees to call the master, from whom he then receives a "cosmic" bill. In response to the client's questions, the master shows a printed and stamped price list, the amounts in which are many times higher than the original ones. For example, according to the information on the site, preinstalling Windows can cost, say, 450 rubles. In the "paper" price list, the same service rises in price to 1,500 rubles. By phone, the client can be told that replacing the "motherboard" with a "bonus" in the form of a replacement, if necessary, the power supply unit costs "about a thousand", on paper this amount increases three times.

Trick two: a trifle, but unpleasant

Firms operating under a simplified taxation system can “forget” about this and include 18% of the cost of services in the VAT bill. Some "forgetful" companies do not disdain "trifles" - "wind up" VAT not only on the cost of services, but also on the cost of equipment, in which VAT is already included. If among the clients there are those who know this subtlety, for example, accountants, the explanations may be different. For example, a manager can “blame” everything on the inexperience of a foreman who works “only two weeks”.

Perhaps two weeks is really not enough to remember what VAT is. But, as practice shows, this time is enough to master ...

Trick three: “change new lamps to old ones”

According to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, repair, in particular, refers to the replacement of faulty elements, the elimination of flaws, repairs, etc.” But the master can try to make his own adjustments to this definition and replace serviceable equipment. As a result, two more lines will appear in the invoice - the cost of the equipment and the cost of its installation. In fact, the first of these lines is ...

Trick four: rich

The master, taking advantage of the fact that the computer being repaired is in a disassembled state, and, accordingly, the client is cut off from the outside world, called the Internet, can offer you equipment at an inflated price by 1.5-2 times. In this case, they do not offer a cash receipt or a guarantee card to a “teapot” client. The lack of documents is compensated by stories about what "wonderful" equipment was installed. These stories, as a rule, abound in tricky words, the most understandable of which is “dual-core processor”. After the master leaves and the shock of realizing the amount of money paid has passed, the client can only guess: how long ago the equipment installed by the master was bought and how long it will work.

Trick five: driver ... or drive?

The master can "forget" not only to show the price, but also to acquaint the client with the scale of the disaster. In this case, the owner of the computer will find out what the problem was and what was done to fix it, as they say, "after the fact" - that is, from the invoice. Is it really necessary to install five drivers for 450 rubles each to check the "work of the system"? Why did the wizard install the driver on the modem, but did not check the Internet connection? What is a BIOS? And why does its setup cost as much as 1300 rubles? It will be difficult for a user far from the technical world to answer these questions, and the hand will reach for the wallet by itself.

But, perhaps, the client's money would have remained safe if he had known in advance that, according to the figurative expression of a senior engineer of the information technology directorate of one of the large Moscow companies, "setting the BIOS is almost the same as adjusting the angle of the monitor." However, if the angle of your monitor adjusts Bill Gates, then 1300 is not that much money. In addition, not only Bill Gates, but any computer repairman owns ...

Trick six: Secret knowledge, or Operation "Liquidation"

If the bill issued by the master has become a very unpleasant surprise for the client, you should think carefully before refusing to pay. The specialist has special skills that allow him to delete a single file with a deft hand movement, after which the computer will not work.

However, not all masters "forget" to show the client the price list before starting work or to familiarize them with their preliminary list. But in this case, there is...

Trick seven: "false call"

If the client is not satisfied with the cost of services, he can refuse them. But in this case, the master draws up the so-called "false call". For example, in one of the firms this pleasure costs 2,500 rubles. By the way, computer owners should keep in mind that in such companies a situation is considered a “false call” when the owner managed to fix all the problems on his own in those 2-3-4 hours while waiting for the arrival of a specialist.

Eighth trick: ordinary hack, or Watch your hands ...

... otherwise, after the master leaves, you may find on the table (or even worse - under the table or at the bottom of some box) those parts that should be in the computer. For example, a cooler is a “piece of iron”, the absence of which will not prevent a service specialist from demonstrating to the client a properly working “repaired” computer. Then, when in a day the insides of the “iron friend” burn out, the client will again only have to guess: out of harm or forgetfulness, the master did not put the equipment back in place.

What the consumer should know

In order not to get into the described situation, the lawyer of the Moscow Consumer Protection Society Sergei Khovanov advises potential clients, first of all, to conclude an agreement with the organization to which he applied. A simple written form is sufficient. This may be a receipt, work order or other written document that indicates the list and cost of work.

In accordance with Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, before concluding an agreement and starting repairs, the master must not only familiarize the client with the prices, but also tell him what he is going to do and how much it will cost. For this, an estimate is drawn up, which the client must read and sign. Only after that the master can start repairing. If any other malfunctions are found in the process, the master is obliged to immediately notify the consumer about this and obtain written consent from him for an additional payment.

Information on the contractor's website, as well as in the price list or other documents must correspond to the cost of work in the receipt or in the contract. Otherwise, it is a violation of the law.

The contractor has the right to demand payment for a false call, but he must warn the consumer about this in advance - when making an application for repairs. If the master who came to the house tells the client about the fine for a false call, the client has the right not to pay anything. Also, the consumer may refuse to pay if he was not informed in advance about the volume and cost of the proposed work, but was put "before the fact."

If the repair work is completed, but the quality of these works does not suit the consumer, then in accordance with Art. 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", he has the right, at his choice, to demand, in particular, the free elimination of deficiencies or a reduction in the price of the work performed.

If the contractor refuses to voluntarily satisfy the requirements of the consumer, then you can apply to the court and to the state regulatory organization - the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, as well as its territorial bodies.

What the performer should know

Advocate Alexander Osokin notes that if a company works on a “double price list”, it violates not only consumer protection laws, but also advertising laws, since information on the site can be regarded as advertising. By virtue of Article 14.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, false advertising is punishable by a fine of at least 40,000 rubles. "Games" with the price list can also be regarded as a violation of Article 14.7 "Deception of consumers" or Article 14.8 "Violation of other consumer rights" of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

The lawyer also advises potential clients, before contacting a particular company, to find out what kind of software it installs for users. If the site does not emphasize that the company works with licensed software, it is better to bypass it. The installation of "pirated software", recalls Alexander Osokin, falls within the scope of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

A qualified computer setup wizard will quickly help you optimize the performance of your equipment and troubleshoot problems. Installing anti-virus software, speeding up work, setting up the Internet, sound and displaying data on the screen - this is not a complete list of services that are included in the "setting up a computer at home" wizard.

Service cost

Set up a computer at home

When it becomes necessary to set up a computer at home, a decent and qualified computer setup wizard, which I am, is always ready to offer a full range of services for repairing and debugging your PC. I can proudly say that I am a master of my craft and I am guaranteed to skillfully configure a computer with any OS and components. Please contact me with any questions you may have and you will receive a computer setup wizard. Cooperation with him will be productive. You will not be disappointed with the quality of computer setup that you get by calling a professional wizard. Its advantages include:

  • many years of experience;
  • constant practice;
  • free consultation and diagnostics of systems that need tuning;
  • travel around Moscow and the region without a separate payment;
  • the computer will be brought into working condition in a short time;
  • setup will cost from 300 rubles.

Computer settings

Setting up a computer is a task that requires a versatile approach. Unprofessional intervention in computer systems in order to set it up on your own can not only leave the problem without a solution, but also aggravate it. The subsequent setup of a personal computer can be much more expensive, so it is better to turn to the services of a master at home in a timely manner.

Calling the wizard to set up computers at home will help you quickly solve all the problems that often arise with your computer:

  • the computer systematically "freezes";
  • overheating and noise during operation;
  • regular failures when turning on / off the power;
  • "blue screen of death";
  • restoration of documents;
  • setting up playback of multimedia and other programs;
  • connection of peripherals;
  • installing drivers;
  • cleaning from viruses and installing a protective package.

Only a master, for whom a computer is like an open book, is able to get rid of any problems seriously and for a long time. Call a worthy master, whose competence is repairing and setting up a computer - the decision of a person who values ​​\u200b\u200bhis time and money. The wizard for setting up a computer at home will always carry out high-quality diagnostics and troubleshooting - reinstall the operating system and necessary programs, clean it from dust and issue a guarantee. Setting up the necessary parameters and treating almost all non-standard difficulties in the operation of computers is a very simple task if you call the wizard to set up a computer at home. My service area for setting up a computer geographically includes the entire city of Moscow and the region. Feel free to call and get a free consultation of the computer setup wizard.