How to overcome laziness and start learning when there is no particular desire. How to learn to study on your own? How to use your time efficiently? How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy

A person learns all his life. From the first second, we begin classes on turning from side to side, walking, pronunciation. As kids, we do it with a smile on our face. At a more conscious age, when they begin to force us to read books, write, solve problems, we resist as best we can, skip lessons and lectures. How can we force ourselves to learn when we have grown up and become lazy?

Why are we learning?

Do we need to learn, maybe we can live like that? No. Without knowledge, we simply cannot exist. After all, it is only animals that are naturally given such a set of instincts that provides them to all. Throw a small puppy into the water and he will swim, but a person needs to learn to swim on his own and not everyone can quickly acquire this skill. All this is due to the complex physiological structure and life expectancy of a Homo sapiens.

There are several types of knowledge that we need:

  1. Natural or innate instincts. They accumulate over generations and are deposited at the genetic level:
  • Self-preservation is the main one, giving rise to personal characteristics of behavior, such as selfishness, caution, greed.
  • Continuation of the family.
  • Cognition.
  1. Social - acquired in the process of growing up in a certain social circle. They give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of conduct.
  2. Professional, needed for self-realization and the ability to provide oneself with everything necessary for self-preservation.

No, it is impossible to live without education. Otherwise, we would not be able now even the smallest amount of accumulated experience: to keep ourselves alive, to raise offspring and teach them.

What is laziness?

What does laziness mean, does it exist at all? Yes there is. By this concept, we call our state when we do not want to do something, take action and are looking for reasons for refusal. It is believed to be of two types: mental and physical.

  1. With mental laziness, we do not even want to think about how to solve this or that issue.
  2. With the physical, we think, reason, argue, but do nothing. We are too lazy to do exercises, although we understand that this is our health. We are reluctant to go outside with the child, play with him, and we know that this is an important moment in education.

In fact, laziness is an exclusively moral indicator, sometimes depending on age. Only we ourselves make ourselves that way due to weakness of spirit, unwillingness. With age, any person becomes a little lazier, even if in his youth he was an active worker, athlete, student.

But here again the question of unwillingness arises, because with age, the lazier a person is, the more he gets sick and the less interesting he becomes to others. An elderly person, interested, reading, self-developing, and even with accumulated life experience, will give odds to any young person in terms of interest, if only he wants to.

How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy?

So, it is necessary to study. How can you force yourself to sit down at books, notebooks, drawings and diagrams? These tips are suitable for high school students or students who are already lazy adults.

  • The main thing is to start. The rest is a matter of habit.
  • Imagine your future without education, what will it look like? While we are young, all doors are open. But an elderly person without professional experience becomes unnecessary.
  • Engage in self-hypnosis. Understand that you still have to do this.
  • Find someone to take an example from. Play on your own vanity: "Can't I do that!"
  • Make a schedule. If you've done it, reward yourself with something nice.
  • Train your willpower. Take a cold shower, do exercises.

It will be difficult at first, as in any business. But the result pays off, soon you will enter a new regime. You will not understand how you used to live differently.

Psychologists can help a little, give some tips for working on yourself.

  1. We love to be praised, praise yourself: "What a fine fellow I will be when I do this or that!"
  2. How good doctors, teachers, engineers are needed in our society. Think about how you can spend your life for the benefit of only yourself, and you can use it for the benefit of everyone. Who, if not you, will become such a useful person.
  3. Everyone has their own motivation. Someone is pushed by the thought of constant banter: "His calling is the driver of the sofa!" - offense and hurt pride. Wipe everyone's nose.
  4. Find a place where you enjoy reading and teaching. It doesn't have to be a table and chair. Anything will do, a park, a swing in the yard, a windowsill, a lake shore. Make yourself comfortable.

It's good if you managed to overcome your laziness. But what if you need to explain the importance of this to someone else, for example, your child - stubborn and disobedient.

Why don't kids want to learn?

It would seem that interest in knowledge is a natural instinct given to us from birth in order to survive. Why are little ones with sincere joy at new skills, and older children run from textbooks without looking back? There may be several answers:

  1. Sometimes the parents themselves are the cause, oddly enough, no matter how hard it is to admit it. They pamper children, do everything themselves out of the best intentions. However, they do not think that they are discouraging the need to learn something, because everything will happen by itself. Let it be bad, crooked and askew, but on the other hand. Moreover, they praise their child.
  2. Inability to interest from the elders. The child learns everything by playing, playing while learning something. It is even in animals, which is why all kittens and puppies are so playful. They learn to live. Boring memorization discourages everyone.
  3. It happens that adults, without hesitation, offend their children, do not give them a chance. For example, they say: "Oh, what a muddlehead you are, you can't do anything, let me alone!" And so every day. He gradually begins to believe in this, is disappointed in himself and waves his hand at everything.

Children are not born lazy, they become lazy. The task of parents is to help them not to become like that.

How to get a child to learn?

In fact, it is easier to persuade yourself than others, especially if others are not that many years old and do not understand what they want from them. How to convince your child that it is necessary to study, and besides, it is good?

  • Start with the reasons why he refuses. There is no interest in knowledge at all or there may be a conflict with classmates, so he does not want to go to school.
  • Help. Education in a modern school is a massive event. Your gold can be personality. And all the disadvantages of such an education will have to be compensated for by you. After all, parents are the very first teachers.
  • Some toddlers do not perceive their parents as teachers and are relaxed with them. He lacks a formal setting, that's all. In this case, you will have to hire a tutor, sometimes children with strangers become docile, try to show themselves. There is nothing offensive for moms and dads here. It’s good if you can overcome his laziness. And you will have an extra minute to rest.

Try different options. Avoid conflicts, because it is hard for a child now, he becomes an adult, learns to be responsible, to solve problems. He needs a good friend by his side at this crucial moment.

We hope you have answered the question of how to force yourself to learn. How to give yourself sufficient motivation to continue your studies at school or other educational institution.

Motivation video

In this video, Psychologist Alexandra Morina will tell you how to fall in love with a school or university, how to properly motivate yourself to study:

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Yesterday I wrote an article about, today I was carried in the opposite direction, let's try to figure out how to force ourselves to study. I think that people who are wondering how to force themselves to study if there is a lot of laziness, which means that the article should be useful and interesting to many. Although it is quite possible that they will be too lazy to read so many letters, and the answer will be something like "many letters, niasilil" ©. But let's believe in the best, what if the article is really useful to someone.

First you need to figure out where laziness suddenly appeared and then draw conclusions on how to deal with it. While there are general tips that can help, they will be at the end of the article. Let's start to understand the sources of laziness.

Causes of Laziness Hindering Learning

Just a list

Generally speaking, there are probably many more reasons than I will list, but I studied at a technical university, which left some imprint on the vision of the learning process and narrowed the field of vision. But I hope that what I have listed will be enough for most students. The reasons will be given in a list, in the next subparagraph of the article there will be methods of struggle.

  1. Love for clubs, entertainment and alcohol in general. No, I understand everything, I want to "break away", especially if you escaped from parental care and moved to another city. But the next day it will be simply impossible to wake up and go to study, and if this happens regularly, then going to the university will become very lazy.
  2. Love for online games. In my opinion, this is rare nonsense, but it is addictive, and players can sometimes sit at the PC for up to 20 hours in a row. What is the next day's study? What are you, what are you, I'm so lazy. Better to play again and so in a circle and it all goes.
  3. They simply did not agree with one of the classmates in character and became the object of jokes. Also, the craving for learning goes to 0 and a state appears that can be described something like “I'm too lazy to go to the university ... Yes, there will again be this one with his own jokes”.
  4. The rarest case for my university is falling in love with my head. When to do everything is lazy, if it is not connected with the object of sighing.
  5. A reason that is absolutely not lazy, but I'll mention it here. In addition to studying, you have a job that you combine with your studies or are trying to do it, here the question is difficult, you need to study several questions in order to conclude that such a combination is necessary. More on this in the next paragraph.

That, perhaps, is all that I could remember and think of, now let's talk about how to force myself to learn in such difficult situations.

How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy

We will also try to solve these problems point by point.

You're not so lazy, are you?
  1. In general, only common sense will help to fight this problem, if you have it. If you are so tempted to go to a club or bar, then at least choose the days when the next day you will be free from study. The most correct option is Saturday, because Sunday is definitely a day off. But again, do not forget that you have a lot of things to do - work, and even get ready. The best advice is to declare a fight to drunkenness, but it is unlikely that many will follow this advice.
  2. Here you can read point 1. Because there is not much difference, time is killed just as thoughtlessly. Again, the best and most radical way is to get rid of online games. Remove them from your PC and try to forget.
  3. But this case is more interesting than the previous ones. But fighting is also easier than fighting club life or online games. People who like to tease others, as a rule, are not angry at all and do not want to humiliate someone, they themselves have a positive attitude to teasing, the main thing is that they are funny, and not just humiliating. In addition, they are not stupid, a stupid person is simply not able to constantly come up with jokes. The easiest option is to come up and ask normally, in 90% of cases it will work. There is also an option, if you are teased because of your clothes or figure, then you can devote the weekend to changing your wardrobe, and then come to the university with a completely new look. It will be especially effective if you come in clothes that emphasize all your merits and go up to the person who brought you jokes with the question "Well, will there be more jokes?" Although not always possible, it is very effective and effective.
  4. Here you just need to brainwash and understand that this love, like all the past ones, will soon pass, and you need to get a higher education, it will not go anywhere from you.
  5. As for work, here it is worth dealing with the question of whether you really need a job or do you just want to prove to your parents that you are adults and independent? If work is necessary and you have found a good place of work, then think about transferring to extramural education, then it will be easier to combine, full-time study and work, even half-time, do not combine well in most cases. In addition, it is important what kind of job you found, if this is a job in your specialty or close to it, then you need to hold on to such work with all your might, if it is work somewhere in a fast food, work as a promoter or some other similar useless for further life work, then think hard, but do you really need it? In the end, it’s not bad at all without interrupting my studies, for more details see the link.

Everything is simple here, you just need to somehow interest yourself.

The most effective way is to remember that you have studied for N years and you just need to walk this path to the end. And if you add to this the fact that while studying you can get a good increased scholarship and live almost independently (read about this on the link above), then laziness should disappear completely and irrevocably.

It is worse if you are a weak person and are in a company that does everything for their own pleasure and study, of course, does not bring pleasure. If you decide that it’s enough to waste your health and it’s time to start gaining knowledge, then you need to stop communicating with this company under some plausible pretext and start communicating with those who are really studying, believe me, there are such people in your group at the university. If you do not know how to stop communicating with that company, then you should resort to outside help, it may be friends or acquaintances from the wrong company, parents who have long been tired of seeing you drunk or, if there are no friends, and the parents are far away and do not know situations, it is worth resorting to the help of a psychologist. You should not say “I'm not crazy to go to him,” the psychologist does not work with mentally ill people, but tries to direct you on a path that will help solve the problem. Of course, this does not apply to all psychologists, there are also many charlatans among them, but, as an extreme option, you can try and turn to them, if you get to a good specialist, they will tell you how to force yourself to study and stop drinking, play online games and etc.

In the end, summing up, I would like to say that laziness, of course, is a very strong demotivator, but you can and should fight against it. After all, you are already adults, you must understand that higher education will definitely not hurt you.

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According to statistics, out of several dozen students there will be one or two excellent students. Often, many children and their parents wonder how best to do in school. We invite you to read the recommendations published in this article.

No one can force to study, memorize and understand the topic, if the student himself does not want to. Therefore, we will also touch on the question of how to awaken the student's interest in science.

Why you need good academic performance

As a rule, in elementary school, children do not yet realize the importance of learning the sciences. This understanding comes closer to graduation, starting from 8-9 grades. The fact is that each student has to pass a final exam, which will play a decisive role in future education, and sometimes in a career. Therefore, it is advisable for parents to softly and politely explain why good academic performance is needed.

What to do if a lot is missed, but you want to keep up

Very often, before the final exams, students begin to think about the difficult trials they have to overcome. They understand how lucky those who study with only A's are lucky.

But it is impossible to catch up with excellent students in just a few months. Time has passed. In fact, you can ask a trusted teacher for help, a classmate, or hire a tutor.

How best to study

What is the best way for someone who falls behind to study at school? There are simple tips for this:

  • listen to the teacher's words;
  • ask loved ones to tell you something about a given topic;
  • read more about the science / subject yourself;
  • start over from the beginning or from where grades have declined.

In this case, it will be possible to catch up with the program that is currently being studied.

How to understand a teacher

Teachers are different: those who can explain well, and those who practically do not tell anything. You need to be prepared for this. If you cannot understand the teacher from the first days, then it is advisable to study the subject on your own, to consult with those who are well versed in science. In general, the student must learn to understand everything himself. In universities, training is mostly independent, without the help of teachers. Therefore, it is better to think in advance, Or rather, "teach yourself."

How to prepare for lessons at home

You should learn to value time. When you get home, it's best to get some rest: lie down, chat with family or, ideally, take a walk in the fresh air.

About 1 hour will be enough. And then the difficult moment will come - how to prepare for the lesson. It is not recommended to start doing homework immediately after school if there is no desire and strength. In addition, you should not waste time on computer games, the Internet, as all this can lure you for a long time.

When you feel refreshed, start studying. You can, for example, sit on the couch and read a paragraph on history or a given novel on literature. And various calculations, all written work is best done at the table.

What needs to be learned by heart is best divided into stages:

  • read before starting homework;
  • understand the meaning of the text;
  • present mentally information;
  • re-read again.

After 2-3 hours, you can repeat it to yourself and check the textbook. If you don't remember anything, then repeat everything that is written in the list above.

Why, with all the efforts, nothing works

But there is also a reverse side of the coin: they memorized by heart (a formula in physics or a definition in social science), but nothing is clear. In this case, you can enlist the help of the Internet. You can even find video tutorials on a particular topic in it.

What is the best way to study in school, if study is not given with all the desire? It is worth asking for help, for example, from classmates, so that they explain what is happening and how, how to build graphs and solve problems in physics or chemistry. Do not be afraid to approach the teacher before the lesson or after to ask something about the topic covered.

How to show interest in uninteresting subjects

Often, children do not have a soul for some objects. But you need to study so that the overall final grades are flawless. An uninteresting subject can be treated differently. Let's say you don't like history because of the many dates and events that you have to memorize.

There are schoolchildren who like to go to school because they want to learn a topic empirically. For example, the reign of Empress Catherine II is studied from the same history. You can visit the museum or see paintings related to the reign of this great woman.

For unloved math, it is worth finding easier equations and practicing, solving in several ways. And then we get down to the hard part. Plotting is also fun.

What good will a successful study give

Above, we discussed how to do better in school. Now let's answer the question, why have academic success, will it be useful in life? It is better to answer this question from a moral point of view: when a student is confident in his abilities, then he does not worry about each test or independent work, he is not afraid of performances. He is happy, he likes everything and everything is easy for him. For ten years he has been treating school not as hard labor, but as his second home. This morale will help you fulfill your career.

Self-analysis of material

A person was born to be more aware of the world around him independently. If you don't start from childhood, it will be very difficult in adulthood. So let's talk about how to teach students how to learn, that is, teach themselves.

This topic will be especially relevant to those who miss school due to illness. To catch up with classmates, a sick student needs to find out what went on in school. Next, you should open the tutorial and familiarize yourself with the topic. If the previous lessons have been mastered, then the new material should go well. You shouldn't look for excuses like: "I was sick, I don't know anything." Try to figure it out yourself

Should I hire a tutor

How to improve school performance in more convenient and cost-effective ways?

If study is not at all given, then it is better to resort to the services of a tutor. He will help in the shortest possible time to deal with any material. But the responsibility still rests with the student: the material must be memorized without fail and grasp the essence of what is being studied. Only in this case the tutor will have guarantees that the student will become a good student or an excellent student.

The Internet will come to the rescue

How are children doing in school now? In the past decades and even centuries, it was difficult to get the necessary material. At the moment, any book and even an abstract can be found on the Internet.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that academic performance depends entirely on the student himself.

You can study perfectly well and not sit at the same time constantly at textbooks, forgetting about everything else. There is always room for improvement, there is always room for improvement. Studying diligently will make you happy and content. If you get good grades, you will likely be able to enroll in a prestigious higher education institution, after which you can find a good job. Great, isn't it? You just need to learn how to get good grades! Keep reading and you will learn how to be successful in school.

    Don't be limited to general information. You don't have to learn the bare facts. Because of this, people do not become smarter, and they do not learn to analyze. So if you really want to start learning from just A's, you have to keep asking why. Why the process goes on like this and not otherwise, why this or that condition is necessary - understanding this will help to apply your knowledge in practice, including in situations that have not yet been understood in the lessons.

    Use the knowledge of other people. Not in the sense of "cheat", no! Ask for advice and tips from friends, adults, teachers, study how others solved this or that problem. Broaden your horizons and study will be much easier for you.

    Do your best. It is important not only to memorize the material, but also to periodically return to what you have learned. This is necessary in order to refresh knowledge in the head, otherwise part of the material will simply be forgotten. So you can easily pass any test and pass any exam. If during an exam or test you come across a difficult question that you don't remember the answer to, don't worry. Write the question on a separate sheet of paper, concentrate. After a while, you will definitely remember the answer to the question.

    Work hard in the classroom

    1. Be careful . You will be surprised when you find out how many new things you can remember if you just listen carefully. Be smarter: try to understand the subject, and not just mechanically write down the words of the teacher, and the study will be much easier.

      • If you are often distracted or find it difficult to maintain concentration, drink vitamins, eat properly, and, if necessary, take medication. And most importantly - come to the lessons with a thirst for knowledge!
    2. Ask questions. More precisely, ask the teacher questions about the case. Analyze what exactly you do not understand in the material, think about what exactly you need to clarify for yourself, and ask the appropriate question. But first, analyze everything you've learned before you think you misunderstood something. In order not to forget, write the question down on a piece of paper, go to the teacher and ask when he can help you deal with what you do not understand.

      • Feel free to ask questions! No one can know everything in the world, and there is nothing wrong with not understanding something. We all have to learn something. Your teacher, for example, knows this very well and will be happy to help.
    3. Check out the curriculum outline. In Russian realities, it is enough to look through the textbook for this. By the way, it will be useful just like that, within the framework of general development.

      • This is especially evident in the example of history textbooks, where after analyzing one era and / or event, the next era is analyzed, which is associated with the studied period. Analyze this connection and learn how to work better with information.
    4. Take notes. Do not mindlessly write everything down under the teacher's dictation. Take notes, write down the most important things schematically, and then add details and examples to the diagram. At the end, you can briefly summarize everything you learned in the lesson - it will be useful to you in the future.

      • If you are working ahead of the school curriculum, then write down what you do not understand and then ask the teacher the appropriate question.
    5. Don't miss classes. If you were sick, ask your teacher or classmates what was passed without you, and study this topic.

      Discuss your grades with teachers. Ask what the teacher thinks about the quality of your work and why he gave you a grade. Work on topics you need to improve and be prepared to take on additional assignments if they can help improve your subject grade.

    Work hard at home

      Do your homework. This is an obligatory and important point. Sometimes teachers do not check homework, but in this case, you should motivate yourself to complete it. The deeper you go into the subject, the better. Homework is designed to help you reinforce what you have learned. If nothing was asked at home, then read the textbook.

      • Homework grades have the same effect on academic performance as they do in class.
    1. Practice a little every day. This way the passed material will be better remembered, and no unexpected test or control will catch you off guard.

      Read the textbook ahead of time (except in those rare cases when the teacher specifically asks you not to do this). This will help you prioritize which topics might be challenging.

      Don't put it off for later. Do not put off your homework until the night: of course, if you need to urgently turn in an assignment, it is worth working on it late, but let this be an extreme case, and not the usual state of affairs. Usually, try to do the following. If the assignment is due in two weeks, in the first week, make a plan and write down the main points. On the weekend, put your notes together to get a finished draft, and in the second week, just finalize it if necessary, edit and print it. Don't forget to submit your work on time; if you are given time before some date, turn it in a day earlier to show your diligence and give the teacher more time to check.

      • Starting a project or other large assignment ahead of time will give you time to ask the teacher questions, ask for clarification or advice. If you follow the teacher's advice in those moments that caused you difficulties or doubts, you will surely score higher.
    2. Try to explain the material to someone. Find a quiet, peaceful place (this could very well be your room) and imagine that you are a teacher explaining a subject to a student. This is a good way to determine how well you understand the material, and also to assimilate it even better. If a classmate asks you to help him understand a topic, or it is generally accepted by you that strong students "pull up" the laggards, use this.

      Do your homework in a designated area. You need a table, a minimum of irritants and an understanding that learning is a habit. Accordingly, it is quite possible to train your brain to give all the best it is here and at this particular time. All of these will help you to excel academically.

      If you have time, read additional material. It doesn't matter whether on the Internet or in the library - read books about what you teach. The more you learn, the better your grades will be.

      Consider hiring a tutor. If possible, why not? Remember, there is nothing wrong with asking for help, and it can have a positive effect on your grades.