How to cut the tile with a grinder without chips: a detailed guide for beginners. How to cut tile at home how to cut the tile at home

Ceramic tile is a very popular building material that is used to finish any surfaces. On the modern construction market there are a huge number of devices for working with it. This article will discuss all sorts of tiles for tiles and methods of trimming in detail.


Working with any kind of ceramic tile, it is impossible to make perfect laying without using a special tool. And since the tile consists of a clay base and glaze, then, first of all, it is desirable to cut the glaze layer at first, and then divide the tile to the necessary parts.

Unusual ways to lay the tile - diagonally, with a shift, on the finished pattern or scheme suggest pruning. And in decorative work with tiles, the tiles are simply indispensable.

Consider possible ways and types of work on cutting ceramics:

  • Mechanical method- cutting material of a softer density with a knife made of dense material by deep or not very deep pressure or noise, and then the fault manually. Manual tools that will help cut the tile - glass cutter, manual stovetur.
  • Method using power tools. In this case, the incision occurs with the same material as when using manual tools, only the cutting element drives the engine operating from the network.

  • Method using a powerful jet of water and strong abrasive materialwhich enters the surface of the tile. Used for cutting porcelain stoneware.
  • Method for using laser rays - Suitable for dense tiled material.

Trimming tiles may be needed in the following cases:

  • working with tiled masonry on a limited surface, it is necessary to trim the initial and extreme elements for more beautiful placement;
  • when placing it on a specific pattern;
  • if there are functional devices on the facing surface - sockets, pipes, lamps, output to the sewer system, you need to make a hole;
  • to create beautiful carved ceramic elements, a curly cutting of a tile of suitable tools is necessary.

The type of pruning product depends on the tool that will be used for this:

  • the small cuttle of the tile can be carried out by a diamond disk of the grinder, even if the tile is already laid on the surface;
  • to circumcise the classic smooth tile at home in the exercise of a small area of \u200b\u200brepair, a manual stove with a diamond knife is suitable;

  • if the volume of finishing works is large or supposed further work with thick tile material, it is better to purchase electric tiles;
  • if there is a desire to save on the repair, then cut the ceramic tile without plastic cutter will help a simple manual glass cutter. It is cheap, easy to use and is most safe among all kinds of tools, but for this type of trimming you need more time, and it only fits for fine finishing tiles;

  • also, for the implementation of tile work, special diamond circles, nozzles on a conventional drill, if necessary, make a hole for a power outlet, for example;
  • for artistic and decorative cutting there is a special way - waterjet hydroabrasive cutting. This high-precision hydrorezka is carried out with the smallest temperature of contacting surfaces and allows you to make beautiful ornaments from any solid dense material, such as porcelain stoneware and natural stone. The cutting is based - directional flow of water with special abrasive sand particles, which can consist of such a dense material, as a grenade;

  • laser cutting - in the laser machine there is a directional radial beam of high power, which makes a smooth deep cut of any building material without chips;
  • plasma cutting.

Methods of water, laser and plasma cutting are good in that at times you can cut and process a large amount of tiles. At the same time, the edges of the tile are perfectly smooth, the tile does not break, all cuts are accurate.

It is used on an industrial scale, since this cutting method has a greater value.


Each type of ceramic tile involves its way of trimming.

The selection of the tap of the tile depends on the thickness and external data of the facing material. By density, you can select soft, medium and rigid tiles. The most complex material for cutting, it is, of course, natural stone and porcelain stoneware.

They have the highest density and maximum price compared to the rest of the tiles, so you need to carefully select a tool for their cutting.

Consider the possible species and options for tiled materials that may be cutting at home, starting with the most soft:

  • One of the well-processed facing materials - gypsum. It is very often used in construction, including for the manufacture of plaster tiles. There are many types of such tiles, ranging from simple imitation for stone and brick and ending with all sorts of interesting textures. Such a tile has a number of pluses - it is quite easy in weight, its extra edges are easy to cut, but the only negative is not moisture-resistant and is suitable only for decorative trim. Trim such a tile can be manually.
  • Tile under brickit has a denser structure than plaster, so it is more difficult to work with it than with a plaster, but pruning is carried out in the same way.
  • Ceiling The tile of foam is easily clipped by a stationery knife.

  • Ceramicssmooth and volumetric requires a tilt scale or a grinder.
  • Ceramographic- The material is very dense, therefore it will take a hydraulic method or electric stovetur for its trimming.
  • Ceiling tile from plasticas the most budget material in the New Year season is used to make decorative snowflakes.

Cut the snowflakes from the ceiling tiles will help the marker, a cardboard pattern and a regular stationery knife.

Required tools

Knowing the properties of the material used and the properties of the cutting tools, choose the necessary will be much easier.

In order to trim the tile, the most rigid natural material called Diamond is used. All cutting elements are almost always manufactured with its use.

A small diamond stone is placed in the simply in circulation and small at the price of glass cutting at the end for cutting. Lobzik cuts with a string with a special diamond spraying. Circular saw with a special disk-nozzle has a special spraying on the working element. Electric stacking is a machine that cuts the material with a diamond circle.

The main tools that are used to trim the tile:

  • glass cutter;
  • nippers, pliers;
  • ceramics hacksaw;

  • drill;
  • drill on cafes, nails;
  • diamond nozzles;

  • lobzik with tungsten string;
  • manual tiles;
  • bulgarian;

  • ballerina;
  • electric tiles;
  • circular saw with a special diamond nozzle;

  • file, sandpaper, paper tape, construction pencil;
  • stationery knife.

Subtlety of the process

First of all, before carrying out a tile trim, you need to take care of the protection of the eyes, faces from dust, as well as hands - for this we need glasses, mask and protective gloves, especially if it is supposed to work with dangerous power tools. Correct the tile will help certain types of tools, but each type of cutting has its own nuances.

Consider the main features of undergrowth tiles for each type of tools:

  • Simple glass cutter. A thin wall tile must be placed by a marker by drawing a flat line. Tile to lay on a flat surface and make an incision at the outer edge. It is important to know that it is necessary to cut a tile, slightly retreating from the edge of the line, otherwise the desired part of the tile will be shorter than several millimeters. Also in this case, an oil glass cutter can be used, which will be more efficient.

To break the tiles, it is necessary to put a long convex object under it.

  • Manual tiles. If you need to cut the tile, including for designing plinths from a tile, you can use a manual tiles with a sharp cutting element. The tiles consists of a guide roller and forceps that allow breaking the tile at the end of the cutting. The cutting element must be gently and evenly pressed, to promote along the tile in the direction of itself. Such a tool will help to do a larger amount of work, but the edge of the tile in this case will not be very smooth and it will be necessary to grind.

  • Bulgarian. To quickly cut the tight tile, you can use the grinder, but in this case the edges of the tile will also be not very smooth and they will need to grind. The tool itself is easy to handle, they need to cut it carefully, according to a predetermined line from themselves when the saw disk starts rotating at a certain speed, approximately 3.5 thousand revolutions per minute. The cutting disc of the Bulgarian should be with a diamond spraying, and under the grinder must be free even space.

It is necessary to cut continuously. The minus of this tool is a large amount of dust and chips, which fills all the space around. Also with this tool will need to work very carefully, in the respirator and glasses.

  • Electroplitchores. A universal tool that costs a lot of money, but it can also be rented. The advantages of electrical travelers are that noise tiles can be made at an angle, quickly and very smooth. Also tile can be any thickness and textures. The tool consists of a platform, a cutting element and water supply device on the cut line.
  • Ballerinka. Special tool that helps make round holes in tiled material with a drill.

If there is a need to make a figure cut in the figure, you can use glass cutter or electric stacking, the choice in this case depends on the tile thickness.

If you need to make a simple round or square hole for a socket, you must first schedule the line on which the tile will be cut. To make a round hole, you can use a drill, a jigsaw, a ballerina, a diamond spraying crown. For the square hole, the same tools plus Bulgarian will be suitable.

Consider the option of work with the help of ballerina and drills:

  • make a hole drill in the middle of the tile;
  • consolidate the diameter of the future circle on the ballerina, install it on a drill;
  • next, set to the deepening drill and drill to the middle of the tile, then cut through the rollerous side until the circle falls.

You can also make a round hole with a jigsaw. The minus of this option is in large energy costs of this work. To work, you need to purchase a special tungsten string that will need to be installed on the instrument. You can find a tungsten thread in any supermarket trading construction materials. An incision should be done from the back side of the tile, before this, having made a special hole by a drill in the middle of the circle contour.

The round hole in the tile can be made using a diamond spraying on a special nozzle that are different sizes. First of all, you need to make marking and protect tile tiles. Next, you need to fix the diamond crown on the drill and start slowly drilled. Minus options with a nozzle - fast heating of the unit, so when working it is necessary to cool it.After the hole is ready, you need to polish its edges with the help of emery.

Also a round hole can be done with a grinder. In this case, you also need to purchase a special disk strengthened with diamond spraying. Bulgarian can be cut and grind. Getting Started, it is necessary to make a dotted outline with a marker, then the grinder with a disk from myself to do a neat incision, gradually increasing the strength applied. Next should sand the edges.

The round hole can be done using a drill and pliers, but it will require more time. These tools are almost in every home. The option is suitable for the already laid out surface. If the tile is not yet laid, it is better to hold it in hot water about forty minutes. In order for the hole to work out, you need to outline the contour and protect the remaining surface of the tile tile. Next, retreating from the edges, you need to systematically drill holes around the circle. Then break the inner circle and file stalling the edges.

Manual glass cutter is also suitable for cutting out curly holes, but only on fine tiles. In order to make a hole, you need to outline the contours and drill a recess in the middle, then neatly cut through the circle with glass cutter using a ruler. Then, with the help of pliers, edges are carefully taken out. All irregularities are died with a file.

For curly cutting of decorative parts, which will be parts of a beautiful ceramic decorative panel, you need to use a special machine. This tile cargo expensive and work on it is very scrupulously and accurately following a certain technology.

This option is suitable for professional professionals. Working on such a machine, you first need to make risks on the future part, then smoothly keep a special handle along the cut slicer. Having finished the line, we need to methodically catch the entire surface with a wooden hammer to separate the decorative part from the main part of the tile.

Work on such a machine is very difficult for a beginner, and at the price without subsequent use at home it will not pay off, so most of the masters use a grinder for decorative tile work.

As mentioned above, all machine tools are divided into manual and electric.

When choosing an electric machine you need, first of all, pay attention to the manufacturer, because if you buy a cheap stovetur, it will have to wear too often. The second moment to pay attention is the quality of the cutting element, because all the main work on cutting the tile does it.

The cutter must be high-quality, of hardened durable metal. Otherwise, the saw is very quickly caught and worried.

When the slab will be selected, it must be remembered that its cutting disk must be regularly verified for the presence of contamination, chip residues. The disc must be cleaned using a special grinding tool that are usually polished already cutting the edges of the tile.

After making a decision to purchase a manual machine, it should be remembered that this option is suitable only for home interior decoration. However, some types of porcelain stoneware can also be cut by manual machine. It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality of the platform - it should be very stable and dense to withstand the pressure of the cutter. For work a large scale, this tool will not work. This type of stovetur can also carry out trimming at an angle and conventional clamping of ceramics.

Starting work, it is necessary to check the condition of the roller and the density and clarity of the tile fixed on the machine. The roller should move along the axis without difficulty, and the width of the tile should be no more than fifteen millimeters.

When performing work on trimming tiles, be sure to consider the following tips:

  • when choosing a tile, it is better to stop your attention on the medium density tile - it will turn less when processing;
  • when working with tiles it is better to make it better so that the material is more plastic;
  • when handling a manual stovetur, it is impossible to put very much on the handles, otherwise the tile will simply break;

  • after circumcision, you must definitely pelt the tiles of the sandpaper so as not to cut your hands with a smooth edge;
  • cutting a circular hole for a socket, you must definitely retreat from the edge of the tile by 2-4 cm, otherwise the tile will simply be reproduced when drilling;
  • when using a grinder under the surface of the tile, we need to put wood flat bars for optimal work;
  • if you need to cut the corner element, the breakage of the rectangle with a grinder on both sides to the corner is not done to the end, the unnecessary element is simply shaken by forceps, and the remaining surface you need to simply refill;

  • the hole under the narrow water supply pipe is also better to do with a grinder, drinking the edge first, then the strips cut through the whole circle, the residues need to be styled with a grinder and handle with a cutter or file;
  • also, the circle under the drainage tube can be placed and, making the diametrical markup, to cut down first from the outside, then with the inner. Next, the edges are processed by a special nozzle on the perforator.

Using cropping

The most frequent question that occurs after the end of the main work with tiled materials at home or professionally - how and where to use residues, fragments and trimming of ceramic material.

Of course, there are many ways to find the use of the remaining uneven ceramic cafél, and the main option here is a mosaic laying. That is, all ceramic parts, if necessary, trimmed in size and laid out on the principle of smalt. For this, special schemes, drawings and patterns are being developed.

Moreover, it is possible to decorate with such mosaic parts any surface - ranging from a concrete or brick wall and ending with glass, wood or even chipboard. After such a finish, any surface will be unique, and the decoration of the room will be updated and transformed, because the design of the design is a creative job.

In decorating work from such a material, you need to customize trimming and shards in thickness for flattening pattern, as well as in color to create the desired pattern.

Thus, you can upgrade the porch at the house, the surface of the street shops, walls and floor on the veranda, the surface above the doors and between windows, windowsill, countertops or even make a new wall decoration in the bathroom. You can create completely new designer things - vases, cachepos, pallets, lamps.

There are cases when the usual tile cut off the circle contour, a square or simply cut more difficult than solid and dense porcelain. The grooves from glass cutter on such a tile are practically not visible, the manual stove does not take it, and even the Bulgarian on the outside does not cut such a tile.

If the ceramic tile is hardened, it will not be cut on the front side, for this you need to make cuts with a grinder from the inner side by 2-3 millimeters depth, further use forceps.

For the hole under a round outlet, you can use two types of cutting with a grinder - first to make markup in a circle, cut into a diagonal of the grinder, then from the inside, cut square notches from the inside, then break the pliers along the edges in a circle, while wetting the edges.

When cutting a tile of places of future dots, it is better to double the glass cutter to avoid further chips . The best version of glass cutter is oil (with a cutting on the circle of stone, oil fluid is supplied),since it makes it easier to slide on the cafée, including the glaze, and leaves a smaller slice with a smaller number of chips.

Successful examples and options

On the examples presented, the options for the location of communications and electrical dispensers in the holes of the ceramic tile were demonstrated.

Cutting ceramic tile is a complex and responsible matter that requires the selection of an individual tool for each type of coating. The article dismantles all kinds of tiles and tools for its sawing, so after reading the material, the question of how to cut the floor tile will immediately disappear.

Cutting tiles for wall cladding

The tile that is used to finish the walls differs from others, for example, from the floor tiles with its softness, which allows you to cut it without any problems. You can perform the cutting of this tile by several tools that we will talk about below.

Glass cutter

Roller glass cutter is a cheap and convenient tool that is perfectly suitable when cutting a small amount of material.

The main plus is the ease of use:

  • To cut off the part of the tile, put it on a flat and solid surface, after which, make a markup on it;
  • The next step is directly cutting: swipe the glass cutter from the end of the tile to itself along the planned line, pressing on the surface;
  • Out off the tile will not be difficult: Take a thin object, for example, a pencil and put it under the cut line, after which, press it on the tile on both sides of the cut.

You can easier this process using a more advanced model - oil glass cutter. The tank is built into the handle of this tool, to which the user fills the mixture of machine oil and kerosene. During cutting, the mixture enters the roller and thereby facilitates the process of cutting the material.

Manual slabcores

Buy hand-made tiles or take it for rent only if you are waiting for a large amount of work. The main advantage of this method of cutting is the simplicity and absence of effort.

Manual stoves, as you can see the photo, a simple tool consisting of guide tubes, cutting element and lever. The tile is laid inside the tool, after which, according to it, pressing, carry out the cutting roller. The process of cutting by pressing on the lever, which breaks the tile at the cut place is completed.

Such a stoveture has drawbacks:

  1. You will not be able to cut off strips less than 5 mm;
  2. The edge of the sliced \u200b\u200btile will have to additionally grind, because sometimes the incision is obtained uneven.

Cutting outdoor tile

The ceramic tile for the floor is a sufficiently durable material, and it is difficult to cut it problematic, so thinking about how to cut ceramic floor tiles, choose one of the special tools presented below. When fitting the tile, the thickness of the floor tile with glue is taken into account, which is very important.

Electric tiles

Electric tiles - perfect option if you take care of how to cut off the floor tile, retaining a smooth edge and beauty.

The tile cutting machine is a complex design with which the newcomer will have to figure out by reading the instruction. This machine consists of a powerful engine, the platform to which the cutting element is fixed, for example, a diamond spraying disk, and the reservoir is provided on the machine, which poured water.

The models of electric stovetures differ, so in some models the lower part of the disk is immersed in water, and in other models, only the place of the plus tile is wedge. Due to wetting with water, less ceramic dust is thrown during cutting, and the wear of the cutting disk is reduced, which will extend its service life.

It is also worth mentioning how to cut outdoor tiles with tiles:

  1. Take care of your safety and put on safety glasses, because during work from tiles, fragments can fly off;
  2. Cutting tiles are made by pressing tiles to the disk. The first touch of tiles and the knife must be soft, and after, gradually increase. By the end of the cut also reduce the pressure;
  3. Slightly pressed on the edges of the tile to avoid the turning to one side, which will result in a bunch of problems, for example, damage the material surrounding and the machine;
  4. Change the fluid in the bath, because it remains dust, which significantly reduces the service life of the cutting disk.

On the electric tile, you can handle all kinds of tiles, in addition, the machine will allow you to cut at 45 degrees, leaving smooth edges without chips that do not have to handle manually.

If you have already decided than cutting the floor tile, then do not hurry, because electric tiles - expensive pleasure, so it is worth buying it only if you are planning to cut ceramics regularly. By the solution of the price problem, the construction equipment can serve.

Cutting Bulgarian

Bulgarian is the most optimal option for people who make repairs in their home. This tool is relatively inexpensive, and it is possible to apply it not only for cutting the tile, so it is worth buying it. Easy to operate is also a huge advantage of the grinder, because the cutting of the floor tile at home with the help of the Bulgarian will be even a newcomer on the shoulder.

When choosing a grinder, it is better to take a model on which there is a speed switch to cut the tile at a speed of 3.5 thousand revolutions per minute or lower. If the speed of rotation of the sawing disk (on concrete or diamond) will be higher, then the tile can split, and the split chips flying at high speed explicitly makes it difficult to work.

In addition to the advantages, the Bulgarian has cons:

  1. It creates a lot of dust and fragments;
  2. The edges of the circumcised tiles are obtained inactive, so they will have to additionally handle using a file and emery paper;
  3. High risk damage yourself is the last drawback of this tool. Be careful, keep the grinder tightly before sawing the floor tile, wear safety glasses or mask, as well as a respirator.

Figured cut

Often, the tile has to be trimmed in a straight line, for example, configuring under the sink, toilet or pipes. Below we will tell you how to cut outdoor tiles at home, confining it under the form of various designs.


If your question is how to cut outdoor tiles at home, having received a hole of a certain diameter, then it is worth using a tool with a photo - a ballet. This is a circular drill that provides for the adjustment of the diameter, cutting the hole.

If you want to cut outdoor tiles in such a way as much as possible, then use a special tripod for a drill.

The only minus drill is that it is enough for only 20 holes in the tile.


A simple tool, however, it will help to get a wide variety of forms of tiles. Bloom up small pieces, ranging from the edge. The way is simple, so be prepared for the fact that you will get inaccurate edges and they will have to additionally process.


Now you figured out how to cut outdoor tiles, however, remember that you can not always do without professional tools, so you can contact the company specializing in cutting a variety of materials.

When finishing work with the use of the tile, the need to cut the tile on pieces is always arisen, cut something. To do this, use a special tool, and how to cut a tile without plastic cutting? Many people think that this is impossible, but there are interchangeable tools, and the tiles are not an exception. The tile is cut by reservoir means, we just need to be patient and time.

Tile cut off with different methods

Alternative tools, features

There are plenty of opportunities to cut the tile without equipment using the following tools:

Fixtures for cutting

The ESM is a grinding unit, which, when applying special naps with diamond coatings, cuts a tile, other materials (even floor tiles, porcelain stoneware).

The glass cutter is a device that has a ballpoint size and perfectly copes with a tile, but the paper requires confidence and clarity.

Drill - suitable for roundings, holes, and different nozzles (drill, ballerina, crown) are used.

Pliers - the edge of the tool cuts up the top layer of the tile, makes the line of donomas. Often used for curly cuts.

In addition to these tools, we use a saw with a spraying, an electrolovka, even a nail .

Attention ! In working with tiles, use nozzles with a diamond spraying - others do not cope, spoil the material.

Technology of work

Cutting tiles glass cutter

The use of manual glass cutter, which functions on the same principle as a mechanical glass cutter, is considered to be trimmed with a simple method, which operates on the same principle as a mechanical glass cutter. The most suitable for performing the work is tool with lugs from diamond and roller from durable alloys.

Glass cutting - available method cutting tiles at home

When performing work, adhere to a specific sequence:

  • The first thing is made by the markup with a marker or pencil on the front side.
  • Lay it on a solid smooth surface.
  • A ruler is applied to the markup.
  • A manual glass cutter is applied to the long point.
  • Pressing on the line (so that it does not move) and on the glass cutter, with confident movement with a uniform pressure spend a line from the far edge to oneself. In this case, the cutter should not be very pressing. When carrying out the line, the crunch is heard, at the end, the glass cutter should roll off the tiles.

Attention! The line of the cut is made so that the visible trace remains on enamel. Make it only once, since when repeated, the tile will be abandoned unevenly.

  • The donom line appears appeared with a wooden glass-cutting handle.
  • Tile should be set so that its part is canopy.
  • On the plated edge of the tile, which was located on a table or other smooth surface, pressed, cleaned through the line, which was read. If the line is deep enough, then the result is obtained without chipping, neat, smooth.

It is possible to break the product along the Dymoma line, if you put a carnation under the tile, a match, pressing from 2 sides. Such a method of fault is popular with a large amount of cutting - it saves time on the transfer of the tile on a flat surface for dons.

In such a way, cuts are well obtained on the strips of more than 5 cm, but smaller strips are difficult to calmly. To do this, at home the bar, clamps, clamp: the narrow part is clamped, and the sharp movement is wide.

Manual glass cutter use if you need to cut several tiles. In the case of a large amount of incisions, it is desirable to use a special tool of the tile cargo, which has a large wheel that makes a deep cut.

Cutting tile Bulgarian

Cutting tile Bulgarian

Initially, the Bulgarian was used for cutting marble, porcelain stoneware. Bulgarian cutting - noisy work, but this method is widespread. With this tool from the tile, even complex angles are cut out. To work should be prepared tool:

  • Bulgarian.
  • Roulette.
  • Marker (pencil).

Regardless of the type of tiles (ceramic or porcelain stoneware), the first thing is made markup. To do this, use a ruler, a building corner, a roulette, a marker or a pencil.

When working with such a tool like Bulgarian, should not be forgotten about the safety technique: the machine must be with a protective case, which in the case of which will host the basic force of impact. Be sure to wear safety glasses. After compliance with the security rules are accepted for work.

Before starting work, you check the reliability of the attachment of the diamond circle on the spindle. Another type of disks with this task will not cope. After turning on the machine, wait until it gets momentum. Only then proceed to cutting on the planted line.

Material cut on the front side to himself, i.e. In the course of the movement of the disk. The car holds up "upside down" so that the disk spinning "from himself." To obtain a straight cut, the ESM is kept smooth. To get cut under 45 degrees, the tool is fixed on the side. Thanks to the high drive turns, the cut is cleaned, clean.

Attention! The tile should be well fixed so that nothing prevents the cutting element, the tile did not move and was on the surface of the support. Be sure to fix clamps.

The cut can be carried out in several approaches, immersing gradually saw deeper, without losing momentum, so it is not necessary to press. For a better cut, before each approach, the cut line is abundantly wetted with water.

Tip! The quality of the cut will improve regardless of the selected method of cutting, if the tile, for example: for floors, leave in water before working for an hour.

Alternative fixtures of glass cutter

When there are no glass cutters in the house, an ush, then you can use a durable sharp object for marking a furrow. Suitable:

  • cutter;
  • sharpened emery file;

Cutting with a winning drill
  • winning drill;
  • construction knife;
  • alloy steel, other.

The main thing is to keep such an object in the hands when carrying out a furrow. For the cut line, the construction knife will have to spend a line several times.

In emergency versions, use a disk saw, although it has small revs. The corresponding disk is selected (with spraying), the shaft is accelerated to the limit speed. Then slowly, no pressure is carried out on the intended line. Rem make submersible, longitudes, necessarily wetting the water point of cutting.

Figured tile cutting

Sometimes in the tile should be made curly holes for styling near the pipe, plumbing. This can be done in the following ways:

  • drill;

Figured cuts
  • bulgarian;
  • pliers;
  • electric bison;
  • glass cutter.

How to cut the tile with a grinder, clear glass cutter - and how to work with pliers? Draw on a tile of the cut line. Then the pliers are laid out small pieces. With such a task, pluggers are well coped with clamp. The upper carbide clamp cuts the glazed surface, and the bottom holds the product from the bottom.

When using drills, conventional drills are used for the circuit mark, and then closed the extra pieces of nipples. Effectively make curly cutting material to help all sorts of nozzles: feather, crown, others.

Attention! Big pieces should not be boning - the edge of the cutout will be poor-quality, ugly. Additionally, after working with nipples, a special sandpaper is used, a stuffing stuffing file.

The holes in the tile are made using an annular saw, which has a carbide tip to do round holes. It is used when creating figure cutting of the tile. The tool is suitable for solid and soft tiles. The saws slowly, collecting a lot of dust around him. Therefore, the product should be dipped into water.

Each method of cutting tiles without a special device is good in its own way. You can cut the product with the help of sweater tools. Of course, the performance will be low, but at low volumes it is an economical output.

Tile cutting with a girlfriend:

Cutting tiles with a grinder:

When working with a cafeter, the question arises: the better cutting the ceramic tile? The choice of the tool is determined by the scope of work and the properties of the tile itself. There are several ways to cut ceramic tiles.

How to cut ceramic tiles

In any case, special tools will be needed for work. The easiest of them is glass cutter, the handmade slab should be more productive, for professionals it is recommended to stop their choice on electrical tiles. When gaining a certain skill, a tile can be cut with a grinder, and a diamond string is used for the manufacture of articles.

Glass cutter

This is the easiest and inexpensive device for cutting ceramic tiles. It has a different design:

  • cutting element - a wheel of a small diameter;
  • stillion with a diamond tip;
  • roller glass cutter with oil tank in the handle. Lubricant runs through a narrow groove and makes it easier to carry out the cut.

Cutting elements of glass cutters can be replaced as the edge sharp. How to cut ceramic tiles with glass cutter? On the front side with a pencil or marker, a cut-off line is stuck. Holding a line on the line, spend the glass cutter in the direction from the far edge of the tile on itself. The goal is to read uniform recess, which reduces the strength of the cafenel of the tile.

Important ! Conduct on ceramic tiles once! Otherwise, the incision will be inhomogeneous and the tile will break unevenly.

Then put the tile on the edge of the table or another smooth surface. The cut line should match the edge. Holding the edge of the tile on the table with one hand, the other is neatly pressed on the edge. Tile must break out the incision. The edges are polished with a faubs for ceramic products.

With it, it cuts off a solid floor tile and porcelain stoneware to 15 mm thick. According to the design, it is a base, it is fixed by the crawling carriage carriage. In diameter it is somewhat larger than in the glass cutter, which allows you to achieve greater cut depth. The minimum wheel size is 1.5 cm. It is also removable, it can be replaced after performing the work cycle.

Important ! When choosing a model pay attention to the carriage slip mechanism. Better, if it is performed on bearings or self-lubricating sealing rings.

Based on the hand-held slab, there is a strip of solid material, with which after the end, it is carried out by the spill of the cafenel of the tile. Ahead of the roller on the carriage there is a T-shaped part, which is the pressure of two halves of tiles.

The tile is put on the base of the tool, pre-placing the duma line, tightly clamp., Pressing corners must be metallic in order to cut the floor tile; For the wall enough plastic. Pull the carriage handle, exercising an incision to the face of the tile.

An incision is made once. After the end, the end is pressed on the handle and the tile is cleaned. The edges will also have to be processed if they are at an angle. If the grout is applied, it will hide all defects.

Cut the ceramic tile with electric stovetur

This tool refers to the category of professional and costs quite expensive. With it, it is easily a significant amount of work, it cuts any tile quickly, accurately and beautiful. Allows you to make a cut with a width of less than 5 mm, to make a speech at an angle of 45 degrees, recesses and holes. Applied for curly cutting. The slice has smooth and slightly rounded edges. In some models, the edge of the disk is immersed in water, in others it is only wetting the surface in the cutting place. In the process of operation, all dust settles in the coolant with water.

The design is largely similar to a circular saw. Consists of a platform fixed on it cutting disk and electric motor.

How to cut ceramic tiles on an electric tile.

  • Water poured into the container so as to overlap the edge of the cutting circle by 2-3 cm.
  • Include plates.
  • Press the ceramic tile to the machine and slowly move under the disk, focusing on the lines marked.
  • Move the cloth under the cutting element with power, depending on the tile strength. It is not recommended to excessively pressed on the knife, it can lead to a stop of the stoveture.
  • To cut the corner, the tile is neatly raised, unfold and repeat the action.

Attention ! When working on an electric stoveture, you need to use safety glasses, gloves and comply with all safety rules for handling cutting edges.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the cutting edge of the disk, to replace it in time. Diamond circles are usually used. Also regularly, as contaminated, they make a change of water in the bath.

How to cut ceramic tiles with a grinder

Apply new circles for dry cutting, with diamond spraying or for concrete work. Bulgarian is better to apply with adjustable revs. At the speed of rotation above 3.5 thousand rpm tile cracks, and dustiness increases at times.

A warning ! It is very dusty and dirty cutting method, so do not spend it in a clean room.