How to clean a sofa and other upholstered furniture at home. How to effectively clean a sofa. Life hacks for cleaning sofas. How to clean the upholstery of a sofa at home, fabric, velor, leather sofa, white sofa How to clean a textile sofa in

The sofa is the most popular and necessary furniture, but it requires special care, because from constant use it begins to lose its appearance and become dirty. Many people prefer professional cleaning, but it is quite expensive.

The very first thing before you start scrubbing the sofa stain is to vacuum or knock out the dust from it.

If you are afraid to knock out the sofa at home, due to dust flying throughout the apartment, then there is a method to avoid this. Just take a sheet, wet it and wring it out over the entire area, it will not allow dust to spread.

After getting rid of dust, you can start wet cleaning. Before preparing cleaning products, you need to decide on the purpose of cleaning.

If you just want to clean the upholstery, then it will be enough to wipe it with a cloth, which you first wet with water and dissolved salt.

The problem with stains can be solved:

  • First of all, prepare special solutions for stains, a sponge, warm water and a cleaning brush
  • Using a regular sponge, apply the cleaner to the entire surface where the stain is located and allow a little time for the cleaner to begin to work.

  • After that, use the prepared sponge or brush and clean the sofa

Special cleaners:

1. Vanish is easy to use and is available in a variety of shampoos, dry cleaning powder and products. In addition, it helps to remove all kinds of stains very well. Its only drawback is the rather high price, which makes it beyond the reach of many.

2. Pro Brite is environmentally friendly and very convenient to use. It is enough to distribute it over the surface with a sprayer, wait and vacuum

3. Stichonit is also great for cleaning sofas, it is used for general cleaning, and is also good at removing stains. Its only disadvantage is that after drying it can leave stains behind. which are difficult to remove afterwards. Therefore, it is very important after applying it to wipe the surface well with a cloth and clean water, and then vacuum it.

4. Faberlic stain remover can be used to clean carpets and sofas. Works very well on both dark and light fabrics.

How to clean the sofa from the urine of a child

When trouble just happened, do not rush to immediately try to wash it because there will be no sense in it. The most important thing is not to let it soak in. Therefore, first wipe the stain with napkins, blot with a towel and dry. The best drying method is a hair dryer.

The best way to get rid of stains and odors is to use laundry soap. To do this, soak the stain with water using a rag or sponge and lather it with soap. Using a sponge or brush, rub the soap into the fabric and let it absorb the stain for about 15 minutes, then remove the residue with a rag and warm water. If it was not possible to completely remove the smell, then you can repeat the procedure.

In addition, citric acid or juice will help get rid of the smell. Dilute citric acid with water or take pure lemon juice and spray the surface of the stain with a spray bottle. Let it soak in and repeat the procedure after an hour. Then wipe the surface of the sofa with napkins moistened with water.

How to clean a fabric sofa

Soft upholstery is very capricious and before you start cleaning, you need to consider a few nuances:

  1. If you bought a cleaner from the store, test it on the back of the sofa before you start cleaning so that it does not damage the upholstery. Even the most expensive and good products can bring unexpected results, so it's best to check in advance first.
  2. A flock sofa cannot be cleaned with a product containing alcohol. Therefore, before buying, carefully read the composition. In addition, after cleaning, such a sofa must be brushed to straighten the pile, otherwise the appearance of the sofa will be spoiled.
  3. Try to clean microfiber sofas only with dry products, and only if strong stains appear, resort to wet cleaning
  4. Don't forget that even cleaning rags can stain when soaked, so prepare white rags
  5. Never use bleach or pure vinegar to clean a sofa. Even a white sofa after these products will remain stained

The cleaning procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  • Clean the sofa from dust by any available method
  • Remove dry dirt or chewing gum from the sofa
  • Wet the sofa and cover with a cleaner. If there are stains on the sofa, then determine what the stain is from and use the appropriate cleaning method.
  • Let the medium soak
  • Rinse with a cloth and warm water

How to clean a light sofa

Light sofas look very good, but this fabric is the most capricious to clean. The cleaning procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  • Remove dust, animal hair and small crumbs from the surface of the sofa
  • If there are stains on the sofa, apply a cleaner on them and let it soak in
  • Clean the surface of the sofa with water mixed with detergent or soap
  • Wipe the sofa with a cloth dampened with clean water
  • Let the sofa dry and if it is covered with pile, use a brush to straighten the pile

How to clean a white sofa

A white sofa is very tricky to care for, so it is very important to keep it in good condition and clean it on time.

It is advisable to vacuum the sofa every week so that dust does not settle on it.

Once every two weeks or more often, as needed, dry clean the sofa with a powder and a vacuum cleaner to prevent dirt from accumulating on it.

Try to immediately remove all stains as soon as they appear. Everyone knows that a stubborn stain is much more difficult to remove than a fresh one.

In caring for a white sofa, salt and a solution of vinegar help very well, which help restore the appearance, remove stains and unpleasant odors.

How to clean a leather sofa

Many people prefer leather sofas because they are easier to care for. But even they need constant cleaning and stain removal. The procedure for cleaning such a sofa consists of the following points:

  • First of all, wipe the sofa with a cloth dipped in soapy water to remove dust and small crumbs.
  • Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.
  • Treat the surface of the sofa with a special impregnating solution. If there is none, you can make it yourself by mixing olive oil with vinegar and applying it on the sofa for 10 minutes.
  • Wipe the sofa thoroughly with a dry cloth
  • Remove stains from such a sofa with toothpaste or sprayed hairspray

How to clean a velor sofa

Many people are afraid to buy velor sofas because they are more difficult to care for. But in fact, if you follow a few tricks, then you will not have problems with cleaning, and cleaning is no more difficult than with a regular sofa:

  • Like any other sofa, it needs to be cleaned of dust. If you use a vacuum cleaner for this, do not forget to put gauze or a special nozzle on it so as not to damage the surface.
  • Do not use sponges or ordinary cloth for cleaning, so that no fluff remains on the surface
  • Scouring powder can get stuck between the hairs and be difficult to clean out completely. Therefore, do only wet cleaning the sofa.
  • Before buying a cleaning agent, be sure to read on the packaging whether it is suitable for velor sofas
  • The sofa must be cleaned in the direction of the villi and in no case back

Otherwise, cleaning is the same as with a fabric sofa.

How to clean a sofa with baking soda

Baking soda is great for both dry cleaning and wet cleaning. In addition, it is able to easily remove stains and get rid of unpleasant odors. But before using it, it is better to check on the back of the sofa so that there are no surprises. After you finish cleaning, be sure to remove the soda well with a damp cloth and a vacuum cleaner.

For a dry cleaning method, cover the sofa with it and let stand for about an hour. Then walk over the entire surface with a vacuum cleaner.

For wet cleaning, walk on the sofa with a damp cloth, then sprinkle well with baking soda. After rest and let the soda soak for half an hour. Scrub the entire sofa thoroughly with a sponge or brush. Let it dry and remove the baking soda with a vacuum cleaner.

In addition, when wet cleaning, you can use soda diluted with water 1: 1 and apply to the entire sofa, wiping well with a brush. Vacuum after drying to remove excess baking soda.

How to clean a sofa with Vanish

The first step is to carefully remove all dust and crumbs from the sofa.

  • If you are using a stain remover in a special spray bottle. then simply spread it over the surface of the stain and hold for 15 minutes, then rub it with a rag or remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner
  • The powder is great for both dry cleaning and that. to mix it with water and wet clean with a brush or sponge
  • Dilute the shampoo with water 1:9, lather and apply to the surface with a brush. Leave for half an hour and vacuum

How to clean a sofa with vinegar

Vinegar is great for light-colored fabrics, and it's also great at removing odors. In addition, it helps to return the fabric to its former appearance.

To do this, mix it with water 1:5 and wipe the sofa with a cloth soaked in this solution.

To remove the smell, mix it in a spray bottle in the same ratio and spray on the surface, then let it dry. If the smell has not disappeared, repeat the procedure.

How to vacuum a sofa

The vacuum cleaner perfectly removes dust, crumbs and wool from the sofa. In addition, if you do such cleaning regularly, the air in the apartment will become much cleaner and you will protect yourself from the appearance of dust mites.

When using a vacuum cleaner, use the special attachment. And if the sofa is made of fleecy fabric, then it is better to put gauze over the nozzle in several layers.

How to clean a sofa with a steam cleaner

  • Use a regular vacuum cleaner to remove dust first.
  • If there are stains on the surface, then use a special tool to remove them.
  • After removing the stains, wait until the sofa is completely dry.
  • Prepare your steam cleaner with the right attachments
  • Treat the sofa gradually, blotting the treated areas with a dry cloth
  • Let it dry completely

Video how to clean a sofa

How to clean a sofa with baking soda and vinegar

The easiest way to clean a sofa is to make a solution and pour it into a spray bottle. To do this, mix vinegar with water 1:5 and add a teaspoon of soda. From a spray bottle, spray it on the entire surface of the sofa and let it soak in. Then clean with a sponge or brush and remove residue with a damp cloth. Dry and vacuum the sofa.

How to clean a sofa from dust

There are two ways to clean the sofa from dust:

  1. Vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle
  2. Knock out the dust by hand while laying it in advance with a damp sheet

A leather sofa is enough to wipe with a damp cloth or vacuum.

How to clean eco leather sofa

The eco-leather sofa is easy to clean with a soapy solution, simply by wiping it with a damp cloth. After cleaning the stain, be sure to use a dry cloth to remove the liquid.

If the stain has had time to dry out and eat into the fabric, then you can use a weak solution of ethyl alcohol to remove it. In this case, cleaning is also carried out with a sponge or rag, and then excess liquid is removed.

How to clean a white leather sofa

White color is always easily soiled, so when buying such a sofa, be sure to purchase a ready-made kit for caring for it.

Of the folk methods, it is very good to use regular shaving foam for cleaning. Rub the foam all over the sofa and let it stand for half a minute to absorb the dirt. Then wipe with a clean cloth.

How to clean a flock sofa

Cleaning such a sofa consists of the following steps:

  1. Clean it of dust by knocking it out well or vacuum it
  2. Apply the product to the stains to remove them and let it soak in a little
  3. Wipe the sofa with soapy water and a cloth and let dry
  4. Remove cleaning agent residue with a vacuum cleaner

How to clean a sofa from wool

Soft sofas constantly attract a lot of wool, which then clings to the body and clothes. To prevent this from happening, you need to carry out regular cleaning.

You can remove it in several ways:

  1. Dry clean with a vacuum cleaner
  2. Cleaning the surface with a clothes roller
  3. With a damp cloth

How to clean a suede sofa

In this case, during cleaning, use the following methods:

  1. Take brushes for suede shoes, which are sold in shoe stores. They will help to get rid of dirt, while not harming the surface.
  2. The vinegar solution will help you remove odor and dirt. It is better to apply it from a spray bottle and wipe the stain with a sponge or cloth
  3. Dry clean with powder or salt.

How to clean the sofa from cat urine folk remedies

There are several ways to get rid of an unpleasant odor and clean the stain:

  • Rub the gruel of soda into the surface with a brush and, after drying, vacuum it up
  • Wet a cloth with alcohol and put it on the place of contamination until it evaporates
  • Moisten the spot with lemon juice using a sponge.
  • For a light sofa, hydrogen peroxide or a solution of vinegar is suitable, which also need to soak the stain. But it's best to test these products on the back first to make sure the color doesn't suffer.

How to clean a sofa with a karcher

Life hacks how to clean a sofa

To clean the stain, you can help the following tools:

  1. Regular soap. Soap solution is able to cope with stains perfectly. from spilled coffee or tea. To do this, wet the stain and rub it with soap. Scrub the spot with a brush. To rub the soap into the structure of the stain and wait 10 minutes for it to work. Then use a sponge and warm water to remove the stain.
  2. Cold water and laundry soap are great for cleaning fresh blood stains from the surface of the sofa.
  3. Dissolving 2 aspirin tablets in a glass of water is the perfect solution for getting rid of an old blood stain.
  4. Salt is great for getting rid of fresh wine stains.
  5. Starch and dishwashing detergents tend to absorb grease. Therefore, a greasy stain can be removed with it.
  6. Ice can freeze hardened chewing gum and remove it easily.
  7. Stripes and stains from the felt-tip pen are well removed with ammonia
  8. Remove the hardened wax by manually scraping off the sofa, and then covering it with a rag, go over the stain with an iron
  9. If there is a juice stain on the sofa, it is more difficult to remove it. In this case, you should take ammonia and mix it with acetic acid and saturate the stain with it.
  10. Spilled beer and the resulting stain can be easily removed with soap. And to remove the smell, sprinkle the place with a solution of vinegar a couple of times with an hour break

The sofa is probably the most favorite place in the house. They rest on it, covered with a blanket. Children play on it, and often use it as a springboard, climbing on it and jumping to the floor. Our smaller friends, dogs, love to eat on the couch. And no matter how much they were driven out of there, they stubbornly jump onto the sofa again. Yes, even with a bone in his teeth.

And often, after some time, the sofa takes on a worn, filthy look, covered with unsightly greasy or just dirty spots.

How to make the sofa serve you faithfully for many years and at the same time not lose its original appearance.

Of course, ideally, you should initially buy a sofa that would fit your lifestyle.

  • If a sofa is a place of communication for you, then you need to buy it with an upholstery that is easy to clean and less glossy. And of course, exclude the purchase of a leather sofa. Especially if there is a cat or a dog in the house, since it is unrealistic to hide leather upholstery from their claws and teeth.
  • Immediately cover the sofa with a sofa bed, a bedspread or sew a cover both on the sofa itself and on its armrests.
  • Eliminate the habit of sitting on the couch in front of the TV, having a snack, or even having lunch.
  • Periodically carry out preventive cleaning of the sofa. This is very easy to do without resorting to any special means.

To do this, cover the sofa with a damp sheet and pat it with your hands. All the dust collected in the sofa will easily fly out of it and settle on a damp cloth. If the sofa is very dusty, rinse the sheet in clean water, wring it out thoroughly and repeat the knocking out procedure again.

If you add a little vinegar to the water, it will help bring back the bright colors of the sofa upholstery.

Then leave the sofa uncovered until completely dry. Of course, you cannot sit on it at this time.

While the sofa upholstery dries, clean the armrests if they are wood. Furniture polish or non-aggressive stain removers are suitable for this.

How to clean wooden armrests at home

  • If someone left chewing gum on the armrests of the sofa, use Vaseline. Put a little Vaseline on the gum and start rubbing it in. After a while, the gum will crumble and can be easily removed.
  • If white stains from glasses or glasses appear on the wooden surface of the sofa, then lubricate them with petroleum jelly and leave for several hours. The spots should be gone.

If the sofa is leather

If the sofa is leather, then at the same time wipe the Vaseline and its upholstery. Then remove the excess shine and the sofa will be as good as new.

Instead of Vaseline, you can use baby oil. The main thing is that after it the sofa does not look like a fat pie. Remove excess oil with a tissue.

Sometimes it is enough to wipe the sofa with a slightly damp cloth dipped in soapy water or a weak solution of vinegar.

If the upholstery is fabric

If the upholstery is made of fabric, then you need to know how it will behave when in contact with detergent. After all, it can fade, discolor, lose its original appearance. For example, if it is made of plush, velor or velvet.

Therefore, before you start cleaning the sofa, test the product of your choice on a small piece of upholstery, for example, on the back of the back of the sofa.

But in any case, the sofa can not be wet much. After all, this is not a carpet or a blanket - you cannot hang it on the crossbar. And excessive moisture, once inside the sofa, can spoil its filler, a musty smell, or even mold, will appear. And microbes in such an ideal place for them will easily multiply.

Cleaning the sofa with vinegar, baking soda and detergent

This method is probably the most popular at the moment.

To do this, pour about a liter of water into a basin, add a tablespoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of any dishwashing detergent. Lather the solution well, arm yourself with a soft brush and begin to gently clean the sofa, trying to brush in one direction. Do not overdo it with soap, as you will not be able to wash it afterwards. On upholstery made of velor or similar, it is better not to use this product.

Cleaning a sofa with Vanish

Instead of washing powder, you can take Vanish and dilute it in a ratio of 1:9.

Delicate sofa cleaning

For delicate cleaning of the sofa, you will need the usual washing powder for delicate items and warm water.

Mix about half a cup of powder with a glass of water until lush foam.

Spread the foam on the contaminated surface and wait for it to disappear. Repeat one or two times. Then gently brush the areas treated with foam with a soft brush.

After cleaning, remove the dirty foam with a washing vacuum cleaner.

There is an opinion that the vacuum cleaner spoils both the upholstery of the sofa and its insides. Of course, if your vacuum cleaner is so powerful that it easily sucks upholstery along with debris that you have to forcefully take away from it, then it is better not to use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. Or you just need to reduce the retraction force, that is, the power of the vacuum cleaner.

Stains on the couch

Now for the stains. Any stain requires a special approach. One stain is cleaned with ordinary warm (cold, hot) water, the other with chalk, starch or talc, and the third is only amenable to aggressive solvents.

The result after removing stains also depends on the age of purchase of the sofa. How, you ask.

When you begin to remove the stain, the upholstery will be cleaned along with it - from the dust that has eaten into it. And when that place dries up, a dirty border will appear around it, just on the border of dirty and clean fabric.

Therefore, the stain on the new sofa is much easier to remove, and the result will please you more than what you end up with after experimenting with the old sofa.

Therefore, before removing stains or local cleaning, you need to vacuum the entire sofa or knock out dust with a sheet. And only after that proceed to the removal of the stain.

Remember that any fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones or those that have been treated with the wrong cleaning methods.

Grease stains

  • If there is a greasy stain on the upholstery, sprinkle it with chalk as soon as possible. Wait for it to absorb the fat. Sweep it off with a brush. Pour chalk again and wait again. Most of the time, the stain disappears.
  • Talcum powder is also suitable for removing greasy stains from the sofa. Sprinkle talc on the stain and leave for a few hours. Then vacuum the sofa. Instead of talc, you can use starch or soda.
  • Sprinkle the grease stain with salt and wait until it absorbs the grease. Then brush off the used salt.

beer stains

  • Prepare a decoction of soap root. To do this, pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add half a teaspoon of soap root and put on fire. Boil for about an hour. Then strain the broth and use to clean the stain.
  • You can wipe the stain with ordinary soapy water, and then treat the place with a weak solution of vinegar.

blood stains

  • Blood stains are washed only with cold soapy water.
  • If the blood stains are fresh, prepare a thick paste of talcum powder and water and apply it to the stained area. Let the paste dry and brush thoroughly. Talc can be replaced with starch or cornmeal.

Urine stains

  • If the child has just stained the sofa, then immediately remove as much moisture as possible with the help of napkins. Then rub the area with alcohol or diluted citric acid.
  • If there is no alcohol, then after getting rid of excess moisture, wash the stain with soapy water or Vanish stain remover.

Ballpoint pen stains

  • Stains from ink and a ballpoint pen are well rubbed with alcohol. But you can not rub a swab with alcohol on the fabric, making large circles. From this, the ink spreads, forming a large purple spot. You need to stock up on a few pieces of cotton wool and change them as they get dirty.

juice stains

  • Stains from juice and fruit can be removed by rubbing the place of contamination with diluted ammonia or mixing alcohol with ammonia in a 1: 1 ratio. Let the liquid dry and then rinse with warm water and pat dry.

coffee stains

  • To remove coffee stains, add a little vinegar to the soap solution and wash the stain with this solution and dry it.

Stain on velvet or plush upholstery

  • Such upholstery cannot be cleaned with water or soap solutions. Therefore, clean all problem areas with alcohol or gasoline. Both cheap and angry.
  • If you use a soapy solution, then clean not with water, but with abundant foam. And always in the direction of the pile. It is also not recommended to clean such a sofa with brushes. For cleaning, it is better to use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth.
  • Difficult stains on delicate fabrics are still best left to specialists.

But still, I would like to remind you that it is easier to prevent the appearance of stains and dirt on the sofa than to selflessly clean it all!

Over time, any upholstered furniture gets dirty, which you can get rid of yourself. It is necessary to consider how to dry-clean the sofa at home with your own hands.

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Dry cleaning of sofas with your own hands

This type of care for upholstered furniture is used in case of dust ingress. It is carried out regularly in two ways:

  • by knocking out dust;
  • with a vacuum cleaner.

In the first case, you can also use a plastic carpet beater. But it is better not to risk it, since there is a possibility of damage to the upholstery (for example, when the furniture is made of velvet or velor).

The best option for dry cleaning the sofa with your own hands is to use an old sheet. She wets, squeezes and spreads. Furniture is knocked out without undue effort. The sheet will be covered with dirt, after which the sheet is cleaned in water, and the procedure is repeated.

The work is completed after the sheet is no longer covered with dirt. For more effective cleaning and to give the furniture bright colors, the old fabric is moistened with a solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

When using a vacuum cleaner, a nozzle with bristles is carried out over the entire surface of the sofa, including the back, seat and armrests. The nozzle of the vacuum cleaner can be covered with gauze moistened with water. Wash the gauze as it gets dirty.

Read on our website

How to clean a sofa at home
Since professional sofa cleaning is expensive, many housewives are wondering how to clean…

Dry cleaning is the most acceptable option for many (silk, velvet, tapestry). If the vacuum cleaner fails to remove the contamination, then you should use a powder or spray. Action algorithm:

  1. dust is removed from the furniture with a vacuum cleaner;
  2. the cleaning agent is applied to the surface (the powder is poured, the spray is sprayed) and evenly distributed with a brush;
  3. wait for the time specified in the instructions;
  4. the remains of the frozen mixture are removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Wet cleaning sofas at home

You need to know how to wet dry clean a sofa. The simplest and cheapest technology is the use of soap mixed with water (it is better to use liquid detergent). This substance is suitable for removing simple contaminants (for example, small). It is not used to wash stains from upholstery.

A soapy solution is made, then they need to moisten a cotton napkin. They rub off the upholstery. This process is carried out in one direction. You can not make circular movements: because of this, stains will appear. Also, do not over-saturate the furniture with moisture. Excess detergent composition is removed with a clean damp cloth, after which the surface is wiped dry.

There are chemicals for cleaning furniture on the market. For example, you can use Vanish. The shampoo is diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture is whipped until a foam is obtained, which covers the problem area (without rubbing into the upholstery). After 35-45 minutes, the cleaning agent is removed with a vacuum cleaner.

The most effective way is extractor dry cleaning of furniture, which is carried out with a specialized vacuum cleaner:

  • detergent dissolves in hot water;
  • the composition under high pressure in the form of a spray is distributed over the upholstery fabric;
  • as a result of deep penetration into the fibers, a chemical reaction occurs (dirt molecules “peel off” from the fibers of the product);
  • dirt and residues of the working mixture are removed with a vacuum cleaner, leaving the upholstery almost dry.

A distinctive feature of extractor cleaning is the maximum penetration of the detergent composition, which destroys pollution from the inside. As a result, unpleasant odors are also removed.

If household chemicals are contraindicated for family members, then you should use a steam generator:

  1. on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery, the optimal steam jet is selected (standard indicators: temperature - + 155 ... + 160ºС, pressure - from 5 bar, humidity - 4-5%);
  2. using a steam generator, parallel “tracks” are made;
  3. the jet is directed in one direction at an angle to the upholstery;
  4. the dissolved dirt is removed with a clean soft cloth.

Cleaning chemicals

To carry out a major cleaning of the sofa, you will need it yourself, specially produced to eliminate heavy pollution.

There are the following effective products:

Foam Karcher. Penetrates deeply into tissue. After drying, it turns into a crystalline powder. Removed with a vacuum cleaner.
Powder Sun Lux. Does not contain active substances that destroy the paint. It is used to clean velor and fabric with pile.
Mitex powder. It contains hypoallergenic components. Destroys dust mites.
Powder Extra Profi. Designed to remove chewing gum, blood stains and pet excrement. Eliminates unpleasant odors.
Cleaning agent Leather Cleaner. Effectively removes dirt and odor from the leather surface. The furniture is updated and receives additional protection against re-contamination.
Powder Flash. Removes stains that are difficult to remove. The disadvantage is the presence of aggressive components. Does not apply when there are small children in the family.
Foam Drop Vox. Does not require rinsing with water. Leaves a pleasant aroma.
Shampoo Vanish. Removes fresh stains and dust. Removes simple impurities.

Sofa upholstery chemicals should be selected depending on the type of furniture. If the fabric is afraid of moisture, then it is better to dry clean with a powder or spray. When using furniture made of moisture-resistant material, wet surface cleaning technology is preferred.

home remedies

To remove contaminants, you can not use household chemicals. At home, it is allowed to clean the sofa:

  • alcohol or vodka (cleaning leather goods, cosmetics and ink);
  • egg white (gives upholstery shine and freshness);
  • solution (get rid of dust);
  • soap solution (grease stains are eliminated);
  • ice (chewing gum is removed);
  • a weak solution of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide (the problem of contamination of silk sheathing is solved);
  • starch, salt or chalk (fresh greasy stains are removed);
  • laundry soap (fresh stains of coffee or tea are removed).

It is not necessary to use chemicals to clean fabric upholstery. Simple home remedies can also deal with stains. How to quickly get rid of various contaminants, read our article.

How to remove different types of stains

Tea and coffee

Dissolve vinegar and soda in water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and wipe the dirt. You can also whip the soap suds and leave on the stain for 15 minutes. After the specified time, remove the residue with a sponge, washing it in warm water. In the case of complex and old stains, we recommend using a Japanese stain remover, which can be bought at any hardware store.

fruit juices

Mixing ammonia and vinegar in equal proportions. Dip a cotton pad into the mixture and place on the stain. The fabric should dry, and the trace of juice should disappear.


Pollution is wetted with cold water, after which they are washed with water and laundry soap. Aspirin will help with old spots. A couple of tablets are diluted in water and the problem area is treated. Also, the blood can be removed with salt. Two st. tablespoons of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water and saturate the contaminated area. After 1 hour, the upholstery is washed with the same solution.

For light-colored upholstery, nine percent vinegar is diluted in a liter of water. The fabric is processed and wait 15 minutes. Then the upholstery is rubbed with laundry soap, which is washed off with water.

Wine, berry juices

Lay a paper towel over fresh dirt to keep it from spreading. Then sprinkle it with salt, which will absorb moisture, leave for 20 minutes. After that, remove the salt and clean the area with a brush dipped in vodka. To avoid streaks, soap suds are applied to the place of contamination and the upholstery is cleaned again with a brush.


Its traces are washed with liquid soap, shampoo or carpet treatment.


Use acetone, nail polish remover, or alcohol. Try wiping off small marks with an eraser or an alcohol wipe.


Salt, starch or soda is poured on top and left to soak for 15 minutes. Any detergent is diluted in water, foamed and applied to the stain. The procedure is repeated several times until the fat is split. The composition is washed off with cold water.


These contaminants can be easily removed with soapy water.


To remove the pungent odor, the contaminated area is dried with a hairdryer or towels are placed on it. Remove beer marks with a solution of 3 tablespoons of vinegar to 1 liter of water.

Chewing gum

Ice is placed on top so that the chewing gum easily falls behind. The remaining trace can be removed with soapy water or acetone.

You need to know the type of sofa cover so that you don’t spoil it during the cleaning process. Please adhere to the following recommendations for the care of various types of upholstery.


To clean it with a stiff brush to avoid damage to the lint. A microfiber cloth is suitable for processing. There are many special compositions for velor coating. Also, do not forget to use a vacuum cleaner periodically, especially if you have animals in the house, as wool sticks to the upholstery.


Do not apply excessive force during cleaning and do not rub the surface. Use a sponge to care for dermantine. Test the cleaner on a small area of ​​the material. Do not use formulations that are not intended for leather, as they can destroy the protective layer of the coating, resulting in cracks. After cleaning is complete, wipe the surface dry and then preferably treat the upholstery with a wax conditioner. Do not use a hair dryer to dry leather furniture. If any liquid accidentally gets on the surface of the sofa, immediately put a napkin on the stain. In this case, you do not need to rub the upholstery so that the stain does not spread.

Suede or nubuck

Such upholstery does not like exposure to high temperatures, as well as excessive moisture, so you should not wet it much. Remove traces of grease with an eraser, alcohol-based product or salt. You can purchase water-repellent impregnation to protect the upholstery from external factors.


For this type of coating, only dry cleaning is suitable, without the use of water. Moisture can affect the structure of the material or change its color. In the case of complex pollution, foam is applied to the stain. It is recommended to vacuum the fabric with a soft nozzle.

natural wool

The material is afraid of salt, so it is better not to use it.


Soda solution and hard brushes are not suitable for cleaning. Drying with a hair dryer is excluded.

Synthetic fabrics

They tolerate water well, but are sensitive to sunlight and high temperatures.

First of all, you need to know what material the sofa is made of. If it is from a tapestry, then there will be no problems with it, but for more modern materials, you need accuracy and control in choosing cleaning products.

So, what types of upholstery are the most popular today? Next, we will describe them and show them in the photo, and you will probably recognize yours.

Tapestry and jacquard

The easiest materials to care for.

They can be rubbed with brushes, any chemistry - nothing will happen to them.

The only thing to remember is that the fabric can simply bleach out from some products. For example, if you have a dark sofa, then in no case do not use bleach products.


This upholstery is a rarity. If you have a silk sofa, then you should definitely know about it, as this is one of the most expensive coverings. Caring for silk is very difficult.

It is in this case that it is better to call specialists for dry cleaning. But this is not a guarantee that there will be no stains on the sofa.


This material is easy to recognize, it is fluffy. Threads are woven into the base that create volume. This sofa is very pleasant to the touch, gentle and soft.


Velor for sure, familiar to everyone.

It is rarely confused with anything, as this is one of the most common options. If you have worn places on the sofa, this is definitely velor.


This material is similar to semi-leather-semi-velvet. The bristles are packed so tightly that water does not absorb into the material at all.

If you spill something on the sofa, you can quickly brush off the moisture. Of course, then the water will be absorbed, but at first it stays on the surface.


This material is non-woven, the villi are simply glued to it. It is very velvety and pleasant to the touch, but you need to be careful with it.

Aggressive chemistry can simply dissolve the glue and "bald spots" will appear.

Leather and leatherette

This is definitely not to be confused with anything and skin care will be special.

Below you will find a separate section for the care and cleaning of leather furniture.

Once you have decided on the type of upholstery, proceed to the second step.

Step 2: prepare inventory and cleaning products, based on the type of upholstery

Upholstery type Inventory Cleaning products What NOT to use
Tapestry and jacquard A brush, even a hard one, a sponge, a soft clean cloth for blotting, a vacuum cleaner. It is best to take a ready-made, store-bought product, but in the absence of it, you can also use a weak vinegar solution, ammonia, soap, alkali-based, dishwashing detergents and even vodka. Means that can bleach: chlorine-containing preparations, bleaches, acetone. Oil solutions are also not suitable, as they will leave new stains instead of removing old ones.
Silk Vacuum cleaner, soft cloth, microfiber type and soft sponge. You can rub only with the soft side, otherwise, "hooks" are formed on the silk. It can be cleaned exclusively with soap foam or Vanisha special foam. Vinegar, alcohol, acetone.
chenille Chenille can only be cleaned in a dry way, squeezing the sponge as much as possible and vacuuming immediately so that moisture does not get inside, otherwise there will be stains. Vanish works best. Washing powder, aggressive detergents, acetone, alcohol, etc.
Velours Special brush for suede. You can take for these purposes shoe, rubber. It is needed to lift the pile. An ordinary school gum (eraser) and a simple, clean cloth will also come in handy. As in all other cases: you can use the finished product or homemade, but in a very weak concentration. Acetic, ammonia, alcohol solution. And, of course, a soap solution made from grated laundry soap. In no case do not use anything aggressive, such as bleach, acetone, pure alcohol. Some hostesses manage to clean the sofas with "Toilet Duck", and then wonder why the fabric has spread. Velor is a delicate material, while it is synthetic.
Microfiber Vacuum cleaner, clothes brush (can be quite hard), microfiber cloth and sponge. Microfiber is not very capricious, therefore, here you can use dish detergent, a soapy solution from laundry soap, an alcohol or ammonia solution, any ready-made upholstery product. Acetone, alcohol, chlorine, undiluted acids.
Flock Vacuum cleaner, soft brush (non-scratching), wet wipes without alcohol, dry clean cloth. You can clean with a solution of laundry soap, an alcohol solution, in a ratio of 1 to 10. Any alkaline cleaners, vinegar and ammonia solutions, but very weak ones, will do. Store-bought products, such as "Vanisha", the main thing is that they should be written that they can process flock. Do not use pure alcohol, thinner, aggressive cleaning agents, oil-based products or petroleum products. This will cause the pile to peel off and leave a bald spot on the upholstery.
Leather and leatherette A soft toothbrush, a microfiber cloth, cotton pads, perhaps a school eraser will come in handy here. It is best to take specialized tools, and not experiment. But, if you still feel itchy, you can use a weak solution of vinegar. Washing powder, chlorine-containing products.

Step 3: Experiment on a small area behind the sofa

Don't rush, here's the most important tip.

Before you take and process a dirty armrest with some kind of tool, be sure to try it on the back of the sofa.

You never know, suddenly this is not the fabric at all, what do you think? Or, the tool is not at all as gentle as it is written? You understand that we can have anything!

After applying the cleaner to the back of the sofa, wait an hour. If there is no terrible reaction, the pile is in place, then you can postpone the chemistry for a while and proceed to the fourth step of cleaning.

Step 4: clean the wooden elements

If your sofa has any wooden elements, clean them first. There is no need for a lot of mind, just wipe them with a sponge, and that's it. Wipe off the dirt that has stuck in the varnish.

This should be done before you start cleaning the upholstery, because, then, dirty drops can get on a clean cloth.

Step 5: Kick the sofa through wet sheets

And now we begin to prepare the sofa for cleaning stains.

1. Wet a sheet with water, wring out well so that it is almost dry and cover the sofa with it.

2. Beat it with a carpet beater, very hard and without missing a single centimeter. You will see for yourself how gray the sheet will become.

3. Then rinse it in water, squeeze it well again and repeat the procedure. Do this until the sheet is white when beaten out and no more dust comes to the surface.

4. After this procedure, you will see how fresh and cleaner your sofa has become. And now the spots will be very clearly visible on it, the elimination of which must be started.

To heighten the effect, you can moisten the sheet not with plain water, but with some kind of fragrance or soap solution.

If, for example, your sofa smells of urine from a child or animals, then you can dampen the fabric with a mild vinegar solution. The vinegar will get into the foam rubber a little, then it will begin to evaporate and take the unpleasant smell with it.

But, the evaporation process is not so fast, about 2-3 days. If you are ready not to use the furniture for a couple of days, then use vinegar. This will allow you to get rid of bad smell and dust cheaply and effectively.

Step 6: Get rid of stains and shiny armrests

Of course, it is best to buy a special stain remover. But, if for some reason this is not possible, then you can try to do it yourself. Select your stain type from the list below and try the recommended treatments.

Please note that our methods will only work if the stains are fresh.

Urine stains - washed with ordinary soapy water. Dilute laundry soap in water, lather the surface well, rub, and then soak with a clean cloth until dry. You can use a dishwashing liquid, it will remove the smell.

Blood stains should be washed with cold and clean water, without any soap. If you heat the blood, it will boil, darken, and then you won’t get it out at all. Therefore, rinse with cold, and then use soap to remove the remaining stain.

Grease stains should be covered with salt, it will absorb the grease. Then you can wash it with vinegar solution, alcohol or, again, ordinary dishwashing detergent or soapy water.

Coffee, juice and tea stains- It is best to wash with soapy water or dishwashing detergent.

Beer Stains - Beer smells really bad if it gets on upholstered furniture. It is necessary to wash such a stain with soap, first, and then with a solution of vinegar, so that the vinegar vapors draw out the smell of beer with them. It smells better of vinegar than beer.

Wine stains - wine is extremely difficult to remove, therefore, it is better to buy a ready-made product. At home, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of the wine stain.

Ballpoint pen stains well removed with tape. If you stick tape many times over a fresh stain from a pen, then the paint will transfer to it.

Marker stains also hard to get out. Sometimes it is better to leave a thin line than to wash it, because the stain can spread out and become just huge. This is especially true for light sofas.

Nail polish stains- the varnish must be carefully scraped off, there is no other option.

Glue stains - glue can be heated with a hair dryer and carefully removed with a sharp object, such as a knife.

Paraffin or chewing gum stains it is necessary to freeze them well so that they become brittle and scrape off. This is done with the help of a bag in which ice is placed in pieces.

Old stains of unknown origin- here it is best to use ready-made products and stain removers. Trying all our recipes on one spot is stupid, you can just damage the surface.

Step 7: Once again knock out the sofa through wet sheets

This will be the final step. If you have a vacuum cleaner for wet cleaning, you can collect excess moisture with it by turning off the wetting mode. If the vacuum cleaner is ordinary, then vacuuming is impossible in any case.

There is one more good thing: a steam generator or. If you have one, then treat the sofa with it. This will save you from the gloss and from the smell, and from all sorts of ticks.

Features of cleaning leather sofas

A leather sofa is best cleaned with special products. Nothing better has yet been invented, believe me.

If you don’t want ugly stains to appear on your beautiful sofa, then it’s better not to save money. Otherwise, you will have to use the coverlet for the rest of your life. You can watch a video on how to clean a leather sofa.

Features of cleaning light sofas

Light, especially white sofas, in no case, should not be wet much.

They do not even need to be knocked out with a damp sheet, because the filler may get slightly wet, and it will simply paint the upholstery. Just a vacuum cleaner, nothing else. And so that there is no gloss, then just vacuum the furniture in time, do not allow salting.

And finally, we invite you to watch a video on the topic of cleaning upholstered furniture, and you will not only hear, but also see how to clean a sofa with fabric upholstery at home, while using improvised means:

Conclusion: we hope that our recommendations will benefit you and you will know how to clean your old sofa from dirt, quickly and correctly.