How to decorate a doorway without a door: options, materials, design ideas. What are the ways to decoratively frame the doorway with your own hands? Decorative framing of openings

Having decided to get rid of traditional doors, you cannot avoid the question of how you can arrange the resulting arch? In this article, we will look at how beautiful it is without doors using various materials on your own.

Why do openings open?

  1. In some buildings, open doorways are part of a load-bearing wall. You cannot remove it; all that remains is to decorate it or turn it into a built-in wardrobe or a niche.
  2. Also, open doorways are made to visually unite several rooms: a kitchen and a hall, an office and a bedroom, a living room and an entrance hall.
  3. In rooms with a free layout, such openings divide the territory into functional zones.

In addition, open doorways visually increase the space, they do not need to be looked after, as with traditional doors, they can be interestingly decorated, given an original shape. But this option is unacceptable for those who want to retire from everyone.

Shape of door niches

  • Rectangular... This design requires mandatory finishing, installation of platbands and framing. It can be finished with wood or plastic panels with similar platbands, or decorated with stucco or decorative stone.

  • Arched construction. It can have a rounded, trapezoidal, ellipsoidal vault, etc. Such an opening visually expands the space, so it is beneficial to do it in narrow rooms. In principle, using drywall is possible.

Advice! When planning to decorate an arched opening, avoid "heavy" and "bulky" cladding methods (stucco or stone with large patterns).

  • Imitation of an arch. In appearance, it is similar to an arch, but is made of semi-circular ready-made segments that can be bought at any store. They are fixed in the corners of the niche and decorated in any way.

How to highlight an arched opening

Decorating interior openings is done in order to attract attention. There are several design solutions to help highlight the arch:

Advice! If you want the entrance opening to look unusual and original, give it an unusual shape using drywall: ellipsoidal, slope to one side, curly entrance with shelves, etc.

How to divert attention from the doorway

There are situations when it is necessary to visually hide the doorway. To do this, you can resort to some tricks:

  1. Will help to make the entrance "invisible" drywall without additional finishing, that is, painted white. Many hang over such an opening a cornice with curtains, decorated with bright patterns and interesting prints that will distract attention to themselves.
  2. Wicker framing in the form of lambrequins made of thick threads will also help to merge with the overall interior.

How to finish a doorway with stone

Decorating a door arch with stone is a great option for:

  1. Large, spacious rooms;
  2. Premises with a small amount of furniture;
  3. If you need to hide any wall defects.

The process of decorating a doorway with a stone is as follows:

  • The surface must be prepared: get rid of the old coating, plastered and primed.
  • On the wall, markings are made for a decorative stone, making the drawing larger from below, less from above. Then the selected area needs to be primed.
  • Then a decorative stone is laid out on a flat surface in order to visually see the combination of colors and the intended pattern.
  • The artificial stone is glued to the wall with tile glue or liquid nails. You need to start from the bottom corner. If the vertical edge of the opening is laid out with a stone, then it is glued end-to-end to the casing.

Advice! To make the masonry look more organic, sharp corners can be sanded with sandpaper.

  • After the glue dries, the decorative stone is coated with varnish or a special compound consisting of tinting paste, water and acrylic varnish.
  • At the end, the plinth is glued to the floor, and the platbands are installed.

Interior decoration MDF

In appearance, MDF is similar to natural wood. The doorway, decorated with MDF plates, looks especially elegant and will suit any style. In addition, they are very easy to install, and a beginner can do this, adhering to the following sequence:

  • In the doorway, it is necessary to seal up the cracks and chips, and then nail the guide rails along the edge.
  • Next, you need to determine the width of the workpiece, for this, attach the platband to the slope from the outside, the resulting distance will be equal to the width of the slope.
    In this case, it is necessary to take into account the width of the finishing corner along the edge of the casing.

  • You can now cut the plank for the top slope using the jigsaw. Using self-tapping screws, we attach it to the rails.
  • In the same way, side slopes are installed.
  • Further, decorative corners are glued along the perimeter of the opening, and then they are closed with a platband.
  • The gaps between the slopes are sealed with wood-colored putty.

Decorating a doorway with plastic

This is one of the most affordable and inexpensive finishing methods. In addition to the price, its advantages include a variety of colors and textures, which allows the material to fit into any interior. In addition, plastic is not afraid of mechanical and chemical effects, it is easy to clean. There are two ways to install such panels:

  1. By analogy with MDF boards, i.e. fasten to a wooden frame. However, in this way you can easily damage the texture of the plastic.
  2. Provided that the slopes of the opening are even and plastered, the plastic is attached to the base with liquid nails. The ends of the plastic are closed with special plastic corners. They are attached to liquid nails, it is enough to press them to the surface for a couple.

Other design options for arched openings.

Stucco... It can be made of plaster and polyurethane. The first option is practically not used today, because such panels are very heavy, it is difficult to install them, moreover, it is a very fragile material, if dropped, it will simply break. Polyurethane does not differ in appearance from gypsum, but it is lighter and is glued to any surface using liquid nails.

However, this method of decoration is not very appropriate in small apartments with narrow doorways. Polyurethane stucco molding is produced in white color, later it can be painted with ordinary water-based paint in any color.

Gispsokarton. With the help of it, a niche can be given any shape and get a perfectly smooth surface. Drywall is attached to a special metal profile using self-tapping screws, and the corners are closed with corners. After installation, it is primed and putty in three layers. Then the opening can be pasted over with wallpaper or painted with paint to match the main walls.

Natural wood. This is the most expensive finishing option. But the result is worth the investment. natural wood gives the interior a special chic, comfort and respectability. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly, harmless material that does not cause allergies. But you can use cheaper varieties of wood, varnishing it like oak or walnut, while this will not affect the appearance in any way.

Beautifully decorating a doorway is not such a difficult task. There are many options for how to make it fit into the style of your home and transform the room for the better, just show your imagination, use our advice.

Design of arches in the apartment: photo

How to arrange a doorway: photo

Making an opening without a door implies several features. For this type of finish, not all materials are suitable, and the selected options will have to be handled quite carefully. Some structures can be created with your own hands, and the construction of the rest is best left to a professional.


The logical conclusion would be that a doorway without a door is made completely without a door frame. All decoration includes only the facing of the opening itself, which is performed using a variety of materials.

The design of a doorless opening allows you to choose from a variety of shapes, including both classic and fantasy interesting options.

Not in every room an opening without a door will look appropriate. There are rooms that must have a door, and these include not only a toilet and a bathroom. Bedroom, kitchen, study must be equipped with a full dooras these rooms are larger than others, there is a need for privacy and intimacy.

However, every rule can be circumvented. For additional decoration of such openings, curtains, muslin, screens are used. They allow you to create the illusion of dividing the room without completely replacing the door.

Refining an open doorway means relying on the integrity of the entire home. As a rule, the same doorless openings are made in an apartment or house. This applies to both form and finish. They act as a connecting element, uniting all rooms into a single ensemble.

Speaking about the advantages that open openings have in comparison with classic doorways, one cannot but mention saving space.Each door occupies at least one square meter of usable area. When creating a doorless structure, this problem disappears. From an aesthetic point of view, the opening allows you to visually expand the space or expand the functional area of \u200b\u200bthe room by combining it with the utility room. A good example is the recent combination of balcony and living room.

In some cases, a doorless space looks much more attractive than a door, especially when it is beautifully decorated. For example, shelves are often placed along the contour of such an opening. Figurines or other little things placed on them frame the gap beautifully, creating a unique atmosphere that cannot be repeated. Thus, sometimes an open doorway looks even more intimate than a thick oak door.

Finally, another important advantage is creating sufficient ventilation in the apartment.Air circulates better through open space, and for small apartments, for example, as in the houses of the Khrushchev building, this factor is important - it allows you to fight stuffiness.

The creation of several openings can completely change the original layout of the apartment, but in fact it comes out much cheaper than a full redevelopment.

In addition, an opening can often be created even in a load-bearing wall, so there are many more options for a new apartment plan.


There are many different configurations of doorways without a door, which differ from each other not only in their shape, but also in the material with which they are created. Along with traditional raw materials, the latest design developments are also used.

The simplest design is ordinary rectangular span... The creation of a rectangular opening is very simple: the door frame is completely dismantled, then the surface of the walls is aligned along the contour. In the future, the resulting gap is simply painted or revetted with a suitable material. There are a great variety of finishing methods, from the simple installation of wooden fittings to the creation of pompous stucco columns.

More popular construction arched constructs. To do this, it is not necessary to expand the opening in the wall; in recent years, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating false arches has been actively used. In this case, corner elements made of polyurethane or drywall with rounded sides are installed in a rectangular span, and as a result, a full-fledged arch is obtained with much less money and labor. However, this method is far from suitable for all dwellings: it is necessary that the opening has a sufficient height.

There are several types of arches:

  • Rounded arch. It is a classic interpretation and can be used in absolutely any room, regardless of the parameters, but there is one unspoken rule. The lower the ceiling, the wider the arch span structure should be.
  • Trapezoidal span. It is created from straight lines and can only be called an arch conditionally. Designers do not advise using such a shape because of the strong association with a funeral item - a coffin.
  • Triangular arch. There are a huge number of subspecies of triangular arches: keeled, lancet horseshoe-shaped, tudor. Similar elements came to modern design from the Middle Ages, and they are preferably used in tall, spacious rooms.

Increasingly, people are abandoning the creation of ordinary classic openings in favor of fantasy asymmetric ones.

They can only be made in plasterboard partitions. Asymmetric openings can be of any shape, and can also be supplemented with all kinds of auxiliary details: shelves, niches, lighting. Such a structure acts as a striking element and sets the tone for the entire appearance of the room. Eye-catching an asymmetrical opening helps well to hide possible flaws when renovating a room.


It is possible to balance the proportions of the premises in the apartment with the help of doorways without doors. Whether the opening is wide or narrow, high or low, the impression produced varies.

For rooms with low ceilings, it is strongly not recommended to mount narrow spans. Visually, they will make the room tiny and uncomfortable. It is better to choose a wide option that will visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, add air and light to it. This applies not only to arched openings, but also to rectangular ones.

The optimal height also depends on the original proportions of the room. If you want to combine two rooms with the help of a gap, it is recommended to make it almost up to the ceiling. An ordinary span, which serves only as an alternative to a door, should be made much lower, but its height should not be lower than 2 m.In the case of arches, this indicator grows by at least 30 cm.This is due not so much to aesthetic rules as to safety requirements: a person can hit the top narrow part of the arch hard in the dark.

When constructing asymmetric structures, the following rule should be followed: the more intricate the shape, the wider the opening should be.Too much concentration of monograms and other elements in a small space will overload the view, making the design unnecessarily elaborate and cumbersome. As a result, instead of an effective accent, you get a tasteless version that will soon bore you.

Thus, the size of the doorway is largely determined by the characteristics of the room itself, and not the chosen shape.

Remember that very wide doorways are best decorated with a texture, such as embossed moldings. If you use an ordinary smooth cladding, the gap will be “lost” against the general background of the room and from an aesthetic point of view it will not look particularly harmonious.

In various rooms

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the advisability of installing a doorless opening is obvious, however, sometimes rejection of the door is extremely undesirable. Among the rooms in which it is best to leave a door is the kitchen. This is especially true in small apartments, where a strong kitchen smell will be especially annoying. It's not always pleasant when scents are felt in the living room or bedroom.

The old boring living room interior can be changed beyond recognition, at the same time competently expanding the usable area. If you abandon the isolated balcony block and the door to the balcony, you will be able to make the living room brighter. The balcony will certainly need to be furnished in a style similar to the living room, since the rooms, united by a doorless opening, should be perceived as a whole.

You can often face cases when the door is refused between the corridor and the dressing room.Since both of these rooms are quite small and cramped, such a move helps to hide this fact, allowing people to feel more at ease.

In small apartments, doors between the hallway and the living room are abandoned, especially if the apartment is one-room. So the whole area is perceived as a single whole, as a result of which the dwelling seems larger.

In cases where such a small apartment has low ceilings, it is better not to choose an arched shape as an opening. It is much more logical to stop at the classic rectangular span.

It is quite rare to refuse the door to the bedroom, but they do not dare to leave the entrance completely "defenseless". Come to the rescue blackout curtains or screensthat perfectly protect the intimacy of the room. If necessary, they can be easily and quickly dismantled. An interesting solution is the use of curtains with hooks: they can be completely closed at night, and during the day they will serve as a beautiful frame for the opening.

How to arrange correctly?

The opening is casted in different materials and in different techniques. The interior span can be decorated with your own hands, or you can turn to professionals who will create a complex and unique decor.

It is a good idea to decorate the doorway with curtains.

A decorative curtain plays the same role as a door psychologically, but it takes up much less space. If desired, the curtains can be removed without any problems or replaced with others, while the design of the opening will not suffer (for example, if you simply remove the door leaf, hinges will remain on the span, which do not look very attractive).

Another option, how you can decorate a doorway without a door, is to use additional design elements - various stucco panels.With their help, it will be possible to refine any clearance, regardless of how smooth the walls are and in what colors the opening is made. Finishing is extremely simple and often done entirely independently.

With the help of stucco molding, it is possible to decorate openings in various styles. For example, you can make a classic arch with columns and heavy curly elements. If you add gilding, you will be able to fully recreate the spirit of the Baroque or the classics. For modern interiors, it is more appropriate to use simple embossed moldings with geometric patterns, for example, embossed groove lines. If in the first case the choice in favor of pilasters and capitals was appropriate, then in the second they should be avoided.

Stucco molding can be found quite rarely; it has practically gone out of use lately. This is due to the relatively small dimensions of modern apartments, because intricate designs look ridiculous in small spaces. You should not completely abandon the stucco elements: some of them can help in expanding the room.

Also, to decorate door openings without doors, they often use artificial stone masonry, clinker tiles or drywall.


Facing a doorway without a door can be produced using a variety of materials. The simplest solution is to paint the skylight or paste over it with the same wallpaper as the walls. However, there is one "but": only perfectly flat walls are suitable for this, otherwise the whole structure will not look neat enough and made in a hurry.

Another option is to make a box of extras and put it in the gap, or sheathe it with MDF panels. And in fact, and with another case, you will get a wooden gap that looks stylish and can be harmoniously fit into almost any interior.

Framing the opening is best done with wood of valuable species or their imitation, since these are the solutions that look the best.

It is also possible to sheathe the lumen with plasterboard. Drywall is a truly unique material. With its help, you can form a structure of almost any configuration, supplementing it with elements from other lightweight materials, for example, polyurethane.

A simple plasterboard opening can be easily made on your own, and this will not take much time, but the effect will please.

Often, gaps are laid out with imitation stone or clinker tiles. Clinker tiles imitate brick, while they weigh several times less. Tiles of various shapes are produced: there are also classic elements, as well as special corner ones. There is a wide variety of sizes on the market, but the most popular are medium sized tiles. The seams between the tiles are usually rubbed with a compound that exactly imitates the main wall covering.

Artificial stone looks more interesting than clinker tiles. There are imitations of various materials: limestone, marble, malachite and many others. This material has a lot of advantages: such a cladding looks expensive, is in perfect harmony with other finishing materials, is distinguished by a long service life and wear resistance, and is also very easy to clean. Laying such material can be carried out either in a geometrically thoughtful order, or chaotically - both options look equally good.

Both the tile and the stone are attached either to tile glue (when the walls are not aligned well under them), or to liquid nails (if the walls have a perfectly flat surface).

For information on how to independently make a decorative arch lined with plaster stone and bas-reliefs, see the next video.

Interior options

A fairly simple opening with a slightly curved edge adds pomp and grandeur to the room. Its unusual structure is made in rather restrained proportions: straight lines are used, there is no complicated decor. The almost even square shape contributes to the visual preservation of the proportions of the room, without creating any visual illusions.

The use of natural materials is encouraged when creating the design of a doorless opening. Wood and raw stone are in good harmony with each other, in spite of the fact that the tree is of a valuable species, and the stone is the most ordinary one. The play on contrasts deserves special attention: firstly, wood and stone contrasting in color are used, and secondly, the even edge of the wooden platband is adjacent to the torn edges of the masonry.

When carrying out repair work, non-standard, creative ideas for the reconstruction of the premises arise. It is worth considering one of these options - the design of the open.

Should you make an open doorway?

The presence of an open doorway will be an excellent solution for equipment. Having beaten this option, you can zone the room. That being said, you don't have to worry about shape or size restrictions. Thinking about the shape of a doorway, it is worth noting that two of them are often used: a classic rectangle, an arch, or its imitation. Each of the proposed options can be beaten and made as original as possible. To do this, it is worth considering what materials it is possible to use to frame the doorway.

The presence of an arch is welcomed if the rooms connecting it are made in the same style, which cannot be said about a rectangular opening. The latter refers to a separate room and is its addition. A high or wide doorway can be decorated with an imitation of an arch. The framing of such an arch can be made in an oriental style with the presence of openwork internal segments and corner trim. Framing a doorway made of polyurethane is considered the simplest and most affordable. Elements of this kind will become a light, beautiful and durable decoration of the opening.

Framing the doorway with stucco molding allows you to give the design a special style that matches the room. It can be: Rococo, Modern, Empire. Often, white stucco is used, but if desired, it can be replaced with a colored one.

Another interesting option is to frame the doorway made of wood. Such panels can be decorated with wood carvings. This technique allows you to apply any image in the form of: figures, animals, plants, birds. This is a rather rare type of framing, as it requires help from specialists, but the result is worth it.

Framing the doorway with a stone is possible if this material matches the overall interior. Such an opening should be laid out with material on both sides. A jagged edge can give a casual and more natural look.

In order to frame the doorway with a corner correctly, diamond cutting should be carried out. This method will help keep the edges straight.

There are various options for finishing the doorway. They help to achieve a harmonious and stylish room design. It should be borne in mind that these structures are divided into two types, which depend on the presence or absence of a door leaf. It is this element that determines the sequence of activities carried out in order to obtain the desired effect.

Methods for facing openings without door leaves

Finishing a doorway without a door is performed in two main options:

  1. Standard. This technology provides for lining openings with various materials, without changing the design.
  2. Arched. This method consists in the fact that the configuration of the opening changes - significantly or slightly.

Each of the methods requires adherence to certain rules, as well as accuracy.

Various types of materials for standard finishes

To decorate a doorway without a door, finishing products are used that have different technological features.

PVC panels

This option is one of the most popular. This is facilitated by the fact that such products have excellent characteristics, and are also very affordable. For laying, the glue-planting method is often used. Mostly slopes are faced with panels. Other parts of the doorway are finished with other materials.

On a note! PVC products require careful selection. In order to make a coating that will look harmonious in the interior, you should give preference to varieties made as an imitation of natural materials.

Everything is done as follows:

Requires leaving the structure for a while to avoid displacement of elements. Now they begin to eliminate the external joints. If you close them with plastic corners, as is done when facing windows, then you may get a not very attractive effect. Therefore, it is better to putty putty. Then you can start the subsequent finishing. For this, painting, wallpapering is carried out.

You should know! There are plastic platbands that are successfully combined with PVC panels. But pruning them is very time consuming. The fact is that you need to fit the elements at an angle of 90 degrees.

The best substitute for PVC will be MDF panels. Decorating openings with such material goes well with other products. If it is required to clad structures in this way in order to exclude the formation of visible joints, lamination is used.

Facing the door slope with MDF


It should be noted right away that stucco molding is currently used, which is made of polyurethane. Unlike plaster options, this type of product is characterized by low weight. Its installation can be performed without the involvement of additional assistants. An important feature of this material is that it lends itself to post-processing. That is, it is easy to paint it in different colors.

The opening is finished according to a certain scheme:

  • All parts and glue are preliminarily kept in the room where the installation will be carried out for 24 hours. This will ensure that all elements get used to the existing microclimate.
  • Areas that will be pasted over are carefully primed. Only formulations are selected that have a deep penetrating effect.

    Important! It should be remembered that the stucco molding is applied first. Only after that, you can make general wall decoration.

  • The surfaces of the products are slightly rubbed with sandpaper. Next, glue is applied. It is evenly distributed along the seamy side of the fragments. Now the stucco is applied to the selected area and pressed well. To prevent the elements from slipping, small screws are screwed under them.
  • If excess glue appears, then remove it immediately. When this cannot be done immediately, then you can use acetone, which is moistened with a sponge.
  • The important point is the docking of the elements. It can be done at right angles (perpendicular setting), or it can be trimmed at a 45 degree angle.
  • After facing, joints appear. They are hidden with a putty, which, after drying, is rubbed with sandpaper. Particular care should be taken when finishing between rooms, because it is required to provide for the location of parts on both sides.

Ennobling the doorway with stucco molding provides some nuances. This option is most suitable for rooms that have fairly high ceilings. If you use it for small rooms, then it is advisable to carefully consider the location of all elements. The fact is that it is easy enough to overload a room so that the interior becomes simply ruined.

Fake diamond

The use of artificial stone is a great solution that helps to finish a doorway without a door in a very stylish and modern way. This option is superior to similar products due to the fact that the material is produced in a large decorative range. For example, clinker tiles are also used for cladding such structures, but their choice is quite limited.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that the concept of "artificial" does not diminish the merits of this product. The simulation is carried out with excellent accuracy. The texture and shades of natural stones are repeated.

Decorating the doorway with artificial stone

Before decorating a doorway without a door with decorative stone, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages. The following advantages of the material are distinguished:

  • Excellent appearance, which brings presentability to the interior.
  • Possibility of combination with other finishing materials.
  • Excellent resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Durability. The service life is calculated in decades.

For work, small-sized products are used that have some relief. If you choose a deeper texture, it will look very bulky.

The cladding is made using various technologies. It is often done in a way that allows for uneven edges.

On a note! Currently, special elements have been developed that act as corner plates. They avoid unnecessary pruning.

The opening is designed quite simply:

  1. Marking is performed on the selected areas. She must repeat the developed scheme. To complete this process as accurately as possible, the stone is laid out on the floor in a given order.
  2. Wall surfaces are treated with primers that penetrate deeply. This will improve adhesion. It is important to let all areas dry well.
  3. Fixation can be carried out on a special adhesive for tiles or "liquid nails". The second option is suitable for those cases where the base has almost perfect evenness.
  4. The composition is applied to the seamy side of the elements. It is important to remove any excess.
  5. The stone is laid in ways that make it possible to form a seam or dispense with a monolithic surface (without joints).
  6. The details sit in their place and press down. Good adhesion is important.
  7. If joints have been formed, then they are overwritten. The color of the mixture is selected in a contrasting or solid color.

When a question arises: the better to finish a doorway that does not have doors, options that include artificial stone, decorative brick and clinker can first be considered.


Recently, such material has noticeably dropped in popularity. But quite recently, ten years ago, this method seemed the most affordable. It is safe to say that many people simply underestimate plaster. Indeed, this option has several significant disadvantages - the laboriousness of the application (in the absence of experience) and the presence of a certain amount of "dirt". But if you do all the work correctly, as well as achieve a combination with other products, then the effect will pleasantly surprise.

How to decorate a doorway without a door by plastering:

  1. The required amount of the mixture is prepared. The made solution should be in such quantity that it was enough for 30-45 minutes of work.
  2. The mixture is applied to the surface by scattering. Leveling takes place with a rule or a wide trowel.
  3. If required, beacons and perforated profile guides are installed.
  4. When the mortar layer exceeds 1-1.5 cm, then a reinforcing mesh is laid.

Such a surface can be painted. But it is better if the plaster acts as a starting compound. Then a decorative (textured) putty can act as a finishing finish. It is applied in a specific order for amazing coverage. Such doorways will decorate the interior.

Decorative plaster - a spectacular design option for a doorway without a door

Arch device

The arch can transform the interior. It is important to understand that a device of this design requires a certain amount of experience. After all, in order to finish the doorway exclusively with your own hands, it will take a lot of effort.

You should know! There are standard-sized arches that are already completely ready for installation. They only need to be carefully mounted.

Arch-shaped doorway

The most simple arches are made of plasterboard. It looks like this:

  1. Finishing doorways begins with installing the frame on both sides. It is fixed on the top horizontal and vertical posts. On the latter, it has a size that is almost equal to the end of the fillet.
  2. GKL parts are fixed to the frame. An arc is pre-cut on them, for this a stencil is made.
  3. An additional crate is made inside the resulting structure. It serves to fasten the last arcuate plasterboard element.
  4. The final finishing is done with putty. Decorative cladding is made with various materials.

The arch can be performed using more "noble" products, but it will require more skill.

Other design methods

Decorating doorways can be done in other ways. They consist in the use of decorative curtains or screens. This method is very affordable and simple. In addition, it requires virtually no work to be done.

Various options can be used:

  1. Fabric curtains. They will be a great addition to any interior. The composition should be composed in such a way that there is harmony with other elements and combination with window decoration.
  2. Bamboo curtains. This option is suitable when the room is made in eco style.
  3. Thread curtains. These products are used if you want to fill a room with unusualness.

Of course, how to design the opening, everyone is chosen based on their taste and preferences.

Photo gallery: options for finishing doorways without doors (20 photos)

What can be done with an opening equipped with a door

The decision on how to make a doorway that has a door leaf involves the use of the simplest options. The only difference is where this structure is located.

Simple arrangement of interior space

The most affordable option for finishing interior openings is the installation of a box and adjacent elements. The general technology is as follows:

  • The box is installed. It can be equipped with or without a sill.
  • Addons are used as materials that will lining the slopes. They are available in standard sizes (up to 120-150 mm).
  • These elements are fastened with a groove on the box. If such a design feature is not provided, then fixation is performed on self-tapping screws. A hole for them is drilled through the end face of the part.
  • External finishing is carried out by means of platbands that frame the opening.

This option is great for situations where you need to clad not very wide structures.

Other options

How to refine a doorway that has a door more original? In fact, to create a really interesting variation, you have to try. The fact is that it is the curtain wall that limits the use of different materials. Improper use of trimmings - prevents opening. Although, given this feature, then almost everything is suitable for external decoration.

On a note! There is a sliding way to open the door. That is, the canvases repeat the device of the compartment doors. This is a rather interesting technological solution that requires a more careful choice of facing products.

How to finish a doorway? This question has many answers, which depend on the specific situation. But no matter who advises you, you still need to listen to your heart and choose the option that will be closest to you.

One of the common options for visually increasing the space in a room is to dismantle interior doors. This solution allows you to visually expand the premises, create a single space in the interior. In this case, an important task arises - finishing the doorway. In this article, we have collected the most popular and non-trivial ways to solve this issue.

Opening preparation

The preparation process for the work surface differs due to the materials chosen as finishing materials.

Types of materials for finishing

The choice of materials for finishing a doorway in the construction market is extensive, there are options for both economy class and expensive alternatives. It all depends directly on the needs, desires and capabilities of buyers, as well as several important aspects:

  • you should not save on the quantity and quality of fasteners (for example, if you make a crate of wooden bars, then you need to look at them for the presence of mold, rot and large cracks);
  • when purchasing materials packaged in different boxes, consignments should be checked, if they differ, then the shade of the content may also differ;
  • the durability of the material, its ability to withstand daily contact with various external influences - this is what all masters should first of all think about.

Using the example of the most popular options for finishing a doorway, we will consider in more detail the workflow for each of them.


This option can be called the most popular due to the simplicity of work and the practicality of using the finishing material.

The only thing that should be taken care of before starting finishing is to cover the floor with film or newspapers so as not to damage or contaminate the surface.

  1. Work begins with the preparation of the opening: cleaning from old materials and priming the surface.
  2. Installation of beacons (you should mix a little mortar and fix the perforated corners on the walls, setting them at the building level).
  3. A masonry reinforcing mesh is attached between the corners.
  4. The building mixture is prepared in the required quantity.
  5. Using several spatulas, the mixture is applied to the walls in a chaotic manner, after which it is smoothed over the surface using a rule.

It is important to remember that the thickness of one layer should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise voids or cracks may form, and this will negatively affect the durability of the finish.

If everything is observed, it remains to wait until the surface is dry, and you can proceed to the finishing: painting, wallpapering or applying decorative mixtures.

Clinker tiles, mosaics

This material is intended for cladding a wide variety of areas of a residential building, including the doorway. There are no special installation rules, options are offered depending on the interior design:

Facing a doorway with tiles or mosaics does not require special tools or special skills, the workflow consists of step-by-step actions:

  1. after the surfaces are cleaned and plastered, it is necessary to apply markings according to which the tile will be located in the doorway;
  2. prepare a special glue (liquid nails are used only in cases where the surface is perfectly flat);
  3. apply glue with a spatula to the back of the tile, distribute it over the surface, remove the excess;
  4. press the tile against the wall and hold for a few seconds, applying force.

In order for the products to be fixed evenly on the surface of the opening, plastic glazing beads should be prepared in advance, which are inserted into the seams between the tiles. It is removed after the adhesive mass has hardened not earlier than after 24 hours.

It is very important - if glue gets on the surface of the tile, it should be removed immediately, since the hardened mass is very difficult to remove.

When the opening is completely refined, the seams between the tiles are sealed with special grout, the color of which is matched to the tone of the walls or finishing materials.

Decorative rock

Another option that is used as an alternative to clinker tiles is decorative stone. It has several advantages over other finishing materials:

  • an exact imitation of natural rocks, with a lot of varieties of textures: marble, limestone, jasper, brick, wood cut and many others.
  • tolerates high humidity without consequences;
  • easy to clean, because does not require the use of special products to remove dirt from the surface;
  • resistant to mechanical damage if the rules of installation are observed.

The installation process is very similar to laying clinker tiles, but there are several important points that you should not forget:

  • depending on the thickness, the weight of the products may vary, which can increase the consumption of the adhesive mass;
  • when purchasing a finishing material, inspect several pieces from the back, if there are many pores on the surface, they have a low density, which will affect the strength of the stone.

This finishing material is found in two types:

  1. Natural. It is made from natural rocks, crushed into crumbs. Such products are distinguished by their weight and strength under direct mechanical stress.
  2. Artificial. Its basis is gypsum, to which dyes and polymers are added. The main advantage is the low price, which fluctuates around 300-800 rubles per square meter.

Wooden panels, MDF

An equally popular option for finishing door slopes are wood or MDF panels, laminated under wood, which harmoniously fit into the classic style. The benefits include:

  • aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • no visible defects in contact with water.

The process of installing panels made of wood or MDF will require you to purchase additional materials - wooden slats, which will be used as lathing:

  1. The slats are cut to fit the width of the opening and attached with dowels and self-tapping screws to the walls.
  2. The panels are also adjusted to the opening with a small offset, which is hidden by an end corner.
  3. The launch pad is secured with finishing nails.
  4. All subsequent panels are attached through a tongue-groove (connection system present on the products).
  5. From the end, the structure is closed by a side panel - a casing, which is fastened with nails to the crate or end corner.

Photo instructions for finishing the opening with MDF panels

To hide the fasteners, you can use special furniture wax or adhesive caps, matching them to the color of the panels.

Such a finish will look rich, even if inexpensive MDF panels with a textured pattern under an exotic wood were used.


Many finishers love laminate flooring for its flexibility, which makes it possible to sheathe almost any openings, corners and nooks found in living quarters with this material. The only thing worth worrying about is that it does not tolerate moisture well and, after contact with water, swellings may form at the ends of the products, and such defects are not eliminated.

The laminate is fastened with self-tapping screws to the crate in the same way as finishing with PVC or MDF panels.

If the walls are relatively flat, then you can use liquid nails and spacers, which will press the material against the surface of the walls for several hours.

Stucco molding - gypsum and polyurethane foam

One of the most interesting, but in its own way capricious materials is stucco. Using it in the interior for finishing the doorway, you should maintain a single concept of the overall design, fit into the style that is inherent in columns, pilasters with capitals and other similar decorative elements.

Stucco molding on the opening should be combined with other interior elements, such as floor and ceiling skirting boards

There are two types of stucco molding on the construction market:

  1. Plaster. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the interiors of country houses, made in the Venetian or classical style. But in small apartments, such products seem too bulky, the interior openings narrow not only visually, but also in fact. Plus, gypsum is a very heavy and fragile material; it will not last long under mechanical stress.
  2. Artificial, or rather polyurethane, is an affordable analogue of gypsum.

The advantages of polyurethane foam decor include:

  • ease of construction;
  • ease of installation: products are easily cut with a clerical knife and attached to liquid nails;
  • a variety of ready-made forms;
  • the surface of the polyurethane is suitable for painting.

Stucco molding looks perfect in the frame of a doorway with an arch, especially if the width allows you to erect monolithic column supports along the edges.

Doorway shapes

Decorating openings between rooms without a door is difficult not only by the choice of the material used, but also by the shape of this opening.

The solution to this issue will affect the harmony of the transition between rooms, the lighting of the premises, the combination of styles in the interior and the practicality of moving.


A common option is rectangular. Such an opening remains immediately after dismantling the door frame and it has its advantages:

  • suitable for all finishing materials;
  • no additional structures are required;
  • clearly delineates two living quarters, for example, a balcony and a kitchen, while visually expanding both;
  • great for modern interior design styles.

A wide rectangular opening allows you to use the slopes as niches for interior items


The arch has an interesting ability: in rooms with low ceilings, it visually increases them, and in cases with high ceilings, on the contrary, lowers them. Moreover, the wider the arch-shaped opening, the lower the ceiling appears.

Many people prefer this option for its softness, the absence of sharp corners, this makes the transitions between rooms more invisible. The arch fits perfectly when leaving the hall, if it is wide enough, movement between rooms will be invisible.

The absence of a massive doorway decor emphasizes the beauty and complexity of the rest of the interior.

A nice addition are ready-made solutions - arch-type extensions, prepared for installation in doorways.

Completions and a developed edging of the opening emphasize the complex shape of the opening, making it a visual accent


This form is used very rarely, this is due to the fact that in small areas such a solution has the opposite effect: the room does not expand, and the ceiling visually lowers. Especially in cases where the upper horizontal part of the trapezoid is too narrow. One might get the impression that when designing the opening they wanted to make an arch, but they lacked the strength and skills.

Such an opening looks good when it matches the shape of the room behind it, as in this picture

The polygon will fit well into the transition where double-leaf interior doors were planned or were installed. With the help of drywall, you can easily and effortlessly turn a rectangular gap into a smooth trapezoid, fixing it at the corners of the opening.


A doorway that embodies the fantasies of the owners of a living space is an asymmetrical shape. Designers love her for her ability to bring the most amazing solutions to life. The opening ceases to be the border of two rooms, it turns into the decoration of the apartment, into that element that attracts the eye and emphasizes the given style.

An asymmetric opening is a highlight of any interior

However, here, too, there are nuances that many forget about and face difficulties in the process of work:

  • you cannot undertake the expansion of the opening without creating a project, which will take into account all the possibilities of load-bearing walls and ceilings;
  • sharp corners and sharp shapes have a negative psychological impact on others; it is necessary to minimize the presence of irritating factors as much as possible so that the refined openings serve as its advantage, and not a disadvantage.

Curtain decoration

A simple but very interesting option for decorating a doorway with curtains is a look into the past. Several decades ago, people delimited living space in this way, decorating the aisle with wooden or fabric curtains. The desired effect was achieved: the boundaries of the room were visually outlined, while the space was not closed.

Curtain - a simple and effective solution

But such solutions are still popular now, but the variety of shapes and materials has become much larger. Most often, bamboo sticks are used, which are very durable and make a pleasant sound when colliding with each other. You can paint them yourself in the desired shade or choose a ready-made version for your interior.

You can use curtains anywhere, even on the border of the hallway with the bathroom, although it is a little intimate, but if the homeowners are interested in this option, then why not experiment.