How to paint a loggia with facade paint inside. All the subtleties of self-painting the balcony. Requirements for paint on the balcony

Designers have long agreed that the balcony has ceased to be a room separated from other rooms. The loggia becomes a multifunctional living space that can be useful not only for storing things. Sometimes it is a full-fledged area for relaxation or for work. Therefore, before painting a balcony, it is important to take into account the operational features of this room and many other factors.

Brick is considered one of the most reliable materials, but over time it loses its attractive appearance. Brick balconies are under the influence of a large number of negative factors. Painting the walls will hide any flaws with minimal cost. This option is best suited for those who want to save money.

Before starting work, you should decide which paint is most suitable. Color is the first factor to look at. Experts recommend choosing compositions with good vapor permeability. A room painted with such paintwork materials is practically not threatened by anything. The walls are usually washed without problems, do not pose a threat to the health of the surrounding people.

  • Polymer.
  • Silicone.

  • Acrylic.

  • Latex.

  • Acrylic.

Acrylate compounds are the most expensive, but this disadvantage is easily offset by advantages, including wear resistance and simple operation, no additional requirements for processing and care. Such painting of the balcony is effective. With a warmed and glazed loggia, it is better to choose just this type of paint for processing.

Oil formulations are more suitable for finishing outside. This is the best option when the loggia goes to the shaded side, because the oil compositions burn out under the influence of the sun. The use of white paint is the actual solution in this case. If the shade differs from the original, then the use of two or more layers is allowed.

On the video: painting the balcony with Tikkurila paint.

Surface preparation

Not without prior preparation. The composition chosen does not affect this requirement. The quality of this stage depends on how durable and reliable the final coating will be. What color to paint the balcony is a separate decision. Wall preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Cobwebs, dirt and dust must be completely removed from the walls.
  2. After cleaning, the surface is leveled.
  3. Found cracks are rubbed with putty.
  4. Use sandpaper for final sanding.
  5. We fill the seams located inside the masonry with putty.

You can't do without careful inspection when painting. If the surface is almost perfectly flat, then preparation is minimized. Otherwise, a primer will be needed. It is used, taking into account the type of surface to be treated.

A product with a high degree of alkali will help get rid of mold on the walls. Many consumers choose special antibacterial formulations for this.

Paints and varnishes are then applied only to a dry surface. Then painting the walls on the balcony will give the appropriate results.


The primer is applied after thorough cleaning is completed. All areas previously plastered should dry properly. Acrylic primer is the best option in most cases. Such compositions will become a reliable protection against the appearance of mold and fungi on the surface of the wall.

To apply the primer, use a brush or roller, as well as a sprayer. The brush helps to reach even hard-to-reach places.

Painting will not only update the surface, but also hide any inaccuracies. The surface will eventually be smoother if so-called sealants are used. This is especially true when working with coatings made of porous materials. How to paint the balcony is up to the user. But, there are two methods to make any brick surface attractive. Let's look at each option separately below.

First option

Simple staining - directly on the brick. Even beginners with minimal skills can handle this option. The process itself will consist of just a few steps:

  1. Surface cleaning.
  2. Alignment.
  3. Seam adjustment.
  4. Padding.
  5. Coloring.

The old coating layer is removed completely after it was possible to get rid of dirt and dust. A stiff brush is used to clean the seams, any voids found are filled with fresh mortar. The wooden floor on the balcony will require a different technique.

Thanks to priming, different materials are better connected to each other, and the connection itself becomes more durable. Preliminary cleaning of the surface is carried out with a vacuum cleaner. The type of paint and varnish materials also depends on which primer is recommended to be used in a particular case. The internal staining technique is performed on dry previous layers. When applied, a brush with a width of up to 6-8 centimeters helps.

Second option

In the second option, more physical effort is applied, the following stages are assumed:

  1. Cleanup.
  2. Plastering.
  3. Putty application.
  4. Padding.
  5. Surface coloring.

It is better to apply plaster only on a base that is completely free of other materials. A special cement-sand mortar is used in winter. It is also suitable for plastering the outer part of the wall.

It is sometimes better to do without applying plaster, since it simply begins to fly around in pieces when exposed to moisture in large quantities. Then you will need to re-repair.

Gypsum compositions without cement are an ideal solution for puttying walls on a balcony.

And in the process of applying a primer there is nothing complicated. After it dries, proceed to staining. We figured out how to paint the wall on the balconies, now it's the turn of the choice of working tools.

An ordinary brush with a width of up to 15 centimeters is the best option for a working tool. A brush 5 centimeters wide is more suitable for painting joints and seams, or when there is a complex relief on the surface.

Depending on the type of paint chosen, we determine the bristle material:

  • Artificial options - for coatings with solvents in the composition.
  • Natural materials go well with a product such as oil paint for a balcony.

If the plans include the use of a stencil, then a regular roller helps. It makes it easier to create drawings and unusual patterns. The roller will also be useful if you want to leave some seams unpainted, or when the wall itself is initially perfectly flat. Wood works differently.

Using stencils means that only part of the wall needs to be covered with paint. The order of work will be as follows:

  1. The wall is pre-processed, as already mentioned above.
  2. The stencil is cut out on parchment paper or on an old piece of wallpaper.
  3. Mounting on the wall is carried out using liquid nails or adhesive tape.
  4. Staining occurs with a brush or roller, it does not matter what kind of paint it is decided to use.

The inscriptions on top of the paint on the bricks also look stylish and attractive. A pencil drawing-layout is applied to the surface when the previous layer is dry. For drawing it is recommended to use cheap markers. Then there will be no problems if they need to be erased. The inscription is usually painted over with black paint. When the surface is already painted, in the future it requires only periodic cleaning from dirt and dust.

Balcony finishing options (2 videos)

Balcony structures are always exposed to the environment: wind, moisture, dampness, temperature changes, sunlight, precipitation, etc. Therefore, it is very important to understand the question of what paint is better to paint the balcony so that in the future you do not have to update frequently.

The balcony should not be launched, because it is better to work a little and give it a fresh look with the help of special paint, so that in this small part of the room you can relax and sit comfortably, enjoying the fresh air and the warmth of the sun.

If it is deprived of attention, then it may happen that all its constituent parts can rot and gradually collapse. So, for example, unpainted frame folds will dry out over time, and in the future they can deteriorate under the influence of moisture.

Currently, the range of paint and varnish products on the market is simply huge, so it is really difficult for a beginner to figure out which paint to use for a particular type of work.

Recently, washable paints are often used for interior decoration. They can be used for various types of substrates - concrete, plaster, putty and structural wallpaper. They are optimal for use on balconies and loggias.

They make it possible to carry out wet cleaning with the use of cleaning agents without damaging the paint layer and are able to withstand up to several thousand washing cycles without losing the original gloss and brightness of the paint.

General characteristics of paints

All washable paints differ in the type of binder included in their composition.

  • Latex-based paint can be washed even with a brush and household chemicals; it will not lose its original appearance for a long time. It is preferable to use such paint in rooms with high traffic, which are quickly contaminated.
  • Alkyd paints are classified as exterior finishing materials, due to their ability to create a moisture-proof film on the surface that is resistant to frost and heavy rainfall.
  • Silicone paint combines the best organic and mineral materials in its composition, forming an elastic and resistant coating that successfully hides minor wall imperfections. Silicone paint is odorless and is considered completely harmless. Due to special components, it retains its properties and integrity of the coating for decades.
  • Water-based acrylic paints are considered the safest and most environmentally friendly, therefore they are recommended for painting walls in any residential area, including children's rooms. They are odorless, dry within a few hours and are highly resistant to abrasion. In addition, this material forms a vapor-permeable coating that allows the surface to "breathe".

Another advantage of these paints is the ease of application, which even a beginner can handle. After working with water-based paints, the tool can be easily cleaned under running water.

What to look out for

Before buying paint, you need to find out what its purpose is. Paints for outdoor use are characterized by a high level of resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Coloring compositions for indoor work, on the contrary, are absolutely safe, but do not tolerate exposure to moisture, ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes.

When purchasing this or that type of paint, you should leave your choice on a material that is produced by a reliable manufacturer, has passed mandatory certification and meets all the declared characteristics.

Balcony interior painting

Before painting, the glazed balcony must be completely cleaned of dirt and dust that has accumulated on the surfaces since the last cleaning. Wooden frames need to be washed and dried, and then covered with a layer of drying oil, after drying, primed with a special compound. Cracks, chips and potholes on the frame must be puttied and leveled with sandpaper. When all the preparatory work is completed, you can start painting the window structure.

The choice of paint depends entirely on the surface on which it will be applied. In any case, the material - the paint must be of good quality, for example, acrylic. In addition, there are other types of paints that are quite suitable for painting a balcony: oil and enamel.

Before choosing a material, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the paint is suitable for outdoor use. Also, the paint must be suitable for our climatic conditions, that is, be frost-resistant.

For painting the balcony, alkyd enamels are excellent, which perfectly fit on any surface, are of high quality and durability. However, they are more expensive than oil and acrylic paints.

Balcony wall painting

Before painting, the concrete surface must be cleaned, and cracks and chips should be repaired with cement mortar, and then covered with a primer layer for better adhesion of the paint to the surface. It is not recommended to work on a hot sunny day or rainy weather if you have to paint outside.

If the inside of the balcony is finished with plastic, then it does not need to be painted, because the plastic panels already have a pleasant appearance. It will be enough to clean them from dirt, dust and plaque with a damp sponge with a cleaning agent.

The finish, made of lining, is painted with oil, acrylic, alkyd paints, but before that, the surface must be treated with an antiseptic and scuba. It is best to paint such material with a brush and apply the paint in a thin, even layer.
The updated balcony will bring joy and a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from the work done.

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Balcony structures are always exposed to such external influences as low temperatures, precipitation, wind, moisture, and solar radiation. That is why it is worth paying special attention to the issue of how to paint the balcony, so that you do not have to repair it too often. You should not run a balcony, it is better to refresh it a little with the help of special paints and give it a neat look.

So, for example, unpainted frame folds, due to moisture constantly falling on them, begin to quickly collapse. It is very difficult to update the color of the frame on a glazed balcony, especially when there are blind transoms that need to be removed. That is why the quality of the initial painting of the balcony should be as high as possible.

To do this, before you start painting, you should thoroughly clean the frame from dust and dirt, and then dry it thoroughly. The frame is covered with drying oil in two layers, and after drying - with one layer of soil. If suddenly bumps appear on the ground, they need to be puttied and thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper. The layer of putty should be no more than 2 millimeters. If there are large irregularities, then you will have to apply an additional layer of putty, but only after the first has dried. When the surface is completely flat, you can re-primer. Finally, only after all these procedures can you start painting the balcony frame.

What paint is better to paint the balcony?

It all depends on the surface you are going to paint. The choice of paint depends on the way you finish your balcony, which will be the solution to the problem of choosing a paint.

Of course, the paint itself must be of high quality, such as acrylic paints. Of course, traditional enamels and oil paints can also be used. Look carefully so that the paint is intended for outdoor use, as well as for painting precisely those surfaces that are used in balcony structures. It is important that the paint is frost-resistant - it must withstand our climatic conditions. It is worth buying paint in company stores. Don't forget to look at the expiration date. Another requirement is that the paint must be liquid, it should not contain a thickened mass.

Alkyd enamels can also be used to paint the balcony. True, they are more expensive, but this is a very high-quality coating, since alkyd enamels are elastic, resistant to moisture and fit perfectly on any surface.

The concrete railing on the balcony must be prepared before painting: minor damage is repaired with mortar. If moss plaque is present, then it can be treated with an alkaline solvent. If the concrete has already been painted, it must be thoroughly cleaned of the remnants of old cracked paint. On a small area, it is worth checking the compatibility of the new and old paint. Do not paint on a hot sunny day or when it is raining - the work will be ruined. If the balcony is small, then you can do it with.

In the event that your balcony trim is made of plastic, it is recommended that you first remove the plastic panels and carefully clean them of dirt. To do this, you can use alcohol or a nitro solvent. For plastic, the question of how to paint the balcony is not relevant, but the choice of varnish. When choosing a varnish, take into account the fact that dark colors get too hot in the sun, which over time can lead to significant deformation of plastic panels. It is better to apply varnish with a paint sprayer. If you are going to use a brush or roller, you will need to apply the varnish continuously to evenly cover the surface.

Balconies lined with high-quality steel or aluminum will not provide any extra hassle. Fresh paint will perfectly refresh the look of such a cladding. If the metal is not of very high quality, then it can rust. It is worth first treating it with a sandpaper, and applying a universal solvent to the oil stains. After that, the metal is painted with a special primer paint. It is recommended to apply several layers of varnish for metals. This will not only perfectly level the surface, but will give the metal anti-corrosion properties. In stores you can find many different varnishes for painting metals: acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane and epoxy.

What color to paint the balcony?

Frames painted with glossy paint always look prettier and more solid. What color to paint the balcony? As a rule, white paint is chosen for painting frames. This choice of color is not at all accidental, especially given the high quality of the snow-white color to reflect the sun's rays. Of course, no one forbids you to choose a different color. You can also get creative and use more than one color.

It is better to choose a color depending on the sides of the horizon. If, for example, your balcony faces south, then it can be painted in brighter and more saturated colors than a balcony that faces north. It is better to decorate the northern one with light colors that reflect light well. Warm tones will look perfect here - golden, yellow, pink, yellow-pink. For the "southern" balcony, cold shades of blue, purple, green are suitable. At the same time, consider also the level of illumination of the balcony. For example, if there is a large tree growing in front of the south balcony, which greatly obscures your balcony, then it is better to choose light and warm colors.

The interior of the balcony can be decorated in a very interesting and original way. For example, apply an outline of any pattern on the walls and decorate with multi-colored water-based or acrylic paint. You can involve your children in this lesson, believe me, they will help you with great pleasure in your work. Video can "t be loaded: Wall painting useful tips (

How to paint the lining on the balcony?

Lining today is very widely used for finishing balconies. In order for the wood not to darken over time and not lose its attractiveness due to various environmental influences, it must be protected with special coatings. How to paint the lining on the balcony? To paint the lining, coating and glazing antiseptics, acrylate and oil paints, acrylic scuba diving, and alkyd varnishes are used.

Acrylic paints have excellent weather resistance and retain their color and gloss for a very long time. The surfaces treated with such paint have the ability to breathe, they are very elastic, do not crack at all and are vapor-tight.

Oil paints are perfectly absorbed into the wood. They practically do not pass moisture, very resistant to precipitation. But, unlike acrylate paints, they lose color and matting much faster. In addition, the surface treated with oil paint dries for a very long time. If you paint the lining in a bright or dark color, then it will quickly lose its attractiveness.

Acrylic scuba shoes are great for covering indoor surfaces because they are environmentally friendly and do not cause allergic reactions.

Alkyd varnishes are usually used for flooring, as they are hard. The service life of these varnishes does not exceed ten years, then you need to re-paint the lining.

In order to really paint the lining with high quality and maximize the life of the paintwork, you should take into account a few tips on the topic of the better to paint the balcony.

The paint should be mixed as thoroughly as possible, both before and during painting, otherwise the gloss and color of the coating will be uneven. First, on a small area of ​​the board, it is worth making a test stroke - this way you will make sure that the chosen color is correct.

It is better to paint with a brush, it is necessary to apply paint in thin layers.

Do not paint at high air temperatures, as the paint will dry too quickly, and this is not at all necessary. It is best to paint in warm, calm and cloudless weather.

It is important to carefully process the ends of the lining. To do this, apply several layers of primer, and then paintwork material.

If suddenly there is an urgent need to close the door or window, and the paint has not yet dried, then put a layer of foil between the tangent surfaces. When everything is dry, you can easily remove it, while the integrity of the surface will not be violated.

The updated balcony will surely bring you a lot of joy and a wonderful feeling of satisfaction from the work done. Video can "t be loaded: Facade paint "Fasad Lux" TM Triora (

Balcony painting is the cheapest way to transform it, so if you want to freshen up this part of your home, then this article will help you get the job done right. I will tell you what compositions you need to apply for different surfaces. We will also figure out how to properly prepare the surface so that the compositions lay down as well as possible and last as long as possible.

In the photo: do-it-yourself painting allows you to transform a balcony in a matter of hours

What nuances need to be dealt with before starting work

Balconies and loggias are structures that can be very different from each other, even if they are located side by side, their interior decoration can be completely different. Accordingly, the technology of work is also changing.

Therefore, before starting any action, you need to determine several important aspects:

Construction type If you have an open balcony or loggia, then you will have to use only weatherproof paints. If the structure is insulated, then the work will not differ from those that are carried out in the apartment.
Purpose of repair In order to simply refresh the appearance of surfaces, it is necessary to minimally prepare them and paint them. But if you want to get a more attractive result, then additional work may be needed: patching irregularities, plastering surfaces, etc.
Base types On the balcony you can find a variety of types of materials: from brick and concrete to wood, plastic, drywall and metal. Naturally, each of the options is colored in its own way, and below I will go into detail about this aspect.
Types of work carried out There are two main options - outdoor and indoor work, and they are very different from each other. When painting exterior surfaces, it is important to observe safety precautions, and also remember that the color of the facade must be the same on all balconies. Inside, everything is simpler, because you can choose any color scheme, the main thing is that you like it
Surface condition This factor does not directly affect the painting work, but it determines the preparatory measures. If you want to do everything in the best possible way, then you may need to complete plastering or finishing with facing material, as well as pouring a screed or self-leveling. These operations are carried out in advance so that the compositions are completely dry.

Work is best done in warm weather without precipitation, the optimum ambient temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees. If your balcony is insulated, then you can work inside almost at any time of the year.

Types of bases and features of their staining

Now we will deal with the different options for materials that are used in the construction and decoration of balconies, and consider how to paint them correctly and what compositions are best used. I will talk about those options, the reliability and quality of which I am sure, and which are not difficult to use.

Metal constructions

On open balconies, metal railings are most often installed, and a profiled sheet is also often used for exterior decoration, which over time may lose its attractiveness and require painting. First, let's figure out what kind of paint to use:

  • In order not to waste a lot of time on thorough surface preparation and not to apply a primer, it is easiest to use special “3 in 1” compositions, which include a primer, anti-corrosion additives and the paint itself;
  • The composition dries quickly, fits well and has a wide range of colors, which will allow you to purchase the most suitable option for any balcony;
  • Consumption averages 200-300 grams per square meter. As for the cost, high-quality paint can be bought at a price of 300 rubles per 0.9 kg can. If you have railings, then for the convenience of coloring them, you can use the composition in an aerosol package.

Aerosol paints are easy to use, easy to apply and dry very quickly.

Now let's look at the workflow:

  • Surfaces must first be cleaned, and then inspected for corrosion and areas where the old coating does not hold well;
  • Then you need to remove the old paint where it does not hold well, if you wish, you can remove the entire layer, but this will take a lot of time and require a lot of effort. All foci of corrosion must be cleaned as thoroughly as possible, this is perhaps the most important aspect of the entire preparation, because even a special composition will not save you from rust if you do not remove all layers;

Rust removal takes the most time

  • If the profiled sheet is painted, then it also needs to be cleaned, if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to remove the elements, but most often you have to work right on the spot. Even if there is no rust on the surface, it must be treated with fine sandpaper so that the new paint fits better on the surface;
  • Before painting a railing or profiled sheet, be sure to degrease the surface. Wipe it with thinner or gasoline, this will get rid of small particles of grease, as well as dust that inevitably settles on the surface. This operation must be carried out immediately before staining;
  • Often the question arises - how to paint the outside of all surfaces? There can be two options: the first one involves working from the inside, you need to insure yourself with a rope and, bending over the parapet, paint the surface from the bottom up, the second method involves the use of scaffolding, it is safer, but you can not always use it in high-rise buildings;

Scaffolding is the easiest to work with, but this method is suitable for lower floors.

  • The composition is applied either with a brush or roller, it all depends on the type of surface. Coloring is best done in two layers, the composition must be mixed before use, if necessary, you can add a little solvent (all information is written on the package).

Painting of brick, concrete and plastered surfaces

This type of foundation is very common, which is not surprising, because multi-storey buildings are built from slabs and bricks. The usual gray color is not the best background for a cozy balcony, but even if the surfaces were painted, they fade over time, and the composition begins to crack, so it needs to be updated periodically.

As for paint, I advise you to use facade acrylate compositions, they fit perfectly on concrete, plaster, and brick and have high resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. An additional plus of such compositions is that they are available in white, and you can give them any shade with the help of special pigments.

The price of the compositions is about 800 rubles for a package of 4.5 liters, about the same amount is needed for an average balcony when painting in two layers.

What paint to paint the balcony inside? Take the facade and you can't go wrong

Now let's deal with the workflow, it starts with preparatory activities, and they differ depending on the type of foundation. Let's look at the most common options:

  • If you have brickwork, then first of all you need to clean the surface of the solution, the particles of which most often remain during masonry. Also, to improve the appearance, you need to clean the seams, if they are sloppy, that is, it makes sense to fill them with mortar and level them, the work is simple, but it will take a lot of time, because you have to process all the seams on the walls. After the solution dries, its residues are also erased from the surface;

The seams are filled with a solution, after which its excess is removed by jointing

  • Concrete walls must be cleaned of dust and debris and carefully inspected for cracks, if any, then they must be repaired with cement mortar. I also recommend checking the plane with a level or even rail, it is often uneven, in this case it is advisable to carry out plaster work, as the paint will highlight all the flaws;
  • Plastered surfaces are prepared as follows: first, the surface is carefully examined, if there are cracks on it, then all such areas must be tapped. If the sound is booming, then the finish has peeled off and needs to be removed. If everything is held firmly, then you can simply repair the cracks with a plaster mortar.

Sealing cracks is a mandatory step in surface preparation

If during the preparation of the bases you notice pockets of fungus or mold, then you need to eliminate them. To do this, the black plaque is carefully removed (if it is on the plaster, then it is better to beat it off and apply a new composition), and then it is treated with special solutions that will destroy the spores of the fungus and protect the surface from its reappearance.

Mold most often appears in the corners of the balcony and on the slopes near the windows, since this is where the humidity is highest.

Now let's figure out how to paint these surfaces with your own hands. The work is quite simple, it is important to follow all the recommendations:

  • First of all, with the help of a broom, you need to clean the surface of dust; a vacuum cleaner can also be used for this purpose;
  • The surface is covered with a strengthening primer, it is desirable that antifungal additives be present in it. The composition is applied in one layer, try to ensure that the entire surface is completely covered. Too much primer should also not be applied, do not leave smudges on the surface;

When priming a brick wall, try to get the composition into all seams

  • You must decide in advance what color to paint the balcony in, and purchase either a ready-made composition or a white base paint and a special pigment with which you can give it the desired shade yourself. When choosing a particular option, you must take into account the color of the remaining furnishings and the furniture used;

If you are preparing a certain shade yourself, but you need to mix the pigment in all the paint that will be used at once. It is almost impossible to prepare the same shade twice by hand.

  • Do-it-yourself painting inside is done either with a roller if the surfaces are smooth, or with a brush if you have a brick wall, since it can be used to apply the composition to all seams. If you have an airbrush, then this simplifies the process even more, but most often there is no such equipment, because it is mainly used by professionals. When painting, apply the composition evenly, avoiding smudges;

When painting, it is important to cover the entire area evenly.

There is another option on how to decorate a balcony: you can paint the brick in different colors, then you will get a very cheerful colorful interior. The seams in this case are made dark or light to emphasize each element even more. As for smooth walls, you can make lines or patterns on them with masking tape and also paint the surface in different colors.

This option is ideal if a place is made on the balcony for children to play.

Separately, you need to consider how to paint the concrete floor, because this surface is subjected to increased loads. In this case, I advise using polyurethane-based compounds, as they have excellent abrasion resistance and retain their attractive appearance for a very long time.

Preparing the floor is no different from preparing other surfaces, the main thing to remember is that you need to paint from the farthest corner towards the exit so that you can exit the balcony without stepping on the painted floor.

Polyurethane paint for concrete is very reliable, but it also costs from 300 rubles per liter

Painting wood, plywood, chipboard and fiberboard

These materials are very often used in the interior decoration of insulated loggias, because with their help you can quickly transform the space and make it cozy. First of all, you need to figure out which paint is better to paint the balcony inside, if it is finished with wood-based materials, everything is simple here: use acrylic-based compositions, they can be both matte and glossy and are inexpensive - a liter will cost from 200 rubles.

Acrylic paint for the balcony inside fits perfectly

As for the workflow, it consists of the following steps:

The scheme of wood staining is quite simple.

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface of dirt, all stains must be removed. If there are elements that are not securely held, then they must be fixed, it is important that the surface is strong and clean;
  • Putty is made using an acrylic composition, which has good strength and ductility, which simplifies work. The process is simple: you need to prepare the required amount of the composition and fill in all the bumps and damage with it. If, after drying, the putty sagged a little (this is the norm), then you need to apply another layer;

The composition is inexpensive, so it makes no sense to save on it

  • Next, you need to walk along the surface with fine-grained sandpaper, if you have smooth materials, then you can skip this step;
  • The primer allows you to protect the surface from moisture and strengthen it. For added reliability, I advise using acrylic-based formulations with the addition of antiseptic components. The work is done as follows: one layer is applied, after it dries, the surface is checked for raised pile, if there are such areas, then they need to be cleaned, and then another layer is applied;

The primer is best applied with a brush.

  • After the soil has dried, coloring is carried out, for this the composition is prepared as recommended on the package and applied to the surface. After the first layer has dried, a second layer must be applied to ensure a more even color and better protect the material from adverse effects.

Staining is carried out in the direction of the wood fibers

You also need to figure out which paint is best for wood or chipboard floors, here the usual acrylic version will not work. Purchase special compounds for these purposes, there is always an indication on the bank that they are intended for the floor and have increased wear resistance.

Drywall painting

This material is also often used in the finishing of insulated structures. Naturally, it is better to use a moisture-resistant option, since temperature and humidity changes are still greater on the balcony than in living rooms, and ordinary drywall may begin to swell.

There will be no question about how to paint the balcony inside - in any store there is just a huge selection, but I advise you not to buy the cheapest option, but to choose a better solution. Personally, in such cases, I use latex-based compounds, they are resistant to moisture, and the surface can be wiped with a damp cloth, which allows you to maintain perfect cleanliness on the balcony. A liter of good paint costs about 190 rubles.

Paint "Luxens" is inexpensive, but the quality is not inferior to more expensive options

As for the preparation of surfaces, it makes no sense to describe the process of puttying and leveling, there are a lot of materials on this topic and there is no point in considering them here. I will talk about the option when you already have a finished wall that was previously painted, but the coating has already burned out or has begun to crack and peel off.

The workflow consists of several steps:

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean it of dust and dirt and inspect for damage and cracks. If there are damaged areas, then they need to be puttied, often during operation, scratches and indentations appear on the surface from impacts with various objects;
  • Priming is a mandatory part of the workflow, especially if you will be painting the wall in a different color. The primer will allow you to close the old layer and improve the adhesion of the paint. Without priming, you may need to paint the wall 3-4 times until it becomes solid, you can handle the primer in two layers;

The primer improves the coverage of the surface

If you want to paint light paint on a wall that used to be dark, then I suggest adding about a quarter of white paint to the primer to make the surface much lighter.

  • Now let's figure out how to paint a balcony, for this it is best to use a roller, since with its help the composition will be distributed as evenly as possible over the entire surface. Narrow brushes can be used for corners and junctions.

I want to talk about how to carry out the work of staining in two or more colors. To do this, you first need to apply a base coat of the desired shade, and then use masking tape to make stripes or any other shapes. Next, the necessary areas are painted, and then the painting is removed, and you get the desired result.

Using masking tape, you can make absolutely even stripes and shapes on the wall.


We figured out how to paint the inside and outside of the balcony, and also considered how to properly organize the workflow. In fact, there is nothing complicated in painting a balcony, watch the video in this article, it clearly shows some important points of the workflow so that you understand the topic even better. If you have any questions, then write them in the comments, we will study each of them in detail.

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What paint is better to paint the balcony

Balcony structures are always exposed to the environment: wind, moisture, dampness, temperature changes, sunlight, precipitation, etc. Therefore, it is very important to understand the question of what paint is better to paint the balcony so that in the future you do not have to update frequently.

The balcony should not be launched, because it is better to work a little and give it a fresh look with the help of special paint, so that in this small part of the room you can relax and sit comfortably, enjoying the fresh air and the warmth of the sun.

If it is deprived of attention, then it may happen that all its constituent parts can rot and gradually collapse. So, for example, unpainted frame folds will dry out over time, and in the future they can deteriorate under the influence of moisture.

How to choose paint for a balcony

Currently, the range of paint and varnish products on the market is simply huge, so it is really difficult for a beginner to figure out which paint to use for a particular type of work.

Recently, washable paints are often used for interior decoration. They can be used for various types of substrates - concrete, plaster, putty and structural wallpaper. They are optimal for use on balconies and loggias.

They make it possible to carry out wet cleaning with the use of cleaning agents without damaging the paint layer and are able to withstand up to several thousand washing cycles without losing the original gloss and brightness of the paint.

All washable paints differ in the type of binder included in their composition.

  • Latex-based paint can be washed even with a brush and household chemicals; it will not lose its original appearance for a long time. It is preferable to use such paint in rooms with high traffic, which are quickly contaminated.
  • Alkyd paints are classified as exterior finishing materials, due to their ability to create a moisture-proof film on the surface that is resistant to frost and heavy rainfall.
  • Silicone paint combines the best organic and mineral materials in its composition, forming an elastic and resistant coating that successfully hides minor wall imperfections. Silicone paint is odorless and is considered completely harmless. Due to special components, it retains its properties and integrity of the coating for decades.
  • Water-based acrylic paints are considered the safest and most environmentally friendly, therefore they are recommended for painting walls in any residential area, including children's rooms. They are odorless, dry within a few hours and are highly resistant to abrasion. In addition, this material forms a vapor-permeable coating that allows the surface to "breathe".

Another advantage of these paints is the ease of application, which even a beginner can handle. After working with water-based paints, the tool can be easily cleaned under running water.

What to look out for

Before buying paint, you need to find out what its purpose is. Paints for outdoor use are characterized by a high level of resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Coloring compositions for indoor work, on the contrary, are absolutely safe, but do not tolerate exposure to moisture, ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes.

When purchasing this or that type of paint, you should leave your choice on a material that is produced by a reliable manufacturer, has passed mandatory certification and meets all the declared characteristics.

Balcony interior painting

Before painting, the glazed balcony must be completely cleaned of dirt and dust that has accumulated on the surfaces since the last cleaning. Wooden frames need to be washed and dried, and then covered with a layer of drying oil, after drying, primed with a special compound. Cracks, chips and potholes on the frame must be puttied and leveled with sandpaper. When all the preparatory work is completed, you can start painting the window structure.

The choice of paint depends entirely on the surface on which it will be applied. In any case, the material - the paint must be of good quality, for example, acrylic. In addition, there are other types of paints that are quite suitable for painting a balcony: oil and enamel.

Before choosing a material, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the paint is suitable for outdoor use. Also, the paint must be suitable for our climatic conditions, that is, be frost-resistant.

For painting the balcony, alkyd enamels are excellent, which perfectly fit on any surface, are of high quality and durability. However, they are more expensive than oil and acrylic paints.

Balcony wall painting

Before painting, the concrete surface must be cleaned, and cracks and chips should be repaired with cement mortar, and then covered with a primer layer for better adhesion of the paint to the surface. It is not recommended to work on a hot sunny day or rainy weather if you have to paint outside.

If the inside of the balcony is finished with plastic, then it does not need to be painted, because the plastic panels already have a pleasant appearance. It will be enough to clean them from dirt, dust and plaque with a damp sponge with a cleaning agent.

The finish, made of lining, is painted with oil, acrylic, alkyd paints, but before that, the surface must be treated with an antiseptic and scuba. It is best to paint such material with a brush and apply the paint in a thin, even layer. The updated balcony will bring joy and a pleasant feeling of satisfaction from the work done.

What paint to paint the balcony inside: the choice of composition, finishing raw walls and painting finishing materials

The balcony is an integral part of a residential apartment, so when performing repairs, one cannot but pay attention to its interior decoration. From the point of view of functionality and ease of implementation, the most suitable type of interior decoration for a balcony is painting its walls and ceiling with outdoor compositions.

At the same time, you should know that you can paint not only bare walls, but also interior decoration elements if they are already installed, but for some reason their color does not suit the apartment owners, for example, plastic panels, wooden lining, etc.

Interior decoration of the glazed balcony.

Balcony painting

In order to help the reader deal with the issue of interior decoration, this article will talk about how to paint a balcony inside using available paints and varnishes.

In addition, detailed instructions will be provided here on choosing the right paint for decorating the inside of the balcony, depending on the material from which its walls are made.

Glazing and lining with clapboard before painting.

Paint selection

When buying paint and varnish materials, it should be borne in mind that even a glazed and insulated balcony is located outside the room, so its microclimate has certain features. Unlike an apartment, it is characterized by high humidity and significant fluctuations in average annual and average daily temperatures, so any paint for interior decoration of a balcony should be designed for outdoor use.

Among the most common paints for domestic use that meet these requirements, some main types can be distinguished:

  1. Acrylic water-based emulsion formulations, after drying, form a strong protective film on the surface, which is well resistant to moisture, high and low temperatures, and is also resistant to solar radiation. It is distinguished by a wide range of color shades, good vapor permeability, short drying time, as well as the complete absence of odor and toxic substances.
  2. Paints based on latex and silicone resins have similar properties, but they are characterized by low vapor permeability, but at the same time they have increased resistance to moisture and are able to repel various types of pollution. Well suited for both natural and artificial materials.

Acrylic paint for mineral surfaces.

  1. Alkyd enamels made on the basis of organic solvents have good hiding power, high adhesion, after drying they form a moisture-resistant protective film on the surface, which is well resistant to atmospheric factors. The negative qualities of such compositions are a rather high price, a long drying time, as well as a sharp unpleasant odor of organic solvents during operation.
  2. Oil-based enamels and paints are also highly resistant, however, after drying, the protective film is practically not able to pass steam, so they are not recommended for finishing surfaces made of mineral materials (brick, concrete, plaster mortar).

The photo shows the assortment and color palette of alkyd enamels.

Tip! When choosing paints and varnishes, you should also pay attention to the frost resistance of the coating and the resistance of paints to ultraviolet radiation.

Rough wall finishing

Most often, the walls of the balcony can be made of reinforced concrete or brick. In such cases, water-based emulsion or dispersion compositions will be the most suitable for do-it-yourself interior decoration.

These can be acrylic, latex or silicone paints, however, for high-quality application and increased durability, it is necessary to pre-prepare the surface.

  1. On concrete or plastered walls, eliminate all defects and putty cracks and irregularities, and after the putty has dried, treat the surface with emery cloth.
  2. Putty the seams of the brickwork on the brick walls and, if necessary, make the jointing using a special tool.
  3. Clean the surface of dust and treat with one layer of penetrating primer.
  4. Paint in several layers with a wide brush and a paint roller. The direction of movement of the brush during the application of each subsequent layer should change from vertical to horizontal and vice versa. Apply the next layer after the previous one has completely dried.

Painting a brick wall on a balcony.

Advice! If there are pockets of mold development on the walls, before painting, the surface must be treated with a special antiseptic composition in accordance with the instructions for use.

Painting of finishing materials

Self-painting of the balcony inside can be performed not only on bare walls, but also in cases where there is a desire to change the color of the material of the finished interior decoration.

It can be decorative plastic panels, drywall sheets, wooden lining boards and other materials.

  1. For processing plastic panels, you can use acrylic, latex or water-based silicone paints, as well as alkyd enamels. It should be noted that it is not recommended to use nitrocellulose and other compounds based on highly volatile solvents (acetone, 646, 647) for painting plastic panels and fittings, as this can lead to the destruction of plastic.
  2. Plasterboard walls are best treated with acrylic resin-based compounds, having previously strengthened and puttied corners, joints and fasteners.
  3. Surfaces made of wood or wood-fiber materials can be painted with alkyd or oil enamels, pre-soaked with hot drying oil to increase moisture resistance.
  4. Acrylic or latex paints are also good for these purposes. In this case, pre-treatment can be performed using an antiseptic composition.
  5. Decorative and protective finishing of the lining board can be performed using glazing compositions. For this purpose, you can use transparent impregnations, mastics and special paints that emphasize the natural structure of wood and provide its reliable protection from external factors.

Preparation for painting plasterboard walls.

Tip! When asked what color to paint the balcony inside, we can recommend the following: for the north side it is better to choose light shades of warm tones, while for the south side saturated light colors of colder tones are more suitable.


Finally, it should be noted that, despite the small size of this auxiliary room, the decorative decoration of the balcony plays an important role in the overall concept of the interior of the apartment, so its implementation should not be neglected.

Page 2

Painting the balcony from the outside and from the inside is done to solve two problems: firstly, the aesthetic state of the structure improves, and, secondly, all details are protected from external factors.

When performing these operations, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the balcony itself, as well as how intensively we plan to use it.

Walls need to be painted not only to give them an attractive look.

Purchase of materials

When planning to paint a balcony or loggia, you must purchase in advance all the materials that will be useful during the finishing.

And first of all, these are, of course, a variety of colors:

  • For decorating interior walls (provided that the room is glazed and precipitation does not fall into it), interior pigments on an acrylic or latex binder are suitable. They can paint the walls after preliminary plastering.

Wood paneling is best treated with special compounds

  • If the inner lining is made of wooden panels, then it is better to purchase special tinting compounds based on varnishes or enamels. They provide the highest quality impregnation and protection of wood.

Please note! Plastic skin is rarely painted.

Most often, it is simply cleaned of contamination using organic solvents.

  • Facade compositions are used for the walls of the balcony without glazing, as well as for painting the fence from the outside. They provide deep penetration of the binder into the base, and due to this they give the surfaces the necessary protective properties.

Facade compositions are suitable for outdoor work

  • Separately, it is worth choosing the material for painting metal parts: gratings, brackets, etc. To ensure the best effect, it is necessary to use alkyd enamels and nitro paints, having previously treated each element with anti-corrosion agents.

In addition to paint, we need:

  • Primers for various substrates (concrete, plaster, wood, metal, etc.).
  • Repair compositions for filling cracks.
  • Washes and solvents, etc.

When everything you need is purchased, you can proceed to work.

Methodology for performing work

Exterior finish

Painting from the side of the street is a rather time-consuming task. The main thing that we should remember is that you can do the finishing with your own hands only at the level of the second floor. Everything that is further belongs to the category of work at height and therefore it is necessary to attract specialists with the necessary clearance for them.

The exception is lattice fences, which can be processed from all sides without leaving the loggia itself.

The grille is quite easy to paint - no need to hang outward

Pay attention! The idea of ​​painting a balcony railing by leaning over it and hanging down is a bad idea.

The way it works is quite simple:

  • The concrete parapet is cleared of the old finish. To do this, you can use paint removers or a building hair dryer with a spatula.
  • Then the base is primed. If there are large irregularities on the fence, then it is better to eliminate them with putty.
  • The wooden lining of the parapet is sanded using an abrasive wheel and also treated with a primer.
  • We clean the metal grate from rust, after which we degrease it and apply an insulating anti-corrosion primer on it.

Handling of fences must be carried out in accordance with all safety regulations.

After such preparation, the coloring itself will not take much time:

  • Using a brush or roller for painting, apply pigment to all treated surfaces.
  • If possible, it is better to replace a hand tool with an airbrush. In this way, we will ensure a more uniform color and reduce material consumption.

Tip! Drops of paint will fly down even with the most accurate work, so it's worth warning the neighbors to remove the drying clothes.

A fence on the ground will not be superfluous.

  • For the highest quality drying, it is necessary to protect the painted parts from precipitation at least in the first few hours after applying the paint. To do this, you can cover them with polyethylene, leaving, however, large enough gaps for the evaporation of the solvent.

Interior decoration

Painting the walls on the balcony, as well as decorating other interior elements, are much less labor intensive.

You need to start with surface preparation:

  • Walls made of concrete or brick are dedusted, primed and leveled with plaster. If there are large irregularities on the base, we first remove them with a puncher or a concrete grinder.

Please note! Instead of plaster, you can use moisture-resistant drywall.

  • Aligned walls are puttied and impregnated with primer for painting.

Brick and concrete must be primed, as shown in the photo

  • The lining, which was used for lining the parapet and walls, is carefully sanded, removing a layer of old paint and varnish.
  • We also treat metal parts with a steel brush, after which we remove the removed rust and apply a modifying primer to the metal.
  • Windows should be prepared separately. Wooden frames need to be cleaned in the same way as lining, but there will be less fuss with plastic ones: since they do not need to be painted, it is enough to seal the sections along the walls with masking tape.

Pay attention! Particular attention should be paid to laminated window structures.

Taking into account that the price of a polymer film that imitates the texture of wood is quite high, it makes sense to protect all details from accidental drops.

We paint the lining with compositions for woodworking

Painting instructions are as follows:

  • The prepared material is diluted with a solvent to the desired consistency. For a brush and roller, a thick mixture is needed, for a spray gun - a more liquid one.
  • We apply the composition to walls, fences and other elements, moving from top to bottom and trying not to leave streaks.
  • We dry the applied layer, after which we paint the entire balcony from the inside again.

  • During drying, we try to avoid drafts, as well as getting precipitation, dust and debris on the painted areas.

The result of the work


The options for painting a balcony given in the article describe almost all situations that you may encounter. Of course, some nuances will have to be analyzed directly on the site, since it is impossible to foresee everything in advance. And yet, if you study the recommendations for choosing a paint and carefully watch the video in this article, you should not have any particular difficulties.

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Page 3

Artificial aging today is a fairly popular technique in decoration and finishing work, one might say, a fashionable technique. Moreover, under aging, you can bring not only furniture and accessories, but finishing coatings.

In restoration, this effect is used to give the surface 100% authenticity, and in the case of decoration in an apartment or private house, to give the surface an artistic value.

Photo of cracked paint on part of the wall and door

Aging surfaces

To begin with, let's decide what materials paint with the effect of aging can be used for:

  • Wood. In this case, we can talk about both wooden furniture and decoration, in the form of panels made of plywood or chipboard, about lining, which can be sheathed in a room.
  • Plaster. It can be either a simple cement plaster or a dry mix with a paint finish.
  • Metal. Here you can talk about railings, framing fireplaces and stoves, metal siding. In principle, it is possible to use the effect of aging even in external works with a gutter system.

Full imitation of an old stone with textured paintwork

For wood

Let's start with wood, as this is the material most commonly seen with cracked, old paint. However, such a state can be achieved with modern means in the form of decoration.

For this, wood paint with an aging effect may be suitable, for example, Antique varnish, which consists of two different colors on absolutely any basis, the main thing is that the colors are contrasting.

An example of LMC for working with "cracked" paint

The process itself is quite simple to do with your own hands, and here we are waiting for the following steps:

  • First, the wood is prepared. It, like any surface, is cleaned of the old coating, of dirt and dust.
  • It is putty if there are obvious defects on the surface.
  • It is impregnated with special compounds, which should increase the resistance of the tree to the formation of mold and fungus.
  • Primed.
  • After the primer dries, the first layer of paint of one, usually lighter color, is applied to the surface.

Important! The first coat of paint in this procedure is not the main color, and it will play a secondary role in the overall gamut of the finished surface.

  • As soon as the paint layer dries, an antique effect varnish is applied to it.
  • Almost immediately, you can apply a second layer of paint of a different, primary color, the varnish should not dry out.

It is when the second layer dries that the “aging” of the surface will occur. The paint dries, shrinks, cracks and we get the translucence of the first layer, darker or lighter, contrasting.

Interesting cracked surface appearance with contrasting colors

Important! You can use not only two colors, but more, just the layers will have to be laid even thinner.

And the geometry and size of the cracks just depend on the thickness of the final layer.


An incredibly interesting proposal for decorating a room is the aging of a stone. And here we are talking not only about stone as a material, it just doesn’t need to be aged, but about the fact that walls can be finished in such a way that they will look like old masonry.

It is this finish that is the effect of an aged stone with textured paint.

You can immediately determine the main "pros" of this choice of finishes:

  • The practicality of coating with textured paint is higher than that of any other coating.
  • Textured dye is not subject to the spread of mold and fungus.
  • The surface is easy to wash.
  • Textured material does not contain hazardous impurities.

Important! Textured paint has so many positive features, including due to the fact that it contains acrylic copolymers.

In addition, the material can be applied to almost any surface, including wood and metal.

Textured application and complete authenticity litter with an old wall

You can apply textured wall paint to almost any surface - be it brick, concrete or wood.

In order to achieve the most desired effect, you can add sawdust to the dye, then you get a rough surface, like a rough stone. And for the effect of aging, the use of a simple sponge, roller, spatula is ideal.

Aged bathroom surface

All these tools make it easy to process the surface when applying paint and varnish material, achieving several types of aging:

  • Relief. In this case, a relief surface, as if carved by the winds, is obtained. To achieve this appearance, sawdust and quartz chips are added to the material. The application instructions do not require anything complicated, and the work is carried out simply with a roller.
  • Wild stone. In this option, after applying the paint and varnish material and drying it, the boundaries of the “masonry” are drawn, the seams are drawn, as when laying with stones of various sizes. The surface is processed with a sponge and the old masonry is obtained.
  • Marseille wax. This is the most stylish option to imitate old stone. At the same time, its price is minimal, but it will look very expensive.

Marseille wax - the result of working with a textured dye


But paint for furniture with the effect of aging can be in the form of the simplest paintwork materials, but it is with furniture that you will have to carry out clear preparatory work in order to achieve the desired result.

And to give the desired look to furniture surfaces, you can use:

  • Chalk coatings.
  • Matte dye.
  • Scuba diving.

Furniture before and after aging treatment

Important! Dye alone will not achieve the desired result.

You will have to use wax, sandpaper, that is, to enhance the external distinctive features of the old surface.

With regard to furniture, you can sometimes use the technique of "craquelure", or cracks. We described it above for decorating wood, and sometimes it can also be used for furniture.


Decorating opens up huge opportunities for us to re-use familiar finishing materials, and the video in this article will use practical examples to show how simple paintwork materials can completely change the decorative state of various surfaces.

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Page 4

Not so long ago, the most popular way of finishing was plaster. But the advent of new building materials has radically changed this situation. So, textured paint, which has good operational and decorative qualities, is gaining more and more popularity.

Read about its properties and how to use it below.

Textured coating

Characteristics of textured paint

What it is

Let's start with the question of what is textured paint? This is the name of a special coloring material, which has a structural filler in its composition. For this reason, it is often referred to as structural or textural.

Apply this coating to treated surfaces. They can be concrete, brick or wood.

This mixture is used for both external and internal work. It has a homogeneous structure and a viscous consistency. The color is mostly white.

Advantages and disadvantages

Textured painting has a number of advantages.

They are enclosed in the following:

  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • the ability to hide minor wall defects;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • no tendency to burn out under the influence of sunlight;
  • safety for human health;
  • vapor permeability;
  • practicality;
  • variety of color and texture shades;
  • hypoallergenicity.

The disadvantage of such a coating is that it has an increased consumption of approximately 1 kg/m² of surface. Because of this, the price of such wall processing becomes higher.

The procedure for painting walls with textured paint

Preparatory work

The technology of applying textured paint begins with preparatory work.

They are as follows:

  1. the old coating is removed;
  2. wall surfaces are cleaned, if necessary, leveled and then puttied;
  3. an adhesive primer is applied to the treated surfaces with a paint roller - it improves the adhesion between the applied paint and the wall. Its drying time is 5 hours;
  4. before applying the textured paint, it should be thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, add a color scheme of a certain color.

Tip! To facilitate the work process, you can add a little water to the mixture.

At the same time, its total volume should not exceed 1% of the total mass of the composition.

Applying a textured finish

Methods for applying textured paint can be different, depending on what kind of decorative effect it is planned to obtain with their help.

But they also have things in common:

  • the mixture is applied to the wall with a wide spatula - they alternately process areas of no more than 2 m²;
  • a narrow trowel is used to apply the coating on the corners;
  • It takes 24 hours for 1 coat of paint to dry completely.

The mixture is applied with a wide spatula.

Let's move on to a description of specific methods of how textured paint can be applied.

Let's consider three options:

  1. use of a foam roller - a textured composition of white color is applied to the wall with a spatula and leveled. Immediately after that, by rolling the foam roller on the wall, a texture is created, which is then smoothed with a trowel. A day later, the wall is painted with pale blue enamel with a brush, excess paint is removed with a foam sponge. The wall is sanded with a grater, the resulting dust is removed with a dry brush, after which a layer of mother-of-pearl enamel is applied with a fine-naped roller;

In the photo - foam roller

  1. the use of a trowel - a composition dyed in light brown color is applied to the wall in two layers. The first - with a wide spatula, and the second - with a trowel. A day later, the dried surface is covered with a matte white enamel using a fine-naped roller;

Trowel application

  1. using a rubber roller - with your own hands, using a spatula, a coloring composition is applied to the wall. Then, a texture is attached to the coating with a structural roller. Next, the surface is left for a day to dry completely.

Structural bead

Tip! Applying patterns is somewhat difficult for an inexperienced person. Therefore, you first need to try your hand at one small section of the wall.

This will help to acquire the necessary skill and avoid unnecessary expenses associated with redoing the entire coating.

The above methods are only individual examples of decorating a textured surface. In fact, there are a lot of such options and they are limited only by the imagination of the home master. Therefore, here you can and should experiment, creating unusual and attractive designs.

Application methods

If you have artistic skills, you can create whole paintings with a brush on a coating that has not yet hardened. But there are also simpler methods. In particular, this is the application of chaotic patterns with a spatula or the use of a thick rope that is wound around a roller.

It is dipped in paint and carried along the walls from top to bottom. The result is a pattern similar to bamboo stalks.

If desired, you can create an interesting effect without the use of special tools. It is enough to pick up a wet rag and start striking it on the painted surface, thereby obtaining an original design.

Another option is to use a crumpled newspaper wrapped in plastic. With it, you can make patterns that resemble flowers.

Pattern made with crumpled newspaper


Textured paint can be painted concrete, brick or wood surfaces. But first they must be cleaned of the old coating, leveled and puttied.

The paint is applied with large and small spatulas. The resulting coating is given an additional decorative effect through the use of enamels, the use of textured rollers, trowels or brushes. The corresponding instructions were given above.

In general, the variety of design is not limited here. It can be anything, depending on the imagination of the homeowners. For more information on applying textured paint, the video in this article will tell you.

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How to paint a balcony and what color - balcony paint

The balcony needs not only high-quality glazing and arrangement. Not the last place should be given to the decorative decoration of the room.

Painting a balcony today is a common solution for giving it an aesthetic appearance.

Painting is a democratic and inexpensive type of finishing work that can be done independently, even if the owners have never done something like this before.

Multicolor children's style.

Of course, you can hire professionals who will process the surfaces and paint the entire balcony in a matter of hours, but this is not rational from a financial point of view, because everything can be done on your own, and with minimal cash costs. The main thing is to choose the right type of paint for a specific material. For a brick wall, concrete, wood, drywall and other materials, the appropriate type of paintwork will vary significantly.

Can be decorated with a decorative roller.

How to choose paint for a balcony?

Of course, before you paint the balcony, you need to choose the right coloring composition, taking into account all the factors and nuances. The balcony room, despite the fact that it is located on the outside of the house, is considered by law to be an area inside the apartment, therefore, when choosing paintwork materials, it must be taken into account that people will often use the room.

Paint should be environmentally friendly, practical and safe.

The following factors must be taken into account:

  1. On the balconies, an increased level of humidity is almost always noted, so it is best to give preference to moisture-resistant varieties of paints.
  2. The problem of ultraviolet radiation is especially relevant on the southern sides of buildings. But even if your balcony is located in the north, then ultraviolet radiation will still have a negative effect on the paint, so you need to choose those compounds that are resistant to it.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that the paint is well wiped off with a damp cloth or solvent from other surfaces, because in the process of work, some drops will fall on the window or frame anyway.
  4. An excellent option for interior painting of a balcony are vapor-permeable coloring compositions that do not allow condensation to accumulate on the walls, which leads to mold.

What color to paint the balcony?

Many people face certain difficulties in this case, because they have no idea what color the balcony can be painted in. If the loggia or balcony is located on the sunny side, then it is best to choose a lighter color for painting, because dark shades will absorb sunlight, as a result of which the surface will heat up significantly during the daytime, which will negatively affect the wall material and microclimate.

The basic principle is as follows: the sunny side - choose cool colors, the dark side - choose warm colors.

The palette of possible colors is simply huge.

Here, the choice of shade will largely depend on personal preferences, the style decision of a balcony room or a room that is associated with a balcony. If it was decided to use several paints when decorating the surfaces of the balcony, then it is recommended to paint the room using no more than three colors. If it is supposed to paint the outer part of the balcony, then it is highly desirable that its color completely matches the color of the facade of the building.

Features of painting various materials on the balcony

The choice of paint will largely depend on what materials the balcony is made of or what its surfaces are lined with. Let's highlight the most common cases:

  • Brick. Before painting a brick and a brick wall, the surface must be carefully and properly prepared. To begin with, with a spatula and with a metal brush, all contaminants and defects (irregularities, potholes, solution residues) are removed from the surface. To give the surface an attractive appearance, the seams can be additionally treated with putty. Brick is also required to be treated with antiseptic compounds. In the event that the brick already contains traces of mold or fungus, then all detected areas must be covered with a suitable alkaline solution. Upon completion of the preparatory work, it is required to prime the surface with an acrylic emulsion. It is best to paint a brick using a water-based paint designed for outdoor use. Oil paints are not recommended for use on poorly insulated balconies, because they do not have sufficient vapor-permeable characteristics and can cause condensation. Water-based paints always have a white color, and the necessary shade is given to them with the help of color schemes. Brick can be easily treated with water-based paint without worrying about its safety, because such compounds are completely non-toxic.

Painting brickwork is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Video below.

  • Concrete base. A concrete wall must be prepared in the same way as a brick: we clean it from the old paint, remove dirt, and level it with putty. If there are traces of mold, then they need to be treated with an alkaline solution. The concrete surface must be primed immediately before applying the paint. For concrete, silicate or plastic paints are perfect. When painting the exterior surfaces of the balcony, you need to choose the same color as the wall of the building, so as not to stand out too much from the rest, which often leads to negative consequences and complaints from neighbors. Any color for the interior painting of the concrete surface can be chosen (everything depends on the preferences of the owner and the general style decision, since it is not worth making a sharp contrast with the interior room).

Painting concrete is not a difficult process, just prepare the surface and carefully choose the paint. Video below.

  • Clapboard and other wooden surfaces. Many do not know how to paint the lining on the balcony, because they are sure that it is wrong to paint wooden surfaces, in principle. But you can paint without any special fears and difficulties using ordinary acrylic paint, which is easy to apply to a wooden surface or brick, completely environmentally friendly, and has excellent decorative characteristics. By and large, wooden walls can be treated with a simple oil paint, which will protect the material well from moisture. Regardless of what color and type of paint was chosen, it is necessary to paint with soft brushes.

The lining looks great with brushing after painting, you can choose almost any color. Video below.

  • Drywall. As a finishing material, drywall has a number of advantages: ease of installation, low weight, environmental friendliness, non-toxicity, and the creation of a perfectly flat wall surface. But the material absorbs moisture well, so the choice of paint composition must be approached very responsibly or moisture-resistant drywall should be used for finishing. Before painting, the wall can be treated with cement putty and primed. Experts note that water-based paints mixed with color are well suited for drywall. In addition, designers talk about the need to use matte shades of paint, because they are able to hide all the imperfections of the wall, while glossy compositions, on the contrary, will highlight them. Drywall painting can be done with a roller. The paint, regardless of which color was chosen, must be applied in several layers (the first layer must be applied horizontally, and the second - vertically).

Drywall is very easy to paint, but puttying and grouting requires some skill. Video below.

The most important thing in painting a balcony is a combination of environmental friendliness and practicality.

The balcony is an integral part of a residential apartment, so when performing repairs, one cannot but pay attention to its interior decoration. From the point of view of functionality and ease of implementation, the most suitable type of interior decoration for a balcony is painting its walls and ceiling with outdoor compositions.

At the same time, you should know that you can paint not only bare walls, but also interior decoration elements if they are already installed, but for some reason their color does not suit the apartment owners, for example, plastic panels, wooden lining, etc.

Balcony painting

In order to help the reader deal with the issue of interior decoration, this article will talk about how to paint a balcony inside using available paints and varnishes.

In addition, detailed instructions will be provided here on choosing the right paint for decorating the inside of the balcony, depending on the material from which its walls are made.

Paint selection

When buying paint and varnish materials, it should be borne in mind that even a glazed and insulated balcony is located outside the room, so its microclimate has certain features. Unlike an apartment, it is characterized by high humidity and significant fluctuations in average annual and average daily temperatures, so any balcony should be designed for outdoor work.

Among the most common paints for domestic use that meet these requirements, some main types can be distinguished:

  1. Acrylic water-based emulsion formulations, after drying, form a strong protective film on the surface, which resists moisture, high and low temperatures well, and is also resistant to solar radiation. It is distinguished by a wide range of color shades, good vapor permeability, short drying time, as well as the complete absence of odor and toxic substances.
  2. Paints based on latex and silicone resins have similar properties, but they are characterized by low vapor permeability, but at the same time they have increased resistance to moisture and are able to repel various types of pollution. Well suited for both natural and artificial materials.

  1. Alkyd enamels made on the basis of organic solvents have good hiding power, high adhesion, after drying they form a moisture-resistant protective film on the surface, which is well resistant to atmospheric factors. The negative qualities of such compositions are a rather high price, a long drying time, as well as a sharp unpleasant odor of organic solvents during operation.
  2. Oil-based enamels and paints are also highly resistant, however, after drying, the protective film is practically not able to pass steam, so they are not recommended for finishing surfaces made of mineral materials (brick, concrete, plaster).

When choosing paints and varnishes, one should also pay attention to the frost resistance of the coating and the stability of radiation.

Rough wall finishing

Most often, the walls of the balcony can be made of reinforced concrete or brick. In such cases, water-based emulsion or dispersion compositions will be the most suitable for do-it-yourself interior decoration.

These can be acrylic, latex or silicone paints, however, for high-quality application and increased durability, it is necessary to pre-prepare the surface.

  1. To eliminate all defects and putty cracks and irregularities, and after the putty dries, treat the surface with sandpaper.
  2. Putty the seams of the brickwork on the brick walls and, if necessary, make the jointing using a special tool.
  3. Clean the surface of dust and treat with one layer of penetrating primer.
  4. Paint in several layers with a wide brush and a paint roller. The direction of movement of the brush during the application of each subsequent layer should change from vertical to horizontal and vice versa. Apply the next layer after the previous one has completely dried.

If there are pockets of mold development on the walls, before painting, the surface must be treated with a special antiseptic composition in accordance with the instructions for use.

Painting of finishing materials

Self-painting of the balcony inside can be performed not only on bare walls, but also in cases where there is a desire to change the color of the material of the finished interior decoration.

It can be decorative plastic panels, drywall sheets, wooden lining boards and other materials.

  1. For processing plastic panels, you can use acrylic, latex or water-based silicone paints, as well as alkyd enamels. It should be noted that it is not recommended to use nitrocellulose and other compounds based on highly volatile solvents (acetone, 646, 647) for painting plastic panels and fittings, as this can lead to the destruction of plastic.
  2. Plasterboard walls are best treated with acrylic resin-based compounds, having previously strengthened and puttied corners, joints and fasteners.
  3. Surfaces made of wood or wood-fiber materials can be painted with alkyd or oil enamels, pre-soaked with hot drying oil to increase moisture resistance.
  4. Acrylic or latex paints are also good for these purposes. In this case, pre-treatment can be performed using an antiseptic composition.
  5. Decorative and protective finishing of the lining board can be performed using glazing compositions. For this purpose, you can use transparent impregnations, mastics and special paints that emphasize the natural structure of wood and provide its reliable protection from external factors.