How to determine what is infected with AIDS. How to find out about HIV infection - diagnosis and symptoms of the disease. How can I protect my sex partners

Timely detection of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the key to successful antiretroviral therapy. Proper treatment allows you to lead a quality life for more than 70 years by controlling viral load in the body.

The only way to detect the virus is to conduct laboratory tests with the collection of venous blood from the patient. We suggest you find out how long after infection a blood test will show HIV, and how to act if you get a positive result?

If there is even a small likelihood of infection, both partners must be tested for HIV. The development of infection is individual, and the viral load in the two patients will differ.

Having your partner tested for HIV and tested negative does not mean that you are healthy. Conversely, a positive diagnosis for your partner does not mean that you are infected.

Venous blood sampling detects antibodies produced by the body in response to the virus. Testing is recommended for both partners at the same time. Remember, the sooner you know about the infection, the better results will be achieved with therapy.

Phases and symptoms of the disease

How long does it take for HIV symptoms to appear? The first signs are observed 14-21 days after infection.

Name of the HIV development phase Typical symptoms What do you need to know?




- increased fatigue,

-high body temperature,

- rashes,

- general malaise.

After 2-3 weeks, the listed symptoms disappear, and the person's condition returns to normal.


It is characterized by a complete absence of symptoms.

A person may not realize for a long time (5-10 years) that a virus is multiplying in his body.

It is impossible to determine the infection by symptoms.

The only way to detect is by passing special medical tests that determine the amount of antibodies.


-temperature increase,

- enlarged lymph nodes,

- a rash on the skin and mucous membranes,

- enlargement of the liver,

- gastrointestinal disorders,

–Active development of infectious diseases.

Symptoms appear for a while, after which they disappear again and the patient's condition improves.

However, the infection continues to develop in the body.


It is characterized by a complete weakening of the immune system - it is not able to give any immune response.

In the terminal phase of HIV, AIDS develops.

How long does AIDS manifest? Symptoms of the disease

After unprotected intercourse or from the moment of infection in another way, the virus multiplies in the human body, increasing the viral load. Lack of treatment (antiretroviral therapy) leads to the development of AIDS in 10-12 years.

Attention! With the correct HAART and with the condition that all the doctor's recommendations are followed, it will be possible to control the viral load and slow down the transition of the virus to the AIDS stage.

AIDS symptoms:

  • frequent infectious diseases,
  • pallor of the skin
  • loss of hair and teeth,
  • joint pain
  • fragility of bone tissue (high probability of fractures).

Types of HIV tests

You can donate blood for HIV at a public clinic, a private laboratory, or at special AIDS centers. The preparation for blood sampling, the duration of the laboratory test and the likelihood of obtaining a false result depend on the type of analysis.


Immunoblotting (Western blot) is a highly sensitive method of HIV recognition, the essence of which is the separation of virus proteins. They are transferred to the nitrocellulose membrane, and then antigens, differing in molecular weight, are compared to samples on a test strip.

A feature of immunoblotting is the ability to determine the stage of infection, which allows you to start immediate treatment. When to get tested for HIV by this method? Usually he is appointed when receiving a positive or undefined result of RPHA and ELISA.

Express analysis

Rapid analysis of blood, urine and saliva allows rapid detection of the presence of the virus. The result of the study of biological fluids becomes known in 1-1.5 hours from the date of delivery. The disadvantage of this method is the high probability of an unreliable result if the infection has occurred recently.

PCR diagnostics

PCR diagnostics detects the virus at the DNA level and is the most accurate way to determine the infection. The probability of getting an unreliable result is only 1%.

The result of PCR diagnostics is known 3 days after blood sampling. The peculiarity of the technique is that it is based on the identification of cells of the virus itself, and not on the search for antibodies produced.

Linked immunosorbent assay

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is based on the detection of antibodies to HIV. Venous blood is taken (strictly on an empty stomach!), Which is checked for the presence of antibodies produced by the body.

ELISA is the most common method for diagnosing HIV.

How long does it take to get HIV tests ready?

The results of most HIV tests become known within 3-10 days from the date of their delivery. The term is determined by the level of material and technical equipment of the laboratory and the degree of its workload.

Before taking the analysis:

  • NOT take food 8 hours before taking, donate blood on an empty stomach;
  • NOT drink alcohol;
  • NOT drink carbonated water, juices and other drinks, with the exception of pure water and unsweetened tea;
  • NOT take antibiotics and other medications.

When do I need to be tested for HIV?

Regular testing for detection of infection is recommended for homosexuals, medical workers and children if they were born to an HIV-positive mother.

Taking an analysis for the human immunodeficiency virus is necessary:

  • after unprotected sex with an unverified partner,
  • after the rape,
  • with swollen lymph nodes and sudden weight loss,
  • with frequent viral diseases,
  • after a blood transfusion, soft tissue or internal organ transplant,
  • when a partner is diagnosed with HIV.

What if HIV is found nevertheless?

If you find HIV, immediately contact a specialist at the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS. He will issue a referral for a medical examination to identify concomitant diseases and possible complications.

Based on the test results and examination, an antiretroviral therapy regimen is drawn up. It consists in the daily intake (2-3 times a day) of drugs that suppress the multiplication of the virus.

If there was a risk of HIV infection, when can the test be done?

The first signs of infection in 70-75% of patients are observed 14 days after infection ( sore throat, fever, fatigue). Unfortunately, most of the infected blame them for the common cold.

A blood test for the use of the PCR method is taken after 2 weeks from the date of the alleged infection. With standard ELISA testing, the virus can only be detected after 3-5 months.

During this period, the virus develops and multiplies in the body, which leads to an increase in viral load and allows infection to be identified. It is important that each person has an individual incubation period.

If the result is negative, then there is no need to worry anymore?

If, according to the test results, a negative diagnosis is made, but more than half a year has not passed since the alleged infection, the probability of infection remains. It is recommended to donate venous blood again 3 months after the initial examination.

The reasons for a false negative result may be associated with a low rate of virus replication (increased viral load), certain diseases, or non-compliance with recommendations before donating blood.

You do not need to worry if, after re-testing for HIV, a negative result is confirmed.

What if the test result is negative, but symptoms are still present?

Unfortunately, identifying HIV by symptoms is not allowed. The diagnosis is established only on the basis of the results of laboratory tests (immunoblotting, ELISA, etc.). If a negative diagnosis is confirmed by a secondary analysis, then the symptoms that appear are the result of other diseases.

How reliable is a positive test result?

The probability that a positive test result is false is reduced to 1% in the analysis when diagnosed using the PCR method. In other studies, the risk of obtaining a false-positive result is much higher, therefore, when the diagnosis is confirmed, repeated tests are carried out!

Reasons for a false positive result:

  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy,
  • oncological diseases,
  • STDs,
  • hepatitis.

What is an undefined outcome?

An indeterminate result means the presence of at least one set of proteins for the virus in the immunoblot. It is usually set if the infection has occurred recently and the patient has a low viral load.

If the result is uncertain, the test is repeated after 3 and 6 months. During this entire period, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor.

Decoding the results

The indicators of the test systems differ (depending on the selected analysis), but if 3 basic sets of proteins are detected, a positive diagnosis is made.

Venous blood donation results:

So, HIV in the body can be determined only with the help of tests. Do not hesitate to donate venous blood if there is a possibility of infection!

How to determine outwardly whether a person has AIDS or not?

Oh, if it were easy to determine whether a person is outwardly ill, this problem would not threaten humanity. The saddest thing is that after germination in a person for a week or two, small signs appear in the form of a chill temperature, after which a latent phase begins, which can last 10 years. The number of HIV symptoms in men does not differ significantly from the number of HIV symptoms in women.

One of the hallmarks is a rash. As a rule, these are areas of discolored skin. It usually appears within one week to one month after infection.

Signs also include loss of appetite and fatigue. One of the most striking symptoms is swollen lymph nodes in the groin, neck and armpits. They gradually become swollen and hard. You should pay close attention to this particular symptom, because it is easy to overlook it: the lymph nodes do not give any pain signals and do not cause any discomfort. It should be noted that swollen lymph nodes are present not only with HIV, but also with other diseases.

Signs of HIV in women include pelvic infections. Unfortunately, females do not always have symptoms of HIV infection.

With the progression of HIV in women, you can also find symptoms such as white or any other suspicious spots in the mouth, frequent attacks of fever, which include night sweating, like in men, swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the groin, armpits or neck, persistent fatigue, and decreased appetite and diarrhea.

Men and women have many of the same signs of HIV infection. There are only minor differences. Although the identification of AIDS in women is easier, since there are clearer signs than in men.


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How to determine outwardly whether a person has AIDS or not?

It is impossible to say 100% of the person's appearance about the presence of AIDS. However, there are still a number of signs indicating that a person has such a serious disease.

AIDS greatly changes the patient's appearance. Observe the person. Some of the main signs of AIDS infection are:

Unreasonable attacks of fever;
- a sharp decrease in weight;
- constant fatigue and malaise;
- frequent diarrhea.

Pay attention to human skin. Very often, in those infected with AIDS, spots, ulcers, warts, and numerous blisters appear on the surface of the skin. Also, often with AIDS, patients suffer from fungal diseases, the nails acquire a pronounced yellow color and exfoliate.

When the brain is affected by AIDS, the patient's bad mood stabilizes, memory deteriorates, and movements become awkward. At the last stage of the disease, the patient becomes unable to perform the simplest actions.

If you notice the above symptoms in a person, then immediately send him to a doctor. It will be possible to establish the disease only after laboratory tests.


There is no way you can tell a person by their appearance whether they have AIDS.

Even special analyzes can be wrong.
Firstly, HIV infection itself can be asymptomatic for many years. And people can look healthy.
Secondly, at the stage of development of the AIDS disease (the final stage of HIV infection), a person falls ill with many other diseases (in fact, he eventually dies from them). And the person will look according to these diagnoses. If a person is coughing, thin, pale, you, of course, may suspect asthma, tuberculosis or pneumonia. But it is unrealistic to distinguish independent pneumonia from AIDS-related pneumonia.
Thirdly, even if we take the external signs of the disease, then these will be just signs of illness and poor health. And to determine externally, AIDS, or cancer, or tuberculosis, or hepatitis, or another disease, or a whole complex, will not work.

By external signs, you can sometimes determine that a person is sick. But it is unrealistic to determine for sure that it is AIDS (or another disease).

The human immunodeficiency virus belongs to the group of retroviruses, provoking the development of HIV infection. This disease can proceed in several stages, each of which differs in the clinical picture, the intensity of manifestations.

Stages of HIV

Stages of development of HIV infection:

  • incubation period;
  • primary manifestations are acute infection, asymptomatic and generalized lymphadenopathy;
  • secondary manifestations - damage to internal organs of a persistent nature, damage to the skin and mucous membranes, diseases of the generalized type;
  • terminal stage.

According to statistics, HIV infection is most often diagnosed at the stage of secondary manifestations and this is due to the fact that the symptoms of HIV become pronounced and begin to bother the patient precisely during this period of the course of the disease.

At the first stage of the development of HIV infection, certain symptoms may also be present, but they, as a rule, are mild, the clinical picture is blurred, and the patients themselves do not turn to doctors for such "trifles". But there is one more nuance - even if a patient seeks qualified medical care at the first stage of the course of HIV infection, specialists may not diagnose the pathology. Moreover, at this stage of the development of the disease in question, the symptoms will be the same in men and women - this often confuses doctors. And only at the secondary stage it is quite realistic to hear the diagnosis of HIV infection, and the symptoms will be individual for men and women.

How long does it take to manifest HIV

We recommend reading:

The first signs of HIV infection go unnoticed, but they are there. And they appear on average in the period from 3 weeks to 3 months after infection. A longer period is also possible.

Signs of secondary manifestations of the disease in question can also appear only many years after infection with HIV, but manifestations can also take place after 4-6 months from the moment of infection.

We recommend reading:

After a person has contracted HIV infection, no symptoms and even small hints of the development of any pathology are observed for a long time. It is precisely this period that is called the incubation period, it can last, in accordance with the classification of V.I. Pokrovsky, from 3 weeks to 3 months.

No examinations and laboratory tests of biomaterials (serological, immunological, hematological tests) will help identify HIV infection, and the infected person himself does not look sick at all. But it is the incubation period, without any manifestations, that poses a particular danger - a person serves as a source of infection.

Some time after infection, the patient begins the acute phase of the disease - the clinical picture during this period may become a reason for the diagnosis of HIV infection "in question."

The first manifestations of HIV infection in the acute phase of the course strongly resemble the symptoms of mononucleosis. They appear on average from 3 weeks to 3 months from the moment of infection. These include:

When examining a patient, a doctor can determine a slight increase in the size of the spleen and liver - the patient, by the way, may also complain of recurrent pain in the right hypochondrium. The patient's skin may be covered with a small rash - pale pink spots that do not have clear boundaries. Often there are complaints from infected people and about long-term stool disorders - they are tormented by diarrhea, which is not relieved even by specific medications and a change in diet.

Please note: with this course of the acute phase of HIV infection, lymphocytes / leukocytes in an increased amount and mononuclear cells of an atypical appearance will be detected in the blood.

The above signs of the acute phase of the disease in question can be observed in 30% of patients. Another 30-40% of patients live an acute phase in the development of serous meningitis or encephalitis - the symptoms will be radically different from those already described: nausea, vomiting, an increase in body temperature to critical indicators, a powerful headache.

Often, the first symptom of HIV infection is esophagitis, an inflammatory process in the esophagus, characterized by swallowing problems and chest pain.

In whatever form the acute phase of HIV infection proceeds, after 30-60 days all symptoms disappear - often the patient thinks that he is completely cured, especially if this period of pathology was almost asymptomatic or their intensity was low (and this can also be ).

During the course of this stage of the disease in question, there are no symptoms - the patient feels great, does not consider it necessary to appear in a medical institution for a preventive examination. But it is at the stage of asymptomatic course that antibodies to HIV can be detected in the blood! This makes it possible to diagnose pathology at one of the early stages of development and begin adequate, effective treatment.

The asymptomatic stage of HIV infection can last for several years, but only if the patient's immune system has not been significantly affected. The statistics are rather contradictory - only in 30% of patients within 5 years after the asymptomatic course of HIV infection, symptoms of the following stages begin to appear, but in some infected people the asymptomatic stage of the course proceeds rapidly, lasts no more than 30 days.

This stage is characterized by an increase in almost all groups of lymph nodes, this process does not affect only the inguinal lymph nodes. It is noteworthy that it is generalized lymphadenopathy that can become the main symptom of HIV infection, if all the previous stages of the development of the disease in question proceeded without any manifestations.

Lymphosules increase by 1-5 cm, remain mobile and painless, and the surface of the skin above them has absolutely no signs of a pathological process. But with such a pronounced symptom as an increase in lymph node groups, the standard causes of this phenomenon are excluded. And here, too, there is a danger - some doctors classify lymphadenopathy as difficult to explain.

The stage of generalized lymphadenopathy lasts 3 months, about 2 months after the onset of the stage, the patient begins to lose weight.

Secondary manifestations

It often happens that it is the secondary manifestations of HIV infection that serve as the basis for a high-quality diagnosis. Secondary manifestations include:

The patient notes a sudden increase in body temperature, he has a dry, obsessive cough, which eventually turns into a wet one. The patient develops intense shortness of breath with minimal physical exertion, and the patient's general condition deteriorates rapidly. The therapy carried out with the use of antibacterial drugs (antibiotics) does not give a positive effect.

Generalized infection

These include herpes, tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus infection, candidiasis. Most often, women get sick with these infections and against the background of the human immunodeficiency virus, they are extremely difficult.

Kaposi's sarcoma

It is a neoplasm / tumor that develops from the lymphatic vessels. More often diagnosed in men, it has the appearance of multiple tumors of a characteristic cherry color, located on the head, trunk and in the mouth.

Damage to the central nervous system

At first, this manifests itself only with minor memory problems, decreased concentration. But in the course of the development of pathology, the patient develops dementia.

Features of the first signs of HIV infection in women

If infection with the human immunodeficiency virus occurs in a woman, then secondary symptoms will most likely manifest themselves in the form of development, progression of generalized infections - herpes, candidiasis, cytomegalovirus infection, tuberculosis.

Often, secondary manifestations of HIV infection begin with a banal menstrual irregularity, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, for example, salpingitis, can develop. Often diagnosed and oncological diseases of the cervix - carcinoma or dysplasia.

Features of HIV infection in children

Children who were infected with the human immunodeficiency virus during pregnancy (in utero from the mother) have some peculiarities during the course of the disease. First, the disease begins to develop at 4-6 months of age. Secondly, the earliest and main symptom of HIV infection during intrauterine infection is considered a disorder of the central nervous system - the baby lags behind his peers in physical and mental development. Thirdly, children with human immunodeficiency virus are susceptible to the progression of disorders of the digestive system and the appearance of purulent diseases.

The human immunodeficiency virus is still an unexplored disease - too many questions arise in both diagnosis and treatment. But doctors say that only patients themselves can detect HIV infection at an early stage - they must carefully monitor their health and undergo periodic preventive examinations. Even if the symptoms of HIV infection are hidden, the disease develops - only a timely test analysis will help save the patient's life for several years.

Answers to popular questions about HIV

Due to the large number of requests from our readers, we decided to group the most common questions and answers to them in one section.

Signs of HIV infection appear approximately 3 weeks to 3 months after exposure. Fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes in the first days after infection can indicate any pathology, except for the human immunodeficiency virus. During this period (doctors call it incubation), not only are there no symptoms of HIV, but deep laboratory blood tests will not give a positive result.

Yes, unfortunately, this is rare, but it happens (in about 30% of cases): a person does not notice any characteristic symptoms during the acute phase, and then the disease goes into a latent phase (this is, in fact, an asymptomatic course for about 8-10 years ).

Most modern screening tests are based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) - this is the "gold standard" of diagnostics, and an accurate result can be expected no earlier than 3-6 months after infection. Therefore, the analysis must be taken twice: 3 months after a possible infection and then another 3 months later.

Firstly, you need to take into account the period that has passed after a potentially dangerous contact - if less than 3 weeks have passed, then these symptoms may indicate a common cold.

Secondly, if more than 3 weeks have already passed after a possible infection, then you should not make yourself nervous - just wait and 3 months after a dangerous contact undergo a specific examination.

Third, fever and swollen lymph nodes are not “classic” signs of HIV infection! Often, the first manifestations of the disease are expressed by pain in the chest and a burning sensation in the esophagus, a violation of the stool (a person is worried about frequent diarrhea), a pale pink rash on the skin.

The risk of contracting HIV through oral sex is minimized. The fact is that the virus does not survive in the environment, so for oral infection it is necessary that two conditions come together: there are wounds / abrasions on the partner's penis and wounds / abrasions in the partner's oral cavity. But even these circumstances do not in every case lead to HIV infection. For your own peace of mind, you need to pass a specific test for HIV 3 months after a dangerous contact and pass a "control" examination after another 3 months.

There are a number of medications that are used for HIV postexposure prophylaxis. Unfortunately, they are not available for sale, so you have to go to an appointment with a therapist and explain the situation. There is no guarantee that such measures will prevent the development of HIV infection by 100%, but experts say that taking such drugs is quite advisable - the risk of developing the human immunodeficiency virus is reduced by 70-75%.

If there is no opportunity (or courage) to see a doctor with a similar problem, then there is only one thing to do - wait. You will need to wait 3 months, then get tested for HIV, and even if the result is negative, it is worth taking a control test after another 3 months.

No you can not! The human immunodeficiency virus does not survive in the environment, therefore, with people who are HIV-positive, you can without hesitation share dishes, bed linen, visit the pool and bathhouse.

There are risks of infection, but they are quite small. So, with a single vaginal intercourse without a condom, the risk is 0.01 - 0.15%. With oral sex, the risks range from 0.005 to 0.01%, with anal sex - from 0.065 to 0.5%. Such statistics are provided in the clinical protocols for the WHO European Region on HIV / AIDS treatment and care (p. 523).

In medicine, cases are described when married couples, where one of the spouses was HIV-infected, had sex life without using condoms for several years, and the second spouse remained healthy.

If during intercourse a condom was used, it was used according to the instructions and remained intact, then the risk of HIV infection is minimized. If, after 3 or more months after a dubious contact, symptoms resembling HIV infection appear, then you just need to contact a therapist. An increase in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes may indicate the development of ARVI and other diseases. For your own reassurance, it is worth taking an HIV test.

To answer this question, you need to know at what time and how many times such an analysis was submitted:

  • a negative result in the first 3 months after a dangerous contact cannot be accurate, doctors talk about a false negative result;
  • negative response to HIV testing after 3 months from the moment of dangerous contact - most likely the subject is not infected, but it is imperative to do another test 3 months after the first for control;
  • negative response to HIV analysis 6 months or more after dangerous contact - the subject is not infected.

The risks in this case are extremely small - the virus quickly dies in the environment, therefore, even if the blood of an infected person remains on the needle, it is almost impossible to become infected with HIV by injuring yourself with such a needle. There can be no virus in the dried biological fluid (blood). However, after 3 months, and then again - after another 3 months - it is still worth getting tested for HIV.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical commentator, therapist of the highest qualification category.

The danger of spontaneous unprotected sexual intercourse is that there is a possibility of infection with the HIV virus. After the infection has entered the body, a person does not even assume for a long time that he is a carrier of the virus. The last stage of HIV infection turns into AIDS and is fatal to humans. Under the influence of a destructive virus, a complete dysfunction of the immune system occurs, so even colds threaten life. In order to extend the life span, it is necessary to timely identify the virus in the body, so every man should know about the main signs of HIV.

Attention! Statistics say that a year after confirming the diagnosis of AIDS, in 50% of cases, a man dies. With active therapy, life expectancy can be extended to a maximum of 2-3 years.

Before you worry about the presence of an infection in the body, you need to find out how it gets infected in order to protect yourself from possible infection. The main ways are during the operation, when the instruments were not sterilized with sufficient quality, or during sex without the use of barrier contraceptives. It is worth noting that it is impossible to acquire the HIV virus through household contact or through kissing or touching.

Despite the low percentage, the likelihood of infection is still present if a man uses the same toothbrush as the carrier of the virus. Please note that among those infected with this disease, there are a lot of drug addicts. This is explained by the use of one syringe for the injection of drugs. You can also prick with a needle in public places for recreation.

Caution! Do not go barefoot on the beach, be careful when you sit on the bench or on the lawn in the park. It is possible that a used needle may remain there.

It has been established that the virus is dangerous for men at any age, but mostly homosexuals are at risk during the period of active sexual activity (21-45 years). At the same time, the risk of a virus entering the body can be increased if stressful situations are regularly observed or if a man is simultaneously sick with additional ailments. For many years after acquiring the virus, a man may look quite healthy, but at the same time he is already a carrier of the virus.

Specificity of infection in men

Depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the first symptoms after the penetration of the infection can make themselves felt after a week, or they may not appear at all for ten years.

After the virus enters the body, a detrimental effect on the immune system occurs, by destroying T-lymphocytes, which perform protective functions. But, despite this, the virus can be inactive in cells for two to ten years.

As a result of HIV infection, the immune system is weakened, therefore it cannot resist even helminths and other simple infections. If the patient still has confirmed the presence of the virus in the body, then first of all, you should reconsider the intake of possible medications, stabilize the nervous system and normalize the metabolism. If you use immunomodulators, then the general condition of the carrier of the virus will improve significantly, and the manifestations of the disease will be eliminated.

Note! The virus is detrimental to the immune system, therefore, no immunomodulating drugs are able to restore it, therefore, after a few years, HIV is converted into AIDS.

Video: Features of the symptoms of HIV infection in men and women

Stages and symptoms of HIV

Symptoms of the disease

An infected person does not immediately understand that the HIV virus is activated in his body. Then, depending on the stage of development of the process, the first warning signs appear. On average, it takes three weeks to three months to notice uncharacteristic symptoms.

For example, many men develop acute symptoms after a few months. An infected person may present with complaints of fever, slight chills, sore throat, and enlarged lymph nodes. All these signs are misleading, therefore, in order to block the symptoms, men begin to take antiviral drugs. But, it is not taken into account that during this period, during palpation, you can grope enlarged liver, which is not typical for the common cold. This should be the motivation to go to a doctor immediately for a general diagnosis of the body.

Over time, a man develops a stool disorder, and rashes are visible on the skin. A secondary infection can make you think about the presence of a dangerous virus in the body, which manifests itself in the form of candidiasis and herpes, often affecting the oral cavity.

The duration of the acute phase is determined by six weeks, then the infection in the body will continue to develop asymptomatically. In this case, it is possible to understand that pathological changes occur in the body only on enlarged lymph nodes... After the virus enters the body, the man becomes a carrier and infects all sexual partners with whom condoms are not used.

Attention! It has been established that HIV is transmitted directly through blood, semen and even vaginal discharge, therefore, the virus can be acquired during unprotected intercourse and through medical instruments.

The first thing that can scare a man is enlarged lymph nodes, up to one centimeter in diameter. They are the very first messengers of pathological changes.

Then the doctor can grope for an enlarged spleen and liver, and in a further conversation find out that the patient began to worry about excessive nighttime sweating of the body, weight loss, and recurrent fever resembling a pre-cold condition. Also, a man can talk about the following complaints:

  • the occurrence of diarrhea;
  • rashes in the mouth that resemble ulcers;
  • manifestations of herpes.

Attention! The active development of the virus in the body leads to damage to cellular immunity, therefore, pathologies of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system are very often detected.

What determines the manifestation of signs of HIV infection?

Most carriers have a tendency to damage the liver and respiratory tract. Based on this, the body cannot resist pneumocysts, cytomegalovirus, and tuberculosis bacteria. Also, hepatitis B, C is a particular danger with weakened immunity. The patient may note the following complaints:

  1. Unwarranted feeling of fear.
  2. Painful syndrome in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart muscle.
  3. Unmotivated fear.
  4. Cardiopalmus.
  5. Asthenia attacks.

Under the influence of the virus, significant changes occur in the nerve cells, provoking the appearance of various symptoms. For example, such manifestations cannot be ignored:

  • a constant feeling of powerlessness;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • uncharacteristic irritability;
  • headache attacks;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • general weakness in the body.

The emotional state of a person begins to be reflected in visual signs, for example, there is a sudden reddening of the skin of the face or paleness. In addition, the heartbeat speeds up significantly, and high blood pressure is noted. Additionally, there is a muscle spasm of the gastrointestinal tract, a feeling of anxiety, and breathing is characterized by a lack of air.

Note! If the cells of the virus have infected the brain, then the carrier willto suffer from frequent headaches, asthenia, followed by sleep disturbance.

Video - Stages and symptoms of HIV

Virus development stages

Stage namea brief description of
Latent (hidden)Depending on how much the immune system was affected after infection, the incubation period may end in a couple of months, or it may drag on for a year or two. At this stage, the immunodeficiency virus is actively spreading through the cells of the body, but at the same time the immune system is still able to resist infection. Upon completion of this stage, the production of HIV antibodies occurs, which warns that the virus is entering a new stage of development.
SymptomaticDiffers in a noticeable manifestation of symptoms that impair the quality of life. The liver and lymph nodes suffer, their sizes increase. The man notices the deterioration
Stage of appearance of secondary ailmentsSince HIV infection is detrimental to the immune system, which has been repeatedly mentioned, there is a high probability that the body will be damaged by various dangerous diseases, such as hepatitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. This stage of the disease is characterized by irreversible processes occurring in the body.
The last endingTen years later, HIV enters the most dangerous stage, which is defined in medicine as AIDS. A year later, or at best two, men with this diagnosis die

Caution! If a man refuses to use barrier contraception, he should be aware that if a woman is HIV-positive, then infection will occur almost one hundred percent.

Rash in a carrier of HIV virus

One of the most characteristic signs of the active development of the virus is a rash on the body. At first, a man can write off the rash on an allergic reaction of the body, so the visit to the doctor will be postponed. After a detailed diagnosis, the specialist can send the patient for HIV tests. Several types of rash are diagnosed.

How the symptoms of HIV manifest and the opinion of people and a specialist can be found in the video.

Video - Symptoms and treatment of HIV infection

The emergence of secondary diseases of the third stage

At this stage, a rapid defeat of all internal organs occurs. The course of the virus can be complicated by an additional infection or by the development of an oncological process. At this stage, the disease does not last more than two years, since the last stage, AIDS, begins. But, before the carrier of the virus begins to activate such pathological manifestations:

  • herpes infection;
  • seborrheic manifestations;
  • thrush in the mouth;
  • fungal infection;
  • the occurrence of shingles.

The defeat of the above infection proceeds with complications and with thrush in the mouth, severe bleeding of the gums can be observed. The body becomes so weakened that pharyngitis or bronchitis lasts for several months.

Last stage symptoms

The danger of HIV infection is that a few years later, the carrier of the virus is diagnosed with a new, already fatal AIDS diagnosis. During this period, the man is completely weakened, and his internal organs and systems are subject to destruction. In this case, the death may even be from a banal ARVI. Therefore, urgent therapy is required that eliminates the main symptoms and slightly prolongs life. If untreated, a patient diagnosed with AIDS cannot live for more than one year.

At the final stage, the virus provokes the development of additional dangerous ailments (sarcoma, tuberculosis, oncology). In addition, the brain suffers greatly from the virus, and as a result, the patient's intellectual abilities are noticeably reduced, memory is impaired.

It is necessary to remember that the main risk group is made up of people with promiscuous sex life, homosexuals, drug addicts. It is also very important during the planning of a child to pass all the necessary tests, since one of the ways of HIV transmission involves infection from mother to baby.

The spread of immunodeficiency among the population is constantly increasing, therefore, the issue of timely diagnosis of the disease is especially acute. It is this approach that makes it possible to conduct an early course of therapy and prevent the development of unpleasant consequences. But it is worth knowing that the timing of determining HIV for each patient may vary. This is influenced by the state of the patient's defense mechanisms, the duration of the incubation period, as well as the methods used to diagnose the disease.

How long does it take to detect HIV and what is the seronegative window?

There is a time span of 90 to 180 days. It is characterized by the fact that it is impossible to identify the disease at this stage. A retrovirus is already present in the host's blood, but the number of antibodies has not yet reached the minimum threshold that is necessary to detect the pathogen. Therefore, it is believed that HIV is first determined 3-6 months after the initial introduction of pathogenic flora. It is this gap that is needed for the accumulation of antibodies in the blood.

But there is a category of patients in whom the serological window is the shortest. How much is HIV determined in this case? As a rule, no later than 7-14 days after infection. This category includes babies, drug addicts.

How long can you determine HIV by ELISA?

The enzyme immunoassay is considered one of the most popular in the early diagnosis of AIDS. With its help, it is possible to determine HIV in the blood 3-6 weeks after the introduction of the retrovirus into the body. But sometimes experts say that it must take at least 3 months to obtain reliable data.

This is explained by the fact that there are 4 generations of ELISA tests. Generation 1 systems do take that amount of time to detect HIV. As for the newer tests, they are able to detect the disease much earlier. After how many days can HIV be detected by 3-4 generation systems? As practice shows, already on the 22nd day after infection, the reliability of the results obtained is 50%. If you wait 5-6 weeks, the indicator increases to 95%.

Patients are often interested in when it is possible to determine HIV in the blood after infection in order to get a reliable answer. Doctors recommend performing an ELISA test twice: 6 weeks after a possible infection and 3 months after the previous test. In this case, the accuracy is 100%.

How long does it take to determine HIV by PCR?

It should be noted right away that the polymerase chain reaction method is not used en masse to detect immunodeficiency. There are two reasons for this:

  1. High cost of analysis;
  2. The probability of error, since the test may show a positive result even if there is another infection in the body.

How long can it take to determine HIV after infection by PCR? This technique is based on the detection of RNA of a retrovirus, so the time after which HIV in the blood is determined can be as little as 1.5 weeks from the moment of infection.

As a rule, PCR is used in controversial situations as an additional study. It is assigned to be carried out in the following situations:

  • Diagnosis of immunodeficiency in infants whose mother is a carrier of the retrovirus;
  • Control of donor material;
  • As an additional diagnostic method in case of questionable immune blotting (IB) or in the seronegative period;
  • In order to detect the concentration level of the pathogen.

How long does it take to determine AIDS with rapid tests?

Many people resort to diagnosing immunodeficiency using special test systems. It is not difficult to use them, it is quite possible to conduct research even at home. Saliva or blood will be needed as biological material. But is it possible to determine HIV in a month or even earlier in such a simple way?

The mechanism of these systems is to detect antibodies to an infectious agent. In the blood, they can be detected only at 10-12 weeks from the initial infection of the patient. Accordingly, it will be possible to diagnose immunodeficiency after a similar period.

However, there are new sets of 4 generations, they are sensitive not only to antibodies, but also react to the presence of the pathogen RNA, which is detected in the blood of the investigated person on the 10th day from the moment of possible contamination. This allows the diagnosis to be made earlier.

But it is worth remembering that such tests cannot guarantee an absolutely accurate result, especially if the study is carried out at the stage of the seronegative window. With an insufficient amount of antibodies in the biomaterial, there is a significant probability of a false response.

Only a specialist is able to answer exactly how long it takes to determine HIV in the blood, because it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, in particular, the state of supporting forces, the presence of other infections in the body. Also, the result depends on the method used to detect the pathogen.