How to maintain a permanent order. How to bring the perfect order in an apartment or house? Division of large spaces on the section

Are you tired of eternal mess in your room? Do you have to "dig" in your clothes to find the desired thing? You are not fully sure pure Is she? Well, this article is for you!


Part 1

Remove in the room

    Make a step back and try to objectively assess the condition of your room. What three things can you make right now so that your room is cleaner and more comfortable? Do you want to remove in the closet? Your view stopped on a pile of dirty and Clean clothes in the corner? Or maybe on video games scattered on the floor? Having order in these places, you will certainly want to remove in the whole room.

    • Consider how much free time you have. If you have only half an hour, select Ten minutes to perform each task. If you are free all day, you can make general cleaning. If you are limited in time, then do quite a bit, and you approach the desired result.
  1. Remove your clothes. Clean clothes should hang in the closet or in a dressing room or be folded on the shelves; No need to throw clothes on the bed! The following tips will help you correctly decompose your clothes:

    • To the clothes you wear more often, you must have easy access. Thanks to this, you do not have to reborn all the clothes to find the necessary thing.
    • Explore clothing objects in color or season. Thanks to this you can easily find the necessary things.
    • Use all the free space of your closet. Add the shelves, insert additional boxes and fill them with items.
  2. Fold your books and arrange minor items. There are things you use every day. Most likely, very often you take the desired thing and do not put it in place, it leads to a mess. Find a minute to decompose the things you use regularly, in places, for example, you can set them on your desk or on the shelf to which you have easy access. Next time you take the thing you need and put it in place.

    • Think about how you want your books. If you like to read, and even if you do not like to do it, remember that books should be fine. You can add them to categories, for personal preferences and, finally, in alphabetical order.
    • Mentally imagine the plan of your room. If you are clearly remembered that the books are here, the next time you will not leave the book on the floor, and take it to the place.
  3. Fold your personal hygiene tools. Hide the cosmetics that you use only for special occasions, it is thereby separate them from cosmetics that use regularly. Funds that you use rarely store in the bathroom or in the box in the closet. You need to throw away all cosmetics that crumble, are broken or not used by you. They just clutter the room.

    • Cosmetics You can store out of the reach of the eye. Keep them in a container under the bed, or even in the closet for clothes.
  4. Remove on a computer desk, put video games in place. When you finish playing video games, put the discs in place, turn the wires and remove the console. In addition, remove on the computer desk. Remove notebooks, textbooks, written accessories and all other things in a table box or you can put them on the angle of the table.

    • Take a look at the table again and think what kind of things you do not use at all. If the table is not cluttered with numerous things, then you will be easier to perform work or homework.
  5. Remove food! If you do not conduct a scientific experiment on how to attract flies into the room, then clean the dishes and food from your room. It is not enough that the presence of a dish with food creates an unsightly view in your room, it is also a bait for insects. In addition, you can just forget about pleasant smell in your room.

    • If you have a habit there is in the room, put a container or bucket for garbage. Thanks to this, you will not have any remains of food on the floor. Instead, you can throw them immediately in the garbage.
  6. If you make general cleaning, wipe the dust, wash the floor or spend it. Does your goal hide the perfect order in the room? If there is a carpet cover on the floor of your room, spending it. Then wash the floor. Also, do not forget to wipe the dust. To do this, use a wet rag or a means to remove dust. Now in your room clean and easily breathing.

    • Not all means to remove dust can be applied on all surfaces. Before using the tool, read the instructions to find out on which surfaces you can use it.

    Part 2

    Maintain order every day
    1. Stop bed. Now that in your room reigns the order, try to support it. One of the opportunities to maintain cleanliness is to put a bed daily. It takes just one minute, but will completely change the view of your room.

      • Most likely, from time to time you allow yourself to not put my bed. In this case, sketch the blanket on the bed, and no one will tell you that you are not covered by bed.
    2. Remove clothes and shoes. Very often we throw clothes on the floor, thereby creating a mess in the room. On the floor, a mountain of pure and dirty things is formed. To avoid this problem, remove clothes every day. If you are cleaning clothes every day, for this you need only a few minutes. Agree, it's not so much.

      • Most likely, you pass by your shoes several times a day. Instead of kicking a couple of their shoes and think about where they found them, put them in place; An ideal place will be a shoe rack or another convenient place.
    3. At once, as soon as you took the laundry underwear or got it out of drying, put it in the closet. Very often we throw pure underwear on the bed, thereby creating a mess. As a result, another bunch of linen is formed in the room, only pure and referred. Do not succumb to laziness, spread things right away as soon as you got them out of drying. Believe me, later you tell yourself thank you for doing it.

      • Again, it is worth reminding that things must be put in place, not where it fell. In your closet there should be an order, as in your room.
    4. Highlight five minutes to remove small things. Every day you use many things: books, written, documents, video games, cosmetics, etc. Take yourself a rule to lay all things in the place you used today, even if they need you tomorrow.

      • If this thing needs you tomorrow, you can easily find it. Place the things you often use the place to which you have easy access. For example, you can put such things on the shelf.

    Part 3.

    Simplify the task
    1. Purchase beautiful storage boxes. It is very difficult to bring order in the room if you do not have suitable items for storing things. Therefore, it is imperative to have boxes or shelves, in which you can lay things. Colorful boxes, shelves for shoes, towels hangers can work wonders. If you correctly organize space in your room, then it will seem much more than it really is.

    2. Purchase multifunctional furniture. For example, you decided to buy the table. Do not buy a plain table; Buy a table with built-in shelves. Buy furniture items that perform several functions at the same time; For example, a table with shelves can be used to work and storage.

      • Another example is a bed rising to the wall. When you lift the bed to the wall, you will have a lot of free space that you can use for storing other things.
    3. Keep things that you rarely use, beyond reach. Access to subjects you use most often should be the easiest. All you not Use you can put on the floor or place above your head. Thanks to this you can easier to find what you need.

      • In some cases, it will be necessary to completely redo the wardrobe or bookshelf. When you finish the work, you will be glad that they did, because your wardrobe or shelf will look like new ones.
    4. Attach stickers on the boxes with a list of things that are stored in them. After you brought order in the room, it is very easy to return to the mess. To avoid this, get a sticker with a list of objects that are stored in it. If you need to find some thing, you can easily do it, looking at the sticker.

      • Select stickers that match the style of your room. You can either print them on your computer or buy ready-made. Use the marker to write what things are in the box, and your room will be in perfect order.
    • Give things that you do not use.
    • Play your bed every morning, immediately after you woke up! Perhaps cleaning will even come into habit. You can clean in the room every Sunday, if you do not have for this time during the week.
    • Think about what the room of your dreams looks like and make every effort to make a dream in life.
    • Make sure that there is your place in your closet.
    • If you share a room with a brother or sister, ask to divide it into two equal parts, one is yours, and the other - brother or sisters. Take your way as you want!
    • If you finished reading, leave only one book, and the rest are removed on the shelves.
    • Attach stickers everywhere where you can see them to remind yourself that you need to make cleaning.
    • When you need to get rid of things, look at it from the point of view of your good friend, because your personal point of view will want to leave all things.
    • Listen to cheerful tool music when you clean.
    • Do not let any things lie on the floor, now every thing has its place, anywhere - in your bag, in a closet or trash can.
    • Start cleaning from the floor, thanks to this room will look clearer. In addition, it will be a good motivation to remove the rest of the room.
    • When you hide your clothes in the closet, then most likely you want to put as much clothing into it. Put clothes in such a way as to save space, and so that you can easily find a thing that you will need. In addition, you must have easy access to things, so put things so that you can easily get the thing you need.
    • Stop bed in the morning. Thanks to this, you will have less work later.
    • Remove in the room every week. Make the cleaning process interesting.
    • Having finished with cleaning, encourage yourself with something. Thanks to this, you will strive to finish cleaning faster to get a reward for your work.
    • Make or use the calendar, thanks to which you do not have to worry about what you will forget about important events.


    • Change your bed linen every week or two.
    • Do not remove your school supplies immediately as soon as the academic year ended. You may need to pass tests!
    • Use such devices like lightning bags, folders or bags to protect things from loss. If you do not have them, then small things, such as, for example, headphones, can be easily lost.

Regular cleaning and guidance of order - essential components of the home coat. But, since to create this comfort, sometimes you have to spend too much invaluable time, many women turn out to be a choice - to devote free time cleaning or relax, but forget about perfect cleanliness? However, experienced hostesses are confident that with a skillful approach, you can still have time. It is only important to know how to maintain order in the house.

Today, the Dream House offers to learn only 5 rules that will help support cleanliness and order in an apartment or house, without harming the lion's share of free time, as many do it.

How to maintain order in the house

5 simple rules in guidance and maintain order

Cleanliness and order in the house - concepts are pretty tensile. For someone, "clean" is when there is no dust and all things are hidden from prying eyes, and someone daily makes complete wet cleaning and folds things in color. But, no matter how it was, we all are more pleasant to be in a clean and cleaned room, where everything lies in their places. The perfect cleanliness in the house is a whole art that only at first glance seems too complicated, and in fact, it can even bring pleasure.

Rule 1. The smaller the better

Thinking on how to bring order in the house, first of all it is worth allocating time to determine the most "problem" places in the apartment. As a rule, we are all sinless that we love to take care of the innumerable amount of things and clothing, which for years live in the cabinets and, but most often not used at all. Gradually, these things are becoming so much that they simply have nowhere to store. In order not to turn your apartment in the warehouse, from time to time you need to perform "revisions" in order to identify how it is possible to break up.

The wise mistresses at the same time are advised not to succumb to the sublimation and with a cold heart to part with what you are definitely not useful, because except that unnecessary things climb into our space, they still have a detrimental effect on the apartment's energy.

Having got rid of the extra rubbish, it is worth splitting things as they need. Those things you use very rarely, send to the most remote corners of the apartment. For example, lattices for the manga or the perforator may well be in or on the upper shelves of cabinets, and what you use constantly, keep within easy reach.

Clean and order in the house - Important rules

How to maintain order in the apartment

Rule 2. Everything has its place

If you just started working on the question, how to learn how to maintain order, teach yourself to one simple rule: only those things that are needed there should be stored in the room. For example, in the bedroom, you are unlikely to need tools, in the kitchen - bath accessories, and in the corridor -. Placing order in the premises, remove everything too much.

Solving how to maintain order in the room, get rid of unnecessary things in the desktop and in the dresser. Try to allocate a separate place for each group of things. For example, let the written accessories be stored in one box, sewing accessories - in the other, cosmetic accessories - in the third. If you have hinged shelves in your room, do not use them for storing any things other than books. Let these shelves be intended only for jewelry and accessories, otherwise the room will always look untidy.

How to learn to maintain order

How to maintain order in the room

Rule 3. Save space

As a rule, the most illuminated place in each bedroom is a wardrobe with things. To organize the perfect order in the closet, the first thing you need to get rid of the clothes you do not use. Secondly, clothes should be divided by seasonal accessories and remove all things that will not be useful to you in the next few months. Covering with this task, think about saving space in a closet that will help you in the future to avoid litters. As a rule, the farthest space of the upper shelves of cabinets is often empty, because Get out of there, things are not very convenient. However, now there are very useful household assistants - special boxes (organizers) with cells for storing socks and underwear. Folding there all the "smallest", firstly, you will save the place, and secondly, we will save the time that I had to spend in search of these things. If the shelves of the cabinet you use for other purposes, cells with socks and underwear is conveniently stored in drawers.

Also select a separate place for storing ties, belts and scarves. If there are no loose boxes or shelves in your closet, stick on the reverse side of the door hooks on the velcro, for which you can hang hangers with all these accessories.

By organizing order in the closet, we visually divide into two zones of its largest branch, where there are hangers. In one zone hang pants, jeans, shorts and skirts, and in the second - T-shirts, blouses and dresses, so it will be easier for you every day to select yourself. To save space on the cabinet shelves, knitted things can not be folded, but twist the roller. Thus, you will also be able to avoid fabric chances.

Perfect order in the closet photo

How to organize order in the closet

Order in the cabinet ideas

Rule 4. Always clean kitchen

A separate item for each mistress is the question - how to maintain order in the kitchen. The kitchen is a room that is simply obliged to be clean and free, but at the same time, here you just need to store a large amount and dishes. To avoid climbing, use the same rule - large pans, baking forms and, which you use from time to time, store in the lowest boxes, and things that you need daily leave within easy accessibility.

To organize order in kitchen cabinets, today it is possible to purchase a lot of auxiliary devices. For example, in a corner wardrobe, you can put a "magic corner" in which it is convenient to store a large amount of dishes, you can put tanks for storing cutlery, and on the opposite side of the cabinet door hooks for various blades, half, etc.

How to maintain order in the kitchen

Rule 5. order as a habit

But perhaps the most important rule that will help you avoid laborious trouble, is the habit of causing order daily. Teach yourself that every day you must eliminate dust, vacuuming, bring order in the bathroom and lay out things in places. In addition, the time saves the habit of not postponing small things in a long box. For instance:

  • washing dishes, immediately clean the sink and wipe the cranes;
  • waving flowers, wipe the windowsill from dust;
  • dressing around, put things in the closet or take them in.

Such simple habits help always keep the apartment in order and not spend a bunch of time for global cleaning. However, do not forget that periodically even the cleanest, at first glance, the premises need complete wet cleaning. As a rule, a large amount of dust falls from the windows to your apartment or the house, it is enough to wash the floors every two or three days. But with a wet cleaning, do not disregard the cabinets, suspended shelves, lamps and sconces, because Dust on them is assembled much faster than on other surfaces.

A couple of dozens of tips, how to support the house in order: where to store tweezers for eyebrows and keys, how to organize washing and what to do with papers on the desktop.

In the wardrobe

1. Highlight one shelf or bag in a closet for clothing that you do not wear and almost ready to give or throw away, - so make a decision that the thing is no longer needed, it will be easier.

2. When you take off the thing from the shoulders, do not hang the last back. Move them to the wall or remove to a special place allotted for hangers. So the clothes will hang it tightly, and the shoulders will not be lost between dresses and jackets.

3. Keep shoes, putting their sock to the heel, about the way they are folded into the box in the store.

4. Keep the decorations that wear often, on a small tray or in a bowl on the dressing table or dresser.

In the bathroom and laundry

5. Attach the magnetic panel to the opposite side of the shelves and store the little things there, which are constantly lost: tweezers, invisible, tweezers and manicure scissors.

6. Store lip gloss, makeup brushes and all cosmetics, which is sold in narrow long tubes and jars (mascara, consilers), in glasses for water.

7. Hang under the shower of a wire shelf to store in it, most often: shampoo, hair conditioner, shower gel.

8. Immediately lay out dirty underwear in three different baskets: separate white, black and color.

9. Talk to bed linen sets with colored ribbons so that all items are stored together.

10. As soon as the underwear is washed and dried, immediately fold it and remove it in place: do not let him hang on the dryer or pile in the bedroom.

In the office

11. Release one of the table boxes and fold the paper there with which you work at the moment, instead of storing them on the table. Once a week spend the audit of the content.

12. Rent old magazines in waste paper.

13. Digitize everything that can, including the paper with which you are going to work later. Files occupy less space than papers in table boxes.

In the kitchen

14. Hang part of the hook utensils: it will free the place in the boxes.

15. Keep what you need most often - salt, pepper, butter - on the edge of the most comfortable shelf.

16. Store near the products of the same type: cereals on one shelf, canned vegetables - to another, canned meat - on the third.


17. Hang near the door input door or a separate hook and hang the keys there every time you come home.

18. Each time, leaving the house, take the garbage and (if the container on the way) things you are going to pass on processing. Do not let the scrap in the corners.

19. Buy convenient organizers for wires so that the latter do not snate in disarray.

20. Organize a "Charging Station" and store chargers there for all devices.

21. Insert children's toys and games, get rid of all broken and innocentage.

Each woman dreams of resting order in the apartment so that it is preserved for a long time, and cleanliness was easy to maintain, without applying a lot of effort. How to cope with the permanent mess, and stretched things growing like a snowball? Why someone is always cleaned and clean, and someone tries and puts order in the apartment every day, but for some reason it is unnoticed? In this article, the site "Mom can all!" Consider all secrets and basic ways to maintain purity for a long time.

Several tips to maintain constant purity and order in the apartment

  • Perform cleaning in parts.

If there is no time to restore order or general cleaning at once in the entire apartment, do it gradually. Slide the action into several parts. For example, select a day to remove and launch all the curtains. The next day wash the window. Then make a guidance of order in the cabinets, etc.

  • Get rid of unnecessary items and things.

On the shelves and chests, things that do not fit in the closet, and there is no place for them. That this does not happen, free all the cabinets and dressers from the accumulated trash, which you have not used for a long time. First of all, throw away all broken items and old clothes. What is in good condition, but for some reason you do not fit, distribute familiar or put it on sale. Thus, the place is free for those things that you use constantly, and they will not be scattered throughout the apartment.

  • Get rid of landfills in the apartment.

Many in the apartment have such places where dumps from things periodically appear. Observe and define them. To eliminate such places, think where it is still possible to remove these things that do themselves. For example, a mountain of T-shirts, sweaters and homemade clothing is constantly growing on a chair or ironing chalkboard. Highlight an extra room on the hanger in a closet or a separate shelf where it is convenient to clean these things and also quickly get them.

  • Avoid a large number of open shelves and small items.

Think what do you have the most time when you put the order in the apartment? Surely this is rubbing dust from a variety of shelves and praising items from place to place that are located on them. Dust on open surfaces sits very quickly and it needs to be wiped almost every day. So, if you do not want to lose a lot of time cleaning, try not to instruct a lot of figurines or photo frames on the shelves. In general, when choosing and buying furniture in an apartment, it is better to immediately give preference, closed cabinets of light shades, without abundance of glass and mirror shelves. Thus, you will succeed in the maximum save time on cleaning and rubbing the shelves.

  • Do not forget about modern facilities and inventory for cleaning.

Go shopping and pick up a comfortable fitness to guide cleanliness. Now there are many options for brushes, a mop and rags from a special material, with the help of which the cleaning turns into real pleasure. Because it is possible to quickly and easily clean the whole apartment.

For example, mops are perfect for maintaining cleanliness in hard-to-reach places, with a long rotating handle and brush. Most dust, as a rule, is copied at air conditioners and high cabinets. And with modern devices you are very quickly and can easily clean any surfaces, even suspended ceilings and dirty wall panels, which cannot be reached by hand.

Order in childhood

In order for the garbage to be not copied, and in the apartment there was always clean, you just need to try not to climb the rooms, and make order in a timely manner. But it does not always succeed, if you have children. Many experienced mothers have long been thoroughly and thoughtfully approach to this issue. Because to clean up to children or things for children, it's like trying to clear the snowflowers during the snowfall.

In order for children themselves to quickly get in their room on your first requirement, there should be a convenient storage system in the room.

  • Boxes or plastic toy containers must be located at the floor level so that the child is easy to reach them.
  • Sign the boxes for the designer for the designer, for machine, for soft toys, etc. For children who still do not know how to read, stick pictures with tips on the contents of boxes.
  • It is very good to have in the nursery for an emergency several large free destination baskets. For example, if guests coming soon and you need to urgently clean up or if there are no strength in the evening to spread all toys in its place. You quickly throw off all surgery toys in the basket and in the room again clean.

Thus, you get rid of yourself from constantly guidance of order in the nursery and teach children to independence.

Order in the kitchen

In the kitchen, as a rule, a lot of oily plates on all surfaces accumulate very quickly. To make it easier to maintain cleanliness every day, get comfortable sponges and special means that quickly corrupt fat. But, as you know, all chemicals are very toxic and harmful to the human body. Therefore, if you or your households are prone to allergies better to select less aggressive tools. Also, to completely abandon their use on sale long ago there are melamine sponges, which without any tools quickly clean all the fat surfaces, washing the dirt as an eraser. They are great for cleansing the gas stove, furniture and even glass from deep pollution.

And in order to quickly clean the microwave or the inner door of the oven from the exhausted fat, take advantage of ordinary dawns. Treat the contaminated surfaces with a washcloth moaning in vinegar and after 10-15 minutes, wash the fatty flight.

Maintain order in the bathroom

Holders of small apartments, and, accordingly, a small bathroom knows that it is difficult to accommodate all the necessary accessories in it. Especially if the family is large and for everyone needs to be sure of its hygiene objects. Shampoos, towels, washcloths, bathing toys, bathroom foam, razor accessories, etc. It is unlikely that all this will fit on a small shelf. Of course, excellent if you have a small locker in your bathroom, where most of all these items are placed.

  • Put extra shelves on the bath itself, for shampoos and washcloths, for some of them it is not even necessary to drill the wall, they are attached to suction cups.
  • If the places are not enough, suspend additional hooks, which are attached to the wall on the adhesive basis. Suspend a transparent plastic handbag or cosmetic bag, folding the basic necessities there.
  • Hang over the inner side of the door of the pockets for trifles. They are easy to find in any store or sew themselves. It is best if they are made of transparent plastic or mesh material.

Keep clean in the bathroom constantly. To fly and rust are easily laundered from surfaces, wipe the sink and cranes several times a week. Otherwise, they are so high in the surface, which then clear everything is quite problematic.

By the way, citric acid is the most famous natural means in the fight against rust. Pour lemon granules on a contaminated surface and leave for 5-10 minutes. After that, the raid and rust is fine enough with tiles, sinks and bathrooms.

Order in the toilet

It is not difficult to maintain order in the San Kind, because it, as a rule, occupies the smaller area in the entire apartment. But at the same time, the cleanliness is needed regularly.

  • To quickly wipe the rim or the toilet cover, put a large packaging of wet napkins in free access. Just make sure that the households do not throw napkins in the toilet, otherwise it will quickly score.
  • Instead of a conventional air freshener, purchase helium aromatic blocks for the toilet, which are easily attached to its rim. They eliminate the unpleasant odor and create a foam that cleans the toilet from pollution.
  • If any flavors are not acceptable for you because of a sharp smell or allergies, make aromatic bombs yourself. You need to take a few drops of essential oil, the floor of a glass of food soda, 3 tablespoons of citric acid and dilute all this with water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then decompose the mixture of the mixture in the mold and leave to dry for 5-6 hours. Such natural flavors allow not only to eliminate the unpleasant smell, but also to clean the toilet from microbes and pollution.

As the purity is known - the guarantee of health. What is especially important if there are children in the apartment. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness and timely getting rid of the accumulated dust and dirt is very important for all of us. And of course it is always nice, if the guidance of order in the apartment is not much labor and does not take a lot of time. We hope our tips will come to your help for faster and easy cleaning!

The rapid pace of modern life often leads to a mess not only in day mode, but also in our work, affairs and, of course, houses. Due to the lack of time, forces, disadvantage and inorganizations, people face a systematic kavdard in their lives. But, as they say in a famous proverb, it is purely not where they clean, but where they do not sort.

Get rid of chaos need to start with your own home. If you get involved in cleanliness gradually, the discipline of order will enter the rhythm of life, and over time, it will be impecrabaryly neglected everywhere and in everything.

However, to keep an apartment or a house clean every day is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The hostess must comply with some rules, as well as know the secrets of successful, fast and high-quality cleaning.

With what can contain a house clean

Cleanliness and order in the house is not only a sign of accuracy and pedantry of the owners, as well as the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Each missed cleaning can lead to a reproduction of bacteria or mushrooms dangerous to humans. For example, the bathroom without proper care will become the habitat of mold, dust is a strong allergen and an excellent environment for breeding harmful microorganisms. Non-leaned dishes in the kitchen, crumbs on the table - "Pier" for cockroaches. Spiders with a web may not be so scary, but ugly on appearance.

In order not to bring housing to such a state, it is recommended from time to "generate" it. First of all, proceed to removing the garbage and laying things in its place. After that, you can start wet cleaning and sink surfaces.

Council: Pay attention to the details of the interior. Lamps, chandeliers, figurines, flowers, blinds, curtains should be fresh and washed.

If there is not enough time, and you are uploaded from the morning to night at work, you can contact a special cleaning company. However, not everyone loves the presence of outsiders in the house. Therefore, this method is suitable only provided that you are familiar with employees or have long used the services of housekeepers for money.

To keep the house clean, you need a desire, time and patience. Also to help you need a mop, vacuum cleaner, rags, sponges, detergents and cleaning products. To eliminate small "accidents" (such as a ripped tablecloth or a fallen pattern), pour threads, needles and tools. Do not go around the attention and tested folk remedies. Therefore, along with purchased detergents, it should be prepared soda, peroxide, alcohol and vinegar.

What cleaning tools should be

For daily or regular qualitative, everything is necessary for this process should be. First of all, household chemicals. Such drugs are perfectly coping with pollution, dust, fat, stains. This is a chopstick for any mistress.

For each type of cleaning, their means, gels or sprays.

To combat dust on wooden furniture, it is better to purchase a polyrolol that easily copes with mud, and also leaves a protective antique layer.

Means for washing windows should be on an alcohol solution, and it is better to use sprays better for convenience. The choice in the stores of this product is very wide not only in price criteria, but also by brand.

The assortment of detergents and cleaning products for the kitchen is incredibly huge. Choose in your own preference: gels, sprays, liquid substances, powders. In addition to the excellent cleansing effect, the compositions have a "bonus" - aroma. The kitchen will not only be perfectly clean, but also please smell.

Solutions are used. They coped perfectly with pollution, especially street. Means provide not only purity, but also additional disinfection. This is even more important if children live in the house.

For floor coverings, you can also choose a good cleaning in the store or make a solution at home. For example, vinegar or alcohol will quickly cope with wine stains, and with fatty pollution - a household soap or a cleaning gel for dishes.

Council: Do not forget about brushes, sponges, napkins and newspapers, which will be unlisted in the arsenal of devices for guidance of order.

What detergents should be

So that the cleanliness of the houses pleased the hosts for a long time, it is necessary to clean up correctly. And for high-quality guidance, you need to choose suitable detergents and cleaning substances. The following are the most popular and necessary means for cleaning rooms.

So, the preparations for home are for such purposes:

  1. Bathroom (for cleaning pipes, tiles, acrylic and ceramic surfaces), also sprays for mirrors and glasses.
  2. Wet cleaning (floor cleaning, for example, "Mr. Proper", and cleaning powders for carpeting. Wanish or "Kercher". From dust - Polyrol "is not").
  3. With contamination on the kitchen surface, the cream "Sif" is well coped, and with fatty dishes - a liquid means "Fairi".
  4. Spray "Unicum", or similar to him, will help in cleaning and cleaning up the soft furniture.
  5. Liquid "Rhythmix" can cope with divorces and dust on a TV or computer. Among the owners are popular aerosol can with a tool.

If you are an allergic or fundamentally use chemical stores, you can easily prepare them yourself at home.

Universal solution for many types of spots, contaminants, as well as dust and microbes is made from the usual economic soap and soda. In 100 ml of hot water, dissolve 50 g of food soda. On the grater, soda 25 g of soap and add to the ground. Stir until the formation of light foam and the complete dissolution of the components. Use to remove contaminants or wip the dust sponge or microfiber cloth.

How to rarely remove (what and how to do to attach order less frequently)

In order for the purity process to move faster, it is necessary to act according to the following rules:

  1. Break the apartment into several conditional zones. Make cleaning better from top to bottom. That is, the chandeliers, ceilings, after it initially washed out. Wipes dust and dirt from the tables, other furniture items. Next, proceed to cleaning carpets.
  2. You can resort to another trick. Get cleaning calendar. Since the zones in the apartment are polluted in different ways, then they should be removed depending on the location in the room. For example, cleaner carpet surfaces follow two months. Wash the floors every week. Vacuine and 2-3 times in seven days.
  3. Keep cleaning and cleaning products in the cabinet. From the selection of the right drugs and devices for cleaning depends on how long the purity will continue.
  4. There is only one way to teach yourself to order and clean in the house. In time, the stuff laid out in place, washed tableware and postponed clothing will facilitate the process of regular guidance of order. You will only stay with a vacuum cleaner and brush the dust layer.
  5. Once a month you give time for cleaning and washing cabinets, glasses, tiles, doors. On the day of the main cleaning, you will not be distracted by these small, but very significant things.

Now you know how to keep clean and order in the apartment so that it is always nice to be in it.

In conclusion, it must be said that cleaning can be not only fast and easy, but also pleasant. To save a good mood during order pointing, open the windows to ventilate, turn on cheerful music. Hanging and dancing, you will see that the whole process will pass positively and imperceptibly, but the result (pure house) will delight for a long time.