How to determine which stone is suitable for a person. Precious and semi-precious stones on the sign of the zodiac. Zodiac and stones signs

Jewels can be not only accessories, but also by the overalls bringing good luck. If you choose a stone that matches your zodiac sign, the usual bauble will become a real talisman.

About champions

Aries. Diamond is suitable for this sign. This gem is considered one of the most noble. He protects from damage and evil spirits. Diamond attracts good luck and protects against disease. Similar decoration must be worn on the neck or hand. Also, the AMU should pay attention to the amethyst. It has healing properties and helps to gain confidence. Other stones: Sardonix, coral, carnelian, flint, serpentine, hematite.

Calf. This sign recommended sapphire. This part-time stone is a talisman for lovers. Decoration strengthens memory and develops intelligence. It helps with asthma and heart disease. Also, Sapphire protects from lies. Blue turquoise will help with the opposite floor of the Blue Taurus. Other stones: Emerald, Agat, Tiger Eye, Ruby, Jasper, Malachite, Lazurit, Nephritis, Opal.

Twins. For this sign, the perfect choice will be beryl or green chrysoprase. The first brings happiness in love, the second protects against financial losses and deception. The twin, wearing chrysoprase, will be able to achieve his career success. Other stones: Crystal, Topaz, Jasper, Agat, jade.

Cancer. Representatives of this sign fits the lunar stone. This decoration helps in love overcome difficulties. Family cancer recommended emerald, as he protects homely focus. Other stones: Morion, Feline Eye, Amethyst, Euclaz, Turquoise, Onyx, Opal.

A lion. This sign should be paid to the stones of yellow color: topaz, olivine and amber. The first protects travelers, the second brings good luck in affairs, the third protects against conflicts. Other stones: onyx, zircon, garnet, emerald, jasper, crystal.

Virgo. For this sign, a good choice will be jade. This stone is a symbol of monarchs and leaders. Such an ornament will help with disease diseases. Devs fit and carnelian. It is believed that he gives the skin of a healthy shine. Such wubbles will bring more benefits in the gold rim. Other stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, diamond, crystal, emerald, jasper.

Libra. This sign of the zodiac astrologers advise lazuli. In ancient times, this decoration was used to treat various diseases. Also, the scales fit OPAL: it brings success to noble and kind people. Other stones: Beryl, Coral, Diamond, Lazurit, Emerald, Jasper, Crystal.

Scorpio. Representative of this sign should be worn Aquamarine. A similar talisman will bring happiness to the family. Girls scorpions should pay attention to the carbuncoon. Such an ornament was considered a good amulet for pregnant women. Other stones: Beryl, Amazonit, Gagat, Malachite, Topaz, Coral, Beryl.

Sagittarius. Amethyst is suitable for this sign. This amulet is called Love Stone, as it helps in a relationship with the opposite sex. In addition, Amethyst brings good luck in gambling. Other stones: grenades, turquoise, chrysoprase, sapphire, amber, emerald.

Aquarius. For this sign, the grenade is a symbol of friendship. A similar amulet will help in relations with the opposite sex. Zircon improves the memory and mental abilities of water. Other stones: opal, jade, amethyst, grenade.

Fish. This sign is recommended to wear pearls in a bundle with some other mineral. This talisman strengthens family bonds. It will also help if the fish suffers from unrequited love. Other stones: Aquamarine, Turquoise, Euclaz, Selenite, Morion, Falconary Eye.

From a long time, people began to notice that a variety of minerals have a different effect on a person. How to find out which gem on the sign of the zodiac corresponds to you?

Experts revealed certain patterns. It is important to figure out which stone on the sign of the zodiac will help you feel more confident in everyday life. On some people, concrete decorations affect positively: they feel well, they are lucky in all matters and endeavors. And others feel ailment with the same stone, they do not succeed, they do not work.


How to determine the suitable gemstone on the sign of the zodiac? Aries can acquire one of the most expensive and rare minerals - a diamond. Unprocessed pebbles are quite unbelievable, but if it falls into the hands of a real master, will become a real treasure and will be four times more expensive and stronger. So the Aries, if it does not hurry and completely understand in a situation, will be an indispensable and very strong player in your field.

The decoration will add more perseverance and determination Aries, he will want to actively develop and move forward. The stone will give the opportunity to gain some elegance and caution in working matters. To solve problems on the personal front or for the awakening of passion in the relationship of the Aries, you need to wear rubies. You can use in your jewelry and mountain crystal, agate and onyx.


For the Taurus, the emerald will become a real faucer and assistant. How to choose the proper gem on the sign of the zodiac? Astrologers assure that the emerald will help to gain power and power to the body that it is necessary for him to succeed. In fact, the stone contributes to the fact that the people of this sign feel confident, the determination and taste of real life.

For female carts, wearing an emerald is obligatory, since it is considered a symbol of fecundity and serves as a stamped sight. Representatives of this sign will also be well acquired by turquoise, which has an individual drawing. It has a positive effect on Tales. According to experts, it is a stone of friendliness, hospitality and good income. Turquoise will allow its owner not to just pay attention to himself, but also find a common language with others. Good affects the calf of carnelian and bullish eye.


The main stone of this sign is agate. It will help the owner in the execution of the cherished dream and the realization of the goal. This stone is useful to people who doubt and do not believe in their capabilities, hope for a miracle. It is advisable to choose a bright agate.

Other minerals that are suitable for twins are topaz and citrines. The first will provide patronage and strength, and the second is ease, understanding and communicability. All these stones balance active people and make sociable hidden and fixed twins. We carry such jewelry has a positive effect on the overall state of people born under this sign. Also for the manifestation of positive qualities of the twin can use jade and tiger eye.


Who fits the lunar stone? The sign of the zodiac, whose representatives can safely choose such decorations - cancer. Selenite reveals the entire essence of these people. It enhances positive qualities and reduces the manifestation of negative character traits who carries cancer.

The lunar stone soothes when people are upset or are very distressed. It helps born under this sign in solving problems related to children. Another mineral, suitable for cancer, is pearls. It also allows you to get calm and ease, contributes to the choice of the right solution in important life issues.

Chalacedon has a love effect. It gives the feeling of lightness, correctness and simplicity, which cancers are sometimes lacking. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac will also be suitable such mineral stones as emerald, quartz, carnelian.

a lion

For lion, the most important minerals are tourmaline, ruby \u200b\u200band opal. Tourmaline will help in endeavors, both creative and connected with monotonous work. Ruby will take on the negative impact of the surrounding world, as the lion is one of the symbols of power and patronage. And such people always have envious and competitors. In addition, this stone loves hardworking and resourceful people.

Ruby gives a good impetus to action. Opal protects from unnecessary thoughts and unnecessary information. It fills the energy and gives strength to achieve the desired influence on others. Lero would not hurt to have decorations and with such interesting stones as Hyacinth and Avenant. They help to show restraint and mind in various situations. Beautiful and relevant on the lion will be diamond and amber.


For the virgins, the chalcedony will fit perfectly. He will reveal all the tenderness and loyalty that lies inside the people of this sign. Chrisolit gives her owner the urgency of the mind and thrift. These two minerals provide a Virgin opportunity to get rid of melancholy. Also this sign of the zodiac is suitable rhinestone. It is recommended to wear it as a decoration to work, because it increases performance.

Devas susceptible to frequent stress and nervous problems, better to have jade decoration. It promotes equilibrium and tranquility. You can wear jewelry from Aventurine, pearls, onyx, heliotrope, grenade, citrine.


These people are best to get jewelry from Opal. The stone balances all the feelings and thoughts by the scales. He, it is impossible to answer all the qualities and characteristics of representatives of this sign. People who are interested in how to choose the right gem on the sign of the zodiac, it is worth paying attention to the diamond. His hardness will not allow not to move away from its principles in a wide variety of situations. In addition, the stone will make its owners the most happy.

Tourmaline will help to find exactly what can emphasize all the positive aspects of a person. As you know, scales - nature changed, it is difficult for them to make a choice. Stone will help to decide on the work, clothing and other things that worry or will worry born under this sign. Also in the arsenal of jewelry, there may be such beautiful stones as pink quartz, rhinestone and lapis.


As for some other zodiac signs, there will be a good satellite for scorpion. He will calm and balance all thoughts and will help bring things to order. The grenade will raise the mood, and will also harmoniously look at her hand or on his owner.

How to choose a gem on the sign of the zodiac? It is necessary to take into account all its properties and characteristics. The diamond will help completely reveal the power that lies in the "scorpieces". Such minerals are also suitable, which emphasize strength, courage and endurance: hematite, gagat, snake and amazonite. Romantic scorpion, which is hiding in the depths of their soul, will emphasize Alexandrit. It will also help in resolving mysterious and interesting tasks.


Decorations with topaz emphasize all the good characteristics of this difficult sign. It is perfectly harmonized with the fiery energy of Sagittarius and draws attention to the inconsistency of the Tales. A tiger eye will help those who are surrounding, and will also provide an opportunity to understand well.

Amethyst has the ability to disclose a person from the inside. Especially well the stone acts on the Archers if it was donated from a pure heart. Lunar Stone Zodiac sign Sagittarius, or rather, a man born under this sign will be with pride and joy. After all, such pebbles look perfectly on Persdne or in a necklace. It is suitable for creative personalities and will help them be in harmony with the outside world. Also, such minerals as turquoise and agate will also help this firing.


What should Capricorn pay attention to? Stones on the zodiac sign will be easy, if you explore all the information and connect intuition. Tourmaline will help Capricorn to realize his dreams to reality, stand out from the crowd and lead the game according to its rules. It looks good in jewelry that are suitable for everyday everyday life.

Many people think about the question: "What to choose a stone?" Magic properties, zodiac sign - all this is important to consider when selecting decorations. Capricorn is well "supplied" with onyx. Stone will bring elevation to all feelings and affairs.

A good satellite of Capricorn will be chrysoprase. It allows you to evaluate all the bright paints of the outside world, because it is known that most people born under this sign are pessimists. Some think about the question: "What is the grenade (stone) properties?" The sign of the Zodiac Capricorn gives people born during this period, perseverance and hard work. Wearing a grenade decoration enhances their manifestation. Also correspond to Capricorn can agate, rhinestone and obsidian.


For such a peaceful sign of air, turquoise and sapphire will be good air assistants. The first will help the Aquarius find friends and keep friendship for many years. It gives society and simplicity in communication.

Sapphire, in turn, adds strength, so necessary for important affairs. Another stone will help the Aquarius to show creative abilities. Amazonite will be a good supplement. This mineral removes pink glasses with Aquarius and returns to reality. A stone will also help develop abstract thinking and will indicate the right path in the search for love. Tsitrine, rhinestone, pomegranate, lapis, rodonitis is also well suited for water.


What mineral is the sign of the zodiac fish? Stone coral. He will protect against a bad eye. Emotional fish will help calm Aquamarine. It contributes to the concentration of its owner in certain situations. Aquamarine will suit people of all ages. It is also advised to use it for any endeavors. The most powerful stone Aquamarine is one that gives fish with love.

What other decorations worth paying attention to people who have a zodiac sign - fish? Pearl stone. He is advised to lean people with professions that are associated with care and returns. He not only gives positive qualities, but also give a little royal charm. Such stones, like heliotrope, opal, lazuli, jasper, balance all the qualities of fish, and emphasize those necessary for life.

It is necessary not only to know which stones are the signs of the zodiac, but also be able to use the information received. Each mineral has a lot of characteristics, but not everyone is suitable for the same mineral. Therefore, before choosing the decoration, you must examine all the properties of the selected stone. Only you decide which mineral is most suitable as a talisman to you or your friends. Studying stones on the signs of the zodiac (photos are presented in the article), pay attention to the positive and negative characteristics of a particular gem and necessarily make sure that it will not harm his owner.

This classification of "Stones-Talismans on the signs of the zodiac" was drawn up in 1912 at the congress of the Russian National Association of Jewelers. Later, the list was called the name "List of month-old stones in accordance with the sign of the zodiac".

Compliance with stones of zodiac signs (1912)

Aries (date of birth March 21 - April 19) : Diamond is undoubtedly the main stone of this fiery sign. Amazonitis, purple amethyst, rhinestone, beryl all colors - also stones Aries. Blue turquoise - beautiful mascot for spring signs. Aries can also be worn grenades and pearls, coral and all kinds of quartz, decorations from silica and hematite. Labrador, blue lags, green nephritis, striped onyxes - also stones talismans of this zodiac sign too. Aries are also suitable for obsidian and pink rhodonite, ruby \u200b\u200band sardonix, selenit and carnelian, serpentinitis (the old name of the serpent), a falcony eye (a type of tiger eye), chrysolite, chrysoprase, amber, jasper, preferably green or red.

calf (date of birth on April 20 - May 20) : Ruby and Sapphire are the main stones of this zodiac sign. Agat and Avenanturin, Amazonit and Beryl are also stone talismans. Very favorable for Blue Turquoise Tales. Bull eye (type of tiger eye), black gagat, green emerald, pink quartz, white kaholong, white coral will also protect representatives of this sign and help them. Possessing the impact of energy of such stones such as flint and lapis, onyx and rhodonite. Green malachite and jade, silky selenite, orange carnelian carnelian, tiger eye - Taurus stones, the list also includes topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, blue spat, jasper.

Twins (date of birth May 21 - June 20) : The perfect stones talismans are emerald, sapphire and alexandrite. Good properties for twins have agate and purple amethyst, beryls of all colors, blue turquoise, mountain crystal. Growing pearls and coral in seawater are also the stones of twins. Flint and green jade, pink rodonitis and orange stone carnelian, selenitis and tiger eyes are very favorable for born under this sign of the zodiac circle. Also twins are suitable to topaz, green grenade respect, fluorite (purple and greenish), chrysoprase and chrysolite, golden citrine and jasper of any color and texture.

Cancer (date of birth on June 21 - July 22) : Very good talismans for this sign are Aquamarine, Emerald, Ruby, Amethyst and Chrysolit. Agat and Avenanturin, Adyar (Moonstone) and Amazonite, Berman (Moonstone), Beryllah all colors are suitable under cancer signs. Blue and greenish turquoise, like no other stone, fits the spirit of the water element of this zodiac sign. Cancers can also be wearing heliotrop, gagat, sea and river pearls, corals, bright feline eye, morion (black smoky quartz), hematite, nephritis, obsidian (all kinds), onyx, noble opal. In the quality of the talisman , falcony eye (type of tiger eye), blue topaz and chrysoprase.

a lion (date of birth on July 23 - August 22) : Talismans of this bright fiery sign are emerald, opal, ruby, chrysolite, amber. Announced adventurine, beryllah of all colors, bullish eye (type of tiger eye), yellow heliodor, mountain crystal, heliotrope and hyacinth will also protect the cancer born under the sign and help them. They are suitable grenades, especially green demantide, citrine, rhodonite, jade, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase, jasper, flint, onyx, zircon,

Virgo (date of birth on August 23 - September 22) : Diamond, Emerald, Sapphire, Noble Opal, Mountain Crystal are ideal for the Virgin. Very favorable impact and assistance to these people will be agata, light berylla, blue and greenish turquoise, all kinds of grenades. The devians fit Rodonit, selenit, flint and corals, especially red. Purvered cat eye and a tiger eye, sparkling blue labrador, green jade and sunny orange carnelian, chrysolite, onyx, chrysoprase, golden citrine, multicolored jasper are also good talismans for the Virgin.

Libra (date of birth on September 23 - October 22) : For representatives of this sign, the diamond, amethyst, emerald, mountain crystal, tourmalit (especially pink turmalitis Rubellit), Agatha are very suitable for representatives. Good talismans - featherweights will be a green grenade demantide, smoky and pink quartz, white opal kakholong, multicolored corals, yellow flint, lapis. Sighs can also be denying decorations from Malachite, Morion, Selenite, Jade, Turquoise, Gagat, Rodonita, Olivina, Carolics. This sign is also suitable for decorations from a falcony, green grenade of royal, lilac fluorite, chrysolite and chrysoprase, zircon and citrine, multicolored jaspers.

Scorpio (date of birth October 23 - November 21) : Good overalls and talismans for scorpions are sapphire, ruby, agate, adulor and legit (types of lunar stone), hematite-bedrik, Aquamarin, Alexandrite. Amethyst, amazonite, multicolored berylla, Gagat will also have good effects. For this watermark, very good blue and greenish turquoise, white coral, feline eye, translucent green chrysoprase. Scorpions also need to wear decorations from a pomegranate, smoky quartz, Morion, Malachite, Opala, Selenite, Chernelica, Serpentinite (serpentine), Topaz, Multicolored tourmaline, Jasper and Labrador.

Sagittarius (date of birth November 22 - December 21) : The main talismans of Sagittarius - amethyst, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, chrysolit, chrysoprase. A favorable effect on people born under this sign of the zodiac will be hyacinth, grenades, especially the green grenade demantide, blue quartz and flint, bright corals, lags, Labrador. Overflowing selenites and orange carnelian, a tiger eye and a falcon-eye (a type of tiger eye), Obsidian, Onyx, Topaz, Beryl, Yashma Amber are also good talismans and the overama of this zodiac sign.

Capricorn (date of birth December 22 - January 19) : Representatives of this sign of the Earth as talismans and charming are approached by Alexandrite and Agat, Amethyst and Turquoise, Rubin, Olivine (Chrysolite), red grenades. Representatives of this sign are also suitable for pink tourmaline (Rubellit), cat eye, malachite, morion, jade, coral, obsidian, opal (ordinary and noble), onyx, smoky quartz (Ruhathopaz), light beryl, falconry and tiger eye, chrysoprase, Chernelic, zircon, jasper of any color and painting.

Aquarius (date of birth January 20 - February 19) : The stones of the talismans of this sign are Aquamarine, Amethyst, Emerald, Sapphire, Turquoise, Hiacint, Agat, Grenates, are particularly suitable for green grenades Demantoid and respect. You can wear pearls and pink quartz, flint and coral, lags and beryl, jade and obsidian. Aquarius is also suitable OPAL (noble and ordinary, as well as Kakholong), orange carnelian, falconry (type of tiger eye), fluorite and chrysoprase, rhinestone, citrine, landscape jasper.

Fish (date of birth February 20- March 20) : This watermark can be worn with decorations with Alexandrite, Aquamarine, Sapphir, Adularar and the Burent (both have a moonstone name), amethyst, opal (noble opal, ordinary opal, kakholong) and chrysolitis. For fish, good talismans are amazonite, berylla, turquoise of any color, gagat, green grenade demantide, marine and river pearls and corals, lapis, morion, jade, falconry and tiger eye, carnelian, chrysoprase, spinel and euklaz.

Matching stones for months

January- grenade, hyacinth; February- Amethyst, hyacinth; March- Yasma, Amethyst; April- sapphire, jasper; May- Malachite, Agat, Emerald, Sapphire; June -emerald, sapphire; July - Onyx, Emerald; August- carnelian, sardonix; September -chrysolit, sapphire; October- Beryl, Aquamarine, Chrysolit; November- Topaz, Beryl; December - Ruby, Topaz.

Classification of planetary connections (Eliafas Levi, 19th century)

The sun: Chrysolit, Diamond, Hyacinth, Avenant, Ruby, Heliotrop, Chrysoprase; Moon: opal, adular, aquamarine, beryl, pearls, coral; Mercury: Golden Topaz, Emerald, Corneol, Agat Venus: light sapphire, agate, pearls; Mars: ruby, hematite, jasper, diamond, grenade; Jupiter: turquoise, sapphire, lapis; Saturn: Onyx, Amethyst, Dark Topaz; Neptune: Amethyst, Adyar, Mountain Crystal.


In antiquity, people realized that the stones could affect a person. As living beings, they live, interact with each other, emit energy, pulsate. With their fluctuations and frequencies, they can have a powerful impact on all living things. Back in those distant times, a classification was prepared in accordance with the signs of the zodiac.

The most important condition when choosing a stone is a personal sympathy for one or another mineral. However, if you pick up a stone so that he not only liked, but also approached the personal horoscope and the prevailing planetary effect, it can significantly increase energy production, bring good luck, health and love.

For Aries, the most appropriate gems are amethyst, Jasper and Heliotrope. Of the precious stones the best talisman for the Aries is diamond.

The name of the diamond occurred from the Greek "Adamas" - irresistible, uncomplicable, which is the tank and the exact characteristic of representatives of the zodiac sign of the Aries. In the description of this stone, the word "most" is repeatedly found - the most firm, the most brilliant, the most rare, most expensive. Aries often give preference to bright, catchy by beauty. They only appreciate what is going through great efforts.

Aries often complain of periods of depression, which are natural after passionate spending forces. Almaz "accelerates Handra, removes a gloomy veil from his eyes, makes a person more insightful and sets up for a fun way."

From metals for born under the sign of Aries are preferable iron and gold. Strong Mars in the birth horoscope involves the positive effect of iron microdosis on the body.

Stones for the calves born in April are diamond and mountain crystal, in May - emerald and Serge iK.

In homeopathy preparation of media (Cupup acetycam) is used in larynx spasms, tracheake, bronchitis. It is the area of \u200b\u200bneck, throat, larynx is a problem zone for calves. When wearing decorations from copper microdose of metal, getting through the skin into the blood, have a healing effect on the body.

Twin stones are chalcedony and Golden BerylWith the greatest protective forces.

Most suitable for twins is chalcedonygreen color - chrysoprase. This is the most rare variety.

Metals twins - gold and mercury.

For twin rings, it is advisable to wear on the Mizinz, since this finger is a finger of Mercury.

The best stone for born under the sign of cancer is emerald- Noble variety of Berylla.

For crayfish with Venus in Lev fit ural Emeraldshaving a light yellowish tint. From this stone seems warmer and attractive.

Metals of this sign - silver and gold.

When wearing silver products on the body, you will provide your body with the necessary microdos of silver.

Happy Stone for Lviv with Pluto in exaltation, especially if it forms a positive aspect with lunar nodes, - ruby.

In addition to Rubin, lion talismans are mountain crystal, tiger eye and amber.

Leo - Sign Sign. Therefore, it is believed that amber brings happiness only to this sign. But if there is a moon in your personal horoscope in your personal horoscope, then you are like a moon lion, you can consider this stone with your talisman.

The preferred metal for the lion born under the sign is gold.

One of the happy stones of the Virgin is topaz. From gems good stones for the virgin are jasper and Nephritis.

Chinese writer Heiu-Chin attributed to jade five main advantages corresponding to the five mental qualities of a person: the soft brilliance of the stone corresponds to a soft-grade; Strength reminds of moderation and justice; Melodic sound when hit, comparable to the value of science; Inflexibility and immutability talk about courage; The inner structure that does not succumb to the fake is the emblem of purity. All these qualities are characteristic of the representatives of the zodiac sign of the Virgin.

Metals of Virgin include gold, bronze and mercury.

For weights with Venus in Scorpio, a good talisman is aquamarinewhose color can be compared with the color of the water of the tropical sea.

Also born in September is also suitable lazurit and sapphire.

For the scales born in October, talismans are tourmaline and Opal

Scorpion stones are predominantly red. If Mars is expressed in the horoscope of the owner, then a happy stone is garnet, especially its most beautiful variety - pill.

For scorpions that have in their sign Neptune, a variety of green grenade is perfectly suited - uvarovite.

With a strong plutone, well suits almandine - Grenade "Colors of Burgundy Wine."

A good talisman for scorpions having an ascendant in the signs of the Earth (Taurus, Virgin and Capricorn) is jasper with high hematite, the so-called yashma-bed. It protects perfectly from the evil eye, is a symbol of vitality and materiality.

A symbol of changeable fate for scorpions that loving the dynamics of life are opals.

Scorpio metals are iron and gold.

Special stone, bringing good luck to the Archers, has always been considered turquoise.

In addition to turquoise, fits fit yellow Tophasegiving a serene enjoyment of life and chrysolites.

Preferred Metals Sagittarius are Gold and tin. Capricorn metals are Lead and gold.

The happiest stone for water is amethyst - Violet, sometimes with a pink or reddish tint, a variety of quartz.

Another talisman of the Aquarius, which protects them from all angry and misfortunes, is zircon.

Metals Aquarius are gold and lead.

Favorite decorations of fish are coral - Symbol of immortality and happiness. This stone of organic origin is highly valued by jewelers around the world. The mystical affinity of corals with the planet of the highest cosmic vibrations - Neptune - makes them a stone of fortune-law and priests.

Another mascot fish is moon rock- translucent pearl or pearl field spar.

Preferred metal for born under the sign of fish is tin.

I. Zvyagina "Astromineralogy"

Old wise men say: stones on zodiac signs Located God, and the correction of divine actions are not subject to. Today's thinkers argue: without the experience of communication with minerals, it is impossible to determine the stones on the zodiac sign. A person is free in creativity and bograval in opportunities. What stone will prescribe a soul - that talisman.

Where is the truth? In the dogma, who hasten the finds of the ancient followers of Hermes of a trissegist, or in innovative ideas of modern theologians? Practice shows: realities are always unexpected, unshakable dogmas plastic, bold ideas never fully reflect all the features of the world device. According to the signs of the zodiac Really distributed quite clearly and accurately - however there is no rule without exception, and therefore the person's desire is capable of overcoming the given predisposition.

The pronounced ability to "adapt" under human specifics have inexpensive decorations. Semi-precious stones on the sign of the zodiac are sometimes determined as possible, optional, recommended without urgencies denied without categorical.

Such a variability of the orientation is explained by the completely earth properties of minerals. Changes in chemical composition - and many are characterized by the variational filling of crystals - naturally for most minerals of our planet. It is difficult to expect that the sum of different ingredients will always give the same result. Therefore, it comes out: a semi-precious talisman can help one person, and not helping the other - while both were born under one sign (just in different decades).

Distributing natural stones on the signs of the zodiac, we tried to accumulate the developments of modern astrologers, lithotherapists, esoterics and magicians. Deep studies of the properties of jewels and decorations are constantly. Old minerals disappear from the turnover, new finds are introduced into everyday life and - a trend of time! - Artificially created materials.

Stones of the signs of the zodiac, without changing the main position, over time expand or narrow the horizon of their possible impact. Scientists diligently monitor the changes occurring in a dynamic world, and consistently adjusted the mined information to the broad masses.

Recommending you the horoscope stones, we guarantee the accuracy of published information and data. Remember, however, that the effectiveness of precious and semi-precious faces depends not only on the conformity of stone sign, but also from the method of acquiring decoration, the term and "density" of communication with it, synergity or antagonistic of the forces inherent in various minerals in one product.

And the most important thing. From the depths of faith, not only the possibility of walking around the water depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea, but also the ability to "redirect" the action of the stone. Love that inappropriately you initially, put the time and mental strength in the formation of its activity, and you will definitely get the result that we are waiting for and believe in which.

Aries. (21.03-20.04)
Main stone Rubin

From March 21 to March 31 - Under the influence of Mars - the nature is born especially brave, aggressive, solid, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to Bravad and fervent in love. Happy stones: agate, amazonite, hematite, rhinestone, serpentine, rolling, lapis, malachite, quartz, sapphire, carnelian, falconry, tiger eye, jasper.

Born from 1 to 11 April - Under the influence of the Sun - nature is proud, generous, noble, brave, capable of command, ambitious, can overcome obstacles. Love for them is a big attachment. Happy stones: Heliotrop, pearls, coral, cat eye, Sardonix, amber.

Born from 12 to 20 April - Under the influence of Venus - the nature of passionate and tender, deft and impulsive, loving music and elegant art. Happy stones: diamond, garnet, ruby, sapphire, zircon.

Calf. (21.04-20.05)
Basic stone sapphire

Born from April 21 to May 1 - under the influence of Mercury - have great mental abilities and a tendency to commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Happy stones: Avenant, agate, amazonite, amethyst, bullish eyes, quartz, carnelian, tiger eye, yashma-bed.

Born from May 2 to May 11 - Under the influence of the moon - dreamy, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature. Happy Stones: Turquoise, Jadeit, Coral, Onyx, Opal, Sodalit, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase.

Born from 12 to 20 May - Under the influence of Saturn - uncommunicative, pessimists, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Happy stones: Aquamarine, Diamond, Beryl, Pomegranate, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Twins. (21.05-21.06)
The main stone Ruhathopaz

Born from May 21 to May 31 Under the influence of Jupiter - intellectual, disinterested, have good intuition, and talent for art. Happy Stones: Agat, Amazonite, Rhinestone, Moonstone, Malachite, Nephritis, Obsidian, Rodonit, Quartz, Chernelic, Tiger Eye.

Born from June 1 to June 10 - under the influence of Mars - they are aggressive, sarcastic, concerned. Happy stones: pearls, cat eye, onyx, opal, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine, amber.

Born from June 12 to June 20 - under the influence of the Sun - they are uncontrollable, authoritative, unrestrained, vain and chatty. Happy Stones: Alexandrite, Beryl, Pomegranate, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Tourmaline.

Cancer. (22.06-22.07)
The main stone is emerald

Harmonious and satisfied with themselves Cancer to maintain its positive qualities You need to wear a bracelet or pendant from agate, pearls, emerald, kakholong, selenite. Confused, indecisive and unsure of himself crayfish on a ring finger or at the level of solar plexus well wearing emerald, malachite, sapphire, carnelian, jashere.

Negative quality crayons: Greed, laziness, impassable, arrogance, egoism - well smoothed by vibrations of overflowing minerals: Kakholong, coral, opal, selenite, chrysoprase. Stones-talismans for crayfish, their magical allies: rhinestone, greenish blue aquamarine, pearls, emerald, opal, chrysoprase.

According to the ancient Arabian beliefs, man wearing emerald does not see terrible dreams, the stone strengthens the heart, eliminates the sorrows. According to old Russian legends,
this is a stone of wisdom, composure, hopes. Emerald has the ability to peel
in the future and destroy evil spells.

A lion. (07/23-23.08)
Main stone diamond

Born on July 23 to August 3 - Under the influence of Saturn - nature is strong, mystical, ardent, not lovingly and coercion. Happy stones: Avenant, rhinestone, moonstone, jade, obsidian, carnelian, sodalit, tiger eye, yashma-bed.

Born from 4 to 12 August - Under the influence of Jupiter - a scrupulous and judicial nature, cautious, loving arithmetic and ceremony. Happy stones: Jadeit, cat eye, onyx, opal, sardonix, citrine, amber.

Born from 13 to 23 August - under the influence of Mars - nature is strong, powerful, loving and worseing authorities and command. The mind is combined with force. They thrive and succeed in the army. Happy stones: Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Pomegranate, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Diamond, Emerald, Topaz, Chrysolite, Zircon.

Virgo. (24.08-23.09)
Main stone Yashma

Born from August 24 to September 2 - under the influence of the Sun - have a feeling of harmony, tranquility and a tendency to sitting life. Happy stones: Avenant, agate, amethyst, bullish eye, rhinestone, lapis, moonstone, malachite, jade, carnelian, falconry, tiger eye, jasper.

Born from 3 to 11 September - under the influence of Venus - hidden, shy, often monochrome. Happy stones: Rutile Quartz (hair), heliotrop, jadeitis, pearls, cat eye, onyx, sardonix, chalcedony, chrysoprase, citrine.

Born from September 12 to 23 - Under the influence of Mercury - modest and resourceful, sometimes lazy, often late marriages. Happy stones: diamond, grenade, emerald, sapphire, topaz, chrysolit.

Libra. (24.09-23.10)
The main stone Aquamarin

Lucky and aesthetic weightsThat safely organized his life, small translucent stones are well suitable as a talisman: pink quartz, coral, light agate, chrysoprase.

Negative weight qualities: Egoism, envy, laziness, impassable, arrogance, intrigue - well smoothed by vibrations of orange and green minerals, as well as eyelashes: heliotrop, cat and tiger eyes, olivine, rauhatopase, carnelian - large sizes that need to be worn on a nameless finger on neck or wrist.

Stones-Talismans for ScalesTheir magical allies: Green Aquamarine, Kakholong, Malachite, Jade, Red, Pink and Green Tourmaline.

Corals - Sea FlowersFavorite decoration with deep antiquity, always attracted the attention of the true lovers of beauty.

Gentle and beautiful coral - a symbol of happiness and immortality. In antiquity, they believed that the corals dismissed troubles and diseases. If the coral wearing on an index or nameless finger of the right hand, it cleans blood, helps to control hatred, irritability, anger and envy. Coral teaches to be wise, drives depression, ensures success with the opposite sex. It helps on trips, prevents disasters, especially related to water, protects against evil eyes. The coral absorbs the energy of Mars, and there should be people unrestrained and aggressive with him.

Scorpio. (24.10-22.11)
Main stone black opal

Born from November 24 to 2 - Under the influence of Mars - disappointed, capable of medicine, which have the gift of the healing of people, insecure in youth and energetic in maturity. Happy Stones: Avenue, Amethyst, Hematite, Rhinestone, Snake, Moonstone, Malachit, Chernelic, Falconary Eye, Tiger Eye, Yashma-Cloak.

Born from November 3 to 13 - under the influence of the Sun - the nature is strong and passionate, initiative, with the power of the will noble and generous. Happy stones: amethyst, turquoise, gagat, corals, opal, sardonix, citrine, amber.

Born from 14 to 22 November - under the influence of Venus - frivolous, emotional and in love with artistic talent and strong passions. Happy Stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Beryl, Heliodor, Pomegranate, Emerald, Topaz, Tourmaline, Black Star.

Sagittarius. (23.11-21.12)
The main stone grenade

Born from November 23 to December 2 - Under the influence of Mercury - brave and independent nature, sensual with a solid spirit, fond of hunting and sports. Happy stones: Agat, amethyst, lapis, jade, quartz, sapphire, falconry, tiger eye, yashma-bed.

Born from 3 to 12 December - Under the influence of the Moon, they have imagination and fantasy, they love distant travel, possess a changeable mood. Happy stones: turquoise, hairstyle, onyx, opal, sardonix, chalcedony, chrysoprase.

Born from December 13 to 21 - Under the influence of Saturn - the nature of persistent, sensitive, loving luxury and gourmet, who have no disgust for food in general, pretending to meet their gastronomic needs. Happy Stones: Hyacinth, Pomegranate, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Topaz, Chrysolit, Zircon, Black Star.

Capricorn. (22.12-20.01)
Main stone Topaz

Born from December 22 to January 2 - Under the influence of Jupiter - calm, calculating, systematic nature, acquire a state and success, but there is a risk of ruin. Happy Stones: Agat, Amethyst, Rhinestone, Snake, Moonstone, Malachite, Jade, Obsidian, Quartz, Falconary Eye, Sodalit, Tiger Eye, Yashma-Cloak.

Born from January 3 to 13 - under the influence of Mars - people from whom the home boredom felt by bad. Ensure to others. Happy Stones: Turquoise, Gagat, Heliotrop, Jadeit, Feline Eye, Onyx, Opal, Sardonix, Chalcedony, Chrysoprase, Charoit.

Born from January 14 to January 20 - Under the influence of the Sun - workable, they have a vital force, passionate, contradictory are sometimes predisposed to despondency. Happy Stones: Alexandrite, Hiacint, Pomegranate, Opal, Ruby, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Zircon, Black Star.

Aquarius. (21.01-19.02)
Basic stone turquoise

Born from January 21 to February 1 - Under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and sophisticated in love. Happy stones: Avenant, amethyst, rhinestone, pearls, snake, jade, obsidian, sapphire, falconry, jasper.

Born from February 2 to 11 - Under the influence of Mercury - gentle, smart, slightly vain, moral, have a sense of humor. Happy stones: Ametrin (Citer. Amethyst), turquoise, lapis, onyx, sardonix, chrysoprase, citrine, charoit, amber.

Born from 12 to 20 February - Under the influence of the moon - nature is easily disappointed, discreet, modest, sensitive truthful, adamant, pleasant. Happy Stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Hiacint, Pomegranate, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Zircon, Black Star.

Fish. (20.02-20.03)
Main stone amethyst

Born from February 21 to March 1 - under the influence of Saturn - capricious nature with uncomfortable dreams, loving women, loneliness and change. Happy Stones: Avenant, Amazonit, Amethyst, Bullish Eye, Hematite, Lunar Stone, Jade, Chernelic, Tiger Eye, Yashma-bed.

Born from March 2 to March 11 - Under the influence of Jupiter - love the greatness and glory, sensitive and vain, honest and solemn. Happy stones: Rutile Quartz (hair), heliotrope, pearls, coral, opal.