How to choose wallpaper in the kitchen. Wallpaper for the kitchen: modern ideas in interior design. Harmonious combination of wallpaper in the kitchen

Modern wallpaper collections are striking in their variety of colors, patterns and textures. To make the best choice for the kitchen interior, you need to look at many options and take into account some of the nuances.

Wallpaper varieties: the right choice for the kitchen

To begin with, let's recall what types of wallpaper manufacturers offer us:

  • paper;
  • fabric;
  • natural;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • liquid.

Paper wallpapers are the most inexpensive, affordable, environmentally friendly, but short-lived and impractical. To date, such wallpapers are not even presented in catalogs for photos of modern kitchen interiors.

Fabric - they contain silk, linen or cotton. Slightly stronger than paper, but difficult to paste and impractical to maintain, therefore not suitable for kitchen decoration.

Natural - consist of bamboo strips, wood shavings or dried grass stems attached to a fabric base with nylon thread or special glue. They are as environmentally friendly as possible and do not accumulate dirt and dust. To preserve the natural effect, this wallpaper is not dyed. But despite all its advantages, natural wallpaper is not the best option for the kitchen, as it immediately absorbs odors.

Varieties of moisture-resistant wallpaper for the kitchen

Non-woven wallpaper - consists of acrylic and polyester with the addition of cellulose or viscose. They are characterized by a fairly high moisture resistance, elastic, fireproof, smooth out irregularities.

Vinyl - a polymer coating applied to a non-woven base or special technical paper. Vinyl is moisture resistant, easy to clean, can be cleaned with household products, does not fade, therefore it is ideal for decorating kitchen walls. Moreover, modern production offers the so-called "breathable" vinyl wallpaper, which has micropores. They provide excellent air circulation, therefore they are even more moisture resistant than standard vinyl counterparts, which eliminates the appearance of mold and mildew.

Glass fiber - wallpaper for painting, gives an unusual relief. They are vapor-proof and water-resistant, durable, fireproof, they look incredibly stylish, but keep in mind that it will be very difficult to separate them from the surface of the walls.

Liquid wallpaper is a combination of adhesive, viscose, cotton, cellulose, acetate silk threads, etc. The coating is applied to the wall like plaster, which allows you to create different patterns. These wallpapers have good heat and sound insulation, they are easy to clean and have a wide range of colors.

Each option has its own pros and cons. For the kitchen, choose washable wallpaper. The best will be vinyl (compact vinyl, non-woven backing) or fiberglass.

Color, pattern, texture of wallpaper for the kitchen

In the color scheme of the kitchen, many factors must be taken into account - the flow of light, the geometric shape of the room, its dimensions, etc. There are several key criteria when choosing a color for a kitchen, including wallpaper:

  • a large drawing visually reduces the room, a small one, on the contrary, makes it more spacious;

  • vertical images visually raise the ceiling, horizontal (especially stripes) - expand the room, but reduce its height; wallpaper with geometric patterns with intersecting stripes and shapes creates the effect of space continuity;
  • wallpapers with a pronounced texture create stunning effects due to color and play of light and shade;

  • a long and narrow kitchen will be made more organic by light tones on long walls and dark ones on short ones;
  • a square room is a versatile option that allows you to experiment without any restrictions. But still more advantageous will be the decision to make one accent wall;

  • when choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to take into account not only its dimensions, but also the location of all windows, because the direction of light is of great importance in interior design.

Wallpaper in a small kitchen

In a compact kitchen canvases with contrasting and very large prints or with vertical stripes are contraindicated. This will only exacerbate the problem of lack of square meters - the room will seem even smaller. In this case, plain wallpaper in light shades or with a small, barely noticeable pattern will be appropriate.

If the kitchen is combined with the dining room, you can emphasize the zoning with a contrasting combination of wallpaper, thus separating the working area from the dining area.

Harmonious combination of wallpaper in the kitchen

In modern interiors, there is a clear tendency to combine different textures, textures and technologies. In this case, the same type of wallpaper fade into the background. But here it is important to understand the principle of correct combinations, and advice from professional decorators will help in this.

Rules for combining wallpaper in the kitchen:

  • adhere to a single level of price and quality - you cannot combine elite and cheap options, it looks very doubtful;
  • wallpaper should not stand out from the general style of the kitchen;

  • when combining, keep in mind that the wallpaper should have approximately the same thickness, otherwise there will be problems with joining the seams and choosing the edging;
  • when choosing bright panels with large drawings, the rest of the space should be monochromatic;

  • floral ornaments go well with woody textures, and geometric patterns with abstractions;
  • bright accents look harmonious against the background of neutral tones;
  • various textures are perfectly combined - rough with smooth, glossy with matte. The main thing is that such canvases are in the same price category and of the same thickness.

Additional decor and a few design tricks

Methods of zoning and “accent wall” have not gone out of fashion for a long time. Also, designers use vertical stripes and patterns to visually adjust the height, and the area changes are horizontal.

Reception of symmetry in the application of vertical stripes

In the center of the room, wide strips of wallpaper in contrasting colors are glued on two walls. This visually balances the length and width of the kitchen area.

Reception of asymmetry

One wall is pasted over with a bright strip in the middle, and the opposite one with similar stripes, but different in width. This technique visually expands and at the same time makes the oblong kitchen shorter.

Illusions of contour lines

A popular method is to combine standard wallpaper (and paintable) with a border. Typical combination options:

  • striped wallpaper with a solid bottom;
  • large flowers and monograms with a monochromatic border;
  • solid or with a small print top and striped bottom;
  • a solid top and a chunky bottom with a floral or other pattern.

The choice of combination depends on the specific task - what needs to be balanced with what.

Accent wall

The wall of the kitchen is selected, on which the eye immediately falls. It is distinguished in a variety of ways - with 3D wallpaper, panels, bright canvases, or decorated with additional decorative elements. In fact, this technique more expresses the bright individuality of the owners of the house.

3D wallpaper in the kitchen

Along with the usual wallpaper, designers offer a more interesting 3D collection. These are large-format beautiful drawings and patterns applied to a diverse basis of canvases using a special technology. Such wallpapers create a three-dimensional effect and a sense of presence in the image. 3D illusion is achieved through lenticular plastic (a set of lenses parallel to each other, cylindrical in shape and of different caliber). As a rule, only an accent wall is decorated with such wallpaper.

Pros and cons of 3D wallpaper

The advantages of 3D photo wallpaper, of course, include:

  • production on vinyl, non-woven base, synthetic materials, etc.;
  • such canvases do not fade, retain their color for a very long time;
  • environmentally friendly and completely non-toxic - in the process of their manufacture they use high-quality Japanese paints;
  • refractory;
  • practical to care for, easily lend themselves to any household chemicals;
  • durable;
  • spectacular - they have no analogues in such a realistic immersion in the image.

Obviously, the disadvantage of such wallpapers is their high cost, as well as their relevance only in large rooms.

Beautiful wallpaper is a great option for decorating walls in the kitchen. But only if you choose the right type of coverage. What to look for when buying? In this article, we will tell you how to find high-quality modern wallpaper for the kitchen, show the ideas of successful design and combination in the photo of real interiors, as well as new items from the fashionable collections of this year.

In a room where people often eat and cook, stains can easily appear on the walls. Therefore, the requirements for kitchen wallpaper are much greater than for finishing for the bedroom and living room.

These are the most important properties.

1. Moisture resistance and wear resistance. Washable dense wallpaper (best of all - vinyl on a non-woven basis, as in the photo below) is considered the most suitable for pasting the walls of the kitchen. Depending on the manufacturing method, you can gently wipe them with a damp cloth, wash them with a mild soapy sponge (super-washable hot-stamped vinyl), and some can be cleaned with a soft brush (labeled “abrasion-resistant”).

2. Lightfastness. If the window is large and faces south or east, look at the color fastness of the wallpaper to ultraviolet light. This is especially important for dark and bright coatings: they fade and fade faster.

3. Docking the picture. Some finishes can be glued without displacing the canvases. With a complex ornament, you will have to tinker with trimming and adjusting the pattern to the height specified by the manufacturer.

In the store, be sure to check each roll: lot number on labels must be the same... The same wallpaper from different batches sometimes differs markedly in tone. This can ruin the interior. Keep the label until the end of the repair in case you need to buy additional materials.

Legend table on rolls

4 types of washable kitchen wallpaper

1. Vinyl

Beautiful, durable, waterproof and affordable. Strictly speaking, most of the wallpapers in stores (both with a picture and for painting) belong to this category. In the photos below, we have collected examples from the catalogs of the Erismann and Palitra factories this year.

Even if your renovation budget is limited, take non-woven vinyl wallpaper... The overpayment will pay off in convenience. They are easily smoothed out, better conceal irregularities, do not bubble, do not stretch when wet. Instead of the reverse side of the canvas, glue is applied to the surface of the wall, as a result, the gluing process is easier and faster.

Different types of wallpaper differ in the technology of applying the top layer. It's better to glue in the kitchen hot stamping vinyl called compact vinyl, heavy vinyl or silkscreen.

Many fear the vinyl finish does not breathe. This is only true for the cheapest coatings. Higher quality ones have micropores that allow air to pass through and evaporate moisture. To be sure to avoid the appearance of mold, treat the walls with an antifungal compound before pasting.

Price: from 400 rubles.

Samples of inexpensive wallpaper for the kitchen from the Leroy Merlin catalog

2. Non-woven

Poesia (Erismann, Russia)

Non-woven material is a “breathable” material made from compressed cellulose fibers. It not only serves as the basis for other types of finishes, but is also used as an independent wall covering.

Non-woven wallpaper has the same benefits as vinyl, and has many design options, including embossed, paintable monochromatic. If you want to quickly freshen up the interior, just repaint the walls.

But there is also a significant drawback. In Russian stores, this type of finish is presented mainly by foreign manufacturers. Therefore, in terms of cost, they lose to budget wallpaper for the kitchen of domestic production.

Price: from 2000 rubles.

3. Glass fiber and fiberglass

Wall decoration with strong, durable, fire-resistant paintable glass wallpaper is great for wet rooms. They can repaint 10-15 times without compromising the appearance and surface relief.

There are two types of fiberglass wallpaper. Using "Cobweb" and fiberglass, you will get a smooth, even surface, mask cracks and prevent new ones from appearing. Dense with a relief will give the painted walls a beautiful texture.

Price: from 1000 rubles. (per roll 1 meter wide)

4. Waterproof wallpaper

With 3D wallpaper with photo printing, you will visually enlarge the space of a small kitchen. Panoramic images with perspective (city views, landscapes, imitation of a window) and optical illusions will help you achieve the desired effect.

Avoid paper wallpapers, even those that are moisture resistant. They will quickly fade, stain, and become saturated with culinary aromas. The paper can neither be washed nor cleaned. After 2-3 years, you will have to do cosmetic repairs again.

Looking for the right color and pattern

With the help of finishing, it is easy to correct the imperfections in the geometry of the space, visually divide it into zones and add coziness to even the darkest room. In this section, you will find out which wallpapers are best suited for the kitchen by color, how to choose a pattern and glue combined canvases.

  1. The main rule is not to overload the interior. Focus on either the walls or furniture. Bright facades require a monochromatic finish, preferably light colors. A neutral white, beige, gray kitchen set looks advantageous against a background of wallpaper with flowers, geometric or abstract patterns, a brick surface, concrete, textured plaster.
  2. A vertically oriented pattern (not necessarily stripes) will raise a low ceiling. The horizontal lines will make the room lower, but the walls will be "pushed apart".
  3. If the window faces north / west, take a closer look at warm colors: yellow, cream, green, peach, apricot, orange, coral, light brown. When the windows face south, it is better to choose gray, blue, blue-green, blue, silver.

Zoning the kitchen with combined wallpaper

Different coatings are often used to visually distinguish dining area with table and chairs, and in the combined kitchen-living room - part of the wall behind the sofa.

Use a popular trick: paste over the accent wall wallpaper with a pattern or a bright, contrasting color. Leave the rest plain or with a neutral background finish.

Another good solution is decorate part of the wall with patterned inserts: horizontal / vertical stripes or panels. The joints between the canvases are well masked by moldings.

Examples of how you can combine two types of wallpaper in the design of the kitchen and dining room, see the photo in the selection below.

Look for materials of the same thickness and price range. Are you afraid to make mistakes? Combine companion wallpapers from one collection. They perfectly match each other in color and surface texture. With a guarantee, get a stylish kitchen interior with a minimum of effort.

5 fashion trends in 2018-2019

If you want to see on the walls something more original than the traditional “matting” and floral patterns, you will find many interesting textures and prints among the new wallpaper products. Below we have collected photographs from the collections of the factories "Palitra", "Elysium", "Mayakprint", "Erismann", A.S. Creation and Rasch.

  1. Under the tile "patchwork"... The brightest, most interesting and unusual trend of this year.
  2. Imitation of wooden boards... The embossed vinyl layer and sophisticated printing technologies allow not only to faithfully copy the appearance of the surface of a natural or painted board, but also to convey its texture.
  3. Brick. The popularity of the loft style has led to the appearance on the market of brick-like wallpaper in white, red, yellow, brown and other shades characteristic of this material. There will be your own option for a modern minimalist kitchen, and for a traditional country or Provence style.
  4. A rock. It is as easy to mimic a stone surface to wallpaper as it is to other natural materials.
  5. Scandinavian motives. Wall covering manufacturers could not ignore this popular trend in recent years. Canvases in the Scandinavian style are distinguished by muted, mostly light colors and characteristic patterns with flowers, leaves, trees, small geometric ornaments.

Zaira, art. 900101 (Elysium, Russia)

Art. 900301, Corfu by Elysium

Beige, vanilla remains the most popular color for kitchen units. There are many reasons for this:

  1. 1 Beige color is an ideal solution for a small kitchen, as its light palette works great for visual expansion of space.
  2. 2 Beige is a neutral color and is perfect for recreating any style - from sophisticated classics to chic modern, from romantic shabby chic to a textbook loft.
  3. 3 For those who find beige boring, we advise you to pay attention to its shades such as caramel, cappuccino, crème brulee. These delicious colors will make your kitchen not only cozy, but also home-like in a special way.
  4. 4 Beige is a versatile color and is not capricious in choosing a pair. On the contrary, choosing one or another color of wallpaper for a beige headset, you can charge your kitchen with a festive atmosphere, give it sophistication or create a harmony of comfort.

Wallpaper color for beige kitchen:

Beige and sand shades will create a very delicate and sophisticated interior.

White is the perfect match. The kitchen turns out to be bright and joyful. But avoid boiling white, otherwise the interior will turn out dull and "dirty".

Beige brown- an original combination, if only beige will dominate. It is better to choose a white wallpaper with a dark pattern.

Purple or lilac- boldly and boldly. The interior is dynamic and rich. It is better to choose a plain wallpaper without a pattern.

Muted red, burgundy, terracotta- a harmonious pair, provided that the decor is minimal.

Gray - the kitchen will turn out to be cozy and delicate. It is only important that both gray and beige are as light as possible.

Green - the result is an interior that is close in spirit to eco-style or country style. In such a kitchen, an abundance of indoor plants and flower patterns is appropriate.

Important: If you have a beige kitchen, avoid cold luminescent light. It will make the interior look dirty. The same applies to technology - a beige refrigerator and a stove against the background of a beige headset is too much. It is better to choose a metallic color technique.

For white headset

You can pair with light green facades to pick up wallpaper in the color of moss or olives. But be sure to balance the pair with splashes of white. Light green furniture will look organic against the background of light, natural shades: brown, pink, blue, sand. Light green categorically does not accept the neighborhood with lilac and purple.

Cold shades of green (with an admixture of blue, gray or blue): mint, turquoise, coniferous, emerald are in harmony with cold colors - blue, cobalt, steel, boiling white.

Black and white headset

The duet of black and white is considered a classic - austere but impeccably elegant.

The combination of black and white facades always looks spectacular, sophisticated and fits perfectly into the concepts of avant-garde, art deco, minimalism, retro.

Combinations of black and white headset and wallpaper color.

White wallpaper or white with a black graphic pattern. This tandem creates a monochrome atmosphere. The feeling that I got into the newsreel of the beginning of the last century. The perfect combination to create a retro look - you can add graphic posters, retro accessories.

A good option for a small kitchen is to paste over the accent wall with black wallpaper with a white pattern, and the rest with white wallpaper with the same black patterns.

If the facades of the furniture are glossy, then it is good to choose warm shades of white for the walls: cream, beige, milky.

Gray or "wet asphalt" color wallpaper is appropriate in a modern interior. Combines well with the metallic sheen of kitchen appliances. But the interior requires bright lighting.

Blue wallpapers will dilute the interior with colors, and blue ones will add softness and tenderness to the black and white kitchen. Yellow wallpaper looks good in combination with a black and white set, if the yellow is more reminiscent of the color of dull gold.

For yellow furniture

Yellow for a kitchen set is very insidious in terms of psychological impact.

The brighter the shade of yellow, the more sunshine and joy in your kitchen. But an overabundance of yellow surfaces causes fatigue and irritation.

Neutral shades are considered optimal - golden, sand, mustard, gray-yellow. Juicy, acidic shades of yellow are appropriate in modern kitchens. For the classics, it is better to choose muted tones. Tip: if you like several shades of yellow, always choose the one that is lighter.

Yellow furniture goes well with white, milky, green (any shades), blue, pink wallpaper. Golden yellow plus red is a great pair for an oriental look.

Yellow and blue are a royal combination, provided that yellow has a tint of gold. Yellow and brown is a combination taken from nature. Add green accessories to such an interior - and you get an interior close to eco-style.

For blue and light blue furniture

Depending on the combination of shades of blue and the color of the wallpaper, you can significantly affect the visual perception of the interior. It all depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to create in your kitchen.

If you add white, light green or sky blue wallpaper to the furniture of deep blue color, the interior will turn out to be cool.

The peach-colored wallpaper will help to "raise the temperature". Want to add some fun to your blue kitchen? You can combine blue with yellow, grass green or orange.
Blue furniture and wallpaper with red and white stripes is a bold decision that will accentuate the retro style. But such decoration looks good in a spacious kitchen.

If the furniture is cornflower blue, match it with wallpaper in a sunny yellow or straw shade. This color pair is reminiscent of summer, a flower field, a sunny sky and is perfect for the embodiment of country style.

The combination of blue furniture and gray walls is an option for a spacious kitchen in a modern style. But such an interior definitely requires bright lighting. And don't forget about the tonality of the color - the same cold shades of gray suit the cold blue.

For purple and lilac furniture

Purple is perhaps the most controversial color in the palette, as it combines the coldness of blue and the fiery red. It is usually believed that purple is not the best choice for arranging a kitchen.

But this color has so many shades that, for sure, there is one that will appeal to you. Choose: lilac, violet, lavender, plum, blackberry, amethyst.

Intense purple is a chameleon color. Depending on the background, it can change its tone.

So, purple facades against the background of red walls will appear purple, and against the background of blue wallpaper they will acquire an indigo shade.

In any case, these combinations require a splash of white (to balance the contrast) and bright kitchen lighting.

Various shades of purple are combined with different colors:

  • Green, blue, light yellow, cream wallpapers are well suited for lilac kitchens.
  • Mauve facades look most advantageous against a background of emerald green or white walls.
  • The combination of a purple headset with white or light gray walls is a win-win. The interior turns out to be rich, but not dark. You can add black as a decoration.
  • The soft lilac color of the kitchen set looks especially attractive against the background of light wallpaper, especially if the facades are glossy. It is better to choose wallpaper in conservative colors: white, beige, milky, cream.
  • Want to add romance? Choose a wallpaper with a light background and discreet patterns of lilac and pink flowers.

For a modern style, you can choose wallpaper with stripes of white and lilac. But such a bright wallpaper is best used for an accent wall, leaving the overall background of the walls light.

For black headset

Black furniture always looks luxurious. But the abundance of black surfaces can cause a depressing mood, especially if the facades of the headset are made in matte shades.

Black requires bright lighting and the most neutral background - white is best.

It is no coincidence that the black and white range has long become a design classic. White wallpaper and gray for the floor go well with the black color of the headset. Throw in some luscious décor tones for a wonderful contemporary kitchen.

Black can be combined with ash gray, smoke color or steel - steel-colored household appliances will successfully fit into such an interior.

Black furniture and red wallpaper are the solution for a spacious kitchen. Designers advise only to avoid flashy shades of red. Coral, burgundy, cardinal colors are best suited. With such a palette, it is imperative to add white decor.

Wallpapers are good because they do not require careful plastering of the walls, as is required for painting, they hide small irregularities, and also allow you to correct some room imperfections, for example, a low ceiling or a small area. They are also simply beautiful and capable of transforming even the most boring interior. On the other hand, difficult kitchen conditions and frequent cleaning, unfortunately, will not withstand every wallpaper. In addition, this material has a weak point - the seams, which over time begin to peel off and wear out. How to choose wallpaper for the kitchen so that they are beautiful, practical and serve for a long time, we will tell in this material.

Overview of wallpaper types

There are different types of wallpapers, but only the following are suitable for decorating the walls of the kitchen:

  • Vinyl (paper / non-woven);
  • Non-woven (for painting);
  • Glass fiber (also for painting).

Let's take a closer look at each of these types.

Vinyl wallpapers

They consist of two layers - a decorative top layer and a base. With the choice of the base, everything is simple: it can be either paper or non-woven. The latter is much more suitable for decorating kitchen walls.

  • The non-woven base greatly simplifies wallpapering process, because the glue is applied only to the wall. This means that its consumption is halved, and the canvases do not stretch or shrink when they dry (joining the pattern becomes easier). In addition, the non-woven base better levels out small irregularities and cracks in the walls, and also allows you to peel off the wallpaper easily and without residue.

Depending on the top decorative layer, vinyl wallpapers are divided into 4 main types:

  1. Foam vinyl paintable wallpaper;
  2. Compact vinyl;
  3. Hard vinyl;
  4. "Kitchen vinyl".

Wallpaper for painting made of foamed vinyl are not suitable for kitchen decoration, as they are not sufficiently resistant to rubbing with a brush, impacts, scratches. But the rest of the types are worth taking note.

  • Wallpaper from "kitchen" vinyl attracted by the fact that they withstand wet cleaning with a brush and even cleaning agents. However, such a "super washable" coating is airtight, which means that a favorable environment for mold can form under it. If the walls of the kitchen were once affected by a fungus, the room is poorly lit, it is damp, pipes often leak or windows sweat, then this option will not work. If you still decide to choose them, then the walls should be pre-treated with an antiseptic primer.
  • Compact Vinyl Wallpaper great for the kitchen, as they withstand light damp cleaning, are shock and scratch resistant, their pattern does not fade in the sun, the service life is about 10 years. In addition, the price of compact vinyl flooring is not high (compared to hard vinyl), and the choice of designs is very large. But they also have a typical disadvantage for vinyl - the lack of breathability. Choosing such wallpaper, you should, firstly, treat the walls with an antiseptic primer, secondly, often ventilate the room, and thirdly, make sure that it is not damp, the pipes do not flow, and the windows do not fog up.

  • Solid Vinyl Wallpaper- the best choice for the kitchen if you want to glue the wallpaper with a pattern, and not for painting. After all, their properties are almost perfect - they are beautiful, durable, withstand wet cleaning, resistant to UV rays, and most importantly, they have micropores that will not let the walls "bloom" due to, say, accidental flooding. The only drawback is the high price (from 2000 rubles / roll).

Swedish hard vinyl wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper for painting

The term "non-woven wallpaper" always causes confusion among buyers and even some sellers. So, for example, non-woven wallpaper is often called any wallpaper on a non-woven basis (be it paper or vinyl). And also such a name stuck to the wallpaper for painting made of foamed vinyl based on non-woven fabric, which we talked about a little earlier. But, strictly speaking, non-woven wallpaper has the right to be called paintable wallpaper, consisting of 100% non-woven.

  • Non-woven wallpaper for painting has no relief and looks more like paper. And this is paper, only improved by adding polymers that bind cellulose.

Why are they needed if they do not have any decorative effect, even in the form of a relief for a simple matting? They help out when the walls want to be painted, but the base is far from ideal, or, for example, when cracks are expected to appear due to the shrinkage of a new building.

  • It is very easy to glue non-woven wallpaper, but the joints of the canvases can be noticeable even after painting. Are the walls painted on a smooth non-woven material or on a putty wall different? Yes, quite a bit, but they differ due to the translucent texture of the non-woven fabric. Water-based paints are suitable for painting filiseline wallpaper. You can repaint them 4-5 times.

Glass wallpaper

There is no more durable wallpaper than fiberglass, made from a mixture of quartz sand, soda and lime.

  • Glass fiber is more resistant to mechanical damage than paintable vinyl, and unlike smooth non-woven wallpaper, it has a beautiful relief or pattern. By the way, due to its structure, glass wallpaper visually aligns the walls with small differences. They are not afraid of wet cleaning, they are fire-resistant, flexible and well conceal the defects of the substrate. And glass wallpaper can be repainted up to 10 times, that is, twice as often as other types of wallpaper for painting.

And some more useful information. Some fiberglass wallpapers are already available in color, but they can still be colored and desirable. Paints should be water-based (acrylic, water-dispersion, water-based).

Buyer information

  1. Before paying for your purchase, be sure to make sure that all rolls come from the same batch (the batch number is indicated on the package). Otherwise, despite the same article, color and collection, you will receive wallpaper of a different tone, which will be very noticeable when gluing the canvases to the wall. By the way, the different colors of wallpaper from different batches is not a defect, but a technical feature of production.
  2. Wallpaper should always be bought with a 5-10% margin, which will be useful in case of damage to the canvases during gluing or in the future for local repairs. If you buy wallpaper with a pattern, do not forget to take into account the rapport (the step of repeating the pattern).
  3. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to glue wallpaper behind the kitchen unit. But it is desirable that the wallpaper goes 10-15 cm behind the cabinet.
  4. When choosing kitchen wallpaper, read their labeling on the packaging. It is important that they are:
  • Lightfast - look for a sun sign, and preferably a sun with a plus, if the wallpaper is very bright or dark;
  • Moisture resistant - look for at least two waves (they say that the wallpaper is washable and can be cleaned with a damp cloth), or better with three waves (super washable, which can be washed with a mild detergent);
  • Friction resistant- a wave with a brush indicates that the wallpaper can be washed and rubbed with a brush.

  1. When choosing wallpaper glue, be guided by whether it is suitable for your primer and wallpaper type of your choice.
  2. Remember that in the bright lighting of the store, the displayed samples look a little lighter than in real conditions on the kitchen wall of an ordinary city apartment.
  3. When decorating a kitchen, you can combine two types of wallpaper (for example, super-washable “kitchen” wallpaper in the cooking area and hard vinyl wallpaper in the dining area). Thus, it will be possible to both save on materials and reduce the load on a more expensive coating.
  4. If you like wallpaper that is not durable, then just glue it on one wall, away from the stove. For example, in the dining area. The rest of the walls are best simply painted with a suitable shade or combined with other wallpaper.

Photo gallery and design tips

  1. Wallpaper with a large, dark or bright and / or very variegated pattern is best glued to only one or two walls. Otherwise, the space will "overload" and visually decrease. It is also desirable that the interior of the kitchen with bright wallpaper is decorated in a neutral way.

  1. Walls small kitchen it is best to simply paint over the wallpaper in one tone with light paint or decorate with wallpaper with a small, dim and unobtrusive print.