How to design a kitchen in a classic style. The harmony of the kitchen in the style of modern classics. Classic MDF kitchens

In the life of every homeowner, one day there comes a moment of fatigue from modern flashy bells and whistles, neon colors, glossy surfaces. The human soul gets tired of frantic man-made speeds, asks for stability, reliability and ... noble chic. This is where the good old classic comes in.
Kitchen design in a classic style does not begin with furniture, not with appliances. It starts with solidity - finishing the walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doorways - this is what you should pay attention to first of all when decorating such an interior. Having missed these important points initially, it will be difficult to change anything later. No most luxurious natural wood set will make an interior with a laminate floor or a glossy stretch ceiling look classic.

Where to begin?

Estimate the size of the room intended for decoration. Design in this style initially involves a large room, high ceilings. This option is ideal for a country house and an apartment with a ceiling height of 270 - 280 cm and above.

A feature of the classic design is the reduction, narrowing of space due to the massiveness of furniture and decor elements. In small rooms, it is better to use individual elements of this style, rather than imitate the style as a whole.


The floor in rooms with such an interior has always been made of natural materials - natural marble or stone. Cheaper materials, which are no less attractive from an aesthetic and environmental point of view, are now available - ceramic floor tiles, porcelain stoneware, clinker. It is possible to use wooden flooring, optimally - parquet.
When choosing tiles as a floor covering, it must be taken into account that it is cold; when designing an interior with such a floor, it is necessary to include in the estimate the installation of a warm floor - water or electric.


Walls finished in this style "breathe". No plastic or vinyl! Only plaster plus water-based paints. With sufficient funds, it is desirable to finish part of the walls with noble Venetian plaster or interesting textured. Wallpaper should not be used, but if you really want to, paste over only one wall with them, and simply paint the others to match. Photo wallpapers with images of Italian rural motifs or reproductions of paintings by classical artists will look advantageous. A common option for using panels is to limit them along the edges with decorative semi-columns or pilasters.


A well-aligned, neatly painted ceiling will be an excellent base for decor - wide ceiling skirting boards (you can play with different shapes, patterns and volumes), beams, moldings. Lightweight durable polyurethane products are a good alternative to frivolous foam and heavy plaster. Aesthetes prefer plaster. This style, for all its rigor and restraint, allows the "decoration" of the ceiling as far as fantasy is enough.

When designing kitchen ceilings in a classic style, modern round spotlights should be avoided. Their use "simplifies" the design of the room, makes it "mundane", "flat".


The best option is wooden frames with double-glazed windows, but if plastic frames are installed, then it is easy to supplement them with a layout in the form of frequent window sashes. It is better to order the inner parts of the frame with a woodgrain finish. Window slopes need to be plastered, painted, and window sills made of wood, matching the rest of the wooden surfaces. An interesting option for finishing window sills with mosaics or porcelain stoneware imitating a wooden surface.


A beautiful classic kitchen does not need doors. Arched openings connecting it to the living room or corridor will give the whole interior even more sophistication. If doors are needed, it is better to choose a wooden door with glass or stained glass in the upper part with a rectangular layout of the bindings.

Countertop and kitchen apron

How and from what these necessary elements of the kitchen interior will be made should be considered at the design stage. The classic interior "requires" natural materials.
For countertops - natural or artificial stone. A more economical option is to use wood. To coat wooden countertops, oil is used, which protects the surface from moisture, while at the same time well leveling scratches and cracks.

The sink should be larger than usual - deeper, wider, so that it does not look like a "tin basin" against the backdrop of a noble interior, preferably made of artificial stone.

For a kitchen apron in hardware stores, you can choose the right tile. It is not so much the quality of the tile that is important, but the way it is laid. With interesting styling (diagonal, multi-color), even a simple tile will look advantageous. Mosaic is applicable for the classics, as well as various panels on "kitchen" and "grocery" themes.


In the kitchen interior is especially important. In the presence of a difficult decor, expensive finishing materials, it is important to organize good ventilation so that less soot and fat remain in the room, settle on walls, ceilings, and curtains.

Classicism is not superficial, it is not in the details and trifles, it lies in the basic powerful preparation, therefore it brings a sense of stability and peace to the atmosphere of the room. You will never get that feeling if you try to imitate a classic style with superficial details.

Color spectrum

But now you can be puzzled by the choice of colors, kitchen sets, appliances, lighting, textiles.
Neutral natural colors and shades are the companions of the classics. Most often, beige, milky are chosen, brown light and dark tones are popular.
It is worth showing originality, for example, by combining a light furniture set in white, cream, milky tones with bright or dark walls.

Furniture. Choosing a tree

An economical option is imitation of wood, but it should be a good imitation, against the backdrop of a chic floor, nobility of wall decoration, a bad imitation will “give out” itself and “smear” a carefully drawn exquisite picture.


The best option is built-in, hidden behind the facades of cabinets, so as not to destroy the style of the room; it is advisable to choose wide stove and oven so that they are not “lost” in massive furniture, optimally stylistically corresponding to the entire room.
Lighting. A large chandelier on the ceiling is obligatory, it is great if there are one or two sconces of the same collection on the wall. The backlight is applied above the stove and above the work surface along the walls, the backlight fixtures are invisible from the outside. If the chandelier is located above the "island" or table, you can hang it lower.


The classic involves rich curtains with lambrequins, voluminous drapery, and light tulle. If the kitchen is not combined with the dining room, then you can use simpler curtains, but the presence of a dining table obliges you to follow the traditions. The dinner table is usually covered with a tablecloth. Do not be afraid that it gets very dirty and you need to wash it often. Modern washing machines and powders do a great job of this.

The classic never gets old, does not lose its relevance and is always a sign of refined taste. That is why a classic-style kitchen is a simple, but at the same time a smart solution that allows you to combine such important properties of this room as practicality, style and comfort.

However, creating a masterpiece of design art will require strength and great attention to detail.

Basic rules for classic kitchen design

2. Most of all, this style is suitable for spacious kitchen spaces - it is possible to reveal all the richness and luxury of details in it.

However, the advantage of the classics is that it will not spoil and - in this case, more careful thinking of the project will be required, however, coziness and comfort will be provided in any case.

3. This style is characterized by the use of only natural or decorated materials for them. The most common use, also designers often resort to details from natural stones.

Most often, classic-style headsets are made from oak, cedar, walnut and cherry trees. However, the use of all-natural elements involves high financial costs, so more democratic options usually only imitate the options listed above.

4. When designing a room, much attention is paid to the selection of lighting fixtures. It is clear that modern plastic and similar chandeliers do not fit this style at all.

With caution, you need to approach the introduction of spot lighting - this is functional, but can disrupt the unity of the style of the room.

5. Most often, the classics do not involve a large number of small details - there should not be a feeling of congestion. However, interior items that are appropriate and suitable for the general color scheme will be a good purchase even for such a room.

Important! Dishes in a classic kitchen should match the overall design, so it is better to opt for porcelain or ceramic items of a single design.

What color to choose?

The color scheme of such a kitchen most often involves the use of monochrome tones. There are two or three colors in the interior, while bright, neon and conspicuous shades are completely excluded.

Thanks to this, the classic never irritates the eye and does not bother. Let's take a closer look at the possible color palettes.

Bright classic kitchens

This option is popular at all times and, accordingly, never goes out of fashion. Classical cuisine is rarely designed in - it does not have the property of nobility, which is inherent in the classical style.

It is better to choose from a pastel palette: the color of vanilla or caramel, shades of cappuccino and, as well as milk, cream, wheat colors - all this will be an excellent solution for coloring.

Less commonly used are very light shades of blue and pink. The advantage of pastel shades is not only in falling under the style, but also in good compatibility with each other. Gold-plated and silver-plated details will be good interspersed in a bright kitchen.

When choosing light colors for decoration, you need to keep in mind their visual properties: they expand the space and lighten it, so they are better suited for small rooms.

Otherwise, it is better to give preference to dark shades, which, on the contrary, visually reduce and “collect” the space.

Classic dark kitchens

Among the dark shades, shades of brown are most often used in the design. Sometimes you can also find dark gray and dark blue tones.

Black color is one of the possible solutions, but only in combination with other shades, otherwise the interior will turn from classic to gothic.

Dark colors always look advantageous and noble, so this color palette will successfully fit into a classic interior.

When creating a design, you can use contrasting colors, that is, combine the dark and light shades listed above. The main thing, as noted earlier, is not to add too bright details that stand out from the general concept.

The combination of beige and brown has always been the most successful option for decorating the kitchen, and this trend is true today.

Due to the fact that these colors have a large number of shades that are successfully combined with each other, designers have unlimited scope for imagination, which, with the right selection of tones, can result in a stylish and elegant classic kitchen.

The color of wood in the design of a classic kitchen

Above, light and dark shades were considered without reference to materials, however, for a kitchen set, it is wood that is the ideal design option.

Therefore, the colors described above and the rules for their use will look most advantageous when a significant part of the interior details is made of wood (or designed to look like it).

In addition to the headset, these include furniture (table, chairs, etc.), as well as the floor - parquet will be the best option for it. In general, it is the color of the tree that is the best solution for the classics.

Small kitchen in classic style

When developing a project for a small kitchen room, the functionality of every interior detail is of the greatest importance. The classic allows you to combine beauty and ergonomics, so this style can be used to design a kitchen with a small area.

In this case, you should follow the following tips:

  • Opt for light colors that will visually enlarge the space and avoid feeling cluttered.
  • Pay attention to small-sized corner kitchens - this is an ideal option in terms of combining functionality and style. Today, there is a huge range of such headsets on the market, especially from Russian manufacturers, so even the most demanding customer will be able to find furniture to their liking.
  • Pay special attention to the correct selection of lighting - a small kitchen must be bright, this is a guarantee of warmth and comfort.
  • Avoid heavy details - voluminous curtains, large lamps, massive furniture. Everything should be proportional - the size of the kitchen should correspond to the size of the interior details.

By adhering to these rules, you can create the perfect classic kitchen even in a small room.

The kitchen space is the place where we spend the most time. Here they gather with family, communicate, arrange gatherings with friends. Of course, it would be logical to make sure that this room looks stylish and allows you to comfortably place useful appliances, appliances, and utensils. But not every style is in harmony with a typical apartment or country house. A compromise solution in this case can be a beautiful and elegant kitchen in the style of "modern classics".


Features of the classic style

Stylistically seasoned classic kitchen is a space that has everything for a comfortable pastime. If we consider design trends, then here, of course, we can see the influence of European, partly Scandinavian culture. Many national styles came out of the classics - Victorian and Provence, minimalist and modern. All these are branches that gave rise to the desire to follow the main precepts of the classical design of spaces:

  • accurate linear planning;
  • functional solutions in the environment (one item has several purposes);
  • preserving the natural color palette;
  • lack of pretentiousness and unnecessary details.

However, what we today call the classical style is also largely borrowed from ancient, ancient Greek culture. Clarity and naturalness, maximum proportionality of the situation, an abundance of natural light allows you to achieve the effect of a space filled with air - light and free from a heap of unnecessary things.

It is in such a kitchen that it is pleasant to stay for a long time, staying indoors not only for preparing lunch or dinner.

How is neoclassical different from traditional style?

Classics with elements of modernity is exactly what residents of city apartments choose today. Of course, in a space where the ceiling height does not exceed 2.5 meters, it is difficult to imagine a massive chandelier or floor-length velvet curtains. But it is here that the share of modernity only benefits. So, concessions can be made in the choice of materials - a heavy solid wood is replaced with MDF, chipboard, acrylic, windows are decorated with laconic curtains (necessarily symmetrical, paired) without an additional horizontal bar.

Another change is related to the functionality of furnishings. Gone are the fireplace banquettes, long tables and chairs with high backs. In obedience to current trends, the classics say goodbye to their monumentality and offer a new look at the problem of shaping the situation. Modern countertops and window sills made of artificial stone, bar counters and "islands" instead of full-fledged tables. The neoclassical style turns objects into elements of the transformation of space, completely changing the views on design as a whole.

What should not be in the interior?

  • Asymmetry. It is absolutely excluded in the classical style. A heap of objects of different heights and configurations will create a sense of chaos, while the goal of the designer in this case should be orderliness.
  • Ruthless to all living white lighting. Lamps with cold light without lampshades - spotlights or spotlights - can highlight flaws even in an ideal interior. To prevent this, it will be enough just to give the choice of a lighting solution a little more time.

  • Excessive gloss. In order not to create the feeling of kitsch or the perfect “doll house” in the style of the crazy sixties, you should pay attention to matte textures and muted shades. Then the nobility of the classics will be conveyed correctly.
  • An abundance of plastic. From the very beginning, this material belongs to a completely different style and will interrupt the feeling of harmony, introducing a certain imbalance in the design of the space.

Features of the design of the room

What needs to be done to bring classic design into the kitchen space? Start with floors, ceilings and walls. First and foremost - they should be smooth, without sharp drops, textured, matte. A neutral floor solution can be chosen among laminated panels, linoleum, parquet or porcelain stoneware. The coating should not be slippery, difficult to maintain.

For ceiling structures, suspended ceilings or classic plastered surfaces are suitable. False moldings and stucco will help to give them classic motifs - with the right selection, they will also visually make the room taller.

It is better not to experiment with color - white will come in handy. Instead of built-in lights, it is better to choose zoned lighting with a sconce and a chandelier under a lampshade.

For walls in a neoclassical interior, you should choose a material with a rich texture. Artificial stone or decorative brick for the apron area, safe washable wallpaper or satin paint for the rest of the room will be the best solution. Among the shades used by designers, the leaders are olive, peach, coral, beige.

Choosing a kitchen set

In the neoclassical style, the kitchen set is not at all the central element of the whole composition. It rather does not set the general mood, but mimics the overall color scheme and provides the room with the necessary functionality. If the architecture of the room allows, you should choose the U-shaped form of the location of the modules. Direct sets are located along the longest wall, on the contrary, a dining area is equipped. Symmetry is required, because it is it that creates a sense of order in the interior.

Proportionality also matters. Rows of cabinets must match each other in width, height; in the corners, the installation of canisters will be appropriate, in one of which a built-in refrigerator can be placed. Household appliances are located along the center line of the headset.

When choosing a material for a kitchen set in a modern classic style, you should give preference to natural wood or veneered chipboard. Both natural facades with natural colors and textures, as well as painted ones, will be appropriate.

Overhead details, carving, artsy fittings will remind you of belonging to the classics. If we are talking about a country house, a natural wood-burning hearth will help to decorate the kitchen.

Kitchen-dining room in a classic style

The interior of a spacious studio or country house allows you to combine two rooms at once, by zoning the territory and creating maximum harmony. The new classic in the space of the kitchen-dining room is especially appropriate. In this case, the object receives a clear division into functional areas.

It can be emphasized by the difference in lighting: a grand chandelier above the dining table and spotlights above the countertop work areas. To enhance the effect, choose a floor covering in two contrasting colors or even create a podium with a height difference of 10–15 cm.

The dining table is the basis of the composition in the space of the kitchen-dining room. The classic style allows you to use round or oval options to make the arrangement of chairs comfortable and save space. A small serving table would also be appropriate.

If the configuration of the room is elongated, the main working area is made U-shaped or L-shaped, using the window opening and window sill. Opposite there is a table with chairs. Zoning space can also be due to the play of textures. Stone and tile, a multi-tiered ceiling and a smooth finish with moldings will help add volume to the space.

Which technique is appropriate: built-in or conventional?

Modern household appliances, especially those designed in high-tech style, often discord with the design of a classic kitchen, giving it some disorganization. But modern design solves this problem too, offering not just to build in, but also to hide inappropriate furnishings behind authentic facades, most often carved or lattice, to ensure sufficient ventilation. But it works in the case of a refrigerator or dishwasher. But what about the oven or stovetop?

Product lines in traditional design help to save the situation - all modern manufacturers have them. Instead of excessive pretentiousness and gloss, here you can find original copper or Bakelite handles, exquisite shape of burners.

Such stylization will cost a little more than conventional analogues, but it will allow you not to deviate from the general concept in the design of the interior space, which is quite important in neoclassicism.

True classic cuisine is a luxurious corner of comfort. Furniture, carved patterns and any of its additional details speak of high prosperity and love for the home. And if you stay true to traditions by decorating the kitchen interior according to the rules of the classics, you will definitely get a free, comfortable and visually expensive space as a reward. Let's figure out what a classic-style kitchen should be like, what colors are suitable and how it looks in various variations.

The main highlight of the style is, of course, the furniture - beautiful, solid, one that will be fashionable out of time.

Therefore, let us say in more detail about the composition of furniture, colors and, in general, about the content of such interiors.

Kitchen design in a classic style: basic markers

The classic interior of the kitchen area can be considered an example of ergonomic and proper furnishing. In such a kitchen there is always a place for pleasant family dinners, and a feeling of home.

We list the features of the style due to which this effect occurs.

1. Classic kitchens are elegantly symmetrical

  • simple square tiles
  • "brick" tiles
  • diamond patterns
  • mosaic
  • or you can use a stone wall panel, finish the countertop and the wall in the same marble.

Thanks to an apron with an old simple pattern, the space of a classic kitchen will take on an aristocratic look.

Lighting fixtures for a classic kitchen

Classic style kitchen requires good lighting. It is desirable that lighting fixtures solve such problems:

  • provided natural warm light in the evening, white or slightly yellowish
  • and helped to highlight and illuminate each zone well.

Even better, if the design of the fixtures itself adds chic to the room.

Above the dining table, there must be an individual chandelier that provides comfortable light and decorates the dining area in itself. It can be a large chandelier with pendants, lampshades or candle shades.

In addition, wall sconces or a floor lamp in a similar design can be used in a large dining room.

In the working area, a group of small lamps or hidden ones will look harmonious.

Curtains for the kitchen in a classic style

Kitchen-living room in a classic style

The classic style of decoration looks ideal in spacious kitchen-living rooms - where there is enough space for a separate dining table and for a large chandelier above it.

When arranging such a kitchen, it is only important to observe a few conditions:

  • create graceful symmetry in the setting
  • maintain a harmonious color scheme in the working and dining areas
  • provide uniform high-quality lighting in every corner
  • choose textiles that match the overall color palette of the furniture.

Small kitchen in classic style

At furnishing a small kitchen according to the rules of the classics, a more difficult task is to be solved - to maintain a sense of spaciousness and grace.

In this case, furnishings are selected according to some general principles.

  • The overall tone of the room and the colors of the furniture should be light - for example, white, gray, pastel
  • Straight or L-shaped furniture wall will help to hide all unnecessary and save space
  • At the same time, open lightweight sets with glass facades and uncovered shelves will harmoniously look in the upper part of the kitchen.
  • It is better to choose household appliances to match the color of the furniture so that they “merge” with the general environment.

  • Additional elements in a small kitchen should be selected according to the size of the room. For example, instead of thick curtains, you can pick up light flowing curtains, instead of a chandelier - a compact lamp of diffused light.
  • At the same time, in a small kitchen there must be good lighting, which will make the interior lighter and freer.

When creating a classic kitchen interior, taste, love for home and the good traditions of the classics are important. Plus, ready-made impeccable projects will help, from which you can draw inspiration.

Quartblog Digest

The interior for an English businessman is made in the best traditions of a noble estate of the 19th century: there are floor-to-ceiling French windows, stucco, crystal chandeliers, and a fireplace in the living area.

We have collected for you 20 examples proving that the classics are eternal.

This family treshka pleases our eyes with its pleasant colors, and the owners - also with a comfortable interior.

An excellent design technique - repetitions and rhythms - makes this interior harmonious and interesting.

The interior of this apartment only emphasizes the solid age of the house, which was built in the 1930s.

Graceful, refined and symmetrical lines combined with restrained colors are the characteristic features of the kitchen interior in a classic style. This design decision gives the room a special nobility, aristocratic look and turns it into a model of aesthetics and harmony.

Design Features

A number of distinctive features:

  • The classical style implies ideal proportions, order and the absence of too pretentious compositions, thanks to which the interior ensemble looks perfect.
  • The design welcomes the presence of geometric patterns in the form of a cage or strip.
  • In the kitchen, they prefer the installation of linear or corner sets with symmetrically located appliances and furniture.
  • It is appropriate to use expensive materials, such as natural wood, iridescent crystal, polished stone and elegant textiles.
  • Despite the fact that this style is more revealed in spacious rooms, thanks to pastel colors and elegant elements, the classic can harmoniously complement a small kitchen, adding visual spaciousness and lightness to it.

What colors are typical for the classics?

For the classics, a restrained, calm and lighter range is chosen, which is diluted with precious metals or emphasized with natural textures.

The interior does not imply bright accents. Monochrome or contrasting color combinations are used for decoration. The main ones are white, black, brown, gray, burgundy, green, emerald colors.

Pastel beige, pale yellow, soft pink and blue are considered quite common. Sometimes in the interior there is a rich red, malachite, blue, turquoise scale, a shade of burgundy or aquamarine.

The photo shows a black kitchen with a bar counter, made in a classic style.

An integral part of the classic style is the white palette, which is used in ceiling, wall or floor decoration. Cuisine in milky, cream or vanilla colors is considered an indicator of fine taste.

To diversify the sterile and austere look of a white kitchen, you can choose a design in two colors. A snow-white palette will go well with natural shades, gold elements, bronze, silver or patina. The traditional solution is to combine a light kitchen with a dark countertop.

The photo shows a classic-style kitchen interior with an olive-colored suite.

A truly chic choice is a brown kitchen with a pronounced texture of natural wood. For a classic style, they prefer nutty, chocolate tones or a deep shade of black coffee.

The photo shows a beige island kitchen-living room in a classic style.

Kitchen furniture and appliances

A classic-style kitchen set is made of solid wood or its very good imitation of chipboard. A marble sink with copper or gold faucets will be an ideal complement to the design.

For painting facades, light enamel or translucent varnish is used, which preserves the uniqueness of the natural pattern. The doors are distinguished by their characteristic features in the form of panels, milling with a beautiful contour pattern or frosted glass and stained glass inserts. Handles made of artificially aged antique or satin bronze are used as fittings.

A traditional interior element is a sideboard, an antique chest of drawers or a sideboard. In a spacious kitchen, a U-shaped set, a spacious island or a bar counter are selected. Also, with sufficient space in the room, there is a sofa. Basically, it is a model with rounded armrests, a curved back and decor in the form of soft pillows.

The dining group is complemented by a square, round, oval or rectangular table with a smooth top and carved chairs.

The photo shows a classic-style kitchen with an island and a wooden sideboard with glass doors.

In order not to disturb the classic composition, a refrigerator and an oven are built into the set. If such an opportunity is not provided, collectible retro models are selected.

The photo shows a dining area with a wooden table and a corner sofa in a classic-style kitchen.

The stove with the hood is stylized and decorated in the form of a fireplace. Such a solution undoubtedly becomes the central element of the whole room. Also, the exhaust portal can be built into a niche and equipped with lighting, and its outer panel can be decorated in accordance with the general style.

The photo shows a classic-style kitchen with a suite with light facades decorated with gilding.

Repair and decoration: what materials to use?

Finishing materials in a classic style should be distinguished by unshakable strength, reliability and durability.

Which apron is suitable for a classic style kitchen?

A medium-sized tile or smooth stone will be an excellent material for lining the apron. To give the atmosphere of home comfort and some historicity will allow a wooden apron.

The photo shows a corner set with a dark marbled apron in a classic-style kitchen interior.

A working area decorated with mosaics or skinali with photo printing with landscape motifs will look very stylish and beautiful. For finishing, you can choose glossy or frosted glass with backlight.

How to decorate the walls?

The classic kitchen interior with walls decorated with textured plaster, wall panels or washable wallpaper, which are often framed with white moldings, will be perceived very harmoniously.

Mirror surfaces and columns are appropriate in the design. They are covered with gilding, bronze and mother-of-pearl, as well as carving or patina.

The photo shows a classic-style kitchen with walls decorated with wallpaper and decorative panels.

Floor finishing options

The floor surface finished with marble or granite looks really luxurious. A natural parquet board has a no less ideal look. For a more budget option, laying a waterproof laminate with imitation wood or ceramic tiles with a stone texture is suitable.

The photo shows light tile on the floor in the interior of the kitchen in a classic style.

Ceiling design examples

You can emphasize the sophistication of the classical style with the help of a flat whitewashed ceiling with plaster stucco decoration. An excellent solution would be a tension or suspension structure in a matte finish. Sometimes art painting or stained glass is used to decorate the ceiling plane.

Decor and accessories

The design of the kitchen is decorated with an old clock with a Roman dial, plaster moldings, gilded forged items and other exquisite accessories.

Open shelves can be filled with snow-white porcelain dishes, alabaster figurines or ceramic figurines. Paintings with still lifes or autumn landscapes, framed with wooden and gilded baguettes, are perfect for walls.

The photo shows a classic kitchen with a large wall clock located above the dining area.

Also, mirrors are used as decor, decorated in elegant frames made of warm-colored metal. Garden flowers or vases with white, yellow and peach roses will help create a joyful atmosphere in the room.

What curtains are suitable?

Curtains for classical cuisine are made of noble silk, satin or brocade fabrics. For curtains, dense textiles are used in tone, combined with furniture upholstery.

The photo shows blue-beige curtains with lambrequins on the window in the interior of the kitchen-dining room in a classic style.

Curtain ensembles have voluminous draperies and are decorated with fringe, tassels, tiebacks, rich lambrequins and light tulle. French curtains-marquises are often used in the interior to give elegance and nobility to the interior without overloading it.

Lighting nuances

Lighting in the form of voluminous crystal or glass chandeliers with a forged metal frame is ideal for a classic style. Sources of additional light will be wall sconces with elegant shades or floor lamps. The dining table can be decorated with an exquisite chandelier, and built-in spotlights can be equipped in the working area.

The photo shows a classic-style kitchen with a corner set decorated with lighting.

Classic kitchen ideas at home

The atmosphere in a private house has an atmosphere as close as possible to nature, so natural stone, wood and ceramic materials will look very harmonious.

The photo shows wooden beams on the ceiling in a spacious classic kitchen in a country house.

With a spacious layout, it is possible to implement various architectural techniques, for example, in the form of arches, columns, stucco rosettes, ceiling beams and other details. For interior design in a country cottage, large faceted mirrors or paintings in heavy wooden frames are especially suitable.

The photo shows a classic-style kitchen with a wall decorated with a faceted mirror and a fireplace with stucco decoration.

Photo in the interior of a small kitchen

For background design in a small room, it is better to choose white, gray and other pastel colors. Here it is preferable to use floor and furniture finishes in light colors.

To save usable space in a small kitchen in an apartment in Khrushchev, it is recommended to install a straight or L-shaped set with an upper part in the form of open polo or lightweight cabinets with glass inserts.

The photo shows the design of a small-sized kitchen with a bay window, made in a classic style.

It is advisable to choose household appliances in the color of the headset, decorate the window with light flowing curtains, and replace the ceiling chandelier with a compact lamp with diffused light.

Photo gallery

The classic-style kitchen is the standard of perfect taste. Such an interior never goes out of fashion, it always has a stylish, elegant, solemn look and creates a cozy atmosphere for the whole family.