How to clean the oven from burnt fat at home? Wanted to cook dinner, but forgot about the dirty oven? There is a solution: the best tips on how to quickly clean the oven at home How to clean the oven from

Raise your hands, who likes something baked: meat, fish, pies? Everyone loves.

And if the oven is covered with a layer of nasty fat and smearing soot? We don't see a single hand. And how to wash the oven from the old burnt fat? We're willing to bet that many of you right now are thinking, “I'm brushing her and she's still oily. I heard that the stoves are self-cleaning.

Yes, there are such boards. But civilization comes to our native land with a creak, and most of the ovens that we have at home do not have this ability. We will have to use what is in the kitchen (or what can be bought no further than across the street). Oddly enough, this should be enough.

Here it is necessary to take into account the type of oven - gas or electric, - and dirt type:

  • old burnt fat;
  • black soot, or soot.

To quickly clean surfaces from burning and grease, different products are used for each of these types of dirt. And, of course, do not forget about security measures.

Remember that any cleaning product works because a chemical reaction takes place. Ignoring safety precautions can therefore end very badly.


First of all, remove children and pets from the kitchen. Children stick their noses in every crevice, toxic fumes can harm them, and let's not even talk about animals. It is a sin to poison defenseless brothers of our smaller household chemicals.


The kitchen should be well ventilated - you also need to take care of your health. Open the window, and preferably a window, if the weather allows.

Personal protection

You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails. Any action should be carried out wearing rubber gloves.

For best results, before performing any action, read the instructions through to the end and make sure that everything you need to complete the action is present and ready to use.

This is necessary so as not to urgently run to the store for a new sponge when it comes time to wash off the product.

Removes grease: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

As they say, it's a disaster if the pieman starts making boots, and the shoemaker starts making pies. If you don’t feel sorry for the money, preference, of course, should be given to store chemicals.

It is also more gentle, as it is designed specifically for this kind of work, and in some cases washes much better.

When thinking about how to clean the oven of old fat, avoid products containing acid.

Amway Oven Cleaner

Expensive but effective. Patented cleaner for domestic ovens. Fat dissolves almost before our eyes and is well worth the money spent on it. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.


Bestseller. A little cheaper than the Amway product, but it cleans just as effectively - the housewives are not overjoyed. Sprayed on surfaces with burnt fat. A severe minus in the form of a sharp nasty smell, which, however, quickly disappears.

"Sillit Bang Antifat"

Cheap and cheerful. And when faced with such means, it is already worth considering: is it really possible to overpay for something that is much easier to make yourself from what is in every kitchen?

The composition of such products is suspicious, and in order to wash them off completely, it is necessary to treat the surface with water more than seventy times. You don't want to eat pies stuffed with suspicious chemicals, do you?

Cleans fat: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

Yes, regular table salt. Cheap and cheerful. Cleaning the oven with salt at home can be done in two different ways.

First: Sprinkle the surface of the oven with salt and turn on the oven.

Check the appearance of the surface periodically: when the salt turns brown, turn off the oven, let it cool, then wash off the salt that has absorbed the fat. No harmful fumes or bad odors.

Salt method number two is that a pan with an aqueous solution of salt is placed in the oven, the stove is turned on and you let the water evaporate for a while.

Usually twenty minutes is enough. After such a procedure, fat and soot are also easily washed off.

How to clean the oven from grease and soot with soap?

Cleans fat: Yes.

Cleans soot: partially.

If you didn’t take salt, you can try using laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. The principle is the same - shavings of laundry soap or ordinary dish detergent are dissolved in a pot of water, and that is placed on the bottom of the oven.

Set the temperature between 100 and 120 degrees and hold for half an hour. This softens the burnt fat.

Cleans fat: partially.

Cleans soot: Yes.

A mixture of soda and vinegar gives a large amount of carbon dioxide (this is the way the first artificially gassed mineral water was made). Take care of your hands.

Nagar should not be protected, we are going to destroy it. You can clean the oven from soot at home if you add twenty-five grams of laundry soap solution to a mixture of one hundred grams of soda with forty grams of vinegar.

This paste should be placed with a sponge on all surfaces of the oven, including glass, baking sheet and grate, and left for a couple of hours, then go over them with a clean, damp sponge. You can then throw away the sponge and admire the shining oven.

There is another method: pour vinegar essence into a spray bottle, sprinkle it on the surface of the oven, and then cover it with soda. In this case, you have to wait only a quarter of an hour.

Clean Electric Oven: Comet Paste

Cleans fat: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

To clean the electric oven at home, there is a special cleaning paste. Take citric acid, dishwashing detergent and cleaning powder a la Pemolux, Komet and the like. These components must be mixed in a ratio of one to one.

Now, as in the case of the baking soda and vinegar paste, all surfaces must be exposed to the paste. Since the electric oven is more delicate, it is necessary to keep it covered with paste for no more than an hour. After an hour, you will need plenty of warm water to wash off the paste.

How easy is it to clean the oven with hydrogen peroxide?

Cleans fat: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

We prepare porridge from hydrogen peroxide (sold in a pharmacy) and a quarter cup of soda. All must be mixed well and applied to greasy surfaces.

If you overdid it with volumes and some amount of soda-peroxide porridge is left, you can also clean the fat from the glass and grate at the same time. We leave for an hour. Do not forget to completely remove with a sponge dipped in soapy water and wipe dry.

Cleans fat: Yes.

Cleans soot: Yes.

A universal method to clean the oven from burnt fat.

Ammonia - a solution of ammonia in water - emits a terrible smell, which is brought to life from fainting. Ammonia itself belongs to the group of substances with an asphyxiating effect. To use this magical remedy, you will have to purchase a respirator if life and health are dear to you.

It is necessary to open all windows, treat contaminated surfaces with ammonia and leave for a period of four to five hours, then rinse.

After wiping the oven with ammonia, it must be thoroughly rinsed several times until the smell disappears, otherwise ammonia will get into the food. In this case, it is not dangerous, but very unpleasant.

Remove old dirt with baking powder

Cleans fat: Yes.

Cleans soot: No.

Many housewives have this powder in a box with spices. It is also known under the pseudonym "baker's powder" and consists of the same baking soda, ammonium carbonate and potassium tartrate.

Baking powder should be sprinkled on dirty surfaces previously treated with water. Wait two hours and collect the lumps of fat with a hard washcloth. Rinse the surfaces to be cleaned well.

And finally

After everything is washed and shines with pristine cleanliness, remember that the best way to quickly clean the oven is not to start it, not to wait until the food burns. If the cabinet is carefully wiped after each cooking (of course, after waiting until the oven has cooled), it will take much less time and effort to clean the stove, and you will be able to delight your family and yourself with delicious dishes more often.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

All manufacturers recommend cleaning the inside and outside of the oven immediately after each cooking. The goal is to prevent the resulting contaminants from burning. For this, liquid cleaners and a soft sponge are used. Abrasive powders, hard sponges and metal brushes do not need to be used, as they can damage the enamel coating. How to properly clean the oven and what products are the most effective?

Cleaning with chemicals

In retail outlets there is a rich selection of various gels for cleaning electric ovens, ovens and other heating appliances used in home and professional kitchens. In built-in ovens, skillful housewives bake great dishes with hot air. There are a lot of advantages to an electric oven, but there are also significant disadvantages. First of all, this is the release of fat vapors, the own juice of products and other formations that lead to the appearance of pollution. Commercials relentlessly talk about the virtues of Frosch, Mister Muscle, Shumanita, Silit Benga, Sanitara Antigrease and other liquid cleaners.

The variety of cleaning products is impressive

But chemistry is chemistry. Its harmful traces can get into food. Some chemicals have a strong odor that spreads throughout the kitchen. Others are not as effective at fighting pollution. Most gels require the use of protective equipment - gloves, respirators, masks - and good ventilation of the premises. Gels, when a small amount of water is added, form a rich foam that easily copes with greasy stains and stubborn soot. Therefore, it is enough to spray household chemical gel on contaminated areas and wait for a certain period (the method of application is written on the package). All dirt spots will be gone. Then they are washed off with warm water.

Important: do not use chemical washing gels that contain acids. These strong substances can damage the enamel coatings of the oven: on the walls, ceiling and bottom.

Folk methods

Steam (hydrolysis cleaning)

Using steam is a budget and safe option

This is an affordable, effective, proven way to clean the interior enamel coatings of the oven from long-standing dirt deposits. Water is poured into a baking sheet, a little liquid soap or dishwashing detergent is added. The container is placed in the oven and the thermal mode is turned on (about 120 degrees Celsius). As soon as the water boils, reduce the temperature to 110 degrees and boil for at least 30 minutes. If this time is not enough to steam the contaminants, increase the steam generation time to one hour. Then turn off the oven and cool to room temperature. Wash off dirt deposits with a sponge dipped in warm soapy water. Be sure to wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth.

Important: in order to avoid burns to the face and hands, do not open the oven door at the time of intense steam generation.

Baking soda

Many housewives use ordinary baking soda not only as an additive to food, but also as a universal cleaning agent for kitchen utensils. It will perfectly cope with the dirt inside the oven's thermal chamber, including the door glass. Dilute a third of a glass of soda with a small amount of water - until a thick mass is formed. In the evening, apply this paste on dirty places and leave until morning. Then wipe the mixture of soda and dirt with a damp sponge and rinse with warm clean water. The effectiveness of the cleaning properties of soda can be enhanced by adding ordinary table salt in the proportion: mix one part of salt with four parts of soda.

Good results are obtained by using a dough baking powder (a mixture of baking soda and citric acid in a 1: 1 ratio). If the baking powder is applied to the wetted surfaces of the oven, then after some time the fat will lag behind the enameled surface. A sponge dampened with soapy water will easily wash away the dirty solution from the inside of the oven.


Weak dirt is washed off with a mixture of water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. To do this, a mixture of vinegar and water is applied to the inner walls of the oven with a spray gun, the oven is turned on at a temperature of +50 degrees. After holding for a quarter of an hour, dirt is easily removed with a sponge and warm clean water. Vinegar perfectly removes soot with impurities of fat, so the heat chamber at the oven will look like new.

Baking soda + vinegar

Acetic essence and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) enter into a chemical reaction with each other and release carbon dioxide. He can easily cope even with chronic fat deposits. To start cleaning the oven heat chamber and door with a mixture of acid and alkali, proceed as follows:

  • Spray all surfaces inside the heat chamber with vinegar.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on a wet sponge and scrub the stains with it. Open the door completely and also sprinkle with soda.
  • To withstand the treated surfaces for several hours, so that the vinegar and soda destroy the old fat as efficiently as possible.
  • Apply a little soda to a semi-rigid sponge and wipe the walls, baking sheets, bottom and door without pressure.
  • Wash all cleaned surfaces with warm water.

Traditional method - laundry soap

Laundry soap does not contain chemical impurities, so it is safe for health and does not harm the environment. Effective removal of contaminants occurs due to the alkaline environment, which is formed when soap is diluted with water. The cleanup order is as follows:

  1. Grate 50 grams of laundry soap on a fine grater.
  2. Dissolve the resulting chips in a container with boiling water.
  3. Put the container in the oven and turn on the temperature at 150 degrees.
  4. Let the "soapy water" boil for about one hour.
  5. Grease stains, burns, sticky dirt are carefully removed with a semi-rigid sponge.
  6. All surfaces are washed with clean water.
  7. The oven door remains open during the day so that the specific smell of laundry soap disappears.


This is one of the most affordable, effective and fast-acting home cleaning products. Sodium and chlorine, when heated, destroy old fat deposits, making them loose and soft. The algorithm of actions is the simplest:

  • Sprinkle salt on horizontal surfaces: baking sheets, trays, shelves and the bottom of the oven's heat chamber.
  • Turn on the heat and bring the temperature to the values ​​at which the salt will take on a golden hue.
  • Turn off the oven and let it cool down.
  • Rinse the door, walls, trays, trays and bottom with warm water and a small amount of liquid dish detergent.
  • Rinse all surfaces with clean water and dry with a paper towel.


In this way, you can deal with the most persistent pollution. Ammonia will be able to restore the original cleanliness even to the oldest oven. Cleaning can be done in two ways - cold and hot. In the first case, ammonia is applied with a richly moistened sponge to all internal surfaces in the oven and aged for 8-12 hours. Then all impurities are removed with warm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. In the second case, two small containers are placed in the oven: with ammonia - on the top shelf, with water - on the bottom. The oven heats up to 100 degrees (the water must boil). Then it is disconnected from the mains, the door closes and it cools down during the night. In the morning, the liquids from both containers are mixed with a small amount of dishwashing detergent. This solution is applied to the inner surfaces of the oven, and then washed off with warm, clean water. The effect will be excellent.

Lemon juice

Lemon will not only wash the oven, but also remove unpleasant odors.

Citric acid easily copes with fatty contaminants. There are also two options here. In the first case, juice is squeezed out of a lemon, which is mixed with an equal amount of water. This liquid is used to treat internal surfaces. In the second case, lemon slices are placed in a container of water and a small amount of dish detergent is added. Put the container in an oven preheated to 100 degrees and stand for 30-40 minutes. Allow to cool, then use a sponge and this mixture to remove all grease from the walls, baking sheets, bottom and door of the oven.

Self-cleaning systems for electric ovens

The self-cleaning function was invented for professional kitchen equipment. But technologies are improving, becoming cheaper and more accessible for a conventional electric built-in oven. Many housewives are happy to save themselves from the tedious and dirty work of cleaning the oven from accumulated fat deposits.

EasyClean self-cleaning system

The most common self-cleaning technology (used on models of all manufacturers) is lining the inner walls of the oven with special coatings of easy-to-clean smooth enamels. Such coatings do not absorb dirt at all. This cleaning system is called EasyClean. Using it is simple:

  • Pour a little water into a special recess in the bottom of the oven (a little less than half a glass).
  • Add a few drops of a special detergent composition.
  • Turn on the heat mode of the oven 100 degrees for 25-30 minutes.
  • With a sponge, remove all dirt from the bottom of the oven, which will settle there along with the hot condensate of the steam cleaner.
  • Wipe all surfaces with a paper towel.

catalytic cleaning

Catalytic cleaning of the built-in oven is the chemical decomposition of fats into simple components: water, soot (carbon) and organic matter without the formation of carbon deposits. At the same time, these constituent substances are absorbed by the sorbent formed from nanoparticles. These actions are caused by oxidizing agents, which are part of a special coating. Only the side walls or all internal surfaces of the built-in oven can be veneered with this porous enamel. The catalytic cleaning system starts automatically when the oven temperature reaches 140 degrees. It is most effective at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Some manufacturers enhance the cleaning effect of the coating with a special built-in catalyst. In models of the Miele concern, this device is called AirClean, in Siemens ovens - AktiKat. Catalytic purification is used by all manufacturers. This cleaning method is recommended for those housewives who often use an electric oven for cooking, but at the same time want to save on the cost of the oven and energy consumption. The disadvantages of this method include:

  • manual washing of baking sheets, grates, grill;
  • periodic manual washing of surfaces to remove not completely absorbed soot;
  • the efficiency of decomposition of fats sharply decreases when dairy and sweet products get on the catalytic surface;
  • frequent use of the oven is required to cope with large fatty contaminants;
  • limited service life of the coating in 4–5 years.

EcoClean cleaning system

This system is still a world novelty. It is widely used mainly by two manufacturers: Bosch and Siemens, but other companies are also interested in it.

EcoClean self-cleaning kit from Bosch

The innovation lies in the use of a new high-quality EcoClean ceramic coating for self-cleaning of the oven. This type of cleaning starts automatically when the oven is turned on and heated to 270 degrees. At the same time, all emerging pollution turns into an easily removable plaque. At the same time, up to 80% of all odors are absorbed. The know-how of the invention lies in the use of tiny ceramic balls that destroy carbon deposits when heated strongly. They have an amazing ability to independently restore their unique properties at high temperatures, which makes this coating durable. This coating is applied only to the back wall. Other interior surfaces with EcoClean ceramics are sold separately.

Pyrolytic cleaning

Pyrolysis is an effective technological technique in which all contaminants inside the oven are burned. The hard pyrolysis mode is activated using a special button. The thermal regime reaches a temperature of 500 degrees. The door is automatically blocked from accidental opening. Pyrolysis requires additional electricity costs, so models of such ovens are equipped with powerful heating elements. When turned on, all fat deposits turn into ash, which is easily removed with a damp sponge or napkin. All control over the pyrolysis process is entrusted to electronics. Several glasses are installed in the door (if this function is available) to prevent strong heating of the outer glass.

Results of pyrolytic cleaning

This cleaning method is not without its drawbacks. When burning fatty contaminants, a persistent odor is formed. Strong ventilation is required to remove it. The main weak point of ovens with this self-cleaning method is the high price. Pyrolysis cleaning is widely used in their models by manufacturers such as Bosch, Ariston, Siemens, Miele. Moreover, Siemens uses special glass for the oven door, which is also cleaned of fat when the pyrolysis mode is turned on.

Video: electric ovens - self-cleaning methods

Summing up

  • If an electric oven is used occasionally, the best recommendation is to steam clean.
  • If meals are cooked in the built-in oven at least once a week, cleaning with a catalyst or ecoClean coating.
  • If the oven is used much more often - powerful cleaning by pyrolysis.

When choosing an oven, many practical housewives pay attention not only to the access and convenience of manual cleaning to internal surfaces (the absence of seams, protrusions, recesses, a folding grill, etc.), the presence of a self-cleaning system, but also to the possibility of cleaning the space between the door glass. Different manufacturers have different ways to disassemble the door. You need to carefully study the instruction manual: someone needs to remove the door first, and then disassemble it with a Phillips screwdriver; for others, the glass can be removed without removing the door, without using a tool.

How to rid the oven of odors?

lemon peels

  1. Pour water into a small metal bowl.
  2. Add lemon or orange peels.
  3. Put in the oven.
  4. Set the temperature to 100 degrees.
  5. Boil water in it for 10-15 minutes.

Apple vinegar

Quickly eliminates an unpleasant odor with regular apple cider vinegar. Moisten a cloth with it and wipe the inner surfaces of the oven's heat chamber.


Table salt is an effective absorbent and easily absorbs all odors. Sprinkle half a glass of salt on a baking sheet and heat the built-in household oven to 150 degrees. Hold at this temperature for about a quarter of an hour.

Cleanliness is the key to health. This axiom must be fulfilled even in small things. In the oven, when baking food, fat is released, which will accumulate on the inner surfaces with each preparation of a new dish. Then it will begin to smoke, filling the kitchen with an unpleasant smell. Contaminants worsen the taste of the finished dish, negatively affect its appearance. Therefore, it is not necessary to accumulate fat deposits in the oven, which prematurely make it old, unattractive, untidy. There are many ways to clean the oven from any contaminants. The main thing is not to be lazy to regularly take care of your kitchen equipment.

Every hostess is concerned about the question: " How to clean an oven? After all, this wonderful “helper” has become an essential attribute of the kitchen. Almost every day we again and again resort to the help of the oven. Any dish, whether it is for a festive or everyday table, is very convenient to cook in the oven.

Dear friends, so that at one point you don’t start to puzzle over how to wash the gas stove oven from soot and old fat, don’t run it to such a state! Don't put off cleaning your oven until the last minute. I assure you that the sooner you decide to clean the oven, the easier it will be for you to deal with the problem of greasy deposits. This rule is the key to purity. After all, you must admit that it is much easier to wash fresh fat from the surface of the oven than to start this procedure after some time, when the fat has already thoroughly dried up and "rooted".

Try to wipe the oven with a damp cloth after each cooking. So you will immediately remove the remnants of fat, and they do not form a thick layer of soot on the walls of the oven.

Do not forget about the periodic cleaning of the baking sheet, because it is much easier to wash it right away than when it is already in a running state.

Many hostesses often forget about cleaning the glass of the oven, but there are no less traces of fat on it than inside. The usual one will cope well with the problem of old fat and burning on the oven door:

    • wipe the glass surface with a damp sponge;
    • sprinkle generously with baking soda;
    • rub well, but do not use a metal scraper otherwise damage the glass;
    • leave the soda for an hour so that it destroys old stains of fat;
    • after the specified time, wipe the glass with a damp cloth and wipe dry;
    • Finally, you can rub the glass with mirror and window cleaner and your oven will shine like new.

Believe me, dear ladies, it is much easier to spend a few minutes on wet cleaning after each use of the oven than to puzzle over how to wash the burnt oven from old fat and soot.

Removing burnt fat

If you do not know how and how to wash the oven from burnt fat, this article is for you. It is imperative to remove its remnants, because at one “wonderful” moment, a greasy coating on the walls of the oven will begin to smoke and burn. And then, in addition to this problem, you will think about how to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment.

Most ovens have an enamel finish that is easy to clean with a damp cloth. But, if, after cooking, dried fat remains on the walls, you can use special cleaning products. To date, the choice of household chemicals for cleaning the oven is very wide. You can purchase any product that suitable for your type of surface. However, I want to warn you: never buy detergents that contain acids: They may damage the surface of the oven.

Well, ladies, have you made your choice? Now I propose to start cleaning the oven. If you want to clean old grease from the walls and oven door with special cleaning products, you must follow these steps:

    • first of all, put on rubber gloves so that aggressive substances do not damage the skin of your hands;
    • pour hot water into the basin and dilute a little cleaning agent;
    • remove all shelves and baking tray from the oven;
    • immerse everything in a basin of water;
    • apply a little cleaner to the sponge and treat all surfaces of the oven inside;
    • do not treat heating elements with cleaning solution;
    • so that the fat softens faster, you can turn on the oven for 10 - 15 minutes;
    • now you can turn off the oven and start cleaning the surface.

Believe that any soot and even the oldest greasy stains will be washed off with ease.

If you are a happy owner of an electric oven, then you need to use special cleaning paste. It consists of:

    • cleaning agent "Pemolux" or "Komet";
    • dishwashing balm;
    • lemon acid.

All components must be mixed in equal proportions. Apply the resulting paste to the surfaces of the oven, shelves, tray and door with a sponge. Leave the cleaner on for 30-60 minutes (depending on how dirty the oven is). After the specified time, wash off the remaining paste with plenty of water and wipe the surfaces dry.

However, after using aggressive cleaners, an unpleasant smell of "chemistry" may remain in the oven. To get rid of it, try any of the suggested methods:

    1. Ventilate the oven well. It is advisable to leave the door open all day or all night.
    2. Pour some water into any container and dissolve a few tablets of activated charcoal there. Put the resulting solution in the oven and boil for half an hour. The pungent smell of detergents will disappear after the specified time.
    3. Wipe all oven surfaces with lemon juice or a weak solution of vinegar essence.
    4. Thoroughly rinse the remaining cleaning products from the walls and shelves of the oven, constantly changing the water.

The use of special detergents, although effective for cleaning, has a detrimental effect on human health.

In order to completely wash off the remnants of the detergent, the surface must be treated with clean water more than 70 times.

Do you do this? I think no. Therefore, I advise you to consider alternative gentle methods, and our tips and recommendations will help you with this.

We clean folk remedies

Those housewives who are interested in how to clean the oven at home do not even know what folk remedies our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used. And they did it right! Well, is it really good to clean the oven with aggressive chemicals, and then cook food there for your whole family, including children.

It is impossible to completely wash out the remnants of cleaning products, but they then get into the food along with the fumes during cooking.

That is why I want to give you such secrets with which you can quickly and easily wash the oven from burning and fat. Most importantly: no harm to your health!

So, our caring hostesses, let's start. Those folk remedies, which I will now tell you about, will effectively clean the oven and make it perfectly hygienic and harmless for further cooking your favorite dishes.

Folk remedy

How to use?

Abrasive washcloth

An abrasive washcloth is able to rid even an old oven of burning and greasy deposits. Due to its texture, this washcloth will effectively clean any surface of the oven. But I highly recommend do not wash the glass door with it as the washcloth may damage the smooth surface and leave minor scratches.

Baking soda

Soda will help clean the oven from soot and old grease stains. Especially well it will clean the glass window in the oven. It often happens that it is covered with soot to such an extent that it is impossible to see the dish even with backlight. With the smell of burning, the environment will also cope perfectly. Of course, you will have to make an effort, but the end result is worth it.

Well? Did you find a package of soda? Then let's get started:

  • wipe with a damp sponge those areas where there are greasy stains so that the soda “sticks” well;
  • Sprinkle baking soda generously on all surfaces inside the oven;
  • rub a little with a hard sponge and do not wash off the abrasive for an hour;
  • at the end of the specified time, soot and soot will be quickly washed off with an ordinary sponge.

table vinegar

Acetic acid is gentle on oven surfaces, even if it is covered with enamel coating.

  • take a sponge and soak it well with vinegar;
  • remove the grates and trays from the oven;
  • first work through the entire oven inside, and then apply vinegar essence to other elements;
  • for maximum effect, spread the vinegar evenly over the entire surface and leave for several hours;
  • at the end of the specified time, wipe the oven with a sponge.

Vinegar will perfectly cope with the problem of greasy soot, so after processing the oven, you will return it to its original cleanliness.

Vinegar + soda

The hydrogen released during the interaction of vinegar and baking soda perfectly destroys old greasy plaque. Believe that even the old soot on the oven will be easily cleaned by such a folk remedy.

In order to wash the oven and its door from old fat and burning, you should follow the following sequence:

  • treat the entire surface inside the oven with vinegar;
  • moisten the sponge a little with water;
  • since soda cannot be applied to the side walls, pour it on a moistened sponge and “apply” it to places contaminated with grease;
  • place the oven door in a horizontal position and sprinkle generously with baking soda;
  • leave the treated surfaces for several hours, so that the baking soda and vinegar that have reacted will destroy the old fat as much as possible;
  • after a few hours, rub the walls, door and baking sheet with a hard sponge;
  • if the fat is not completely split, you can pour a little soda and rub it thoroughly;
  • after you have completely washed off the old grease, rinse all surfaces with warm water, periodically replacing with clean water.

Lemon juice

The acid contained in the lemon will perfectly clean the oven at home. If you can't find lemon at home, you can replace it with citric acid.

There are several methods that can quickly and easily break down soot and greasy soot.

Method one ( prepare one lemon or citric acid and warm water):

  • squeeze the juice of one lemon into an empty glass and pour in the same amount of water;
  • moisten the rag with the resulting "acidified water" and treat the entire surface of the oven inside;
  • leave the applied solution for 30-40 minutes;
  • after half an hour, wipe the stove oven with a clean, damp cloth.

Method two: for this you will need the same set of ingredients. The only difference is that the resulting solution must be poured into a container with a sprayer. It is enough to spray acidified water on all surfaces of the oven and leave for half an hour. Finally wipe with a dry cloth and you're done! Your oven will again shine with cleanliness, and there will be no trace of soot and grease.

Method three:

  • fill the container halfway with water;
  • add a little detergent, you can use dishwashing liquid;
  • cut the lemon into small slices and put in a container with water and detergent;
  • put in the oven and heat to 150 degrees;
  • let the prepared solution boil well inside the oven;
  • after 30 minutes the oven can be turned off;
  • let it cool down for 10 minutes;
  • now the old fat has softened well, and it can be easily washed off even with a porous sponge.

This is how, with the help of lemon or citric acid, you can quickly clean the oven and, in addition, get rid of the smell of burning.

Vinegar + soda + citric acid

In order to wash the oven faster, it must be heated at a temperature of 100 degrees for 15 minutes.

While you are warming it up, prepare the following solution:

  • mix a package of citric acid, a tablespoon of soda and 100 ml of table vinegar;
  • with the resulting "turbulent" mixture, treat the entire surface inside the oven, but avoid areas where heating elements are present;
  • leave the applied product for 15 minutes;
  • then rinse with clean water and wipe the oven with a dry cloth.

This folk remedy will effectively wash even very old fat and clean even a very dirty oven.

Table vinegar + baking soda + laundry soap

This tool will help you clean the oven from carbon deposits. For these components to work quickly, you must:

  • mix 100 ml of table vinegar, 50 grams of baking soda and 30 grams of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater;
  • Rub the resulting mixture on all surfaces of the oven and leave for 2-3 hours.

After the specified time, the brown greasy coating can be easily washed off even with a soft sponge.

This folk remedy of our grandmothers effectively cleans not only the oven, but also the door, handles, baking tray and oven grates. In addition to its effectiveness, this mixture is also gentle on glass and enamelled surfaces. After such procedures, your oven will shine with a dazzling brilliance and pristine cleanliness.

Laundry soap

Since laundry soap contains only natural ingredients, it is environmentally friendly and safe. Due to the fact that laundry or adhesive soap has an alkaline environment, it copes well with any kind of pollution. Therefore, getting rid of old fat in your oven will not be difficult for him.

For this "operation" you will need one bar of soap and plain water:

  • grate half a bar of laundry soap on a fine grater;
  • dissolve the resulting chips in a container with hot water;
  • place in the oven;
  • heat the oven to 150 degrees and boil "soapy water" for 45 minutes;
  • all fat and soot should soften well and become more “porous”, so plaque can be removed with a hard sponge;
  • after cleaning, be sure to rinse the entire surface with clean water several times;
  • leave the oven door open at night so that the specific smell of laundry soap is well ventilated.

The oven, which has an enamel coating, is the easiest to clean. Since this coating is very delicate and not all folk remedies are suitable for cleaning it, you can use ordinary steam:

  • pour a few glasses of water into a baking sheet, but so that the water does not overflow over the edges;
  • add a few drops of detergent to the water;
  • preheat the oven to 150 degrees and heat the water for 30 minutes.

I assure you, dear hostesses, that under the influence of steam, even old greasy stains from the enamelled coating of the oven can be easily washed off with a damp cloth. But only do this when the surface of the oven has cooled down a bit.


With the help of ammonia, you can get rid of old fat in the oven. There are two options for cleaning the oven at home

Method one: it is enough to moisten a rag with ammonia and wipe all surfaces in the oven. Leave the applied ammonia overnight. Trust that in the morning you can easily wash the oven with a mild detergent solution.

Method two:

  • pour some water into the container;
  • heat the oven to 100 degrees and put a container of water;
  • bring to a boil;
  • pour ammonia into another container;
  • turn off the oven;
  • put a container with alcohol on the top shelf, and a container with water on the bottom;
  • close the door tightly and leave both containers to “overnight”;
  • the next morning, mix water with ammonia, add a little dishwashing detergent and process the oven inside.

This tool will perfectly wash even the old oven from burning and soot. Well, with the old fat "will deal with a bang"!

Baking powder for the dough

It's hard to believe, but this tool is able to "loosen" not only the dough for pies. It will effectively clean the walls and baking tray of the oven from grease. For this procedure, purchase several packages of this "miracle remedy".

There is? Then let's start:

  • moisten a cloth with water and wipe the entire surface of the oven;
  • sprinkle damp shelves and oven walls with baking powder;
  • leave for a few hours;
  • after the specified time, all the greasy coating will gather into lumps, which can be easily removed with a hard sponge.

Rock salt

Even the most common table salt can quickly and effectively clean your oven at home.

All you need is:

  • sprinkle generously with salt on the baking sheet and oven shelves;
  • heat the oven until the salt turns golden;
  • then clean the door and walls with a mild detergent solution.

The minerals contained in rock salt, when heated, will make the old fat more porous and soften it well. Therefore, after heating the salt, you can easily wash even a very dirty gas stove oven.

Table salt + carbonic acid

Such a "friendship" of salt and carbonic acid will quickly wash your oven. It is only necessary to observe some proportions - and you will succeed.

  • dilute one kilogram of rock salt and a little carbonic acid in 600 ml of water;
  • preheat the oven to 150-200 degrees;
  • put water with salt and carbonic acid on the bottom shelf of the oven;
  • heat for half an hour;
  • turn it off and let it cool down.

Only after the oven is barely warm can it be washed with hot water and dishwashing detergent.

Now that you know absolutely all the secrets to removing burnt fat, it's time to head to the kitchen and try them out on your oven.

Ovens with self-cleaning function

1. Ovens with hydrolysis cleaning (not self-cleaning).

Such ovens must be cleaned of grease and soot on their own.

Despite the fact that such an oven is covered with acid-resistant enamel, which prevents the penetration of fat inside, hydrolysis cleaning still causes a lot of pain. Therefore, further we will consider improved versions of self-cleaning ovens.

2. Furnaces with pyrolytic self-cleaning.

These ovens are equipped with a function that turns leftover food and fat into ashes. In addition, such ovens are equipped with a “cold door” function, which has a temperature of 50 degrees. It is very convenient and safe, because when destroying food residues the temperature in the oven reaches 500 degrees.

Once the cleaning process is complete, all you have to do is wipe the surfaces inside the oven with a damp fiber cloth.



  • such furnaces are equipped with an effective cleaning system;
  • no need to constantly remove the grates and baking sheets in order to wash the oven inside;
  • The oven is made of high quality material that can withstand very high temperatures.
  • such self-cleaning ovens are very expensive;
  • if you do not wipe the surfaces inside the oven very often, a burnt smell may form;
  • some models of ovens are not equipped with telescopic fasteners.

3. Furnaces with catalytic cleaning (continuous cleaning).

Such ovens are coated inside with a coating that prevents the deposition of dirt and grease on the walls of the oven. Catalytic purification consists in the breakdown of fat into carbon, water and organic matter. This reaction occurs under the influence of oxidizing agents that are on the inner surface of the oven.



  • gas and electric ovens are equipped with a similar cleaning system;
  • Furnaces with catalytic cleaning are energy-saving, because cleaning process takes place during cooking;
  • catalytic panels must be replaced periodically, since the special coating wears off over time ( the service life of such panels is slightly more than 300 hours);
  • depending on the quality of the material, the price of the oven may vary;
  • the catalytic coating is applied only to the walls of the oven;
  • The oven door must be cleaned by hand.

Now you know about everything, our dear hostesses. I think that from now on you can easily choose an oven that will satisfy all your wishes. And those secrets that you learned about today will help you quickly and efficiently wash even the dirtiest oven. Using the tools at hand that are in your kitchen, you will effectively remove old fat and do not harm the health of your family.

There are many special products that can cope with even very strong pollution, but what if there are no special household chemicals at home, or the hostess simply does not want to use chemical compounds. Then the simplest homemade recipes come to the rescue. Below we will tell you how to clean the oven on your own from fat and soot at home quickly, using various means for this.

  • Household chemicals
  • Folk remedies
  • Ammonia
  • Baking soda
  • table vinegar
  • Lemon acid
  • Salt
  • Lemon juice
  • A mixture of baking soda and vinegar
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • dough baking powder
  • How to remove the smell from the oven
  • Self-cleaning ovens
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Practical recommendations

Household chemicals

Today you can find dozens of compounds in stores that quickly and easily dissolve fat and soot. Such products are available in the form of a gel, spray or powder. The hostess just needs to choose the right one. To remove stains of fat and soot, it is worth using the very popular Shumanit tool, there are also other special compounds, such as Comet. Amway products are very popular, and Faberlic products also do their job well.

It is enough to apply the composition on the surface of the cabinet walls, and then hold for about half an hour. After the allotted time, the product is removed with a sponge, and then the inside of the oven is lightly wiped to remove any remaining dirt. If you are looking for a way to clean the oven yourself quickly and efficiently, it is better to use professional compounds.

Folk remedies

There are many popular recipes for cleaning the oven. To do this, use the most budgetary and affordable formulations. Below we will describe several options on how to clean the oven from soot, heavily soot and old fat using home-made compounds.


This is one of the oldest and most proven methods of cleaning oven walls. Ammonia will easily remove even old dirt, as well as hardened fat. It is worth using this composition in the case when softer methods did not help in the fight against dirt. To make a solution, you need to take two hundred milliliters of ammonia, one liter of water, two metal bowls, a sponge and protective gloves.

To begin with, the baking sheets are taken out of the oven, and then the cabinet is turned on for heating to 200 degrees. Next, pour water into a bowl, and alcohol into another container. After that, both bowls are placed in the oven and the door is closed. Leave the composition to bask for one hour, and if the pollution is serious, then it will take all night. At the end of the process, the containers are removed, and the surface of the cabinet is wiped with a sponge. You can also use baking soda. Thus, we learned how to clean the oven with ammonia.

Baking soda

This product is really universal, it is available in every kitchen, and it will not be difficult to buy it. First, half a pack of soda is poured into a bowl, and then water is gradually added to it. As soon as the composition becomes thick and looks like gruel, you can apply it to the cabinet walls. Leave the mixture to act until the morning, and in the morning they already wash the oven with a sponge. To enhance the result, you can add salt to the soda.

Laundry soap

Here we will tell you how to clean the oven from old fat at home, using soap and vinegar. It is also worth noting that only one soap can be used for cleaning, it is with this recipe that you should start. We need a bar of soap, fifty grams is enough. This amount is rubbed on a grater, and then transferred to a bowl of hot water. It turns out a soapy solution, it is placed in the oven, which is heated to 190 degrees. The agent is left for an hour, and then the surface of the cabinet is wiped with a sponge. For greater efficiency, a little acetic acid is poured into this solution. This method is completely safe as there are no chemical additives in the soap.

table vinegar

Vinegar essence can also be a completely safe method of cleaning the oven. But here it is important to remember that the fumes will contain a large amount of acid, so the method is not suitable for all coatings. To clean an ordinary cupboard, you need to pour half a glass of water into a bowl, and then the same amount of vinegar essence. Such a composition is applied to all walls of the device, and then the oven is heated to 210 degrees, and left at this level for forty-five minutes. Vinegar will quickly dissolve even a complex coating of fat, as well as remove unpleasant odors and soot.

Lemon acid

If the hostess is looking for an effective method on how to clean the oven with her own hands from fat and soot, using products at home, then this is a great option. It should be said right away that the acid itself has a minimum efficiency, so it is mixed with soda and vinegar essence. It is necessary to make a gruel from the components, and then apply it to the surface of an already heated oven. Leave the agent for exposure for twenty-five minutes, while the temperature should be no more than fifty degrees. When the oven has cooled down, the paste can be removed with a sponge, along with it all greasy stains and soot will be removed.


This method is quite simple, but it helps to cope only with the freshest pollution, salt perfectly absorbs the remnants of fat, so this method can be used at the initial stage of pollution. First, salt is sprinkled on the bottom and shelves of the oven, and then the temperature is turned on to the maximum. As soon as the salt becomes golden in color, you can turn off the heat and leave the cabinet to cool. Only after that, the salt is removed, and the walls and shelves are wiped with a damp sponge.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is great for cleaning any surface, as it has a gentle effect and does not damage the coating. The product can be used in two ways. For the first, a mixture of lemon juice and water is used in equal proportions. With this composition, they simply moisten the walls of the oven. The second method involves the use of the lemon itself.

To do this, the slices are placed in a container of water, and a little dishwashing liquid is added there. The temperature is set at 110 degrees, and the bowl is left in the appliance for 35-40 minutes. Remaining dirt is removed with a damp sponge or cloth. This is the easiest method on how to clean the oven with your own hands at home from grease and soot.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar

If baking soda and vinegar alone do not work on greasy stains and soot, a mixture of these products can be used. This is a very simple option on how to wash the oven of soot and old fat, which is used at home. The fact is that baking soda, when interacting with vinegar, begins to release carbon dioxide, and it helps to clean the surface of old grease and dirt. It is enough to pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray on the surface of the walls and bottom of the device. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the vinegar. To make the effect more noticeable, you can leave the composition for five hours for exposure. After that, the cabinet is washed with a damp sponge and table soda.

Hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the solution, a quarter cup of soda is taken, hydrogen peroxide, which has a 3% solution, is added to it. The composition is mixed to make a thick slurry. This mass is applied to the contaminated surface and left for several hours. After the allotted time, the oven is wiped with a damp cloth to wash off the remnants of the mixture.

dough baking powder

This mixture is great to help fight accumulated pollution. It is enough to slightly moisten the walls with water, and then sprinkle with baking powder. In this form, the oven is left for a couple of hours, and then the dirt is removed with a damp sponge. After cleaning, it is worth drying the cabinet at a high temperature.

How to wash the oven from old burnt fat

If the hostess is looking for a method of how to wash the oven from soot and old burnt fat, using folk remedies for this, then you should pay attention to the composition of salt, soda, vinegar and ammonia. From these components, a homogeneous mass is created in the form of a slurry, and then it is applied to complex contaminants. Leave the cabinet in this form for one night, and wash it in the morning. Still, home formulations cannot fully remove serious soot or frozen fat; it is better to use proven chemical agents here.

How to remove the smell from the oven

The smell of freshly baked bread from a clean oven will never compare to the smell that arises in the appliance if it has not been washed for a long time. Old fat and soot exude not the most pleasant odors, which in the end can greatly spoil the taste of finished dishes. It is for this reason that it is so important not only to constantly clean the oven, but also to eliminate odors from it.

To remove an unpleasant odor, you must first clean the oven itself from the inside. To do this, use a sponge, water and dish detergent. The chemical agent will easily and quickly cope with pollution, as well as eliminate unpleasant odors. When the washing process is completed, the cabinet is wiped from the inside several times with a damp cloth, and the oven is heated to two hundred degrees so that it dries well.

Also, the smell may appear if during the period of operation, the cabinet was not cleaned on time. In this case, it is worth using the full-fledged cleaning methods that are indicated in this article above. After cleaning, unpleasant odors will be eliminated.

Self-cleaning ovens

Today, technology does not stand still, so on sale you can find ovens that have a self-cleaning function. The most popular is pyoriz. To activate it, you must press the button, and then the device warms up to a temperature regime of 300 degrees. If all the pollution does not burn out, then the heating continues up to five hundred degrees. This method is considered the most effective. There are also cabinets in which special holes are made. They put containers with a special solution, and then turn on the cleaning function. At the end of the process, it is enough to carry out a wet cleaning of the cabinet.

Pollution Prevention

In order not to look for ways to clean the oven in 5 minutes at home, you can simply prevent the cabinet from being heavily soiled, for this there is a whole list of tips and recommendations for housewives.

1. To prevent splashes of oil from falling on the walls of the oven, it is worth using foil more often. And after cooking, the cabinet is wiped with a damp cloth to remove traces of fat and soot.

2. All cleaning work is carried out only in a warm cabinet, so the cleaning process will be faster and easier. For cleaning, do not use a brush, grater or washcloth, so as not to damage the coating.

3. Major cleaning should be carried out at least once every six months. Experts also recommend that you clean the cabinet inside every three months. Hardened fat should not be removed with aggressive chemical compounds; it is safer to use only oven cleaners.

Before handling special chemical cleaners, it is very important to read the instructions for their use. Even if cleaning will be carried out with folk recipes, hands must be protected with special rubber gloves. In the process of working with chemical compounds, you should open a window or window in the kitchen so that the room is ventilated.

Chemical compounds should not fall on the heating element, if this happens, then its surface is thoroughly wiped. It is very important to use the formulations carefully, they should not get on the skin or mucous membranes. In order for home-made compositions prepared according to folk recipes to be more effective, the cabinet should be warmed up before using them, and then left to act for one day. Wash off all compounds only with soft cloths or sponges, so as not to damage the coating of the oven.

Any housewife will agree that the most difficult thing is to maintain perfect cleanliness and order in the kitchen. It is here that the most basic processes for cooking take place. So, first of all, the stove and oven get dirty. Whether your appliance runs on gas or electricity, it needs regular maintenance. But how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home if it is very dirty? Will simple folk remedies help? Let's find out.

Fortunately, whatever the pollution, it can be removed using the usual tools at hand. The main thing is to know how to use them correctly so as not to waste energy and money.

Although the modern market offers dozens of different detergents, it is most effective to use folk recipes. Of course, this is not always as fast as we would like, but on the other hand, no harm is done to human health, there is no need to breathe chemicals, and people with respiratory problems can do general house cleaning without the help of others.

How to quickly clean the oven from the old soot? The following methods and tools are discussed:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • lemon;
  • baking powder for the dough;
  • alcohol;
  • steam processing.

It is worth considering in more detail how to clean the oven efficiently and without additional effort.

Of course, with regular washing of the oven, there will be no problems with soot and grease. And yet, if you hurried once, for example, before the arrival of guests and did not wash the oven in a timely manner, then next time you will have to spend more time and effort on it.

How to achieve perfect cleanliness using vinegar? Follow a few simple steps.

  1. Prepare the oven.
    Remove all grills, braziers, shelves from it. With a dry cloth, remove all debris, large pieces of burnt.
  2. Prepare a cool vinegar solution.
    Ideally use undiluted 6% vinegar, but a little water can be added. Use a sponge for washing.
  3. Apply vinegar to the entire surface of the oven.
    Do not immediately try to clean the oven. Leave to soak for about four hours.

Advice! If the fat layer is dense, use a coarse brush. Rub the old burnt areas and also leave for a long time.

There is another interesting option for cleaning ovens using vinegar. You will also need some baking soda for this.

First you need to apply the vinegar composition to all internal surfaces. Leave for a couple of minutes. After that, try to sprinkle all the treated areas with soda. Everything will begin to sizzle, and thanks to this reaction, the fat will dissolve and you can enjoy the cleanliness of the oven.

When enough time has passed, you can clean the oven using your regular dish detergent. Let the oven air out.

Although there has already been a bit mentioned about how baking soda can help you in the fight for cleanliness, it is proposed to consider a few more tips for using this tool. So you can see in practice how to clean the oven of fat and soot at home quickly and easily.

  1. Prepare a soda cleanser.
    To do this, dissolve a sufficient amount of powder in water. The result should be a thick gruel, the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Using a sponge, apply a dense layer of the composition on the burnt surfaces of the oven.
  3. Give the fat time to dissolve.
  4. Now scrub the oven with a brush.
  5. Remove any remaining cleaning agent and enjoy cooking in the perfect oven.

Advice! To facilitate the process of cleaning the oven, it is recommended to warm it up a little. In order for the dirt to move away easier, a warm enough temperature is enough.

The principle of action of citric acid on fat and soot is very similar to how vinegar works. You can dissolve the lemon in warm water and apply the composition to the burnt areas. After half an hour, try to wipe off the dirt and wash with clean water.

Citric acid works more effectively in combination with other substances. For example, you can try this recipe.

  1. Preheat oven to 60 degrees.
  2. Mix vinegar and citric acid in a container.
  3. Apply to contaminated surface.
  4. Let's loosen up a bit.
  5. Apply soda paste.
  6. Let stand another 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse off with a sponge.
  8. If necessary, you can rub a little.

So it was described how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home using soda. If everything is done correctly, then you will be able to cope with pollution on your appliances very quickly. Now we should discuss how to properly apply baking powder for dough.

Cleaning the oven from fat and soot with baking powder for dough

Oddly enough, but this food product can be successfully used to restore cleanliness and order at home. How to use it correctly?

  1. Moisten all soiled areas with warm water.
  2. Preheat the oven slightly.
  3. Sprinkle the fat and soot with baking powder.
  4. Leave for a few hours.
  5. Result: The fat has curdled and is now easy to remove from the oven surface.

When thinking about how to clean the oven of old fat, be sure to use this method. You will see that this is very easy to do.

For these purposes, ammonia is usually used. How to wash the device with this product? Here are some options.

  1. Soak a cloth in the composition and apply it to the burnt surfaces. Rub the oven and remove the remaining ammonia.
  2. Dilute alcohol in a small container, heat to a boil and leave in the oven. After a few hours, clean the oven with a coarse brush.

Important! If you decide to use ammonia to clean the oven, be sure to provide fresh air to the kitchen. Do not forget about your own safety and personal protective equipment.

This method can be considered one of the least time-consuming, but at the same time effective. There are several options for using the hot method to clean ovens. It is worth learning how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home in a hot way.

With laundry soap
How to carry out the cleansing procedure?

  1. Grate a small bar of soap.
  2. Dissolve it in hot water.
  3. Pour onto a baking sheet.
  4. Rub this mixture on all surfaces inside.
  5. Turn on the oven.
  6. Turn off after half an hour and let cool.
  7. The remaining dirt is easily wiped off and then rinsed with clean water.

Obviously, this method is quite simple and effective.

Using vinegar
The essence of the method is the same. Pour a small amount of vinegar into a glass of water. Place it in the oven. As it warms up, the vinegar evaporates to attack grease and dirt. It dissolves and you can easily clean your oven.

We use a steam generator
With this relatively new device, you can also make your work in the kitchen easier. Carefully treat all contaminated surfaces with this device, and then easily remove grease that has dissolved under the influence of temperature.

Soften fat with plain water
Some people cannot tolerate the strong odors that form when soap or vinegar evaporates. Therefore, you can try another option.

Pour some water into a small saucepan or onto the baking sheet itself. After setting the temperature to medium, turn on the oven. After half an hour, you can turn it off, let it cool down a bit. You will find that the process of cleaning the oven will be much easier.

Video how to clean the oven from fat and soot at home

The article discusses many actionable recommendations on how to fight for the cleanliness of ovens. All these recommendations are effective and simple. Using them, you can easily remove even old fat. Although you already know how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home, the video below will help you more clearly imagine how such cleaning should go.