How to paint a heating battery: choose a paint and paint it correctly with your own hands. Is it possible to paint hot batteries and what paint to choose Acrylic paint for heating radiators

The choice of paint for the battery depends on the conditions in which the work will take place, as well as the financial capabilities of the landlord. Retail trade offers an unlimited selection of different coloring compositions, differing in type of coloring matter, cost and consumer properties.

For painting metal products operating at elevated temperatures, the industry offers three main types of paint:

  • acrylic enamels on a water-dispersion basis;
  • traditional acrylic enamels;
  • alkyd paints.

When choosing a specific material, it is necessary to take into account the features of the operating conditions of the battery, namely, the maximum temperature regime during the heating season. The temperature of the coolant in the city network can reach 90 ° C, so the paintwork of the radiator must withstand such loads and at the same time retain its appearance.

When studying the technical indicators of paint, one should pay attention to the degree of wear resistance of a particular material and the uniformity of the structure. The presence of clots, lumps and foreign objects in the paint indicates an expired shelf life or a violation of production technology. It will not be possible to achieve an acceptable result with such a material; a smooth and uniform film on the surface cannot be achieved.

In addition to these parameters, it is desirable to choose a paint with increased anti-corrosion protection and a quick drying time. The issue of choosing paint is considered in more detail.

What color is better to paint and why

The color of the battery does not affect the quality of heat transfer to the room, and therefore it is unnecessary to stick to the traditional white color for a radiator.

What color to paint the cast-iron battery depends on the overall color scheme of the hall or kitchen. For a nursery, it can be multi-colored, bright and even funny colors, in the living room, the color of the radiator can be matched to the color of upholstered furniture, or, conversely, this element can be highlighted in contrast to the general tone of the wallpaper and flooring.

You can endlessly think of how to beautifully paint a radiator, how to get a bright, designer thing out of an ordinary object. For antique cast-iron sectional batteries, the picture in the form of an accordion suggests itself, and for modern bimetallic and aluminum radiators, it is fashionable to use ombre coloring technology, when the dominant color is smoothly decomposed into semitones horizontally.

When planning a picture for a battery, you should consider how this element will be noticeable in the overall picture of the room. If the radiator is constantly hidden by curtains or furniture, you should not expend effort and invite expensive specialists to draw the original picture, in this case a plain coating in the general style of the room is enough.

Calculation of the required amount of paint

Manufacturers of paint and varnish products always indicate on the packaging the paint consumption per 1 m 2, and therefore, knowing the total area of ​​​​the surface to be painted, it is always possible to determine how much material is needed to apply one coating layer.

For new devices, this information is usually indicated in the product passport, and for older radiators and riser pipes, the painting area will have to be calculated independently.

To determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pipe, you need to remember the formula for the circumference, which is equal to 2PR or P number (3.14) multiplied by pipe diameter. The resulting circumference should be multiplied by the length of the riser, which will give the desired result - pipe surface area.

When determining the area of ​​​​steel, bimetallic and aluminum rectangular batteries, there will be no difficulties - it is enough to multiply the width and height of the element, but to find the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba sectional cast-iron radiator, you will first have to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone section, adding the areas of individual elements, and then multiply the result by the number of sections .

To obtain the required amount of paint, you need to find the total area that is planned to be painted, multiplied by the consumption rate indicated by the manufacturer on the can. If you plan to apply more than one layer, the result should be multiplied by the number of layers.

Preparing for painting

Surface preparation before painting may be required not only for a used battery, but also for a new radiator that has scuffs or scratches. The main condition for high-quality painting is a thorough cleaning of the device from the previous paintwork and dirt.

You can clean the coating from the metal in the following ways:

  • mechanical when you have to remove the paint with a drill with special nozzles, a spatula, a sandpaper and a brush with a metal bristle;
  • chemical when solvents are used to soften the old paint layer;
  • thermal, using a building hair dryer, the coating is heated, after which it is easily removed with a spatula.

Before proceeding with the removal of the old coating, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the heater, as dirt and fats interfere with effective cleaning of the surface. The treated surface is degreased and necessarily primed. The primer improves the adhesion of the coating and the metal, and also helps to remove small pores, leveling the area to be painted. The issue of preparing batteries for staining is presented in more detail.

Necessary materials and tools

Painting heating radiators begins with the preparation of the material and a suitable tool. Initially, care should be taken to purchase the appropriate type of paint work, as well as related materials. Would need:

  • paint in a can or in an aerosol can;
  • primer for metal;
  • solvent suitable for the type of paint.

To carry out the preparatory and basic work, you will need the following tools:

  • straight brushes, 50 and 100 mm wide;
  • brushes with a curved handle, 20 and 40 mm wide;
  • roller, 100 mm wide with a fine pile;
  • scraper and sandpaper to remove the old coating;
  • cardboard or polyethylene film to protect the floor and walls during painting work.
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • gloves.

Instructions for painting heating radiators

Before you paint the heating battery with your own hands, it is advisable to study the correct sequence of actions.

To independently paint the radiators in the apartment, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Surfaces are painted from top to bottom.
  2. Before applying a new coating, the surface of the radiator should be treated with a primer and allowed to dry.
  3. Work begins with painting the back of the battery.
  4. At the next stage, using a brush with a curved handle, paint over the internal fins of the radiator.
  5. The outer parts are painted last.
  6. Staining is carried out twice, the final layer is applied no earlier than the first layer is completely dry.

Before applying the last layer, it is necessary to inspect the painted surface. If smudges or roughness are found, they are cleaned with fine sandpaper.

The nuances of painting cast iron, aluminum and bimetallic radiators

Of particular difficulty for novice finishers is the process of painting old cast-iron radiators in the house. Before you paint a cast-iron radiator at home, you should prepare several brushes with curved handles, as well as several ordinary brushes of flutes of different widths.

The sections are painted in turn from top to bottom, starting from the internal connecting ribs.

When a decision is made to renew the paintwork of aluminum or bimetallic radiators, it should be borne in mind that the manufacturer withdraws warranty obligations if the consumer changes the appearance of the device on his own.

It will be very difficult to get high-quality coverage at home. The manufacturer paints aluminum radiators in special workshops with powder paint, obtaining a smooth and even surface.

Most often, automotive tools are used to mask defects on radiators of this type: metal putty and car enamel. Full painting is also best done using aerosol cans.

Is it possible to paint batteries during the heating season

An important factor in high-quality painting is the surface temperature of the heating device. It is not recommended to start painting radiators connected to the heating system, since the paint applied to a metal surface heated to a temperature of over 60 ° C dries quickly, without providing the required density, and uneven staining is also possible.

In winter, it is not always possible to properly ventilate the apartment. At the same time, paint applied to hot metal emits a strong smell, which is difficult to get rid of for a long time. Therefore, it is best to start the process of painting batteries in the summer, when it is possible to organize natural ventilation, and the surface of the radiators has room temperature.

How to paint a heating radiator in winter, during the heating season? In this case, it is necessary to choose the right coloring composition. It is recommended to use odorless alkyd materials, or special types of water-based paints.

Aerosol paints are more evenly distributed over a hot surface, while the painting process is much faster than when working with a brush. Upon completion of work, the room should be ventilated, but a sharp drop in temperature in the room should not be allowed.

The issue of coloring in the winter heating period is considered in more detail in.

in our climate heating required 6-7 months a year, so radiators are an integral part of the interior.

Cast iron batteries do not look the best, it is not always possible to close them with grates.

So that the battery does not spoil the look of the room, with the help of paints you can make her attractive.

We select paint according to its characteristics

Before buying, decide on the color and texture of the paint. The invoice can be glossy, semi-matte or matte, hammer paints mask all defects, do not require a primer, are applied to rust.

In addition to compositions in banks, enamels are produced in the form aerosols, significantly speeding up the painting.

Primary requirements to paint compositions for radiators:

  • Thermal resistance. must withstand temperature at least 80 °C, paints that do not meet this requirement turn yellow, peel off, and the coating cracks.
  • Environmental friendliness. The composition should not emit toxic substances or an unpleasant odor.
  • good adhesion- strong adhesion of the paint layer to the base.
  • High thermal conductivity- the coating must not impede heat transfer.
  • moisture resistance- the composition must withstand washing or leakage in the heating system.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.

How to paint: types of enamels for cast iron radiators

Heat-resistant enamels for cast iron batteries are produced resin based(alkyd, acrylic, silicone), aqueous dispersions(acrylic and silicone), there are also powder paints, but their use requires special equipment, painting is done in the factory.

Acrylic compositions (water-soluble or organic solvents) and alkyd are popular for do-it-yourself painting at home.


Alkyd-based enamels contain pigments, special additives, thinner - pentaphthalic or glyptal varnish. Common alkyd enamel - pentaphthalic PF-115. The compositions are affordable, have good hiding power, are durable, wear-resistant, have a wide range of colors.

Photo 1. Alkyd enamel for cast iron radiators with plastic effect from the manufacturer "Tex".

The lack of enamels - drying time and unpleasant odor, which remains indoors for several days, may appear at a high temperature of the coolant; you cannot name harmless enamel.

Reference! Alkyd enamel applied in 2 layers on a pre-primed surface with a brush or with a spray gun.

Water-dispersion acrylic

Acrylic water-based enamel dries quickly, the paint layer is smooth, even like plastic. It has no smell, does not burn, safe and environmentally friendly, possesses high adhesion to metal.

The disadvantage of acrylic water-dispersed enamels is resistance to abrasives(surface cannot be cleaned with powders).

Photo 2. Acrylic glossy enamel for cast iron batteries PROFI VD-AK-1179 dries quickly and leaves no smell.

Acrylic with solvent

In addition to acrylic resin, the composition includes pigments, additives and a solvent - White Spirit. Enamel forms a durable and stable coating, paint can be applied to surfaces previously treated with acrylic or alkyd composition. Layer durable, non-yellowing with time.

The disadvantage can be called an unpleasant odor and drying time - painted surface dries in about 8 hours, the second layer is applied in a day.

How to paint the battery with your own hands

If the manufacturer does not indicate in the instructions the possibility of applying the composition to the old paint, then the radiators require pre-rinsing, cleaning from the old paint layer, then priming and coloring in 2 layers.

Work is being carried out wearing goggles, respirator and gloves.

Attention! Workwear set - the best protection against harmful dust and chemicals. To protect the space around the radiator from accidental splashes, the surfaces are protected with plastic wrap, cardboard or paper.

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Wiping the radiator

Accumulated dust, small debris is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Rinse thoroughly with detergent internal and external surfaces.

Remove the old paint layer with one of 3 ways:

  • washed off with a chemical composition;
  • removed mechanically using a drill and special nozzles - brushes;
  • soften old paint building hair dryer or burner, remove with a spatula.

Removing old paint

Chemical compositions for removing old paint (washes) are produced in the form of a liquid or aerosols.

Important! Choosing a wash solution pay attention to composition: it must include components that prevent corrosion.

The softened paint layer is removed with a spatula, a rag is also suitable. Removal of paint without softening is done using a drill with a brush head with metal teeth. Cleaning off old paint the surface is dedusted: manually - with a brush, brush or vacuum cleaner.

Surface sanding

Surface of radiators sanded down to metal. This work can be done manually with sandpaper, but cleaning with a grinder is faster and better.

Dedusted surface degrease if it is planned to paint with alkyd compounds - gasoline or white spirit, when painting with acrylic - acetone.


Before priming, flaws, large irregularities putty. Apply putty for metal, designed for high ( from 80 °C) temperature (epoxy, automotive). The dried layer is sanded, dusted and degreased.

The primer is selected in accordance with the paint. Some manufacturers allow the use of paint diluted with water or solvent instead of primer ( 5% of volume). This point should be described in detail in the instructions for the paint.


To properly paint the battery, you need flute brushes: medium width with a straight handle and narrow with a curved handle.

Attention! Instead of a flute with a curved handle, you can make tampovka from a piece of foam rubber attached to the wire. The wire is easy to bend at the right angle, all hard-to-reach places are easy to paint over.

Read in the article

What are the types of compositions

The modern market for coatings offers many options:

  • alkyd;
  • hammer;
  • acrylic;
  • silverfish;
  • water-based;
  • silicate;
  • powder.

Alkyd enamels are distinguished by good resistance to heat, while acrylic enamels give the surface of heating radiators a glossy sheen.

A certain type of material is suitable for a specific type of radiator. Batteries are made from various types of metal. Their painting requires compliance with certain nuances.

Alkyd enamels

This type of coating is considered acceptable for coating radiators. Alkyd paint has several advantages:

  • heat resistance;
  • creates a glossy coating on radiators;
  • long service life;
  • wear resistance;
  • high quality.

The main disadvantage of this coating is its unpleasant odor. This is due to the presence of white spirit in the composition of alkyd materials.

The smell after applying them to the battery persists for several days. It may appear for a while when the radiators are heated. Another disadvantage of this material is its long drying time.

Alkyd enamels are made on a different basis. This could be the base:

  • silicon-organic;
  • organic;
  • water.

Much depends on the color of the colorful product. When choosing a white alkyd enamel, it is recommended to stop at a product that contains a titanium-based pigment. Thanks to him, the material will not turn yellow during the operation of the battery.

Acrylic colorful products

Acrylic enamels have advantages over alkyd ones. They are as follows:

  • lack of smell;
  • fast drying period (within 2-3 hours);
  • possibility of drawing on hot batteries;
  • a special consistency that simplifies the process of applying to the heater.

Any acrylic paint before applying to the battery requires its preliminary preparation. The surface of the heater must first be primed and allowed to dry.

The product is applied in several layers. The advantage of the product is its special consistency, reminiscent of sour cream. When painting, the colorful material does not spread.

The surface of the heater must not be wet. Acrylic enamel does not tolerate moisture.

When applied to the battery, they resemble plastic, which looks organically in the interior of the apartment.

Acrylic enamels have their drawbacks:

  • rather short service life and high probability of shedding;
  • color change after drying.


For hammer colorful products, one feature is characteristic - with their help it is possible to obtain several shades from one color at once. Hammer paints allow you to achieve various textured options on heating appliances.

This type of colorful materials creates a non-uniform coating on radiators. It smooths out imperfections and uneven surfaces of radiators.

Hammer paints are applied to rough surfaces.

To do this, you will need to pre-treat the heating radiator with sandpaper. The rest of the products are applied to devices according to the same scheme and rules as other types.

Water emulsion

It is allowed to paint heating batteries with water-based paints. The main arguments for using this type of paint coatings are:

  • their resistance to high temperatures;
  • fast drying on the surface;
  • odorless paint.

The main argument against the use of water-based paint materials is their low wear resistance. According to this criterion, they are significantly inferior to more resistant species.


Powder coating of radiators has become an alternative to the use of traditional liquid paint materials. The process of applying powder paint to the battery requires compliance with a number of important conditions:

  • dry powder mixture is poured into a special gun and sprayed onto the heater;
  • an electric field arises that attracts colorful particles, where charges of the opposite direction are created;
  • the applied paint needs to be polymerized, for which a special oven or heat gun is used.

In some cases, ultraviolet radiation is required to ensure high-quality application of such a colorful product to a heating device. To create it, you need an ultraviolet lamp.

Powder paints for radiators undergo three stages of reflow during application:

  • acquisition of a viscous consistency by powder;
  • formation of a single layer of melted powder particles;
  • the heating device is wetted by the molten polymer.

We paint the heating radiator in the apartment

When choosing paint, you need to consider the type of room. If the place is public, office, then you can use cheap materials

When repairs are made in a city apartment, odorless paint is definitely needed, and this is especially important if repair work is planned in a children's room.

Many people use conventional paint materials for painting pipes, which are designed to work with floors, walls, and ceilings. It's not one of the best options. They are not suitable for use at high temperatures, so they spread quickly and acquire a yellowish tint on the surface.

If you have to choose between glossy and matte colorful materials, then you must take into account the fact that a shiny coating always attracts attention and all the flaws, bumps and other shortcomings of the radiator will be visible. A matte light finish will quickly turn gray because dirt accumulates in the porous structures

We paint batteries with our own hands

More often they prefer to choose a colorful material for white radiators. This is no longer relevant. Previously, there was no such abundance of materials as now. White radiators look beautiful only in rooms where the walls are made in light colors. It is better to choose the color of the paint to match the color of the walls, the entire room.

Knowing all types of paints, their features and application rules, it remains only to get to work. The main thing is that the work is done in a good mood, and then the repairs carried out will please with an aesthetic appearance for a long time.

How to paint types of enamels for cast iron radiators

Heat-resistant enamels for cast iron batteries are produced resin based(alkyd, acrylic, silicone), aqueous dispersions(acrylic and silicone), there are also powder paints, but their use requires special equipment, painting is done in the factory.

Acrylic compositions (water-soluble or organic solvents) and alkyd are popular for do-it-yourself painting at home.


Alkyd-based enamels contain pigments, special additives, thinner - pentaphthalic or glyphthalic varnish. Common alkyd enamel - pentaphthalic PF-115. The compositions are affordable, have good hiding power, are durable, wear-resistant, have a wide range of colors.

Photo 1. Alkyd enamel for cast iron radiators with plastic effect from the manufacturer "Tex".

The lack of enamels - drying time and unpleasant odor, which remains indoors for several days, may appear at a high temperature of the coolant; you cannot name harmless enamel.

Reference! Alkyd enamel applied in 2 layers on a pre-primed surface with a brush or with a spray gun.

Water-dispersion acrylic

Acrylic water-based enamel dries quickly, the paint layer is smooth, even like plastic. It has no smell, does not burn, safe and environmentally friendly, possesses high adhesion to metal.

The disadvantage of acrylic water-dispersed enamels is resistance to abrasives(surface cannot be cleaned with powders).

Photo 2. Acrylic glossy enamel for cast iron batteries PROFI VD-AK-1179 dries quickly and leaves no smell.

Acrylic with solvent

In addition to acrylic resin, the composition includes pigments, additives and a solvent - White Spirit. Enamel forms a durable and stable coating, paint can be applied to surfaces previously treated with acrylic or alkyd composition. Layer durable, non-yellowing with time.

The disadvantage is the unpleasant odor and the drying time - the painted surface dries in about 8 hours, the second layer is applied in a day.

Paints for radiators and necessary tools

  • Paints for radiators and necessary tools
  • Preparatory work and the process of dyeing batteries

Many people think that only the front part of heating radiators should be painted, but, unfortunately, this conclusion is erroneous.

Often, especially with Soviet batteries, rust spots begin to appear, and if they are not removed, then corrosion can spread further.

Good paint will help get rid of unwanted corrosion. To find out what paint to paint radiators with, you need to find out the characteristics of this product.

The acquired paint must be resistant to elevated temperatures, because radiators get very hot in winter, and retain their natural color for a long time.

To choose the right paintwork material, you need to know what types are on sale.

Acrylic paint has a natural color for a long period of time and is famous for not having a strong smell.

This option is well suited for painting radiators in the winter, because you don’t really need to ventilate the apartment.

Alkyd paint is resistant to high temperatures and is therefore ideal for radiators. Of the minuses, an increased smell can be noted, so it is better to use it in the warm season, and not in the heating season.

There is another type of acrylic paint that is used in conjunction with a solvent. This material has good performance, firstly, the paint can be used without an additional primer, and secondly, the coating has a good appearance and a glossy surface.

The well-known oil paint used to be a popular product, but with the development of the technological process, it faded into the background.

This is the main list of paints and varnishes for cast iron radiators that can be purchased. For panel radiators, you can use spray paints (preferably car enamel).

It is no longer fashionable to have white batteries, so do not be afraid to experiment with colors, the main thing is that the coating fits into the design of the apartment.

In the children's room, you can brightly decorate radiators, especially panel radiators, on which you can reproduce the whole landscape.

So how to paint radiators and in what style, you decide.

But it should be remembered that in order for the coloring material to lay down well, it is necessary to have a special tool, such as:

  • sandpaper for pre-cleaning;
  • sharp object or knife for removing old paint;
  • several types of brushes;
  • small roller;
  • unnecessary rags for cleaning the room.

This whole set will be needed for high-quality work and will help transform old and ugly radiators into a luxurious piece of furniture.

The choice of coloring composition

Painting pipelines and heating radiators is a responsible job that poses the question to the contractor: how to paint these parts? For painting, you can use only compounds that protect the metal from rust and are resistant to high temperatures. Batteries of central heating are heated to a temperature of 60-80 degrees Celsius. Paint for a heating radiator should not change its original color when heated, peel off from the surface, break down and release toxic substances into the air.

It is necessary to select paint based on the material of the radiator

Advice! After painting, an unpleasant smell remains in the room for a long time. Odorless paint for batteries makes it possible to carry out work even in a residential area.

  • acrylic;
  • alkyd enamel;
  • water-dispersed;
  • paint for silicone-based radiators;
  • based on heat-resistant varnish.

Acrylic enamel for radiators is designed for temperatures up to 80 degrees. When dried, it forms a glossy surface, the color of which remains for a long time. This paint for heating pipes is odorless, so it is suitable for work in residential areas. The basis of this composition is white enamel, to which the required amount of pigments is added.

Alkyd enamel for radiators contains organic solvents. The strength of the enamel coating is higher than that of acrylic formulations. It evenly covers the surface and is resistant to temperature effects. The disadvantage of alkyd compounds is a peculiar unpleasant odor that can remain indoors for a long time even after drying.

Advice! If you chose alkyd compounds for painting heating radiators, opt for dark shades. Light pigments (especially white), which are part of these enamels, lose their brightness over time and turn yellow.

The question often arises, is it possible to paint radiators with a water-based composition? It is possible and necessary! This odorless metal paint is suitable for heating communications and residential batteries.

The coloring of pipes and cast-iron heating radiators with two-component enamels, consisting of heat-resistant varnish and metallized particles, has gained popularity. Such compositions give the batteries shades of gold, silver, bronze, with their help you can stylize radiators "antique". The advantages of these tools include low cost and durability of the coating.

Zinc paint for metal is also suitable for painting metal batteries. It will not only update the appearance, but also, due to its anti-corrosion properties, will extend the life of the radiator.

On the market there is a huge number of multi-colored paints for any type of material.

The choice of color depends on the preferences of the tenants. Painting batteries white has long ceased to be relevant. Thanks to the range of paints, it became possible to paint radiators in the same color as the interior or, conversely, in bright colors. For example, in children's rooms radiators will organically look, all colors of the rainbow, decorated with butterflies, flowers, etc.

Coloring compositions for heating radiators can be produced in the form of aerosol cans. They are easy to use, allow you to evenly paint even hard-to-reach areas of the batteries and significantly reduce the time to complete the job.

Overview of paints for radiators

The most common options are enamel paints . They can be acrylic or alkyd. The first are created on organic solvents. They allow you to create a beautiful, glossy finish. The second ones are very durable, easy to clean, practically do not erase. Alkyd enamels also have a huge advantage - a wide range of colors. Their disadvantage is that they include white spirit, which has a pungent odor.

Traditional paints and varnishes containing harmful substances are gradually stepping aside. Although they are quite effective - they give a lasting color, are applied evenly and are stable. In addition, the cost of such materials is affordable.

However, they can be replaced with more environmentally friendly materials - the same water-soluble paints . They are absolutely safe, dry quickly, apply evenly and do not emit carcinogens. However, when buying, you should be careful - not all such products are suitable for use, since water causes metal corrosion. It is better to choose acrylic-based paints from it, while taking into account that radiators will still require careful surface preparation. The disadvantage of these materials is also that they are not resistant to abrasion and can stain the curtains.

Alternatively, you can use enamel in spray cans for radiators. Although it is not entirely safe, but with its help you can get the job done in a matter of minutes. True, it will only allow you to refresh the surface, without penetrating into hard-to-reach places.

Choosing which paint to paint the batteries is not difficult. Just when buying, you need to make sure that it is designed specifically for radiators. This must be indicated on the packages.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • small brushes with soft bristles or foam roller;
  • for hard-to-reach places, you need to take brushes with a curved handle;
  • drill with a nozzle in the form of an iron brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • film;
  • putty knife;
  • paint, primer, thinner.

The need for an update

The service life of radiators made of cast iron or aluminum can exceed 50 years, but if on old batteries in an apartment or kitchen the paint faded and began to swell from time to time, then in such an unpresentable form they clearly attract attention and can hardly be considered home decoration. .

Solving the problem by replacing the batteries due to the considerable cost of this method can hardly be considered the best option. And painting the radiators again can be a perfectly acceptable way out of the situation.

In doing so, several factors should be taken into account:

  • Not all types of heating radiators can be painted on their own at home. Often, especially in the case of the wrong choice of dye, it will either quickly turn yellow or peel off soon.
  • Batteries, as you know, are made of cast iron, aluminum, steel, or may be bimetallic. Painting cast-iron radiators, in principle, does not cause problems. It all depends on the right choice of paint for this purpose. But in the case of aluminum radiators, convectors or batteries made of stainless steel, the situation looks different.

Such elements of the heating system are powder-coated at the factory, followed by heat treatment.

Therefore, applying a new layer of paint over the factory paintwork at home becomes a serious problem.

  • By the vast majority of manufacturers of heating radiators not made of cast iron, attempts at unauthorized painting of batteries are considered as a violation of the manufacturer's warranty by the consumer.

  • Enamel dyes, after drying, cover the products with a durable and monolithic layer, which completely excludes the penetration of air to the metal surface. If oxygen still gets at least a slight access through the paint layer, then the protection of the metal product from corrosion should be called into question, while it is the protective functions that in most cases are the main reason for painting radiators.

  • It is curious that the passports for all heating batteries contain a categorical prohibition that does not allow painting over the air outlet on the automatic air vent. That is, if paint is applied to this hole, then, if necessary, it will be almost impossible to bleed air from the heating system. This circumstance must be taken into account when performing painting work.

  • Coloring of aluminum and stainless steel radiators is carried out at the factory with powder dyes, which after their application are subjected to heat treatment at high temperature in special boxes. It is clear that the creation of such technological conditions at home is not possible. Ordinary oil and other dyes, due to their low adhesion on aluminum and steel surfaces, will not last long.

  • Reliable painting of aluminum requires special equipment for this purpose, as well as the use of epoxy primers and enamels, which is very expensive. In addition, deviations from the technology will inevitably lead to delamination of the newly applied coating. There is another method of anodic oxidation, but it is associated with significant technological difficulties and requires certain knowledge.

  • If the consumer has a successful experience in painting an automobile body and paints and varnishes appropriate for the task, then you can try to paint aluminum batteries. But otherwise, it is better to refuse this idea. In this case, it is more expedient to buy new heating elements, or to cover the peeling products with a decorative screen.
  • A separate point are steel convectors. They are equipped with frequent fins made of steel plates strung on a pair of pipes - the so-called "comb". If you try to paint these lamellar fins, then there will be an undesirable effect of a sharp decrease in heat transfer. It is also impossible to get to the pipes themselves with a narrow brush. Therefore, it is better to refuse the coloring of these surfaces.

Such radiators are usually equipped with iron dampers and side screens. These elements are not only possible, but also necessary to be painted, and ordinary heat-resistant dyes are quite suitable for this purpose.

Types of paints for batteries

Today, many manufacturing companies offer a fairly wide range of products such as odorless paint for radiators. Thanks to this, buyers have the opportunity to choose the most suitable type for themselves:

  1. acrylic enamel;
  2. Alkyd enamel;
  3. Oil enamel;
  4. Water based.

All types differ from each other in production technology, composition and characteristics.

acrylic enamel

Acrylic paints:

  • do not have a characteristic odor and are great for interior work.
  • Their widespread use in everyday life is also due to the fact that they are quite dry quickly,
  • different increased moisture resistance,
  • uniform application on any surface
  • and are also absolutely safe for people.
  • Due to the fact that the composition of the substance includes special additives, a layer of paint does not start to crack and turn yellow when the temperature of the radiator or battery rises.
  • In addition, it should be noted that manufacturers offer huge range of colors, therefore, acrylic paint for heating radiators is often used in the decoration of surfaces.

As for the shortcomings, the most significant of them is high price. However, it is fully consistent with the good performance of the paint.

Alkyd enamel

Alkyd paints, manufactured using the latest technologies, have the following advantages:

  • The surface covered with a layer of such a substance is resistant to elevated temperatures - it does not crack when heated up to 1200C;
  • high strength;
  • Homogeneous structure layer during application;
  • Good abrasion resistance during the operation of heating batteries and radiators;
  • Wide range of colors allows you to choose almost any color;
  • Layer maintains integrity long time.

However, in addition to the advantages, there is also a disadvantage - for several days after painting, the bad smell, which can later appear with sufficiently strong heating. In addition, some brands sometimes fade a little, and may also change the shade.

Water based enamel

Water-dispersion paint for hot radiators, odorless, is an excellent option for coating radiators. It differs from other species in a number of features:

  • It is made on the basis of ordinary water, so it is absolutely safe for people and environment;
  • Special dispersed particles are not harmful;
  • No unpleasant odor;
  • For complete drying absolutely required a little time;
  • Easy to apply and even layer
  • Due to the water-repellent effect, the dyed batteries can be washed without destroying the layer;
  • Suitable for use in most different rooms.

The disadvantage can be not too many colors because it's mostly white.

oil enamel

Oil products are in rather high demand due to a number of their advantages:

  1. No harsh or unpleasant odor after application and further heating of batteries and radiators;
  2. Are divided into colored and colorless;
  3. Easy to apply on metal surfaces;
  4. form uniform layer;
  5. Fine suitable for indoor use both residential and non-residential premises;
  6. Low cost compared to other types of battery paints;
  7. Can be used for decoration surfaces - applying patterns and complex patterns.

The downside is that complete drying requires a lot of time. This is due to the fact that a solvent is added to the paint.

Before painting batteries, their surfaces must be prepared. First, they are washed from dust and dirt and dried, and then sanded with fine sandpaper. Peeling old paint is removed before processing.

Advice. On the chips of the old coating or in places where it was removed, visible depressions will remain after painting. To prevent this, it is better to clean them, fill them with putty for metal and, after it dries, process them with sandpaper, leveling them with the rest of the surface.

The second stage - priming

This is especially important when acrylic enamel is applied to bare metal or a layer of putty. The primer grade is selected for metal; a primer intended for wood or other materials cannot be used as a base

After priming, you need to give the time for solidification indicated on the package.

The last step is coloring. Having covered part of the wall behind the radiator and the floors under it with a film, the coating is applied in 2 layers with a brush, roller or spray gun. The latter method is most preferable, as it provides penetration into hard-to-reach places.

Advice. Better not paint hot batteries, not all paint is designed for this. And the smell in this case will be stronger, so it is recommended to perform work in the off-season.

The choice of paint for pipes

The answer to the question: is it possible to paint hot pipes - has already been provided, so let's move on to the selection of the dye. Today, there are several types of paint that are a priori suitable for processing hot radiators.

  • alkyd enamel - the surface treated with this material can be matte or glossy. The paint creates a durable coating. Among the variety of these dyes, there is a special one for radiators that can be applied to hot pipes. In addition, the enamel will create a barrier against the formation of rust;
  • acrylic paint - has proven itself at home, as it is easy to use and does not emit odor when dried due to the fact that it is water-based;
  • oil paint - this material is hopelessly outdated due to its characteristics (dries for a long time, has a pungent odor), so we will not consider it;
  • spray paint - suitable for use in industrial environments, requires special application skills. This material is not suitable for use in the home;
  • silicone-based dye - due to the cost and specifics of the application, such paint is significantly inferior to the first two options;
  • dye based on heat-resistant varnish - great for heated pipes, but in a city apartment and a private house the temperature of the radiator is unlikely to rise above 90 degrees, so it is not advisable to use such a dye;
  • water-dispersion paint - dries quickly on a heated surface, which interferes with high-quality film formation. In addition, such a dye already has poor abrasion resistance - it is not suitable.

Of all these paints, alkyd enamel and acrylic paint have proven themselves in the best way. But they have two drawbacks: alkyd enamel - exudes a smell, and acrylic - does not protect against rust. In order not to endure the unpleasant smell from alkyd paint, you can use acrylic paint, but before that you need to apply a primer layer on the batteries. Such paint for hot heating pipes keeps quite well and does not darken over time.

Examples of enamels for painting radiators

Among the range of special radiator paints there are options that are better suited than others. For example, among alkyd enamels, the Swedish paint "Elementfard Alkid" surpasses its competitors in its characteristics (it emits very little odor, dries quickly, is used at surface temperatures up to 100 degrees, does not require priming). And also the Dutch paint "Radiator Paint" helps to positively answer the question: is it possible to paint pipes during the heating season? After all, its range of application up to 90 degrees is enough to paint hot pipes.

Do-it-yourself painting of heating devices

The workflow for painting batteries and pipes with heat-resistant compounds includes several stages:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Application of the coloring composition.

To carry out the work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Brush with a metal base.
  • Paint brushes - regular and radiator.
  • Sandpaper coarse grit.
  • Cleaning brush.
  • Spatula with metal tip.
  • Primer for metal.
  • Battery paint.
  • Degreasing or solvent composition.

Preparing surfaces for painting

To perform high-quality painting of heating devices with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the surfaces. Preparatory work includes the following activities: cleaning of the old coating, removal of corrosion, degreasing and priming.

  1. The surface is carefully cleaned: the old coating is removed, the places damaged by corrosion are polished to a shine. Contaminants are removed with a brush, and paint - with a spatula or special chemicals.
  2. After removing the paint, the surface is polished with a brush with metal bristles, a special nozzle for a drill or a grinder. Personal protective equipment is used when cleaning the surface.
  3. The cleaned surface is sanded with sandpaper, degreased with any available solution.
  4. A primer with anti-corrosion properties is applied to the prepared surface for maximum protection against corrosion and to increase the adhesion of the coloring composition to the base.

Features of surface painting

Most modern formulations are applied to a cold surface, so the hot battery must be cooled before painting. To obtain a high-quality coating, it is recommended to paint the batteries following a certain technology.

Liquid formulations

If an oil, water, water-based and other liquid composition is used in the work, it is necessary to properly prepare the workplace and protect the surrounding surfaces with a clean rag.

  1. For painting, use a brush with a curved handle or a soft sponge. The coloring agent is poured into a wide container. Hands are protected by gloves.
  2. The composition is applied in a thin layer on the inner surfaces and in hard-to-reach places, then the outer part of the heating device is processed. Smooth strokes are performed from top to bottom, which will allow you to evenly apply enamel to the surface.

Important! If visual defects appear after staining, it is necessary to re-paint. .

Aerosol formulations

If odorless balloon paint is used for painting, then the principle of surface treatment is as follows:

  1. First, hard-to-reach places are processed, then the outer parts of the central and other heating elements.
  2. Smooth movements are performed in a zigzag pattern from top to bottom.
  3. The surface is treated in two layers to obtain a uniform coating.

If enamel for radiators is applied with a spray gun, then the principle of surface treatment is similar to balloon painting.

Before you perform home painting of heating radiators, you should carefully study the features of the technological process, because compliance with all stages will ensure high performance and long service life of the devices.

Paint thinner for radiators

Of course, the new paint will lay down tightly and evenly only if the old coating from the radiators is completely removed. In order not to waste time manually scraping metal or peeling it off with a drill and a brush, you can use special gel washes. Such a composition is applied to the surface of the radiator and left for a certain time. When the paint softens, it is simply scraped off with a spatula.

You can apply a paint remover with an old brush with natural bristles or a spatula made of metal or wood. Among the various types of washes, there are aerosol types of washes. In order not to damage adjacent surfaces, before spraying the composition, all nearby objects are covered with a film.

Manufacturers indicate the exposure time of various formulations on the packaging. After a predetermined period, the old coating becomes soft enough that it can be removed without difficulty.

Although the composition of the wash contains chemically active components, they do not damage metal and wooden objects, as well as the skin. But still, it is better to use gloves when working. Residues of the composition from the radiator can be washed off with plain water.

Such brands of wash as B-52 or SP-6 showed themselves well. Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce many analogues of such substances, different in price and penetration depth.


As it became clear, the range of types and colors of dyes for radiators is very extensive. When buying, you will need to choose the color and type of paint - matte, semi-gloss or gloss

In addition, it is important to decide which paint you want to buy - alkyd enamel or acrylic. The last step is to select a manufacturer.

Preparatory work and the process of dyeing batteries

To understand how to paint a heating battery, you need to know the principle of the work performed.

Like all types of work in construction, the painting process begins with the preparation of batteries. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the contaminated areas and check the product for the presence of corrosion spots.

Once the old paint and dirt have been removed, the radiator should be wiped down with a damp cleaning cloth.

Swollen places must be cleaned with sandpaper, and if rotten places are found, they must be eliminated.

At the finishing stage, the radiator should be covered with a primer mixture, but only the characteristics of the further material should be taken into account, because some types of paint and varnish products do not require a primer layer.

To clean the heaters from dirt and old paint, several types of cleaning are used. The first method is called chemical, and the second method (consists of using a special tool) is called mechanical.

To remove dirt chemically, solutions consisting of acids and solvents are used. Such a mixture can be prepared independently or purchased at the store.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sodium carbonate (soda ash), about one kilogram;
  • slaked lime, in the same proportion;
  • water, about five liters;
  • large capacity, more than ten liters.

The solution is prepared as follows. Soda is dissolved in hot water, the water temperature is about 60 degrees, after which lime is added in small doses. This is done to prevent strong foam.

The mechanical method involves the use of a special tool or ordinary sandpaper.

The process is long and dusty, but to speed it up, you can use a special nozzle on a drill or use a grinder.

In this case, you must follow the safety rules and carry out such work carefully so as not to damage the radiator.

As for the staining process itself, no special skills are needed here, the main thing is to know how to properly paint the heater.

Before starting work, you should equip the workplace, cover the floor with paper (or other material), protect the walls with a gasket (you can put a large sheet of cardboard), and prepare the necessary tools.

The paint is applied to the radiators with a brush, preferably from top to bottom - this way there will be no streaks. The layer should be thin and even. After the paint dries, you need to apply a second layer.

The internal parts of the radiators must be painted over first of all, so as not to get dirty in the process. Small details and difficult places should be painted with a sponge or roller.

That's the whole principle of work on painting radiators.

Staining steps

So that the result does not disappoint, and the money is not thrown to the wind, it is better to paint the radiator in accordance with a certain technology:

1. Prepare the workplace: cover the floor and close the wall. To pick up tools for painting. Only brushes are suitable, sponges are sometimes used. The roller in this type of work is definitely not suitable. The worker must cover his hands with gloves.

2. Paint on a brush should be taken a little so that it does not flow over the hands and handle of the coloring device. Thus, drips on the battery cells and drops on the floor, wall can be avoided, and the enamel will lie in a more even layer.

3. The inside of the battery is painted first. To make the procedure as high as possible, a sponge is often used. With light soaking movements, the surface is coated.

4. The outside of the heating element is painted second. It is carried out thanks to brushes of medium thickness. Strokes are performed in one direction from left to right or vice versa. In the process, the direction is desirable not to change.

It is better not to apply the paint too thickly - it should be thin, more or less uniform. If, after drying, any shortcomings are visible, then re-painting should be done on the already painted elements. The principle of operation consists in the same steps as the application of the first layer of paint.

Paintwork for radiators (37 photos)

Reasons for failure

A common cause of an unsatisfactory painting result is failure to comply with the enamel drying conditions. It is risky to carry out work during the heating season, when the batteries can turn on and heat up. This common mistake usually ends up with an unaesthetic result. High temperatures cause too rapid drying, weakening the resulting coating. Radiators can be painted at room temperature. The paints are resistant to temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius, however, this does not mean that they can be applied at such temperatures.

Hiding old radiators behind heavy curtains or furniture is not a good idea. By hiding batteries behind curtains, we limit the flow of heat, reducing heating efficiency. Old, cast-iron, steel batteries can be quite efficient, they are durable, reliable, so replacement is not always advisable. However, it is difficult to consider them as a decorative element of the interior. Modern tools allow you to correct an aesthetic flaw - old radiators can be painted

In order to end up with a beautiful, durable end result, it is important to properly prepare the surface, choose the right paint for the batteries, choosing a paint with good resistance to high temperatures.

Features of applying paint

Before painting, the heating radiator must be cooled. This is because most paints are designed to be applied to a cold surface. If they are applied to hot metal, they will dry quickly. And this will not allow you to apply a uniform layer and correct smudges, stains and stains in time. In any case, under the condition of working on hot batteries. there is very little time to apply paint. In this case, the mistake made may remain uncorrected. This is often noted in different videos.

True, there are some exceptions

So, people who ask the question whether it is possible to paint hot batteries should pay attention to paints specially designed for this purpose. They are able to dry on heated metal very slowly.

However, such paints are quite expensive, and the final result of calculating a small repair will be a considerable amount. Therefore, it is better, before painting the radiator in winter, to turn it off and wait for it to cool. It is best to change the color of the heating device in the summer season. Then it is convenient to ventilate the room and the batteries are cold.

If you have to paint a cast-iron heater during the heating season with ordinary paints, then you need to apply a very thin layer of paint. Apply two such layers.

The application of a coloring mixture of a certain color occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Placing oilcloth or old pieces of newspaper under the radiator.
  2. Applying paint to the top. Then they gradually go down. Thanks to this, such a problem as smudges is eliminated. First, the coloring mixture is applied to the internal parts of the device, and then to the external ones. You need to paint the entire surface.
  3. Drying of the first coat of paint.
  4. Apply the second layer in the same way as the first.

The battery is covered with paint using various tools, namely:

If you plan to use a brush, then you should take several of its options. The first should have soft, straight bristles. The other has curved bristles. Thanks to the second, you can work out with your own hands those places to which access is limited.

In the case of painting with an airbrush, it is better to remove the battery. So excess paint will not get on the walls. In addition, there is a great opportunity to paint the most inaccessible places.

Spray painting is very fast. In this case, you need to perform zigzag movements. They move from top to bottom. The distance from the treated surface to the spray can should be 30 cm.

Powder dyes

With the help of such dyes, steel, bimetallic and aluminum batteries are painted under production conditions. For home staining, it is used very rarely due to the need for a special tool - a spray gun. Although some services rent such equipment.

According to the technology, a negative charge is transferred to a cleaned part, and a positive charge is transferred to powder paint. This requires a diesel generator that produces a current with a power of fractions of an ampere at a voltage of 25-30 kV.

The potential difference allows you to evenly spray the powder over the entire surface to be painted. The next step is to polymerize the dye to make it hard. It is performed by heating the product to a certain temperature. Its range is from 170-200℃ to 350℃.

The lower temperature threshold can be created with a heat gun, but to inject high temperatures, you will need an oven that gradually warms up the product. Alternatively, you can use paint, the polymerization of which occurs under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Then in a closed room it is enough to turn on a special lamp for a specified time.

Be that as it may, such technology at home is difficult to implement. You may be able to paint the radiator in an equipped auto repair shop.

Thus, from all the options for paints for radiators, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable and most affordable. Even if it is oil paint, this is not a relevant choice, but it has a right to exist.

Features of applying paint

Applying this or that type of paint to radiators is not an easy job, as a person who is far from understanding the technology of painting work might think. Indeed, the reliability of the coating and its durability will depend on how correctly all stages of painting were observed.

Preparatory stage

Painting with acrylic paint

Preparation of radiators for painting is the most important and the first stage, on which the final result largely depends. First you need to thoroughly wash the heater, using for this purpose a special spray bottle with washing liquid, a soft rag and a brush. Even new batteries need preliminary preparation, since even the highest quality paints without their characteristic odor should lie on the surface smoothly and evenly. Next - it is necessary to degrease the devices, as well as clean them with sandpaper to remove various irregularities on their surfaces and better adhesion to the paint.

Before applying the coloring composition, the old coating layer should be removed, and the places subject to corrosion should be treated with special compounds.

Preparation of tools and materials

Before removing the old layer of paint and applying a new coating, make sure you have the right tools and abrasives on hand:

  • Tassels.
  • Drill bits.
  • Sandpaper for removing old paint.
  • degreasing composition.
  • Primers with metal corrosion protection components.
  • Abrasive - for removing thick layers of old coating.

Features of applying paint to radiators

Acrylic enamel for radiators

In order for the end result to be as you expect, you should not only choose the right paint, carefully carry out all the preparatory work, but also apply a new composition, according to the rules:

  • All restoration and painting work should be carried out during the period of turning off the heating in order to avoid stains and ugly stains.
  • It is important to apply the paint from top to bottom so that random streaks that may appear do not spoil the already treated surface. It is necessary to cover the batteries completely, including the back and the inside of them. In order to paint hard-to-reach places, there are special battery brushes that have a curved shape. It is most effective to process the device in two thin layers to avoid unevenness. But at the same time, it is necessary to wait until the first applied layer is completely dry. And only after that you can apply the next layer of the coloring composition.
  • The aesthetics of the battery will depend on how carefully the paint, oil or any other, will be used. For convenience, spray cans, special rollers and brushes are often used. It is recommended to start the process from the most inaccessible places, applying the composition evenly.
  • If the technical parameters of the radiator allow you to remove it from the hinges and cover it completely with paint, then this will be the best option.

When carrying out painting work in the summer, it is necessary to keep windows open in order to protect yourself from the negative effects of coloring compositions. In addition, you need to use respirators and gloves, so that after finishing work on painting batteries, do not spoil the skin of your hands with various solvents, rubbing paint stains.

enamel requirements

The main thing in choosing a paint for a home heating radiator is its heat resistance. If the marking of the can indicates that the composition has an operating temperature below + 800C, then you should not take such paintwork for painting the battery. Such paints and varnishes are not originally intended for painting heated elements of the heating system. After turning on the heating, they will begin to peel off or turn yellow.

The best option for battery paint is the one on the label of which there are inscriptions “intended for heating radiators” and “quick-drying”

Paint for self-coloring of the heater must be at the same time:

  • heat-resistant (minimum + 800C, and preferably + 1000C);
  • moisture resistant and resistant to abrasion;
  • non-toxic;
  • with high thermal conductivity;
  • quick-drying.

Some, due to inexperience with batteries, choose ordinary non-heat-resistant paint for interiors. As a result, when heat is applied, it turns yellow or changes its original shade. This is due to the presence of chalk or polymers in its composition, which are not designed for high temperatures. Therefore, both the binder and the pigment must be heat resistant.

The paint on the battery is usually applied in two layers. The faster each of them dries, the faster the radiator will be ready to work. Moreover, often the faster the paintwork material dries, the more pungent the smell of the composition. So that the family is not forced to inhale these ambers, it is often easier to remove the heater from the pipes and paint it somewhere in the garage or on the street.

Inexpensive chalk is often added as a filler to the paint to reduce its cost, it is better to refuse such paintwork materials right away - such enamel will definitely turn yellow

When choosing between a glossy and matte version, it should be remembered that the slightest bumps are noticeable on a shiny surface. For rough and bumpy cast-iron batteries, it is better to choose a paint with a soft shade that will not give glare from lighting.

Radiator cast iron often has metal streaks and dents. When using glossy enamel, all of them will certainly be in sight. At the same time, it is also not worth it to be too zealous with leveling the cast-iron surface of the battery with sandpaper before painting. This can lead to thinning of the radiator fin and subsequent fistula.

Types of paints

The following types of coatings are mainly used for painting heating radiators:

  • Enamel - the composition is distinguished by an affordable cost, as well as an extensive range of shades. The disadvantages of the composition are its intolerance to high temperatures, a decrease in the heat transfer of the battery. Also worth mentioning is the long time it takes for the paint to dry completely and the unpleasant persistent smell.
  • Acrylic dye - odorless, which is a big plus of the product. In addition, it dries quickly and can even be applied to a hot radiator. Given that the coefficient of adhesion of the dye to the surface is minimal, then after a short period of time it begins to crumble and after drying it can change the primary shade - these are its negative sides.
  • Alkyd paint is a high-quality composition that has high heat resistance, the disadvantage is an unpleasant odor and prolonged drying of the treated surface.
  • Special paint for radiators, which tolerates temperature rise, and therefore, even hot heating elements can be treated with a similar composition. In addition, the composition dries quickly, does not reduce the heat transfer of batteries and does not lose its original shade over time. The downside is the rather high cost of this product. Such paints, which are odorless, will be the best choice for a living space.

Surface cleaning

We looked at how to paint a radiator, depending on its type. Now let's figure out how to clean the heater from old, cracked paint.

There are two ways to clean the surface: chemical and mechanical.

Let's consider them separately.

chemical method

In this case, special agents are used, consisting of fatty acids and solvents. They soften the layers and weaken the adhesion of the paint and the surface of the radiator.

During this work, safety precautions should be observed and protective equipment (respirator, gloves and goggles) should be used, since these substances are combustible and toxic. It is also necessary to periodically ventilate the room.

Consider the technology of work:

  • A solution is prepared, for which soda ash is needed - 1 kg, slaked lime, water - 4.5 liters.
  • Soda is dissolved in water and heated to 60 ° C, while slaked lime is added in small portions. Since the solution foams, a large container (10 l) is needed. This mixture is suitable for any surface, but if it is difficult to make a solvent on your own, then a special gel or liquid is purchased;
  • The prepared or purchased solvent is applied to the surface with a brush;
  • When the paint begins to foam and bubble, it is removed with a scraper or spatula;
  • After removing all the paint, the surface is washed with water;
  • If a gel-like liquid is used, then using a brush, smear it with a thick layer, hold it for as long as indicated in the instructions and remove it (with old paint) with a spatula;
  • In relief places, a wire scraper is used to remove paint.

mechanical method

It is carried out using sandpaper. The work is laborious, since it is necessary to clean the front surface of the cast-iron battery

To facilitate the work, an electric drill is used, on a grinding nozzle, with which sandpaper is fixed, but at the same time be careful not to make a hole in the heater, otherwise it will have to be replaced with a new one.

Also, when mechanically removing paint from the surface, brushes and scrapers are used.

These methods allow you to understand how to remove paint from a battery yourself. And in the event that it is necessary to remove rust, then a corrosion inhibitor is used.

How to paint a battery

It is advisable to plan the painting of heating radiators for the summer. It is preferable to carry out work before the start of the heating season, otherwise it will be necessary to temporarily turn off the heating system, wait until the battery has cooled to room temperature. The radiator should not be too cold, the optimum temperature is between +10 and +30 °C.

  1. The floor, the surrounding objects should be covered, protected from splashes - ordinary newspapers are ideal.
  2. Stir the paint thoroughly before starting work.
  3. We cover the heating battery with 2-3 layers of enamel, each time maintaining the required time interval (usually 4 hours).
  4. Radiators can be painted with a special flat soft brush, roller or spray.

Usually use flat brushes with a long handle. It is worth buying a special brush for painting batteries, which has a width of 26-63 millimeters.

When applying paint with a roller or brush, you need to make sure that the brushes do not lose their bristles when painting.

It is important to avoid streaks, uneven coverage. Radiators can be turned on after coating after about 24 hours

The exception is quick-drying varnishes.

Types of paints

What paint to paint radiators? You are very lucky if you have modern powder-coated radiators at your disposal - it lasts for decades without peeling and hardly changing its color. Such paint covers aluminum, bimetallic and steel radiators of various designs. To give special strength, the coloring is subjected to procedures that make it stronger and more durable. The longest service life is characterized by multi-stage painting.

Painting batteries is needed not only to give a neat appearance to the radiator, but also to protect it from the environment.

If the house has ordinary cast-iron accordion batteries or old steel batteries, then they need to be tinted periodically. The paint quickly turns yellow, begins to crumble, exposing the metal and creating all the conditions for the formation of corrosion centers. Therefore, the paintwork needs to be updated. It may also be needed during repairs - what if you decide to paint the batteries in different colors and adapt them to your interior design?

What paint to paint radiators? There are many types of paints:

  • water-dispersion - do not emit an unpleasant odor and dry quickly;
  • acrylic - they smell of solvents and give gloss;
  • alkyd - resistant durable, characterized by long drying;
  • oil - not the most worthy option for painting batteries;
  • heat-resistant silver - an excellent option for painting heating appliances;
  • silicone aluminum - excellent in all respects, but very expensive;
  • canned automotive enamels are a reasonable heat-resistant option.

The water-dispersion composition for radiators is completely safe, as it dissolves with water.

Water-based paints are good because they do not have a strong solvent smell, since their base is ordinary water. They dry quickly and well suited for painting radiators. On some varieties there are marks indicating the possibility of painting heaters.

You don't like matte radiators and want them to shine? Then we recommend that you turn your attention to modern acrylic enamels. They give excellent gloss and have a long service life.

Their disadvantage is the smell of the solvent, so the premises after painting will need to be ventilated.

Alkyd paints are the most durable. They are resistant to temperature loads, well resist abrasion, do not change their color for a long time. Some of them withstand heating up to +150 degrees without turning yellow for many years. Despite the obvious advantages, such paints have one striking drawback - the strong smell of the solvent. It manifests itself not only at the stage of painting, but also when starting the heating system. .

Some consumers note that after drying, the unpleasant odor disappears, but appears already at the first start of heating, disappearing after 1-2 days. During these periods, it is recommended to carefully ventilate the rooms in which the painted batteries are located.

Oil paints are not very well suited for heating radiators, so they have been practically not used recently. They have a strong solvent smell, dry and stick for a very long time, and the dyes used in them turn yellow over time. In addition, after a year or two, such a painting will begin to peel off and fall off, exposing the metal of the heating devices. We do not recommend using this paint for painting heating radiators.

Radiators painted with silver look very attractive, but the main thing here is that the surface of the battery is even, without bumps and depressions, otherwise the impression will be smeared.

Heat resistant silver is a great choice for painting batteries silver.. It contains heat-resistant varnish and powdered aluminum. Tserebrianka advantages:

  • withstands heating up to +200 degrees;
  • does not change color;
  • almost does not peel off and does not fall off.

The disadvantage is a rather strong smell, so after painting the batteries, the rooms must be ventilated.

Silicone-aluminum paints have the highest resistance to high temperatures. They fit well on any surface, forming a strong and reliable connection. The surface is smooth and plastic, the painting does not peel off even after several years of operation. The payoff for such excellent performance is high cost - you have to pay for advantages and durability.

Autoenamels are also suitable for painting heating radiators. They are resistant to temperatures up to + 80-100 degrees and form a shiny glossy surface that does not change color under the influence of temperature loads.


Home craftsmen quite often wonder whether it is possible to paint hot batteries with acrylic paint. It almost does not smell, and is also the most popular due to its affordable cost. The base enamel is a product with a snow-white structure. In order to change the shade, a tinting pigment is added to the ingredients. For such coatings, the temperature threshold is somewhat lower compared to alkyd coatings and is 80 °C. However, in practice it turns out that this is quite enough.

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It is very difficult to find a person who has never held a brush in his hands. Therefore, many do not think about how to paint the battery, believing that there is nothing special in this process. In fact, without some attention, the radiator will become the same as before the repair: rusty, with peeling and swollen paint. That is why many are forced to update the appearance of heating elements almost every year, instead of learning how to paint the battery correctly. But then you can return to this task no more than once every five years or even a decade.

Most of us grew up in apartments with cast-iron radiators or heating registers. In Soviet times, such heating devices were installed “forever”, they were periodically repaired, washed, cleaned and painted with their own hands. There was practically no alternative to such a battery. The need sometimes arises even now.

We welcome a regular reader and offer an article on how do-it-yourself painting radiators is done - such a banal, but at the same time, a difficult type of repair work. All metal radiators and registers require periodic painting.

From the point of view of common sense and to ensure safety, it is imperative to paint heating devices that are susceptible to corrosion, that is, made of steel and cast iron. But it has long been a tradition that window slopes and window sill niches are painted white, and white radiators are also preferred. In any small store, the entire range of heating appliances is painted white, and only in construction hypermarkets can you occasionally see aluminum or colored radiators.

Cast iron

When they talk about painting batteries with their own hands, it is cast-iron radiators that first of all come to mind - reliable, heavy, "eternal". If you have such radiators in your heating system and suit you in terms of the safety of heating your house or apartment, then you probably should not change them. If you live in an apartment building, then replacing the heating system in general can lead to disagreements with the heat supply organization. In a private house, cast iron has its drawbacks, but changing it for no reason also does not make sense. But periodic cleaning and do-it-yourself painting of cast iron is necessary.

Aluminum and bimetallic

You can also paint aluminum heating appliances and bimetallic ones yourself, but this painting is mainly done for aesthetic reasons. For painting aluminum with your own hands, special primers are needed. In a bimetal, the steel core is usually not visible, and the aluminum shell is painted.


Copper batteries oxidize, darken and become less attractive. Therefore, copper radiators and pipes are also painted with their own hands. For copper heating systems, a special primer for non-ferrous metals is used.

Is it possible to paint hot batteries

Definitely - it is impossible. Paint, even alkyd, will dry very quickly, literally “on a brush”. The coating in the presence of heating will have many defects: frozen streaks, uneven coloring, a thick layer of paint, when coating very hot radiators, the paint will simply bubble, at the first wash the heating devices will peel off (or earlier).

If you really, really need to paint hot batteries, you need to turn off the taps and wait until the battery cools down to 30 ° C. If the heating season is in full swing and it is impossible to block it, it is better to be patient until the heating is turned off. There are also special paints for applying to hot surfaces, but how to paint the inside and back with your own hands is a big question. Even special paints for heating appliances should be used in aerosol form - this will ensure uniform application (on the front side).

In any case, do-it-yourself painting of an unremoved battery is practically possible only from the front side, which means that this is an easy cosmetic repair of the heating system.

paintwork requirements

Batteries - a rather atypical element of the interior - are almost always in sight, heated to a temperature of 70-90 ° C for half a year, air convection constantly occurs nearby and brings dust, things are often dried on them.

Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the paint for radiators:

  1. Thermal resistance. The paint should not swell and peel off during operation, that is, during heating. It is very important that the paint looks beautiful for a long time, does not turn yellow and does not lose color - after all, batteries are often placed in a very visible place under the windows, they play a significant role in the interior.
  2. Do not lose color, do not turn yellow, do not peel off under the influence of high temperatures due to heating and at the same time be safe for humans - the coating of heating systems after drying should not emit harmful or odorous substances into the air of the room (drying process does not count).
  3. Good adhesion. The paint must have good adhesion to the surface of the radiator and not peel off during heating or alternating heating-cooling.
  4. The battery coating should create a dense airtight film and prevent corrosion of steel and cast iron radiators. It is also desirable that the paint contains corrosion inhibitors - additives that inhibit oxidation.
  5. The coating must be durable and wear-resistant, withstand drying of things and vigorous washing of batteries, including with detergents (non-abrasive!).
  6. Sufficient thermal conductivity. The paint should form a fairly thin coating - after all, the thicker the layer, the less heat from the battery is transferred to the room.

Types of paint

Many years ago, heating systems were covered with oil paints. A few years later they cracked, they painted the batteries with their own hands with the second, third ... and subsequent layers. As a result, after 30 years, heating radiators, reliably insulated with a thick layer of paint, practically stopped heating. The modern range of paints for batteries is very large and allows you to cover heating devices with a thin, durable coating of a wide variety of colors with your own hands, while the durability of the coatings can reach 10 years.

A brief description of the various colors is given below.


Acrylic dyes appeared relatively recently. The most common acrylic paints are an aqueous emulsion of acrylic resin and pigment particles suspended in water. After drying, the acrylic resin merges into one mass, forming a durable wear-resistant layer that firmly holds the pigment.

  1. The coating is smooth, uniform and slightly reminiscent of plastic.
  2. The bright color of the battery will remain unchanged for 7-8 years, the white will not turn yellow; the paint perfectly tolerates the elevated temperature of the heating system, does not crack or peel off.
  3. The coating after drying becomes insoluble in water and in most solvents, is not afraid of moisture.
  4. It is especially worth mentioning that the acrylic mixtures on the battery dry out in just half an hour, while there is no sharp, irritating odor to the respiratory tract and eyes, like other paints.
  5. The good adhesion of the acrylic resin makes it suitable for painting both steel and aluminum heating surfaces. There are varieties of acrylic paints based on organic solvents, the quality of the resulting surface of these paints is better than that of alkyd and water-based acrylic paints, the color fastness is also excellent.


Alkyd paints have anti-corrosion properties, good adhesion, elasticity, high heat resistance, form an even, smooth coating on the battery, superior in strength to acrylic resin.

  1. Alkyd compositions dry out within a day, the evaporating solvent has a sharp unpleasant odor and disappears for several more days. The room after painting the battery must be intensively ventilated. It is impossible to be in it - the solvent (especially when the heating is on) is not harmless to humans.
  2. The second significant drawback of alkyd compositions is the low durability of colors, after 3-4 years the white color will begin to turn yellow, and the color will lose its brightness. It is better to choose a glossy paint - it will keep the whiteness or brightness of the color on heating appliances longer.


This is a modern version of acrylic compositions. They form a very durable original coating with an interesting texture. The surface looks like it was beaten with a small hammer and painted. The uneven, "speckled" surface hides battery chips well - this is especially true for rough cast iron castings.

Other types of paint

For painting radiators with their own hands, silver is often used - a suspension of aluminum powder in varnish. Serebryanka forms a durable coating that is resistant to high temperatures and abrasion. It can be applied over primer and old paint.


  • Strong lingering odour.
  • The mixture is explosive and should be used with caution.

In addition, a radiator of a specific "aluminum" type will not fit into every interior.

Silicone resin-based compositions are also used for heating appliances. They form a dense and elastic coating, resistant to abrasion and very high temperatures during heating. Moreover, elasticity does not depend on the aging of the composition. Silicone compounds have high adhesion to any surface, they do not require pre-priming. These paints also smell very bad during the drying process.

The most durable elastic coating is formed by polyurethane paints. This paint is a complex suspension of pigments and vinyl chloride copolymers in polyurethane compositions. Polyurethane paint is used to protect heating structures in the open air and in industrial workshops. It has high temperature resistance, high humidity resistance. For interior use, a two-component paint is used, forming a beautiful glossy finish.

Epoxy and pentaphthalic enamels are also used for heating appliances.

Which is better to choose

For a high-tech interior or, perhaps, a loft, you can choose silver. For other cases, they are chosen based on the requirements for the radiator: wear resistance, the need to keep the color longer, the place of painting.

They are more familiar and reliable, and modern hammer ones generally look very expensive and interesting.

But if you want to decorate the battery in the nursery or other rooms with your own hands and you don’t plan to dry a mountain of diapers on the radiator, you should try acrylic: it gives a lot of room for creativity. Acrylic is not chosen because it is not yet very familiar - the very idea that you can paint a water-based battery with your own hands is still new. Water-based acrylic is also almost odorless and dries quickly (especially if the heating is on).

The most durable are polyurethane paints and acrylic compounds based on organic solvents.

Advice on choosing a radiator color is a very thankless task. We are accustomed to the traditional white color, but modern interiors look great with heating devices of the same color as the walls, or vice versa - bright, painted with patterns or stylized as a picture, an animal or something else.

The color depends on the taste of the owners and the purpose of the room - in a strict classic living room, white or antique styling will be appropriate, in the nursery you can give free rein to your imagination, in the bathroom and in the kitchen - a white radiator will have to be washed twice as often as tinted in color walls. The choice of how to properly paint a radiator with your own hands is yours.

Necessary tools for battery painting

To paint a heating radiator you will need:

  • Brushes with natural bristles - straight and slightly curved.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Bulgarian or drill with a wire brush nozzle.
  • Putty knife.
  • Wash.
  • Washing agent.
  • Primer.
  • Metal brush with metal bristles.
  • Dye.
  • Possibly a spray gun.
  • Means FROM - suit, respirator, goggles, gloves.
  • Rags.

Preparatory stage

The quality of battery painting primarily depends on surface preparation. Before applying the primer, it is necessary to turn off the heating, clean the radiator with your own hands from old paint, dust, dirt and thoroughly degrease. Areas of old paint that are very firmly adhered to the surface, have not peeled off or cracked, do not need to be removed.

Methods for removing dust and grease

A used heating radiator must be thoroughly washed and degreased. Treat with warm water, if there are stains of household grease - wash with a good dishwashing detergent. Sometimes in hard-to-reach places you can remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner, but it is unlikely to remove dust particles adhering to the battery.

Particular attention to stains of all kinds of technical oils (the battery was in the garage, dripped during transportation) - such stains are removed only with solvents, white spirit, acetone, gasoline. Before applying the primer, the surface must dry well.

Removal of old paint coatings mechanically

Mechanical removal of old paint - removing paint from the battery manually using sandpaper, a metal brush or using a drill / grinder with special nozzles. In some places of the battery, it is difficult to reach the paint, cleaning at least one radiator with your own hands takes a lot of time and patience, so the chemical method is more often used.

The best way to get rid of old paint on heating appliances is sandblasting. Some heating companies provide such services.

How to get rid of old paint with chemicals

The chemical method of removing the old coating from the heating device speeds up and facilitates the preparation of the radiator for priming and painting.

There are a large number of effective types of washes for all types of paints:

  • Alkyd.
  • Maslyanykh.
  • Perchlorovinyl.
  • bituminous.
  • Polyurethane.
  • Epoxy.
  • Latex and many other compounds.
  • For removing powder compositions from metal.
  • Universal means.

It should be borne in mind that almost all of these products are not very safe, often flammable and are not intended for use in a house or apartment. All work on cleaning, priming and painting the battery is best done outside the home - in a garage, shed or under a canopy.

With strict adherence to the instructions, these products are relatively safe, but in any case, glasses, gloves and, if necessary, a respirator are required.

When calculating the amount of funds for one heating battery, it should be borne in mind that one layer softens 1-2 layers of paint, and if there are a lot of them, then a lot of funds will be needed. The area of ​​the cast iron radiator section is 0.244 m².

You will have to process the battery several times. Calculating the surface area of ​​the battery is difficult - it makes sense to buy a wash with some margin.

To soften the paint, a wash is applied to the surface of the radiator and covered with polyethylene. Withstand the right amount of time according to the instructions, carefully clean off the paint with a spatula, then with a brush. If there are many layers of paint, then the operation will have to be repeated several times.

Then the surface of the battery is treated with the agent specified in the instructions, wiped, washed, and dried.

thermal method

With this method, heating is used with a blowtorch or a building hair dryer. On metal, this method practically does not work.

For those who like to experiment, we inform you that a sharp heating can lead to a crack in a cast-iron battery and “waves” of metal sheets from which modern radiators are made. Yes, and stains of scale on the surface of cast iron and steel of the heating device will not please you.

Surface priming rules

Before priming the surface of the heating device, it is necessary to carefully remove the paint remover using the product provided for in the instructions, wash off dust and shreds of paint and thoroughly dry the radiator. Then defects are sealed with a special putty and primed. Keep in mind that both putty and primer, and each layer of paint reduces the heat transfer of the radiator when the heating is turned on again.

The adhesion strength of the paint to the radiator (adhesion) depends on the quality of the battery priming.

For cast iron and steel, choose a metal cleaner with anti-corrosion additives and suitable as a base for paint.

Do-it-yourself high-quality staining technique

The traditional and time-tested technology of high-quality battery painting involves applying thin layers of paint twice. It should be borne in mind that for most paints, priming heating elements is a desirable, but optional step.

Do not forget about the use of personal protective equipment:

  • gloves.
  • Points.
  • Respirator.
  • Tight clothing with long sleeves.

Before painting, clean the radiator of dirt, and then degrease and dry the battery (required in that order). Don't forget to turn off the heating first.

General staining technology

High-quality coloring is always produced in two layers. Before applying the second layer, the first layer on the battery must dry. With this order, there will be no unpainted places, streaks, uneven coloring. Heating radiators are painted either with a brush, or with an aerosol, or with a spray gun. For painting hard-to-reach places, there are curved brushes. Staining is done starting from the inside of the battery - this way less paint gets on your hands.

For better coloring, it is necessary to paint one side of the battery, dry, turn over, paint the second. Then the second layer is applied in the same way.

It is possible to qualitatively paint the radiator only in its removed state and with the heating turned off.. If it is impossible to remove it, it is worth cleaning it up, paint the damaged areas with a small brush and paint over the front side from an aerosol can or spray gun.

Painting aluminum radiators

Aluminum batteries (and bimetallic ones) have a non-exfoliated factory coating with some damage. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it completely, it is enough to clean the damaged areas with your own hands and paint with spray enamel.

For aluminum, you can use all those paints that are used for ferrous metals. Only the primer should be special - for non-ferrous metals.

Painting copper radiators

Copper darkens over time. Therefore, it is primed with a primer for non-ferrous metals (lead-liquid No. 81; urethane; KhS-010, GF-032, GF-073, FL-03K, FL-03Zh, VL-02, EP-0126, UR-0116, EF- 094).

For painting copper surfaces of batteries, the same paints are used as for aluminum, steel, and cast iron.

Often, copper is varnished with an aluminum hearth or simply varnished (varnish VL-51 or etinol). Water-based acrylic paints for heating systems are usually not used.

Interesting Battery Color Ideas

There are many interesting design ideas for heating radiators. There are two main trends when painting batteries: to match the color of the walls or to make a bright accent in the design.

Art painting

In addition to plain coloring, artistic painting of heating appliances with acrylic paints (or any other) and decoupage are becoming popular.

There are many battery painting options:

  • Under animals.
  • Pictures from cartoons.
  • Plants, birds, flowers.
  • Variations on the theme of the rainbow.
  • Geometric patterns.

Even more bright finishes are provided by decorating batteries using decoupage technique. With this technique, a pattern is glued on the surface of the heating device to be decorated with PVA glue - the top layer of a napkin, rice paper with a pattern. Then the drawing is dried, if necessary - finished drawing, covered with transparent varnish. The battery decoupage technique is detailed in the video.

Antique painting

Antique batteries are painted in gold, copper or silver patinated with a variety of patterns. The copper heating system looks stylish, varnished or varnished in gold.

You can decorate heating radiators with stucco molding from a self-hardening mass with your own hands, and then paint it. The mass is produced painted in different colors, including silver, gold, metallic.

And finally, there is a whole series of bulky decorative batteries with legs for retro interiors. These heating appliances come in the most unimaginable colors and patterns. It will not be necessary to paint them in the next 15 years - a very resistant coating is applied at the factory.


If you, our dear reader, have a need to take up painting radiators with your own hands, give free rein to your imagination and boldly get down to business - our article will help you. Good luck in all your repair endeavors. Subscribe to our newsletter, bring your friends to the site, share information on social networks.

Preparatory measures for the heating season begin with an inspection and check of the condition of batteries, pipes, taps and all coupling connections. If there are no problems, and all elements of battery fittings are in order, you can proceed to cleaning and, if necessary, painting heating radiators. In the old days, steel radiators and cast-iron batteries were painted with what was in the store. Today, the range and choice of paints and varnishes is simply huge, so deciding what paint to paint radiators with is not as easy as it might seem. But we know one thing for sure, it should be odorless paint.

How to choose the right coating for radiators

Any specialist involved in the repair of pipes and radiators, when asked what paint is better to paint radiators, will answer:

  • The paint coating should be thin and with maximum thermal conductivity of the paint layer in order to ensure good heat transfer to the room air;
  • The paint must provide protection to the metal surface;
  • The coating must withstand heating temperatures up to 150 ° C for high-pressure radiators and 120-130 ° C for conventional steel or cast iron batteries.

For your information! Paint for cast iron radiators, in addition to all of the above conditions, must have high fluidity and low viscosity.

Even after priming, the cast iron surface remains quite rough and porous, so spray molds are the best choice for cast iron. The radiator is painted in several passes, each layer must be thoroughly dried and smudges removed. As a rule, heat-resistant spray paint for batteries has a very low odor, but it is necessary to paint installed radiators only with windows open, in dry, warm weather.

For conventional steel and aluminum heating radiators, the use of aerosols allows you to apply a thin layer to the most hidden places where it is difficult to reach with a brush or roller. In addition, a thin layer of enamel dries 2-3 times faster, which means that even if there is a slight smell, it will disappear in half an hour. The smell from a thick layer of enamel on an organic solvent will stay on the radiator for 5-6 hours, for oil or pentaphthalic paint - several days.

Heat resistance and volatility of paint for heating appliances

First of all, it should be noted that odorless paint for heating radiators does not exist in nature. Any enamel has a slight but pronounced smell. Even paints for heating appliances, interior wall decoration based on acrylic polymers or simply water-based brands also have a smell.

Ask the seller of a store or building materials salon for an odorless paint for radiators, and he will give you a whole list of heat-resistant enamels with the inscription "odorless" on the label. Actually this is not true. If you take the most seemingly safe water-based paint and paint a heating radiator with a temperature of 30-45 ° C, then the smell will be quite unpleasant.

Imported, for example, Polish, Czech or German paints for interior work and heating radiators can be practically odorless or have a slight pleasant aroma, for example, fresh ice cream or sawn wood. But this does not mean that such an odorless radiator paint is absolutely safe and cannot affect your well-being.

The production technology allows you to skillfully mask the real smell of the paint, so imported paints and varnishes use a special index of the content of volatile organic compounds, or in an abbreviated form - VOC. Instead of a vague concept of smell, VOC precisely defines the maximum content of volatile organic matter that will have to be inhaled when painting a heating radiator. Even for safe, and practically odorless, acrylic enamel for heating elements, the standard allows no more than 130 g of organic volatile substances per liter of material.

The easiest way is to determine the heat resistance of the paintwork material. The label of a can of enamel for heating systems always indicates the maximum temperature of the radiator at which the coating can be applied, and the upper limit of the heating of the battery. For central heating systems, the temperature of the coolant rarely exceeds 100 ° C, but in private houses, part of the pipes that drain hot water from the boiler heat exchanger can heat up to 120-130 ° C.

Paint options for heating systems

The range of modern paints for heating systems is very large. In order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each paint separately, you will need special knowledge and a lot of free time. In a simplified form, all paints for radiators and heating pipes can be divided into four groups:

  • Alkyd paints and varnishes;
  • Acrylic heat-resistant coatings;
  • Paint materials based on silicone polymers.

For your information! Often, when choosing a suitable paintwork material, the question arises whether it is possible to paint the battery with water-based paint.

If you ask a specialist a similar question, is it possible to paint batteries with acrylic paint, he will probably answer in the affirmative, but with the proviso that you can only paint with a brand specially designed for heating systems. It is impossible to paint the metal of batteries or heating radiators with ordinary water-based paint, even if there is no smell. The composition of the water-based mass includes salt emulsion stabilizers and surfactants that provoke metal corrosion. An attempt to paint the pure metal of the batteries will inevitably lead to the formation of microbubbles with an oxidized surface, which also enhance the already not very pleasant smell.

Acrylic paints for radiators

The main difference between acrylic paint for radiators and ordinary water-based paint is the presence of a special inhibitor that prevents instant rusting of pure metal in the aquatic environment.

Acrylic resins have a low resistance to heat, therefore, for materials designed for use in heating systems, special color stabilizers are used. Such acrylic paint has good hiding power, density, does not lose whiteness during the warranty period and, of course, has practically no smell. More precisely, there is a smell, but it is the smell of a flavoring agent. Such coatings are applied to the necessarily primed surface of the heating radiator with a brush or spray gun.

After drying, a very even layer with a semi-matt surface forms on pipes and radiators.

Alkyd materials

Alkyd enamels are used less for aluminum radiators and are more often used for steel and cast iron batteries. Alkyd paints and varnishes can withstand temperatures up to 150-170 ° C, therefore, metal pipes of steam heating and systems in which high-boiling antifreeze or antifreeze is used instead of water are coated with similar paint. The smell of alkyd enamels is much richer and more toxic due to the high content of polar hydrocarbon solvents. Imported samples and the best domestic brands for heating systems may only smell during the first hours of radiator heating operation.

The density and adhesion of alkyd varnishes is much higher than that of acrylic resins. Therefore, regardless of the smell, they are used to paint old cast iron and steel batteries, in which there is a possibility of fistulas and leaks at the joints.

Silicone and silicone paints

Paints and varnishes based on silicone or organosilicon for painting water heating radiators are used quite rarely. The organosilicon coating has a high temperature of decomposition and peeling of the paint, is not afraid of moisture and sudden changes in temperature. Such a coating has a very weak, but unpleasant smell, which is hard to erode from the room. Unlike alkyd enamels, organosilicon, despite the smell, is safer. After drying, the smell does not appear even with very strong heat.

The disadvantages of organosilicon paints for heating radiators include low thermal conductivity. Even a relatively thin layer creates significant thermal resistance, so metal micron powders of aluminum, nickel, oxidized copper and bronze can be added to the paint.

How to paint a heating radiator

The thinner the paint layer, the better the heat transfer, therefore, before applying a fresh layer of paintwork, you need to find a way to remove the old paint from the radiators. This will increase heat transfer and improve the adhesion of the new layer to the metal or primer.

Traditionally, three methods are used to remove the old coating:

The firing of the paint is carried out using a building hair dryer. When heated, the old layer softens and easily separates from the base metal. After firing, fine scraping and brushing will be required.

Chemical methods are rarely used due to the high chemical activity of the reagent. The old paint is covered with a gel-like mass of thickened phosphoric acid, and after half an hour the coating can be removed with a spatula. If it is not possible to remove the old coating, then at least the surface layer should be removed with sandpaper to a thickness of 0.1-0.5 mm.


In any case, the cleaned battery must be degreased, primed, only after that acrylic or alkyd enamel can be applied. The best option for painting is considered to be a complete disassembly of the body, but such methods are resorted to only during major repairs or replacement of the heating system.