How to connect wired internet. How to set up internet on a laptop

The Internet has become a constant companion in our lives. Read any book, watch any movie, listen to any music, play any game (if your computer meets the system requirements, of course) - all these opportunities are provided to you by the World Wide Web. And most importantly - you can communicate with a person who is at least on the other side of the planet, and your messages to each other will reach in a split second. And that's not to mention video communication, the possibility of which is provided by Skype, Discord and other similar programs. Once it seemed like a utopia and fantasy, but today it is a reality.

The Internet is indispensable in our life, but it must first be connected and configured. And this is not the easiest task, especially for those who do it for the first time. For this reason, most Internet providers meet their customers halfway and provide Internet connection services for a few pennies. This process happens as follows: you enter into an agreement with the provider, then a master comes to you, connects everything and sets up, and you just have to enjoy life with the Internet. But if you refused such a service or you had some problems, then you will have to connect and configure the Internet yourself. And this article will help you with this.

Before moving on to the connection and configuration process, you first need to make sure that you have the contract that you entered into with the provider. This agreement is provided to you after the conclusion of a contract with an Internet service provider. It must be kept at home, and its loss is undesirable.

In addition to listing your legal rights and obligations, the contract contains the following information that is useful to you:

  • contract number, which serves as a kind of identifier. In case of problems with the Internet, you can call the provider and tell him this number. Through it, he will be able to automatically reach the client to whom this number is assigned (that is, to you), and this will be faster than giving the address and last name.
  • provider address. At the specified address, you can come and discuss topics related to the Internet in person with a representative of the provider company.
  • phone number. An easy way to contact a company representative, or ask him to extend the Internet if you are unable to pay for it at the moment. Usually they agree to this, since they have nothing to lose, but they receive approval from customers.
  • type of internet connection.

The last point is especially important. You need to know the type of Internet connection for correct settings. Setting up the Internet does not depend on how you connected the Internet (through a cable directly or through a cable connected to a router), but on what type of connection you have. They are as follows:

  1. . The easiest type of connection in terms of configuration. You will receive all the data for a successful connection to the global network automatically (if the corresponding item is specified in the settings, but more on that later).
  2. Static IP. If you have this type of connection, you will have to configure the Internet manually.
  3. PPPoE(Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet). This type of Internet connection will require you to enter a username and password when connecting.

To find out what type you have, read the contract - it should be indicated there. If not, then check this issue with the provider by calling the number specified in the contract.
There are other connection types (for example, PPTP or L2TP), but they are almost never used among providers in the CIS. Priority is given to the three types described above.

Connecting directly

If you do not have a router, then you will need to connect the network cable directly to the system unit. To do this, follow the next step-by-step instructions:

If you have it, then you can already go online and comprehend its endless depths.
And if your icon is crossed out, as in the screenshot below, then you will need additional Internet settings. We will consider the configuration methods in the following parts of the article.

Many inexperienced users, when buying, believe that buying this device will save them from bothering with network cables and other wires. But no, you need a network cable here too. The only difference is that it needs to be connected to the router, and not to the system unit of your computer.

However, Wi-Fi does not lose its advantages from this. After setting it up correctly, you can use the Internet with the whole family. This is especially true if your family members have their own computers, laptops, netbooks, or relatively modern Wi-Fi-enabled phones. Without a router, you would have to use one computer (to which a network cable is connected), or constantly reconnect this cable to the device from which you want to access the Internet. Not only is it inconvenient, but also the network cable is quite fragile, and it can be damaged if you constantly pull and connect it.

So, to connect to the Internet using a router, follow the further step-by-step instructions:

Now you need to check if everything is in order with the connection. The following signs will tell you about it:

Note! If you have problems only with the last paragraph, then the Internet needs. And if with the previous ones, then the problem is already in your cable or router.

Internet setup

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the Internet setup depends on what type of Internet connection you have. And the connection method (directly or through a router) in this case does not matter. So, you have probably already figured out what type of connection you have, which means that it's time to start setting up.

Dynamic IP

For proper setup, do the following:

  1. Launch the start menu.

  2. Left click on "Control Panel".

  3. Launch the "Network and Internet" menu.

  4. Open "Network Connections" by pressing the left key.

  5. Select "Local Area Connection" if you connected through a router, or "Ethernet" if you connected directly, and click on "Properties".

  6. Now click on "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)", then on "Properties".

  7. Select the items (automatic) as shown in the image below, and then confirm the changes by clicking on "OK".

Static IP

If you have, then you will have to use the information specified in the contract. Step by step instructions are given below:

Connection using PPPoE

In case of PPPoE type, you will need to create a new connection using settings. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "Network and Internet" menu. The path to this menu is indicated in steps 1-3 of the first instruction.
  2. Open the "Network and Sharing Center" menu.

  3. Click on "Set up a new connection or network".

  4. Select "Internet connection".

  5. Click on "High Speed ​​(with PPPoE)".

  6. Enter the name and password that are specified in the contract, then click "Connect".

Now you are familiar with the internet setup process. This knowledge will definitely come in handy for you, without it in our information age there is simply no way. However, if something didn’t work out for you or some problems arose, do not forget about the contract, which was repeatedly mentioned in the article. It contains the number of a representative of the provider company who can advise you in case of difficulties.

Video - How to set up wired internet


Having the Internet on your computer is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. For many, the World Wide Web is study and work, cinema and play, communication and storage of important files. Therefore, the question of how to connect the Internet through a computer is very relevant for all users.

If you do not yet have access to the World Wide Web, it's time to think and first learn how to connect your computer to the Internet in Yekaterinburg. Decide on the first thing to do. There are a lot of options: cable networks, satellite communications, mobile networks or telephone lines. It all depends on the technical capabilities and desires of the user.

Not very convenient, but quite simple and available is a high-speed connection option through a cable stretched into the room, which is connected to a network card. The setting depends on the provider and the technologies they use. Most often, authorization is required.

For an internal network connecting home or office stations, the best solution would be to connect the Internet via cable and router. This method easily and simply links several computers together, providing the opportunity for everyone to access the Internet and freely exchange information between them.

Internet connection to two computers via cable, modem or router

The above describes how to connect a computer to the Internet. But it often happens that there are other devices that need access to the global network. It is inconvenient to constantly poke the cable or cord from the modem. In addition, sometimes access to the network is needed simultaneously from all devices. Therefore, let's see how to connect two computers to the Internet. There are three options for making this connection.

  • First option. The second computer is connected to the World Wide Web via a modem using a wire. The modem connected to the provider of your choice must be configured correctly. A network cable is pulled from the modem to the computer, inserted into any free Lan-socket. If the system does not detect the modem and the Internet connection is not established, the computer's network card driver may need to be updated. You can find drivers on the Internet or on the disk that came with your computer. This is one of the simplest ways, but it requires additional wires to be laid around the apartment, which is not always suitable for users.
  • Second option. We bring the computer to the global network using a router and a Wi-Fi network. Such a connection of a second machine to the Internet requires a router that distributes Wi-Fi. It is connected to the provider's modem or cable, and the Internet gets to the second computer via Wi-Fi. A stationary machine will require an adapter, internal or external.
  • Third option. A second machine is connected via the main computer using a cable or Wi-Fi. In this case, you will have to purchase a Wi-Fi module that connects to the first computer. A wireless network is created through which Internet traffic is distributed to a second computer. Alternatively, wired connection of computers is allowed. In this case, a local network is formed, where the first computer acts as a server that distributes information from the Internet.

It is up to you to decide how to connect two computers via the Internet. Much depends on the technical and financial capabilities, on the location of computers, on the number of devices that will be connected to the Internet.

The Internet is full of news about how to solve the problems of connecting to the global network using wireless technology. However, when connecting a wired Internet, a lot of problems can arise that will not allow you to receive information from the global network, although they are much less common. If the Internet does not work via cable, the user must clearly know the reasons, as well as ways to solve this problem.

This article addresses the issue of Internet access problems by directly connecting a LAN cable to a computer or laptop, from a router (direct cable connection from a provider is practically no different, only in this case there are slightly fewer reasons for inoperability).

As a rule, the network cable is connected directly to the computer due to the fact that it is not provided and such components are not connected. Of course, you can purchase a special Wi-Fi receiver that can be connected to the Internet to get rid of unnecessary wires located around the apartment, house or office. But this step is not always appropriate, because the computer is by no means a portable device that can be moved at any moment. That is why, in order not to spend extra money, most computer users use a direct LAN connection.

First of all, if you cannot connect to the Internet, you need to check the following factors:

  • is the cable that connects the router to the computer working (try to use it when connecting to another device);
  • check the operability of the Internet channel (connect directly the LAN from the provider to the network adapter);
  • whether the connection to the router is active (whether the LAN light on the router is on);
  • pay attention to the network icon, which is located in the tray (the computer reacts at least somehow when connecting and disconnecting the network cable, and also whether the network is identified);

The above factors are the main reasons for the lack of Internet connection. If the LAN cable connecting the router and the computer is not working, it is enough to replace it. If no devices, with a direct cable connection from the provider, also get access to the Internet, this issue must be checked directly with the provider, who are required to check the integrity of the cable along the entire route, from the computer. Of course, if the LAN cable connection light on the router is not on, you need to check the connection and performance of the router itself.

The most non-obvious problem is the inability to connect to the Internet if a red X is on the network identifier in the computer tray or a permanent network identification is performed that does not allow you to connect to the Internet. Let's consider this question in more detail.

The computer does not respond to the LAN cable connection

If the red X is constantly on the network icon, the reason is that the network card is working.

To check the network card, do the following steps:

  1. open "Device Manager"
  2. right click on "My Computer"
  3. "Control"
  4. go to Device Manager).

You will see a list of all devices that are installed on the computer. Open the "Network adapters" list, where you will have all the network cards that are installed on this computer (in most cases, it is one that is integrated into the motherboard, but there may be more).

If a yellow icon with an exclamation mark is lit opposite it, you need to reinstall the drivers for this device. Visit the official website of the manufacturer and download the drivers for your specific network card model and install them (it is better not to use the automatic driver search, but to do the installation manually).

If the Internet is still unavailable, do the following:

  1. go to "Control Panel"
  2. go to the "Network and Internet" window.
  3. you may have a tritely disabled installed network device. To enable it, right-click on the icon and select "Enable".

The circle is constantly spinning Identification or the network is not recognized
This reason may occur when there is a conflict between IP addresses that are present on the network.

To resolve this issue, you need to:

  • go to the "Network and Sharing Center";

  • click "Change adapter settings";
  • on the icon of your network card, right-click and select "Properties";
  • place the cursor on "IPv4 Internet Protocol";
  • set a bullet to automatically obtain an IP address and DNS server.

If you have a yellow triangle on the network status, in this case, you have incorrect router settings that do not allow you to connect to the global network.

In such a situation, you need to set the correct router settings (instructions should be posted by the provider on the home page, or they can give you a printout) or take the router to the provider so that they configure the device correctly. Also, a similar sign may appear if you have not paid for the Internet and you have been tritely disconnected from the network.

Often, there are many problems when you need to connect a computer wirelessly to a router or router. And if a network cable is used for this process, then there are usually no obstacles. Please note that this connection requires an active Internet connection.

At the same time, it should be understood that even in such simple manipulations, some difficulties and errors may occur, which will result in the device not gaining access to the World Wide Web even when cable Internet is connected via a LAN cable.

In this article, we will look at how you can connect the Internet via cable to your computer or laptop. All manipulations are considered on the example of the operating system Windows 7, but they will also be valid for later versions.

In order to do this, we need:

  1. A Wi-fi router that has at least one free LAN cable slot (its color is yellow).
  2. Network cable. Such a cable, which has a minimum length, is included with the router you purchased. But if a cable with a longer length is needed, then it can be purchased at one of the computer stores.
  3. PC with network card or connector.

Next, we need to take a network cable, and then connect it at one end to the yellow LAN connector located on the back of the router. It does not matter which of the several connectors the cable is connected to. The other end must be connected to the appropriate connector on the device.

Now check if the indicator lights up, indicating that a computer has been connected to the LAN connector. If so, then you need to look at the computer display. On the notification panel, in the lower right corner, the connection status should be displayed without error marks. If so, then the device is connected to the Internet.

Internet connection without a router

To provide a direct connection from the provider to your PC's network card, you need to connect the cable directly to the port called Ethernet. It is located on the back of the computer.

After that, you should configure a new connection.

Step by step network setup in Windows 7:

  1. Using the start menu:
  2. Go to "Control Panel".
  3. When the window with the panel has opened, you need to go to the "Network Control Center".
  4. In the column on the left, click on the inscription "Change adapter settings".
  5. Then, in the folder where all existing connections are located, you should right-click on the Ethernet connection, and then - in the context menu on the inscription "Properties".
  6. After that, you will need to select the TCP / IPv4 protocol and go back to its "Properties".
  7. That's almost all. If you need the connection to be provided via a static IP, then you should check with the provider for the field settings in the window that opens.
  8. If you need a dynamic IP, then you should not change anything in the protocol properties window. Any settings and field values ​​will be "dictated" by your system automatically. You just need to press the "OK" key, and the Internet is connected to your device via a cable.

We carry the Internet through a cable to a new PC

In a situation where you need to connect the network to a new device, the algorithm will be slightly different. In such a situation, you will need to create and configure a connection from scratch. Initially, you will need to plug the cable directly into your computer's network card.

Now we do the following:

If the manipulations are performed correctly, then in the lower right part of your computer or laptop you will see a symbol indicating the newly created connection.

Why is the internet not working? Solution of problems

The causes can be varied, and to eliminate each of them, you will need to perform certain actions.

  1. Check if the internet cable is connected. You should make sure that the cable is actually connected and that it is connected to the correct connector.
  2. The cable or network card is faulty, or the lan port on the computer is not working. If there are no problems connecting the cable, then you should make sure that the computer is really connecting to the network. Pay attention to the indicator on the router or near the connector in the PC. Also, at the bottom of the taskbar, the connection icon will be covered with a red cross. In this situation, it is necessary to repair the network card or troubleshoot the cable.
  3. The network is not working although the indicator is flashing. In such a situation, you must first install / reinstall the network driver.
  4. Driver installation completed, but no connection? Go to the control panel, and then to the network and sharing center. If the word "Disabled" is grayed out next to the Ethernet connection, right-click on the connection and then click on "Enable".
  5. You need to set up a connection. How to do this, you can find above in the article.
  6. The router is faulty. If the cable is connected to the computer not directly, but through a router, then the malfunction may be caused by lost router settings. Check this by connecting a network cable directly to the device.
  7. The period paid to the provider has ended. Contact the provider's technical support and check the balance status.
  8. The connection was blocked by viruses. It is necessary to check the entire system with an antivirus.

The computer has long ceased to be a luxury. And almost everyone has the Internet. Sooner or later, some other device appears in the house, be it a laptop or a cool smartphone, which can also be connected to the Internet. Then there's a problem how to connect to the internet all these devices.

Let's consider the most common case. There is a cable that comes from an Internet provider, and two computers that need to be connected to the Internet. And so, there are two options that can be connect 2 computers to internet. The first is the cheapest, but not very convenient, and the second is more expensive, but has a lot of advantages. This article will discuss a cheap way to connect. All settings will be made under Windows 7.

The cheapest way connect two computers to the internet, is to buy an additional network card for the main computer, and a piece of cable of the required length. We insert the network card into a computer that is already connected to the Internet and connect two computers through it with a cable.

Remains only connect internet to two computers. We need connect internet through computer which already has internet. To do this, on this main computer, go to the settings "Network connections". To get to them, we pass the following path "Start / Control Panel / Network and Internet / View network status and tasks / Change adapter settings".

In the window that opens, find the network connection of the board to which the Internet is connected and go to the properties by right-clicking on this connection and selecting "Properties" in the menu that appears. In the window that appears, go to the tab "Access" and check the box next to the text "Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection". If everything goes well, then Windows will report that the second network card, to which the second computer will connect, is:

Now you need set up an internet connection for a second computer. In the same way as for the first one, go to the network card settings and in the window that appears on the tab "Net" choose protocol IPv4 and go to its properties. In the new window, we will configure our network card.

Enter the following settings:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default Gateway: (IP address of our NIC Distributor)
Preferred DNS Server:

After pressing the button "OK" Internet should appear on the second computer.
Internet connection via computer done, but there is one big drawback, the Internet on the second computer will be as long as the main computer that distributes the Internet is turned on. So it is possible connect internet to 2 computers and more. The cost of connecting two computers in this way is about $15.

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