How to paint bathroom tiles. How to paint bathroom or kitchen tiles Paint old floor tiles

Of course, you can buy new tiles, but if the old one is well preserved, why not just paint it at home in a different color and save money on hiring specialists? Also, perhaps you have a desire to put some kind of pattern or pattern on the tile? Painting ceramic tiles with your own hands is an opportunity to partially update the interior, and give free rein to your imagination, learn how to do something new and enjoy the creative process. We will talk about how and with what to paint ceramic tiles in today's article.

How to paint ceramic tiles at home? Choice of paint.

When preparing for work, keep in mind that not every paint is suitable for ceramics. The choice of paint is really a very important point. Yes, color plays no small role, but still the most important thing is to choose the paint in accordance with the type of material on the surface of which this or that paintwork will be applied.

To paint ceramic tiles at home, you can use latex, oil and especially epoxy paints, including special paints for ceramic tiles. All these coatings are on sale, including as paints for ceramics and glass. Their main feature is that they have increased adhesion and hold well even on a smooth surface that does not need to be pre-sanded. The most convenient for work at home are aerosol spray paints in cans. They will appeal to those who do not know how to work with paint brushes well, and even a beginner will be able to get a good result, without streaks and sagging. Working with a spray can of paint, you do not need to purchase additional tools and equipment, various brushes, paint trays, etc.

Advantages of spray paints for ceramic coatings:

1 Easy to apply. Thanks to the aerosol package, the paint easily and quickly lays on the surface: just shake the paint can well for 20-30 seconds and spray its contents from a distance of 20 - 25 cm from the surface with smooth, even movements. This simple rule will help to avoid unwanted streaks and, as a result, get a smooth, beautiful surface.

2 Dries quickly. Having painted ceramic tiles at home today, in a day you will be able to operate the renovated facility.

3 Reliable. A durable coating will last for at least 5 to 7 years, especially if you used epoxy paint.

4 Economical. Thanks to aerosol packaging, spray paint is more economical to use than the canned version.

5 Gives a perfectly smooth surface!

What do you need to paint ceramic tiles with your own hands?

Optional: if you apply patterns or drawings to the tiles, you will need stencils

Step by step instructions for painting ceramic tiles

Step_1 Cleaning ceramic tiles. Thoroughly wash the entire surface to be painted using a metal sponge and detergent. So you can easily get rid of dirt and even lightly sand the tile. Be sure to thoroughly scrub all seams with a brush to ensure you get rid of dirt, mold and fungus.

Step_4 Preparation for staining. Using paper tape and a covering film (newspapers), cover all surfaces and objects that should not get paint. If you are applying a drawing or pattern, secure the stencil carefully.

Step_5 Primer. You can prime at home either with a brush or using an aerosol primer from a can. The latter method will help to avoid streaks and use the material more economically.

Step_6 Painting. To qualitatively paint ceramic tiles with your own hands, it is better to use spray paint for ceramic coatings. Shake the can thoroughly for 20-30 seconds to mix the paint well. Slowly, with sweeping movements, spray the paint over the surface from a distance of 20 - 30 cm.
In the case, if you chose regular paint, arm yourself with a foam roller. With it, you apply the paint in a thinner layer and do not leave streaks.
In both cases, we recommend that you apply 2-3 coats of paint, observing the rule: the next coat is applied no earlier than the previous one dries. Drying time is indicated in the instructions for the paint.

Step_7 Lacquering. After painting and final drying of the tiles, we recommend that you apply a varnish coating. It is best to use acrylic varnish, glossy or matte. It will give depth to the color and create a protective coating that protects the painted ceramic surface from damage.

What should I pay attention to when painting ceramic tiles?

3 Pay attention that the primer does not contain quartz sand

4 Pieces of masking tape are used only once. Trying to re-glue them again will only stain the new area of ​​​​tile with paint.

If you are a creative person, then the canvas of unpainted tiles will appear before you as a place for the implementation of creative ideas. The easiest thing you can do is to paint ceramic tiles with your own hands in a different color. If you want to do something original, use your imagination and creativity, then you probably can’t do with ordinary painting, most likely you will want to decorate the tiles with original patterns or drawings, for example, using a stencil. In addition, there are many ways of artistic painting of ceramic tiles: painting with brushes and sponges, drawing by extruding paint, using stamps and scrapers.

As you can see, painting ceramic tiles is not only a repair, but also creativity. You can safely proceed to the task and make sure from your own experience that it is not at all difficult, and the result is worth the time and effort spent!

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Floor tile paint allows you to change the design of the room without resorting to major repairs. This happens over time, as a result of which taste and fashion change.

With its help, you can not only change the color of the floor, but also depict on it any pattern that the owner likes.

This is possible thanks to a wide range of paints, ideal for working with tiles or porcelain stoneware. However, not all types of paints and varnishes are suitable for this situation.

What is it for?

Many people, having heard about this method of changing the interior of a room, are perplexed: why paint a coating that does not require such processing?

These design methods are not so popular, because most people hear about them for the first time. Although there are a number of reasons due to which the coloring of floor tiles is gaining its popularity:

For painting tiles, it is not always necessary to take into account the need to perform the procedure. Enough desire and creativity.

Information regarding the coloring of tiles applies only to enclosed spaces located inside the apartment. The surface temperature of such floors is always positive.

When choosing the best option, it is recommended to give preference to acrylic, as they are the most convenient and easy to handle, or epoxy compounds, which tend to dry quickly and practically do not smell. If we consider the possible types in more detail, we can draw the following conclusions:

Type of paintDescription
1 Alkyd enamelAll analogues have excellent adhesion to the surface of interest to us. However, their use is practiced only in a dry room and only for tiled walls. As a material for flooring, alkyd enamels are not used due to low wear resistance. Before painting, the base must be treated with a primer.
2 polyurethaneAll compositions consisting of epoxy resins have good adhesion to all types of substrates. Separately, one-component urethane enamel based on an organic solvent can be distinguished. The main difference from water-dispersion or alkyd-urethane compounds is the unique resistance to abrasive wear. In addition, such paint does not peel off when the temperature of the base and the humidity of the room change. Preliminary priming of the surface is carried out only with a special composition in an organic solvent.
3 EpoxyPaints and varnishes made using epoxy resin, after drying, forms a strong and hard protective film on the surface. The composition perfectly keeps on any basis and favorably protects it from moisture. As a primer, only a composition similar to that used for painting with polyurethane paint is used.
4 Latex water-dispersionGood adhesion of water dispersion and acrylic resin allows applying compositions to glass, concrete, tiles, porcelain stoneware. For painting a dry room, you can use an acrylic-latex composition. In this case, the floor will need to be waterproofed with the help of so-called rubber paints. Compared to polyurethane compounds, they are identical in terms of wear resistance, while dispersion ones do not have a strong odor and are completely safe for humans both during application and during operation. Painting is carried out without preliminary priming.

The choice of color scheme is often of paramount importance. In this case, you can buy a classic white color and mix it with the color you are interested in. This method is especially suitable for people with creative imagination.


After the coloring of the tile has been successfully completed, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of varnish to protect the paint layer.

The need for such actions is explained by the fact that even the most wear-resistant composition loses its properties over time and wears out under constant load and exposure to water, therefore, in order to obtain a high-quality and reliable coating, it is necessary to protect it in this way.

The varnish that will be applied to the floor must meet certain requirements.

First of all, if you do not want to change the appearance of a freshly painted surface, it should be as transparent as possible after drying, and when interacting with the paint, it will not change its color.

It is advisable to use oil-based formulations, however, it must be borne in mind that when solidified, it may turn slightly yellow.

This effect is often used to give extra depth to the shade of a surface. In addition, the varnish must have adequate wear resistance and not wear out before the period specified by the manufacturer. For detailed coloring instructions, see this video:

It is desirable to specify the specific period of service of the compositions in advance. You can learn about them from the characteristics of the compositions given on the product packaging, or directly from the seller.

Do not forget to degrease the tiles before painting

The process of staining tiles is quite simple. If there is a desire to transform the premises, this will not require much effort, and even a person who has never done similar work before can cope with the process.

As a result, you will receive not only a changed interior of the room, but also cheer yourself up without turning the apartment into a construction site.

Ceramic tiles are the most common wall and floor covering in the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. It's all about its strength, durability, ability to resist moisture and elevated temperatures - the tile is not afraid of anything and can serve for decades without losing its appearance. But when the apartment is being renovated, you often want to completely change the color scheme of the interior. And this can be done without even removing the tile and replacing it with a new one. How to paint floor tiles?

Can. This unique, durable, moisture-resistant coating may well be updated in this way. At the same time, the ceramic surface is painted very well - the main thing is to choose the right paint and choose the place where it will be applied.

On the walls, floor and even the ceiling, tiles can be safely updated with a fresh layer of paint - there its contact with water will be minimal, and the paint is unlikely to be quickly erased. But the tiles located inside the showers right under your feet or directly above the bathtub are not recommended to be painted. The fact is that the durability of a paintwork, even of the highest quality, directly depends on the intensity of exposure to water. And in the shower and above the bath, an environment that is too humid is formed even for the highest quality and most reliable paint. In such places, the coating will quickly begin to peel off and all the work will have to be done again. Conclusion - you can safely paint absolutely any tile if it has moderate contact with water.

With the help of paint, the interior in the kitchen or bathroom can be changed constantly, as soon as such a desire arises from the owner of the premises. Previously, this is how apartment owners got out of the situation, this method of repairing premises was quite common.

On a note! If high-quality paint was used, and all work was carried out strictly according to the rules, then such a coating can last on tiles for up to 30-50 years.

Why paint tiles?

Many are interested in why even take on this laborious work and paint the tiles? In fact, everything is simple. As mentioned above, ceramic surfaces were previously updated with this method, because before there were no interesting building materials on the market in such abundance as they are now. And it’s cheaper to just paint the tile than to completely dismantle and glue a new one. It is worth agreeing that it will take much less work to paint the tile than to remove the old ceramic coating.

The relevance of this method has not disappeared to this day. Sometimes, after all, there is neither time nor extra money to completely replace the tile, and then paint comes to the rescue. Especially now there are paintwork coatings of very high quality and reliable, even waterproof, which are perfect for completely changing the color of the tile quickly and at minimal cost. This is especially true for young families who have just bought an apartment. There is not much money in the family budget, but you need to move into new housing now. And the best assistant in updating the interior is paint.

What paint to paint the tiles?

Different paints can be used to paint tiles. And in order to better understand which one to choose, you should familiarize yourself with the different types of paints and varnishes used for decoration during modern repairs.

Table. Types of paints used for painting.

Type of painta brief description of

These paints are among the cheapest and most unstable to external influences. They are also called "water-soluble", "water-based". The thing is that the best solvent for them is plain water. In bathrooms, kitchens and bathrooms, such paints are not used, as the coating will quickly wear out and lose its appearance under the influence of high humidity and temperature changes. The advantage of such paints can only be called that they do not exude an unpleasant odor during application and dry quickly. There are paints based on PVA, acrylic and latex.

The paint is made on the basis of silicone resins. She entered the market relatively recently, but has already managed to win the love of many masters. Such paints have a high level of vapor permeability and are successfully used for decorating building facades.

The paint is created on the basis of artificial or natural oils. The service life of the coatings created by this material is maximum, and the paint is picky in work. The disadvantages of the material include low vapor permeability and a long drying time, due to which such paint often peels off or the lower layer underlying it peels off. Paint is rarely used to decorate apartments and private houses.

It is made on the basis of alkyd resins. It dries far from the usual one - not due to the rapid evaporation of the solvent in it, but due to the oxidation reaction of the material in air. Thanks to this, the surface layer of the paint is very durable and able to protect the processed materials from corrosion.

This is a separate category of paints designed to give surfaces a special look. Such paint is able to imitate various other materials - wood, fabrics, stone, etc. Decorative paints can be made on the basis of water with the addition of various polymers and minerals.

It is created on the basis of conventional epoxy resin, due to which it is very resistant to external influences. This is truly one of the most durable paints currently on the construction market. It is not afraid of water, does not wear out for a long time, and is often used specifically for painting floors in the house. It can be used even on the territory of parking lots, in workshops in production, on stairwells.

Different types of paints can be used for painting tiles. For example, water-dispersion paint based on latex showed itself well in this work. Such material is intended for use just in damp rooms. Oil and alkyd paints are also often used.

On a note! The coatings obtained by working with oil paints will be so durable that they do not even require additional protection of the painted surface - they can not be varnished.

For painting walls that are not particularly in contact with water, even acrylic paints can be used, although they are water-soluble. But for decorating and decorating the floor, it is recommended to purchase compositions that are resistant to water and temperatures, otherwise the work will soon have to be redone. Still, there is nothing better for a floor than a well-applied layer of oil paint. The main thing is to let it dry well before use.

Epoxy-based paints also showed themselves well in the process of painting and operating painted tiles. Or you can use latex paints to decorate the tiles. In any case, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use on the packaging and make sure that this composition is suitable for applying to the floor, and especially to the tiles.

On a note! During the design of tiles in the bathroom with the help of paint, you can give free rein to your imagination and draw patterns. For this, stencils and paints for cars produced in cylinders are often used. Such paint is expensive, but it keeps well on the base even in extreme conditions.

If in doubt what kind of paint to buy, then it is better to opt for special compositions designed for painting tiles or glass. Such paints are available in hardware stores. You can also opt for acrylate-latex paint from Samtex or Tikkurila. Good paint, suitable for painting tile floor surfaces, must be resistant to abrasion, not be afraid of moisture, because no one has canceled wet cleaning.

What color to paint the tiles?

The key to comfort in the apartment is a harmonious combination of all interior elements and impeccable finishes. But there is never a guarantee that one or another design option will look the way it was planned. It is recommended to refrain from the desire to paint the tile in a bright color, because if it does not look very neat after the work is completed, then the emphasis on it will certainly not be needed.

The best option is a delicate neutral color that blends with the walls. If any flaws are made during the painting of the tile, then they will be less conspicuous in this case.

Sometimes creative individuals and people who love bright accents paint tiles in several colors at once. In this case, it is easiest to apply the paint according to patterns or stencils in order to avoid mistakes and not stain the already applied layer.

Important! If several colors are used when painting tiles, then they should be in harmony with each other and combined in shades with interior elements. Only then will the pattern look like an original panel, and not like a lurid daub.

Tile painting tools

For painting tiles, as well as for carrying out other painting work, you will need certain equipment. The list of required items may vary depending on the scale of the repair, but in general may include:

  • fine-grained sandpaper, necessary for grinding surfaces;
  • primer mixture, preferably epoxy-based;
  • paint rollers;
  • brushes of various sizes;
  • rags, which will be required for the prompt removal of paint stains;
  • a tray or other container for pouring paint;
  • solvent to clean tools from paint;
  • wide masking tape, which will be required to protect the edges of objects or objects adjacent to the surface to be painted;
  • degreaser (may come in handy, although it is not necessary to use it);
  • paint and varnish, which will be needed directly to perform the work and protect the finished painted layer.

Preparing for painting

Work on painting tiles begins with the preparation of the surface itself and the room. To begin with, it is recommended to free the room from furniture and interior items that may interfere with work. What cannot be removed is recommended to be covered with plastic wrap to prevent paint drops from falling onto the surface. If the paint can still be wiped off smooth objects, then the upholstery of upholstered furniture cannot be saved without dry cleaning.

The surface of the tile itself also needs to be prepared. If you neglect this stage, then the layer of paint and varnish material will quickly begin to flake off and crumble. The surface of the tile is first washed with some kind of cleaning agent. If the tile is painted in the kitchen, then it is important to remove all grease stains - the paint will not fall on them. You can degrease the surface with a special liquid or use vinegar or an alcohol solution.

Then, as soon as the tile dries, it is carefully sanded with sandpaper - it is necessary to make the surface slightly rough. Only in this case the paint will hold well. If the tile on the floor is rough in itself, then you can do without the grinding stage.

On a note! Not only the tile is processed with “sandpaper”, but also all the joints between it.

It is also important to inspect all tiles before painting to make sure they are intact. Damaged items must either be removed and replaced with new ones, or repaired.

Procedure for painting

Step 1. The floor is thoroughly washed and, if necessary, polished. The base is being prepared for painting. Skirting boards are covered with masking tape so that paint does not stain them.

Step 2 The surface of the tile is cleaned of grease stains. This is especially true for kitchens. The liquid can be applied with a long-handled brush. Sometimes you have to do the procedure repeatedly. It is very important to handle all corners well. Next, the floors are washed with clean water and dried well. It is also recommended to apply a layer of primer to the tiles before painting.

Step 3 It's time to apply the paint. It should be distributed evenly over the entire surface. For convenience, it is recommended to use a roller with a long handle. The paint is poured into the paint tray - it is more convenient to wet the roller in it. It is recommended to stir the paint well before use. The material is applied in several layers, and the smoother the surface of the tile, the more layers will be required (up to 3-4). Layers are applied in stages, each - after the previous one has dried. Coloring starts from the corner farthest from the exit.

Step 4 Corners in the room are well processed.

Step 5 After the paint has been applied to the surface, it should dry well. For the first layer about a day is enough, then the second layer can be applied. Further, the waiting time until the application of a new layer of paint is about 6-12 hours, depending on the composition used.

Step 6 After applying the last coat of paint, you must wait at least 72 hours before the floor can be walked on. This period is necessary for all layers of paint to dry well.

Video - How to paint tiles

Video - Update old tiles

Tarkett floor tiles prices

tarkett floor tiles

Lacquering the tile surface

Varnishing is a way to significantly increase the life of a painted coating. It is not always necessary to use it, but if the tile lies on the floor, then the painted surface will experience a strong mechanical and chemical effect due to the movement of people on it and wet cleaning. Therefore, it is still recommended to apply the final coat of varnish.

First you need to make sure that the selected varnish will not harm the paint. To do this, it is recommended to select an inconspicuous area of ​​the painted surface and apply a little varnish there. If the paint is not corroded, then the varnish can be applied to the entire remaining area.

Advice! You can also try painting a piece of tile or glass with paint, and then try applying varnish there. Get a kind of tester.

The usual glossy varnish will allow you to accurately preserve the color of the paint, since after hardening it forms a completely transparent layer. But oil-based varnish, most likely, will yellow the surface.

Tile varnish - a possible option

Do not worry if the tile painting job does not turn out perfect. As a rule, this is a necessary measure; over time, such a tile will still be dismantled. Or you can repaint it again, and this time you will definitely succeed!

Beautifully, and, most importantly, practical design of a shower room is not an easy task! However, if you paint ceramic tiles in the bathroom, you can achieve significant results in this matter. Today, this design method is relatively rare for many people, although this is a great option to decorate or update the interior without significant costs. In addition, you can originally and at the same time quickly create the environment that will appeal to you.

Currently, painting tiles is considered an unconventional, but very interesting type of bathroom decoration. Ceramic cladding can be called an unusual, but no less effective way to diversify the space. At the same time, some have a rational question about the need for staining. Paint Capabilities:

In addition, it must be borne in mind that applying paint requires only a certain amount of skill and a little creativity. And given the smooth surface of ceramic tiles, this idea becomes real and feasible in a short period of time without compromising quality.

Materials and tools

To paint the ceramic tiles in the shower room, you can use the simplest and most common tools. In addition, you will need some auxiliary materials that will facilitate the entire staining process. Required set:

  • cellophane film;
  • a set of various brushes;
  • ordinary roller;
  • ground solution;
  • solvent;
  • dye;
  • masking tape;
  • palette.

In principle, these materials and tools are the most minimal set with which you can paint tiles. This is enough to carry out the preparatory work, create the outline of the drawing, apply the paint itself, as well as carry out the subsequent stages.

Choosing a paint

If we talk about the choice of composition, here, first of all, one should proceed from the type of room. For example, for closed shower rooms, acrylic mortar or epoxy is suitable. Acrylic paint has a bright color, while it is easy to use and apply. Epoxy dries quickly enough, and, in addition, it practically does not exude odor, which makes it a good option.

Gloss mortar is best suited for lovers of gloss, as it perfectly preserves the enamel coating and gives it shine. One of the brightest representatives is semi-gloss satin enamel, which hides smudges. In addition, it well masks various types of pollution and creates the illusion of a velvet surface of the product.

Options for painting ceramic tiles can be found not only on the Internet, but also developed independently. Separately, it is worth noting that it is required to responsibly approach the choice of paint. The highest quality copies are best taken from a manufacturer with a good reputation. At the same time, inexpensive solutions do not always have the necessary components, and may also contain or release substances harmful to human health.

Design Options

How to paint the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands? Today, there is a fairly large variety of options for painting tiles. However, no templates or blanks are provided. Therefore, any methods, approaches, as well as the imagination of the master performing the work are allowed. Although it is worth knowing the following gradation:

Preparatory stage

Before painting ceramics, it is necessary to carefully carry out preparatory work. The tile must be prepared for processing. Specifically, this applies to cleaning the surface from various contaminants in the form of dust or dirt. In addition, in order for the applied mortar to lay down evenly and without defects, the ceramics should be washed with degreasing agents, cleaned of plaque, rust, glue or grout residues, as well as other components of the previous coating.

First of all, it is also necessary to carefully clean the seams between the surface details, since this is where dirt accumulates. If this is not done, then, perhaps, soon the appearance of mold, fungus and other microorganisms. A similar requirement applies to joints between interior items, furniture, plumbing, treated with sealant.

Thus, at the final stage, it remains only to degrease the surface of the tile. If the plans include opening with paint, then it is best to grind the material, then it will be much easier to work with it. After that, various defects, chips, scratches, and cracks should be eliminated using a special primer. This will additionally ensure reliable adhesion of paint and tiles.


Only after the surface of the tile is ready should the application of the coloring solution begin. Based on the chosen style, it is required to place limiters in the form of masking tape along the borders of the future drawing. This will allow not only not to stain the surrounding space or objects, but also to paint over the ceramics with a better quality.

For better staining, a regular foam roller is suitable. It will help to quickly and easily paint over even a large surface area. In the event that you plan to create a special or unique pattern without stencils, you can use brushes of various sizes. Moreover, more rigid models are fundamentally different from soft pile, so you need to approach this issue also carefully.

The work on painting the tiles is carried out in 2 stages. Initially, the main or base coat is applied, after which it is necessary to wait until it is completely dry. Then you should paint the ceramics again, and in a strictly perpendicular direction. In the case of painting the surface, you can take less paint, since one layer will be enough. However, then the paint should be more concentrated and richer.

It is worth remembering that you want to limit the use of the bathroom while the paint dries. Otherwise, the pattern may be smeared or damaged, and dust and dirt may enter. To speed up the drying of the solution, a comfortable temperature regime should be observed. The warmer, the faster the paint dries, and when painting a large area, work should be done in several approaches.

Video instruction

Few people know that tiles in the bathroom or in the kitchen can be painted, but in vain. This will help you not only update the interior, but save a decent amount of money. After such a procedure, you will not see piles of dust, which usually happens after replacing the tile. Painting ceramic tiles in the bathroom is the best solution. Today we will tell you about the advantages of such an extraordinary method of painting, about how to paint tiles. We will also consider a step-by-step master class on painting a ceramic surface and introduce you to the main design options for this material. Let's get started!

Why paint tiles?

Can bathroom tiles be painted? Everyone who hears about this method comes to an awkward bewilderment from the fact that they would never have thought that it was really possible. Yes, this method is not clear to everyone, so we will highlight the reasons that you need to pay attention to in order to stop at this do-it-yourself repair option:

  • Profitability. When using this method, you do not need to spend money on the purchase of material, additional tools and other additional coatings for sanding putty and the like.
  • Interior renovation. As we said earlier, painting tiles in the bathroom can not only update the overall picture of the interior, but also radically change it. This result can be achieved by painting the walls and floor using various design options, which we will talk about a little further.
  • Redecorating. This is especially handy when you decide to replace your old furniture with a new one, but don't want to change the old tile due to noisy construction work and a long laying workflow. By changing only its appearance without dust and noise, you can completely eliminate all these moments.
  • Cover decoration. When you have a brush in your hands, you can use it to apply absolutely any thematic pattern on ceramic tiles in places or in a continuous image over the entire surface.
  • Defect masking. It often happens that the tile has cracked or just a big scratch has formed on it. Many defects can be masked with paint, for example, a dark pattern can be applied that will hide a visible flaw on the surface of this material.
  • Ease of use. When replacing tiles, they usually remove all plumbing, and then mount it back. You don't need to do it here. All furniture and sewer pipes can be covered with polyethylene, and you can safely paint the tiles with your own hands.

How to paint the tiles in the bathroom?

The tile can be painted not with all colors, but only with certain ones. The most important thing here is to choose the right coloring composition and follow some recommendations. Let's look at the most important nuances that you need to consider in the very first place:

  • Apply at least 2 coats of paint to the tile.
  • After each staining, you need to wait at least 12 hours, and then proceed to staining the next layer.
  • If you want to paint the tiles in one tone, then for the opacity of the color, apply a third coat of paint, and then acrylic varnish.

So, what kind of paint to paint the tiles in the bathroom so that the paint lasts as long as possible, does not crumble?

Important! Eliminate completely the option of using water-based paint, as it is completely unsuitable for tiles, because it is transparent and easily washed off with water.

When changing the color palette of the interior, the following dyes are suitable:

  • Acrylic.
  • Alkyd.
  • Oil.
  • Autoenamel.
  • Latex paint.

They easily fit on ceramics, completely cover it, dry very quickly and do not have a strong solvent odor, unlike oil substitutes.

Important! In the bathroom, it is advisable to use oil paint to cover the tiles. She is not afraid of high humidity and temperature changes. A mandatory rule is the application of varnish to fix and protect the painted surface.

How to paint the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands?

Painting ceramic tiles is very easy for someone familiar with the building trades. To do this, you need to have some painting skills and be good at using an electric grinder.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • Paint of your choice.
  • Solvent.
  • Primer.
  • Acrylic lacquer.
  • Dye tray.
  • Set of brushes.
  • roller.
  • Cellophane or newspaper to protect surfaces.
  • Masking tape.
  • Alcohol.
  • Templates for patterns.
  • Protective gloves, apron.
  • Two soft and one metal sponge.

Important! The list is not small. This does not mean that the staining process itself will be so complicated - on the contrary. Applying paint to the surface will be much easier than removing the tile, sanding the wall, and going through all the other steps to complete your job.

Coloring tiles:

  • With a metal sponge, we remove all dirt from the surface of the tiled coating. We clean with little physical effort. Our task is to remove even the stubborn dirt. After cleaning the surface, wipe it with ordinary alcohol to degrease the surface before grinding.
  • We cover plumbing and furniture with plastic wrap, and the floor with thick cardboard.
  • Remove all gloss. We pick up the finest sandpaper numbered 0 or 1. Thicker sandpaper can leave deep scratches on the surface of the tile, and we only need to achieve its haze. Slowly and carefully grind the surface, moving on to a new area only after finishing work on the previous one.
  • After the surface of the tile is sanded, we collect debris and wash the surface again, and then degrease again and dry well.
  • Apply the primer to the already prepared ceramic surface.

Important! This step is not mandatory, but recommended. A primer layer will significantly increase the adhesion of the tile to the paint, which can affect the wear resistance of this type of coating.

  • Let's start painting. Do not forget that the foam roller will leave behind a “velvet coating”, and the brushes will leave a characteristic texture of application. Using masking tape, cover all adjacent surfaces from dye ingress.
  • In the case of using multi-color painting of tiles or applying a pattern of a different shade, we glue special stencils on the areas we need. We apply the glue very carefully, in a thin layer, so that when gluing on the tile, we do not leave its blurry traces.
  • Take a brush and paint over the tile with the selected color. Do not press the tool into the wall, paint smoothly and not sweepingly. For color saturation, we apply several layers of paint, interrupting for a while for it to dry completely.
  • In order to prevent rubbing of the image, the dried paint is covered with several layers of water-based varnish. This final coating dries very quickly, without a strong odor, and after drying, a strong protective film is formed.

Design Options

Let's talk about design choices. How to paint the tiles in the bathroom with your own hands? Now we will consider the main options for such design:

  • Full painting. Capital replacement of the color of the entire ceramic tile, that is, the entire tile is opened with paint.
  • Color update. The former color will be partially complemented by various abstract, patterns or individual colored fragments.
  • Creating a pattern. The tile is decorated with a solid ornament or a partial pattern.
  • Picture. Creating a small pattern on a certain part of the wall, a variant of the image on separate sections of the tile is possible.
  • Hand painting. Applying dye to the entire surface of the facing material. You can create any composition that looks like a painting: landscape, still life, portrait, and the like.

Important! Do not forget that this option requires special training and art skills.

  • 3D effect. If you want to do something unusual, then this is for you. To achieve this result, you need to take a piece of gauze and cut out the desired patterns from it, stick them on the tile. Then comes the stage of painting the glued pattern and tiles. It is important to consider here that the second layer of paint, which will be on the tile itself, should be 2-3 tones darker than the previous one.
  • You can only paint wall cladding. Doing such a procedure is impractical for flooring, since the floor is exactly the area where water constantly gets. If you paint the tiles on the floor, the coating will quickly wash off within two weeks.
  • Do not cover the entire surface of the cladding in a thick layer at a time. This must be done in several stages after drying each layer. So you will achieve impeccable color saturation and brightness, without smudges and other external distortions.
  • Do not dilute the already prepared dye, so as not to get a transparent coating effect. The consistency of the paint should be like thick sour cream.
  • Do all the work in stages - preparation, grinding, painting, applying a protective layer, and then you will achieve the desired result.
  • Painting old tiles in the bathroom will be the right solution for many who want to economically update old tiles. In any case, you should try this easy way. You have nothing to lose if you do everything right according to our recommendations. We wish you a successful renovation!