How to seduce a Scorpio man and a Gemini woman. Scorpio man and Gemini woman. Are Scorpio man and Gemini woman suitable lovers? Sexual compatibility of a couple

Perhaps the most mysterious and at the same time the sexiest sign of the zodiac. Who are we talking about? Of course, about Scorpio. A male representative born under this sign gives the impression of a calm and peaceful person. But he only seems so outwardly.

In fact, he is capable of incredibly passionate and fiery love, with which he will burn for a very long time. Sometimes it’s not so easy for a man to cope with his emotions; he looks at every beautiful girl.

Such bright individuals usually associate their fate with individuals who meet numerous requirements.

The nature of this zodiac sign is very strange: he will never take into account exclusively external data and fashionable clothes.

Scorpio just strives to choose the most worthy representative of the fair sex, who will surprise him every new day with her extraordinary intellectual abilities, ability to express thoughts beautifully and cook deliciously. He is ready to walk hand in hand with such a woman all his life and will definitely not regret the choice he once made.

You can say that a Scorpio is unusually smart, handsome and has a very subtle sense of humor. The most important thing is not to over-praise. He knows his own worth very well and will perceive your words as banal flattery. The element of water itself awakens a sense of justice in him; he always says what he thinks. In addition, the horoscope obliges the Scorpio man to have a good understanding of women. He is impressed by honest and principled people with a bright temperament, since Scorpio does not look for easy ways.

Never change your mind, always try to go ahead. At moments when those born under this zodiac sign lose control, they simply cannot control themselves. In this state, Scorpios become easy prey. All zodiac signs can get such a passionate male representative.

You just need to be able to combine the talent of a shy woman and a sexy seductress. This is a rather rare talent that will allow you to dominate a Scorpio man. Don't disappoint him, he should be "soaring in the clouds" from sweet bliss.

The most important thing is not to confess your love, because the man was and remains a hunter. He likes to conquer his victim, attract her attention and just watch her reaction.

  • A man will definitely reciprocate as soon as he feels that he is being given little attention. You can try the tactic of ignoring a potential suitor, then he will slowly go crazy.
  • You can make a Scorpio man fall in love with you; to do this, you must spend as much time with him as possible. People sooner or later get used to it and then cannot imagine themselves without a loved one. A girl should not demonstrate with all her appearance that she likes a man.
  • Moreover, when Scorpio chooses his next victim, he himself gives 100%. Increased attention and the desire to surprise the lady of his heart - that’s what he strives for.
  • Behave as naturally as possible, freely and do not hang yourself at the first opportunity - then you will be able to attract the attention of an insidious male seducer.

An Aries girl and a Scorpio man are a harmonious union. Emotional representatives of different signs, romantics by nature, will very quickly find a common language. Aries should just be themselves: bold, active and a little aggressive. In such a tandem, sometimes there are too many emotions, but they manage to cope with them. After a quarrel, a very clear reconciliation occurs.

Good compatibility, as the woman will act as a leader in life. She creates a comfortable environment and boasts excellent self-control. Living together will definitely bring them peace, happiness and joy.

Will she be able to please the capricious Scorpio? A dangerous union in which Gemini is restless and too frivolous. Crowds of men constantly hover around Gemini who want to spend all their free time with her. It is very difficult for a Scorpio man to behave with maximum restraint. He constantly experiences anxiety, and as a result, scandals arise on this basis.

The stars predict a complex union for these zodiac signs, which will be filled with understatement and outbursts of causticity. Will Scorpio be able to keep his soulmate? It is difficult for Cancer to perceive the constant malicious attacks from Scorpio. If they decide to compromise, then there is a chance to preserve that very spark of passion.

What about a married Scorpio? Such a young lady will be able to take a man away from the family. A very bright and at the same time quite unusual union, in which two decisive and incredibly courageous natures are effectively united. The Leo woman easily attracts the attention of the opposite sex; she knows how to present herself beautifully. These zodiac signs have excellent sexual compatibility.

How about winning back a busy Scorpio man? Virgo, thanks to her energy and hard work, will be able to win the heart of any representative of the stronger sex. Scorpio constantly strives to demonstrate his complex character. Together they will still be able to move mountains, but only if they work on their relationship every day.

She will doubt and consider all options until the last moment. What if he is married? There's a sparkling ring on his finger. The union is complex, however, these delicate and vulnerable people can get along together. If they learn to listen to each other’s wishes, everything will definitely work out.

Two Scorpios are just an explosive mixture, a passionate romance filled with crazy emotions. Even if he has a girlfriend, she will do everything possible to fight off a potential lover.

A man will definitely appreciate the beautiful lady’s desire for independence. From time to time they will make trouble, but for a long-term union they will still have to pacify their capricious nature.

The union promises to be filled with sincere emotions. A man and a woman are ready to make any concessions for each other. A strong character will be the key to a long relationship; they will go through any obstacles together.

The mysterious and slightly eccentric Aquarius, if he is not nearby, will strive to attract the attention of the Scorpio man. She is very bright and at the same time extraordinary, this is how she and Scorpio are similar. The main thing is to make compromises in time, then the relationship will be strong.

The most unusual union from an astrological point of view. Scorpio really likes women with imagination who know how to attract attention. You definitely won’t get bored with Pisces, and that’s the most important thing.

How to win a Scorpio man
Tips on how to win the love of a Scorpio man. How can a woman make a Scorpio man fall in love with her? Tips on how he will like it, to attract his attention.

How to win a Scorpio man

We all want to love and be loved, but quite often in life it turns out that the man we like does not take the first step to communicate more closely. He is too independent and secretive. One of the ways to get to know your chosen one better, to understand what he values ​​in women, and what kind of chosen one he wants to see next to him, is to obtain information about his zodiac sign. It is the zodiac sign that helps you learn things about a person that you simply cannot get in any other way. The Scorpio man has a very strong and bright character. He is quite cruel, and hidden passion is felt just by looking at him. He loves bright and passionate relationships and you need to be prepared for such intensity of passions if you have fallen under the spell of the owner of the Scorpio sign and want to conquer him.

The manifestation of sincerity and purity of feelings will be important for him. If you give up all feminine tricks and tricks and boldly open your soul to him, he will be delighted. But even here, with a Scorpio man, not everything is so simple; he appreciates when a woman is confident in herself and simply does not consider it scary to be sincere, but he despises naivety. Therefore, it is better not to try to pretend to be a very confident woman if you are not one. There are many ways to win his proud heart, so it’s better not to take risks. What Scorpio values ​​most in relationships is spontaneity and harmony. In a woman, he, first of all, wants to see a clear position in life, intelligence and a wonderful sense of humor.

In order to become a dear and dear person to Scorpio, contact him only with an open soul. You can be a person who will support him or, on the contrary, you want to get help from him, the main thing here is sincerity in your attitude towards him. When communicating with him, you should not contradict him too clearly, and do not pay attention to his vivid display of emotions. But it will be difficult for you to find a more intelligent interlocutor who can easily solve your problems. Also, in a conversation with him, you should not say that you know everything about his innermost desires and dreams. This is a secret only for the two of you, which should not be voiced out loud. The Scorpio man is too proud to admit even to himself that he surrendered to your mercy and opened his soul to you.

In order to win him, to become truly a loved and dear person to him, you should not test his trust and take advantage of his weaknesses. If a Scorpio man understands that someone is trying to get into his soul without an invitation, then no matter how dear you are to him, he will say goodbye to you without regret. It’s best to make sure that he remains a mystery to you, no matter how long you’ve been together. The Scorpio man is one of the most complex and too freedom-loving signs of the zodiac. To conquer it, it is necessary to make titanic efforts. But, despite this, you will feel such exciting and deep experiences, passion and emotions next to him that every day spent with him will be like a little life for you.

Astrologers, when compiling horoscopes for the compatibility of zodiac signs, focus on the fact that the Gemini man and the Scorpio woman are considered, to put it mildly, not a suitable match for each other. Such relationships are initially doomed to separation, although sometimes a couple can live their lives together, but it is difficult to say how happily.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Initially, it is unlikely that people who approach life differently will be able to find a common language. The Scorpio woman is different in that everything that belongs to her is hers alone. She would never want to share with others. The Gemini man, on the contrary, does not take feelings so seriously; his attitude towards yesterday’s values ​​often changes. He is less constant than she is, hence the complexity of relationships, disagreements in life positions and views. They rarely manage to make the right decision together. Most often, they find it difficult to compromise, while everyone remains unconvinced.

The jealousy and selfishness of such a lady quickly begins to irritate. Being someone's property and meekly groveling is not at all to Gemini's liking. This behavior simply repulses him; he will never accept anything that will limit his freedom. The ardent temperament of the Gemini man requires you to put up with his opinion, his position in life, and he will quickly push into the background what interferes with this.

At the same time, such men follow the lead of Scorpio women, recognizing her primacy in the family, but their freedom remains inviolable! Under such conditions, he will become more accommodating, responsible and attentive. It will be more serious and cautious.

Overall compatibility: 2 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

When such people meet, they initially see what they see as shortcomings in their partner. However, at first, experiencing sexual attraction and feelings, they try not to notice it. Somewhere to remain silent, something not to notice. Trying to create a reliable, strong marriage, they are kind to each other. Very soon, the understanding that they are not happy with many things in their partner becomes an obsession. Feelings begin to fade, jealousy, irritation and sometimes contempt arise.

Of course, compatibility in a love relationship is almost impossible, however, when both understand this and try to control their behavior and emotions, they, although with difficulty, still manage to create a strong union! Only now everyone will have to constantly compromise and give in. Despite the fact that it will take a long time to “get used to”, family life may well become happy, harmonious, cheerful and varied.

Compatibility in love relationships: 2 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

The Gemini man, distinguished by his eloquence and ability to look after beautifully, will certainly amaze any lady. The couple's sexual attraction, especially at first, will be incredibly powerful. Each of them will become an ideal partner, trying to make their other half happy. She will give her chosen one a sea of ​​affection and attention. He will feel like a real hero-lover next to her! Such a woman will be able to constantly spur him on to a better transformation and he will not be bored with her.

The Scorpio woman will attract Gemini with her natural mystery, mystery, ability to present herself and behave in society. She will become a devoted wife, will love and extol her husband. However, by the force of her character, she can easily serve a man, which he definitely will not like, and at the same time, her sexual attractiveness will disappear.

Sexual compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

When the relationship between friends initially began to be built on mutual trust, there was no betrayal or set-up, such a duet will become incredibly powerful in any regard. The characteristic differences between these zodiac signs will be a wonderful complement to each other. What one of them does not have, the other will have incredibly much. His cheerful, positive attitude towards life will help her stop beating herself up over everything. It will teach you to enjoy life and take everything from it.

Mutual complementation will make the friendship strong. After all, in friendship it doesn’t matter “who is in charge”; no one lays claim to anyone. They will always find something to do, the guy and the girl will become the highlight of the company, but until the friendship begins to turn into something more.

As soon as one of them begins to show feelings of sympathy, the friendship may end unexpectedly. The reason is actually simple - she will begin to be jealous, believing that he was created for her and only for her. He, in turn, will get tired of her whims, complaints and constant nagging. Gemini, for his part, can promise a lot and not keep his word.

Friendly compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

Friendship can develop into them starting to do common things. They will begin to build complex projects and open a joint business. The boss and subordinate at this stage can be each of them who turns out to be more intellectually developed and who has the strongest business acumen.

A Gemini man, if desired and has the necessary mental abilities, can become a good business partner. His unusual worldview allows him to quickly find a way out of any difficult situation with minimal loss. One can only envy her acumen, determination and courage.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

When creating a relationship, you should not once again focus on the lack of astrological compatibility. Any couple has the opportunity to become happy and ideal. The main thing is to learn to control yourself, to become more tolerant towards others. Often you will have to reconsider your views, even agree that you yourself are not always right.

There is a lot you need to know about Gemini men, but the most important thing, perhaps, is that you should not take everything he says seriously. Most often, having made a promise, very soon he will not remember about it at all, much less try to fulfill his promises. Such promises quickly interest the Scorpio girl, but their failure to fulfill them is very disappointing.

For a Scorpio woman who wants to find peace and reliability in everything, it is difficult to understand a person who goes through life frivolously and tries to “escape” somewhere at every opportunity. Such a guy often changes his intentions and decisions, which Scorpios clearly do not welcome.

Relationship Benefits

Despite the peculiarities of their character, very often a Scorpio woman and a Gemini man create an extremely enviable union for those around them. Having learned to control themselves and their behavior, they stop harboring grievances against each other, stop controlling, interpreting what is happening, presenting themselves as a victim.

The harmony of the relationship makes them ideal for each other. Mutual complementarity with sincere trust will allow you to establish a strong creative union, open your own business and earn a lot of money. A woman will constantly encourage her companion, as they say, not to let him go astray. Don't forget about your goals.

He, in turn, with his curiosity and ability to maneuver, will conduct business perfectly. Sociability, sociability, literacy, and most often the high intelligence inherent in such men contribute to rapid joint career growth, but only when Scorpio learns to forgive, show condescension and not notice the minor “sins” of his partner.

Disadvantages of Relationships

The most difficult thing is that the couple is not always compatible in temperament. She needs complex and strong connections everywhere (in work, communication and in bed). But for him, on the contrary, the easier life is, the simpler it is. No, the complexity even captivates him, but not for long.

A partner's jealousy and increased sense of ownership can cause constant quarrels and scandals. This involuntarily becomes a problem when raising children. Often such a lady of the heart becomes not just domineering, but even tough, rude and vindictive. He begins to weave constant intrigues, showing cruelty and vindictiveness. At the same time, he withdraws himself and becomes offended. All this together interferes with business, affects family life and destroys friendships.

In fact, the union of such zodiac signs will be incredibly successful, strong and happy if a woman naturally has flexibility of mind and the ability to control her emotions. She will be able not to irritate her man, but will learn to gently, imperceptibly manipulate his actions. Yes, such a relationship will take years, however, when she learns to “manage” him without limiting him, without damaging his pride, everyone will be only happy from this!

Why can't you cut your own hair?

The relationship between a Scorpio woman and a Gemini man will be strange. As if a little angular, unfinished and imperfect. She craves depth, he is all so superficial. She wants to dramatize and sort things out - he usually avoids conflicts. If they do fall in love, they will both have to significantly adjust their expectations and desires. She will have to become calmer, not provoke conflicts, and not try to “get under the skin” of her frivolous friend. It will be she who will mainly be involved in relationships, since the Gemini man is generally hard-pressed to maintain harmony with someone. He can communicate a lot, but keeping track of other people's feelings and how they coincide with his own is very difficult for him.

The Scorpio woman is highly sexual, which is why she will control all processes in sex. She will skillfully set her partner and herself in the right mood, relax her, force her to merge with her subconscious desires, and give them free rein. The Gemini man is generally not very inclined towards this style of communication; he prefers something bright, strong, all-consuming - but he won’t have to choose. They may enjoy contact with each other, but it will still seem incomplete.

Family and marriage

If they get married, they are unlikely to have a classic marriage. If the Scorpio woman can still live up to the role of a wife, then the Gemini man is unlikely to become a classic husband for her. His craving for everything new and unknown, for new people and acquaintances will be stronger than the desire to find a home, and this will anger the Scorpio woman incredibly. She is unlikely to be able to instill in him a feeling of home if there is none in it and never has been - he will only resist even more. However, love and time can do their job, they will be able to get used to each other and everything will be fine.

Friendship between a Scorpio woman and a Gemini man is quite possible. They both love to have fun, especially him, so there will be no shortage of positive experiences. Will they be able to support each other? Not always. The fact is that both are quite good at finding ways out of rather difficult life situations themselves, so they prefer not to discuss them with someone, even with friends, but to act quickly and independently. On the other hand, they can always pass the time with a good and interesting conversation - like old friends.

Work and business

Their work rhythms are unlikely to coincide. The Scorpio woman likes to act logically, without haste. She always pursues a serious goal - this is her peculiarity. The Gemini man often works chaotically and irrationally. He receives tons of new information, tries to sort it and apply it. It is unlikely that they will be able to adapt to the same style of work, however, if they have a common goal, they, of course, will combine their efforts and achieve results, but then they will definitely need a period of rest and recovery - away from each other.

Every couple has a chance for a long and happy relationship, but for this they will have to work on themselves, learn to find compromises, concessions, and get used to their characters. This is especially true for this union.

If they are able to reach mutual understanding, the relationship will turn out to be quite successful and harmonious.

Scorpio woman will like him

  • Eloquence
  • Courtesy
  • Ability to care
  • Gallantry
  • Education
  • Versatility
  • Sense of humor
  • Mobility

He never strives for power, he will easily agree to the main role of the Scorpio woman, he is quite capable of obeying her desires, but only if they do not limit his freedom.

Thanks to a Scorpio woman, he will become more

  • Organized
  • Persistent
  • Persistent
  • Disciplined
  • Discreet
  • Responsible
  • Learn boundaries in communication
  • Will become more careful

In the best kind of relationship, partners adopt each other's best qualities, learn these qualities and complement each other, which further strengthens the relationship.

She will be very interested in a Gemini man; he knows how to diversify life and relieve boredom. With his easy-going attitude towards life, he will help the Scorpio woman get rid of self-criticism, depression, and depression.

And she will help him become more collected, serious and not let words go to waste.

A Gemini man will be in love

  • Movable
  • Active
  • Interesting
  • Sociable
  • Informative
  • Contact
  • Easy to climb
  • For the curious
  • For the curious
  • Versatile
  • Interesting

A Scorpio woman will be in love

  • Mysterious
  • Mysterious
  • Faithful
  • Devoted
  • Reliable
  • Persistent
  • Strong
  • Deep in feelings
  • Passionate
  • Sexy
  • Attractive

Gemini man and Scorpio woman compatibility in love relationships - cons

The complexity of relationships lies in the fact that strong and deep emotions are important to a Scorpio woman. And for a Gemini man, the depth of information, its intricacy, complexity, and fascination are interesting.

His beautiful approach to love, love play and eloquence, which at first will captivate the Scorpio woman, may ultimately disappoint her because his words are not combined with actions. He can promise a lot of interesting things, and then forget.

His feelings are superficial, not deep, as the Gemini woman would like.

In addition, his variability, desire for communication, flirting will haunt the Scorpio woman, and jealousy will often arise. There is no certainty who he is with now, especially since he likes to sneak away for any reason.

She will not like his disorganization, impracticality, lack of discipline, and perseverance. She wants to see a serious, reliable man next to her, but it is difficult to completely rely on a Gemini man. There is no guarantee that he will not change his decision in the near future.

Negative qualities of a Gemini man in love

  • Impermanence
  • Duality
  • Superficiality
  • frivolity
  • Disorganization
  • Impracticality
  • Chaotic
  • Unreliability
  • Insincerity

Negative qualities of a Scorpio woman in love

  • Authority
  • Stealth
  • Vindictiveness
  • Rigidity
  • Manipulation
  • gloominess
  • Complexity
  • Intrigue
  • Touchiness
  • Grudge

Compatibility of Gemini man and Scorpio woman in love

For a harmonious relationship, they will have to work a lot on their character, which is difficult, since it is difficult for these partners to change. The superficiality and fickleness of the Gemini man causes many problems in relationships. The Scorpio woman is possessive.

The Gemini man is a mixture of a warm breeze and a hurricane. When he is in a good mood, he is kind, friendly, and sweet. When nervousness appears, his words become caustic, caustic, but the Scorpio woman will not remain silent, she can prick.

But he will turn a deaf ear to all her verbal jabs. He does not give in to feelings and emotions. Which is the problem in relationships. Because she needs strong emotions, feelings, and the deeper, the better. He is not interested in deep feelings.

see also how a Gemini man loves how a Scorpio woman loves

How can a Scorpio woman win a Gemini man?

It is not difficult for a Scorpio woman to win a Gemini man. She has amazing magnetism, attractiveness, sexuality. Her mysterious behavior will arouse the interest of a Gemini man. He will immediately want to figure out the charming stranger. And he will begin to besiege her with eloquence, but in the end he may not notice how he himself will fall under the influence of her charm and become dependent on her.

He likes all events, situations where there is food for thought and analysis. Research. He is attracted by the depth of information.

But his interest is not always long-lasting, it is changeable like the wind. Over time, he may also become interested in other women and start flirting with them. Therefore, in order to win a Gemini man, you will have to spend so much time and energy that he has no time left to communicate with others, and he is completely interested only in the Scorpio woman. It is also worth keeping in mind that his love often arises out of friendship. But if the feelings end, then he prefers to continue friendly relations.

Gemini man and Scorpio woman in bed

The compatibility of a Gemini man and a Scorpio woman in love is not the best. He likes more communication, play on words, and wit. He puts more energy into flirting, eloquence, and love play. And she wants to get more deep and passionate emotions.

But on the other hand, the Gemini man loves variety and experiments, and the Scorpio woman wants to dominate even in bed, in this they can find mutual understanding and common interests. But his inconstancy, superficiality, and frivolity can only cause rejection and disappointment.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

To win a Scorpio man , you need to understand what kind of women he is attracted to, what he expects from a relationship with a woman, and how to behave in order to win his heart. Only a non-standard, extraordinary, independent, independent and passionate woman can conquer a Scorpio man. These are the ones that attract the attention of the Scorpio man, who longs to see in his chosen one something original, some kind of challenge to society and the world around him. At the same time, the Scorpio man likes to conquer women himself. He is not attracted to easily accessible ladies. The highest pleasure for him is the process of courtship, and the peak is victory over a partner - do not forget about this if you decide to conquer a Scorpio man. Don’t rush into his arms first, don’t chase him, behave with restraint and calm, give him the opportunity to act on his own. The more difficult his task, the stronger the flame of his passion will flare up and the more he will love you.

Family ties are unshakable for a Scorpio man. Treason is practically impossible for him. But he looks at his wife as his property, which can only belong to him alone. No one will be able to deceive a Scorpio man, his intuition is always on top, so it is better not to play with fire and remain faithful to him, because Scorpio will never forgive betrayal. If you can accept the stubborn and willful nature of a Scorpio man, then you can be sure that he will repay you with such love and care that other women can only dream of.

Thus, the character of the zodiac sign Scorpio man is complex and ambiguous, and, of course, not every woman can be happy with him.

How to win a Gemini woman

To understand how to win a Gemini woman, let's figure out what kind of man she needs, what kind of relationship she strives for and what she expects from them. The Gemini woman dreams of a man who would be her friend, lover and spiritual mentor all rolled into one. However, such a combination of character qualities is difficult to achieve, which is why the Gemini woman changes her partners, in search of an ideal. If you want to win a Gemini woman, get closer to her ideal, and your task will be much easier.

To win a Gemini woman, know that she prefers energetic and active men, she wants her heart to be won, for the man to take the initiative and be a knight for her. But banal, standard techniques will not work with a Gemini woman. How to win a Gemini woman - only intelligently, on a high spiritual and intellectual level, with imagination and zest, which will definitely be appreciated and rewarded by her. A man who cannot give her anything intellectually will not attract her attention. To charm and conquer a Gemini woman, you need wit and erudition, you need to offer her something new and interesting for her.

In addition, do not forget that monotony, boredom and emptiness are destructive for the Gemini woman. She needs novelty, she needs communication, she needs new food all the time for the restless and energetic nature of the Gemini woman. Offer her hikes and travel, entertainment events and noisy companies, exhibitions, museums, fashion shows or just walks - anything so that she feels the dynamics of life, movement and change - this is the only way to win a Gemini woman. Remember that loneliness is unacceptable for the character of a Gemini woman; be nearby all the time, otherwise a replacement will not keep you waiting long. She will be with you and will be faithful to you as long as you interest her and satisfy her spiritual, intellectual and sexual needs. Stay here always on top, Geminis expect brilliance in everything - this is the answer to the question of how to win a Gemini woman.

Scorpio Gemini. Compatibility Horoscope

Representatives of these signs need to be more vigilant with the vile serpent-tempter than most lovers. Without astrological support, these Air and Water signs would find it much easier and safer to remain friends, avoiding impulses of passion and risky vows of eternal love. This does not mean that they are denied compatibility, it is just that both of them must constantly make efforts.

Let's start with the fact that “eternal” is a word that scares a Gemini woman as much as the word “temporary” scares a Scorpio man. Using the word “eternal” at the very beginning of the novel makes its ending uninteresting and can bring everything to nothing. Conversely, it's not that the Scorpio man can't handle the concept of "temporary" as well as any other man, but the use of this word itself creates doubts and suspicions in him and deprives him of a sense of power and dominance in this love affair. At first he will be charmed: this charm in her voice, like bubbles in champagne, this lively mind, this easy approach to any situation! After all, he's just a man, despite the masked and caped image of Batman, and he can't resist Eve's apple like any other astrological sign. But some time will pass, and he will begin to notice that some of her delightful stories, with minor changes, are going around the second round. (Geminis always add a little here, subtract a little there - for greater effect. Or maybe they’re not the only ones?) That she is capable of being late for two or three dates in a row. At this moment, or at another similar stage of insight, the Scorpio man will wipe the stardust from his eyes, take a long and careful look at the woman who almost stole his heart, and carefully decide to think a little more before making a promise before God love, respect and take care of her until the end of your days. (Deep down, Scorpio is very religious.) Once he has given his word, he should not break it, so he may stop courting until he is sure that she has no more surprises that she could suddenly present to him (like one or two marriages or divorces that she forgot to tell him about). Will she notice it? She's too preoccupied with how long she can tolerate his invasion of her privacy, his prying into her secrets (nothing bad or necessarily shocking, just things she prefers to keep to herself), and jealousy. Why can't this woman smile sweetly when the bookstore clerk smiles, or stop on the street to talk to a friendly stranger about how to best care for Old English Sheepdogs? And he? How he stares at all the women! What do they think of him?

In this difficult situation, she has only herself to blame. She, as a Gemini, should have known that the Scorpio man, with his deep, strong and attractive voice and firm, intelligent gaze, has the charm of the tempting serpent. He is impressive with his outward manifestation of strength and calm, and underneath this lies the silent call of a man that few women can resist.

The first thing she can discover in him is incredible willpower. I just can't believe it. This man, if he sets a goal, can do anything. If he decides to fast for a month, he will live on water the entire time. If he wants to become the president of a firm, company or country, he will become one. If he wants to force the girl to stay with him forever, she will lose the battle long before he starts it.

Why does a Gemini woman need all this, who wants nothing from life except change, pleasant excitement, fun and some kind of educational game? But when she feels Pluto's influence reach her, do you think she runs away like she would run away from a panting gorilla in the jungle? You'd think so. However, no, because you can understand the astrological twist that from time to time makes the Scorpio man look like an innocent deer with velvet eyes. He is so sweet, gentle and vulnerable, and so clearly needs affection and sincere support that a girl must have a heart of stone if she is capable of hurting him by running away from him. There is something so soft in his manner that she forgets about the steel-hard gaze that appears on him when hidden power and icy determination take possession of him. And she will have more than one reason to remember this...

But perhaps that's enough about how and why these two fall in love. It is more important to understand how they manage to maintain love. Since Scorpio is a fixed sign, he has great self-control. This will come in handy when she tests his patience with her chameleon charm, bouts of bad mood, absent-mindedness and ambivalence of purpose. Since Gemini is a flexible sign, she knows how to adapt, and this will help her cope with unsettling scenes. She will need all her abilities to maintain ease and composure when he suddenly becomes stubborn or flares up over a trifle immediately after an angelic understanding. (It's always difficult to decide whether he is an angel or a devil...)

What she needs to remember is this: This man wants to know where she is and what she is doing most (if not all of the time). He expects her to sit in one place (if not always, then often). He will frown at her nostalgic tears for old friends. Because of her careless attitude towards money. Because of her bizarre transitions from one hobby to another: from singing to dancing, then to painting, then to traveling around the world - whenever the seasons change in nature. And also because of her restless, Mercury-controlled nature.

What does she offer him? Pieces of devotion, rare kisses, outbursts of irritation, almost incredible naivety and icy contempt, a motley mixture of enthusiastic love, changeable judgments and opinions. And where can she get the self-confidence and self-control that were given to him from birth?

She, of course, will tease him - most Gemini women are so feminine, carefree, talented, smart! But Gemini is a masculine sign, and Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, changes gender as unpredictably as the wind changes direction. Therefore, there will be a time when she will hurt his male pride, and there will be a time when she will flatter him in this. She will always be smart enough to charm him. He may not be disappointed to discover that she only knows about everything superficially, instead of probing their depth and getting to the essence - as she does in everything from religion to reincarnation, from politics to polygamy, from sin to sex It is he.

Now we come to the sexual side of their love. Although Scorpio is a strong sexual sign, he is capable of abstinence, chastity and self-control (the life of monks and priests). But if he has fallen in love with a Gemini woman, he is apparently not the same Scorpio who has chosen for himself the strict discipline of abstinence. However, sex for him is not a game, not a pleasant pastime, and not something like a sport. Sex is the very secret of life. A woman who understands her Scorpio man's deepest desires does not need to worry about his fidelity. Usually a Scorpio man who knows that he is truly loved will not look away.

Scorpio has a lot of curiosity about sex in his youth, but most of his curiosity is probably satisfied by the time he gets married. His attitude towards the physical side of love is deep and passionate, extremely sensual, but with a certain amount of severity.

However, the problem is that for a Gemini woman, sex is not the secret of life itself. For her, it is the experience that is important, not the deeper revelations of sexual union. And she does not at all seek to penetrate into the essence of this with real feeling and force. It's just a good time, that's all. However, this very impartiality of hers may become the reason that the Scorpio man wants to prove to her that Love and God are interconnected and that all living things are nothing without the harmony of a man and a woman. You already know how much Scorpio hates losing (refusing to lose is better than accepting losing). In the intimate sphere of their sexual union, he simply must win.

They are able to overcome these difficulties. He can teach her the secrets of universal love harmony. Scorpio is a representative of the eighth astrological house (and it is associated with sex), and the Gemini woman feels this. In fact, her impassivity is nothing more than a mask. And you can always take off the mask if you really want to.

He can avoid her, hiding his soul, just as one hides from the wind that uproots trees. Luckily, she is smart enough to figure out a way to repair their relationship, and Scorpio has enough intuition to figure out how to mend all the cracks so that their relationship becomes stronger than before. If each of them wants it.