How to understand what is cervical osteochondrosis. We will learn all the methods for diagnosing cervical osteochondrosis. Indications for use

Osteochondrosis is a disease that leads to deformation, changes in the intervertebral discs of the spine. The soft cartilaginous tissue between the vertebrae is deformed, becoming bone-like. The cushioning between the vertebrae is reduced, the hardened discs press on the nerve roots, provoking severe pain.

It is difficult to independently determine osteochondrosis. The disease in the early stages is practically not manifested, it is masked, it causes pain in other organs. Osteochondrosis of the chest at the onset of manifestation causes tingling in the heart, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. The person decides to see a cardiologist. The most common osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the disease are not fully understood. The disease affects people over the age of 25. The definition of osteochondrosis, the establishment of an accurate diagnosis is subject to the doctor. Often the disease manifests itself due to the strongest back grasses received, after lifting heavy weights. Older people used to turn to doctors for help. Nowadays, many people under the age of 30 make appointments with doctors. Causes of illness at a young age:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper metabolism;
  • improper nutrition;
  • severe spinal injuries;
  • spinal scoliosis;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • work associated with unbearable physical activity;
  • hypothermia of the body, infectious diseases;
  • a quick start to sports, with an incorrect distribution of loads.

Typical symptoms

For treatment, it is worthwhile to correctly diagnose. 50% of patients who visit doctors with complaints of severe back pain are diagnosed with osteochondrosis.

In a very advanced stage, studies reveal the development of intervertebral hernias, manifested by acute pain in the spine. Often, when the nerve is clamped by intervertebral discs, the patient feels pain in the heart muscle, headache. Dizziness, nausea, tinnitus occur. A doctor will help to remove painful sensations, to start treatment. To begin with, we will consider in detail the characteristic symptoms for each spine.

Symptoms of the disease of the thoracic spine

In the thoracic region, the disease is often disguised as other diseases. Being engaged in the treatment of angina pectoris, the respiratory system, without receiving relief, patients do not suspect that the cause is osteochondrosis.

Frequent manifestations:

  1. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine, between the shoulder blades, sometimes there is discomfort. In certain periods, it is accompanied by severe pain.
  2. The patient notices the sudden appearance of pain during a deep inhalation, exhalation. Breathing is sometimes difficult.
  3. Patients complain of stabbing, prolonged pain in the heart.
  4. The pain is pronounced when raising the arm.
  5. Tilting the trunk to the side, turns cause discomfort.
  6. Sometimes there is a feeling of creeping creeps, numbness of skin areas.

Patients, feeling pain in the chest, are frightened, confusing intercostal neuralgia with a heart attack. These diseases have different pain characteristics.

With intercostal neuralgia, the pain is sharp, stabbing. The focus of pain is located at one point, you can specify a specific place. A dull, pressing pain in the chest, spreading over the chest, indicates a heart attack.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis ranks second in prevalence, after lumbar osteochondrosis. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • the occurrence of severe dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • vision problems;
  • tinnitus, hearing loss;
  • change in voice;
  • snoring, often indicates that the neck muscles are in constant overstrain;
  • a sharp deterioration in the condition of the teeth;
  • numbness occurs on areas of the skin of the face, neck, hands.

A characteristic symptom is persistent headaches. They often appear in the occipital, parietal-temporal region. By evening, the pain subsides, returns in the morning.

There is a term "vertebral artery syndrome". When a syndrome occurs, persistent, throbbing pain in the head is accompanied by tinnitus, severe dizziness, and even loss of consciousness. The pain is worse when moving the head. Pains appear in the arms and shoulders.

Symptoms of the lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine

It is possible to determine lumbar osteochondrosis if discomfort in the lower back suddenly appears after a long sitting in one position, taking into account the factors:

  1. After physical exertion, dull, aching pains occur on the spine, radiating to the leg. When the body is tilted to the side, the pain intensifies.
  2. Sweating disorder.
  3. In severe cases, a person cannot bend over, straighten straight - the movement is accompanied by acute, sharp pain in the lower back. It is recommended to perform therapeutic exercises after pain relief.
  4. Tingling in the legs is sometimes felt.
  5. Due to improper blood circulation in the arteries, the legs often freeze.
  6. Osteochondrosis provokes the appearance of varicose veins.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is impossible to determine osteochondrosis of the spine on your own. The symptoms described will indirectly suggest a diagnosis. Therefore, keeping in mind the consequences of the disease, do not hesitate, contact your doctor.

The doctor will need to conduct diagnostic tests to make a diagnosis. Initially, the doctor will ask questions about lifestyle, nutrition, working conditions. Will ask about similar diseases from relatives, take into account the surrounding factors that provoke the disease.

The doctor will perform an examination, look at the posture, possible movements that the patient can perform without pain. Determination of cervical-sacral osteochondrosis takes a long time. To identify the stage of the disease, the doctor will examine each section of the spine, determine the muscle tone.

Based on the results of an external examination, the doctor will write out a referral for instrumental diagnostics - X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Doppler ultrasound.

The article was written for general educational development. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor

Any surgical intervention, even the most minimally invasive, is, to a certain extent, stress for the entire biological system of a person. And in this case, we are not talking about the operation through small punctures, here the soft tissue structures are deeply dissected (length from 10 to 20 cm) and their subsequent spreading, opening of the deformed bone junction.

Suture after surgery.

  • perforation of the femur to create the optimal width, depth, angle of inclination of the canal in order to insert the leg of the hip joint prosthesis into it;
  • removing the upper layer of the acetabulum, grinding and grinding this part of the pelvic bone;
  • formation of anchor holes in the walls of the prepared acetabulum using a special medical drill.

The next stage of surgery is immersion in the bone and fixation, in fact, of the artificial analogue of the joint itself. For these purposes, a tight hammering technique, a cement planting method, or a combined fixation is used.

Intraoperative manipulations cause trauma to both anatomical structures and the whole body as a whole. Operational aggression results in:

  • reactive inflammation of areas in the area of \u200b\u200bthe operating field;
  • excessive loss of water in the body due to the release of wound effusion;
  • decreased movement of biological fluid in the bloodstream;
  • absorption of decay products into the blood, which are always formed when tissue is damaged.

Thus, an increased local and general temperature after hip arthroplasty is a completely adequate reaction of the body to sudden structural changes. Temperature deviations in the early postoperative stage in the direction of increase are regarded not as a pathology, but as a result of increased work of the immune system, which is normal from the point of view of physiology.

Immune mechanisms are activated to regulate disturbed vital processes, protect injured tissues from the potential danger of infection, and trigger active regeneration mechanisms.

The main cause of subfebrile condition in the early stages is wound inflammation. As soon as the incision is completely healed and the stitches are removed, which happens after about 1.5 weeks, the thermoregulation should finally return to normal.

Suture after surgery.

X-ray of the knee joint with endoprosthesis

Three to four months after the operation, people return to an active lifestyle. You can swim, dance, not walk too long, including over rough terrain. We must beware of jumping, contact sports, running, weightlifting.

Within a year after the replacement of the joint, the patient must undergo an X-ray examination twice: after 6 and 12 months. Note that MRI with an artificial joint is not contraindicated. The regularity of visits to the traumatologist depends on the effective rehabilitation of the convalescent.

Recovery from joint replacement does not require a specific diet. Your doctor may recommend taking extra vitamins or iron supplements in addition to essential medications. When treating teeth, it is necessary to inform the dentist about the existing implant in the knee.

It is recommended to prevent bacterial infections within the next two years before dental treatment. To do this, half an hour before dental intervention, an antibiotic must be administered intravenously, which is prescribed by the attending physician.

There are no restrictions on body position while sleeping or sitting. But doctors advise to put the operated leg on a low step during prolonged sitting. People usually return to work after walking confidently on crutches or with a cane.

In general, the overwhelming majority of patients note a complete absence of pain after arthroplasty and a return to full mobility in the joint. Usually the implant functions for 10-12 years, after which it is replaced.

Overweight and increased stress on the joint provoke accelerated wear of the implant elements and cause its instability. With careful use, the artificial joint will last for many years.

Rehabilitation after knee arthroplasty is a rather long but important period. The more positive and responsible the patient's attitude is, the sooner complete recovery will come.

This rehabilitation period is aimed at strengthening the muscles and restoring the functionality of the joint, increasing the amplitude of its movements after replacement.

Special exercises help strengthen the muscles of the thigh, relieve pain, and reduce body weight. They can be done at home, following the recommendations of a doctor, or in a clinic. If the patient visits a specialized center, gymnastics will be supplemented with other types of rehabilitation.


For passive development of joint movements, special devices are used without the active participation of the patient. In addition to developing muscle strength, it improves tissue nutrition, coordination of movements.

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Showering and bathing

Advice: the patient should remember that movements in the operated joint should be uniform, smooth, and their amplitude should be increased gradually.

What is important to remember during rehabilitation:

  • compression stockings should be worn 4 to 12 weeks after replacement to support leg muscles and reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • therapeutic exercises should be done systemically, every day;
  • until the full recovery of support ability, it is necessary to use crutches, a cane.

Advice: if you feel severe pain, an increase in body temperature, discharge from the wound appears, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

To extend the life of the endoprosthesis, you must not lift heavy things, walk long steps and overload the joint, and avoid excess weight. It is also worth avoiding those sports that put a lot of stress on the joints of the bones: running, aerobics, alpine skiing, jumping.

It is important to know that the operated joint is easily infected. Therefore, for colds, surgical procedures, genitourinary infections, you need to take broad-spectrum antibiotics according to the doctor's scheme.

Suture after surgery.

Life after hip replacement

Hip replacement surgery is performed by two teams (operating and anesthetic). The operating team operates under the guidance of a highly qualified operating surgeon.

On average, the operation to replace the hip joint endoprosthesis takes 1.5-2 hours, while the patient is under the influence of spinal anesthesia or anesthesia. In order to exclude infectious complications, an intravenous antibiotic is necessary.

Hip pain, edema, infectious inflammation, loosening of the prosthesis, impaired walking and lameness are not all complications after hip arthroplasty (HJ).

An operation to replace a joint with an artificial one helps a person get rid of many problems, reduce pain syndrome, and return to his old life. But the postoperative period does not always pass without complications.

It is important to properly go through the stages of recovery, following the doctor's recommendations, so it will be possible to reduce the risks of developing negative consequences.

Negative consequences and complications after hip arthroplasty (HJ) are rare, but still they are not excluded. In the postoperative period, the patient may develop inflammation with the addition of a bacterial infection.

Due to non-observance of the doctor's recommendations, dislocations and fractures of the prosthesis, thrombus formation and other disorders occur. If after the endoprosthetics surgery a person feels worsening, do not expect the situation to return to normal on its own. Only timely medical care will help prevent serious complications.

The rehabilitation period is divided into early and late. The early period is characterized by constant medical supervision. The body temperature is constantly measured, the work of the heart is monitored and the dressings are changed in a timely manner.

In some cases, therapy is carried out with drugs that thin the blood. In order to avoid complications, antibiotics are prescribed to the patient. The postoperative period may be accompanied by pain.

The first day, the patient must observe the recumbent regime. The leg is allowed to bend no more than 90 degrees. The knee should not swing towards the other leg. Doctors advise taking the operated leg aside, and here you will learn about the Healthy ointment for joints, which many recommend.

The main goals of the early period:

  • Teach a person to stand up carefully;
  • Get rid of edema;
  • Acceleration of suture healing;
  • Prevention of all kinds of complications;
  • Improving blood circulation and preventing thrombosis. For these purposes, the limbs are tied with an elastic bandage.

The late period is a long stage of the patient's rehabilitation, which can last up to several months. The person is advised to walk more, gradually increasing the load. The main thing is to keep your back straight when walking. You need to walk carefully and slowly, avoiding climbing stairs.

If walking is difficult, then you should move with a special support or leaning on crutches. The longer the patient does not begin to walk, the higher the possibility of limited mobility in the future.

Loads should be combined with rest, it is recommended to lie on your back, and preferably sleep on a hard mattress. Excessive flexion of the hip joint must be avoided. Therefore, patients are advised to dress without getting up from the chair.

READ ALSO: Hip joint replacement rehabilitation

To restore leg performance, the patient should adhere to the following rules:

  • Sit down with handrails;
  • Climbing the stairs is allowed five days after the operation, but only for a short distance;
  • A person's weight should be within the normal range, with excess weight, a recipe for losing weight from ginger, lemon and honey can help you;
  • You need to do gymnastics gradually, gradually increasing the load;
  • Sitting on low beds and chairs is not allowed;
  • Sleeping on your side is allowed if you put a special roller between your knees;
  • Driving is prohibited for two months;
  • Nutrition should be balanced, and foods high in iron should be preferred.

The main rehabilitation takes place at home, so it is important to take into account all the rules and instructions of doctors. If patients follow all the doctor's instructions for treatment, then the recovery time will end much faster.


For a speedy recovery, patients are recommended a complex of therapeutic exercises. With the help of exercise therapy, the motor function of the leg is normalized in the correct way. Home exercises after hip arthroplasty are selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

There is no one-size-fits-all training program for everyone. The doctor pays attention to the condition of a person, his age and the presence of additional diseases. During the first days, it is allowed to do circular movements with the feet and squeeze-unclench the toes.

Over time, the exercises become more difficult, it is permissible for a person to raise bent knees, take his leg forward or to the side. The main exercises are knee flexion, glute contraction, wiggling toes, and a foot pump.

Rules for practicing remedial physical culture:

  • Exercise should be done at a slow pace;
  • Exercise therapy is combined with breathing exercises to improve lung function;
  • The exercises are done in several approaches;
  • At the initial stage, exercises are done exclusively in a supine position.

With the help of physical education, it is much easier to restore the leg. Exercise should be done for both the diseased and healthy legs. Exercise therapy is prescribed to patients not only for the hip, but also for the knee joint.

Recovery after prosthetics most often ends in three months. But functional recovery must continue. Even if the rehabilitation was successful, a person is prohibited from playing sports and actively moving for another year from the date of prosthetics.

Sometimes people take a long time to rehabilitate after hip surgery. The full recovery time depends on individual factors, for example, the person's age, the presence of other diseases and his general condition, which can be improved by cleansing the body with sodium thiosulfate. But most often the rehabilitation period is delayed not for these reasons.

The culprit is the patient's failure to comply with all the doctor's prescriptions. Some people, when they feel well, start to walk too much, are overly active, do not use handrails and support. As a result, it turns against them.

An operation to restore the functionality of the lower limb is necessary to improve the patient's quality of life - this is hip arthroplasty. It is one of the largest and most stressed.

If the hip joint is inoperative, a person cannot even stand up. You have to completely forget about sports and dancing. How the operation to replace the hip joint is performed, preparation for it, types and rehabilitation are discussed below.

Depending on the prostheses used, endoprosthetics can be total or partial. In the first case, the head, neck and acetabulum of the joint are replaced, in the second, only the first two parts.

Another classification of surgery uses the method of endoprosthesis fixation as a criterion. Ceramic or metal must be firmly connected to the bones in order for the hip joint to function properly. After choosing an endoprosthesis and its size, the doctor determines the type of fixation:

  1. Cementless. The implant is fixed in place of the hip joint due to its special design. The surface of the prosthesis has many small projections, holes and depressions. Bone tissue grows through them over time, thus forming an integral system. This method increases the terms of rehabilitation.
  2. Cement. It consists in attaching the endoprosthesis to the bone using a special biological glue called cement. He is getting ready during the operation. Fixation occurs due to the hardening of the cement. Recovery of the hip joint in this case is faster, but there is a high risk of rejection of the implant.
  3. Mixed or hybrid. It consists in a combination of both methods - cement and cementless. The stem is secured with glue, and the cup is screwed into the acetabulum. It is considered the most optimal way to fix the prosthesis.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that is difficult to diagnose when the patient first visits a doctor due to the large number of symptoms and the slow course of the disease.

Development and manifestation of pathology

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occurs in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a sedentary job.


Signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae are not only pain in the cervical spine and upper shoulder girdle, but also headaches, pain in the chest.

There are several syndromes, each of which is characterized by its own characteristics.

Radicular syndrome due to pinching of nerve endings in the intervertebral space of the cervical spine. Typical signs:

  • pain in the cervical spine;
  • pain in the forearm and up to the hands;
  • tingling sensations, numbness in the forearm.

Cardiac syndrome (or heart syndrome) is caused by entrapment or irritation of the nerve roots of the diaphragm and (or) the pectoralis major muscle. Signs in this case will be pain in the region of the heart, which will be long-term and sharp in case of head turning, sneezing or other neck movements (as in the case of angina pectoris).

Vertebral artery syndrome... Signs of osteochondrosis in this case will be:

  • throbbing headaches in the occipital, frontal (above the eyebrows) and temporal lobes, which are permanent;
  • possible violations from the hearing aid, vestibular apparatus, vision (when osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae is already in a neglected state).

Irritative reflex syndrome. Signs of this syndrome are:

  • throbbing pain in the back of the head;
  • pain in the cervical part, passing even lower to the chest or spreading to the side, into the shoulder joint;
  • increased pain after sleep, sudden head movements (including sneezing, coughing).


Symptoms in developing osteochondrosis depend on which nerve root is damaged. There are 7 vertebrae in the cervical spine, between which there are nerves. Their damage causes pain during the development of osteochondrosis.

The vertebrae are counted from top to bottom and are designated by Roman numerals (CI, CII). The nerve endings between them are considered similarly and are denoted by Arabic numerals (C1, C2). The letter C denotes the cervical (from the Latin cervical) section.

  1. If the nerve endings are damaged between the first and second vertebrae (C2), the main symptom will be numbness and numbness in the back of the head. Later - pain in the same place.
  2. (C3) between the second and third vertebrae, leads to impaired sensitivity in this area, and later leads to impaired sensitivity and impaired language (up to speech impairment).
  3. Nerve damage between the third and fourth vertebrae (C4)... In this case, the painful sensations are concentrated in the clavicle, move to the heart, and breathing may be disturbed. But the pain is preceded by a feeling of numbness in the collarbone and shoulders.
  4. Nerve root damage C5 between the fourth and fifth vertebrae... In case of damage, it responds with disturbances in the sensitivity of the limbs, both upper (up to the hands) and lower, as well as pain in the forearm and outer part of the shoulder.
  5. Nerve damage in the area of \u200b\u200bthe fifth, sixth and seventh vertebrae (The most common cervical osteochondrosis). Symptoms of pinching of the C6 and C7 nerve endings are periodic numbness of the fingers and hands, pain in the neck, forearm and below - the scapula, back, down to the lumbar spine.
  6. C8 nerve injury... The pain is concentrated in the neck and spreads down the forearm to the elbow and down the back to the lower extremities. Pain is preceded by loss of sensitivity in significant areas of the hands (fingers, hands), legs (fingers, feet), skin. Blood circulation in the limbs is impaired, which affects the color of the skin of the hands and feet.

In chronic osteochondrosis, symptoms such as unreasonable nausea, frequent dizziness, abnormalities in normal blood pressure, arrhythmia are added.

The reasons

Cervical osteochondrosis is increasingly common among the young population. The reasons explaining the occurrence of the disease are more often due to an incorrect lifestyle than a hereditary predisposition.

Among the hereditary causes, not only a genetic predisposition to the disease is distinguished, but also the presence of chronic diseases, hereditary anomalies of the spine.

The list of lifestyle-related causes of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae is very wide. These include:

  • Improper nutrition, and, consequently, overweight, impaired metabolism in the body, lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • A sedentary lifestyle, which is due to sedentary or monotonous work. Unbalanced physical activity.
  • Heavy physical activity. This includes professional sports, frequent weight lifting.
  • Curvature of the spine, impaired posture, consequences of spinal injuries, developed flat feet.
  • Stress, frequent nervous strain.


Only a doctor should make the diagnosis of osteochondrosis.

Visual diagnostics

When contacting a neurologist and an orthopedic surgeon, the patient will be examined and interviewed first. After palpation, assessment of neck mobility and the degree of pain, the patient will be referred for hardware diagnostics.


The method will help identify changes in the cervical spine and determine their degree. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is possible to use functional radiography, when images of the cervical spine are taken in various positions, which helps to "capture" changes in the intervertebral space from several sides.

Magnetic resonance imaging

A method that uses magnetic pulses to obtain a tomogram, on which it is possible to diagnose not only pathologies in the structure of the vertebrae and intervertebral cartilage, but also to identify the presence of intervertebral hernias, their size and location.

When using MRI, the diagnostic results will show changes in the vascular system and the nerve endings of the vertebral section.

CT scan

This is a detailed analysis of the state of the vertebrae using a tomograph and computer processing of the result. The method allows not only to identify changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral spaces, but also to analyze the state of soft tissues, blood vessels and ligaments.

Unlike MRI, diagnostic analysis is performed much faster, but the dose of radiation exposure is higher.

Differential diagnosis

After referral to one of the diagnostic procedures, the doctor will conduct a differential diagnosis - exclude the presence of other diseases in the body that have similar symptoms. This will require a blood test, referral to other medical specialists.

Why is it dangerous to ignore osteochondrosis?

Cervical osteochondrosis, has periods of remission and exacerbation. Often, unhealthy people do not see a doctor in time and use pain relievers, feel relief and forget about the problem until the next exacerbation. But the disease continues to develop and, if you continue to ignore the obvious symptoms, can lead to serious complications in the cervical spine.

Among the first and therefore relatively "light" consequences the start of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is distinguished by protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs.

In the first case, there is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc, its displacement from the normal location between the vertebrae. In this case, the connecting fibers inside the intervertebral disc (annulus fibrosus) remain intact and intact.

Protrusions in the cervical spine are serious even with sizes up to 1 mm, while in other spine, these changes are not so dangerous.

After the formation of protrusion, destruction will affect the annulus fibrosus - the connective fibers that protect the inner gelatinous nucleus pulposus. Pathological changes in these structures lead to the formation of a herniated disc. The formation and development of hernias is accompanied by increasing pain syndromes and unpredictable consequences.

More serious consequences osteochondrosis, if there is no treatment, are vascular disorders: vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension and hypotension.

If an attack of pain in the cervical spine caught you away from the first-aid kit, such means as Kuznetsov's applicator, pepper plaster, mustard plaster, a bag of sand can help.

The Kuznetsov applicator should be placed on a flat surface, lie on it so that it is under the cervical region, the back of the head and the shoulder joint. You will have to endure painful sensations on the skin for several minutes. You should lie on the applicator 2-3 times a day for 30-40 minutes.

Pepper plaster or mustard plaster, you can also use a bag of warm sand, apply to a sore spot on the neck, leave for a few minutes. The heat will relax the muscles, and the irritation from the pepper or mustard will take away the pain.

Exercises from the practice of exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises), recommended for cervical osteochondrosis, can reduce pain, but for a short period of time. Exercise should be done regularly and during periods of remission - this will facilitate early treatment and reduce the severity and frequency of exacerbations of the disease.

After receiving first aid and relieving pain, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.


Treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out using different methods.

Traditional medicine

Drug treatment is popular and effective.

Drug treatment

Pain-relieving pills are used during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis and are more suitable for an ambulance to a patient. In such cases, analgesics are used.

Treatment is carried out by other means - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs include "Diclofenac", "Ibuprofen", "Ortofen".

Modern medicine uses a new type of drugs - chondroprotectors - drugs that restore cartilage tissue - "Chondroxide", "Chondrolon", "Teraflex".

During an exacerbation of the disease, when the pain syndrome can be very pronounced, doctors prescribe injections such as Milgamma, Ketonal, Lidocaine. They not only relieve pain, but also have anti-inflammatory effects.

In advanced cases, during an exacerbation, the pain syndrome can be resistant to analgesics and even to injections of painkillers. Then the doctor can carry out the so-called "blockade" - the introduction of an anesthetic drug to the source of pain with an injection. Thus, the painful area of \u200b\u200bthe spine is “disconnected” from the general nervous “composition” and for some time (depending on individual characteristics) the pain from this area does not bother the patient.

The procedure must be carried out by experienced medical personnel, since an incorrectly performed procedure can lead to complications. The very same "blockade" has no contraindications except for individual drug intolerance and can be done as often as required by the body.

Alternative medicine

Osteochondrosis is a disease that is not so easy to treat, so you need to approach this comprehensively. It is used in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Acupuncture is not a method of traditional medicine, but it has proven itself in the fight against osteochondrosis in that it relieves pain and can be used during periods of exacerbation. It should be remembered that acupuncture as such does not bring treatment, it reduces symptoms, helps to more easily endure periods of exacerbation of the disease, improves the mobility of the neck and joints, and the processes of recovery and regeneration activated by the influence of needles contribute to a speedy recovery.


  1. Electrophoresis... In the case of osteochondrosis, electrophoresis is used with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs in order to “bring” the medicine to the affected area in a targeted manner and in the required volume. The electric current enhances the effect of the drugs, and the procedure has an effect on healing.
  2. Electrotherapy using weak electric currents and magnetotherapy using a magnetic field. They act on sore areas, relieving pain syndrome, improving blood circulation. Helps during periods of remission and triggers cell regeneration, accelerating the healing process.

Other physiotherapy procedures are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the painful area, reducing swelling and inflammation, pain and general strengthening of the body's immunity during the treatment period.

Treatment with ointments

The use of ointments for osteochondrosis is not the main method in treatment and is prescribed as an additional measure that contributes to a speedy recovery. The ointments used can be roughly divided into several groups.

  1. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory... These ointments contain anesthetic and steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. Ointments of this group include: "Fastum-gel" (analogue of "Bystrum-gel"), "Finalgel", "Ketonal", "Nise", "Voltaren", "Dolobene", "Dexpanthenol".
  2. Warming ointments. The main component of such ointments irritates the skin, thereby increasing the blood supply to the area. It relieves tension. Relieves puffiness, reduces pain. This group of ointments includes "Kapsikam", "Finalgon".
  3. Chondroprotectors in the form of ointments. The active substances restore the cartilage tissue, and the auxiliary ones relieve inflammation and pain. Chondroprotective ointments include "Chondroxide".
  4. Massage ointments... Ointments used for massage and self-massage. In the composition of such ointments there are natural anti-inflammatory substances, analgesics, a complex of regenerating substances of plant origin. Among such ointments are known "Badyaga Forte", "Sophia" with bee venom, "Viprosal".

Massage and self-massage

Massage for cervical osteochondrosis is necessary during periods of remission of the disease, so as not to increase pain during the procedure. Massage is prescribed in a course of 10-14 sessions and is carried out no more than 1 time per quarter. Massage for osteochondrosis is used as a procedure that strengthens the effect after the treatment and in order to prevent osteochondrosis.

Neck massage and acupressure, at the site of the spread of the disease, is done by a specialist. The masseur's precise movements help to stretch the neck muscles, improve blood circulation, relieve tension, and after a course of massage strengthen the neck muscles, which will maintain the preventive effect for several weeks or even months.

If necessary, you can carry out a light massage yourself. Knead and rub the muscles of the neck, neck and shoulder muscles to the back. Simple movements in a comfortable position and at any time can be an addition to the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Self-massage can be performed for several minutes daily, it has no contraindications, and pain, if accompanied by movements, is easily controlled by the patient independently.

Proper nutrition

In addition to classical treatment, physiotherapy and massage, for the treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis, it is necessary with a full range of vitamins and minerals.

The main ones in this matter are vitamins A and C, which strengthen blood vessels. and B12 improve the metabolism and amino acids in the body, help the nervous system to work properly and without interruption.

Complex vitamins are essential during remission for general recovery and strengthening of the body.

Any diseases, injuries and other lesions of the spinal column are very dangerous for our body. The spine is a kind of repository for such an important anatomical education as. It also allows you to perform various movements without damaging the spinal cord itself and its roots and nerves that spread throughout our body. The most common disease in which a change and further destruction of the spine occurs is osteochondrosis.


This disease, which lasts for a long time, gradually destroys the cartilaginous plates of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. According to the World Health Organization, cervical osteochondrosis is detected in 80% of cases. Today, it is possible to recognize and confidently diagnose not only the elderly, but also those aged 25–30 years. In order to correctly and timely identify this disease, it is necessary to know its most frequent localizations. It is customary to classify osteochondrosis by the site of the lesion:

  • The most often affected is the cervical segment of the spinal column (80%).
  • The lower back is not often affected (16%).
  • And least often the thoracic spine (4%).

It is quite simple to explain why the neck is most commonly affected. The whole point is in particular, he has a poorly expressed body, which is why such mobility is provided. Accordingly, the cartilaginous plate is presented in the form of a thin layer, which is easily affected, damaged and destroyed.

There are many reasons for this disease. Most often, the disease provokes:

  • Inactivity.
  • Smoking and alcohol.
  • Injuries and injuries to the back.
  • Frequent excessive pressure on the spinal column.
  • Incorrectly fitted shoes.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Age over 30.

The combination of these risk factors greatly increases the chance of occurrence. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to study in detail the question that patients often ask: "how to define osteochondrosis?"


Like any other disease, the diagnosis consists of the patient's complaints. How to define cervical osteochondrosis, considering only complaints? They can be of the following nature:

  1. and headache. Symptoms often occur after prolonged work at a table with a bent neck, after a sharp turn of the head, and after sleeping in an uncomfortable position (sitting in a car with your head thrown back).
  2. "Flies" before the eyes or any colored circles.
  3. In the later stages, loss of consciousness may occur.

The symptoms listed above will only indirectly make it possible to suspect osteochondrosis, but how to determine its presence and localization with high accuracy? To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to use instrumental diagnostic methods.

Instrumental diagnostic methods

These are methods that make it possible to establish a diagnosis with high accuracy using modern technologies. These methods include:

  • cervical spine.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and CT (computed tomography).
  • Additional methods: ultrasound, ECG, electroencephalography (EEG).

Based on the results of instrumental examination, it is possible to establish a diagnosis with confidence.

X-ray examination

A very common and affordable diagnostic method. It allows you to see the solid formations of the body (bones), the distance between them and their anatomical structure. How to identify the disease using the images obtained? In this case, with an overview radiography of the cervical segment of the spine, the doctor will pay attention to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lumen between the vertebrae and their shape. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, there is a decrease in the lumen between the cervical vertebrae, which occurs as a result of degenerative-dystrophic thinning of the intervertebral discs. Signs of defeat:

  • Reduced clearance between the vertebrae.
  • Abnormal mobility and location of the vertebrae.
  • Presence of foci of disc calcification (calcium deposition).
  • The presence of marginal growths (osteophytes).
  • Visible disc seals (sclerosis).

The picture is taken in two projections, lateral and direct. Special functional positions are often used. This position includes a patient with a wide open mouth. This is necessary for clear differentiation of some anatomical structures of the skeleton and to exclude other pathologies.

Magnetic resonance imaging

MRI is a more modern method. Its main disadvantage is that this technique can only be performed in highly qualified medical centers. This device is very expensive; few hospitals can afford it. Also, the cost of using this device for patients is quite high.

The demand for this type of diagnostics is due to the high accuracy of the images obtained. The work of the apparatus consists in making a series of layer-by-layer images of the human body, the images are taken at very small intervals, which allows you to see even the smallest and insignificant defect. With cervical osteochondrosis, it can indicate us a hernia or protrusion of the intervertebral disc.

CT is a more accessible method, but less informative than MRI. The methods make it possible to additionally assess: soft tissues, vessels and adjacent nerves, as well as assess the degree of their compression.

Additional methods

To exclude diseases of other systems, the patient may be prescribed an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the spine, an electrocardiogram, to assess the work of the heart, and electroencephalography, which will assess the degree of brain function. Cervical osteochondrosis can be imitated by:

  1. ... With hypothermia of the back muscles.
  2. Circulatory disorders in this area.
  3. Muscle spasm during prolonged work with a tilted head.
  4. Strengthened workouts in the gym.

This type of diagnosis will allow your doctor to exclude other similar pathologies and provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner.

Laboratory research

To determine the pathology, blood is taken from the patient, where specific markers of inflammation are determined. Most often, the results look at the level of calcium, magnesium and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The disadvantage of the technology is that it takes some time to get the result and the method has little information content. Plus it is a generally available method that is done in all hospitals.


There are situations when it is not possible to conduct high-quality instrumental diagnostics, how to determine osteochondrosis in such cases? Self-examination and observation of your feelings will help to suspect a disease.

The first step is to determine how often and under what conditions headache, circles in the eyes and dizziness occur. If all this is provoked by tilting the head forward and tilting it backward, then with a high probability you have osteochondrosis. Pain after prolonged work with a bent neck is also an indicator of illness.

You can perform a test with finger pressure on the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae. To do this, place your hands on your neck, placing your fingers on the painful segment and applying moderate pressure. Severe, shooting pain indicates damage to the cartilaginous tissue and compression of nerves or blood vessels.

Confirmation of the diagnosis

If any problems with the neck appear, it is necessary to exclude osteochondrosis. We can suspect and identify this disease on the basis of:

  • Disease risk factors.
  • Subjective sensations and complaints.
  • Some symptoms (pain, "flies", dizziness, loss of consciousness).
  • General examination and changes in posture (head deviation is possible).
  • X-ray pictures.
  • MRI and CT.
  • Laboratory research.
  • Self-examination.

Revealed osteochondrosis of the cervical segment of the spine requires immediate. It is impossible to postpone the visit to a doctor, as this pathology can provoke much more dangerous complications.

In the past few years, joint diseases have become widespread. If earlier chondrosis and osteochondrosis were diseases of the elderly, now the situation has changed. Poor ecology, poor quality of store goods, a sedentary lifestyle - all this led to disastrous results. Pathological changes in the intervertebral discs are diagnosed in young people.

How to define osteochondrosis? What is the cause of the disease? How to protect yourself and what to do if the disease has already been diagnosed? You can find the answers in our article.

Osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by destructive changes in the joints and disorders in their nutrition. By localization, several forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Lumbar;
  • Chest;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and others.

Lumbar osteochondrosis is diagnosed in almost 70% of cases of this disease. The lower back receives the greatest load during life. In the early stages, the disease is almost asymptomatic. And if the symptoms do appear, the person simply does not attach importance to them. Minor pain sensations in the lower back are attributed to fatigue, an uncomfortable sleeping position, etc. The pain goes away as quickly and unexpectedly as it appeared.

In the absence of a proper response from the patient, the disease begins to progress. The pain syndrome becomes more acute and lasts longer. It becomes difficult to maintain a familiar image.

At these stages, the patient seeks a doctor. Otherwise, the disease transforms into sciatica and dysplastic osteochondrosis, which requires surgical treatment.

Thoracic osteochondrosis is the rarest among the existing forms. Chest pain is a symptom of many diseases. To recognize chest osteochondrosis and distinguish it from pathologies of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain. With thoracic osteochondrosis, the pain is intermittent - it occurs after a change in posture or when moving. If the pain is constant and does not disappear in a comfortable position, a more thorough diagnosis is required.

A typical clinical picture of thoracic osteochondrosis is characterized by the presence of acute pains that penetrate the entire thoracic region. The patient complains of soreness of respiratory movements and feels a lack of air, pain occurs on palpation. Discomfort can be expressed to a lesser extent, which negatively affects the diagnosis, since the person prefers not to seek help.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis assumes a history of cervical, occipital and interscapular pain syndromes. The described symptoms are found both together and separately. Unlike the previous two forms, cervical osteochondrosis forces you to see a specialist immediately. Shooting pains significantly complicate life in a normal rhythm.

Causes of the disease

When diagnosing osteochondrosis, much attention is paid to interviewing the patient. Nutrition, lifestyle, bad habits and even psychological disorders - all this can cause disorders of the spine.

There are two groups of reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis:

  1. Somatic, i.e. bodily;
  2. Psychosomatic, i.e. caused by factors of a psychogenic nature.

Recognize which factor
caused osteochondrosis, almost impossible. When treating and for prevention, doctors recommend avoiding any situations that could become provocative.

Among the somatic causes, the most common are:

  • Sedentary lifestyle: "sedentary" work, prolonged bed rest, no walks;
  • Prolonged stay in the same position;
  • Profession associated with heavy physical activity;
  • Bad habits: smoking, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Excess weight;
  • Inconvenient place to sleep;
  • A history of trauma;
  • Hereditary factor.

The psychosomatic nature of osteochondrosis causes a lot of controversy among specialists. Doctors say that people with certain psychological characteristics are more likely to become victims of this disease. Skeptics are sure that the type of temperament only provokes the appearance of somatic factors, but it is not the root cause. Be that as it may, among the patients of neuropathologists there are often people prone to:

  1. Apathy - an indifferent attitude in life, leading to inactivity.
  2. Frequent depression. In general, depression is a severe blow to the entire body. It weakens the immune system and negatively affects digestion. There is also a load on the spine - all the weight that weighs on the person affects.
  3. Auto-aggression - deliberate attempts to inflict physical or mental suffering on oneself.

Diagnosis of osteochondrosis is a whole set of measures. A preliminary diagnosis is possible already at the stage of examination and questioning of the patient.

After that, a number of studies are assigned to identify the form of osteochondrosis and its stage - indicators that must be taken into account for correct treatment.

For instrumental diagnostics are assigned:

  • X-ray examination of the spine. In the resulting picture, an experienced specialist can easily see the localization of growths, curvatures, gaps between the vertebrae and other manifestations of pathology. To recognize cervical or thoracic osteochondrosis, you will need two images in different projections: straight and in the "on the side" position.
  • Tomography: computerized or magnetic resonance imaging. The computer is less accurate, although it shows any changes in the vertebral region. CT is widely used in the diagnosis of hernias.
  • MRI clearly shows a picture of what is happening with the spine. Thanks to her, the vertebrae are clearly visible. This allows you to accurately determine the place of pathology.

For laboratory diagnostics, the following are prescribed:

  1. General blood analysis;
  2. Blood chemistry.

These studies will help determine what kind of malfunction in the body caused osteochondrosis. If it is inflammation, then there will be high readings of ESR and C-reactive protein in the blood, if there is an infection, then haptoglobin is increased, etc.

In practice, doctors use differential diagnostics. This involves a combination of all research techniques, and the history allows the initial diagnosis and reassurance of the patient. Laboratory studies show the cause of the disease and associated pathologies. Instrumental diagnostics makes it possible to determine the exact location of destruction.

If there are suspicions of concomitant pathologies, the neuropathologist may prescribe examination by other specialists: a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, etc. The patient may also need a conversation with a psychologist to eliminate psychosomatic factors in the development of the disease.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, conservative and surgical techniques are used. Operations are rarely prescribed, in the later stages of the disease. Most patients go to the doctor much earlier, when non-surgical treatment methods can be dispensed with. From a scientific point of view, it is impossible to cure osteochondrosis without surgery. However, if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, the risk of exacerbations can be minimized.

Conservative treatment of osteochondrosis involves an integrated approach: physiotherapeutic procedures, drug treatment and hardware therapy.

Physiotherapy includes:

  • Isometric kinesiotherapy;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Reflexology;
  • Hydromassage;
  • Wellness diet.

Among the hardware treatment methods, the following stand out:

Analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to improve peripheral circulation are prescribed as medications. Also, the treatment of osteochondrosis involves the passage of a course of psychotherapy. Special gymnastics and regular visits to a psychologist will allow the patient to cope with internal discomfort and complexes caused by the disease.

Frequent relapses of osteochondrosis indicate that you will have to change your lifestyle. The patient should quit smoking, drink alcohol, spend more time outdoors. Relatives and friends of the patient should provide him with care. Positive emotions are the basis for the treatment of any disease!

Chondrosis is the early stage of osteochondrosis, which is recognized by specialists as a separate disease. The main difference between chondrosis and osteochondrosis is the extent of the pathology. At this stage, pathological changes appear only between the vertebral discs, without affecting the nearby bones and tissues.

According to WHO, 80% of patients diagnosed with chondrosis are men and women over 60 years old.

The main danger of the disease is its asymptomatic course. Late diagnosis contributes to the formation of highly advanced degenerative-dystrophic processes. It is possible to diagnose the initial stage of chondrosis only when undergoing routine medical examinations.

If a person comes to the doctor with specific complaints, the disease has already passed into a progressive stage.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Prevention of osteochondrosis is divided into two types:

  • General prevention until the diagnosis of the initial disease;
  • Prevention aimed at reducing the risk of recurrence.

General prevention includes an active lifestyle. If the work involves a long stay in the same one, it is important to periodically break for short exercises. Sports are welcome, but you should not be zealous with the load. Pool sessions 2-3 times a week are ideal.

After the diagnosis and treatment of the primary disease, exercise therapy and adherence to a special diet are added to preventive measures. Many people unreasonably neglect the diet. It has long been proven that salty, spicy and fatty foods can provoke a relapse of any form of osteochondrosis.

For prevention purposes, it is necessary to give up bad habits, reduce coffee consumption. It is recommended to consume 1.5-2 liters of clean drinking water per day. Sauna and wellness massage courses are an additional measure.

For more information about the diagnosis of the disease and its treatment, see the video with the participation of one of the most recognizable reputable doctors of our time - Elena Malysheva: