How to describe how you feel in English. Learn to talk about your well-being in English Learn about your well-being in English

Health. How you feel (Health. Well-being)


Listen, repeat and memorize.

Listen, repeat, memorize.

How's your health?

How is your health?


How do you feel?

How are you feeling?

I feel myself good.

What happened? What is wrong?

What's happened?

1) to hurt, to hurt

2) to be ill, to be sick

to get sick / to get sick

get sick

What hurts you (you)?

I have a headache.

My throat hurts.

I have a sore throat.

My stomach hurts.

I have a stomach ache.

I have a toothache.

I have the flu.

I have tonsillitis.

I have a sore throat.

I have a runny nose.

I have a cough.

It is painful; it hurts.

I'm in pain.

I feel bad.

I'm better.

I feel worse.

I am well.

catch a cold

I caught a cold.

I caught a cold.

May be


What is your temperature?

What is your temperature?

I have a high(normal) temperature.

I have a high (normal) temperature.




to take medicine,

accept / accept

medicines, pills

drink / have a drink

eat / eat



to go to the doctor

go/go to the doctor

Get well soon!

Get better soon!

Get well soon!

Be healthy!

therefore, that's why

every day

2 times a day

after meal


When indicating tenths of a number (for example, when indicating temperature), in English the letter does not use a comma, as in Russian, but a period.


Russian language

English language

Grammar comment

1. Verb to feel in the meaning of “to feel” is used in the forms the Present Indefinite Tense And the Present Conti nuous Tense with approximately the same meaning:

How do you feel? = How are you feeling?

Here are 3 examples from Lesson 11:

1) – Bob, how do you feel?

– Bob How do you feel?

2) – Hello, Joe! How are you feeling?

- Hello, Joe! How are you feeling?

3) – Penny, how do you feel?

– Penny How do you feel?

2. Verb to go often forms combinations with a gerund, which are translated into Russian by a verb or a combination of a verb and a noun.

For example:

to go swimming – to swim;

to go sledding – sledding;

to go ice-skating – go skating;

to go shopping - go shopping, etc.

This combination occurs in one of the dialogues Lesson 11:

– Yesterday I went snow-skiing and I was very hot.

- Yesterday I was skiing, and I was very hot.

3. Verb to get often forms combinations with an adverb, adjective or passive past participle, which are translated into Russian not as a phrase, but as a verb.

For example:

to get well, to get healthy - to get better, to get better;

to get sick - to get sick;

to get dressed - get dressed;

to get tired - to get tired;

to get lost - to get lost;

to get married - to get married; get married.

In dialogues Lesson 11 The following combinations occur 4 times:

1) – Get well soon!

Get better faster!

2) – ...That’s probably why I got sick.

-...That's probably why I got sick.

3) – ...And get healthy soon!

- ...AND get well faster!

4) – ...Get well soon.

– ...Get well faster!

4. Collocations like 3 times a day (per week, per month, per year etc.) are translated into English by phrases without a preposition, in which the indefinite article is used: 3 times a day (a week, a month, a year, etc.). In dialogues Lesson 11 These phrases occur 3 times:

1) – ...I need to take pills

3 times a day...

- ...need to 3 times a day take pills...

2) – ...You should take these pills 3 times a day...

-...Will you accept these

pills 3 times a day...

3) – ...Take these pills 3 times a day...and these pills 2 times a day...

- ...Take these pills 3 times a day...and these pills 2 times a day...

5. Offer I have a cold means “I have a runny nose”, and the sentence I caught a cold means "I have a cold." Please note that in both cases before the word cold The indefinite article is used.

6. Word should can express the meaning of obligation, duty. In these cases it is often translated as need, need.

For example:

If you owe the money you should pay it.

- If you owe money, you necessary pay them.

You should work harder.

- To you need to work more.

In some contexts verbs should And need can be used with almost the same meaning. Here are examples from the dialogues Lesson 11:

– The doctor said that I need to take pills 3 times a day...

– ...The doctor said that you need to take pills 3 times a day...

– ...You should take these pills 3 times a day before eating.

– ...You will take these tablets 3 times a day before meals.

Please note that after the verb need the infinitive is used with a particle to, and after the verb should– without particle to.


Listen and read aloud the dialogues below.

Listen and read the dialogues below aloud.

– Hello, Tony!

- Hello, Tony!

– Hello, Dima!

- Hello, Dima!

– How are you?

- How are you doing?

- Good, thanks. And you?

- OK, thank you. What about yours?

- Also good.

– And how’s your health?

- How is your health?

- Well, thanks. And yours?

- Everything is fine. And your?

- Everything’s fine too.

– Good afternoon, Susan!

– Good afternoon, Susan!

– Good afternoon, Nina!

- Good afternoon, Nina!

– Susan, how are you doing?

- Susan, how are you doing?

– Not too well.

- Not very good.

-What happened?

- And what happened?

- I'm ill.

- What hurts you?

– My throat and my head hurt. Maybe I have the flu.

– My head and throat hurt. Maybe I have the flu.

– Get well soon!

- Get well soon!

- Thank you.

– Bob, how do you feel?

- Bob, how are you feeling?

- Thanks, better. I am almost well.

- Thank you, I feel better now. I'm almost healthy.

– What is your temperature?

- What's your temperature?

– Normal, but I have a slight headache.

– Normal, just a little headache.

– And can you get out?

-Can you go for a walk?

– Yes, I can. Now the weather is warm, and I take a walk every day.

- Yes, it’s already possible. The weather is very warm now and I walk every day.

– Hello, Andrey Ivanovich!

– Hello, Andrei Ivanovich!

– Hello, Joe! How are you feeling?

- Hello, Joe! How are you feeling?

- Not very well. I have a cold and a cough, and my throat hurts. I think that I caught a cold.

– I don’t feel very well. I have a runny nose and cough, and my throat hurts. I think I have a cold.

– And do you have a high temperature?

– Is the temperature high?

– Where do you think you caught a cold?

– Where do you think you caught your cold?

– Yesterday I went snow-skiing and I was very hot. I came home and ate ice cream. That's probably why I got sick.

– Yesterday I was skiing and I was very hot. I came home and ate ice cream. That's probably why I got sick.

– What did the doctor say?

-What did the doctor say?

– The doctor said that I need to take pills 3 times a day, get more sleep, drink more liquids, and eat less. But I don't want to eat at all.

– The doctor said that you need to take pills 3 times a day, sleep more, drink more and eat less. But I don’t feel like eating at all.

– Eat vegetables and fruit, drink juice and hot tea. And get healthy soon!

– And you eat vegetables and fruits, drink juices and hot tea. And get well soon!

– Thank you, Andrey Ivanovich!

– Thank you, Andrey Ivanovich.

- Hello, doctor!

- Hello, Doctor!

- Hello! What's wrong?

– I don’t know. I probably ate something that wasn’t fresh. I feel bad and my stomach hurts.

- I do not know what happened. I must have eaten something stale. I feel bad, my stomach hurts a lot.

– What did you eat yesterday?

– What did you eat yesterday?

– I ate cheese, sausage, meat, fish, chocolate, candy. I drank milk, coffee and tea.

– I ate cheese, sausage, meat, fish, chocolate, candy. I drank milk, coffee, tea.

– Well, let’s take a look... You should take these pills 3 times a day before eating. For now, do not drink milk or coffee. It's better to drink tea. And of course do not eat fish, sausage or meat.

- So... Let's see... You will take these pills 3 times a day before meals. Don't drink milk and coffee yet, rather drink tea. And, of course, do not eat fish, sausage and meat yet.

- Hello, doctor!

- Hello, Doctor!

- Hello. What's wrong?

- Hello! What's happened?

– I probably caught a cold. I have a cough, a cold, and my throat hurts. It hurts to eat and even to drink. I just want to sleep.

- I probably caught a cold. I have a cough, runny nose, and a very sore throat. It hurts me to eat and even drink. I just want to sleep.

– What is your temperature?

– What is your temperature?

– OK, let’s take a look... Your throat is very red. You have tonsillitis. Take these pills 3 times a day before eating, and these pills 2 times a day after eating. You need to drink more, not hot liquids, but warm tea or warm milk. Sleep all you want.

- So... Let's take a look at you... Your throat is very red. You have a sore throat. Take these tablets 3 times a day before meals and these tablets 2 times a day after meals. You need to drink more, but not hot, but warm tea or warm milk. Sleep as much as you want!

- Thank you, doctor.

- Thank you Doctor!

- Penny, how do you feel?

- Penny, how are you feeling?

– Very bad. I can't eat, drink, sleep. I don’t want to go out, read, work...

– It’s very bad, I can’t eat, drink, or sleep. I don't feel like walking, reading, working...

– Does your tooth ache?

– Do you have a toothache?

– You need to go to a doctor.

- We need to go to the doctor.

- Oh! I don’t want to go to the doctor! I can't go to the doctor. I don't need to go to the doctor. I'm practically healthy.

- Oh! I don't want to go to the doctor. I can't go to the doctor. I don't need to go to the doctor. I'm almost healthy.

– Ed, why weren’t you at the university?

– Ed, why weren’t you at the university?

- I was ill.

– What was wrong?

- And what happened?

– I had the flu. I was born and raised in the south, and we don’t even have cold winters. In Moscow the weather is cold, and I didn’t have any warm things. But now everything is fine. I'm healthy.

– I had the flu. I was born and lived in the south; it’s not cold here even in winter. And the weather in Moscow is cold, I didn’t have warm clothes. But now everything is fine. I am well.

- Good afternoon! May I speak to Carol?

- Good afternoon! Can I have Carol?

– Unfortunately, she is not at work. She is sick.

- Unfortunately, she is not at work. She is ill.

– Please tell her that Alexey called. I will call back.

– Please tell me that Alexey called. I'll call again!

- Good afternoon! Is this the college?

- Good afternoon! Is this a college?

– May I speak to Mr. Brown?

- Can I have Mr. Brown?

– He is not here right now. He is in class. May I take a message?

- He's not in now. He's in class. What to convey?

– Please tell him that Denis Tarasov called. I am sick, I have the flu. I won’t be able to come to class today.

– Please tell me that Denis Tarasov called. I got sick. I have the flu. And I can't come to class.

– OK, I’ll tell him. Get well soon.

- Ok I'll pass it on. Get well soon.

- Thank you.



1) Complete the sentences.

How do you ____________________?

I feel ____________________.

My head ____________________.

Her ____________________ hurts.

What is your ____________________?

I have normal ____________________.

Get better ____________________!

Where do you think you caught ____________________?

Maybe I have ____________________.

The doctor said that ____________________.

I ate ____________________.

I drank ____________________.

You should take ____________________.

She can't ____________________.

It doesn't ____________________.

2) Instead of dots, insert the necessary words.

Your health? They...fine. My... hurts. She has...better... worse. She has... temperature... soon! I need to take pills...,... sleep and... less... vegetables and fruit,... juice and hot tea... to go to a doctor.

3) Complete the statements using words from Lesson 11.

Maybe ____________________.

Unfortunately ____________________.

Probably ____________________.

I am almost ____________________.

I think that ____________________.

I ate ice cream, that’s why ____________________.

4) Translate into English.

I'm sick. I have high temperature. My throat and head hurt. I have a cough and runny nose. I feel bad. Unfortunately, I caught a cold. The doctor came yesterday. He looked at me and said I had the flu. I need to take pills and vitamins. Take tablets 3 times a day before meals, and vitamins 3 times a day after meals. You need to sleep more and drink more. My friends called. They said: “Get well soon!”

b) My stomach hurts. I must have eaten something stale. I went to the clinic to see a doctor. The doctor said that for now you can’t eat meat, fish, sausage, and you can’t drink milk, tea, or coffee. You can eat vegetables and fruits and drink water. It is very difficult for me. I don't like vegetables and fruits. I love sausage, frankfurters, ice cream... And I really love coffee! I drink coffee 3 times a day. And I can't drink water 3 times a day.

5) Ask each other about your health, how you feel (Ask each other about health and well-being).

6) Call a friend who is sick, ask what is wrong, and wish him good health (Call a sick friend, ask what happened to him, and wish him a speedy recovery).

1. Fill in the answers.

1) – What hurts?____________________

2) – How do you feel?____________________

3) – What is your temperature?____________________

4) – Does your tooth ache?____________________

5) – What’s wrong?____________________

6) – And can you get out?____________________

7) – What did the doctor say?____________________

8) – What did you eat yesterday?____________________

9) – Where do you think you caught a cold?____________________

10) – Jack, why weren’t you at the university?____________________

2. Fill in the questions.

1) ____________________ – 38.2.

2) ____________________ – Not very well.

3) ____________________ – His stomach hurts.

4) ____________________ – Well, thanks. And yours?

5) ____________________ – I think that I caught a cold.

6) ____________________ – I am ill.

7) ____________________ – Unfortunately, he is not at work. He is sick.

8) ____________________ – I have a cold and a cough, and my throat hurts.

3. Make up dialogues using the material of Lesson 11 (Make up dialogues using materials from Lesson 11).

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Topic of the Russian-English phrasebook: Health. English phrases, words and expressions that you may need when visiting a doctor or pharmacy.


in Russianin English
How are you feeling? —
OK, thank you. —
I feel bad..
How are you feeling?

Thanks, I'm well. —
I feel bad. / I don’t feel well.
I was ill.
I'm tired.
I was ill.
I'm tired.I want to see a doctor.
I want to see a doctor.I would like to attend an appointment tomorrow at 10 am.
I’d like an appointment for 10 (ten) a.m. tomorrow.What are you complaining about? (What's wrong? What's the problem?)
What's wrong? / What's the trouble?Have you taken your temperature?
Did you take your temperature?I have high temperature.
I have a fever.I have a cold.
I'm sick.I feel sickness.
I have pain here.I have a pain here.
I have a headache.I have a headache.
I feel dizzy.I feel dizzy.
I'm shivering.I have chills.
I have a sore throat and cough.I’ve a sore throat and a cough.
I have a stuffy nose.I have a stuffy nose.
I have a runny nose.My nose is running.
I have a toothache.I've a toothache.
I've lost a filling.
I broke my leg.I've broken my leg.
I dislocated my arm.I've dislocated my arm.
I hurt my ankle.I've hurt my ankle.
Something got in my eye.I have something in my eye.
I'm suffering from insomnia.I'm suffering from insomnia.
My filling fell out (I lost my filling).I've lost a filling.
I have high blood pressure.
I have low blood pressure.
I have high blood pressure.
I have low blood pressure.
I have blood type III, Rh positive.
I have group 1, Rh negative.
My blood group is three, positive.
My blood group is one, negative.
I am allergic to penicillin.I'm allergic to penicillin.
My wife is pregnant.My wife is pregnant.
He's having a heart attack.He has a heart attack.

At the Drugstore - At the Drugstore

in Russianin English
I have a recipe. / They gave me a prescription.I have a prescription. / I’ve been given a prescription.
Can I have some aspirin?Can I have aspirin?
My filling fell out (I lost my filling).I've lost a filling.
Do you have anything for headaches?
Do you have anything for sunburn?
Have you something for a headache?
Have you something for sunburn?
How many times a day should I take this?
– Take this 2 times a day after meals.
– Take this 3 times daily before meals.
How much do I take it?
– Take it two times a day after meals.
– Take it three times a day before meals.

At the Hospital

in Russianin English
Call an ambulance.Call an ambulance.
Take me to the hospital, please.Please take me to the hospital.
This is urgent.It's urgent.
Do I have to stay in the hospital?Do I have to stay in the hospital?
Do you think this is serious?Do you think it is serious?
Is it contagious?Is it contagious?
Can you give me something to relieve the pain?Can you give me something to stop the pain?
Do I need an operation?Do I need an operation?
Can I continue my trip?Can I continue my trip?
How long will the treatment take?How long will the treatment take?
I have health insurance.I have medical insurance.
Please inform my family.Would you inform my family, please?

How to wish health and express sympathy in English?
♦Keep well.
- Do not be ill.
♦I wish you a speedy recovery - I wish you a speedy recovery.
♦My sympathies.
- I sympathize with you.

♦Cheer up.
– Keep your head up, don’t be discouraged. English proverbs about health
Health is better than wealth.– Money can’t buy health. (lit.: Health is better than well-being.)

Healthy mind in a healthy body

  • - In a healthy body healthy mind. Useful words and phrases for the topic with translation
  • fever- heat, fever
    temperature["temp(ə)rəʧə] - temperature
    to take one's temperature- measure the temperature; to have a temperature or
  • to run a temperature- have a fever: ▪ I have a temperature. = I am running a temperature. - I have a fever
  • quinsy- acute tonsillitis, sore throat
  • the flu- flu
  • to catch (caught) the flu- get infected with the flu
  • to catch (caught) cold- catch a cold
  • chills- 1. cold; cold, chills 2. cool, feel chills
  • stuffy— stale, stuffy 2. stuffy filling- filling; filling (from
  • fill- fill, fill)
  • to lose (lost) a filling- lose a filling
  • insomnia- insomnia
  • pressure- pressure
  • attack- 1. attack, assault 2. attack (of illness) 3. to attack, strike (about illness)
  • heart attack- heart attack
  • dislocate- dislocate, dislocate
  • dislocation- dislocation; dislocation, movement
  • fracture- fracture
  • pregnancy- pregnancy
  • pregnant- pregnant
  • burn (n)- burn
  • burn, burnt, burnt (v)- burn, burn
  • insure— insure(s); guarantee
  • insurance
  • insurance

— insurance; insurance

(words on topic)
Today we will look at useful phrases, how to say in English if you have a cold, you have a fever, you are being treated. We'll tell you about Russian folk remedies: how to inhale with potatoes and how to treat colds with onions and garlic.
- I got sick, caught a cold,
- I’m sick, I have a cold, flu,
- I feel bad /weakness, caught a cold/,
- stuffy nose, sore throat,
- snot, cough, runny nose,
- I have a slight fever,
- I'm cold, I'm frozen,
— I’m lying in bed and drinking tea with lemon,
- what to write in response if your friend is sick,
- how to write: “get better, I hope you feel better”

- I have recovered, I feel better - in English,

- Be healthy, take care of yourself.
At the end of the article, I wrote, how to say in English: “If a cold is treated, it goes away in a week, and if you don’t treat it, then in 7 days?”

Flu. A flu.
Cold. A cold.

I've been sick with the flu for two days now.
I am having flu for the past two days.

We all got the flu.
We have the flu!

Igor got sick.
Igor got sick.

I'm sick.

I caught a cold.
I caught a cold.

I have a cold.
I have a cold.

I have a headache.
I have high temperature.

I have a high temperature.
I have a headache.

I don't have a high temperature.
I have just mild fever.

I don't have a fever today.
I don’t have a temperature today.

Sarah was also sick, but now she feels much better.

Sarah has also been sick, but she is feeling much better.
Runny nose. Running nose.

Sore throat.
A sore throat.

My throat still hurts.
My throat still hurts.

I gargle with salt water.
I am gargling with salt water.
I have snot.

I have a cough.
I got snot.
I have a snot.

I have a bad cough.
I got cough.

How to get rid of a cough.

How do I get rid of a cough.
Stuffy nose. A stuffy nose.
I have a stuffy nose.

I have a stuffy nose.
American version.

My nose is blocked.
British version.

My nose is stuffy and I can't breathe.
Stuffed nose. Can't breathe.

How to cure a stuffy nose instantly.
How to cure a blocked nose instantly.

The cold has passed.
Cold gone away.

I was sick, I feel better today!
I've been sick! 🙁 Feeling better today!
The cold is almost gone and I feel much better.

My cold is almost gone and I do feel much better.

I've recovered.
I feel better.

I've recovered.
What to write in response if your friend is sick

Are you feeling any better?
How's your cold? How do you feel?

I am sorry to hear you are sick.
It's a pity that you are sick.
Hope you feel better.

I hope you feel better.

Feel better soon. 🙂

Get well soon.

Get well soon.
Your answer to these words

Thanks for your supporting!
Thanks for support.

Useful dictionary in English - folk remedies for colds
Traditional Russian folk remedies.

Traditional Russian folk remedies.
Home remedies for common cold and cough.

Home remedies for common cold and cough.
Natural remedies for colds at home.

Natural home remedies.
If you have a cold.

If you catch a cold.
Last week I caught a cold, now I'm almost cured.

I caught a cold last week, now I’ve almost recovered.
There are many different medications, but they do not always help.
There are plenty of meds, but not always they work.
These natural home remedies will help you cure your cold faster than you thought.
Tea with a raspberry jam - tea with raspberry jam,
A camomile tea - chamomile tea,
Rosehip tea - tea with rose hips,
Lemon tea - tea with lemon,
Vitamin C - vitamin C,
A saline spray - salt spray.

If you have a sore throat: If you have a sore throat.

1. Take a glass of warm milk, add one tablespoon of honey. Mix everything and drink.
1. Take a glass of warm milk, add one tablespoon of honey, mix them and drink it.

2. A glass of warm milk + a tablespoon of melted butter.
2. A glass of warm milk + one tablespoon of melted butter.

If you have a runny nose, cough or sinus infection.
If you have a runny nose, cough or sinus infection.

Do potatoes steam inhalation.

Breathe over the pan with boiled potatoes, covering yourself with a towel for 10-15 minutes.
Breathe over a pan with boiled potatoes by covering oneself with a towel for 10 – 15 min.

Slowly inhale the steam from the potatoes.
Slowly inhale the steam.

After this, you need to immediately go to bed to get a good sweat.
After that you should immediately go to bed to sweat well.

Treatment with garlic and onions.
Garlic and onions treatment.

Chop the onion and leave it in the room throughout the day.
Chop onions and leave them in your room during a day.

I'm lying in bed and drinking tea with honey and lemon.
I am lying in bed and drinking tea with honey and lemon.

I usually don't take any popular cold remedies because they don't help.
The only thing that really helps me is chamomile tea.
I usually don’t take the traditional meds as they don’t help me.
The only thing that makes me feel better it’s a camomile tea.

This really helps, I drink this at the first symptoms of a cold.
It works really great, I drink it at the first sign of cold symptoms.

How to say in English: “If you treat a cold, it goes away in a week, and if you don’t treat it, it goes away in 7 days.”

If a cold is treated, it goes away in a week, and if left untreated, it goes away in 7 days.
If you treat a cold it goes away over a week, if you don’t, it goes away for seven days.

Be healthy and take care of yourself.
Stay well and take care.

How to say in English about sores, ailments and other health problems?
What should you say in response to a person who complains of feeling unwell?

I hope that everyone reading my blog always feels great, and the following expressions will be useful only in order to understand what the interlocutors are talking about :)

I am not feeling well.
I feel bad.

I am feeling so-so.
I feel so-so.

I am feeling a little under the weather.
I do not feel well.

I feel sick.
I feel sick.

I feel cold.
I'm cold.

I feel hot.
I feel hot.

I feel like I"m having a cold or a flu.
I feel like I have a cold or flu.

I have a sore throat.
I have a sore throat.

I am afraid I am running a fever. Do you have aspirin?
I'm afraid I have a (high) temperature. Do you have aspirin?

I have a runny nose. I need nose drops.
My nose is running. I need nasal drops.

My nose is stuffed.
I have a stuffy nose.

My eyes are very itchy and watery. It's the pollen allergy.
My eyes itch and water. This is a pollen allergy.

She"s been coughing badly for a week. I think she might need an antibiotic.
She has been coughing heavily for a week. I think she needs an antibiotic.

I have a bad headache.
I have a bad headache.

I feel dizzy.
I'm feeling dizzy.

I have an acute earache. I am afraid I might have an ear infection.
I have a sharp pain in my ear. I'm afraid it might be an ear infection.

I have a bad toothache.
My tooth hurts a lot.

I"ve got a bug bite on my cheek and it"s swollen.
Some bug bit me on the cheek and it became swollen.

I feel dull pain in my left shoulder.
I have a dull pain in my shoulder.

She is not well. She has a very high blood pressure.
She doesn't feel well. She has very high blood pressure.

- Did you take any medicine for the pain in your heart earlier today?
- No, I need to get a new prescription from my doctor.
-Did you take anything for heart pain today?
- No, I need a new prescription from the doctor.

I have a sharp pain in my stomach. I had diarrhea yesterday.
My stomach hurts a lot. I had diarrhea yesterday.

I feel like I am going to throw up now.
I feel like I'm going to throw up.

I am constipated. I feel very uncomfortable.
I have constipation. I feel very uncomfortable.

When I take a deep breath it hurts in my chest area.
When I take a deep breath, my chest hurts.

I can"t move all the fingers on my right hand.
I can't move all the fingers on my right hand.

I cut my finger and it hurts.
I cut my finger and it hurts.

I fell and scraped my knee. It doesn't really hurt.
I fell and hurt my knee. It doesn't hurt me at all.

I feel very tense.
I feel very tense.

My neck is stiff.
It's hard for me to bend my neck.

My muscles are sore.
I have muscle pain.

My toes feel numb.
My toes went numb.

I twisted my ankle yesterday and it hurts.
I sprained my ankle yesterday and it hurts.

I think I"m having a hangover.
It seems like I'm having a breakdown.

Feel better.
Get well.

Get well soon.
Get well soon.

I hope you feel better soon.
Hope you get better soon.

Take care of yourself.
Take care of yourself.