How to restore an old kitchen table. How to restore the table with your own hands? How to update a glass table

Many people have old dining or kitchen tables left at home, they are usually polished or wooden and have a completely out of fashion look. Do you want to throw it away? Not worth it! Why spend money on a new table, especially older tables are much better than modern ones and can last for many more years

In this article, we will show 4 versatile ways to update an old dining table with your own hands without spending a lot of money on the family budget!

The main methods of restaurant work include the following:

  • Table painting (usually a special paint is used for wooden surfaces, it can be either acrylic-based or enameled)
  • Countertop replacement (the table top can be ordered ready-to-size, or you can make it yourself, as shown in the master classes below)

They can be used singly or combined depending on the damage and condition of your furniture.

Refurbishing the kitchen countertop

Look at your dining table. If its general condition more or less satisfies you with its appearance, but the countertop is completely worn out or the countertop simply cannot be removed without damaging the entire structure, this master class is definitely for you.


  • White enamel paint for wood;
  • Deglosser;
  • Water-based polyurethane varnish matte (you can use glossy at your discretion);
  • boards;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • Putty for wood;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Brush, cloth, water.

Restoration instructions

Step 1: Remove old paint

  • Treat the table legs with a deglosser.
  • Thanks to this tool, you do not need to sand and tear off the old paint, but simply apply it on top, wait for it to dry and paint it in the desired color.
  • Apply 3 layers of enamel paint and wait for it to dry completely.

Step 2

  • Turn the table upside down. If you removed the legs for painting, then it will be more convenient for you to paint the bottom of the tabletop and the side wooden fasteners.
  • Apply the deglosser and paint in the same way as you would on the legs.

After drying, turn the table back and paint the table top around the edges, capturing 10 centimeters, it is not necessary to paint over the whole.

Step 3: Laying out a new countertop from the boards

  1. After complete drying, measure the dimensions of the countertop, its length and width. Boards should be slightly larger in size, centimeters 5 more than the future base e - tabletop.
  2. Take liquid nails and spread them evenly across the middle of the table. Then start from the number of boards you have.
  3. If there is an even number of them, for example, 6, then they must join right in the middle. In the case of an odd number, it is the unpaired board that you should put in the middle. Again, see how it will be better, based on the dimensions of your particular table and boards.

After gluing the middle, glue the remaining boards on the sides. Leave the table to dry for 12 hours or a day, depending on the glue.

Step 4: Putty

  1. Be sure to fill the gaps between the boards with wood putty, otherwise pieces of food will get stuck in them.
  2. You can smooth it out with your finger, and wipe off excess with a damp cloth.

TIP: Let the putty dry for a couple of hours, and then sand all the boards with fine sandpaper.

Step 5: Polishing

  • Wipe the boards well, leaving no dust or debris on them. Take the polyurethane varnish, stir it and start applying it on the boards with long strokes. Try to make the first layer thin.
  • Leave the countertop to dry for a day, then carefully sand the surface with sandpaper, wipe off the dust and apply a second coat of varnish.

Step 6: Whitewash

As soon as the varnish dries after the last painting, start preparing the paint. In this case, the effect of whitewashing is planned, to achieve it, mix 1 part paint with 4 parts water.

Paint over a section of the board with a brush, and then immediately wipe it with a cloth. Paint the entire countertop like this, then add some more water to the paint and go over again.

After complete drying, the table is ready for use.

How to update a polished table

If you have a small polished table gathering dust in a corner for a thousand years, which it is high time to send to a landfill, but your hand does not rise, then you should pick up magic tools and become a fairy godmother for it.

Materials and tools:

  • Sander;
  • Sandpaper;
  • stain;
  • Paint removal gel;
  • Plastic scraper;
  • Brush;
  • Water-based polyurethane varnish;
  • Dark enamel paint;
  • Drawer handles.

Work order

Step 1: Remove old varnish

  • Dress in closed clothes and shoes. If the legs are removable, separate them from the tabletop for ease of sanding.
  • Sand all parts of the table well, getting rid of all dents and scratches.
  • Small parts, as well as places where the table can be damaged, grind with sandpaper.

Step 2: Apply stain

Apply your favorite stain to the prepared parts of the table, following the instructions. Depending on the selected stain, wait for the drying time.

Step 3: Processing the Table Shelf

  • To clean the shelf of the table, use the gel to remove the paint.
  • After applying it, wait 4 minutes (depending on the gel) and carefully, with a plastic scraper, clean the shelf, trying not to scrape the wood.
  • Then apply stain.

Step 4: Varnish the surface

  • Wipe all parts of the table well, without leaving dust and debris on them. Take a polyurethane varnish, stir it up and start applying with long strokes.
  • Try to make the first layer thin.. Leave everything to dry for a day, then carefully sand the surface with sandpaper, wipe off the dust and apply a second coat of varnish.
  • You can, after drying, apply a third layer, but no more.

Step 5: Painting the Table

  • Paint the table in the color of your choice, wait for it to dry, and assemble it.
  • Screw the knobs into the drawer.

Agree that the result of the work done is impressive!

How to paint a wooden table white

One of the evenings, you realized, looking around, that you were among monotonous gloomy things? Want to freshen up your room and don't know where to start? White wooden furniture always looks very impressive and expands the space.

You can make a white table from absolutely any color. In this master class, we will show how to paint a black table into white.

Prepare the following:

  • Means for removing paint and varnish products;
  • Degreaser;
  • Plastic scraper;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Brush;
  • Polyurethane varnish;
  • Enamel paint.

Work order:

Step 1: Remove old paint

  1. It is necessary to remove the old layer of varnish from the tables. To do this, use a paint remover. To protect yourself from harmful chemicals, wear protective gloves, a mask and goggles.
  2. Apply the product to the areas where the paint was removed. Depending on the instructions, wait the indicated time and begin to carefully remove the layer of paint, being careful not to scrape the wood.
  3. After removing all the paint, degrease the surface with a special solution.

Step 2: Sand and varnish

  1. Pass sandpaper over the entire surface of the tables. Then wipe them well from dust.
  2. Take polyurethane varnish, stir it and start applying with long strokes. Try to make the first layer thin.
  3. Leave everything to dry for a day, then carefully sand the surface with sandpaper, wipe off the dust and apply a second coat of varnish.

Step 3: Painting the table

Wait for the varnish to dry completely and start applying the paint. Paint in 3 layers and leave to dry for a day. After that, you can arrange tables and please the eye with a new thing.

Loft style wooden dining table

Now very fashionable tabletops made of wood with legs in a contrasting color. Such tables came to us from the Loft style - it is distinguished by its simplicity and a little rudeness. But such wooden tables really suit any interior.

We are watching a master class on how to make a stylish Loft out of an old table.


  • Saw;
  • boards;
  • Polyurethane varnish;
  • Brush;
  • Enamel paint;
  • Liquid Nails;

Mounting technology

Step 1: Cut out the boards

Measure the dimensions of the countertop, its length and width. Boards should be slightly larger, 5 centimeters higher than the future base - countertop

  1. Cover the prepared boards with polyurethane varnish. To do this, stir it and start applying with long strokes. Try to make the first layer thin.
  2. Leave the boards to dry for a day, then carefully sand the surface with sandpaper, wipe off the dust and apply a second coat of varnish.
  3. After the varnish has dried, paint the boards with enamel paint in 2 layers and leave to dry for 12 hours.

Step 2: Installing the countertop

  1. Prepare an old countertop by sprinkling some sand on it and wiping it down with a cloth.
  2. Once the paint is dry, apply liquid nails to the old countertop and start gluing the painted boards to it.
  3. To make the boards stick well, put a load on the countertop and leave it for a day.

The end result is a great little loft-style dining table!

You can refresh the interior, even slightly updating the old thing. You should not spend a lot of money on buying a new dining or coffee table when you can do everything yourself. By adding a little imagination, you can decorate the table simply amazing with the help of stencils.

And if you are at the company with a table , then you will plunge your guests into envy - after all, you will have an original, unique collection of furniture that can even be called designer if you try and decorate it. Create to surprise!

If you have an old table that has lost its presentable appearance, do not rush to take it to the trash. He has served you for many years, and rest assured, he will serve you even if you give him a little time. The restoration of the table can be carried out in such a way that it will compete with any designer item. New life can be breathed in using completely different methods and techniques. Let's look at the most popular methods.

Options for transforming an old table

To restore an old table with your own hands, you can resort to one of the following options:

  • Veneering (gluing an old wooden surface with veneer).
  • Painting.
  • Pasting with self-adhesive film.
  • Decoupage (application of the tabletop with drawings from napkins, banana or rice paper).
  • Painting using stencils (through a paper or fabric stencil).
  • Tiling.
  • Decor with potali (foil, which is glued in the form of drawings).

Materials and tools for restoration

To restore your old table to its former beauty, you will need the following:

  • Sandpaper.
  • Sander.
  • Paint for wooden surfaces.
  • Impregnation.
  • Primer.
  • Primer roller.
  • Lacquer (colorless and colored).

Also, do not forget about personal protective equipment:

  • Respirator.
  • Protective glasses.
  • Work gloves.


To restore an old table with your own hands, you need to follow the following steps:

  • First, inspect the table for scratches, cracks, and other defects. If there are any breakdowns, be sure to fix them. Check all the bolts on the tabletop and legs, tighten them.

Important! The best option would be to disassemble the table into separate parts, clean them of dust and dirt, and then assemble it again. When assembling for better fixation, you can add glue to the attachment points and wait until completely dry (at least 15 hours).

  • Next, grind the table with a machine or sand it by hand. This will make it possible to align all the problem areas that were not previously visible. Removing old varnish and paint is quite a long and laborious process. Sand the surface with medium-grained, and then fine-grained sandpaper.

Important! Try to sand the wood along the grain. Improper processing can cause defects that are subsequently very difficult to eliminate.

  • Repair all deep scratches and cracks with putty. Let the patches dry completely and then clean and sand the surface.
  • Degrease the table with acetone and prime its surface. For these purposes, you can use a universal primer. Instead of impregnating, prime the countertop 2-3 times, completely drying each layer.
  • Again carefully sand the surface of the table.
  • If there are no cracks, chips and scratches on the countertop, then you can treat it with a water-repellent impregnation, and then cover it with several layers of varnish or stain. This gives the surface a unique effect of fresh wood.
  • In the event that the surface condition is unimportant and subsequently it is planned to decorate the table, then it must be painted. For these purposes, it is better to use water-based paint. Apply with a large brush. When the paint is dry, apply a second coat. Application should be in quick, thin layers. Dry the table for at least four days.

Important! It is advisable to apply dark paint in two or three layers, in order to avoid ugly gaps.

How can you decorate a tabletop?

Restoration of the table is, of course, good. But to create a real work of art, you should design the countertop. To do this, you can choose one of the following methods.


Painting is one of the most popular interior design techniques and hotel household items. There are several options for painting furniture:

  • Art painting with thin brushes.
  • Painting with stamps.
  • Painting using stencils (templates).

Important! For a glass tabletop, airy and bright painting with stained glass paints will be ideal options.

The painting looks incredibly beautiful with the help of tulle or some other lace. To apply an openwork pattern to the surface of the table, you just need to attach the tulle to the table top, fixing it with adhesive tape, and paint the table in the same way as through an ordinary stencil - using a roller, foam rubber sponge or spray paint. It is desirable to choose a paint color that contrasts with the color of the surface.

Important! On a glass tabletop, painting should be applied from the wrong side, while the front side should remain smooth.

Decor tiles

You can update the countertop by decorating it with tiles. The use of tiles on the table opens up great scope for imagination, since today its choice is truly huge. For these purposes, you can choose:

  • Mosaic tiles.
  • Ceramic tiles.
  • Tiles made of plastic composite materials.

Important! It is very convenient to work with tiles in the form of a mosaic. Such a tile is simply cut with a knife. Thus, the extra parts are removed without any problems.

The whole procedure will be creative and simple:

  • Restoration of the table begins with cleaning the surface and its degreasing.
  • Then, with the help of special glue, the tile is fixed on the table.
  • After a few hours, the joints between the tiles are rubbed using grout or a special joint paint for this purpose.

Important! A mosaic of pieces of tile looks very interesting on the table.


Potal are very thin sheets of various metal alloys used to imitate any surface under silver, bronze or gold. The gilding technique is often used in the decoration of furniture along with other decorative techniques and techniques:

  1. To begin with, draw a stencil, on which the potal will subsequently be glued.
  2. Then apply glue to it with a thin brush.
  3. Carefully lay the sweat sheets on the glue.
  4. With a soft brush, very carefully remove unnecessary parts of the sheet.
  5. The thicker the brush with which you apply the glue, the thicker the pattern will be from sweating.

Important! Pieces of sweat sheets that are left over from the design of the countertop in this style can be collected and used again in the form of a powder.

Painting in different colors

You can restore an old table with your own hands by painting it in different colors. This is a very interesting technique that many modern designers use:

  • First, cover the entire countertop with one color.
  • After the paint dries, apply masking tape to create a stencil for the rest of the colors.
  • Using a brush or roller, apply all the other colors one by one.
  • After the paint has dried, remove the masking tape.

Important! On a colored background, you can stick or draw various pictures.

  • Finally, cover the table with two or three layers of clear varnish. This will add strength to the decor and protect against mechanical damage.

Important! Lacquer can be either matte or glossy - according to your desire.


You can update an old table using the decoupage technique without even having special skills. Learning how to create masterpieces in this technique is not difficult at all.

To restore the table using the decoupage technique, you will need the following:

  • Pictures for decoupage - you can use ordinary napkins with your favorite pattern or even images from magazines.
  • PVA glue.
  • Acrylic varnish (it is better to buy varnish in a spray can).
  • Napkin.
  • Acetone or alcohol.
  • Brush.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Clean the table of old paint, dirt. After that, degrease the surface by wiping it thoroughly with a rag with alcohol or acetone.

Important! If the surface is poorly cleaned, the decor will turn out to be sloppy.

  • Pick up pictures and make the necessary composition from them. Any image will do: for the kitchen table, you can choose motifs of vegetables and fruits, in various colors. The table with motifs of ancient buildings looks very interesting.

Important! If you use special decoupage pictures, then you don’t need to do anything extra with them - just stick them on, removing the top layer.

  • Arrange the cut out pictures on the table. Mix PVA with water in equal proportions and glue the pictures to the surface in the selected places. To prevent bubbles from forming, smooth the pictures with a napkin, expelling excess air from under them. Then leave the pictures to dry.
  • After the decoupage is completely dry, varnish the surface of the table with pictures. Apply varnish in several stages, waiting for the complete drying of the previous layer.
  • Restoring a table can help turn an old, unnecessary item into a real work of art. In order to decorate a piece of furniture, you can choose any decor option that is convenient for you. As you can see, this does not require a lot of money, strength or skills - even a beginner can cope with this task.

An old table in a home is more than just a piece of furniture. In a sense, this is history, the memory of ancestors, a symbol of the long-term stability of the native home.

An old table can be restored, giving it a second life, and saving yourself a lot of money on buying a new table.

The ideal balance between careful attention to the history of one's own kind and the needs of everyday household comfort is provided by the restoration of the table with one's own hands. Indeed, one should not rush to throw away an old table found in the attic - a good repair can breathe a second life into a dilapidated object, saving its owner's money, intended for the purchase of new furniture.

Perhaps such a repair will also give new aesthetic sensations at the sight of unusual shapes and silhouettes, will delight you with a pleasant warm texture of solid wood, cleaned of dirt and layers of outdated finishes.

But before proceeding to the description of the course of restoration work, let's see what can be used to perform them with the highest quality.

Materials and tools required for restoration

For work on restoring and updating the old table with your own hands, it is recommended to stock up on tools and materials from the following list:

Hand tools for restoration.

  • electric drill, wood drills;
  • a set of chisels;
  • end planer;
  • hammer;
  • nail puller;
  • screwdrivers (flat and Phillips);
  • clamps;
  • jigsaw (manual or electric);
  • pliers and round nose pliers;
  • hacksaws (for wood and metal);
  • mounting knife;
  • a set of files;
  • measuring devices (ruler, square, tape measure);
  • felt polish;
  • set of brushes;
  • wood glue;
  • acrylic varnish, stain.

Restoration of a wooden table: the order of operations

Restoration begins with the removal of old varnish and paint.

Before proceeding with the implementation of this plan, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire table and its most hidden nooks and crannies. This is done in order to correctly assess the overall technical condition of the item and plan the total amount of work.

Almost any cardinal restoration of the table begins with its disassembly. As a rule, the older the object, the more of its details require serious instrumental intervention. In some cases (if, for example, the countertop has become very warped due to a very long operation), it is simply pointless to restore certain parts - it will turn out to be too expensive and ineffective.

Then it is better to either independently manufacture a product that has finally failed, or order a part from specialists on the side. If the damage from time and from improper storage turned out to be not so destructive, then the old structure should be carefully strengthened. This means, in particular, that the connections that are not very strong must be tightened, and the joints that are very loose must be disassembled, then cleaned and re-twisted or glued.

It has been noticed that in furniture, one of the most affected components over time is the paintwork.

The varnish is stripped from the table to the very base.

Therefore, often when you start updating an old wooden table, you have to deal with peeling off the old paint (which may be laid in several layers) from the surfaces of the table.

In the presence of too thick coatings or large areas of damaged surface, it is recommended to use a drill with a wire brush attachment or a grinder to remove the paint. After the complete removal of the old paint, the next stage of preparation is carried out.

It consists in degreasing the cleaned surface. This can be done by carefully wiping the wooden parts with a soft cloth soaked in special solvents suitable for this coating, alcohol or acetone. In parallel, obvious defects are polished with sandpaper or a grinder.

However, chronic damage (potholes, scratches, chips, etc.) cannot always be removed by grinding. High-quality restoration involves the obligatory puttying of the surfaces of the old table. At the same time, we must not forget that after the putty has completely dried, all surfaces to be treated must be well sanded again.

If possible, it is desirable to carry out the processing of old wooden parts separately, after carefully separating the table top and underframe. The tabletop is sanded again, after which it is painted with paint suitable for furniture and covered with 2-3 layers of colorless varnish. This operation is carried out without haste, with keeping each layer of paint and varnish until they are completely dry.

in the presence of faults, these places are glued and tightly pressed against each other with a clamp.

Another part of the table - the underframe - often requires even more attention than the tabletop. After many years of operation, it may have cracks in parts and serious fractures. If the owner of such a rarity nevertheless decides to restore it, then he should first, using the appropriate tools, disconnect the legs from the underframe.

Fault points for further connection of parted parts must be glued. Then, using clamps, these parts are pressed tightly against each other. Sometimes, for better tightening of dried parts to each other, you can use self-tapping screws, which are very useful in uncomfortable places where it is difficult or impossible to install a clamp.

After the glue dries (after about 12-15 hours), the screws are removed from the wooden elements of the table. The tabletop and underframe are connected to each other either with glue or with a removable connection, which will be very useful in small apartments.

The restoration of the table ends with varnishing of the wooden parts. But before that, they must be opened with stain. To avoid streaks, it is better to do this with a piece of soft foam rubber. After the stain has dried, the wooden surfaces of the table are primed with a transparent varnish (primer) and lightly treated with a thin sandpaper.

How can you restore "specialized" tables?

When updating tables, you should always take into account their purpose and where they will be in the future:

A table for a nursery can be decorated with photographs and drawings.

  1. Table for children. It is recommended that after cleaning the tabletop from old paint and sanding, stick clippings from bright glossy magazines or children's pictures on its surface. Then all this is covered with 4 layers of acrylic varnish.
  2. Dressing table restoration. An original solution can be to remake an old toiletry table into a sink stand. In the middle of the table, a hole is cut out of such a size that a sink can fit into it, but without significant protrusions above the surface of the table. Ceramic tiles can be glued to the remaining space on the countertop.
  3. Kitchen table. You can paint an old piece of furniture with some bright paint. A film is glued onto the painted tabletop, which, for example, imitates beautiful lace. At the same time, the film can not be glued to the countertop, but attached from below with special brackets.
  4. Desk update. You can cover the old countertop with some wallpaper with a spectacular print. To give furniture freshness and solidity, wallpapers that imitate the texture of wood of any valuable species are well suited. To give the composition a sense of wholeness and completeness, the legs of the table can be varnished in wood tones.
  5. Coffee table. With this option, a bright pattern with geometric elements will harmonize well. As a background for it, it is better to choose some kind of soft paint, which is recommended to be applied to the countertop with an airbrush. The geometric pattern is applied to the dried painted surface with a brush or special masking tape. Fragments between the stripes can be filled with paints of bright colors.

The kitchen table can be decorated using decoupage technique.

If the legs of the table are detached from the underframe, it is worthwhile to mark in advance exactly where the particular leg was located. Each leg should be installed in the place where it was before repair.

When covering the table with a white primer, one must be prepared for the fact that then almost all defects will become visible on its surfaces.

In order to provide furniture surfaces with maximum strength, the varnish coating should have at least 3 layers made with a paint roller, 5 layers with an airbrush and 10 layers with a cotton swab.

Sanding wood countertops should be along the grain of the wood. If you do this across the fibers, there will be noticeable small risks on the countertop.

Taking on the restoration of old furniture with your own hands, you should also think about the fact that this process is not only an opportunity to save your money, but also a great chance to reveal your talent as a home design master.

Sooner or later there comes a moment when the wooden table loses its former attractiveness. Sending it to gather dust in the attic or throwing it out altogether is not the right way out. The best way out of this situation is to restore the old table.

Furniture restoration is an exciting process that allows you to significantly save on the purchase of new furniture.

This is especially true in the case when the product is made of expensive wood species. In such circumstances, it will be much more profitable to restore the table than to purchase a new expensive table or replace an old table with a product of lower quality. In addition, antique models are valued more and more over time, and it is likely that a repaired table will increase in value in a few years.

Round folding table made of wood before and after do-it-yourself restoration

For many, an ancient table in the house is not just a piece of furniture, but also a memory of their ancestors, a family heirloom and a symbol of long-term stability. By restoring a wooden table, you can give it a second life and keep it as part of the family history.

Chic table with carved legs with a restored top

The best option to do this is to restore a wooden table with your own hands. Repairing the table will give a lot of positive impressions and will allow you to get a unique thing that no one else will have.

Decoupage will allow not only to transform the table on a budget and quickly, but also to stylize it, for example, under Shabby chic

Strong wooden things serve for a long time, but sometimes they lose their presentable appearance. This problem is easily fixed by repairing the table. Do-it-yourself table restoration will help save the family budget, since workshops ask a high price for such work.

Beautiful tables after restoration take on a new life

Thus, summing up all of the above, we can highlight the following advantages of restoring a wooden table with your own hands:

  • budget savings;
  • the second life of the old table;
  • preservation of a family heirloom;
  • creation of unique furniture;
  • low cost of repairing the table;
  • quality and durable product.

The process of restoring an old table is painstaking, but anyone who has even small skills in working with wood and modest knowledge in the field of furniture design can do it. With the help of improvised means and low material costs, you can give an outdated table a fresh and presentable look.

Table decor with a mosaic of broken plates - an unusual budget solution for restoration

For the restoration of wooden tables, the following tools are used:

  • Sander;
  • sandpaper;
  • a set of skins;
  • primer roller;
  • set of brushes.

Materials and tools for restoration

In order to make the restoration of the table, you will need the following materials:

  • putty;
  • special means for wood;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • if necessary, a wooden canvas.

The wooden table after staining took on a completely different look.

There are several ways to repair a wooden table. The most popular method is based on painting the surface of the table with paint and then applying varnish.

To give the table a more spectacular look - it can be painted not entirely, but only individual parts

The second most common is pasting furniture with self-adhesive film. This method turns out to be the cheapest, but at the same time it allows you to hide existing furniture defects and transform the appearance of the product for the better.

The simplest and most beautiful option for decorating an old table that does not require fuss with paints is sticking a film

An original technique in the restoration of furniture is laying tiles on the surface of the table. This method will allow the product to maintain a beautiful appearance for a long time, since it will not be afraid of exposure to moisture and high temperature.

Finishing the table with ceramic tiles in the form of separate fragments

Work on the restoration of the table should begin with a thorough inspection of the product for defects. The best option would be to disassemble the furniture into parts, clean it of dirt, and then reassemble it.

We carefully inspect all fastenings in the structure and defects of the countertop and repair parts

If damage is found, then it should be repaired. If one of the parts cannot be repaired, it should be replaced with a new one, prepared by yourself or made to order.

We remove the old coating with a grinder or manually

After grinding, carefully clean the table from dust and repair cracks and chips

If the countertop does not have severe damage, then you can not hide the natural beauty of the wood and cover it with stain and then varnish

It is very important to polish the wood along the grain, otherwise difficult-to-remove defects may occur. At the end of processing, it is necessary to clean the surface with sandpaper, and then remove all dust from the furniture. After that, you need to degrease the surface of the table with special solvents, alcohol or acetone. If any parts of the product have chips, cracks or scratches, then it is necessary to putty them, and connect the fracture points with glue.

The table can be primed in 1-2 coats with a small foam roller, allowing each coat to dry completely.

When the primer dries, sand the countertop again with sandpaper or a medium grit sanding sponge.

Then you should again carry out the stage of grinding and degreasing the surface of the furniture. If the table is made of natural wood, then it is advisable to protect it from pests and diseases. To do this, the product is impregnated with an appropriate agent.

If the table is made of natural wood, it is better to treat it with a special impregnation that will protect it from pests and diseases.


Restoration of a polished dining table can be done by grinding the surface and applying a new layer of decorative varnish to it.

The next step is varnishing the wood parts. If you need to mask some defects or just have a desire to change the color of the old table, then before applying the varnish, you can use paint. Changing the shade of furniture can also be achieved using not transparent, but colored varnish. After all the parts have dried well, you need to assemble the product.

The paint must be applied in 2 thin layers, and then protect the surface of the table with varnish

Finishing touch

Decoupage old table decor

The final stage of the restoration of a wooden table is decoration. You can again take up the brush and, using various stencils or masking tape, apply an application to the surface of the table.

Painting the table through tulle should be done on top of the base layer, with a pigment in a contrasting color

For those who can draw well, the image of their own masterpiece on furniture is suitable, which will remain for many years.

A table with artistic painting will perfectly complement the interior in ethnic or rustic style.

Drawing on the table tops can also be created using mosaics or potali. The latter is used in work when the goal is to imitate one of the noble metals - gold, silver or bronze.

Create a picture from small fragments on the surface of the table

Potal (gilding) - a wonderful decoration for a table in a classic style

Video: Kitchen table restoration

Probably, almost every home has such a type of furniture as a coffee table or a desk. Such tables are very convenient, they can be placed in the living room, and in the bedroom, and in the nursery.

It is desirable that it fits into the overall interior. Therefore, if you have a modern renovation at home and the old coffee table does not fit the general look of the room, do not rush to throw it away. We invite you to show your imagination and repair the old table with your own hands. Moreover, the process is very exciting and you should not have any special difficulties.

We will describe the restoration process using an example made of natural wood and covered with furniture varnish.

For restoration, we decided to use the decoupage technique, since this is the most suitable for coffee tables and desks. As a result of applying the decoupage technique, you will receive an original thing at home, which none of your friends and acquaintances have anymore.

1. Any kind of restoration or repair begins with an inspection. We examine the table and determine the defects.

2. Next, we need to clean it from the old varnish coating. To do this, we need sanding paper of different grit numbers. It is very good if you have a grinder. It will help to grind the table much faster and better. It is better to grind along the fibers.

Sanding across the grain will leave scratches on the surface.

The grinding process is carried out in three stages. First you need to use a sandpaper with the highest grit. Then they take sandpaper of medium grit, and at the end all the remaining irregularities are sanded with a zero-grain sandpaper.

When sanding, it is better to wear a respirator because wood dust can damage the upper respiratory tract and lungs.

After sanding, wipe the table with a damp cloth to remove any remaining dust.

3. Then we proceed to puttying. It is needed to hide defects in the form of cracks, scratches, chips. To do this, we need a rubber spatula and putty itself. Gently rub all scratches and cracks.

Leave putty to dry completely. After drying, we remove all excess with the help of a zero sandpaper. Here is the base of the table and ready.

Stages of restoration using decoupage technique

If we decide to restore the coffee table with our own hands, for decoupage we will need the following tools and materials:

  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Napkins with drawings or special pictures for decoupage (in our version, these are photographs)
  • Polyethylene file
  • Brushes of different thickness
  • PVA glue
  • acrylic primer
  • Furniture paints (acrylic white and black in our version)
  • Stencil (but you can do without it)
  • Finish acrylic lacquer

Table restoration process step by step

1. Now we can take on the design of the coffee table. First, we need to lay the ground on the surface of the table. To do this, we use an acrylic primer. It is needed so that the paint that will be applied in the future is more evenly distributed on our product.

We prime with a brush carefully and wait about half an hour until the primer dries.

3. Now we take the drawing. In our version, this is a photograph. Dip the drawing for 30 seconds in a bowl of water.

It is very important not to overexpose the drawing, as the paper may be damaged. We take the photo out of the water and put it face down on the plastic file.

4. Since our photo paper is thick, we carefully remove the extra layers of paper so that the picture remains intact. Then apply PVA glue to the photo with a brush.

5. Now carefully turn over the file with the photo stuck to it, put it in the right place on the tabletop. Smooth the pattern through the file so that it lies evenly. And only after that we remove the file.

6. We take white acrylic paint and with a brush with hard bristles we draw the fields along the contour of the drawings. We try to keep the brush at one angle, as the bristles leave stripes. Then leave the table to dry for about 1 hour.

7. We decided to further decorate the corners of our table with a stencil. To do this, you need to attach the stencil to the corner of the tabletop and use a brush with black acrylic paint to walk over it. Hold the brush in a vertical position so that the paint does not flow under the stencil and is not smeared.

8. Now you can remove the stencil. Leave the table to dry the drawing for 1 hour.

9. And finally, after the paint has dried, you can apply a finishing acrylic varnish to fix the drawings. We also apply varnish with a brush.

10. Finally, the restoration of the table is coming to an end. To be able to use the table, it needs to dry. Let dry in a well-ventilated area overnight. After the expiration of this time, use it to your health!

Now you know how to update a coffee table with your own hands, the photos above show what kind of masterpiece you can create yourself. Do not throw away old furniture, give outdated items the opportunity to please you for some more time, give them a second life!

Video: bedside table restoration using decoupage