How to connect wired internet to a pc. How to connect wired internet to laptop

If you want to know what methods of connecting to the Internet exist, how much they cost, and for what purposes they are suitable, read the article below.

The Internet has become so firmly established in our daily life that not everyone can imagine how we used to do without it! In a big city, there are practically no problems with access to the World Wide Web. At your service are inexpensive wired home Internet services with unlimited tariffs and high speeds, great deals on 3G and Wi-Max, or even free Wi-Fi hotspots.

However, such an abundance of options is not available everywhere. The problem with access to the Internet is especially acute among residents of remote areas of megalopolises and villages, to which neither fiber nor even a normal telephone cable was stretched at one time ...

If you are faced with the problem of choosing the type of Internet connection, then our article will help you not only determine how to connect to the Internet, but also tell you how much it will cost approximately, which is important in a crisis!

Types and tariffs of Internet connection

First of all, you need to decide on what types of Internet connections exist. By and large, there are two of them: stationary and mobile. A landline connection provides the ability to access the Internet at your home or near it, while a mobile connection allows you to organize a connection at any point where there is coverage.

Typically, a landline connection is cheaper than a mobile connection, and at the same time provides a faster communication channel. However, it requires separate wiring, a telephone line, or equipment for receiving satellite or radio signals. The advantage of a mobile phone is that you can access the Internet anywhere and you are not "tied" to anything.

As for tariffs, they can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Unlimited- You pay a fixed amount (on average from 100 rubles (50 UAH) and more) and get the opportunity to access the Internet without restrictions on the volume of traffic, but for a fixed period (usually a day or a month) and with a fixed maximum speed.
  2. Payment for used traffic- the oldest tariffication method, which appeared in the days of Dial-Up and today exists mainly only in the mobile Internet segment. For each megabyte used, you pay a fixed amount (from 5 rubles / megabyte (2 UAH)). The amount for some providers may vary depending on the time of day.
  3. Packages of megabytes- a common option for tariffication of mobile Internet, where for a fixed amount (from 20 rubles (10 UAH)) you get the agreed volume of traffic at your disposal. Upon expiration of the allocated megabytes, standard tariffs with per megabyte payment are applied.
  4. Time limit- this type of tariffication is rare. It assumes payment of a fixed amount for an unlimited connection, which is allocated to you for a certain period (for example, an hour or a day). For example, the operator MTS Ukraine, which I use, offers a day of unlimited Internet for 5 UAH. (about 13 rubles).

And now, when you already roughly know about the types of Internet access and prices, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with each of the technologies in more detail.

Dial-Up or dial-up connection

Dial-Up from English can be translated roughly as "dial-up". The essence of this method of connecting to the Internet lies in the fact that we, using the telephone line we have, with the help of a special device - a modem, dial up from the computer to the provider (usually a PBX), thereby activating the communication channel and going online.

To connect, we need:

  1. Separate telephone line (without twin) - monthly fee of about 40 rubles. (UAH 20) per month.
  2. Modem. Due to the withering away of technology, you can buy used from 50 rubles. (UAH 25).

In total, we have a new connection for about 200 rubles (up to 100 UAH).

It is quite inexpensive, but the quality of such a connection is very poor by modern standards. The maximum speed at which you can access the Internet will be only around 56 kilobits per second (7 kilobytes per second). At the same time, due to the instability of the telephone connection, signal breaks can be observed ...

Tariffication in this type of connection is usually per megabyte and lies in the region of 1 - 10 kopecks per megabyte. So, for example, downloading a 700 MB movie will cost you about 7 - 70 rubles! Therefore, we can recommend Dial-Up today only in extreme cases, for example, to connect to the Network of the N-village Council with a pre-war telephone set :)

Internet via telephone line or DSL

DSL technology (abbreviated English "Digital Subscriber Line" - "digital subscriber line") is a much more preferable option for connecting to the Internet via terrestrial lines:

The connection scheme here is similar to the previous one, but the difference in speeds is huge: the minimum speed of a DSL connection is 128 Kbps, and the standard one is from 1 Mbps. and higher! This difference is due to the fact that Dial-Up uses old analog exchanges, and DSL services are provided by new digital telephone exchanges.

Newer PBXs can use much higher data bandwidth. In addition, when using a DSL connection, your telephone line will not be busy, since Internet signals are transmitted at a different (higher) frequency than the frequency of an analog telephone signal.

What we need for a DSL connection:

  1. A separate telephone line (it is possible with a pair) - a monthly fee of about 40 rubles. (UAH 20) per month.
  2. Modem - from 400 rubles. (180 UAH). However, you can get on the action, such as "Modem for 1 UAH." when you contract with a telephone company for a year of using their services.
  3. Cables and consumables (socket-splitter, connectors, etc.) - up to 100 rubles.
  4. There may be additional expenses for signing papers (especially if you have a phone paired with your neighbors).

In total, connecting to the Internet using DSL will cost us about 600 rubles (250 UAH). To this amount, you should usually add another payment for a month of connection in advance within the framework of your chosen tariff.

In the form of a DSL connection, we get a fairly stable, high-speed and unlimited Internet access. The subscription fee for its use depends on the maximum connection speed you have chosen, which is limited on the side of the PBX. For a month of megabit Internet you will pay about 150 - 200 rubles (80 - 100 UAH).

Dedicated line and cable connection

The main competitor of digital telephone exchanges in the provision of Internet connection services in large cities are cable TV providers and owners of large local networks:

Usually, such offices provide Internet at the same speeds as PBX, but for a slightly lower amount. For example, I am currently using a 2 Mbps connection. for 80 hryvnia per month (about 215 rubles), while the local telephone exchange offers a similar unlimited for 110 hryvnia (almost 300 rubles).

In terms of connection costs, everything is not so simple here and depends on the provider. By and large, there are two options: either you don't need anything other than a regular network cable to connect, or you need to buy an additional modem designed to receive a signal through a TV cable.

If you live in an apartment building, then most likely you can use the first option. In high-rise buildings, providers usually install one or more of their own modems for the whole house and a couple of hubs to which residents can connect via the usual one.

To connect in the private sector with a television cable, a special modem is used, which costs from 1,500 rubles (600 UAH) and above ...

Thus, the minimum total cost of connecting to a cable Internet or a dedicated line can vary from 200 rubles. (cost of a month of service) up to 1800 rubles. (if necessary, buy a modem). However, according to my subjective assessments, cable Internet is much more stable than the same DSL, so it's worth the money. And monthly maintenance is cheaper ...

Radio Internet and Wi-Max

Before that, we have considered various options for fixed wired Internet connections. However, in recent years wireless has also made great strides. One of them is the so-called radio connection, represented by Wi-Fi and WiMAX technologies (aka 4G):

The essence of the technologies is that the Internet signal is transmitted wirelessly in the high-frequency radio range for close (Wi-Fi - up to 500 meters) and medium-range (WiMAX - up to 5 km) distances. At the same time, the bandwidth of the channel reaches 100 Mbit / s.

You are probably familiar with Wi-Fi. Many houses have wireless routers that provide landline Internet access within the radius of the apartment. In fact, WiMAX is the same Wi-Fi, but it allows signal transmission over a distance of several kilometers.

To receive a radio signal, we may need various equipment. It all depends on how far you are from the provider's transmitting antenna. At short distances (within a radius of a kilometer or two), sometimes an ordinary Wi-Fi router (costing from 800 rubles) or a WiMAX modem with a built-in antenna (from 1000 rubles) may be sufficient.

At longer distances, we cannot do without an external antenna (from 1200 rubles), which is usually located on the balcony or roof of the house in the line of sight of the provider's transmitting antenna. Such an antenna can be connected to a computer via a special USB adapter (from 700 rubles) or the same WiMAX modem.

This type of connection allows you to get high-speed fixed Internet without wires, however, its stability can be very far from ideal. It all depends on the specific provider. By the way, about providers ... WiMAX coverage is still available only in large cities, and prices for unlimited Internet range from 500 to 1000 rubles per month.

Mobile Internet 2G and 3G

The most widespread and accessible almost everywhere where there is a mobile connection is the mobile Internet:

It is customary to subdivide it into generations (in English "generation"), so it has the 2G or 3G indexes. 2G-Internet works through GPRS and EDGE technologies, which allow data transmission at speeds in the region of 128 Kbps. Faster technologies of the third generation UMTS, CDMA and HSDPA provide us with more modern megabit channels, but their distribution still leaves much to be desired.

To access the mobile Internet, we need a SIM card of one of the mobile operators, as well as either a special modem (from 600 rubles), into which this card is inserted, or a smartphone with 3G support (and, of course, 2G), which we we can connect to a computer via cable or Wi-Fi.

Today, the segment of mobile Internet services is quite developed, so you can find various tariffs for every taste. You can buy megabyte packages at a significant discount if you only use the Internet to browse sites. And you can pick up and unlimited at relatively affordable prices (for example, megabit 3G for 700 rubles / month).

For rural residents or city dwellers who have to temporarily stay in the countryside, mobile Internet may be the best way to stay online.

Finally, the most expensive, but available almost anywhere in the world, is satellite Internet:

Its essence is that in addition to the television signal, data from the Internet is also transmitted via satellites. If we have a decoding receiver (from 6000 rubles) and a satellite dish (from 4000 rubles), we can intercept the Internet signal and, accordingly, download files.

This method of Internet access is not complete and is called sky-phishing (from the English "sky" - "sky" and "fishing" - "fishing") or in our opinion, simply "fishing". The advantage of "fishing" is that you can download at high speed, for example, films that someone is already downloading. The downside is the impossibility to know in advance what is being downloaded. All we can do is filter traffic by data type.

In order to get a normal Internet on the basis of satellite access, you need to either buy more expensive equipment for two-way communication with the satellite, concluding agreements with serious organizations that regulate the rights to transfer data through satellite channels (such an Internet will cost at least 9,000 per month), or use hybrid solutions.

We receive hybrid satellite Internet if we use a satellite connection to receive data, and to request or transmit any other available Internet connection: Dial-Up or GPRS, for example.

Such an Internet connection cannot be called full-fledged either, but in places far from the benefits of civilization, this may be the only method of obtaining a fast (at least incoming) connection. And, if you do not take into account the rather high cost of equipment, the price of a month of such an Internet will not be so high (it depends on the volume of data transmitted over the terrestrial channel).


So, we have considered all the options and can summarize a little. And, to make it clearer, let's collect all the data in a table:

Connection type Speed Mobility Connection cost Price per month / megabyte
Dial-Up up to 56 Kbps - from 200 rubles. from 1 kopeck / MB
DSL from 128 Kbps and above - from 600 rubles. from 100 rubles.
from 512 Kbps and above - from 100 rubles. from 100 rubles.
Cable Internet from 512 Kbps and above - from 1600 rub. from 100 rubles.
WiMAX from 1 Mbit / s and above +/- from 1000 rubles. from 10 rubles / day or package tariffs
GPRS 56 kbps to 256 kbps + from 700 rubles (behind the modem)
3G 512 Kbps to 10 Mbps + from 800 rubles (behind the modem) different tariffs or from 2 rubles / MB
up to 100 Mbps - from 10,000 rubles. from 9000 rubles / month or depending on the type of landline

Connecting to the Internet is not a problem today. There would be desire and ... money. In the city, you can go online for a quite symbolic fee (or even free of charge by connecting to your neighbor's Wi-Fi :)). But in places remote from large cities, prices for Internet services are still "biting".

In the foreseeable future, based on the observed trends, mobile operators will further expand the coverage of third-generation networks, which will make it possible to relatively inexpensively access the Internet anywhere. In the meantime, everyone who wants to go online in the village will have to put up with the slow GPRS-ohm, which is almost everywhere.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

In order to connect to the wired Internet, you need to do the following:

Go to "Start - Control Panel".

Then "Network and Sharing Center".

In the window that opens, find the item "Change network settings".

In it, select the "Setting up a new connection or network" section.

In the next step, you must choose how to connect, select "High Speed ​​with PPPoE".

On the page for setting up a new connection, you need to enter the information that the Internet provider should have provided you, namely the login and password for access. If the provider has provided you with such data, then you must enter these data in the appropriate fields. You can also specify a name for the new connection in the "Connection Name" field. After that, you can try to connect to the Internet by clicking on the "Connect" button.

Connecting a laptop to the Internet via a cable

A laptop is often used as a home computer, as a result of which the problem of accessing an inexpensive Internet, which, in addition, has high speed, is urgent for it. An Ethernet connection is more consistent with these qualities today, so below we will tell you how to make the correct Internet settings on a laptop.

Ways to connect a laptop to the Internet

There are several ways to connect your laptop to the wired Internet:

  • via a USB modem, which is convenient, for example, in the country, but such a connection often does not provide sufficient speed and is usually more expensive;
  • using Wi-Fi, if there is an access point, for example, when a Wi-Fi router can be turned on with a stationary computer with the Internet;
  • this can be done via a wired Ethernet network that provides the highest speed, the connection to which will be discussed below.

Cable Internet for a laptop is the fastest, but also the most inconvenient, since in fact it can turn a mobile computer into a stationary one. In the country, for example, it is better to turn on a simple USB modem. For use in an apartment, a Wi-Fi router is very useful.

Preparing to connect the cable internet

To set up an Ethernet connection, first connect a network cable to your laptop. You can also connect a router to it, which, after configuration, will be able to distribute Wi-Fi to any other devices, providing a pretty decent speed.

The "twisted pair" wire is laid from the switch at the entrance to the place where you plan to make an exit point to the Network. A special tool is used to mount an RJ-45 plug on the cable, which must be plugged into the corresponding socket on the panel on the side of your laptop.

Connecting to the Network will not be possible without the necessary drivers for the network card. To check the correctness of their installation, do the following:

  1. windows XP. Go to the control panel by clicking "Start", select the network connections section.
  2. For windows 7 and older. Go from the control window to the network and sharing settings section, then select the change settings item for the adapter.

If the window that opens is empty, the driver is probably not installed.

General rules for connecting high-speed Internet

The data required for connection is indicated in a special agreement. If you want to turn on the router, you will need to make other settings described in the specification for the device. If the network is not automatically detected, you will have to configure the TCP / IP protocol yourself.

In windows 7 and 8, the connection is made in the following order:

In windows 10, the connection is made as follows:

  1. From the Start menu options, go to Network and Internet.
  2. Next, you will need to open the adapter parameters setting.
  3. Next, follow all the steps, starting from the 3rd, described for windows 7 and 8 systems.

Further, no action is required - the connection should work at full speed automatically. If you connect through a router, the order may differ for different providers, so in order to set up the Internet, first find out the full information on the corporate website from the provider providing this service.

Alternative internet for summer cottages

Note that in the country, where it is not possible to connect to the Internet via a cable, the best choice would be to use a USB modem. As a rule, there are no problems with its connection:

  1. Insert the SIM card into the modem, then connect the device to the laptop;
  2. The system will detect a new device and offer to install a program that allows you to use the modem on your device;
  3. You may then have to enter the PIN code indicated on the card, after which the modem will automatically connect the laptop to the Internet.

In a word, you can connect to the Internet, which would have a high speed even in the country, through a cable or router, while the procedure for setting up the connection may sometimes differ slightly.

How to properly connect wired internet to a laptop

Nowadays, it is already difficult to find the owner of a laptop that is not connected to the Internet. Despite the increasing development and spread of communication through Wi-Fi connections, access to the Internet through a cable attracts with its indisputable advantages, since it is more reliable and at the same time the lowest cost. Below are detailed guides on how to properly connect a stable wired internet to your laptop, as well as how to set it up for future work.

Connection procedure

There are 2 types of connection in total:

  1. Wirelessly
  2. Through a network wire.

The setup process after connecting via a network cable differs slightly depending on the version of Windows operating in the PC. But the procedure itself is very simple, since you only need to insert the cable from the provider into the socket of the laptop's network card. All laptops have a connector on the side of the case.

The connector requires the installation of a wire coming from a distribution device installed in the house.

Preliminary activities

But if the user has a question about how to connect the Internet to a laptop, then first you need to decide on the choice of a provider. To do this, it is recommended to analyze the following conditions:

  1. Possibility of cable connection to the system of the communication service provider;
  2. The price of the services provided;
  3. Providing the provider with an acceptable data transfer rate for the subscriber's requirements at an optimal cost;
  4. Availability and responsiveness of the provider's technical support service;
  5. Additional criteria (promotions, special discounts, etc.).

Further, in order to connect to the wired Internet, you need to form an application on the official resource of the selected provider or by phone. Also, if possible, it is recommended to simply personally visit the nearby office of the communication service provider to draw up a contract.

Setting procedure

Just connecting the PC to the cable is not enough, since you also need to configure the Internet. First, we will take a step-by-step look at the entire setup process using the example of a laptop with Windows 7 installed.

Windows XP

In the case when the user solves the problem of how to connect a laptop to the Internet, on which the good old Windows XP is installed, then only a few steps should be taken:

  1. Open the "Control Panel" through "Start";
  2. Then go to the "Network Connections" section;
  3. Then right-click on "Local network connection", click on the line "Properties";
  4. Click once on the line "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" and then click "Properties";
  5. Next, in the window that appears, mark the item "Use the following IP", indicate the data specified in the subscriber's agreement with the provider;
  6. Ready! Internet configured.

Windows 8

You must perform the following sequential steps:

  1. Enter the "Control Panel";
  2. Go to the "Network and Internet" section;
  3. Then open the "Center for Managing Networks and Shared Access";
  4. Place a check mark on the item “Configuring a new connection. or networks ";
  5. Specify the section "Connecting to the Internet", click "Next";
  6. Then it is recommended to set "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)";
  7. Print the name and access code specified in the agreement with the service provider, check the box "Remember this password";
  8. Click "Connect".

Note: after entering the parameters, sometimes it is necessary to restart the laptop for correct operation.

How to configure Internet connection on windows 7

A computer or laptop running windows 7, of course, can work without Internet access, but its functionality in this case will not be used at full capacity. In addition, the World Wide Web in its current state is the main provider of information, software, entertainment content, etc. Therefore, the question of how to configure the Internet on windows 7 requires comprehensive analysis and successful resolution.

Preparatory stage

Before you start creating an internet connection, make sure your computer has all the necessary software and hardware.

  1. Connect the network card if it is not integrated into the motherboard or not previously installed as an expansion. The same applies to other devices through which you want to establish an Internet connection (USB modem, router, etc.).
  2. Install the drivers on the connected hardware. Devices will not work correctly without software. Drivers are usually supplied on disk, but if there is no media, they can be found on the official website of your network equipment manufacturer.

Connection setup

The instructions below will cover wired connections. If you want to create a wireless network at home, learn how to connect the router and properly configure its settings.

Be careful! The system will offer you several types of connection, and you will have to choose the correct one depending on the type of equipment used.

When using a 3G modem, you usually do not need to create a new connection, since all the necessary software is installed automatically when you connect a network device to the USB port.

If you are using wired Internet, which is delivered via a cable supplied by the provider to your apartment, select the first type - "Internet Connection".

In the next window, the wizard will offer you to choose which technology will be used for the connection. Click on the "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)" button. At the bottom it is written that for identification you will need the login and password provided to you by the provider. These data must be entered in the next window.

The name of the new connection is also indicated here, which can be anything.

If you specified everything correctly, the following window will appear on the screen:

Network card settings

In some cases, providers require users to specify the IP address and DNS server address in the connection properties. To fulfill these requirements:

If you see error message # 651 when trying to connect to the Internet, check that the drivers for the network card are installed correctly.

Create a connection shortcut

The connection has been created and now you can use it to access the Internet or, for example, connect a remote desktop. Now, for convenience, let's bring the shortcut of the created connection to the desktop, so that right after logging into the system, you can connect to the Internet without launching the "Control Panel".

Your connection shortcut is available on your desktop - you can use it to access the World Wide Web.

How to connect wired internet to laptop?

In total, there are only two options for connecting the global Internet to your laptop: wireless method and through a network cable. Moreover, one procedure is very different from another based on the version of the OS. Now let's find out how to connect wired internet to a laptop.

Getting started setting up

Before starting the configuration, it is imperative to make sure that the network cable has been connected to the computer, the network card has all the necessary drivers, and the Internet provider has started to provide the Internet service.

Using the example of one of the most popular operating systems Windows 7, the principle of connecting to the Internet will be considered. So, in order to become a member of the "global web", you need to do the following:

The user should get into the "Control Panel". This transition can be done from the Start menu.

We find the item that is responsible for the global network and enter it. Even on different versions of operating systems, this item looks about the same.

At this point, we go to the "Network and Sharing Center", where the main manipulations will take place.

Good day everyone!

As a rule, when connecting and setting up the home Internet, you need to go into the settings of the router at least once by connecting to it with a network cable (via the LAN port). At least in order to set up a Wi-Fi network ...

In general, usually, problems arise more with setting up Wi-Fi than directly connecting to the LAN port of the router. However, in a number of cases, interesting "incidents" occur: when I connected a computer and a router with a cable, but the network icon in Windows for some reason informs that there is no connection - the cable is not connected (and a red cross on the icon is lit).

In general, in this article I will consider in sequence all the steps for connecting a PC / laptop to the LAN port of the router. I think the article will be useful to all novice users who are trying to set up a home network.

Connecting to a router with a LAN cable

I'll start right off the bat ...

1) The first thing we need (apart from a router and a PC, of ​​course) is a network cable. In general, usually, such a cable is included with the router (in 99% of cases). Most often, the length of such a LAN cable [from the set] is no more than 1 ÷ 2 m. This length is quite enough [in most cases] to connect and configure the router.

Note! If you do not have it, or its length is clearly not enough, you can purchase it at any computer store. Moreover, in the same place you can ask to cut the cable for a specific length ...

Network cable (1-2 m. Cable is included with all routers)

2) Next, connect the power adapter to the router and turn it on. Then plug the cable of your ISP into the "Internet" jack. One of the blue (they are often yellow) (LAN) ports must be connected to the LAN port of the laptop / PC.

As a rule, there are no problems with computers. Most models have at least a built-in mat. the card is a network card, and its port is easy to find on the back of the system unit.

With laptops - everything can be a little different. The fact is that modern laptops usually connect to the Internet using a wireless network, and not all devices have a LAN port. If you do not have a LAN port, then you need to purchase a special. USB adapter ...

There are a lot of such adapters: there are ports suitable for both classic USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 ports, there are also more universal (with support for LAN, HDMI, USB) for USB Type-C. See screenshot below.

Note! You can buy such adapters for "pennies" in Chinese online stores. I told about the best of them in this article:

3) If both the computer and the router are turned on, everything is in order with the cable, then on the case of the router you should see several LEDs on (blinking): those responsible for power supply, LAN port, Internet (if the connection is established).

The LEDs on the router lit up (including the LED responsible for the LAN port)

4) Ideally, you should see a network icon of the network in the tray without any warnings (signaling that the connection to the router is established, the Internet is available).

Network icon (Windows 10). Everything is OK!

But, unfortunately, in some cases, the router does not always automatically start working right away (sometimes without manual configuration - nothing at all) ...

Why does an exclamation mark "light up" on the network icon after connecting (without access to the Internet)

Perhaps this is the most popular option (especially when connecting and configuring the router for the first time, for example, after changing equipment).

In this case, first of all, I recommend opening network connections and check if everything is in order there. To do this, press the combination of buttons Win + R and use the command ncpa.cpl(see screenshot below).

How to open network connections || ncpa.cpl command and Win + R

In the network connections window you need to open properties your connection (usually called "Ethernet" (as in my case) or "Local Area Connection").

  • obtain an IP address automatically;
  • obtain the DNS server address automatically (in some cases, it is recommended to specify DNS instead of the auto-option - this is the DNS from Google.).

Save the settings and check the network operation.

Second important point- this is a check of the router settings. If you have not previously configured it, then, in principle, in most cases, the Internet will not be until the connection parameters are specified. Different providers have different requirements: as a rule, find the necessary logins and passwords, IP addresses, etc. parameters [which need to be entered into the router settings] it is possible in an agreement with the provider, which was concluded when connecting to the Internet.

To help! How to enter the settings of the router [just where you need to set the connection parameters] (for beginners) -

Configuring PPPoE connection in the Tenda web interface (for connecting to the Internet)

Why is the red cross on the network icon on the network icon after connection?

This icon means that you have no connection between the router and the computer (laptop). This can happen for various reasons. Below are the most common ones.

1) Check cable condition.

Is everything okay with him, is it not bent? It often happens that outwardly the cable may seem intact, but it has been severely bent several times, and the copper veins have been broken inside. Therefore, I would recommend trying a different cable.

2) Check if the cable is firmly plugged into the LAN port.

Often due to small manufacturing deviations (as well as rubber gaskets, which are often placed on them, roughness, etc.) RJ-45 connectors and LAN ports - not always and not every connector is fully inserted into every port. Ideally, after the connector has been inserted, you should hear a slight click (and on the PC / laptop network card, the LED should light up that the cable is connected (the same as on the router)). If the PC has several LAN ports, try using another one.

3) Check if your network adapter is enabled.

In Windows it may happen that the network adapter will be turned off. To check if this is the case, go to network connections (to do this, open the "Run" window with the Win + R combination, and use the ncpa.cpl command) ... Next, pay attention to which icon: the device is turned off, it is black and white (as in the screenshot below).

You can simply right-click on the adapter to see the operating status and turn on the device (if needed). See example below.

Turn on the adapter / Network connections

I also recommend going to the device manager (Win + R combination, and devmgmt.msc command) , and find your adapter in the tab "Network adapters"... Then try to turn it off / on (just right-click on it). An example is shown below.

To help!

That's all, happy and fast connection everyone!

All the best!

This article describes how to set up cable Internet on your computer.

Many users use Wi-Fi at home to connect to the Internet, which is very convenient, especially if you have several devices (computer, tablet, smartphone). But it also happens that you need to connect your computer to the Internet directly through a cable, without using a router. In this case, a direct connection is established between your ISP and the PC network card (the Internet speed increases).

In addition, you may just need to connect your wired Internet to a new computer that you want to install at home. We will talk about all this in this review. All computers that run " Windows» ( 7, 8, 8.1, 10 ) will be configured in the same way, the instructions below will work for all of these cases.

To begin with, let's note some points. The Internet connection that providers provide to their users is usually divided into static and dynamic. Static connection is when you are given your permanent unchanged IP address. A dynamic connection automatically selects an IP for itself, which can change every time.

Many modern companies provide just such options when connecting to the Internet, but there are also providers that use PPPoE connections, which require a password and login. The provider offers to establish such connections by sending its masters to the clients. But this is often a long history, so we will learn how to connect cable Internet to a computer on our own.

Connecting the Internet to a computer via a cable using static and dynamic IP

In order to connect an Internet cable to a computer, as you know, it must be plugged into the Ethernet port on the rear panel. This creates a direct connection between the Internet provider and the computer's network card. Next, you will need to already configure the connection in the operating system.

To configure the Internet in this way on your computer, you need to take the following steps:

  • Through the menu " Start" go to " Control Panel»

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • In the window that opens, go to the Network Control Center

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Next, in the left column, click on " Change adapter settings»

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • You will be taken to the folder where all your Internet connections are located (if any, we will talk about how to create a new connection below). Right-click on the Ethernet connection, and in the window that opens, click on " Properties».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • The next step is to select the protocol with the mouse " IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)»From the proposed list. Select it and click on " Properties».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Now there is, as they say, the final touch. If you want to have an Internet connection with a static IP, then you will need to fill in the fields in the new window as shown in the screenshot. We show the default settings. The settings for your particular ISP may differ slightly. It's best for you to call him and ask what settings your provider offers.

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • If you want to connect to the Internet with a dynamic IP, then in the new window that opens, do not touch anything. All settings will be set by the system automatically. Just click on " OK", And setting up the connection of the Internet cable to the computer can be considered complete.

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

How to install and configure the Internet via cable on a new computer?

If you want to create a connection from scratch, that is, for example, on a new computer, then in this manual we will explain how to set up such a connection. Physically, you just need to plug the Internet cable directly into your computer's NIC on the back panel.

  • Again, we want to go to the control panel (in the screenshot we will show an alternative option)

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Then again we want to go to the control center of our networks

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • After that, we select the connection setting, which can be wireless, modem, and VPN

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Next, in a new window, click on the uppermost option " Internet connection"And click" Further».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Next, let's choose a high-speed Internet connection

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • Now a window will open where you will need to fill in all the required fields. We put the checkboxes, as shown in the screenshot, and also enter your username and password that your Internet provider gave you. Naturally, with this password and login you will go to the Internet. Press " To plug».

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

  • As a result, if you did everything correctly, then in the lower right corner of the screen on the taskbar you will see your connection icon.

How to install and configure the Internet on a new computer via a cable

Video: How to set up the Internet on a new PC?

According to statistics, almost every user of modern computer systems at least once in their life faced the question of how to configure the Internet on a computer. It is not surprising, because recently the World Wide Web has gained insane popularity and has become available to absolutely everyone who has a computer, laptop or mobile gadget. Despite the complete automation of the process, not everyone knows how to set up an Internet connection.

Basics of connecting to networks and the Internet

The first rule: you need to clearly understand that in some cases you will have to use not automatic connection, but manual mode. In addition, two main conditions must be met here: the availability of a provider and appropriate equipment (network cards, ADSL modems, routers, routers, etc.)

But now we will talk about how to configure the Internet on a computer with a wired connection, since private virtual networks (VPNs) in most cases are automatically detected by computers, laptops or mobile devices and require a maximum login and password to enter (provided, of course, that one the router is already configured).

What is TCP / IP Protocol?

In Windows operating systems, connection to networks and the Internet is carried out using the TCP / IP protocol system, which is responsible for the correct transmission and reception of data. In fact, it is not even one, but several protocols. This group includes connections via UDP, FTP, SMTP, ICMP, TELNET, etc.

If we talk about how to set up the Internet on a computer, without going into technical details, it can be noted that the set of TCP / IP protocols is associated with a kind of bridge between computers on a network with a unified authentication system and transfer of byte data streams, separated at the beginning and combined at the end of the route. In this case, it does not matter what operating systems are installed on the terminals connected to each other. This is what makes TCP / IP not only the most popular tool for connecting to networks and the Internet, but simply a universal tool.

Network cards and their properties

One of the main conditions is the presence of a network card in the computer terminal, into which the cable is connected. Today, the most widespread are fiber-optic lines.

To understand how to configure the Internet on Windows, you first need to determine the characteristics of the network card itself. The connection speed will depend on its main characteristics and parameters. The simplest example: a dedicated line supports a connection with a data transfer rate of about 100 Mbps, but a card does not. In this case, you will not have to rely on the speed declared by the provider. It is clear that the network card cannot transmit and receive more than its nominal value.

To view all its characteristics, you need to enter the "Control Panel" and select the "Device Manager" section, find the network card installed in the system and right-click the "Properties" option. All indicators will be visible on the tab field "General".

Internet connection methods

The most common methods of connecting to the Internet are leased lines, broadband DSL lines, LAN connections, satellite connections, TV channels, and dial-up access. The latter, however, has already outlived his.

In any case, the question of how to set up an Internet connection for each connection option has two standard solutions.

Automatic internet connection

Provided that the account has already been provided by the provider, you need to connect the network cable to the connector of the network card designated LAN (if necessary, to the connector on the modem or router).

In the "Control Panel" select the item "Network Connections" (for Windows 7 "Network and Sharing Center"), use the command "Create a new connection" ("Set up a new connection or network" for OS Windows 7), and then go to the section "Connecting to the Internet". Then it remains only to follow the instructions of the "Master". At the end of the process (after restarting the computer terminal), you can work.

Manual Wired Internet Connection

As for how to configure the Internet on a computer in manual mode, first you need to perform the above steps, and then use the data provided by the provider.

In the case of automatic configuration, you do not have to enter data manually. As a rule, on the TCP / IP properties tab, the fields of the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, preferred and alternate DNS server parameters will be inactive, because two commands are specified in the settings: “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS address”. server automatically ”. This, of course, saves the user from manually entering addresses. If you dig deeper, then on the "Advanced" tab you will not have to specify the addresses of WINS servers, proxy servers (if any), and even configure an alternative configuration.

However, it often happens that obtaining automatic addresses is either not possible or does not work. This is where the main problems begin.

As a rule, all values ​​specified in the protocol properties tab are unified. For example, the IP address is assigned the value, the subnet mask is, and the default gateway and DNS server are In some cases, when creating a connection, the address parameters of the gateway and DNS server match the current IP address ( By the way, in most cases, you do not need to register WINS or proxy server addresses.

How do I set up the Internet? Windows XP

To configure the Internet connection in the Windows XP operating system, you need to use the standard method: in the Control Panel, use the Network Connections command and the Properties tab, find the TCP / IP protocol settings line, and then give preference to one of the proposed options for automatically obtaining addresses or specifying them in manual mode, after going to the "Properties" tab (for PCP / IP).

How do I set up the Internet? Windows 7

The creation of a connection to the Internet in Windows 7 is not fundamentally different. The only difference is that some of the components have a different name, and TCP / IPv4 (fourth version) is used as the protocol.

To set up a connection, use the "Control Panel", click on the line (or icon) "Network and Sharing Center", and then use the option "Set up a new connection or network". Then all that remains is to select the required type of connection. After the connection is activated, again it will be possible to view all the data, and, if necessary, change them using the tab "Network connection / Properties / Network / Protocol version 4 (PCP / IPv4)", where all addresses will be displayed. If these are provided automatically by the provider, the fields for filling will be inactive.

Other ways to connect to the Internet

Basically, there is another option, how to set up your computer over the Internet. True, for an ordinary user, this procedure may seem rather complicated, especially since in this case you need to have a remote connection to a computer terminal, on which it is supposed to configure access to the network or the World Wide Web.

To do this, you can use the built-in standard tools of all versions of Windows operating systems located in the Start menu, Programs section. There is a folder "Standard", which contains the command "Connect to Remote Desktop" (for Windows 7). Names may change in other versions of operating systems. To create remote access, you can use software packages and applications from other manufacturers and developers, but, as practice shows, the easiest way to create a connection manually is on a local computer with direct access.